Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template - PDF Templates | Jotform (2025)

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Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template


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Teaching Artist Lesson Plan

11 weeks

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Teaching Artist Name

Melissa Muttiah

Class Name

Explore, Discover, & Create

Semester (Include Year)

Spring 2025

Which program is this lesson plan for?


(If Community Partnerships) At which partner location will the classes be held?


Which "bucket" does your program fall into?

Visual Arts (painting, drawing, collage making, grafitti, etc)

What age category(s) do your students fall into (Please refer to your Scope of Work or Memorandum of Understanding?

K-3rd (5-7 yo)

Themes & Milestones

This semester's theme is "The World Through My Eyes". You have complete autonomy over how you execute this theme. Please share a few thoughts on how you would like to incorporate this theme into your lesson.

Each activity is designed to help children explore materials and create artwork that reflects their feelings, thoughts, and experiences. There is no right or wrong in their exploration, and in their process. There will be strong emphasis on process over product. This aligns with the theme as this lessons will give the children full autonomy to engage with materials and create their own unique expressions.

List 3-6 Milestone

s or Goals you wou

ld like to achieve

this semester. (E

x: Music Productio

n: students will d

evelop beats, lay

tracks & record vo

cals; Visual Arts:

students will lea

rn to hold a paint

brush, how to mix

colors & paint on

a canvas)

1. Students will identify

positive traits and qualit

ies associated with promot

ing self-esteem, identity

strength, and self-awarene


2. Students will build con

fidence and pride as they

create meaningful and thou

ghtful artworks reflecting

themselves and their expe


3. Students will engage in

art processes to identify

and discuss feelings, tho

ughts, and experiences.

4. Students will learn new

art techniques and develo

p competence in a variety

of painting, sculpture med


5. Students will identify

coping skills to manage di


6. Students will identify

and use resources required

to achieve desired result


7. Students will develop p

roblem solving and creativ

e thinking skills.

8. Students will self-soot

he and practice grounding

through art processes and

build resiliency.

9. Students will receive a

nd offer supportive feedba

ck, and contribute to an i

nclusive and accepting cla

ssroom environment.

Lesson #1:

Creating Community (Weeks 1 & 2)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper coastersMarkersPoster BoardLarge paperTempera paintBrushes

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):

Group Norm Painting

Brief Description:

Students draw small pictures about one group norm. Students work together to create a scribble paint mural. Students paste their pictures on the mural.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their

artwork with the group. S

tudents share about feelin

gs and thoughts related to

working with the material

s, the process of creating

, and their final products

. Students work together t

o clean up the room.

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Lesson #2:

Creating Community (Weeks 1 & 2)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper CoastersMarkersMirrorsBlack Permanent MarkersLiquid Water color (all colors)Small cupsBrushesWatercolor paper

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Main Exercise


Promote self-awareness and self-esteem. Engage in self-expression. Promote creativity.

Activity Name(s):

Watercolor Resist Self-Portrait

Brief Description:

Students learn about the concept of self-portrait. They consider all the elements needed to create a self-portrait. Use black permanent marker to create their likeness. Students glue paper onto black card stock to create a face.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

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Lesson #3:

Creating Art (Weeks 3 -5)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination and creativity. Decrease perfectionism.

Activity Name(s):

Squiggle Drawing Games and Exploration

Brief Description:

Students engage in a variety of scribble drawing games to promote imagination and creativity, and to release need for perfectionism.1) Bilateral drawing.Students work on large paper and draw with both hands at the same time.2) Pass the squiggle.Students create quick squiggle on paper. Students pass the paper to the student to the left. Students talk about what the squiggle reminds them of. Students create a drawing out of the squiggle.3) Scribble Draw.Students create a quick scribble. Students hang the scribble on the wall. Students create a drawing out of the scribble.4. Group Scribble.Each student scribbles at the same time on a large piece of paper. Students work on one part of the scribble to create an original drawing.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their

artwork with the group. S

tudents share about feelin

gs and thoughts related to

working with the material

s, the process of creating

, and their final products

. Students work together t

o clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper CoastersMarkersLarge and small white paperOil pastelsTempera Paint SticksColored Pencils

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Lesson #4:

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination and creativity. Decrease perfectionism.

Activity Name(s):

Abstract Clay Works

Brief Description:

Students receive model magic. Students are invited to close their eyes and explore the clay with their sense. Student are invited to roll their clay into a ball and stick it on to a wooden plank. Students are exposed to the concept of 3D art and sculpture. Students poke pipe cleaners and foam shapes into the clay to create a sculpture.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

MarkersPaper CoastersAir Dry ClayPipe CleanersFoam pieces

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Lesson #5:

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination and creativity. Decrease perfectionism.

Activity Name(s):

Expand the Image

Brief Description:

Students choose 1 picture from a range of animal pictures. Students glue the picture of the animal on a piece of paper. Students create a background for their animal using a range of drawing materials. Students choose images from magazines and create an original collage with images and using drawing materials. Students tell a story about each collage.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper CoastersMarkersPictures of AnimalsMagazinesScissorsGlue SticksColored PencilsOil Pastels

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Lesson #6:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):


Brief Description:

Introduce the concept of collagraphing as stamping. Students learn two types of collagraphing techniques by using blocks and cardboard.https://www.smallhandsbigart.com/its-a-small-world-collagraph-prints/https://www.artbarblog.com/collagraph-printmaking-with-kids-using-wooden-blocks/

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper coastersMarkersBlack poster boardScissorsSticky FoamWooden Blocks

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Lesson #7:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):


Brief Description:

Students use a range of materials (tissue paper, butterfly stickers, natural fibers, and construction paper) to create a "family garden." Students are encouraged to explore who is with them in their garden, was is growing in their garden, and what protects the garden from intruders.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper CoastersMarkersCardboard SheetsTissue PaperButterfliesNatural fibersWhite GlueGlue SticksScissors

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+12028890655Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template - PDF Templates | Jotform (16)

Lesson #8:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):

Shaving Cream Marbling

Brief Description:

Students explore the shaving cream with their senses. Students use eye droppers to drop liquid watercolor on the shaving cream. Students use skewers to marble the colors. Students press watercolor paper on top of the shaving cream to make a print. Students repeat the process.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper coastersMarkersShaving CreamLiquid WatercolorSkewersPopsicle SticksWatercolor PaperEye droppersSmall containers

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Lesson #9:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):

Tissue Paper Bowls

Brief Description:

Students create tissue paper bowls. Students begin by using fingers to spread vaseline over their plastic bowel. Students place tissue paper strips over the bowl. Students add another layer of tissue paper by glueing with modge podge. Students add 5 or more layers to create a tissue paper bowl.https://www.callmegrandma.com/make-tissue-paper-bowls-an-easy-inexpensive-craft/

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Paper coastersMarkersTissue PaperVaselineFoam brushesModge PodgeBowls

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+12028890655Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template - PDF Templates | Jotform (18)

Lesson #10:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name

Stepping Stones

Brief Description:

Students are introduced to mosaic artwork. Students follow the step-by-step process of creating a stepping stone. Students select from a variety of objects to create their mosaic stepping stone. Students arrange objects. Teachers spray pie plates, mix cement and place cement in pie plate molds. Students wear disposable gloves and place objects in pie plate.Once dry, students finish molds by painting with layer of modge podge.https://meganzeni.com/garden-stepping-stones/

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all ma

terials and quanti

ties needed for yo

ur lesson.


Paper Coasters

Quick Dry Cement one- 2- 2

5kg bag of quick set concr


Pie Tins- 12 inch

Sea Shells

Glass gems

Small Tiles


Other objects


Cooking Spray

3 Large Tarps

Child-sized disposable glo


Modge Podge


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Project Create


+12028890655Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template - PDF Templates | Jotform (20)

Lesson #11:

Creating Opportunity (Weeks 6 -11)

SEL Goal(s) you are focusing on this week (check all that apply):

  • Self-Management (managing emotions & behaviors to achieve one's goals)
  • Self-Awareness (recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and challenges)
  • Social Awareness (showing understanding and empathy for others)
  • Relationship Skills (forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict)
  • Responsible Decision-Making (making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior)

Opening Ritual & Intro Activity


Identifying current mood. Grounding.

Activity Name

Feeling Mandala

Brief Description:

Students are invited to use lines, shapes, and colors to draw their emotions. Students are invited to share about their days and process their mood with the group and with the teacher.

Main Exercise


Promote imagination, creativity, and possibility. Engage in self-expression.

Activity Name(s):

Yoga Stretch & Srtike a Pose Drawings

Brief Description:

Students go on a field trip to Anacostia Park. Students participate in animal child-friendly yoga led by the teacher. Students line on large butcher paper and asked to strike a pose. The teacher outlines them. The students add features to their drawings using permanent markers. Students then paint their figures using liquid watercolors.

Closing Ritual

Brief Description

Students share about their artwork with the group. Students share about feelings and thoughts related to working with the materials, the process of creating, and their final products. Students work together to clean up the room.

Please list all materials and quantities needed for your lesson.

Yoga MatsLarge butcher paperPermanent markersLiquid water colorPitcher of waterLarge brushessmall cupsSmocks

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Teaching Artist Lesson Plan Template - PDF Templates | Jotform (2025)


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Article information

Author: Kareem Mueller DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5963

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.