OpenCPN::OpenCPNAll Projects: Tasklist (2024)

291100 Feature RequestBug ReportLowMissing "M" for magnetic in measuring tool when both Tr...16.11.2022Bruce BalanAssignedTask Description

From the OpenCPN manual: If “Show Magnetic bearings and headings” is ticked OpenCPN will use magnetic courses and bearings. By default OpenCPN uses true courses and bearings etc. Note that OpenCPN knows nothing about deviation. All magnetic courses and bearings will have an (M) suffix to show they are magnetic. "

Though the M is displayed in other places, it is missing when using the measuring tool.



290200 Feature RequestFeature RequestLowMeasure tool should be able to display meters OR feet11.09.2022Bruce BalanAssignedTask Description

Be great to have an setting or ini setting to change measurements by the measure tool to feet.



289100 Feature RequestFeature RequestLowSuggestion for error alerts06.05.2022Tony VossAssignedTask Description

OpenCPN logs information to the log file.

Sometimes people (including me)need to be pointed to it to discover an important error message.

I propose that when serious errors are logged, a wxMessageBox be displayed, either with the error descripion or just saying 'Look in the log!'

I know that wxMessageBox blocks OCPN until dismissed. I am thinking here only of errors sufficiently serious that you should not be proceeding to sea without at least dismissing the box.

Examples might be:

  • Plugin load error and jailing
  • File permssions problem on crucial file
  • Invalid .ini options for core

Alerts could be added piecemeal as a developer reviews the relevant code.

2875OpenCPN 5.6.0 ReleaseBug ReportLowGRIB Plugin Issue with OpenCPN 5.6.1-126.03.20221Kevin HiscoxUnconfirmedTask Description

With Grib PI enabled and Grib file selected, every 9th column ofwindbarbs is missing at certain zoom levels.

287300 Feature RequestFeature RequestMediumNetwork connections: adding support for unicast UDP20.03.20221Christian22.03.2022AssignedTask Description

Sending NMEA0183 as UDP broadcast has become a tradition since the very first gateways came out. However, there are 2 drawbacks:
1.) firewall issues -- On many OSes an exception rule needs to be added to allow listening on an incoming port. Also, routers might drop broadcast traffic as it is frowned upon (there we have another tradition...).
2.) only one app per OS -- As soon as one app is listening on a particular port, it is blocked for other apps.

Of course there is the option of using TCP connections, however to be frank, sending realtime data over TCP is not wise (e.g. with a weak WiFi signal, retransmission of packets and long timeouts only cause more congestion, delays and hangs).

So, why not using unicast UDP "connections"? Those have none of the above drawbacks. Of course, the app has to initiate (or rather request) the data transfer, quite similar to opening a TCP connection, but by sending a first data packet to the server. There is no protocol (yet), but sending an empty packed would be fully enough (probably neater could be sending an NMEA0183 message. any, even proprietary would do). I saw some RaspberryPi projects that accept any packet, so does the Pitufino gateway.
If the data stream stops for whatever reason, the app has to send another packet to the server to resume the transfer (again, quite similar to reopening a TCP connection).
There is no need for an additional protocol for terminating the transfer as all OSes have implemented the ICMP: as soon as the app no longer reads from its ephemeral port, the OS sends a message to the server, notifying that no one is listening any more.

Cheers and thanks for your great work,

285401 Feature Request AndroidFeature RequestMediumWarning when installing 5.2.8 on Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 ...18.02.2022Rick GleasonNewTask Description

Warning when installing 5.2.8 on Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 #2562

2818OpenCPN 5.6.0 ReleaseBug ReportLowMbtiles - Issue with blank areas17.01.2022Rick GleasonSolution PendingTask Description

Posted for Capt. Don see

280100 Feature RequestPatchMediumDSE decoding assumes only one DSE Expansion Data field ...13.09.2021Steven Adler30.09.2021Solution PendingTask Description

The DSE Sentence may have 1 to 4 DSE Expansion Data fields. The current implementation assumes only one field and assumes it is a enhanced position report. While it may be correct 99% of the time, if the first DSE Expansion Field is something else (Speed Over Ground, Course Over Ground, Persons On Board, Station Information etc), then the current implementaion will generate an erroneous position (out by perhaps nine tenths (0.9) of a minute which mayhave serious consequences.

At a bare minimum the decoding should at least ensure that the DSE Expansion Data Symbol is "00". Even better is to at least parse COG, SOG, Station Information (Ship's Name) and append that to the existing DSC data.

These patches add this functionality to the current beta release 0f 5.5.0

2795OpenCPN 5.2.0 ReleaseBug ReportMediumWaypoint Visibility and related usage issues within rou...18.08.2021Fredrick Roswold23.08.2021Solution PendingTask Description

Waypoint Visability


Certain waypoints remain visable on the chart even when marked "X" on the Route & Mark manager. (see VYC W2, VYC W 1 and Vallarta Start RC 52) in the screen shot.

These waypoints cannot now be selected when defining a route (no option to "use nearby waypoint) although they have been previously. Several routes exist in Route and Mark Manager which include these waypoints

Creating a route to that location results in a new waypoint (Routepoint?) which then becomes a duplicate of the existing waypoint. giving a name and making it visible does not result in a waypoint which can be reused.

Previously created routes using that waypoint can be displayed and display correctly and use that waypoint and can be exported. Exporting and reimporting these waypoints in a route does not result in duplicate waypoints and does not apparetnly change the behaviour of either the waypoint manager or the route.

Making invisible a previously created route with that waypoint and selecting "make shared waypoints...invisible" does not work, yes or no.

These issues have existed in previous versions of O

The following tracker reports seem to be related.


2792OpenCPN 5.2.4 ReleaseBug ReportMediumNMEA converter does not support cos acos06.08.2021Raoul GodthelpUnconfirmedTask Description

Version of Nmea converter_pi do not support the functions anymore. Had to downgrade to version 1 to make it work again.
add, subtrack and multiply does work.

I used the apparent to true wind conversion. All nmea values were substituted and shown but no calculations were made. Sqr, sqrt, acos, cos. Failed

2784Ocpn - pi - ChartDownloaderFeature RequestVery LowReference to as a source of free charts ...13.05.2021James Hamilton13.05.2021UnconfirmedTask Description

no task description

2780pi - S63 ChartsBug ReportLowBdbcat may I close all "undetermined" issues in S63_pi...24.04.2021Rick GleasonNewTask Description

no task description

2732OpenCPN 5.2.0 ReleaseBug ReportCriticalExecuting Route Properties with corrupt .gpx results in...10.11.2020Marcus12.03.2021Solution PendingTask Description

Two GPX files that are before and after the application hangs. v1.5a is a working copy exported at 6am, v1.5b is an exported copy made at 11am after restarting OpenCPN in safe mode. v1.5b reproduces.


Import v1.5a GPX, Right click the Route and choose Properties... Displays diaolog as expected.

Import v1.5b GPX, Right click the Route and choose Properties... Hourglass spins forever, Taskmgr reports max CPU allotment. Have to kill the process. OpenCPN restarts with safe mode dialog. Reproduces in safe mode.

2731OpenCPN 5.2.0 ReleaseBug ReportHighRoute modification on i7 CPU w/onboard graphics is slug...10.11.2020Marcus13.03.2021Request to OP for further informationTask Description

I am using a clean Win10 machine with an i7 processor and 16GB of RAM, onboard Intel Iris video controller. 5.2.4+6b314e6 with O-Chart CHS Canada Pacific Coast catalog are up to date.

REPRODUCE: Plotted 945 appends or insertions up and down the coast, However, modifying any waypoints position (click and drag) the drag following stalls window output, There is plenty of headroom accessing Window>Start bar icons or search while OpenCPN. will stall screen output and the program and cause a non responsive message. The CPU is maxed out within its constraints. I also have a couple routes populating that i did not test.

EXPECTATION: If performance is reproduced and found as expected, a feature request should follow to allow splitting routes up. Or worst case, create a limit for maximum number of waypoints are appended and inserted.

logfile.txt attached

270400 Feature RequestFeature RequestLow IO RM Implement the RTZ format for route exchange - FS...12.09.20201ThomasAssignedTask Description

For InterOperability (IO)

RTZ is an international standard and mandatory for ECDIS.

This format should be implemented in O as an alternative to GPS, selected by user choice.

"Rasbats" has a converter RTZ/GPX brewing here

269400 Feature Request Programer neededFeature RequestLowMove Boat Here on Waypoint results in unintuitive boat ...14.08.20201Andrew Barclay07.03.2021UnconfirmedTask Description

This is a bug report to do with the "Move boat here" command when a waypoint/mark is selected. Using the command, the boat moves to the exact spot of the mouse click, rather than to the coordinates of the selected waypoint.

This also affects the "Drop Mark" command in the same menu, and presumably any other commands that use the click coordinates.

I observed this in v5.2.0+4d956e1, on Mac OS 10.14, but it is reproducable on other systems as well.

Reproduction steps:
1) Right click near a waypoint

2) Waypoint becomes selected (yellow highlight) and context menu opens

3) In that menu, select Main Menu > Move Boat Here

4) Boat position is moved to the position of the click instead of the position of the waypoint.

See thread at more details

266300 Feature RequestFeature RequestMediumIO Display Multi Monitor support17.05.20201Dirk WahrheitAssignedTask Description

Hello Team,

Monitors/Displays get bigger and cheaper and a standard Win10PC or RPI is able to handle multiple Displays. They could act as individual plotters utilizing the same data connection to N2K.

Would be nice if you could concider this. More and more commercial programs or Plotter go the same route.

Thank you!

2632pi - oeSencBug ReportLowIncomplete encoding of 'nature of surface' 24.11.2019Thomas24.11.2019UnconfirmedTask Description

Looking at Porto Cristo on the eastern side of the Spanish Island of Mallorca.

In the harbour there are a lot of the seabed that is marked 'unk' for unknown in oeSENC. In Cm93 these are correctly marked as 'sand,stone', 'mud,stone' or 'mud,sand' respectively. See screenshots below.

The problem is with interpeting the SBDARE->NATSUR containing two attributes with a "," in between.

2627OpenCPN 5.0.0 ReleaseBug ReportLowNMEA Checksum not ignored30.10.2019Don SandstromSolution PendingTask Description

There have been two cases recently on the forums where posters had equipment that transmitted incorrect NMEA checksums (equipment fault). Proper response is to get the equipment fixed, but O does have the facility, through connection settings, to ignore checksums. This function does not appear to work correctly. Even after users were able to remove the checksum flag from the connection configuration (notin itself a simple task) O appeared to continue checking the checksum, or at least it continued to ignore the data (even though the sentence, minus the checksum, was valid).

Solution in both cases was to use the NMEA plugin to read the bad sentences and recast them for use, but since the option is there in the connection dialog the program should properly ignore checksums and parse/accept all data when the connection configuration is set to ignore checksum.

Please review NMEA code to confirm that checksums can be/are ignored when requested.

2615pi - WeatherRoutingBug ReportMediumRoute Position Issue With WeatherRoute 5 for MacOS17.09.2019Kevin Hiscox05.07.2021AssignedTask Description

OpenCPN_5.0.1+0266678,Weather_routing-Plugin-macOS-ov50_1.13.0, MacOS 10.14.6.

Route Position under View - I have just discovered that so long as the weather route remains in the Eastern Hemisphere (000E - 180E), then the Route Position window reports correctly. It does not work if the weather route is in the Western Hemisphere (000W - 180W). Ifthe weather route crosses the Anti-Meridian(180W/E), then the Route Position window reports the Eastern side correctly, but it does not report the Western side.

The Route Report is a great feature and it would be fabulous if it were working for the Western Hemisphere.

2591OpenCPN 5.0.0 ReleaseBug ReportMediumWaypoint Range Rings Mysteriously Appearing - Issue Ide...02.07.20194Gene Seybold18.08.2020Solution PendingTask Description

V5.0 introduced changes that alterthe behavior of Range Rings with Waypoints. V5.0 removed the Show Range Rings check box for waypoints and added the ability to set the default for range rings to all newly created waypoints. The removal of the Show Range Rings check box caused Range Rings to mysteriously start appearing around waypoints. Although the check box was removed the underlying identifier(Visible Flag) was still being used to determine if range wings should be displayed.


In prior versions of OpenCPN when a new waypoint was created the settings for range rings were taken from defaults in the opencpn.ini file that couldnot be updatedfrom within OpenCPN. In my case all previously created waypoints had the Show Range Rings(VisibleFlag) set to false, the Number of Range Rings set to 1 and the spacing set to 1nm and the color set to red.

Note:I am unsure how the original defaults in the opencpn.ini file were set. Many of my waypoints were created years ago so I assume the defaults were long ago. I would think everyone who upgrades to V5.0 would be experiencing these issues, but the number of people reporting seems to be very low.

Issue 1 - Range Rings Mysteriously Appearing Around Waypoints

V5.0 removed the Show Range Ring check boxto determine the value of the Visible Flag and instead used the Number of Range Rings to automatically set this flag. If Number of Range Rings is greater than 0, the Visible Flag is now set to true.

After the initial installation of V5.0 all waypoints appear normally without range rings due to the existing value of the Visible Flagbeing set to false. However, once a waypoint is in anyway updated, the program checks the Number of Range Rings and then sets the Visible Flag according. Since the prior default for Range Rings was set to 1, the program changes the Visible Flag to true and a range suddenly appears around the waypoint.

Possible Solutions:

The Show Range Rings check box could be added back to the Waypoint Properties so the Visible Flag is determined by the setting of the check box rather than the Number of Range Rings. This is probably the best option as it maintains prior functionality for anyone who wants to utilize that function and would also prevent any future installations of V5.0 from introducing this problem.

If a decision is made to eliminate the Show Range Ring check box, the V5.0 update routine could go through all waypoints and set the Number of Range Rings based on the value of the Visible Flag. If the Visible Flag is set to false, set the Number of Range Rings to 0. This prevent any future issues but would create an issue for any user that was setting range rings and then temporally turning them off with the check box. I would think this would be minimal.


The easiest solution is to simply call up each waypoint and change the Number of Range Rings to 0. If you have hundreds of waypoints, this will not be an easy task.

For users with many waypoints it may be easier to export all of your waypoints to a GPX file and use a text editor to find/replace to correct the settings, then delete all of your existing waypoints and and import the corrected file. The line of code you need to correct in the GPX file looks like this:

<opencpn:waypoint_range_rings visible="false" number="1" step="1" units="0" colour="#FFFFFF" />

Do a find and replace number="1" with number="0" and then find/replace step ="1" with step="0". This will prevent any future updates to waypoints from incorrectly setting the Visible Flag to true.

If you have already performed a number of updates on waypoints and have range rings being displayed you can also do find/replace on visible="true" and replace it with visible="false".

Issue 2 - Default Settings For Waypoint Range Rings in Setup Options

V5.0 added the ability to specify the default range rings that will be applied to all newly created waypoints. This new feature alsoeliminated the previous Show Range Rings check box and utilizes the Number of Range Rings to set the Visible Flag in all subsequently created waypoints. The defaults for this new feature utilized the defaults that existed at the time in the opencpn.ini file as described above.

I immediately updated this afterinstalling V5.0, so I am not certain,but think it may be possible after installing V5.0 to create waypoints without range rings appearing based on the default visible flag being set to false. Once any setting is changed in the setup the Visible Flag will be changed based on the value in the default Number of Range Rings.

Possible Solution:

Either the check box should be reintroduced to the new waypoint default or the update routine for V5.0 should change the defaults for the Visible Flag to false and the Number of Range Rings to 0 so the creation of waypoints functions as it did in prior releases.

2499OpenCPN 5 BetaFeature RequestLowSupport for dark windows theme for windows and context ...25.02.2019Baikal04.03.2019FinishedTask Description

Window colors and context menu not adapted for night mode

2495OpenCPN 5 BetaFeature RequestLowSupport tiles/charts via SASPlanet cache, not only expo...24.02.20194Dirk04.03.2019FinishedTask Description

I mentioned this early when mbtiles was first time discussed on the opencpn cruisersforum, and Dave thought this to be a good idea for a Plugin:

Feature request:

Could this be expanded to read the chart/tiles cache from SAS.Планета directly, without the user needing to create MBTiles, when the cache is already there, in well structured folders?

Since quite a few users already seem to use SASPlanet to get their satellite, Navionics, CMap, etc charts as tiles, I would like to see this in the core OpenCPN. But I would be content with a plugin too.


2444pi - TacticsBug ReportLowTactics plugin available for Linux OpenSUSE11.01.2019Dominig ar FollUnconfirmedTask Description


the statement on the website that Tacktic is not available for Linux is now incorrect.

I have packaged it with ease for Linux OpenSUSE and it could be certainly be done for other distro as it does not require anything extra compare to other plugins.



2435Ocpn - pi - GribFeature RequestMediumshow grib data file summary01.12.20181FreddieAssignedTask Description

would like to have a way to show a short analysisof the grib file like

- type of data

- grib dates

- coordinates covered etc-

see attached

2424pi - LogbookFeature RequestMediumMetric measurement system for distance and speed07.10.20181Baikal27.11.2018AssignedTask Description

In setting the parameters to add the metric system of measurement for distance and speed, only now knots and miles

2421pi - S63 ChartsBug ReportLow...07.09.2018Rick GleasonNewTask Description

Text does not rotate properly.see

Use RotationCtrl to test the plugin.

2420pi - LogbookFeature RequestMediumset default engine consumption per hrs and calculate ap...29.08.20181FreddieAssignedTask Description

In the logbook preferences unde capacity / fuel it would be nice to set also default consumption per engine per hour.

Even with more than 1 engine (e.g. catamaran) they are usually of same type / and similar consumption.

This value could/should then be used to calculate approx consumption based on engine hours (except if ERRPM sentences are received)

When user had entered rpm manually and engine is still running it could be assumed for the next automatic logbook entry that this rpm is remained.

2410Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestLowMultiline title support for Dashboard or "hint" type ex...26.07.20182Timo LappalainenAssignedTask Description

It is possible to have multiline title on Dashboard by using \n in title. Unfortunately the title just goes over data and does not extent title area for multiline. Dashboard could extend data title area higher in case of multiline title exist.

This is important on e.g. languages like Finnish, which has long words. Explanative titles becomes too long to fit to title area and using shorts makes them inpossible to understand.

Other option would be to have possibility to use shortcut and explanation. E.g. "AWA & AWS ..." By hint or pressing ... one could get explanation "Apparent wind angle and speed"

2409Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestLowDashboard Sunrise/Sunset calculation26.07.20182Timo LappalainenAssignedTask Description

If there is no connection, Dashboard seem to use some 0-date for Sunrise/Sunset calculation. It could use in that case system date/time to get calculation right.

2384OpenCPN 4.8.2 ReleaseBug ReportMediumImport .GPX bug causing duplicate entries resulting in ...22.05.20181Rod HallUnconfirmedTask Description

If a .gpx file is imported more than once, or if the sameroute or track is in the .gpx file that has already been imported, then a duplicate route or track ends up in the system. Waypoints are not however duplicated with the same process.

This was found when:-problem of waypoints (not route points) being hidden when hiding route that is using them. On hiding route in "route and mark manager", the option is given to also hide shared waypoints, selecting no, the waypoints are hidden anyway. The waypoints are visible on the waypoints tab and are not marked as hidden, toggling this on and off makes not difference, they will not show on thecharts.

I determined that this secondary bug was caused by having a duplicate route in the system. Deletiing the duplicates did not solve the problem.

See attached screenshot showing duplicate routes.

2346Plugin SystemBug ReportLowAllow retrieval of PICREP from S57 ENC07.03.2018Mike RossiterAssignedTask Description

It could be useful to add to the plugin API to allow retrieval of PICREP as well as OBJNAM from S57 ENC.

Similar to:
virtual void SendVectorChartObjectInfo(wxString &chart, wxString &feature, wxString &objname, double lat, double lon, double scale, int nativescale);

Above from 'ocpn_plugin.h' API 112.

Both U.S. and European Inland ENC have useful .JPG images which add to pilotage information.

'Objsearch_pi' could be extended to add PICREP to the database and allow a link for displaying the .JPG.

2309Ocpn - pi - GribBug ReportLowGrib_pi or Plugin API supporting screen size query - S...11.12.2017Rick GleasonAssignedTask DescriptionSean Wrote:Unfortunately there is similar logic in the grib plugin. Maybe the plugin api could include support to query the screen size to eliminate it. Please see About Tide Windows on dif resolution screens.Don't know if it is a bug, but will leave it that way2146OpenCPN 4.5.x DevBug ReportMediumIssues on RPI with Touchdisplay24.08.2016Martin22.06.2017UnconfirmedTask DescriptionOS: Jessie 8Plattform: RPI 3Display: "official 7inch"Hello,I compiled 4.5.0 using either cpp-4.9 and gcc-4.9. Upgraded from 4.2 and removed 4.2 (including all config files) and installed 4.5It seems that the buttons of the menue (zoom in, zoom out, etc) aren't activateable using the touch-interface. Clicking on them using a mouse works. On some occations the buttons get highlighted and if spam-touched the desired function gets executed. All other menues (like the normal bar at the top) can be activated normally over the touch interface. Also the panning of the map using a touch interface has issues. If you click, hold and drag using a mouse, the panning works. Using touch, hold and drag, the map centers very often at the last position of the mousepointer. So if you want to pan the map over several screen widths it ends up jumping back to the last position of the mousepointer if you release and touch and drag at the opposite end of the screen. PS: Sorry if the explaination is a bit crude, english is not my 1st language. If needed i can create a video demonstrating this behavior.2088Ocpn - pi - GribFeature RequestLowOcean Surface Current - support for OSCAR28.05.20161Rick Gleason08.12.2017AssignedTask DescriptionOcean Surface Temperature and High Frequency Radar Surface Currents. world view pick dateSee[]=modis_a_jpl_l2p_v2014_0___modis_t_jpl_l2p_v2014_0___sst___46080_x_23040___night&date=2016-05-24&bounds[]=-1.212889552116394,275.0156235694885,1&layerOpacity[]=0.96Also See Ocean Surface Current DataStarted 2013-02-10 13:50:39 with Queries Performed: 5360 totaling 192.41 MBand shows how to get the data with an email request. The requestto: query@svsarana.comsubject: can be emptybody: oscar:46N,44N,13E,14Eresults in a very small grib file representing currents for a single day.Grib_pi can load it but cannot display it.It can be displayed using viewfax, zygrib 6.1.2 does not recognize it or Rtofs.In viewfax the file simply shows very simple arrows for the current for a given day.The file is 2 dimensional, time is frozen.Because the file size is very small and it is up to date current information this format could be very useful to sailors crossing. I think Grib_pi should support it with a feature to expand the time zone 2-3 days, so you can run weather-routing using those currents. - WeatherRoutingBug ReportLowView/Plot - issue with values shown below plot08.05.20161MannyAssignedTask DescriptionAfter running a weather route, under View/Plot, the data values shown below the graph are for the position of the mouse pointer on the graph, not for the conditions at a given point in time. This is a bit subtle, but very confusing. Suggestion: make the numbers shown apply to the specific time.199400 Feature Request Programer neededBug ReportLowTool Measure add variable range ring with radius distan...21.02.20162Gilletarom22.01.2017Solution PendingTask DescriptionHello dave,Now, we have the tool "Measure". It run Ok.But often, I begin to measure and know I am the shortest distance between a starting point and multiple points on the map.Impossible, I have to measure the distance between the starting point and the first point on the map. Then close the measurement tool and start to know the distance to another point on the map. Pfuuuuu ....Should be added to a circle centered on the initial point of the measurement, and passing through the point of the mouse. It would be enough to add the measurement of the radius of the circle in the displayed information.Best regards. Gilletarom.199300 Feature RequestFeature RequestMediumCharts New OSM Support Displaying Map Tiles17.02.20165Fleur de Sel29.01.2017UnconfirmedTask DescriptionThis is a feature request, not a bug.It is easy enough to download or locally cache sets of georeferenced tiles for use offline.It would be great if OpenCPN could allow the display of these georeferenced sets of pictures (either PNG or JPEG). I presently use a file format such as "z-y-x.ext" where z is the zoom level, y the row (i.e. linked to latitude) and x the column (i.e. linked to longitude), but any naming scheme with these three parameters could be used.Presently, however, displaying these images in OpenCPN requires converting them to KAP files, which are much less efficient in terms of storage space (about 2-4 times as large as PNG although losing some detail in the process).Simply allowing the use of tiles instead of KAP would be a great advance. Think of the possibilities : Marine Traffic density maps, phone operator coverage maps, Google Maps and other satellite picture providers, etc.1978OpenCPN 4.2.x StableBug ReportMediumIssue with internationalisation10.02.20162Jon Gough17.10.2016ResearchingTask DescriptionThere are multiple assert errors under windows 7 in debug mode when running OCPN 4.2. It would appear these are caused by setting the wxLocale and then using setlocale to change the numeric format. Further, trying to use international support within plugins requires timing sensitve changes to the locale which affect the whole application.OCPN appears to be running with LC_NUMERIC set to "C", which is the default US English setting. This is fine for making exportable files for transfer of information, but internally it makes it very difficult to represent numbers on dialogs, popups and rollovers correctly for the locale of the user.Attached is an example error message.setlocale assert error under windowsThe current implementation of locale is not easy to use from a plugin and is subject to random (time sensitive) errors.Jon195700 Feature Request Vetted >7 VotesFeature RequestMediumRM Allow for Grouping/subfolder of waypoints, routes, t...24.01.20169Dirk04.01.2019AssignedTask DescriptionI would like to be able to organize better my waypoints, tracks, routes. This could be a simple hierarchical folder structure or a method for tagging and displaying items in smart folders.1941Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestMediumHIST Wind and barometric pressure history > 40 min, Use...07.01.20165Chris Harris24.03.2019AssignedTask DescriptionCurrently these only display 40 minutes of history which is OK as a sailing tool but no use as a weather monitoring/forecasting tool. I would like to see the time axis scale be user configurable and be able to display at a minimum 24 hours of data and preferably 48 hours.192000 Feature RequestFeature RequestMedium30.11.20152Rick Gleason21.12.2018AssignedTask Description

AIS Summary - Display and Alarms

Alarm settings ideas

1. DONE Proximity FS#1881 - Establish a guard zone (distance) as in radar. Include a time element guard zone.-Done in Ocpn_Draw + WatchDog, Jon Gough (both proximity and boundary guard alarms).

2. Reduce nuisance alerts FS#807 - To allow users to acknowlege an AIS Alert from the AIS Target List after the Alert has come up and has then dropped off the screen. Thus giving the user more time to disable the alert! -Not implemented, please see FS#807 for more details.

3. AIS Alarm acknowledge shortcut FS#1260 Provide a shortcut key + left mouse to close one or all Acknowledge alerts that are outstanding. -Not implemented. --Does have Target Alert Acknowledge Timeout (min) -NOTE this will help stackup of Alert notices.

4. DONE Temporarily Disable Alarms FS#1573 - Provide an Icon Button toggle to temporary stop all acknowledge alerts. DONE --> Menubar > AIS > Checkbox-Sound CPS alert Checkbox-Show CPA alert, etc. Provide audible alarm instead (option) DONE -Now Menubar > AIS > Checkbox-audible alarm.

5. DONE The suggested filter for SOG max - is Implemented - DONE - Under Display, Hide moored/anchored targets, speed max (kn) .2 user defined. 6. Small AIS enhancements FS#668 - See #5 See

Alarm Clutter ideas

1. DONE Suppress CPA calc for boats at anchor FS #1826 -DONE- Implemented - Menubar > AIS > Checkbox-Hide Moored Targets, Under CPA/TCPA Alerts -Checkbox - Suppress alerts for Anchored/Moored Targets (reduces load & clutter, but what happens in fog? hit boat at anchor? or depend on radar?)

2. DONE Make Make targets user definable FS#668 - not implemented, but RooieDirk's idea is more logical and ordered in the way it adjusts the size of the AIS. - Working.

Friends/Follower Features

Permanent Disable for certain types DONE FS#1884 AIS Remember "white" list - fleet, friends, disable alarm, proximity - Similar to Vesper. Hakan implemented "Follower" class which disables alarms, Vesper has some additional nuances.

FS#1929 - AIS Remember List - Friends Extend capability of friends so that Friends can be sorted and kept together, etc

172500 Feature Request Programer neededPatchLowTool Measure add Time to Sail modification -Patch08.03.20151Andrius29.05.2016AssignedTask DescriptionHello,Measure tool modification:The tool shows time which need to sail this distance at current speed:Add after (8836 line): wxFont *dFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("RouteLegInfoRollover") ); dc.SetFont( *dFont );THIS:wxString s2; if (gSog>1) { double min; int hour; s21714Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestLowInstr Barometric pressure in mmHg (new)23.02.20152Baikal31.05.2016AssignedTask Descriptionnew Barometric pressure in mmHGexisting Barometric Pressure in milibarsPlease add the choice of measure for atmospheric we mainly atmospheric davlnie measured in millimeters of mercuryWe need to do a global setting for all unit of measure152800 Feature RequestFeature RequestVery LowChart S-57 Show a list of available VHF channels11.10.20141Martijn de Munnik28.05.2016AssignedTask DescriptionIf (i)ENC charts are used VHF channel information is embedded in the charts. This is available for bridges and locks but also for sectors (I'm not sure if sector is the right English term). It would be great if a list of available VHF channels can be shown. It should show the channels which are on the charts currently showed be OpenCPN. If chart quilting is used all the shown charts should be used for the VHF list.E.g.:NAME VHFAlblasserdamse brug 22Julianasluis 18Papendrechtse brug 79Post Dordt 71Sector Dordrecht 79Sector Heerjansdam 041506Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestMediumInstr Log Trip and Sum - Calculated by use of GPS data...02.10.20144Baikal26.04.2016AssignedTask DescriptionCalculation of Trip and Sum Log by GPS data When you only connect the GPS receiver is not calculated the distance Trip Log and Sum Log. For zeroing indications Caclulate need reset function150500 Feature RequestBug ReportHighChart S-57 Option for Mile markers labeled "mi" instead...30.09.20143Ted swartz15.07.2018UnconfirmedTask Description

after using OCPN further and gaining more experience with the chart displays, i believe the switch from km to sm should not be user selected as it's independent of which units a user prefers to use - metric, sm, nm.

all USACE inland river charts and all NOAA costal charts of the Intracoastal Waterways use sm astheir distance marks. so if a user prefers to see knots and nm on screen, they still need to see sm on the chart since that's what the chart is measuring and showing.

perhaps the best solution (not knowing the code and programming issues) wouldbe for O to recognize USACE and NOAA charts and automatically label a distance mark as sm instead of km.

the distance marks are a chart feature and appear 1 sm apart on USACE charts and usually every 5 sm on NOAA charts. and the numbers that currently appear by each distance mark are correct statute mile numbers. so nothing needs to be done to correct the distance, it's just the label (now km) that O applies to them that should change to sm.

related to this, O overlays part of the mile number on top of the "km" making things even harder to read. and the magenta color is amazingly hard to read on screens, particularly in daylight. i've attached a screen capture shoing this to save you the trouble of loading a USACE chart. (OCPN for Android has changed this to show the mile number in black. huge improvement in readability!)

BTW, everything here except the mile number color needs changing in O for Android. is that adressed in this place as well, or does the Android version have its own request/change platform?



when using inland waterways ENCs from the USACE (for example the Illinois Waterway and the great loop inland rivers) the dot indicating each mile marker is labeled "km" stemming from the European IENC spec. this request is to automatically (or perhaps manually) be able to show the correct label "mi". or perhaps "sm" for statute mile would be better since those are the specific units used? thanks guys.

1503Ocpn - pi - DashboardFeature RequestHighInstr Clock for Local Mean Time and Sunrise/Sunset als...28.09.20147AISEAG (Serge D)22.01.2018AssignedTask Description
  • New Clock for local time
  • Existing Clock for UTC

It would be nice if the user can select the way the time clock is displayed (UTC or Local time). This can be quite confusing, in the clock is displayed is in UTC while orther plugins (gribs) can displayed it in UTC or local zone (choice given to the user). Serge

Fleur de Sel (belle-isle) - Thursday, 11 June 2015, 07:19 GMT-5 wrote: As of present, Clock and Sunrise/Sunset widgets in the Dashboard plugin are only in UTC. I would request a way to have this information in Local Time as well.

I can see the following possibilities :

In Dashboard Preferences > Appearance > Units, Ranges, Formats , add radio buttons or a dropbox to select between :

  • UTC, Local or both.

- In Dashboard Preferences > Dashboard > Instruments ,

Rename the current instrument widgets to Clock UTC and Sunrise/Sunset UTC, and

then add

  • Clock Local,
  • Sunrise/Sunset Local,
  • Sunrise/Sunset Both,
  • Sunrise/Sunset Local, and Sunrise/Sunset Both
1484pi - Voyage Data RecorderFeature RequestCriticalFinalization of the play mode - Summary Feature Reques...12.09.20148Baikal01.12.2020AssignedTask Description

Finalization of the play mode

  1. Display the date and time playback. Much better controls.
  2. Speed Up/Dwn-Speed up bar. Checks for 0x, 10x and 100x speedup.
  3. Buttons for Play, Pause, Speed up the playback button, a Play Next File or previous file. (similar to grib_pi, ability to backup, restart, click on a location on the timeline to restart, move forward or whatever.
  4. Play what you want - Ability to select where to start on the timeline. Click on timeline to restart playing at that location. -Yes!
  5. Checkbox for play continuous loop single file, or play a series of predefined files in a loop.
  6. Ability to filter out AIS sentences or to include them... (two lines, using comma separate terms)
  7. Means of filtering other NMEA sentences.
  8. Means of selecting/highlighting only certain NMEA sentences or just one sentence, and sending those to Opencpn.
  9. VDR player needs to have a window, where you can paste a nmea sentence in and then push a button to send the sentence! (of course when the Player is stopped).
  10. A nmea debug window like opencpn, scrolling what it is reading in.
  11. Nmea debug window -Ability to highlight and copy the nmea data.
  12. We need to be able to pause or stop the reading of the file, then be abble select/highlight a sentence in the nmea debug window and then be able to send it directly to OpenCPN to test the sentence and see what happens.
  13. Even copy an section of nmea that has been isolated as the culprit area from the Nmea Debug window.
  14. Join these features with the Opencpn debugger?
  15. Have a checksum calculator that checks every sentence and highlights bad checksum and proposes new checksum if wrong. I have a spreadsheet checksum calculator which might help with this because the formulas would be there.
  16. Recording settings - Automatic recording when you start openCPN, create a new file every 24 hours, path to the file folder records.
  17. We need a good shortcut key to pop up the Nmea Debug Tool How about "N" which is open? Mike Rasbats has done a fair amount of work on an updated VDRplus which is much better than the Current VDR.
1443pi - Celestial NavigationFeature RequestLowShow fix as Long Lat in addition to red line visual cro...10.08.20141Rick Gleason08.12.2017AssignedTask DescriptionCurrent calcs use a "least squares" which results in a visual red cross for fix. It would be very nice to have fix Lat Long appear somewhere where it could be copied with cursor.143800 Feature RequestFeature RequestMediumChart S-57 Possibility to localize object names and att...29.07.20142Baikal25.08.2014AssignedTask DescriptionPossibility to localize object names and attributes of S-57 chart displayed in the object query.137700 Feature RequestFeature RequestVery LowAIS DSC Support Position Request and Position Send24.04.20141Rick Gleason21.12.2018AssignedTask DescriptionSee for example"With the MMSI number programmed in the VHF radio, besides digital calling for voice calls, features such as Position Request and Position Send become available. There are many situations in which these features can be extremely useful. For example with a Position Request DSC call, which takes only a few seconds, the lat/lon of another vessel can be obtained, human error-free and fast. A great advantage in SAR operations or simply to find out where your “buddy” is to arrange a rendez-vous.The position received in the Position Response is displayed on the LCD screen of the requesting radio and most radios output the position data via an NMEA output port.The NMEA sentences generated for this purpose are DSC and DSE. A number of chart plotters support these sentences, but far from all. Even if these sentences are supported, the other vessel’s position cannot always be plotted in the chart. There are many popular navigation software packages that lack the support of the DSC/DSE sequence.It is now possible to convert the DSC/DSE sequence to a standard WPL (waypoint) NMEA sentence with the Brookhouse multiplexer. The MMSI number of the other vessel plus the time of the position report are used as the waypoint name. The WPL sentence is supported by most chart plotters and navigation software for importing waypoints.Chart plotters and navigation software often do not process the WPL if it occurs in the normal NMEA input stream. The software has to be set in “Waypoint Import-mode” first. If this is done the moment before the Position Request is issued from the radio, the waypoint will be received and plotted in the chart. The software or chart plotter can now return to normal operating mode and the waypoint can be made active for navigation, if required. It is all done in seconds with a few mouse-clicks."--BrookhousePossible in Opencpn -??1375Ocpn - pi - GribFeature RequestMediumPressure Grib --Put an "L" in the center of a low24.04.20143Rick Gleason30.05.2016AssignedTask DescriptionPressure Grib --Put an "L" in the center of a low.Seems like a good idea if it can be done.129100 Feature RequestFeature RequestVery LowChart S-57 preslib DEPCN label11.01.20141Baikal28.05.2016AssignedTask Descriptionadd an attribute display depth values ​​in VALSOU isobath object DEPCN115200 Feature Request Vetted >7 VotesFeature RequestLowAIS DSC Support DSC Initiate Call 26.09.201313Steven Adler25.12.2018AssignedTask Description

Integrate ability to initiate a DSC VHF Call to an AIS target from the AIS Context Menu. A number of current DSC VHF radios enable another device (such as AIS transponder) to initiate the DSC call via a NMEA sentence

For example: I have an Icom 502 VHF radio that supports the NMEA 0183 DSC Initiate sentence which is of the format:

$AIDSC,DSC Message Type,MMSI Number,Category,First Telecommand,Second Telecommand,VHF Channel,Time ,MMSI of Ship in Distress ,Nature of Distress ,Acknowledge Flag,Expansion Indicator*25


  • DSC Message = Individual Call (encoded as 20)
  • Category = Routine (encoded as 00)
  • First Telecommand = F3E/3GE All Modes (encoded as 00)
  • Second telecommand = No additional Information (encoded as 26)
  • VHF Channel is encoded as per Paragraph. of the Standard.

for example to request Channel 8, it is encoded as 900008900008 Time,MMSI Number of Ship in Distress, Nature of Distress and Expansion Indicator are null

The relevant standard is ITU-R M.493-13

Other VHF radios may use different sentences, for example Garmin uses NMEA 2000 and therefore a different sentence, Standard Horizon reputedly uses a proprietary sentence format.

1124pi - WeatherFaxFeature RequestLowFS#728 : WX Navtex messsage overlay (perhaps?)09.09.20131Rick Gleason12.08.2014AssignedTask DescriptionSee this Feature Requst, it might fit into Weatherfax - pi - DashboardFeature RequestHighInstr Barometric Presure NMEA xdr input for barometric ...27.02.20139Jeff25.04.2021AssignedTask Descriptionwould be great if the dash board had the nmea xdr as an input this would help so if the weather was changing out on the water you could see barometric pressure and air temp and humidity which can be put out by the lowest cost nasa wind sensor with out the control head96400 Feature RequestFeature RequestLowAPRS (HAM) support to OpenCPN - wxfax, ais, wx, winlink...23.02.20132Nick Vermeulen18.12.2018Pending patch commitTask DescriptionAPRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is utilized by HAM radio operators around the world to track stations much like AIS. In fact, I believe AIS is derived from it.The most popular radios for maritime HAMs for this are the Kenwood TM-D710 and the Kenwood TH-D72 (Kenwood was much involved in de development of APRS). These have everything built in just like VHF+AIS combination radios. They output NMEA0183 data for each station that is tracked by using the WPL waypoint sentence.I propose to add support for APRS by adding these targets as another class of AIS target just like there is "A", "B", "DSC" etc.A $GPWPL is received every time that station sends a "beacon" with updated position coordinates. I will post examples of input here as I have these radios in operation.There is more... weather stations also send APRS packets that have current weather data encoded, like wind speed/direction, temperature, barometric pressure, rain etc. etc. There are boats that have weatherstations aboard (most have nowadays with all the super-sensors) and send out these reports.The APRS network is worldwide and often linked to the AIS network. It is also linked to Winlink for both position reporting and messages. A rather nice website to see targets is aprs.fiI also have a request for ARPA/MARPA radar targets but think it's better to make a separate ticket as it uses a different NMEA sentence and syntax.92000 Feature Request Vetted >7 VotesBug ReportLowUI UNITS Setting measurement units23.11.20126Baikal02.11.2021AssignedTask Description

Make the possibility of a global setting Units of measurement in OpenCPN. someone accustomed to use the metric system of measurement -

  • Distance: kilometers and meters, feet, yards, nautical miles nautical miles and feet, nautical miles and yards.
  • Spot soundings: feet, meters, fathoms.
  • Mast Height: meters, feet.
  • Speed​​: knots, kilometers per hour, miles per hour.
  • Bearing: Magnetic, true
  • Fuel: Gallons, Liters
  • Position: degrees minutes seconds, degrees and minutes, degrees.
  • Time: 12 hours, 24 hours
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD or mm-dd-yyyy
  • Temperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius.
  • Wind speed: knots, kilometers per hour, meters per second.
  • Pressure: mBar, mmHg, Pa.
  • Current Velocity: knots, kilometers per hour, miles per hour.

Also NOTE: Related but separate OwnShip Settings FS#1102

Consider this note requesting Small distance units FS#2407

87500 Feature RequestFeature RequestMediumChart S-57 ENC Declutter of signs in ENC07.09.20122Maarten van Noorden23.04.2016AssignedTask DescriptionA declutter of signs in ENC charts would be nice, in the current version teh signs are so big that you really have to go to a high level zoom to see them.
OpenCPN::OpenCPNAll Projects: Tasklist (2024)


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