St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

I Miinflar, Mr 18, 1959, Si. Jostpt, timfntt 5 To Return Body of South Side Proffr Convention of Young Nearly Completed Mr. Einbehder From Paris by Plane ---The body-of A. of Einbender's apparel itore for women, will be returned home by plane, from Parii but "the time of arrival has not been determined. -0 vt Mr, Einbender, was fatally stricken yesterday, morning at Hotel de Paris.

He; his wife, Mrs. Sylvia Einbender, Mr," and Mrs. Kranit Stonlcy TulimmjMHlJaA- Zurow, left hert May With the exception of the selection of the principal speaker, the entire program for the June 4, 5 and state convention of the Young Democratis Oubs of Missouri has been The convention am Democrats month for the first timj in II afternoon. James T. Trimble, Kearney, state president, will call the convention to order at 1 the next afternoon at the Hax Art Center.

Dr. Myron M. Meyer wilf give the invocation and Mayor Arthur Meers jh'HI extend the. welcome. Speaker Richard Ichord .1 i is being staged in St.

Joseph next The convention will open June 4 with registration at 2 that op Ira j. I -f chllllcoth to Israel. There they were to attend the triennial convention of Bnai Brith. jTeL-l Mrs. Einbender arrived in ftew York this morning and was met by her sons, Lester of St.

Jo of the state legislature will be permanent chairman. The keynote speech that, afternoon will be giv en by Attorney General John M- Dalton. J' Improve Youth Camp To These board'members were turning. of the first spadeful of The June 5 session will open at 10 in the morning with talks by Congressman William R. Hull and Phil Allen, National Farmers Organization analyst.

The invocation that day will present for the and the Rev. earth in ihe in-" Since the camp was started in 1949 by the s' late Dr. W. W. water used there has had to be hauled from Chillicothe.

About 2,000 young people from Baptist churches in north Missouri attend the camp sessions each summer. stallation 'ora water.purification system at the Grand Oaks Baptist zmp northeast of Chilli-cothe, Mo. They are the Rev, Quentin Boyd, also superintendent of missions fort the North Grand River Baptist Association; Lee Steen, the Rev. Ralph M. S.

Smith, president of the board. given by the Ivan Kidwell who performed the same task for the Democratic group 19 yearj ago at its previous St. Joseph session. The principal speech will be delivered at the closing banquet the evening of June in the Crystal room of Hotel Robidoux. The invocation, will be given by the Rev.

Robert Baird, P.P. S. Pastor Is Reas The Rev. W. Deckinger, pastor of the Second.

Evangelical United Brethren Church, has been reassigned to the South Side church for the 13th consecutive yev The appointment was made yesterday at the 104th annual session of the' Kansas Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Churches at Salina, Kan. The Mr. Deckinger returned today from the conference. Missouri Ua Class to Yisit Stock Yards Forty-five members of a meats 104 class at the University of Missouri, Columbia, will tour the St. Joseph stock yards tomorrow as guests of the St.

Joseph Market Foundation. The tour will start in the morning at with Kieffer Lehman, director of the St. Joseph Market in charge. 7. 1 L.

Lr A lunuicuu win uc aci vcu ai noon at the Swift Co. cafeteria. The group will be taken on a tour of the Swift plant in the afternoon. Hyde Pre-SchoolUnit to Install Officers The annual installation of offi cers of the Hyde unit will be. held Wednesday afternoon at 1 at the home of Mrs.

Clarence Miller, 5501 South 2d street. Mrs. Howard Jordan will be the installing officer. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Victor Meyer and Mrs.

Harry Strahm. A nursery will be pro-, vided. 0. E. S.

Floral Society Luncheon Wednesday A covered luncheon for members of the Floral Society, King Hill Chapter No. 55, O. E. will be held Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Aline Duncan, 4119 King Hill av enue.

Assisting hostesses-will be Mrs. Duve and Mrs. Nuna Scott Mrs. Ruth Schuh, president, will be in charge of a short busi ness Degree Work for Robidoux Lodge i Members of Robidoux Rebekah Lodge No. 851 will meet tomor row evening at 7:30 at 6eorge-town I.

O. O. F. Hall for degree work. Mrs- Anna Fern Hook, noble grand, will be jn charge of the business session.

1 Hostesses will be Mrs. Bessie Woolard, Mrs. Henrietta Swope, Blanche Marker and Mrs. Mary Ezell. Luncheon Thursday ,1 for Over 60 Club The regular covered dish luncheon and meeting of the Wesley Community Center Over 60 Club will be "held Thursday noon at Wesley Center.

Games will be played and square and round dancing held during the social hour. Mrs. Minnie Dickson, president, will be in charge, HMIM(MaMf NOTES AND PERSONALS Member, 'of the. Hi Neighbor sighed Medford E. Speaker.

Pierce of St. Joseph, all drinking Recommend Math Test A recommendation that a mathematics proficiency examination be given students in the jun ior year at Ju'gh school has been made by the high school mathematics committee. All who had no mathematics or failed the proficiency examination would take a course in senior mathematics." "This would amount to, a review of arithmetic," Assistant Superintendent of Schools G. M. Coleman reported today.

"Students who take only general mathematics early in high school forget much of what they learned by the time they finish. This review will eliminate the difficulty. Classes in senior mathematics already are in operation at Central High School and have proved successful." The committee also, recommends in-service training for mathematics teachers. This would involve extensiojcourses offered universities, lhese courses would- keep teachers "up" on newer developments in field. For the academically talented.

the. committee suggests -this se quence of mathematics courses Algebra," freshman year; plane and 'solid geometry, sophom*ore year; advanced algebra, junior year; trigonometry, first half senior year; introduction to. college mathematics, last half1) senior Members of the mathematics Committee are Miss Vera Tilson, Central High School; Miss Elizabeth Robertson, Benton, and Mrs. Lois Green, Lafayette. TOP STUDENTS AT BERN BERN, Kan.

(Special) Gary Lortscher, son of Mr." and Mrs. David Lortscher, Bern, has been named valedictorian of the 1959 Bern Rural High School graduating class. Irene Stauffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.

J. Stauffe of Du Bois, is salutatorian. and A. M. and Moila Temple." The body will be taken to the Meierhoffer-Fleeman funeral home.

Wife of Doctor Dies Mrs. Betty Sampson, wife of Dr. C. M. Sampson, died this morning at hospital here.

Her home was at 2207 'Lovers' Lane. Mrs. Sampson; 56, had been a substitute teacher in the elementary grades of the eityTsev-eral Shewas a member of the First Christian Church and active in the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a past district deputy and past matron St. Joseph Chaper.No.

198 and 4 member, of the 43 dub, Past Matrons and Patrons and the White In addition to her husband, the survivors are adaughter, Mrs. Betty Marie Louden, St. Joseph; a grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Jan Williamson, Detroit, and Mrs. Martha Travis, Pittsburgh, and two brothers, Crawford Wilson, Charleston, and Alex Wilsonf DetroitrT" Born in Sweetwater, Mrs.

Sampson had lived in St. Joseph 30 years. The body is at the Heaton-Bowman funeral home, where services have been arranged for Wednesday afternoon at 3. Dr. Robert rA.

Thomas Tvill officiate and burial "will be in Memorial Park cemetery. Mrs. Lulu Redburn. Mrs. Lulu E.

Redburn, 81, Hat field, died this morning at a hosoital here. The body has I t. been removed from Meierhoffer- Fleeman's to the Boggess mortu ary at Eagleville, Mo. Surviving Mrs. Redburn are three sons, C.

R. Redburn, Ea gleville; Geo H. Redburn, Con way. Iowa, and Wilbur B. Red burn, Sherman, a daugh ter, Mrs.

Maggie Hayworth, Law-ton, a sister, Mrs. Jessie Kemery, Sheridan, Moi; a brother, Walter Weese, Denver, and 14 She was a member of the Hatfield B. Church. Rice Services Services for Mrs. Florence E.

Rice will be tomorrow afternoon at 2 at the Christian Church at Mo. Burial will be in Kidwell cemetery at Martins ville. The Rev. Wilbur C. Den- ney of Bethany, will offi ciate.

The body, now at the Meierhoffer-Fleeman funeral home, will be removed early tomorrow to the Noble mortuary at New Hampton, Mo. Mrs. Rice, 82, died Saturday at the home of- her daughter, Mrs. Harry Armstrong, 2610 Duncan street Services Services for Mrs. Gertrude Mae Dieter, 1122 Powefj who died yesterday morning, will he Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 at the Meierhoffer-Fleeman chapel.

Dr. Robert A. Thomas will offi ciate and burial will be in Mount Auburn cemetery. Mrs. Dieter, 78-year-old wife of George Wr Dieter, died at a hos pital here after' an illness of three weeks.

She was a lifelong St. resident and was a member of the First Christian Church, -In addition to her a piano tuner, there survive several nieces and Jacob Adler Jacob Adler died this morning at a hospital here. A native of Russia, he came to St. Joseph at an early age. There are no known survivors.

1 1 The body is at the Meierhoffer Fleeman funeral home. Grover W. Watkins The body of Grover W. Wat kins, who died last night at a hospital, here, is at the Heaton- Bowman funeral home. Mr.

Watkins, a retired farmer and a lifelong Buchanan county Club, will meet Wednesday eve ning at at the home of Mrs. June 2821 Plattsburg av-. enue. Refreshments will be served and. games played.

A Softball Jeam has been formed by Local No. W. A. with Robert Herring' as manager. Walter Henderson is assistant manager.

The monthly meeting of Cub Scout' Pack No. 40 of the King Hill Methodist Church will meet this "evening at 7:30 in Fellow ship Hall of the church. Darrel Delk, cubmaster, 1 wul be in Three Are Fined by Magistrate Young Magistrate Margaret Young to day fined Mary. Lou Hager, 1014 Riverview Drive, J5 on a charge of careless' and reckless driving. The decision was 1 Two drivers were each fined $1 and costs by Magistrate Young after pleading guilty to charges of driving without an operator's license.

Paying that penalty were John Putman, 412 North 2d street. andEdward C. Woodral, 919 Grand ayenue.r Retirement of Judge Approved Judge' Emmett J. Crouse was in "Jefferson City Saturday to attend' a meeting of the judicial retirement committee; which ap proved the retirement request of Aubrey R. MarshaH, probate hidae and magistrate for Ran dolph county, Judge Crouse serves on the nine-member committee by vir tue of election by judges of the Kansas City courts -of appeals district.

The committee acts on the retirement requests of judges AREA DEATHS HIAWATHA, KanTAftxrt 5 H. Buthmann, 19. Services Wednesday at I at Ann's- Church, Hiawatha. CRAIG, I. F.

Dopp, 68. Services Wednesday at at the Presbyterian Church, Craig. UTICA, B. Din-kel. -79.

CHILLICOTHE, Mo. -Reuben Young, M. Services Wednesday at 2 at the SpringhiK Methodist Church, hear Chillicothe. I mi STOIAwl AT nn PICKUP ANB UIVMT Mcnsrch I00f M. Ird i DO! IHKYSLtH BIVISION THIS lwnHnJ WEEK 0.LY Coats -Korsel A.

J. EINBENDER- eph and Alvin H. of St. Louis. The three" planned to come to St." Josephiapiorrow, A Business Team In addition to his wife and the two sons mentioned, Mr.

Ein- bender is survived by two other sons, Edwin I. Einbender, Joseph and Larry Einbender of the family home, 2929 Frederick ave- nue, and eight grandchildren" Abraham and Sylvia Einbender were a business team. Mr. Einbender said to a friend not long ago, "We had only our two hands when we'beganf," After Mr. Einbender returned from World War he and Mrs.

Einbender opened a grocery store at. 1001-1003 North 10th street. A few years later they moved their "store to 1501 South 1 10th street. That was near the West- ern Tablet Stationery Co. and of that Mrs.

Einbender added a few dresses to the. stock to see if they would 4sell. Venture Prospered, The dresses went well. Soon and Mrs Einbender's busi; -i ness was listed as "general mer- They were at 1501 South 10th $treet untiL the early 1930s, at which time they moved to larger quarters at 10th and Pacific itreetj and opened a women's wear store. Their venture prospered from the first.

Soon they were so well' known that, their business was city-wide and customers also Were driving up from Kansas City. ---f About 1940 the Einbenders built nevr'store at the southeast, cor-tier of th and Locust It was doubled in size in 1948 and remodeled at various times, always being modern and attrac- A Major Rra Mr. Einbender concentrate on the business side and Mrs. Ein- bender devoted her timetothe tales side. In World War II, when buying became difficult, Mr, Einbender's contacts about the coun-' try enabled the store to tain a large "i 7 The life work of Mr.

and "Mrs. Einbender went up in flames the night of Jan. 24; They were at the Mayo Dinic'in Rochester, when the big store was destroyed. "Mr. Einbender had a serious heart condition and his "sons broke the news, piece by piece over, the next few days lessen the A temporary office was set up the day after ihe fire at 5th and Felix street.

Soon stock was moyecf in and the Einbenders were in business In 1958 they bought the building and proceeded to remodel it They also acquired the Orpheum theater property and razed the theater to provide parking for the store. Civic-Minded Man Mr. Einbender did not live to see the formal opening of the store. He did, see the the removal of scaffolding Jojrewalabuilding with- a completely new exterior on the Felix street and 5th street Work still is in progress. He, gave his support to public projects and regarded the store as a public institution.

"The public has been very good to us," he often remarked -to friends. A native of Russia, he came to St. Jncpnh at an early resident, was 74. He lived at 901 Seneca street and belonged to the Christian church. Survivors are four brothers, Joi-seph; John and H.

Watkins, all of St and George Watkins, Kansas City, and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Stanton, Mrs. Jessie Tadlock and Mrs. Carrie QineTTall Mrs. Mike Cox Mrs.

Mary Cox, 88, died early this morning at her home on rural route No. i The widow' of Mike she was born in Bedford, Iowa, and had lived here 60 years! -A sister, Mrs. Addie Christopher, St. Joseph, survives. The body is at the funeral home.

New Manager for Ozark Air Lines Joseph H. Fitzgerald has been named executive vice-president and general manager of Ozark Air Lines, the company announced today from St Louis headquarters. Ozark has been operating through St. Joseph since March 1. Laddie Hamilton, chairman, of the board and president, was given an extended leave of absence by the board of directors because of illness.

Mr. Fitzgerald will direct all activities of the system. He joined the company last June, as general manager. he wast -with civil aeronautics board. He was director of the CAB Alaska -offices for two years and an attorney for the CAA for five years before joining the CAB in 195L Two Named to State Office Two appointments to the staff of the state revenue office' here were announced today by Kenneth Boyle, in charge.

William Johnson was appointed as an income tax agent. He formerly was with the internal rev enue office here and at Jon- lin. Mo. 1 The other appointee, Mrs. Qor-is Duncan, is a typist Tentative Pact in Hospital Strike- NEW YORK (AP A tentative agreement to end a strike affecting, six private' hospitals was announced today by Mayor Robert F.

Wagner. He said the proposal will be submitted "for approval to the membership of the striking Local 1199 of the Retail Drug Employes possibly by Tuesday, Details were not disclosed. As You A fon.r.l xrvlc Sid.n-fad.R'i uir.nfi fdat vn thin (It Umihf holdi i.end rdifiM or p.rional cuilemt will b. retptct.aj and lellewtd, in lin with'i lU-yaar si helpful iarica. lll.O.Sidenfaden: FUNERAL -HOM St.

ioMph, H. fh. AD M42S womea ta lead happy and foil Urea. Yea can- be a ore aothlac ia faetes, afer ar haa beea proven more ef-feettye than Preve for temporary aain( ef a minor arthrltla coadl' tlea o-iU ralated -diaeaaea rheamatUm, nearitla, arlatira, lam. and haraitia.

And it a wonitrr-ful for barkarhei and avery-day ntawalar arhee and paint too. Try Prova today. Ak ynar droKiiat for a lenerooa S-tahlrt trial aiie bottle. Yet nil be aatiafied with the reanlta or voar pnrrhaae price will be refnaded by the maker. There re larger eroaomy aUea alao, lor eoatinaed aee.

Concert, Style Show at Bliss The Bliss Junior High School band under the direction of Al lan Bing, will be presented in a concert tonight at 7:30 at Bliss Junior High School. Pepper Shady will be featured as the soloist, playing "Trumpeter's A trombone trio, Ronnie Howett, Kim Bowen and Larry Schoeneck, will play "Trombrera." Other selections include and the popular numbers "My Happiness" and "Venus." AH parents and the general public are invited to the concert. A style show will be held in connection with the program. Danneri Will Replace. Plant Dannen Mills is preparing plans for replacement of facilities at its Blackwel! installation which were destroyed by fire Thursday, Dwight Dannen, company president, said today.

The fire, of undetermined ori gin, destroyed a feed mill build ing and warehouse as. well" as truck unloading facilities. A nearby "concrete elevator, and. office building were, not damaged. Plans call for reconstruction of the truck unloading unit within three, weeks so it will be ready to -receive wheat from the new harvest Bernard Meyer is man ager of the Lions President Backs CD Program The president of Lions International has requested members of that organization to lend their support to the civil defense program, Ben G.

Gordon, county CD director, was notified today. Dudley" Simms is the international president, V-r "Some groups already have committees set up to aid civil defense, and I expect others to do the 'same," Mr Gordon taid. He said such support included participation in alerts and assistance in the distribution of CD pamphlets. The Lions have 590,000 members. READ THE WANT ADS DAILY! Meet The Screen's Most Exciting THE NAME: JACK IEMM0N.

THE PICTURE: "SOME LIKE IT HOT' THE OTHER STARS: MARILYN MONROE AND TORT CURTIS Missouri Theater FRIDAY QREATESTI I 3- CASHING McALESTER, Okla. (AP) -County Treasurer Archie Baldwin received a note from a Michigan: woman asking if a refund check from the county was vaf-; id. The $2.33 check was dated June 1927. Now! Life Insurance Birth to Age 80 First 30Doyf? 0NLT 25 Per Policy cmh rot tom rwu. ixriNta T0) IEINI 1 IIR0 TO TOM HMILT, Introductory Offer.

Anwer thest qaettioBi on plain pice of paper and Biail with only 25c for 30 daye protectioa. your regular rite ahotra poller. Amounts a anally laeoeel witkoot doctof xarotnatloa. Age Amount Age Amount to IS $1,000 45 to IS to 45 ifiOO SB te SO 60Q 1. Print fall name and eddreae.

3. Dateoffcirthf I S. Height. 3. n'elghtr 4.

Occnpation and duties? B. Rsce or color? Beneficiary and relatlonehlpF 7. Are you tree from injury, ds formity or loss of sight? 8, Stats condition of hsalth? Any serious illness in paatSrssrfl or rejection for Inaursneef tV Amount of inaursncs desiredf Be aura and Sign your mama. NO AGENT WILL CALL Actual policy will be mailed you direct from Home Office. Yon be the Judge.

Mai ta: S. B. Muat, PrwMeat MUICM Uri ftlHNT INtlUKf I0J Amerkea life leUdkii. St to. IULA PRICISI Cleaners Pli.

AD 1119 All MHOtt UAIAN. TIED Of CHRYStU COfOIATIC 1000 TOUCH AMD -Pushbutton TorquoFllto transmission puts the-controls fingertip close. And tJus simplest and smoothest of automatic transmissions combines lightning response for passing with gas-sipping economy at cruising speeds. See for at your Chrysler dealer's. DO YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS? Her a nenas yi will wait to read.

Year dactor caa Ml yn then It abaolntrly knowa cara lor arth-ritli. Medical raieanb tpwlallata are aw eairafed la levaval prajrcti men, It relt, will altlmatrlr help la flndlnr a care, bat aa yet none haa beea (onnrt. Natnralljr, we an live in hope they will be aae-eesaful, bnt antll that time wa ma! he eonteat i aet the beat relief RlKht new there la a'fast. aafe and effective relieTlnc atent available called Prafa. Prnie'a larre-dlenta hue beea aaed In hnapitala faad hare helped acerea ef neat and MrV Einbender belonged Shaare Sholem Congregation, TUnl.

Adath Joseph: Bnai -Joseph; Yaakov Temple and Bnai Brith, He was a 32d degree Scottish Rite Mason and was' a member of SAMMY'S DRUG RX SHOP-lOth and Frederick Avt. St. Joseph Lodge No. 78, A. 1.

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.