The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2071-2080 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2071

At this moment, Honor was sitting anxiously in the meeting room of the TMPD.

Since the Song Group is a well-known company with strong strength, the TMPD is very polite to Honor.

The director who rushed over from home overnight, at this time, was personally hosting Honor.

Seeing Honor’s anxious look, the director comforted: “Mr. Song, our brigade has already begun searching for your sister’s whereabouts in Nish*tama County, so you don’t have to worry too much. Once there are any results and clues, I will Feedback to you as soon as possible.”

Honor sighed softly, covered his face in pain, and choked up: “Warnia is my only sister and the one I love the most. Please do your best to rescue her safely!”

The TMPD nodded and promised: “Please rest assured, Mr. Song, we will try our best to find Miss Song’s whereabouts!”

Honor said gratefully, “Thank you so much!”

At this time, someone came in outside the door and said eagerly: “Director, our people found Miss Song’s business car in the mountains of Nish*tama County. The car has fallen to the bottom. They found two charred bodies in the car. Another corpse was found on the steep slope halfway up the mountain!”

When Honor heard this, his eyes reddened, and two lines of tears flowed out immediately.

He asked nervously: “Director, has Warnia suffered an accident?”

The director sighed, and said: “Mr. Song, please control your emotions…”

Honor immediately covered his face and cried bitterly: “Why…why Warnia…she is still so young…she is still so young! Why is it not me who died? !why!”

The director stepped forward, patted Honor’s shoulder lightly, and said something to comfort him. The person who came to report said again: “Director, we found through monitoring that when Miss Song was leaving the hotel, they were four people sitting in the car, including her, so the whereabouts of one person remained unknown.”

Honor immediately raised his face and asked dumbfounded: “What did you say?! Another person is missing?!”

“Yes!” The person hurriedly said: “Four people got in the car, and there were only three bodies. The other person has not found any clues, and we highly suspect that the missing person is Miss Song!”

“What?!” Honor was extremely nervous, and blurted out: “Is there any evidence that the missing person is my sister? Have you confirmed who was the corpse who fell to death halfway up the mountain? In addition, in the car. Is there her in the two charred bodies?”

The person explained: “This is Mr. Song. The corpse halfway up the mountain has been confirmed. It is Miss Song’s assistant Swallow. As for the two charred corpses, we carefully compared them through high-definition cameras. The order of seating when leaving the hotel, the only male is the driver sitting in the driving seat, and the co-pilot sitting in the passenger seat was one of Miss Song’s assistants. When Miss Song got in the car, assistant Swallow sat in the back row together.”

Speaking of this, the person continued: “So, it can be seen that the scorched body on the co-pilot should not be Miss Song, unless she exchanged places on the way, but we think this possibility is minimal.”

The director reasoned at this time: “It has been confirmed that Swallow’s body has been found. The other two corpses are most likely not her. So, Miss Song is very likely to be alive!”

When Honor heard this, his whole person almost collapsed!

Deep in his heart, he nervously slandered: “What’s going on?! What is going on?! Why is Warnia still alive?! The people near Hashimoto are not sure and confident, Warnia has already rolled off with people and cars. Why would she be missing?!”

Chapter 2072

So he hurriedly stood up and blurted out and asked: “Have you found the whereabouts of my sister? Or have you found any valuable clues?!”

The person who came to report shook his head and said: “Now things are a bit tricky, and there are some inconsistencies. No trace of Miss Song was found on the scene, and no trace of life was found, but we did not find anything about Miss Song. A clue whether she got off the car early, so everything is still unknown now.”

Honor’s heart was already a little bit scared at this time: “If Warnia dies, everything will be resolved easily. Even if the TMPD finds that she died of murder, I have nothing to worry about. Anyway, it’s not me. It’s almost impossible to be discovered if they move their hands. At that time, the TMPD can continue to trace the clues. I will take Warnia’s body back to have the funeral, and then take care of the old thing. The Song family is my father’s and mine. That’s it.”

“But, if Warnia didn’t die, then all of this would have to be abandoned! Even if Warnia didn’t know that I was secretly harming her, as long as she returned to Aurous Hill alive, she would definitely become extremely alert in the future. In that case, she would be hard to get killed!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t sit still, and said, “Several people, I want to go out and get some air.”

The director nodded hurriedly: “Mr. Song have some fresh air!”

Honor immediately walked out of the door, came to an empty stairwell, and dialed Hashimoto’s phone number.

“Haha, Mr. Song, you should be in the TMPD now?”

Honor said coldly: “Mr. Hashimoto, people from the TMPD told me that my sister is missing! What the hell is going on?”

Hashimoto asked in surprise: “What did you say? Missing? How did she disappear?”

Honor gritted his teeth and groaned: “That’s how she disappeared for no reason! No one knows where she is, and now neither can anyone nor a corpse!”

Hashimoto murmured: “That’s not right! My people have clearly rammed her and the commercial vehicle she was riding into the valley. According to them, the vehicle crashed to the bottom of the valley within a minute. Naturally, even Amaterasu can’t escape!”

Honor said angrily: “You’re so f*cking sh*t to me! Your Amaterasu can’t escape, so my sister escaped!”

“People from the TMPD did not find her body! She was not there at all!”

Hashimoto also became nervous, and said with a trembling voice, “This is damn wrong! I really have a video here. It was taken by my hand. It can be seen from the video. At the time of the impact, your sister was there. Obviously still in the car!”

Honor questioned angrily: “She was in the car at the time of the collision, and she disappeared when she fell to the bottom of the valley, so I ask you to answer me, where did she go?”

Hashimoto said in a desperate voice: “She…she should be dead…at that height, no one can survive!”

Honor questioned: “If she died, would the body walk on its own?!”

Hashimoto hesitated and said, “This…I don’t know this…”

Honor growled: “So there is only one possibility, she must have escaped! I don’t care what you use, find a way to find her, and then kill her immediately! Otherwise, if this matter is revealed, we two will be finished!”

Chapter 2073

Charlie and Nanako flew by helicopter for about 30 minutes before they approached Nish*tama County.

As Nanako’s ninja is still tracking Warnia’s whereabouts, a large number of police officers from the TMPD are also searching near the incident.

So Charlie asked the helicopter to land at a relatively gentle place on the top of the mountain about five kilometers away from the incident.

The distance of five kilometers can temporarily avoid the search of the TMPD without being too far away from Warnia.

After all, she won’t walk too fast in the mountains with her feet. It is estimated that she has walked five kilometers at most since she has been engaged in this event.

Therefore, even if Charlie’s helicopter was unlucky and completely landed in the opposite direction, the maximum straight-line distance between him and Warnia would not exceed ten kilometers.

At the top of the mountain of more than 2,000 meters, the weather was severely cold, and Charlie stood on a huge rock on the top of the mountain, anxious.

The pill that he gave to Warnia could save her once, but not twice. If she is encountered by a gangster again, or if she encounters any danger in the mountains, she may be beyond reach.

Seeing Charlie’s anxious expression on the side, Nanako immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the ninja she had sent out to ask about the situation.

At this time, her mobile phone happened to vibrate, and it was the ninja headed by the Ito family who called her.

Nanako hurriedly connected the phone and asked, “What’s the matter? Have you found Miss Song’s whereabouts?”

The other party immediately said: “Back to Miss Song, we have found Miss Song’s whereabouts. She is in the valley about four kilometers northeast of the incident. When we were the closest to her, the straight-line distance was about 500 meters. However, I found that Miss Song was in good condition, so I didn’t alarm her. Because there was no signal on the top of the mountain, I first came up to the mountainside and called you for instructions. Others are secretly following her to protect her.”

Nanako breathed a sigh of relief and blurted out, “That’s great!”

Charlie hurriedly asked: “Warnia’s whereabouts?”

Nanako nodded heavily and said to Charlie: “Master! My men have found Ms. Song. She is now marching to the northeast, and her condition looks good. My people are about five or six hundred meters away from her. They haven’t disturbed her, so h called me for instructions. What do you think we should do?”

As soon as Charlie heard this, a stone in his heart immediately fell to the ground.

Coming to Japan in the middle of the night, the only thing he looked forward to was to hear that Warnia was safe.

So, he immediately said to Nanako, “Nanako, please let your person give a specific position, let’s go over!”


In the valley.

Warnia is still struggling.

Since the mobile phone has no signal, she can’t use positioning, and she doesn’t know how far she has gone.

However, Warnia is very smart that she has relied on the North Star in the sky to discern the direction.

Polaris is a star in the northern part of the sky, and due to its unique movement pattern, the star almost remains motionless from the northern hemisphere.

It is precisely because the Polaris has remained motionless in the northern part of the sky that it can provide people with the most basic position navigation.

When you find the North Star, you can find the north. When a person is facing the north, the south is behind him, the right-hand direction is east, and the left-hand direction is west.

In this way, she can guarantee that she has been walking in the northeast direction, instead of aimlessly and confusedly turning around in the valley.

When you get lost in the mountains, if you can’t tell the direction, you often go around unconsciously.

Warnia wanted to go as far as possible from the place where the incident occurred. After a sufficiently safe distance, she will climb up and find the mobile phone signal to call the police for help.

However, she didn’t know at this time, she was secretly followed by 10 top ninjas.

Fortunately, these ninjas were sent by Nanako, and they didn’t have any malice against Warnia. Otherwise, even if Warnia had a rejuvenation pill in her hands, she would be more and more fierce.

At this time, she didn’t even know that Charlie, who she was thinking of, had already arrived in Tokyo, and was fast moving towards her in the darkness!

Charlie’s strength is extraordinary, even if he doesn’t rely on a helicopter, he can quickly attack and walk on the ground in such a place.

Chapter 2074

However, Nanako and the others couldn’t keep up with his rhythm at all, so they could only wait for Charlie’s notice in place.

Charlie didn’t want to take a helicopter to pick Warnia directly, because in that case, it would be possible to disturb other people searching for Warnia’s whereabouts.

Therefore, it is more reliable to rely on your own legs.

Fortunately, the distance between Charlie and Warnia was not too far. From the perspective of positioning, it was almost two to three kilometers away.

Therefore, after half an hour of rushing, Warnia had already appeared in Charlie’s sight.

Warnia at this time was climbing up from the bottom of the valley.

She felt that she had already opened a safe distance, so she wanted to climb up, look for a cell phone signal, and then report to Charlie and her family to be safe.

At this time, Warnia couldn’t help worrying in her heart: “If Master talks about the voice that I sent him when the accident happened, he will be very worried about my safety, right? I have to give Master make a call and let him know that I am still alive!”

Charlie was excited for a moment when he saw her figure.

When rushing over from Aurous Hill, he was most afraid that Warnia’s life would be threatened.

Seeing her in person now made Charlie completely relieved of all the tension and worries he had before.

When Warnia climbed on a relatively flat boulder halfway up the mountain, she took out her mobile phone, which still showed no signal.

She walked back and forth on the boulder with her mobile phone, and finally caught a cell phone signal.

So she hurriedly stayed still and opened WeChat for the first time.

Because the network is very poor, her WeChat keeps prompting for network connectivity.

After waiting a few minutes, WeChat changed from connecting to receiving.

Although it was shown to be receiving, she did not even receive a new WeChat message.

Therefore, she could only give up WeChat and call Charlie directly.

Fortunately, although the network has only one grid, it is almost difficult to connect to the Internet, but this grid signal can already support her to make a call!

After the phone rang twice, she heard Charlie’s voice: “Warnia, how are you now?”

When Warnia heard Charlie’s voice, she felt the voice in her ears. She was so excited that she cried out immediately: “Master…I…I’m still alive… ..”

Charlie said: “I know.”

Warnia was sobbed at this time, choked up: “Master…thank you…if it weren’t for you, I must be dead now…”

Charlie looked at Warnia’s back distressedly, and said softly: “Warnia, I want to tell you one thing, don’t be nervous, let alone be afraid.”

Warnia hurriedly said, “Master, as you say!”

Charlie said seriously: “I know you have an accident, I have come to Japan.”

“Ah?!” Warnia asked excitedly: “Master, you… have you come to Japan?!”

Charlie said: “Yes, I’m in Tokyo.”

Warnia was extremely happy and touched at this time, crying and saying, “Master, you… have you really come to Tokyo to find me?”

Charlie sighed softly and said, “Warnia, I’m in Nish*tama County where your accident occurred.”

Warnia was full of disbelief at this time, and exclaimed: “Master, how do you know that I had an accident in Nish*tama County? Where are you now?”

Charlie said seriously: “Warnia, I’m…behind you now!”

Chapter 2075

The reason why Charlie told Warnia step by step was because he was afraid that he would suddenly call her out, or tell her that he was behind her and scare her.

After all, she has been walking alone in this deep mountain and old forest for so long. If he suddenly appears without any psychological preparation, she will definitely be shocked.

Therefore, Charlie chose to guide her step by step, let her know that he was in Japan, Tokyo, and Nish*tama, and then told her that he was behind her.

When Warnia heard Charlie’s words, she immediately turned back subconsciously!


She found that a familiar figure was standing about ten meters away behind her!

That familiar figure is exactly Charlie, the man about whom she was thinking at a critical moment!

Warnia’s heart was almost ecstatic!

She didn’t even dare to dream that Charlie would really appear here suddenly!

At this moment, Warnia’s heart was completely filled with touch and happiness!

She choked in her heart: “Master actually came to rescue me…at such a late time, at such a distance, he appeared in front of me within a few hours! This is simply a movie! Here is the supreme treasure with colorful auspicious clouds! He came, my position in his heart must be very important…”

Thinking of this, her whole emotions were completely immersed in extreme touch, and she cried out: “Master!”

After speaking, she ran towards Charlie!

Charlie was afraid that she would fall down on the mountain road, so he hurriedly walked two steps.

As soon as she arrived, Warnia plunged into Charlie’s arms, crying, and said, “Master…I’m not dreaming, am I really you? You really came to save me. …..”

Charlie patted her back lightly and comforted her: “You are not a dream, it’s really me, I’m here to save you!”

Warnia cried with rain, and whimpered: “Master, I thought I would never see you again in this life…”

Charlie asked her, “Did you take the pill that I gave you?”

Warnia nodded as if pounding garlic, hugged Charlie, and said on his shoulder: “I have always listened to you and carried the medicine next to my body. After the car I was sitting in fell off the cliff, I immediately took the medicine. I took it. Fortunately, I had the medicine. Otherwise, Master might not see me…”

Charlie sighed softly and said, “The medicine was given to you to use for emergencies, but I have never hoped that you would really use it. I didn’t expect it to be like this today!”

Warnia choked with grateful gratitude: “Master, the greatest fortune in my life is to know you… If it weren’t for you, I might have already passed away… All your great kindness. I can’t repay in my life…”

Warnia has always been very grateful to Charlie.

In the beginning, her room was accidentally hit by mistake, and she accidentally formed a feng shui bureau of trapped dragons. The whole person’s fortune was consumed rapidly, and her life was even endangered.

If it hadn’t been for Charlie to resolve it in time, she might have already died by accident.

Not to mention, Charlie helped her take the position of Song Family Patriarch step by step.

Today, she is facing such a big death crisis in Japan, and she is completely dependent on the medicine he gave her to be able to turn the danger into a breeze.

Now, Charlie has traveled thousands of miles at night to rescue her in the mountains of Japan. His kindness has already made Warnia grateful.

What’s more, she loves Charlie deeply in her heart, so at this moment, she regards Charlie as a beloved person more important than her own life.

Chapter 2076

Warnia even had an idea deep in her heart. She felt: “From today onwards, I am willing to do anything for Master. Even if he asks me to die immediately, I will be willing to die for him without complaining!”

Charlie didn’t know Warnia’s inner activities at this time. He just kept comforting her with a gentle tone: “Warnia, between you and me, don’t say thank you, let alone any great kindness, you are my friend. I save you, it is the only right thing, not to say that you are in Japan, even if you are in the fierce mountains, I will never say anything to stop myself.”

Charlie was expressing to Warnia his steadfastness towards friends and friendship, but he did not expect that these words in Warnia’s ears would become the most moving emotional expression in the world!

At this moment, she even loved Charlie to the bone, even willing to hug him so tightly and rub her whole b0dy into his bones.

Her heart was full of love and touch for Charlie, her brain heated up and she immediately stood on her toes and k!ssed his lips.

This is Warnia’s second k!ss of Charlie.

It was also the second k!ss in her life.

Her lips were cold and there was a faint salty taste in her tears, which made Charlie feel distressed.

Warnia k!ssed Charlie, holding him tighter with her hands.

At this moment, how much she longed for time to stop, so that she and her beloved man can stay in this beautiful moment forever.

Even if this life comes to an abrupt end, She is already satisfied.

Unfortunately, the reality is not a fairy tale.

When she was immersed in the k!ss, the sound of a helicopter roared from a valley not far away.

Charlie hurriedly turned his head and looked, three helicopters lined up in the sky.

At the nose of the helicopter, three high-power searchlights were shining back and forth in the valley.

Charlie hurriedly said to her: “We can’t stay here for a long time, now all the police in Tokyo are looking for you.”

Warnia hurriedly said: “Master, the police are looking for me, I happen to call the police!”

Charlie frowned slightly and asked her: “You want to call the police?”

“Yes!” Warnia said categorically: “The truck that hit my car was obviously premeditated, and it came to kill me!”

After all, Warnia said with red eyes, very angry and said: “These b@stards, just want to kill me and rush to me, but they want to implicate the innocent. My two assistants and the driver I have are all. ……”

Speaking of this, Warnia suddenly couldn’t control her emotions. She choked with sadness: “The two have been with me for so long. They have been doing business with me. They will accompany me on a business trip to Japan for the New Year. Take them to have fun in Tokyo, I didn’t expect… I didn’t expect them…”

At this time, Warnia couldn’t speak anymore, and cried out sadly.

Charlie hurriedly comforted her: “Warnia, don’t worry, they will not die in vain!”

Warnia nodded heavily, wiped away her tears, and resolutely said: “So I want to call the police, let the police catch the black hand behind the scenes, bring them to justice, and avenge my people!”

Charlie shook his head and said seriously: “You are unfamiliar with the place where you were born in Tokyo. The alarm will not do any good, but only alert them.”

Warnia hurriedly asked, “Master, what do you mean, don’t call the police anymore?”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded and said: “Warnia, we still don’t know whether someone in Japan wants your life or someone in China wants your life. Therefore, calling the police in Japan will not solve anything. If you believe me, leave it to me to deal with this matter, I will find it out, and give you an explanation about the death of the three!”

Chapter 2077

Warnia heard Charlie’s words, without thinking at all, she said categorically, “Master, I listen to you!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “In Japan, I still have something to do. I will take you to my friend’s house first. During this time, you should not contact anyone, including your grandfather and your other family members. Not talk about this until we find out what happened.”

Warnia asked in surprise: “Master, can’t I tell my grandfather? He must be very worried about me now. If my whereabouts remain unknown, I am afraid he will worry too much and affect his body…”

Charlie smiled slightly and comforted: “Don’t worry about this. Your grandfather has taken Rejuvenating Pill, so his body will never be in serious trouble, and don’t forget, I gave it to you on your birthday. The rejuvenating pill of yours is also in his hands. With this rejuvenating pill in his hand, he will definitely not have any problems.”

After speaking, Charlie further explained: “Most of the secrets are leaked from the person’s own mouth. The real secrets should be known to as few people as possible, and it’s best if no one except yourself Knows, otherwise, once this secret is known by others, it will be difficult to ensure that it will not be known by more people.”

Although Warnia’s expression was a little struggling, she quickly raised her head and looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Okay Master, then I won’t tell anyone.”

Charlie nodded and asked her, “You didn’t contact your grandpa and other family members just now, did you?”

“No…” Warnia hurriedly said, “As soon as my mobile phone got a signal, I immediately contacted you. I originally wanted to contact you and then contact grandfather, but I didn’t think about it.“

Charlie hurriedly said: “Then quickly turn off the phone, not only do not answer any calls, nor use WeChat and other communication software.”

Warnia said obediently: “OKay Master, I will shut down now.”

With that, she immediately pressed the power button and turned off her mobile phone with a broken screen.

Immediately, she remembered something, looked at Charlie with a puzzled face and asked, “Master, how did you find me in this deep mountain and old forest?”

Charlie said truthfully: “The eldest lady of the Ito family in Japan is my friend. After your accident, I asked her to help me find your whereabouts. She sent some Japanese masters of ninjutsu, also known as ninjas, to look for clues about you in the mountains.”

“They found the commercial vehicle in which you had an accident, and followed your footsteps all the way, chasing you over. After I got your location, I hurried over.”

Warnia exclaimed: “Ah?! Ninjas?! Master, you mean, there really are ninjas in this world?”

Charlie nodded and said: “Ninjas are actually no big deal. He is like our Chinese martial arts masters, they are all real.”

Warnia nodded suddenly, and then remembered something, exclaiming: “They have been following me secretly, doesn’t it mean that they are also watching us secretly now?”


Charlie smiled awkwardly, and said, “You are right, they have been following us secretly.”

Warnia was immediately embarrassed and intolerable: “That…that…then what we did just now, did they…have they seen it all?”

Charlie shrugged helplessly, “They must have seen…”

Warnia was embarrassed, she lowered her head shyly and said, “Master…you…why didn’t you remind me…this is too shameful… ..”

Charlie stretched out his hand and said with an innocent look: “Warnia… You can’t blame me for this, I didn’t know you would suddenly jump over…I was completely blank at the time. …..”

Warnia heard him say this, recalling the scene when she took the initiative to plunge into Charlie’s arms and k!ssed his lips, her face became more and more rosy, she had to say in a lowly embarrassed voice: “Oh… Don’t talk about this…Master, where are we going now?”

Chapter 2078

Charlie said: “First go to Miss Ito’s mansion to take shelter for a while, and watch the changes!”


At this moment, Nanako is still waiting in place.

After all, her skill is much worse than Charlie, so it is impossible to keep up with his running rhythm, so she just waited in place.

Because people from the TMPD were searching in the surrounding mountains, and there were often police helicopters patrolling in the sky, she asked her helicopter to turn off the engine and quietly waited for Charlie’s news.

At this time, the ninja under her head sent her a message: “Miss, Mr. Wade has found the Miss Song.”

Nanako breathed a sigh of relief, tapping her fingertips on the screen repeatedly, and replied: “That’s good, you can ask Master what to do next.”

The other party made an embarrassing expression and said: “Miss…Mr. Wade and Miss Song are hugging and k!ssing, we are also embarrassed to step forward and disturb…”

When Nanako saw this, she was stunned.

Immediately, deep jealousy surged in her heart.

She thought sourly in her heart: “Originally, I thought that Master is a married man after all. Even if I love him, I can’t destroy his feelings and family…”

“But, I never thought that Master and Warnia would even hug and k!ss… Is Warnia Master’s extramarital relationship? Or to put it more bluntly, is Warnia Master’s lover?”

“If Warnia can be Master’s lover, then why can’t I…”

“I also love Master from the bottom of my heart. Why can’t I be his lover like Warnia?”

“Although I don’t want to be a third party, if Master is willing to give me this opportunity, I am also willing to hide in the dark for a lifetime and be his underground lover…”

“After all, I love him more than anything else. Her status, reputation is not worth mentioning in front of me”

Just as she was thinking about it, the phone suddenly vibrated, and it was Charlie’s call.

She hurriedly answered the phone, her voice was a little flustered and unnaturally said: “Uh… Wade… Master… You… saw Miss Song Are you here?”

Charlie said: “Yes, we met.”

Nanako asked hurriedly, “How is Miss Song?”

Charlie said, “She’s fine, Nanako, I’m calling you to discuss the next arrangements with you.”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Master, everything will follow your instructions, and the entire Ito family’s forces will be at your call!”

Charlie said seriously: “I am really grateful to Nanako. My current plan is to let the helicopter come over first, take Warnia to your residence, and let her live in your house temporarily, but you must keep this matter strictly confidential. It must not be leaked out.”

Nanako said without hesitation: “No problem, Master waits a moment, I will pick you up now!”

Chapter 2079

When Charlie and Warnia returned to downtown Tokyo on the helicopter of the Ito family, Honor was already a little bit unable to sit still at the TMPD.

He was extremely nervous at this time, and said to himself: “Warnia’s whereabouts have not been found for a few hours until now. If we delay it, the day will be bright. If we can’t find her then, then This thing is really tricky!”

“Warnia’s body should have stayed in that business car honestly, but she was strangely missing and disappeared in the vast mountains. Is she dead or alive now?”

Honor was very worried because he was afraid that Warnia would not die.

Because, as long as she does not die, the lie that Nippon Steel’s vice president Hashimoto made up to Warnia will be thoroughly exposed.

After all, this matter was Hashimoto’s own assertion, on the one hand, to seek greater profit space for Nippon Steel, on the other hand, it is also for his own personal gain.

Therefore, he cooperated with Honor and deceived Warnia, saying that she was asked to go to Nish*tama County to find the chairman to sign a contract. In fact, the chairman of Nippon Steel had no idea about this.

If Warnia is still alive, as long as the police ask her why she went to Nish*tama County, it will be completely exposed.

At that time, the Japanese police will definitely arrest Hashimoto Kinsaki immediately.

Murder is one of the most serious crimes in Japan, not to mention that three people have died this time, Hashimoto will definitely betray Honor without hesitation.

At that time, the murder of Warnia by Honor will also come to light.

At this moment, Hashimoto was also nervously pacing repeatedly in his home.

The team member responsible for assassinating Warnia stood in front of him at this time.

These few people stood side by side in front of the sofa, all of them bowed their heads and did not dare to look at Hashimoto Kinzaki.

Hashimoto just made a phone call to a friend from the TMPD to inquire about the latest developments.

After learning that Warnia’s life and death are uncertain, he was as nervous as Honor.

He knew very well that if Warnia was still alive, he would be the first one to be unlucky!

So, he walked in front of these people angrily, and directly smoked them one by one with his big mouth, angrily cursed: “You b@stards! Wastes! What’s the use of raising you?! You can’t do such simple things. You’re of no use!”

The people looked at each other, but no one dared to speak up.

Hashimoto saw that they did not speak beforehand, and gritted his teeth angrily: “A bunch of trash! Can’t get rid of even a woman! It caused me such big trouble! If my f*cking plans get exposed, none of you can run away!”


Twenty minutes later.

The helicopter landed slowly in the courtyard of the Ito family mansion.

Ito Takehiko, who lost his legs, was pushed by his sister Emi and waited in the courtyard early.

As soon as the helicopter landed, Emi Ito immediately pushed Yuihiko Ito out of the cabin.

Charlie just stepped out of the helicopter at this time, and reached out to help Warnia down.

Nanako followed Warnia to get off the plane. Seeing Charlie stretched out his hand to help Warnia down, she felt a little jealous but more envious.

Chapter 2080

At the moment when she was slightly lost, Charlie, who was under the helicopter, stretched out his hand to her again.

Nanako didn’t expect that Charlie would even help her to get off the plane, and her heart was as sweet as she was eating honey.

Although she was a master, and she had taken Rejuvenation Pill, her strength had improved a lot, but she was still a little woman deep in her heart. Seeing Charlie as such a gentleman and so considerate, she immediately felt a little bit shy and moved her hand. Passed it over and said softly: “Thank you Master!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said lightly: “It’s okay, it should be.”

At this time, Ito Takehiko was pushed over by Emi, and he said with a little excitement: “Mr. Wade, I didn’t expect we would meet so soon!”

Charlie smiled bitterly: “Yeah, I didn’t expect to meet again so soon, how has Mr. Ito been recently?”

Ito put his hands together and said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, I have been doing well recently, but since I was injured, my physical fitness has not been very good. I often catch cold, feel weak and night sweats are common. It just happens that Tokyo is cooling down these days, so I originally planned to go to the beach in the Maldives to recuperate for some time in two days. I didn’t expect you to come suddenly.”

Charlie nodded and pointed to Warnia and said, “Mr. Ito, let me introduce you. This is my good friend, Ms. Warnia Song, the chairman of the Song Group. Ms. Song is having a little trouble, so I came here this time. It’s also for her.”

Looking at Warnia, Ito Takehiko said very politely: “Hello, Miss Song, I am Ito Takehiko, Mr. Wade is a distinguished guest of the Ito family, you are his friend, and you are naturally one of the distinguished guests of the Ito family. Welcome to the house.”

Warnia also politely bowed slightly: “Thank you, Mr. Ito!”

At this moment, Warnia was very surprised in her heart.

She knew very well what status of the Ito family in Japan.

In Japan, the strongest family is the Ito family.

In addition to the Ito family, the rest are big chaebols composed of several families, but the strength of the Ito family, even when compared with those of the big chaebols, is not much worse.

Unexpectedly, Ito Takehiko of the Ito family was so respectful and polite to Charlie, which made her even more shocked by Charlie’s strength.

Ito Takehiko slandered in his heart at this time: “This Warnia seems to be no worse than my daughter in terms of appearance, build, and temperament. She is definitely among the top beauties. She and Charlie are so close. Isn’t she? What’s the hidden deep relationship with Charlie? If this is the case, then the chance of my daughter and Charlie is even smaller!”

While he was feeling emotional in his heart, his sister Emi hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, it’s quite cold outside, let’s go in and talk.”

Only then did Yuihiko recovered, and hurriedly said, “Yes, yes! Go in and talk, and let Nanako prepare the tea ceremony to entertain the two. At the same time, tell the chef to prepare some breakfast.”

Inside the Japanese-style meeting room.

Charlie and Warnia sat on the ground next to each other.

Nanako knelt at one end of the tea table, elegantly and unhurriedly making tea for everyone.

Charlie asked Warnia at this moment: “Warnia, what happened to you last night? Can you tell me in detail?”

Ito Yuihiko also hurriedly said at this time: “Miss Song, I have a bit of energy in Japan. You might as well tell the story. I and the entire Ito family will definitely be able to help you!”

Warnia bowed slightly and said, “Thank you Master, thank you Mr. Ito and Miss Ito.”

After thanking him, Warnia continued: “I came to Japan this time to reach strategic cooperation with Nippon Steel. I talked to their vice presidents for several rounds. Until last night, their chairman decided to See me, to sign a contract with me…”

“Because their chairman is in Nish*tama County, I drove there overnight. I didn’t expect to be hit by a car into the cliff on the road…”

Yuihiko Ito frowned and said, “It’s a bit strange. The chairman of Nippon Steel has a deep friendship with me. According to his style of working, he should not ask you to sign a contract at night, and even if he signs a contract, he will not call you to Nish*tama County because his mansion is very close to me, but a few minutes drive from here. After dinner yesterday, he visited me at the mansion!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 2071-2080 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.