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Aeromedical Evacuation

Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo

William W. Hurd, MD, MS, FACOG Nicholas J. Thompson Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio; Col, USAFR, MC, FS, Commander, 445th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio

John G. Jernigan, MD Brig Gen, USAF, CFS (ret), Formerly Commander, Human Systems Center, Brooks AFB, San Antonio, Texas


Aeromedical Evacuation Management of Acute and Stabilized Patients Foreword by Paul K. Carlton, Jr., MD Lt Gen, USAF, MC, CFS USAF Surgeon General

With 122 Illustrations


William W. Hurd, MD, MS Nicholas J. Thompson Professor and Chair Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Wright State University School of Medicine Dayton, OH, USA Col, USAFR, MC, FS Commander 445th Aeromedical Staging Squadron Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH, USA

John G. Jernigan, MD Brig Gen, USAF, CFS (ret) Formerly Commander Human Systems Center Brooks AFB San Antonio, TX, USA

Cover illustration: Litter bearers carry a patient up the ramp of a C-9 Nightingale medical transport aircraft. (US Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Gary R. Coppage). (Figure 7.4 in text) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Aeromedical evacuation : management of acute and stabilized patients / [edited by] William W. Hurd, John G. Jernigan. p. ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-387-98604-9 (h/c : alk. paper) 1. Airplane ambulances. 2. Emergency medical services. I. Hurd, William W. II. Jernigan, John J. [DNLM: 1. Air Ambulances. 2. Emergency Medical Services. 3. Rescue Work. WX 215 A252 2002] RA996.5 .A325 2002 616.02¢5—dc21 2002021045 ISBN 0-387-98604-9

Printed on acid-free paper.

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As Surgeon General of the United States Air Force, it is a real pleasure to write this foreword for the first modern textbook describing the medical aspects of aeromedical evacuation (AE). This textbook would not only have proven invaluable to me and my colleagues as we served our nation in Europe and Southeast Asia during the 1980s and early 1990s, but today it will provide an absolutely invaluable resource for all medics in the Department of Defense. I would like to say a special thanks to Bill Hurd, whose idea it was to publish this textbook and whose persistence was crucial to making it a reality. As described in chapter 2, AE has always been a vital link in the chain of medical care provided for all our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. Without AE, neither I nor any of my fellow Surgeons General could guarantee proper “full-spectrum” medical care to our military men and women around the globe. This is our collective responsibility, regardless of where in the world disease or injury occurs. Because of the huge distances involved in moving many of our patients, AE has always been a challenge, but never more so than today. Beginning with Operation Just Cause in Panama (1989), it became apparent that our troops would, at times, suffer injury in a location where only minimal stabilizing medical care is available. In such situations, AE is absolutely critical to assure we can quickly move patients to state-of-the-art trauma centers, even though such centers are hundreds or thousands of miles away. During Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990 to 1991), the amount of sealift required to move “mobile hospitals,” together with the time required to set them up, mandated that the medical services of all military branches find a new way to deliver medical care to combat troops. My predecessors and I, together with the Surgeons General of the Army and Navy, worked throughout the 1990s to streamline our medical forces. The end result is a truly light, lean, mobile, and capable array of medical forces that can arrive quickly on-scene for medical support of virtually any deployment anywhere in the world. However, such forces are equipped only for stabilization-type procedures and are far less capable than the old fixed facilities we had deployed in Europe during the Cold War. We simply must have the capability to




move our casualties out of the theater of operations as quickly as possible, and AE is the key to making that happen. In fact, today we can aeromedically evacuate patients who are stabilized but not stable— providing critical care in the air—greatly enhancing the speed and capability of our AE service. Currently, the only people with more than a mere casual understanding of the issues involved in moving patients are those USAF Reserve and Air National Guard forces (mostly nurses and administrators) assigned to AE units, together with a handful of active-duty personnel who have served in one or two AE-related assignments during their careers. This textbook is rich with invaluable information that captures that experience and supplements Air Force guidelines and publications on AE. This textbook will also prove a valuable resource to civilian physicians as they make decisions regarding the medical factors they must consider as they move their patients back to or around the United States. As the world’s economy has become more integrated, American companies are stationing ever more Americans in foreign countries where medical care is often far substandard to expectations. The result is an increasing number of civilian patients who also need AE back to the United States. Further, even within the United States, subspeciality centers such as pediatric cardiothoracic surgery and burn centers often require the movement of patients over thousands of miles. I heartily congratulate the editors and chapter authors of Aeromedical Evacuation: Management of Acute and Stabilized Patients. I am confident it will become a much used resource by the thousands of physicians, nurses, and technicians charged with the responsibility of moving patients over long distances using aircraft. These individuals include members of all branches of the military and the many civilians involved in the commercial AE industry. For them, this book may be, quite literally, a “lifesaver.” Paul K. Carlton, Jr., MD Lt Gen, USAF, MC, CFS USAF Surgeon General


Foreword, by Paul K. Carlton, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part 1

v xi

The Need


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William W. Hurd and John G. Jernigan



Aeromedical Evacuation: A Historical Perspective . . . . . Kathleen Vanderburg



Indications and Considerations for Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.D. Polk and William F. Fallon, Jr.


Combat and Operational Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert A. De Lorenzo

Part 2



The Means


Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC . . . . . . . . . . . Robert A. De Lorenzo



Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events . . Frederick M. Burkle, Jr., Richard Brennan, and Victoria Garshnek



Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . William W. Hurd, Anthony M. Rizzo, Eunice K. Taylor, and John M. McNamara



Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation . . . John G. Jernigan






Critical-Care Air Transport: Patient Flight Physiology and Organizational Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas E. Grissom


Nursing Care In-Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan B. Connor


Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark R. Withers, George W. Christopher, Steven J. Hatfill, and Jose J. Gutierrez-Nunez


In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations . . . . R.T. Ross and M. Gage Ochsner, Jr.

Part 3 13





The Patients

General Surgical Casualties: Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Traumas, and Soft-Tissue Injuries . . . . . . . . . J.D. Polk, Charles J. Yowler, and William F. Fallon, Jr.


Air Evacuation of the Neurosurgical Patient . . . . . . . . . . Mick J. Perez-Cruet and Rose Leary


Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David G. Schall and John R. Bennett





Ophthalmic Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Joseph Ivan



Peripheral Vascular Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David L. Dawson



Aeromedical Evacuation of Cardiothoracic Casualties . . Kenton E. Stephens, Jr.



Patients Requiring Mechanical Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . Steven L. Chambers and Thomas G. Ferry



Orthopedic Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steven L. Oreck



Burn Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David J. Barillo and James E. Craigie



Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William W. Hurd, Jeffrey M. Rothenberg, and Robert E. Rogers





Medical Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas J. McLaughlin, J. Christopher Farmer, and Robert A. Klocke



Pediatric Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert J. Wells, Howard S. Heiman, and William W. Hurd



Aeromedical Evacuation of Psychiatric Casualties . . . . . Elspeth Cameron Ritchie


Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



David J. Barillo, MD, FACS Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Director, Adult Burn Center Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC, USA LTC, MC, USAR Formerly Chief, Clinical Division US Army Burn Center U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Fort Sam Houston, TX, USA

John R. Bennett, MD Maj, USAF, MC Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery RAF Lakenheath Hospital Lakenheath, Suffolk, UK

Richard Brennan, MBBS, MPH, FACEM Director, Health Unit International Rescue Committee New York, NY, USA Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii, Honolulu Honolulu, HI, USA

Frederick M. Burkle, Jr., MD, MPH, FAAP, FACEP Senior Scholar, Scientist, and Visiting Professor The Center for International Emergency, Disaster and Refugee Studies Departments of International Health and Emergency Medicine Schools of Public Health and Medicine The Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions Baltimore, MD, USA Senior Medical and Public Health Advisor Defense Threat Reduction Agency Ft. Belvior, VA, USA CAPT, MC, USNR Paul K. Carlton, Jr., MD Lt Gen, USAF, MC, CFS USAF Surgeon General Bolling AFB, MD, USA Steven L. Chambers, MD Col, USAF, MC Chief, Department of Medicine Director, Medical Intensive Care Unit Wright-Patterson USAF Medical Center Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, USA George W. Christopher, MD LtCol, USAF, MC Chief, Infectious Diseases Service Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Landstuhl-Kirchberg, Germany



Susan B. Connor, BS, MSN, CNS LtCol, USAF, NC Chief, Aeromedical Plans and Inspections Office of the Inspector General Headquarters, Air Mobility Command Scott AFB, IL, USA Formerly, Commander, Aeromedical Evacuation Flight Howard AFB, Panama

James E. Craigie, MD Chief Resident in Plastic Surgery Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC, USA

David L. Dawson, MD, FACS LtCol, USAF, MC, FS Space Medicine and Health Care Systems Office NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, USA Associate Professor of Surgery Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Bethesda, MD, USA

Robert A. De Lorenzo, MD, FACEP LTC, MC, FS, USA Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, TX, USA Associate Adjunct Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Bethesda, MD, USA

William F. Fallon, Jr., MD, FACS LTC, MC, USAR (ret) Director, Division of Trauma, Critical Care, Burns and Metro Life Flight Department of Surgery MetroHealth Medical Center Cleveland, OH, USA


J. Christopher Farmer, MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM Col, USAF, MC, FS Chief Medical Officer, TRICARE Southwest San Antonio, TX, USA Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Bethesda, MD, USA

Thomas G. Ferry Center for Respiratory Medicine St Francis Hospital and Health Centers Beech Grove, IN, USA Maj, USAFR, MC Wright-Patterson USAF Medical Center Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH, USA

Victoria Garshnek, MS, PhD Research Scientist Pacific Regional Program Office Center of Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance, Tripler Army Medical Center Honolulu, HI, USA Formerly, Research Scientist NASA Ames Research Center, CA, USA

Thomas E. Grissom, MD, FCCM LtCol, USAF, MC Chairman and Program Director, San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium Anesthesiology Residency Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA Formerly, Director, Critical Care Air Transport Training Program USAF School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB, TX, USA


Jose J. Gutierrez-Nunez, MD Col, USAF, MC (ret) Associate Chief of Medicine Department of Medicine San Juan VA Medical Center San Juan, PR, USA Steven J. Hatfill, MD, PhD Virology Division US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Fort Detrick, MD, USA Howard S. Heiman, MD, FAAP COL, MC, USA Chief, Neonatology Service San Antonio Military Pediatric Center Wilford Hall Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA William W. Hurd, MD, MS, FACOG Nicholas J. Thompson Professor and Chair Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Wright State University School of Medicine Dayton, OH, USA Col, USAFR, MC, FS Commander 445th Aeromedical Staging Squadron Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH, USA Douglas Joseph Ivan, MD, FAsMA Col, USAF, MC, CFS Chief, Ophthalmology Branch Clinical Sciences Division USAF School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB, TX, USA John G. Jernigan, MD, FAsMA Brig Gen, USAF, CFS (ret) Formerly Commander, Human Systems Center Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX, USA Robert A. Klocke, MD, FACP Professor and Chair Department of Medicine State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, NY, USA


Rose Leary, DMD, MD Maj, USAF, MC Department of Neurosurgery Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA Thomas J. McLaughlin, DO, FACEP LtCol, USAF, MC, SFS Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine Wilford Hall Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA Adjunct Assistant Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Bethesda, MD, USA John M. McNamara, MD, MS, MPH LtCol, USAF, MC, CFS (ret) Office Of Occupational Medicine Occupational Safety and Health Administration U.S. Department of Labor Washington, DC M. Gage Ochsner, Jr., MD, FACS Chief of Trauma Services and Surgical/Critical Care Department of Surgical Education Memorial Health University Medical Center Savannah, GA, USA CAPT, MC, USNR Chief of Naval Reserve Surgery Section Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine Bethesda, MD, USA Steven L. Oreck, MD Clinical Associate Professor, Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Madison, WI, USA CAPT, MC, USNR Regimental Surgeon 23rd Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division


Mick J. Perez-Cruet, MD, MS Assistant Professor Institute for Spine Care Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch Chicago, IL, USA Maj, USAFR, MC Formerly, Deputy Commander Department of Neurosurgery Director Neuro-spinal Research Wilford Hall Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA

J.D. Polk, DO, FACOEP Major, USAFR, MC, FS Expeditionary Flight Surgeon Wyle Life Sciences/NASA International Space Station Medical Operations Houston, Texas Critical Care Flight Surgeon MetroHealth Medical Center Cleveland, OH, USA

Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, MD LTC, MC, USA Program Director, Mental Health Policy and Women’s Issues Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Falls Church, VA, USA

Anthony M. Rizzo, MD Col, USAFR, MC, SFS Commander 920th Aeromedical Staging Squadron Patrick AFB, FL, USA

Robert E. Rogers, MD, FACOG COL, MC, USA (ret) Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN, USA


R.T. Ross, MD Department of Surgical Education Memorial Health University Medical Center Savannah, Georgia MAJ, MC, USAR, FS 429th Evacuation Battalion Savannah, GA, USA

Jeffrey M. Rothenberg, MD, FACOG Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN, USA

David G. Schall, MD, MPH, FACS Col, USAF, MC, CFS Command Surgeon USAF Academy Commander 10th Medical Group USAF Academy, CO, USA Former Consultant to the Surgeon General Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Kenton E. Stephens, Jr., MD Maj, USAFR, MC Formerly, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center Lackland AFB, TX, USA

Eunice K. Taylor, RN, BS, MA, CNA Maj, USAF, NC, CFN Chief, Aeromedical Evacuation Operations Tanker Airlift Control Center Scott AFB, IL, USA

Kathleen Vanderburg, RN, BSN, MS Col, USAF, NC (ret) Formerly Chair, Department of Aerospace Education and Training, and Associate Dean, Aerospace Nursing USAF School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB, TX, USA



Robert J. Wells, MD Professor of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics University of Cincinnati School of Medicine Cincinnati, OH, USA Col, USAFR, MC, CFS 445th Aeromedical Squadron Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH, USA

Mark R. Withers, MD MAJ, MC, USA Resident in Aerospace Medicine USAF School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB San Antonio, TX, USA


FCCM: Fellow, American College of Critical Care Medicine FCCP: Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians FS: Flight Surgeon LTC: Lieutenant Colonel (USA) LtCol: Lieutenant Colonel (USAF) Lt Gen: Lieutenant General (USAF) MAJ: Major (USA) Maj: Major (USAF) MBBS: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery MC: Medical Corps MD: Doctor of Medicine MPH: Master of Public Health MS: Master of Science MSN: Master of Science in Nursing NASA: National Aeronautical and Space Administration NC: Nursing Corps PhD: Doctor of Philosophy RAF: Royal Air Force SFS: Senior Flight Surgeon USA: United States Army USAF: United States Air Force USAFR: United States Air Force Reserve USAR: United States Army Reserve USNR: United States Naval Reserve WHO: World Health Organization

AFB: Air Force Base Brig Gen: Brigadier General BS: Bachelor of Science BSN: Bachelor of Science in Nursing CAPT: Captain (USN) Capt: Captain (USAF) CFN: Chief Flight Nurse CFS: Chief Flight Surgeon CNA: Certified, Nursing Administration CNS: Clinical Nurse Specialist COL: Colonel (USA) Col: Colonel (USAF) CPT: Captain (USA) DMD: Doctor of Dental Medicine DO: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine FAAP: Fellow, American Academy of Physicians FACEM: Fellow, Australasian College of Emergency Medicine FACEP: Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians FACOG: Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology FACP: Fellow, American College of Physicians FACS: Fellow, American College of Surgeons FAsMA: Fellow, Aerospace Medical Association

Charles J. Yowler, MD, FACS, FCCM LTC, MC, USA (ret) Director, Surgical Critical Care Fellowship MetroHealth Medical Center Assistant Professor of Surgery Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH, USA

Part 1 The Need

1 Introduction William W. Hurd and John G. Jernigan

Aeromedical evacuation (AE) is the longdistance, usually greater than 300 miles, air transportation of patients after medical treatment that is adequate to assure a successful movement. It is most commonly performed using specially configured fixed-wing aircraft with highly trained aeromedical personnel in attendance. AE is inherently different than medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), which refers to the emergency transportation of patients to the nearest appropriately equipped medical facility prior to definitive treatment. When air transportation is required, MEDEVAC is performed almost exclusively using rotary-wing aircraft. Under ordinary circ*mstances, the vast majority of AE is elective. For elective AE, air transportation is delayed sufficiently long after definitive therapy so that the rigors of air travel are unlikely to result in medical decompensation of the patient. The patients are stable and in the convalescent phase of their disease or injury course. Because even the most stable patient may experience difficulty during AE, specially trained flight nurses monitor the patients in-flight. However, most elective AE is accomplished on aircraft that have limited equipment for dealing with medical emergencies. A more precarious category of AE is termed urgent. Urgent AE refers to the air transportation of a potentially unstable patient to save life or limb, primarily because the necessary medical facilities or personnel are not available locally. Urgent AE has many similarities to MEDEVAC. For both types of aeromedical

transport, the patient cannot be definitively treated prior to flight and is often medically unstable. The goal of both is to get the patient to the closest medical facility that possesses the necessary assets to treat the patient’s condition. For urgent AE, a physician with experience in handling the patient’s medical condition usually accompanies the patient and medical equipment specific to the patient’s condition is also made available if possible. Because the appropriate physicians and equipment are sometimes difficult to obtain when needed, the USAF has recently developed the Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT) Team concept for these patients. A recent revolution in military medical affairs has resulted in the need for a third approach to AE that we have referred to in this text as contingency. Contingency AE refers to air transportation of stabilized (rather than stable) patients as soon as possible after treatment adequate to assure the movement to definitive care without adverse sequelae. At a minimum, a stabilized patient has an assured airway and stabilized fractures, all hemorrhage is controlled, and fluid resuscitation has begun. The reason for development of the contingency AE concept is clear. In most potential theaters of war in the world, it is impossible to provide adequate fixed or mobile medical facilities to allow for full patient recovery and convalescence in the geographic area where their injury occurred. The previous doctrine of establishing enough portable hospitals to handle a large number of patients for an extended length of time is no longer practical for



W.W. Hurd and J.G. Jernigan

Figure 1.1. Interior view of a USAF C-17 Globemaster configured to hold 36 litter and 48 ambulatory patients (USAF photo).

a variety of reasons. Fortunately, technological advances have resulted in the development of an AE system that can transport patients out of theater for definitive surgery, recovery, and convalescence, thus negating the need for a large in-theater medical capability. Although the concept of contingency AE has developed as a military model, it has clear civilian applications. Natural or manmade disasters may also result in more casualties than can be handled by local facilities. Likewise, an impending military conflict or natural disaster may require the movement of recently treated patients to a medical facility away from the danger area. The difference between elective and contingency AE (ie, stable vs stabilized patients) has significant medical implications. Whereas a convalescing stable patient is unlikely to decompensate, a recently treated, stabilized patient may be much more likely to do so.

This results both from the stress of AE and because decompensation is certainly more common earlier in the course of most disease or injury processes, especially in the immediate postoperative period. Further, the potential early problems that patients may experience are often unique to their specific medical condition. In all cases, the potential stress of AE on patients must be carefully considered. Despite advances in technology, the AE environment is often harsh (Fig. 1.1). A limited number of air ambulances are available that minimize the noise and vibration, maximize lighting, and limit the hypobaric effects of altitude on the patient. However, even in peacetime, the majority of AE is performed using specially reconfigured aircraft that are otherwise used for transportation of personnel or equipment. Military transport aircraft reconfigured for AE are well known for the stresses they put on both

1. Introduction

the patients and the aeromedical crew during prolonged flight. Whether elective of contingency, safe and successful AE depends on appropriate patient selection and preparation. Knowledge of the best time to transport patients and the complications that may occur, as well as ways to prevent and treat these complications, is an imperative. While it may be true that “there is no absolute contraindication to AE,” it is also true that “there is nothing therapeutic about AE.” The injudicious use of AE can result in unnecessary complications for those patients who are transported prematurely or those transported without adequate resources to handle potentially foreseeable complications. Selection and medical preparation of the patient for AE should be tailored to each patient’s condition. A thorough understanding of both the problems that may occur in-flight and the limited medical treatment available during AE is always required. This book is intended to be a comprehensive summary of the medical needs and considerations for patients undergoing long-distance AE. To this end, we have two specific goals. The first is to carefully examine the problems and limitations of medical care in-flight. This information should increase clinicians’ appreciation of the medical flight environment when considering AE for their patients. The second goal is to analyze the unique AE problems and risks for patients with specific


conditions. In light of the need to perform both elective and contingency AE when appropriate, the patients and their conditions are examined for specific considerations in each type of AE. For contingency AE, the patients must be evaluated at the earliest time that safe air transportation is possible. Special emphasis is placed on this preconvalescent period because the patient may be more sensitive to the stresses of flight and decompensation may be more likely. Criteria are given for patients with specific conditions that should be fulfilled prior to AE. The preparation and equipment required for safe transportation and the complications that can be expected are also examined. For elective AE, the ideal time for air transportation during the routine course of illness, injury, or in the postoperative period is examined. Certain criteria should be met prior to AE when there are no limiting factors for convalescence prior to AE. The late complications unique to the condition that can occur when a patient is exposed to the stresses of AE and methods to prepare for these complications are delineated. We hope that the information in this book will serve as a reference for both the military and civilian clinicians who need to prepare patients for AE. Only by thorough understanding of the stresses of flight and the risks specific to our patients’ conditions can we provide safe long-distance AE for both the stable and stabilized patient.

2 Aeromedical Evacuation: A Historical Perspective Kathleen Vanderburg

Aeromedical evacuation (AE) has a long and fascinating history of trial and error, success and failure, and ultimate achievement. The determined progress of AE, which parallels the advances in human flight, has been the result of man’s desire to avoid the “ultimate sacrifice” of death while bravely defending his country’s vital interests. Although early development of AE progressed slowly, its many champions steadfastly believed that air transport of the wounded could significantly decrease the morbidity and mortality of those injured in battle. The story of AE began in the early part of the 20th century as an important facet of military medicine. In the modern era, AE has risen to new heights with the implementation of technological advances in both flight and medicine.

Before World War I The concept of moving the wounded by air began almost simultaneously with the concept of fixed-wing aircraft flight. Shortly after the Wright Brothers successfully flew their first airplane, two United States Pirmy (USA) medical officers, Captain George H. R. Gosman and Lieutenant A. L. Rhodes, designed an airplane built to transport patients.1 Using their own money, they built and flew the world’s first air ambulance at Fort Barrancas, Fla, in 1910. Unfortunately, on its first test flight it only flew 500 yd at an altitude of 100 ft before crashing. This flight, followed by Captain Gosman’s unsuccessful attempt to obtain official backing


for the project, proved to be only the beginning of many challenges for this new concept.

World War I Era World war I will not be remembered for the extent that AE was used, but as a time when air ambulance design made significant progress by trial and error. A French medical officer, Eugene Chassaing, first adapted French military planes for use as air ambulances.1 Two patients were inserted side-by-side into the fuselage behind the pilot’s co*ckpit. Modified Dorand II aircraft were used at Flanders in April 1918 in what was the first actual AE of the wounded in airplanes specifically equipped for patient movement. The United States also used airplanes for evacuating the injured from the battlefield in World War I, but found it difficult to use planes not designed for patient airlift.1 Specifically, the fuselages were too small to accommodate stretchers and the open co*ckpit exposed patients to the elements. The USA Medical Corps used airplanes primarily to transport flight surgeons to the site of airplane accidents to assist in the ground transportation of casualties. By the end of the War, the USA realized the need to transport the wounded by air. In 1918, Major Nelson E. Driver and Captain William C. Ocker converted a Curtiss JN-4 “Jenny” biplane into an airplane ambulance by modifying the rear co*ckpit to accommodate a standard Army stretcher (Fig. 2.1). This allowed

2. Aeromedical Evacuation: A Historical Perspective


Figure 2.1. The Curtiss JN-4 Jenny was converted to an air ambulance by removing the rear co*ckpit seat (USAF photo, 311th Human Systems Wing Archives, Brooks AFB, Tex).

the USA to transport patients by airplane for the first time.

Between the World Wars The success of the Curtis JN-4 Jenny Air Ambulances during World War I paved the way for the further development of AE.1 In 1920, the DeHavilland DH-4 aircraft was modified to carry a medical attendant in addition to two side-by-side patients in the fuselage. Shortly thereafter, the Cox-Klemmin aircraft became the first aircraft built specifically as an air ambulance. This airplane carried two patients and a medical attendant enclosed within the plane. In 1921, the Curtis Eagle aircraft was built to transport four patients on litters and six ambulatory patients. Unfortunately, in its first year in service a Curtis Eagle crashed during an electrical storm, killing seven people. Despite this apparent setback, aeromedical transportation continued to progress. In 1922,

the USA converted the largest single-engine airplanes built at the time, the Fokker F-IV, into an air ambulance designated as the A-2. In the same year, a USA physician, Colonel Albert E. Truby, enumerated the potential uses of the airplane ambulances2: 1. Transportation of medical officers to the site of crashes and bringing casualties from the crash back to hospitals. 2. Transportation of patients from isolated stations to larger hospitals where they could receive better treatment. 3. In time of war, transportation of seriously wounded from the front to hospitals in the rear. 4. Transportation of medical supplies in emergencies. Transportation of patients by air began to take on operational importance as well. In 1922, in the Riffian War in Morocco the French Army transported more than 1200 patients by air with a fleet of six airplanes.2 In 1928, a Ford


Tri-Motor was converted to an air ambulance capable of carrying six litter patients, a crew of two pilots, a flight surgeon, and a medical technician.1 Also in 1928, the US Marines in Nicaragua developed what we now call “retrograde aeromedical transport.”1 Nonmedical aircraft that transported supplies into the jungle were used to evacuate sick and wounded patients to the rear on the return flight. This concept continues to be an essential part of modern AE doctrine. In the 1930s a registered nurse and visionary, Lauretta M. Schimmoler, believed that one day there would be a need to evacuate the wounded by air and for 15 years was a proponent for establishing the Aerial Nurse Corps of America. However, not everyone supported this premise. Mary Beard, RN, the Director of the Red Cross Nursing Service in 1930, stated, “No one of our nursing organizations, no leading school of nursing, nor any other professional group, has taken up this subject seriously and definitely tried to promote the organization of a group of nurses who understand conditions surrounding patients when they are traveling by air.” In 1940, the Acting Superintendent of the Army Nurse Corps stated, “The present mobilization plan does not contemplate the extensive use of aeroplane ambulances. For this reason it is believed that a special corps of nurses with qualifications for such assignment will not be required.”2 The Surgeon General at the time, Major General C. R. Reynolds, added, “If commercial aviation companies require special nurses in any way, which at present I can’t visualize, this is a matter which has nothing to do with the Medical Department of the Army.2 AE and flight nursing were yet to prove themselves in the quest to save lives through air transport.

World War II At the beginning of World War II, it was commonly believed that air evacuation of the sick and wounded was dangerous, medically unsound, and militarily impossible.2 The Army Medical Department did not believe that the airplane was a substitute for field ambulances, even when it was necessary to evacuate casual-

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ties over long distances. The Surgeon for the Army Air Force Combat Command, Major I. B. March, was concerned that field ambulances would not be sufficient to cover the aerial paths of the Air Forces. In response, the Surgeon of the Third Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm C. Grow, stated that the “chief stumbling block in the way of air ambulances has been the lack of interest on the part of the Army Surgeon General . . . . Until he accepts the airplane as a vehicle for casualty transportation, I doubt if very much can be done about it.”2 The War soon demonstrated the necessity of AE.2 Large numbers of casualties needed to be transported back from distant theaters of war. Because designated AE aircraft did not exist, the Army Air Force made it their policy to use the transport planes for AE flights as their secondary mission. Regular transport aircraft were reconfigured for AE using removable litter supports. In this way, aircraft that had transported men and supplies to the theaters of operation could be utilized as AE aircraft for the return trip. By January 1942, Army Air Force C-47 aircraft had transported more than 10,000 casualties back from Burma, New Guinea, and Guadalcanal. In light of this obvious need, the first Air Surgeon of the Army Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel David N. Grant, strongly supported AE.2 In 1941, Grant advocated AE as a way to “lighten and speed the task” of casualty transportation, and pointed out that AE would be available when other means of transportation were not. The first Medical Air Ambulance Squadron was established in 1942. As AE evolved, it became clear that specially trained personnel were needed to optimize casualty care during air transport. Because there were not enough physicians to put on every AE flight, Grant proposed establishment of a flight nurse corps.2 Despite opposition from the Army Surgeon General, the designation of “Flight Nurse” was created for specially trained members of the Army Nurse Corps assigned to the Army Air Forces Evacuation Service. In February 1943, the first class of Flight Nurses graduated from Bowman Field, Ky, after a 4-week course that included aeromedical physiology, aircraft loading procedures, and survival skills.

2. Aeromedical Evacuation: A Historical Perspective


Figure 2.2. A US Army Air Force flight nurse attends a wounded soldier being evacuated by air in 1944 (Department of the Army photo).

Soon regular AE routes were established and hospitals were built along airstrips to care for the wounded who needed to remain overnight along the route.3 In early 1943, AE aircraft began transatlantic flights from Prestwick, Scotland, to the United States. By the end of the same year, the transpacific AE flights transported patients back to the continental United States via Hawaii. In 1944, a southern Atlantic route to the United States was added, originating in North Africa with stopovers in the Azores and Bermuda (Fig. 2.2). Aircraft used for AE during the War included the C-54 Skymaster, C-46 Commando, C-47 Skytrain, C-64 Norseman, and C-87 Liberator Express. Bombers and tankers were sometimes used for tactical AE to move patients from forward battle zones.2 The number of patients transported reflects the importance of AE during World War II.3 This number increased by 500% from 1943 to 1945. At its peak, the Army Air Force evacuated the sick and wounded at a rate of almost 100,000 per month. In 1945, a 1-day AE record was set at 4704 patients.2 The risk of AE to the patient had been a concern since the beginning of the War. As the aeromedical crews gained experience, the risk

of death during AE had dropped in 1943 to 6 of every 100,000 patients.1 By the end of the War, it was only 1.5 of every 100,000 patients. AE was listed along with antibiotics and blood products as among the most important medical advances in decreasing the mortality rate associated with warfare. In 1945, General Dwight D. Eisenhower stated, “We evacuated almost everyone from our forward hospitals by air, and it has unquestionably saved hundreds of lives— thousands of lives.”1 The post-War drawdown changed the face of the US military AE system. By 1946, the system consisted of 12 aircraft at the School of Aviation Medicine and one C-47 at each of 12 regional US hospitals. In 1947, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) was established, and in 1949 was given the official role of providing AE for the entire US military.3

The Korean War The unexpected start of the Korean War in 1950 caught the AE system as unprepared as the rest of the US military. There was no AE system set up in Korea and there were few medical facilities located near airstrips anywhere in the Far East. Because of a lack of organizational


infrastructure and available AE aircraft, the Army was required to develop a system of tactical AE in the Korean theater. Due to a critical shortage of combat-ready troops, the wounded were kept as far forward as possible so that they could be returned to combat as soon as they were physically able. In the early months of the conflict, most patients were evacuated by ship from Korea to Japan, even though empty cargo planes were available.1 With the establishment of the Far East Air Force, the logistics of establishing an operational AE system was made a top priority.1 Without adequate dedicated AE aircraft, the concept of retrograde aeromedical airlift presented the best solution. After offloading personnel and cargo near the forward battle area in central Korea, C-54, C-46, and C-47 aircraft were used to transport casualties further south in Korea or to Japan. In the first 6 months of the war, over 30,000 casualties were evacuated by air. As the fighting became more intense, over 10,450 combat casualties were airlifted between January 1 to 24, 1951.1 By fall 1952, the C-124 Globemaster became the primary air cargo aircraft, almost completely replacing the C-54. When configured for AE, the massive C-124 accommodated 127 litters or 200 ambulatory patients. It also had the advantage of a shorter enplaning and deplaning time and required a smaller medical aricrew than the C-54. Unfortunately, because of its size, the C-124 could not land in Pusan to evacuate patients from this area. Instead, the smaller C-46 aircraft, which carried a maximum load of 26 patients was used for intra-theater AE in Korea and Japan.1 By the conclusion of the Korean War in 1955, the USAF AE system was again capable of safely moving a large number of casualties within the theater and back to the United States. This system certainly contributed to the decreased death rate of the wounded during the Korean War, which was 50% less than that seen during World War II.1

Pre-Vietnam War In the years immediately after the Korean War, the peacetime AE system continued to serve the Department of Defense (DoD) by

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transporting military and civilian patients from the overseas theaters back to the United States, much like today.1 A new aircraft, the Convair C-131A Samaritan, became the first airplane designed specifically for AE. This first fully pressurized twin-engine transport was designed as a “flying hospital ward,” complete with air conditioning and oxygen for patients, and had the capability to carry bulky medical equipment, such as the iron lung and chest respirator. The Samaritan accommodated 40 ambulatory or 27 litter patients or a combination of both. In 1968, the McDonnell Douglas C-9A Nightingale made its debut as the state-of-theart medium-range, swept-wing twin-jet aircraft used almost exclusively for the AE mission.1 The Nightingale is a modified version of the McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corp’s DC-9. It is the only aircraft in the present-day USAF inventory specifically designed for the movement of litter and ambulatory patients, and can carry 40 ambulatory patients, 40 litter patients, or a combination of both (Fig. 2.3).

Vietnam War In 1964, the United States entered the Vietnam conflict. Again, the peacetime AE system had to be built up to meet the wartime needs of the US military. Initially, C-118 and C-130 cargo aircraft were used to evacuate patients within Vietnam and to offshore islands. When the C-141 Starlifter jet-powered cargo aircraft became available in 1965, it was given the AE mission in addition to its primary cargo mission. By 1967, the Pacific Air Forces Aeromedical Evacuation System had 17 operating locations throughout the Pacific. The C-118 became the workhorse for in-theater AE, allowing the C-130 to concentrate on its cargo mission.1 The character of the combat in Vietnam made tactical AE especially important. Small transport aircraft, such as the C-123, would arrive at small airstrips carrying cargo. Within a matter of minutes, the aircraft would be unloaded and reconfigured to carry patients. The number of patients transported by the USAF AE system during the Vietnam War was astounding. During the 1968 Tet Offensive, 688 patients were processed within the Pacific

2. Aeromedical Evacuation: A Historical Perspective


Figure 2.3. Early biplane to sophisticated jet: C-9A Nightingale with Curtiss JN-4 Jenny (USAF photo, 311th Human Systems Wing Archives, Brooks AFB, Tex).

Aeromedical Evacuation System on a single day. In May 1968, 12,138 casualties were evacuated from Vietnam on 154 AE missions. By 1969, the Military Airlift Command AE system evacuated an average of 11,000 casualties per month. An all-time single-day high of 711 patients were moved out of Vietnam on March 7, 1969. In the closing months of 1969, patient movements began to decline to less than 7500 per month.1 During the Vietnam War, many advances were made in AE.1 An important finding was that wartime casualties did not do as well if prematurely placed on long flights. For this reason, patients were stabilized in combat hospitals and then transported to offshore islands for definitive treatment. Patients were allowed to convalesce and then either be returned to duty or transported back to the United States for prolonged treatment. The average stay in-theater prior to long-distance AE was more than 1 week.4 Although Saigon fell in 1975, the Pacific AE system stayed relatively unchanged for many years.

Post-Vietnam War In 1975, responsibility for the DoD AE mission was shifted to the Military Airlift Command and remained there for the next 17 years. Four active-duty AE squadrons and 28 Reserve and Guard units maintained the peacetime AE system and remained on standby for any worldwide contingency. Anytime and anywhere there was a disaster, bombing, or contingency, the AE system was there. The three primary aircraft used for AE during this period were the C9A Nightingale, C-141 Starlifter, and C-130 Hercules. The USAF AE system participated in many noteworthy missions in the next two decades.3 In 1975, USAF AE participated in Operation Babylift out of Saigon. During this operation, a C-5A Galaxy crashed due to mechanical problems, resulting in the single greatest loss of life during an AE flight. In 1977, active and reserve AE units assisted in the transport of those injured in a B-747 collision in the Canary Islands. In 1983, more than 400 wounded were


evacuated from Grenada during Operation Urgent Fury. Several hundred wounded were evacuated from Panama in Operation Just Cause in 1989. In 1990, elements of the US Air National Guard and USAF Reserve formed a provisional Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron in Saudi Arabia as part of Operation Desert Shield. The USAF AE system played a vital role in Somalia in 1992 and 1993 during Operation Restore Hope. Routine AE missions continued to be flown in the Balkans to support the military operations there. From the postVietnam era until today, the AE system has remained relatively stable in its routes, airframes, and missions.

The Present In the last half of the 1990s, AE underwent further evolution in response to changes in US military doctrine. Modern conflict has resulted in fewer casualties with little lead time. Critically ill patients have had to be evacuated long distances to the nearest comprehensive medical facility because there has often been inadequate time to set up a contingency hospital. This has required the movement by the US AE system of stabilized in contrast to stable convalescing patients. This, in turn, requires the ability to provide intensive care during AE. To this end, the USAF has developed Critical Care Air Transport Teams to augment regular AE crews. The complexity of contingency AE has resulted in administrative changes in the AE system as well.5 The DoD has assigned the role of setting policy for the flow and care of military casualties worldwide to the US Transportation Command. Overall responsibility for AE training, patient care standards, and

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patient care equipment standardization has remained the responsibility of the Air Mobility Command. In some cases, history almost appears to repeat itself. AE has gone full circle from the days of the Jenny and the Cox-Klemmin, air transporting only two patients in a small plane. Today, many urgent military AE missions utilize the C-21, which can hold a maximum of two litters and a limited medical crew. This is also the case for civilian air ambulances and helicopters. But, we have come a long way from the small airplane with an open co*ckpit to a jet aircraft with a medical platform that supplies oxygen and electrical capabilities and carries a crew trained in critical-care-in-the-air skills. The history of AE continues to be written. With the rapid technological advances in both air travel and medicine, it is only natural that AE continues to be refined and reengineered on almost a daily basis.

References 1. The Department of the Air Force, Office of the Surgeon General. A concise history of the USAF aeromedical evacuation system. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1976:1–26. 2. Link ML, Coleman HA. Air evacuation mission. Medical support of the Army Air Forces in World War II. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1955:357–412. 3. Mebane R. Timeline events in the history of air evac. Mr Makovec’s aeromedical evacuation history index. http://www.ior.com/~jmakovec/ makovec/ae_tmlne.htm. 1999. 4. White MS, Chub RM, Rossing RG, Murphy JE. Results of early aeromedical evacuation of Vietnam casualties. Aerosp Med 1971;42: 780–784. 5. Kitfield J. A bigger job for medevac. Air Force Mag 1995; March:52–55.

3 Indications and Considerations for Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty J.D. Polk and William F. Fallon, Jr.

Civilian aeromedical evacuation (AE) has evolved extensively over the past several years. Not long ago, patients were deemed too sick to be transferred or kept at a community hospital facility until they were considered “stable.” Today, critical patients (such as those on biventricular assist devices, intra-aortic balloon pumps, etc.) are transferred by aircraft to tertiary centers on a routine basis. Civilian AE has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a derivative of military transport. This is primarily because there are considerable differences between military wartime transport and civilian peacetime transport. In times of war, the echelons of care are well defined, the mode of transport is usually known, and the receiving facility is certain. Peacetime air medical transport is a different story, primarily because of the multiple considerations involved in the transfer of the critically ill patient. The political and logistic considerations involved in transport of a critically injured or ill patient in times of peace often exceed any conflicts encountered when moving patients in times of war. Politics are injected into even the simplest patient transfer by third-party insurance and other contractual agreements (eg, HMOs, PPOs, out of network, etc.). These agreements often dictate which AE service must be used and to which hospital the patient can be transferred. Other variables that must be considered for civilian AE include the crew configuration, the mode of transport (ie, ground vs air, rotary wing vs fixed wing), and which conditions preclude transportation. This last

issue merges into the liability issues that are unique to civilian AE. This chapter will update the civilian and military physician on the different types of civilian air transport and the clinical considerations that must be considered in peacetime AE.

Ground Transport vs AE There are two principal factors that should be taken into account when considering AE: time and treatment. For most patients, such as those with multiple trauma, the most important advantage that AE has over ground transportation is the decreased time required for transport to a trauma center. However, for other patients continuation of critical care is the most important aspect of the transportation. When a patient in cardiogenic shock is on an intra-aortic balloon pump or extracorporal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) device, the requirements for medical expertise and careful management are more important than speed. Survival of the patient is the obvious absolute priority. Sometimes it seems to take an inordinate amount of time to prepare the patient for safe transport. However, this preflight preparation may be lifesaving in complicated cardiac or neonatal cases. In addition to time and treatment, a third factor to consider is the physical environment that separates the patient from the destination. In some cases, a 45-minute flight over a mountain range may replace a 3-hour ambulance ride over rough terrain. In other cases, the roads



may be straight and flat but a 1-hour flight can replace a 4-hour ambulance ride in and out of city traffic. Because the length of time the stabilized patient spends between medical facilities increases the risk of medical decompensation, this is not a trivial issue. The physician must weigh all of these factors when making the decision to transport a patient by ground transportation or AE.

Types of Aircraft The mission profile of an AE service is established by a combination of the type of aircraft used and the ability of its aeromedical crews. Aircraft used for AE differ dramatically in their safety profile, range, and payload capabilities. The medical experience and expertise of aeromedical crewmembers can also be widely variable. A firm knowledge of these factors will help the physician optimize the chances of safe transfer for the patient, even if the patient suddenly decompensates during flight.

Rotary-Wing Aircraft Most community hospitals rely on the local rotary-wing aeromedical services for transport-

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

ing a patient to a tertiary care center because they can land on or near both medical facilities and accident sites (Fig 3.1). In general, twin-engine helicopters are favored for their increased load capacity and added safety (Table 3.1). The larger the aircraft and engine, the more versatile payload capability and the greater the range, which can vary from 300 to over 500 statute miles. In places where weather can become a factor, an aircraft equipped to fly by instrument flight rules (IFR: “in the clouds”) is preferred over those that can only fly by visual flight rules (VFR: “visual reference with the ground”).1 The ability to determine the aircraft’s position by global positioning satellite (GPS) is also a desirable feature to help the aircraft get to the exact location of a distant medical facility or accident site, even in inclement weather. Another helpful feature, which is not standard in most rotary-wing aircraft, is a second pilot. A second set of hands and eyes, especially at an uncontrolled landing site or in changing weather conditions, can be an invaluable asset. Emergency Medical Service (EMS) crews often wait for the “thumbs-up” from the pilot to ensure safe approach to the running aircraft. In this respect, the second pilot adds another set of eyes for safety in and around the operating aircraft (Fig 3.2).

Figure 3.1. Civilian rotary-wing aircraft require a 100- ¥ 100-ft loading area free of debris and obstruction (photo by Frank S. Sallie).

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


Table 3.1. Comparison of helicopters commonly used for civilian medical transport.

Engine configuration Range (statute miles) Maximum cruise speed Maximum takeoff weight (lb) Useful load (lb) Rotor diameter (ft) Passenger compartment interior (ft) Length Width Height

Bell 206

Bell 222

EuroCopter Dauphine

EuroCopter BO-105

EuroCopter BK-117

Single 369 127 4450 2163 37

Twin 434 156 8250 4874 42

Twin 578 183 9369 4341 39

Twin 345 149 5511 2643 32

Twin 324 153 7385 3545 43

6.7 3.9 3.8

9.2 4.2 4.8

In our experience, the dual-pilot, IFR-rated Sikorsky S-76 has proven to be a versatile aircraft for transporting several trauma patients or for handling complex equipment needs such as dual isolettes, balloon pumps, and ECMO machines (Fig 3.3). Many hospital-based AE services utilize smaller rotary-wing aircraft such as the BK 117. The type of aircraft utilized will depend on the mission profile of the aeromedical service. A single-pilot A-Star aircraft with VFR capability is probably appropriate for a service in a

8.0 6.3 4.5

14.1 4.6 4.1

9.4 4.9 4.2

Sikorsky S-76B Twin 403 178 11,700 7623 44

7.9 5.5 4.5

hot desert environment in Arizona, where sunshine predominates. Whereas areas such as Seattle, Cleveland, or Buffalo may benefit from a larger aircraft with IFR capability, or the addition of a second pilot, because snow and moist climates make for more difficult flying conditions. Budgetary restraints are also having an impact on which airframe is used. The cost of parts, fuel, and refurbishment continue to rise. This, in addition to shrinking reimbursem*nts for critical care transports have caused many hospitals to change their airframes or

Figure 3.2. A secondary pilot gives the “thumbs-up” signal, signifying that it is safe to approach the aircraft (photo by Frank S. Sallie).


J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

Figure 3.3. A medically configured Sikorsky S-76 helicopter operated by Case Western Reserve MetroHealth Life Flight flies over Cleveland, Ohio (photo by D.S. Resch).

to get out of the business of air transport altogether.

Fixed-Wing Aircraft While some helicopters have a range of around 300 to 400 miles, the fixed-wing turbo prop or jet aircraft has a range varying from hundreds to thousands of miles. Fixed-wing aircraft also travel at much greater speeds. A rotary-wing aircraft must rely on its main rotor for both generating lift and creating forward thrust for flight, thus reaching a practical limit of around 200 knots. In contrast, modern AE Lear Jets routinely cruise at 400 knots, decreasing the time taken to travel long distances by more than half. Fixed-wing aircraft do, however, have several drawbacks compared to rotary-wing aircraft. The greatest disadvantage of fixed-wing aircraft is that they require an airport. This means an additional ground ambulance trip to and from the airport on both the referring and receiving sides of the transport. A second drawback is that loading and unloading of the patient is in general more difficult with a fixed-wing aircraft when compared to a rotary-wing aircraft. Many of the rotary-

wing aircraft have been extensively modified with patient transport in mind. Because highspeed flight limits engineering options, most civilian fixed-wing aircraft modified for AE (eg, the Lear Jet) are still relatively difficult to load litters into. In some aircraft, the doors and cabin are so narrow that a litter must be rotated up to 30 degrees about its long axis to be loaded. Unfortunately, some patients or equipment may not be able to tolerate these movements. Fortunately, large military aircraft used for AE (eg, C-9A, C-130, C-141) do not share these problems (see chapter 8). It should be noted that some companies use their fixed-wing aircraft only part time for AE. For economic reasons many jet AE operators use their aircraft to move business people when not moving patients. A certain amount of time may be needed to convert their aircraft to a medical configuration and acquire the appropriate medical crew. In these cases, the referring physician should assure that the AE service is in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135 for air taxi operation and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems. Most large tertiary-care hospitals have fixed-wing AE services they utilize on a frequent basis, and thus

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


will be able to recommend a particular service to the referring physician. Military AE during peacetime is arranged through Air Mobility Command via the Global Patient Movement Requirements Center (GPMRC). The GPMRC is a joint service agency under the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) responsible for coordinating military AE between theaters (eg, from Europe to the United States) throughout the continental United States (CONUS), and from nearby offshore locations such as Puerto Rico. It is extremely important to give the TRANSCOM officer as much information about the patient and requirements as possible so that the appropriate decision can be made whether to utilize USAF or civilian AE aircraft. USTRANSCOM maintains a list of commercial providers that meet the appropriate professional standard, which includes the specific medical capabilities of each provider.

sequela that may result from either the disease process or the act of transporting the patient. The type of mission being flown will determine the specific makeup of the crew. However, for both logistic and economic reasons, physicians are often not part of the crew of routine AE flights. In any case, the diversity of skills found in mixed crews (nurse–physician, nurse–paramedic, and nurse–respiratory therapist) may be more advantageous than crews of like training (nurse–nurse, paramedic–paramedic).

AE Crew Configuration The composition of an aeromedical flight crew is designed to safely carry out transport of the patient or patients and manage any adverse

Figure 3.4. A MetroHealth Life Flight medical crew consisting of a physician and criticalcare nurse are assisted by an emergency medical service (EMS) at the roadside (photo by D.S. Resch).

Physician–Nurse Crews Several AE services that operate from a tertiary-care facility, including our service at Metro Life Flight, have a medical crew consisting of a physician and critical care nurse (Fig 3.4). This crew mix is necessary to care for the types of patients who are routinely transported to a level-one trauma and burn center and cardiac surgical referral centers. Advanced training and expertise is required to operate medical devices such as intra-aortic balloon pumps, ECMO devices, and biventricular assist devices and care for complex trauma casualties during flight. The on-board physician adds certain procedural expertise and a broad


knowledge base that can be particularly useful in the complicated patient.2 The presence of a physician also eliminates the need to contact base physicians for decision-making authority or permission to give certain drugs. If the transport service does not have an on-board physician, the referring physician will carry the bulk of responsibility and liability for that patient during transport until the patient is received by the accepting physician.

Nurse-Only Crews Not all patients need a physician on-board. Many services use a crew consisting of two critical care flight nurses. This is particularly useful for the rotary-wing service, which provides mostly interhospital ICU to ICU transfers. Typically, AE flight nurses have at least 3 years of prior critical care or emergency medicine experience, and many are EMT or paramedic certified. Nurse crews require medical control by a physician. This is ideally achieved using written protocols that allow the nurse to operate and perform medical duties under the license of the physician medical director. Another important aspect of medical control is the ability of the nurse to directly communicate with a physician when needed.

Nurse–Paramedic Crews Many rotary-wing AE services use a relatively practical and cost-effective paramedic–nurse crew. The paramedic brings valuable and practical prehospital treatment experience to the team that often complements the critical care background of the flight nurse. This crew mix is advantageous when the majority of flights are accident scene evacuations but is less suited for the transport of critically ill patients, where additional physiology and medical knowledge is needed. An attempt to remedy this situation has been made by the development of the “critical care paramedic.” Unfortunately, a paramedic with this advanced training cannot be considered an equivalent replacement for a critical care nurse or a physician. However, paramedics do bring considerable expertise in regards to extrication and field care, training

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

and expertise that is traditionally lacking in the nursing and physician education. Again, medical control is required as with any crew in which a physician is not present.

Military AE Crews Even during peacetime, routine military AE aircraft are configured to transport 40 or more patients, both ambulatory and by litter. The standard AE medical flight crew consists of one flight nurse and three flight medical technicians for each 10 patients and thus is very flexible. For unstable patients, the crew is augmented with physicians with the special skills required. Because of the need to transport critically ill patients, the USAF has developed Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT) Teams. Each team is made up of a critical care physician, a critical care nurse, and a respiratory therapist trained in AE of critically ill patients. When contracting with GPMRC/USTRANSCOM for fixed-wing AE services, it is important for the referring physician to give as much information to the transport coordinators as possible so that they can assist in tailoring a transport team that will meet the needs of the patient. If the referring physician believes his patient requires a physician–nurse team, then he must make this specific request known to the USTRANSCOM representative. The makeup of the provider team allocated to the flight may be expressed in terms of aeromedical crew member levels, which gives numerical designations to crew members based on level of training (Table 3.2).

Types of Patients Requiring Transport The predominant diagnoses are remarkably similar in both the peacetime military and civilian communities, namely, childbirth, heart attacks, strokes, accidents, and infections. Likewise, many hospitals in both the military and civilian communities have specific limitations to their care based on their diagnostic and therapeutic capability and/or the experience level of their staff. For this reason, it is often necessary in both systems to transfer patients to a higher

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


Table 3.2. USAF aeromedical crew member levels. Level 1

2 3 4

Training level

Civilian designation

Emergency Medical Technician Basic or Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate Paramedic Registered Nurse Physician


level of care offered at a tertiary center (Table 3.3).3 When the capabilities of your medical facility have been exceeded, there are several steps necessary to effect a safe transfer. First, you must confirm that the gaining facility has the capability to meet all of the patient’s requirements. This is usually accomplished by direct communication with the receiving physician. Next, you must identify which AE service is the best qualified to carry out the transfer because their capabilities may be vastly different. The referring physician must be comfortable that the patient will fall well within the AE service’s mission profile, even in the “worst case” medical scenario.


The crew should always have ample supply of the medications needed to support the patient in case of an unscheduled landing or diversion due to aircraft mechanical failure, weather, or other unforeseen circ*mstance. A general rule of thumb is to have three times the calculated amount on hand.

Cardiac Patients Cardiac patients are among the most common critically ill patients transported by civilian AE. The most common scenario is a patient with an acute myocardial infarction who has not responded adequately to thrombolytic therapy at a local medical facility. Because urgent

Table 3.3. Patients requiring air medical transport. General considerations Optimal scene time or time for interhospital transport dictated by patient’s illness or injury Distances to be covered, local geography, and traffic conditions Carrier and personnel availability Weather conditions Cost Trauma/scene Trauma center evaluation needed and with ground transport greater than 15 min Mass casualty with local facilities exceeded Mechanism of injury consistent with high-impact trauma Rural location Trauma/interhospital considerations Head injury with Glasgow less than 13, lateralizing signs, or open injury with CSF leak Spinal cord injury Widened mediastinum, major chest wall injury, or blunt or penetrating cardiac injury Patients requiring protracted ventilation Pelvic ring disruption with shock and evidence of continuing hemorrhage; open pelvic injury Severe facial injury with head injury Concomitant head injury and other body system injury Multiple fractures

Burns with associated injuries Auto crash or pedestrian injury with velocity greater than 25 mph Intrusion into vehicle by 20 in or greater Ejection of patient or rollover Death of occupant in same crash Penetrating injury to the abdomen, neck, head, or thorax Fall greater than 15–20 ft Age greater than 55 or less than 5 with comorbid injuries Known metabolic or cardiac disease with comorbid injuries Burns requiring burn center evaluation and treatment Late secondary criteria Sepsis Prolonged ventilation with pulmonary rehabilitation needed; ARDS aggressive tertiary care Single- or multiple-system failure Major tissue necrosis Medical Rescue angioplasty or CABG Advanced tertiary care for multisystem failure Sepsis Acute abdomen in a facility with no surgical support Need for tertiary care realized

Source: Adapted with permission from Blumen and Rodenberg.3


rescue angioplasty may be life-saving for this type of patient, they are often candidates for AE to a tertiary center with cardiac catheterization and angioplasty capabilities. Because the risk of an in-flight cardiac event is high, a qualified critical-care AE team is needed to anticipate untoward changes to ensure the patient will survive the flight.3–7

Myocardial Infarction Myocardial infarction (MI) is a common malady requiring transport. The usual reasons for transport of a patient with an MI is either the need for advanced invasive capabilities, including emergent angioplasty, coronary artery bypass graft, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, or for cardiac intensive care. Prior to flight, a standard MI treatment protocol should be followed, with therapies such as aspirin, nitroglycerine, heparin, and thrombolytics. The patient should have a functioning large bore intravenous line because there is a significant risk of postinfarction hypotension or other untoward event occuring in flight. A patient with a recent MI is at high risk for medical decompensation during AE. This can manifest by signs of decompensation such as hypotension, shock, pulmonary edema, hypoxia, florid heart failure, and/or dysrhythmias. For this reason, AE crews must have readily available oxygen, intravenous fluids, advanced cardiac life support drugs, defibrillator, and pacing capabilities at all times. Advanced assessment of cardiac patients via in-flight echocardiography is now possible and may lend additional information as to contractility and wall-motion abnormalities in these patients (Fig 3.5).

Cardiogenic Shock Patients in profound cardiogenic shock may require AE while undergoing mechanical assistance in the form of an intra-aortic balloon pump, ECMO, or ventricular assist device.8 The AE crew must have special training in the use of these devices and have plans for contingencies, such as power failure in the aircraft (Fig 3.6). Battery back-ups on most of these machines are limited to 30 minutes. Centrifugal

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

ventricular assist devices and some biventricular devices have mechanical mechanisms that can be used to maintain patient perfusion in the event of pump or power failure. Intra-aortic balloon pumps, however, will need manual inflation and deflation of the balloon to avoid thrombosis. For patients with profound cardiogenic shock, positioning in fixed-wing aircraft is also an important consideration. When possible, the patient’s head should be oriented toward the rear of the aircraft so that the acceleration of the aircraft during take-off will force the blood toward the brain and heart instead of away from it. This essentially gives the patient a momentary boost in preload.

Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm A symptomatic aortic aneurysm, usually related to atherosclerosis or hypertension, is another common indication for civilian AE. Inflight leaking or rupture manifests as increased pain and hypotension. The only effective method to sustain the patient long enough to get to the operating room is the liberal use of blood products and isotonic volume expanders. Although many referring physicians request a surgeon accompany their patients in case of rupture, there is no record of a successful thoracotomy in flight for this disease process, nor is it likely that one could be accomplished.

Recent Cardiac Arrest It is sometimes necessary to transport by AE a patient who was recently resuscitated from cardiac arrest and who is still moderately hemodynamically unstable. The crew must have all necessary equipment to carry out further resuscitation (eg, defibrillators, airways, oxygen, suction, etc.) in the event the patient arrests in flight. In addition, several antiarrhythmic drugs of differing classes (eg, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, magnesium, amiodarone, lidocaine, procainamide, etc.) should be available. If there is any question regarding need for cardioversion, it should be done prior to flight. There is no benefit in adopting a “wait and see” attitude because of the difficulties attending to an in-flight cardiac arrest.

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


Figure 3.5. A flight surgeon performs an in-flight echo with a sonoheart portable echocardiography machine (photo by Frank S. Sallie).

Figure 3.6. When specialty equipment is used inflight (eg, biventricular assist devices and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation) the AE crew must have

special training and expertise for safe transport (photo by Frank S. Sallie).


Intracranial Hemorrhage Patients with intracranial hemorrhage may need to be transferred by AE so that they can receive either medical or surgical treatment. Patients with ischemic stroke may need to be transported to the tertiary facility within 3 hours from time of onset to receive appropriate thrombolytic therapy and possible angioplasty. The aeromedical crew should be prepared to provide an emergency airway should the patient’s condition deteriorate. Seizures should be anticipated and prepared for by having appropriate amounts of anticonvulsants available for use. Patients with hemorrhagic stroke or intracranial hemorrhage secondary to trauma may be transferred so that they can receive emergency neurosurgical treatment.9,10 The aeromedical crew should ensure that the patient has a patent airway and an adequate gag reflex, and be prepared to provide emergent airway intervention if the patient deteriorates in-route. A worsening neurological exam during flight is important information to the surgeon because it may indicate the need for expedient surgical intervention. It is for this reason that routine chemical paralysis should be avoided unless warranted by the patient’s condition. This will help the aeromedical crew identify a worsening neurological exam in a more expeditious manner. Patients who have already had neurosurgery for head trauma are at risk of increased cerebral edema secondary to changes in atmospheric pressure during AE using fixed-wing aircraft. Ventricular shunts and osmotic diuretics may decrease this risk. However, care must be taken to keep the cerebral perfusion pressure within a reasonable level by keeping the mean arterial pressure high enough to avoid compromise of the cerebral perfusion pressure. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to add dopamine to the patients list of intravenous medications.

Pulmonary Patients There are some important considerations in patients with pulmonary disease, regardless of whether it is of medical or traumatic origin. The change in atmospheric pressure, especially during fixed-wing AE, can be enough to cause

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

significant changes in oxygenation or ventilation of a patient.

Medical Conditions Patients with pulmonary disease can pose major challenges to the aeromedical transport team. The first concern of the crew should be maintenance of the patient’s airway. Patients with a decreased mental status, heavy secretions, or labored breathing should be intubated prior to transport because their condition will almost certainly worsen at altitude. The most difficult pulmonary cases are those patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) who are not adequately oxygenated despite intubation and positive pressure ventilation. A patient whose oxygen saturation is only 90% despite being on a ventilator with an FiO2 of 100% and 15 cm of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) will probably not tolerate AE.

Pulmonary Trauma The aeromedical crew should be vigilant in monitoring for changing dynamics that may occur in the traumatized patient with chest injuries and be prepared to provide the necessary treatments. Placement of a definitive airway may be needed in patients with concomitant pulmonary injuries. Complications that arise from positive pressure ventilation must also be watched for and treated, especially in the traumatized patient. Pneumothorax is an especially important issue for AE patients because even a simple 20% pneumothorax at sea level will expand at altitude and may lead to total collapse of the lung. A traumatic pneumothorax of any size requires the placement of a chest tube with a Heimlich valve prior to AE. Tension pneumothorax discovered in-flight should be treated and relieved by needle thoracostomy. A significant air leak or a hemopneumothorax that develops in-flight will require placement of a thoracostomy tube if a qualified AE crewmember is available.

Neonatal Transportation Neonates absolutely require specialized teams and equipment for safe transport. The equipment and personnel necessary to accomplish

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


this mission account for a large part of any flight program’s budget, despite the fact that they may account for less than 25% of the volume of business. Dedicated AE crews trained solely for the transport and care of the neonate patient are ideal. Neonatal nurses and physicians usually replace the routine adult or pediatric team members for these specialized transports. The heavy and cumbersome equipment needed for neonatal transport (eg, isolette, ventilator, and specialized supplies) adds significantly to the overall weight of the aircraft. Many small rotary-wing aircraft can carry only one incubator and thus require either multiple flights or multiple aircraft to transport twins or higher-order multiple births. Larger aircraft are capable of carrying twin isolettes and crews, but careful consideration of weight and balance on the part of the pilot(s) is needed. ECMO units or high-frequency jet ventilators require additional qualified personnel as well. Rarely is a neonatal transport a “load and go” situation. Considerable time is expended at the referral facility to achieve adequate stabilization and preparation for safe transport of the neonate. Optimization of ventilation, oxygenation, and temperature control is critical to successful AE transport of the neonate. Environmental temperature, altitude, and travel distance are factors that are weighed in the clinical decision-making process by the neonatal flight crew and greatly impact the amount of time spent at the referral facility in preparation for transport.

the patient in active labor who is dilated beyond 6 cm should not be placed on the aircraft because it is difficult to effectively assist the mother in the small environment of the aircraft. If the patient is in advanced labor, it is far safer to deliver the infant at the referral institution and then transport the mother and child postdelivery. In all cases of emergency maternal AE, the patient should be transported on a litter and receive nasal oxygen at 4 L/minute. If there is any sign of maternal or fetal compromise, the patient should be supine and in the left Trendelenburg position. A large-bore intravenous catheter should be in place to allow the administration of fluid or blood in the event the patient requires aggressive resuscitation. Inflight portable ultrasound has been used to make fetal heart rate determinations, as it offers the advantage of being able to visualize the heart rate. Doppler techniques used in the past are limited due to the noise-filled aeromedical environment. External electronic fetal monitoring can be used. However, the medical utility of this has not been demonstrated because there is little that can be done in-flight in the event of an ominous tracing.11

Pediatric Patients Emergent transport of a child occurs for a number of reasons, but the majority of emergent evacuations in the pediatric population come about either due to traumatic injury, sepsis, or airway compromise.

Obstetric Patients Obstetric transport requires considerable skill and confidence on the part of the aeromedical crew. It is required whenever the referral facility is unable to provide the needed level of service to either the mother or neonate. Indications for maternal transportation include preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, eclampsia and preeclampsia, abruptio placenta, and placenta previa. AE crews who perform emergency obstetric transport must be ready to assist the mother and provide the initial neonatal resuscitation should a precipitous birth occur. Certain careful considerations must be made before transporting the obstetric patient. First,

Trauma After the first year of life, trauma is the leading cause of death in the pediatric population. Burns, smoke inhalation, drowning, blunt traumatic injury, spinal cord injury, child abuse and neglect, falls, and suicide collectively add to the epidemic number of pediatric deaths and disabilities that occur each year. It is not uncommon for children to engage in dangerous adult behaviors that put them at significant risk for death and serious injury. Of particular concern is the rise in penetrating trauma in the pediatric population related to gun and knife wounds associated with gang activities and drug-related violence.


There are specific differences in pediatric trauma that are of interest to the aeromedical crew. First, pediatric trauma patients are much more likely to sustain head injury than their adult counterparts. This is related to the fact that, in children, the head accounts for a large body surface area and relative weight in comparison to the remainder of the body. Secondary brain injury occurs as a result of hypoxia, hypercapnea, hypovolemia, seizures, and cerebral edema, all of which can lead to an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP). During AE, cerebral perfusion can be optimized by intubation and mild to moderate hyperventilation. The second important difference in children is that they do not show signs of hemodynamic decompensation until late in the course of the disease process. Hypotension is a late sign in the pediatric trauma patient, and thus tachycardia should be used in the child to gauge the need for fluid resuscitation. If needed, the aeromedical crew should begin fluid resuscitation with repeated boluses of isotonic solution (20 cc/kg). If multiple fluid boluses fail to stabilize the pediatric trauma patient, blood products may be required.

Sepsis The toxic-appearing child can have a rapidly progressive downhill course and thus warrants special consideration on the part of the flight crew. Emergency in-flight treatment consists of bolus intravenous fluid therapy, vasopressors, and broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics.

Airway Compromise The pediatric airway is short and small in comparison to the adult airway and thus is particularly susceptible to obstructions from conditions such as asthma, croup, epiglottitis, and foreign body. One millimeter of tissue edema decreases the pediatric airway lumen by a factor of four. Unfortunately, the usual seatbelt harness by which we normally ensure safe transport in a seated position may prevent these patients from assuming a sniffing position when necessary. Lethargy and bradycardia are ominous signs in this population and are

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

precursors to impending respiratory arrest. Should a child with an airway problem begin to deteriorate, the flight crew must be prepared to obtain an emergency airway. The crew must be capable of obtaining an emergent airway in a matter of minutes, most commonly by endotracheal or nasotracheal intubation. Transtracheal jet insufflation may be lifesaving in these patients if endotracheal intubation is impossible or impractical. Because carbon dioxide begins to accumulate immediately, this is a temporary solution and retrograde intubation or completion of the surgical airway is necessary.

Trauma Patients The evacuation of the trauma patient in peacetime usually falls into one of two categories: acute and convalescent. The acute phase usually refers to the aeromedical team responding to the scene of an accident or a smaller community hospital to provide emergent care and evacuation for the acutely injured patient. The care provided is consistent with the Advanced Trauma Life Support primary survey and treatment (see chapter 12). Scene stabilization is usually limited to airway interventions, containment of gross hemorrhage, and spinal immobilization. Chest tubes, intravenous lines, blood infusion, and other modalities are usually initiated and continued in-flight to prevent delay in transport of the patient to a trauma center. Our program also performs the focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) ultrasound during flight to identify patients with hemoperitoneum to expedite triage at the trauma center. Thus, the aircraft and crew are an extension of the trauma team, bringing critical-care skills to the patient in the field.12–20 Airway management is perhaps the single most important aspect in the care of a trauma patient. AE crews must be able to establish and maintain an airway in the most difficult patients, even in the vibrating, noisy, poorly lit environment of an aircraft in flight. Medications for rapid-sequence intubation are used frequently by the crews. If an airway cannot be established by the oral–tracheal route, then the crew need to be prepared to rapidly establish

3. Emergent Evacuation of the Peacetime Casualty


an airway surgically. Other resuscitation measures utilized by AE crews, such as chest tube placement, intravenous lines, thoracotomy equipment, ultrasound, and blood products, are all useless if the patient does not have a patent airway. The second category of trauma patients requiring aeromedical evacuation is the convalescent category. These patients have already been stabilized and many times have already had surgery at the referring institution but require either specialized care or perhaps rehabilitation closer to home. Such patients rarely require acute interventions on the part of the flight crew but may need adjustments in their therapy or equipment to ensure safe travel and transport.

services decreases blunt trauma mortality (see comments). Austr NZ J Surg 1999;69: 697–701. Blumen I, Rodenberg H, eds. AMPA Handbook. Salt Lake City; Air Medical Physicians Association; 1999. Straumann E, Yoon S, Naegeli B, et al. Hospital transfer for primary coronary angioplasty in high risk patients with acute myocardial infarction. Heart 1999;82:415–419. Castillo C, Lyons T. The transoceanic air evacuation of unstable angina patients. Aviat Space Environ Med 1999;70:103–106. Werman H, Falcone R, Shaner S, et al. Helicopter transport of patients to tertiary care centers after cardiac arrest. Am J Emerg Med 1999;17:130–134. Oberg K, Kociszewski C, Dubovsky J, et al. Cardiac patient air transport in the northeast region of the United States. Prehosp Emerg Care 1998;2:297–303. Mestres CA, Sanchez-Martos A, RodriguezRibo A, et al. Long distance tranportation of patients with a paracorporeal left ventricular assist device. Intl J Artif Organs 1998;21:425– 428. Chalea J, Kasner S, Jauch P, Pancioli A. Safety of air medical tranportation after tissue plasminogen activator administration in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 1999;30:2366–2368. Conroy M, Rodriguez S, Kimmel S, Kasner S. Helicopter transfer offers a potential benefit to patients with acute stroke. Stroke 1999;30: 2580–2584. Haggerty L. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring: Contradictions between practice and research [review]. J Obstet Gynecol Neonat Nurs 1999;28:409–416. Tso P, Rodriguez A, Cooper C, et al. Sonography in blunt abdominal trauma: A preliminary report. J Trauma 1992;33:39. Rozycki GS, Ochsner MG, Jaffin JH, Champion HR. Prospective evaluation of surgeons’ use of ultrasound in the evaluation of trauma patients. J Trauma 1993;34:516. Sustic A, Miletic D, f*ckar Z, et al. Ultrasonography in the evaluation of hemoperitoneum in war casualties. Milit Med 1999;164:600. Lichtenstein D, Courret JP. Feasibility of ultrasound in the helicopter [letter]. Intens Care Med 1998;24:1119. Polk JD, Fallon WF. The use of focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) by a prehospital air medical team in the trauma arrest patient. Prehosp Emerg Care 2000;4:82–82.

Conclusion The sickest of patients can be transported by AE under the right circ*mstances with the right crew capabilities. The civilian aeromedical industry has a wide variety of aircraft, medical configurations, pilot configurations, and capabilities. It is important, both from a medicolegal and patient care standpoint, for any who wish to transport a patient by air to know what transport capabilities are available in the local area. It is also important to know the limitations and contractual agreements of both the sending and receiving medical facilities. Prior to transport, the physician must be aware of the preflight preparation based on the patient’s condition and disease process, especially in light of the potential impact that barometric pressure changes and exposure to the elements can have on the patient. Safe patient transportation by air depends on careful planning and a reasonable understanding of the process of AE.

References 1. Wuerz RC, O’Neal R. Role of pilot instrument proficiency in the safety of helicopter emergency medical services. Acad Emerg Med 1997;4: 972–975. 2. Garner A, Rashford S, Lee A, Bartolacci R. Addition of physicians to paramedic helicopter















26 17. Ochsner MG. Future applications of ultrasound in the injured patient. Trauma Q 1997;13: 215. 18. Polk JD. The future direction of ultrasound. Trauma Care Q 2000;10:15–16. 19. Scalea TM, Rodriguez A, Chiu WC, et al. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma

J.D. Polk and W.F. Fallon, Jr. (FAST): Results from an international consensus conference. J Trauma 1999;46:466. 20. Polk JD, Fallon WF, Kovach B, Mancuso C, et al. The “airmedical F.A.S.T.” for trauma patients––The initial report of a novel application for sonography. Aviation, Space, & Environ Medicine 2001;72:432–436.

4 Combat and Operational Casualties Robert A. De Lorenzo

Military aeromedical evacuation (AE) must necessarily focus on the combat casualty. To this end, it is useful to explore the history and recent experiences of war. In addition, the new millennium brings forth a whole new array of military contingencies including stability support operations, humanitarian missions, and reactions to terrorist actions. This chapter will provide a brief overview of these important historic elements and attempt to shed light on what the immediate future may hold for AE operations. In addition, a brief overview of the principles of modern combat casualty care will be presented to highlight the current state of the art in tactical care.

History of Combat Medicine Armed Conflict of the Past The history of combat medicine is as old as that of armed combat. The first reliable evidence of combat wounds comes from ancient Egypt around 2000 BC.1 A mass grave of some 60 soldiers shows evidence of wounds and arrows still in the body. Later, the Greeks developed a crude system of caring for casualties of battle, and arranged special barracks or ships (“klisiai”) for their care. During this era, surgical care was crude and consisted of removing arrowheads and barbed spears by either pushing them through or enlarging the hole with a knife. Treatment for pain relief and infection prophylaxis was limited to oral or topical

plant extracts, and songs and charms were used to treat hemorrhage.1 The Romans advanced combat casualty care by establishing a series of Valetudinarian, or casualty care centers, during the 1st and 2nd Centuries AD. The Romans also established a medical corps in the legions. Epitaphs record at least 85 Roman army physicians.2 Following the fall of the Roman Empire, there is little recorded evidence of other major advancements in combat casualty care until well over a millennium had passed. In the late 16th Century during the French–Spanish civil and religious wars, the French physician Ambrose Paré pioneered the use of both ligature to achieve hemostasis (instead of cautery) and nutritional care to speed recovery.3 In the early 19th Century, another French physician, Dominique Larrey, pioneered the use of triage to care for wounded combatants.4 He also developed the concept of “far forward care” by putting hospitals and surgeons close to the battle lines. In the late 19th Century, anesthesia was introduced and the era of modern care began. Unfortunately, death, disability, and disfigurement remained common. For example, during the Crimean War (1853 to 1856) the mortality rate from penetrating abdominal wounds was 93% for English and 92% for French soldiers.5 During the American Civil War, the Union Army experienced a similarly high mortality rate of 87% from penetrating abdominal wounds.6 Other contributions made during the 19th Century included the introduction of wound



antisepsis by Lister and nursing care by Florence Nightingale. Despite these advances, mortality ranged from 14% to 31% for extremity gunshot wounds and 26% for amputations.7 By the end of World War (WW) I, the mortality rate from abdominal wounds had declined from 85% to 56%, an improvement attributed to early surgery.8 Blood transfusion therapy also began in WW I. Further refinements were brought to combat casualty care during WW II, including better evacuation, anesthesia, and surgical technique (Fig 4.1). Antibiotic therapy, in particular penicillin, dramatically changed the outcomes of many cases and brought the first effective treatments to sepsis and gangrene. Anti-infective agents (eg, penicillin, sulfa drug, and quinine) also began to impact disease, long the biggest killer on the battlefield.

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The combination of disease and nonbattle injuries (DNBI) represents a tremendous threat to both the collective mission and the individual combatant. Historically, DNBI has accounted for more combatant deaths than all other causes combined. During armed conflicts, US forces have historically sustained only 20% of casualties from battle, with the balance being DNBI.9 In 1942, 55% to 65% of the US Forces planning to attack Guadalcanal contracted filariasis, an invasion of the lymph system by a parasitic roundworm that can cause inflammation, abscesses, and elephantiasis. Also during WW II the famous unit, Merrill’s Marauders, suffered nearly 100% attack rates of diarrhea while in Burma. The disease was so uncomfortable that it is said an entire platoon cut the seats off their pants because the severe diarrhea had to be relieved during gun battles.9

Figure 4.1. Casualties aboard a lighter on the island of New Georgia, SW Pacific, 1943 (USA Signal Corps photo by Wendlinger, courtesy of USA Center of Military History).

4. Combat and Operational Casualties


Table 4.1. US combatants dying of combat wounds during selected wars. War Mexican American Civil Spanish–American WW I WW II Korean Vietnam

Period 1846–1848 1861–1865 1898 1918 1942–1945 1950–1953 1965–1972

% Mortality 15 14 7 8 4.5 2.5 3.6

Source: Adapted from USA data.2

Environmental factors, too, have plagued warriors throughout the ages. The brutal Russian winter halted the overwhelming advances of both Napoleon’s army in the 19th century and Hitler’s forces a century later. In contrast, excellent logistics and good preventive medicine reduced US heat casualties in the Saudi desert during Operation Desert Storm. In future conflicts, DNBI will most likely continue to compromise the largest fraction of casualties. The AE system must be capable and prepared to handle these problems. Combat stress or psychiatric disease has also plagued modern forces and was widely recog-

Figure 4.2. During the Vietnam War, the UH-1 “Huey” helicopter was extensively used to quickly evacuate casualties (USA photo taken 20 miles

nized by WW I. Data from Vietnam and the 1982 Lebanon War shows that some conflicts may generate an exceptional number of combat stress casualties. By the close of the Vietnam War, a combat stress casualty rate of 2.5% was reported, equivalent to just under half the wounded-in-action rate.10 Up to one fourth of all hospitalized casualties were neuropsychiatric in nature. During Operation Desert Storm (1991), in contrast, few serious combat stress cases resulted despite a long and often tedious buildup phase. This improvement has been attributed, at least in part, to the avoidance of sleep deprivation and dehydration and the regular use of critical incident stress debriefings.10 During both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, mortality from combat wounds continued to decrease (Table 4.1). This change for the better is believed to reflect the combined improvements in evacuation, resuscitation, and surgical and postoperative care.2 During the Vietnam War, helicopter transport from the point of injury to hospital was common, as was the administration of intravenous fluids by trained enlisted medics (Fig 4.2).

southwest of Dak To, 1967, courtesy of USA Center of Military History).


Modern Military Operations The post-Vietnam War era is marked by brief conflicts, often of high intensity but relatively light in casualty production. It is instructive to examine these conflicts, as they are likely to be more similar to future actions than the largescale continental wars of the past. Other likely threats that will face the United States and allied forces in the foreseeable future include operations other than war, often referred to as “OOTW.” Most often, these will be in the form of stability support operations, such as humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping operations.11 The disease and injury patterns will most likely be different than those experiences during armed conflicts of the past (Fig 4.3). The British experience in the Falkland Islands War of 1982 is typical of the modern, brief conflict. Over 500 casualties were evacuated out of the theater, including 233 postoperative patients who had received only resuscitative surgery.12 During the 1983 invasion of Grenada by US forces (Operation Urgent Fury), 18 US soldiers were killed, 116 were wounded, and 28 received nonbattle injuries.13 The US attack in Panama in 1989 (Operation Just Cause) resulted in 25 killed and 323 wounded in action in the 6-day operation.14 These recent conflicts underscore important trends in medical support for regional conflicts. The first trend is the need for capable medical assets to accompany the assault force. There may be little or no time to establish traditional field hospitals in these brief conflicts. The shooting may be over before such a large hospital could be deployed and operating. The second trend is the requirement for rapid evacuation off the battlefield, often directly out-of-theater, which can require the AE system to handle casualties who may not have the benefit of complete stabilization. This was illustrated in Operation Just Cause, where the majority of the 275 serious casualties were evacuated directly from Howard AFB, Panama, to San Antonio, Tex. Some casualties arrived in San Antonio within 12 hours of their injuries. A third trend is the need for the medical assets accompanying

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the force to be fully capable of managing the types of patients anticipated. In Operation Just Cause, resuscitation and even some surgery was performed well forward of the traditional zones of care.14 During Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the US military forces sustained only 331 US mortalities and 353 wounded in action. Ironically, most of the deaths resulted from noncombatant injuries and 107 were the result of allied fire (fratricide).15 Because of the large buildups of US forces in the region prior to the allied invasion, there was a large medical infrastructure available to handle many more casualties. It is uncertain, however, if the medical assets would have been effective in the face of the large casualty figures initially anticipated (as high as 40,000). It is even more uncertain if the future conflicts will allow the luxury of a 5-month buildup of combat and medical forces before the outbreak of ground hostilities. The value of far-forward care and rapid evacuation is evidenced in the Soviet–Afghanistan War in the 1980s. Afghanistan guerrillas had no access to organized battlefield care and instead were forced to seek treatment 4 days’ travel time away in Pakistan. The hospital in Pakistan that treated many of these casualties reported few wounds of the head, neck, thorax, or abdomen, traditionally some of the most common types of combat injuries.16 Presumably, casualties with these types of injuries perished because of delays in care.2 More recently, the shift in US operations has been toward stability support operations such as peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. These types of operations tend to be prolonged, involve only sporadic conflicts, and generate few combat casualties. Consequently, the need for a large surgical presence is diminished. Disease, nonbattle injuries, and preventable health risks (eg, sanitation and vector control) assume a greater importance, and the military medical system must be prepared for these types of needs.11 Humanitarian missions, in particular, can present a real challenge for a military medical system designed for combat trauma. The Cuban

4. Combat and Operational Casualties


Figure 4.3. A child is examined at the 86th Combat Support Hospital in El Salvador (USA photo by Specialist Aaron Reed).

and Haitian refugee crises in the mid-1990s generated thousands of patients, many of whom were elderly or children.17 The lack of military resources in geriatrics, pediatrics, infectious disease, gynecology, and primary care proved a handicap in this environment. Although casualties were few in number, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC underscores the absolute need for broad medical capability in military medicine. The military did respond to these sites and was fully expected to care for civilian casualties. Essentially no combat wounds and remarkably few disease and nonbattle injuries characterize the Balkan peacekeeping mission, which is still ongoing at the time of this writing. This type of low-casualty operation has also spawned another phenomenum in the contemporary military: increased expectations on the part of both the troops and the public for a higher standard of care.11 Previous conflicts have always been marked by a degree of austerity, remoteness, and hostility that tempered expectations regarding the quantity and quality of care delivered during the operation. Pressure

is mounting for the US military to achieve medical care standards resembling those available in the continental United States. Whether realistic or not, these expectations will likely challenge the military health system as it continues to provide support for a wide array of missions. These expectations have been reinforced by the rapid treatment and evacuation of special forces and other troops wounded deep within Afganistan during the so-called war on terrorism against the Taliban.

Traditional Combat Casualties Bullet and Shrapnel Wounds Gunshot (ballistic-type) injuries and shrapnel (fragment) injuries remain the largest threat on the traditional battlefield. Data from the Vietnam War shows that 51% of combat deaths were due to ballistic-type injuries and 47% from shrapnel. Ballistic-type injuries accounted for 77% of British casualties during the Falkland Islands War and 52% of US casualties in Operation Desert Storm.12,15 Anatomically, the


R.A. De Lorenzo Table 4.2. Location of combat wounds (%) among several wars and conflicts. War Vietnam Falklands Panama Desert Storm

Head and neck




14 14 6 17

4 7 11* 4

4 11 11* 6

76 68 80 71

* Thoracic and abdominal wounds combined. Source: Adapted from USA data.2,22

extremities are most vulnerable, with the lower extremity being twice as likely to be wounded as the upper extremity (Table 4.2). Although data are incomplete at this writing, anecdotal reports from the ground war in Afganistan against the Taliban reinforce this trend. This is probably due in part to the larger body mass of the lower extremities resulting in greater exposure and the proximity of the legs to landmines, a common cause of shrapnel injuries in modern conflicts. Fortunately, extremity wounds are survivable,in particular if good hemorrhage control is achieved immediately after the injury. Improvements in both medical care and evacuation have the potential to decrease the number of combatants who survived the initial injury but died subsequently in the medical system. During the Vietnam War, the percentage of casualties dying after entering the medical system varied greatly depending in the location of injury (Table 4.3). Over one third of head and thoracic wound deaths occur in the medical system. Increased attention to treatable problems, such as airway obstruction, tension pneumothorax, and shock, may improve this rate. Although abdominal wounds show a relatively low lethality, early surgery and prevention of late deaths from sepsis may further improve outcome. The best outcome

was seen in extremity wounds, although room for improvement still exists. It is likely that in future conflicts extremity wounds will represent the same or greater preponderance because of improvements in body armor. While the treatment of combat trauma shares many similarities with civilian trauma care, important differences exist (Table 4.4). The main differences between military- and civilianstyle care reflect differences of environment, equipment, and on occasion clinical priorities. However, it cannot be overemphasized that the principles of good patient care do not change, and any differences in combat casualty care are overshadowed by the similarities with standard trauma care.

Blast and Burn Injuries Thermal injury is a significant cause of morbidity in war. Isolated burn injury is uncommon and is usually associated with incendiary devices. However, thermal injury frequently accompanies blast and fragment injuries from bombs, mortars, shells, and mines. In Operation Desert Storm, 26% of wounded Americans had significant thermal injuries.18 Initial management of burns is similar to civilian burn care. Because airway assurance is

Table 4.3. Lethality of combat wounds (%) by location in Vietnam. Outcome Killed immediately Died of wounds Survived






34 46 17

8 8 17

41 34 9

10 7 6

7 5 69

Figures add up to >100% because of overlapping injuries. Source: Adapted from USA data.22

4. Combat and Operational Casualties


Table 4.4. Comparison of the characteristics of combat and civilian trauma. Factor Bullet velocity Frequency of shrapnel injury Anatomic location Comorbid disease Contamination of wounds Evacuation time



High High

Low Low

Extremities Low High

Torso High Low

Long (>2 h)

Short (95%, thus conserving scarce oxygen supplies.10 In an intubated patient, electronic capnometry is another method to assure airway patency. Alternative manual methods

R.A. De Lorenzo

include direct visualization of tube placement by laryngoscopy, an esophageal detector device, and observation of respirophasic condensation on the tube. Pulse and blood pressure are the primary indicators of circulatory status. Electronic physiological monitors can reliably measure these parameters, even in the presence of significant noise and motion. Manually obtained pulse and blood pressure are more difficult to accurately obtain in the tactical environment. Capillary refill, indicative of peripheral vasoconstriction, is a reasonable alternative indicator of circulatory status that can be used in this environment. Refill time in excess of 3 seconds suggests circulatory compromise, and is best observed at a central location such as the forehead, neck, chest, or abdomen. Cold exposure can also prolong capillary refill, especially in the extremities. Bleeding must always be controlled by whatever means necessary. Direct pressure almost always controls external hemorrhage and is the technique of choice. If direct pressure can be applied and maintained, a tourniquet is almost never needed. A tourniquet may be required if direct pressure cannot be maintained because of high casualty-to-provider ratio, if there is a need to move quickly, or under other tactical considerations. Once a tourniquet is applied, it should not be loosened until bleeding can be

Table 5.5. Approach to evacuation (ongoing) care. Airway Ensure patency and adequacy of airway Breathing Ensure adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation Circulation Ensure all bleeding is controlled Provide appropriate fluid support Disability and drugs Monitor mental status and neurological response Recheck splints and dressings Administer appropriate medications Extras Keep casualty comfortable and warm Provide reassurance and support Ensure casualty is properly restrained against falls and crashes Source: Adapted with permission from Butler et al2 and De Lorenzo and Porter.13

5. Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC

controlled through other means. In general, a tourniquet should not be removed until the casualty has reached a medical facility capable of initiating and maintaining an adequate resuscitation, even if this means leaving it on for hours. The approach for administration of intravenous fluids to casualties in the field has recently undergone significant changes. For years, the standard approach for patients suspected of having hemorrhagic shock was to administer massive amounts of crystalloid and colloid fluids in an effort to maintain a normal blood pressure. Recent trends in the care of penetrating injuries in the field are moving toward administration of just enough crystalloid fluid to maintain modest hypotension (eg, systolic blood pressure of 80 to 90 torr). In contrast, current guidelines for isolated serious head injury suggest an avoidance of significant hypotension. For both conditions, it is now recommended that fluid administration be judicious in the initial management of combat-related trauma (Table 5.6). Administration of additional fluid may be medically appropriate in some circ*mstances, especially when there is a delay of >2 to 4 hours between the time of injury and definitive medical care. Drugs are playing an increasingly important role in combat care. Morphine for pain control is one of the few drugs traditionally used on the battlefield. Sufficient morphine or other potent analgesics should be administered, preferably by the intravenous route, to all casualties who are in pain. The appropriate clinical end point


is relief of suffering rather than complete relief of pain. This ensures an adequate therapeutic effect while minimizing the risk of undesirable side effects such as apnea and hypotension. It is inhumane and poor medical practice to undertreat pain on the battlefield based on an excessive fear of inducing respiratory depression or altering the neurological or abdominal examination. Such patients need appropriate analgesia. Antibiotic administration on the battlefield is now recommended for infection prophylaxis for casualties with penetrating injuries from bullets and fragments. Early administration may be most effective, and a typical regimen is a single intramuscular or intravenous dose of a broad-spectrum cephalosporin (eg, cefazolin or mefoxitan, 1 to 2 g). Tetanus prophylaxis with tetanus–diphtheria toxoid is also indicated for inadequately immunized casualties, most commonly civilians and foreign troops. Chemical or biologic attacks bring a new dimension to the use of lifesaving medications on the battlefield. Many chemical agents have antidotes or treatments that are effective if used promptly. Tactical medical providers must be familiar with atropine, pralidoxime, and diazepam for nerve agents, nitrites and thiosulfate for cyanide, and inhaled bronchodilators for pulmonary agents, at an absolute minimum. Repeated dosing of these medications may be required throughout the evacuation chain. Biologic agents are another potential threat and the evacuation chain must be ready to begin drug treatment at the earliest possible time.

Table 5.6. Rational approach to administering intravenous fluid in the tactical setting. Fluid amount (Isotonic Crystalloid) Condition No shock Compensated shock, hemorrhage controlled Compensated or uncompensated shock with suspected uncontrolled intrathoracic or intraabdominal hemorrhage Uncompensated shock, hemorrhage controlled Isolated head injury, no shock Isolated head injury with shock



Saline lock 1000 mL bolus 1000 mL bolus

Saline lock 20 mL/kg bolus 20 mL/kg bolus

1000 mL bolus, may repeat up to 3000 mL Saline lock 1000 mL bolus

20 mL/kg bolus, may repeat up to 60 mL/kg Saline lock 20 mL/kg bolus

Source: Adapted with permission from Butler et al2 and De Lorenzo and Porter.13


The last major element in evacuation care is to ensure the patient is warm, comfortable, and safe. Hypothermia is an often-overlooked complication of injury and is exacerbated by the environmental exposure, fluid resuscitation, and prolonged transport times, all common in tactical MEDEVAC. Verbal and tactile gestures of reassurance are also an important aspect of care and should be provided.

Transfer of Care Eventually, the tactical MEDEVAC system interfaces with the medical facility or the theater AE system. The effective transfer of care requires good communication between all elements, both verbal and written. Neither needs to be lengthy, but should highlight key aspects of the casualty’s condition and treatment. The standard instrument for written documentation of medical care before and during MEDEVAC is the Field Medical Card (FMC) (Fig 5.2). This abbreviated document includes basic demographic data, key physical findings, and treatment rendered. Ideally, the FMC should only take a minute or two to complete. Carbonless copies allow the initiator to keep a record for future accountability. The card itself is then attached to the casualty in a convenient fashion. Another aspect of the transfer of care is medical regulating. This process for the regulation of patient movement is crucial to manage patient flow. The objectives of medical regulating are to (1) ensure an even distribution of patient load, (2) provide adequate beds and treatment capabilities for current and anticipated needs, and (3) ensure that patients requiring specialized care get to the appropriate facility. Historically, medical regulating was only concerned with theater-level AE. However, as automated systems become more effectual, regulating will begin at the level of tactical MEDEVAC and might one day begin at the point of injury. Two systems are in current use in the tactical environment for medical regulating: the Defense Medical Regulating Information System (DMRIS) and the Automated Patient Evacuation System (APES).1 DMRIS is an online,

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computerized system designed to permit the interfacility transfer of patients. It currently operates at the fixed medical facility level but will be extended forward to theater and tactical levels through modernization. APES supports the USAF AE mission out of the theater. APES can exchange information with DMRIS with the ultimate goal of both being improved effectiveness and efficiency throughout evacuation.

Transportation The overall goal of MEDEVAC is the safe and effective movement of the casualties. Transportation modes might include manual carries, ground vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, or a combination of these depending on the circ*mstances. All members of the military medical team should have a general familiarity with the common transportation modes used for MEDEVAC.

Manual Carries In combat and many military operations other than war, the manual carry is the primary means of moving casualties from the point of injury or illness to a point of safety where the medical evacuation can begin. Despite tremendous advances in many other areas of evacuation, manual carries remain almost unchanged over the centuries. While agility and finesse are essential to executing all manual carries, there remains no substitute for physical strength and endurance. Manual carries can be exhausting work and necessarily have a range limited to a few hundred or thousand meters. Manual carries and drags may aggravate fractures and wounds because they offer little stable support for the casualty’s body. Moving the casualty along the long axis of the body will minimize further injury to the casualty. Ongoing care is impossible during a manual carry. If possible, life-threatening bleeding should be controlled with a tourniquet prior to movement. Airway management, ventilation, and patient monitoring must be delayed until the casualty reaches a point of safety.

5. Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC


A Figure 5.2. Field Medical Card. Both the front (A) and back (B) of the card are utilized for both MEDEVAC and AE.


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B Figure 5.2. Continued

5. Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC

Litter Carries Litter transportation offers modest improvements over manual carries. Some support and comfort is afforded the patient, and spinal immobilization, fracture splinting, oxygen therapy, and other static treatments can often be maintained during movement. Airway management, ventilation, and other dynamic care remains difficult to perform, however. Litter carries have the additional advantage that the work of transporting a patient can be shared by two to four persons, markedly increasing the potential range of transportation. The obvious drawback, however, is that up to four persons are committed to moving one patient. Litters are lightweight, portable, durable, and readily available on the battlefield. They are also widely used to move patients in and around medical facilities and on and off evacuation vehicles. Therefore, all military medical providers should be familiar with their use.

Ground Vehicles Ground vehicles are the most common platform used to move casualties over relatively long distances on the battlefield. Current US military doctrine places dedicated ambulances in the war-fighting maneuver units such as an armor or infantry battalion. In most scenarios, battlefield casualties will be carried or dragged several hundred meters to a point of relative safety (eg, the casualty collection point) where a ground ambulance can pick them up. As a result, ground ambulances can be expected to get fairly close to the point of injury in many cases. There are several ground ambulances in use today (Table 5.7). The M996/M997 “Humvee” ambulance is built on the highly successful high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV) chassis (Fig 5.3). The HMMWV is organic to medical platoons of light-infantry battalions and most medical companies and can accommodate up to four litter patients. The M113 armored ambulance is little more than an ordinary armored personnel carrier outfitted to accommodate up to four litters (Fig 5.4). It is a pre-Vietnam era design and

55 Table 5.7. MEDEVAC platforms used by the US Army. Platform M996/M997 M113 AMEV Stryker

UH-1 Huey UH-60Q Blackhawk


Litter capacity

Wheeled ambulance, HMMWV chassis Tracked, armored ambulance Armored medical evacuation vehicle Wheeled armored medical evacuation vehicle Single-engine helicopter Twin-engine helicopter configured for MEDEVAC

2–4 4 4 4

6 6

suffers from thin armor, slow speed, and a jarring ride. It is organic primarily to the medical platoon in armor and mechanized infantry battalions. The US Army is hoping to replace the aging M113 with the armored medical evacuation vehicle (AMEV), which is built on the M2/M3 Bradley fighting vehicle chassis. The AMEV offers greater armor, speed, range, comfort, and room than the M113 and has provisions for onboard oxygen. In addition, it offers protection against chemical and biologic agents. The high price tag, however, will likely delay its deployment for years. The Stryker, a new wheeled armored vehicle for the Army’s medium weight brigade is based on the LAV III already in use by the US Marine Corps. This new vehicle comes in a variety of configurations including an ambulance, and offers a combination of protection, moderate weight, maneuverability and speed that enhances versatility.

Helicopters Helicopter ambulances have been a highvisibility element of the MEDEVAC system since their introduction for this role during the Korean conflict. By the end of the Vietnam War, MEDEVAC helicopters offered speed and versatility unmatched by ground platforms.11 They are largely unaffected by terrain and can reach remote areas inaccessible to


R.A. De Lorenzo

Figure 5.3. M997 wheeled ambulance (photo by Robert A. De Lorenzo).

Figure 5.4. M113 armored ambulance (photo by Robert A. De Lorenzo).

5. Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC


Figure 5.5. UH-1 Huey air ambulance (USA photo).

ground vehicles. Disadvantages include the cost and their vulnerability to small-arms fire. This latter factor accounts for the doctrine of keeping helicopter pick-up points a safe distance from direct hostile fire. For this reason, most casualties will still need to be carried to a point of safety by a combination of manual or litter carry and ground vehicle transportation prior to “dustoff.” The UH-1 Iroquois (“Huey”) is a Vietnamera airframe that remains on active service some 30 years after its introduction (Fig 5.5). It is a single-turbine, twin-blade rotor aircraft with a capacity of six litter patients.11 The UH-60 Blackhawk is the current replacement for the UH-1 (Fig 5.6). It is a twin-engine, quad-rotor blade airframe with improved range and speed over its predecessor. Like the UH-1, the UH-60 has a capacity of six litter patients. An improved version of the Blackhawk, the UH-60Q, has been proposed as a primary air ambulance. The Q model has improved engine power and performance plus built-in oxygen, suction, lighting, and monitoring capability.12 Unfortunately, the high cost of each aircraft has slowed widespread deployment.

Limitations of MEDEVAC MEDEVAC, using either helicopter ambulances or their ground counterparts, shares two significant limitations: availability and limited patient care en route. Battlefields and disasters are fluid and dynamic situations, making it impossible to preposition ambulances where they will most be needed, even in the unlikely event that large numbers were available. Field medical providers must be capable of improvising transportation when ambulances are not available. Using nonmedical vehicles and personnel for casualty evacuation, including trucks, buses, and nonmedical helicopters, is a wellrecognized part of US Army contingency planning.1 The second greatest limitation of tactical MEDEVAC is the difficulty involved in providing en route or ongoing care. Both ground and air platforms currently in use are cramped, noisy, poorly illuminated, and prone to vibration, jarring, and sway. Patient access, assessment, monitoring, and intervention are difficult, at best. Only in the most modern platforms are there provisions for on-board oxygen and suction. Airway, breathing, and monitoring


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Figure 5.6. UH-60 Blackhawk air ambulance (USA photo).

equipment are not built-in and thus must be brought on-board separately. Despite these equipment limitations, perhaps the greatest is the limitations of care providers in terms of both numbers and training.5 Most ground and air ambulances have one or two attendants assigned for up to six critical patients.12 Obviously, if more than one patient requires intensive bedside care (eg, active bag–valve–mask ventilation) the single attendant’s capacity to provide care is exceeded. Ironically, it is a common personnel practice to assign a junior or inexperienced medical technician to the job of ambulance attendant. The rigors of MEDEVAC create two challenges for military medical providers. First, patients being prepared for tactical evacuation must be adequately stabilized for the journey. Extra effort should be made to anticipate problems en route. For example, providing critically injured patients with two intravenous lines (in case one fails) before embarking may prevent the need for restarting a line. The second challenge occurs at the receiving medical facility. Casualties being off-loaded from ambulances need a thorough reassess-

ment and, if needed, intervention to correct urgent problems.

Conclusion MEDEVAC encompasses all movement of the movement of patients: from the point of injury to the nearest medical facility, between medical facilities at different echelon levels, and finally to the site of embarkation out of the theater. A key component of MEDEVAC is the provision of ongoing casualty care. To assure the success of what is one of the most important missions of military medicine, all military medical providers need to be familiar with the basic concepts and components of tactical MEDEVAC.

References 1. Department of the Army. Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1991. Field Manual 8-10-6.

5. Military Casualty Evacuation: MEDEVAC 2. Butler FK, Hagmann J, Butler EJ. Tactical combat casualty care in special operations. Milit Med 1996;161(suppl): 3–15. 3. Utility and Cargo Helicopter Operations. Washington, DC: Department of the Army; 1997. Field Manual 1-113. 4. Trunkey DD, Ochsner MG, Jr. Management of battlefield casualties. In: Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Mattox KL, eds. Trauma. 3rd ed. Stamford, Conn: Appleton & Lange; 1996. 5. Hacker LP. Time and its effect on casualties in WWII and Vietnam. Arch Surg 1969;98:39–40. 6. De Lorenzo RA. Improving combat casualty care and field medicine: Focus on the military medic. Milit Med 1997;162:268–272. 7. Department of the Army. Health Service Support in a Theater of Operations. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1991. Field Manual 8-10.

59 8. Swan GS, Swan KG. Triage: The past revisited. Milit Med 1996;161:448–452. 9. Committee on Trauma. Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient: 1999. Chicago: American College of Surgeons; 1998. 10. Makreth B. Assessing pulse oximetry in the field. J Emerg Med Serv 1990;15(6):12–20. 11. Baxt WG, Moody P. The Impact of rotorcraft aeromedical emergency care services on mortality. JAMA 1983;249:3047–3051. 12. De Lorenzo RA. Military and civilian emergency aeromedical services: Common goals and different approaches. Aviat Space Environ Med 1997;68:56–60. 13. De Lorenzo RA, Porter RS. Tactical Emergency Care. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Brady (Prentice Hall); 1999.

6 Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events Frederick M. Burkle, Jr., Richard Brennan, and Victoria Garshnek

Triage is a French word meaning to pick out or sort. It was first introduced into the English language during World War I as a military process of classifying casualties.1 The modern definition, according to Gunn, is “the selection and categorization of the casualties of a disaster with the view to appropriate treatment according to the degree of severity of illness or injury and the availability of medical and transport facilities.”2 Numerous studies and writings exist that address the methodology of triage. However, there is little attention provided to triage prior to transport, especially in regard to aeromedical evacuation (AE). This chapter addresses mass-casualty events (civilian or military) where triage is performed under circ*mstances in which the number of patients exceeds the normal capabilities and resources for a prolonged period of time.1 Triage becomes a critical aspect of AE in mass-casualty events requiring special skills and considerations.

Mass-Casualty Triage Mass-casualty care has three principle elements: triage, basic field stabilization, and evacuation. The objective of mass-casualty triage is to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number in the shortest time, and it is this type of triage we will discuss in this chapter. Civilian mass-casualty triage contrasts with that of military triage, where the stark realities of combat require that the first objective is to determine who can be quickly treated and returned to combat immediately following


treatment. In such military triage, treatment and evacuation of the more seriously injured is an important, but secondary, objective.1 Sophisticated mass-casualty triage principles were applied in the Korean War and improved upon in both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars.1,3,4 Mortality rates were reduced from 4.7% in World War 1 to 1% in the Vietnam War. Rapid triage and stabilization treatment, together with immediate helicopter evacuation and well-equipped and staffed echelon-level hospitals, were major factors that contributed to the low mortality rate in Vietnam.1 In a medical echelon system, such as the military’s, retriage is required at every level in the chain of evacuation, and thus triage must be a dynamic process (Fig 6.1).

Triage Situations A “triage situation” is any situation where the total patient requirement exceeds available resources, thus requiring temporary prioritization of critical care.1 An example of this most often occurs in rural hospital emergency departments when a limited number of providers are faced with two or more critically injured patients. A triage situation will exist until on-call assistance arrives or casualties are evacuated to an advanced-care facility. The few studies that address AE triage deal primarily with these casualty-limited events in remote or inaccessible areas.5–8 However, these studies still have some applicability to mass-casualty AE, especially as they relate to recognition of the appropriateness of aeromedical procedures,

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events


Figure 6.1. After initial triage and treatment, retriage is required at every level in the chain of evacuation (USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Mark Diamond).

the impact of physiological and environmental factors, and skills required of aircraft and crew, as discussed later in this chapter.

Triage Criteria Just as there are differences in the types of triage, ie, mass casualty and military, there are different criteria used to determine which patients are moved first. The two most common criteria are inclusion and exclusion.

Inclusion Criteria The most common criteria used in the vast majority of civilian mass-casualty events are inclusion criteria. Civilian triage does not utilize the military echelons of care but does utilize the same decision-making factors, such as likelihood of medical success and conservation of scarce resources. In the United States, both military and civilian triage incorporate Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) standards of care. These have also become the inclusion criteria expected for triage management in most developed countries where

adequate resources and personnel exist.9,10 When there are an abundance of resources, inclusion criteria prescribe that all necessary resources be utilized first on the “sickest” patient. This approach to triage methodology and the decision-making process has been refined for the different locations at which it may be employed, including the scene of the disaster, the civilian or military hospital emergency department entrance, and x-ray and surgical suites.1 Unfortunately, the requirements for or influence of AE triage in this process have rarely been addressed.

Exclusion Criteria Recent experiences during complex humanitarian emergencies (eg, Somalia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia) have been remarkable both for the massive numbers of casualties (primarily civilian) and the extremely limited resources available. In these situations, definitive care is unavailable for most casualties. The result is that triage occurs at only one level, ie, the besieged hospital, where further evacuation (ground and air) is often impossible (Fig 6.2).9 Mass-casualty events during complex emergencies often require triage officers to make exclu-


F.M. Burkle, Jr., R. Brennan, and V. Garshnek

Figure 6.2. Hurricane casualties in Honduras awaiting medical evaluation and treatment (USA photo by Staff Sergeant. Jeff Troth, 49th Public Affairs Detachment, Airborne).

sion criteria decisions that reflect the relative scarcity of multiple basic medical provisions, including resuscitation equipment, surgical expertise, blood supplies, electricity, clean water, and security for both patients and medical personnel, as required by international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions.9,11 When a medical system is overwhelmed, this is the only possible way to keep scarce resources available for patients with a reasonable chance for survival. Guidelines for applying exclusion criteria must be determined as early as possible when triage is required for this type of complex masscasualty event. As soon as the relative scarcity of medical provisions has been determined, triage personnel must agree on which casualties have little hope for survival without using a large amount of resources (eg, patients requiring cardiac resuscitation, immediate surgery, or substantial blood transfusion). These patients will be treated only with comfort measures. This use of seemingly harsh exclusion criteria for aggressive treatment were required in Kigali, Rwanda, where over 20,000 trauma casualties were triaged by underresourced relief organi-

zations. It was also used in Rwandan refugee camps, such as Goma, where the intravenous (IV) fluids available for rehydration during cholera epidemics were extremely limited.12 Decisions using exclusion criteria become even more critical if evacuation options are unavailable, limited, or threatened. The potential remains high for triage officers to deploy to locations where they may face these difficult decisions during a mass-casualty event or armed conflict.

Triage Considerations in Large-Scale Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Events WMD may occur as a result of a terrorist induced biological, chemical, nuclear, or mixed event. Also, an explosive device may be purposefully contaminated with a bioagent or chemical resulting in a confusing, early or delayed, clinical presentation of an otherwise physically traumatized victim. In a large-scale WMD event (PICE stages I–III), triage will be practiced in a resource-constrained environment. Exclusion criteria will be utilized, and

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events Table 6.1. Triage considerations. A Static Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic


Nuclear Bioterrorism



PICE Stage

Controlled Disruptive Paralytic Paralytic

Local Regional National International


Source: From Koenig KL, Dinerman N, Kuehl AE: Disaster nomenclature––A functional impact approach: The PICE system. Acad Emerg Med 3:723–727, 1996.

The contraindications of triaged victims are less critical to individual victims unless the AE is entering a contaminated area. As with any large-scale WMD event, the decision-makers must, early in the triage process, determine how AE assests will, if ever, be used and under what circ*mstances and operational protocols.

Mixed Agent Terrorism as such, AE capability and capacity may be severely compromised. In Table 6.1, column A describes the potential for additional casualties. Column B describes whether resources are overwhelmed and, if so, whether they must be augmented (disruptive) or first need to be reconstituted (paralytic). Column C describes the extent of geographic involvement. The PICE stage refers to the likelihood that outside medical assistance will be needed.

Biological Terrorism A primary objective of current education and training of healthcare providers in the clinical recognition and management of biological agents, and in the use of detection technologies, is to determine, as early as possible, whether the bioagent is contagious. In a non-contagious bioagent environment (eg, anthrax), standard patient precautions will be followed. There will be few contraindications to AE. With a contagious bioagent (eg, smallpox) triage must consider the vulnerability of AE personnel, their equipment and aircraft. In general, contagious victims will not receive AE unless containment equipment and personnel protections (ie, portable isolation units, protective gear, vaccination coverage, etc.) are guaranteed.

Chemical Terrorism AE triage criteria will vary depending on the chemical used and whether the victims have been appropriately decontaminated before flight. As was the case in preparations for the Persian Gulf War, decontamination equipment must be available for AE aircraft and equipment. If not, AE becomes exclusionary in the triage and management process.

All triage personnel must consider the possibility that victims in a terrorist event, especially those experiencing an explosive device, have suffered additional exposure to a biological (eg, botulism toxin) or chemical agent (eg, nerve gas). Nerve gas may cause spasms in exposed voluntary muscles observed during the triage process, requiring immediate decontamination before AE and surgery.

Aeromedical Triage Aeromedical triage is extremely complex and requires knowledge of multiple factors. It can be defined as the triage support that prioritizes and prepares patients for AE, including appropriate specialized care during transport. Aeromedical triage requires attention to unique physiological and air transport environmental factors that may directly affect: (1) the decision to transport, (2) pre-existing triage and evacuation priorities (3) treatment and resource allocation, and (4) risk analysis decisions. In both battlefield and true mass-casualty events, there is often no reasonable alternative to AE.1,4,5 Therefore, aeromedical triage must ensure that appropriate triage methods are utilized to prevent the misuse of limited aircraft and still move patients efficiently. Lack of proper triage has been shown to limit patient transfer and the efficiency of long-distance AE.5,13 Triage officers, both military and civilian, responsible for mass-casualty care are required to incorporate and communicate critical aeromedical factors into the management process. The triage officer requires a myriad of critical information to make AE triage decisions.


F.M. Burkle, Jr., R. Brennan, and V. Garshnek

Triage teams must maintain an umbrella view of the larger triage and evacuation system with its capabilities, responsibilities, and limitations, as well as exercising the flexibility needed to work within this complex system. With numerous advances in AE being made daily (eg, telecommunications, training of personnel, capability of aircraft), triage officers must stay current so that they may incorporate their knowledge of aeromedical factors into their triage decisions. Patient triage is one of the basic requirements that all AE systems must meet in addition to medical crew training, in-flight patient monitoring and treatment, and access to appropriate target medical facilities. In turn, each aeromedical triage system should meet certain minimal requirements. If triage is done properly by the triage officer, the patients will receive care in a continuum throughout evacuation, not just a simple flight in an aircraft.

not deteriorate more during AE than would have occurred on the ground.14 6. Triage officers must have advanced medical knowledge of triage and evacuation priorities, modes of transportation, transport management, and hospital destination to minimize triage-related errors, eliminate medical bottlenecks, and afford early and appropriate definitive care to those most in need.1,14,15 7. Guidelines must be in place to minimize unnecessary casualty transfers resulting from either undertriage or overtriage as described below.16 8. The triage officers must be mindful that crisis intervention begins at the scene, both during and after evacuation, for casualties, relatives, rescuers, and health workers.15

AE Triage Minimal Requirements

In any mass-casualty situation, the possibility of either overtriage or undertriage always exists, and it is the purpose of aeromedical triage support to minimize this waste. In overtriage, relatively minor injuries are either sent to trauma centers with far more capability than required or are transported more quickly than their condition requires. In undertriage, patients with life-threatening injuries are either transported too slowly or to facilities incapable of treating them. In day-to-day civilian practice, an acceptable overtriage rate is 50%, primarily because capability far exceeds requirement.1,16 However, in a mass-casualty situation a waste of either transportation or treatment assets is unacceptable. There are a number of key factors that can be used to influence the best possible triage decisions described below (Table 6.2).

1. The triage officer and escorting providers should be aware of the differences between working in the airborne environment and working in the static ground-based facility of the field environment. 2. All patients must receive a primary survey designed to identify indicators of impending or existing respiratory failure or shock. This survey should include an assessment of how aeromedical physiological and environmental factors might contribute to respiratory failure or shock. At a minimum, this should include a systematic evaluation of the airway, breathing, circulation, and immobilization. 3. Triage officers should conduct frequent repeat triage using clear guidelines to ensure optimal and rapid modification of medical care during transport. 4. Triage officers should use clinical protocols for specific injuries and illnesses, based on mechanism of injury, physiological status of the patient, and predicted transport times, to improve outcomes and significantly reduce the interval between injury and patient arrival at an appropriate medical facility. 5. Medical care must be of high enough quality that the condition of mass casualties will

Factors Influencing Triage Decisions

Triage and Evacuation Priorities Mass-casualty field triage refers to the sorting and classification of patients, assessing patients to determine the most appropriate receiving facility, and specifically deciding whether to bypass the closest hospital in favor of another. The goal is to ensure that all seriously injured

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events Table 6.2. Aeromedical factors that influence triage decisions. Triage and evacuation priorities Triage categories Number of casualties Types of casualties Quantitative scoring systems Transport management Procedures Equipment Crew skills Physiological factors Cost–benefit analysis Mode of transportation Type Distance/speed Crew composition Environmental hazards Evacuation destination Level of designation Operating theaters Specialty availability


Priority 2: Delayed. Casualties can wait for care or air/ground transport. Basic first aid, retriage, and monitoring are provided. Triage officer determines both priority and sequence of air transport, accelerating the transport if condition deteriorates, a transport opportunity hastens care and recovery, or space allows. Priority 3: Minimal. No impairment of function, can either treat self or be treated by a nonprofessional. Appropriate for ground transportation. Should not reenter air transport triage process. Priority 4: Expectant. Extremely critical or moribund casualties with little hope of survival under the best of circ*mstances of medical care. Will not benefit from air evacuation.

Quantitative Scoring Methods patients are brought to a trauma or specialty referral center while maximally utilizing scarce resources. Flight crew expertise and ability to monitor, resuscitate, and provide critical procedures during air transport are critical to the overall triage process.

Triage Categories Both qualitative and quantitative methods of triage are used to classify patients into triage categories. Qualitative methods classify patients subjectively into a group of categories, usually two to five in number. Quantitative methods use various types of numeric scales to place an “exact” value on the patient’s need to move. In mass-casualty events, triage categories must be kept simple and functional and complement the unique requirements of the aeromedical environment. For this reason, the authors have developed a modified four-tiered qualitative sorting system that communicates aeromedical factors critical to transport and treatment1: Priority 1: Immediate. Seriously injured with reasonable chance of survival if transported by air to a proper facility. Expectations are that advanced care will continue or be enhanced during transport.

Although experienced triage officers rely on their best clinical judgement, no triage guidelines perfectly predict which patients are truly emergencies. Quantitative methods that assign an objective score to a casualty’s clinical status can assist assessment and triage, especially in identifying those casualties most suitable for evacuation to trauma facilities. A study has shown that the instinctive or “gut feeling” was unreliable alone, but when used in conjunction with a mechanism of injury scoring system it enhanced the identification of major trauma casualties.17 Complicated scoring systems or time-consuming evaluations are to be avoided due to risk of delay in transport, but such quantitative systems do have value. Multiple quantitative scoring systems have been developed to predict survival outcomes. These systems are based on a number of different criteria including anatomy, injury severity, physiological measurements, and mechanism of injury.16 An example of the effectiveness of one such system is a trend toward increased survival observed among patients transported by helicopter with higher injury severity scores.18 In general, anatomic and physiological criteria as measured by the Trauma Score provide the triage officer a means to predict survival outcomes and audit the system more accurately with information about the


severity of a patient’s injuries or condition than criteria based on mechanism of injury alone.16 To be useful, the anatomic and physiological criteria must be clear, concise, and readily determined by field personnel. Incident criteria such as the anatomic factor and mechanisms of injury scoring tend to result in excessive overtriage but are valuable in raising suspicion of serious injury.3 The Revised Trauma Score for Field Triage is a quantitative system that has been used to predict survival outcomes and therefore, indirectly, the feasibility of air transport and aircraft suitability.19

Number of Casualties By definition, mass-casualty situations involve the movement of large numbers of casualties. Effective measures must be utilized to accurately assess the effectiveness of each masscasualty triage effort.20 One measure of effectiveness for triage is associated with how well patients were transported to the medical facility that could meet their need on the first transport. This measure is the ratio between interhospital transfer due to triage errors and the total casualty population who needed transfer.21

Types of Casualties Virtually all mass-casualty events will generate a significant number of trauma casualties who will present with a wide variety of injury patterns. When considering the most common types of injuries, two important factors should always be kept in mind. First, the chief causes of death are hemorrhage, sepsis, and respiratory failure (eg, adult respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]).1 Second, hypovolemic shock will be overlooked by trained medical personnel in many casualties.1 Blunt/Crush Injury To make appropriate triage decisions for casualties with blunt or crush injuries, a number of important factors must be considered. AE can reduce predicted mortality for casualties with blunt injuries by more than 50%.22 However, these types of injuries are missed more often than penetrating injuries. Appropriate triage of

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these patients to trauma centers for definitive care may be more critical than the timing of the transfer.14 A deadly combination is blunt injury followed by cardiac arrest, and physician intervention at the scene is not likely to improve mortality in these cases.23 Thus, it is appropriate to triage casualties who have both blunt injury and cardiac arrest into the “expectant” category. Head Injury Appropriate AE triage of closed-head injury patients is crucial and requires considerable judgement and expertise. In one study, a 9% reduction in head injury-related mortality has been attributed to AE.24 These casualties can be divided into groups based on their risk of significant head injury. The high-risk groups appropriate for immediate AE are those casualties who have one or more of the following: 1. Depressed levels of consciousness indicated by a Glascow Coma Scale (GCS) of 13 or less, focal neurological signs. 2. Decreasing levels of consciousness. 3. Penetrating skull injuries. 4. Those with evidence of a depressed or basilar skull fracture. The moderate-risk group of casualties are those who had a brief history of loss of consciousness, change in consciousness, progressive headache, vomiting, or posttraumatic amnesia.25 These casualties create the most difficult triage decisions. In the primary survey, the triage officer must evaluate and monitor the level of consciousness (LOC) by the awake, verbal, pain, and unresponsive (AVPU) scale, and re-evaluate this every 15 minutes.24,25 Any casualty experiencing variations in LOC is reassigned to the high-risk group and requires immediate evacuation. The lowest-risk group is made up of casualties who have remained alert and have a normal neurological examination. Their AE can be delayed because they have less than 1 in 1000 chance of having a significant head injury.24,25 Burn Injuries Appropriate triage of burn and inhalation injuries is crucial because this category

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events

predominates in many mass-casualty events, such as hotel fires and airshow accidents.26 Immediate evacuation is indicated for casualties with second-degree burns involving 10% or more of body surface area (BSA), third-degree burns of 5% BSA, burns involving face, eyes, ears, hands, feet, or perineum, or any burn associated with a fracture. Immediate evacuation is also indicated for casualties with circumferential burns of extremities or digits because they may require an escarotomy.26 Burn patients are among the most difficult to move, and excellent triage decisions are crucial to successfully move them. Because of airway burns and inhalation injury, some patients may be too unstable for flight without preflight treatment. Common procedures that may be required to make a patient stable enough for evacuation include insertion of catheters, immediate pulmonary care, escharotomy, and adjustments of IV fluids.27 Triage officers should remind the aeromedicat crew of the risk for unsuspected pneumothoraces28 during flight and specifically request the in-flight availability of pulse oximeters, needle aspiration equipment, and supplemental oxygen for these patients. ARDS/Chest Trauma Immediate evacuation to appropriate ICU facilities is indicated for any casualty with ARDS. This potentially life-threatening complication can develop in any seriously injured trauma casualty, especially one who has had blunt or blast injuries. The triage officer must take into account the risk of altitude-related hypoxemia, which can be partially compensated for by breathing supplementary oxygen, as long as cardiac output and hematocrit are adequate.29 Casualties with severe ARDS should be transported in helicopters flying at low altitudes or pressurized fixed-wing aircraft with supplementary oxygen and pulse oximetry. Orthopedic Injuries Orthopedic injuries are common and frequently missed injuries associated with mass-casualty events such as earthquakes and building collapse.1 If orthopedic injuries are associated with prolonged extrication, the


casualties are also at risk for compartment syndrome and acute renal failure (see Blunt/ Crush Injury). Stable orthopedic patients triaged as “delayed” should be immobilized while awaiting transport. The triage officer must assure that weights are removed from any traction devices prior to flight and ensure that patients with air splints are properly managed during flight.30 Chemical Contaminated/Mixed Contaminated–Surgical Trauma Casualty These casualties should be suspected whenever large numbers of casualties occur and chemical contamination from an industrial accident or terrorism cannot be ruled out. Fasciculation of muscle groups and in muscles of an exposed wound or traumatic amputation should alert the triage team to possible nerve gas exposure.31 Even in the presence of contamination, triage decisions must still be based on the patients’ total medical condition, including ambulatory status, respiratory status, and additional injuries. Decontamination before transfer is critical, because contaminated patients may get worse in the closed environment of an ambulance or aircraft and further place aircraft crew at risk. Iran–Iraq War nerve gas casualties, thought to be decontaminated days before, were sent without any precautions to France on a commercial flight for specialized treatment, only to contaminate unsuspecting flight attendants and crew.32 In the Tokyo sarin attack, casualties triaged as minimal were not decontaminated at the scene, worsened during evacuation, and contaminated both transport and hospitalbased health providers. Before the Persian Gulf War, plans were developed to use helicopters in the decontamination process, but this required extensive aircraft washing facilities unlikely to be available during peacetime.3 The triage officer should make certain that the proposed destination medical facility has the capacity to offer further decontamination antidotes, and ventilation support. Pediatric Critically injured or ill pediatric patients are extremely vulnerable during AE. One of the


most common reasons for AE of pediatric patients in a mass-casualty situation is head injury due to the relatively large size of the head in relationship to the rest of the body.24 Brain complications can be compounded by AE because altitude-related hypoxia is the most common complication of pediatric air transport. It is the triage officer’s responsibility to make sure that the medical aircrew is prepared to take steps to minimize this risk. Combative/Violent Patient In the overall evacuation process, from patient identification to successful outcome at destination, many overlapping agencies and organizations are involved in the triage process. The potential for confusion and miscommunication are probably the greatest for combative or violent patients. The responsibility of the triage officer when confronted with neuropsychiatric patients is often incompletely understood.33 For mass-casualty triage purposes, bizzare behavior should be assumed to be the result of head injury, hypoxia, or toxin exposure until proven otherwise.1,3 Unless the patient is known to have a preexisting neuropsychiatric condition, it is critical to search for such acute causes and begin appropriate treatment. The triage officer should advise the AE crew if there is a need for attendants, sedation, or restraints.33

Transportation Management Once the decision is made to move a patient through the AE system, a number of factors must be considered to properly manage the transportation. Among these factors are the procedures that AE crews can reasonably perform in the air, the equipment available, the skills of the crew, and the physiological effects of flight.

Procedures Performed by Flight Crews The AE crew can be expected to accomplish a limited number of medical procedures for a variety of reasons, including noise, poor lighting, constant vibration with intermittent severe turbulence, and limited space. Procedures

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commonly performed by aeromedical crews include5,8,14,20,26,28–30,34: • • • • • • • • • • • •

nasogastric tube insertion endotracheal intubation cardiopulmonary resuscitation IV lines central venous access extrication and splinting bladder catheterization venous cutdown tube thoracostomy cricothyrotomy pericardiocentesis MAST garment application

These procedures are best performed prior to flight. The triage officer must first consider the pertinent physiological and aeromedical constraints that may affect the procedure. He must also assure that limited supplies and equipment are not used on expectant patients. A common consideration is the timing of endotracheal intubation. If performing this procedure on the ground will delay evacuation, experienced aeromedical crew members can intubate both adults and children in-flight, even if neuromuscular blockade paralysis is required for intubation.35 A casualty with multiple trauma will often require placement of a chest tube or needle aspiration. Patients who undergo emergent tube thoracostomy in the field are at increased risk for complications, in particular from a malfunctioning or malpositioned chest tube that may require repositioning in-flight. Alternatively, needle catheter aspiration is a rapid intervention for the treatment of suspected tension pneumothorax, which has been shown to be relatively safe and effective and have low morbidity.36 The triage officer should make special arrangements for cardiac patients with temporary pacemakers and automatic defibrillators. These devices must be set to a mode where the vibrations of flight will not trigger any inappropriate firings. If the preflight setting and equipment allows, permanent pacemakers should be programmed to nonatrial sensitivity or asynchronous mode before the patient is on-board the aircraft.37 The triage officer should ensure that this type of cardiac-related electrical

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events

equipment is compatible with the aviation environment, both in fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.38

Physiological Factors A number of physiological factors must be considered in the decision to send patients in the AE system, but none are more important than respiratory factors. Adequate patient ventilation is the cornerstone of safe, successful AE. Common effects of AE that may hamper patient ventilation include altitude-related hypoxia, gas expansion, and even acceleration forces.28,39–41 Triage officers must have a solid grasp of the inherent limits of the aeromedical environment and a well-developed understanding of altitude-related pressure effects on pulmonary physiology, procedures, and medical devices used during flight.39,41

Altitude Hypoxia In a mass-casualty event, oxygen therapy during flight may not always be available. If patients at risk for hypoxia are being transported without supplemental oxygen, both the aircrew and aeromedical crew should be advised that altitude restrictions may be required. It must be remembered that pressurized cabins provide only partial atmospheric pressure, with minimum pressures usually equivalent to an altitude of 8000 ft.28 Pulse oximetry is a useful way to determine which patients are desaturating in-flight. Unfortunately, if oxygen is in short supply these devices will almost certainly be as well.

Accelerative Forces Gravitational forces are important factors in the AE environment, but should rarely affect triage decisions. However, triage officers should be aware that certain patients, eg, head trauma, should have their litter positioned so their heads are toward the rear of the aircraft to maintain their cerebral circulation.

Gas Expansion Changes in altitude associated with AE can have serious effects for patients with untreated


pneumothorax, gas gangrene, or air trapped in the cranium or abdomen.42 Diminished ambient air pressure causes gases in closed spaces and tissues to expand rapidly. Fortunately, gas expansion will in general not be a problem when flying below 5000 ft (1500 m).42 Penetrating eye injuries may also worsen with altitude. The triage officer should alert the AE crew if there are any patients who may be at risk for gas expansion, and a decision must be made whether or not to establish an altitude restriction.

Mode of Transportation There is risk in mass-casualty events that AE will be used inappropriately. In one wartime study, only 22% of patients were found to have benefited from AE as compared to calculated road ambulance evacuation. This resulted despite a high percentage of trauma patients, rural setting, and poor road conditions and emphasizes the need to devise a system that can screen out unnecessary flights.43 Crew safety and the high costs of flying are two important considerations in the triage process.42 Casualtylimited events, such as a two-casualties automobile accident, are especially prone to the overuse of helicopter evacuation for casualties with low severity scores, which has been reported to be as high as 85% of flights in some studies.44 Decisions to use helicopters for trauma patients are more often based on physician attitudes about air transport than triage guidelines,45 making a trained triage officer role invaluable in these situations. The decision to use aircraft should not be made lightly even in mass-casualty events. One of the major responsibilities of the triage officer is to assist in the determination of the need to use aircraft, what type of aircraft to use, and for what purpose is an aircraft required. Indications for AE include the need to circumvent geographic impediments, cover large distances in a short time, access isolated areas, and, most critically, get the casualties quickly to specialized medical care. In a mass-casualty situation, the triage officer may not have any control over the type of aircraft that arrives, but once aircraft are available they should be used to benefit the most patients possible.


Use of aircraft in urban mass-casualty events is rarely indicated. However, aircraft may be required to transport patients from local medical facilities to Level I trauma centers or specialized care facilities (eg, burn centers). These moves should occur after initial stabilization at the local hospital. In addition, the use of aircraft to rapidly transport qualified personnel to the scene or to a nearby treatment facility may be an expedient triage decision.

Rotary-Wing vs Fixed-Wing Aircraft In the civilian AE setting, helicopter missions outnumber fixed-wing missions in a ratio of 7 : 1.46 In mass-casualty events in field conditions, immediate air evacuations are almost exclusively by helicopter because of their unique capabilities. Helicopters deploy rapidly, require shorter preflight planning, do not require an airfield for landing, and provide more rapid turnaround times critical for mass-casualty evacuations.46 Vertical take-off avoids complications caused by horizontal accelerative/decelerative forces. A helicopter’s normal flying altitude is less than 2000 ft (600 m) above ground level, so hypoxia is rarely a problem.47 These advantages of helicopters may be offset in some circ*mstances by their disadvantages compared to fixed-wing aircraft. These disadvantages include short range, small passenger/patient load, vibration, noise, no pressurization, weather limitation, and increased risk of motion sickness.47 Studies suggest that improved clinical outcomes are associated with helicopters that are faster and provide more cabin space. Most cabins provide for one belted crew member at the patient’s head and one on the side to monitor vital signs and perform necessary nonairway–related procedures. Helicopters with a two-patient capacity greatly increase demands on the flight crew and diminish access and care to both patients.20 Triage officers must communicate with the aircrew to ensure an appropriate provider-to-patient ratio, as well as compliance with maximum take-off weights. This final point is crucial because take-off weights can easily be exceeded due to the weight of certain medical equipment.48 Fixed-wing aircraft have the disadvantage of requiring an airfield and needing more pre-

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flight planning time, but are less hampered by weather. With proper triage and in-flight medical care, casualties can be transported 800 miles or more without increasing transport-related mortality. These long-range movements are almost always accomplished to provide access to a major trauma center or burn center. Compared to a helicopter, cabin spaces are much larger and usually pressurized. Because of the decreased cabin pressure at usual cruise altitude, oxygen supplementation is routine for all at-risk patients at altitude. Triage officers must assure that aircraft have enough oxygen to meet all patient needs before the aircraft departs.

Crew Safety, Skills, and Composition Optimal aeromedical triage is dependent on the medical input and guidance by trained and experienced triage officers. Their roles include protocol development, training, and continuing education in mass-casualty care as well as coordination of lessons learned in aeromedical triage and evacuation. The most important qualifications for a mass-casualty triage officer include good judgement, broad-based knowledge of aeromedical factors, and solid leadership and management skills. It is crucial that the on-site individual with the greatest skills serve as triage officer regardless of professional training (ie, doctor, nurse, paramedic). It is critical for on-scene triage officers to know the composition and skills of available AE crews and match casualties with both aircraft and crews. This is often made difficult by the unpredictable mix of airframes, crew composition, and skills that are available during a mass-casualty event. An abiding principle is that no mission should be flown if it cannot be accomplished safely. The types of aircraft and crews available will differ greatly depending on whether they are civilian or military. Civilian programs utilize small to midsized aircraft (most commonly helicopters), often with a single pilot (see chapter 3). The AE crew usually consists of two highly trained medical crewmembers, usually a combination of technicians, paramedics, nurses, or physicians. They are in general always equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.42 The USAF uses a variety of transport

6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events

aircraft in the AE role (see chapter 8), all of which have at least two pilots and an aeromedical crew structured to meet the needs of the patient load. By tradition, military programs operate larger aircraft and utilize two pilots per aircraft. Safety is a high priority, with emphasis on crashworthiness and protective gear. And, finally, because the historical mission is one of evacuation of multiple stable casualties in wartime, military aircraft by tradition utilize aeromedical crewmembers with limited training in critical care and limited equipment.43 The current development of the Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT) Team concept will change this crew factor. To comply with legal and operational requirements, it is important that the skill level of the AE crew be of the highest quality possible, even during mass-casualty events.42 Because the skills of AE crews can vary greatly, the triage officer may have to arrange for augmentation of the crews with trained medical providers. Studies on how varying compositions of AE crews effects patient outcomes have been mixed. No objective differences in outcome of severity-paired patients were found between paramedic–nurse and nurse–nurse teams. Use of paralytic drugs by paramedics is becoming standard care in many out-of-hospital systems, and nurses providing ATLS during flight perform equally when compared with physicians.49 However, a 35% improvement in outcome for blunt trauma patients was associated with using flight nurse–flight physician teams over nurse–paramedic-staffed helicopters.50 The addition of a flight surgeon to AE crews during military actions has been shown to provide the flexibility to transport and resuscitate critically ill patients during flight.51 Dedicated MEDEVAC flight surgeons fill a unique and valuable role in some circ*mstances. Norwegian experience has shown benefit in having a designated physician specially trained in aerospace medicine and acute medicine/surgery as a permanent crewmember.52 Crew composition is not usually a peacetime triage factor, but could easily become a part of the triage decision in wartime. The limited supply of intensive-care physicians and nurses could easily force a decision regarding whether


to send these doctors and nurses with a flight or keep them at the staging facility.

Weather and Environmental Conditions Triage officers must have a working knowledge of the effects rain, fog, haze, clouds, airframe icing, turbulence, and wind shear have on the decision to fly. Conventional disaster managers do not necessarily understand the nuances of visual meteorological conditions (VMCs) and instrument flight rules (IFRs). So, the triage officer is responsible for interpreting these findings to site managers whenever conditions might prohibit or alter triage and evacuation options.14

Evacuation Destination Prior to AE, the triage officer must consider both the specialization and intensity of care and services available at the destination site. The availability of operating rooms and qualifications of medical personnel (not merely available hospital beds) are determining factors for triage-to-destination decisions.51 In short, if the casualties require a full trauma center then the transportation plan must assure that they arrive at such a center.

Telemedicine as an Aeromedical Triage Tool Advances in telemedicine and telecommunications, as a resource tool, have the potential to positively influence triage decisions in the field and then remotely care for the victim in-flight. For more than a decade, commercial airlines have been utilizing telemedicine services to assist in-flight passenger medical emergencies.53 Specifically, telemedicine has been used for specialty consultation, access to medical information, and biomedical monitoring/forwarding of patient parameters via special flight-worthy monitoring systems and equipment. A survey conducted by the FAA reported that flight crews complied with medical advice in 97% of cases, and diversions of aircraft resulted in hospital admissions 86% of the time.54 Telemedicine services provide a 24-hour medical emergency hotline (via radio, telephone, and


satellite) for direct and immediate consultation with board-certified emergency physicians qualified in remote diagnosis and trained to deal with illness and injury at altitude, and provides physicians immediate access to specialists in more than 45 fields of medicine.55 In addition, special equipment has been adapted for in-flight utility. Tests have shown that useful vital sign information (ECG, blood pressure, transcutaneous pulse oximetry, and respiratory parameters) can be transmitted from an isolated location to a distant triage officer even at communications speeds as low as 2400 baud.56 These devices can be operated under remote guidance and utilize a portable lightweight computer unit connected directly with any available communications, including cellular phones. Units are adapted to Inmarsat (utilizing two Inmarsat mini-M terminals, one for voice and one for data) so that data can be transmitted over large bodies of water, allowing triage support from anywhere in the world.56 The Telemedicine Instrument Pack (TIP) was successfully tested onboard a US Space Shuttle flight (STS-89) in 1998 and has proved to be equally operational on air ambulances.57 The DoD has developed a Life Support for Trauma and Transport (LSTAT) or “Smart Stretcher” that functions as an entire ICU utilizing embedded microminiaturized devices to monitor vital signs and the regulation of various fluid and medication administration by remote physicians.58,59 The civilian counterpart Mobile Intensive Care Rescue Facility (MIRF) allows for stand-alone intensive-care management (multifunction monitor, ventilator, infusion pump, syringe pump, and defibrillator) and fits into a large range of aircraft for transport of the critically triaged.60

Conclusion Triage officers have an opportunity to contribute greatly to the effective management of mass-casualty events, transforming the casualties to patients as they move from the disaster to a hospital bed. The factors unique to aeromedical triage support are critical to overall mass-casualty triage, evacuation, and

F.M. Burkle, Jr., R. Brennan, and V. Garshnek

management. Advanced technologies such as telemedicine/telecommunications have the potential of augmenting aeromedical triage decision making from great distances.

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6. Aeromedical Triage Support to Mass-Casualty Events



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Danish Search and Rescue Helicopter Service. Aviat Space Environ Med 1990;61:436–439. Medaire. http://www.medaire.com/bkgrd2,htm. October 1998. DeJohn CA, Veronneau SJH, Hordinsky JR. Inflight Medical Care: An Update. Final Report. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Aviation Medicine; 1997. DOT/FAA/AM97/2. Medlink: The leader in global emergency medicine. http://www.meddaire.com/svctele.htm. October 1998. Vitallink-worldphone—the cornerstone of global emergency telemedicine. http://www.telemedics.com. October 1998. Rayman RB. Aerospace medicine. JAMA 1998;279:177–178. Satava RM. Virtual reality and telepresence for military medicine. Ann Acad Med Sing 1997;26:118–120. Satava RM, Jones SB. Military applications of telemedicine and advanced medical technologies. Army Med Dep J 1997;Nov/Dec: 16–21. Mobile Intensive Care Rescue Facility (MIRF) Queensland, Australia: Buchanan Advanced Composites; 1998.

7 Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation William W. Hurd, Anthony M. Rizzo, Eunice K. Taylor, and John M. McNamara

Staging is a general military term that refers to the careful preparation and organization of personnel and equipment prior to deployment. For aeromedical evacuation (AE), patient staging includes the preparation of the patient, personnel, and equipment prior to the AE flight. Although the term is infrequently used in the civilian world, every patient must be effectively staged prior to any AE flight regardless of the venue. From a medical perspective, patient staging is of the utmost importance. Once in the air, the medical care available to the patient is entirely dependent on the thoroughness with which preflight preparations have been made. Complications or emergencies can be effectively treated only if the appropriate equipment, medical supplies, and trained medical personnel are available. Unanticipated in-flight emergencies may receive only the most rudimentary emergency care because the medical supplies, medications, and medical expertise available during a routine AE flight are relatively limited. Subsequent care for unexpected complications is usually delayed until emergency diversion to a medical treatment facility is accomplished. Any lack of planning not only increases discomfort for the patient but also may adversely affect the patient’s health. In light of the inherent limitations of AE, patient staging has three main medical purposes: first, to appropriately select patients for AE; second, to arrange for the appropriate in-flight equipment and personnel; third, to prepare the patient both medically and psychologically for flight.

Medical Clearance for AE In all cases, the patient must be determined to be healthy enough to withstand the rigors of AE. At the same time, any special patient needs must be identified. In the military AE system, specific peacetime protocols have been developed for preflight medical clearance. In a contingency situation, the greatly increased number of patients who must be moved quickly may complicate medical clearance. Although the specific personnel involved may be different for civilian AE, the medical considerations remain the same. The importance of preflight screening for AE is related to the difficulty in both detecting and treating patient decompensation during flight. Detecting in-flight medical decompensation is made difficult by two factors common during military AE. First, the noisy and dark environment of many of the airframes used for AE hinders the ability to detect small changes in the patients’ conditions. Although the interior of the C-9 Nightingale (the aircraft most commonly used for AE during peacetime) is well lit, it has approximately the same ambient noise level of a commercial aircraft. During a contingency operation, only a minority of military patients will be transported on these aircraft. The aircraft commonly used for tactical and strategic AE (eg, C-141, C-130) are noisy and dark, with significant amounts of vibration and potentially extreme swings in temperature from hot to cold. All of these factors hinder the ability to detect changes in the patients’ conditions.



Another factor that makes detecting changes in the patients’ conditions difficult is the high patient-to-provider ratio that occurs in masscasualty situations. A military AE medical flight crew consists of 1 flight nurse and 3 flight medical technicians for each 10 patients. Because a fully loaded C-141 can carry over 100 litter patients, the number of patients per provider may be higher in a contingency situation. The decompensation of a single patient further draws attention away from the other patients. As a result, many changes in condition that would be noticed in a quiet, brightly lit hospital environment might go unnoticed for hours during a difficult AE flight. The treatment of patients who become unstable during flight is likewise more difficult during AE because of several factors. The first is the noisy and dark environment as discussed

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above. Lack of space is a second critical factor. When a C-141 is used to transport multiple litter patients, as many as 100 litters are “stacked” in tiers of 4 patients, with only 21 in of clearance between litters (Fig 7.1). This configuration results in the top stretcher being located more than 5 ft above the deck. Little meaningful patient care can be done at this level without removing the litter from its tier and placing it on the cabin floor. A final factor that makes treatment more difficult is a lack of specialized equipment and training. While all flight nurses, technicians, and physicians are trained in basic emergency treatment, routine AE flights are equipped only with standard emergency equipment and drugs. If the risk of patient decompensation is significant, special arrangements must be made for extra personnel and equipment to assure that

Figure 7.1. A flight nurse checks on patients in a USAF C-141 Starlifter configured to hold litter patients during an AE exercise (USAF photo by Airman 1st Class Angela Furry).

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation

the patient receives optimal care during AE. This is a key function of staging because failure to make appropriate special arrangements prior to AE may make it difficult or impossible to effectively treat unexpected changes in patient condition during flight.


important of which is the lack of comprehensive medical care locally.1 For the purposes of this textbook, contingency AE is defined as AE of casualties as soon as possible after stabilizing treatment, for logistic reasons.

Peacetime AE

Peacetime vs Contingency AE There are considerable differences between peacetime and contingency AE during armed conflict or a natural disaster. During peacetime, the vast majority of military AE is elective and, in most cases, the timing of such AE is based on medical considerations. This is in contrast to AE during a contingency, where patients may need to be moved at the first available opportunity for logistic considerations, the most

Figure 7.2. Graphic representation of the differences between peacetime and contingency AE as performed by the USAF AE system. During peacetime (A), the transfer is primarily between USAF medical treatment facilities, with ASF personnel playing a relatively minor role in their medical care. During contingency AE (B), ASF personnel will play a much greater role in the medical care of stabilized patients en route. Note that neither physician-tophysician coordination nor individual medical clearance for AE may be possible during contingency AE, making the role of the ASF critical for successful AE.

For AE during peacetime, the referring physician performs medical screening and primary preparation (Fig 7.2A). This is done in conjunction with a flight surgeon familiar with AE to make sure that altitude, personnel, and equipment-related limitations are considered. Prior to AE, the transfer must be coordinated with an accepting physician at the receiving medical treatment facility. In the military system, final AE clearance is given after review of each patient’s diagnosis, condition, and


special needs by an experienced flight nurse (patient movement clinical coordinator) at the Global Patient Movement Requirements Center (GPMRC). As the patient passes through the aeromedical staging facility (ASF), medical personnel verify that the patient is stable and has the necessary supplies and medications for the flight (see later in this chapter).

Contingency AE A sudden increase in the number and severity of patients requiring military AE will necessarily alter the way patients are medically cleared. During contingencies, such as armed conflict or natural disaster, a much smaller percentage of the treating physicians will have the background or time to clear the patients for AE. In addition, flight surgeons are unlikely to be readily available in a non-USAF medical facility, During an armed conflict, the majority of patients will originate in Army medical facilities, where physicians expert in the treatment of battlefield trauma are less likely to have the expertise to clear patients for AE. Further, mass casualties may overwhelm the GPMRC system and will almost certainly make it impossible to individually coordinate patients with the referral physicians at the accepting medical facility. For these reasons, the responsibility for medically clearing and preparing patients for military AE will often shift to ASF medical personnel during a contingency operation (Fig 7.2B). The ASF will serve as the point of medical clearance for most patients requiring AE and may be the point of origin for some patients. Undoubtedly, there will be less time and personnel to manage a greater number of patients. At the same time, the types of patients transported by contingency AE make appropriate medical clearance even more critical. During a contingency operation, most patients will not be in the stable convalescence phase of their recovery. Patients who have only recently been treated and stabilized in a medical facility will be at increased risk of medical decompensation before or during the AE flight. Experience teaches that transportation of patients before they are reasonably stabilized can have tragic results.2

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AE Movement Precedence Movement precedence categories have been developed to assist the GPMRC during peacetime in assuring that patients are moved in an appropriately timely fashion with the appropriate personnel and equipment. They can also be applied to casualties during contingency AE if the number of casualties exceeds the AE capability. These categories reflect the patients’ conditions but not necessarily their medical stability (Table 7.1).3

Routine AE Stable patients who need little medical monitoring or care in-flight are classified as routine. These patients may be in the convalescent phase of their illness or injury or may have a stable condition that makes them unlikely to experience medical decompensation. They are most often ambulatory, although some may require transportation by litter because of their conditions.

Urgent AE In peacetime, a certain percentage of patients will require quicker transportation than can be afforded by routine AE. The most drastic of these are patients designated for urgent AE. This is defined as patients who require emergency AE to save life, limb, or eyesight or prevent serious complications of injury or existing medical conditions. In almost all cases of urgent AE, the driving factor is that the medical expertise or equipment is not available to treat the patient in a local medical facility. Because these patients are often unstable, they may also require special expertise or equipment and thus may also be classified as special AE (see later in this chapter).

Priority AE These are patients who must be transported by AE within 24 hours, usually because appropriate care is not available locally. In some cases, the patient may be medically stable and require minimal in-flight monitoring or care. More

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation


Table 7.1. AE triage categories. Category Peacetime AE Routine* Priority† Urgent† Special‡ Augmented CCAT Contingency AE Routine‡ Augmented‡ CCAT‡

Requirement Standard equipment and personnel at the next scheduled flight AE within 24 h AE as soon as possible to save life or limb Limited special equipment and personnel readily available in-theater Special team with critical-care equipment and expertise Standard AE equipment and personnel Requires limited special equipment and personnel readily available in-theater Special team with critical-care equipment and expertise

* Implies both capability and timing. † Implies only timing. ‡ Implies only capability.

commonly, the patient may be relatively unstable and require the special expertise or equipment of special AE.

Special AE This refers to any patient who requires special expertise, equipment, or in-flight care not normally offered by the AE system. Many patients classified as urgent or priority AE will be relatively unstable and require special care during AE. These patients must be accompanied by physicians, nurses, and/or other providers who are expert in the management of their critical problems. In the military system, these augmenting personnel usually originate from the referring medical facility. However, with the development of the Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT) Teams program, a team of specially trained medical personnel may be brought from a different medical facility specifically for this transportation.

Aeromedical Staging Facility For military AE, the ASF serves as an entryway to the AE system. During peacetime, the ASF accomplishes this through many important functions, including patient preparation, final medical clearance, and transportation to and from the flight line. ASF personnel confirm that

the appropriate supplies and medications are sent with the patient. They also serve as a double check for medical clearance for AE by verifying that patients are in the same condition as when they left the medical facility. The role of the ASF dramatically expands during a contingency or mass-casualty operation. The ASF medical personnel may be the first caregivers experienced in AE medicine to evaluate the patient and thus may be responsible for medical clearance of AE. In addition, the rapidly increased demands placed on the medical system during these types of operations may require the ASF to provide a wide variety of care, including medical–surgical ward care, intensive care, and emergency care.

Peacetime Roles of the ASF During peacetime, the majority of AE patients will be categorized as routine and the majority of these will be ambulatory. The primary ASF role is to coordinate the safe transition of these patients from the medical facility to the AE system. This mission can be categorized into several specific tasks.

Medical Care and Preparation for AE Medical preparation is critical to the safety of patients during AE and is probably the most specialized role of the ASF. To this end, the patients’ medical stability for AE must first


be confirmed. For inpatients, vital signs must be monitored during the several hours they are in the ASF. These patients must receive appropriate fluids and medications, as ordered by the referring physician. Sudden changes in these patients’ conditions are uncommon because these are usually stable convalescing patients. However,ASF medical personnel must have the knowledge and equipment to perform emergency resuscitation because sudden decompensation remains a risk for all patients. Verification that the patient has an appropriate supply of medications and other patient needs is another important aspect of preparation for AE. This is critical, especially when a large number of patients are being transported, because a limited amount of extra supplies are available on the aircraft. Unexpected delays en route may occur due to changes in the medical condition of other patients on the flight or changes in itinerary, weather conditions, or operational limitations of the aircraft or flight crew. This may result in the need for a much greater amount of supplies or medications than was originally planned. Further, specialized medications are in particular difficult to obtain in smaller or foreign medical facilities located near sites where an AE flight is likely to be delayed. Because of this, the ASF attempts to provide the patient with several days’ supply of all required medications, even if the planned AE flight is only a matter of hours. For military AE, the standard is 3 days’ supply for intratheater AE and 5 days’ supply for intertheater AE.4 During peacetime, special AE patients often do not spend time in the ASF because of the acuity of their medical condition. Rather, they are transported directly from the referring medical facility to the flight line, and at the conclusions of their flight they are transported directly to the accepting medical facility. The medical care of these patients is primarily under the control of the augmenting medical personnel. However, the coordination and transportation for AE remains the responsibility of the ASF personnel.

Security The ultimate safety of an AE flight depends on careful preflight screening of the passengers

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and their personal assets for dangerous items. Antihijacking precautions, in the form of metal detection devices, x-ray machines, and other strategies, are imperative for both civilian and military AE operations.

Patient Transportation A relatively unique role of the ASF is to provide safe transportation for patients under challenging conditions (Fig 7.3). This involves transporting ambulatory and litter patients from the ASF to the aircraft via ground transportation (van, ambulance bus, or ambulance). Although the primary goal is to avoid patient injury, avoiding aircraft damage is also extremely important. The manner in which they are transported will be determined by a flight surgeon prior to transportation (Table 7.2).5 Litter patients must be carefully moved from the ASF onto the bus or ambulance and then onto the AE aircraft (Fig 7.4). The demands of this role make it potentially one of the most dangerous duties carried out by ASF personnel during peacetime. The patients are at risk of injury during transportation, as is obvious to anyone who has ever carried a litter. The ASF personnel are at risk of musculoskeletal injury when moving heavy patients to the awkward places found in both ground vehicles and aircraft. The task is complicated by the variation in AE aircraft configuration, as shown in chapter 8. In addition, the hardware necessary to secure patient litters may cause injury to the litter carrier’s fingers and hands. To minimize these risks, ASF personnel must be extensively trained in patient movement techniques so that they are familiar with challenges posed by the configuration of the various ground vehicles and aircraft.

Patient Sustenance and Comfort Another extremely important role of the ASF is the sustenance and comfort of patients awaiting AE because it is not uncommon for patients to remain in the ASF for several days. ASF personnel must assure comfortable lodging for both ambulatory and litter patients and their nonmedical attendants. The patient arrangements must take into consideration the types

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 7.3. C-17 Globemaster configured to transport 36 littered patients and 48 ambulatory patients using a three-tier litter system. Lifting heavy patients

to shoulder level requires both strength and skill to avoid injury to the patient or litter bearers or damage to the aircraft (USAF photo).

and severities of their illnesses. ASF staffing provisions must accommodate all types and severities of illness and injury 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Another important mission of the ASF is to make sure that patients receive appropriate meals on the ground and in the air. Each ASF has nutrition technicians on-staff to make sure that regular and special dietary needs of patients are met, as determined by referring physicians. Psychological support of patients is essential to AE. Many patients are experiencing serious injuries or illnesses for the first time in their lives, and most are about to undertake their first AE flight. If unprepared, the stress and isolation of the AE environment may further increase their apprehension and delay their healing and recovery. For this reason, a nonmedical attendant (usually a family member) should be allowed to accompany the patient

whenever possible during peacetime. In the military system, the referring physician determines the need for a nonmedical attendant.

Roles of the ASF for Contingency AE Implications of Stable Rather Than Stabilized Patients When a large number of patients must be transported out of theater during an armed conflict or a mass-casualty operation, the role of the ASF dramatically increases in scope. During contingency AE, patients are moved as soon as possible after initial stabilization. From a medical perspective, these “stabilized” patients are markedly different from the “stable” convalescing patients transported by AE during peacetime.6 In the past, patients were allowed to convalesce prior to AE, as shown in the Vietnam War, where the average length of


W.W. Hurd et al. Table 7.2. AE categories used by the US Military. Inpatient Category 1: Psychiatric Litter 1A Severe: Requiring restraints, sedation, and close observation 1B Intermediate severity: Potentially dangerous, but not presently disturbed, who require sedation; restraints should be available Ambulatory 1C Moderately severe: Cooperative and reliable under observation Categories 2 and 3: Medical/surgical Litter 2A Immobile litter patient: Unable to move unassisted 2B Mobile litter patient: Able to move unassisted under emergency circ*mstances Ambulatory 3A Patients going for treatment or evaluation: All medical and surgical conditions excluding drug or alcohol abuse 3B Recovered patients returning to station 3C Patients with drug or alcohol abuse going for treatment Category 4: Infants and children 3 y old Ambulatory 5A Patient going for treatment or evaluation: All medical and surgical conditions excluding drug or alcohol abuse 5B Patient with drug or alcohol abuse going for treatment 5C Psychiatric patient going for treatment Litter 5D Patient going on litter for comfort for treatment or evaluation: All medical and surgical conditions excluding drug or alcohol abuse 5E Patient returning from treatment going on litter for comfort Ambulatory 5C Patient returning from treatment Nonpatient Category 6: Attendant 6A Medical attendant 6B Nonmedical attendant Source: Adapted from Department of the Air Force.8

convalescence prior to AE from the theater was 7 days from the time of injury.2 However, in a contemporary contingency operation it may not be possible to keep patients in-theater for even a matter of days after definitive medical treatment. The medical implications of contingency AE are two-fold. First, the earliest time for safe AE must be determined for each patient based on

his or her diagnosis and present condition. This is one of the critical issues that will be covered in the clinical chapters in this book. Premature AE may result in potentially avoidable medical complications, morbidity, and, in the worst case, mortality.2 Depending on the availability of specially trained transport teams and equipment, there are certainly absolute contraindications to AE.7

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 7.4. Litter bearers carry a patient up the ramp of a C-9 Nightingale medical transport aircraft (USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Gary R. Coppage).

The second medical implication of contingency AE is that patients will be at increased risk for early complications and medical decompensation because they are relatively early in the course of their diseases or injuries.2 These possibilities must be anticipated because lack of preparedness will make it impossible to effectively treat them in fight.

Medical Care and Preparation for AE During a contingency, patients early in the recovery phase of their injuries or illnesses are certainly more likely to have acute changes in their medical conditions, potentially requiring emergency resuscitation while they are in the ASF awaiting AE. Therefore, early recognition and prompt treatment will require a highly skilled and trained medical and nursing staff. All of the peacetime medical roles of the ASF discussed above are even more important.

Medical Clearance for AE A relatively unique role of the ASF during a contingency operation will be medical screen-

ing of stabilized patients for contingency AE. Ideally, all patients who reach the ASF will have already been cleared for AE.8 In reality, this may not always be the case in a contingency situation,9 as noted by J.M. McNamara (written communication, October 1993). Many medical personnel treating patients outside of the ASF may have little AE experience and thus will be unable to adequately evaluate the patients’ ability to undergo AE. During military operations, approximately 98% of the casualties are Army and Marine personnel, and medical personnel organic to the respective service branch (with limited AE experience) will treat the majority.2,10 Experience from recent contingency operations indicates that medical clearance for AE will be the responsibility of the flight surgeons assigned to the ASF, as noted by J.M. McNamara (written communication, October 1993). Another different aspect of AE during a contingency operation with a large number of casualties is the lack of direct communication between the referring and receiving physicians that occurs during peacetime. Communication


between the theater and receiving medical facilities may be limited to the number, diagnoses, and severity of the patients. In most cases, the ASF will act as the interface between the sending and receiving medical facility. Prior to AE, updated patient information will be forwarded to the GPMRC for worldwide patient tracking by a new automated system known as the TRANSCOM Regulating and Command & Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES).

Patient Transportation Patient transportation is also dramatically different in a contingency situation because both the number of patients and the number of personnel required to move them will markedly increase. The transportation teams will be under significant stress related to transporting a large number of patients with traumatic injury, as well as the long hours that may be required. Other factors that may affect transportation are challenging weather and road conditions, plus an overtaxed flight line. Further, in a wartime scenario patient transportation may have to be carried out in chemical ground ensemble. Despite the absense of these factors in routine operations, the focus of peacetime training must be to prepare for and minimize these effects.

Patient Subsistence and Comfort Patient subsistence and comfort remains a high priority during a contingency operation. It is especially important to appreciate the psychological stress associated with unexpected injuries resulting from combat or natural disaster. Nursing and medical staff will need to ensure that the psychological and emotional status of all patients is assessed as part of the preflight screening. All ASFs have a psychological care team on-staff specifically for this purpose.

Prioritization of Patients for AE Prioritizing patients for AE is a standard part of patient staging. During peacetime, this is done at the GPMRC level because the patient capacity of AE is much greater than the patient

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load. In a contingency operation, the number of casualties may be significantly greater than the AE capacity. As a result, prioritization of patients for transportation at the ASF level may become a major issue. The following considerations must be taken into account for this purpose. Availability of Transportation The most obvious potential limitation will be the availability of ground and air transportation. Each AE flight will be configured for a certain number of ambulatory and litter patients. This configuration can be varied depending on the number and types of casualties, equipment, and supplies required and the number of medical personnel available. In the military setting, close coordination between the ASF, the Theater Patient Movement Requirements Center (TPMRC), and the GPMRC will be mandatory to optimize AE efficiency. If the number of patients for each category exceeds the AE capacity, other prioritization criteria will be required. Intensive-Care Support In a large contingency operation, another limiting factor will be the amount of intensive-care support available, both in the ASF and in-flight. With the advent of CCAT teams, trained intensive-care personnel and specialized equipment for AE will be more readily available. However, the number of critical patients may be greater than the number of CCAT teams. Every AE flight must be staffed with appropriate medical personnel, equipment, and supplies to care for both the critically ill and less acutely ill patients aboard. Medical Urgency of Continued Care The final consideration in a contingency situation is the medical urgency of continued care. Although contingency AE will result in the movement of all patients as quickly as possible, those patients who are urgent or priority must be recognized and moved at the earliest time that appropriate personnel and equipment are available.

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation

Hospital Ward Care During a large contingency operation, the ASF role in hospital ward care may be unexpectedly expanded. Hospital ward care is only a minor part of the peacetime ASF role because most of the patients are ambulatory and the litter patients are usually in the convalescent, outpatient phase of their illnesses. Most seriously ill special AE patients are transported directly from the medical facility to the flight line. During a contingency, military plans direct that patient time in the ASF will be limited, as there will be limited medical support and supplies. However, with a large number of casualties both the theater medical system and the AE system may both be overloaded. There may be rearward pressure in theater medical facilities to transfer patients to ASFs to make room for incoming casualties. AE delays related to lack of aircraft, weather, or crew limitations may result in patients remaining in the ASF longer than planned. Finally, overtaxed ground transportation may make it difficult to send ASF patients back to the medical facility in the event of AE delays. As a result of the inevitable “fog of war” associated with contingency operations, the ASF should be prepared to provide some degree of medical and surgical ward care.

Second-Echelon Response A final contingency role that may be required of an ASF is a mass-casualty situation where second-echelon “emergency room” care is required, especially for any ASF that is not colocated with a theater medical facility. In a contingency, the ASF may be the closest medical facility to the battlefield or site of injury, as noted by J.M. McNamara (written communication, October 1993). With a full cadre of highly trained physicians and nurses, it will be important to have an area set up with the necessary equipment and supplies to care for such casualties. This area can be the same “acute care area” used for resuscitation of decompensated ASF patients. Plans should be made for triage, emergency decontamination, resuscitation, medical stabilization, and emergency transportation to the nearest medical facility for definitive care.


Patient Organization in a Contingency ASF Multiple problems are inherent in taking care of a large number of patients in a contingency ASF. Military planners have envisioned the need for ASFs large enough to care for up to 250 casualties. This large group of patients with variable medical problems must be carefully organized both to optimize medical care with limited personnel and allow appropriate prioritization for AE.

Organization by Diagnosis Diagnosis is the most obvious basis for organizing patients. Patients with severe injuries or illnesses should be grouped together to optimize nursing and medical care. The best example is severely burned patients, who should be grouped because they will require specialized and intensive nursing care in terms of fluid replacement and pain relief. Postoperative and posttraumatic patients can also be grouped because they need both pain relief and careful observation for signs of hemodynamic instability or other complications.

Infectious Disease Considerations During the planning stage, a contingency ASF should design an infectious disease isolation area because with large numbers of patients the infectious disease considerations are important. In a wartime scenario, more than one half of the casualties will result from disease, and many of these patients may be infectious.11 A more recent threat is biologic weapons. Both residual contamination and communicable disease may present risks to both medical personnel and other casualties.

Psychiatric Patients Another group of patients requiring special consideration is those with psychiatric diagnoses. These are patients who might exhibit disruptive behaviors, including combativeness or disorderliness. The sight of severely injured patients may agitate them as well. At the same


time, some of these patients may need close observation. For these reasons, an isolated observation area should be set up for psychiatric patients.

Medical Stability For purposes of ASF organization, patient can be roughly divided into three levels of stability: stable, stabilized, and unstable. Stable patients are those unlikely to medically decompensate and require minimal medical care and monitoring. These patients would be outpatients under normal circ*mstances. Many of these patients will be ambulatory, and those with less serious injuries can be kept separate from the more seriously ill patients. Stabilized patients are those who have been treated but, because they are relatively early in the convalescent phase of their illness, are at higher risk for medical decompensation. These patients will need a higher level of medical monitoring similar to inpatient medical facility care. Unstable patients are those who have decompensated, either en route or since arriving at the ASF. When patients are transported early in the course of their recovery, “resuscitation is a frequent requirement.”11 For this reason, a special acute care area should be set up for resuscitation and equipped with a full array of resuscitation equipment. Once resuscitated, these patients will require the equivalent of intensive care until they can be returned to the medical facility or are stable enough for AE.

Importance of AE Staging: A Case Report One of the authors (A.M.R.) and his wife were victims of a terrorist attack while stationed in an African country. The author sustained a flail chest and lacerations but was ambulatory, whereas his wife was injured critically. Her injuries included blunt head trauma associated with concussion, severe injury of the right arm with soft-tissue avulsion and multiple fractures, and fractures of the right leg and pelvis. The author received first aid from a US Marine

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while he stabilized his wife at the US Embassy. Military AE was not available because the United States had no landing rights in this country. For this reason, arrangements were made to transport both patients on a civilian airliner to a Middle Eastern country. The wife was transported by stretcher in a semiconscious state without medical support and the author accompanied her as an ambulatory patient. The only medical personnel and supplies available during the flight was the author and the limited supplies he could carry (eg, bandages, intravenous fluids). Upon arrival in the Middle Eastern country, the author’s wife was taken to a foreign military hospital, where local physicians did not expect her to live and thus offered only palliative care. Two American expatriot nurses were allowed to care for her throughout the night and treat her with intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and blood transfusions. The following day, the critically ill patient and her less seriously injured husband were transported by US military AE aboard a C-9 Nightingale. After a change of aircraft in Athens, they landed in Frankfurt and arrived at Wiesbaden USAF Medical Center approximately 48 hours after the initial injury. At the Medical Center, she received three surgical procedures over a 3-day period and was placed in a body cast. On the fourth day (approximately 6 days after the injury), she was determined to be stable enough for elective AE and placed on a fully loaded C-141 bound for the Continental United States, with her injured husband as her nonmedical attendant. Because the body cast did not fit between the tiered stretchers in a supine position, she was wedged between the first- and second-tier litter positions at a 45-degree angle. The flight was originally scheduled to last 7 hours. However, a pregnant patient with a diagnosis of premature labor delivered unexpectedly in-flight, and the flight was thus diverted to England. The plane was delayed on the ground for several hours for an equipment malfunction. Once airborne, the remainder of the flight was uneventful. However, the noise, cold, vibrations, and inability to change positions, combined with the isolation and fear, were almost intolerable for the wife.

7. Patient Staging for Aeromedical Evacuation

During the flight, she required hand-feeding, intravenous fluids, Foley catheter care, and medications. Because of demands on the nurses by other patients, these tasks were performed principally by her injured husband. The ability of a nonmedical attendant with medical training to carry out the required care during flight was crucial to successfully completing this mission. Approximately 12 hours after leaving Germany, the AE flight arrived in the United States. However, she did not reach a medical facility for an additional 2 hours because of difficulties in unloading the C-141. Her first examination revealed a decubitus ulcer due to the long period of absolute immobility during flight, which subsequently required skin grafting. After a 31-day hospitalization and two additional surgical procedures, she subsequently made a full recovery. However, the memory of this AE flight from Germany to the United States will always remain with this patient as a frightening memory of the most difficult aspect of her medical care. This case is a graphic example of the stresses associated with AE and the critical role of adequate preflight preparation and in-flight care.

Conclusion In peacetime, the ASF serves as a hybrid between a hospital ward and an air terminal. When a patient suddenly decompensates, the ability of medical personnel to effectively respond can be lifesaving. In a contingency situation, the ASF plays an expanded and more critical role in the AE system. Our ability to effectively plan for a contingency will ultimately determine our ability to “bring them home safely.”


References 1. Batty CG. Changes in the care of the battle casualty: Lessons learned from the Falkland campaign. Milit Med 1999;164:336–340. 2. White MS, Chub RM, Rossing RG, Murphy JE. Results of early aeromedical evacuation of Vietnam casualties. Aerosp Med 1971;42: 780–784. 3. Department of the Air Force. Aeromedical Evacuation Patient Considerations and Standards of Care. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1997. AFI 41-307. 4. Department of the Air Force. Administering Aeromedical Staging Facilities. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1997. AFI 41305. 5. Department of the Army. Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1991. Field Manual 8-10-6. 6. Lyons TJ, Connor SB. Commentary: Increased flight surgeons role in military aeromedical evacuation. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995;66: 927–929. 7. Strickland BA, Jr, Rafferty JA. Effects of air transportation on clinical conditions. JAMA 1951;145:129–133. 8. Department of the Air Force. Physicians’ Roles and Responsibilities in Aeromedical Evacuation. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1999. AFI 41-306. 9. Mabry EW, Munson RA, Richardson LA. The wartime need for aeromedical evacuation physicians: The U.S. Air Force experience during Operation Desert Storm. Aviat Space Environ Med 1993;63:941–946. 10. Walker GJ, Blood CG. The patient flow of wounded marines within a multi-echelon system of care. Milit Med 1999;164:423–427. 11. White MS. Medical aspects of air evacuation of casualties from Southeast Asia. Aerosp Med 1968;39:1338–1341.

8 Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation John G. Jernigan

Any aircraft that can carry passengers can conceivably be used for aeromedical evacuation (AE), depending on the situation. In response to the special needs of AE, multiple aircraft have been specifically designed for AE. Unfortunately, it is impossible to discuss every aircraft used for AE throughout the world. Instead, this chapter will deal with the most important factors that must be considered in choosing the correct aircraft for the patient or patients’ needs, including alternative methods of moving patients. To illustrate these important factors, this chapter includes a detailed discussion of the aircraft presently used by the USAF for AE, together with a civilian jet representative of the many aircraft used by the commercial air ambulance industry. It is obvious why military medical personnel should be familiar with USAF aircraft used for AE. However, it is important for civilian medical personnel to be aware of USAF aircraft as well because in a disaster situation AE assistance can be requested through the DoD. As the events of September 11, 2001, clearly showed, a requirement to move large numbers of casualties may arise suddenly, and the USAF AE system could prove crucial to meeting the patients’ needs. The USAF AE system is a national treasure that has been called upon for over 50 years to move casualties resulting from military operations (both armed conflicts and operations other than war) and civilian disasters beyond the local capability to respond. Although the DoD does not exist to compete with civilian air evacuation companies, the USAF AE system has moved more patients


around the world than any other organization, including large numbers of civilians. In addition to aircraft specifics, this chapter will describe the capability of the USAF AE system.

Aircraft Selection for AE To select the best possible aircraft for any AE mission, both logistic and patient-related factors must be considered. Although patientrelated factors are paramount, logistic factors may often determine the type of aircraft needed. These logistic factors include the number of patients, the distance required for the particular AE mission, and the runway length at the AE sites of origin and destination. Patient-related factors include the need for pressurization, the amount and type of special AE equipment needed, and the aspects of aircraft configuration that affect patient care. Depending on the situation, each of these factors can be critically important in making the ultimate decision on which airframe or combination of airframes best meets the particular requirements. The following is a detailed discussion of each factor.

Logistic Considerations Number of Patients The total number and complexity of patients is often the determining factor regarding which aircraft is used. If only one or two patients need movement, then virtually any aircraft is capable

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation

of meeting this need. When large numbers of patients need to be moved from the same place, the solution becomes more complex. Adding to the complexity of large patient movements is the fact that tragedy is frequently associated, eg, the Oklahoma City bombing. In such instances, the airfield serving one’s patients will also be involved with a dramatic increase in air traffic, which will limit the departure or arrival “slots” for AE missions. As a result, using multiple aircraft may not be a viable option and a large aircraft, eg, the C-141, may become the only solution to move large numbers of seriously wounded patients.

Distance The distance required to move the patient from origin to destination will determine whether AE is the appropriate means and will also limit the choices of aircraft once that decision is made. In general, AE should not be considered unless the distance is too great to be accomplished by more readily available means of transport, eg, ground ambulance or medical helicopter. Rarely is there a reason to consider AE for distances shorter than 300 miles. Once the decision is made that AE is required, the type of aircraft capable of meeting the requirement becomes more limited (Table 8.1). This is especially true for the USAF, which is often asked to accomplish missions that seem impossible at first glance. An example is the movement of critical burn patients thousands of miles without stops, eg, from Japan to San Antonio. On the other hand, if the distance were short enough, eg, less than 1000 miles, then virtually any of the aircraft used for AE, including all those discussed in this chapter, would suffice.


Aircraft Range Range is another crucial determinate because all aircraft have a finite distance they can fly with a full load and still arrive safely at the destination. The range for all USAF AE aircraft is measured in thousands of miles, but may be shorter for some civilian aircraft. In-flight aerial refueling can extend the range of certain USAF aircraft (eg, the C-141) if the needs of the patients are critical. This is most frequently accomplished when moving severely injured patients from Japan or Korea to the United States. However, because of the difficulty, expense, and potential danger, in-flight refueling is rarely used for routine AE. Related to range is the cruise speed of the aircraft. Although the C-130 has a long range, its cruise speed is slow enough that the flight time differential between the C-130 and a jet aircraft over long distances makes the choice of a jet much more likely.

En Route Stops The effective range for aircraft commonly used for AE varies from 1250 to over 5000 miles (Table 8.1), but this range can be extended almost indefinitely by the judicious use of en route stops. Assuming each leg is within their range, en route stops allow any aircraft to move patients over long distances. This method has been extremely important for the USAF in moving patients from the Western Pacific region to medical facilities in Hawaii during the 1990s. The use of en route stops may become even more important for military AE in the future as the premier long-distance transport, the C-141, becomes less available.

Table 8.1. Characteristics of aircraft used for AE by the USAF. Characteristic





Range (nautical mi) In-flight refueling capability Maximum patients (total) Ambulatory Litter

2500 No 40 40 40

5000 Yes 128 90 103

3000 Yes 80 46 74

1250 No 6 6 2


Available Medical Care at the En Route Stop The availability of medical care at the en route stop becomes extremely important for longdistance AE. This consideration is crucial because aircraft frequently experience mechanical problems or weather constraints that prevent take-off from the en route location. Therefore, a planned delay of 2 hours for refueling can easily turn into a delay of several days, so a plan for providing care to one’s patients becomes critical.

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environment is frequently a problem for the USAF as it meets the needs of the DoD around the world, and often is the constraining factor that mandates the use of a specific aircraft, eg, the C-130, when another aircraft would have been preferred. This factor is rarely a problem for civilian moves from one large metropolitan area to another because the runways at the airports serving such cities are almost always long enough to meet the requirements of any of the aircraft described in this chapter.

Landing Limitations


Another potentially life-threatening danger to the flight and medical crew exists when problems arise at an en route stop and alternate airfields are unavailable. This factor alone would have forced the USAF to drop consideration of using en route stops to move patients out of the Western Pacific, ie, the risk of running out of gas trying to find the small islands used as en route stops would have been too great a risk to plan such a mission. Fortunately, recent improvements in navigation using global positioning satellites (GPSs) have minimized this danger.


Lavatory and Feeding Station The ability to feed patients and provide them with adequate lavatory facilities must be considered for all missions. This is not an absolute requirement for all patient moves, but is crucial for long nonstop missions. The C-9A was designed with basically the same capability as the airline DC-9s, so it can be considered the top of the line. Many civilian aircraft used by AE companies have comparable capability, although few are as robust as the C-9A. The C141 relies on a large removable module called the “comfort pallet” to meet this requirement. The C-130 has minimal capability but its usual short-duration missions do not in general require it.

Runway Length for Landing/Take-off Medical planners do not routinely consider runways and runway environments in their analyses, but runways can easily become the limiting factor in completing a mission. Runway

One of the unique aspects of AE, when compared to ground and sea casualty transportation, is the issue of cabin pressure. Although most medical conditions are unaffected by decreased pressure, there are several medical conditions (eg, decompression sickness) that are adversely affected by cabin pressures lower than those found at sea level. It is extremely important that the flight crew, ie, pilots, be made aware of any altitude restrictions that are required for medical indications during AE. All modern aircraft used for AE are pressurized such that the cabin pressure never drops below a pressure equivalent altitude of 9700 feet (unless an unplanned decompression occurs). If patients require altitude restrictions on this basis, an aircraft that is more efficiently pressurized (such as the C-9A) should be used whenever possible. Within the limitations of the patients’ medical condition, it is important to keep cabin altitude restrictions to a minimum (ie, allow a cruising altitude as high as possible). The reason for this is that the aircraft pays a huge price in terms of both speed and fuel to accomplish an altitude restriction. For example, the C-9A aircraft has a range of 2500 miles at a cruising altitude of 35,000 ft but only a range of 2000 miles at 18,000 ft, the altitude required to maintain cabin altitudes near sea level. Further, ground speed is in general less at the lower altitude. The net result is that the mission takes longer and may require more en route stops, both of which can adversely affect the patients.

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


Special AE Equipment


The range of capability provided by special equipment used to move patients has dramatically increased over the past several years. Types of equipment include electrical equipment, oxygen and ventilatory equipment, suction devices, and multiple other types of special equipment. These pieces of equipment are challenging to use in the AE environment for several reasons.

Suction is also an integral element of medical care for the seriously injured patient. The C-9A and most commercial AE aircraft have suction available at all litter stations. On military transport aircraft, such as the C-141, movable suction devices are placed near those patients requiring it, and the capability of such suction devices is “low-tech” at best.

Electrical Requirements Use of electrical equipment is taken for granted on hospital wards but cannot be assumed on any AE mission, even those using well-designed AE aircraft. Although most equipment used in patient transport today is battery capable, the length of many AE missions exceeds even the longest battery capability. Most civilian aircraft used for AE, and the USAF’s C-9A, have existing electrical plug-in capability with the correct voltage/frequency used by medical equipment. However, even in these aircraft the total patient need may exceed capability. USAF transport aircraft that can be modified for AE (eg, C-141, C-130) are not set up to use modern AE medical equipment on-board. The current solution is a bulky transformer that converts the aircraft-generated electricity to a usable voltage and frequency. It is known affectionately as “Big Bertha” because it weighs approximately 130 pounds, with a size of 11 ¥ 14 ¥ 36 in. The size and weight of this transformer becomes a constraint in itself because it cannot be carried as a routine piece of equipment in all C-141s. Medical Oxygen Because the effective cabin altitude of most aircraft used for AE is between 6000 to 8000 ft, consideration of medical oxygen should occur for all but the most stable patients. The C-9A serves as the model, with humidified oxygen available at all litter stations. Again, USAF transport aircraft modified for AE (eg, C-141, C-130) are not set up to administer medical oxygen to a large number of patients. Individual patients can be given supplemental oxygen from either a portable oxygen canister or connectors to existing aircraft oxygen sources.

Aircraft Characteristics Aircraft Entry Doors A crucial limiting factor in transporting litter patients by AE is the difficulty involved in loading litters into the aircraft. Civilian and military aircraft specifically designed for AE do not present a problem in this regard. The C-9A was designed with a retractable ramp that allows crew members to easily meet this requirement. The size of the rear entry of the C-141 and C-130 are also more than adequate. Unfortunately, the C-21 form of the Lear Jet was not designed to carry litters, and placing them on-board is relatively difficult. Cabin Space The cabin area must have adequate room for the medical crew to meet the needs of all patients. In general, this is not a problem with either the civilian or military aircraft used routinely for AE. However, the routine litter spacing for most military AE configurations is 21 in, so meaningful procedures often require removing patients from their litter tiers. Also, small jets like the Lear Jet provide little crew space. Climate Control Maintaining a comfortable temperature is important when transporting patients for long distances, as sick and injured patients may have difficulty regulating their core temperatures. Although commercial airliners sometimes have a difficult time trying to maintain the “ideal” temperature in all parts of the aircraft cabin, differences in various parts of these aircraft are negligible. Both the C-9A and commercial AE aircraft accomplish uniform comfort reason-


ably well, but having a large supply of blankets is still crucial for all missions. However, the problem of temperature control is highly significant in the huge cabins of military transport aircraft. It is not unusual during AE in these aircraft for some patients to require several blankets while others are shedding clothes to remain cool! Sensitivity of the medical flight crew to this problem can be vitally important. Cabin Noise Levels The noise level during flight varies significantly for different aircraft. For the C-130 and C-141, the noise level is approximately 95 to 100 dB during flight and thus ear plugs are required for all passengers and crew. For the C-9A and commercial AE aircraft, noise is considerably less (approximately 70 to 80 dB), but it is still a factor that needs consideration. Auscultation is almost impossible during AE, even with stethoscopes specifically developed for this purpose. For this reason, alternative means of monitoring the patient have been developed, such as digital readout of blood pressure cuffs and pulse oximeters. Cabin Lighting Lighting levels in aircraft cabins vary dramatically. The C-9A represents the benchmark for lighting, while the C-130 is poorly lit. AE crews must be aware of the lighting levels of the aircraft in which they will be flying so they can bring supplemental lighting on-board for those aircraft that require it.

Specific Aircraft This section will describe the general characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of the USAF aircraft and a representative civilian aircraft most commonly used for AE. In addition, ways to use other aircraft for AE in emergency situations are described.

C-130 Hercules The C-130 has a truly unique role in the world of AE. Its versatility in take-off and landing,

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together with its large capacity, make it ideal for moving large numbers of patients from remote locations. Although there are some limitations that will be discussed in this section, it is safe to state that the USAF could not execute its worldwide mission without the C-130. Since its introduction to the USAF inventory in the 1950s, the C-130 has arguably become the most versatile aircraft ever developed (Fig 8.1). Its roles are extremely diverse, extending far beyond the primary role of airlifting small loads of supplies and equipment to remote locations, a role it has executed in countless conflicts and civilian emergencies. It also flies into hurricanes to track motion and access strength. It serves as a flying gunship, a role vital to Operation Just Cause in Panama and the recent war in Afghanistan. Finally, it has a role germane to this text, ie, serving as the primary AE platform to reach patients in remote locations. The capability to land on virtually any cleared, semiimproved surface has made the C-130 a vital part of the USAF’s ability to move any patient from any place at any time. An example of this was shown during the Gulf War when the C-130 flew missions (fortunately few) into southern Iraq to move patients from the Army units attacking the enemy in that part of the desert. These missions required landing on a crude road, and could not be accomplished with any other aircraft.

General Characteristics The C-130 is a four-engine turboprop aircraft with a cruise speed of approximately 380 mph. It has a fuel capacity that allows it to cruise for approximately 10 hours, giving it a range potential of approximately 3500 miles. However, for the reasons described under weaknesses, the C130 would only be used as a last resort to move patients over such a long distance. Its high wing configuration prevents debris from ruining the engines while operating in poorly improved airstrips. It has a short take-off (4700 ft) and landing (2900 ft) capability unmatched by any other large aircraft. Its maximum litter capacity is 74, and the litter stanchions (the supports into which the litters are placed) used in this role are kept on-board at all times. This factor adds incredible flexibility to the fleet of C-130s

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 8.1. C-130 Hercules (USAF photo).

as they operate in a variety of missions around the world. Using web seats along the sides of the cabin, a maximum of 92 ambulatory patients could be moved. However, the discomfort and potential damage to patients would make such a configuration reasonable only for a short mission when no other alternative was available. In military situations such as an airfield under fire, the C-130 can also be floorloaded safely with 15 litter and approximately 30 ambulatory patients. The usual configurations for moving combinations of litter and ambulatory patients will be described at the end of this section.

Strengths By far the greatest strength of the C-130 is its ability to land on short, minimally improved surfaces. Obviously, helicopters can also be used to pick up patients in similar situations, even with the total absence of any airstrip. However, the limitation of helicopters is the small number of patients that can be moved by each aircraft. So it is this one crucial strength that will keep the C-130 a vital member of the AE team for

years to come. Medical planners simply would not have been able to develop a viable plan to move the projected casualties during the Gulf War without this capability. This same capability makes virtually any en route stop a viable option, so medical planners can use the C-130 for missions of extremely long distances. However, the weaknesses described later make such planning a last resort. The patient movement capacity, ie, potential for 74 litter or 92 ambulatory, makes the C-130 an ideal aircraft for medical planners as they attempt to minimize the number of far-forward AE missions required to support front-line troops in wartime. Although potential range (approximately 3500 miles) is a strength, the lack of comfort for the patient would make such a mission unlikely. The final strength of this aircraft is the ease of loading through the rear “clamshell” door. This wide open space allows crews to load large numbers of patients in approximately 20 minutes, including enginerunning onloads (EROs). Such EROs would only be accomplished at airfields under fire from the enemy or when ground time had to be minimized for another compelling reason.


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Weaknesses Noise is a major problem in the C-130 cabin, often making it necessary to shout within 18 in of the “listener” to be heard. As a result, verbal communication between crew members is difficult and communication between medical crew and their patients is often impossible. Obviously, procedures requiring auscultation are impossible. Lighting is also extremely poor throughout the cabin, so medical crews must have a plan for providing lighting adequate enough for patient evaluation. Electrical connections are available for attaching transformers, eg, the Big Bertha described earlier, but even with the transformer electrical equipment support is extremely limited. The combination of limited space between litter stanchions and the effect of moderate turbulence, present on virtually every mission, makes care for patients extremely difficult. Simple care such as feeding and taking vital signs are easy, but more complex procedures are difficult. The only lavatory facilities available are a funnel that leads to the exterior of the aircraft, with a curtain for privacy, and a small chemical seat with a privacy

curtain. There is no food service available, so boxed lunches are the only means of feeding patients. Climate control is poor, with cabin temperature rarely in the comfortable range. Neither patient oxygen nor suction is available, so both of these must be brought onto the aircraft for all missions requiring them. Finally, the C-130 cannot pressurize to sea level.

Configurations The USAF uses four different configurations for the C-130 in its AE role.1 The first provides 30 litter spaces with 46 web seats for ambulatory patients and AE crew (Fig 8.2). This configuration provides the most space for the ambulatory patients, so it would be used when “stretching room” for ambulatory patients was important. The second configuration provides 70, 73, or 74 litter spaces with 6 seats for AE crews (Fig 8.3A). This configuration would only be used when a specific large load of litter patients was required. A third configuration provides 20 litter spaces with 44 sidewall seats, and this configuration would be used when space for medical equipment or cargo in the

Figure 8.2. Interior of C-130 Hercules configured for tactical AE.

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 8.3. C-130 Hercules configured for (A) maximum litter patients and (B) tactical AE.

forward central portion of the cabin floor was required. The final configuration provides 50 litter spaces and 30 sidewall seats (Fig 8.3B). This configuration is the one most commonly used in contingency or wartime operations because virtually any patient loads at the locations supported by the C-130 would include a combination of litter and ambulatory, with the majority being litter. A unique feature of the C-130 is that all litter stanchion equipment needed to configure for AE is carried with each of the many (several hundred) C-130s deployed worldwide at any time. The total number of litter patients described in the configurations above depends on stacking 5 patients in each litter tier with approximately 21 in of spacing between patients. Although the USAF practices this method of loading, the highest of the five patients is both difficult to load and virtually completely inaccessible for crew members to treat. Therefore, depending on circ*mstances, the medical crew director might well decide to

load only four patients per upright station, thus giving more comfort to the litter patients and making nursing care more practical. Such a decision would only be made if all patients could be moved.

Summary From the strengths and weaknesses it is obvious that the niche for the C-130 is moving patients out of “harm’s way” from far-forward positions. Every effort will be made to minimize the length of these missions so the patients can be delivered to greater medical capability as soon as possible. Later transfer to another aircraft will be done if further movement is required. This aircraft will remain a vital part of the USAF inventory as long as this requirement exists and other aircraft cannot meet the need.

C-9A Nightingale The C-9A is truly the “Cadillac” of the AE fleet (Fig 8.4). The patient care amenities that are


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Figure 8.4. C-9A Nightingale (USAF photo).

built into the cabin area, together with the capabilities of the aircraft itself, make it ideal for a number of roles. It is used primarily for midrange missions into improved runways, but can also be used in a strategic, ie, long-distance, role if there are adequate en route stops. By the mid-1960s it had become apparent to the entire military establishment, including then US President Lyndon B. Johnson, that the fleet of aircraft being used for AE in the Vietnam War were entirely inadequate. To address this problem, a team of flight surgeons, flight nurses, and enlisted AE technicians was formed to work with McDonnell Douglas Corp on a modification to the DC-9 for the sole purpose of performing AE missions. The result is the C-9A that has served the DoD as its only dedicated AE asset for over 30 years. Given the relatively low number of average flying hours per aircraft, it should be capable of continuing in that role for many more years. There are a total of 19 C-9As deployed around the world. Usually, 10 aircraft are located at Scott AFB in Illinois, 5 are in Europe, and 4 are in Japan, but the airframes are moved to whichever theater has the greatest need. Although the majority of C-9 missions over the past 30 years have been flown in the continental United States, it has proven its flexibility by serving as an urgent AE asset for mul-

tiple patients in the Western Pacific and Europe. This role was necessitated by the frequent lack of availability of the C-141, the premier long-range AE asset. The C-141 fleet is rapidly drawing down (it has decreased by about 50% from 1995 to 2000), and it is committed to more worldwide airlift missions than ever before. Therefore, this “bridging role” for the C-9A is likely to continue and may even increase. It is fortunate that navigational aides have improved enough that the C-9A can reliably locate the small islands in the Pacific needed for en route stops. Without this reliability the C-9A could not possibly take over this mission, even for a short time. Although the C-9A has rarely been used for actual wartime missions, the concept of using it for that role was proven in a military exercise called Reforger during the late 1980s. Depending on the timing of actual casualties, the C-9A could easily become the only available asset to move patients in the early days of a conflict. The other airframes, ie, the C-141, C-130, and C-17, would likely be totally committed to the role of getting “shooters” and their materiel into the war zone. Further, the historical doctrine of reconfiguring (ie, changing from transport to AE) these aircraft for a return AE mission might not be followed in future conflicts. This change in doctrine is due to the fact that recon-

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation

figuration takes too long to be practical in a constrained lift environment. The advantage of the C-9A is that it could land already configured for the exact patient requirement, load quickly, and then leave without clogging the airfield.

General Characteristics The C-9A is a modified version of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 commercial airliner. Multiple interior modifications for the AE role will be described in the section on strengths. The most dramatic exterior modification is the large rectangular hole cut into the left side of the fuselage with a retractable ramp fitting into that hole. This modification gives the aircraft the capability to immediately begin loading litter patients wherever it lands. The C-9A is a twin-engine jet (engines mounted on the tail section) with a cruise speed of approximately 500 mph. Its fuel capacity gives it a range of about 2400 miles, thus making it an intermediates-range AE aircraft. As described earlier, this range, coupled with appropriate intermediate stops, makes it an acceptable longrange aircraft if needed in that role. The length of runway required for landing (2700 ft) and take-off (5000 ft) limits the number of airfields the C-9A can utilize, but this is not in general a “showstopper” in accomplishing a mission. During the Gulf War, the USAF decided to severely limit the planned use of the C-9A in the Southwest Asia theater. This decision was primarily based on concern over the poor quality of the runway environment in that theater, which could have easily destroyed an engine, resulting in a “broken” aircraft and clogged airfield. In summary, the use of the C-9A is flexible but not unlimited.

Strengths Because the C-9A was designed specifically for the AE role, its strengths far outnumber its weaknesses, its first strength is flexibility to accomplish long-distance (strategic) as well as intermediate-length missions. While en route stops are a potential constraint, appropriate stops can almost always be found to stretch the C-9A from an intermediate AE aircraft into a long-range aircraft. While the C-9A is not


considered a quiet aircraft, it is quiet on a relative scale when compared with other USAF aircraft used in the AE role. Communication between crew members is not difficult, nor is it difficult to communicate with patients who can talk above a whisper. However, use of a stethoscope is limited to a special type that was developed specifically for use on this aircraft. Lighting is excellent in virtually all parts of the cabin so assessment of patients is as close to optimum as possible in the AE environment. Appropriate electrical outlets are available at every patient position so supporting equipment is possible for all patients without carrying transformers. The retractable ramp makes loading of litter patients easy at every stop. This ramp is covered with a nonslip surface that has proven reliable moving patients in every possible weather condition. Ambulatory patients can be loaded through stairs at the front and rear of the aircraft, just as they are with the commercial models of this aircraft. The cabin space is excellent for providing access to each patient under virtually all conditions. In the 40-litter configuration, the ability to care for the patients located on the top litter position would be limited, but there is still adequate room to easily move such patients to the cabin floor while delivering intensive care. Lavatory and food services are excellent because they are essentially unchanged from those found in the commercial version of this aircraft. As a result, feeding and providing “creature comforts” to patients is better in the C-9A than in any other AE aircraft. Medical oxygen and suction are available at 11 positions in the cabin, 3 in the forward special care area, and 8 in the remainder of the cabin. They are located so that each potential litter tier will have access to both. Climate control is excellent when compared to other AE aircraft but is still not perfect, and will likely become worse as the aircraft ages. This is easily overcome by providing blankets to those who need them. The C-9A is capable of pressurizing to sea-level atmospheric pressure so it can move all patients, including those with decompression sickness. However, the cruise altitude required to pressurize is so low (usually around 18,000 ft) that the range


of an altitude-restricted mission becomes a real challenge.

Weaknesses Because the C-9A was designed specifically for the AE role, its weaknesses are limited. While its landing and take-off length is excellent for most uses in the continental United States, its ability to meet the DoD requirements around the world is limited. Despite this relative weakness, the C-9A remains the one asset within the USAF that cannot be diverted to other missions. Although limited cabin noise is a relative strength, budgetary constraints in the late 1990s required the USAF to cancel plans to place new engines on the C-9A fleet. These engines are required to meet current civilian airport external noise restrictions. Although this could theoretically become a problem in wartime, it is hard to imagine that the FAA would deny landing rights to the C-9A if no other means were available for moving casualties. In peacetime, there are multiple ways to move patients who require access to noise-restricted airfields. The patient capacity of 40 is a relative weakness vis-à-vis the C-130 and C-141, but as a result the comfort of patients and accessibility by the medical crew is maximized.

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area contains the equipment necessary to change the mix of seats and litters, a capability that proves crucial when the requirement changes at one of the mission’s en route stops. During peacetime, the C-9 most frequently flies with a configuration using 3 litter tiers and 30 or 34 seats (Fig 8.5A). In general, four seats are given up for each litter tier, but as these two configurations show, the exact locations of the tiers can change this ratio. The most litters possible is 40, and such a configuration would only be used in wartime (Fig 8.5B). Even then, it is difficult to envision the exact patient requirement that would make the C-9A the most efficient means of meeting that requirement (Fig 8.6).

Summary The C-9A is a wonderful asset for the entire country and it stands ready for a wide variety of disasters, whether military or civilian. As mentioned previously, the AE system could be made available in disaster through the joint military command called US Transportation Command. Even though the C-9A has been used to move peacetime DoD patients around the United States during most of its life, it is a proven asset that provides flexibility for medical planners in a wide variety of missions.

Configurations The USAF utilizes 13 different configurations that are combinations of litter and ambulatory seats, ranging from 1 tier of litters in the special care area and 40 seats to 10 tiers of litters and no seats. The patient seats are rear-facing, airline first-class sized, with two seats on each side of a center aisle. In all configurations there are seats built in for the medical crew, with a nurse’s station just aft of the special care unit on the right side of the cabin. A large storage area for special equipment, blankets, and patientspecific items is located opposite the nurses’ station. There is also a sink and refrigerator opposite the special care area. All of these features remain regardless of the exact combination of litters and seats. The C-9A has a large storage area in the belly of the aircraft below the cabin. This storage

C-141 Starlifter The C-141 has been the premier strategic (longrange) AE airframe for the USAF from the time it first became operational. It has great strengths, eg, virtually unlimited range with aerial refueling, but also has weaknesses, such as limited numbers of airfields from which it can operate. It has accomplished this strategic mission so well that the USAF faces a great challenge in replacing this capability with another aircraft. The C-141’s primary role for the military is long-range airlift of cargo, passengers (although this role is mostly accomplished with contracts today), and patients. The C-141 has been the workhorse of the DoD for moving large numbers of patients over long distances for almost four decades (Fig 8.7). It has been an

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation

Figure 8.5. C-9A Nightingale configured for (A) peacetime AE and (B) maximum litter patients.

Figure 8.6. Interior of a C-9A Nightingale configured for maximum litter patients.



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Figure 8.7. C-141 Starlifter (USAF photo).

absolutely vital link for the thousands of activeduty members and their families deployed around the world. However, it is currently reaching the end of its useful life, and each month more C-141s are taken out of the actively flying inventory and retired to the aircraft “bone yard” in Arizona. Because the requirement to move cargo in support of multiple contingencies has increased markedly in the 1990s, the availability of this aircraft for the AE role has diminished, in particular in the Western Pacific.

General Characteristics The C-141 is a multiple-purpose aircraft designed to transport passengers, cargo, and patients. Its cruise speed is 550 mph with a maximum range (unrefueled) of over 5000 miles, making it a high-speed, high-altitude, long-range airlifter. Its take-off and landing distances are dependent on exact weight, but in all cases are long (over 6000 ft). All planned AE missions are equipped with a comfort pallet that provides cooking capability and lavatory facilities.

Strengths One of the greatest strengths of the C-141 is its ability to accomplish air-to-air refueling from USAF tankers. This eliminates the need for any consideration of en route stops, regardless of mission length, and therefore negates the problems caused by these stops. Because there is a slight risk to the patients and medical crew from increased turbulence during contact with the tanker aircraft, missions are not routinely planned using this procedure. An example of how this capability has proven tremendously beneficial is moving severely burned patients from Korea to San Antonio, where the Brooke Army Burn Center is located. Appropriate timing of each burn move and minimizing the total length of time required for transfer between hospitals is directly correlated to better outcomes, so this capability is vital for military operations. It is by far the largestcapacity AE aircraft, having the capability to move a combination of 128 litter and ambulatory patients in one configuration and 103 litteronly patients in another. As described earlier, its range is a tremendous asset, limited only by the crew rest requirements for the pilots. The

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation

rear clamshell doors, which provide a gently sloping ramp to the flight line, make loading of patients extremely easy. Cabin space is large and, with the exception of those litter patients positioned at the top of each tier of litters, patient accessibility is good. With the comfort pallet in place, feeding and lavatory facilities are certainly adequate. The C-141 does have the capability to pressurize to sea level, but doing so negates many of the previously mentioned strengths.

Weaknesses When the C-141 is fully loaded with patients and the fuel required for its maximum range, runway length for take-off becomes long. As a result, planning to use this aircraft in both peacetime and war is limited to a few “strategic” airfields in all theaters. Noise is a real problem in the cabin, ranking somewhere between the C-130 and the C-9A. As a result, communication is extremely difficult. Light is extremely poor throughout the cabin and the medical crew must have a plan for providing adequate light to assess their patients. Electrical support is severely limited. There is only one outlet in each latrine that can supply 115-V/ 60-cycle AC, but these outlets are used solely for electric shavers. There are several electrical outlets in the cabin, but the previously described transformers must be used to supply appropriate electricity to medical equipment. Obviously, this requirement complicates AE planning because there are a limited number of transformers in the USAF inventory. Assuring that the transformers are in the right place at the right time can become a major problem. Although therapeutic oxygen is available in the cabin, it is supplied at high pressure (300 psi) through seven outlets located on two separate panels. These outlets must be attached to devices called therapeutic oxygen manifold systems (TOMSs), each of which can supply three litter patients. Climate control is poor at best. It is not uncommon for litter patients located on the top tier position to complain of excessive heat while ambulatory patients near the sides of the cabin are complaining about “freezing” feet! Again, blankets and


imagination are the only way to overcome this problem.

Configurations The USAF uses five different configurations for AE missions. In four of these configurations, a comfort pallet is located at the front of the cabin. The maximum litter configuration, 103 litter capacity (Fig 8.8A), uses only portable lavatories and urinals and is therefore limited to a maximum of 12 hours’ duration for each mission. The most commonly used configuration utilizes rear-facing airline-type seats with 42-in spacing, which achieves a total load of 23 to 46 litter and 60 to 90 ambulatory patients (Fig 8.8B). Another configuration that uses web troop seats on the side of the cabin for the ambulatory patients maximizes total patients (48 litter and 80 ambulatory) (Fig. 8.9). However, because the role of the C-141 is longdistance and long-duration missions, this configuration is rarely used because of discomfort for ambulatory patients.

Summary The C-141 brings a unique long-range, highvolume capability to the world of AE, a capability unmatched by any other aircraft, military or civilian. As the total number of C-141s remaining in the active USAF inventory decreases, the difficulty in filling the void it leaves becomes more apparent each passing month.

C-17 Globemaster The C-17 is the newest transport jet in the USAF inventory and, among its other missions, it has the capability to perform the AE role. It has multiple strengths that would make it ideal for this role. However, the total number of aircraft currently planned for purchase is so small (80) that its availability for AE is questionable. Because the C-17 is so new to the USAF fleet, it does not have a track record as an AE aircraft.

General Characteristics The C-17’s incredible capabilities were first demonstrated during the initial deployment of


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Figure 8.8. C-141 Starlifter configured for (A) maximum litter patients and (B) a combination of litter and ambulatory patients.

Figure 8.9. Interior of C-141 Starlifter configured for a combination of litter and ambulatory patients.

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 8.10. C-17 Globemaster (USAF photo by 1st Lieutenant Laurel Scherer).

troops to Bosnia in late 1995 (Fig 8.10). Its primary mission is flying large loads, especially oversized loads, directly to minimally improved short runways. It is also designed to accomplish other missions, including AE and support of Army airborne units. However, the total number of aircraft currently planned for purchase, ie, only 80, will probably limit the number of times this aircraft is used in AE. Nevertheless, kits have been designed and manufactured that will allow the C-17 to accomplish the AE mission. As with any new system, multiple problems were discovered in the initial tests of the AE configuration, but none of the required “fixes” for these problems were complicated and the solutions are occurring at the time of this writing.

Strengths Virtually every previously described characteristic of an AE aircraft is a strength for the

C-17. Perhaps its greatest strength is its unlimited range with aerial refueling. A close second is the ability to land on almost any semiimproved airfield. This combination makes it ideal for moving patients from almost any location directly back to the United States without en route stops. Its litter stanchions will accommodate 36 litter patients and a variable number of ambulatory patients depending upon the types of seats used (Fig 8.11). Noise and lighting are almost as good as the C-9A and are certainly better than the C-130 or C-141. The large clamshell doors make loading extremely easy. Cabin space is huge and the litter support structure gives excellent access to each patient. Comfort pallets are used to provide feeding and lavatory facilities, as with the C-141. Climate control is better than either the C-130 or C-141 but not as good as smaller cabins (eg, the C-21). Pressurizing to sea level is possible with the usual mission constraints.


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Figure 8.11. Interior of C-17 Globemaster configured for tactical AE (USAF photo).

Weaknesses Because the C-17 was not built primarily for AE, there is neither built-in oxygen nor suction. Like other large aircraft, climate control requires plenty of blankets to make sure all patients are warm enough. Undoubtedly the greatest weakness of the C-17 is the fact that few airframes are likely to be made available for the AE role.

Configurations Recently, two configurations of the C-17 have been approved for AE. In one, there are only 3 litter tiers utilized, giving the capability to move 9 litter patients and 54 ambulatory seats on the periphery of the cabin. In the second configuration, there are 12 litter tiers, giving a total capacity of 36 litter and 54 ambulatory patients. In both configurations, up to 48 centerline seats can be added, but doing so makes the peripheral seats outboard of the litter stanchions unavailable. As the C-17 is used in the AE role,

experience will show which of these configurations works best. One obvious advantage of using the existing peripheral seats is that all C17s can be configured this way without having seats available.

Summary In summary, the C-17 is a superlative aircraft for accomplishing the AE mission for all the reasons listed under strengths, especially its speed, range, and short landing capabilities. At this time the small number of aircraft planned for the USAF force will almost certainly be fully employed in other missions, so it remains to be seen how much AE this aircraft will see.

C-21 Lear Jet While the C-21 was not originally acquired for the AE role, it has proven itself highly effective in moving the right type of patient. Moving neonates to the limited number of DoD

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


neonatal units has become the AE mission for which it is best known.

also excellent. A final strength is the ability to pressurize to sea level.

General Characteristics


The C-21 is a small twin-engine jet with a cabin large enough for six people or one litter plus two attendants (Fig 8.12). The USAF procured it in the early 1980s with a primary role of moving high-ranking DoD personnel in peacetime and moving critical parts and people in war. In the late 1980s, AE was added to its missions. Several civilian air ambulance services use versions of the same Lear Jet, but all of these have been specifically designed for the AE role.

Patient capacity is the greatest weakness, but that is in general not a problem because its mission is almost always picking up only one patient. It does not have equipment support, but batteries are adequate for its mission because flight times rarely exceed battery capability. Entry is a problem for adult litter patients because of a built-in closet near the door. Cabin space is extremely limited, and unlike all other USAF AE aircraft the crew cannot stand up in the cabin. The only lavatory is a chemical seat not readily available, and there are no feeding facilities. Finally, there is no oxygen or suction capability.

Strengths The C-21 requires little runway for take-off or landing and can therefore move patients into or out of most locations. The range is about 2000 miles at a cruise speed of about 500 mph. This combination provides a capability to move patients throughout the United States. Noise is minimal and lighting is excellent. Because of the small size, climate control in the cabin is

Configuration If only ambulatory patients are being moved, the C-21 does not require any modification. It simply uses its existing four individual seats and two-person bench-type seat to move the patients and crew. If a litter or neonatal isolette

Figure 8.12. C-21 Lear Jet (photo by Lieutenant Colonel John M. McNamara).


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is used, two seats on the same side are removed and the litter or isolette is installed.

Summary The C-21 is an excellent AE aircraft for specific patients. Its niche is newborns and ambulatory patients for whom quick transportation is most important, eg certain organ recipients. Its small entryway, relatively short range, and lack of room to fully utilize equipment for some patients will always limit its use.

Boeing 767 A brief description of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) is necessary to understand why the Boeing 767 is part of an AE textbook. Under the CRAF program, all US airlines are given the opportunity to sign contracts in which they agree to release specific numbers of aircraft for use by the USAF in crisis situations. The benefit of the CRAF program for the USAF is that airframes are leased for a specific price only when absolutely needed in a contingency. This program saves the USAF millions of dollars by preventing the purchase and operation and maintenance costs of owning the aircraft. Analysis by medical planners in the early

1980s indicated a need to use the CRAF to meet the AE requirement, and the Boeing 767 was selected for this role.

General Characteristics The Boeing 767 is a twin-engine jet used by the airlines for transcontinental or transoceanic routes, thus making it ideal for strategic AE (Fig 8.13). To make the 767 AE capable, the USAF purchased a number of conversion kits that are used to transform the interior of the 767 into a premier AE aircraft much like the C-9A. The kits used for this conversion are comprised of a number of different parts. First, litter support structures were developed to connect with the fittings that remain on the cabin floor after the commercial passenger seats have been removed. The second component is an oxygen delivery system that utilizes oxygen storage containers in the cargo belly of the aircraft, together with tubing to bring the oxygen to each litter station. Electrical fittings were added to assure an electrical system that will deliver 110-V, 60cycle electrical current to each litter station. Finally, nursing workstations were developed that attach into remaining floor fittings.

Figure 8.13. Boeing 767.

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation


Figure 8.14. Interior of Boeing 767 configured for AE.

Strengths The long range of the 767 makes it ideal for the strategic AE mission, allowing it to accomplish all missions except those requiring aerial refueling. It has tremendous capacity to move patients. The exact number of patients moved will depend on the mix and severity of patients’ injuries, but will be around 100 in any possible configuration. Noise is not a problem because the cabin is quieter than even the C-9A. Lighting is excellent throughout the cabin. Oxygen and electrical equipment are both supportable by the conversion kit. Cabin space is excellent, providing excellent access to every patient (Fig 8.14). The lavatory and feeding capability is unmatched because this is an airliner. Climate control is first class, again because this is an airliner.

the conversion kit. It cannot pressurize to sea level and so cannot move decompression sickness patients. Finally, like the C-141, there are a limited number of airfields that meet its landing or take-off requirements. This should not be a constraint because of the locations at which it is planned to serve.

Configurations As described above, there are multiple possible configurations using the conversion kits. At the time of this writing, the responsible organization, Air Mobility Command, has not published a configuration so none is shown here. Basically, all configurations will allow approximately 100 patients to be moved.

Summary Weaknesses The greatest weakness is the difficulty in loading patients onto the 767. Although a new ramp with the same pitch as the C-9A ramp has made loading easier, it still takes up to 2 hours to load. There is no suction capability built into

The Boeing 767 has proved itself in tests with mock patients, but thankfully it has never been required in a full contingency role moving “real” casualties. Since it is such a ubiquitous commercial aircraft there should always be adequate numbers available if they are ever


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Figure 8.15. Challenger 601.

required for fitting with the existing patient conversion kits.

Civilian Airframes Challenger 601-3R This aircraft is reflective of the wide variety of aircraft used to move patients in the civilian air ambulance industry (Fig 8.15). It is highly capable as shown in the following discussion.

General Characteristics This twin-engine jet is among the most capable jets serving the civilian AE mission, and is the only true wide-body aircraft used in the general

aviation AE role today. With a cabin width of 8 ft, 2 in, it is capable of seating ambulatory patients three or four abreast (Fig 8.16). The cabin height of 6 ft, 1 in, allows for comfortable movement of patients and medical crew but is significantly shorter than any of the USAF aircraft previously described except the C-21. It has a cruise speed exceeding 500 mph and a range of 3400 nautical miles.

Strengths The greatest strength of this airframe, as well as others used by the civilian air ambulance industry, is the robust list of equipment available for each mission and the outstanding crew-topatient ratio. This ratio is possible because of the limited number of patients carried in most

Figure 8.16. Challenger 601 configured for both litter and ambulatory patients.

8. Aircraft Considerations for Aeromedical Evacuation Table 8.2. Equipment commonly used by commercial AE companies. Defibrillator with pacing capability One ventilator End-tidal carbon dioxide monitor Oxygen monitor Two IV pumps capable of supporting three lines per pump Two oxygen outlets Two suction canisters Six electrical outlets with 115-V/60-cycle current

missions. All reputable civilian air ambulance systems have access to exactly the mix of doctors, nurses, and technicians needed to meet any patient’s needs. A list of typical equipment immediately available in the stretcher/ICU position includes the items shown in Table 8.2. Noise within the cabin is less than the C-9 and lighting is excellent. The cabin environment is easily temperature controlled, primarily due to its relative small size.

Weaknesses Although the Challenger 601 has a longer range than the C-9A, it is still not long enough for transoceanic missions without en route stops. Therefore, the same considerations described in using the C-9A for a transoceanic role apply to this aircraft. This airframe can move relatively few patients. The maximum capacity is two litters and up to nine ambulatory patients, as long as none require extensive nursing care. Cabin space is adequate for crew movement but less than any of the USAF airframes described previously. Loading of litter patients is possible without undue tilting of the litter but is still more difficult than loading any of USAF aircraft.

Configuration The configuration remains as shown in Figure 8.14 for virtually all missions, although both litter positions in the intensive-care part of the cabin are not used in all missions. The seats shown in the diagram can be used for either ambulatory patients or medical crew members depending on the requirements of the patients.


Summary The Challenger 601 is a highly capable AE airframe and is representative of the highest level of AE capability available in the general aviation environment. There are multiple other jet aircraft used in the commercial AE mission, including the Lockheed 731, the Hawker 3A, and the Falcon 50, all of which have essentially the same strengths and weaknesses described above.

Alternative AE Capabilities Even with the best possible planning, occasions will arise when none of the previously described airframes are available. To address such situations, other alternatives should be considered including the following.

Palletized Patients An exciting concept developed at Charleston AFB is the concept of preloading patients onto standard USAF pallets. These pallets are square wooden structures that are used to move military supplies and equipment around the world. Their advantage is that they can be immediately loaded onto USAF aircraft, much like the containers used in worldwide airlift. Patients are loaded onto these pallets prior to the aircraft arrival, and this cuts load time to an absolute minimum. In this concept, patients are secured to standard pallets using field-style mobile litters tied down with standard straps. All supporting equipment is also secured using standard USAF straps. As a result, small numbers of litter patients can be completely ready for loading at those far-forward airfields where turnaround time for transport is critical. Using this technique, patients can be loaded onto transports in less than 5 minutes immediately after they have unloaded their inbound cargo. These patients are completely ready for the mission, including all required support equipment. Reconfiguring the same aircraft for an outbound AE mission would take at least 30 minutes and potentially as much as 2 hours. This difference might be vital in convincing the


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appropriate command authority to release an aircraft for an AE role. The feasibility of this concept has been proven using mock patients in the C-17 at Charleston, but has not progressed to a fully implemented plan at this time.

line service, thus making such moves practical with little delay. Using this technique, one can safely move a patient for $2000 to 3000 when commercial AE service might cost as much as $50,000.

Commercial Airline Seats


For certain patients, the urgency to move may preclude waiting for a properly equipped and staffed AE airframe. In most cases commercial airline service is available to meet such patient’s needs, with the obvious exception being those requiring a flying intensive-care unit. Usually, such moves should be accomplished by purchasing two side-by-side firstclass seats. This allows the patient to rest appropriately on long flights and provides the medical attendant immediate access to the patient. This method is often used by commercial AE companies in the Western Pacific region, where multinational companies have small numbers of US citizens working in many nations separated by thousands of miles of ocean. Most of these countries lack western-quality medical service but have air-

In summary, the USAF possesses a wide variety of aircraft with a proven capability of moving large numbers of patients. Each aircraft used in the AE role has specific strengths and weaknesses as described. While the civil air ambulance industry is highly capable of moving small numbers of patients, their experience with large numbers is limited. Therefore, in the event of a sudden disaster requiring AE of large numbers of patients, the expertise and capability of the USAF (through US Transportation Command) will be required.

Reference 1. Department of the Air Force. C-130 Configuration and Mission Planning. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1997. MCI 11-258.

9 Critical-Care Air Transport: Patient Flight Physiology and Organizational Considerations Thomas E. Grissom

The air transport of patients encompasses a range of missions from long-distance, fixedwing aeromedical evacuation (AE) movements to short-distance, rotary-wing “scene” pickups. While certain aspects of the transport receive different emphasis dependent on distance, mode of transport, and patient condition, the overall goals remain the same (Table 9.1). In attempting to meet these goals, a number of questions will arise regarding the approach. Are there any special considerations for the movement of critically ill or injured patients by air transport? Who is best qualified to provide en route care? What types of equipment are safe for use in the flying environment? What is the best means of monitoring the patient inflight? What are the basic skill levels required to be a part of the team? While the specifics of care provided on the ground and in the air should not change significantly, there are a number of considerations and limitations that the transport team must be aware of when moving the critically ill patient. Some of these areas are covered in other chapters discussing preflight triage, aeromedical staging, airframe capabilities, and in-flight treatment options. Additional chapters detailing specific conditions, such as trauma, burn, and psychiatric injuries, highlight relevant considerations for those diagnoses. In this chapter, the first section examines the general impact of the classic flight stressors on patient physiology and care delivery. The role that decreased barometric pressure, temperature, noise, vibration, decreased humidity, acceleration, and fatigue play in patient movements by air is not trivial.

The second section covers organizational issues, such as manpower, equipment, and training considerations, in the establishment and maintenance of a critical-care air transport service for AE. Integration of these areas with a solid clinical background will allow most providers to accommodate to the flying environment where they can deliver “critical care in the air.”

Patient Flight Physiology Aviation medicine has long been concerned with the effects of altitude and flight stresses on the performance of the aircrew. Less is known about the influence these factors have on the care and outcome of critically ill patients moved within an AE system, in particular during long flights. It is not difficult to anticipate that the environmental stresses associated with flight have the potential to disrupt the delivery of care provided to the patient during transport. These stresses impact not only the patient but those managing care as well. Beyond a straight assessment of the environmental factors, the platform being used to transport the patient may ameliorate or magnify the potential problems. As discussed in chapter 8, most fixed-wing military aircraft used for AE do not protect medical personnel or patients from the stresses of flight to the same degree that commercial airliners protect their passengers. Patients moved on rotary-wing transports experience more vibration and noise than those on fixed-wing missions. Duration of



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Table 9.1. Goals of air transport.

Gas Laws

Proper preparation of the patient Appropriate utilization of available resources Prevention of delays during transports Provision of a safe transport environment for patient and staff Accurate en route monitoring of the patient for status changes Safe delivery to the appropriate level of care Rapid effective response to changes in patient condition

Most of the physiological results of ascent and descent within the Earth’s atmosphere can be explained by several elementary principles of gas behavior.

exposure to these stressors will also play a role in their impact on the patient. The response to a short scene mission in a helicopter will most likely be different than that seen with a 12-hour transatlantic flight. In this chapter, we will review the general impact of the classic flight stressors on patient physiology and care delivery. In subsequent chapters, the role, decreased barometric pressure, temperature, noise, vibration, decreased humidity, acceleration, and fatigue have on patient care will be related to specific disease or injury conditions. An understanding of altitude physiology combined with disease- or injury-specific considerations will better prepare you to not only ready the patient for aeromedical transport but also allow you to anticipate and respond to potential problems.

Stresses of Flight Barometric Pressure Changes The most prominent environmental consideration in AE operations is the impact of changes in barometric pressure on oxygen delivery and gas expansion. The acceptable altitude range in which physiological functions are minimally impaired is limited to a fraction of the Earth’s atmosphere. From sea level to 12,000 ft, most normal individuals can move with no or minimal impairment.1 Above this level, normal function is progressively impaired unless appropriate environmental interventions are made. Movement of patients through this environment requires an understanding of the classic gas laws and an application of their principles as they apply to normal and abnormal physiology.

Boyle’s Law. When the temperature remains constant, as in the human body, a volume of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure surrounding it. This principle explains why a balloon expands as it ascends and also why a volume of trapped air expands in a body cavity when the pressure around it is reduced. A given volume can expect to be doubled at 18,000 ft (5500 m). The formula for Boyle’s Law is P1 P2 = V2 V1 , where temperature is constant and P1 = initial pressure, V1 = initial volume, P2 = final pressure, and V2 = final volume. Henry’s Law. The amount of gas in a solution varies directly with the partial pressure of that gas over the solution. Therefore, if pressure is reduced above the solution some gas will come out of solution. This principle explains why carbon dioxide bubbles are released when a carbonated beverage container is opened and why nitrogen bubbles may come out of solution in body tissues during ascent. The nitrogen bubbles can lead to altitude-induced decompression sickness. The formula for Henry’s Law is P1 P2 = A1 A2 , where P1 = initial partial pressure of a given gas, P2 = final partial pressure of a given gas, A1 = initial amount of gas dissolved in a given solution, and A2 = final amount of gas dissolved in the same solution. Dalton’s Law. The total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each gas in the mixture. The pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture is independent of other gases in the mixture. Remember, the atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm Hg. This total pressure equals the partial pressures of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and trace gases (1%) making up the atmosphere.

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

The formula for Dalton’s Law is Pt = P1 + P2 + P3 + ... Pn, where Pt = total pressure of the mixture, P1, P2, P3, ... = partial pressures of the individual gases, and n = total number of gases present. Dalton’s Law explains how exposure to a high ambient altitude reduces the available oxygen. As ambient altitude increases, the partial pressure of oxygen decreases even though the percentage of oxygen remains the same. For example, at sea level the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) is 21% of 760 mm Hg or 160 mm Hg. Correspondingly, with a reduction of total pressure the partial pressure of each gas will decrease proportionately. At 18,000 ft (5500 m), PO2 is 21% of 380 mm Hg or 80 mm Hg. Charles’ Law. When volume is constant, the pressure of a gas increases or decreases proportionally to an increase or decrease in its temperature. Evidence of this law can be seen in the small decrease in pressure recorded from an oxygen cylinder taken from ground level on a hot day to an unpressurized aircraft altitude of 10,000 ft (3056 m). Consequently, the cooler temperature at this altitude leads to a decrease in the pressure within the oxygen cylinder. The formula for Charles’ Law is P1 P2 = T1 T2 , where volume is constant and P1 = initial pressure, T1 = initial temperature, P2 = final pressure, and T2 = final temperature. Hypoxia One of the principle areas of interest to individuals involved in AE is hypoxia, its effects on patients and medical personnel, and the equipment used to prevent it. Patients requiring AE frequently have a number of factors that already predispose them to developing hypoxia, defined as oxygen “deficiency” sufficient to cause impairment of function.2 A decrease in barometric pressure with a reduction in the inspired partial pressure of oxygen may be enough to push the “stabilized” patient over the edge. In a classic 1969 study looking at casualties being transferred from Vietnam to other locations, 95 of 201 postoperative surgi-


cal patients developed a PaO2 of less than 60 mm Hg when flying at cabin altitudes between 3000 to 7500 ft.3 Four Classic Physiological Categories of Hypoxia. Hypoxic hypoxia occurs as a result of a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs or of other conditions that reduce the diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar–pulmonary capillary membrane. This is the most common type reported in flying personnel exposed to a lowered partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude. Additional causes include ventilation perfusion defects, airway obstruction, and apnea. Partial compensation through an increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate can be seen starting at 5000 ft (1500 m) with a resulting drop in PaCO2 (Fig 9.1). Additional compensation occurs through increases in heart rate and cardiac output resulting in a decrease in the arteriovenous oxygen difference with an elevation in mean capillary oxygen tension.2 Pressurized aircraft, including commercial airliners, rarely exceed a cabin pressure altitude of 10,000 ft (3000 m).4 Because PaO2 at that altitude is approximately 60 mm Hg (O2 saturation 90%), the majority of patients and normal passengers would be minimally affected at that cabin pressure. In a small study looking at 29 patients with known or suspected ischemic heart disease requiring AE, Bendrick et al demonstrated that 5 (17%) of these patients dropped their oxygen saturation to less than 90%.5 The average cabin altitude during the flights was 6900 ft (2108 m) in a C-9A aircraft, representing the usual flight profile for this type of AE mission. In all cases, the addition of 4 L/min of oxygen corrected the level of desaturation. Hypemic hypoxia occurs when there is a reduction in the capacity of blood to carry a sufficient amount of oxygen. This includes blood loss (anemic hypoxia), dyshemoglobinemias, excessive smoking, and carbon monoxide poisoning. For medical personnel and patients who smoke tobacco products, the formation of carboxyhemoglobin through the inhalation of carbon monoxide will make the individual more susceptible to this type of hypoxia. Typically, military aircrew members who donate blood are grounded for 72 hours following


T.E. Grissom Figure 9.1. Partial pressure of alveolar PaO2 and PaCO2 during exposure to altitude (adapted with permission from Sheffield and Heimbach2).

blood donation due to the reduced hemoglobin level.6 To illustrate the contribution of anemia to the development of hypoxia at reduced barometric pressure, it is necessary to examine the impact of the reduced partial pressure of oxygen on the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. Oxygen-carrying capacity is defined as CaO 2 (mL O 2 100 mL blood) = (1.34 ¥ Hb ¥ SaO 2 ) + (PaO 2 ¥ 0.0031), where CaO2 = oxygen content of arterial blood, Hb = hemoglobin, SaO2 = % arterial oxygen–hemoglobin saturation, and PaO2 = partial pressure of arterial oxygen. At a sea level equivalent of 760 mm Hg, with a PaO2 of 102 mm Hg, Hb of 15 g/dL, and SaO2 of 98%, each 100 mL of blood could carry approximately 20 mL of oxygen. This is reduced to 19 mL per 100 mL of blood due to venous admixture with unsaturated blood. The content drops by one half when the hemoglobin drops from 15 to 7 g/dL; however, the extraction remains constant at 5 to 6 mL of oxygen per 100 mL of blood. Thus, the venous saturation drops from 75% to less than 50%, leaving no reserve for additional oxygen demands when there is an associated drop in inspired oxygen. Stagnant hypoxia occurs when there is a reduction in total cardiac output, pooling of the blood, or restriction of blood flow reducing oxygen delivery. This includes problems commonly found in critically ill or injured patients

such as congestive heart failure, shock, and positive pressure ventilation. This concept can be extended to specific organ systems such as the development of cerebral vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow that occurs with hyperventilation. The use of supplemental oxygen will often be necessary in patients with stagnant hypoxia, in particular when any of the other contributing factors such as altitude (hypoxic) or reduced carrying capacity (hypemic) is present. Histotoxic hypoxia occurs when the utilization of oxygen by the body tissues is hindered. This includes carbon monoxide poisoning, cyanide poisoning, and alcohol ingestion. For the AE patient, this is not in general a contributing factor except in specific cases of known exposure, such as burn victims (carbon monoxide) and cyanide (sodium nitroprusside) toxicity. Gas Expansion Changes in barometric pressure produce effects beyond hypoxia. According to Boyle’s Law presented above, a volume of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure surrounding it (Fig 9.2). This resulting gas expansion can adversely affect not only the medical crew but patients and equipment as well. The end product of gas expansion in patients and crew can be actual tissue damage or pain that will affect mission performance.

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations


Figure 9.2. Impact of altitude on gas expansion. At the highest cabin altitude expected during flight in a pressurized aircraft (10,000 ft), gas expands to 1.5 times the original volume.

The terms used to describe the effects of barometric pressure changes include dysbarism, barotrauma, and decompression sickness. Dysbarism represents the general topic of pressure-related injuries. Barotrauma refers to the direct injuries that are a result of the mechanical effects from an applied pressure differential. Finally, decompression sickness relates to the complications associated with the evolution of gas from tissues and fluids of the body. The most common sites of trapped gas disorders in the typical patient or medical crew member involve the ears, sinuses, gastrointestinal tract, and, rarely, teeth. When considering the potential for problems with the air transport of patients, you may need to consider other areas, including medical equipment and air introduced into other anatomic sites as a result of injury or operation. Barotitis media or “ear block” is an acute or chronic trauma of the middle ear caused by the difference of pressure between the air in the tympanic cavity and mastoid air cells and that of the surrounding atmosphere. During ascent, expanding gas within the tympanic cavity is vented. The Eustachian tube usually functions as a one-way valve to allow this gas to escape from the middle ear. On descent, however, the volume within the middle ear contracts, causing the tympanic membrane to retract. Active

opening of the Eustachian tube using positive pressure from the nasopharynx or by using the jaw muscles usually suffices to equalize the pressure differential: yawning, swallowing, or the Valsalva maneuver. This process of expansion and contraction can cause significant complications if the normal corrective procedures are ineffective or impaired. Severe pain, nausea, vertigo, tinnitus, perforation of the eardrum, and bleeding can occur with an associated temporary impairment of hearing. Medical crew members should be aware of the early symptoms of barotitis media. In patients or crew with congestive symptoms, topical vasoconstrictors such as 0.25% phenylephrine spray may be beneficial when used 15 minutes before descent or take-off. Severe symptoms should be reported to the director of the aeromedical crew because the aircraft may have to increase altitude again to allow equalization of pressure in the middle ear before reattempting descent. Finally, politerization may be required to equalize pressures. This involves the delivery of pressurized air using a handheld compression device (Politzer bag) or compressed air through the nose to open the Eustachian tube. The implications of gas expansion and barotitis media are less clear for the comatose, psychotic, or disoriented patient. Do not forget to evaluate those patients who have been


nasotracheally intubated or who have nasogastric tubes in place because they are prone to develop edema and Eustachian tube dysfunction. You should observe patients for evidence of increased irritability or agitation during descent, which may accompany the discomfort associated with increased middle-ear pressures. Direct examination of the tympanic membrane for significant retractions may rule out this problem. Barosinusitis occurs when there is obstruction of airflow that normally passes in and out of the sinus cavities without difficulty. The presence of an upper-respiratory infection may produce swelling of sinus mucosal membranes that will obstruct normal venting. On ascent, this will produce pain or pressure below (maxillary), above (frontal), or behind the eyes. More commonly, problems occur during descent. The use of the Valsalva maneuver will frequently provide at least temporary relief. Vasoconstrictors and return to a higher altitude may also be necessary. When considering the AE patient, barosinusitis may occur in patients with abnormal nasal pathology or inflammation such as facial trauma or nasal instrumentation (intubation, nasogastric tubes). Barodontalgia occurs when trapped air in abscesses, dental fillings, or caries expands, resulting in severe pain during ascent. This is an uncommon problem and can be confused with barosinusitis involving the maxillary sinuses. In the case of barodontalgia, only one tooth is usually involved whereas several of the upper teeth on the affected side are symptomatic with maxillary barosinusitis. Therapy is limited to descent and pain control with appropriate follow-up. Barogastralgia or gas expansion in the gastrointestinal tract is rarely serious with cabin altitudes less than 10,000 ft (3045 m) where gas expansion is typically 1.5 times the volume at sea level (Fig 9.2). Patients or crew who eat hasty, large meals with foods and carbonated beverages known to produce gas may on occasion experience problems related to gas expansion. In patients with gastrointestinal problems such as bowel obstructions, ileus, or motility problems, the amount of expansion may be excessive and produce symptoms of discomfort, abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea,

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vomiting, shortness of breath, and, in extreme cases, vagal symptoms. Preflight placement of a nasogastric tube, if not already done, should be accomplished in these patients and be left unclamped during flight. Some recommendations suggest avoiding high-altitude exposure in postabdominal surgery patients for 24 to 72 hours following surgery due to the potential for associated intrabdominal air trapping.6 The pregnant patient, in particular in the third trimester, may also be at higher risk of having discomfort related to gastrointestinal gas expansion. Intrathoracic air presents a special consideration because it is contained within a fixed space. The management of the patient with a pneumothorax requires the medical crew to consider several issues. Even patients with an asymptomatic pneumothorax can develop significant decompensation with gas expansion inside the thorax. An untreated pneumothorax is considered an absolute contraindication to movement by aircraft except in the absence of respiratory compromise and ability to maintain cabin altitude equal to that at the point of origin. Even under these circ*mstances, the medical team should have the capability to provide definitive treatment should the patient’s condition change. The safest approach is to electively place a chest tube before flight with an appropriate collection system. In a patient requiring air transport, if already present, the chest tube should be left in place before flight even if it could otherwise be removed. If recently removed, a minimum of 24 hours should elapse before transport and an expiratory chest radiograph showing no reaccumulation of the pneumothorax is obtained before flight.6 In addition, an occlusive dressing should be applied to the chest tube site. For all patients with chest tubes, they should be connected to a rigid, nonglass collection system with a Heimlich or other one-way valve. Water levels should not be changed during ascent or descent although the suction level, if used, should be checked frequently. Intracranial air is one of the rare areas of gas expansion that can be potentially devastating. Whether it is from a penetrating injury, surgery, or diagnostic study, the presence of intracranial air requires close monitoring of the air

Figure 9.3. Changes in tracheal wall pressure associated with changes in altitude for air-inflated cuff (Foregger and Rusch), foam cuff (KamenWilkinson), and pressureregulated cuff (McGinnis) endotracheal tubes in an animal model (used with permission from Stoner and Cooke7).


9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations







35,000 FT.


8,000 FT.






transport patient. If the patient needs to be moved, you should consider maintaining cabin pressure equivalent to the point of origin. In addition, the presence of a cerebrospinal fluid leak from the ears or nose raises theoretical concern for drawing in air or bacteria during ascent/descent. Medical equipment that contains air can also be adversely affected by gas expansion. Items such as MAST garments and pneumatic splints may become excessively distended on ascent or may not function as intended with volume loss during descent. Endotracheal tube cuff management presents a particular problem. Cuff expansion at decreased barometric pressures can result in excessive pressure on the tracheal mucosa and rapid decompression could theoretically lead to tracheal injury or rupture. Stoner and Cooke demonstrated this in 1974 using an animal model and suggested that endotracheal tubes with pressure-regulating valves on the pilot balloon or foam cuffs be used to avoid the problems related with cuff expansion (Fig 9.3).7 Another recommendation is that saline be used to expand the cuff during aeromedical evacuation because expansion would be minimal. Figure 9.4 shows the cuff pressure response from 0- to 15,000-ft altitude with air, saline/air, and saline. Care must be taken when using saline expansion because there is a variable and steep volume–pressure response curve in commonly used endotracheal

tubes (Fig 9.5). We currently recommend that the endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube cuff be inflated with sterile saline using the “minimal leak technique” to avoid tissue damage or air leak due to gas expansion and compression during ail phases of flight. If air is used, the cuff pressure should be checked and adjusted with changes in cabin altitude. Other equipment considerations include dlstention of balloon bladder catheters, intravenous (IV) solution bags, and aortic balloon pump function. Finally, some research has been conducted on the performance of mechanical ventilators at altitude. Special attention should be paid to the delivered tidal volume of transport ventilators used during AE when the cabin pressure is decreased. While some ventilators have automatic compensation, others do not and the adelivered tidal volume and/or rate may change with alterations in cabin altitude (Fig 9.6).8–10 Cabin Altitude/Pressurization To reduce the problems associated with hypoxia and gas expansion, most aircraft have a system to produce cabin pressurization using engine bleed air. The pilot can sometimes regulate the cabin pressure and ventilation by varying the amount of air forced into the cabin and adjusting the overflow while correcting for the known leak rate. Malfunction of this system


Figure 9.4 Changes in mean cuff pressure associated with changes in altitude for a standard 8.0-mm ID endotracheal tube (Portex) with air (solid

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circles), saline plus 2 cc air (open circles), and saline (solid squares) filled cuff using a laryngeal model.

Figure 9.5. Pressure responses for saline-inflated endotracheal tube cuffs in a laryngeal model (unpublished data courtesy of the author).

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations


Figure 9.6. Effect of changing altitude on the tidal volume delivered by the Impact 750 transport ventilator when not recalibrated following changes in

ambient pressure (used with permission from Grissom et al10).

or aircraft structural damage may result in a loss of cabin pressure or decompression. The cabin volume, size of the defect, altitude, and pressure differential will then impact on problems related to the decompression. Aircraft such as the USAF C-9A maintain a constant cabin pressure (isobaric system) as aircraft altitude increases. With this type of system, the pressure differential between cabin pressure and ambient pressure increases with altitude. The C-9A maintains a pressure schedule slightly greater than ambient to 8000 ft and then maintains 8000 ft through its certified ceiling. The C-141, on the other hand, uses an 8.6-psi isobaric-differential pressurization system. The cabin altitude will remain at seaevel or ground-level pressure until the aircraft reaches 21,000 ft. Above this level, the system maintains a pressure f differential of 8.6 psi to the service celling of the aircraft. For example, at 40,000 ft the ambient pressure is 2.72 psi with a cabin pressure of 11.3 (8.6 + 2.72) psi. This corresponds to an altitude of 8000 ft. Figure 9.7 graphically demonstrates these two pressurization schemes.

Altitude Restrictions The decision for an altitude restriction or the need to provide supplemental oxygen administered at altitude should be based on several considerations. Most fixed-wing aircraft normally used for AE must fly at altitudes much lower than their normal cruise to maintain sealevel pressurization in the cabin. Flying at lower altitudes increases their fuel consumption, decreases their range, and increases the probability of turbulence. Inappropriate cabin altitude restrictions can result in the use of alternate routes that lengthen air miles flown and increase time and cost of flight. Individuals with a PaO2 at or below 60 mm Hg (90% saturation) at sea level will probably demonstrate hypoxia at or above 2000 to 4000 ft. The treatment for problems of oxygenation is not an altitude restriction but the appropriate management of inspired oxygen via an approved delivery system. During aeromedical flights, patients with decreased pulmonary perfusion and those with cardiac conditions should be closely observed.







Figure 9.7. Isobaric and isobaricdifferential aircraft pressurization schedules (used with permission from DeHart RL, ed. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1996:109).







10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 AMBIENT PRESSURE ALTITUDE (ft) AIRCRAFT ALTITUDE





10,000 ISOBARIC 0

10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 AMBIENT PRESSURE ALTITUDE (ft)

Patients having a pulmonary disease with an undetected coronary artery disease may be affected significantly by hypoxic hypoxia. In addition, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) should be administered low-flow oxygen therapy (1 to 2 L/min) via nasal cannula or 24% to 31% Venturi mask to regulate the delivered oxygen concentration.11

Temperature Ambient temperature decreases with increasing altitude at a rate of 2°C per 1000 ft up to 35,000 ft (about 1°C per 100 m).12 As a consequence, aircraft cabin temperature fluctuates considerably depending on the temperature outside the aircraft. This is caused by the inability of aircraft temperature controls to respond rapidly and the necessity to open aircraft doors at en route stops. Inside aircraft temperature

variations from 15°C or lower to 25°C should be expected in winter flying, and in summer 20°C to greater than 35°C is not uncommon. These wide variations require the medical crews to be aware of cabin temperature changes in relation to performance and patient care/comfort. In addition, there can be degradation of equipment performance at the extremes of temperature. The effects of thermal exposure can be magnified by other stresses, including vibration, dehydration, and alcohol/drug intoxication. In addition, climatic temperature variations may create air turbulence that can impact negatively on the aircraft, crew, or patient.

Noise Noise represents one of the more troublesome stresses encountered during AE operations. It is can be defined as any sound that is unpleas-

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

ant, distracting, or in some other way undesirable. Unprotected exposure to noise can produce one or more of the following undesirable effects: (1) degraded communications and patient evaluation, (2) temporary auditory threshold shifts (auditory fatigue), (3) permanent threshold shifts (sensorineural hearing loss), or (4) fatigue. Interference with effective communications between providers and between the medical crew and the awake patient can disrupt the detection of changes in symptoms or conditions. As a result, the crew must frequently rely on other means to monitor and assess the patient’s condition.13 With high levels of noise such as that present on rotary-wing and military aircraft, close observation of the patient and visual alarms will supplement the usual forms of patient interaction and assessment. The ability to auscultate for breath sounds is almost impossible under most circ*mstances in flight.14 Auditory fatigue induced by noise is frequently accompanied by a feeling of fullness, high-pitched ringing, buzzing, or a roaring sound (tinnitus) in the ears.15 These symptoms usually resolve within a few minutes of noise cessation but may take hours in some circ*mstances. Most of the significant symptoms of noise exposure, such as nausea, disorientation, and fatigue, in general occur with exposure to noise levels in excess of those seen during AE missions. Nonetheless, it is recommended that all personnel wear hearing protection during patient transport operations.

Vibration Vibration, like noise, is inherent in all transport vehicles and may interfere with patient assessment and some routine physiological functions. The most common sources of vibration during air transport are the engines/rotors and air turbulence. When in direct contact with a source of vibration, mechanical energy is transferred, some of which is degraded into heat within those tissues that have dampening properties. The whole body response to sustained vibration is a slight increase in metabolic rate that is similar to mild exercise. Low-frequency vibration may also promote the onset of fatigue, irritability, and motion sickness.16 In conjunction


with the other stresses of flight, the overall effect is magnified. Because there is little that the pilot or crew can do to eliminate or decrease the amount of vibration, care should be taken in minimizing its effects. Patients should be properly secured, encouraged and assisted with position changes, and provided with adequate padding and skin care. Special care should be taken in the movement of neonates because they may be more susceptible to direct injury from both noise and vibration.17 In addition, vibration may cause dysfunction of activity-sensing pacemakers18 although other types of pacemakers should not be affected. The potential deleterious effects of vibration extend to the equipment used during transport. Although evaluation of several pulse oximetry units demonstrated their capability to function in the flight environment, they are sensitive to motion and may display artifactual readings on occasion.19,20 Similarly, noninvasive blood pressure (BP) monitors will work well under most in-flight circ*mstances; however, they are still subject to the same accuracy limitations seen in the hospital.21

Decreased Humidity One of the more subtle stresses of flight is a decrease in cabin humidity. As altitude increases and air cools, moisture in the air decreases significantly. Thus, the fresh air supply drawn into the aircraft cabin comes from a very dry atmosphere. This dry air also replaces the moisture-laden cabin air such that the relative humidity is less than 10% to 20% on most commercial flights.4 Medical crew will develop chapped lips, scratchy or slightly sore throat, hoarseness, and general moisture loss. The patient with respiratory complaints or who is already dehydrated may have more significant problems. Patients requiring oxygen should receive humidified gas, and fluid intake of both the crew and patients should be monitored to minimize problems with dehydration.

Acceleration Gravitational force, or acceleration, is negligible under most circ*mstances when discussing the


type of airframe used for patient transport. The longitudinal axis (fore to aft) is the most important aspect of force to be considered during AE and is of interest primarily during take-off and landing. The implications for patient care are mostly theoretical although they are important in regard to routine operations, accident prevention, and accident survival. Federal regulations stipulate that each item of mass inside the cabin that could injure an occupant be restrained when subjected to load factors seen during flight. This includes all medical equipment and monitoring devices. Care should be taken to secure all equipment bags opened during flight to prevent injury in the event of turbulence or during deceleration (landing). Theoretical implications regarding patient positioning during take-off and landing center around the impact these forces have on blood pooling and central hemodynamics. Head position toward the front or rear of the aircraft may affect intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in different ways although there is no scientific evidence to support this as a clinically significant problem. Increased intracranial pooling of blood during take-off may transiently increase intracranial pressure if the head is pointed to the rear. When the head is positioned to the front of the aircraft, a decreased cerebral perfusion pressure may occur due to pooling in the lower extremities with a decrease in venous return and mean arterial pressure. In the patient with poor myocardial function, myocardial perfusion may be improved during acceleration by positioning the patient with their head to the back of the aircraft. More likely, however, the patient with congestive heart failure or volume overload will benefit from a head-forward position to avoid more central blood pooling (increased preload) during take-off. As with head injury, these are mostly theoretical concerns and the transient nature of the acceleration pattern may be far outweighed by other patient and environmental factors.

Fatigue The end product of all the physiological and psychological stresses of flight associated with

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exposure to altitude is fatigue. Performance degradation with loss of attention and decrease in reaction time can be a significant contributor to a decrease in operational capability. This problem is often made worse by self-imposed stress such as the use of drugs, (including overthe-counter drugs, prescription medications, and stimulants such as caffeine), exhaustion, alcohol, tobacco, and poor dietary habits.

Organizational Issues Team Composition The “ideal” air medical crew composition has been a topic of discussion for a number of years without resolution.22–27 The mission requirements, scope of medical responsibilities, and personnel availability all contribute to the composition of the flight crew. A recent survey of civilian hospital-based flight programs in the United States shows that a nurse–paramedic composition is the most common combination although physicians, respiratory therapists, and emergency medical technicians are occasional team members.28 Currently, there are no national standards for the qualifications of medical personnel actively participating in the air transport of critically ill or injured patients.29 Recommended training for these aeromedical crewmembers include education and experience in altitude physiology, management of patients in the prehospital setting, and flight communications and safety. In addition, for nonphysician personnel, “they should have the ability and training to function autonomously in a variety of settings with treatment protocols if immediate communications with a physician is not possible or if immediate life saving actions are required.”30

Nurses By far, the majority of flight teams include a registered nurse (RN) as the team leader. In the evolution of air medical services, the majority of air transports in the United States have been interhospital transports where patients are moved from the source hospital to one capable of providing a higher level of necessary care. As such, patients should anticipate receiving a level of care comparable to that

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

of the sending facility. The inclusion of RNs with specialized skills meets this need in most instances. According to the American Society of Hospital Based Emergency Air Medical Services’ (ASHBEAMS) recommended standards, “staffing the aircraft shall be commensurate with the advanced life support environment afforded by the airborne emergency care facility.”31 This staffing should include, at a minimum, “at least one specially trained registered nurse.” Now, the “specially trained registered nurse” is most commonly a flight nurse. The National Flight Nurses Association has established practice standards for flight nurses and provided numerous position statements regarding the role of flight nurses in the delivery of care during air transport.30,32,33 The USAF has a sixweek training program to provide registered nurses with the additional skills and experience to become military flight nurses. By covering the additional training and education described above, these individuals are better prepared to transport the critically ill and injured patients needing a higher level of care than that provided by basic transport services.

Paramedics/Other Technicians The most common air medical crew configuration for use in the United States includes one RN and one paramedic.28 During the mid-1980s many flight programs turned from predominantly RN crews to ones that incorporated the prehospital skills of the paramedic. The National Flight Paramedics Association (NFPA)34 has stated that minimal training standards and qualifications for paramedics in this field should include: 1. Successful completion of an approved emergency medical technician (EMT)-paramedic course that utilizes Department of Transportation EMT-paramedic course guideline. 2. Biennial successful completion of an American Heart Association advanced cardiac life support provider course. 3. Successful completion of either a basic trauma life support course or prehospital trauma life support course with respective refresher courses as required. 4. Successful completion of an additional course of instruction (when available)


designed for flight personnel and including specific air medical modalities and issues. 5. Three years’ experience in the field as an EMT working as an advanced life support provider. Another development that will contribute to the increased use of paramedics in transport is the development of Critical Care Paramedic (CCEMT-P) training programs. A recent study examined the impact of a paramedic-staffed mobile intensive-care unit performing interfacility transports.35 The authors concluded that specially trained paramedics “can monitor and treat patients appropriately during interfacility transfers that traditionally would have required supplementation with additional hospital staff.” While this was a small study, the potential to use less costly personnel may cause some transport services to re-examine their current staffing mix.

Physicians Few transport teams include routine, direct physician support on the aeromedical crew. In an attempt to determine whether the presence of physicians improves patient outcome, a number of studies have examined various programs with differing results. For example, Wright et al failed to demonstrate a change in mortality with physician involvement during the aeromedical transport of patients with traumatic cardiac arrest.36 In contrast, Baxt and Moody reported a decrease in mortality for blunt trauma patients without traumatic arrest when a physician was part of the transport team.22 The majority of studies of this type deal with prehospital management and scene responses where stabilization prior to transfer is the key issue. In a review of aeromedical transportation, Moylan observed that available data “demonstrate clearly that the interval between the accident and arrival of the helicopter medical personnel at the scene of the accident or outlying hospital—not the speed with which the patient is delivered to the tertiary care facility—is the key factor in improving survival.”37 If physician involvement has an impact on patient outcomes in most scenarios, it lies in the preflight stabilization of the critically ill or injured patient. This is not a trivial consideration because 24% to 70% of


transferred patients may be inadequately stabilized prior to transport.38 For longer, fixed-wing transport, the same controversy exists. The USAF has employed a mix of flight nurses and AE technicians since the 1960s for the movement of patients by air. With recent changes in missions and logistic support, there has been increasing emphasis on physician involvement. During Operation Just Cause, when US Forces went into Panama, the AE system designed to move stable patients found itself with a requirement to transport fresh casualties.39 The inclusion of physicians on these flights and those generated during the Gulf War40 has led to the creation of the Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT) Teams. CCAT Teams are composed of an “intensivist” physician, critical-care nurse, and cardiopulmonary/respiratory therapy technician (Fig 9.8).41,42 The definition of an intensivist includes anesthesiologists, emergency medicine physicians, and pulmonary/critical-care medicine specialists. These are the physicians whom are more likely to be dealing with critical patients on a daily basis and be able to provide the degree of support necessary to establish

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stabilization prior to transport or while en route. Beyond direct contributions to the transport team, physicians also provide support as air or transport service medical directors with established programs. A well-prepared medical director contributes greatly to the development of treatment protocols, quality processes, crew training, and administration. The degree of involvement, however, varies widely.43 Currently, most physician directors lack experience in air medical practice, in particular in the areas of medical training, practical experience, and longevity in their current position. Many of these positions are unpaid and performed on a part-time basis with responsibility for a wide range of skills not typically acquired during medical training. These deficits are similar to those associated with the aircrew members, where there is a lack of standardization in training, education, experience, and function. Organizations such as the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) have published standards that should improve this process.

Figure 9.8. An emergency room nurse and a trauma surgeon monitor the temperature of a trauma casualty aboard a C-141 (USAF photo by Dewey Mitchell).

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

Equipment The care and monitoring of patients in the aeromedical environment commonly requires the use of modern biomedical equipment. Devices that work perfectly fine in the intensive-care unit on the ground may not function as expected when taken to even moderate altitudes or may experience total dysfunction following loss of cabin integrity and rapid decompression. Beyond being able to tolerate the direct effects of altitude and other stresses of flight, aeromedical equipment must also be able to function safely in conjunction with the radiofrequency (RF) transmitting equipment found on the airframe. Not only must the medical devices not interfere with the communication and navigation systems found on the aircraft, those same systems should not produce electromagnetic interference (EMI) with the monitoring equipment. In 1989, 70% of neonatal transport equipment failed military-specific testing for potentially excessive EMI.44 As discussed earlier in this chapter, the physiological stresses of flight can have a significant impact on a patient’s condition and the care he receives during transport. Beyond the effects of altitude on equipment outlined in the previous section, each of the stressors has the potential to alter the functionality of aeromedical equipment. At Brooks AFB in Texas, the USAF has the Aeromedical Research Group, which is devoted to evaluating and certifying biomedical equipment for use in military air transports.45 The testing procedures evaluate the impact of vibrations, acceleration/deceleration, rapid barometric pressure changes, and wide temperature shifts on a variety of medical devices (Table 9.2). Testing requirements are less stringent in the civilian community although

recommendations exist for equipment used in air ambulances.46 One of the more unique considerations in the flight environment is the power requirement for biomedical equipment. Unlike commercial power, which provides 110 VAC at 60 Hz, most fixed-wing aircraft operate on 110 VAC at 400 Hz or 12-V DC while rotary-blade aircraft in general operate on 28-V DC systems. With average rotary-wing missions in the United States taking a little less than 2 hours and fixedwing transports lasting over 4.5 hours,47 transport equipment must have long-lasting battery support or be able to convert aircraft power to conventional 110 VAC at 60 Hz. This can be accomplished through frequency inverters or direct DC-to-DC conversion adapted to equipment battery packs.48 Although frequency inverters are large and heavy, fixed-wing flights may necessitate their use due to the length of the mission. If lead-acid batteries are used, they must be sealed and protected to ensure case integrity. When estimating transport time in relation to battery life, do not forget ground transportation time as this will most likely be accomplished on batteries and can take a significant period of time.

Monitors In 1993, the American College of Critical Care Medicine and other groups published guidelines for the transfer of critically ill patients.49 While these guidelines were targeted to generic intra- and interhospital transports, many of the recommendations are directly applicable to the movement of patients by air. In their approach to monitoring, the basic tenet was to provide the same physiological monitoring during transport as received in the intensive-care unit

Table 9.2. Environmental tests for aeromedical equipment. Altitude testing Rapid decompressions High-temperature operation Low-temperature operation High-temperature storage Low-temperature storage Humidity Vibration


10,000 ft manned 45,000 ft at 60, 7, and 1 s 49°C (120°F) for 2 h 0°C (32°F) for 2 h 60°C (140°F) for 6 h -40°C (-40°F) for 6 h 94% at 29.5°C for 4 h X, Y, Z Sine @ 2.5 G from 5–500 Hz X, Y, Z Random @ 9 G from 20–2000 Hz


prior to transfer, if technologically feasible. They further established a minimal level of monitoring to include continuous monitoring with periodic documentation of electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximetry and intermittent measurement and documentation of BP, pulse rate, and respiratory rate. In addition, certain patients based on their clinical status might benefit from monitoring by: capnography; continuous measurement of blood, pulmonary arterial, or intracranial pressures; and intermittent measurements of central venous and pulmonary arterial occlusion pressures or cardiac output. The most basic of monitoring skills require no mechanical devices beyond a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. In the flight environment, however, noise significantly limits the ability of the provider to use these simple tools for assessing BP and heart/breath sounds. The noise level typically seen in medical helicopters is 95 to 100 dB and is approximately 2000 times louder than heart tones and breath sounds.50 Even transport by fixed-wing aircraft does not guarantee an environment that will be adequate for auscultation. Military aircraft such as the C-130 Hercules and C-141 Stratolifter have noise exposures approaching those seen in rotary-wing aircraft.51 Assessment during transport by quieter commercial aircraft is not immune from interference either.52 The use of amplified stethoscopes and monitoring devices has not solved this problem14,50 although the advent of new techniques, such as esophageal stethoscopy, may resolve some of these limitations.53 To compensate for the noise factor, other monitoring techniques must be used. Use of palpated systolic BPs taken at the radial or brachial site can be readily accomplished although they are notably inaccurate in the critically ill even when they can be obtained.21 Automated BP monitors, either as stand-alone devices or as components of an integrated monitoring package, using oscillometric or other methods of noninvasive measurements, are commonly used in this environment. Reported problems with the use of this technology in the air transport environment include unreliability due to vibration or movement, difficulty visualizing screens due to positioning and ambient

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light, unsuitability for hypotensive patients, high power requirement, and lack of compatibility with disposable cuffs.54 They are, however, more accurate than those obtained by palpation.21 Alternative methods for the noninvasive assessment of BP include the use of Doppler and pulse oximetry occlusion techniques where systolic BP determination following BP cuff release is detected by the return of blood flow or oximetry waveform, respectively.55,56 Alternatively, invasive BP measurements may be desirable, in particular in those patients at risk for significant hyper- or hypotension during transport. Current transport monitors such as the ProPaq Encore (Protocol Systems, Inc, Beaverton, Ore) include two channels of invasive pressure monitoring in addition to noninvasive measurement using oscillometric techniques (Fig 9.9). ECG monitoring, a fundamental requirement in most transport situations involving the critically ill and injured, is prone to mechanical and electrical interference.45 While the ECG is useful in the diagnosis of pulseless electrical activity and arrhythmias, during long-term transports the ability to monitor for myocardial injury and ischemia is also highly desirable. Unfortunately, many transport monitors lack the resolution required to detect subtle changes. Some units, such as the ProPaq Encore, provide an extended bandwidth where ST segments may be accurately displayed and printed. The lack of automated ST segment monitoring, however, means that the transport team is directly responsible for detecting and analyzing any changes in this parameter. Care should be exercised in this regard because erroneous determinations can be made in patients based on ST segment monitoring using transport equipment.57 The measurement of oxygen saturation and end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) do not replace the need to assess the quality and distribution of breath sounds although these values can be useful in managing the critically ill patient. Pulse oximetry has been used in the aeromedical evacuation environment for a number of years with great success5,19,58–60 although not all models are suited for use in transport.20 With one model, as much as 25% of the measurement time was subject to interference during helicopter trans-

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations


Figure 9.9. The ProPaq Encore monitor is representative of the transport monitors available that offer multiple options, including invasive and noninvasive BP assessment.

port.61 The ProPaq Encore and some other models incorporate electrocardiograph synchronization that significantly reduces motion artifacts in pulse oximetry measurements during rotary-wing patient transport.62 Similarly, EtCO2 monitoring provides information on the adequacy of minute ventilation and the position of the endotracheal tube. While breath-to-breath values may be misleading, tending the EtCO2 provides a better estimate of CO2 exchange and minute ventilation requirements.63 The presence of sustained EtCO2 following intubation provides evidence of correct positioning when other methods such as auscultation are not available in the flight environment. In addition, the presence of EtCO2 may help with assessment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation because poor cardiac output is associated with a marked decrease in EtCO2. Evaluations of several different models show that they will have a role in the air transport of intubated patients in particular when combined with an integrated monitoring package.64,65 An alternative EtCO2 detection device is the disposable colorimetric CO2 detector, such as the Easy Cap (Nellcor Inc,

Hayward, Calif) (Fig 9.10). This simple device incorporates metocresol purple into a detection chamber where the presence of CO2 changes the color of the detection paper from purple to yellow with some quantitative capability based on the degree of change. A significant limitation in the traumatized patient with significant airway secretions or the intubated patient receiving humidified gas is inactivation of the indicator strip if it becomes moist. The principle use of this device is the confirmation of tracheal placement of the tube following intubation. Other monitoring modalities such as cardiac output, temperature, and neuromuscular function, commonly used in the ICU, may still be useful in the transport environment. Currently, there are no portable monitoring systems with integrated cardiac output measurement capability. The use of a portable blood gas analyzer to assess arterial and mixed venous oxygenation in combination with oxygen consumption calculations based on the Fick equation is possible during longer, fixed-wing transports provided a pulmonary arterial catheter is in place to obtain samples. Temperature monitoring is


T.E. Grissom Figure 9.10. The Easy Cap employs a chemical detection paper that changes color in the presence of CO2.

possible through a number of approaches including liquid crystalline probes, thermistors, and infrared thermometers. Potential monitoring sites include aural, oral, nasopharyngeal, rectal, bladder, skin, and esophageal locations. The exact location chosen will depend on the equipment available, patient tolerance, and the degree of core temperature accuracy required for patient management. Beyond patient comfort, effective temperature management plays a role in the patient’s outcome, in particular in the trauma setting.66 In addition to the reliability and utility of different monitoring modalities in the flying environment, other factors of equipment design may limit the ability of specific monitors to function outside of their normal area of use. As previously noted, noise may significantly impair the ability to assess the patient directly. The ambient noise in the aircraft cabin will also limit the ability of caregivers to detect auditory alarms seen on most medical systems. This puts increased emphasis on the visual alarms and data presented by on-board medical systems such as ventilators, monitors, and other pieces of equipment. The adequacy of visual scanning may be hampered with the absence of auditory signals because this requires direct attention as opposed to noting auditory clues without having to divert from other tasks. Fromm et al noted the potential for significant delay in observation of visual alarms in the flying envi-

ronment with the loss of auditory signals.13 In addition, many of the information displays used in transport-capable equipment were not designed for use in direct sunlight. Many of these screens can be visualized at limited angles, if at all, when used in an outdoor environment under direct sunlight conditions.

Ventilators The need to develop special transport ventilators for the movement of military casualties was recognized during the United States’ involvement in Vietnam.67 Branson and McGough outline the definitions, characteristics, classifications, and necessary criteria for an ideal system in a 1990 review of transport ventilators (Table 9.3).68 When addressing the special requirements for transport by air, the ideal ventilator should also deliver a continuous mechanical ventilation (MV), without alteration in tidal volume (TV) or rate, across a wide range of barometric pressures. The newer transport ventilators in use and under development incorporate all of these features and more. Desirable additions such as built-in air compressors or other mechanisms to allow for the delivery of a variable FiO2 are also available on many of the current models without the need to carry a separate air compressor. When mechanical ventilatory support is required, how will altitude and the other flight

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations Table 9.3. Ideal characteristics for a transport ventilator. Variable tidal volume (eg, 100–1500 mL) Variable ventilator rate (2–30 breaths/min) Variable minute ventilation (4–20 L/min) Intermittent mandatory ventilation and controlled mechanical ventilation Low- and high-pressure alarms Continuous positive airway pressure (1–20 cm H2O) Demand-flow valve (eg, 100 L/min peak flow rate on demand) Monitoring of airway pressure Source: Branson RD, McGough EK. Transport ventilators. Prob Crit Care 1990;4:254–74.

stressors impact ventilator performance? The potential for a decreased (or increased) barometric pressure to affect transport ventilator function has long been recognized.69 In 1969, Kirby et al reported on the function of the Bird Mark VIII Respirator at altitudes up to 34,000 ft equivalent (barometric pressure of 188 mm Hg) in dogs.9 They noted a decrease in ventilator rate and an increase in TV. The drop in the ventilator rate was attributed to alterations in the performance of the expiratory timer cartridge, which became overpressurized with the decrease in barometric pressure. The increase in tidal volume was only moderate and the overall MV was relatively unchanged. More recently, Thomas and Brimacombe evaluated a modern transport ventilator, the Dräger Oxylog, under hypobaric conditions.8 This ventilator is a time-cycled, volumeconstant ventilator with pneumatic logic controls. Like the Bird Mark VIII Respirator, the Dräger Oxylog showed a moderate increase in TV from 700 to 1442 mL at 30,000 ft with a decrease in ventilator rate from 12 to a little over 8 breaths/minute. The overall effect was an increase in MV of 13% and 45% at 6676 and 30,000 ft, respectively. Neither of these ventilators is microprocessor controlled, and the interplay of pneumatic controls limits the impact of altitude on the delivered TV. The Univent Model 750 and Univent Eagle Model 754 (Impact Instrumentation, Inc, West Caldwell, NJ) are electronically controlled, time-cycled, pressure-limited transport ventilators. The observed increase in tidal volume of the Univent Model 750 comes close to that pre-


dicted by the application of Boyle’s Law (Fig 9.6). Because the delivered TV comes from a pressurized gas source at 45 to 55 psi, a certain “mass” of gas is delivered in the microprocessorcontrolled time interval that expands by a factor of two at an altitude equivalent of 18,000 ft. This problem, however, is readily avoided in the field by disconnecting the patient from the ventilator and performing a recalibration of the ventilator after significant changes in cabin altitude. Because the calibration process takes almost 60 seconds to perform,certain patients may require manual ventilation during this procedure. The Univent Eagle avoids this potential problem by the inclusion of an internal barometer. Changes in barometric pressure are continuously fed to the on-board microprocessor. In the microprocessor, the current pressure is compared to those located in a lookup table. At 5000-ft intervals, the microprocessor automatically adjusts the flow rate to compensate for the change in barometric pressure based on the correction factors in the lookup table (Les Sherman, personal communication, Impact Instrumentation, Inc, August 1997). These calibration factors are set at 5000-ft intervals up to 25,000 ft. Beyond the preset range, the ventilator can be expected to show an increase in tidal volume similar to that seen in the Univent Model 750. In the event of decompression at a high altitude, the increase in peak airway pressures should be blunted by the preset peak pressure limits. When these limits are exceeded, the ventilator stops the delivery of gas to decrease the risk of barotrauma. Both ventilators have this pressure-limiting feature. In addition to the automatic compensation for changes in barometric pressure, the Univent Eagle incorporates a built-in air compressor to allow for an FiO2 of 0.21 to 1.0. The air compressor output is minimally affected up to 15,000 ft and should perform well in the AE role. The Aeromedical Research Group has accomplished additional testing of these and other ventilators at Armstrong Laboratories (Brooks AFB, Tex).

Infusion Devices Infusion pumps are the most common piece of equipment available in today’s air medical


services.54 There are a large number of transportable infusion devices available for use during patient transport. While patients can receive IV fluids through a passive, flowcontrolled system, any change in pressure in the IV fluid bag as a result of gas expansion can affect the delivery rate. Although this should not be a significant problem at usual cabin altitudes, cabin decompression can significantly alter the flow rate. In addition, rapid decompression can lead to rupture of pressurized bags used to drive higher flow rates when infusion pumps are not available.45 Thus, infusion devices are the preferred method of delivering both maintenance fluids and emergency medications. Key considerations for selection of a transport infusion device include robustness, operation in multiple orientations, adequate anchorage, extended battery life, pressureactivated occlusion alarms, and a lightweight, compact size. Devices such as the IVAC MedSystem III (IVAC Medical Systems, San Diego) are well suited for this environment with the capacity for three independent delivery channels and 6-hour runtime using all channels at a rate of 125 mL/hour (Fig 9.11).

T.E. Grissom

Armstrong Laboratories have approved this system for use in military AE missions.

Point-of-Care Testing Devices More recent additions to the equipment available for in-flight use are the point-of-care testing (POCT) systems. POCT allows medical providers to assess a wide range of clinical conditions in a rapid fashion at the site of patient interaction. While POCT has begun to impact on the delivery of care in the hospital setting, its potential for use in remote, field environments or during AE is just being realized. There are, however, challenges to providing this capability in the field. The environmental considerations are among the greatest threats for the use of POCT in remote or hostile environments. Not far behind is the issue of ensuring the repeated accuracy of the equipment. Both the IRMA (Diametrics Medical, Inc., St. Paul, MN) and i-STAT (i-STAT Corp., Princeton, NJ) systems have operating temperature ranges that can easily be exceeded in field and flying conditions. The IRMA will operate from 15 to 30°C while the i-STAT has recently

Figure 9.11. The IVAC MedSystem III is representative of available small battery-operated infusion pumps that offer many attributes suitable for use in AE of the critically ill patient.

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations


Figure 9.12. The i-STAT system is one of several portable blood analysis systems available that allow transport teams to assess arterial blood gas values,

electrolytes, hemoglobin, and glucose during shortand long-distance moves.

been upgraded to 16 to 30°C. In our experience, this is one of the more common operating errors encountered when using the IRMA or i-STAT outside of the hospital setting. Both devices are capable of working in a lowhumidity environment down to 0%; however, their upper limit is around 65% according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Barometric pressure should not be a problem under most operating conditions. The IRMA is reported to function from 350 to 900 mm Hg (59 to 86 kP). An on-board barometer calibrates the system for the current barometric pressure prior to each use. The i-STAT (Fig 9.12) has recently completed testing at the Armstrong Laboratories, where there were no reported problems when using both electronic and liquid controls in a hypobaric environment. This testing resulted in an “approved” rating for its use aboard selected USAF aircraft used for AE. In two studies that have taken this type of analytic capability out of the hospital and into the field setting, environmental temperature was a consistent problem.70,71 Both studies examined the utility of the i-STAT in this role,

one in an ambulance service and the other in a helicopter rescue unit. The i-STAT performed well, with excellent consistency between samples obtained “on the move” and those run in the emergency department. However, both studies reported problems when the ambient temperature was cold and had to design special, insulated bags to protect the analyzers.

Drugs The same space limitations that dictate the need for compact, efficient hardware also limit the amount of medications available during a transport mission. Thus, it is important to carry a range of medications that provide adequate coverage for emergent efforts to stabilize circulation, improve respiratory function, abolish seizures, reduce pain or stress, and treat toxicities. In a survey of 230 German physicians involved in emergency medical services, 10 essential emergency drugs and 13 important drugs (according to >70% of respondents) were identified for inclusion in a transport kit (Table 9.4).47 For longer flights that include a larger


T.E. Grissom

Table 9.4. Emergency drugs recommended by survey. Essential Oxygen Crystalloid infusion Epinephrine Nitroglycerin Morphine Ketamine Midazolam Lidocaine Furosemide Dextrose

Important Nifedipine Atropine Dexamethasone Diazepam (rectal) Dobutamine Dopamine Theophylline Dextrose 40% Verapamil Sodium bicarbonate Atropine Naloxone

number and variety of patients, the USAF also has a recommended list of medications for inflight use (Table 9.5). Note that neither list provides for the routine availability of neuromuscular blocking (NMB) agents despite the fact that they are the most commonly administered medication during preparation for interhospital transfer.72 Because they induce apnea, these agents present risks for serious complications and their use by inadequately trained personnel can be disastrous. The use of NMB agents during patient transport will typically be driven by one of two considerations. First, they are often used to facilitate airway management and endotracheal intubation. In the out-of-hospital setting, their use is controversial although a number of studies have documented protocols that are effective when combined with adequate training, even by nonphysician air medical personnel.46,73–75 Alternatively, a patient with a secured airway may require muscle relaxation as part of their in-flight management plan or continuation of preflight treatment.23 This includes the use of NMB agents as “chemical restraints” when a combative patient poses a threat to the crew.76 While the use of NMB agents in combination with a sedative/amnestic agent can produce the desired control, this does not obviate the need to evaluate for other, reversible causes of agitation such as hypoxia, hypoperfusion, and central nervous system derangements.

When transporting patients on extended flights, do not forget the need to plan for unexpected occurrences. An adequate amount of required medications, a two-day supply for incountry moves and five-day supply for international moves, should be available in the event of diversion to an unanticipated location due to aircraft malfunction or hostile weather conditions.

Personal Equipment Beyond those items necessary to provide direct patient care, air medical crews have a requirement to maintain personal protective gear for use in the flying environment. Depending on the mode of transport, fixed- vs. rotary-wing, these items can include helmets with face visors, long-sleeved Nomex uniforms, flameretardant gloves, natural leather high-top boots, Table 9.5. Routine medications available on USAF AE flights. Controlled drugs Demerol inj tubex 50 mg, 100 mg Morphine sulphate inj tubex 10 mg Percocet tabs 5 mg Tylenol #3 tabs Valium inj 10 mg Valium tabs 5 mg Routine drugs Pseudoephedrine nasal spray Atropine 0.1 mg/cc Diphenhydramine caps 25 mg Diphenhydramine inj 50 mg/cc Chlorpromazine inj 25 mg/cc Dextrose 50% inj Digoxin 0.25 mg/cc Digoxin tabs 0.25 mg Phenytoin caps 100 mg Phenytoin inj 50 mg/cc Dopamine 40 mg/cc Dramamine tabs 50 mg Epinephrine inj 1 : 1000 & 1 : 10,000 Haldol inj 5 mg/cc Heparin lock flush 100 U/cc Inderal inj 1 mg/cc Isuprel 0.2 mg/cc Furosemide 10 mg/cc Liquid tears Antacid Naloxone (adult) 0.4 mg/cc Nitroglycerin 2% paste nitroglycerin IV 50 mg/vial Potassium chloride (kcl) 2 meq/cc

9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

and some form of hearing protection. Helmets may “reduce the risk of a fatal head injury eight fold” and, clearly, are indicated in personnel involved in rotary-wing transports.77 Nomex is designed to withstand high temperatures for a brief period, allowing crew members a chance to evacuate the aircraft in the event of fire. The use of flame-retardant gloves will provide similar protection.

Conclusions The stresses of flight create new and unique considerations for the inexperienced medical provider during their initial involvement in the air transport of sick and injured patients. Not only must constant attention be paid to the impact of these stresses on a patient’s condition but on proper equipment performance and the ability of the caregivers to deliver the best medical support possible. Anticipation and prevention of potentially serious complications by vigilant patient monitoring and initiation of therapy is the responsibility of the entire medical crew during air transport. Appropriate ground training and familiarization with approved equipment will provide the crew members with the best opportunities for success.










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9. Critical-Care Air Transport: Physiology and Organizational Considerations

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10 Nursing Care in Flight Susan B. Connor

In-flight nursing care during long-distance aeromedical evacuation (AE) requires clinical expertise, personal fitness, knowledge of airframe capabilities, an understanding of the physiological effects of flight, quick critical thinking skills, and a “large roll of duct tape.”1–3 The movement of a patient by air should not be considered a mere event but rather the continuation of the care plan and process that began with the initial patient contact. The collaborative abilities and efforts of the ground-based medical teams, aeromedical crew, and flight crew determines the successful movement of a patient by air.

Preflight Preparation When the plan of care requires airlift, careful preparation must occur to minimize the effects on the human body of the harsh, relatively isolated, and hypobaric environment common during AE.4 Meeting in-flight care goals requires synergy between the on-the-ground medical team, flight crew, and aeromedical crew. In-flight care is very reliant on an accurate patient history, a primary physical assessment, and continued reassessment throughout the flight.

Patient History A good patient history is vital and, in some cases, may provide more information about the patient’s present condition than does the primary physical assessment. It is critical to


have an accurate primary diagnosis, know both the medications that the patient is allergic to and is currently taking, and be aware of significant past medical history that may complicate the patient’s current condition or transport. The use of the mnemonic “AMPLE” is a helpful way to make sure a complete general history is collected (Table 10.1). This information is useful in alerting the aeromedical crew to potential problems that may develop during transport.

Physical Assessment After the history is obtained, a primary physical assessment of the patient helps confirm the patient’s condition, alerts the aeromedical crew to potential problems that might present during flight, and directs clinical interventions. A thorough secondary survey will provide more clinical information but may not always be possible prior to flight and is difficult during flight due to the noise and cramped environment. After the initial treatment plan is established, the aeromedical and flight crew must then make plans to minimize the effects of flight that could be antagonistic to the traditional groundbased care plan. Patient preparation includes not only continuation of all medical treatment but also anticipation of what may occur based on the patient’s history, physical assessment, and the initial interventions performed. In some cases, the pretransport assessment and care may have to be accomplished in an austere environment with limited available resources, such as a mobile aeromedical staging facility (see chapter 7). With diagnostic and medical

10. Nursing Care in Flight Table 10.1. The mnemonic “AMPLE” is helpful when collecting essential patient history information before coordinating a patient care plan. A M P


Allergies: What medications is the patient allergic to? Medications: What medications is the patient currently taking? Past history: Are there previous medical conditions that will compound this event or transport? Last meal Events/Environment related to injury

capabilities limited both there and during flight, anticipatory planning is vital for the safe transport of patients. Patient responses to treatment and the stresses of flight can be difficult to predict, and thus all preflight planning should incorporate strategies to minimize and counter the affects of the airborne environment. A useful management tool for this purpose is the “HERO” pneumonic (Table 10.2),2 which is based on the concept that the combination of the patient’s disease or injury and the flight environment can stress and fatigue the patient’s systems just as much as a workout at the gym. An effective plan to hydrate the patient is crucial because of the extremely low cabin humidity and the duration of many missions.

Table 10.2. Preflight planning incorporates strategies that minimize affects of the airborne environment using the “HERO” pneumonic. H





Hydration is critical; intravenous therapy should be considered for patients who will not or cannot take additional fluids by mouth Exercise conservation; a patient may respond to flight as they would a stress test; limit stressful treatments when possible Rest; if possible, medicate prior to flight and adjust dosages to counter the continuous vibration and poor circulation some patients experience during flight Oxygen; additional oxygen may need to be provided during flight to maintain desired saturation levels; oxygen should be humidified. Oral intake; diet plans should steer clear of caffeinated drinks and gas-forming foods; small frequent meals should be planned for patients prior to flight.


The patient’s energy should be safeguarded by a combination of exercise conservation and rest. New bold therapies should not be initiated just prior to or during transport, and administration of medication and treatment should be timed throughout the flight to maximize rest. Supplemental oxygen can be used to counter the cumulative effects of the hypobaric environment over a long period of time. Finally, oral intake of appropriate calorie and nutrient supplements that are easily and safely stored, prepared, and served can prevent the deleterious effects of a catabolic state.

Countering the Stresses of Flight The common stresses associated with flight may be especially deleterious due to certain conditions (Table 10.3).5,6 Although all have well-recognized countermeasures, these often have significant bearing on the overall airlift. The stresses of flight can increase the risk of both hypoxia and hypercapnea, which frequently complicate in-flight management of a patient who was only marginally stable on the ground. A mild reduction in oxygen saturation, which can occur during airlift in any pressurized aircraft, may prove unexpectedly damaging to a marginal patient’s fragile condition. The risk for hypercapnea and hypoxia may be increased in any patient who has a decreased ability to transport vital nutrients, increased cardiorespiratory workload, or decreased level of consciousness. The airborne environment can pose a significant threat to these patients, even if they are asymptomatic at ground level. Supplemental oxygen, or in extreme conditions a restricted cabin altitude during flight, may be required for patients who are at high risk of decompensating as a result of altitude-induced hypoxia. Because both hyperventilation and hypoxia present with similar signs and symptoms, anxious patients treated with oxygen may have to be coached to slow their rate of breathing.1,7 An especially dangerous condition during flight is severe chronic pulmonary disease, where mild hypoxemia may be the primary central drive for respiration.8 In these cases, the crew must carefully adjust supplemental oxygen as the cabin altitude changes to avoid oxygen-induced apnea.


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Table 10.3. Stresses of flight, their countermeasures, and the impact on the overall airlift mission. Flight stressor Decreased partial pressure of oxygen Decreased barometric pressure

Extreme changes in temperature

Decreased humidity

Increased noise




Patients most impacted


Cardiopulmonary disease, anemia, trauma, burn patients, the elderly, and neonates. Postoperative, trauma, orthopedic, any trapped gasses, and ENT patients

Supplemental oxygen, altitude restriction

Newborn/pediatric, burn, postoperative, trauma, cardiopulmonary diseases, and arthritic patients including the elderly Postoperative, pregnant, pediatric, burns, elderly, pulmonary disease, and comatose patients Psychiatric patient; newborn; decreased ability to auscultate heart, lung, bowel sounds, or fetal heart tones; decreased verbal communication Psychiatric, orthopedic, postoperative, and trauma patients All patients and crew

Pregnancy, cardiac, postoperative, trauma, and brain injury (sensitive to forward acceleration) patients

Decompression tubes, Heimlich valves, altitude restriction, bivalve casts, deflate balloons/cuffs or fill with saline Dress warmly, blankets, medication dosage and route, placement on airframe Humidified O2 hydrate, and eye/mouth care

Hearing protection, medication, special briefings

Medication, extra padding, patient position on aircraft Hydrate, supplemental oxygen, small frequent nutritious meals, rest (“get-down litter”) Supplemental oxygen, reduced cabin altitude, small frequent meals, placement on airframe

Altitude restrictions should be considered for patients with conditions where expanding air in a closed space can significantly limit perfusion or increase pressure. Penetrating head, face, chest, or ocular injuries with gas trapped in a closed rigid space will require an altitude restriction due to the risk of expansion and resulting pressure on surrounding vessels and tissues. Patients suffering from decompression sickness (eg, the bends) will also require an altitude restriction with supplemental pressurized oxygenation during flight to avoid expansion of trapped nitrogen bubbles in the joints and other areas of the body.

Flight consideration Increased fuel required; longer flying time; route may be different than nonrestricted aircraft traffic Increased fuel required; longer flying time; route may be different than nonrestricted aircraft traffic Some aircraft (C-9A, C-21, C-17) have much better temperature control than others (C-130, C-141, KC-135) Jet aircraft (C-9A, C-21, C-141, C-17, KC-135) are faster and thus have less time en route than turboprop aircraft (C-130) Some aircraft (C-9A, C-21) have lower cabin noise levels than others (C-130, C-141)

Some aircraft (C-9A, C-21) have less vibration than others (C-130, C-141) Integral to long-distance AE

Varies by type of aircraft; may be decreased by decreasing angle for take-off and landing

During ascent and descent, some patients may have problems equalizing as the cabin pressure changes. The potential risk for barotitis media (eg, ear block) may be determined by having patients attempt to clear their ears prior to flight. This may be difficult for patients with upper-respiratory infections or whose jaws are wired shut. In addition, the Valsalva maneuver should be avoided in patients with ocular injuries or aneurysms because it can cause momentary increases in cranial, ocular or intrathovacic pressure. Finally, it should be remembered that agitation during descent might be a symptom of ear block in patients

10. Nursing Care in Flight

who are noncommunicative because of age or altered mental status. When transporting patients known to have significant problems with ear block, a slower than normal descent or, in extreme cases, altitude restriction may be required. Medication dosages, routes, times, and diet supplements may need to be altered to help counter the effects of the airborne environment. The dry environment during flight can result in thickened secretions and can cause ocular injury when the patient is unable to tear. All patients should receive additional oral hydration and, when required, humidified oxygen. Patients should be kept comfortably warm because a cool environment can slow vascular perfusion and alter medication absorption. The combination of these and other stresses of flight can increase the risk of motion sickness, especially during a turbulent flight. The psychological response of patients to flight is often more difficult to predict than their physical responses. For patients known to be at risk for psychological problems, placement on the aircraft should take into account cabin lighting, sounds, security, and capability (see chapter 8). Various types of auditory and visual stimulations may trigger seizures or hallucinations, especially on propeller aircraft. Patients who become easily confused, such as elderly patients with “sundowner syndrome” or dementia, and patients recovering from drugrelated hallucinations may manifest symptoms during flight regardless of the time of day. These patients may benefit from techniques that keep them appropriately oriented to time and space. Careful preflight screening will identify patients who are dangerous to themselves or others and thus require constant observation during flight. If one-on-one observation is required for safety, the referring facility will need to provide an attendant. The patient’s plan of care, including the use of seclusion, sedation, and restraints, should be continued throughout the flight until the final destination is reached. The efficacy of patient restraint remains controversial, and thus the decision to restrain a patient in-flight must carefully weigh physical, psychological, ethical, and safety issues.9,10 When used, restraints must be continually re-evaluated to ensure they are


accomplishing the desired affect on behavior while avoiding physical injury.11 Pregnant patients offer unique challenges during airlift, as discussed in chapter 22. The mother is prone to hypoxia and dehydration during flight due to her increased cardiac workload, diaphragmatic impingement, possible occlusion of the ascending vena cava by the fetus, and increased nutritional and fluid needs. Allowing the mother to sit or lie tilted to the left will help decrease the effect of the fetus on the vena cava. Supplemental oxygen may also be added to ensure adequate perfusion. Small snacks with drinks need to be offered at least every 2 hours of flight. Mothers may be reassured that it is normal for the fetus’ activity level to change during flight in response to a change in environment.

Flight Preparation In addition to medical considerations, several other factors need to be added to the care planning equation as outlined in Figure 10.1. The flight crew and aeromedical crew must have a common understanding of required altitude restrictions, flight route, alternate landing site capabilities, en route weather forecast, expected delays, weight, and balance considerations, and the estimated flight time.1 By combining conservative ground-based treatments with treatments aimed at minimizing the effects of a dry, dimly lit, vibrating, noisy, hypobaric environment, the patients should arrive at their definitive care location ready to move forward in their medical care and treatments. Meticulous planning is critical for patient safety and it begins with the initial transport request. Once all the teams have established the patients’ expanded care plan for the flight, the airlift crew will need to assemble an airlift package that is easy to transport, allows for continued patient assessment over a variety of parameters, and will remain secured during all phases of flight. The proper monitoring and lifesupport equipment, including oxygen, must be obtained. The on-board electrical power must be compatible with the required equipment in terms of voltage, phase, and amperage. Appropriate types and amounts of medical supplies


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Figure 10.1. Basic planning tree for flight preparation.

and medications must be obtained and stored and include those needed for anticipated emergencies. Infection control and dietary needs must also be taken into account during the planning process. In addition to the basic patient needs, all food, supplies, and medications must be adequate to last for several days because delays or diversions due to mechanical or weather problems are common.

The flight environment is associated with many unique hazards that are not encountered in ground facilities. Equipment used at ground facilities may not be suited or could even be dangerous when used at altitude. For this reason, medical equipment must meet rigorous standards and testing to verify that it will continue to operate at altitude and during and following rapid decompression and tolerate

10. Nursing Care in Flight

constant vibration. It also cannot emit electromagnetic pulses that can interfere with other aircraft systems.5,12 Equipment should operate at any angle and be easily decontaminated between patients. When flying over water, patients and crew need to ensure adequate numbers and types of floatation rescue devices are available, especially those tailored for immobile patients. Medical supplies that are filled with air or that use air-filled balloons (such as cuffed endotracheal tubes or Foley catheters and MAST trousers) must be monitored during flight because of gas expansion at altitude. Balloon devices can be used after the air has been replaced with normal saline. Chest tubes must have either a one-way valve or an equivalent device in place for flight to prevent reflux of air or fluid back into the pleural cavity.12 Watersealed chamber levels will vary during flight due to pressure changes and will require close observation. Intravenous solutions should be contained in plastic containers with nonvented

Figure 10.2. Examples of equipment use and security. A litter is placed over a burn patient to deflect direct airflow, provide a shield, and permit patient


drip sets. Plastic containers are preferred for flight because they are easy to handle, secure, do not break, and can expand or contract with barometric changes.

In-Flight Infection Control Considerations The diversity of airframes and the nature of infectious disease challenge the airlift team and their infection control procedures. Knowledge of epidemiology, airflow, and equipment is important when trying to decrease the chance of exposure (see chapter 11). Given the nature of patient care, prudent infection control and use of personal protective apparel is a must. Standard precautions are well defined and should be universally applied. Strict reverse or protective isolation cannot be provided during routine AE flights. For this reason, patients with compromised immune status may need to be positioned in specific areas on the aircraft where airflow minimizes risk (Fig 10.2).

observation and in-flight treatment (USAF photo by Dewey A. Mitchell).


Individualized patient instruction on in-flight hygiene and personal item disposal is especially important for patients known to have infectious secretions. Although hand-washing remains the cornerstone of infection control, running water is not available on many AE aircraft. In these cases, antimicrobial hand wipes should be used. All contaminated linen and supplies need to be disposed safely, and this may require preflight coordination to ensure contaminated items are transferred and disposed of appropriately.1,5 An effective approach is to off-load all contaminated items along with the patient at their destination facility. The AE transport of patients with infectious airborne diseases, such as active pulmonary tuberculosis, can be hazardous. Special arrangements must be arranged prior to the flight to protect both the crews and other passengers.

Chemical and Biologic Contamination Emergencies involving hazardous materials occur frequently worldwide and the threats of biologic contamination, warfare, and terrorism are growing daily. Despite these known risks, the lack of adequate decontamination facilities and protocols increases the risk that contaminated patients may arrive at the flight line for AE.13,14 Failure to adequately prepare for this situation can result in toxic exposure of both the ancillary health-care providers and the flight crew, not to mention potential contamination of the flight line and the aircraft.15 Providing care to patients contaminated with a hazardous material requires advanced planning and specialized training and equipment. Prior to accepting a contaminated patient, the flight crew must verify that the patient, linen, clothing, and equipment have been decontaminated. A transport vehicle should never bring a patient directly from the “hot” zone to the flight line. Even after decontamination, patients exposed to hazardous material with a high vapor pressure may continue to release toxic substances during transport. Decontaminated patients should be placed in the aircraft such that airflow patterns offer the most protection to others aboard the flight. Aeromedical crew members who have direct contact with

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the patient should wear protective apparel and handle all potentially contaminated articles appropriately.16,17

Medicolegal Considerations Despite the unique setting of AE, in-flight medical care is governed by the same legal regulations that govern medical care on the ground. Care and practice decisions during AE are governed by several standards, including (1) patient rights and responsibilities as outlined by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organization, (2) scope of practice laid out by medical and nursing practice acts, (3) care guidelines established by the Federal Aviation Administration and Federal Communications Commission, and (4) the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act.1 In addition, Flight Nurse Performance Standards have been published by the National Flight Nurses Association (Table 10.4).18 The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) in conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are publishing education guidelines,19 and the Commission of the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems recently published new standards.20 Legal jurisdiction is complicated when aircraft cross state and international boundaries. When the AE flight involves planned or unplanned landings in foreign countries, the medical teams and aircrew must be familiar with immigration, customs, and agricultural regulations and guidelines. AE systems that routinely make international flights must establish consistent policies and practices for such common nursing care practices as managing controlled drugs. Failure of the medical and flight crews to understand and follow the rules can result in AE delays and cause undue hardship for the patients and their families. AE crews will have to consult with their legal liaison when specific patient transit issues or dilemmas arise. Common issues include obtaining permission for the nonemergency transport of unaccompanied minors or incompetent patients or informing a patient that, due to his or her body size or medical condition, the crew cannot assure safe egress during an aircraft

10. Nursing Care in Flight

emergency. Both the attending physician and legal liaison should be notified when a patient requests release from the airlift before completing the transfer. A “do not resuscitate” (DNR) directive for a patient with a terminal condition represents an important circ*mstance. When the attending physician writes a DNR order, the aircrew will provide all other general care as indicated. However, the family or patient may revoke the DNR order at any time during the flight. Another important consideration is prisoner patients. When the patient being transported requires a guard, the referring agency is responsible for providing the guard. If the guard is armed, the aircraft commander must be informed so the guard’s weapons and ammunition can be under his or her control and stored the during flight.5 At no time should any patient be physically attached to any part of the aircraft by handcuffs or restraint. Two other special problems are in-flight births and deaths. Most commonly, the flight will need to make an emergency landing so that the situation can be medically and legally managed. If childbirth occurs in flight, the geographic location of the aircraft in latitude and longitude at the time of birth should be recorded to determine the appropriate registration and citizenship requirement. After completing the mother’s and infant’s care, the newborn will need to be added to the passenger list on the manifest. If an apparent death occurs in-flight, the patient should not be officially pronounced dead until the aircraft has landed because an accurate patient assessment is difficult during flight and the crew will need to ensure legal considerations are completed at the location where death is pronounced. If a birth or death occurs over a foreign country, it is important to know the policies of the country before landing to avoid flight delays or other problems.

Laboratory Considerations At times, laboratory specimens, pharmaceuticals, limbs, or organs for transplant may need to be added to the airlift equation. Appropriate care of the specimens and documentation often requires considerable preflight coordina-


tion.19–21 The referring agency must arrange for any special equipment needed, such as refrigeration units, oxygen systems, or storage solutions, because these are not routinely available.22,23 If transportation will be labor-intensive, the crew should be augmented with additional trained personnel. All limbs and organs should be listed on the manifest prior to flight. The appearance and condition of forensic evidence should be documented prior to exposure to the airborne environment. To help maintain chain of custody, a trusted agent of the investigating organization should carry legal evidence in most cases. If organs for transplantation are being transported internationally, thorough preplanning is required to prevent administrative delays that could result in the organ being held by local authorities until viability is lost.

Safety and Security Aircraft safety and security is a shared responsibility of the ground-based medical teams, aeromedical crew, and flight crew. All members’ actions affect not only their own safety but also the safety of the patients, other team members, and the entire aircraft. A lapse in safety can significantly undermine the ability of the crew to perform the diverse responsibilities required for patient care. Patients need to be adequately prepared for flight. Standard antihijacking procedures should be used to verify that weapons are not carried onto the aircraft. All personal items and any medical supplies the passengers bring onto the aircraft need to be inspected and secured to prevent tampering or theft. Hearing protection needs to be provided to all patients prior to arriving at the aircraft. Patient boarding for AE takes special preparation. Prior to boarding, all crew members need to review the plans for patient enplaning, positioning, deplaning, and emergency egress. Staging personnel familiar with flight line policies and safety considerations must be available to ensure safe patient enplaning and deplaning. Litter patients need special preparation for enplaning by the creation of an “airlift package” designed for patient observation, safety, and environmental stress protection (Fig 10.3). Special precautions should be taken with


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Figure 10.3. Meticulous care, planning, and accomplishment of safe patient on- and off-loading is crucial to the success of the airlift. During high-

visibility missions, aircraft safety and patient privacy require crew attention to detail (USAF photo by Dewey A. Mitchell).

excessive equipment and patient weight or when on- or off-loading is performed with the engine running or during inclement weather. During taxi, take-offs, and landings, patients and crew need to be seated or supine with safety restraints in place and all equipment needs to be secured. If an aeromedical crew member needs to remain standing to provide medical care during these critical phases of flight, such as approach to landing, the aircraft commander needs to be informed. Refueling is considered a hazardous time for military aircraft because of the remote, but real, risk of fire. Almost always, refueling will occur prior to patient boarding. If patients must remain on-board during refueling, all nonessential electrical equipment must be turned off. The fire protection personnel will need to know how many people are on-board, and a fire truck should be positioned in full view of the aircraft. In-flight refueling, required for time-critical long-distance transport, is hazardous both because of the turbulence routinely encoun-

tered and the risk of midair collision. Prior to in-flight refueling, patient care activities must be completed, all nonessential equipment turned off, and patients, crew, and supplies secured. Nonessential communications between the medical crew and pilot during the critical phases of flight are prohibited, and only essential personnel are allowed on the flight deck.24 Throughout the flight, the aircraft commander and AE crew director should coordinate on all patient or medical team visits to the flight deck.

Patient Care During and Following In-Flight Emergencies In addition to medical emergencies, the aeromedical crew must be prepared for aircraftrelated emergencies as well. Immediate actions will be required to stabilize and possibly evacuate patients in the event of an aircraft fire crash landing, or ditching.25,26 Evacuation plans for each of these situations are a routine part

10. Nursing Care in Flight

of every preflight crew briefing. During any inflight emergency, the aircraft may experience extreme changes in attitude (ie, pitch, roll, or yaw). The first priority is to ensure cabin security regardless of the phase of flight. Once the aircraft commander decides it is safe to move around the cabin, each patient should receive a primary assessment, followed by a quick equipment check. If smoke is present in the cabin, the patients should be moved to the lowest possible position and their faces covered with moistened towels because medical oxygen masks do not protect from smoke. In the event of a sudden decompression, intravascular lines should be temporarily closed to prevent a fluid bolus and devices such as chest tubes or oral gastric tubes should be checked as soon as possible. If patients need to be evacuated, the crew should first direct ambulatory patients out of the aircraft to a safe area and then assist litter patients. Another unique aircraft hazard is hijacking. If the plane is still on the ground when a hijacking attempt occurs, every attempt should be made to delay the movement of the aircraft. This will allow time for all appropriate agencies to coordinate a plan to prevent the hijacking and minimize danger to all on-board. Deadly force should be used to prevent or end a hijacking only as a last resort.26

Postflight Considerations The movement of a patient by AE is not an isolated event but part of a continuum that begins when the decision for air transportation is made and ends when the patient reaches the accepting medical facility. Both patient planning and communication are crucial throughout this process, with goals of optimizing patient care, ensuring privacy, and promoting safety. Patient care planning must focus on meeting the physiological needs of the patient. However, it should also take into consideration the need of the patient’s family and the legal issues related to patient movement. Coordination between the aeromedical crew and ground medical team begins during the initial phases of planning and is reiterated by radio within the last 2 hours before landing. The


ground medical crew need to known the exact landing times and required ground-based transport needs. The flight line personnel will need final instructions prior to landing regarding patient deplaning plans, fleet services, and any decontamination cleaning needs. Once on the ground, the first priority in a foreign country is to meet all agricultural, customs, and immigration requirements as quickly as possible. Staging personnel then off-load patients, along with their records, supplies, and life support equipment, and the aeromedical crew gives a patient report to the accepting medical authority. Aircraft discrepancies are reported directly to the flight crew and any mission discrepancies documented and reported as required.27 The aircraft, equipment, and supplies are then cleaned and restocked for the next mission.

Conclusion There are few absolute contraindications to AE if both the patient and flight environment are appropriately prepared. The flight nurse’s special skills and knowledge are crucial for the safe, expeditious transport in a relatively isolated, hostile environment. Through cooperative planning and communication, groundbased medical teams and AE crews can ensure a seamless continuation of the patient care plan that meets established standards.

References 1. Holleran R. Flight Nursing: Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1996. 2. Miller M, Babco*ck D. Critical Thinking Applied to Nursing. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1996. 3. Wraa CE, O’Malley JO. Flight nurse physical requirement. J Air Med Transport 1992;11(10): 17. 4. Rayman RB. Passenger safety, health, and comfort: A review. Aviat Space Environ Med 1997;68:432–440. 5. Department of the Air Force. Aeromedical Evacuation. Scott AFB, Ill: AMC; 1991. AMC Regulation 164-1. Note: this reference will be replaced by Department of the Air Force AE Patient Cosiderations and Standards of Care. AFE 41–307, 2002.

146 6. Department of the Air Force. Aeromedical Evacuation. Scott AFB, Ill: AMC; 1993. AMSCP 164-50, vol 4. Same note as above (AFI 41–307). 7. Sheffield PJ, Heimbach RD. Respiratory physiology. In: DeHart RI, ed. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins; 1996:69 –108. 8. Hart K. The passenger and the patient in flight: In: DeHart RI, ed. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins; 1996:667– 683. 9. Quinn CA. The four A’s of restraint reduction: Attitude, assessment, anticipation, avoidance. Orthoped Nurs 1994;13(2):11–19. 10. Ortiz-Pruitt J. Physical restraint of critically ill patients: A human issue. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 1995;7:363 –373. 11. Marks W. Physical restraints in the practice of medicine. Current concepts. Arch Intern Med 1992;152:2203 –2206. 12. Department of the Air Force. Aeromedical Evacuation. Scott AFB, Ill: AMC; 1993. AMSCP 164-50, vol 2. 13. Burgess JL, Blackmon GM, Brodkin CA, Robertson WO. Hospital preparedness for hazardous materials incidents and treatment of contaminated patients. West J Med 1997;167: 387–391. 14. Cox RD. Decontamination and management of hazardous materials exposure victims in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 1994; 23:761–770. 15. Headquarters Departments of the Army, the Navies and the Air Force and Commandant, Marine Corps. Field manual: Treatment of Biological Warefare Agent Casualties, Washington D.C., 2000. 16. Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects

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19. 20.








of NBC Defensive Operations. AMedP-6 (B) Part II—Biological. Washington, DC: USAF; 1996. Department of the Army. Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook. 4th ed. Bethesda, Md: US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases; 2001. Hepp H. National Flight Nurses Association. Standards of Flight Nursing Practice. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1995. U.S.D.O.T. Guidelines for Air-Medical Crew Education. Washington D.C. NHTSA 2002. Commission on the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems. Accreditation Standards of CAMTS. 5th ed. 2000. Raskin KB, Weiland AJ. Current concepts of replantation. Ann Acad Med Sing 1995;24 (suppl 4):131–134. Layug ML, Barrett EJ, Kenny DJ. Interim storage of avulsed permanent teeth. J Can Dent Assoc 1998;64:375–363. Zemmel NJ, Amis LR, Sheppard FR, Drake DB. A temporal analysis of the effects of pressurized oxygen (HBO) on the pH of amputated muscle tissue. Ann Plast Surg 1998;40:264– 629. Federal Aviation Administration. Code of Federal Regulations. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation; 1996. Mayberry RT. Medical air crew roles and responsibilities during aircraft emergencies. Aero Med J 1998;3(4):16. Department of the Air Force. Aeromedical Evacuation. Scott AFB, Ill: AMC; 1993. AMSCP 164-50, vol 1. Frazer R. Operational quality assurance; a new concept defined. J Air Med Transport 1991; 10(3):19.

11 Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections Mark R. Withers, George W. Christopher, Steven J. Hatfill, and Jose J. Gutierrez-Nunez

The operational decision to evacuate patients with communicable diseases or those who are biologic warfare casualties is complicated by many factors, including the etiologic agent involved. Unlike nuclear or chemical casualties, patients with contagious infections may transmit disease after external decontamination. Further, theater medical facilities might be overwhelmed by a mass-casualty disaster after an epidemic or biologic warfare attack, necessitating rapid evacuation (Fig 11.1). Little has been published regarding the aeromedical evacuation (AE) of patients with communicable diseases or biologic warfare casualties. A recent search of the MEDLINE electronic database (1966 through January 2000) that queried the intersection of keywords “biological warfare” and “aeromedical evacuation” or “transportation of patients” yielded but a single citation.1 A comprehensive review of the AE of such patients would have to contain elements from several diverse disciplines. These would include disaster medicine, air transport medicine, critical-care medicine, the ergonomics and aerobiology of aircraft interiors, infection control, international aviation law and diplomacy, and the operational requirements and constraints of the USAF and other military and civil services. We have limited the discussion in this chapter to the ecology of aircraft interiors, disease transmission on-board aircraft, and highlights of the elements of military AE plans and capabilities and the emerging US military doctrine as they apply to the feasibility of the AE of patients with contagious infections and biologic

warfare casualties. Unresolved issues will be identified with the goal of stimulating discussion and future research.

Airframe as Microbial Environment The engineering parameters of aircraft ventilation and pressurization are well known and tested extensively by aircraft manufacturers. While most studies of aircraft cabin air quality have focused on tobacco by-products and other chemical contaminants, few have addressed the ecology of airborne microbes. The few available studies of the aerobiology of aircraft interiors suggest that the modern aircraft interior is a less likely venue for disease transmission than most public places.1

Ecology of Aircraft Cabin Air Air vented into most aircraft cabins is sterilized during pressurization. To maintain an internal cabin atmosphere equivalent to about 8000 ft above mean sea level while at altitude, pressurized air is extracted from the main jet engine compressor, where it has been subjected to both high temperature (more than 250°C) and pressure (450 psi). The air is then cooled by a series of heat exchangers and vented into the cabin.2 Microbial survival times are also altered by variations in relative humidity.3 Because air at altitude has low relative humidity (10% to 15%), the resultant compressed cabin air does



M.R. Withers et al.

Figure 11.1. Aeromedical isolation team members in field-protective suits equipped with batterypowered HEPA-filtered respirators transporting the

stretcher isolator, a lightweight unit designed for initial patient retrieval (from Christopher and Eitzer51).

also. Low humidity inhibits bacterial growth and stability but increases the survival and infectivity of certain airborne viruses.4 The influenza virus was found to survive longer in dry air (relative humidity 50%).5

The mechanism by which air is circulated though most large aircraft cabins depends on several factors. When on the ground, fans recirculate cooled or conditioned air throughout the cabin. When the engines are off, ventilation is provided in one of two ways: Either an auxiliary power unit runs the cabin ventilation system or preconditioned air is supplied by connecting a ground air-conditioning unit to an air manifold. In some aircraft, no fresh air is taken in until pressurization is begun at altitude. However, older military transport aircraft (such as the C-130 Hercules) use pressurized air from the engines for ventilation whether on the ground or aloft. At altitude, compressed air enters continually while air is vented overboard via an outflow valve. First-generation jet airliners (eg, Boeing 707s, Boeing 727s, DC-9s) and most military transports use 100% ambient (fresh) air for cabin supply.7 The airflow design for most large aircraft is either circumperipheral or longitudinal. For both designs, conditioned air typically enters the cabin at standing head level. With the circumperipheral design, air circulates from

Ventilation: Air Distribution Systems and Airflow The three most important factors that determine the incidence of infections spread by airborne particles in an enclosed space are the susceptibility of those exposed, the duration of exposure, and the concentration of infectious droplets or droplet nuclei. The concentrations of droplets and droplet nuclei increase when the generation rate is high, when the static volume of enclosed air is small, and when fresh air ventilation is low. Ventilation of any enclosed space decreases the concentration of airborne organisms logarithmically, removing approximately two thirds of the airborne droplets per air exchange.6

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections

aircraft skin to midcabin, then down and back to the vents near the skin at floor level on the same side. With the longitudinal design, air circulates from the aircraft skin in the midsection to outflow valves either fore or aft. The outflow valves are sometimes along the hull (two on the Boeing 707: one at the forward edge of the wings and the other near the tail) or elsewhere along the fuselage (below the right co*ckpit floor in the C-130). The type and direction of airflow during an AE flight has important implications for airborne spread of infection. In general, the circumperipheral mode is preferable to the longitudinal because it minimizes aircrew exposure to contaminated air. With the longitudinal design, the direction of airflow should be adjusted so that it is aftward by closing the forward outflow valves. In the C-9A Nightingale, cabin airflow is “top to bottom, front to back” and therefore contagious patients are placed as far aft and as low as possible. The airflow for the C-141 takes on special importance because it is the main strategic AE airframe for the US military. This aircraft also has a longitudinal airflow design, where the air enters both on the flight deck and the aft cargo compartment. Air then flows toward two outflow valves located above the aft pressure bulkhead.8 Therefore, potentially infectious patients should be placed as far aft and as high as possible. The ventilation patterns of the C-17 transport, which may assume some of the strategic AE missions in the future, remain to be characterized.9 The risk of airborne infection to the flight crew is related to the flight deck airflow design. In many commercial airliners, such as the B-707, the flight crew is somewhat protected by the independent flight deck ventilation system. As noted above, the C-141 flight crew is protected by the longitudinal system, where the air enters on the flight deck and flows aftward through the cabin. This is in contrast to the C-130, where the flight deck personnel may be at increased risk because all cabin air is drawn to the co*ckpit, where it is vented out.10 Commercial airline cabin airflow has two important design features that may reduce respiratory droplet or airborne transmission. First,


most cabins feature a flow design that is both circumperipheral and laminar, with air entering overhead, flowing down the sides, and exiting through vents above the floor. Second, they have relatively high air exchange rates, typically ranging from 15 to 20 exchanges per hour. This exceeds both the 12 air exchanges per hour that maintain air quality in modern office buildings and the 6 exchanges per hour recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the hospital isolation rooms of patients with active tuberculosis.11 Unfortunately, the purging of air within the cabin may not always be uniform because of the laminar flow design. There may be decreased air circulation in fore and aft areas, resulting in stagnant zones while animal studies demonstrate that increased ventilation decreases airborne transmission in confined spaces.12,13 It is important to remember that ventilation alone is not sufficient to prevent all transmission of airborne pathogens.14

High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filtration Jet engine efficiency is decreased by the extraction of compressor air for delivery to the cabin because this air is not available for additional thrust. To economize, commercial airliners use systems that partially recycle cabin air, rather than continuing to supply 100% fresh air from the engines. The fraction of recirculated air ranges from 24% to 66%.15 The use of recirculated air may reduce air quality due to the recirculation of aerosolized contaminants. To counter this, most airlines have installed highefficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in their recirculation systems. These are 99.7% effective for removing particles of 0.3 mm diameter or larger. Although HEPA filters were originally installed for passenger comfort (eg, for removing tobacco smoke), they also appear to reduce the risk of transmission of airborne pathogens.16,17 The droplet nuclei carrying measles, varicella, and tuberculosis are typically 5 mm or less in diameter. A study commissioned by the US Department of Transportation to evaluate the levels of bacteria, fungi, carbon dioxide, ozone, and tobacco products in recirculated airliner cabin air found that of microorganism


concentrations did not reach levels considered hazardous to health.18

Microbial Aerosols in Aircraft Because of concerns generated by lethal and untreatable viral hemorrhagic fevers, and a possible need to transport victims of these diseases by air, the ventilation and air-conditioning systems on pressurized, long-range transport aircraft were studied to evaluate the aerodynamics of aerosolized microorganisms.19 The two aircraft evaluated were the Lockheed Martin C-130E Hercules (the aircraft used for most tactical AE) and the Boeing 707-347C. At the time, the aviation engineering knowledge of ventilation and air pressure changes on these aircraft was extensive. The movement of smoke particles was observed and the dispersion of aerosolized spores of a nonpathogenic organism (Bacillus subtilis var. globigii) was assayed at multiple cabin sites under various pressure and ventilation conditions. Results of both smoke and spore studies suggested that the

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optimal location for placing a highly infections patient in the 707 would be the left rear of the cabin. When the aircraft was pressurized and the forward outflow valve was closed, contamination was largely restricted to the rear area, placing the flight crew at minimal risk if they stayed forward. In view of its airflow design, it was no surprise that there was substantial drift of smoke from the cargo hold of the C-130 into the flight deck.19 Approximately 3% of the spores released in the aft cabin reached the flight deck, probably enough to transmit infection over a prolonged flight if the organism had been infectious. The relative locations of the bleed valves and outflow valve would make plastic diaphragms impractical. One conclusion of the study was that high-containment isolators would be required to evacuate patients with potentially lethal contagious diseases in a C130. These isolators would protect the flight crew and medical workers and allow refueling stops without alarming foreign governments, which might otherwise refuse international landing clearances (Fig 11.2).

Figure 11.2. Vickers aircraft transport isolator, designed for prolonged patient transportation and in-flight care (from Christopher and Eitzen51).

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections

A second conclusion of the study was that such patients should only be transported in long-range jet aircraft with the air distribution characteristics similar to those of a Boeing 707. However, significant air contamination occurs within the cabin while these aircraft taxi for take-off with the recirculation fans functioning. To avoid this, the starboard engines should be operated with the forward outflow valve closed, thus ensuring rapid air exchanges within the cabin. Potentially infectious patients should be boarded through the rear passenger hatch and then placed in the left rear of the cabin facing aft. To protect the flight crew, patients and medical workers should venture no further forward than midcabin and flight crew no further aft than that same point. These concepts were applied, without empiric validation, in 1974, when the aft area in a 707 was used to transport a patient with Lassa fever.20 A 707 was selected because it was capable of a nonstop flight to Germany, obviating potential difficulties obtaining permission to refuel in a third country. This dedicated AE utilized extensive and unprecedented precautions to transport the patient (a German physician) from Lagos, Nigeria, to Hamburg. The patient was isolated in the rear of the cabin and a “neutral zone” was created using two polyvinyl chloride partitions. The outflow valves were configured to create a longitudinal pressure gradient in the cabin so that airflow was from the forward to the aft section. Finally, to avoid microbial dissemination via recirculated air the starboard engines were started to allow pressurization prior to boarding the patient through the aft door. After, the aircraft interior was fumigated with vaporized formalin for 6 hours, and there were no secondary cases. The air was sampled for microorganisms on 36 domestic and international flights, including small and large jet airliners and turboprop commuter aircraft, between 1987 and 1994.21 It was assumed that all microbial contamination originated from passengers and crew because the air taken in from the engines was presumably sterile. It was also assumed that lower levels of microbial air contamination would correlate with a lower risk of disease transmission, although this has not been validated clinically.


Control samples were taken at urban locations such as buses, malls, streets, and airports. Microorganisms were quantified by counting colony-forming units (CFUs) after 72 hours incubation, but no attempt was made to identify the organisms. This study found no significant differences between air at seat level and higher sites, nor between coach, business, first-class, or galley sections.21 The highest counts came from samples taken near outflow vents, about 1 ft above floor level. Interestingly, the microbial air contamination found during flight was significantly lower than that found in cities, buses, and public buildings. Decreased passenger movement (ie, during sleep) correlated with lower numbers of CFU. The authors concluded that “the small number of microorganisms found in US airliner cabin environments does not contribute to the risk of disease transmission among passengers.”21

Survey of Infectious Disease Transmission in Aircraft The risk of transmitting infections in aircraft has probably been exaggerated.22 Most reports of disease transmission on-board aircraft describe foodborne outbreaks on commercial airliners,23 a discrete area of relevance to AE. The following is a brief summary of the transmission of several common pathogens.

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is an obvious concern aboard AE aircraft because it is a common and serious disease usually spread via airborne transmission, especially in confined spaces.24 Three conclusions about the risk of tuberculosis spread can be drawn from the limited number of published retrospective cohort studies of tuberculosis exposures aboard aircraft. First, the risk of tuberculosis transmission aboard an aircraft is apparently no greater than in other confined spaces, with reported conversion rates of 2% to 4%.25,26 Second, the duration of exposure appears to be important, with several studies reporting no tuberculosis transmission after exposure to an infectious patient after flights


less than 9 hours in duration.27,28 Finally, the risk of conversion appears much greater for those seated within two rows of an infectious passenger on airlines with a laminar air flow system.29 Based on this information, the CDC recommended that “those known to be infectious travel by private transportation rather than by commercial aircraft.”25 The CDC has also suggested three criteria to determine which passengers and flight crew members should be notified of the possibility of tuberculosis exposure.25 First, the person with tuberculosis was infectious at the time of the flight. Infectiousness can be assumed if the person was symptomatic with AFB smearpositive, cavitary pulmonary, or laryngeal tuberculosis or has transmitted the disease to household or other close contacts. Second, the exposure was prolonged (ie, duration of flight exceeded 8 hours). Finally, passengers and flight crew who were at greatest risk for exposure based on proximity to the infectious passenger should be given priority for notification. Routine tuberculosis screening for airline crew members has not been recommended as an occupational health measure.

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well-ventilated airliner appears to be higher than the general community attack rate during epidemics (10% to 20%) but less than the rate for boarding schools or nursing homes (>50%).31

Measles Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases, with an attack rate of about 80% among susceptible, casual contacts. Spread by droplet nuclei, virions can survive in the air for several hours. During the early 1980s, over 500 measles cases per year were either imported to the United States, or acquired from imported cases. Most of the imported cases were associated with air travel, and several secondary cases were acquired during flight.32 An important aspect of measles transmission is that it may occur before the patient becomes symptomatic, a day or two before the end of the incubation period. In one report, eight passengers became infected on a single flight even though no ill or coughing passengers were observed during the flight.33

Smallpox Influenza Air travel has significantly altered the epidemiology of influenza. Since the 1950s,it has become clear that influenza pandemics have followed major air transportation routes. Influenza has also been transmitted during flight. Because of confinement in a closed space associated with flight, these cases most likely constitute common-source,single-exposure outbreaks rather than the usual linear “person-to-personto-person” epidemics. Based on published reports, several conclusions can be drawn. First, prolonged ground delays may increase the risk, especially if the air ventilation system is not functioning. In one such report, 72% of the passengers became ill and there was a strong association of the rate of illness with the duration of exposure to the ill passenger.30 Thus, a second conclusion is that the length of exposure is important. But, in contrast to tuberculosis, even patients exposed for less than 1 hour appear to be at significant risk. Third, the attack rate of influenza aboard a

During the Intensified Smallpox Eradication Program (1967 to 1980), concern was extremely high that smallpox would be reintroduced to Europe or the United States from endemic areas by air travel. Consequently, smallpox vaccinations and boosters were recommended for national and international flying personnel.34 From 1959 to 1973, 27 of the 29 known cases of smallpox imported to Europe were associated with air travel. None were acquired during flight, as all case patients traveled during the incubation period.35 There is one case of potential infection during air travel, but it is unclear whether transmission occurred in the air or in a terminal.36

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) are caused by a taxonomically diverse group of RNA viruses and feature a febrile syndrome with severe vascular abnormalities. In general, they are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality.

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections

With the exception of Lassa fever, little is known about their transmissibility during air transport. The mortality and communicability of Lassa fever has engendered a cautious approach to these patients in the west from both the medical and aeromedical communities. As reported above, an infected patient transported from Lagos to Germany was the sole patient on a C141, and the patient together with the aeromedical crew were quarantined from the flight crew.21 Perhaps the most unusual AE in history occurred when a CDC worker with Lassa fever and his wife were transported from Sierra Leone to the United States on a C-141.37 For lack of an isolation chamber, they were both sealed for the duration of the flight in an Apollo space capsule that had been flown from a US military warehouse in Germany. Fortunately, the risk of transmission of Lassa fever, both on the ground and during commercial flight, appears to be low. There have been two reports of inadvertent exposure of large numbers of susceptible individuals to patients with Lassa fever in western hospitals without evidence of secondary transmission.38,39 On at least four occasions, passengers with Lassa fever have traveled on commercial overseas flights without a single secondary case occurring.40–43 This suggests that the apparently high transmission rate of Lassa fever in West African hospitals may be due to local infection control practices.38,44 Based on these reassuring reports, it has been suggested that Lassa fever patients can be safely transported by AE using simple barrier infection control techniques.38,45 However, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly discourages the transport of Lassa fever patients from endemic to nonendemic areas, stating that this should be undertaken only in exceptional circ*mstances and should be accomplished using special precautions including high-containment isolators.46

In-Flight Preventive Measures Early diagnosis of communicable diseases is the key to prevent transmission. Only then can disease-specific, transmission-based pre-


cautions be promptly implemented. Attempts are currently underway to develop portable, rapid diagnostic tests, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and genetic typing, which can be used in the field. In the presence of a biologic warfare threat, patients will be screened for incubating infections (eg, smallpox) prior to being transported for other indications to minimize the risks of evacuation related epidemics. When a casualty is determined to be infectious, the most obvious preventive measure would be to defer AE until after the communicable period. However, such casualties might need evacuation sooner for tactical or other reasons. The use of restricted flights for transportation of cohorts with specific communicable diseases would obviate the risk of patient-to-patient transmission but offer little protection to either the aeromedical or flight crews. When transporting any infectious patient, standard infection control practices are essential. Additional transmission-based precautions necessary for certain infections. CDC guidelines mandate the use of surgical masks for diseases transmitted by droplets (eg, influenza) and fit-tested HEPA-filtered masks for diseases transmitted by droplet nuclei (eg, tuberculosis) in hospitals. These guidelines can be adapted for use in aircraft. The USAF is currently developing a comprehensive regulation on infection control on aircraft. Judicious patient placement should be used to minimize the transmission of disease by respiratory droplet or droplet nuclei based on the ventilation characteristics of the specific aircraft. For example, infectious patients are placed as far aft and as low as possible in the C-9A but as far aft and as high as possible in a C-141.8 The ventilation pattern of the C-17 transport remains to be characterized.9 The C-130 is potentially the most problematic from an infectious disease perspective because cabin air is vented out through the co*ckpit.10 In high-risk situations, the flow of cabin air can be reversed aftward by opening the safety valve located in the cargo door.47 Unfortunately, the aircraft can not be pressurized in this configuration, necessitating an altitude restriction. As an additional protective


measure, the recirculation fan in the cargo compartment can be turned off to prevent recirculation of droplet nuclei. The HEPA filtration used in most commercial airliners may confer additional protection. This may become an important factor in a large conflict, where Boeing 767 passenger aircraft will be converted into air ambulances as part of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). Airflow compartmentalization with plastic partitions, neutral zones, contaminated zones, and pressure gradients should be considered only in exceptional cases.21 Because they have yet to be proven effective in practice, no such precautions are at present recommended for use in US AE aircraft. High-containment isolators can be used for transporting patients with highly contagious, potentially lethal diseases. Unfortunately, they are limited in number and capability and require specially trained teams of medical personnel. These isolators are necessary for the implementation of the extremely strict CDC infection control guidelines for the care and AE of patients with infections such as Arenavirus, Filovirus, and Bunyavirus hemorrhagic fevers.32,48–51 They have been deployed for evacuating patients with suspected or proven VHF and active pulmonary tuberculosis.52,53 Although valuable for evacuating limited numbers of patients, they would not be suitable for evacuating mass casualties. The USAF has anticipated the possible future challenge of operating in a chemically contaminated environment by introducing the Aircrew Eye/Respiratory Protection (AERP) system.54 Transport aircraft have been equiped with the AERP systems, and these could be used to protect aeromedical crew members from infection. The system consists of a mask–hood assembly, a blower, and an intercommunication unit. The C-9A is equipped with eight AERP stations located throughout the aircraft. There are fewer such stations on the C-17, C-130, and C-141 aircraft. During flight, regulated aircraft oxygen is passed through the filter/manifold subassembly to the mask for breathing while filtered ambient air is used to provide visor defogging. On the ground, filtered ambient air is used. The AERP blower is powered by the aircraft electrical system or

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by batteries. The AERP system is available in most aircraft used for military AE, and all aeromedical crew members routinely train for its use during emergencies.55

US Military Policies for Evacuating Contagious Patients and Biologic Warfare Casualties Historical Review Aeromedical evacuation of US service members with contagious diseases has been routinely undertaken virtually since the establishment of a military AE service in 1942. During World War II, C-46 Commandos, C-47 Skytrains, and C-54 Skymasters were reconfigured to carry litters after unloading military cargo, becoming air ambulances on their return flights to the United States.56 Air transportation was soon determined to be the most desirable method of evacuation for all but the sickest of active tuberculosis patients.57 Those with large tension cavities or therapeutic pneumothoraces could not be moved by air because intrapleural gas volume would double as these unpressurized aircraft ascended from sea level to 18,000 ft. In most cases, patients were held at hospitals of embarkation until a sufficient number accumulated to fill a dedicated flight of tuberculosis patients. A trained nurse was usually present, and strict “sanitary precautions” and “proper isolation” were practiced. However, the aeromedical personnel were not screened with tuberculosis skin tests.57 Consequently, the number of new tuberculosis infections occurring during these early air evacuations is unknown. In 1954, the first aircraft specifically designed and dedicated to routine air medical transport, the C-131A Samaritan, entered service. It could carry specialized medical equipment and was capable of cabin pressurization. In 1961, the Boeing 707 jet was modified by the military to become the C-135 Stratolifter and soon became the mainstay of the first permanent intercontinental airlift system. Meanwhile, the C-130 Hercules began to see use for tactical AE. In 1965, the C-141 Starlifter began to replace the

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections

C-135 for strategic (ie, overseas) AE. This jet aircraft represented a quantum increase in patient load, range, speed, and control of cabin environment. In Vietnam, helicopters moved wounded from the battlefield to medical treatment facilities in rear areas. From there, C-130 Hercules, C-123 Providers, and C-7 Caribous moved them to rear airfields, where C-141 Starlifters embarked on intercontinental routes. AE became so efficient that evacuees were sometimes received in a continental US medical facility within 24 hours of wounding. Large-scale actions in Vietnam in 1968 demonstrated the ability of the AE system to successfully respond to periodic surges of patients. In 1968, the USAF received its first C-9A Nightingale, a military version of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 specifically designed and dedicated for AE. New features included a special area for patient isolation and intensive care, a hydraulic ramp to facilitate enplaning of litter patients, integrated electrical and suction outlets, and medical supply and storage equipment cabinets. The cornerstone of the current infection control program is adherence to the CDC guidelines for infection control. Any infections thought to have been acquired during AE are to be reported to the Air Mobility Command Surgeon’s Office, Scott AFB, Ill. To date, no cases have been reported.

Biologic Warfare Casualties Military doctrine regarding all aspects of the medical management of biologic warfare casualties, including AE, is currently under development. Much of the existing joint and USAF doctrine relevant for the AE of nuclear, biologic, and chemical casualties does not clearly differentiate between these three groups. Clearly, there are significant differences among the diseases produced by these three weapons of mass destruction. The USAF Surgeon General has developed interim guidelines for the AE of biologic warfare casualties. These guidelines are based on rational infection control procedures recommended for the infectious diseases caused by potential agents. Before these interim guidelines can be implemented locally, they must be


approved by the appropriate theater commander-in-chief (a nonmedical general officer) and theater surgeon. A key element of any successful approach to the treatment and transportation of biologic warfare casualties is early and rapid identification of exposure, clinical diagnosis, and laboratory confirmation using field diagnostic tests.58 To meet this need, the USAF is preparing to deploy multiple specialized teams and has developed a portable device that can quickly identify organisms by genetic typing. It is now projected that these teams will interface with the AE system as integral components of aeromedical staging facilities.

International Legal and Regulatory Aspects In the 1970s, widely publicized outbreaks of Lassa and Ebola fevers in Africa spurred considerable interest among airline officials and public health authorities. In retrospect, inappropriate and unnecessary measures were instituted at airports in many countries to minimize the risk of disease importation. In commenting upon what he considered a deplorable state of affairs, Michel Perin of Air France’s Central Medical Service wrote: Most airline companies refuse to admit aboard passengers known, or believed, to have contagious diseases. Such stringency can scarcely be justified by reference to laws or regulations, whether national or international. It introduces the risk of arbitrary, mistaken, or prejudiced conduct. It does not seem logical because airlines learn about only a small fraction of the contagious persons who travel, and public health is much more greatly endangered by unknown infectious persons. Normal hygienic conditions aboard planes usually suppress the risk of contagion of most diseases. The possibility of refusing admission should be given to airlines in certain cases, according to their doctor’s appreciation.59

Perin suggested that exclusionary rules should be applied “only against someone who refuses to comply, or seems incapable of complying, with the conditions intended to make him harmless, or against someone who has such an infectious disease that it would be impossible to make him harmless to others.”59


Insight into how the international community reacts to even rumors of highly contagious diseases among airline passengers can be gleaned from events of August and September 1994. An epidemic of plague in the Indian city of Surat resulted in panic and chaos. Many of the inhabitants including most physicians, evacuated themselves from the city. Panic spread rapidly to commercial air carriers, with all but two international airlines canceling flights to India. Indians deplaning at airports around the world were evaluated for signs of plague and, in Canada, airport workers donned gloves and masks.60 Eleven febrile Indian passengers were promptly quarantined when they deplaned in New York City. None had plague, but four were found to have malaria, one had dengue fever, and one had typhoid fever.61 Health officials of any country can deny clearance for an aircraft to land or for the crew or passengers to disembark. There is a real possibility that an aircraft commander whose aircraft carries infectious patients or biologic warfare casualties might be denied permission to land in a foreign country or might find that his crew and aircraft are quarantined upon arrival. The International Health Regulations of the WHO specify that permission to land can be denied for three quarantinable diseases: plague, cholera, and yellow fever (smallpox was removed from the list in 1981). In addition, the following diseases must be reported: louseborne typhus, relapsing fever, poliomyelitis, influenza, and malaria.62 These International Health Regulations are being revised “in view of the growing global threat to public health posed by infectious diseases and the increase in emerging and re-emerging infectious disease.”63 The published draft requires reporting (and possible quarantine) of additional “diseases” of international importance, including “acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome, acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute diarrheal syndromes, acute jaundice syndrome, and acute neurological syndrome.” There is a potential for these revised regulations to have a considerable impact on international air travel and military AE.

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US Military Regulations The US Military services have regulations that govern the transport of infected passengers. One the most relevant of these regulations for the AE of potentially contagious patients is USAF Regulation 161–4, which requires aircraft commanders to request an inspection by a quarantine official when an ill passenger has any of the following symptoms and signs: (1) a temperature of 100°F (38°C) or greater accompanied by a rash, lymphadenopathy, or jaundice or that has persisted for over 48 hours; (2) diarrhea defined as three or more loose stools or a greater than normal amount of loose stool for that person in a 24-hour period; (3) death due to illness other than physical injuries.64 The implications of this relatively imprecise and abstruse statement could be considerable. Medical planners must be aware of these regulations because failure to implement their provisions may have international repercussions.

Unanswered Questions Certain aspects of our current understanding of the AE of contagious patients remain unresolved. We offer the following questions about issues that may warrant future research: 1. Will additional smoke and simulant dispersal studies be done in various current AE aircraft to determine optimal aircraft type and patient configurations for AE of patients with contagious diseases? 2. Would the use of HEPA-filtered recirculated air reduce the risk of disease transmission in USAF aircraft that could potentially be used for tactical or strategic AE? 3. What is the utility of UV light in reducing transmission of airborne infections in aircraft? 4. Should the United States pursue international agreements regarding the entry of military aircraft carrying contagious disease patients into other countries under certain conditions? 5. Can a computer-based tracking system be developed for epidemiologic surveillance of AE patients, to enhance reporting of nosocomial infectious potentially acquired during AE?

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections

Conclusions Under normal conditions, the risks of transmitting infections in aircraft are probably equal to, or lower than, the risks in other crowded enclosures. This is most likely related to the excellent ventilation systems built into most modern aircraft. However, when the ventilation system is not functioning (as is often the case prior to take-off) the aircraft cabin environment increases the risk for transmission of airborne viruses such as measles and influenza. The most effective method to minimize disease transmission is to defer AE of infectious patients until after the period of communicability. Unfortunately, there are many situations in which infectious patients must be evacuated, and AE planners must be ready to respond. Most patients with infectious diseases, including biologic warfare casualties, can be safely evacuated using standard precautions. However, certain contagious diseases (ie, tuberculosis, pneumonic plague, VHF) require transmission-based precautions to protect the other patients, medical personnel, and aircrew. AE planning for these patients must take into account international public health regulations. Given adequate resources, foresight, and expertise, the AE of infected patients and biologic warfare casualties can be safely accomplished. Acknowledgments. An earlier version of this chapter was prepared while Mark R. Withers was a resident in Aerospace Medicine at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Tex. The opinions and assertions herein are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect official positions of the Department of the Army, Department of the Air Force, or Department of Defense.





7. 8.








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158 18. Nagda NL (Geomet Technologies). Airliner cabin environment: Contaminant measurements, health risks, and mitigation options. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 1989. 19. Clayton AJ. Lassa fever—to air evacuate or not. AGARD-CP 1975;169:A6. 20. Renemann HH. Transportation by air of a Lassa fever patient in 1974. AGARD-CP 1975;169:A5. 21. Wick RL, Irvine LA. The microbiological composition of airliner cabin air. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995;66:220–224. 22. Ritzinger FR. Aeromedical Review 4-65 Disease transmission by aircraft. USAF School of Aerospace Medicine: Brooks AFB, TX, May 1965. 23. Tauxe RV, Tormey MP, Mascola L, HargrettBean NT, Blake PA. Salmonellosis outbreak on transatlantic flights: foodborne illness on aircraft: 1947–1984. Am J Epidemiol 1987;125:150– 157. 24. Houk VN, Baker JH, Sorensen K, Kent DC. The epidemiology of tuberculosis infection in a closed environment. Arch Environ Health 1968; 16:26–35. 25. Center for Disease Control. Exposure of passengers and flight crew to Mycobacterium tuberculosis on commercial aircraft, 1992–1995. MMWR 1995;44:137–140. 26. Miller MA, Valway S, Onorato IM. Tuberculosis risk after exposure on airplanes. Tuber Lung Dis 1996;77:414–419. 27. McFarland JW, Hickman C, Osterholm M, MacDonald KL. Exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis during air travel. Lancet 1993;342: 112–113. 28. Baxter T. Low infectivity of tuberculosis. Lancet 1993;342:371. 29. Kenyon TA, Valway SE, Ihle WW, Onorato IM, Castro KG. Transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during a long airplane flight. N Engl J Med 1996;334: 933–938. 30. Moser MR, Bender TR, Margolis HS, Noble GR, Kendal AP, Ritter DG. An outbreak of influenza aboard a commercial airliner. Am J Epidemiol 1979;110:1–6. 31. American Public Health Association. Chin, James (Ed.). Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 17th ed. Baltimore: United Book Press Co; 2000:271. 32. Centers for Disease Control. Management of patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever. MMWR 1988;37:1–15. 33. Slater PE. An outbreak of measles associated with a New York/Tel Aviv flight. Travel Med Int 1995;13:92–95.

M.R. Withers et al. 34. Hagelsten JO, Jessen K. Air-transport, a main cause of smallpox epidemics today. Aerosp Med 1973;44:772–774. 35. Fenner F, Henderson DA, Arita I, Jezek Z, Ladnyi ID. Smallpox and its Eradication. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1988: 1074. 36. Centers for Disease Control. Smallpox— Stockholm. MMWR 1963;12:174–176, 183, 268. 37. Garrett L. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1994:90–94. 38. Fisher-Hoch SP, Price ME, Craven RB, et al. Safe intensive-care management of a severe case of Lassa fever with simple barrier nursing techniques. Lancet 1985;2:1227–1229. 39. Cooper CB, Gransden WR, Webster M, King M, O’Mahony M, Young S, Banatvala JE. A case of Lassa fever: Experience at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Br Med J 1982;2:1003–1005. 40. Troup JM, White HA, Fom AL, Carey DE. An outbreak of Lassa fever on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, in January–February, 1970. A preliminary report. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1970;19: 695. 41. Woodruff AW, Monath TP, Mahmoud AA, Pain AK, Morris CA. Lassa fever in Britain: An imported case. Br Med J 1973;3:616. 42. World Health Organization (WHO). Lassa fever. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 1975;50:27. 43. Pate JR. Follow-up on Lassa fever, Washington, DC. MMWR 1976;25:68. 44. Schlaeffer F, Bar-Lavie Y, Sikuler E, Alkan M, Keynan A. Evidence against high contagiousness of Lassa fever. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 1988;82:311. 45. Hotton JM, et al. Aeromedical evacuation of patients with Lassa fever. Aviat Space Environ Med 1991;62:909–910. 46. World Health Organization. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers: Report of the WHO Expert Committee. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1985. WHO Technical Report 721. 47. Flight Manual, USAF Series C-130H Aircraft (TO 1C-130H-1). Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1996:4–17. 48. Centers for Disease Control. Update: Management of patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever—United States. MMWR 1995;44: 475–479. 49. Hill EE, McKee KT. Isolation and biocontainment of patients with highly hazardous infectious diseases. J US Army Med Dept 1991;PB 8-91-1/2:10-4.

11. Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections 50. Wilson KE, Driscoll DM. Mobile highcontainment isolation: A unique patient care modality. Am J Infect Control 1987;15:120–124. 51. Christopher GW, Eitzen EM, Jr. Air evacuation under high level biosafety containment: The Aeromedical Isolation Team. Emerg Infect Dis 1999;5:241–246. 52. Clausen L, Bothwell TH, Isaacson M, et al. Isolation and handling of patients with dangerous infectious disease. South Afr Med J 1978;53: 238–242. 53. Clayton AJ. Containment aircraft transit isolator. Aviat Space Environ Med 1979;50:1067–1072. 54. Human Systems Center (Brooks AFB, Tex), Products and Progress. http://www.brooks.af. mil/hsc/ya/yac/aerp.htm. 55. Flight Manual, USAF Series C-9A Aircraft (TO 1C9-A-1). Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1997:1-346–1-348. 56. Merwin CA. US Air Force patient airlift: From balloons to high-speed jets. J Air Med Trans 1990;19:18–25. 57. Coates JB. Internal Medicine in World War II. vol II. Infectious Diseases. Washington, DC: Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army; 1963:342, 378–381.


58. Reed K (Battelle Corp). Draft of United States Air Force Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for Management of Biological Warfare Casualties. Unpublished 2nd draft. 1997. 59. Perin M. Transportation in commercial aircraft of passengers having contagious diseases. Aviat Space Environ Med 1976;47:1109–1113. 60. Wills C. Yellow fever, black goddess: The coevolution of people and plagues. Reading, Mass: Helix Books, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co; 1996:13–14. 61. Centers for Disease Control. Detection of notifiable diseases through surveillance for imported plague—New York, September–October 1994. MMWR 1994;43:805–807. 62. World Health Assembly. International Health Regulations (IHR). 22nd WHA. 1969, 1983 (3rd annotated ed), 1992 (updated reprint). 63. Provisional Draft of the Revised International Health Regulations. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1995. 64. Department of the Air Force. Quarantine Regulations of the Armed Forces. Departments of the Navy, Army, and the Air Force. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1992. AFR 161–4.

12 In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations R.T. Ross and M. Gage Ochsner, Jr.

The goal of aeromedical evacuation (AE) is the safe, efficient transport of all patients while maintaining adequate medical care with frequent reassessment. AE is often complicated and logistically demanding, requiring meticulous preplanning and flawless execution by a cohesive team composed of individuals with diverse skills. The need for AE was first recognized by military commanders who desired the rapid evacuation of seriously injured troops directly from the battlefield to skilled treatment facilities. Later, civilian hospitals adopted this military practice and developed a model of peacetime AE. The means by which AE is accomplished involves calculated risk because human flight is inherently dangerous. The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the reader with common in-flight emergency situations, highlight clinical clues that facilitate rapid diagnosis using the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) primary survey as a model, and outline treatment options.

Definition An in-flight emergency can be defined as any urgent condition or change in an existing condition that, during the course of aerial transportation, requires immediate evaluation and definitive intervention. Most of these emergencies are respiratory or circulatory in nature and can occur with little, if any, warning. Vigilant reevaluation of patients is crucial so that lifethreatening changes in the patient’s condition can be recognized early and managed promptly.


Given a preliminary patient status report and a brief description of the mechanism of injury, astute aeromedical caregivers should be able to predict injury patterns and anticipate potential problems.

AE Environment Caring for a patient in a moving aircraft is a complex challenge that requires a combination of resourceful evaluation and good tactile skills. Distractions, limited resources, and flight safety operational issues all impact the receipt, evaluation, transport, reassessment, and disembarkation of AE patients. Preflight preparation, communication, and teamwork are imperative for the safe and efficacious transport of seriously injured or ill patients. Medical personnel must anticipate the unique AE environment to minimize their influence upon the diagnosis and treatment of in-flight emergencies.

Stress Factors There are numerous stress factors during AE. The gravitational forces associated with takeoff, changing direction, and landing can alter equilibrium and affect blood flow. Air turbulence may induce motion sickness in both caregivers and patients. Reduced cabin pressure, common during most fixed-wing and some rotary-wing AE, promotes hypoxia and causes trapped gases to expand, sometimes painfully. In many aircraft, the cabin temperature may decrease because of the drop in ambient

12. In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations

temperature associated with altitude (approximately 2°C per 1000 ft). Aircraft noise and vibration can impede evaluation and communication, promote nausea and vertigo, and cause temporary and permanent hearing loss. Similarly, noise and vibration mildly stimulate the cardiovascular system. All of these factors lead to fatigue for both the aeromedical crew and patients.

Limitations Restriction in cabin space and the standard safety practice of restraining personnel and equipment makes moving around the aircraft interior awkward, especially during emergency situations. Because aeromedical equipment must be light, durable, and field-hardened, it often sacrifices precision for ease of application and ruggedness. Although usually easy to use, the equipment itself is on occasion inaccurate and prone to malfunction.

Safety Flight safety remains an important additional duty of the aeromedical crew. Caregivers must constantly maintain situational awareness and communicate significant patient care events (eg, defibrillation) to the aircraft commander. Conversely, the pilot must inform the aeromedical crew of weather issues, aircraft emergencies, and changes in the flight plan that could impact the ease, type, or duration of in-flight medical care. Unsafe practices adversely affect the mission and jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of both the crew and patients.


transport is from site of injury to medical facility or in between medical facilities.

Primary Survey Seriously ill or injured patients must be monitored and re-evaluated in a timely, standardized fashion. The primary survey, as outlined in the ATLS Program for Physicians, serves as a template for a logical, sequential approach to patient assessment and surveillance.1 This primary survey quickly identifies, prioritizes, and simultaneously treats all life-threatening issues (Table 12.1). The primary survey algorithm is universal and can be applied to all patient types and event scenarios. Patient care priorities remain constant whether the patient is civilian or military, trauma or medical, pediatric or adult, or pregnant. However, the differences in injury patterns and physiological status should always be taken into account. For example, military patients tend to be younger and in general healthier than the “at large” population. Elderly patients may have significant comorbid medical conditions that necessitate a more aggressive approach. Pregnancy is associated with marked anatomic and physiological changes that require early and aggressive resuscitation of the pregnant patient with parallel monitoring of the fetus. Despite these special considerations, the primary survey is the cornerstone for all patient evaluations that makes possible the rapid categorization and prioritization of lifethreatening emergencies.

Airway The first priority of medical management during AE involves maintaining or securing the

In-Flight Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis and treatment of AE emergencies must be simultaneous rather than sequential because most such emergencies will require prompt definitive intervention to avoid catastrophe. The following simple, time-proven protocols can be applied in any situation, whether the patient is a trauma or medical casualty. These protocols are applicable whether the

Table 12.1. Primary survey of Advance Trauma Life Support. A B C D E

Airway control with cervical spine immobilization Breathing and ventilation Circulation with hemorrhage control Disability and neurological status Exposure/environment

Source: Adapted from American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.1


airway while protecting the cervical spine. If the patient can speak, the airway is not immediately endangered but frequent reassessment is wise. If there is any question of an adequate airway, the first step is to inspect the oropharynx for potential obstructions and remove any secretions, loose teeth, dentures, or other foreign bodies. The second step in securing an airway is to reposition the head. The chin lift, head tilt, and jaw thrust can serve as temporizing measures until a definitive airway is secured. However, in a trauma patient extreme care must be used to avoid any maneuver that applies force to the cervical spine, such as hyperextension, hyperflexion, or rotation of the neck, as this may result in iatrogenic spinal cord injury. Patients who have suffered multisystem trauma, especially involving the head, should be assumed to have cervical spine injuries. Even after thorough medical evaluation has ruled out such injuries (ie, a “cleared neck”), high-risk patients should wear a rigid cervical collar during transfer for in-line cervical spine immobilization. Signs and Symptoms of Airway Compromise A few patients will present with apnea as the first sign of airway compromise but, more commonly, the first signs will be subtle. Therefore, caregivers must keep alert with patients at risk for developing airway problems. Semiconscious and unconscious patients are at the highest risk and may suddenly lose their airways at any time. Narcotic analgesia may alter consciousness and thus increase the risk of airway compromise, especially for patients with multisystem trauma. Burn patients, in particular those with facial burns or whose injuries occurred in closed spaces, are especially susceptible to a compromised airway secondary to oropharyngeal edema. Treatment Options The first step is always positioning (as described above), followed by placement of an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway to optimize airway patency. If this is not sufficient, a decision should be made to secure an airway in the most appropriate manner. The esophageal obturator, once commonly employed as an

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airway option among emergency care personnel, is rarely used today. Instead, endotracheal intubation is the treatment of choice for airway compromise, and all medical personnel should be thoroughly trained in its indications and implementation. Intubation. Intubation can be either nasotracheal or orotracheal. Nasotracheal intubation can be used in nonapneic patients without nasofacial trauma, but should not be used for more than 3 days. Orotracheal intubation under direct visualization with a laryngoscope remains the gold standard of securing an airway. This method is safe and effective although it may be difficult in some patients, such as those with laryngeotracheal trauma. Regardless of the method used, all intubations must be performed while maintaining cervical spine immobilization and ideally using the three-person technique. Specifically, one person maintains in-line cervical spine immobilization, one maintains cricoid pressure (ie, “Selinger maneuver”) to prevent aspiration of gastric contents, and the final person intubates the patient. Cricothyroidotomy. Patients with maxillofacial trauma may be difficult to intubate and medical personnel should be ready to employ alternative methods of managing the airway. Needle or surgical cricothyroidotomy may be necessary, although these modalities are considered last or emergent use only and require a thorough knowledge of neck anatomy. Needle cricothyroidotomy is performed by identifying the anterior cricothyroid membrane between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages (Fig 12.1), immobilizing it with the thumb and finger, and inserting a 12- or 14-gauge over-the-needle catheter through the membrane at a 45° angle caudal. The needle is removed and high-flow oxygen administered through the catheter. A small hole in the tubing will allow intermittent ventilation: Occluding the hole for 1 second (usually with the thumb) results in lung insufflation with oxygen and leaving the hole open for 4 seconds allows for expiration. A more definitive method of securing an airway is surgical cricothyroidotomy. It is accomplished by placing a vertical incision directly over the cricothyroid membrane,

12. In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations


Figure 12.1. Relevant anatomy of cricothyroid membrane.

inserting the scalpel handle through the incision to dilate the intended airway, and placing an appropriately sized endotracheal or tracheostomy tube in the trachea. This technique requires specialized equipment and training. Laryngeal Mask. The laryngeal mask is an alternative method of maintaining a secure airway that is gaining popularity (Fig 12.2). Originally designed exclusively for surgical anesthesia, it is now considered an excellent alternative when direct endotracheal intubation is not possible.2 Easy and simple to insert, it can be applied blindly with ease in only a few seconds. However, it is not considered a primary or first-line technique at this time. Adjuncts for Maintaining a Secure Airway There are several important adjuncts for maintaining a secure airway in an emergency situation. The first is the use of paralytics for intubation, which should be considered during rapid-sequence induction in the conscious or semiconscious patient. Shorter-acting paralytic agents, such as succinylcholine, are preferred

because they allow for earlier re-evaluation of the patient’s neurological status after intubation. The use of amnestic sedation is also recommended in these patients. Other important adjuncts are adequate suction and gastric decompression with a nasogastric or orogastric tube. Restraints should be available and used when deemed appropriate. Finally, all intubated patients should be monitored with end-tidal carbon dioxide devices if the devices are available because the absence of exhaled carbon dioxide implies inadvertent esophageal intubation or loss of a previously secured airway.

Breathing The second priority of medical management during AE is adequate ventilation. Supplemental oxygen (O2) should be administered during AE for any patient at risk of hypoxia. Methods for delivering O2 include nasal cannula, nonre–breathing mask, bag–valve–mask, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and mechanical ventilation. If hypoxia persists despite O2 administration and a secured airway, other causes need to be discovered and treated.


R.T. Ross and M.G. Ochsner, Jr. Figure airway.

Etiology of Ventilation Problems Ventilation problems are in general categorized as either mechanical or neurological. Mechanical problems include airway obstruction or anything that restricts normal chest wall and lung movement. A partially or completely obstructed airway restricts or prevents adequate ventilation. The pain associated with chest trauma (eg, rib fractures and flail chest segments) results in shallow breathing that impairs the bellows action of the thorax. Anything that increases intra-abdominal pressure can impede diaphragmatic excursion. Any condition that results in intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal bleeding may hinder ventilation, as can pneumatic antishock garments. When the latter is suspected, the device should be deflated to determine if this improves ventilation. Intrathoracic processes, such as simple pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, and hemothorax, can seriously decrease ventilation by occupying intrapleural space and thus reducing vital lung capacity. This can be especially deleterious for patients with suboptimal pulmonary reserve prior to an injury, such as those with chronic obstructive or restrictive pulmonary disease. Neurological problems that can lead to inadequate ventilation can be classified as either central or peripheral. Central neurological problems include intracranial injuries, which can suppress central respiratory drive, and spinal cord injuries, which can decrease either the intercostal or diaphragmatic contributions to respiration. An underappreciated central cause is the inappropriate use of analgesia,

12.2. Laryngeal


sedation, or paralytics. Peripheral neurological problems are less common and include isolated injuries to the nerves that supply the intercostal or diaphragmatic muscles. In-Flight Emergencies Regular re-evaluation to verify adequacy of ventilation is important during AE. In a noisy aircraft, observation of the symmetrical rise and fall of the chest is a more reliable indicator of adequate ventilation than is auscultation. Tachypnea or labored respiration may be the earliest signs of hypoxia. Clinical observation, the cornerstone of ventilatory surveillance, can be optimized by the use of technological monitoring devices, when available. In high-risk patients, pulse oximetry and endtidal carbon dioxide devices should be used to allow early detection of ventilation problems. Normal pulse oximetry assures peripheral oxygenation, but this monitoring device is of little use for patients with suboptimal peripheral perfusion and gives many false alarms. When the patient is intubated, the gold standard is the end-tidal carbon dioxide monitor because it will quickly and accurately alert medical personnel to inadvertent esophageal intubation or loss of a previously secured airway. Medical Conditions. Any patient with chronic pulmonary disease should be monitored carefully throughout flight for signs of pulmonary compromise. All such patients should receive supplemental O2 during AE, although this should be given cautiously in patents with chronic obstructive lung disease because hypoxia may be their only respiratory drive. Status

12. In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations Table 12.2. Emergency asthmaticus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




Ensure adequate humidified O2 Inhaled beta-2 adrenergic agents IV corticosteroids Optimize theophylline Consider anticholinergic agents Consider endotracheal intubation

Source: Adapted from Nowak and Tokarski.3

asthmaticus, a true emergency, should be treated aggressively with epinephrine, inhaled beta-agonists, corticosteroids, and antihistamines (Table 12.2).3 Acute respiratory decompensation with most other chronic medical conditions will usually require emergency intubation, as described above. Pneumothorax. The most important potential respiratory complication for trauma patients is tension pneumothorax. On the ground, this condition evolves from a simple pneumothorax when air entering the pleural space through a defect in the lung or chest wall on inspiration is unable to escape. The resultant increasing intrathoracic pressure inhibits pulmonary perfusion, venous return to the right side of the heart, and eventually tracheal airflow. During

Figure 12.3. Needle decompression of tension pneumothorax.


flight a simple pneumothorax may develop into a tension pneumothorax as a result of expansion of the trapped air associate with decreased cabin pressure. For this reason, a thoracostomy tube should be placed prior to flight in any patients with known or suspected pneumothoraces and should be considered for any intubated patient with documented rib fractures. Clinical clues associated with the development of a tension pneumothorax include dyspnea, ipsilateral absence of breath sounds (this will be difficult to detect in-flight), tracheal deviation, jugular venous distension, tachycardia, and hypotension. Immediate decompression of a tension pneumothorax can be lifesaving and is accomplished by inserting a large-bore needle into the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line (Fig 12.3). The simple pneumothorax that remains should be treated with a thoracostomy tube. Another related condition is the open pneumothorax, where a defect in the chest wall allows air to enter the pleural space. Lack of a relative vacuum in the pleural space allows the lung to collapse, resulting in ineffectual ventilation with loss of functional residual capacity and ultimately hypoventilation and hypoxia. The open pneumothorax is treated with a


sterile, occlusive dressing applied over the open wound, but secured only on three sides so that accumulated air can escape via a Heimlich flap valve. It is critical that caregivers monitor respiration closely because an open pneumothorax can quickly evolve into a tension pneumothorax. Flail Chest. Another trauma-related respiratory emergency is a flail chest segment, resulting from multiple fractures of contiguous ribs at two or more sites on each rib. This results in severe pain, loss of thoracic cage stability, and paradoxical respiratory motion of the chest wall. A concomitant pulmonary contusion can further exacerbate the resulting respiratory insufficiency. Initial therapy includes supplemental humidified O2 and judicious application of intravenous (IV) fluids. These patients are at high risk of worsening respiratory insufficiency during AE and preparations should be made for emergency intubation and mechanical ventilation, if required. Hemothorax. A life-threatening hemothorax results when 1500 mL or more of blood rapidly accumulates in the hemithorax. Patients with catastrophic intrathoracic vascular injury (eg, penetrating or blunt injuries to the great vessels or pulmonary hilar vessels) are unlikely to present during AE because these are quickly fatal. However, several types of patients, including postoperative patients, those with unrecognized injuries to the internal mammary or intercostal vessels, or those with lung parenchymal lacerations, may develop a massive hemothorax during flight. The signs and symptoms associated with this injury include dyspnea, ipsilateral dullness to percussion, decreased breath sounds, and shock. General management includes immediate fluid resuscitation and placement of a thoracostomy tube. However, appropriate management of massive hemothorax is difficult, especially during AE. Continued drainage by thoracostomy tube may result in exsaguination. Alternatively, clamping the thoracostomy tube may result in tension hemothorax. Any time 1000 ml of blood is rapidly evacuated via thoracostomy tube, brief or intermittent clamping of the chest tube may help tamponade the bleeding until thoracotomy can be performed.

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Circulation The third priority of medical management during AE is to maintain adequate circulation by stopping hemorrhage, establishing adequate intravenous access, and instituting aggressive fluid resuscitation, if required. As with other life-threatening, in-flight emergencies, circulatory problems must be diagnosed quickly and treated immediately. Shock Shock is defined as hypotension associated with decreased tissue perfusion, cellular hypoxia, and metabolic acidosis. At the cellular level, inadequate oxygenation causes a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism and results in lactic acidosis. Cellular swelling results from massive fluid shift from the intravascular to the intracellular space. Hypovolemia secondary to acute blood loss is quickly exacerbated by this secondary compensatory fluid shift. Hemorrhagic Shock. The most common cause of shock is hypovolemia secondary to acute hemorrhage. Any trauma patient who has tachycardia and signs of peripheral vasoconstriction should be presumed to have hemorrhagic shock. The key management principle of shock is prompt recognition and stopping any ongoing hemorrhage. External hemorrhage resulting from soft-tissue laceration, amputation, or open fracture is usually obvious and should be treated with direct pressure, splints, and tourniquets, as required. Internal hemorrhage can occur into the thoracic cavity, peritoneal compartment, or retroperitoneal space and may be occult. If unrecognized, the initial signs of tachycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction can quickly progress to shock. Basic management involves rapid administration of isotonic IV fluids. However, the massive amounts of fluid given to patients in the past may not be appropriate.4 The recent literature suggests that normalization of systemic blood pressure for patients with internal hemorrhage may negate the natural protective mechanism of relative hypotension. If the length of time between recognition of shock and landing at an airport where the patient can be taken to a hospital is great, then consid-

12. In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations

eration should be given to minimizing fluid resuscitation. Cardiogenic Shock. Cardiogenic shock is a nonhypovolemic state in which hypoperfusion is caused by reduced cardiac output. Common causes are myocardial infarction or dysrrhymia, cardiac tamponade, blunt cardiac trauma, tension pneumothorax, or massive pulmonary embolus. Signs of tamponade include “Beck’s triad” of muffled heart tones, hypotension with tachycardia, and jugular venous distension. Pulsus paradoxus (“Kussmaul’s sign”) is a more reliable sign for patients who are hypotensive. Chest pain, dysrrhythmias, and myocardial infarction should be promptly treated using Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocols. If the patient’s hemodynamic status does not improve after routine resuscitation, cardiac tamponade should be assumed and immediate pericardiocentesis performed. A long 16- or 18-gauge needle should be directed percutaneously toward the ipsilateral tip of the scapula. Aspiration of as little as 15 to 20 mL of fluid will immediately improve cardiac output. If pericardiocentesis is successful, the patient should be transferred to a medical facility as soon as possible for creation of a pericardial window and possible thoracotomy. Neurogenic Shock. Neurogenic shock is also nonhypovolemic in nature. Any head or spinal cord injury may diminish systemic vasomotor responses. Peripheral vasodilatation results in venous pooling of blood and hypotension. Decreased cardiac sympathetic innervation prevents a compensatory tachycardia. Aggressive fluid resuscitation is ineffective and may lead to fluid overload with pulmonary edema. Once hypovolemia is excluded, neurogenic shock can be carefully treated with vasopressors. Atropine may be effective in alleviating bradycardia. Adrenergic compounds such as the alpha-agonist phenylephrine and the combined alpha/beta-agonist norepinephrine may play a role in the treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries. Septic and Anaphylactic Shock. Shock related to massive infection is similar to the shock related to anaphylaxis, and thus they will be


considered together. Neither of these types of shock are associated with acute trauma, but both can develop subsequent to trauma or resuscitation. Septic shock may result from infection after a grossly contaminated injury related to combat. Anaphylaxis can result from transfusion of blood products, especially if it has not been correctly cross-matched. In-flight treatment consists of stopping the infusing blood products, administering oxygen, aggressive fluid resuscitation, and a beta-2 adrenergic agent to relieve bronchospasm. If sepsis is suspected, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be started if not already in use. IV Therapy Venous access is crucial during the transport of patients, and large-bore (14-gauge) IV catheters should be readily available at all times. In high-risk patients, one or two IV lines should be established in the forearm or antecubital veins prior to transport. If this access is not possible, central venous access should be placed in these patients. Medical personnel must be adept at quickly obtaining peripheral venous access in a noisy, unstable, and cramped environment. If the patient is in shock, placement of a large-bore device into a femoral vein may be required. In children less than 6 years of age, IV fluids can be quickly and reliably given in an emergency situation by placing an intraosseous needle through the anteriomedial surface of the proximal tibia. Isotonic Solutions. Isotonic crystalloid solutions, such as lactated Ringer’s solution or normal saline, are standard fluid therapy for inflight emergencies. The use of lactated Ringer’s solution is slightly preferred if large volumes are required as it more physiologically approximates human plasma, If large amounts of normal saline are given, the patient must be evaluated for possible hypernatremia and hyperchloremia and acidosis. Colloids such as hetastarch and dextran are less commonly used because they have not been shown to improve patient outcome when compared with crystalloid infusion. Dextrose should never be used for fluid resuscitation as it promotes osmotic diuresis.


Blood Products. The administration of blood products, in particular packed red blood cells, is important for the treatment of hemorrhagic shock. However, before hypovolemic adults receive blood products, the clinical response to a 2-L challenge of crystalloid fluid should be evaluated. Hypovolemic children should receive two 20-mL/kg challenges of crystalloid solution, after which an infusion of 40 mL/kg of packed red blood cells should be given if necessary. When time and facilities permit, cross-matched blood should be used. In lifethreatening emergencies, type-specific or type O Rh-negative blood may be required. Treatment of Coagulopathies Massive IV transfusions can result in dilutional coagulopathy. Delayed coagulopathies are uncommon during the first posttrauma hour, but it unfortunately becomes an issue several hours later.5,6 Warming the fluid may decrease this risk by minimizing hypothermia, whether crystalloids or blood products are given. Treatment consists of transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, and platelets. Cardiac Defibrillation A portable defibrillator should be present and ready for use at all times. Paddles are not commonly used for defibrillation in an aircraft because of the increased risk of accidental shock to a caregiver secondary to the cramped quarters and unexpected movements common in aircraft. Instead, “hands-off” defibrillation is recommended using an external cable and adhesive gel pads. ACLS protocols remain the standard approach.

Disability “Disability” refers to the patient’s neurological status. Patients with neurological injuries need to maintain optimal cardiopulmonary status to limit secondary neurological insult. Adequate supplemental oxygenation will also promote adequate cerebral oxygenation. Mild hyperventilation may be used during AE to reduce intracranial blood volume, limit intracranial acidosis, and increase cerebral metabolism. Finally, overhydration should be avoided because it may exacerbate cerebral edema.

R.T. Ross and M.G. Ochsner, Jr.

During AE, neurological casualties must be closely monitored for potentially rapid deterioration. Clinical clues may include the development of unilateral or bilateral mydriasis, progression or development of lateralized neurological signs, unusual breathing, vomiting, combativeness, lethargy, increased confusion, or decreasing level of consciousness as determined by the Glasgow Coma Scale. Unfortunately, little more than supportive care can be done in-flight. Diversion to an appropriate medical facility may be required for the new onset of significant symptoms.

Exposure/Environment The final step of the ATLS primary survey has a duel meaning. “Exposure” is a reminder that whenever a patient’s condition worsens it is important to examine the patient thoroughly for potential sources of hemorrhage, as well as other injuries that may have been missed in a field medical facility. “Environment” refers to factors in the patient’s environment that may adversely affect his or her health. Keeping the patient warm is especially important in large AE aircraft, which may have significant swings in cabin temperature during flight. In hot climates, hyperthermia may on occasion be a concern, in particular during evacuation of combat casualties. However, hypothermia is probably more common in trauma casualties, even in combat situations.

Conclusions The flight environment places unique stresses on both patients and aeromedical personnel. Meticulous and periodic reassessment of patients and anticipation of potential problems is required for safe AE. Early recognition and treatment of complications that occur during AE requires well-trained aeromedical personnel and appropriate resources.

References 1. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Advanced Trauma Life Support Student Course Manual. 1997:26–30.

12. In-Flight Emergencies: Capabilities and Limitations 2. Martin SE, Ochsner MG, Jarman RH, Agudelo WE. Laryngeal mask airway in air transport when intubation fails. J Trauma 1997;42:333–336. 3. Nowak RM, Tokarski GF. Adult acute asthma. In: Rosen P, Barkin RM, eds. Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1992:1066–1093. 4. Mattox KL, Hirshberg A, Wall M. Alternative approaches to resuscitation. In: lvatury RR, Cayton CG, eds. The Textbook of Penetrating


Trauma. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1996: 195–206. 5. Knudson MM. Coagulation disorders. In: Ivatury RR, Cayton CG, eds. The Textbook of Penetrating Trauma. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1996: 1016–1022. 6. Rutledge R, Sheldon GF. Bleeding and coagulation problems. In: Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Mattox KL, eds. Trauma. Stamford, Conn: Appleton & Lange; 1996:1059–1080.

Part 3 The Patients

13 General Surgical Casualties: Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries J.D. Polk, Charles J. Yowler, and William F. Fallon, Jr.

Timing is critical in the treatment sequence of both battlefield and civilian casualties.1 In both cases, rapid medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) from the site of injury to a medical facility has revolutionized trauma care. Likewise, aeromedical evacuation (AE) used for the transportation of casualties over long distances to access more sophisticated treatment has benefited the trauma casualty. AE is often employed for surgical casualties with apparently similar wounds but potentially different needs. During AE, the type of injury, mode of transportation, and duration of the process will influence treatment status and needs. The focus of this chapter will be on AE considerations for casualties with abdominal, urogenital, and soft-tissue trauma and how they are managed, either surgically or nonsurgically. The history of these injuries will be followed by a discussion of the most common general surgical injuries to intra-abdominal and urogenital organs. Safe AE depends on an understanding of the injury, its treatment, and the distinctive complications that may occur.

Abdominal Trauma Care Historical Perspective During the Revolutionary War, the mortality rate for victims with abdominal trauma was quite high.2 Far more patients died from complications and sepsis than did from the actual penetrating abdominal trauma itself.3–6 Conservative management of penetrating trauma

prevailed because the mortality rate of patients undergoing laparotomy was approximately 75% to 85%. Fortunately, military medicine and surgery continued to improve. During World War I, the mortality rate for penetrating abdominal wounds dropped to approximately 50%.7,8 This has been attributed to the development of new and more reliable surgical techniques for performing laparotomy at frontline surgical facilities. This rate decreased to 25% in World War II with the advent of antibiotic therapy and the development of more capable forward surgical facilities. By the Korean conflict, the mortality rate for penetrating abdominal wounds had dropped to >12%. Although this was due in part to surgical advances and improved antibiotic therapy, the single greatest advance was the helicopter. This new form of casualty transportation, which saw limited use at the end of World War II, was used extensively during the Korean conflict for the rapid MEDEVAC of battlefield casualties to forward mobile army surgical hospitals. The Vietnam War saw even faster and more aggressive MEDEVAC of casualties from the battlefield, together with the first jet aircraft use in AE. As a result of this aggressive MEDEVAC and AE, the mortality rate for penetrating abdominal trauma has continued to decline to the present-day rate of 3%. In the past, abdominal wounds encountered on the battlefield and those seen in the civilian sector were distinctively different. However, there has been substantial blurring of these differences, as pointed out by Norman Rich in his Hume Memorial Lecture in 1993.2



High-velocity weapons are becoming more common in the street violence that plagues society today. Automatic weapons and explosives, whose use was once limited to acts of political terrorism, are now in use by common criminals and disturbed children. Suddenly, civilian trauma surgeons find themselves in “urban battlefields” applying lessons that have been learned from centuries of battlefield medicine. Compared to his military counterpart, the civilian trauma surgeon is at a disadvantage of having patients that may be aged or very young, in addition to young healthy adults.

Damage Control Surgery The evolution of the modern trauma center has allowed patients to be cared for in a concise and rapid fashion, but many of these patients must be transported over long distances to access this definitive care. Thus, both MEDEVAC and AE have established permanent roles in the modern approach to surgical casualties. A relatively new concept, termed “damage control surgery,” has taken on a particularly important role in both the initial treatment and AE of patients with abdominal trauma. Damage control surgery is essentially taking an unstable patient to the operating room with the sole purpose of providing hemostasis and drainage. This minimal but effective treatment of major injuries is used either to buy time until the patient can tolerate a prolonged surgical repair or transport the patient to a trauma center. Decisions to subject these stabilized patients to the potentially fatal stresses of longdistance AE must be made on a case-by-case basis (Table 13.1). Table 13.1. Contraindications of elective AE. Patient in arrest or excessive shock state requiring aggressive vasopressors, bolus antiarrhythmics, or continued electrical therapy Hemodynamic instability in a trauma patient unresponsive to traditional fluid resuscitation Hypoxia with inadequate oxygenation or hypercarbia at sea level or inability to adequately oxygenate with portable devices Inadequate resources or materials available to care for the patient in the event of an emergency or change in flight plan

J.D. Polk, C.J. Yowler, and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

Unlike traditional definitive surgery, where reoperation is performed only for complications, damage control surgery is limited such that reoperation is a planned event for definitive repair at a later time. Damage control surgery is most often used for hemorrhage control of wounds associated with organ injury. This has created obvious new challenges for AE, as “stabilized” patients are transported after damage control surgery to a larger tertiary-care hospital thousands of miles away for the definitive repair (eg, Operation Just Cause in Panama). Maintaining and caring for stabilized patients in the dynamic AE environment requires a firm grasp of aerospace physiology, surgical anatomy, and the types of complications that may occur in these patients. In an effort to increase the knowledge base of surgical priorities for abdominal trauma, we will review several important aspects unique to these patients.

Surgical Approach Surgical exposure is of paramount importance for abdomen exploration after traumatic injury. Adequate exposure of the abdomen allows the surgeon to determine which injury will take precedence and allows for better control of vascular and solid-organ hemorrhage. This is best accomplished with a midline abdominal incision that extends from the xyphoid to the pubic symphysis (Fig 13.1). Interestingly, this technique has remained relatively unchanged since the turn of the century, when George W. Crile, a pioneer in trauma surgery, determined this to be the incision of choice.8 The next step is careful exploration of the abdomen. Just as a pilot requires a routine for systematically checking the aircraft’s instruments, the surgeon also needs a systematic approach for exploring the abdomen. A reproducible, if not habitual, approach that explores the entire abdominal cavity will help minimize the risk for missed injuries.

Hollow-Organ Injuries and AE Hollow-organ injuries are of particular importance to the aeromedical crew. Because of the

13. Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries


during or immediately after surgery. Both the surgical and aeromedical teams must be vigilant in the use of drainage devices in postoperative abdominal trauma patients.

Specific Injuries Upper Gastrointestinal Injuries Gastric Injuries

Figure 13.1. Midline abdominal incision for abdominal exploration after traumatic injury. The incision should extend from the xyphoid to the pubic symphysis, and can be extended laterally at the apex, if necessary (used with permission from Blaisdell FW, Trunkey PD, eds. Abdominal Trauma. New York: Theime-Stratton; 1982).

expansion of air that occurs at altitude, the injured gut is in particular vulnerable to complications due to AE. Expansion of trapped gas from a paralytic ileus or repaired gut can cause considerable pain or rupture of surgical anastamosis or retention sutures. Altitude-associated decreases in pressure cause patients with gas trapped in hollow organs to potentially experience problems in unpressurized aircraft at altitudes above 5000 ft. This is important because even pressurized aircraft allow the cabin pressure to decrease to the equivalent of 8000 ft altitude. Unquestionably, gas expansion is a concern for postoperative patients during AE. Because of gas expansion during flight, adequate drainage of both air and intestinal contents must be assured before, during, and after AE. It is extremely important that patients requiring AE have a nasogastric tube in place

Injury of the stomach, although rare in blunt trauma, is relatively common in penetrating trauma (especially in knife wounds from righthanded assailants). During surgery, the finding of an anterior wall laceration is an indication to carefully examine the posterior wall for perforations as well. The laceration should be closed using two layers of interlocking sutures rather than a purse-string suture because the latter is not effective in controlling gastric wall bleeding. Asymmetrical tears should be converted to a linear closure. More extensive trauma to the stomach requiring gastric resection or vagotomy may require a reanastomosis procedure, such as a gastrojejunostomy or gastroduodenostomy.9–12 It is important to determine if there has been spillage of gastric contents. A simple gastric laceration without spillage requires minimal lavage and no subsequent drainage. When a gastric injury is associated with spillage of gastric contents into the peritoneal cavity, closure should be followed by copious lavage of the peritoneal cavity to avoid abscess formation, with special attention to the lesser sac. In addition, postoperative drains are usually required. Duodenal Injuries Whenever a blunt or penetrating injury of the upper abdomen occurs, duodenal injury should be considered. In the civilian venue, seat belt injuries are common causes of a duodenal injury, which is usually seen in conjunction with other organ injuries, including the pancreas, gastric, hepatic, or biliary system. During laparotomy, the duodenum should be mobilized using the Kocher maneuver to allow adequate examination of both the anterior and posterior duodenum and the adjacent organs.13–17


A retroperitoneal hematoma or bile-stained tissues should prompt an extensive search for pancreaticoduodenal injury. Small penetrating injuries of the duodenum are closed in a simple two-layer fashion. The wound edges are debrided and all other surrounding structures are evaluated. A serosal patching for significant duodenal defects should be used only for damage control surgery, as a temporizing measure until the patient can be taken to more definitive surgery. More extensive surgery (eg, pancreaticoduodenectomy or Roux-en-Y anastamosis) is used as last resort for extensive damage to the duodenum, pancreas, and surrounding structures. Small-Bowel Injuries Small-bowel injury is almost always due to penetrating trauma, although blunt trauma can result in small-bowel injury at a point of relative fixation, such as the proximal jejunum. During exploratory laparotomy, the entire length of the small bowel should be inspected to rule out perforation or hematoma. The ligament of Treitz should be taken down to carefully evaluate each segment of the mesentery and its associated vessels. Injuries from knife wounds usually have clean edges and require much less debridement than high-velocity projectile wounds. Bowel resection is required for areas that are crushed, avulsed, ischemic, or torn. Drainage may be required for hematomas or contusions associated with blunt abdominal trauma.

Implications for AE After damage control surgery, rather than using the standard layered abdominal closure, thought should be given to using a mass closure technique with retention sutures. This will allow for peritoneal expansion and will also allow the receiving surgeon to reinspect the bowel for vascular integrity if the mesentery has been involved. Placing a nasogastric tube for drainage is absolutely necessary when transporting patients with gastrointestinal injuries by AE to avoid the pain and danger of breaking down of a repair because of overdilatation of expanding gas at altitude. The nasogastric tube should be

J.D. Polk, C.J. Yowler, and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

connected to low intermittent suction throughout the flight. Prolonged transports should be avoided in “stabilized” patients, who are at increased risk of lactic acidosis from ongoing bleeding or subacute hemorrhage. The aeromedical crew may have blood and lactated Ringer’s solution, but usually will not have platelets and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) if disseminated intravascular coagulopathy occurs as a result of the acidosis. If possible, acid/base balance should be monitored at 4-hour intervals during transport and more frequently in patients who have undergone damage control surgery. The aeromedical crew will need to keep a close eye on patients who have had mesenteric resection for signs of evolving ischemia, such as increased pain, lactic acidosis, and fluid sequestration into the gut.

Colorectal Injuries Wartime wounds of the colon are more likely to be caused by shrapnel injuries than civilian wounds, which are often the result of the blunt forces associated with motor vehicle accidents. For most penetrating colon injuries, colostomy is commonly used to divert the fecal stream and thus decrease the risk of sepsis or abscess formation due to fecal contamination (Fig 13.2). Broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage is also important, especially for patients at high risk for subsequent infection such as those with open pelvic fractures, rectal injuries, or blunt colonic injury.18 Blunt colonic injuries may include serosal tears, contusions, mesenteric injuries, or frank rupture. Blunt injuries from motor vehicle crashes are more likely to involve the surrounding structures and tissues compared to penetrating injuries, which usually are more selective. Partial thickness contusions and serosal injuries can be left to heal on their own. Full thickness tears and mesenteric injuries with colonic involvement should be repaired in a primary fashion, with colostomy for large or complicated cases. Rupture of the colon should be treated with fully diverting colostomy and washout of the distal segment. Rectal injuries are most commonly caused by penetrating trauma. Digital rectal examinations and/or proctosigmoidoscopy will identify most

13. Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries


further complicating the in-flight care of the patient.

Solid-Organ Injuries Spleen

Figure 13.2. Surgical approach to traumatic injury to the colon in a field environment. After resection of the injured colon segment, the proximal end is brought out as a colostomy. The distal end can be brought out as a mucus fistula or closed and left in the abdominal cavity (used with permission from Blaisdell FW, Trunkey PD, eds. Abdominal Trauma. New York: Theime-Stratton; 1982).

rectal injuries, although abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan is sometimes required. Diverting colostomy is the most common surgical therapy for these injuries, although distal rectal washout and primary repair is used in some cases.

Implications for AE Aeromedical crews must be trained in routine colostomy care because this operation is frequently used in both the civilian and military environments. In addition to care of the stoma, proper care of the colostomy bag is important. The bag must be periodically vented during ascent to avoid rupture of the colostomy bag secondary to gas expansion. The colostomy bag should not be filled with saline or water, as the fluid may be partially absorbed by the colonic segment or cause an enema-like catharsis,

The spleen is one of the most frequently injured organs in cases of blunt trauma. Abdominal pain and guarding are common for patients with acute splenic injury. Kehr’s sign (referred left shoulder pain) may be present when intraperitoneal bleeding has caused diaphragmatic irritation. Leukocytosis is also common, but decreases in the hematocrit may be relatively delayed. The patient may have acute physical signs of hemorrhage (eg, pain, tachycardia, and hypotension) before the hematocrit has a chance to equilibrate. Thus, physical exam, physical signs, and radiological studies are used to diagnose splenic injury and laboratory findings are considered secondary. With the advent of spiral CT scanners and bedside ultrasound, splenic injuries can now be readily identified in a modern hospital setting. Conservative management of splenic injuries has become more common in both pediatric and adult trauma centers because of the importance of the spleen in fighting infection. In the pediatric population, nonoperative management is successful in greater than 75% of cases of blunt traumatic injury. In adults with grade I or II splenic injuries with an intact capsule, conservative management is also possible. Total splenectomy is now reserved for those patients in which complete rupture, loss of the vascular stalk, or uncontrollable hemorrhage has taken place. Damage control surgery for hemorrhage control can be performed in unstable patients by using a combination of electrocautery, gelfoam, thrombin, and packing. But, this is reserved for splenic fractures that are deemed easily repairable when the patient is stable. Otherwise, splenectomy is indicated in unstable patients for hemostasis purposes. Treatment of moderate splenic injury differs between civilian and military practice. In civilian practice, the surgeon can take whatever time is needed to repair the injured spleen. However, in the combat arena of military medicine that time spent on an extensive, elaborate repair might be


better utilized on a rapid splenectomy of one patient to treat another. Implications for AE. The aeromedical considerations in moving postsplenectomy patients, or those with splenic injury managed conservatively, mostly involve efforts to prevent bleeding. These patients should be carefully managed in the load plan, with litter placement in an area where the potential for trauma is minimized. It is also important that the AE crew have ready access to monitor vital signs and start intravenous fluids as required. Pancreatic and Hepatic Injury Treatment of hepatic injuries has changed somewhat over the past few years. Vascular embolization of bleeding hepatic vessels in the radiology suite has become a more common site. However, battlefield medicine frequently does not have this luxury. For this reason, we will review the management of penetrating trauma to the liver as it is performed in the field hospital, as these are the patients most likely to require AE. When managing superficial wounds to the solid organs, direct pressure is often all that is necessary. More severe arterial bleeding may necessitate the ligation of the right or left hepatic artery. Packing large wounds with hemostatic material (Surgicel, Gelfoam) for damage control and coadministration of FFP and platelets is often used as a two-fold assault on large lacerations and defects with uncontrolled hemorrhage. Direct pressure over the right and left arterial vessels is applied and then, dependent upon which one controlled the hemorrhage, the vessel is ligated. If the Pringle maneuver is used (application of a vascular clamp to the portal triad) and cessation of bleeding occurs, this strongly suggests the source of the hemorrhage is either hepatic artery or portal vein. If large defects or venous bleeding allows continued hemorrhage despite the previously applied techniques, direct ligation of venous bleeders is performed. This usually involves blunt dissection through the penetrating defect with ligation of the individual hepatic veins as they are encountered. The wound is then grossly packed with hemostatic agents or a transposing vascularized flap of omentum is sutured into the defect. Generous

J.D. Polk, C.J. Yowler, and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

use of platelets and FFP should be given to this patient if AE anticipated. Injuries to the pancreatic tail usually require simple resection. Care should be taken to spare the splenic artery. Injuries to the body and head may require either a Roux-en-Y or major resection of the duodenal segment. As stated previously, pancreaticoduodenectomy is a means of last resort, when the duodenum and pancreas have been so severely damaged as to leave no other alternative. Implications for AE. Bleeding and latent disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) will be the nemesis of the aeromedical crew in this patient population. Although damage control surgery will not negate the need for AE for definitive surgery, this approach can be relatively effective in stabilizing patients prior to transport. Generous use of blood products, including platelets and FFP, prior to transport is paramount. Attempts should be made to correct all coagulopathies prior to consideration for transport. The aeromedical crew will not be able to adequately combat DIC while en route during transport, as they more than likely will not have all the blood products needed for this. Decompression of the gut is required by nasogastric tube for all patients with abdominal surgery. Ideally, a prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time and hematocrit should be evaluated at each stop during transport in these patients.

Urogenital Injuries Urogenital injuries are less likely to be life threatening than intra-abdominal visceral injuries. However, recognition and appropriate treatment is crucial to avoid untoward morbidity. Penetrating abdominal trauma is often associated with renal coinvolvement. In a combat situation, mine injuries are often associated with damage to external genitalia. The majority of urogenital injuries, whether internal or external, require some type of damage control surgery to prevent loss of viable organs and tissue, with a planned revision at a later date. AE of these patients must be done in such a way as to maintain adequate renal and uro-

13. Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries

genital function while attempting to avoid sepsis and other complications prior to definitive care.

Renal Injuries Renal injuries are classified as minor or major or as nonpenetrating or penetrating (Fig 13.3). Most nonpenetrating renal injuries are considered minor (eg, contusions and hematoma) and are usually managed without surgery because surgical manipulation of the kidney carries some risk. Even a nonfunctioning kidney may also be handled nonsurgically. Major renal injuries include severe blunt renal trauma or penetrating injuries that result in uncontrolled internal hemorrhage or injury to the renal vascular stalk. Blunt injuries require surgical management if an expanding flank hematoma, continued frank hematuria, or drop in hematocrit accompany them or if significant vascular injury is demonstrated by arteriogram. Penetrating injuries require surgical exploration in almost every case to look for other injuries. Prior to surgery, normal function of the remaining kidney must be demonstrated by intravenous pyelogram (IVP) in case conservation of the damaged kidney is required. Even with a contralateral functioning kidney, nephrectomy is only performed if the pedicle is unrepairable or has been torn away or more than 50% of the kidney has been obliterated.

Ureteral Injuries Large ureteral injuries may require diversion of urinary flow to the skin by placement of a pyelostomy and ureterostomy tube. Intermediate injuries are treated surgically with ureteral repair, reanastomosis, or reimplantation, followed by placement of a stent. Smaller ureteral injuries can sometimes be treated by stenting alone. Stents and tubes present two challenges: First, stents usually cause painful ureteral spasms, requiring treatment with both antispasmodics and pain medication. The second problem with stents, and especially nephrostomy tubes, is that they are easy to dislodge and difficult to replace. Extreme care must be used when changing dressings or otherwise manipulating these devices.


Bladder and Urethral Injuries Bladder injuries are usually repaired primarily and require continuous drainage afterward with either a large (24 French) suprapubic or urethral catheter. Bleeding can be a problem, as clots may prevent drainage. Although this can usually be remedied by irrigation, replacement of the tube of catheter may be required. Crush injuries of the pelvis often require the placement of percutaneous drains as well.

Penile and Scrotal Injuries Penile lacerations may be closed primarily or secondarily, depending on the degree of contamination and debridement required. A dressing impregnated with antibiotic ointment or petroleum is used to avoid tissue disruption upon removal. A bladder catheter, either suprapubic or urethral, is usually required and must be carefully secured to avoid excessive wound manipulation. If the penis is closed primarily or sewn to a tissue or skin donor site, vascular integrity should be evaluated by checking for adequate capillary, especially in the presence of excessive edema. Scrotal injuries often require debridement. Depending upon how much viable albuginea tissue remains, the scrotum may be closed or the testicl* may be placed or buried in the abdomen or thigh. These wounds must be carefully evaluated for signs of infection or abscess developing. Using a pressure dressing to support the scrotum may significantly reduce pain. Antibiotic coverage and drainage may also be required.

Implications for AE For all urogenital injuries, adequate urinary output is important for both treatment and management. Adequate urine output will verify patency of any catheter or nephrostomy tube and increase the ability of the kidneys (or kidney) to clear myoglobin related to the trauma. Hydration is perhaps the single best way to prevent obstruction by clots, debris, or encrustation while affording an adequate glomerular filtration rate to assure continued renal function. A good rule of thumb is to main-


J.D. Polk, C.J. Yowler, and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

Figure 13.3. Major and minor renal injuries. Minor injuries (A and B) can be managed without surgery, whereas major injuries (C through F) usually require

surgical intervention (used with permission from Blaisdell FW, Trunkey PD, eds. Abdominal Trauma. New York: Theime-Stratton; 1982).

tain a urine output of between 50 and 100 cc/hour in a 24-hour period. This may reduce the need for continuous irrigation, assures the patient is adequately hydrated, and is evidence of continued renal function. However, the first diagnostic step for decreased urinary output

should be irrigation of the catheter because debris, blood, or mucous may have clogged the tubing. For patients with stents, aeromedical crews should make sure they have adequate pain medication and antispasmodics (Table 13.2).

13. Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries Table 13.2. Supplies needed for in-flight care of urogenital casualties. Ditropan Saline irrigation Toomey syringes Toradol 60 mg (intravenous or intramuscular use) Spare Foley catheter of same and one smaller size Intravenous fluids (saline or lactated ringers) Viscous lidocaine Neosporin or suitable lubricating antibiotic ointment Ciprofloxacin or other suitable broad-spectrum antibiotic with Escherichia coli coverage

Care should be taken with nephrostomy tubes to ensure both patency and security because they are difficult to replace if dislodged and have a propensity toward obstruction. An unsecured tube should be resutured prior to AE. For patients with bladder injuries, the crew should assure that the suprapubic or urethral catheter is ≥24 French so that clots can be irrigated from the bladder. Adequate irrigation fluid and syringes should be on-hand to manage an occluded catheter. A spare catheter should be available in case of persistent occlusion or dislodgment. Antispasmodics may be required for bladder spasm as well. Foley catheters present special challenges. First, an air-filled balloon may expand and rupture at altitude. For this reason, air should be replaced with water or saline in all cases. For catheterized men, antibiotic ointment should be used to moisten the meatus to prevent friction between the catheter and urethra. The foreskin of uncircumcised males must be replaced after catheter insertion to prevent paraphimosis. Finally, contaminated wounds that have not been closed primarily must be monitored closely for signs of infection. These patients are at increased risk of abscess and sepsis and are usually on broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Soft-Tissue Wounds Soft-tissue injury refers to damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat, and muscular tissue of the extremity or truncal wall. This section will outline management guidelines for soft-tissue


injury, while associated vascular and orthopedic injuries are discussed in those respective chapters. Management of soft-tissue injury is divided into immediate care at the trauma scene and subsequent care during poststabilization evacuation.

Immediate Care at the Trauma Scene The immediate threats to life following a traumatic injury are in the areas of airway, breathing, and circulation. Unless a soft-tissue injury is the source of major blood loss, it should be addressed as part of the secondary survey. If ongoing extremity hemorrhage is contributing to hemorrhagic shock, it is best controlled by a properly placed compression dressing. This dressing should consist of a cotton trauma dressing that is firmly wrapped with elastic compression gauze. It is important to realize that excessive gauze can decrease the pressure on the site of hemorrhage and hide the blood loss from the evaluating physician. If a pressure dressing does not stop the bleeding, the other treatment possibilities include a tourniquet, wound exploration, and vascular clamping. A tourniquet is rarely required except for complete amputations that cannot be controlled by a pressure dressing. There is no rote for wound exploration and direct clamping except for an amputated extremity. Vascular clamping in the field invariably results in crushing of the neurovascular bundle and the resultant nerve injury may be more damaging to the limb than the vascular injury. Direct compression is the modality of choice for bleeding control and vascular injury. Rarely, a mangled extremity (such as a landmine injury) will require a temporary tourniquet. This patient should be treated as a priority for evacuation so that a formal operative wound exploration can be performed for vascular control. After hemorrhage has been controlled, the extremity should be stabilized. Motion increases bleeding and may compound any preexisting vascular or nerve injury, especially in the presence of bone fracture. The limb may be secured to the backboard used for evacuation or splinted temporarily in the field. After stabilizing the limb, distal pulses must be checked


to ensure adequate circulation. If pulses are absent, the splint should be inspected and any binding that may be acting as a tourniquet should be adjusted. During MEDEVAC or AE, these patients should be placed in litter positions that minimize trauma to the injured part and give maximum accessibility for in-flight care. If these stabilized patients are to be evacuated long distances (eg, transoceanic AE missions), broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered prior to and during the flight. A first-generation cephalosporin is sufficient for most soft-tissue injuries. Extensively soiled wounds or crush injuries may benefit from the addition of antibiotics with Gram-negative anaerobic coverage. The key to infection prevention, however, remains rapid MEDEVAC to a medical facility where definitive wound debridement and washout can be done. Myoglobinuria may complicate crushing soft-tissue injury. In the field, it will manifest as pigmented urine, which varies in appearance from grossly blood-like to the color of tea. Intravenous solutions should be administered to maintain a urine output of >100 to 150 mL/hour. Administration of adjuvants, such as mannitol and bicarbonate, should be deferred until a medical facility is reached because administration of mannitol to an acutely hypovolemic trauma victim may result in further fluid loss and hypotension.

Implications for AE Following resuscitation and operative debridement of a soft-tissue injury, the patient may require urgent or contingency AE. After initial surgical treatment of soft-tissue injury, infection and sepsis are the primary complications. The risk of infection is increased by several variables: (1) initial contamination of the wound, (2) a large bacterial burden in the wound, (3) initial delay in debridement, and (4) inadequate debridement. High-velocity wounds (military or hunting rifles) and wounds associated with high-energy transfers (landmines, shotguns) are associated with increased amounts of devitalized tissue and penetration of contaminants. Clothing and soil may be carried deep into the wound tract

J.D. Polk, C.J. Yowler, and W.F. Fallon, Jr.

and spread by the cavitating effect of the projectile as it traverses the soft tissue. The presence of soil in a wound decreases the absolute number of bacteria required for an infection. Soil has been shown in animal models to: (1) interfere with normal leukocyte phagocytosis, (2) impair nonspecific bactericidal activity in serum, and (3) possibly inactivate antibiotics.19 Specific organisms present at the time of injury also influence the nature of any resultant infection. The heavily manured fields of Flanders in World War I gave rise to infections far different from those seen today in modern urban trauma centers. This effect of the local microbiology plays a major role in the virulence of any wound infection. Delay in initial debridement will result in increased wound infection rates. The initial hematoma and devitalized tissue provides the media for bacterial growth while the compromised local circulation and resultant hypoxia inhibits any host response. Unfortunately, delay in immediate MEDEVAC may be unavoidable and patients entering the AE chain may be at increased risks for infection. Prior to antibiotics, soft-tissue wound debridement involved radical debridement of all potentially contaminated tissue. The resultant deformity and disability may have been acceptable in the pre–anti-biotic era, where most wound infections would be fatal, but is an unacceptable outcome with modern surgical therapy. Serial wound explorations and debridement with appropriate antibiotic coverage is the current standard of care. In this manner, the maximum amount of soft tissue is preserved and the resulting muscular dysfunction minimized. However, stabilized patients must often be evacuated in the midst of this staged surgical therapy, and any delay during the evacuation process will increase the risk of infectious complications. Thus, the flight crew taking care of patients during the urgent or contingency AE must be sensitive to the early signs and symptoms of wound infection, including fever, chills, increased thirst, decreased urine output, relative hypotension, increasing agitation or confusion, and change in drainage from the wound. Patients developing evidence of wound infections should be diverted to a medical facility

13. Abdominal Wounds, Urogenital Trauma, and Soft-Tissue Injuries

for prompt surgical consultation. A delay in prompt surgical intervention may result in a necrotizing infection and possibly the loss of limb or life.

Conclusion In addition to knowing what injuries their patients have sustained, the aeromedical transport crew must also know what therapies have been rendered in an attempt to stabilize the patient. This is in particular true in the trauma patient. The crew must understand modern techniques for surgical correction because they are likely to impact therapies needed for aeromedical transport. The evolution of aeromedical transport has allowed surgical facilities and definitive care to be moved farther from the front. In essence, advances in aeromedical transport and surgical techniques have extended the reach of advanced medical care from the tertiary-care centers to the field. This has placed a greater burden on the flight crew to be skilled and adept at critical care. Treatments and modalities previously rendered in hospitals are now routine for in-flight care. Patients previously thought to be unstable for transport are pushing the envelope and boundaries of conventional care, and military budget restraints are not allowing the massive medical units of the past. This is necessitating aeromedical crews to provide care farther, faster, and to more critical patients than they have ever done before.

References 1. Fallon WF. Surgical lessons learned on the battlefield. J Trauma 1997;43:209–213. 2. Rich NM. Surgeon’s response to battlefield trauma. Am J Surg 1993;166:91–96. 3. Hardaway RM. Care of the wounded of the United States Army from 1775 to 1991. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1992;175:74–88. 4. Greisman HC. Wound management and medical organization in the Civil War. Surg Clin North Am 1984;64:625–638.


5. Blaisdell FW. Medical advances during the Civil War. Arch Surg 1988;123:1045–1050. 6. Holt DM, Greiner JM, Coryell JL, Smither JR, eds. A Surgeon’s Civil War. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press; 1994. 7. Whelan TJ. Surgical lessons learned in the care of the wounded. Med Bull US Army Eur 1981; 38:4–12. 8. Crile GW, Rowland AF, eds. Notes on Military Surgery. Cleveland, Ohio: The William Feather Co; 1924. 9. DeMuth WE. Bullet velocity and design as determinants of wounding capability: An experimental study. J Trauma 1965;6:222–231. 10. Fackler ML, Bellamy RF, Malinowski JA. The wound profile: Illustration of the missile– tissue interaction. J Trauma 1988;28(suppl): S21–S29. 11. Fackler ML, Bellamy RF, Malinowski JA. A reconsideration of the wounding mechanism of very high velocity projectiles: Importance of projectile shape. J Trauma 1988;28(suppl): S63–S67. 12. Mendelson JA. The relationship between mechanisms of wounding and principles of treatment of missile wounds. J Trauma 1991;31: 1181–1202. 13. Erichsen J. The Science and Art of Surgery. Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea; 1859. 14. Fackler ML. Misinterpretations concerning Larrey’s methods of wound treatment. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1989;168:280–282. 15. Wangersteen OH, Wangersteen SD. The Rise of Surgery. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press; 1978. 16. Fackler ML, Dougherty PJ. Theodore Kocher and the scientific foundation of ballistics. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1991;172:153–160. 17. Carey ME. Analysis of wounds incurred by U.S. Army Seventh Corps personnel treated in corps hospitals during Operation Desert Storm, Feb. 20 to March 10th, 1991. J Trauma 1996;40(suppl): S165–S169. 18. Fallon WF. The present role of colostomy in the management of trauma. Dis Colon Rectum 1992; 35:1094–1102. 19. Haury BB, Rodeheaver GT, Pettry GT, Edgerton MT, Edlich RF. Inhibition of nonspecific defenses by soil infection-potentiating factors. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1977;144:19–24.

14 Air Evacuation of the Neurosurgical Patient Mick J. Perez-Cruet and Rose Leary

The Air Evacuation System was first used in World War I by the USA Air Corps and was organized into a military patient airomedical evacuation (AE) system during the Korean conflict. Rapid transport by air with effective medical care en route has markedly changed the way in which head- and spine-injured patients can be managed and transported from the field to facilities that offer definitive neurosurgical care. In many metropolitan areas, helicopter transportation of patients with blunt or penetrating head trauma and spinal injury has become routine.1–3 Many studies have shown the benefits of rapid AE of critically ill patients.4–7 Currently, the US military operates a stateof-the-art system for transporting personnel injured in the field to air transportable hospitals (ATKs) or regional hospital facilities for large-scale military operations. Due to the increasing frequency of contingency operations (eg, “military operations other than war”; MOOTW), a system is being developed whereby critically injured patients are transported long distances relatively soon after their injuries, often before they have received definitive care. One result has been an increased need for long-range transportation of critically ill neurosurgical patients. In response, the US military medical system is developing new standards for managing these critically injured patients in-flight while en route to definitive care facilities. This chapter will cover initial evaluation, stabilization, and in-flight management of the neurosurgical patient with intracranial and/or spinal injury.


Initial Evaluation of the Head Injury Patient Once the patient’s airway is secured and they are hemodynamically stable, an initial neurological assessment should be performed. The Glasgow Coma Scale8 (GCS) is the most widely used and accepted method by which the physician and ancillary health-care personnel can rapidly assess the neurological status of a trauma patient (Table 14.1). For an accurate GCS score, no paralytics, sedatives, or other medications that may blunt the patient’s ability to respond should be administered. The exam can be performed quickly and communicates vital information relative to the severity of the head injury to personnel at the receiving medical facility. The GCS is comprised of three parts: the best eye opening, verbal, and motor evaluation with a maximum combined point score of 15 and a minimum of 3. In general, mild head injury patients have a GCS of 13 to 15; moderate head injured patients a score of 9 to 12; and severe head-injured patients have scores of 8 or less. The eye assessment determines whether the patient is able to open his eyes spontaneously (4 points), to voice (3 points), to pain (2 points), or unable to open eyes (1 point). Verbal evaluation determines whether the patient is oriented (5 points), confused (4 points), inappropriately verbal (3 points), incomprehensibly verbal (2 points), and nonverbal (1 point). The letter “T” after the verbal score indicates the patient is intubated. The best motor response deter-

14. Air Evacuation of the Neurosurgical Patient


Table 14.1. GCS scoring system.



Response level


Eye opening

Spontaneous To verbal command To pain No response Obeys verbal command Localizes pain Flexion withdrawal to pain Flexion abnormal to pain (Decorticate) Extension to pain response (Decerebrate response) No response to pain Oriented, converses Disoriented, converses Inappropriate words Incomprehensible sounds No response

4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3

Best motor response

Best verbal response

2 1 5 4 3 2 1

mines whether the patient is able to obey commands (6 points), localize to pain (5 points), withdraw to pain (4 points), decorticate flexion (3 points), decerebrate extension (2 points), and has no response (1 point). It is important to recognize both decorticate flexion and decerebrate extension responses as these imply significant and severe head injury. The pupillary exam is extremely valuable as it can provide information as to the existance of an intracerebral hematoma and impending brain herniation. The examination should be performed with a pen- or flashlight shined directly into the eye to evaluate the size and reactivity of the pupil. A unilateral dilated pupil can be the result of a mass lesion within the brain, such as an epidural or subdural hematoma, which can result in irreversible brain damage and death without rapid medical and surgical intervention.

Classification of Head Injury Head injury can be classified by three methods: severity, mechanism, and morphology. There is no universally accepted guideline; however, this approach has proven useful in the diagnosis and management of head-injured patients.9–11

The GCS has been developed to provide objective uniformity to the evaluation of the headinjured patient. Those patients suffering from mild, moderate, and severe head injury have GCS scores of 13 to 15, 9 to 12, and 8 or less, respectively. In patients with severe head injury (GCS score of 8 or less), 90% were found to be in a coma (ie, unable to obey commands, utter words, or open their eyes).8, 12

Mechanism Head injury occurs by two basic mechanisms: blunt or penetrating trauma. Examples of blunt trauma include motor vehicle accidents where the head hits the windshield or a blunt object such as a baseball bat hits the head. Penetrating trauma results when a projectile enters the cranium, such as a bullet or knife. The primary distinction between the two is the presence or absence of dural penetration.

Morphology When classifying injuries by morphology, the two broad categories are skull fractures and intracranial lesions.11

Specific Types of Head Injuries Skull Fractures Skull fractures may be linear or stellate, depressed or nondepressed, and open or closed. Clinical signs that may indicate a skull fracture include targe scalp abrasions or stellate lacerations. Scalp lacerations should be attended to promptly with irrigation, debridement, and closure because significant blood loss can occur. At the least, the patient’s head should be wrapped to prevent excessive blood loss. Gentle palpation of these areas with a gloved hand may reveal a bony step-off, or bone fragmentation. Battle’s sign (redness/bruising behind the ear) or raccoon’s eyes (bruising around the eyes) can indicate a basilar skull fracture. Other signs may include clear cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaking from the ears or nose or VII nerve palsy. Head computed tomography (CT) with bone windows clearly demonstrates skull fractures (Fig 14.1). In


M.J. Perez-Cruet and R. Leary

Figure 14.1. Bone-windowed axial head CT showing depressed skull fracture. Note the inner table of the skull is below the outer table.

general, these fractures are repaired surgically if they are open, to reduce the risks of meningitis, or when the outer table of the skull is below the inner table of the skull on imaging studies.11 Skull fractures can also be associated with an intracranial lesion such as a hematoma or contusion. Intracranial lesions can be further classified as focal or diffuse. Focal lesions include epidural and subdural hematomas, intracerebral hematomas, and contusions. Diffuse lesions include diffuse axonal injury (DAI), mild concussion, and classic concussion.11

Figure 14.2. Axial head CT showing right-sided frontal epidural hematoma.

injuries; however, early recognition and evacuation of the clot is important because outcome has been found to directly correlate with the clinical status of the patient before surgery. Mortality increases from 0%, to 9%, to 20% for patients not in coma, obtunded, and in deep coma before surgery, respectively.13 Optimal diagnosis and treatment within a few hours decreases overall mortality rates of 20% to 55% to 5% to 10%.14

Epidural hematoma

Subdural Hematoma

An epidural hematoma is a blood clot located between the dura (the covering of the brain) and the undersurface of the skull, and has a lenticular shape because the clot is pushing the dura away from the undersurface of the skull (Fig 14.2). It is usually the result of a skull fracture and tearing of the middle meningeal artery, which runs on the inner surface of the skull, but venous bleeding can also cause an epidural hematoma. The patient may present with a “lucent interval” after which the patient may lapse into a coma.11 These injuries are uncommon, representing less than 1% of head

A subdural hematoma is a blood clot that occurs between the dura and the brain, and these have a convex appearance on CT (Fig 14.3). They are more common than epidural hematomas, occurring in 30% of head-injured patients. This injury is frequently caused by shearing of the bridging veins between the draining sinuses and brain or lacerations of the brain surface. In many series, mortality is about 60% and there is usually associated underlying brain damage. Rapid administration of medications to reduce intracranial pressure (ICP), such as mannitol, and expedient evacuation of

14. Air Evacuation of the Neurosurgical Patient


temporal poles of the brain, where during rapid deceleration, such has after the head hits a windshield, the brain is pushed up against the skull. Over a period of hours to days, these can evolve to intracerebral hematomas causing mass effect, increased ICP, and require surgical evacuation.15 The distinction between a contusion and intracerebral hematoma is not always clear, as contusions can evolve and enlarge to form an intracerebral hematoma.11

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

Figure 14.3. Axial head CT showing right-sided subdural hematoma. Note the shift in ventricles from right to left.

the blood clot are the hallmarks of treatment.11 It was found in a series of 82 patients with acute subdural hematoma that patients operated on within 4 hours had a 30% mortality compared to 90% mortality if surgery was delayed more than 4 hours (“4-hour rule”).7 Therefore, rapid air evacuation of these patients is critical.

DAI is felt to be a result of the shearing of axons during a rapid deceleration of the brain. It is the most common injury seen in headinjured patients. This term describes prolonged posttraumatic coma that is not due to mass lesions or ischemic insults. Patients with severe DAI, which comprises 36% of all head-injured patients, often present after motor vehicle accidents with decorticate or decerebrate posturing and often remaining severely disabled if they survive.13 CT imaging may reveal small punctate contusions throughout the brain and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may show white matter changes, in particular in the corpus callosum. Distinguishing between DAI and hypoxic brain injury is not easy in the clinical setting, and the two may coexist.11

Intracerebral Hematoma Intracerebral hematomas are blood clots within the brain substance (Fig 14.4). They can cause significant mass effect requiring evacuation, in particular when located near the brain stem in the temporal lobe.11

Contusions Contusions are frequently seen in head-injured patients and can be envisioned as “bruises” of the brain. They have the appearance of a “salt and pepper” pattern on head CT and are not as dense as intracerebral hematomas (Fig 14.5). They most commonly occur in the frontal or

Figure 14.4. Axial head CT showing left temporal hematoma. Note the compression of the brain stem.


M.J. Perez-Cruet and R. Leary

• Rapid transportation to health-care facility. • Optimizing patient’s hemodynamic status and oxygenation during transport. Episodes of hypoxemia and hypovolemia must be avoided to improve outcomes of patients with head and/or spinal cord injury, and the significance of secondary injury on the outcome of head-injured patients has been well documented.16–28 Toward this end, specially trained personnel with appropriate equipment are required for the safe AE of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injuries (Table 14.2). An analysis of outcomes from severe head injury from the Traumatic Coma Data Bank revealed that mortality increases from 30% in patients without hypoxia and hypotension at admission to 60% with those who were hypotensive and 75% in those who suffered both insults.19 Figure 14.5. Axial head CT of right frontal contusion. Table 14.2. Equipment required for AE of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injuries.

Avoiding Secondary Neurological Insults Upon Transport Primary injury to the brain occurs at the time of impact and pertains to direct damage by trauma to the skull, brain, and surrounding tissues. Secondary injury occurs after the primary injury and includes the development of cerebral edema or brain swelling, intracranial hemorrhage, such as an epidural or subdural hematoma, and intracerebral brain hemorrhage. Hypoxemia and ischemia can be due to increased ICP and/or shock.15 Although medical personnel have no control over the primary injury, they can help to reduce the deleterious effects of secondary injury. To reduce the harm caused by secondary injury, the following principles should be followed: • Rapid stabilization of airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs of the Advanced Trauma Life Support [ATLS] protocol). • Spinal stabilization with use of cervical collar and backboard.

Pulse oximeter Face masks, nasal cannulas, endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes Ambu bags with appropriate adapters for endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes Laryngoscope and oropharyngeal blades Surgical kit to perform cricothyroidotomy or tracheostomy Suction apparatus and cannulas Firm cervical collars of various sizes, halo vests Sandbags or other means to immobilize the neck, backboard Appropriate traction devices without weights (eg, cervical halters) Turning bed (eg, Stryker frame) or improvised from two stretchers Padding for pressure points ICP monitoring equipment Fluids and drugs Mannitol, lasix Sublingual nifedipine or nitroglycerin Dilantin, ativan, phenobarbital Methylprednisolone Fentanyl, morphine, pancuronium Antibiotics Pressors (ie, dopamine) Cystalloid IV Fluid Collord IV Fluid Blood Products

14. Air Evacuation of the Neurosurgical Patient

Hypoxia Maintenance of the airway is the single most important management requirement in the unconscious patient. The most life-threatening aspect of unconsciousness is the loss of normal swallowing mechanisms, resulting in the inability to handle oropharyngeal secretions and keep the upper airway clear. In unconscious patients, unrecognized hypoxia or anoxia may result in severe, permanent brain dysfunction or death. Hypoxia and hypercarbia induce vasodilatation of blood vessels, which results in increased cerebral blood volume, increased ICP, and, potentially, cerebral herniation.16

Hypotension Hypotension following brain trauma is another potentially avoidable cause of secondary brain injury. Every effort should be made to maintain normotensive blood pressure levels in braininjured patients. Cerebral autoregulation is impaired after a head injury, resulting in cerebral hypoperfusion when systemic hypotension is present.16 When brain injury is accompanied by systemic injury, mortality is doubled. The effect of visceral or lower-extremity injury on mortality was found to result from hypovolemic hypoperfusion.20 On occasion, the scalp is a potential cause of hypovolemia, as it is a very vascular structure. Lacerations should be inspected, cleaned, and closed to prevent blood loss, as these can be a potential cause of hypovolemia. This is especially important if the AE is expected to take hours.

Increased ICP There is a close relationship between increased ICP and brain damage from head injury.9,29–36 Increased ICP can result from a number of causes: expanding intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral edema, poor venous drainage, and/or hydrocephalus. Normally, the ICP within the cranial vault is less than 20 mm Hg. Because the skull acts like a solid box with a fixed volume, a mass lesion within the brain can cause a rapid increase in the pressure within the skull. Sustained ICP elevations of >50 mm Hg are associated with a mortality rate approaching 100%.37


Increased ICP worsens outcome by two common mechanisms: decreased cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and brain herniation. CPP is the difference between mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and ICP and represents the force pulsing blood through the brain (CPP = MAP - ICP). Normally, cerebral perfusion pressure is approximately 70 to 90 mm Hg. If it falls to less than 60 mm Hg, brain energy mechanisms begin to fail and neural cellular homeostatic mechanisms deteriorate. When it falls to 0, blood flow to the brain ceases, resulting in global ischemia and death. Although there are not set guidelines, attempts should be made to maintain the CPP above 70 mm Hg.38 This can be performed by increasing the MAP with fluids or vasopressors or by decreasing the ICP. Intracranial hypertension, if left untreated, can have two effects on the injured brain: herniation and ischemia. Management of elevated ICP should begin early in the triage stages of resuscitation, as it is a significant contributing factor to irreversible brain injury.

Recognizing Increased ICP Herniation Syndrome Increased ICP, most commonly from either cerebral edema or a brain hemorrhage, may cause herniation of brain tissue out of its normal position in the cranium. The two most common types are temporal lobe and tonsillar herniation. Temporal lobe herniation, if unchecked, may permanently damage the brain stem, leading to death or permanent coma. Unilateral pupil dilation (ie, a “blown pupil”), caused by compression of the third nerve, may be the first indication of temporal lobe displacement. Tonsillar herniation compresses the medulla in which resphatory centers are contained, thus causing death by inhibiting respiratory drive. Acute unilateral or bilateral pupillary dilation in a patient with brain injury is a neurosurgical emergency. The most widely accepted theory for the cause of the pupillary dilation is that an intracranial mass lesion (eg, hematoma or tumor) compresses the third cranial nerve as the uncus is herniated downward and medially. Continued compression of the medial temporal lobe into the brain stem results in loss of


M.J. Perez-Cruet and R. Leary Figure 14.6. Codman intraventricular ICP monitor.

consciousness, decerebrate posturing, and cardiovascular collapse. More recent data suggests that pupillary dilation is actually the result of compromised brain stem circulation.33 Changes in blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rates may also indicate elevated ICP. A Cushing’s triad can be seen with an increased ICP and includes hypertension, bradycardia, and respiratory irregularity. Another early sign of increased ICP is a change in respiratory pattern. The most common change in breathing can be confused with snoring. Because a clear airway and satisfactory oxygen exchange are paramount for brain function, patients should always be given supplemental oxygen and intubated if they are unable to protect their airway. ICP Monitoring The indications for placing an ICP monitor include severe head injury (GCS score of 3 to 8) when the patient is not following commands with an abnormal CT scan, or a normal CT scan and age over 40 years, unilateral or bilateral motor posturing, and systolic blood pressure 20% of adult air passengers and >50% of children.4 In this Danish study, 46% of adults and 33% of children who experienced pain were able to clear their ears using the Valsalva maneuver. A majority of the remaining adults and children who were unable to clear their ears were found to have signs of barotrauma (eg, tympanic membrane redness, retraction, clear fluid in the middle ear, or hemotympanum), but none had ruptured eardrums. The risk of middle-ear barotrauma can be minimized through early and frequent attempts at ventilating the middle ear (eg, Valsalva maneuver, chewing gum, etc.) and the use of topical nasal decongestants prior to the flight



and in anticipation of descent. Toward this end, sleeping passengers should be awakened before descent. Symptoms can also be controlled by returning the aircraft to an altitude above the point at which symptoms developed, although this is rarely practical in large commercial aircraft. Descent can then be attempted again at a slower rate while the person continues to equalize the pressure in the middle ear. Treatment of middle-ear barotitis includes topical nasal and systemic decongestants. In severe cases, a Politzer bag can be used to apply pressure to the nasopharynx (Fig 15.l). To use this device, the mouth is closed along with one nostrill, the Politzer tip is placed in the other nostril, and the patient is instructed to swallow while pressure is applied with the bag. Perforation of the tympanic membrane related to barotrauma will usually heal spontaneously as long as infection does not occur and water is kept out of the ear. The patient with an acute tympanic membrane perforation will not experience further barotrauma in that ear as long as the perforation remains; however,

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repeated flying can delay closure of the perforation. The patient should not fly until the ear has returned to normal, which may take several weeks or more. Alternobaric vertigo is another form of middle-ear barotrauma that results in vertigo thought to be induced by unequal pressure between the left and right middle ear. The vertigo is self-limiting and resolves with clearing of the pressure differential.5 Obviously, this can have disasterous consequences if it occurs in pilots while they are taking off or landing an aircraft.

Inner-Ear Barotrauma Inner-ear barotrauma can occur from air travel, nose-blowing, diving, or any other phenomena that can cause a middle-ear overpressure. The most common damage to the inner ear is rupture of either the round or oval window membranes, which results in the loss of perilymph fluid from the otic capsule and injury to the hair cells of the auditory vestibular system. The clinical results can include sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo. Patients typically present with a “flat” hearing loss upon audiometric testing (all frequencies equally affected). In one study, only 15% of patients presented with vertigo or dizziness.6 The effects of inner-ear barotrauma may be permanent. However, if patients present for treatment within 2 weeks of their injury approximately 70% will have marked or almost complete improvement.6 Treatment consists of bedrest with the head of the bed elevated. Patients who have no improvement or worsening of their auditory or vestibular symptoms after 2 weeks of treatment may have a perilymph fistula. Exploratory tympanotomy and repair of the fistula will usually improve their vertigo; however, in some patients hearing will not improve.6

Inner-Ear Decompression Sickness Figure 15.1. Use of a Politzer bag. The patient closes mouth and occludes one nostril while the doctor places the tip in the opposite nostril and applies brisk pressure to the bag to open the Eustachian tube.

Decompression sickness (the “Bends”) occurs when nitrogen bubbles form in various tissues following a deep saturation underwater dive. If nitrogen gas bubbles localize to the inner ear, the patient will present with audiovestibular

15. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients

symptoms.7 Individuals involved in special operations duty should be aware that flying within 24 hours of diving significantly increases their risk of developing decompression sickness.

Sinus Barotrauma Sinus barotrauma results when pressure cannot equalize, most commonly in the frontal or maxillary sinuses, and can be severely painful, even potentially disabling. Symptoms can occur during either ascent or descent, although they are much more likely during descent. The most common cause is obstruction of a sinus opening by mucus membrane edema secondary to infection or allergic rhinitis. Polyps or tumors can obstruct the sinus openings by a “ball valve” phenomenon (Fig 15.2).

Figure 15.2. Maxillary sinus ostia demonstrating ball valve action from a nasal polyp. At ground level (1), the sinus is equilibrated with ambient air. Upon descent (2), the polyp is displaced as air flows out of the sinus to equilibrate with the lower pressure. At altitude (3), the sinus equilibrates with the lower cabin pressure. Upon descent (4), the polyp is


Immediate treatment consists of returning the aircraft or cabin pressure to the altitude where the symptoms began, if practical (Table 15.1). Topical nasal decongestants and analgesics should be given if available and the Valsalva maneuver should be performed in an attempt to clear the affected sinuses. Further changes in altitude should be done as gradually as possible.8 Recurrent sinus barotrauma may require surgical intervention, as described later in the chapter. Table 15.1. Conditions restrictions.



Anemia less than 7 g of Hg Frontal or maxillary sinus block unresponsive to medical therapy

pushed into the ostia, blocking the sinus and preventing equilibration. The pressure within the sinus can only be reduced by hemorrhage and dehiscence of the lining. At the conclusion of the flight (5), sinus pressure reequilibrates with continued hemorrhage and lining dehiscence.


Barodontalgia Barodontalgia is an infrequent condition where dental pain is precipitated by altitude change. The differential diagnosis of tooth pain during flight includes sinus barotrauma because pain from this more common condition may be referred to the teeth. The etiology is uncertain but appears to involve diseased pulp tissue. The most commonly affected teeth are those of the posterior maxilla that have recently undergone an amalgam restoration. Definitive treatment usually requires removing diseased pulp and placing a new restoration.9

Otolaryngologic Trauma Military and Civilian Injury Patterns The types of maxillofacial traumas seen in warfare have changed throughout the years, based on the changes in types of combat. During World War II, the massive application of artillery and bombing resulted in 75% of facial injuries from shrapnel, while only 10% were from gunshot wounds.10 During the Vietnam War, close combat and in particular guerilla warfare were more common, and thus 58% of the maxillofacial trauma was secondary to bullet wounds, only 30% from artillery, with the remaining 12% resulting from accidents.11 More recently during combat in the former Yugoslavia, approximately 12% of all combat injuries were to the head and neck and approximately one half of these were from gunshot wounds and one half from explosive devices.12 Maxillofacial trauma also constitutes a significant proportion of the trauma treated in civilian trauma centers and may be initially overlooked in patients with multiple-organ system trauma. An Israeli study of prehospital diagnoses made by flight surgeons found that 10% of trauma patients had facial injury, 3% had soft-tissue neck trauma, and 22% had cranial head injuries.13 Approximately 26% of the potentially identifiable facial trauma diagnoses were missed, compared to only 8% of the soft-tissue neck trauma and 7% of the head trauma. An Australian study found that of head-injured patients seen in the emergency

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department 33% of facial injuries (primarily fractures) were missed.14

Airway Management Airway control is crucial to victims of maxillofacial trauma, whether the trauma is to the face or neck, penetrating or blunt, and a bony injury or strictly a soft-tissue injury. Airway control is in particular important for unconscious patients and those with cranial vault trauma, facial trauma, or inhalation burns. Any patient who is reasonably likely to need intubation should have an orotracheal or nasotracheal tube placed prior to AE. It is far better to intubate a patient in a controlled environment on the ground than in an emergency situation in the turbulent and cramped environment of an aircraft.

Orotracheal vs Nasotracheal Intubation An airway can be secured by insertion of either an orotracheal or nasotracheal tube. Orotracheal intubation has the disadvantage of requiring cervical spine manipulation and direct visualization of the trachea, which can be difficult with massive trauma and bleeding of the lower face or oral cavity. Because victims of maxillofacial trauma are at increased risk of coexisting cervical spine trauma, orotrcheal intubation should be performed cautiously with in-line cervical spine immobilization in these patients. The advantages of nasotracheal intubation are that it can be done blindly with a high degree of success and is better tolerated by conscious patients.15 However, nasotracheal intubation is contraindicated in apneic patients. It is also contraindicated in patients suspected of having a skull base fracture, as there is a risk that the endotracheal tube could pass through the cribriform plate into the cranial vault. Evidence of possible skull base fracture includes midface and cranial instability or deformity and hemotympanum. Both orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation are relatively contraindicated for patients who have had blunt anterior neck trauma (eg, “clothesline” injuries) because laryngotracheal separation or severe laryngeal fracture

15. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients

may have occurred. Instead, a tracheotomy should be done to stabilize the airway. Blunt passage of the endotracheal tube into a partially separated larynx and trachea could sever any remaining soft-tissue attachments, thus causing the trachea to partially retract into the chest with resultant loss of the airway.

Needle Cricothyrotomy Needle cricothyrotomy is useful to rapidly provide limited and temporary airway access in any trauma scenario where the trachea cannot be readily intubated. A large-caliber angiocatheter is placed through the cricothyroid membrane into the trachea. This should be a 12- or 14-gauge catheter in an adult or a 16or 18-gauge catheter in a child. The cannula should then be connected to oxygen at 15 L/minute at 40 to 50 psi via tubing with either a Y-connector or with a side hole cut in the tubing. Intermittent insufflation, 1 second on and 4 seconds off, can be achieved by placing a thumb over the Y-connector or hole in the tube. Patients can be maintained with this technique for 30 to 45 minutes, assuming they previously had normal pulmonary function and have no significant chest injury. Carbon dioxide will build up, which will limit the usefulness of this technique in head-injured patients. Caution must also be used if there is complete airway obstruction at the glottic level, and if such obstruction occurs the flow should be lowered to 5 to 7 L/minute.

Surgical Cricothyrotomy Surgical cricothyrotomy is more dependable than needle cricothyrotomy and allows appropriate ventilation through a larger endotracheal tube. Multiple studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of this procedure in the hands of appropriately trained caregivers in field condition.16–18 The technique consists of making either a horizontal or preferably a vertical skin incision and then a horizontal incision through the cricothyroid membrane, dilating the opening with a curved hemostat or the blunt end of a scalpel, and inserting a 5- to 7mm endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube. Surgical cricothyrotomy should not be performed in children under the age of 12 due to the risk of damage to the cricoid cartilage. It also should not be performed in patients who


have trauma to the larynx and trachea, with possible tracheal disruption. Both needle and surgical cricothyrotomy must be converted to tracheostomy when the patient has reached a surgical facility to minimize the long-term risk of subglottic stenosis.

Hemorrhage Facial hemorrhage can be significant, but by itself is usually not life threatening. Direct pressure is usually adequate to achieve hemostasis. Penetrating wounds of the neck can cause rapid exsanguination or air embolism if the major vessels of the neck are involved. Surgical ligation may be necessary for emergent control.

Implications for AE with Specific Diagnoses Epistaxis Epistaxis may be controlled by a number of methods, including pinching the nose, cautery, anterior packing, and on occasion posterior packing for persistent bleeds. Rarely is ligation or embolization required. Posterior packing has by tradition been accomplished with placement of a bulb catheter, such as a Foley catheter, through the nares and inflated with saline after positioning in the nasopharynx. This is followed by placement of multiple layers of Vaselinesoaked gauze to form the anterior pack and then placement of a c-clamp, taking care not to put pressure on the nasal alae. Specially designed catheters with anterior and posterior bulbs are also readily available. If the bulb catheter is filled with air, the pressure fluctuations associated with flight may cause either increased pressure on the nasal mucosa or resumption of bleeding with decreased cuff pressure. For this reason, the bulb should be filled with water or normal saline instead. Because these patients are breathing predominantly through their mouths, they will need increased humidification and hydration during the flight. Usually blood has filled the lower sinuses (maxillary and sphenoid) and therefore sinuses are typically unaffected by pressure changes of flight. Patients with posterior packs must be closely monitored as the complication rate averages 17% with such things as alar necrosis, sepsis, aspiration, and even cardiac arrhythmias and death.19


Midfacial Trauma Facial fractures are often overlooked in the field, even in the presence of facial lacerations. Fortunately, fractures of the sinus cavities are unlikely to cause sinus barotrauma during flight because the sinus is no longer a fixed-wall cavity and thus allows expansion of gas into the nose or surrounding tissue.

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This can be in particular disconcerting to the aeromedical flight crew if they are unfamiliar with the particular procedure performed or if written details of the operation are lacking. Familiarizing oneself with these procedures, as well as good communication with the otolaryngologist, should alleviate concerns.

Tracheostomy Skull Base Fracture If a skull base fracture is suspected in a patient, pneumocephalus must be considered and ruled out if possible prior to AE. A patient with an unrecognized pneumocephalus may suffer increased cerebral pressure or brain stem herniation due to expanding gases as the aircraft ascends. If a patient with a documented or suspected pneumocephalus must be transported (ie, urgent or contingency AE), the cabin should remain pressurized at the altitude of the departure facility. In helicopters and smaller transport aircraft where this is not possible, the lowest possible altitudes should be flown. All head-injured patients should be placed headfirst in the aircraft (ie, head toward the front) to lessen the risk of increased cerebral pressures (pooling of blood in the head) during the take-off acceleration and climb.20 Drugs to manage potential cerebral complications should be available if possible, as discussed in chapter 15.

There are many types of tracheostomy tubes, but the typical tube consists of an inner cannula with an outer sleeve (Fig 15.3). This inner cannula can be readily removed for cleaning, while the outer sleeve maintains the patency of the tracheostomy. The cuff is inflated to isolate the trachea from the larynx and secretions above and allow for a seal during ventilator use. When the patient is spontaneously breathing, this cuff may be deflated to allow passage of air through the mouth. The patient may be able to speak if the cuff is deflated and the tube is occluded on exhalation, thus allowing air to pass through the larynx.

Temporal Bone Trauma Temporal bone trauma may manifest as Battle’s sign (postauricular ecchymosis), tympanic membrane rupture, facial nerve paralysis, or hearing loss. If the middle ear is filled with blood, barotrauma during flight does not occur. In some cases, temporal bone fractures can breach the cranial vault, resulting in leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a potential pneumocephalus. A delayed complication is meningitis, as nasopharyngeal organisms contaminate the CSF.

Postoperative Otolaryngologic Patient The AE of patients after otolaryngologic procedures poses unique challenges in maintaining the comfort and safety of these patients.

Figure 15.3. The typical tracheostomy tube is made up of three parts: the outer sleeve (A), inner cannula (B), and obturator used to place the tracheostomy tube (C).

15. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients

To facilitate speech, the patient may use a custom tube that is cuffless and typically is of a smaller size, or is fenestrated. Fenestrated tubes have a hole on the outer curve (posterior) of the tube to allow passage of air through the mouth. A fenestrated inner cannula must be used in conjunction with the fenestrated outer sleeve. The fenestrated tube has fallen into some disfavor because of possible irritation against the posterior trachea leading to subglottic stenosis. Foam-filled cuffs are available that have a lower pressure against the tracheal mucosa. The foam cuff is collapsed through an external valve in the same fashion that air-filled cuffs are. Also commonly seen are customized and irregularly shaped tracheostomy tubes that may have only a single lumen. Several principles apply to the use of all tracheostomy tubes. Tracheostomy tubes should be frequently cleaned and inspected. Spares should be available. Suction should also be readily available. Either air or oxygen, if required, should be humidified and applied to the tracheostomy tube rather than to the mouth or nose. If a tracheostomy tube is dislodged, the inner cannula should be removed and replaced by an obturator that allows smooth reintroduction of the outer cannula of the tracheostomy tube into the airway passage. The obturator is then removed and the inner cannula is reinserted. The tracheostomy tube with obturator should be lubricated or moistened prior to introduction and this should be done with the patient’s neck extended under good lighting. For this reason, the obturator should be secured in an obvious place prior to AE, such as on the front of the patient’s chart or on the head of the bed.

Implications for AE Patients who have tracheostomies are ready to fly as soon as they have recovered from their operation and preferably have undergone their first tracheostomy tube change, usually after the fifth postoperative day. This period could be compressed if surgical capability exists in the AE transport and final destination. The tube should be sutured into position when the tracheotomy is first performed and the sutures


removed only when the tracheostomy tube is first changed. The tracheostomy provides an excellent airway and should be kept free of secretions and crusts. Humidification should be provided due to the low relative humidity of cabin air.

Tracheostomy Cuff Conventional teaching on tracheostomy tubes has been to replace the air in the cuff with water or saline prior to take-off to avoid problems of changing cuff pressures in flight. The air-filled tracheostomy tube cuff pressure is normally between 20 to 60 torr, but in an unpressurized aircraft at 35,000 ft cuff pressure can reach 385 torr.21 An excessively high pressure of this magnitude can damage the tracheal mucosa. Alternatively, inappropriately low pressures upon descent can result in an inadequate seal, increasing the risks of aspiration or air leaks if the patient is on a ventilator. The current recommendation, however, is to leave air in the tracheostomy tube cuff because the use of fluid causes difficulty in monitoring cuff pressure and leakage. It could also cause damage to the cuff valve, requiring premature changing of the tube, according to S. Derdak (personal commonication, August 1998 and March 2000). In practice, the pressure changes during flight are slow and of relatively small magnitude because modern aircraft maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to approximately 8000 ft. It is a simple matter to check the cuff pressure with a cuffolator upon reaching cruising altitude, every 30 minutes during the flight, and again during descent. Self-regulating cuffs are now also readily available. If the number of aeromedical personnel available is not sufficient to satisfactorily perform cuff pressure monitoring, replacement of the air with fluid remains a reasonable alternative.

Specific Diagnoses Tonsillectomy Patients who have undergone a tonsillectomy, with or without adenoidectomy or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, are at risk of hemorrhage at two different times during the postoperative period. The time of greatest risk

210 Table 15.2. Contraindications to AE for otorhinolaryngologic patients. Absolute (contraindication to elective, urgent, and contingency AE) Unstable airway Decompression sickness* Skull fracture with intracranial air* Relative (contraindication to elective AE) Within 5 d after tracheotomy Within 14 d after tonsillectomy, tympanoplasty, or neck surgery Within 24 h after rhinoplasty, septoplasty, or sinus surgery * Stabilized patients can be moved in aircraft capable of pressurization to the elevation of the departure site if the arrival site is not at a higher elevation.

is the first several hours after surgery. A postoperative tonsillectomy hemorrhage that can be controlled in an emergency department or operating room might be fatal in an aircraft. The second period of increased risk of hemorrhage is approximately 7 to 14 days after surgery, when the eschar separates from the tonsillar fossa. For this reason, elective AE should be delayed until 2 weeks after tonsillectomy or after the eschars in the tonsillar fossae separate (Table 15.2). If urgent or contingency AE is required sooner than 2 weeks, the risk of bleeding may be decreased by giving the patient humidified air and ensuring adequate fluid intake en route to counteract the dry atmosphere. If significant bleeding occurs, diversion to the nearest medical facility is required.

Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty Patients who have undergone rhinoplasty or septoplasty are able to undergo AE after the nasal passage has been cleared of splints and packing, usually 24 hours after surgery. Splints may be left in place as long as 1 week. The majority of patients will be able to breathe better through their nose after septoplasty. However, for several weeks after surgery residual edema of the turbinates and mucosa may predispose the patient to sinus blockage. Patients should be treated with a nasal decongestant spray before and during flight if AE is required within the first few weeks postoperatively.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Conditions that put patients at increased risk for sinus barotrauma are often treated sur-

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gically. Endoscopic sinus surgery is used to enlarge natural sinus openings for patients with chronic infections, tenacious mucus, or congenital bony abnormalities and remove obstructing pathology such as sinonasal polyps and tumors. Aviators who have undergone this “functional endoscopic sinus surgery” have significantly fewer or no episodes of sinus barotrauma postoperatively. A study at Wilford Hall Medical Center of 54 aviators who had undergone this procedure found that 98% had returned to active flight duty.22 Aviators who have undergone endoscopic sinus surgery should be “preflight” tested in an altitude chamber prior to returning to flying status. In general, patients who have undergone such surgery have few problems with air travel.23 However, elective AE should be delayed for at least 24 hours to allow resolution of any postoperative edema. Patients who require AE sooner should be treated with nasal decongestants and frequent Valsalva maneuvers to minimize the risk of sinus block. Patients should be cautioned that vigorous Valsalva maneuvers after some types of ethmoid surgeries (eg, involving the lamina papyracea, cribriform plate, or fovea ethmoidalis) may result in orbital emphysema or pneumocephalus. If a sinus block occurs during flight in a patient post-sinus surgery, the aircraft should climb back to the altitude where the sinus block developed, if at all possible. Decongestants should be administered if available and descent then can be resumed at a more gradual rate with regular Valsalva maneuvers. Analgesics may be administered if the patient is not in control of the aircraft. Sinus barotrauma may result in an episode of epistaxis that is usually self-limiting and easily controlled.

Pressure Equalization Tubes Patients with patent pressure equalization (PE) tubes in their tympanic membranes should have no difficulty with ear blocks. These patients may fly as soon as they are recovered from surgery. The patency of these tubes can usually be determined with direct otoscopy and insufflation or, if patency cannot be determined by direct visualization, then this can be readily determined by tympanography. A flat, high-volume tympanogram indicates a patent pressure equalization tube, whereas a flat, low-volume tym-

15. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients

panogram indicates either a plugged PE tube with middle-ear effusion or one that has extruded and the tympanic membrane has since sealed, with the development of serous otitis media. A fluid-filled middle ear is not affected by altitude change because fluid does not expand and contract as gases do at altitude.

Stapedotomy Otosclerosis is a disease that causes fixation of the stapes to surrounding bone, causing a conductive hearing loss. This can be treated with hearing aids or surgically corrected by stapedotomy. This procedure involves removing the stapes suprastructure over the stapes footplate, drilling a small hole through the footplate, and placing a piston-tike prosthesis into the hole, which is then directly connected to the incus. This restores ossicular mobility, resulting in improved hearing. A stapedectomy is a similar procedure; however, the entire footplate is removed and replaced with fascia/vein or perichondrium. Theoretically, these patients are at a higher risk of perilymph fistula. Patients who have undergone stapes surgery are allowed to fly in commercial aircraft after they have recovered from the anesthetic and are symptom free.

Tympanoplasty Tympanoplasty encompasses a variety of operations that may involve the removal of middle-ear pathology, repair of ossicles, or reconstruction of the eardrum. A variety of materials may be used to repair the tympanic membrane and ossicles. A patient who has undergone recent tympanoplasty or even a tympanoplasty associated with some form of mastoid surgery should be able to fly as soon as recovered from the effects of the anesthetic and demonstrates no otologic complications. Typically, after surgery the middle-ear space is filled with fluid and absorbent surgical packing that dissolves in about 3 weeks. Not every otologic surgery involves middle-ear packing. In the absence of packing, an ossicular reconstruction or tympanic membrane graft should be allowed to heal in place for at least 2 weeks before being subjected to barotrauma and Valsalva maneu-


vers. Movement of the tympanic membrane flap during pressure changes may dislodge grafts or prostheses. Prior to taking a flight after healing, these patients should begin performing frequent Eustachian tube clearing maneuvers, including gentle Valsalva maneuvers, chewing, if yawning, and swallowing.24 Placement of some types of ossicular prostheses creates a small but serious risk of perilymphatic fistula, regardless of the time since surgery. A prosthesis such as a total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP) lacks the natural lever action of the ossicle that it replaces. Excessive tympanic membrane motion transmitted directly to the footplate of the stapes may acutely create a perilymphatic fistula.25 This rarely can occur while the patient is trying to clear an earblock with forceful Valsalva maneuvers or during abrupt changes in cabin pressure (ie, explosive decompression). Symptoms can include sudden vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and a sensorinerual hearing loss. Treatment is supportive, with immediate followup by a specialist after scheduled landing.

Acoustic Neuroma and Cerebellar Pontine Angle Surgery Acoustic neuroma is the common name for a vestibular nerve schwannoma, a benign slowgrowing lesion that causes compression of the contents of the internal auditory canal and ultimately grows into the cerebellopontine angle. These lesions can be treated with surgery, sterotactic radiation, or observation. The surgical accesses most commonly used include the translabyrinthine, retrosigmoid, and middle fossa approaches. Depending on the approach, the patient has a 9% to 29% risk of developing a CSF leak within the first few postoperative days.26 If a CSF leak develops after surgery, patients should not undergo elective AE for 2 weeks after any leakage has resolved. In the past, it was considered safe to fly immediately after a CSF leak resolved. However, there are reports of patients who flew immediately after the leakage resolved (following a translabyrinthine approach) and developed bacterial meningitis within hours of landing.26 The hypothesis is that, during descent, the relative negative


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pressure that develops within the middle ear and Eustachian tube allows nasopharyngeal pathogens to reflux back into the middle ear and come into contact with CSF, resulting in meningitis.

worn around the neck for the rapid release from fixation in the case of vomiting (Fig 15.4). It is only necessary to cut and remove the wire loops spanning between the maxillary and mandibular bars (Fig 15.5).


Neck Dissection/Thyroidectomy/Free and Pedicled Flaps

Patients who have undergone a total laryngectomy have had their larynx removed and the trachea brought out through the anterior neck. They may have a short single lumen tube similar to that of a tracheostomy tube that fits within the trachea and helps prevent contracture at the tracheastoma site. Patients who have undergone a total laryngectomy may have a small one-way valve inserted on the posterior wall of their trachea and into the pharynx (such as the Blom-Singer® valve, International Healthcare Technologies, Carpinteria, Calif) that allows oral speech when the tracheastoma opening is occluded with their thumb. There are no problems associated with this condition during flight other than excessive drying. One pilot was reported to fly even after his total laryngectomy.27

Patients who have undergone neck dissection, thyroidectomy, or free or pedicled flaps should be able to be moved by elective AE after 2 weeks and after all drains have been removed, no fistula exists, and the flaps are viable. Earlier

Mandible Fractures Patients with mandible fractures will usually require intermaxillary fixation (IMF, ie, their jaws are wired shut). For this type of fixation, arch bars are wired to the mandibular and maxillary teeth and then wired to each other, typically with four wire loops. Patients with IMF are at risk of aspiration if they vomit with the wire fixation in place. If patients have a tendency toward motion sickness, they should be given antiemetics and placed on their side with the head down. In high-risk patients, the fixation wires should be removed and replaced with rubber bands.28 If wires are left in place, wire cutters should be

Figure 15.4. Patients with intermaxillary fixation should have wire cutters around their necks for rapid release from fixation in the case of vomiting.

15. Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Patients


Figure 15.5. Wire cut sites for emergency release of intermaxillary fixation.

Table 15.3. AE checklist. Hearing protection for all patients (ear plugs or muffs) where required Patients at risk for hypoxia (eg, anemia 25 L Uncontrolled bleeding, GI or otherwise Body temperature >39.5°C not controllable with antipyretics Uncontrolled cardiac dysrhythmia Intraocular or intracranial air or recent intraocular or intracranial surgical procedure Relative contraindication Intra-abdominal or intrathoracic surgical procedure within 24–48 h of flight

21. Burn Patients

should be reassessed. Hemodynamic instability may result if escharotomy sites start to bleed. With bulky dressings, this blood loss may not be readily apparent and removal of dressings and direct inspection of the wound is necessary. Electrocauterization and blood transfusion are impractical in-flight. When bleeding sites are identified, the best treatment is to oversew the bleeding vessels with absorbable suture (3-0 chromic or Vicryl). Physiological consequences of change in barometric pressure during ascent or descent are familiar to the aeromedical team. Burnspecific problems include the need to monitor endotracheal tube cuff pressure (or the use of saline to inflate the cuff), the need to monitor inflation of air splints if used to stabilize concurrent trauma, and the need to ensure that burn dressings do not become constrictive. Change or loss of peripheral pulses should first be treated by elevation of the extremity and loosening of the dressings. Any possible need for escharotomy or fasciotomy should be anticipated preflight, as in-flight surgical procedures are difficult.

Elective AE A number of patients will meet American Burn Association criteria for burn center care, but do not require urgent evacuation. This group would include patients with small BSA burns being transferred for functional or cosmetic considerations (burns of the hands, feet, and face), small full thickness burns, or small chemical burns. A second group considered for elective AE are patients nearing the conclusion of acute care that are being transferred for rehabilitation. The need for urgent rather than elective AE cannot be determined on burn size alone and should consider the patency of the airway, the need for mechanical ventilation inflight, and the presence of preexisting medical conditions or associated traumatic injury. Consultation with the receiving burn facility is useful when the need for urgent versus elective transport is unclear. During armed conflict, triage decisions in general afford the highest transport priority to patients with burns between 20% and 70%


BSA. Patients with burns outside of this range would then be selectively transported as space becomes available.

Electrical Injury Electrical injury, including lightning contact, meets American Burn Association criteria for treatment in a burn center. While overall management is similar to thermal injury, pathology and complications specific to electrical injury must be identified and addressed prior to evacuation. Electrical injury may be caused by contact with alternating or direct current. Alternating current produces more severe injury and is more likely to cause muscle tetany or cardiac arrhythmias. Tetany may prevent the victim from releasing hold of a current source. On occasion, tetany of paraspinal muscles produces compression fractures of the thoracic or lumbar vertebrae. Cardiac arrhythmias are seen in up to 37% of patients with electrical injury.16 Cardiac arrest may be present at the time that the victim is removed from the current source. Other arrhythmias include ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, sinus tachycardia, or nonspecific ST-T changes. Arrhythmias, when present, usually occur prehospital or in the emergency department and rarely present after the first postburn day. Selective ECG monitoring of electrical injury patients for 24 to 48 hours is advocated when current may have passed across the chest and in patients with cardiac symptoms or a history of cardiac risk factors.16 It would be prudent to monitor the ECG of electrical patients while in-flight, in particular within the first 24 to 48 hours of injury. As current passes through the extremities, blood vessels and nerves may be injured. Muscle and bone resist current flow and, like resistance wires in a toaster, become heated. This heat continues to radiate internally after the current is stopped, resulting in muscle necrosis, edema, and compartment syndromes. Skin may be spared from thermal injury because the external location allows heat dissipation. It cannot be overemphasized that


necrotic muscle may be present underneath intact skin and that the absence of burned skin does not rule out deep injury from electricity. Lysis of myocytes or erythrocytes may release myoglobin, hemoglobin, or potassium. Life-threatening hyperkalemia may result, requiring treatment with bicarbonate, insulin, and glucose infusion or binding resins. Radical excision of dead tissue is on occasion required to control hyperkalemia. Free myoglobin or hemoglobin are excreted in the urine as dark pigment and can precipitate in renal tubules, causing renal failure when the urine is acidic. When dark pigment is present in urine, resuscitation fluids should be increased to provide urine outputs in the 75 to 100 mL/hour range and 50 mEq of sodium bicarbonate should be added to each liter of resuscitation fluid. As urine color returns to normal, fluids should be readjusted to provide 30 to 50 cc/hour of urine output. If urine pigments fail to clear, mannitol can be given with the understanding that this osmotic diuretic will render urine output inaccurate as a resuscitation indicator. Frequent neurovascular assessment of extremities is indicated in electrical injury. Change in pulse or neurovascular status indicates the need for escharotomy of circumferential extremity burns. If the skin is not burned, or if escharotomy does not restore pulses, formal surgical exploration and fasciotomy or even amputation is required. Patients should not be accepted for flight until neurovascular status has been determined and surgery performed or the need for surgery ruled out. Change of neurovascular status or loss of pulse is an indication to return to the medical facility prior to flight. Associated trauma should be ruled out prior to transportation. A history of electrical contact on a power pole should prompt consideration of a fall with possible cervical spine or internal organ injury. We routinely obtain radiographs of the thoracic and LS spine in cases where compression fractures are a possibility.

Chemical Burn Injury Chemical burn injury can be caused by skin contact with acids, alkalis, or organic compounds. Acid burns produce coagulation necro-

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sis of the skin and are less severe than alkali burn, which produce liquefaction necrosis with disruption of tissue planes. Organic compounds such as gasoline produce burn injury by skin contact and, in addition, may be absorbed, causing systemic toxicity. Renal or hepatic insufficiency or failure may result. The fumes of organic compounds may cause unconsciousness or pulmonary injury. Chemical burns meet American Burn Association criteria for treatment in a burn center. Compared to thermal injury, chemical burns are usually of a smaller surface area but more likely to be full thickness or third-degree injury. Full thickness chemical burns may initially mimic second-degree or partial thickness burns, presenting as erythematous areas of blister formation. The true depth becomes apparent in the next few days as the burn becomes blanched and leathery. The treatment of all types of chemical injury is to flush the burned area with water until the pain significantly decreases or stops. Chemicals that are dry powders should be brushed off of the wound prior to irrigation. Acid burns typically require 30 minutes to 1 hour of irrigation. Alkali burns may require several hours of irrigation. Irrigation has the added advantage of providing some decontamination of hazardous chemical exposure by dilution. Many hazardous chemicals, including chemical warfare agents, require specific decontamination methods that are beyond the scope of this chapter. For evacuation purposes, chemical burns are treated identically to thermal injuries with several exceptions. The smaller size of the injury usually places these patients into a routine rather than an urgent transport status and simplifies in-flight management, as patients are usually ambulatory. The transport team must verify that wound irrigation and decontamination has been performed prior to arrival of the team. Transportation of a patient prior to decontamination will place the flight crew at risk and will remove the aircraft from service until aircraft decontamination has been performed. In civilian practice, we likewise advise against the use of rotary-wing aircraft to transport patients from the scene of hazardous materials incidents. The prop wash generated at

21. Burn Patients

take-off and landing will spread chemical contamination, and any accidental contamination of the aircraft by an incompletely decontaminated patient will place an expensive asset out of service.11

Contingency AE The complex pathophysiology of acute burn injury superimposed upon the physiological stresses associated with flight make the aeromedical transport of burn patients difficult. Specialized burn transport teams have been available in peacetime and in war since the Vietnam War era and are likely to play a significant role in the next armed conflict. In nearly all situations, the long-range transport of burn patients should be performed by burn or critical-care specialty teams. In some wartime situations, transport of burn patients without a specialized team may become necessary. While it is not possible to cover all contingencies in a textbook chapter, general planning guidelines should include consideration of triage and the increased needs for IV fluids and other medications unique to the burn patient. As previously mentioned, wartime triage may require restriction of transportation to patients with burns between 20% and 70% total BSA. In theory, patients with burns in the 10% to 20% BSA range can be resuscitated with oral fluids and transported as “walking wounded.” In practice, the gastric atony associated with burn injury, coupled with distension and contraction of hollow organs secondary to changes in barometric pressure, may make oral resuscitation impractical. For this patient population, IV fluids must be available in-flight if vomiting precludes oral resuscitation. Alternatively, evacuation can be delayed 24 to 48 hours until oral resuscitation is completed. For planning purposes, the availability of sufficient quantities of IV fluid, narcotics, sedatives, and paralytics must be anticipated. In contemporary civilian practice, burn patients are resuscitated on the Modified Brooke formula (2 cc) or on the Parkland formula (4 cc), and should require between 2 to 4 cc of Ringer’s lactate per kilogram body weight per


percent BSA second- and third-degree burn during the first 24 hours. In practice, such formulae are only guidelines and fluid administration is adjusted hourly based upon urine output. Certain situations, such as inhalation injury, delayed resuscitation, associated traumatic injuries, or very large burn size increase the need for resuscitative fluids. Twenty-four hour IV fluid requirements of 6 to 8 cc/kg per percent burn are not uncommon. To provide a margin of safety, sufficient Ringer’s lactate to provide flow rates of at least 10 cc/kg per percent BSA burn for the duration of the flight should be available for each burn patient transported. Burn patients normally require narcotic medications for pain control and usually benefit from simultaneous administration of benzodiazepines. Neuromuscular blockade may be required to facilitate mechanical ventilation. To avoid hypotension, these medications should be started in small doses and given intravenously at frequent intervals. If hypotension occurs with administration of 2 to 5 mg of morphine, the adequacy of resuscitation should be reassessed. After the initial administration of small doses of narcotics, benzodiazepines, and paralytics, it usually becomes apparent that the need for all three classes of medication in burn patients far exceeds dosages normally encountered in critical-care practice. The authors have treated burn patients who have required the simultaneous administration of 15 to 20 mg of morphine, 15 to 20 mg of benzodiazepine, and 10 to 15 mg of vecuronium per hour for several days at a time. When expedient transfer of burn patients is attempted, the need for very large doses of narcotics, benzodiazepines, and neuromuscular blocking agents must be anticipated. A final point to consider is that the present standard of care permits the morbidity and mortality-free transport of seriously burned patients over long distances when a properly trained and equipped team is available. The expedient transfer of burn patients without the benefit of specialized assets will be expected to increase in-flight mortality and morbidity. In wartime, the possibility of death in-flight must be balanced against other possibilities, including death on-scene for lack of medical assets or


tactical considerations such as the possibility that a forward medical facility will be captured or overrun by aggressor forces.

Conclusion Thermal injury will be a likely consequence of the next armed conflict. Surgical management of thermal injury is resource intensive and impractical in the far-forward arena; rather, burn casualties will require evacuation out of theater for definitive care. The experience of the USA Burn Flight Team over the past 40 years demonstrates that long-range aeromedical transport of the massively injured can be safely performed when the patient is properly stabilized and the transport team is both experienced and well equipped.

References 1. Pruitt BA, Jr, Mason AD, Jr. Epidemiological, demographic and outcome characteristics of burn injury. In: Herndon, DN, ed. Total Burn Care. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1996. 2. Pruitt BA, Jr, Goodwin CW, Mason AD, Jr. Epidemiology of burn injury and demography of burn care facilities. Prob Gen Surg 1990; 7:235–251. 3. Bowen TE, Bellamy RF. Emergency War Surgery, Second United States Revision of the Emergency War Surgery NATO Handbook. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1988:v. 4. Cioffi WG, Rue LW, Buescher TM, Pruitt BA, Jr. A brief history and the pathophysiology of burns. In: Zajtchuk R, ed. Textbook of Military Medicine Part 1. vol 5. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1990.

D.J. Barillo and J.E. Craigie 5. Eldad I, Torem M. Burns in the Lebanon War 1982: “The blow and the cure.” Milit Med 1990;155:130–132. 6. Graves TA, Cioffi WG, Mason AD, Jr, McManus WF, Pruitt BA, Jr. Relationship of transfusion and infection in a burn population. J Trauma 1989;29:948–954. 7. Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons. Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for Doctors. Chicago: American College of Surgeons; 1993. 8. Nebraska Burn Institute. Advanced Burn Life Support. Lincoln, Neb: Nebraska Burn Institute; 1992. 9. Cioffi WG, Rue LW, Buescher TM, Pruitt BA, Jr. The management of burn injuries. In: Zajtchuk R, ed. Textbook of Military Medicine Part 1. vol 5. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1990. 10. Barillo DJ, McManus AT. Infection in burn patients. In: Armstrong D, Cohen J, eds. Infectious Diseases. London: Mosby International; 1999. 11. Jordan B, Barillo DJ. Prehospital care and transport. In: Carrougher GJ, ed. Burn Care and Therapy. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1998. 12. Shirani KZ, Pruitt BA, Jr, Mason AD, Jr. The influence of inhalation injury and pneumonia on burn mortality. Ann Surg 1987;205:82–87. 13. Pruitt BA, Jr, Goodwin CW, Cioffi WG, Jr. Thermal injuries. In: David JH, Sheldon GF, eds. Surgery, A Problem-Solving Approach. 2nd ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby-Yearbook; 1995. 14. Barillo DJ, Dickerson EE, Cioffi WG, Mozingo DM, Pruitt BA, Jr. Pressure-controlled ventilation for the long-range aeromedical transport of burn patients. J Burn Care Rehabil 1997;18: 200–205. 15. Graves TA, Cioffi WG, McManus WF, et al. Fluid resuscitation of infants and children with massive thermal injury. J Trauma 1988;28: 1656–1659. 16. Winfree J, Barillo DJ. Nonthermal injuries. Nurs Clin North Am 1997;32:275–296.

22 Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients William W. Hurd, Jeffrey M. Rothenberg, and Robert E. Rogers

It is noteworthy that obstetric and gynecological diagnoses are the most common reasons for hospital admissions in the United States.1 This is related in part to the fact that childbirth occurs almost exclusively in a hospital setting. In addition, problems related to the female reproductive tract are relatively common in women of all ages, but especially in women of reproductive age. Together, childbirth and hysterectomy account for more than 30% of all surgical procedures performed annually in the United States.1 The implications for longdistance civilian aeromedical evacuation (AE) are obvious. Obstetrics and gynecology has taken on increased importance in military medicine as well. The active-duty military population is now made up of more than 15% women, who are almost exclusively of reproductive age.2 In addition, the majority of active-duty and retired men have wives who often utilize the military medical care system. This is especially true overseas, where civilian medical care might not be available or adequate. With more than 200,000 active-duty troops and 400,000 dependents stationed overseas, large portions of the personnel who utilize overseas the military medical system are female.3 The AE implications related to the significant number of obstetric and gynecological patients treated in military medical facilities should not be underestimated, and contingency plans should be immediately available. Even during armed conflict, gynecological considerations remain surprisingly important.

Although active-duty dependents are no longer a major consideration, many of the medical problems experienced by women living under field conditions are gynecological in nature. A recent example is the Persian Gulf War.2 Prior to and during the offensive actions in Kuwait and Iraq, more than 600,000 US military personnel were billeted under field conditions, many for more than 6 months. Women made up 7% of the active-duty personnel in the theater. However, more than 17% of the sick call visits were by women, and more than 25% of these visits were for gynecological problems.4 Although most problems were treated locally, many gynecological patients eventually required AE for medical or administrative reasons. One unanticipated result of billeting a large number of men and women together under field conditions for an extended period was inadvertent pregnancy. Because pregnancy is an administrative indication for reassignment outside of the theater of operations, pregnancy became the single most common reason for AE of women during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.5 This chapter will explore both the obstetric and gynecological implications for AE. Uncomplicated and complicated pregnancies will be examined at all stages, including the first, second, and third trimesters and the postpartum period. Information on emergency delivery is also included. Chronic and acute gynecological conditions and considerations for AE of the postoperative gynecological patient will be discussed.



Ob/Gyn Emergency Equipment An important consideration for AE of the obstetric and gynecological patient is the availability of equipment specific to these problems. Because many specialized instruments are not routinely available without preplanning, an ob/gyn emergency kit should be made available. This is composed of instruments that are commonly used for both obstetric and gynecological problems. In addition, the kit should include instruments specific to emergency vagin*l delivery (Table 22.1). The kit should include instruments for evaluation and prepared for vagin*l lacerations or vagin*l bleeding including speculums, suturing instruments and materials, and scissors. Instruments and equipment specific for delivery of infants include cord clamps, suction bulbs, and towels. A relatively important piece of equipment for an emergency vagin*l delivery in a confined area is a bedpan. This is used to elevate the buttocks during emergency delivery, as described below. Various types of gauze and padding are also essential. This includes gauze for packing a vagin*l laceration or the vagin* in the event of uterine hemorrhage.

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

Obstetric menstrual pads are included for both for gynecological vagin*l bleeding and normal postpartum bleeding. In addition, specific medication might be required when transporting high-risk pregnant patients (see specific diagnoses below).

Obstetric Patients Uncomplicated Pregnancy Flight imposes little risk to the healthy pregnant woman or her fetus. Pregnant women have flown millions of hours in commercial aircraft at all stages of gestation without a documented increased in the risk of any pathologic or physiological events associated with pregnancy. This is not to say that say that there are no medical implications related to flying during pregnancy. Sudden, potentially catastrophic events might occur at any time in pregnancy and are more common near term. The space constraints and the relative isolation from immediate medical care that often occurs during flight must be taken into account both by potential pregnant passengers and the flight crew.

Effects of Altitude Table 22.1. Emergency ob/gyn kit. Sterile preassembled ob/gyn kit Instruments vagin*l speculum (Graves & Pederson) Needle holder Suture scissors Thumb forceps Large (Russian) Small (Allis) Ring forceps (2) Single-tooth tenaculum Vascular clamps Large (Kelly) hemostat (2) Small (Crile) hemostat (2) Bandage scissors Cord clamp Suction bulb Towels Gauze, 4 ¥ 4≤ (40) Gauze 2≤ tape, 10 ft (for packing) Sterile gloves Thermal absorbent blanket and head cover (for newborn infant) Bedpan (to elevate buttocks)

During routine commercial flights, the maximum cabin pressure is equal to an altitude of approximately 8000 ft. This results in a 25% decrease in PO2 in a healthy pregnant adult breathing ambient air from 80 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg.6 Fortunately, this drop has no appreciable effect on a healthy pregnant woman or her fetus. However, in pathologic conditions where the fetus might suffer from decreased oxygenation supplemental oxygen should be given as a matter of course.

Immobilization Prolonged immobilization is probably the most significant medical consideration for the pregnant patient during a long flight. Pregnant women have increased coagulability for hormonal reasons, leading to an increase risk of venous thrombosis.7 In late pregnancy, increased intra-abdominal pressure from the pregnancy decreases venous return from the

22. Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients

lower extremities, thus increasing the risk of venous thrombosis further. The risk of lowerextremity venous stasis might be increased even further in a sitting position with the knees flexed. For these reasons, it is recommended that women flying late in pregnancy in a seated position should ambulate at frequent intervals throughout the flight.8 A semirecumbent position afforded by reclining the seat back might also help with venous return. High-risk pregnant women should be transported in a lateral recumbent position by litter, preferably keeping the patient on the left side.

Effects of G-Forces Pregnant patients might be more susceptible to the effects of increased G-force. During takeoff and landing, both commercial and military passengers experience a slight increase in Gforces. For most people, this G-force effect is virtually undetectable. However, there is an increased susceptibility to orthostatic hypotension during the second half of pregnancy as a result of increased venous pooling in the lower extremities. This might also explain an apparent increased sensitivity to G-forces in late pregnancy. In one study, two of three patients transported by military AE after 34 weeks experienced “dizziness and shadowing of vision” during descent that responded to supplemental oxygen.9 Although the exact mechanism of these symptoms remains uncertain, orthostatic hypotension related to a combination of venous pooling and increased G-forces is a likely explanation.


35th week for overseas flights) to minimize the risk of such an event occurring during flight.10 USAF regulations recommend against routine air transfer of patients beyond the 34th week of pregnancy (including AE) for the same reason.9 Fortunately, there are usually a matter of hours between the onset of labor and delivery of the infant in most women. At term, labor lasts an average of 8 to 12 hours.7 However, some women deliver less then 2 hours after the onset of painful contractions. For this reason, the onset of obvious labor during a commercial flight is best treated by diversion to the nearest large airport and evaluation of the laboring patient in a hospital setting. If AE is required during the last month of an uncomplicated pregnancy, the availability of obstetric emergency supplies and an attendant who is trained in emergency vagin*l delivery is a wise precaution. A related concern is that the risk of spontaneous ruptured membranes might be increased by the changes in pressure associated with flight. It has long been suspected that subtle changes in atmospheric pressure might increase the risk of spontaneous rupture of membranes.11 Anecdotal evidence suggests that the rapid increase in pressure associated with landing of commercially pressurized aircraft might increase the risk of membrane rupture near term.9

Problems During the First Half of Pregnancy First-Trimester Bleeding: Miscarriages

Onset of Labor During Flight A potentially more pressing concern in late pregnancy is the onset of labor or any one of the normal or pathologic processes associated with labor during a prolonged flight. Each year, the sudden onset of labor, rupture of the amniotic membranes, or bleeding in pregnancy during flight requires emergency diversion of commercial airlines. Because of the significant implications of this, the International Air Transportation Association has recommend that pregnant women should not fly on commercial aircraft after the 36th week of pregnancy (the

The first trimester is defined as the first 13 weeks of pregnancy after the last menstrual period. During this time, bleeding is extremely common. It has been estimated that more than one third of pregnant women experience some bleeding in early pregnancy. At least 20% of all clinical pregnancies will end in spontaneous abortion, commonly referred to as a “miscarriage.” In any case of bleeding in the first trimester, consideration should always be given to the possibility that the patient actually has an ectopic pregnancy, discussed in more detail

290 Table 22.2. Contraindications for AE of obstetric and gynecological patients. Obstetric patients First trimester Uterine bleeding (especially with cramping) Suspected ruptured ectopic pregnancy Second and third trimesters Active labor Uterine bleeding Cervix >4 cm dilated Incompetent cervix, untreated Severe preeclampsia Postpartum Heavy vagin*l bleeding Gynecological patients PID with peritonitis Ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess Heavy vagin*l bleeding

below. The importance of making this diagnosis lies in the fact that minimal external vagin*l bleeding can be associated with life-threatening intra-abdominal hemorrhage from an ectopic pregnancy. For this reason, ultrasound should be used to verify that the pregnancy is intrauterine in any patient with first-trimester bleeding.12 Once an ectopic pregnancy has been ruled out, the spontaneous abortion can be further classified according to stage of progression. A “threatened” abortion describes a pregnancy in which any spotting or bleeding is occurring. Fortunately, the first sign of a spontaneous abortion, relatively light bleeding, almost always occurs days to weeks before progression to the heavy bleeding and cramping.12 The most critical stages of a spontaneous abortion are accompanied by heavy bleeding and are termed “inevitable” abortion if the cervix is open but no tissue has been passed or “incomplete abortion” if some, but not all, tissue has been passed vagin*lly. In some cases, the bleeding can be heavy enough to constitute a medical emergency. The final stage of most spontaneous abortions, termed “complete” abortion, is when all tissue has been passed and is usually associated with minimal residual bleeding. This diagnosis is usually verified by ultrasound. A less common condition, termed a “septic” abortion, is when an intrauterine infection complicates a spontaneous or induced abortion. In the past, septic abortions were the common

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

sequelae of illegal abortions. The implications of a septic abortion for AE are similar to a uterine infection related to other causes, and are discussed below. Another uncommon condition is a “missed” abortion, defined as a pregnancy in which the fetus is no longer viable but no bleeding or cramping has occurred. This condition can be treated the same as a threatened abortion for the purposes of AE.

Implications for AE Active bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is a contraindication to elective AE (Table 22.2). Emergency transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility (ie, medical evacuation [MEDEVAC]) should be considered only if the facilities for definitive treatment are not available locally. Patients with minimal spotting might be moved short distances relatively safely if there is no significant cramping and the cervix is closed (eg, an early threatened abortion) (Table 22.3). Fortunately, few patients will experience heavy bleeding within the first week after the onset of spotting.12 During contingency operations (eg, natural disaster or armed conflict), it might be necessary to move pregnant patients who are experiencing more than minimal spotting by AE. Before AE is considered, several conditions should be met to minimize the chance that a threatened abortion will progress to heavy bleeding. The most valuable tool is ultrasound. In a patient with bleeding, the presence of cardiac activity indicates that the chance of

Table 22.3. Criteria bleeding.




Elective AE No bleeding for 48 h with ultrasound evidence of a viable fetus After fetal nonviability is verified by ultrasound, perform D&C prior to transport Convalescent period: 24 h after D&C Urgent AE Bleeding 48 hours, AE is relatively safe. In contrast, the absence of cardiac activity with an intrauterine sac >10 mm in diameter 7 or more weeks from the last menstrual period is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and heavy bleeding.12 Regardless of the ultrasound findings, the most important clinical consideration is the amount of bleeding and uterine cramping. If the bleeding is less than a menstrual period and there is minimal or no uterine cramping, then urgent AE is reasonable in a contingency situation. However, if the patient is bleeding more than a normal menstrual period or having significant cramping she should not undergo AE (Table 22.3). In these emergency situations, MEDEVAC to the nearest medical facility for cervical dilation and curettage (D&C) might be lifesaving.


examination using the equipment in an ob/gyn emergency kit (Table 22.1). With the patient in a supine “frog-leg” position (with heels together), a vagin*l speculum and concentrated light source are used to inspect the cervix. If tissue is seen protruding through the cervical os, the tissue should be removed by gentle traction with ring forceps. This might result in completion of the spontaneous abortion process and decrease bleeding. However, if significant bleeding continues emergency treatment consists of tightly packing the vagin* with gauze and diversion of the flight to an airfield near a medical facility. Another, less common, complication of spontaneous abortion is intrauterine infection, termed septic abortion. If a patient with a diagnosis of spontaneous abortion develops a fever, with or without chills, emergency therapy consists of IV hydration and broad-spectrum antibiotics. In most cases, definitive surgical treatment (D&C) can be delayed for several hours with little risk to the patient.

Preparation for AE If AE is required for a patient with a threatened abortion, certain steps should be taken to minimize the risk to the patient during flight. First, it should be verified that the patient’s hemoglobin is >12 g/dL so that she will have an adequate reserve should heavy bleeding occur. If the patient is found to be anemic, transfusion prior to transportation might be needed to increase the margin for safety. In any pregnant patient who is bleeding, an intravenous (IV) catheter should be placed prior to flight because placing it during flight might be difficult. The amount of bleeding will determine whether the patient will require ongoing IV hydration or only a heparin lock. However, in all cases, the ability to quickly start IV fluids is imperative. In addition, the patient needs an adequate supply of obstetric pads to last throughout the flight or longer, should a delay occur.

Potential In-Flight Emergencies The vagin*l bleeding that can be associated with a spontaneous abortion can be massive, resulting in hypovolemic shock. The first step of in-flight treatment of heavy bleeding is a pelvic

Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy, usually located in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus, occurs in approximately 1% to 2% of all pregnancies. In patients at increased risk of tubal pregnancies because of previous pelvic infection or tubal surgery, the ectopic rate can be as high as 15% to 25% of pregnancies. A patient with an ectopic pregnancy most commonly presents with vagin*l bleeding and unilateral pain 6 to 8 weeks after her last menstrual period. However, this presentation is neither specific nor sensitive for ectopic pregnancy. A threatened spontaneous abortion can often present with these symptoms. Alternatively, some patients present with atypical symptoms that can range from painless bleeding to severe abdominal pain with hemorrhagic shock. With modern ultrasound and serum betahuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) determination, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is often made well before tubal rupture and intrauterine hemorrhage. The result is that many ectopic pregnancies might be diagnosed days or weeks prior to the need for definitive


surgery. In some patients, the tubal pregnancy resolves spontaneously or can be treated medically and surgery avoided.

Implications for AE A diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is a contraindication for elective AE. Although the chance of sudden tubal rupture and intraabdominal hemorrhage is small, the inability to treat this emergency by means other than immediate surgery makes AE relatively risky. Once the ectopic pregnancy has been surgically removed, AE is delayed until the patient has recovered from surgery, as discussed below for the postoperative gynecology patient. A nonsurgical approach for the treatment of ectopic pregnancies has become more popular in the last few years. This involves the use of methotrexate, a chemotherapeutic agent that destroys placental tissue and results in resorption of the ectopic pregnancy.13 Although this approach is safe in selected patients, there is an approximately 5% risk of tubal rupture requiring emergency surgery. For this reason, patients being treated nonsurgically for ectopic pregnancy should not be transported by elective AE until their serum beta-hCG levels are undetectable. In contingency operations, or when definitive treatment is not available locally, it might be necessary to transport patients with an ectopic pregnancy. If required, patients with a diagnosis of an unruptured ectopic pregnancy should be transported at the earliest opportunity.

Preparation for AE When AE is required, certain criteria should be met prior to transportation. First, the patient should be hemodynamically stable. Second, there should be no evidence of intra-abdominal bleeding such as peritoneal signs or free intraperitoneal fluid on ultrasound. Finally, the patient should have a sufficient hematologic reserve (Hgb >12 g/dL) in case of rupture during transport. An important point to remember is that a vigorous pelvic exam should be avoided in patients suspected of having an ectopic pregnancy to avoid iatrogenic tubal rupture.

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

Because sudden rupture is always a possibility, IV access should be established prior to flight. This can be either a functioning IV line or a heparin lock. Transportation as a litter patient is imperative.

In-Flight Emergencies Sudden rupture of an ectopic pregnancy is uncommon prior to 6 weeks’ gestation as determined by the last menstrual period. However, the patient might have already been pregnant at the time of the apparent “last menses,” making the gestational age 2 to 4 weeks greater than calculated using this “menses.” For this reason, the onset of severe unilateral pain in a patient with a tentative diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy constitutes a medical emergency, with or without signs of peritoneal irritation and hemodynamic instability. Emergency in-flight treatments include IV hydration and Trendelenburg position. Transfusion with type-specific packed red cells or whole blood is indicated for signs of hypovolemic shock. Because the only definitive treatment for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is surgical, any sudden changes in the patient’s condition is an indication for emergency flight diversion to an airfield with a nearby medical facility. Lesser degrees of unilateral pelvic pain are common with an ectopic pregnancy. However, it is difficult to differentiate pain related to tubal distension from catastrophic tubal rupture. For this reason, any change in the nature or degree of pelvic pain in a patient with an ectopic pregnancy should be treated as a likely “ruptured ectopic” and considered life-threatening. vagin*l bleeding is a common occurrence in patients with ectopic pregnancies. For this reason, several days’ supply of menstrual pads should be sent with the patient. Heavy vagin*l bleeding with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy suggests that the patient might actually be having a spontaneous abortion (see above).

Hyperemesis of Pregnancy Another common problem encountered in the first trimester is hyperemesis. This excessive

22. Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients

nausea and vomiting can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Treatment consists of supportive measures including IV hydration with electrolyte replacement and antiemetic therapy. No other special considerations are needed for AE.

Problems During the Second Half of Pregnancy With the exception of spontaneous abortion, the incidence and implications of problems continues to increase until term. Because of this, any pregnant patient considering longdistance flight, including AE, should first have a thorough obstetric evaluation (Table 22.4). This should include verification of fetal viability by auscultation of fetal heart activity (by fetoscope, Doppler, or ultrasound) and a pelvic examination to verify that the cervix is closed and accurately estimate the gestational age.

Incompetent Cervix Approximately 5% of pregnancies are complicated by painless dilation of the cervix, almost exclusively in the middle third of pregnancy. The treatment for an incompetent cervix is strict bedrest until a suture (cerclage) can be placed around the cervix. These patients are at risk for premature rupture of membranes and premature labor and delivery.

Fetal Demise Intrauterine fetal demise might occur at any time. During the second or third trimester, the Table 22.4. Criteria for AE: Second and third trimesters. Elective AE £34 wk pregnant No labor for 48 h Cervical dilation 100 mm Hg.7 Seizures are most commonly treated with parenteral magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). An initial bolus of 4 g MgSO4 is given intravenously as a 20% solution at a rate of 1 g/minute. Maintenance MgSO4 should be given until delivery, usually at a dose of 2 g/hour. The patient must be observed closely for respiratory depression related to MgSO4 toxicity. The treatment is calcium gluconate (1 g intravenously administered slowly), which should always be readily available when MgSO4 is used.

Prior to AE, the patient should be ascertained to have (1) cervical dilation 12 g/dL). All patients should be transported by litter in the left lateral decubitus position and must have a functioning IV line in place. Supplemental oxygen (4 L/minute by nasal prongs) should also be routinely administered. Continuous fetal monitoring is not required because all conservative treatment for fetal distress (position, hydration, and oxygen) are already in place and definitive treatment (operative delivery) is not possible in-flight. Patients with

Potential In-Flight Emergencies In the third trimester, most in-flight emergencies can be treated only with supportive measures inflight, whereas definitive treatment will require emergency flight diversion to an airfield near a medical facility with obstetric capabilities. Because emergency delivery is a significant risk for many of these patients, they should be accompanied by medical personnel trained in emergency vagin*l delivery and an ob/gyn equipment kit (Table 22.1).

Hemorrhage Treatment of obstetric hemorrhage during flight is limited to supportive measures, including IV fluids, transfusion of whole blood or packed red blood cells, Trendelenburg and left-lateral decubitus position, and supplemental oxygen (4 L/minute by nasal prongs). Emergency flight diversion with immediate transfer to a medical facility equipped with an operating room might be lifesaving for the mother and child. After emergency delivery, postpartum hemorrhage can be a problem in as many as 5% of cases. The treatment of this is discussed below in the section on emergency delivery.



If the patient was diagnosed as having preeclampsia prior to AE, she might be already receiving MgSO4. If she is having a seizure despite MgSO4 therapy, the emergency treatment is IV diazepam (10 mg). Although this is an expedient way to treat seizures, there is a risk of respiratory depression that might require respiratory support. In addition, the infant will show signs of respiratory depression if born within 1 hour of this treatment.

Fever When transporting a patient with premature labor or premature rupture of membranes, the development of an elevated temperature is most likely a sign of intrauterine infection (chorioamnionitis). Another common source of infection is pyelonephritis. The fetal heart rate will almost always be elevated with maternal fever. In all cases of maternal fever, treatment consists of IV antibiotics and acetaminophen as an antipyretic. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided in late pregnancy. If the patient is not already on oxygen supplementation, this also should be started (4 L/minute by nasal cannula). Transfer to a medical facility within 1 to 2 hours is important.

Labor Regular, painful contractions can occur in any pregnant patient during flight but is most likely to occur in patients previously diagnosed with premature labor or premature rupture of the membranes. The initial treatment is bedrest in a left lateral recumbent position and IV hydration (lactated Ringer’s solution at 175 cc/hour). If the patient is being given a tocolytic agent, the dose can be increased. Careful monitoring must be done for signs and symptoms of toxicity. Flight diversion and transfer to an obstetric unit will be required if the labor cannot be stopped. In the absence of placenta previa, cervical examination by someone with obstetric experience can give the crew an estimation of how imminent delivery might be. Should the patient experience the urge to push, preparation for vagin*l delivery should be made.

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

Emergency vagin*l Delivery In-flight vagin*l delivery is fortunately an uncommon event. This might be because women in late pregnancy avoid prolonged flights. In addition, there is normally a matter of hours between the onset of labor and the actual delivery in most patients. However, AE flight crews, especially on long overseas flights, should be familiar with the signs of labor and know how to best assist a woman during delivery should this become necessary.

Signs of Labor In general, labor is a relatively prolonged course of events that beings with regular painful contractions and/or a spontaneous rupture of membranes and ends with vagin*l delivery. Labor is usually a long process, averaging 12 hours for the first child and 8 hours for subsequent deliveries.7 However, labor can be unexpectedly quick in some cases, especially with premature labor and women who have had several previous children. Once the patient has an urge to push, delivery usually occurs in less than 2 hours and sometimes in a matter of minutes, especially in multiparous women. Because of this, an emergency ob/gyn kit and personnel trained to assist with a vagin*l delivery should be available any time a pregnant patient is transported in the late second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Stages of Labor Labor progresses in a predictable manner divided into three stages. The first stage is the regular painful contractions that result in gradual dilation of the cervix. After an average of 8 to 10 hours, the complete dilation of the cervix is coupled with an often irresistible urge to push. The second stage of labor is the descent of the presenting part through the open cervix and ends with delivery of the infant. This usually takes 1 to 2 hours of active pushing, although it can take less than 10 minutes in some cases. The third stage of labor is the delivery of the placenta, which can be the most dangerous stage for the mother if hemorrhage occurs.

22. Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients

vagin*l Delivery with a Vertex Presentation In approximately 96% of all deliveries, the fetus descends through the birth canal with the top of the head proceeding first.7 This vertex presentation is the simplest and safest mode of delivery. Several steps are involved in assisting a vertex vagin*l delivery (Fig 22.1). When the perineum begins to bulge, or the presenting part becomes visible, the patient should be placed in an appropriate position for delivery. This is usually in a semirecumbent position, with the back elevated approximately 45° from horizontal. Adequate lateral room should be made to allow the patient to abduct her thighs such that the angle between her thighs is at or near 90°. In this position, the patient’s buttocks must be elevated at the time of delivery to allow for the delivery of the anterior shoulder of the infant (see below). A padded, inverted bedpan under the buttocks works well for this propose. The delivery process itself involves assisting the patient and minimizing the risk of vagin*l and peritoneal trauma. Having the patient grasp her knees or behind her knees and pull backward often assists in delivery. As the vertex is seen bulging from the vagin*l opening, general pressure is placed on the head so as to avoid explosive delivery. A gentle, slow delivery will minimize the risk of trauma to the perineum, whereas explosive delivery often results in significant vulvar and vagin*l lacerations. The hemorrhage associated with severe vulvar and vagin*l lacerations can be life-threatening. Once the infant’s face is within view, the head should be gently turned either facing to the right or left thigh and both mouth and nose suctioned with bulb suction. During this time, the mother can be instructed to try to avoid pushing, although this is often not possible for her to do. The next step is delivery of the infant’s shoulders. As the mother pushes, gentle downward traction on the infant’s head will aid in delivery of the anterior shoulder. Significant traction should be avoided because this can injure the brachial nerves that extend from the infant’s neck vertebrae to the upper arm. The inability


to deliver the shoulders (shoulder dystocia) is discussed below. Once the anterior shoulder is delivered, general upward traction will assist in the delivery of the posterior shoulder. The remainder of the infant’s delivery proceeds relatively quickly because the largest part is the head and the shoulders. The umbilical cord is clamped twice and cut between the clamps. The infant is then rubbed briskly and dried to stimulate breathing and minimize loss of core temperature. The infant should be wrapped in a warm blanket. A fullterm infant might be left in the mother’s arms or on her bare chest, then covered during the remainder of the delivery as long as the infant is breathing without difficult. If the infant is making inadequate respiratory efforts, neonatal resuscitation might be required.

Delivery of the Placenta The third stage of labor is delivery of the placenta. After delivery of the infant, the cord protrudes from the vagin*. If there is minimal bleeding, the vagin* and perineum can be evaluated for lacerations while waiting for the placenta to separate. Usually, placentas will deliver spontaneously within 30 minutes. If significant vagin*l bleeding occurs prior to the placental delivery, gentle downward traction on the umbilical cord and uterine massage might expedite this. Every effort must be made to avoid excessive traction on the umbilical cord, which can result in inversion of the uterus. Once the placenta is delivered, the uterus should be massaged and the patient administered oxytocin 20 IU/L intravenously at a rate of 200 mL/hour until the uterus remains contracted and vagin*l bleeding slows. Maternal breast-feeding might also help expedite delivery of the placenta or decrease postpartum bleeding. Once uterine contracture and hemostasis is assured, any resulting vagin*l or perineal lacerations should be repaired with suture under local anesthesia. If no other individual trained in this procedure is available, then closure of lacerations that are not actively bleeding can be delayed until transportation to a medical facility. However, if hemorrhage from the


Figure 22.1. Emergency vagin*l delivery, vertex presentation. (a) The perineum is supported as the head emerges. (b) A nuchal cord is reduced (if present) by lifting it from the posterior neck over the head. (c) The mouth and nose are suctioned. (d) The anterior

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

shoulder is delivered by maternal pushing and gentle downward traction on the head. (e) The posterior shoulder is delivered by continued maternal pushing and gentle upward traction on the head. (f) The infant’s body is delivered by gentle outward traction.

22. Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients

lacerations is a significant problem temporary hemostatic control can usually be achieved by direct pressure. In extreme cases, tight vagin*l packing might be required. The risk of hemorrhage from vagin*l and cervical lacerations should not be underestimated because they can potentially lead to hemorrhagic shock in untreated cases. The perineum should be routinely examined in the immediate postpartum period to evaluate for excessive blood loss.

Delivery Complications Breech Presentation Approximately 4% of infants are delivered from a breech presentation. Ideally, the presentation of the infant should be determined by ultrasound prior to AE. However, in many cases ultrasound is not available or the infant changes position between the ultrasound and the flight. For this reason, patients at high risk for delivery should be accompanied by a medical attendant who is experienced in assisting in delivery regardless of the presentation. The steps for assisting a vagin*l breech delivery are listed in Figure 22.2.

Other Abnormal Presentations Rather than a presentation of a head or breech, an arm or a shoulder might present. This situation is often associated with rupture of membranes and is more common prior to term. In a medical facility, this complication is an indication for cesarean delivery. In any other situation, immediate transportation to a medical facility with an obstetrician and surgical capabilities is the only acceptable approach.

Shoulder Dystocia Difficulty in delivering the shoulders after the head has been delivered occurs in 12 g/dL Postoperative 12 h after minor surgery or laparoscopy 24 h after major surgery

intractable menstrual abnormalities. The symptoms vary with the diagnosis. However, the three most common gynecological symptoms these patients might have are vagin*l bleeding, nausea, and lower abdominal pain.

Implications for AE The risk of in-flight problems for patients with chronic gynecological conditions is low. Asymptomatic patients might be transported at any time. The risk of symptoms with gynecological malignancies increases over time, so these patients should be transported as soon as possible after the diagnosis is made. Patients with advanced gynecological malignancies are at risk for vagin*l bleeding, anemia, and gastrointestinal symptoms. A supply of gynecological pads should always be available. If the patient has experienced any abnormal vagin*l bleeding, preparations should be made for the possibility of vagin*l hemorrhage during flight. Significant hemorrhage is treated with IV fluid expansion and flight diversion. In extreme cases, tight packing of the vagin* might be required to slow the bleeding until transfer to a medical facility can be arranged. Patients with significant gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, should be transported with an IV line in


place for hydration. Significant vomiting and abdominal distension might require a nasogastric tube. Finally, abdominal pain might require treatment with parenteral pain medications or antiemetics. The onset of severe colicky abdominal pain at altitude suggests expanding trapped intestinal gas. If the pain does not respond to standard doses of pain medication or gastric intubation, decreasing altitude might help.

Genital Trauma, Including Sexual Assault Trauma to the external female genitalia can be significant enough to impair functionality for days or weeks. These injuries are most commonly straddle-type injuries where the patient has fallen forcefully on an object such as a beam or cross-bar of a bicycle. These types of blunt traumas to the external genitalia might result in nothing more than bruising. However, significant vulvar and vulvo–vagin*l hematomas are possible. When a patient is found to have significant genital trauma, the possibility of rape should be considered. In these cases, psychological considerations are important because many rape victims might suffer from significant posttraumatic distress. Even with minimal physical trauma, rape victims might have to be evacuated from the theater if they are unable to carry out their military function. Medical treatment of blunt genital trauma most commonly involves observation with decreased activity until the signs and symptoms resolve. Symptomatic pain relief includes ice packs acutely, followed by heat and oral pain medication. Lacerations, even those that are relatively superficial, might bleed significantly because this is a relatively vascular area. Direct pressure is usually all that is required to stop the bleeding. In severe cases, vagin*l packing might be required. Surgical repair might be required to stop arterial bleeding or close clean, deep lacerations. Prophylactic antibiotic coverage is recommended because vulvar and vagin*l lacerations are prone to infection. Penetrating peritoneal injuries might involve not only the vagin* and external genitalia but


also the rectum and bladder. In extreme cases, surgical exploration might be required to rule out injury to the intra-abdominal organs.

Implications for AE Patients with serious genital injuries should be allowed to recover for 7 days after definitive surgical treatment before elective AE. This will decrease the risk of bleeding or infection developing during the flight and dramatically reduce the amount of pain the patient will experience. In contingency situations, urgent AE might be carried out as soon as 12 hours after vulvo–vagin*l surgery if the patient is otherwise medically stable. However, the risk of in-flight complications will subsequently be increased. As with any condition with a possibility of significant blood loss, the patient should have an adequate hematologic reserve (Hgb >12 g/ mL) in case of hemorrhage during transport. If the patient has significant vulvar edema, or is transported by litter, a bladder catheter is also required. In addition to any required antibiotics, the patient should have an adequate supply of menstrual pads. Psychological support prior to and during AE is especially important in the case of sexual assault. The relatively prolonged periods of isolation and removal from normal psychosocial support inherent in long-distance AE will increase the stress on the patient. Agitated patients might benefit from the short-term use of a sedative or hypnotic during the flight (eg, zolpidem 10 mg PO). The mode of AE will depend on the severity of the injury and the length of recovery before AE. If the injury makes prolonged sitting uncomfortable, the patient should be transported by litter. Patients transported in a seated position might require analgesics during flight. Potential in-flight complications include increased vagin*l bleeding and infection. These problems are discussed below under postoperative gynecological care. The sexual assault victim might suffer from a panic attack as part of a posttraumatic stress syndrome. This will usually respond to the acute administration of an anxiolytic (eg, diazepam 5 to 10 mg PO, IM, or IV).

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

Gynecological Pelvic Infections Pelvic infections, most commonly in the form of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), are relatively frequent in the reproductive-aged population. The most common presenting symptoms are the triad of pelvic pain, vagin*l discharge, and fever. However, PID can have an indolent onset and might be confused with gastroenteritis or appendicitis. Gynecological examination usually reveals a purulent cervical discharge and tenderness of the cervix, uterine fundus, and adnexa. Leukocytosis is common. The differential diagnosis includes appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cyst, and ovarian torsion. When a diagnosis of PID is made early in the course of the disease, the patient can be treated as an outpatient with a combination of IM and oral antibiotics (eg, ceftriaxone 150 mg IM plus doxycycline 100 mg PO bid ¥ 10 days). For more serious cases of PID, indicated by fever, leukocytosis, significant nausea, peritoneal signs, or a pelvic mass, the patient should be treated as an inpatient. The most serious sequelae of PID are pelvic abscesses, which occur in 5% to 10% of patients. Pelvic abscesses are suggested by palpable adnexal masses. Once PID has advanced to this stage, effective treatment consists of prolonged bedrest and high-dose antibiotics. Surgical drainage is frequently required. Rupture of a pelvic abscess is a medical emergency that has a presentation similar to a ruptured appendix. Immediate laparotomy is indicated and might be lifesaving.

Implications for AE A ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess is a contraindication to AE. For this reason, patients with PID and signs of peritoneal irritation, such as rebound tenderness, decreased bowel sounds, shoulder pain, or nausea and vomiting, should not be transported by AE. Although these signs could be the result of PID alone, they might also be the result of a ruptured or leaking pelvic abscess. A ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess has a significant mortality rate, even with immediate surgical treatment.14 Patients with mild PID (no leukocytosis, fever, or abscess) might be transported by AE

22. Aeromedical Evacuation of Obstetric and Gynecological Patients

at any time. Elective AE of patients with more serious cases of PID should be delayed until the convalescent phase of their illness. These patients should be treated as inpatients with parenteral and oral antibiotics. AE should be delayed until the patient has been afebrile for at least 24 hours and is able to tolerate oral hydration and feeding. She should be ambulatory with minimal or no pelvic pain. During a contingency situation, urgent AE might be required prior to this point. If the patient has a pelvic abscess, it should be surgically drained prior to AE when possible. vagin*l drainage might be possible if the abscess is bulging into the posterior cul-de-sac. Alternatively, the abscess can be drained using an ultrasound-guided needle transvagin*lly or using a laparoscopic approach. If drainage is not possible, the patient can be transported by air after she has remained afebrile for 48 hours, but only if there is no sign of peritoneal irritation suggestive of a leaking abscess. Forceful pelvic exams should be avoided because this might increase the risk of abscess rupture. These patients should be transported on a litter with continuous IV hydration and parenteral antibiotics.

Preparation for AE For elective AE, the patient should be recovered to the point that she is fully ambulatory, tolerating a regular diet, and taking only oral antibiotics. She might be transported in a sitting position. If she is known to have a resolving tubo-ovarian abscess, establishment of a heparin lock is a reasonable precaution in case of in-flight abscess rupture. When urgent AE is required during the acute phase of more serious PID, the patient will require continuous IV hydration and IV antibiotics. These patients might not yet be tolerating a regular diet and should be transported by litter. Many patients will require pain and antinausea medication during flight.

Potential In-Flight Complications The most serious complication that can occur with PID is the sudden rupture of a tuboovarian abscess. The movement required for AE might increase this risk. It is unknown if


changes in cabin pressure during AE increase this risk. The primary symptom of a ruptured tuboovarian abscess is an acute increase in abdominal pain with signs of peritonitis. This might be accompanied by signs of sepsis and progress to shock if untreated. In-flight treatment is supportive and consists of IV hydration and supplemental oxygen. If the patient is no longer taking IV antibiotics, coverage with a broadspectrum antibiotic (eg, a second- or thirdgeneration cephalosporin) is appropriate. Any rapid deterioration of a patient’s condition with a known tubo-ovarian abscess is an indication to divert to the nearest airfield with a nearby medical facility. A less serious complication is the recurrence of fever and/or pelvic pain in a patient recovering from PID. If the patient has no history of a pelvic abscess, and otherwise appears stable, treatment should consist of recumbence, oral pain medication, antipyretics, and antibiotics. If possible, the patient should be given IV fluids and antibiotics. Flight diversion might be required if the patient becomes unstable.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Excessively heavy or frequent bleeding is a common occurrence among reproductiveaged women. The differential diagnosis includes pregnancy (see spontaneous abortion and ectopic pregnancy, above), anovulatory bleeding, infection, and malignancies. In postmenopausal–aged women (usually >51 years of age), any uterine bleeding is abnormal and uterine cancer is more common. Clinical evaluation includes a pregnancy test (in premenopausal women), complete blood count, Pap smear, and physical examination. Endometrial biopsy is commonly performed in women >40 years of age with abnormal bleeding. The treatment for gynecological bleeding depends on the diagnosis. Anovulatory bleeding is usually treated with hormones, whereas infection is treated with antibiotics. D&C might be required for definitive diagnosis and treatment. In cases of cervical or endometrial malignancy, hemorrhage is usually related to neovascularity of the tumor itself. Lesser degrees of


bleeding might be treated with vagin*l packing until definitive treatment with surgery or radiation can be carried out. Extreme cases of bleeding might require emergency hysterectomy. If the necessary expertise is available, radiographic selective cauterization and embolization of the bleeding vessel might be used.

Implications for AE Uncontrolled, heavy vagin*l bleeding from any cause is a contraindication to AE. Definitive diagnosis and treatment (most commonly by D&C) is required prior to AE. Patients with limited bleeding resulting from anovulation or endometritis might be safely transported by elective AE. Likewise, those with light bleeding after definitive treatment with D&C can safely undergo AE. If abnormal bleeding is treated nonsurgically with hormones or antibiotics, elective AE should be delayed until 1 week after the last episode of heavy bleeding to minimize the risk of recurrent hemorrhage during flight. Patient with significant vagin*l bleeding resulting from endometrial or cervical cancer should be definitively treated prior to elective AE. After radiation therapy or selective embolization, the patient should be observed for at least 1 week to minimize the risk of recurrent hemorrhage. If the definitive treatment includes hysterectomy, AE should be delayed as discussed below for postoperative gynecological patients. In a contingency situation, urgent AE might be required for patients with continuous or recent episodes of heavy vagin*l bleeding. The only appropriate approach is transportation of these unstable patients to the nearest appropriate medical facility (ie, MEDEVAC). The patient will require a functioning largebore IV line and readily available blood products.

Preparation for AE Evaluation prior to AE includes a pregnancy test (for women of reproductive age), complete blood cell count, and physical examination. The patient’s Hgb should be >12 g/dL so she will have an adequate reserve should she begin hemorrhaging during AE. An adequate supply of menstrual pads to last several days should

W.W. Hurd, J.M. Rothenberg, and R.E. Rogers

be available. An ob/gyn emergency kit should be available (Table 22.1). After definitive treatment, patients need no special preparation and might be transported as ambulatory. If a patient is at high risk for recurrent heavy bleeding during flight, she should have a functioning IV line in place, type-specific blood products available, and must be a litter patient.

Potential In-Flight Complications The obvious risk is recurrent heavy vagin*l bleeding. This risk is not increased by cabin pressure changes but might be increased by patient movement, in particular in cases of gynecological malignancy. vagin*l bleeding of any etiology might be massive enough to result in hypovolemic shock. The in-flight treatment of vagin*l bleeding includes IV hydration and supplemental oxygen. vagin*l inspection with a speculum, followed by tight vagin*l packing with gauze, might temporarily slow the bleeding. Diversion of the flight to the nearest airfield and emergency transportation to the nearest medical facility will usually be required.

Postoperative Gynecological Patients Many gynecological conditions require surgery for definitive therapy. Because gynecological procedures are some of the most common major operations performed, an understanding of these patients is important for AE. Gynecological procedures are often divided into three general categories: major, minor, and laparoscopic. The majority of laparoscopic procedures are minor in nature. However, because the peritoneal cavity is entered, and because there is a

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