The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings (2024)

Upright KeywordsReversed Keywords
illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, unconsciousfear, deception, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, clarity, understanding
Skip to Upright MeaningSkip to Reversed Meaning

The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings (1)

When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance.On either side of the path stand awolf and a dog, representing our animalistic nature - one is civilized, and the other wild and feral. There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. In the distance, we can see two towers flanking the central path, once again alluding to the doubles visible in this card. Everything in this card seems to echo the other, as if to allude to two possibilities. When we walk down the path, we walk the fine line between conscious and unconscious, between the tamed side of civilization of the dog, and the forces of nature represented by the wolf.

The towers on the opposing ends represent the forcesof good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can allude to the difficulties that we face in distinguishing between them.

On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.

The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.

You need to be aware of the situations that are causing fear and anxiety in your mind, whether it is now or in the future. It alerts you not to allow inner disturbances and self-deception to take the best of you. These deep memories and fears must be let go, and the negative energies must bereleased and turned into something constructive.

Another reading of the Moon card is the existence ofillusion. Some hidden truth must be discovered, for what you are seeing now may just be a trick of the light. You must search forthe hidden forces that must be unraveled.

Upright Love MeaningUpright Career MeaningUpright Finances Meaning
complicated romance, uncertainty about love or relationshipuncertainty around career path, confusion at job, lack of informationunclear around financial decisions, lacking financial knowledge

Upright Moon Tarot Love Meaning

With the Moon in a love tarot reading, it’s likely that emotions are complicated at this time. The environment can be one full of misunderstandings, and not everything is as it appears. You may need to do some work to get to the bottom of things; be sure to not only ensure the intentions of others, but also understand your own emotions, desires and motivations. There may be old attitudes, beliefs or ideas that are clouding your judgement. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. Are past relationships haunting you? Have you lost faith in love? Do you believe you are unworthy of love? All of these can have profound affects on how we approach relationships. Now is the time to examine them and reveal them as they truly are.

Career Meaning - Upright Moon

There may be some uncertainty when it comes to your career path right now. You may not have a clear understanding of what your goals are and which direction you should go towards. Alternatively, your workplace right now can be a tense atmosphere, one that comes from haziness and confusion about project goals, or what everyone should be doing. Misunderstandings can be rife right now, so make sure you express yourself clearly; it may be better to repeat yourself. By the same token, you may find that you don’t have all the information you need right now to make sound work decisions. Who can help shed some light on the facts?

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Finances Meaning - Upright Moon

Right now may not be the best time to make any big financial decisions, as the Moon signals that the information available to you right now isn’t complete. If you are in the process of taking financial action, don’t be afraid to dig deep and ask questions, so you can make the best decision possible. Confusion and uncertainty around finances may be a problem at the moment.

A Moon reversal in a reading can sometimes indicatethatthe darker and more negative aspects of the moon are present in your life. It could represent confusion and unhappiness - you want to make progress, but you are not sure whatis the right thing to do. You must deal with your anxiety and fears by overcoming them, for they are like shadows in the dark. It is time to believe in yourself and move forward.

The moon reversal meaning indicates that you are in an intuitive period or you have recently battled confusion, anxiety, and self-deception. It could be that you are misinterpreting how you have been feeling however you are starting to improve on this.

Another reversed moon meaning is that the forces of the night that are bringing you confusion are starting to dissipate. You have started managing your fears and anxiety. Whatever negative energies you have been facing are slowly fading away. It presents a liberating experience as you discover the positive side of things.

Reversed Love MeaningReversed Career MeaningReversed Finances Meaning
deception, fear and paranoia regarding loveclarity at work, sabotage, deception and trickery at workplaceclarity about finances, deception regarding finances

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Reversed Moon Tarot Love Meaning

The reversed Moon tarot love meaning can suggest that confusion and deception may be in the air. You may not have all the information you need at this moment, and you’ll have to rely on intuition in order to guide your way to the truth. Are you being honest with your partner? Are they being honest with you? Sometimes deception doesn’t necessarily have to have malicious motivations, but can even be done out of kindness or the desire to spare another person’s feelings. Hiding the truth however, is never a sustainable situation.

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Career Meaning - Reversed Moon

On one hand, the reversed Moon can signal the dissipation of the uncertainty and confusion that has characterized your job or workplace. Things may be more clear, and you may have a better understanding of which direction you should be working towards. Alternatively, the reversed Moon can also indicate a worsening of the situation, where misunderstandings and poor communication can even turn into deception, lying and sabotage. Your anxieties and fear about the workplace or your colleagues can make your worst fears come true, as everyone becomes more defensive, protective and paranoid.

Finances Meaning - Reversed Moon

In the best cases, the reversed Moon can signal finding clarity about your financial situation and your financial goals. You are getting all the information you need to feel comfortable about a big decision or an investment in your future. At worst however, the reversed Moon can also suggest that there may be deception regarding your finances. Listen to your instincts; but try and separate your fears from intuition.

The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings (2)

The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings (2024)


The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings? ›

What does the Moon tarot card mean? The Moon tarot card represents mystery, intuition, and imagination. On one hand, these are all excellent attributes that can lead to an enchanting and exciting life, however, they can create ambiguity and confusion.

What does the Moon deck card mean? ›

The upright Moon tarot card signifies fear, illusion, intuition, and the need to trust one's instincts. It encourages us to delve deep into our subconscious mind to uncover the truth beneath the surface.

What does the Moon in the present mean in tarot cards? ›

The Moon in the Present/Today Meaning

The Moon in the present position may indicate a fear that something is happening or about to happen. Allow the Moon to shed some light on the situation so that you don't have to be afraid of what you can't see. Find clarity through the act of facing your fears.

What is the moon tarot card advice? ›

The Moon Advice Position

The everyday mind may not be prepared for strange oceanic circumstances. Plus, it has no game plan. Your intuitive body will support you unerringly if you do not interfere with or try to control what you perceive. A better approach would be to meditate. Try to just be a witness.

Is the Moon card positive? ›

The Moon tarot card is a complex and multifaceted card that can have both positive and negative meanings. It is associated with the subconscious mind, intuition, and dreams. It can also represent mystery, illusion, and deception.

What does the moon card symbolize? ›

Astrologically, the Moon card represents the zodiac sign Pisces and the element water. Since Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, it translates to the elusive, artistic, visionary, dreamy, unconscious, ever-changing, creative, spiritual and instinctual meaning of the Moon.

What does the moon symbolize? ›

The moon is a feminine symbol, universally representing the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycle. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality and eternity, enlightenment or the dar k side of Nature herself.

What is the moon archetype in tarot? ›

The Moon shines its silvery light on those elements of ourselves, asking uncomfortable questions about what is true, and what isn't. What we present, and the reality. As an archetype, the Moon is the lunatic, the 'mad' person (by whose definition, we may not know). Perhaps this person hears voices, sees visions.

What does the new moon mean in tarot? ›

The New Moon is a wonderful time to think about what you want to create, to take that seed of an idea that is within you and nurture it, help it to grow. This is a time to let go of what you no longer need, and to set a clear intention of what you want to manifest in yourself and in your life going forward.

Is the moon a yes or no in tarot? ›

Is the Moon Card a Yes or No Card? The Moon Card is interpreted as a "NO". It represents illusion, dreams, and intuition that indicate complex challenges are coming your way, which will arrive unannounced. This card warns of deception.

What is the moon tarot card warning? ›

The darker side of the moon can represent visions, illusions, and madness. It can be a warning against the hidden: hidden enemies, addictions or even mental health issues. So, the moon can be a card of extremes.

How to moon cleanse tarot cards? ›

To clear a deck you can:
  1. Place your cards face-down on a table and 'smoosh' them around, then gather them back into a deck.
  2. Rap your deck on the edge of a table or other surface.
  3. Knock on your deck with your knuckles.
  4. Leave overnight in a full moon's light.
  5. Pass them through cleansing incense smoke.
Apr 15, 2022

What does wishing for the moon mean? ›

4. Ask for the moon / Cry for the moon. Meaning: to make unreasonable demands. Example: My cousin is asking for the moon – his birthday wish is for tickets to the biggest concert in the city.

What does the moon mean in love? ›

The moon here symbolizes the love in a comfortable and joyful life. In spite of their prolonged separation, their lasting love grows bigger and bigger, again, like the moon waxing. And, their hearts are full of love, like a full moon.

What does the moon mean in the future Tarot card? ›

In the future position, The Moon can be a harbinger that you will meander away from what is important in your life and follow a hobby or vocation that is a different path altogether. This could signal a coming spiritual awakening, or your joining of a small religious group.

Does the moon have a positive or negative charge? ›

The moon charges positively in the day, while the moon charges negatively in the night, which caused by solar ultraviolet and X-ray photoelectron charge dominant. In 1968, NASA's Surveyor 7 (Surveyor7) lander photographed a lunar horizon after dark issued a strange light, which is shown in figure 1.

What is the Moon card archetype? ›

The Moon shines its silvery light on those elements of ourselves, asking uncomfortable questions about what is true, and what isn't. What we present, and the reality. As an archetype, the Moon is the lunatic, the 'mad' person (by whose definition, we may not know). Perhaps this person hears voices, sees visions.

What does the Moon mean in love? ›

The moon here symbolizes the love in a comfortable and joyful life. In spite of their prolonged separation, their lasting love grows bigger and bigger, again, like the moon waxing. And, their hearts are full of love, like a full moon.

What does the Moon mean in the future Tarot card? ›

In the future position, The Moon can be a harbinger that you will meander away from what is important in your life and follow a hobby or vocation that is a different path altogether. This could signal a coming spiritual awakening, or your joining of a small religious group.

What does shooting the Moon mean cards? ›

In what card game can players "shoot the moon"? Hearts. Shooting the moon means taking all of the hearts AND the queen of spades. This gives you a score of 0 and all other players take 26 points.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.