Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 22 - Xifos (2024)

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, as well as any other element of any other work, creation that appears, credits to whom it corresponds.

This reaction fanfic (watching), is about Percy Jackson in other worlds, taking the place of characters from other franchises, movies, games, etc.

If you don't like it, I have another Percy Jackson reaction fanfic seeing other characters from other media, without changing them, such as: Justice League, Avengers, Team Avatar, etc.




The parts referring to what is 'projecting':

What is said in the projection or if it refers to a fic, which you have permission to use.

What PJ's Characters Are Seeing and Hearing

To differentiate future characters from their past/present counterparts, I will add the letter F to the end of their first or last names, or use P to differentiate the past/present from those in the future



Most of the spectators were deep in thought, with the Greeks from the past thinking about making fun of Percy and AnnabethP, although regarding her, some were seriously considering whether to risk it or not.

On the other hand, the two young teens were totally embarrassed, avoiding all contact, which amused and exasperated Grover, and several others who saw them. With young Jackson having no idea what to think, and Chase with various thoughts, of "how is this possible? How do I end up with his friend? How do I end up with a son of Poseidon?, How angry must my mother have been?", and many more thoughts.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 22 - Xifos (1)

As for Reyna, she was upset by the reminder that the Percy Jackson of her time chose the blonde daughter of Athena, since she also liked the boy, who was someone (of the few) who had earned her trust, who saw her and treated her for who Reyna was, not the praetor of the legion, Jackson didn't care about that, nor was he afraid or distrustful of her, even though at first what she wanted with Jackson was to make him pay for destroying her old home on the island of Circe.

The Atlanteans were thinking something perished, but more worried that this is Aphrodite's work for her entertainment, or if Annabeth acts similar to what her mother was doing until the revelations that Athena had during all of this.

Speaking of the goddess of wisdom, she was torn on what to think, because of everything that had happened to her, since the Fates gathered everyone together; Part of her was thinking as she always did with Poseidon's children, that she should take him away from his daughter, take the boy down, but another part of her, the one that was affected by the revelations she had, told her to reserve her judgment, to get to know the boy first and then evaluate him, this kind of debate she had was something completely new to her.

Furthermore, Chiron was surprised and worried for Percy Jackson's future well-being.

And many similar thoughts they all had, but they said nothing because of Zeus, who was just waiting for the projector to light up again, which took a few moments.

An ancient heroic figure rested a few meters from the meeting that the Greek and Roman Servants had, taking care of him after his heart almost stopped twice in less than five minutes because of a young black-haired man who looked embarrassed for putting him in such a state. Said demigod was currently under the intimidating gaze of a silent Gorgon, where even the snakes that were at the ends of her purple locks imitated their owner.

For some reason Chiron began to think that Percy would be bad for his health, a feeling that others shared, in varying degrees of intensity.

The rest of the group had contradictory feelings about what they had heard previously, with some remaining dumbfounded and with their mouths open, others fighting against the overwhelming need to bow in front of the son of Poseidon and praise him for the audacity of being paired with a daughter of the goddess of wisdom, and lastly a few were upset without knowing the real reason.

"He is great." Those who shared that feeling were Apollo and Hermes who whispered what they had said, who were waiting for the older Jackson to appear to do it, but they also thought about giving advice to young Percy on how to seduce for when he is older and will use them with the daughter of Athena

"Earth.... swallow me" Percy blushed even more at what was said.

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"Will he be well?" Addressing the question to the nurse who was staring intently at the blindfolded centaur who was asleep, Percy wanted to know.

-You only need to rest until further notice. I hope you can take care of it." In a regal and authoritative voice, Nightingale replied, staring at the heroes who were trained mainly by Chiron.

They immediately nodded their heads in synchrony, not wanting to suffer the same as the mythological Archer.

"What kind of woman is she?"

"Why are they afraid of him?"

"Why are they so afraid of him?"

"She can't be that scary, can she?"

Once again the spectators wondered what else the nurse was capable of, if what they saw before already seemed bad enough, since the doubt arose from seeing the reactions of past heroes, than for them to react like this, but something told them that it was better not to know

"Very well, then I'll leave you with what you were talking about previously" Maintaining her serious attitude, the Berserker withdrew, leaving behind an entourage of Heroic Spirits afraid of getting hurt.

Letting a few eternal seconds elapse to be sure that the Servant did not hear them, the whole group let out a contained sigh before sending a bad look to the culprit of everything, and then remembering that they must not be so severe since they did not know some dynamics of Chaldea.

"Try not to do that again, kid..." opting to advise Jackson, Hector spoke.

"Or if you do, have Chiron not be present" this time it was Atalanta who suggested an option.

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"And if he is present, let him faint or die," even Medea provided choices, earning her a tacit scolding from her young and innocent counterpart for what she said.



All the Greek campers felt annoyed and angry by what Medea's counterpart said, for them the old Centaur was someone they all held in high esteem, and that she considered killing him really bothered them, and in the case of those closest to them they even wished to send Medea to Tartarus, so some gnashed their teeth or grunted

Immediately after the witch of betrayal's utterance, it was Percy's innate reflexes that prevented her from ending up on the ground when a giant figure positioned itself next to her with something that looked like a jagged and disfigured huge sword.

-GRRRRROAAAR! – roared the large Servant, showing his disagreement with Medea's statement.

"Who's that?"

"And who the Hades is that?"

They wondered who the giant was, as well as worried about Percy's counterpart, as he looked like someone really strong who you shouldn't bother

"..." The Huntresses and their Lady looked on in surprise at Jackson's actions

"Are you hurt?" Tell me you're not hurt, please..." Focusing first on the Greek witch, the son of Poseidon questioned the aforesaid woman, anxious to know that he should not see again that nurse who exaggerated in her attention.

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"Oh, Percy"


Several shook their heads as they gave various exclamations at the fact that the green-eyed saves an enemy or monster, even if it is from another world... well, what they were not yet clear about was not like those who inhabited their world

While the hunters were once again shocked by the green-eyed's actions

The Caster was silent, still going over in her mind what had happened and the swift reaction of the demigod who removed her from the place where she had inevitably received a serious wound that would have left her under Nightingale's watchful eye for several weeks. She could only remember a single person who had helped her selflessly, being specifically in her last summons to a Holy Grail War in Fuyuki, so she could subconsciously only look at the black-haired man and nod his answer, reassuring him.

AnnabethF immediately glared at Medea, as she had a hunch, something that Reyna imitated to a lesser extent, and the young Chase, who, realizing what she did, quickly suppressed the impulse that led her to do it

She nodded. That's good, right? We don't have to see Nightingale again, do we? Paris, forgetting her fear, shook Achilles' left arm because this woman was the only Servant who could eliminate the enmity of others in order to avoid it.

-SHHH! Don't call on her..." Hurrying to shut him up, Alexander chipped at him first before muttering his advice.

-GRRRRROAAAR! – once again the Berserker unable to pronounce his words clearly made himself heard, consequently causing Percy to seat Medea where he previously was.

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-Hey! But what Hades is wrong with you!? – the son of Poseidon the Heroic Spirit demanded, causing several of the witnesses to be thankful for the fact that Chiron is still fainting.



"Seaweed Brain"

"Oh, Percy"


"Damn, seaweed brain"

"Damn, Percy"

Concern went through the roof, at the possible fight that Perseus was about to get into, Poseidon trying to calm down, as well as Rhodes, Chiron, Grover, AnnabethF, whatever they could, although the king of the seas was thinking again about the plans he had regarding the safety of his son while watching the young version, who noticed his father's gaze and wondered why he was looking at him so much

"Tell me you're not arguing with Heracles, please..." Covering her face and turning her back on the screaming duo, a blonde woman in blue medieval armor muttered audibly.

When he learned the identity of the giant, the concern increased, although in the case of Octavian with a slight smile that the Romans noticed, as well as Zeus who looked with a smile and hoped that his son's counterpart would end up being the son of the sea.

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Zoe fulminated with hatred of Heracles' counterpart, something that her fellow hunters and mistresses imitated.

Causing the sudden halt in the Jackson's advance against the Berserker.

Everyone was able to clearly see the lack of movement in the Greek demigod, whose gaze looked lost and dull, generating an unsettling feeling in the others. The Servants in the group, except for a certain fainting hero trainer, recognized Jackson's attitude, as he had previously employed it with Orion, so those who were standing instinctively backed away a little while those seated reduced the space between them to hug each other like this.

"So your name is Heracles, isn't it?" Using a soft tone of voice, similar to Annabeth's whenever she was angry with him, Percy questioned the giant being.

With what was narrated and seen, many began to wonder why Perseus would react in this way to the most famous son of Zeus, whom he would dislike. Only the Greeks of the future knew why.

"Is he going to...?"


"Do you doubt it?"

-GRRRRROAAAR!? The roar rang hesitantly, for Heracles himself sensed that something bad was going to happen to him.

And that not even his multiple lives would save him.

Zeus hissed at that

"Don't be angry, but where I come from, you're not very well liked..." Not after we found out that you hurt a friend a lot in the past... in the Garden of the Hesperides—still smiling, which made Paris and the Roman afraid goof, Percy continued to speak calmly as his mother did when she was angry with him.

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Zoe's face was one of total shock, disbelief, how could the boy know her history with the son of Zeus, but her surprise was matched by Artemis and the huntresses who knew her past, the fact that he called her friend barely managed to register which increased her surprise.

"How does he know that?"

"What is he talking about?"

Meanwhile the gods wondered the same thing as the past of Heracles and Artemis' lieutenant knew, while the Greeks of the present, along with the Romans and Amazons, wondered what he was talking about

Zeus, on the other hand, was upset at what for him were false accusations about the greatest hero who ever lived, and most importantly his son; that the son of the sea was doing, as well as a total lack of respect that the boy should give to his superior... according to Zeus

Taking a short step further, the son of the god of the sea brought out Anaklusmos again, executing some disinterested cuts in the air. Nothing seemed to stop the mission that Jackson had in mind, approaching like a predator the massive Servant that could simply finish him off if not for the memory of the penance that Orion suffered.

"You asked her for an apple for one of your tests, which she would give you in exchange for taking her with you to see the outside..." Guess what happened? I'll give you a hint, she became Lady Artemis' lieutenant – stopping the fan of her gun, Percy Jackson stood in front of the Servant, being forced to turn his head back in order to see its face.

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Once again the surprise in the jackets increased, those who knew perfectly well what he meant had no idea what to think.

Meanwhile everyone else now had an idea of what it was, and several couldn't help but see Zoe, who kept staring at the screen in utter surprise

"How does he know all that?"

Tension grew throughout the room, where some were worried about the future well-being of the demigod, while others did not want to imagine the torture that Heracles would have. The King of Heroes only longed to see Percy's humiliation for calling him half-blood.

Zeus shared the sentiment of the half-breed king

"You may not know it, but he has skin impenetrable to conventional weapons..." dividing his attention between a sleeping Chiron and the pair of men facing each other, Achilles mentioned at the same time that he bravely placed Atalanta ahead of him while she shielded herself with Artemis.

That attracted attention as well as concern.

-Hey? ... Oh, well," pausing at what the green-haired Lancer had said, the black-haired man lowered his sword and spoke in a low voice with a look of disappointment, drawing sighs of relief from several of those present.

Once again Zoe was surprised because she understood that the boy wanted to make this Heracles pay for what happened to her

"It's the first time I've heard him say something clever," massaging her chest to the level of her heart, Penthesilea spoke to Medea, Lily, and Circe, eliciting nods of truthfulness.

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-... Of course, that doesn't mean the blows don't hurt – unexpected for everyone, Achilles took the floor.


Several barely avoided hitting their faces with the palms of their hands at what Achilles said, while others did not, since that gave the green light to the green-eyed

Unable to contain himself, Hector's younger brother kicked the Hero of Troy's leg, specifically in a certain area uncovered by his blessing. Which made him let out a loud exclamation of pain.

"I see..." Leaving his disappointment behind, Percy managed to get all the Heroic Spirits on the edge of their chairs.

Minus Chiron, as Perseus was ready to faint him if he woke up. All to prevent him from having another heart attack.

Before even Heracles could react and raise his weapon, a powerful kick to the crotch nearly destabilized his spirit and sent him back to the Throne of Heroes. Obviously, the rest of the population only heard a roar.



"He's a monster!"

Men covered their family jewels, as well as thinking that Perseus was really crazy and cruel towards his male brothers.


-Do you feel pain!? I'll make you feel the pain of Zoe, a bad example of a hero! – taking advantage of the fact that he was on the ground, Jackson kicked the Berserker in the crotch again, causing all the men present to reflexively cover that area.




Although everyone was shocked by Perseus' actions, no one could get over Zoe's own surprise.

However, Zeus was the only one who was about to explode with anger, and most of the gods watched him along with Chiron and a few campers

Just the second he would deliver another kick to the mythological being of great stature, a small female figure struck the back of Percy's legs. Distracted by the interruption, Sally Jackson's son stumbled upon the vision of an albino girl wearing a white and purple dress and accompanied by a polar bear.

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"Stop hitting Berserker!" Stop hitting Berserker!! Shirou, do something! The young girl exclaimed sharply, using her little arms to lightly tap the demigod as he watched the bear.

"Who's that girl?"

"And that girl?"

"And who is this?"

The question of who this girl was and why she would defend Heracles immediately arose in everyone.

An animal that ignored the little girl's request and approached Heracles, standing up on its hind legs and to everyone's surprise, continuing with Percy's task. Being quickly emulated by a duo of subjects with gray hair and chalky complexions.

"What the f*ck?"

"What the f*ck?"

The surprise of the projected individuals was imitated by the spectators, while Zeus thought about who those gray-haired men were and making them pay.

Seeing that the infant would never stop claiming him, in addition to not seeing what his bear was doing, the savior of Olympus carefully lifted the Servant by the waist to look her in the face and smile calmly, and then think about what to do with her. Searching quickly with his eyes around, the young adult remembered the stories learned from Thalia and Annabeth regarding the jackets, smiling accordingly and walking straight in the direction of Atalanta while ignoring the girl's puffy cheeks.

—...— Given the implication of what was narrated, the hunters were again speechless, as it meant that the boy interacted with the hunt, since Thalia would be the future lieutenant, unless the blue-eyed doesn't care much about hunting, but they doubted the latter

"Could you hold it for a while?" I don't want him to get hurt while I'm teaching Heracles a lesson." Asking the feline-eared and tail-clad female for a favor, the Jackson handed him the Servant.

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-Yes... yes, I can take care of Sitonai." taken by surprise, the Huntress accepted the request, hugging the girl who had given up because her class was weak against the Archers.

-Thank you very much, now if you excuse me... I have to beat someone up" looking polite at first, Percy generated a slight shake of his head before turning and drastically changing his facial countenance, sending a murderous look to Orion as he couldn't stop remembering his punishment.

—AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH— Finally, Zeus had enough... burst


If you are interested in reading more chapters of this fanfic or the other fanfics, before they are published here on fanfiction, AO3 and Wattpad

You can do it on P treon:Xifos&Gladius

Thanks towillowskeith, Scarlet Fox, dorian wilson, SVTM62vl, doompie, Andrew Steven, Damian syers, Anthony Baca, Dylan, twistedflame899, Zook, k, kolokolo, Soul, Aaron Clay, Kirito, Sbhat Asfaha, Alexander Cullison, Jose Castro, Sergio Avila Jr, Charles, Edavila, Doom 7bz, Robin DiWinter, Yorda, Red, Wesbrook, John Smith, Bear, DuranteEmrys, Kingjames2332, Hollow_d_wrld, Wat3rF0xKail, D3m0nRulerZ, Stephen Odom, Enrique Cristobal Luna, Christophe Dean, Jake, Leo Clark, Shrimp, Nicholas Fritz, Connor, Lachlan, Aiming, Brandon Ossandon, JamesNic20, Forgotten Frost, julio vega, Connor Lloyd, Godaken, Alex Hawthorne, Roger Gaulke, Kitsune, Jose Vazquez, Brad Rieman, Charles Beecham, WhoisMitch, Ken Harris, Ravunz, Stefan Gottlieb, joshua scroggins, Benji, Rocket22, Luis, Chronicle Clock, God of Wind 200, Alchem, Orioles Enjoyer, Raj, James Cavazos , United Federation, Daniel bridges , XVenomX159, Voidful 911, Malignance, luis a. v. r., Henry, Daniel R.andOettamLassfor their support on P treon


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Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 22 - Xifos (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.