SO SICK OF 20 min naps!!! - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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SO SICK OF 20 min naps!!! - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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WHY! I pay attention to wake windows and sleepy cues… he will only nap for 20-30 mins. He is almost 10 weeks and it’s just not feasible for me to sit on the couch all day and hold him. I need to have some normalcy and my life back. I need to be able to eat, do laundry, clean, etc. How do I get him to nap?!!! I don’t get how moms can just sit around ALL DAY and hold their baby. I’m going nuts….

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Currently going through same thing. He will sleep for hours on me but the moment I put him down he’s awake �� my first was like this too and we ended up sleep training her around 5.5 months

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it’s making my PPD worse because I just sit on the couch all day to get him to sleep or else he is fussy and screams. I’m exhausted ��

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also mine did this around this time. Now 12 weeks and have gotten a couple 1-1.5 hour naps. Sometimes have to rock or bounce to get back to sleep. From what I read the short naps are “ developmentally appropriate” and should get longer as they get older. I also read they wake up to try to get them back to sleep for 10 to 15 minutes if they’re not asleep after that just let them wake up.

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Baby wear!! He will have long naps and you can get chores done

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I can’t get my baby in the carrier’s comfortably either we have two and neither worked out the few times I tried them I wish I knew

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SAME people say to baby wear but I have short arms and can’t reach around smh lol I just accepted it that I can’t do chores unless my husband and I are both home.

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We follow Mom's on Call and use their swaddle wrap for naps and sleep at night. (Usually) we get 1.5-2 hour naps 3x a day and sleep at night 7-2am, 2:30-6am.

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Try putting your baby on his tummy to nap. Most babies sleep better like this.

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Same here! Baby is 10.5 weeks and if I put her down for the nap she is awake in 10-15 minutes but if I hold her she sleeps for 1.5-2 hours! I started baby wearing for almost every nap and it gives me some freedom to do stuff around the house! And I truly enjoy doing it :)

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My baby does this as well. I don’t have time to hold him as I also have a 19 month old so he spends slot of time in the bouncer sitting in the pack and play lol he mostly stays content and I just pop the pacifier back in and out as I’m doing chores and chasing my toddler lol

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Me w my first!!! This baby not much better but here and there will go longer on his own… (13 weeks now) I would either get a carrier and baby wear it put baby in swing to lengthen the nap…. It’s so brutal �� also I did a lot more when my first was awake rather than sleeping since I knew it’d be such a toss up how it would go! Baby can be left alone to play on the floor, etc while you get stuff done!! It’s ok!!

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he’s still pretty young to self regulate and be able to always put himself to sleep when sleep cycles change. I just put our little one into the baby carrier and I baby wear all day. We practice sling down for our first two naps of the day when she’s most likely to have some success, but generally spend every nap in the baby carrier and are able to get 2-3 hours instead of 10-30 minutes. It will come!!

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But I wonder why he can do 8 hours straight at night but not even an hour during the day??

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because neurologically humans are wired to sort out nights and get a good handle on that before they start to master naps.

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Mine is the same way. I call it power naps lol! I bought the fisher price play mat, and that has changed my life. She plays with it for 15-20 minutes and I can do something for myself. Rather that’s eating, pumping, or something that’s easy to do while sitting next to her while she plays.

Stroller walks are also our favorite. For whatever reason she will nap longer after a stroller walk.

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