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970 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882

Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014


Priya Shukla Mrs. Shimi S. L.

ME Scholar Assistant Professor

Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department

NITTTR, Chandigarh NITTTR, Chandigarh

Abstract In power plants, there are several places such as vessels,

surface, nozzle pipes which need to be inspected and

cleaned regularly. To ensure the integrity of power

plant, these various places must be periodically

inspected using ultrasonic sensors and visual cameras.

The surfaces and many parts of the plant should be

cleaned as many times as required to prevent

contaminations. Cleaning of power plants is a tedious

task with high efforts regarding time and personnel

costs. The advances of technologies for mobile robotics

enable the application of robots to increasingly complex

tasks. Robots were initially used in the automation

sector to handle repetitive and simple tasks reliably, with

the objective of cost reduction per product. Along with

the increased speed of embedded microcontrollers, the

service robotic sector has started to grow. Robots do

tasks such as handling heavy radioactive loads and

performing tricky repair and maintenance operation in

contaminated areas. This paper investigates a robot

which is guided using wireless communication by a

remote location to inspect and clean various fields

effectively. The robotic system is devised to reduce

inspection time along with effective cleaning scheduled

in places where human exposure is risky. This paper

presents the design and implementation of an inspection

and cleaning robot in power plants.

Keywords: Robot, microcontroller, remote control


Robots are increasingly being integrated into working

tasks to replace humans. They are currently used in

many fields of applications including office, military

tasks, hospital operations, industrial automation, security

systems, dangerous environment and agriculture. Recent

technological advancement in robotics has ever

increasing need and contribution in the safe and secure

power plants. This increasing trend is not only

associated with the revolution in robotics, automation

and nuclear technology but is primarily because of the

escalating concern over the human and environmental

safety. Special attention has been drawn towards Safety

[1]. Inspection of power plants is essential for a safe and

optimal operation of the facilities. Plants get older and

older and security assessments are both, necessary and

regulated by law. More and more robots are used to

execute inspection because of several reasons: automatic

or semiautomatic tasks, faster execution, enhanced

precision, zones difficult to access, fast global

assessment. Cleaning of power plants is a tedious task

with high efforts regarding time and personnel costs [2-

3]. The advances of technologies for mobile robotics

enable the application of robots to increasingly complex

tasks. Robots were initially used in the automation

sector to handle repetitive and simple tasks reliably, with

the objective of cost reduction per product. Along with

the increased speed of embedded microcontrollers, the

service robotic sector has started to grow[4]. A robot is a

mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform

tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by

remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-

mechanical machine that is guided by computer and

electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous,

semi-autonomous or remotely controlled [5].

In a number of robotic industrial applications, human

workers are replaced by machines mostly because the

latter are more efficient, precise, productive, and can do

monotonous tasks without getting tired. However, in

power plant applications, the objective is more to extend

the presence of robots or to enable them to reach areas

where the thermal or radiation environment limits the

presence of a human. Robots do tasks such as handling

heavy radioactive loads and performing tricky repair and

maintenance operation in contaminated areas. Presently,

a number of sophisticated robots have been developed

for use in power plants [6].

Robot teleportation is one of the crucial features that is

highly desired. However, much depends on the

reliability of operation since failures are extremely

costly. The cost may be in terms of money, time, and

more importantly dose received by the operators. If the

failed system cannot be repaired remotely, it has to be

removed and decontaminated from the environment.

Again, both the removal and decontamination are costly.

If the failed system cannot be disassembled remotely,

human are exposed to hazards [7]. If the failed system

cannot be brought out of the hazardous environment, we

need to repair it at site, which involves complete

decontamination involving long time exposure to human

workers. This at some extent, explains the reluctance of

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971 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882

Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014

using robots in the power plant industry despite the

above mentioned issues, research continues into

developing and testing teleoperated mobile robots for

three main reasons. First, to avoid unnecessary dose to

human operators, Secondly, since many power plants are

in ageing phases, and their safe operation may require

unanticipated inspections, repairs, or replacements.

Finally, modern and upcoming plants are being designed

with remote maintainability as a design feature [8-9].

Certain inspection and cleaning work need to be done in

hostile environment such as areas which are

contaminated or in crapped location, making it difficult

for patrol personnel. Given these situations, satisfactory

observations cleaning and inspections may not be

carried out due to time limitations. In addition with this,

there is a need to observe inspection and clean the areas

inside the vessel which are inaccessible to personnel

during boiling water reactor plant operation [10-11].



Robots are increasingly being integrated into working

tasks to replace humans. They are currently used in

many fields of applications including office, military

tasks, hospital operations, industrial automation, security

systems, dangerous environment and agriculture.

Several types of mobile robots with different dimensions

are designed for various robotic applications. The robot

has been designed for the purpose of aiding rescue

workers. Common situations that employ the robot are

urban disasters, hostage situations, and explosions. The

benefits of rescue robots to these operations include

reduced personnel requirements, reduced fatigue, and

access to unreachable areas[12]. The robot is built to

discover areas which people cannot reach. Robots are

extensively used in various industrial applications.

However, in power plants, use of robots is limited due to

safety issues and considerations. Very few applications

have been reported in the available literature known to

the authors, which are used in power industry among

more than a million worldwide. Over the years, use of

robotics has been reviewed and evaluated in several


In [13],[14], the authors reported a low cost consumer

robot such as home cleaning robot along with the design

of robot which operates semi or fully autonomously to

perform services useful to the well being of human and

equipment, excluding manufacturing operations. The

authors have been using different software engineering

techniques, integrating new paradigms in the service

robot development process as they emerged. In [15], the

author proposed a robotic cleaner navigation system

using FPGA and FSM approaches, which detect the

force between robot and obstacles. Research continues

about different locomotion and adhesion methods for

climbing robots and presents characteristics, challenges

and applications for these systems [16].In [17], [18], the

authors discussed flying robots along with light weight

RGB-D camera, that deals with challenging scenarios

and poor environments. They also presented a floor

cleaning robot equipped with Swedish wheels. It can be

used in crowded places such as houses, train station,

airport etc.

In [19], [20], the authors presented report on the

situation at f*ckushima and present lessons that were

learned involving multirobot operation by workers.

Workers with no prior experience with robots operated

multirobot in dynamically changing environments. Also,

a novel outdoor cleaning robot using on board vision

based auto navigation is proposed in which the track

driven and cleaning mechanisms are designed for

cleaning task in outdoor rough terrain. In [21], [22], the

authors discussed about using already available robotic

solutions to deploy innovative systems in order to fulfil

industrial objectives to provide a means to help

measuring several physical parameters in multiple points

by autonomous robots, able to navigate and climb

structures, handling sensors or special non destructive

testing equipment. The objective is to increase the

efficiency of the installation by improving the inspection

procedures and technologies.

In the sections to follow, first, we describe robot design

process, then its block diagram. At the end, we conclude

by mentioning future direction of this project.


There are following phases which need to be considered

while designing a robot:

A) Problem Description

The first thing in designing a robot is identification of

the purpose for which it has to be built along with

specifying requirements.

In our case, the task is to provide access to confined

inaccessible and hazardous places inside the power plant

duct system. It implies that there should be an

environment sensing and real time reporting system on

board on the robot along with on board power supply for

movement, sensing and transmission system [23]. The

robot should be compact in size and low weight as it has

to move in various ducts and narrow cavities in plant.

B) Proposed Design

In this phase, it is required to specify details that the

proposed design should have. The proposed design

should have following details:

How the robot will move in the environment?

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972 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882

Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014

What are its power requirements?

What type of sensors is used?

How it is controlled?

C) Robot Fabrication

It is proposed to use AutoCAD for designing mechanical

designs of robot. It is designed to move forward, right,

left and reverse direction. The controller, camera and

vacuum cleaner attached to the robotic arm are

processed locally [22-23].

D) Robot Programming

Following the fabrication stage, it is required to program

the microcontroller in ‗C‘ language. The programming

also involves the design of interface.

E) Control Logic

The main function of microcontroller is to control the

movement of robot in all directions. For making it to

move in a particular direction, the ‗ON‘ logic will be

given to the wheels that push the carrier to move in that

specific direction [24-25].

F) Environmental Mapping

The camera will be situated on the robotic chassis. This

on board camera would be used to map the environment,

by capturing images, accessible to the operator through

remote Graphical User Interface at the operator end[16-


G) Cleaning Operation:

To achieve this, we have created a vacuum cleaner on

the robotic arm, attached to the robot chassis using

following essential components:

An intake port, which may include a variety of

cleaning accessories

An exhaust port

An electric motor

A fan

A porous bag

A housing that contains all the other


Vacuum cleaners pick up dirt by driving a stream of air

through an air filter [26]. The power of the vacuum

cleaner‘s suction depends on a number of factors.

Suction will be stronger or weaker depending on:

The power of the fan: To generate strong

suction, the motor has to turn at a good speed.

The blockage of the air passageway: When a

great deal of debris builds up in the vacuum bag,

the air faces greater resistance on its way out.

Each particle of air moves more slowly because

of the increased drag. This is why a vacuum

cleaner works better when the bag is just

replaced than during vacuuming for a while.

The size of the opening at the end of the intake

port: Since the speed of the vacuum fan is

constant, the amount of air passing through the

vacuum cleaner per unit of time is also constant.

No matter what size the intake port has, the

same number of air particles will have to pass

into the vacuum cleaner every second. If the

port is made smaller, the individual air particles

will have to move much more quickly in order

for them all to get through in that amount of

time. At the point where the air speed increases,

pressure decreases, according to Bernoulli‘s

principle, the drop in pressure translates to a

greater suction force at the intake port. Since

they create a stronger suction force, narrower

vacuum attachments can pick up heavier dirt

particles than wider attachments [27].

H) Power Scheme

The robot would be operated by using carrier mounted

two rechargeable batteries. Two 6 V batteries are

connected in series to supply 12 V to DC motors driving

the wheels. 12V

supply is converted to 5V (for circuitry) voltage


I) Operator Control

Remote operation enables an operator to sense and

manipulate an object from remote locations. This is an

essentially useful feature where the operator has to work

around in hostile environments or confined spaces where

human access is difficult or not possible. The control

strategy of the proposed robot is based on the theme that

the operator will operate and control it remotely. There

would be a GUI, providing interface between the robot,

and the human operator. Thus, the operator will act as a

supervisor, and will give instructions to the robot by

using the user interface [28-29].

Figure (1) RF Transmitter and Receiver Section

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Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014

J) Testing

Testing is the most crucial phase. A mock up would be

developed to test robot before deployment.

K) Evaluation

Evaluation includes testing and verifying the design

specifications by the client or user. It is planned to use it

by clients at auxiliary building areas outside the power

plants first, and then in the actual field areas.

IV Software Robot Design

The robot software complements the hardware

architecture of the robot by providing basic low level

hardware control that include reading the sensors value

and controlling the motor speed.

i) C Program: It is a powerful, feature rich development tool for PIC

microcontroller. It is designed to provide the

programmer with the easiest possible solution for

developing applications for embedded systems, without

compromising performance or control.

ii) Visual Basic Program:

This is used for Interfacing between PC and the stair-

climbing Robot. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is used in

this paper because of its easy programming, easy

displaying of visual elements, availability. It is one of

the most popular programming languages and it is easy

to implement functions using it.

iii) PIC 16F877A : It is used as the brain of the robot that can be

programmed by connecting the serial port of the

computer to PIC microcontroller. The serial port

operates at +/- 13V, and the PIC serial operates at

+5V/0V. MAX232 is used as a level shifter to connect

the serial port of the computer to pins RX/TX on PIC


IV Block Diagram of Proposed Model

The block diagram is a pictorial representation of

proposed robot. It shows how the various essential

components must be connected to fulfil the desired task.

It describes the circuitry of robot chassis. It shows the

main structure of inspection and cleaning robot which

consists of power sources, dc motors, RF transmitter and

receiver. The brain of the robot is microcontroller.

Microcontroller reads data from sensors and computer

through RF transceiver and decoder/encoder. It is given

dc supply as an input, an IC is used to smooth dc input

to the microcontroller. According to the inputs received

from sensors, microcontroller drives dc motor and hence

the arm by which inspection and cleaning operation will

be done.

Figure (2) Block diagram of cleaning and inspection



The research in power plants robotics has been in for

long period of time but emerging trend is to deploy

reliable and humanly-controlled robots inside facilities

that could carry out tasks that assist humans. The main

reasons are to reduce risks and limits to workers.

In this paper, design of prototype inspection and

cleaning robot is proposed which is guided at remote

location to perform required tasks in various places of

power plants. It is easy to operate and reduces risk to

human lives in dangerous places of plants. Our proposed

robotic application may serve in multipurpose scenarios

such as providing access to confined and humanly

inaccessible spaces. The proposed application of

robotics can also be utilised for cleaning in emergency

interventions. At present, we are working on fabrication

and electronic hardware development of this project.

Progress so far is promising for successful deployment

in the actual environment at later stages.


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