Hidden in Hell - KAL (JadeElite), PotatoJade (JadeElite) (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 44 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 46 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 47 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 48 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 49 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 50 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 52 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 53 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 54 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 56 Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)

Chapter Text

‘Well, this is an unexpected…problem…’ The radio demon muses to himself as the TV broadcast devolves into chaos after the announcement of the moved up extermination date. His neck cracks slightly as his head turns to face Charlie. “ Soooo…. How did a meeting with the heaven embassy regarding redemption for human souls turn into this ?” He gestures his cane at the television set as the demons on the screen scream bloody murder around the accelerated countdown hourglass.

“Well you see…” Charlie fidgets in her seat, recalling the abysmal conversation she had with Adam. “They kind of didn’t listen to me, at all.” She sighs. “Turns out the whole reason they wanted to meet was to let us know they are moving up the extermination date. And when I tried to tell them about my plans for the hotel and rehabilitating souls they just told me that ‘hell is forever’ and that killing demons is ‘entertainment’ for them.”
Alastor’s creepy smile strains wide. “I see. If the angel’s find it so entertaining, then perhaps they have more in common with us than they’d like to admit.” He stands, snapping his fingers so that the TV shuts off, he can’t think with it blaring it’s garbage. “Do tell me you have a plan to fix this, because if not then all the time I’ve put into helping you with your little pet project will have been quite wasted.”

Charlie stammers and looks around the room at her companions. “Well no, I don’t have a plan yet but, I’m sure that if we all put our heads together we can come up with a solution!” Her usual unfettered optimism is tainted with a hint of despair at the thought of her people being slaughtered once again.
There is a silence in the room as the others are still processing the announcement. Several of them side eye each other, not really sure how Charlie expects them to react.
Well you all can ‘put your heads together’ and try to work something out. But I have some business I need to attend to.” Alastor takes a step towards the stairs.
“What business could be more important than trying to figure out how to prevent us all from being killed in six months!” Vaggie snaps.
Private business,” he says in a dark tone to dissuade them from prying. “And ‘all of us’ is quite the stretch, there’s a reason I’ve survived as many exterminations as I have.” His eyes flicker, and for a moment he seems even taller than usual, but it passes quickly. “Anyways I’m not much of a group thinker. You all can plot and plan together, I will inform you if I have any ideas to prevent your impending demise.” Before any of them can stop him with more frivolities he dissipates into the shadows, leaving Charlie and her crew with baffled expressions.

A few moments later Alastor rematerializes in his room, for a brief millisecond his wide smile falters as his own comment about surviving the exterminations rings through his head. But he swiftly corrects his composure, now is not the time to lose his head.

He takes a deep breath, looking around the room, it is a space he has specifically curated to fit his aesthetic, everything has its proper place, and everything must always stay in that place. So, two of the books on his ornate bookshelf being swapped catches his eye pretty quickly. He crosses the room to this shelf, as he switches them back he looks them over. Both are thick, leather bound tomes, not light reading by any margin.

Alastor shakes his head and places them back where they belong, then reaches for the deer skull that decorates the shelf. A tug on the left antler causes it to move about 45 degrees, and there is a clicking noise behind the wall. With a dramatic creaking and groaning, the large bookcase slowly swings outward to reveal a tunnel leading deeper into the hotel.

As the demon steps in the secret entrance swings shut behind him. He walks in a deliberate manner, clicking his cane against the floor so that it echoes down the narrow hall. It’s a rather short walk before arriving at the small room that he has hidden within this building without even Charlie knowing of its existence. It’s been set up to resemble one of the hotel rooms, but with a few more homely accommodations added, such as the quaint writing desk and large wardrobe. The most notable thing about the room though is its lack of windows, which is unsurprising given that when he snuck this room into the floor plan he made sure that it had no exterior walls.

Alastor clears his throat, a strange sound with his radio-esque filter, announcing his presence to the room’s sole occupant, who currently appears to be a lump in the bedspread. “ Grace, are you decent?

There is a crackle in the air as the lump shifts slightly. A distorted feminine voice emits from a cell phone resting on the bedside table. “ If I w- de-de -decent I d-n’t th ink I ’d be in hell, w--ld I ?”

The demon chuckles, “You might have a point.” Glancing over at the dining table, he sees a barely touched plate of eggs and toast, his smile twists into a bit of a grimace, good food is hard to source in hell. “Gracie, you need to eat, it’s important you keep up your strength.”He crosses the room, and slowly sits on the edge of the bed.
Trust me it wasn’t for lack of trying.” The female voice comes through the device much more clearly with Alastor in closer proximity, but it still seems to have several issues. “You know I never thought it c-uld be worse than when I was on the chemo, but today I couldn’t even be near the food without w--ting to…”
I get the picture,” Alastor glances at the cell phone, the distortion in the voice was not like this when they first set it up as a means of communication, she sounded much clearer a few weeks ago. He knows it’s not his own powers causing the interruptions, even if this modern tech is something he is not fond of, it’s still well within his ability, so this issue must be on her end. “But you need to eat something, just like when you were on the chemo, it’s not good if you get weak from starvation.

The lump shakes a bit, and the phone tries to broadcast a laugh but it doesn’t come out right. “Careful ‘Mr. Psychopathic Dem-n who is the Soul of a Ser-l Ki--er’, if some--dy heard you they might get the wr-ng idea and think that you care.”

He had never expected she would hold onto that phrase for so long. It was something he threw out in an argument they were having years ago, when he was still trying to deny to himself that he was catching feelings for this girl, and decided he needed to ‘remind’ her who he is. It was something that was supposed to drive her away, but she had somehow turned it into a silly little bit that she uses to tease him.
Well dear,” He reaches for the edge of the covers, “I do suspect that a rumor about me ‘caring’ would start as soon as they discover I went to the trouble of smuggling you in here.” Smuggling isn’t actually referring to getting her into the hotel, in fact that part was rather easy. Pulling back the blankets exposes the very human woman who he managed to bring past the veil of death and into hell without actually taking her life.

Though that last part is a little debatable, given the way the color and vitality have been draining from her since her arrival here. Alastor still manages to maintain his disturbing smile, but his eyes do betray that he may, perhaps, be concerned with what he is seeing. To the outside eye it may appear that sneaking into the afterlife has caused this affliction to her health, but both of them know this is far from the truth. The woman is laying on her side, half curled, one hand resting on the resting on the source of her health issues, the small baby bump that has begun to form on her abdomen.

There is a long stretch of silence as Alastor looks her over, taking in every detail of the woman as though he may find the solution to their problems in some small thing that he’s missed. Bringing her to hell was supposed to keep her safe while they sorted… it… out, her unique nature already caused her to resonate with the supernatural, carrying a half demon baby only made her a giant target on Earth. He brought her over during the chaos of the last extermination, expecting that they would be safe from the next for another year, meaning he’d only have to protect her from other demons, and well, other demons are no sweat. But now the next extermination is coming in six months, which throws the semblance of a plan they had concocted out the window.
Alastor…” The phone crackles, snapping him out of his thoughts. His red eyes shift to meet her beautiful green ones, the one part of her that had not lost life yet. “What’s the m-tter, darling?”

He knows he should tell her, not saying anything is just delaying the inevitable, right? But perhaps if that princess of misplaced hope can get things to go her way, then they might not have to worry. In which case there is no reason to burden Grace with worries about extermination when she should be focused on her health.
It’s nothing Gracie,” He takes her left hand and lifts it, placing a kiss on the red and black wedding band on her ring finger. “I just had a long day at work.”

The woman sits up slowly, with some assistance from the demon. “ Well, perhaps you c-n tell me about it?”

Alastor figures that with some editing out of certain details, he can probably tell her about the whole ‘commercial’ debacle with the rest of the hotel crew. “ Very well dear, but while I talk you must try to eat some more, okay?”

Grace delicately touches the old surgical scar on her throat, trying hard not to think about how much her throat hurts whenever her food comes back up to say hello. “ I will try, but I c-n’t promise it’s go ing to st-y down.”

And when I am done talking about my day,” he says, “you and I are going to have a long discussion about the dangers of you sneaking out of your room.”
“All I did was go to your room to f-nd something to read because soooomeb-b-b-b-She's in the middle of gesturing to the sparse bookcase on the other side of the room, but stops and stares at her phone, frowning as the broadcast of her voice begins to devolve into static. She tries to hide how much it bothers her, but Alastor can see the tears welling in her eyes before she brushes them away.

If he could give her back her voice he would in half a heart beat. There were few people he’d ever met that actually gave him a stimulating conversation, but now most of their talks were just her listening. Not that it bothered him, he does love the sound of his own voice, but…
I’ll get you more books, I’m sure it’s dreadfully boring being cooped up here all day, but remember it’s for your own safety.” He takes both of Grace’s hands in his own. “We can’t have anybody discovering that there is a human in hell, if you go out without me then I can’t protect you.” She pouts at him, trying to convey her disdain for being stuck in this windowless room all day. “If you won’t do it for the sake of yourself, then do it to protect the baby.

It feels odd to him saying that word. Despite everything that he had done these past few weeks for the sake of it, part of him has still not accepted the reality of the fact that there is something growing in his wife’s womb that is half made up of him. The constant smile plastered to his face does well enough to conceal the fact that he is still unsure how to feel about the wretched thing, and Grace seems to have not yet caught on to his mixed feelings about the situation.

Which is good because even if he’s not sure how he ‘feels’ about the child, since he learned of it’s existence he has been overwhelmed with a surprisingly primal urge to protect it, regardless of him still not even being sure if he is ready to… care about it. So, the last thing Alastor wants is for his dear Gracie to get the impression that just because the idea of a sticky, smelly, crying baby makes his skin crawl, that it means he wants her to get rid of it.
Grace leans forward, resting her face against his chest, trying to convey her thoughts without her voice. To tell him that of course she wants to protect the baby, and if that means she has to stay in this damn room then fine, she will.

Alastor, normally adverse to being touched, finds himself relaxing slightly at the feeling of her against him. He raises a hand so he can gently pat her back. “ Come on now, let’s try and get some food in you and I will tell you Aaall about my day.”

Chapter 2

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I sh*t you not, and I have the screenshots to prove it, when I woke this morning the kudos were at 6 and the hits 66, so I'm going to take that 666 as a sign I'm either going to hell or that I should keep writing this fic. More people have liked it in this first day then I was possibly expecting and that makes me so happy. I'm still getting my writing groove back after more than a year off of writing so I do feel bad this isn't up to the quality I used to put out, plus I do not have the focus to reread and edit my stuff before posting so I'm so sorry if this goes off the rails, but I hope some of ya'll like it. It's 3 am and I have to be up for work in a few hours so I don't have time to say much else but love ya

Chapter Text

Luckily it seems that the eggs stay down better when they’re cold, so the concerns about starvation get pushed off for another day. But even Alastor knows that his wife can’t sustain herself on cold eggs and soggy toast for her entire pregnancy, so he’ll have to keep looking for some kind of nutrition for her. Putting that on top of all the other things he’s having to do to keep her hidden and cared for, plus managing and protecting this hotel, he’s beginning to grow frustrated with the amount of work on his plate.

But he conceals this feeling from Grace for the night. As she eats he tells her about his day, and as usual she is absolutely enthralled by his stories. She hangs onto every word that comes out of his mouth, her eyes lighting up as he details the actions of the other residents of the hotel.

So in the end, after all th-t hard work you put in, the commercial didn’t even get to air bec--se of some dumb news report?” Grace leans back in her chair, her voice projects into the phone much more easily now that she has some energy back.

Yes, it was rather irritating.” Alastor snaps his fingers, and the dirty dishes vanish. “I suppose I could bend somebody’s limbs and get them to run it again. But I really just want to be done with all that frivolous television nonsense.”

I know darling, it’s so annoying when you w-rk hard on something and it gets oversh-dowed and ignored --cause of something stupid.” As she talks, one of her hands absentmindedly moves to rest on her stomach, just above where it’s begun to curve outwards. “So m-ny of my projects went nowhere because there w-s something ‘more important’ going on at the t-me.”

The demon glances at her hand’s idle fidgeting, his shoulders tensing, before he returns his gaze to her eyes. “They were all fools for overlooking you, your work is spectacular, I should know, I’ve listened to all of it.”

The woman’s laugh comes through the phone as a bit of static. “You never told me that you listen-- to ALL of it, do you mean that? Even the sh-tty podcasts?” Before being smuggled into hell, Grace had used her communications degree for a variety of jobs; she had hoped to get into journalism and be a reporter, but was never taken seriously. Apparently she wasn’t pretty enough for the news, something Alastor never understood when she told him about it, of course it’s one of the many reasons he found television to be such a droll medium, it’s far too vain. But his wife is a woman from the age of the internet, and while he may find most modern technology loathsome, he always somewhat admired the way she used it to put herself out there, taking on all sorts of gig and side jobs that would allow her to write and use her voice… well before she lost it that is.

Of course I did, dear. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t familiarize myself with my wife’s hard work?” There is sincerity in his voice, even with his strange vocal effect going. Though the part he is concealing is that he had listened to her old recorded works a lot after the botched surgery that cost her her beautiful voice. He doesn’t want her to know that he misses the way it really sounded, no need to let her know he gets sentimental about such things, or make her feel any worse about the fact that it’s gone.
Aw, that’s s- sweet,” Grace smiles and sits up straighter in her chair. “I w-uld love to see this commercial, I know you detest the medium but it’s something you worked hard on. Wh-t kind of wife would I be if I didn't support my husband’s h-rd work?”

Alastor chuckles, “Very well, I’ll bring the tape up later.”

“By the w-y,” Grace’s expression becomes quizzical, “What could possibly have b--n so important that it would make the news station interrupt the broadcast? I mean this is hell, I d--bt much gets them th-t worked up so it must have been pretty serious.”

The radio demon’s smile strains, but thinks quickly of a lie that shouldn’t stress her out too much. “Oh it was just some other overlord trying to flex his prowess by taking over the broadcast and make people listen to some monologue I didn’t bother paying attention to.” He stands and moves to Grace’s side of the table.

Grace pauses, looking Alastor in the eye, she can feel something is off. “Really…? That’s all it w-s?”

Alastor lowers himself so he is just above eye level with her while she remains seated, and gently cups her cheek. “Yes, that was all Gracie, nothing to worry about.”

She leans into his hand and sighs, one of the few sounds she can make on her own, “Alastor, I love you, but I’ve g-t this… gut feeling there’s s-mething you're not telling me.”

“Well,” the overlord’s other hand moves, normally everything he does is certain and swift, but there is hesitation as he hovers over the bulge on his wife’s belly. “You’re… gut, is a little preoccupied growing a fetus, so maybe you shouldn’t trust everything it’s telling you.”

Looking down, Grace does her best to hide her disappointment that he won’t close that gap. “Yes, you’re pr-bably right, the hormones are making me paranoid… or s-mething.” She stands, pulling away from him as she does. Between the fact that she can tell he is lying about something, and him trying to use her current state as an excuse to convince her she’s wrong, the comfort and safety she felt during the meal is quickly turning to a sour taste in the back of her mouth.“You kn-w, I’m starting to get a b-t tired, is it alright if I lay d-wn again?”

Alastor quickly pulls his hands back to his side, summoning his cane so he can have something to hold. “How about I draw you a nice relaxing bath Gracie? Then we could find something for me to read to you?”

Her pale lips stretch into a soft smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “M-ybe later, I j-st need to lay down. My sleep schedule has been all over the place since I g-t here.”

“Right, I understand,” he straightens his bow tie absentmindedly. “Do you want me to… join you?” Somewhere in the back of his mind he can’t help thinking about how holding her for just a little bit might help alleviate the stress he’s feeling over the impending extermination.

I’ll be f-ne, you don’t have to tr--ble yourself,” She grabs her phone and slips past him, crossing the room to return to her bed. “Anyways, don’t you have a hotel to manage or something? The others m-ght g-t suspicious if you’re hidden away for too long.”

He longs to reach out and catch her, pull her into an embrace, and tell her it would be no trouble at all. To say f*ck the hotel, f*ck the others, she’s far more important. But to show that kind of emotion would be relinquishing far more control than he can handle. So, instead he silently averts his eyes as she changes into a clean nightgown.

If you need anything dear,” Alastor taps his cane on the floor, and in a puff of smoke a small radio with a microphone attached appears on the nightstand, “tune it to our frequency and… oh…” He stops as she fingers the scar on her throat.

I’ll figure it out…” she seems about to say more, but is stopped as the room shakes around them, the whole building rumbling as though an explosion has happened. “Looks l-ke the hotel needs its facilities manager, you should go…”

Yes, well, I’ll be back tonight, there’s snacks in the mini-fridge, try to get some more nutrition into yourself if you can.” As he begins to dissipate into the shadows, she rolls over to look at him. “And Grace… I…”

“I know, I l-ve you too Al…”

Chapter 3

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So this is a very Grace centered chapter, once I get further I'll have more of the Hazbin characters involved more frequently so you won't waste so much time waxing poetic about my OC. But I really wanted to nail down some details about her and her past, as well as show a bit more of her perspective of her situation and her relationship with Alastor. I'm also experimenting with meshing in flashbacks to show the development of her relationship with him, but I'm not really sure how best to format it. if you have thoughts I'd love to hear them but uh once again it is almost 3 am and I have to be up for work soon so I'm going to throw this up here and hope for the best cause my need for validation is currently overriding my patience to wait to post until I have perfected it, hence the shortish chapters.

Chapter Text

Alastor shadowily apprates to the hotel balcony quickly enough that nobody really notices that he wasn’t already there. While he deals with Sir. Pentious’ attack, Grace sits alone in her poorly lit room. Saying she was tired was only half a lie, it’s easier to think without the seven foot tall demon’s imposing presence looming over her, even after how long she’s known him she still isn’t one hundred percent certain that he can’t secretly read her mind.

Despite her room being deliberately set up with no exterior walls, she can still hear the muffled chaos of her husband’s assault on the airship. Admittedly part of her wishes she could watch. In their time together he had regaled her with stories of how he took down overlords, how oh so powerful he is in a fight, but she had never really gotten to see what he is capable of. There were a few skirmishes on the surface where he came to defend her from the various supernatural beings that liked to try their luck with her, but she had only ever seen glimpses of his demonic form in those cases. Those terrifying moments always made her heart race in a way that drew her closer to him, like seeing a natural disaster, horrifying in its capability to cause destruction and loss of life, but majestic in its unstoppable force.

When the sounds of the fighting stops, she sighs and sits up in bed, leaning against the backboard. After a few silent moments of staring up at the ceiling she reaches for her cellphone. The device lights up and shows the same thing it has for the past week that she’s been down here, no signal, no internet. Up top she had never been much of a social media person, she’d never imagined how much she’d miss scrolling through Pinterest looking for recipe ideas or sewing tips.

Grace sighs, and pulls her knees up to her chest so she can wrap her arms around them while she flips through her gallery, then her notes app, till eventually she finds herself in the voice recorder storage, listening to old clips of herself rambling about different thoughts and ideas. There are even a few snippets from discussion and debates with others that she had decided at the time were important enough to capture, mostly either with her old roommate or with Alastor. The app was practically her personal diary back in the day, at a time when she had no idea she would probably never make another entry again.

She can’t help thinking about how despite the occasional flaws, Alastor had done a pretty good job of projecting her ‘voice’ onto the phone when they wanted to talk. But it never felt right, it wasn’t the same, not to her at least. Years ago she had read about how people hear their own voices differently from how others do, that because the soundwaves reverberate inside your skull while you talk you get a totally different experience, and that’s why so many people don’t recognize their own voices on a recording. Tears well in the young woman’s eyes as she listens to her carefree past self go on and on about the articles she had been reading about the history of beekeeping, or dissecting the historical implications of whatever recent archeological find she had just learned about.

Listening to these, just a fraction of the various things she had recorded over her life, made her dwell on how much she loved to talk. To communicate. She adores hearing Alastor talk about anything and everything, but it’s not been the same now that she can’t easily engage with him, ask questions, or share her thoughts. And she knows it’s not the same for him either.

After all, it was purely through their voices that they had fallen in love in the first place.

Somewhere in a box of external hard drives back on Earth is stored many of the conversations that Grace and Alastor have had over the years. ‘A record of their love story’ she used to call it when he would complain about his voice being digitized. She always knew she should back them up in the cloud, but although she was more comfortable with modern technology than her husband, there was a part of her that did still distrust certain aspects of the internet. The last thing she needed was some hacker going through her sh*t and discovering that hell is real, and she could talk to somebody down there.

Anyways, she always felt like it was more romantic to keep it on a ‘physical’ medium. Like those old couples with their photo albums and scrapbooks and boxes of newspaper clippings and sh*t. Even Alastor surprisingly agreed with her on that. But now that silly romanticism is bittersweet now that she can’t access the drives, or even her laptop.

On one of those drives she even has their very first conversation, the day they ‘met’. But even though she lacks access to it now, Grace remembers every word, every moment.

It’s been just over 9 years now since that crisp fall evening. Grace was a 19 year old college student at the time. It had taken a lot of hard work and many failed tries, but that night she was certain she had nailed down what she needed to do to connect that old rotary phone to the line she wanted.

This was far from her first brush with the forces of hell and the signals that leak into the living world. After a childhood of being in close proximity to unnatural forces, the girl was far from a normal human. At the time she didn’t fully understand how she was able to do it, but somehow she was able to access media that was broadcasting in the afterlife. The first time she did it she had no idea what the hell she was watching, it disturbed and fascinated her young mind when the images of the chaos and hellfire lit up the old CRT she had fixed up. By the time she figured out what she was tapping into she had discovered that her favorite was the radio broadcasts, although the strange overlapping screaming unnerved her at first, she eventually found it to be a great white noise machine. But what she really loved about it was the host, with his fun old-timey voice and the way he enthusiastically told stories about the going ons in hell, or whatever topic had caught his fancy for the day.

That night she finished setting up her laptop’s microphone and drawing the chalk pentagram around her whole set up just as the clock struck midnight. She felt a tug deep in her soul as she whispered her incantation, with each word something ethereal poured from her being and into the room. The flames of the candles around her suddenly shifted their hues to a soft violet.

It took a few minutes for her to be brave enough to continue. She’d rehearsed what she would say but seeing that this might actually work caused all those words to slip away from her mind.

But she couldn’t delay for long, the spell wouldn’t hold forever. When she picked up the receiver and dialed, she already knew what the number was, ‘666’ , what else would it be?

The young woman glanced at the radio, which had been playing tonight’s show the whole time she was working on this.

... and over in cannibal town there appears to be an outbreak of salmonella, so if you’re wanting to try a rare opportunity of an exotic… what is that …” In the background of the broadcast there is the distinct ringing sound.

Grace held her breath as the phone rang in sync with the radio.

The demon’s voice was muffled for a moment, he seemed genuinely caught off guard but was concealing it. He was certain that that phone didn’t work, and even if it did, nobody had the number.

“Well listeners, it seems we have our first ever caller. Let’s see who it is that’s foolish enough to interrupt me.”

The girl’s heart was thundering as the ringing stopped, but she quickly realized something was wrong.

“Hello, you’ve reached 66.6, the best radio show this side of hell, and all others…”

The overlord’s voice was still coming through her radio, but the phone was just playing static.

“This is Alastor, and you have fifteen seconds to explain how and why you’ve interrupted my show before I drag your soul out through this line and add your screams to my collection…”

Grace took a deep breath, then spoke confidently, clearly, and with purpose, just like she was taught in her speech class. “Hello, Mr. Alastor, sir. It is my greatest pleasure to be able to talk to you,” She could hear her voice on the radio, her side of the call was going through… he could hear her, she could just only hear him through the broadcast. “ I’ve been a fan of your show for a very long time. I am so terribly sorry for interrupting you, but I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time, and I figured calling in was my best chance of doing that.”

There was a long pause before Alastor spoke again. “I find most who are so determined to talk to me have a death wish, they just don’t realize it yet .”

“Well, I don’t have a death wish, but I do have a paper due next week on early 20th century radio and its impact on American culture.” Grace leant over to her laptop, checking that her recording was still working. “You were a radio host in life as well right? In the 1920s? I was hoping I could interview you.” As she spoke her body relaxed more, and her voice began to smooth out as she got herself into a groove, despite the fact that she was still nervous as all hell.

There was another pause, whenever Alastor wasn’t speaking the ambient noises of screams became more pronounced. “Paper? Interview…” He paused again, before saying clearly to his audience, “Alright folks we’re going to go to a commercial break while I sort out some technical difficulties .”

“No! Mr. Alastor wait!” Grace gripped the phone as the radio broadcast shifted to commercials about flea medication for hellhounds. Her receiver emanated static still, presumably from the demon trying to talk to her. “Sir, I don’t know if you can hear me, but this spell seems to be… finicky. I can only hear you through the radio, so if you’re not broadcasting then this becomes a very… one sided conversation.”

The room was quiet for a minute, and the girl’s heart sunk as she began to think this might have all been for naught. When the radio sparks with green energy, it takes all her self control to not make some embarrassing noise in surprise.

Can you hear me now?

Grace stared wide eyed, but replied quickly, “Yes sir, I can.”

Stop calling me sir. Your radio is now set to a frequency where only you can hear me. Now, who am I speaking with?”

She fidgeted in excitement. “My name is Grace, I’m a communications student at Mississippi University.”

Mississippi… as in on Earth? You’re calling me from Earth ?”

“Yes si…Mr. Alastor. It’s hard to explain, but I’ve always been able to tap into signals from hell so I’ve been engineering a spell that would allow me to reverse the connection and be able to call down there.” Grace was trying to keep her tone even, but she had always been in the habit of getting too excited when she talks about one of her areas of interest. “This is probably my twentieth attempt at trying to get in contact with you.”

“So, you are alive then? A living, breathing human ? Calling down to hell?”

“Yes,” Grace’s smile was so wide her cheeks were beginning to hurt. “And may I just say, it really is an honor getting to talk to you. The way you tell stories is so enthralling and I can only hope that one day I can have even a fraction of your skill at captivating an audience.”

“Well… I have had decades of practice down here, this kind of thing isn’t all raw talent, it takes practice, and dedication.”

The student could hear his voice shift just a bit, her ego stroking was apparently working. “I know, but I would love to learn from the best…” She glanced over at the candles, they were burning down fast. “When I have more time, this spell isn’t going to hold for too much longer… and that paper is worth a third of my grade this semester so…”

“I suppose I could assist you, but how do you intend to frame an interview with a demon as a reliable source for your paper, without getting thrown in the loony bin that is.”

“I have a plan, it involves a bit of fabricating a fake book as a source to cite, then having my tech friend slip it into the library's digital archives and backdate it. The professors never fully investigate the sources anyways so I should be in the clear.” Grace was rather proud of this plan, sure it was far more work than writing a normal paper, but she was more interested in what she could learn from him anyways.

I see, technology certainly has… evolved … up there.”

More green sparks flew off the radio as Alastor’s utter disdain came through the speaker.

Grace swallowed hard, and chose her next words carefully. “It has indeed. I have fondness for older mediums like radio, I honestly prefer it over things like television, but the internet has its uses.”

Right, well anyways, what do I get out of helping you with your silly paper anyways?”

She hadn’t thought about that part, which she knew was stupid, of course he’d ‘want’ something, that’s how demons work, they make deals. “Uhm… you get to listen to the dulcet sounds of my voice as you get to reminisce about the days when you were alive.”

“Aha-aha-ah No… I was thinking something more along the line of…”

Yeah, my soul… I know. But you see that’s actually not going to be possible…” Grace pulled her knees up to her chest, and stared at the palm of her left hand for a moment, more specifically at the swirling scar on it.

There was a pause, Alastor was probably composing himself after being interrupted. “I’m not that cruel, I wouldn’t make you trade your soul just for a paper. You wanted to learn from me right? Well, your soul in exchange for me mentoring you.”

The girl was silent for a while, just staring at her hand as her mind went fuzzy with memories she can only half recall.

“Grace, didn’t you say the spell wouldn’t last very long? Are you going to take my deal or not?”

She took a deep breath, but despite her earlier confidence and excitement, she could only manage the smallest of voices. “Unfortunately, I can’t sell you my soul. And not because I don’t want to… another demon bought it when I was six years old…”

Chapter 4

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I think I sorta started losing my train of thought towards the end of this one, I wasn't exactly sure how to properly characterize certain characters with their dialogue, hopefully I got it close enough. Tonight I actually did a little bit of research for this one, 1920s makeup styles. I was on the fence of what kind of makeup Alastor would like seeing Gracie wear, because obviously something more from his time than modern, but I also feel like he wouldn't like the full face of makeup that the flappers would wear so I'm trying to figure out a toned down style that Grace might put on when she's trying to look pretty for her husband (honestly there's a part of me that thinks he might prefer it when she wears makeup the way his mother would have since he's a mama's boy apparently, but I couldn't quite mentally pin down what that would have looked like, but given the time period I assume he actually grew up in I figured she wouldn't have worn much if any at all, hence why I said he would prefer her with a toned down look.) Actually a solid chunk of this section is me fleshing out more of Grace's appearance as well as her and Alastor's perceptions and opinions about how she looks. Tomorrow is my work from home day so hopefully if I don't go into a full dissociative state I may be able to get a meatier chapter done, or even get ahead and get a couple chapters written. I really like this pushing myself to put out a chapter a night, yeah it cuts into my quality but it's driving me to actually write and not hyperfixate on making it perfect.

Chapter Text

Grace is pulled back from her wanderings down memory lane by her cellphone’s screen going haywire. Her heart stops, terrified that the device is breaking, that all these memories are about to be lost. It buzzes for a moment while flashing between static and a blue/red color scheme. Suddenly a news broadcast takes over the screen, the headline reading ‘UNREMARKABLE LOSER BACK FROM f*ckING OFF.’

The woman didn’t have to wonder who this was on screen, Alastor had once, and only once, told her a story about Vox, the demon with a television for a head who he had found rather unpleasant and annoying. Apparently despite how pathetic this Vox is suppose to be, his signal is strong enough to force its way onto Grace’s phone.

“Top of the hour and we’re discussing a certain has-been…”

Her chest shakes a bit as she silently chuckles, watching the screen, amused by how poorly the television demon hides his fear of her husband. There’s a little eye twitch, his smile is just a bit too wide. Whatever this show he’s putting on is suppose to be, to her it’s like watching one of those lizards spread its frills to try and scare off a predator. The singing is a little weird, but Alastor had mentioned that things are a little more… theatrical… down here. She just wasn’t expecting somebody straight up streaming themselves breaking into song about the current events.

“While he hid in radio~ we pivoted to video~”

She throws her head back in what would have been a mighty laugh if she still had her vocal chords. Hiding? Hardly. Clearly this Vox doesn’t know Alastor at all if he thinks that he has been in hiding this whole time. The overlord had simply found something more… important to occupy his time with.

For a brief moment she picks up on the true purpose of this little song and dance. She can almost feel the hypnotic effect coming through the screen when Vox’s eye does that weird little thing. But a pale violet energy crackles across her eyeballs, blocking his ability, something so small and outside her control that she doesn’t even realize that she’s done it.

Suddenly the small radio that Alastor had left on her bedside comes to life, there’s static for a moment, before that gorgeous voice begins to play over it.

Salutations, good to be back on the air.”

Grace quickly sets her phone down on the covers, and reaches for the radio. It’s got no power cord, and is small enough that she can easily pull it into her lap. It’s so pleasing to hear his composed responses to Vox, especially with the melodic tone of his singing voice. She doesn’t get to hear him sing very often, and always felt too embarrassed to ask.

And here’s the sugar on the cream~ He asked me to join his team~ I said no and now he’s pissy that’s the tea~”

She can’t help kicking her feet like an excited fangirl, not just because of how good that line was, but because she had taught him how to use the modern slang about ‘the tea.’ It’s clear that she’s not the only one that Alastor is getting a reaction out of with his little song, she can hear her phone blitzing out as Vox loses his cool.

She’s so enthralled by the radio that she doesn’t even notice her phone going completely dead from the force of Vox short circuiting the signal. Instead she is distracted by a… silly and sentimental idea that she will definitely not mention to her husband. As he launches into the final verse of his song, she pulls the little radio closer to her stomach, the speaker just barely touching the small curve where her child is growing.

Let’s begin~”

Grace almost feels sad doing this. It’s probably way too early in her pregnancy for the baby to even hear this. But she knows that this will likely be the only way it will get to be talked to during its development. She certainly can’t say much to it, and while she hasn’t exactly asked, the woman is fairly certain her husband would… turn down the request to talk to the baby, even if she were to make the point about it being good for its development to hear its parent’s voices while in utero. So she has to hope that this will be good enough, and maybe some of those voice recordings from her phone, although there were only two or three that contained Alastor.

The broadcast ends with Alastor’s sinister laugh, Grace can feel the energy of his demonic form radiating from the device, and it sends a shiver up her spine. When the broadcast turns off she returns the radio to her bedside table and takes several deep breaths. Her whole body is tingling in excitement, the radio demon’s voice always makes her giddy, but something about hearing him sing takes her to a blissful level.

She starts to think about how she behaved earlier when he left, and with a sigh she acknowledges to herself that maybe she was being unfair. Although she could tell that Alastor is lying to her about something, that wasn’t an excuse to act so cold and rude to him. After all, he's put a lot on the line, sneaking her into hell. And he’s been working very hard to provide for and protect her… perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to give him a little leeway… but only a little.

After a moment of thought she moves to the edge of the bed and slowly gets up. She wasn’t sure when he’d be back, but maybe in whatever time she has she could try to figure out something to do for him. At the very least she may try to at least clean and doll herself up a bit. She’d been so ill with morning sickness these past couple weeks that she’d barely cared for herself, and although he hadn’t expressed any issues with it, she felt a bit bad being so… disgusting.

f*ck, he had talked about drawing a bath for her earlier. That was probably his way of telling her she stinks, right? He must think…

She shakes her head violently, leaning against the wall and trying to clear the self-deprecating thoughts from her head. This is why she hates being alone so much, it’s so easy to fall into a spiral of self-loathing when she’s only got her own thoughts to keep her company.

A few more moments of reassuring herself, and then she heads to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Grace doesn’t quite have the strength for a shower, but she is able to lean against the sink and wipe herself down a bit with a wet washcloth. As she works on herself, she ends up distracted, and doesn’t notice the sound of metal clattering out in the main room.

Once she feels ‘clean’ she begins to brush out her short, brunette curls. Her hair is nowhere near as long as it once was, when it fell out during the chemo she had been devastated, but Alastor was never bothered by it. Though he had helped her pick out many of her wigs, he always told her that she was beautiful regardless of how much hair she had. Of course there is the possibility that his version of beauty has gotten a little skewed after being surrounded by demons for so long, but it used to make her feel good regardless.

There is a skittering and muttering noise in the other room, but she doesn’t hear it over the sound of her mind replaying her husband’s fun song.

In the chaos of grabbing whatever they could carry in one trip when moving her to hell, Grace had managed to get her small travel makeup bag. She was never much of a daily make-up wearer, but she did enjoy experimenting with different ‘looks’ from time to time. For the past few years she had been using an eyebrow pencil to hide the fact that her real ones never properly came back and are a bit patchy, so luckily she has that on hand. As for how she would complete the look, well although he was polite enough not to say anything, she was aware that he did not favor her wearing heavy or flashy makeup. So, maybe just a hint of blush, and that classic 1920’s cupid’s bow lipstick style with light red she has on hand…

In the mirror she sees the door open behind her as she’s halfway through applying the lipstick. Her eyes widen as she hears the mutterings of the little maid.

“Gotta clean gotta clean, everything needs to be clean!” Niffty is chanting as she scurries in with her little broom and dustpan, her single eye glued to the floor as she sweeps.

Grace is practically holding her breath as the little demon does her work. Part of her is almost hoping that if she is so task oriented then maybe she just… won’t notice that she is there. But of course that is a pipe dream that is crushed as Niffty’s fervent sweeping reaches her feet.

“EXCuuuuse ME!” the maid says loudly and dramatically, “I’m tRYing to do my job here!!”

The human slow steps out of the way, and begins to back out of the bathroom. Niffty continues working, seemling oblivious to the fact that not only is there somebody in the hotel who shouldn’t be, but that that person also shouldn’t even be in hell.

Grace watches silently as the demon cleans, her heart racing. It’s over right? Even if this odd little one hasn’t addressed her, she knows she’s here, which means she’ll tell others. How did she even get in here? Through the secret passage? No the entrance is well enough disguised, she wouldn’t have stumbled on it by accident, right?

It’s only after a full minute of her being frozen in fear that she remembers the radio. While Niffty is still distracted, having moved on to trying to scrub the toilet, Grace rushes to her bedside table and twists the dial on the radio to a specific frequency, then flips the switch on the microphone. But… of course there isn’t much she can do, without Alastor she can’t use her voice.

As the woman desperately attempts to contact her husband, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up suddenly. One hand instinctively reaches to cover her stomach, as though she can somehow protect the unborn growing within.

“Bedbugs bedbugs gotta look for bedbugs~” The maid is singing to herself after sneaking up on Grace so that she, while concerningly soaking wet, can climb up on the bed beside her and start pulling back the covers and shaking out the pillows. She almost seems disappointed when she finds no bugs that she can stab.

Luckily the microphone picks up Niffty’s little song, broadcasting it on the private frequency. And moments later Grace hears the bookcase at the end of the tunnel open. She and Alastor had specifically set up wards in the room to prevent anybody of his strength and below from just apparating in if that is an ability they have (although he can apparate out). But now Grace is realizing that perhaps that was a poor decision, although the smaller demon seems to pose no danger, if she was actually under threat than those few extra seconds it takes her husband to travel the tunnel could be the difference between life and death.

Niffty!!” Alastor’s voice is distorted as he storms in the room. Though he is calling for the maid, his eyes immediately go to Grace, looking her up and down to make sure she’s okay.

“Hello sir!” Niffty says excitedly, bouncing a bit on the bed. “I found a new room to clean! It’s so dusty in here, why didn’t you tell me it needs cleaned!”

Grace quickly scurries across the room, practically tripping over her own feet as she reaches Alastor.

He steps forward enough to catch her with one arm. “ How did you get in here ?” He seems to be straining to keep his voice even while his forced smile twitches. His Gracie leans against him, her breath shaking while her mind races with all the possibilities of how badly this could all end.

“Through the vent sir!” The maid points to the vent high up on the wall, the cover has come off and is laying on the floor.

Right, and why exactly were you in the vents in the first place?” Alastor’s arm moves to Grace’s waist, supporting her in case she collapses. In the back of his mind he hates that somebody is seeing him do such a thing, but his concern for his pregnant wife’s safety just barely overrides his concerns about how Niffty perceives him.

“I was chasing down the bugs that live in them!” Niffty giggles maniacally, “I got to stab so many sir, stabby stabby stabby!”

Right… of course… ” Alastor sighs. He leads grace over to the dining room table, and helps her sit. For a moment she clings to his arm, but he shakes her off then approaches the smaller demon. “ Niffty, if I wanted you to clean this room, I would have told you to .”

Niffty stops her bouncing, her demeanor shifts quickly, suddenly her lower lip is trembling and her eye is watering. “I’m sorry sir… please don’t be mad I just…”

Alastor snatches her up by the back of her dress, holding her up to eye level. “ I am going to give you one chance, one warning . You have been faithful enough up till now that I will grant you that given that this was… a mistake. You are going to forget this room exists. You aren’t going to tell anybody about it, and you aren’t going to come back here. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir!” Niffty squeaks. “Thank you sir!” Her eye drifts over to the human woman sitting on the other side of the room, and for the first time she seems to actually perceive the hotel’s secret guest. “Who’s that sir?”

The lights flicker.

You will forget this room exists .” Alastor says even more firmly. “Do I make myself clear?

This time Niffty nods fervently.

Good .”

The radio demon crosses the room to the open vent, and unceremoniously shoves the little maid through it.

Chapter 5

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So All of Wednesday I'm like ooo I work from home tomorrow so I can probably sneak a whole bunch of writing in! And then I guess the universe decided to smack me for my hubris cause I ended up puking my guts up for literally no reason in the middle of the day. But I'm fine, ish. I didn't want to let that stop me completely from writing but also the finale came out today which of course I had to watch the whole show from the start before I watched the last 2 episodes, so basically instead of getting a bigger chapter done like I had hoped I actually ended up writing an even smaller chapter than usual so I'm real sorry about that, this is basically the first half of what I had originally outlined for the entire chapter but I'm out of time and I really wanna see how long I can stick to this pattern of getting a chapter up every night. Cause my day was sh*t I really needed some comfort stuff so we are getting a lot of soft Alastor at one point I hope you guys like that, and I would like to point something out; I feel like usually when somebody like me writes a longform fic and we make a character softer for the relationship, that softening happens over time in a way of us writing a character arc for them, obviously I've kinda skipped the whole arcing part and jumped straight to him being a softie in the relationship but I feel like I'm justified because I've implied that they've been in this relationship for a long time and I can and will do more flashback sections to show how he came to be this way around her. Sorry for rambling this is currently my main way of interacting with the Hazbin fandom in a way that I feel safe cause a lot of people on the other social medias have been very protective of Alastor's aroace status which I get and respect I mean I'm on the ace spectrum I get wanting the representation but like I guess I sorta need this notes section to be my own little daily blog where only people who are cool with how I write Alastor and my OC are going to see.

Chapter Text

Well, that was… exciting.” Alastor says as he closes up the vent. He rubs his hands together like he’s dusting them off as he turns around. “I suppose you are lucky it was only Niffty. It could have been much worse had it been one of the others.” He freezes as he lays eyes on Grace.

She is leaning forward in her chair, eyes fixated on the floor, with one arm wrapped around her torso and the other hugging her belly. Her breathing is ragged with her mouth hanging open like she is trying to make sound, and her eyes are filled with tears. He can’t quite determine if she is crying or hyperventilating, or both, whatever it is the display makes him rather uncomfortable.

Come now, this is quite unnecessary.” Alastor says calmly, approaching her. “Everything is fine, there is no reason for you to…” He shuts his mouth, knowing better than to… diminish her emotions. It had taken several years of practice, but over the course of their relationship he had managed to learn how to be at least somewhat considerate of her feelings, even when he finds them annoying.

Her shoulders shake, and her lips move, trying to form words. Tears are pouring down her face, smudging the little makeup she had put on, then dripping onto the carpet. The girl’s mind is racing with a thousand worries. Not just over the fact that she had been discovered, but the fact that she couldn’t have called for help. The realization that if she was ever truly in danger, she could never again scream. And those thoughts are compounding with the intense sensation of isolation and loneliness from being locked up in this room. Her chest is burning as her body is racked with silent sobs.

Alastor grits his teeth, “Where is your blasted phone?” He can’t help her if she can’t tell him why this is so upsetting. When she shakily raises her hand to point at the bed he moves over there and begins moving the covers around trying to find the stupid device.

When he finds it, dead as a doornail, his wide smile falls suddenly, an extraordinarily rare occurrence, that he only allows to happen because his back is to the only other occupant of the room. He taps the screen and presses the buttons, not fully understanding how the device works, but it doesn’t respond to anything he does.

Finally he turns around and holds it up for Grace to see, after forcing his smile back onto his face of course. “Let me guess. That signal from Vox made it onto your phone?”

She raises her head enough to look, her chest heaves harder as she sees the dead screen, and barely manages a nod.

Alastor returns to her side in an inhumanly quick manner, “Grace, you need to calm down. You’re going to make yourself ill.” He hands her the cellphone, hoping maybe she can figure out what’s wrong with it.

She takes it from him and immediately flips it over and starts trying to take the back off, but her hands are shaking too hard to get it off. Her husband sighs and bends down to her level, carefully resting one of his hands on her shoulder while using the other to slide the panel off for her.

Grace manages to mouth a ‘thank you’ as she pries the battery out and looks it over. The connection prongs have a black marking around them, to the best of her ability she determines that when Vox short circuited everything it overloaded the battery. The rest of the phone looks to be intact though.

Is it just that part that’s broken?” Alastor asks, a tinge of relief in his voice, he didn’t quite get this modern tech, but he knows that removable parts are usually replaceable. He still has a hand on her shoulder, his thumb gently stroking her skin in an attempt to be comforting.

Although that’s how it appears, Grace knows that she won’t know for sure till they replace it. She nods, but then devolves into another round of silent sobbing at the thought that this may have corrupted the data saved on it.

Gracie… Gracie, stop crying… please…” The demon leans forward and presses his lips to her forehead. “I’m going to fix this for you. I promise, you’ll get your voice back, okay?”

Grace sniffles but holds his gaze, finding comfort in his red eyes. Her cheeks and chin are covered in tears and snot, so Alastor pulls a handkerchief from his coat and begins to pat her face clean.

What’s with the make up dear?” His radio filter drops off completely, and his smile is softer than usual. “Were you trying to get all dolled up for something?”

She sniffles again, but this time it’s followed by a silent chuckle, as she nods and raises her hand to place it on his chest.

He looks down at her hand as he lays the soiled handkerchief on the nearby table. “For me, huh?” His laugh is soft and genuine in a way that he would never let anybody else hear. It brings a warmth back to Grace’s chest, calms her in a way only he can. When he finishes he takes her hand and holds it softly“What’s the special occasion? You seemed… upset when I left earlier…”

The woman pauses, trying to figure out how to communicate without her words. After a moment she points to the radio on the other side of the room, then attempts to dramatically mime somebody singing. This brings another soft laugh out of her husband. She watches him wistfully, a sparkle in her eye as she thinks about how different he is with her than when they first met.

Now…” The soft moment can’t last forever though, Alastor takes the broken phone from her and takes a step back. “I’m going to go find a replacement battery for you.” He sees the way her shoulders tense. “I won’t be gone long I promise. And when I get back, you’ll get to keep me all night, does that sound good?”

Grace uses the table to support herself as she stands, her heart rate immediately picking up again at the prospect of being left alone again.

Dear, you should rest… you’ve worn yourself out quite a bit…” He quickly steps back towards, removing the distance he placed between them so that he can put an arm around her and try to get her back in the chair. His gaze flickers down to her stomach for a moment, even he is concerned about how this stress she’s putting on herself could affect the baby. “...Please.”

The human fights the tears that are trying to come back, her mouth moves, trying to form words, trying so hard to find her lost voice, just desperately trying to tell him how scared she is of being alone.

Alastor sighs heavily, “I’m going to be right back. You really don’t need to get so worked up about this.”

She collapses back into her chair in defeat, putting her face in her hands, but doing her best not to devolve into a total mess like before. But she’s just so tired of not being able to tell Alastor what she’s thinking.

He snaps his fingers, and a glass of water appears on the table. “Try to hydrate dear. When I get that battery we will fix up your phone…” Despite her inability to communicate it, he does understand that her frustration is coming in part from her inability to talk. He just doesn’t get why she won’t let him fix the problem, if she would let him go then he could sort out the issue for her.

Grace waves her hand in a sweeping away motion, then picks up the glass of water and turns away from him.

These sudden shifts in mood are far from normal for his wife’s behavior. As Alastor dissipates into the shadows he thinks to himself that he can not wait for this stupid pregnancy to be done with, because her hormones might actually be the double death of him.

Chapter 6

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I ended up wasting A LOT of time trying to figure out what kind of phones everybody would have and what not and then zoned out for like 3 hours but hey I got my word goal in before dawn so I guess I win? Apparently it's harder to get myself to write when I know I don't have to be in bed at any point to get up for work. Also important note, after the last two episodes came out yesterday it came to my attention that I f*cked up a little in how Alastor treated Niffty, and sure I can justify it given the scenario in the chapter, but I've decided to remidy it a bit in this one. I know I don't have her specific brand of derangedness down, I'm more focused on letting her help move the plot along, but if I think I have her close enough to make it work. Also I rambling blurbs for the next several chapters written up which should really help me crack out a good amount of writing this weekend if I don't get distracted playing video games which let's be fair that's what's going to happen but hey I can hope! Anyways let me know what you guys think of this one, love you and goodnight!

Chapter Text

Alastor re-forms from the shadows at the top of the lobby stairs. He quickly scans the room to determine how best to acquire what he needs. Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the couch, the princess is being comforted by her girlfriend regarding the fact that they couldn’t recruit anybody new for the hotel. Angeldust is at the bar, complaining to Husker about his latest shoot while the bartender fills his glass. And Niffty is… cleaning the chandelier, Alastor notes that he should probably keep an eye on that.

He descends the stairs, approaching the girls first. “Charlie my dear, I need to ask a… favor of you.”

“Oh?” Charlie sits up, her overly trusting personality is not tuned to recognize that that phrase is rather dangerous coming from an overlord. “What can I do for…”

Vaggie on the other hand knows better than to agree to anything with him, even something small. “No.”

I wasn’t asking you, I’m sure the princess can speak for herself.” The corner of Alastor’s smile twitches.

Charlie pauses, “uhm…” and looks between Alastor and her girlfriend. “Well, I mean I guess I need to know what you need before I agree to anything…”

I just need to borrow your cellular device for a little while,” the radio demon straightens his bow tie. “You see I don’t have one of my own and I need to make some calls.”

“No,” Vaggie reiterates.

The princess puts a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I mean that doesn’t seem like such a big deal…”

“No, who knows what he might do to it,” the girlfriend crosses her arm. “He might tap it or something so he can listen to your conversations.”

Oh I don’t know enough about your modern tech to do something like that,” Alastor says with a laugh, the radio effect on it strengthens after a second. “Anyways if I wanted to hear your silly conversations do you really think I would need to go to that trouble?

That may have been the wrong thing to say, Charlie immediately looks a bit concerned, and seems to understand why Vaggie is trying to keep her from agreeing to anything, even something small. “You know what Al, I just remembered that I have to do some work and make some calls in a little bit so I don’t think I can…”

Mmm… of course, it’s no trouble.” He knows he screwed that up, he should have held his tongue, but asking for favors is not something that is in his forte, usually he is the one offering them. His gaze travels over to Vaggie. “Dear Va…”

“No,” the girl says for a third time.

Right, well… have a lovely evening.” Alastor turns and walks away, twisting his cane in his hands. It’s not often that he doesn’t get what he wants, but even he has to admit that that one was his own fault. But he can’t bear to disappoint Grace, he needs to get her back a voice.

He glances upwards, Niffty is clinging to one side of the chandelier, gleefully collecting the dead bugs that have accumulated on the light fixture. It’s unclear how she got up there in the first place.

Husker, my dear friend!” Alastor practically appears at the side of the demon bartender.

“f*cking hell!” Husk half jumps out of his fur, nearly dropping the bottle he’s drinking from.

Angel snickers, leaning against the counter and sipping from his drink.

“Don’t call me your friend,” Husk sneers, chugging from his bottle then setting it down. “The f*ck do you want?”

Alastor’s grip on his cane tightens again, but he forces himself to be polite even in response to such a rude display. “I need to borrow your cellular de…”

“It’s called a cellphone, or just phone, and I know you f*cking know that you have called it that before,” Husk rolls his eyes, seems like he’s reaching the point in the night where he’s had one too many and is dumb enough to test Alastor’s patience.

Fine,” Alastor seethes, getting very sick of everybody being so insolent tonight. “May I borrow your cellphone, Husker…”

“No.” Husk starts to reach for his drink again, but freezes as a soft green emanates from the radio demon’s hands.

Are you sure…” Alastor hisses without dropping his sinister smile. His little pet feels the leash tightening around his throat even if he can’t see it. Seems he forgot that his master doesn’t make requests of him… he makes demands.

Angel frowns, recognizing their expressions from his own experiences with Val, and while he may not actually know that Husker’s soul belongs to Alastor, he doesn’t want to have to deal with even looking at the kind of sh*t that reminds him of that stuff while he’s trying to relax. “Hey now… he said no so…” He starts to reach across the bar to grab Alastor’s arm, but Husk slaps him away.

“It’s fine, it’s fine…” Husk groans, the claws on one of his hands scratching at his throat, while the other reaches into his fur and procures a device.

Alastor takes the phone from him, and his smile twitches again. “What is this?” He holds up the old flip phone with its little fuzzy dice accessory tied to it, he is very aware that this isn’t going to work with Grace’s phone.

“My phone,” Husker smirks a little.

No no why is it not…” Alastor taps it with his finger in a way that mimics texting on the screen of a smartphone, gritting his teeth as his frustration mounts. It shouldn’t be this difficult to get a new battery.

“What? I thought you preferred older tech,” the bartender chuckles, and Angel laughs in near harmony.

This won’t quite work for what I need…” Alastor grips the phone tightly, and the group can hear it crack.

“Hey! What the hell man!” Husk snatches it back from him. “Just cause I ain’t got what you need, don’t mean you need to go f*cking up my sh*t!”

Apologies, I’m just in a bit of a rush you see.” Alastor takes a step to the side, then glances at the p*rnstar. “Angel…”

“f*ck no,” Angeldust uses three of his hands to flip the overlord a triple bird, while a fourth hand scrolls through his Sinstagram feed.

Alastor takes another side step, just as a tiny figure plummets from the chandelier and into his waiting arms.

Niffty blinks in stunned confusion for a moment. The idea of falling being a possible outcome had never occurred to her, and she certainly hadn’t expected to be caught. She looks up at Alastor, and smiles wide.

“Thank you sir!” She says enthusiastically, hugging him around the neck. It seems she has already gotten over, or even forgotten, the earlier incident.

Why it was no trouble dear,” Alastor stiffens at her touch, quickly prying her off and setting her on the floor. “But perhaps we stay off the ceiling fixtures from now on?

“But that’s where all the bugs like to hide!” Niffty replies.

Right,” Alastor pauses, then takes a deep breath. “Niffty, you wouldn’t happen to have a cellphone, would you?

The little maid stares at him, not a single thought behind her one big eyes.

Of course…” Alastor sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. How in the seven rings of hell could it be this hard to procure a stupid phone battery.

“Is this for the lady in the walls sir?” Niffty tilts her head to the side with a quizzical look. Husk and Angel stop what they are doing and turn to look at her.

“I’m sorry, the who in the f*cking where?” Angel leans down.

“The lady in the…” Niffty starts, then suddenly seems to remember that she was suppose to forget that, a shiver runs up her spine as she looks up at Alastor, who’s staring at her with the same furious gaze as earlier. An expression he drops when the others look at him. “You know sir I think I hit my head on the chandelier when I fell.” The maid gives small laugh that is just fake enough to sound like her usual deranged laughter.

Husk side eyes the radio demon, but keeps his mouth shut.

Angel seems like he’s about to question her excuse, but is cut off when Niffty uses him as a climbing post to scramble up to the bar counter. “f*ck Nif, knock it off!” He smooths out his outfit where she wrinkled it.

“So why are you all in a twist about finding a phone anyways?” The bartender leans against the counter. “I know you’ve got that old rotary that you magicked up to be wireless, so why the hells do you need a smartphone?”

That’s my business and none of yours” Alastor says, turning and leaving the group behind. They look at each other and shrug, but while they know they should be suspicious, they value their own lives enough to not pry into the radio demon’s business.

Alastor ascends the stairs and slowly walks down the hall, he’s not in any particular rush to return to his wife and tell her he… failed his task. It’s not as though he has always been successful at everything he does, normally it would not bother him for being unable to complete a small task like this. After all he’s accomplished so many great things in both his life and afterlife that it’s silly to get worked up over such a trivial matter.

And yet despite his attempts to convince himself of this, his heart weighs heavy with the thought of Grace. The thought of disappointment on her face when he has to tell her that he will not be able to return her voice to her tonight. His smile twitches as he fights to keep it on his face. He can’t bear to think of her distraught and distressed when he was suppose to fix everything for her.

He comes to a stop, and raises a hand to his chest. It aches in a way he absolutely despises. Love… such a bothersome thing… Life was so much easier when he wasn’t so concerned about the feelings of another person, when his own happiness didn’t revolve around her smile.

She would still have her voice if he hadn’t pushed for the surgery… she could have survived another round of chemo, right? If he hadn’t pushed her to get the surgery then she wouldn’t have ended up under the knife of a drug addled surgeon. Of course it distresses Alastor that he failed this task, it’s his fault she is like this in the first place so it’s his duty to…

“Sir?” Niffty’s small voice squeaks behind him.

The overlord quickly straightens his posture, corrects his expression, and turns to face the little maid. “Yes Niffty?”

With a proud expression she holds up… a cellphone battery! “Is this what you needed?”

Alastor’s eyes widen, and he takes a knee in front of her. “Now how did you get your hands on this?”

“WHAT THE f*ck?!” Angeldust’s voice echoes up from the lobby, “NIFFTY DID YOU STEAL MY f*ckING PHONE BATTERY?” Fortunately the spider demon doesn’t know where the thief went, so she is safe for now. Seems when she was using him as a ladder she was doing more than climbing.

“Well then…” he takes the battery from her tiny hands, and pats her on the head. “You do often prove your usefulness, don’t you?”

Niffty starts twisting the hem of her apron in her tiny fists, “Am I forgiven sir?”

Alastor raises an eyebrow, “for what Niffty dear?

“For going into the room I wasn’t allowed in?” She still doesn’t understand why he was so angry with her, but it’s incredibly rare for him to turn that kind of rage on her, and it seems to have affected her more than she was showing in front of the others.

“Oh…” his voice goes soft, and he laughs, trying to lighten her mood. “Of course you are.

Her eye lights up brightly, “So, you aren’t mad at me any more?”

For now,” He stands up. “And I suppose, if you can swear to keep that room secret… you could go in and clean it when you are bored.”

Niffty smiles wide, bouncing a bit and clapping her hands. “Clean! I can clean and kill the buggies?”

Yes… I think the lady living in the walls would appreciate that,” Alastor says jokingly. “But, you musn’t mention her anymore, alright?”

She nods vigorously. “I promise I promise.”

I shall inform her to expect you coming around, but I must be going now.” Alastor looks at the battery, his smile filled with relief before he dissipates into the shadows.

Chapter 7

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I struggled a bit with Alastor's dialogue in this chapter, I feel like I'm missing certain details to his speaking style, like I know it's suppose to be a bit old timey but it gets hard when I have him talking for long stretches, and it's made worse by the fact that I have him so so soft in this chapter so I'm scared I have him way out of character. I think maybe way later down the line, either when I finish the fic, or when I need a break from writing new stuff, I'll come back and rewrite the whole series but bump it up to the quality of my regular writing and buff it out a bit, and one of the main things I will focus on is getting character's like Alastor to talk more like themselves, but for the time being as I said last chapter with Niffty's dilouge... I'm more concerned about getting the plot and story conveyed right now than I am at making every word out of their mouth sound like something they would say. Anyways It's 4:30 in the morning so I should probably head to bed before I f*ck up my sleep schedule, I really hope you guys still like it even with the stuff I was saying.

Chapter Text

This time as Alastor walks down the tunnel to Gracie’s room, he is beginning to see that maybe he had a flaw in the design. Though the wards that keep him from apparating in are for her safety, if he can’t just appear then nobody else can either, it still takes him a moment to get to her. He had rushed his little shadow workers to construct the space by converting existing secret tunnels from when the hotel was originally built, long before Charlie took over. But if he had taken his time then they could have just constructed the room to be adjacent to his own, but to do that he would have had to sacrifice valuable space in his own room, and at the time he certainly wasn’t about to give up his indoor swamp.

Gracie~” Alastor says with a hum as he enters the room, holding up the battery proudly. “I told you I would take care of everything.” He stops, scanning the room, his throat constricting when he realizes he can’t see her. “Dear…?

There is a soft cough from under the dining table. He moves towards it, bending over to peer beneath. Grace is sitting cross legged with an open jar of pickles in her lap. The nearby mini-fridge she procured it from has been left ajar with a few of it’s other options scattered on the floor near it, alongside some things from the bags of pantry goods. When the couple had packed up sh*t to bring down here they had grabbed everything from her own fridge and cabinets that they could fit in a small cooler and a few grocery bags. It wasn’t much, but it’s better than the sh*t food down here in hell that has a tendency to go off much faster than their Earth versions.

Alastor looks at the jar, then his wife’s tear stained face. He raises an eyebrow, and she responds by holding it close to her chest while shoving another pickle in her mouth.

Well… as long as you’re eating…” He sighs, and hands her the battery, which she snatches like a feral animal. The demon straightens and goes to clean up the mess at the mini-fridge while Grace fixes her cellphone. Most of the packaged and preserved food seems to still be in good quality, but the pre-cooked meat seems to already be going off.

Grace practically holds her breath as she presses the power button on her phone. Her heart thunders as it buzzes at lights up, that’s a good first sign but she still doesn’t know if it’s going to work. She nervously chews on another pickle as though it will soothe her.

Alastor takes stock of the food supply, he used the last of the eggs this morning, so with the meat going bad they are running low on protein options for her. There’s only half a loaf of bread left, and the few vegetables they brought down also look like they only have a few days left before they start to rot. He begins to wonder if it’s less the origin of food in hell that makes it go off faster and more the fact that… they are in hell. Otherwise all they have left is highly processed junk food that he only brought along because he knew it could survive well down here.

Unfortunately when it comes to sustenance this ring of hell tends to be more known for booze and drugs than anything of actual nutritional value. As the overlord shuts the fridge, he begins to contemplate swinging by Rosie’s place; she wouldn’t ask questions if he told her he needed some of her stuff that could pass for regular meat. But he banishes the thought quickly, maybe ages ago he would have done such a thing, but the Alastor today respects his wife too much to trick her like that, even if it is for her own good. Alternatively he could just ask Gracie if she would be willing to…

Al--tor…” The phone crackles, barely audible.

His head turns so fast his neck nearly snaps, Grace can hear his bones cracking, and she flinches at the noise. Alastor quickly returns to the table, his movements incredibly fluid as he bends down once more.

There we go!” He smiles broadly, holding out his hand to help her up. “Are you feeling better now?”

She is still withdrawn though, curling in on herself and refusing to make eye contact. “I’m s-rry.” Once again there are tears welling up in her eyes as she grapples with her mixed up hormonal emotions. She scrolls through the files on her phone, checking their integrity.

One of Alastor’s fuzzy ears twitch, a expression of frustration he usually keeps from showing, but it has been a really f*cking long day and he is getting real tired of this mood swing bullsh*t. “Sorry…? Whatever for dear?”

She sniffles, and uses the palm of her hand to wipe at her eyes, trying to keep the tears from falling this time. “For being a sh-tty wife…”

“Gracie…” Alastor sighs. After a moment of thought he lowers himself to the floor, and gets under the table to sit beside her. He is far too tall for the space, and even while craning his neck the top of his head still brushes up against the top. “When have I ever said you are a sh*tty wife?” He places a hand on the small of her back and rubs comforting circles, a technique that usually works.

It doesn’t matter if you say it or not…” She stares off into the distance, trying to focus on the feeling of his warm hand on her back, but struggling to keep herself from devolving again. “It’s the truth. I’m awful. I’ve been n-thing but a pain in the -ss.” The phone seems to be struggling to project her voice, most likely because she is crying while talking. “You’re trying so h-rd to take c-re of me and all I do is wh-ne and bi-ch and m-ke things so much har--r than they n--d to be . I don’t know why you put up w-th my bullsh-t. I’m just… I’m just a b-rden. ”

“Oh my dearest Gracie…” Alastor’s frustration fades as he listens to her sh*t on herself. How could he hold resentment towards her when she already has so much towards herself. “Don’t say such things. You have never been a burden…” He cups her chin and turns her face so she can look at him. “Darling, you have had so much change in a very short period of time. I took you away from everything you’ve ever known to smuggle you down to hell itself. I don’t blame you for struggling to adapt…” He did, a bit, but he didn’t want her to feel bad about it. Anyways, it’s not as though he has been adapting very well either.

You’ve put so m-ch on the line to bring me down here, and you are constantly trying to make sure I am s-fe and taken care of,” Grace’s lower lip trembles “The least I could do is behave and not m-ke this any harder for you

First of all, I didn’t put anything on the line to bring you down here. There is nothing down here that can be taken from me just because you are here,” he leans forward and presses his forehead to hers. “But you… if something happened to you up there because I can’t always be there to protect you I don’t know what I would do with myself. So I would rather you be down here where I can keep you safe…”

The woman shakily raises her arms, and slowly wraps them around his torso, holding onto him while one hand tightly grips her phone. “I just f--l like I should be doing more for you, instead of j-st sitting around crying all day…”

This isn’t normal. Alastor is beginning to realize that something may be seriously wrong here. His wife has always struggled with seeing her own value, but normally just a little praise from him would perk her up. It was never this much of a struggle to bring her out of a slump. This has to be more than hormones, but he can’t quite grasp what it is that is causing her mental state to decline like this.

His mistake of course is in failing to realize that just because they live on the same plane of reality now and they get to go to bed together every night like a regular married couple, that she is still incredibly lonely and isolated. He doesn’t understand that she is alone for most of the day, whereas on Earth she had her small friend circle and the whole wide world to interact with.

Alastor chooses his next words very carefully, desperate to find something that will break this spiral she has trapped herself in, “You are doing something though,” he’s trying to say what he thinks she needs to hear, “the most important thing you could be doing,” even if he has to force himself to get the words out, “you are growing my child… our child.”

And yet, despite how sure he was that this would bring his wife some comfort, he does not feel her relax. Instead she moves to rest her face on his shoulder, and is silent for a while. From what he can gather by the dampness that begins to soak through his coat, disgusting, she seems to be trying to conceal that she is crying once again.

Gracie,” He starts rubbing the small of her back again, “I can’t help you with your problems if you don’t tell me what they are…”

Grace sits back, wiping her nose with the back of her wrist. “It’s not your job to solve my probl-ms…”

The radio demon pauses for a moment, then begins to remove his left glove. “I’m pretty sure that the day I put this on…” He holds his hand up, showing the red and black wedding band, “was the day it became my job to solve your problems…” He then takes her hand in his, running his thumb over her matching band. “It may have not been in our vows, but I assumed it was implied…” He gestures around them, “Do you think I would have crawled under a table with you if I didn’t want to help you with whatever is on your mind?”

The young woman grips his hand tightly, taking a moment to compose herself, and when she speaks it comes through much more clearly than before.“You’re wrong about it being important…” Her other hand goes to her baby bump, clutching the thin fabric of her night gown. “I ruined everything by getting myself knocked up II… everything w-s… well it wasn’t perfect but… I ruined it,” The phone’s playback crackles in a way that seems to be her voice cracking, “You’ve never wanted kids, I mean you’ve always hated children… and you pretend like this doesn’t bother you but I’m not stupid. I’ve gone and turned our whole lives upside d-wn and I just… I don’t understand why you’re putting so much eff-rt in for a baby you won’t even love, why you didn’t just… tell me to ter--nate the pregnancy when I asked if I should.”

As his wife goes on about this, Alastor’s eyes slowly widen. His chest tightens as a mix of anger and sadness fills him. He hates this so much. Not her, never her. But the complex feelings that come with loving her. The pain when she’s in pain. The fact that he would throw away so many of his own wants and desires for her sake. Of course he didn’t tell her to terminate, sure he was grappling with that urge to protect his offspring, but he could have overcome it at the time. No… how could he tell her to terminate when she…

There is a clattering as his head hits the top of the table. “SHI…” He quickly stops himself, and gives himself a moment to take a deep breath with his eyes closed. “Okay Gracie, hold on I need to…” He moves out from under the table, and before she can protest he scoops her up and stands. It’s only a few steps before he reaches the bed and can set her down on the edge.

Once she is down he takes a step back and turns away with his hands on his hips, trying to conceal his expression, hiding the frown and furrowed brows. How does he even begin to respond to that? It’s not like she’s wrong… well on some parts she is, but… he doesn’t know. A few months ago he probably would have agreed with everything she said. Before the little thing existed inside her, he had thought that if something like this happened then of course he would tell her to get rid of it. But the moment he knew… reality rarely ever matches up to fantasy.

Alright Grace… let me make a few things clear, my dear…” He turns back to face her, his smile returned, though strained, “You didn’t ‘get yourself knocked up’, we may not have had good sex education courses when I was in school, but I’m pretty sure it takes two to make a baby.” He steps close to her, looking down and taking in her soft features. “I am as much responsible for the existence of this child as you are.”

But,” she interjects, “I’m the one wh-… you don’t…” she twists the hem of her nightgown, her cheeks turning a soft pink.

I know, you’re the one who wants intercourse while I really don’t care either way,” Alastor pats the top of her head with his gloveless hand, finding some comfort in the softness of her hair. “But you never forced me to do the act. If I didn’t want to fulfill my wife’s needs then I would have left you to your… toys…”


“Stop, we aren’t having that argument again,” Alastor’s voice is stern and steady, but not aggressive. “And you didn’t ruin anything dear,” he pauses, composing himself and once again looking for the right words. It didn’t used to be this hard to talk to her, that’s the one thing that has been ruined, how easy it was to talk to her. “Listen, do I hate children? Yes. They are loud, and stupid, and always sticky for some reason…” He stops as he sees her eyes water again. “But…” He kneels in front of her, shifting their perspective so he can look up at her, “Saying I won’t love this baby is just wrong… how could I not love it? It’s a piece of you, the most incredible woman I’ve ever met… so how could I not care for it at least as much as I do you? His voice slips fully into its natural sound, a rare occurrence even for Grace to hear, a slightly deeper tone than even just when he lets the radio filter come off. “And I didn’t ask you to terminate because… I knew you didn’t want to. I could never make you do that.”

Alastor…” Her lips mouth the name as the phone projects it.

He takes both of her hands and brings both of them to his lips to kiss them. “Remember my dearest Gracie… you are the only being in all of existence that can bring me to my knees, so don’t doubt for a second that I wouldn’t do anything to make you happy… and I… I am sorry that I don’t always act in a way that makes that clear.”

She doesn’t wipe away the tears that are falling now, because they are warm tears that come with a smile.

Chapter 8

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I actually got tonight's chapter done early but my brain really wants to always post right before bed so I held it for a few hours while I played video games. Also you may have noticed I didn't post a chapter yesterday and that's cause I've decided on a schedule for myself. Ima write my 2k~ a day and post Monday through Saturdays then take Sundays off (or get ahead for the week), if something happens during the week and I miss a day then I will try to get caught up on the weekend so basically the main goal is 6 2k~ word chapters a week. Also if you haven't picked up the chapters are less chapters and more me finding a clean place to break for the day.
Additionally I wanna explain some lore things; obviously Hazbin/Helluva is a big world that we kind of know very little about, so I'm going to take a lot of liberties with the lore as I'm sure many of you do, I could end up going against some canon stuff, or later on she might introduce some things that contradict what I've written. But what I wanna do is if I can't properly explain my lore liberties within the chapter itself then I'll be sure to preface it in these notes on the relevant chapters. Today's topic is Alastor's item summoning abilities. The way my story is setting up I lose a lot of conflict and plot motivation if Alastor can just summon/make anything he wants, so based on what I've seen in the show and some of my opinions here's how I've set it up for this fic; technically there are a lot of things Alastor could just use his powers to make, but if he 'makes' it then it's going to be...not quite right, it could be temporary, it could be a little broken, it could give you a rash, either way it's not the kinda sh*t he's going to give to his wife, he wants her to only have the best. This is why he can't just conjure up some books for her to entertain herself with, they would probably turn into total gibberish or something. Alternatively he can summon things he actually owns, or things that are in a specified space, maybe that space is physical or maybe it's sorta a pocket dimension, that I haven't decided yet, but either way he can easily pull things from there or nearby. But if that item doesn't get returned to his space then he can't summon it again unless it's nearby. I hope that sounds like a solid lore adjustments, let me know if you guys know anything about his powers that could affect this set up.
I had something else to say tonight but I forgot so I might come back tomorrow and tack it on the end note

Chapter Text

Now that he has managed to soothe her worries for the time being, Alastor decides to shift the subject. He can only do this… vulnerability stuff for so long before it makes him queasy. He clears his throat, a quick cough and his radio effect returns. “Alright now my dear…” He continues to hold Grace’s hands as he stands. “I do have a surprise for you, I picked something up while I was in town today.”

“Oh?” The young woman tilts her head to the side. “Did you find s-me books for me?”

Ah, no not quite…” He sighs, “I was going to look for some but I got busy with a certain… computer problem.”

The phone manages to convey her soft giggle, “Right, th-t silly little V-x’s stream…” For a moment her expression sours as she remembers that it was that silly little stream that shorted out her phone, so perhaps she shouldn’t dismiss him as quickly as her husband seems to. “I und--stand, what’s the surprise then?”

His smile grows even broader than usual… somehow she makes that possible. “I had to go to the tailor to get my coat fixed, and while I was there I saw a dress I thought you would look absolutely lovely in…” He carefully pulls her up to her feet. “It was in your size so I felt like it was a sign I had to get it.”

“Well you always have exquisite taste my l-ve,” Grace has to take a moment to balance herself, standing too quickly seems to have made her rather light headed. “May I see it?”

Once he is confident that she can stand on her own Alastor releases her hands and takes a step back. With a snap of his fingers Grace is suddenly engulfed in crackling green energy. She stiffens and shudders at the surprisingly cold sensation while all the little hairs on her body rise. It is something she never quite gets used to, but hell if it isn't convenient.

Beneath the cloak of energy her nightgown is stripped away and sent off to the laundry pile. Though she knows she is technically covered, there is a brief moment where she feels exposed and nude, and she shivers against the chill. But soon she feels herself wrapped up in clothing. Grace quickly recognizes the feel of silk and lace and layers as an older design. The fabric is genuinely softer than she would expect from a dress bought down here in hell, and she wonders if Alastor has been holding out with his powers, she wouldn’t have wasted money on fabric softener if he could have just been taking care of it this whole time.

It’s not just her clothes that are being altered though. Her smeared makeup is being wiped away, and soon after she feels a soft pressure on her lips and eyelids as a ghostly presence applies a soft look that will likely match with the new dress. She also feels the weight of a string of pearls come to rest around her neck, though she was certain they had not grabbed her jewelry box when she fled to hell, so she has to wonder if it’s one of her own pieces or something else. To finish things off she feels a pair of stockings appear on her feet followed by her most comfortable pair of flats.

When the demonic green energy dissipates, Grace is left in a beautiful knee length dress. Alastor chuckles as he looks his wife up and down, taking pride in his selection and how good she looks in it. The laugh dies down though as his eyes fall on her stomach, where the fabric is just a touch tighter than he anticipated when he said it was in her size. In fact he is so distracted by that area that he doesn't seem to notice that the bust area is even tighter, which is what Grace is struggling with, rolling her shoulders as she tries to make room to breathe.

How do I look?” She manages to smile, not wanting to complain.

Alastor flourishes his cane and a floor length mirror appears before her. “Take a look for yourself dear.”

She steps forward, and her green eyes sparkle like emeralds as her face lights up. It's several layers of black lace and dark purple fabric with red floral embellishments. While not a fully formal looking, it's still a fairly fancy dress, one of the nicer ones he has given to her. The girl excitedly twirls so she can watch the layers of the hem flare up.

Oh Al-stor…” when she stops she places a hand on his arm to steady herself. “It's abs-lutly lovely.

He steps closer, left hand moving to hover behind her back just in case she falls. “I'm pleased you think so Gracie, I knoooooow it's more my era than yours, but I thought you would look spectacular in it.” He leans in to kiss her cheek. “And I was right, you are absolutely radiant.”

Grace takes a deep breath, and winces as the fabric strains. “There is just one sm-ll problem my love…”

He nods, “Yes I didn’t anticipate the growth of your stomach when I thought it was your size.” Alastor picks at some of the folds of fabric as though he can conceal the tightness.

She bites her lower lip, side eyeing her husband. “Actually… that area is not too b-d, I’m sure it was meant to be looser but I still have a bit of room so it’s comfort-ble there…” Her heart is a little heavy, she knows in the back of her mind that Alastor is less concerned with the comfort of the size, and more how evident it makes the part of her that he’s been trying not to think about lately.

Right, of course as long as it’s comfortable that’s what’s important…” The overlord brings his hands back to his cane. “What seems to be the problem then my dear?”

“Well, it’s actu-lly this area that is uncomf-rtable,” she raises a hand and places it on her chest. When she sees her husband’s confused expression she sighs. “I know you do not pay much attention to that part of my body the way most men would but… the thing is…” She takes a deep breath, wincing as the dress constraints her ribcage once again. “My… breasts… have als- been gr-wing because of the pregn-ncy.”

Ah… I see…” Alastor is silent for a good half a minute, she notices him do his little frog blink thing as he processes this new information. “Luckily I believe I can fix that,” he swiftly moves behind her.

In a flash of green light he summons a few small elastic bands. This is a trick his wife had taught him when she had become interested in thrifting old clothing and learning how to tailor so she could fix them up. Sometimes if an item ended up being just a little too small she would just…

He pops open the top three buttons on the back of the dress’ bodice. Immediately she sucks in a great big breath as the fabric loosens up. She makes a noise that sounds as though it would be a moan of relief if she still had her vocal chords, but ends up just being a rumble of air. His left hand is still missing its glove, giving it a bit more dexterity than the right as he loops the pieces of elastic around the buttons and through the holes, allowing for the two sides of fabric to be held together while giving it an extra bit of space.

Better Gracie?” Alastor leans forward and whispers in her ear. With how close they are he can feel the shiver run up her spine.

Much b-tter.” She smiles softly and turns around to face him. “Thank you so m-ch for the dress d-rling…”

Of course my dear,” He starts to admire her again, but finds his gaze getting… stuck as he realizes what she was talking about. “Oh they… they really have… grownHe clears his throat and looks away. Although it’s not a part of her body he typically takes an ‘interest’ in unless there is a reason to, his more old fashioned notions tend to make him a little reserved on the subject.

Grace nervously plays with the fabric on the elbow length sleeves. “I was wondering if you were ever going to n-tice. I think I’ve gone up a full cup size in th- l-st month Al…”

In an attempt to distract himself from the way the conversation makes him feel awkward, the demon moves over to the table so he can retrieve his left glove from where he left it on the floor. “I see that now, I suppose I wasn’t expecting that part to change so I wasn’t paying attention.”

The woman looks in the mirror again, “I unfortunately don’t get the opt--n to not pay att-ntion…” She sighs, self-consciously bringing her hands up so she can cup her breasts through the fabric. “They’re so s-re all the time, I read that that’s what would happen but I honestly didn’t exp-ct it to be this bad.”

Alastor stiffens as he puts his glove back on. “You… never said anything.”

I didn’t want to tr--ble you with it, not while you have so much on your pl-te,” she drops her hands down to rest on her belly. “It’s not like there’s much you could have done, after all…”

If you’re in discomfort then I want to help Gracie. I could have… I don’t know…” He has one of his hands raised, resting in a cupped motion. When he realizes what he’s offering to his wife, and actually thinks about it, he swallows hard, drops the hand, and looks away.

Grace decides to be merciful and shift the subject before her husband has an existential crisis, “You know, it sucks that I’m all dress-- up with nowhere to go…” One hand subconsciously rubs the rounded part of her belly, “It’s such a beautiful dress b-t it won’t fit for very long…”

Alastor relaxes as the subject changes, and stands up straight. “Well, you could always wear it again… after, something you can look forward to over the next few months.”

“That could be true… but I’d have to tailor it a bit…” Her smile is soft and a bit sad, “I probably won’t just… snap back to my -ld size ‘after’.”

“Well, you have complained in the past about how underweight you’ve been since the chemotherapy, so I suppose it will all work out.” The demon sounds genuine enough, he’s never exactly been concerned with his Gracie being a certain weight, though it is rather annoying that he’ll have to be more conscientious of the size of clothing he buys her. “Though you are right, it’s a bit disappointing that your beauty must be contained to this room… I think I can do something about that though.”

Grace perks up, bouncing a bit in excitement, but keeping her mouth shut.

It’s late enough in the night that the others should have retired to their rooms,” Alastor fiddles with his bowtie. “So, I suppose if you are careful and quiet then there is a spot we could take a walk to and spend some time. You would get to stretch your legs and finally get to see more of your new home.”

I would really love th-t Al,” she steps towards him, getting up on her tiptoes so she can give him a kiss on the cheek. “I promise to be quiet as a m--se.”

He kisses her forehead in return, “But first, you simply must have more for dinner than just a jar of pickles…”

Grace groans, “First of all, it w-s only half the jar. Secondly, that w-uld be like going double or nothing gambling with this awful m-rning sickness…” She looks down at her stomach, “And I don’t particularly like my odds…”

Alastor mentally weighs the options. On one hand pickles probably do not have a good quantity of nutrition to sustain the fetus’ growth. On the other hand, if she eats more right now and ends up throwing up AGAIN, then there’s zero calories going into her body AND they have to clean up the puke.

Very well my love, we can go out, but…” He says a bit firmly, “you have to promise that starting tomorrow you are going to start trying anything I put in front of you, you need to be eating more…” He strokes her hair gently.

Dear Grace’s features soften as she takes in her husband’s concern. “I will.” Though he is struggling with this situation, it’s clear that there is some part of him that cares for their child’s wellbeing, and that’s enough for her.

Alastor kisses her forehead once more, “Alright then dear, get your coat, I have a fantastic view to show you.”

Chapter 9

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Okay so by the way unless it's exact location is important I'm not going to constantly say where Grace's phone is cause it interupts the flow of the prose, so if she's talking just assume it's in a valid place please, even if there's no place that makes sense cause like her hands are full or something I don't wanna think about it too hard. I have some notes about timeline stuff too but it's late so I'm going to have to make it real quick; mainly since this is all sort of a rough draft and not fully planned out, there are going to be inconsistencies in the timeline, mainly cause as I go on I might change things around if I get a better idea, for example I've jsut added in that they actually spent a bit of time at Rosie's before smuggling her into the hotel. Also I will probbaly make tweaks to the Hazbin timeline to make my story flow better, for example although it feels like everything that happened in the first two episodes happened in one day(or at least that's what it feels to me like based on the structure) I'm moving Sir Pentious' sneaky arrival to either the next day or a few days later. Also big change that you won't see for a while but I want to give you the heads up, I'm going to move Lucifer's visit episode to happen much sooner cause there is a lot of stuff I want to do that can't kick off until he arrives at the hotel. Basically though the timeline is going to be f*cky wucky at times, if I can I will try to give a heads up, but sometimes you'll just have to stay on your toes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At night the halls of the hotel take on an eerie quality, the halls echo and the shadows seem to move. Though this doesn’t really surprise Grace. She always assumed that hell would be a rather creepy place whenever it’s not outright scary. If anything she finds it a bit weird that this place isn’t more off putting. Even when she was originally being hidden away in the attic of Rosie’s place she was surprised at how she wasn’t constantly hearing the screams of the damned.

Alastor’s shadow is wrapped around his wife, though it does not make her completely invisible, it does make it harder to see her in the dim light should they run into anybody who is wandering during the night. He walks tall, arms folded behind his back, and she trails behind with one hand out holding onto his microphone cane.

They pass by Angeldust’s room, and Grace pauses to admire the pink neon sign of hearts. There’s also a polaroid picture of a strange yet adorable little pig type creature, labeled ‘my baby’ but that seems to be the only photo he’s hung up so far.

Her husband senses her stop when there’s a resistance pulling on his cane. He glances back, then gives a gentle tug to remind her to keep moving.

A few moments later the two turn a corner and Alastor stops dead in his tracks, causing Grace to almost run into him. “Back.” He hisses softly as he watches Husker shuffle down the hall, presumably on his way back from the bar counter given the unopened bottle of ‘cheap booze’ in his claws.

Grace quickly conceals herself behind the corner, just in case the shadow doesn’t work as well as expected. Instinctively she puts a hand over her mouth, as though that’s necessary to help keep her quiet.

The first thing Husk sees is the red glow of the radio demon’s eyes. “The f*ck you doin skulking around?” He stops a few feet away from them and starts to uncork the bottle.

Oh just taking a walk, I thought I would make sure everything is secure after that snake attacked today,” Alastors smile is a bit wider than usual, but he is otherwise calm. “What was his name again?”

“I don’t know, I wasn’t f*cking paying attention,” The cat demon rolls his eyes and takes a swig from his fresh drink. “Anyways I’m trying to get to bed, and you’re in my way so…” One of his wings moves in a small sweeping gesture that can be best interpreted as ‘get out of my f*cking way.’

Alastor stands firm for a moment, mostly because he knows Husk will have to pass by his hidden companion to get to his room, and while he certainly has faith in his shadow powers, he knows that his dearest’s safety and concealment is far more important than his ego. Also he doesn’t like being made to do anything, especially by a soul that is supposed to be obeying him instead. And as contradictory as those two thoughts may be if you think about it for long enough, he remains unmoving regardless.

“You’re blocking like the whole f*cking hall ya freak…” Husker tries to step around him, but there isn’t a lot of space given that he wasn’t exaggerating about his boss taking up an excessive amount of room. This of course only makes him more aware of how suspicious the radio demon is behaving, especially when he sees him quickly glance off to the side. After a moment he grumbles and turns away. “I guess I can take the long way or whatever…”

There is one small problem that may cause some issues later. Although Alastor is very good at accounting for most things, there is something he has failed to take into consideration. Husker doesn’t just look like a cat, like many of the demons he took on the traits of the thing he’s taken the form of. His acute sense of smell has clued him in to the fact that there is absolutely somebody else in this hallway, but luckily it’s not quite strong enough for him to identify it as a living human, and he really doesn’t give enough of a sh*t to be concerned about it. Though he definitely will be taking Niffty’s ‘lady in the walls’ comments more seriously from here on out.

Once the overgrown fur ball has disappeared down the nearby stairs, Alastor holds his hand out to Grace. “Are you alright dear?” She nods quickly, but stays quiet out of fear of drawing unnecessary attention. “That was a bit too close for my liking. We should probably turn back…”

The girl’s lower lip quivers, and her eyes widen, but she knows better than to protest.

And yet that look is really all he needs. “Although I suppose we are almost there, would be a waste if we didn’t go all the way.”

When Grace snickers about ‘going all the way,’ he has to take a moment to think over his own words. He can’t quite place what she would have found funny in his statement, and decides it’s not worth asking.

A few minutes later they arrive at their destination. Alastor pops open the hatch to his radio tower and climbs through. He extends an arm back down, which his wife takes hold of. She grunts softly as she tries to climb through with his assistance, but she finds it difficult to keep her balance on the rungs of the short ladder leading up

The overlord frowns, then drops back down. He carefully scoops the woman up in his arms. “Watch your head,” he murmurs before boosting her up through the hatch.

Her voice comes from his coat pocket, “Thank you, s-rry…” the new dress doesn’t have any pockets so he opted to carry her phone for her. Once she is in the room she sits on the floor near the opening, catching her breath after their little journey. Her physical health never fully recovered after the bouts with cancer, making a lot of things difficult. But it was never this bad, now it seems as though she can’t even do the bare minimum without getting lightheaded and out of breath. If this is how bad it is while she is still in her first trimester, she fears she may be completely bed bound in a few months.

It’s no trouble Gracie,” Alastor comes through the hatch and shuts it behind them. He waits for the human to catch her breath, then offers her his hand. She takes it and he helps her stand, and then returns her phone so she can hold it. “Now, why don’t you take a look!” He gestures around at the windows.

Her eyes widen as she takes in the red skies of hell. “Oh… wow,” she moves towards the closest window, her protective husband close behind. “Alastor… it’s incr--ible.”

She takes in the expanse of the city beneath them. The Hazbin Hotel has a unique position atop this hill, and Alastor’s radio room affixed near the top of the building allows them to view what feels like the entire layer of hell they reside in. Grace leans against the window, watching in amazement as the city lights pulse and glow. She admires the way that the different sections of the realm have varying color schemes, and wonders how it came to be that way. But what draws her attention the most is of course the bright glowing beacon at the center of it all.

Is that th- heaven emb-ssy?” she points out at the large structure. She certainly hadn’t been expecting a giant hourglass when Alastor talked about the ‘obnoxious’ design of the building.

Mhm,” Alastor affirms, placing a hand on her shoulder.

This place is… so much more beautiful than I was exp--ting,” while her phone emanates her voice, her breath fogs up the glass. She uses her finger to draw a smiley face in it.

One day you’ll get to explore the city for yourself my dear.” Alastor says. “I promise you won’t have to look from afar forever…”

“Sure, when I’m dead…” she sighs and turns away from the window.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Alastor’s smile stretches wide. “We have you hidden because it is the safest option for now. But if my plans go as I want them to, and well… they usually do,” He cups her chin, “then you will be safe to walk the city because no demon will be left that is stupid enough to f*ck with me by putting their dirty hands on you.”

Grace manages a soft and excited whimper at the intensity of the radio demon’s voice. She leans into his hand, practically intoxicated by his presence.

He chuckles, and puts a hand on her waist, “Of course it will have to wait until after the baby comes. We don’t want to be taking any risks while you’re with child.” Once she nods in understanding he releases her chin, and reaches for the radio console nearby. With a flick of the switch, a nearby set of speakers begins playing a song.

Al-stor?” She raises an eyebrow.

My dearest Gracie, may I have a dance?” His voice and expression are soft and genuine.

Her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as the upbeat jazz music fills the room. “Of course you may.”

Alastor guides her away from the window and towards the middle of the room. He raises one of her hands above her head and gives her spin, and soon they are in rhythm with the song. Despite the earlier tiredness, Grace finds the excitement of the moment enough to get her limbs moving.

The demon leads of course, as they dance across the room just like they always did on their little date nights. Occasionally when the dance brings them close he gives her a peck on the forehead, but mostly he watches the fabric of her dress shift and flare as she moves with grace and fluidity, creating an incredible spectacle of beauty and radiance.

But her stamina only lasts for a few moments, when he pulls her in for a dip he can see that sweat is already forming on her brow and her chest is rising and falling rapidly as she struggles to catch her breath again. He holds her that position for a few moments, and the music shifts from jazz to a softer ballroom song, and when he pulls her back up places one hand on her shoulder while the other intertwines with her fingers, and they begin to dance a slow waltz.

Alastor will always struggle to admit his feelings, even to this woman who made him realize he’s still capable of feeling things other than bloodlust. If he could bring himself to say the words he would tell her he’s missed this, for it had been far too long since they just… danced. But instead of saying anything like that, he just pulls her closer when her strength begins to fade, bringing his face down to the top of her head, her soft hair tickling his nose.

Grace rests her head against his chest when he does so, closing her eyes and just enjoying the moment. Rather than a heartbeat, she hears radio static with the faint sound of old showtunes. By this point she finds it completely normal, even if they’ve never talked about it. It makes sense after all, why would a dead man need a heartbeat? Tonight seems to be an old love song, and she wonders if Alastor knows that his ‘heart’ betrays him this way. But the possibility of him not even knowing is why she never brings it up, it’s her one little window into his true emotions, why would she risk him taking away her ability to peer through it.

Her feet begin to drag, so he guides her over to the console table. There is a clear spot that he raises her up to sit on.

How are you feeling my dear?” Alastor murmurs into her ear.

I feel good,” she places a hand on his cheek, “I’ve had a really nice time, thank you so m-ch for this.”

There is a pause as they just take each other in. The entire world slips away around him till they are just them. Her eyes like endless pools of swirling emerald fluid. His soft smile is like the warmth of the sun.

Suddenly and without warning Alastor brings his hand to the back of her head and pulls her in for a kiss. He is desperate to taste her, to hold her, to meld into one being that is invulnerable to the hell around them that seeks to destroy her.

Grace gasps into his lips, and finds herself with renewed energy, gripping his coat as she kisses back with almost fervent passion. She pulls him close so there is no space between them, spreading her legs so there is room for him to stand between them.

He hears her phone begin to buzz as it tries to convert her attempts to moan softly, but it tends to struggle with… noises. After a few minutes of this he can feel the heat in body rising, and can feel the familiar way she squirms when she needs him. So, he grabs her legs and wraps them around his waist, lifting her up off the console.

Not here…” His voice is practically buzzing as the radio filter comes on extra heavy. “I do not wish to defile my workstation with what I am about to do to you…”


Listen I've addressed the asexuality in earlier chapters, yes I intend to be semi consistent about it, but he does want to fufill his wife's needs, and sometimes I'm going to struggle with writing that in a way that expresses the nuances of their sex life in regards to him being ace and her not, so just bear with me (also i ferally want this demon to f*ck me into a wall and that is going to come out at times so...)

Chapter 10

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So I may have written a check that my ass couldn't cash and I didn't get to write the smut part this chapter. I ended up doing a whole bunch more set up and now the chapter is at 2500 words but I haven't even started writing the actual smut yet. But it's midnight and I really want to be able to play a couple hours of Persona 3 Reload before bed, so I'm going to post it as it is now. BUT YOU GUYS GET MORE BACKSTORY THIS CHAPTER SO I hope that makes up for it a bit. Luckily I've recently purchased a chromebook so that I can properly work on chapters during my breaks and downtime at work which is why I got as far as I did by midnight in the first place. Granted I spent a bit more than I was suppose to on it but hey if it keeps me writing then hopefully that means I can soon get back to work on my original fiction so I can try to start monetizing my writing so I'm considering it an investment. This does also mean that I should be able to start increasing the quality of the work I'm posting for this fic, it's still going to be 'rough drafts' at best but I'm a lot more dedicated and have given myself a better tool to use so I look forward to improving my writing for your guy's sake. Anyways I love you guys, ima stick a couple more notes at the end but I hope you enjoy tonight's chapter.
P.S. I don't know if anybody noticed but I updated the summary to be an actual prosey description of the story instead of my insecure rambling about thinking I shouldn't be posting this, let me know if you think it's an accurate description.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They encounter no one on their way back to their room, which is good because it’s a lot harder to hide that he is carrying someone. Her thin limbs are wrapped around him with surprising strength, and her face is buried in the crook of his neck. Though with his high collar she can’t kiss the skin the way she wants, she still snuggles into the space affectionately.

Upon arriving in her room, Alastor carefully sets Grace down near the bed, and turns her so her back is to him,“ Hold still,” He says with a crooked grin. He removes her necklace and it vanishes in a puff of green smoke. His right hand index finger extends into a sharp claw, which he uses to slice the elastic holding the top three buttons together. She giggles, swaying a bit, at the sensation of the elastic snapping when it’s cut. Then with deft hands the demon undoes the remaining buttons, and slides his hands under the fabric to pull it away, exposing the thin white shift acting as an undergarment. Once he’s pulled the dress down past her hips he lets it drop to the floor, and helps her to step out of it.

The overlord’s gaze travels up and down his wife’s body, taking in the way fabric of the shift hangs loose around her frame, clinging to her skin in just the right places. He may not have the same kind of appreciation for Grace’s body as most men would, but he appreciates it just as much, if not more. She is beauty incarnate, a goddess in human form. A goddess that is all his.

The woman steps back and sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at him with glistening but heavy eyes. “ Al… take me , please…” She lays back on the bedspread, the white fabric of her shift spreads and pools across the red of the covers. Her arms move to rest above where her head is laying, a position of vulnerability and openness, waiting for her husband to come ravish her. Her swollen breasts and rounded belly are accentuated by her position, and for the first time the radio demon does not find himself put off by the sight of them.

Alastor chuckles, “ In a moment my dear,” he moves over to the dining table, turning his back to her as he removes his coat. Carefully he folds it and hangs it over the back of the chair, followed by removing his gloves and setting them down. He hooks a finger into his bowtie and tugs so that it comes undone and he can place it on the table as well. He turns back towards the bed as he begins to undo the buttons of his shirt, but pauses as he lays eyes on the young woman’s form. “ Gracie?”

Her chest rises and falls slowly, and upon approach he realizes that her eyes have shut. He comes to the side of the bed and lowers himself so one of his ears comes close to her soft lips, and confirms the faint sound of her snoring.

Oh my poor, tired love ,” he chuckles, unsurprised at this development, she had exerted herself quite a bit during their little dance, he had been more surprised than anything when she seemed to express the energy for other activities. It doesn’t bother him that she’s dozed off, he’s just glad she’s getting some much needed rest.

Carefully Alastor pulls back the covers of the bed, and gently shifts Grace so he can tuck her beneath them. He gets her head up on the pillow, and within a few moments she naturally adjusts to her preferred side sleeping position and her body relaxes into the depths of slumber.

Her husband removes his shoes then takes up a position on the other side of the bed, laying atop the bedspread on his side, head propped up with one hand so that he can watch her sleep. His mind wanders a bit, thinking back to ages ago, to the things he enjoyed about being with her in that way. The sounds he could elicit from her when they were being intimate. Her cries of passion, oh how he misses hearing them and knowing he was the reason those noises were being brought into existence. To know that no matter how much pleasure he brings his wife he will never be able to hear it in its full glory again brings a heaviness to his heart.

A thought occurs to the overlord. He sits up a bit and takes Grace’s phone from where it had fallen next to her pillow. Though he detests the tech he does find that it has its uses. He recalls there is something logged on the device, and after a few moments of trying to figure out how to navigate the damned thing he pulls up an old recording, turns down the volume so as not to awaken his sleeping beauty, and listens…

Approximately five and a half years ago.

No, it was exactly five years and four months before the opening of the hotel. A quiet Thursday night. Grace was laying in bed, reading the latest issue of national geographic. It was a time when she was livelier, healthier. Her body had not yet been ravaged, so her cheeks were still full and rosy, her limbs were still muscled and toned. She was practically a different person.

At 9:03 pm she picked up her phone and tapped the record button, lifting up to speak clearly into it. “Many of the Earth’s deadly animals are more unassuming than you’d think,” she began as she read over the article, vocalizing her thoughts. “Take the hippopotamus for example, although they are herbivores they have the jaw power to bite a human in half, and apparently they are so aggressive that if you run into one then there is a good chance they will try. I would have thought that if I’m on land then I’d be safe from something like an angry hippo, but apparently despite its size they can run anywhere between 20 and 30 miles an hour.”

Planning on getting a new pet?” Alastor rose up from the shadow she cast beside her on the bed, laying on his side with his head propped up.

Grace 's shoulders jumped a bit, betraying that she had been startled by him, but just turned the page in her magazine and pretended like nothing happened. “I mean I have been planning on getting a cat, but right now I’m just taking notes for the segment I want to pitch at work.” She set her phone on the bedside table. “I didn’t feel the summoning circle activate, when did you get here?” She asked while leaning over the side of the bed to check the chalk outline of the large sigil beneath her bed.

I came in through the kitchen circle,” he replied, “ Rosie acquired some decent red wine and I thought you might appreciate a bottle so I dropped it off in your fridge.”

Aw, thanks babe,” she shut the magazine and placed it on a pile of similar reading materials on the lower portion of the bedside table. She glanced over at him and noted the way his smile curled a bit in distaste. “Ok, putting babe on the ‘bad’ side of the list for pet names.”

Mmm, that is indeed something you should do, that one was… crude .” Alastor reached out and tucked a lock of her long brunette hair behind her ear. “ But feel free to keep trying, you’ll find something fitting eventually.”

Grace giggled and shifted her position to lean on her side facing him. Her brows furrowed as she took him in properly. He was not fully dressed, and he wasn’t just missing his coat and shoes as he normally would be if he was relaxing with her for the night. His shirt was fully undone, exposing his stomach and chest, with the strip of cloth for his bow tie hanging undone around his neck. He almost looked disheveled, in a very specifically sexy kind of way… too specifically…

“Are you trying to seduce me?” She asked, sitting up a bit more and admittedly taking in the sight with delight.

Maybe,” He said with a teasing lilt in his voice, his smile turned into a bit of a smirk. “ Is it working?”

Grace took a few seconds to continue admiring her demon boyfriend’s body, before shifting gears. “What did you do?”

There was a sound of a record scratch, Alastor’s radio powers being dramatic. “ Whatever do you mean my dear?”

“You need to tell me something that you think is going to make me upset,” she moved closer to him, hovering over the overlord. “I assume you did something, and now you’re trying to f*ck me so that when you tell me what you did I will be less mad.”

Grace, I am shocked and appalled that you would think so little of me,” Alastor said with a shocking amount of audacity for somebody who was just accurately called out on his bullsh*t. “ I am merely trying to take more initiative in our sex life, I thought you would appreciate…”

“No, no, no, shhhh, shut it,” She pressed a finger to his lips to shush him, but quickly pulled away when the nearby lamp began to flicker and his eyes darkened. But she didn’t back down. “I am not one of those 1920s socialite floozys that hung out in the speakeasies you went to. I’ve been manipulated enough in my life to know what this is. You need to tell me something that will make me mad, so you’re offering me something as a ‘treat’ so that when you drop the bombshell I feel compelled to take it easy on you since you gave me a ‘treat’...” She took a deep breath, sucking the air in between her teeth, “in this case the treat is sex.”

Alastor didn’t respond for the first few seconds, there was a sound like broadcasting dead air as his mind turned over her words for a bit. “ You really need to make a list of all the people who have hurt you, I would like to have a chat with them.”

“Don’t change the subject Mr. Radio Man,” Grace said, and in a surprising move she suddenly shifted her position, swinging her leg over so she could straddle his stomach and stare down at him from a position of ‘power’. “Here is what is going to happen. You are going to tell me whatever you came here to tell me. We are going to talk about it like mature adults, I am going to be allowed to have emotions about it. And then if I feel like it, I will let you decide if you want to f*ck me as an apology for whatever it is.”

Alastor laid there, too stunned at her boldness to retaliate for her insolence. He took her in from the new perspective, almost finding something pleasant about it. He certainly didn’t like the idea of being at the bottom of a power play… but he didn’t hate it as much as he was expecting to.

“Do we have a deal Al?” She offered her hand.

Deal…” He grasped it, and shook, there was an instinctive green glow despite the insignificance of the ‘deal’ but it was counteracted by the violet sparks at her fingertips.

Once they finished shaking she rolled off of Alastor, and sat cross legged facing him. “Okay, what’s going on?”

He sat up as well. “ So about that date night…”

Grace’s bright green eyes widened. “Alastor! It’s the one year anniversary of me being cancer free! Don’t you dare cancel on me…”

It can’t be helped Grace,” his right ear twitched, “ I took a step back from my responsibilities as overlord. I’ve been gone almost two years now and as a consequence some young upstarts have decided to start causing trouble . I have been requested to temporarily return from my ‘vacation’ to put them in their place.” Requested was a weak word for it, his leash was being pulled, and he must obey.

The girl sighed, her voice was sad when she spoke again, “But you were supposed to teach me your mother’s gumbo recipe… I already bought all the ingredients.”

I know I know,” He reached a hand out, hesitating at first, then placed it on her cheek. “ If I could say no I would , but it can’t be helped…”

She glanced down at his hand, her heart pounding a bit at the rare physical gesture of affection, especially with his gloves off, “How long will you be gone for?”

A few months unfortunately,” He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “ Once they are dealt with I have to do some work to ensure the event does not repeat itself.”

Grace nuzzled into his hand, his skin was cold as death and yet she found comfort in it. “Will you be in danger?’

No not at all,” Alastor laughed at the notion, “ What do you take me for? Some small fry who can’t handle himself in a fight.”

“No, but…” she averted her eyes in embarrassment, “I love you so… I’m going to worry no matter how strong you are.”

Alastor was silent, his gaze softening a bit. His mouth opened as though he might say something in response, but this version of the radio demon is not yet ready to say something so…

“Just promise me you will stay safe, okay?” Grace leant forward and kissed his nose. “Come back to me in one piece…”

He cleared his throat, “ I promise my dear.” He brushed at his nose with his knuckle, his cheeks warm but luckily unable to betray any color. “ And when I get back I will make it up to you with the best date night yet. After all, it’s far too big a milestone to just let pass by.” Her eyes still held some worry and concern, so he took her hand and squeezed it. “ Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay .”

Alastor pauses the recording, his chest growing tight. Everything was in fact very much not okay. Upon his return nine weeks later, he was met with the most horrible of news. Their original date night had been planned for after her doctor’s appointment, when she was supposed to be scanned to confirm that she was indeed still cancer free. But when he arrived at her home after his conquests in hell, he learned that the cancer had in fact come back, more aggressive than ever.

They had both considered it a miracle that her first fight with the disease had gone so smoothly, only a few months of treatment and the tumor was gone. But the second time around was a fight that Alastor thought rivaled any of his battles in hell. He watched her wither away to almost nothing, all while he was left helpless to watch. Nothing was ever the same after, but he stood by her side, and swore he would always… he glances at her sleeping form, looks to where the blanket falls over her swelling belly… always support her.

After a few minutes of gathering his thoughts, he decides to press play on the recording once more.

-Back in the past, picking up where it left off when he paused the recording-

“Well,” Grace said, leaning towards him. “If you want to, I am still willing to let you f*ck me as an apology…”


Hey again, so I wanted to pop in a note down here for after you read cause I'm sure you noticed, Grace in that flashback is very different from the Grace in the present, or even the Grace from the other flashback we had. And I just wanted to real quick explain my thought process on that. See one of the big themes my brain is going for is not just character growth in their arcs, but regression as well. Grace and Alastor have been through a lot of different events in their relationship and that means that at different points in their time together they are going to behave and treat each other differently. At this point in time Grace was a little more brazen and felt comfortable being so because she could sense that Alastor liked her enough to be amused by that so she was willing to stick up for herself. There are aspects of that which she still has in her personality in the present but we don't get to see much yet because right now she is very scared and hormonal and has this notion that Alastor might... go out to pick up some milk if you know what I mean. Anyways I just wanted to clarify why the personality discrepancy is there and warn you that you will probably see more as we go through different points in their past (and as her perspective in the present changes)

Chapter 11

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I finally get to add the 'smut' tag to the fic hooray. I don't think I'll throw in all the detailed tags for the specific acts like some people do cause since the smut isn't the main event of the whole story I don't want to clutter up my tags with things that only happen once in a while. Anyways I came to the realization while I was working on this that it has been over a year and a half, almost 2 years, since I've written smut, and boy could I feel that while I was working on this. Thinking about smut daily is very different from writing it. Since I've been building up to this chapter all week I won't make you wait any longer with my rambling nonsense. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter Text

Five years and four months ago, moments after Alastor and Grace had to discuss the fact that he would be canceling their very special date night.

“Well,” Grace said, leaning towards him. “If you want to, I am still willing to let you f*ck me as an apology…”

She yelped suddenly as something cold wrapped around both of her wrists. Alastor’s smile was rather devilish as his shadow tentacles bound his girlfriend, pulling her even closer, till her face was nearly up against his. He could feel her warm breath as she whimpered in excitement.

That depends,” The radio demoned hummed, breathing in her scent deeply, lavender body wash never smelt so divine. “Tell me Grace, have you been a bad girl?”

She shivered as his voice filled her from head to toe. “Maybe, what if I have?” Her eyelids lowered seductively, “What if I’ve been a bit of a… demon?”

Mmmhmhmhm…” Alastor chuckled. His shadows pulled her onto her back, and brought her arms up above her head. “You know I’m the only demon in this house,” He had a teasing tone on that last part as he slipped off his already unbuttoned shirt and moved to hover over her.

Over the course of their relationship the way the couple behaves in bed will shift as their bond grows, but at this point in time Grace was very aware that if she wanted Alastor to enjoy having sex with her, she needed to let him feel like he had power over her. And she was more than happy to play the role necessary to get him going.

She relaxed her body and tilted her head down, making herself small, submissive. “Whatever are you going to do to me Mr. Radio Demon?”

He brought one finger up to her chin, then slowly drug it down her neck, a claw just barely scraping the skin, enough to make her tingle, but also a subtle reminder that he could easily do so much damage if he wanted to. And yet he was also careful to avoid the red splotchy section on the right side of her neck, very aware that it was an area that was very sensitive to pain, and he didn’t actually want to hurt her.

Soon he reached the neckline of her night shirt. “Well to start, I’m going to get these pesky clothes of yours out of the way,” Though his radio filter was still on, his voice had more richness to it, a slightly deeper tone as his true voice, overtaking the 20’s trans-Atlantic accent just a bit.

Grace shuddered as his shadowy tendrils slipped under the thin fabric and pushed outwards till the buttons popped open. She giggled as they burst through the front of her shirt like a creature in a horror movie, before they dissipated, leaving her chest exposed.

Her breath was heavy and excited, causing her now bare breasts to rise and fall enticingly, “Alastor… touch me… please?” Her voice was trembling, desperate.

Hmmm…” He tilted his head to the side with a bit of a cracking sound, leaning over and listening to the way she whimpered in need of him. He raised his hand to her left breast, hovering just above the sensitive nipple, pulling back every time she tried to lift herself up to feel his touch. “Patience my dear… is a virtue.”

She smirked, “There is nothing virtuous about our relationship Al…”

Fair point,” he started the same way he touched her neck, dragging a single sharp nail gently in a circle around the nipple, watching as it quickly perked up in excitement. Once he was satisfied with her shaking whimpering, he fully grasped the pillowy breast and began to use his thumb to massage the hard bud.

“f*ck… Alastor…” Her voice started low, but jumped an octave on the last syllable of his name. She could feel pleasure radiating from his touch, and began to squirm and rub her thighs together as the stimulation began to get the rest of her body excited. The shadows around her wrists tightened to ensure she stayed in place

That’s my girl…” He said in a low tone, and dropped his head down so his mouth was near the stimulated breast.

“A-Al…” Grace’s eyes widened as she watched him, this is much more than he’d given her in the past when it came to this kind of foreplay. “You don’t h-have to do anything more than what you w-wANT!!” She threw her head back and moaned as his lips wrapped around the mound of flesh and his tongue began to circle her hardened nipple. Additionally his other hand came up to begin playing with the other breast.

Her breathing continued to get harder as she panted in excitement of this new sensation. The tongue swirling eventually turned into sucking, with the explicit intention of leaving a mark. With each exhale she whimpered or moaned his name. She wasn’t used to this level of… attention from him.

Eventually Alastor separated his mouth from her body and sat up to admire his handiwork. Her cheeks were flushed red, her lower lip trembling and she whined with desire, and the skin that had been in his mouth was already beginning to darken into a hickey type bruise. He desperately wanted to mark her more, to take every inch of her and leave evidence of himself so that while he is gone she will know she still belongs to him.

But the overlord could tell that the girl needed more than to be marked, she needed to be claimed. He moved back on the bed so he was near her legs, in a swift movement he grasped the hem of her pajama shorts, panties included, and when she lifted her hips he quickly pulled them down, past her thighs then knees then all the way off, and tossed them to the floor.

Grace was panting, still shifting trying to rub her thighs together to give herself some friction and stimulate her needy crotch. But Alastor put a stop to that when he grabbed her by the knees and pushed her legs apart, positioning himself between them. He relished in her delighted squeal.

Oh aren’t you such a needy little thing…” He hummed, then leant forward so he could capture her mouth in his. She was fighting the restraints of his shadows, desperate to press her body against his while opening her mouth to allow his tongue to explore.

After a moment of this he pulled away, only so he could begin to trail kisses down her chin, her neck, her chest… He could taste the salt of the beads of sweat that had begun to form on her as he continued down her stomach, then hips, till finally…

Grace watched in shock as his lips moved down, and when he repositioned himself she couldn’t believe what was actually happening. “Alastor… oh god Alastor please…” she pleaded.

He paused, looking up at her from his position between her thighs, red eyes glowing. “You know better than to refer to him here my dear. God has no place is what we are about to do…”

“Ffffuuuuck!” The woman threw her head back and arched her back as his mouth was placed upon her folds, his tongue quickly parting them and finding her cl*t. In response to her movement, more of his shadowed tentacles rose from the bed to hold her down.

Although unfamiliar with this particular act, it wasn’t difficult for Alastor to figure out what he needed to do, and it turned out the taste was not as… unpleasant as he expected it to be. His tongue flicked across the delicate bundle of nerves, and he found himself joyfully listening to the way her moans would pitch up when he got it right. Soon he found himself shifting to the space just below, he watched as her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth formed a beautiful O shape when his tongue plunged past her entrance and straight to her very core. Soon he found himself wrapping his arms around her trembling thighs to hold her in place as he simply devoured her.

Grace could barely control herself. As pleasure and ecstasy coursed through her entire being she could feel herself practically being elevated into clouds of bliss. Who knew a demon could raise somebody up to heaven? Her whines became staccatoed as her breathing stuttered. The girl’s lower stomach began to form a familiar tight coil.

“Al… Al I… I’m going to…” but her warning came too late, her whole body strained against the shadowy restraints as her insides felt the explosion of pure pleasure. She emptied her lungs with a scream of absolute bliss. All while the juices of her org*sm filled her demon’s mouth.

Alastor pulled back, trying to suppress a cough as her liquid love dripped down his chin. It wasn’t that it was unpleasant, not at all, but it certainly caught him off guard. He sat up and back, his own breath a little ragged as he took in his handiwork. She had been reduced to an absolute mess… and he was nowhere near done with her yet.

His hand moved to the button of his slacks, “Ready for the main event Grace?”

Her eyes were having trouble focusing to see him, but she could hear his voice. All she could manage was a nod and an attempt to spread her legs wider in anticipation.

The radio demon chuckled, pleased to have brought her to such a state. He slowly undid his pants and pulled his half hard co*ck free. He closed his eyes and stroked it a bit while listening to her beautiful whimpers and moans.

Grace’s vision finally began to focus again just as he reached a complete erection. Her breath hitched as she took in the sight, a beautiful piece of male hardware that it would take her years to get used to looking at. Perfectly long and thick, curving up just a bit when it’s at full mast like this. She continued to whimper in excitement as she watched him slowly pumping the shaft, that part has the same grayish color as the rest of his skin tone, but the tip is the bright red that decorates his overall color scheme, a unique result of demon anatomy that is currently dripping with murky precum.

“Alastor…” her voice was breathy, “I need you… please I need you so much.” Her desperate pleas were like music to her lover, he sat for a moment just listening to her beg.

And once he had his fill of that, he took one of her legs and wrapped it around his hip while lining up with her entrance, dragging his tip teasingly up the slick folds, gathering up some of that warm juice from her last org*sm.

Remember this always Grace…” his voice dropped down to a low growl. “No pathetic human man will ever f*ck you as good as I do.” Upon his final word he thrust into her, filling her sensitive puss* completely in one motion. His co*ck kissed her cervix just as he fully sheathed himself.

The feeling of being stretched around him was so perfect that her moans of bliss caught in her throat, leaving her stuttering and gasping for air as she bucked her hips against his. When he slid back and snapped forward again she was able to catch her breath again just to scream.

“ALASTOR!” The woman’s voice filled the room, bouncing off the walls. He repeated the motion, and she repeated the cry of his name.

His own breathing became heavy as he set an almost punishing pace, thrusting while watching her eyes glaze over in pleasure. And she gave him exactly what he needed, the repeated calling of his name, rising up to certainly pierce the heavens and perhaps even reaching all the way down to hell. He tilted his head back, ears flat against his head, trying to focus on his breathing and rhythm.

Her whole body was already so overstimulated and enveloped in the intoxication of pleasure, and so it wasn’t long before her cries of passion devolved into near gibberish as her walls tightened around the demon’s co*ck in another org*sm.

Alastor grunted at the feeling, his nails digging into the thigh he was holding. He could feel his own climax coming quickly in response. Once her body went limp he pulled himself free just as he was overtaken, and he couldn’t help the deep moan he made as he spilled his darkish colored cum across her stomach.

Grace’s breathing was rapid as she tried to get oxygen back into her brain. Her voice was raw and yet with each exhale she still managed a small whine.

The overlord stayed as he was for a moment, composing himself, before he tucked his now softening dick back into his slacks. His shadowy tentacles receded, allowing her the freedom to move again, but she was so lost in coming down in the high all she could manage to do was bring one arm down to try and wipe the sweat away that had drenched her forehead.

Once Alastor had put his mind back together again he got off the bed and stepped over to the room’s attached bathroom. He quickly returned with two small towels, and tossed one on her face so she could wipe up the sweat better. Then he used the other to clean up the mess he had made up on her belly. The two don’t speak for a few minutes, Grace was too busy trying to bring herself back down to earth, and Alastor knew anything he said would just be static in her ears. Ultimately it took her several minutes for her to even be able to remember her own name, but now exhaustion was taking hold.

“Alastor…” she murmured, catching his attention.

He had been spending this time picking up the clothing he had thrown to the floor, which had led to him tidying up a bit in general, “No cuddling my dear, you know I don’t do that sentimental…”

“No… no I just…” her smile was soft as her eyes began to close, “I wanted to say… you said no man will ever f*ck me as good as you do but… I already know that… because there won’t ever be another man,” she chuckled tiredly, “I don’t plan on ever being with anybody after… after whatever this is ends. I’m always going to be yours… even when you get tired of me…”

The radio demon felt a sharp sensation in his chest, almost as though his dead heart was trying to beat, but instead it began to play a little melody that was just soft enough that only he could hear it.

Well… Grace,” He moved over to the side of the bed and looked down at her, surprised at how stunning she looked in this state. He was about to say something, only to realize that she had already drifted off into a deep, sex induced slumber, and after a moment he softly spoke once more, “I can’t control what you do once I’m gone… but if it’s any consolation I… don’t plan on getting ‘tired’ of you any time soon…”

The recording doesn’t end there, but there’s no more audio aside from a soft snoring that matches that of the present day Grace sleeping beside the present day Alastor. She hadn’t even known she was recording this, having simply forgotten to turn the device off when he first arrived that evening. And the Alastor of that time didn’t know enough about the device to realize that it had not only recorded their entire sexual encounter, but that it had caught his moment of… softness.

He turns off the audio file, and plugs the phone into the wall charger so that it will have enough juice tomorrow for his wife to use. After a moment he takes a deep breath, and gets under the covers. Grace is laying on her side, facing the edge of the bed. Slowly the demon moves close to her, wrapping his arms around her frail body and carefully pulling her against his chest. She is so deep in her slumber that she doesn’t wake even slightly, but she does instinctively tilt her head back to nuzzle against him.

After a few minutes of lying there, Alastor swallows nervously, and moves one of his hands to rest on the gentle curve of her belly. He closes his eyes, and focuses on the feeling of her warm body, the sound of her breathing, and then gently he begins to shift that hand just slightly so that he is rubbing a small circle on this precious vessel of life.

His mind screams to pull away, to abandon ship, reminding him in a chanting mantra that he is not fit to be a father, he is not fit to be a father, he is not fit to be a father…

And yet his heart… that dead heart that this incredible woman breathed life back into all those years ago… it begs for him to stay, to love just one more thing in this wretched world. Begs him to change just enough to be the man that Grace needs… his child needs… to be a man that could have made his mother proud.

Chapter 12

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I'm writing faster now so it's not like 3 am by the time I finish up which is great because it means I actually have time to give it a quick readover before I post. I do wanna say I'm sorry that I'm progressing through the timeline so slowly, I get lovely comments talking about how excited people are for when the babies come and getting to actually see Dadlastor in action, and I'm so looking forward to it too, but at the moment I'm kinda relishing in every moment of the pregnancy you know? Plus season 1 felt so fast and like it's an incredible show but I feel like we didn't get to savor anything. And so like I guess I'm trying to take my time cause I don't want to jump ahead and then be like 'man..... i wish I had gotten to write a little bit more pregnancy fluff' you know what I mean (pregnancy is also kinda like... my thing, obviously I love the parenting stuff too but preg fluff and angst and stuff is my biggest jam) All that said!! If anybody wants to chat Dadlastor with the actual kiddo type content with me in the comments or something to hold us over till I get to that part of the fic I would totally be happy to cause I wanna know what other people think he would be like.
Also it's going to be like 2 f*cking years or something till we get season 2 so it's not like I DON'T have a sh*t ton of time to just enjoy this journey with you guys, cause unless somebody else in my family dies (-side eyes the popularish fic I abandoned because dead dad trauma) I will be happy to keep writing this as long as you guys are happy to keep reading it.
Anyways I really hope ya'll enjoy tonight's chapter, it's just like 50~ words shy of my 2k a night word goal but the last two chapters were like 2.5 and almost 3 so I'm cutting msyelf some slack

Chapter Text

A new day dawns. Many of hell's inhabitants begin to rise from slumber and start their day. During the night the Vs had their meeting to determine how to handle Alastor’s return to the city, and now the snake they have recruited is currently slithering towards the hotel.

In the meantime, Grace and Alastor are learning that unfortunately not even simple cereal is safe from the horrors of a demonic pregnancy’s morning sickness. As the woman finishes her latest bout of retching into the toilet, her overlord husband helps her to lean back and rest against his chest while they sit on the bathroom floor. He strokes her soft hair comfortingly as one of his shadow tentacles flushes the toilet, and another wets a washcloth in the sink.

Feeling better dear?” He asks softly, taking the wet cloth and using it to gently wipe some vomit from her chin.

On the nearby counter her phone barely eeks out a weak, “No…” She curls up against him, arms wrapped around her stomach.

Alastor sighs and holds her close, he had almost finished dressing for the day before she got sick, but his hands are still bare, so his skin is cold against her flushed body,“You know I did tell you to let me raid that pharmacy before we came down here. Then we would have some anti-nau…” he stops when she squeezes his arm and sniffles. Though he didn’t agree with the reasoning she had at the time, he understood it, anything like that could have drawn unnecessary attention to them. They didn’t have the time to wait on prescriptions, but taking what they needed by force would have risked heavenly eyes investigating not only why a demon overlord was raiding a human pharmacy, but how a sinner made it to the surface in the first place. And the last thing they needed was some curious angel following their trail down here.

After about a minute of sitting in silence, Grace finds the strength to project her voice again, “You know, th-s is almost like the good old days… holding b-ck my hair while I puked up my guts after chemo treatm---s…”

Alastor’s smile wanes a bit as he thinks back on those days, but he does not let it fall completely, “I’m glad you can remember those days so fondly,” he responded sarcastically. With a snap of his fingers a cup of water with a lid and straw appears in his hand, and he gently urges her to drink.

Sorry darling, j-st… trying to make conversati-n…” She lets him hold the cup for her while she tries to hydrate. While she drinks, her voice is still able to project from her phone. “At least th-s… tumor… isn’t trying to kill me.”

“Are you sure about that?” The demon’s gaze darts down to where her hand rests on the curve of her stomach. “Because it seems like it might be trying…”

Grace sighs, “Well at least we know it’ll b- over with in six or s-ven months… I think one of the w-rst parts about the cancer was not knowing wh-n the fight would be over…”

Alastor bites his tongue, resisting the urge to say anything that could be perceived as… rude. To say that perhaps the cancer was preferable to their current situation, but even as the thought runs around his mind, he knows that it’s too cruel to say. Suddenly his shoulders stiffen as his mind rolls those numbers around, and he remembers that something else will be happening in almost six months time.

Al… what’s the ma-…” his wife senses the tension immediately, and she starts to sit up to look him in the eye, but she is interrupted by a horrific sensation in her stomach. Suddenly she lurches towards the toilet again, the water and what was left of breakfast coming back up.

The demon immediately casts aside those concerns and leans forward to gather up her short hair away from her face. “There there…” The retching doesn’t even bother him any more, he got used to it after the years of taking care of her while she was ill. His right hand comes down to her lower back so he can rub it comfortingly.

Her gagging and coughing slowly turn into sobs, “It’s official, th-s is worse than the chemo.” She spits to clear her mouth, then leans back again, tears welling up in her eyes.

How so dear?” He wipes her chin with the cloth again.

She whimpers, and turns her face away from his gaze, slowly curling in on herself. “Forget it… f-rg-t it I’m sorry.”

“Come now Gracie… what’s on your mind?” He kisses the top of her head.

She sniffles, and wipes her dripping nose with the back of her hand. “When I had canc-r… when the ch-mo and radiation were burning me from the inside out II was the only one at r-sk of dying…” She chokes on her sobs, and Alastor holds her gently until she can speak again, “But n-w… if I can’t keep anyth-ng down it’s not j-st me that’s going to get weaker… I’m so… I’m so scared of l-sing the baby, after everything we’ve done to try and k--p it safe… what if it ends up dying because my body is too weak?”

This is of course what Alastor has been concerned about as well, but right now it’s going to be more beneficial to keep her from being stressed, “That isn’t going to happen dear. You are so much stronger than you realize, you are going to be fine.”

“Al-stor, I can’t even keep down water!” Her whole body is trembling as she cries.

That is a bit of a problem I know…” He tilts his head back and looks up at the ceiling, trying to think. “There isn’t much in terms of good medical care in the pride ring, I should have prepared for the possibility of you being this ill…”

She wraps an arm around his torso and squeezes, “It’s n-t your fault, we couldn’t h-ve anticipated it would be like this. We didn’t have any time to prepare.”

He pauses as she attempts to comfort him, his throat tight, she shouldn’t be worried about soothing his feelings… but she’s also wrong. Certainly he can’t blame her for not expecting it, after all she had so many other concerns on her mind at the time, that doesn’t excuse him failing to account for all the dangers. After all this is a half demon baby growing in a human womb, within a woman whose body has already been through so much physical strain that it would have been a miracle for her to even carry a normal pregnancy to term. He should have known. How stupid was he to not see these risks and prepared for them…?

Alastor holds her close, “Sinners regenerate, so there has never been much need for quality medical care, BUT there is a district on the south side of the pentagram where the souls of medical professionals tend to go and continue their… experiments.” His shadow tentacles return, and move towards the bathtub so they can begin running hot water, followed by dumping some bubble bath in. “Some of them do have connections in the other rings, I shall call in some of my favors and see about getting an IV and a supply of saline. I doubt any other demon based medicine would do you any good, but that will at least help you to hydrate…”

Grace clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she tries to think of a response to her husband’s suggestion, “That s--nds like a good plan but… Alast-r why in the ever loving f--k did you wait until now to mention that w-s an option?”

I didn’t want to raise suspicion in the demon community by going around asking for things like medical supplies,” the overlord helps her to her feet, “I was hoping to avoid doing it because Jack is a notorious gossip… so I was planning to only go there as a last resort.”

Grace’s mouth opens, and her phone hums as though she is going to say something, she is processing where she’s heard that name before. Ultimately she ends up deciding that right now is not the time to ask if her husband has a habit of hanging out with other serial killers down here.

Now, let’s get you cleaned up. Once we have you set up for the day I will go to the district and…” He pauses, ears flicking suddenly. His whole body tenses as he looks in the general direction of the hotel lobby. He can sense the arrival of Sir. Pentious, as soon as Charlie let the snake into the lobby he could immediately feel the garbage signals of the Vox tech that the spy is smuggling in. “Not now…”

“Alastor?” Grace asks as she sits on the edge of the bathtub.

I am so sorry my dear Gracie,” Alastor sighs while helping her remove her stained white shift. “Something has just come up, and I have to attend to it now. But the moment it is dealt with I will go into town. “

“Is everyth-ng alright?” The woman asks as she lifts up her legs so she can turn and put her feet in the tub.

Nothing that you need to worry about dear,” He places his hands under her arms so that he can support her as she lowers into the bath water. “I know you are worried about being alone, but I promise you are safe in this hotel. I… I am going to figure out a way for you to get in touch with me though, even if I have to carry around one of those awful little cellphones.”

Grace gets a small smirk while playing with some of the bubbles “What if we got you a pager?”

Alastor rolls his eyes, “I suppose that could work, give me a few days, let's focus on getting you those medical supplies first.” He kisses the top of her head then steps out into the main room so he can grab his coat and gloves.

Hey Al,” Grace’s voice is strong on the phone for a moment, something emotional is coming through, “If you see that bastard surgeon of mine down in that medical place… let me know…” The overlord glances back into the bathroom, and sees the lights have changed to a soft purple glow. “While I’m sure you have plans for himI want to punish him first.”

The radio demon’s smile grows disturbingly wide. A chuckle starts deep in his chest, building to a laugh. Oh how he adores this woman. While he certainly has tortures planned, the likes of which have never been seen, he knows that it will be much more entertaining to watch his beautiful wife inflict the suffering upon the bastard who stole her voice from them. Because while Grace may be sweet and kind, she far from lives up to her name. And it is certainly comforting to hear her have so much fire left within her despite her situation, it reassures him that everything will be okay.

Trust me my dearest Gracie, the moment he arrives in hell I will know, and I will bring him to you.” He fixes his bowtie. “Now, take good care of yourself today.”

Grace senses him evaporate into the shadows, and she slowly sinks deeper into the bath water, bubbles coming up to tickle her nose. She closes her eyes, allowing her mind to wander between the depravity of torture, and the comforting thoughts of picturing what her baby will look like. As she lays in the tub, she is blissfully unaware that the hotel has been infiltrated by a snake.

Chapter 13

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Alright I was having a good day, then I had two tech related panic attacks that kept me from getting my writing done in a timely manner. So I don't have much to say today aside from I am struggling with nouns. My brain is very particular about avoiding being super repetative with how I refer to people, so not calling Alastor by his name constantly ('Alastor sat down, Alastor stood up, Alastor snapped his fingers') but instead saying something like 'the radio demon straightened his bow tie' and 'the overlord sat up straighter'. But I don't have enough replacer nouns for the characters and I feel like I am overusing a lot of them. Like doing a conversation between Husk and Alastor I at one point alternated between radio demon and cat demon and it made me want to rip my eyes out but I couldn't make it better. So, if any of ya'll have suggestions for replacer nouns for the different characters then I would love the help so I can improve the flow of the writing. Grace, Alastor, all the characters if you have things I can call them for those lines. And yeah I know that I can use pronouns, the he and she and they and what not; but in a scene with mutiple characters, expecially mutiple characters of the same gender, I have to clarify at times. So again Alastor and Husker, if I just use the 'he' pronouns and their names, not only will it get super repetative but eventually we might lose track of which of them is saying or doing something. Anyways I hope tonight's chapter is good my brain is fried love you

Chapter Text

Ah yes, you’re the one who ruined my coat,” Alastor could not believe the absolute audacity of this snake, to show up after the thorough beating he took and try to act like he wants redemption, “I definitely remember you now…”

Sir Pentious reeks of Vox tech, and while it’s already bad enough that the demon with a habit of blowing up walls is now within the hotel, the idea of that arrogant television sneaking his camera into Alastor’s safe haven has the radio demon about ready to eviscerate the spy right in front of poor, naive Charlie.

When Sir. Pentious hands him the piece of his coat that he had ripped off the previous day, Alastor wants nothing more than to shove it down his slimy throat. “This must have meant quite a lot to you.” Instead he ignites it with a green flame that nearly singes his own gloves. The overlord maintains an intense level of eye contact as Charlie guides her new guest away before the situation spirals out of control.

Alastor crosses the lobby to the bar, where Niffty is furiously scrubbing the counter, while Husker works on wiping glasses. Well the cat demon is really just wiping a single glass with a dirty rag, just trying to look busy so that the princess won’t try to drag him into whatever redemption exercises she has planned.

So,” Alastor takes a seat on the barstool, watching as Charlie’s small group are forced to participate in some kind of ‘clap and talk’ activity. “Who thought it would be a good idea to bring that one into the hotel? I would have thought the princess’ overprotective girlfriend would have stopped this kind of shenanigan.”

“Oh trust me she tried,” Husk replies, “But Charlie pulled her little puppy dog eyes thing and she caved faster than a bridge made out of toothpicks.”

“Well I’m glad he’s here!” Niffty nearly squeals as she takes a seat on the edge of the counter, “It’s so exciting to have a real ~bad~ boy here!”

Right…” Alastor hums, side-eyeing the maid. The trio sit in relative silence for a moment, watching the absolute disaster of Charlie trying to get Angeldust to cooperate. The radio demon is unsure of how best to approach this situation, if he outright harms Sir. Pentious then it will upset Charlie, and while he really couldn’t care less about the little princess’ feelings in this situation, he needs to maintain her trust and permission to reside in the hotel. Perhaps if he waits until the snake is alone he can take him out, dispose of the body, and then allow the others to assume that he has abandoned the path to redemption that they believe he is on.

He is pulled out of his thought process by a sharp jabbing in his arm. Looking over he sees that Niffty is poking him to get his attention.

Yes Niffty,” Alastor turns a bit on the stool to face her.

“I clean?” She asks with her single eye wide, but doesn’t elaborate.

Of course you clean dear, that’s your job, you are a maid,” Alastor tilts his head.

“No, no,” she shakes her head vigorously. “I clean the shhhhh?” She presses a finger to her lips, as though trying to convey she is talking about a secret.

The radio demon sighs, “Yes you may Niffty dear…” while he can appreciate the tiny one’s attempt to not reveal to Husker that there is a secret room, all she is doing is drawing attention to the fact that… well there is a secret room.

Which of course is something that the bartender isn’t going to just let slide. As he watches the maid manically giggle in delight and scurry off, he sets down the glass he was pretending to clean, and grabs a bottle off the top shelf. Silently he fills the glass with the whiskey, while watching his overlord owner continue to observe the group bonding activities.

“So then, Al…” Husk slides the glass across the counter. “That lady in the walls that Niffty mentioned yesterday, it wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with the person you were skulking around with last night, would it?” He can immediately tell that his boss is questioning how he would have even noticed his companion last night, so he points to his nose, “the cat face isn’t just for show, don’t know how you hid them from sight so well, but I could smell them the moment you turned the corner.”

Alastor glances at the drink, and momentarily contemplates if this is meant to be some kind of peace offering. But he knows the cat better than that. He also knows that the demon on the other side of the bar is smart enough to know that a drink or two isn’t going to loosen his lips or anything of the like. So that only leaves one thing, Husk is playing his role as bartender, the ears for all those who drink at his station. He may act like everybody dumping their problems on him is annoying, but the truth is he probably enjoys getting whatever gossip he can, just to keep his life just a little bit entertaining.

The radio demon picks up the glass and takes a sniff, though it’s higher quality than most of the swill in hell, it’s still only barely up to his standards. “Tell me Husker, what makes you think it’s any of your business who I keep company with?”

The other demon rolls his eyes, “Listen Al, it ain’t like I can tell nobody about it, you got that leash around my neck tighter than a noose, all you gotta say is ‘don’t tell anybody’, and I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut.” He gestures in the direction that Niffty ran off in, “But clearly she knows, and we both know that she is more than a couple crayons short of a box, so it’s only a matter of time before she goes and spills the beans, I mean you saw how she was just now.” He folds his arms. “I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass what goes on in this damn place. But I don’t wanna have to deal with whatever tantrum you throw when people find out whatever you’re hiding, but if they start poking around your stuff or Niffty says something odd again then I can’t help conceal a secret. Not if I don’t know what the f*ck is going on.” Pressing his boss for details about his personal life is a bit of a gamble, but Husk likes his odds.

Alastor absolutely detests when somebody other than him makes a good point. “Very well then, this stays between you and I, and Niffty, if you breathe a word about this to anybody else…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Husker waves his paw dismissively, “Keep my mouth shut or you’ll gut me like a f*cking fish or something…”

The overlord looks at the whiskey again, the dark surface barely reflecting his gaze back at him, before speaking low to ensure no prying ears hear anything, “When I spruced up the hotel I constructed a hidden room, within that room is a person whom I am currently obligated to protect.” He lifts the glass to his lips and takes the whole thing in one swig. It does nothing for him alcohol wise, but the taste does bring back almost fond memories. When he sets it back on the counter he sits straight and makes eye contact with the bartender. “Due to current circ*mstances I can not even allow the princess to know of her residing here. And that is all you need to know.”

“Right…” Husk responds, not bothering to keep his voice soft, but still watching the others across the room to make sure nobody seems to be paying attention. “So then why does Niffty…”

It would appear that her dedication to the slaughter of insects is strong enough to take her into the ventilation system,” Alastor pinches the bridge of his nose, “She stumbled upon the room while scurrying around up there.”

“Ah, that does sound like her,” Husker leans against the counter, “So, I’m guessing all this tension I’m sensing is you being concerned about the fact that the snake with a penchant for putting holes in things is currently inside the hotel. Are you worried that he’s going to do it to the wrong wall and expose your little girlfrie...” He coughs as light strangulation sensation encompasses his throat.

Let me be clear, Husker my boy. You aren’t sensing any tension, I am not tense,” says a very tense Alastor, “I don’t need to worry about the snake because I can handle him. I don’t want to hear you implying that I can’t handle a small issue like him.” He releases the essence of the leash when Husker nods. “And she is not my girlfriend, so you better not go spreading any rumors about such things.” It’s not exactly a lie, Grace is indeed not his girlfriend, and yet Alastor can’t help noticing that saying that makes it feel as though his wedding ring is heavier under his glove.

“I know you think I’m dumb but you know I’m not that f*cking stupid right? Like I’d ever go spreading that kind of business around, I’d just be asking for you to slit my throat.” Husk moves back to the liquor shelf and grabs something sh*tty and cheap. “So, I’m guessing you’re also working to make sure that TV pal of yours doesn’t get his wires into the hotel?” He uses the bottle to gesture towards Sir. Pentious on the other side of the room. “Cause he’s so clearly a spy, am I right?”

Alastor nearly shudders at the thought of that bastard light box being his ‘pal’, “I can feel the technology he is trying to smuggle in. But how did you know?”

“You and the screen-head were broadcasting your beef yesterday,” The bartender smirks, taking a drink from the cheap booze. “The timing is suspicious, I mean you’d have to be a moron to not make the connection.”

Yes… indeed..” The overlord glances over his shoulder at the princess as she desperately attempts to get the p*rnstar to participate in her bonding activity.

“What’s your problem with him anyways?” Husk asks.

Believe me, it’s not a very compelling story, he is simply bitter that I am a better entertainer than he is,” Alastor chuckles. He follows up by straightening his bowtie a bit and locking eyes with the other demon. “It occurs to me that there is something I need to address with you. Since you were so insistent on knowing about my little ‘secret’, I should let you know…” His eyes flicker, and he seems to grow taller, nothing significant enough to draw the attention of the others in the lobby, but enough to punctuate his next statement. “If that person comes to be in danger, you will protect her with your miserable pathetic life, do I make myself clear?”

Husk feels his blood run cold, he doesn’t need to see his master’s demonic form in its full glory for it to have an impact, and yet he still is not a fan of just taking orders, especially ones like that, “Why the f*ck should I? Whoever she is, she's your problem, not mine.”

Alastor’s voice is practically a hiss, “Believe me Husker, my old friend, I will make it your problem if I need to. Her safety is more important than anything else going on in this hotel, and since you’ve decided to stick your muzzle where it doesn’t belong you are now responsible for that safety.” The bartender is very lucky this conversation is happening while there are others nearby.

“f*ck, whatever fine…” Husk tries to conceal his desire to smirk. He might not be feeling so cheeky if he was witnessing the level of frustration and power that the overlord is wanting to display. But as it stands, this behavior indicates to him something very important; Alastor has a weakness, and it’s within the walls of this hotel

Chapter 14

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Okay so here's the thing, the intro to this chapter was initially like a 4 or 5 sentence thing in the middle of describing Niffty crawling through the vents, then my actual writer brain turned on and fleshed it out to a full prose piece so I moved it to the start. Hope you guys like it I have no idea where from my brain it came from but yo I think it's fun. I just really think the show under utilized Niffty's potential of being an utterly terrifying menace to society. Like if we had gotten more episodes then we absolutly should have gotten an episode where the side plot was Sir Pentious sending his egg boys into the vents to try and get Nif out of them meanwhile she is terrorizing everything living in there and anybody who happens to be near one when she skitters by. Also, I'm going to tone back the distortion in Grace's phone voice, like unless I say otherwise then it's as severe as I was typing before but it is getting really tedious to keep up with.

Chapter Text

Imagine for a moment that you are a rat living in the vents of a hotel. You have a beautiful nest made out of couch stuffing and demon cat fur. Your beautiful rat wife has just given you a litter of perfect rat babies and they are all snuggled up in this nest. And the golden-haired, red clad giant that you worship as a goddess blesses your family with cheese and crackers every other day. Life is good.

Until one morn you are suddenly awakened from a deep slumber by the whole world shaking around you, as though these metal tunnels are about to collapse. Is this the end? Is today the day you die with your rat family?

You squeak out a prayer to your rat gods, “take me, but please spare my children. they are yet new to this world. i beg you please, they do not deserve to die before they have even seen the beauty beyond these silver walls.”

What little light fills the vents is obscured by a shadowy figure far larger than your tiny rat form. There is a scraping against the metal as the giant approaches you so quickly that you can not even fathom its movements. Suddenly you are faced with the glow of a single, giant eye, it comes close, blinking slowly. It is bright like the beacon of a lighthouse upon a stormy crag, and seems ready to incinerate all which its gaze falls upon.

Then you see the teeth of the monster’s wide smile, it’s breath hot as a desert wind against your fur. You tremble in the nest, standing between this horror and your defenseless babies. You bare your own yellow fangs, and yet in the face of such an unfathomable being you are incapable of striking. There is nothing, only fear.

The eldritch being opens its maw, and from it pours sounds that you can only imagine are meant to be words in its ancient language. Fear turns to madness as its voice penetrates your brain, picking it apart cell by cell, leaving you a gibbering mess as the thing turns and leaves. The world is quiet again, and yet your ears are filled with that horrible noise, sound swirling till finally your mind is broken enough that you understand what it said.

I’ll be back to clean you up later”

You are left to only imagine what horrors and tortures this monster will inflict upon its return. Your wife squeaks, you no longer understand your own native tongue. But you know that there is only one way to protect her and your children from this being and whatever it will inflict, only one way to save them from falling to the same insanity that has broken your tiny mind.

‘I must save them,’ is all you can think as your wife’s throat blood fills your mouth and the soft flesh of your babies is torn by your claws. ‘I must save them’ There is no god, there is only the abyss, and your happy little life has just been cast into it.

Many wonder if Niffty realizes that she often resembles the bugs she so eagerly wages war with, but none are brave enough to ask. There is no better example of her near insect like behavior than the way she skitters around the vents. She moves quickly, nimbly, her hands and feet causing the metal to shake and vibrate as she traverses her personal tunnel system.

After her bath Grace emerges from the bathroom in a cozy red robe with her hair wrapped in a towel. Upon entering the bedroom she feels a chill run up her spine, the hairs stand up on her arms. She looks around, trying to find the source of this intense level of fear. Upon seeing the vent near the ceiling she realizes that through its metal slats there is a single giant eye watching her every move.

“Housekeeping!” Niffty’s voice is filled with pure joy, unaware of how utterly horrifying she appears at this moment.

Grace sighs in relief once she realizes she’s not in any actual danger. During breakfast Alastor had informed her that the maid had been sworn to secrecy, and then since she now knew of the room, it had been decided she might as well be allowed to come clean it. So Nif’s arrival is not as anxiety-inducing now that Grace knows she is not actually in any danger… probably.

The woman approaches the vent and carefully removes its cover. She’s about to lift the small demon out of it, but instead jumps back when she scurries down the wall like a feral squirrel.

Niffty brushes the dust off her apron and shakes her head to clear the cobwebs out of her hair, then smiles widely at Grace, “Hi, I’m Niffty, I clean!”

The human realizes that while this is certainly a little oddball, she is nowhere near as terrifying as she seemed in the moment of panic yesterday. She opens her mouth to introduce herself but her phone, in the pocket of her robe, remains silent without Alastor present to connect the two.

The maid tilts her head, confused at the lack of response.

So Grace takes out her phone and opens it to the notes app. After a few button taps she carefully squats down and shows her the screen, while extending her left hand for a shake.

-hi Niftey, i’m Grace. its nice to meet you-

The small demon blinks at the screen, slowly reading the message out loud, then grins and takes her hand, shaking vigorously. “Hi Grace, it’s nice to meet you too! I haven’t seen a living person in a long time, not since I was alive anyways. How did you get to hell without dying? Also it’s N-I-F-F-T-Y, Niffty and I ooooooo!!” The little maid is rapidly shaking the woman’s hand this whole time, when suddenly she notices the wedding band. “Those are such pretty colors! I’ve never seen a red and black ring before! No wait, I have!” She starts bouncing up and down. “One time Alastor got a whole bunch of blood on his gloves and he had to take them off, he thought nobody was looking but I saw and he had a ring on just like…” she gasps suddenly and dramatically, “are they wedding rings? Are you two married? I didn’t know he was married!” She folds her arms and starts to pout, “How could he get married and not invite me to the wedding? I thought he was my friend, that’s just rude not inviting your friends to your wedding.”

As Niffty’s little mind rapidly works through her thought process, Grace is forced to lean against the wall a bit to maintain her squatting position. When she tries to type something on her phone she begins to lose her balance, teetering a bit at her calves and stomach cramp from the position.

“Oh no! You don’t have to be down here with me!” The small demon hops up on a nearby chair and holds out her hand. When Grace takes it she pulls with all her might to help the woman stand, which is a surprising amount of might given her utterly tiny size.

Once she is standing Grace smiles with gratitude, she has one hand on her stomach, the robe is thick enough that it conceals her small bump. But she needs to take a few deep breaths while she waits for the cramp to pass, it’s strange having to be so limited in her range of motion. The whole time she does so Niffty is watching with her little mind turning its little gears. Luckily the possibility of the woman’s condition is such an out there idea that it doesn’t cross the maid’s mind… yet.

Grace taps out another message on her phone.

-yes, i am is wife. but it was dangeruos for me to have other people know he is married. we keep it hush hsuh-

She puts a finger to her lips to make her point clear.

Niffty nods rapidly, then looks around the room. “Oh wow it’s really dirty in here, I don’t know why Alastor didn’t have me come and clean sooner.” She starts to scurry around the room, producing a feather duster from nothing so she can get at the various spots of dust and cobwebs that have accumulated around the room. “If you guys didn’t want me coming in here why didn’t you clean yourself? Or do you like living in a dirty place? It’s okay if you do it’s just not my thing I need to clean everything needs to be clean you know?”

Grace sighs and takes a seat, leaning back in her chair and looking away, a bit ashamed because the maid is right, it’s a mess in here, and she’s not proud of it. And though he didn’t say anything she knew it bothered Alastor, but he hasn’t had the time to do it himself. She types out another message, and when Niffty next scurries by she holds it up for her to read.

-i’ve been very sick lately so i don’t have the energy to claen. and AL has been busy so he can’t do it either-

“Oh, well that’s okay then,” Niffty now produces a broom and goes over to the bed so she can sweep the dust bunnies out from underneath it.

The two actually manage to maintain some semblance of a conversation for a little while as Niffty works on cleaning the room. It’s mostly the maid chattering away while the human listens, but she always makes a point to come over when there’s a message to be read.

Grace actually properly relaxes for the first time in… well a long while. Though the conversation is heavily one sided it is still enough to ease the loneliness that she’s been feeling while cooped up in here. At some point she subconsciously slips a hand under her robe where the fuzzy fabric folds over on itself, and allows it to rest on the warm skin of the baby bump.

Once Niffty has finished cleaning not only the bedroom and bathroom, but swept up the secret tunnel as well, she stands atop the edge of the bed and spreads her arms wide. “All done!” The room is probably the cleanest in the hotel now. Despite Alastor’s efforts the majority of the building is still rather dilapidated, but this room is freshly built and therefor in good condition. “You know you should really get some windows in here, it’s so depressing without any light I bet it sucks being stuck in here all day. Why are you staying in here anyways? Don’t you want to go out and explore? I mean I guess hell is probably scary for a human but the hotel is safe. You should come out and meet Charlie and Angel and everybody they would love to meet you. Why is Alastor so big on keeping you a secret?”

Grace picks up her phone again to try and type up a message, but she ends up just staring at the screen, unable to find the words to express to Niffty what her situation is, without revealing too much that is.

That would be because living humans are not meant to be in hell, it is borderline illegal for a demon to bring one here,” the familiar voice of her husband causes Grace to jump slightly. Not because his sudden appearance out of nowhere surprised her, that is something she has gotten used to over the years, but rather it is the tone of his voice. While not harsh in any manner, it lacks the softness with which he usually speaks to her. “Were Charlie to discover Grace’s presence here, then as princess of hell she would be obligated to see to it that she is returned to the human world.”

Grace’s phone crackles for a moment as Alastor’s power connects her voice to it. “We also really can’t be sure that it would be safe for me out there. If somebody with bad intentions came into the hotel, especially one who has a grudge against Alastor, they may try to hurt me, and I am… squishier than you demons.”

Niffty pauses, looking at Grace’s phone, then looking at Alastor, then back, “Your voice… is so PRETTY!” She goes over to Grace and takes a closer look at the device.

The woman hesitantly allows the demon to hold her phone so she can hear her talk more clearly. “Thank you Niffty.” She then looks up at Alastor. “Is that situation from earlier dealt with?”

Alastor sighs, “Unfortunately not, but I wanted to come check and see how you are doing.” He looks to the maid. “Niffty, would you mind keeping Grace here company for the remainder of the day? I have concerns about the state of her health and I need somebody who can come get me if she suddenly worsens.”

Niffty smiles, then looks at Grace with her one big eye wide as it can be. “Do you want to see my roach puppet shows?”

Surprisingly the human doesn’t find this as appalling as others might, “I would love to.”

Chapter 15

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Okay so this chapter is a little wonky but for good reason. Basically I had a lot of little threads I wanted to get in place but I didn't feel like they were important enough to each get their own chapter or go too in depth on. Basically this chapter wraps up on the remainder of the second day (episode 2) so that I can start progressing a bit and get to some new things. So it's a little choppy and fast pace as I basically lay out the last few things that needed to be done in order set up the current setup. Now what I kinda want to do is jump ahead a little bit in time after this chapter, but I also don't want to timeskip, I feel like that defeats the purpose of what I was saying in the notes of an earlier chapter about how Season 1 went really fast cause it would jump months between episodes and how I wanted to flesh out that timeframe more and just take my time. Still as far as I have planned nothing really MAJOR is going to happen for another week or so, right around when I perceive episode 3 taking place cause I think that was the time jump for that one. My thought is after tonight instead of doing a full one week time skip, I sort of do a few chapters that skim through the week, and then give you guys some flashbacks so we can flesh out Alastor and Grace's history more. Basically for the next 2 to 4 chapters I'll open with something like 'the next day' or 'two days later' and then a little blurb of something that happened on the day, whether it's some fluff between our couple, a bit of Niffty shenanagins, or something other scene that would act as an intro to the chapter, and then I jump into a flashback for the remainder of the chapter. And I carry this on for just few days or so until those 'next day/ two days/ ect' add up to the point in time when the next major event happens (again about a week in-world give or take a day). If this goes over well then in the future when there is a time gap between major arcs and I can't think of anything meaty worth exploring in that time then I will do a similar process.

To that end; what kind of flashbacks would you guys like to see over the next couple days? I'm sure a lot of you want to see things like their wedding and when they found out she was pregnant but I do have those chunks on hold for slotting into the narrative at specific times. But like are there any general scenes you wanna see? More of him comforting her when she was sick from the cancer? Maybe certain arguments? Or anything relating to her lore and backstory? Again there are certain things I have on hold and can't do right now but if you suggest something I will definitely take it into consideration.

Chapter Text

Grace quickly learns that, unsurprisingly, a ‘roach puppet show’ is exactly what it sounds like. Niffty goes to her room, she insists on continuing to use the vents even though Alastor has taught her now how to use the secret passageway. Upon her return she has a box filled with several dead roaches glued to sticks and with pieces of tissue paper wrapped around them.

“Oh no!” Niffty says in despair, “Miss. Bumblebutt is missing!” Somewhere in the hotel there is a roach in a green tissue paper dress crawling around with a stick glued to its back. “The show must go on!”

Meanwhile Alastor is enduring a ‘puppet show’ of his own. Charlie is no screenwriter and that is quite obvious from the dialogue of her little ‘say no to drugs’ play that she is forcing Angeldust to perform with Sir Pentious. As he watches the atrocity he finds some amusem*nt in the spider demon’s suffering, but that is the only enjoyment he can find from the trainwreck. His mind briefly wanders to his youth, when he was human and great writers would write plays for radio, two or so actors opposite each other dramatically reading off scripts while somebody used odd items for sound effects. He had introduced many performances of varying quality, and had often considered writing his own but never could find the kind of creativity necessary to craft a fictional narrative.

Ultimately though he decides that between the poor acting and abysmal writing that this play is far worse than anything he ever introduced on his show. Though he almost has to give some credit to Sir Pentious for genuinely trying to put on a good performance. If only the snake was half as good at acting for the job that Vox has sent him here to do.

Niffty’s play ends with a dramatic reenactment of an exhausted housewife stabbing her useless husband to death. Grace applauds vigorously as the maid bows, but she makes a mental note to keep an eye on her when she has sharp objects.

Despite her energetic clapping, the young woman is very pale and tired looking. When her hands come to rest in her lap afterwards they are shaking a little bit.

The little demon notices this very quickly, “Are you okay?” She approaches the human, her large eye filled with concern.

Grace manages to type out a message but it takes a few extra seconds as she struggles to hit the right buttons.

-i’m fine, just a little undre the weather.-

“Are you sure you’re okay, you look really… shaky,” the cyclops tilts her head.

-i just haven’t eaten anything today. i was sick this morning and haven’t been feeling up to trying to eat again-

“That’s no good,” Niffty wags a finger in a ‘no no no’ fashion, “Everybody needs to eat, three good square meals a day is best but anything is better than nothing.”

-i would if i could but my stmocach can’t keep anything down latley. Al was suppoesed to go somewhere to get me medicine but i guess there was some kind of issue here at the hotle that is holding him up?-

Niffty puts her hands on her hips. “I will be right back then! If his wifey is sick then that should be his first priority! I’m going to go tell him to get his butt moving to get you that medicine!”

Before Grace can stop her, Niffty rushes over to the wall, clambors up it and climbs into the vent.

A few minutes later Alastor feels a tug on his coat while sitting at Husker’s bar. He looks down to see a very angry little gremlin cyclops.

Is everything alright Niffty my dear?” Alastor asks with a raised eyebrow, he can not even begin to imagine what would have occured between her and Grace to cause the level of fury he is seeing, though he suspects it's something a bit more mundane than one would think.

Niffty stomps her tiny foot, “You were supposed to get medicine! She’s sick and instead of taking care of her you are…” she starts to gesture dramatically then pauses, “what are you doing anyways?”

Husk is in the middle of reorganizing the liquor shelf, he continues this task but keeps his ear on the conversation between his master and the maid.

Alastor rolls his eyes and gestures to where Charlie and the others, minus Angeldust, are working on more bonding activities; it seems board games are the new attempt. “I am ensuring her safety by watching our newest guest. He is a spy for somebody who wishes to bring me harm, and while I can certainly handle myself against them, I have no wish for any risk to fall upon her. So I have to ensure that the snake does not complete his mission.”

“Oooo… so the bad boy is also a spy?” Niffty is momentarily distracted as she looks over at Sir Pentious, who’s scales shiver suddenly as though he can sense her gaze. But the maid quickly shakes her head and looks at Alastor again, “She is sick! You need to go get her medicine, you're her husband so that’s your job!”

Glass shatters behind the bar. Alastor glances back to see Husker staring at them with wide eyes, having apparently dropped a bottle in shock at the revelation that the radio demon is apparently married to the secret guest.

Before the bartender can say anything, the overlord’s eyes flash and his antlers momentarily grow a couple extra inches.

“Oh my gosh is everything okay over there?!” Charlie calls from across the room, she begins to stand up to come check on them.

Alastor’s stare intensifies, and Husk swallows hard before calling back, “It’s nothing, just got a big old pair of butter paws over here!”

“Clean, clean, clean,” Niffty is chanting, already holding a broom and dustpan and sweeping up the broken glass.

The radio demon’s form returns to normal, and his strained smile at the cat demon widens, “Husker old pal. I need you to go run some errands for me...”


A little while later Grace looks up from her writing desk as the vents shake ominously. After a moment Niffty pokes her head out, then drops to the floor with a suspicious brown sack.

“I’m back!!” She cries, triumphantly,“And I brought snacks!” She quickly crosses the room to where Grace is sitting, and starts rooting around the bag, “I had to ‘borrow’ them from everybody’s room, but you need to eat something and if all the food you have is making you sick I thought maybe somebody else’s food will do.”

Grace smiles appreciatively as Niffty pulls out the protein bars and hard candies that she fetched from Vaggie and Charlie’s nightstand. Though it turns into a bit of a silly smirk as the maid also pulls out a bottle of rum that had been hidden under Husker’s bed. And then it becomes a bit of a concerned frown when the little one produces a baggie of white powder that she had discovered in Angeldust’s wardrobe.

-thank u very much nifftey, you are so sweet-

Despite her concerns about getting ill again, Grace opens up one of the protein bars, figuring the condensed nutrition might help her get her strength back if she can keep it down. Niffty climbs up onto the writing desk and starts eating some of the hard candy, specifically by chomping down on them so hard it would certainly break a human’s teeth. After a minute the woman shows the demon another message on her phone.

-can you tell me about the other peopel here? i can hear their voices through the walls sometimes but i don’t know anything about tehm.-

“Who do you want to know about?” Niffty pops another candy in her mouth and chews.

-what about the one who’s always singing? i think her name is charlie?-

“Oh well Charlie is the princess of hell, her dad is the ultimate bad boy, Lucifer.” The two go on to converse for a while about the residents of the hotel. Allowing Grace to finally gain a bit of understanding about the people she is being hidden from, though she also recognizes that she should probably take some of Niffty’s commentary with a grain of salt. Eventually they work their way down the list of hotel staff and guests and arrive at Sir Pentious.

-ok so sir pentiuos is the one who blew up one of the walls yesterday? but now he’s a guest?-

It took the woman several attempts to get even close to a spelling of the snake's name that sounded remotely right.

“Yeah, he’s a real bad boy, I like him,” Niffty starts to reach for the baggie of white powder, she doesn’t know what it is but she knows the spider LOVES the stuff. But Grace casually picks it up and moves it away, shaking her head. When the small one pouts in response Grace pats her head and types out a new message.

-trust me niffty, u don’t want any of that…-


Later that evening Sir Pentious’ deception is revealed, but in the course of a song he is finally properly converted to the path of redemption. As Alastor crushes the video watch with a sinister laugh, he can’t help but to think that while she may be naive and make stupid decisions, Charlie does seem to have quite a talent for molding the will of those around her. His shadowy form slinks down the hall, and discovers Husker freshly returned from town, overburdened with boxes and bags.

“The f*ck did I miss?” Husk asks, sensing the shift in Alastor’s mood.

The snake was caught,” The radio demon chuckles, returning to his solid form, “but it seems the princess’ skills at recruiting people surpassed my expectations.”

The bartender sets everything he is carrying down, “Well I managed to get almost everything on your list, but would you believe that it’s harder to get f*cking books than it is to get those creepy doctors to hand over medical supplies?” When he had arrived in the southern district all Husk had to do was say he was on an errand from the radio demon and most of them were willing to hand over everything on Alastor’s list. “But I ain’t ever going down there again, somehow the place is even freakier than cannibal town…”

I appreciate…I appreciate this Husker…” Alastor snaps his fingers and the pile of things disappears into a puff of smoke, off to the liminal space where he can store things.

Husk blinks in surprise at his boss’ almost genuine tone, “Yeah whatever, I mean I guess I don’t mind helping out whatever poor girl you’ve got locked up in the walls, I’m sure it’s not her fault she’s stuck with you.”

Alastor grits his teeth, but maintains a polite tone, “Well I best be off then, she has been waiting on me all day.”

“Hold on, I just have one question…” the bartender interrupts before the other can shadow himself away. “Sinners don’t get sick, not unless they do some dumb sh*t like drink themselves into a nightmare of a hangover. So… what the hell kind of person do you have hiding here? I can’t imagine a hellborn willingly consorting with one of the most dangerous sinners hell has ever seen.”

The overlord straightens his bowtie, “You do know curiosity killed the cat? Right Husker? I have given you all the information you need to perform your job effectively, so I strongly suggest you keep your whiskers out of my business.

A strange bug with green tissue paper stuck to it scurries past the pair, and Alastor wordlessly crushes it beneath his cane without breaking eye contact with his servant…

Chapter 16

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Okay so for the record, take anything medical or treatment like the IVs and any meds I write with a grain of salt, I'm not a medical professional, I'm focusing on what works best with the story and gets me the things I need. The exception to this is the pregnancy stuff cause I know an unholy amount about the process of pregnancy and childbirth, for example I know two reasons why in the real world somebody could have more horrific morning sickness than usual; hyperemesis can happen in some women will develop some of you may have heard about it from like TikTok moms, but the lesser talked about reason is the fact that morning sickness' most common cause is HCG levels (which is the same hormone that a home pregnancy test tests for) if you have higher HCG you have worse morning sickness usually, AND it's more common to have higher levels of HCG in mutiples pregnacy (so twins and such). Sorry derailed but wanted to give you an example of my random preg knowledge pool.
Anyways today we get to meet one of my side characters who I"m using as a vehicle for helping get human world related sh*t done, Grace's nurse in training roommate Brian, it doesn't really make sense for him to jsut be chill with a demon showing up but I don't want to have to give him the character development necessary to explain it so we are jsut going to ignore it.
Finally as a heads up, I'm going to do 3 chapters in this style I talked about in my notes last chapter. Today, tomorrow, friday. And then Saturday I will be taking a day to outline some of the next little arc so that it's solidish and I don't get stuck in the middle of the week, so combined with my Sunday off that means the only weekend chapter this week is going to be Friday nights chapter. Anyways love ya'll and I hope you like the way I've approached this section of chapters.

Chapter Text

The next day arrives, and for the first time in a while Alastor doesn’t feel an immense amount of stress at the thought of leaving his wife on her own while he goes to attend his duties around the hotel. With Grace’s new IV set up she has a steady supply of fluids so that at least if she can’t keep her food down she can still stay hydrated.

Additionally, while Husker was in the medical district he learned that the psychopathic doctors also had packs that could be added to the saline to give her some basic nutrition, and like a good little kitty he had taken it upon himself to procure some of those as well. Although sinners can not starve to death given the nature of them being a dead soul already, occasionally the freaks on the south side of the pentagram are able to ‘obtain’ hellborn test subjects. The bartender was very disturbed to learn that some of the various ‘experiments’ performed on these subjects will involve things such as sewing their mouths shut, or removing their esophagus… or their digestive system entirely, and these nutrient packs were how the ‘doctors’ keep the subjects from starving to death right away.

He had relayed this information to Alastor while going over the supplies he brought back. The way the radio demon’s eyes lit up when he described this to him will haunt his nightmares for a while . His master had begun to press for more gorey details but ultimately decided it was more important to get these medical supplies back to Grace.

With the saline and nutrient packs, the couple feel more secure regarding the health of their unborn child. Though they both know that it’s not a permanent solution, as IV nutrition can only do so much, it is nice to know they have at least a few more weeks to sort out her physical state.

In addition to this medical set up, Grace finally has some books to keep herself occupied, although with how fast of a reader she is the small stack of tomes will only last her a few days at best. Luckily she is not above repeatedly rereading the same text, but Alastor will still have to keep an eye out for more reading materials if he wants to keep his wife occupied for the remainder of her pregnancy.

All right my dear,” Alastor kisses Grace’s forehead and carefully tucks in her covers around her lap to ensure she stays comfortable today. “Once Niffty has completed her tasks around the hotel today she will be by to keep you company. But please try to stay in bed as much as you can, okay?” His right hand moves near her stomach, but does not quite touch it. “You need to conserve your energy…

Grace nods, her phone is on her bedside table, I will try Alastor.” She has a small, soft smile that makes her husband’s chest feel a bit warm. “Have a good day at work darling.”

The demon chuckles as her attempt at a doting housewife type tone. “Knowing that I get to come back here to you at the end of it will make dealing with some of the more insufferable parts of the job a lot more bearable…” He steps back, about to shadow himself away, but pauses, looking over her, there’s something sadly familiar about the sight of her like this. Stuck sitting in bed with a book open in her lap… and an IV attached to her arm. This wasn’t supposed to happen again, and yet here they are…

Six years and 9 months ago

A summoning sigil made of chalk and surrounded by bone upon linoleum began to spark with violet electricity, before being taken over by a bright green glow. The corner of the kitchen was overtaken by dark shadows, and from them arose the imposing figure of Alastor. His red coat flared like an intense wind was filling the room, and his eyes were closed to brace himself against the force of the magic that was pulling him into the realm of the living. To his chest he was clutching a paper wrapped bouquet.

Upon opening his eyes he discovered that the kitchen was not unoccupied. A clearly startled human male was sitting in the breakfast nook, a cup of coffee half to his lips, still clad only in his pajama shirt and boxers.

The man attempted to appear nonchalant, “Good morning Alastair…” but it was clear he had still not grown accustomed to his roommate’s demonic ‘friend’, not after only three months of weekly visits anyways.

It’s Alastor,” the demon swiftly corrected as he stepped away from the sigil, careful not to disturb the arrangement of chalk and bone. “How is Grace faring today, Brian?”

“It’s one of her good days,” Brian sipped his coffee, averting his gaze from the visitor. He had been friends with Grace for so long that he had been aware of her resonance with hell, so he had really always expected that she would eventually do something insane like learning to summon an actual demon. Honestly since he knew it was impossible for the girl to sell her soul a second time, and so far Alastor had been genuinely helpful through this ordeal of hers, especially with the circ*mstances that had resulted in his initial successful summoning, Brian didn’t have a reason yet to be bothered by the overlord’s presence. After all, if he was going to slaughter them wouldn’t he have done so already? But it didn’t change the fact that it made the human rather uncomfortable to be in the presence of such an otherworldly being. Looking at him practically made his soul queasy. “So… the insurance company has been rather generous about Grace’s treatment plan, no copays on her visits and they are even covering some in-home health equipment for her. In all the years I’ve spent studying to be a nurse I’ve never seen an American insurance company be so generous… you have anything to do with that?”

The visitor chuckled and adjusted his bowtie with one hand, “Though it is difficult for us sinners to cross over, relatives of the living can often orchestrate contact. The CEO of Grace’s insurance company has a grandmother in hell, apparently she drowned one of her children when they were a baby. She was more than happy to help me… persuade her grandson to make some changes to his business practices.” He laughed even harder as he remembered the terrified look on the man’s face when he and the old lady’s soul appeared to him as ghostly apparitions.

“Some of the admin guys at work were gossiping about an insurance CEO announcing recently that he’s ‘found god’ and started instructing his employees to approve every claim…” Brian mused to himself, “but that’s probably only going to last until the company’s board ousts him.”

So long as he stays in charge long enough for Grace to finish treatment then it will all be fine. Which reminds me. How did her appointment go yesterday?” Alastor glanced down the hall towards Grace’s bedroom, but part of him was still not ready to see her, at this point in time it was always a coin flip as to if she would look better or worse than the previous week.

“Doctor says that the tumor is responding well to chemo,” Brian scratched at his morning stubble, “Few more months and she should be right as rain.” He side eyed the demon, contemplating making a comment about how ‘then you won’t have to go to the trouble of dragging your ass up here all the time since you always complain about it being such a chore,’ but the wise man decided he likes his intestines on his insides and opted to instead ask, “so, what are the flowers for?”

Alastor looked down at the bouquet, almost as though he forgot he was holding it, “I thought Grace’s room could use something to brighten it up. It is Valentine’s Day after all so I thought she might appreciate something after the rough couple of months that she’s had.”

Brian sputtered on his coffee, and coughed while setting the mug down, “Did you say Valentine’s Day? That’s today?”

Indeed, I mean I assume it’s still held on February 14th, yes?” Alastor’s unwavering smile turned to a bit of a twisted grin. “Why? Did you forget to get something for your special someone?”

“Yes!” The human man stood quickly, “f*ck my boyfriend is going to kill me for forgetting again!”

Well if he does then do send a postcard from beyond the pearly gates,” The radio demon teased as he walked past the panicking man and strutted down the hall. He paused at a door decorated with wood painted carvings of orchids, lilacs, and woodland creatures. After taking a deep breath Alastor gently knocked, “Grace, are you decent?”

“Yes!” The girl’s voice was weak, but filled with enthusiasm. Her face lit up like a kid on Christmas as her demonic friend entered the room.

Grace was sitting in bed, her legs tucked under the covers to keep her warm. A saline IV is attached to her arm, though unlike the version that her future self is using, this one had a small morphine drip attached rather than nutritional add-ins. She had in her lap a book of short stories, and as he entered the room she paused the voice recording she was doing of herself narrating.

Alastor looked her over for a moment, finding it difficult to approach. Though she was not as visibly ill as he will one day witness, it was a depressing sight to see her so pale and tired, “How are you feeling today Grace?” He contemplated reminding her that she is supposed to be resting her voice rather than recording it, but he knows it won’t do any good.

“Pretty good, yesterday’s chemo session wasn’t too bad, I only threw up twice!” The girl paused at the way his eye twitched at that information, “Sorry, I guess you didn’t need to know that…” She cleared her throat and coughed a bit, gently placing her hand where the skin was red and tender. She smiled and tried to shift the subject as her eyes fell upon the flowers in his hand, “Are… those for me?”

Indeed,” Alastor crossed the room, taking a chair that was against the wall and dragging it over to the bed so he could sit beside her. He had no problem standing, but had over the past few months learned that she was more comfortable and relaxed if he wasn’t towering over her. “It is rather difficult for flowers to grow healthily down there so you will have to forgive the state of them,” it was true that they were a little malformed and mutated but it was still clear they were meant to be…

“Orchids… you went to the trouble of finding me my favorite?” Grace’s voice shook a bit. Nobody ever got it right before, she had not received flowers often in her life, but the few times had always been red roses despite how much she detested the cliche. This bouquet of misshapen flowers mostly consisted of vibrantly red orchids, but was also accented with lovely purple hydrangeas and sprigs of fresh greenery to make the whole bouquet look full of life despite having come from the realm of the dead.

It hadn’t been easy sourcing the bouquet, especially when the radio demon was doing his best to stay under the radar, luckily dear Rosie was more than happy to help him assemble this ‘romantic’ gesture, her words, not his.

Well of course, if I’m going to go to the trouble of getting you flowers then I’m going to make sure I get you something you like,” Alastor passed the bouquet to Grace so she could hold and admire it. “...You… do like it, right?” Perhaps it was too much, it might be too forward. Though they’ve been speaking for over two years at this point, they’ve only been able to see each other in person for the past three months. Maybe he should have started with one or two, she’s so overwhelmed with her health crisis right now that suddenly presenting her with…

The overlord’s mind had never run around in circles this way before he met this strange human woman. He had always been certain of every choice he made. And yet for the past year or so he had found himself questioning every other step he took around her.

“They are perfect,” Grace held the flowers tenderly, her green eyes soft as she gazed upon them. “It means so much to me that you would think of me on Valentine’s day.” One of her hands moved out and took one of his, squeezing it affectionately, before withdrawing.

Alastor looked down at his hand for a moment, surprised that he had not instinctively pulled back. In fact the touch felt rather… good.

He sat up straight, bracing himself for what he was about to ask of the girl. “Grace, I was wondering something…”

When she tilted her head to the side and said,” What is it Al?” He swallowed hard, but did not show any other weakness. He refused to act like a love sick puppy. After all what he was going to ask next was not because of something as paltry as feelings, no it was time to begin moving on to the next stage of the plan that he had started formulating as soon as they met. As soon as he had learned that there was a human who not only was powerful enough to make contact with the afterlife, but had wanted to use that power to talk to him. Who likely had much more power that he could take advantage of.

When you are well again, I was wondering if you would do the honor of going on a date with me?”

Chapter 17

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


'oooh no the chapter might be short today' i say to myself, 'oooh i'm so bleh I may have to let myself be like hundred words short' -highlights the chapter and looks at the word count- Oh f*ck okay i actually hit about 2600 so i'm way over for the day damn, it's incredible how much easier it is to hit a word count when the writing process is made enjoyable again, I finally have something to type on that doesn't make me want to rip my hair out. Anyways today is another flashback day, I think this process is really working well for passing large quantities of time within the show cause even though in the present I'm skipping a head a few days at a time I'm still giving a nice meaty chunk of content in the flashbacks. You're going to notice that I didn't pick up where the last flashback left off, and I have good reason for that, I feel like in some cases if I'm nearing the end of an important bit then it may not necessarily always be needed to walk through the whole thing? ESPECIALLY if that scene is going to be talked about later, I feel like the discussion of Grace's response to Alastor asking her on a date is more important than the response itself, and then I get to add a little suspense of 'oh wait but what did she say?? I wanna know?' and this is a technique you're probably going to see me continuing to apply throughout the series and I hope I do it well enough that you can see why I think it works better for me. I don't have much else to say for today other than once again thanks os much for reading and I hope you enjoy

Chapter Text

Only another two days pass before Grace finishes the books that she was given. They covered a variety of topics, the most interesting being a botany tome. It covered the plant life of the lust ring, and apparently is part of a seven book set, each one covering a different layer of hell. On this particular morning she looks at Alastor with puppy dog eyes before he leaves.

Will you keep an eye out for the rest of the set darling?” She asks as he sets up her IV for the day. “I know that it’s difficult to get books here in the pride ring since sinners are so prone to burning them… but…”

Her husband’s smile softens, “You don’t have to beg darling. I will talk to Rosie, she has an affinity for flowers so she may know where to find at least a couple of them.” It makes him happy to see her so enthusiastic about something, this brightness to her had been missing for so long. He wishes he didn’t have to tend to the hotel today, it feels like being trapped inside on the first sunny day after weeks of nothing but rain and clouds. The demon will certainly put effort into finding this botany book set, even if he is swamped with his current tasks, it will be worth it to see her so passionate about something again.

Supposedly in the pride ring’s other major city, IMP city, sinners and hellborn live in… well not necessarily harmony, but they are able to go more than a day without any major mass murder events. It would be a long trip that he doesn’t have the time to make himself, but if he calls in a favor or two then he may be able to send somebody to go inquire about the tomes.

When I get back tonight,” Alastor steps back, “I would love to hear all about what you’ve learned from that book.”

Grace smiles, “Have a good day at work today my love,” and blows him a kiss.

The overlord catches the imaginary kiss and holds it to his lips, “And you have a lovely day as well my sweet,” then bows and sinks into the shadows.

When he arrives in the hotel lobby a few minutes later he discovers that Angeldust is currently pacing a hole in the rug, throwing his arms up in the air to grumble and shout about how the stash in his wardrobe went missing. Both Charlie and Vaggie have denied responsibility for the missing drugs.

Niffty has also just arrived in the room, she has a feather duster in hand and quickly darts around to dust the different pieces of furniture, singing her cheery little cleaning mantra.

Angel pauses his pacing and looks at the maid, realization striking him. “Hey Nif, when you were cleaning my room did you find a baggie of white stuff?”

The cyclops doesn’t stop her cleaning, but just responds without even looking at the spider, “Yeah I gave it to the lady in the wall!”

Alastor’s bones crack as he twists his head to stare down Niffty. Grace had told him about how when the little one brought her snacks the other day she had mistakenly also brought her booze and drugs. But once again Niffty is proving that she does not think about a single word before it comes out of her mouth.

“Hold on, the who now?” Angel pauses, recalling that this isn’t the first time Niffty had mentioned this mysterious lady.

Husker quickly clears his throat and interjects on the conversation. “I found some weird f*cking alter near one of the mouse holes in the wall yesterday, this old ass building makes all sorts of weird noises so I think she thinks there’s some being in the walls of the hotel and is worshipping it or some f*cking sh*t…”

Alastor practically holds his breath as the p*rnstar runs this over in his mind. The radio demon is side eyeing the maid, pushing her to play along, but the girl seems to have not even realized the conversation has continued on without her, as she is already back to dusting.

“Yeah that sounds about right,” Angel shrugs. Honestly it made more sense than there being an actual lady in the walls anyways.

Suddenly Charlie bursts into the lobby from one of the side hallways, “Alright everybody! Today’s activity is group cooking!”

Some memories flash across Alastor’s mind. He realizes suddenly how much he misses his wife’s cooking…

The violet crackling and green glow returned to the summoning circle in Grace and Brian’s kitchen a week after Valentine’s day. The weekly visit was practically a ritual in its own right by this point. This time it was Alastor who was surprised upon his arrival. As he rose from the gaping hole to hell he froze upon seeing Grace at the counter, she was deftly using a knife to butcher some kind of small animal. The stove nearby had a large… oh that’s the cauldron Brian bought her as a joke last Christmas, though rather than any kind of potion brewing there was a delicious smell of some kind of soup filling the kitchen.

Upon the round kitchen table was a vase filled with the flowers he brought the previous week. Surprisingly they seemed to be thriving under Grace’s care.

I see you are feeling better today,” Alastor stood on the side of the kitchen opposite her, twisting his cane in both hands. “Should you be using a knife when you are on prescription pain killers though?”

Grace chuckled slightly, but did not allow her guest to interrupt her work, “I was feeling pretty good this morning, so I’m putting the dose off till I really need it so I can get some things done.” She glanced back over her shoulder for a moment, “You know you never did explain how you fixed the summoning problem… and made it so you can come and go freely.”

Well, not freely,” Alastor wrinkled his nose, thinking about the cost of this… travel pass he was using. “Only when you are in the house.”

“Right, right,” there was a crunch of bones as the woman spread out the ribcage of the carcass so she can cut away chunks more easily, the radio demon felt a shiver of thrill at the horrific noise, “But like, we were having so much trouble getting you through, almost a year of trying to figure out why the spell wouldn’t work and now all of a sudden you can come through without me having to even chant the thing?”

The overlord pondered for a moment how much he wished to reveal to the human regarding the situation that resulted in this ability, and ultimately decided that he could garner a bit more of her trust by sharing at least some of the details, “Simply put, it turned out that the magical barrier in the pride ring does not only prevent the sinners from traveling to the other areas of hell, but also prevents us from entering the human realm unless extreme circ*mstances are met.

Grace nodded, “That makes sense, when sinners go to hell it is meant as a punishment. A jail doesn’t let its prisoners come and go as they please.”

Exactly,” Alastor was always impressed by how fast she caught onto things, it made conversing with her far easier and more enjoyable than with most pathetic people he tried to talk to, “Well, there are many levels to the hierarchy of hell, and while I may be high up there as an overlord, there are still many who are considered… above me.” His eye twitched at admitting that. He hated not being at the top of the pyramid, but currently there was nothing he could do about it, though hopefully this interesting human with her strange level of power may aid in turning those tables soon… “I ended up learning that those higher up can grant sinners the ability to bypass the barrier and enter the living world without something as serious as a virgin sacrifice.”

As the demon talked Grace continued nodding along with the occasional “Mhm… mhm.” She was listening of course, but her focus was on her knife work rather than forming full responses. She knew that he didn’t like being interrupted anyways.

Such a being can become a ‘patron’ to a sinner and give them permission to come to the surface. I found one who I was able to strike a small deal with to allow me to come and see you as much as I wish,” Alastor examined his hand as he tried not to think about the shake that bound his soul to a higher being, “But of course I have to… ‘behave’ myself up here. If I cause trouble then they will get in trouble, and well… revoking my traveling ability is the least that a patron can do to punish a sinner.”

“Oh so it’s like having a parole officer?” The human asked, “You have to follow the rules of your parole and keep curfews?” She laughed a bit, “well I guess that means I don’t have to worry about you going on some kind of murder spree if you come through while I’m asleep or something.”

Alastor responded with his own chuckle, “Don’t worry Grace, as much as I miss the feeling of somebody’s lifeblood spilling out under my knife, I wouldn’t squander my opportunity to spend time with you.”

“Good to know I matter more to you than the satisfaction of the kill,” she teased, then paused, allowing an awkward silence to fill the room as she recalled the way his last visit went. After a minute she took a deep breath and looked over to where he was still standing on the other side of the room. “What are you still doing over there, it’s hard to talk with you that far away you know?”

The radio demon hesitated for a moment, then quickly crossed the room with long strides, shoes clicking on the linoleum. He came up behind her and peered over her shoulder

He licked his lips, “And what do we have here?”

“The old guy down the road likes to do hunting and trapping in his free time,” she sensed her demonic friend flinching, but did not call him out on it. “He ended up with a bunch of extra because his daughter has gone vegan and is making her husband and kids convert with her, so he gave me some of the stuff he would usually give her.” She used her knife to gesture to the ‘pot’ on the stove, “I thought since quails are birds that I would see if they would make good stock.” She had by this point already broken down the animal on her cutting board, and was in the process of getting the meat off the bone, “And I decided I’m going to grind up the rabbit meat and make meatballs. Not a traditional use for either I know but some days I’m so tired I can barely chew, you know? Plus I can pack up and freeze both pretty easily.”

Alastor stood there listening, somewhat impressed at her creativity in attempting to turn the animals into something that she can consume more easily in her condition, “Is there anything I can do to assist?” He asked while reaching around her to pick up a sliver of the raw rabbit meat, popping it into his mouth like the tasty snack it is.

“Actually, could you keep an eye on the stock for me?” She motioned to the simmering cauldron, “I can’t move fast enough if it decides to bubble over…”

Of course,” the demon took a few steps over to the stove, and peered at the boiling liquid. Up close he could really take in how delicious it smelled. Despite his propensity for consuming raw meats of…varying origin, he could still appreciate well cooked food. “Perhaps I ought to share some of my mother’s recipes with you, you do have quite the talent for cooking, I believe you could honor her well with them.” For a moment his gaze focused on his little human friend, and his mind seemed to be playing tricks on him. Her brunette hair tied back, bent over the cutting board with a focused face and fast moving hands… though she did not carry much resemblance to the woman, for just a split second the man swore he saw his mother standing before him. But the illusion passed as quickly as it had formed.

Grace didn’t respond at first, which was strange to Alastor as he hadn’t thought he said anything unusual, but he understood where he misstepped when her soft voice said, “Sharing the family recipes is usually something a man does when he is in a close relationship with a woman, isn’t it?”

Alastor cleared his throat, she had a point, “You… never did give me an answer last week.”

Grace sighed, and set her knife down on the cutting board, and after taking a few deep breaths she replied, “I told you, I need to think about it, okay?”

It’s already been a week, how long does it take to…” the overlord sighed as well, “You can say no if you want, I won’t bite your head off if you do. I’m mature enough to handle rejection.” Honestly that would be debatable, he’d be quite frustrated if she rejected him, but he could always rework his plan, courting her would just make it so much easier to get him on the path to his ultimate goal.

“The thing is Alastor,” Grace turned to face him, putting a hand on her hip, “I want to say yes.” She held up a hand to signal for him not to respond, she’s not done talking. “But I’m not a fool, I want to approach this cautiously, be smart, and really think about it before agreeing to do something romantic like a date with a powerful demon.” She held up the palm of her right hand, showing the purple swirling scar on it. “Remember… I’ve made a deal with a demon before… I didn’t fully understand the ramifications of what I was doing, and with what it cost me I… I just don’t want to rush into something else with yet another supernatural entity.”

Alastor seemed as though he was about to respond to her little speech, but was quickly distracted by the cauldron bubbling and frothing rapidly, he turned to quickly reduce the heat and stir the stock. Both of them silently focused on their cooking tasks, allowing them some time alone with their thoughts.

Grace was thinking about how crazy she feels for wanting to enthusiastically say yes. What kind of person was she that she yearned so deeply for somebody who had committed horrific atrocities? Somebody who was no longer even human.

Meanwhile Alastor was contemplating how odd her response made him feel. Normally when somebody didn’t agree to what he wanted he would find them to be irritating, an obstacle to his goals. Yet she was clearly intelligent, and was actually calculating for the sake of her own well being rather than jumping in headfirst like many other humans do when faced with somebody who they want despite them being a less than… safe option. He could tell she was letting her mind guide her heart, rather than the other way around. And for some reason that was causing him to feel an inkling of desire for her beyond just seeking a tool to manipulate.

Chapter 18

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So fun fact, you may not have noticed because it's not an obvious thing, but I'm very careful about making sure Alastor almost never says something like 'I'm sorry' to me it's an important detail for my characterization of him because I'm trying to work with this idea that he does not regret things and most importantly he does not apologize for his behavior. Today you're going to see an exception to this rule, with how he is about manners punctuality and that sorta thing, I feel like if he did something that was 'in bad form' he would apologize because it's a simple thing that doesn't REALLY matter but he does not ever want to be percieved as rude. So he might apologize for being late for something, but he'd never aplogize for hurting somebody's feelings. Almost never, reason I'm doing this is so that when I come to a scene where I do have him genuinly say 'i'm sorry' about something then it should hit harder.
Also some sections of this chapter may be a little rough cause I had a long day and yet my brain insisted on writing an extra 1000 words on top of my usual 2k word goal, and I just don't have the energy to make it all blend together smoothly. Some of my past and present tense stuff may get f*cky. There's a whole prosey section at the end that I probably could have written better but I hope the energy of it is good enough and you can see the potential in it, I'm definetly going to go back and at least for my personal files rewrite that blurb to make it stronger. Also there's a bit of a meta type line in there I hope ya'll enjoy it I feel like Hazbin/Helluva is a great material to occasionally get meta with in your fics.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Another three days pass rather uneventfully. Grace’s morning sickness still ravages her with more than half of her meals, but through the IV hydration and nutrition she is able to avoid withering away completely.

On this particular afternoon when Niffty comes to the room, she discovers that the woman is not in her bed. The IV stand is nearby, the tubes hanging unattached to anything. She does not fret though, instead she quickly goes to the bathroom and pokes her head in.

“Gracie, are you okay?” The cyclops had taken to calling her by the nickname she heard Alastor using, since it was the only way she had heard the name be said anyways.

Grace groans, she is laying on the cool bathroom floor, half curled up and breathing hard after another round of vomiting. Her left arm is bleeding where the IV line was ripped out in her hurry to reach the toilet before her lunch came up.

“Hmmm…” the maid enters the room, first going over to the toilet and flushing it since it seemed that the human had not had the energy to do so herself. Then she kneels beside the much larger person and pats her head. “Don’t you worry, Nurse Niffty is here to take care of you!”

The woman smiles weakly, appreciating the comfort of the demon’s hand on her head, even with how strangely shaped that hand is.

Nif takes a very small handkerchief out of her pocket and dabs Grace’s chin with it, “But you can’t stay on the floor, it’s so very dirty down here.” She looks around, an instinctive urge to clean obsessively taking over, but it can wait.

Reluctantly, the woman gets to her feet, very slowly. The tiny demon tries to assist by pulling on her hand, but even if she has the strength she doesn’t quite have the height to offer much help. Grace has to support herself with the edge of the bathtub with one hand as she stands, groaning and holding her stomach with the other.

“I thought Alastor got you medicine to make you feel better?” Niffty takes the hem of the woman’s nightgown and starts guiding her out of the bathroom.

Grace wishes she could explain at least a little bit, but without Alastor present she doesn’t have a voice. Actually now that she thinks about it she isn’t sure where her phone ended up after her scramble to the bathroom. Her steps are slow as she scans the floor, confused when she doesn’t see the device.

Luckily Niffty seems to have picked up on what is going on, and as soon as she has helped Grace to the edge of the bed she goes into search mode. She darts around the room, looking under the bedside table, then the dining table, she even gets under the bed, but only finds a new crop of dust bunnies. It’s incredible how despite this room being one of the newest, nicest, and therefore cleanest in the hotel, the little balls of lint and fuzz still seem to crop up at the same abnormally high rate as they do throughout the rest of the building.


Both girls freeze and slowly look up to the top of the wardrobe. Laying on it is the adorable yet mischievous Keekee. Her little paws are tapping the screen of Grace’s phone, enjoying the pretty lights and colors, though how she got the device up there is… not a mystery really. She’s not just a cat, she’s a demonic entity, carrying around small objects is probably child’s play to her.

The human makes a strange noise like she’s trying to shout as she stands quickly, but stumbles and falls to her knees.

“No KeeKee!” Niffty scurries to the wardrobe and starts to scale it, “Bad kitty! That’s not yours!” She swats at the feline with her feather duster, till the cat hisses and scampers off, disappearing down the secret tunnel. The maid grabs the phone and descends once more. “There we goooo...” She stares at the currently open photo; a selfie shot Grace had taken, she appears to be lying in bed, a figure that the camera is struggling to capture is lying beside her, their head resting against her.

Grace makes another vocaless noise as she crawls across the floor to Niffty, snatching the device from her quickly.

“Was that Alastor?” Niffty asks, despite honestly knowing the answer.

The woman hesitates, holding the device protectively to her chest, then looks at the screen. After a few moments of silence she sighs, then nods.

The cyclops once again helps her get back to the bed. “You two are very cute together. Very cute. I mean it’s hard to tell since Alastor hates having his picture taken, but he let you take his picture at all so that's so-so sweet that he likes you that much.”

Grace crawls into bed again, sitting back against the pillows, and allows Niffty to clean up her bleeding arm and reinsert the IV. She bites her lower lip, then taps out a message.

-i can show u sumthing if u promsie not to tell Al-

She is of course unaware that Niffty is a terrible secret keeper, so when the little demon nods excitedly she takes it at face value. The woman makes room so the other can sit near her on the covers. She navigates the phone in a way that allows her to open the picture in some kind of photo editing app. After a minute of fiddling around with some filters and saturation levels, Alastor is slowly, properly revealed in. His appearance is still not quite in focus, but it’s clearly him.

In the photo his eyes were closed as he rested his weary head on Grace’s chest. Even in his sleep his lips are still locked into a smile, but it is softer. His arms are wrapped around her, and the woman recalls the way his fuzzy ears were tickling the underside of her chin. The photo is actually rather recent, so recent in fact that the bed covers in the picture are not the ones from her home, they are the bright red of the Hazbin color scheme. She had taken it just the other morning, when she had awoken before he did, a rare occasion.

Niffty clasps her hands together, “Aww, he’s so sleepy!” She smiles at the human, “I’ve never seen him be affectionate to… anybody, and he usually hates to be touched so much. I’m usually the only one who can touch him without him being bothered. He must love you so-so-so-so-so much if he’s holding you like that.”

Grace’s cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. So much of her relationship she often doubted how much Alastor cared for her. Although she desperately wanted to believe his feelings for her are as deep as hers are for him, it was difficult to see at times. Hearing somebody else confirm that his behavior towards her is special… it gives her some reassurance.

On the other side of the hotel Alastor shudders suddenly, as though he’s just been perceived in a way he typically disdains. He rolls his eyes, Grace thinks he doesn’t know about her little photo trick, but he does. He allows her to think that she has a little secret. Because if she knew that she is the only one he is comfortable with letting him be seen in photographs, then she would want to take his picture all the time.

Once the uncomfortable sensation has passed, Alastor looks around the lobby. Honestly this hotel needs more communal spaces. Nice hotels have ballrooms and restaurants, indoor pools and gyms, it seems like almost everything that happens here happens in this lobby. The radio demon watches as Angeldust plays with his dear Fat Nugget nearby, and Sir Pentious stands at the top of the stairs giving orders to his little egg minions.

As one of the eggs runs by the overlord, he puts his cane down in front of it, stopping it in its path. “Tell me little egg thing,” He bends down so his face is almost to the floor yet still just above the strange creature. “Are you edible?”

“Uhhhh, I dunno,” The egg looks up the stairs at Sir Pentious, “Hey boss! Are we ebidible?”

“I mean technically,” the snake demon says, “why do you ask?” He looks over and sees Alastor, “Oh…You there, sss-tay away from my egg boys, I need them to do my evil bidding sss-o you can’t be going and eating them!”

Angel looks up from the couch, and sees that now the overlord is looking at his dear pet. “Stay the f*ck away from Fat Nuggets too,” he holds the piggy close to his chest.

Alastor rolls his eyes and leans back on the bar counter. They will be out of food for Grace soon, even if the IV nutrition keeps her stable for the time being, she still needs to be trying to eat. Perhaps one day when their respective ‘parents’ aren’t paying attention he can catch and cook up a lovely bacon and egg breakfast for his wife.

This time the kitchen was empty when Alastor arrived. The lights were out and if he didn’t know any better he would think that nobody was home. It had been a few months since the day Grace had been cooking up the rabbits and quail. He still maintained his routine of weekly visits, even if things were a bit more tense between them. Part of him had begun to regret asking her about going on a date, he hadn’t expected her to jump at the opportunity of course, but he certainly never expected her to take this long to give him an actual answer.

He wandered around the house for a bit, looking at the photos hanging on the walls of the hallways and living room. Most of them were of Brian and his loved ones, a few of them he was with Grace. But the girl herself scarcely appeared, and when she was not with the human male, she was alone. Not a single family photo, though he knew that she had no living relatives, she had not yet filled him in on the details of what happened. The lack of any pictures of them indicates to him that either they died when she was very young, or whatever happened was so traumatic that she can not bear to look at them. Once he nearly asked her about them, after all, of course he would be curious about the people who spawned a human with her abilities and then allowed her to make a demon deal at the tender age of six years old.

Eventually he made his way to her room, the door had a new painted wood carving on it. He knew that she purchased the carvings from a local craft store, but painted them herself. This one was of a little deer, much in the style of that one traumatizing Disney movie, but she had painted it crimson with black spots. He couldn’t help widening his smile at it, feeling just a bit of a softness in his chest.

He was about to knock on the door, but his knuckles hesitated just an inch away as a soft melodic voice wafted from behind it. Though muffled through the door it was still such a sweet sound.

“~Come dance with me~ When the night has fallen come and~ dance with me~ when you’re feeling blue and lost come dance with me~ oh dance with me~ until the stars burn out we shall spin across the sky~ until there’s nothing left but you and I~ oh dance with me~ and we shall see the… something something~… something dance dance~”

The song trailed off, and Alastor waited a minute before knocking so that she would not suspect he heard her. “Grace? Are you decent?”

“Huh? No, no actually hold on I just got out of the shower.” Her voice came through. He could hear the sound of her dresser drawers being opened and the rustling of fabrics. After a bit she called out again, “Alright you can come in!”

When the overlord entered the room, the human was shoving some papers into her writing desk, which was odd as she usually preferred to take all her notes digitally, but he left the matter be.

“Hey, sorry I was starting to think you might not come by tonight so I started getting ready for bed,” she took a seat in her desk chair, a little out of breath from rushing around so suddenly.

My apologies, I got held up with something,” Alastor snapped his fingers, summoning another chair so that he could sit across from her. “How was your day?”

She smiled, “It was good actually, I got my latest scans done.” She gently rubbed her throat, “Doc says the tumor is almost completely gone, I should only need to be on the chemo for a few more weeks.”

Alastor chuckled, “Don’t you feel foolish now for overreacting so badly when you got the diagnosis? It’s not even been a year and you’re already almost over with this illness.”

Grace’s face darkened, and she looked away, her mind returning to that fateful night that Alastor first successfully stepped through the summoning circle. She was unconscious when he and Brian found her, and to this day she can not even begin to imagine how they felt finding her in that state. What the radio demon didn’t know at the time was that it was not just her recent diagnosis that had driven her into such a deep depressive spiral.

Perhaps that was in poor taste,” Alastor admitted, picking at the sleeves of his coat.

“Hey Al…” Grace was still staring off into the distance, “Were you… being serious when you asked me about going on a date when I’m well again?”

Indeed, I’m not in the habit of leading women on and asking them something like that frivolously,” the demon leant back in his seat.

The woman nodded, “I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to give you an answer. I’ve just been stuck running circles about it in my head. Like I said before I… want to be careful before I agree to something like that with a demon, especially one as powerful as you.”

Believe me Grace, I completely understand,” he looked to her hands folded in her lap, “You have a history dealing with people like me, of course you would want to be careful.” He paused, thinking, then spoke again. “I’m unsure if it matters, but I would like to remind you that my method of killing did not involve me luring women on dates, in fact I refrained from killing women. So if you are concerned that I’m trying to relive my glory days…”

She chuckled, “Don’t worry Alastor it’s not that. Remember I am very familiar with your history as a serial killer.” The girl crossed one leg over the other, one hand playing with a damp lock of hair. “Sometimes I worry about how little it bothers me that you’ve killed people, that you still kill other demons down in hell. I mean I’m not like those women who froth at the mouth wanting to f*ck serial killers, I’m not attracted to the fact that you’re a killer, I just… don’t care…” She still wasn’t making eye contact, her green eyes were dull, lost. “And I know that means there’s something wrong with me, it should bother me…”

I mean I told you why I killed. You know that my victims… deserved it, did they not?” Alastor smirked, but that faded when he saw it didn’t seem to bring her any comfort. “If my history does not bother you, then why does it seem as though it is holding you back from accepting my proposal for a date?”

Her smile was melancholic, like a renaissance painting of a young woman faced with the burdens of existence, “Because I am not under the delusion that I am special. I know that I am not some magical incredible perfect special woman who can melt the heart of a psychopath, this isn’t a fairy tale, so… obviously you have some kind of ulterior motive.” She squeezed her right hand into a fist. “It’s my power, isn’t it? Neither of us understand it but… you want it, in some capacity. You can not take it through a soul deal, not unless we break my current contract but… you seek to gain my trust… my affection… my love. You seek them so that one day I might willingly give you my power in whatever capacity I am capable of…”

The room went dead silent. Alastor sat there, eyes wide, smile… gone.

He felt stripped, naked and bare before a violet spotlight. She saw through him, to his bones, his core, his rotted soul. Never in his life had anybody peeled him away so easily. He should be angry, furious, defensive. He should stand and intimidate her. He should leave. Do anything but just sit here, paralyzed before the radiance that is this strange and brilliant woman.

And in that moment he knew that she was wrong about one thing in her little speech. She is special. Special in a way that changed the very fabric of the world and people around her. Special in a way that would make some people cringe and complain about bad writing skills. But she was not melting his heart, no she was unknowingly ripping it open and nestling herself deep in its wires, becoming a part of the mechanism that sat in his chest in place of a muscle.

Though she could not hear it, his radio heart softly began to play a melody that he could feel radiating all the way to his fingers and toes, ~oh dance with me~


Just a quick reminder there's no new chapter Saturday or Sunday this week, so I'm sorry you'll have to wait a couple days but it's so I can spend some time outlining at least part of the upcoming arc so that I have an easier time writing, I hope this chapter is good enough to hold ya'll over till then

Chapter 19

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Good news everyone, that extra day off was very productive. I was able to get the barebones out for all the chapters of this entire arc (episode 3); just some blurbs about what each chapter will cover but then this way I won't have to worry about getting stuck on what i'm suppose to write next to get me through to the end of the arc. It goes all the way up to chapter 34 (technically like 2 of them are blank because I know I want something to happen between certain chapters but I'm not sure what yet), with a section 35+ to cover the post arc wrap up stuff I've got planned. But what this does sort of mean is that in a way I may be a bit more strict on myself about what goes in a chapter, previously if I outlined ahead of myself then often I would end up sticking way too much to fit in 2k words and 1 chapter would turn in to three, and if I didn't have enough words I would pull the starting part of the next chapter. Well I can still do the first thing cause it's just expanding, but I can't do the pulling a portion of the next chapter into the current one because then I have to restructure everything. The reason this is important is cause that may mean sometimes I will be stuck at 15-18 hundred words and not be able to flesh out the existing parts enough to hit my 2k goal. I'm not too woried about it since obviously lately most of my chapters have been reaching more of a 26-30 hundred words anyways. I wanted to talk to you guys about this though cause I wanted your opinion; if I have a day where the chapter is really short and I can't stretch it to the 2k, would you rather I leave it as is, or would you guys like to get like a 'bonus blurb', something that's not really part of the narrative but is more headcannons, theory, discussion points, or lore drops that I haven't been able to fit into the series yet but feel like I can share at the current point without it being a spoiler.
Remember I love talking with you guys in the comments about this, it really helps me to get other perspectives and I've definetly improved my plans for the story overall thanks to all of you input and words of encouragment. So never be afraid to send me your thoughts.
Last thing before we start tonight's chapter, we're starting episode 3 and the way I've structured it there's going to be sections that follow Alastor's little trip through town and all, I've decided to mostly stick to the canon dialouge with little detours when I write my own conversations, so just a heads up that you will at times be seeing dialouge that's ripped straight from the show but with my own narration and input on character's thought processes mixed in.

Chapter Text

‘What a delicious meal!’ Alastor thinks to himself as he hums and cuts into his breakfast. The atmosphere of his mini indoor swamp is the perfect place for eating rotting deer carcasses. It’s warm and humid, the flies swarm around his table, sharing in this meal with him while also adding to its flavor. Now as much as he enjoys having breakfast alongside his beautiful wife, she could never stomach being around the raw, spoiled venison, and that’s not just a pregnancy thing. Of course he respects that, just like she respects his desire to eat such things, so long as he brushes his teeth before he kisses her later. Anyways, such a delicacy is something he prefers to eat on his own anyways, truly savor the texture and flavors without being distracted by the presence of another person.

Briefly his mind wanders, wondering if his child’s food preferences will align more with his or Grace’s. It might not be so bad to teach a small boy how to properly store the deer so that it ferments into a lovely flavor, or teach a little girl the proper silverware etiquette for eating large pieces of meat. He might not be opposed to cutting it into bite sized pieces like his mother used to for him. A little smiling face at the dinner table with him could be…

His fork freezes halfway to his mouth as he suddenly realizes what he’s thinking about. He tries to think about how children have no table manners and are always throwing food and making a mess and absolutely awful to dine alongside. Tries to think of anything to stamp out this uncomfortable fuzzy feeling in his stomach that is quite ruining his appetite.

“ALASTOR” Vaggie’s arrival is almost perfectly timed to snap him out of this thought process he’s found himself trapped in. Normally Alastor would find himself rather displeased that he can’t seem to have one moment to himself, but in this case he’s just… grateful to have been freed of the impending existential crisis.

The radio demon glances at his meal, then back at the girl.“Do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast” He says this with a dramatic tone, there’s no need for her to know that her interruption had been helpful.

“Pentious’ eggs are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them.” The cluster of sentient eggs seem completely oblivious to what is going on around them.

Alastor’s smirk grows extra wide. Perhaps Grace’s food shortage issue is about to be delayed a bit longer. Each one of the little egg boys is certainly full of vitamins and nutrients, and perhaps the little bit of demonic energy that brought them to life will be enough to satiate the growing half-demon fetus enough to stop the woman from immediately throwing the food back up. If the others are looking to get rid of these little eggy pests then they certainly won’t notice that they’ve been consumed.

Oh well in that case I’d be delighted to!” The overlord eagerly stands and summons his cane, approaching the doorway. He’s already thinking of ways to serve them up, fried, poached, maybe turn one of them into a giant deviled egg. He can’t help chuckling to himself at the irony of the last one.

“Humanley!” Vaggie’s no nonsense tone was grating on Alastor’s twitching ears.

The demand was of course a disappointment to the demon, he was looking forward to tasting the little creatures innards,“Hm, well, that’s a lot less fun.” If he’s getting rid of them then still they won’t know what happened to the eggs, perhaps if he is discreet he can still harvest them for his wife’s nutrition needs, at the very least one or two. “But I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today.

Alastor uses his cane to guide the little creatures along down the hall. He hears Vaggie complain about his breakfast being ‘disgusting’ and it brings a little chuckle out of him. He doesn’t mind leaving the deer out till he gets back, after all it will only accrue a better depth of flavor as it decomposes further, so it will be even more delicious when he returns.

The overlord heads towards the hotel entrance, a trail of egg boys following close behind. As he reaches the lobby he swings by the bar, tapping his cane on the counter to get the barkeeper’s attention.

Husker,” he says, “I will be heading out to take care of some errands today. I’m not sure when I will be back but it likely will not be until this evening. Inform Niffty that her priority today is taking care of our ‘special’ guest. Understood?” The cat demon rolls his eyes in acknowledgement, but that’s not enough for Alastor. The radio demon clears his throat, laying the radio filter on extra heavy, to the point that when he speaks it creates almost a growing effect without him actually rumbling his voice. “Understood?

“f*ck, yeah I understand,” Husk flinches away. He was starting to regret pushing his boss to let him in on the secret. He seemed way more impatient than usual when it came to matters regarding the woman he’s hiding away in the walls.

Alastor’s voice immediately shifts back to an overly perky tone, “Good! I will be seeing you later!” The egg boys seem oblivious to the interaction that just occurred way above their heads, and just dutifully follow the tall red demon out of the hotel.

A few floors up Grace rolls over in bed, still half asleep and unaware that her husband has completely left the building. But this motion ends up catapulting her into consciousness as she awkwardly puts pressure on her left breast. She gasps, and mouths something along the lines ‘jesus motherf*cking christ,’ before flopping onto her back. There is no sound though, which is her first clue that Alastor is not in the room with her, but she’s still a touch too groggy to process that. She spends a few minutes massaging the cramp out of her breast, it is still strange getting accustomed to how tender and swollen they’ve become in the couple months.

Without any windows it is rather difficult for her to tell what time it is. She feels as though she’s slept in, but for all she knows it could still be the middle of the night. Though if that was the case then where is Alastor? The woman sighs, then silently laughs to herself, realizing that in her sleepiness she had forgotten something. She’s in hell. Even if there were windows in this room, it would likely be impossible to be certain if it’s morning, afternoon, or night. From what little she’s seen of the outside world, she’s determined that this place does seem to have it’s own day night cycle, but there is no sun that rises to signal the start of day, and though the sky darkens at night it is not quite the same level of darkness that blankets the nighttime upon Earth. Briefly she wonders how anybody sleeps down here with such an annoying amount of illumination from the sky, especially when combined with the bright glow of the city itself. During their little date night in Alastor’s radio tower she had observed how bright the lights and neon signs of the area were, and that the heavenly monstrosity of an embassy and hourglass was just a beacon of ‘don’t sleep don’t sleep don’t sleep’ radiance. And while it was beautiful in its own way, her little rural heart would never be able to handle it being so damn bright every time she went out at night.

As she continues to lay in bed, Grace briefly recalls the time she took a trip to New York City. Before going she had looked up why it’s called ‘the city that never sleeps’, and the two answers she found were that it was,in part, because of a song sung by Frank Sinatra, but also it was due to the fact that the city has a 24-hour subway system. Yet when she arrived she felt that the name more aptly described the lights. Buildings that reached up to touch the heavens and were always gleaming. Certainly she had not been the first to attribute the nickname to these lights rather than the subway system, and would not be the last. But she’ll never forget how she got next to no sleep for the whole week she was in town because her hotel room’s window faced a giant sign for a bank building, and the curtains were nowhere near thick enough to…

She suddenly realizes that maybe she doesn’t mind this hotel room being windowless as much as she thought she did.

The woman continues to lie in bed, she really doesn’t want to get up. The mattress is surprisingly soft, and the blankets are the nice level of warmth that only happens when you’ve been laying in it for hours. She knows that the moment she gets up she will never get to be this comfortable again, or at least not until tomorrow morning when she experiences the same thing. Grace knows that once she gets on her feet her ankles will start hurting. As soon as she starts looking for food her nausea will return. And when she gets out from under these blankets she will be cold.

After a few more minutes of lying there she sighs and finally throws off the covers, shivering despite the room being rather warm. One of her hands moves down to the small curve of her baby bump as she looks down at herself. Despite her struggles with nutrition, the bump has been growing considerably faster than expected. Grace hadn’t really had a way to determine exactly how far along she was when she discovered her pregnancy, and because they brought her down to hell within weeks of her positive test, the opportunity to schedule a doctor’s appointment to figure it out was something they just didn’t have time for. The couple had discussed the concern that a half demon pregnancy may be gestating faster. But ultimately they decided that it’s more likely it’s because her frame is so small after the years of illness, and as a result her belly is going to be more prominent more quickly. It’s still at a level that if she needs to she can conceal it with a very loose blouse, which has been a great way to ease her husband’s general discomfort, he doesn’t have to think so much about the fact that there is a baby growing in her if he doesn’t have to see the bump. But it’s not going to be long before he will have to face the evidence of his planted seed every time he looks at her.

Grace sits up and swings her legs off the bed, wincing at the shooting pain in her ankles as she puts weight on them. Slowly she crosses the room to the mini-fridge, one hand still resting on her stomach. She opens the door and sits on the floor in front of it, debating what to try eating since Alastor isn’t there to make her breakfast. As she contemplates her decision she rubs small circles on her belly, mouthing silently, trying to talk to her baby. ‘What are you feeling up to kiddo? What are you going to let me keep down?’ She fights back tears as the room remains silent despite her efforts to speak.

Her mind wanders a bit, and she wonders what her half-demon child will like to eat once it is born. Will it breastfeed? Her swelling breasts certainly indicate that her body thinks that will be necessary. But what if that’s just the natural response to the pregnancy hormones, and the newborn will come out of her womb craving rotting meat. Grace gags as she thinks about her husband’s enjoyment of certain very… non human safe dishes. Will she have to learn to stomach the smell of rotting meat if she wants to sit down and enjoy a meal with her family. Of course Alastor does enjoy regular food as well, they spent so much time cooking together because he loved a good home cooked meal. But that’s because he used to be alive, right? A holdover from his time as a living person?

The reason that it was truly a shock that Grace fell pregnant is not because Alastor is a demon. It’s because years ago her doctor confirmed the chemotherapy and radiation treatments had effectively killed her uterus, she hadn’t had a menstrual cycle in a very long time, hence the inability to use a ‘most recent period’ to determine how long it had been since she conceived. But the more all of it sat in her mind, the more it made sense. Alastor isn’t a hellborn demon, he’s a sinner, a dead man. So while there could certainly be other explanations for how this situation befell them, this is the one that made the most sense to her; her dead womb was the perfect garden for a dead man’s seed.

So Grace has to ask herself; does that make her child a living soul? Or a dead one? Will it enjoy the things that make life wonderful if it was never ‘alive’ to begin with? How would she bond with such a child? If it does not eat human food how will she cook for it? What if it does not like to be held because it does not have the human need to feel the warmth of another against its skin? If it never has a heartbeat then how will it know it has a heart?

The girl’s lower lip trembles, and her face drops into her hands as tears stream down her cheeks. Her throat squeaks as she tries desperately to sob. How can she bond with her child if she can’t even sing them to sleep at night? How will she comfort them if she can only speak when her husband is present? Will that half working voice even be able to soothe her child when Alastor is there for her to be able to speak? Whether the child is a living being or a dead soul, neither will matter in the end, because what kind of mother will she be if she can not tell her baby how much she loves them whenever they need to hear it?

Chapter 20

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I wanted to have some time to play Persona 3 tonight, so this chapter only got a basic read through when I was done to look for major errors, and sometimes when I’m writing I’ll scroll back and add bits, but then the flow gets a little wonky, usually I would go through and check carefully to make sure the order of things is right but I just didn’t do that today so if there’s something that doesn’t make sense just let me know in the comments and if it’s a major issue then I’ll go in and fix it. Hope ya'll enjoy tonight's chapter even if it's a little messy.

Chapter Text

So far Charlie’s attempts at trust building exercises have not been going very well. She really wants to celebrate Sir Pentious having made it a full week at the hotel, but it’s difficult with him being so suspicious and distrusting of all the others. It’s not really a surprise that the trust fall exercises aren’t working, but she isn’t sure where they can go from her. Niffty continues to run up on stage and jump off well past her turn.

Angeldust comes up to Charlie and Vaggie as they discuss how to continue, “If you’re in the market for some ideas,” his smirk should relay that he doesn’t exactly have the best intent, obviously still not taking this whole thing seriously, “I’ve got just the thing for some trust building.”

“Ugh…what do you have in mind,” Vaggie grumbles.

“It’s a surprise! Trust me,”Angel replies, and guides the girls back over to the group, “Alright everybody, the next trust building exercise is going to take us on a field trip!”

Husker freezes, his eyes traveling upwards, “Wait, are you talking about going somewhere? Like leaving the hotel?” He is thinking about how leaving would mean that Alastor’s guest will be unattended, and he doesn’t want to face the radio demon’s wrath if he were to find out they abandoned their post.

“Uh, duh, that’s obviously what I meant,” Angel rolls his eyes, “Come on we never get to go anywhere. A field trip would be so much fun and a great way to bond~” He looks over at Charlie for that last part, trying to play on her desperate desire to see everybody get along.

Niffty is still repeatedly face planting into the ground, seemingly unfazed by the cracking sound her skull makes against the floor each time.

The cat demon takes a few steps back, “Well you guys have fun, but I’m going to stick around here. I’m not really in the f*cking mood to go out today.”

“Sorry Husker but you gotta come with us,” the princess says, “If we’re going to be building trust amongst the group then the whole group kind of needs to be present you know.”

“I mean it’s not like you can f*cking make me,” Husker responds, crossing his arms.

Niffty jumps from the platform again, and when she comes crashing down she doesn’t get up again. She’s breathing, but just laying on the floor, listening to the group, despite her brain being a little jumbled she is still able to pick up on the problem that may be about to arise. Husk discreetly shuffles over to her and nudges her with his foot, when she locks eyes with him he tries to silently communicate what he wants the maid to do.

“Actually I can,” Charlie looks a bit nervous trying to assert authority, “Alastor told me that when he isn’t around you and Niffty have to do everything I say because it’s my hotel and he brought you here to work for me.”

Husk knows that this is bullsh*t. Even if Alastor implied that to Charlie, he would never fully give his control of him over to somebody else. She doesn’t hold the leash, and therefore can not compel him to do anything. And if the little princess complains to the radio demon when he gets back, then he wouldn’t have to worry about getting in trouble since he’s just following his boss's orders to make sure the secret guest is safe in his absence.

Before Husker can argue again Vaggie snaps, “I will drag you along if I have to. We don’t have much time to prove the hotel works, so we ALL need to be working on these trust building skills.”

“You sure leaving the hotel unattended would be a good idea?” Husker slightly spreads his wings to conceal Niffty getting up and scurrying away. “I mean Al ain’t here so if some f*ck face comes by to screw with things there would be nobody to protect it.”

“Well aside from Sir Pentious we really haven’t had an issue with people attacking the hotel,” Charlie points out. She sees the snake demon hunch over and look away. “WHICH I have totally forgiven him for. Anyways it wouldn’t be totally unattended, Razzle and Dazzle will be keeping watching.” On cue the little floating sheep demons pop up beside her, and she scratches under their chins.

“Listen, your pets are cute and all but I don’t think they can do much against a…” The bartender freezes as Razzle snarls at him, a flash of demonic energy flowing between him and his brother, a gentle reminder that they are the chosen protectors of the princess of hell, not just a couple of lambs ready for slaughter. “Well, regardless, we can’t leave without Niffty.” He gestures around to show that the little cyclops is no longer with the group.

“Ahh… maybe it would be best if we didn’t get her involved anyways,” Vaggie points out, “like I know we want to build group unity and all but… I’m not sure she really has the… right mindset yet to be able to contribute.” She glances at her girlfriend, “We can, of course, get her more involved when we have this redemption stuff figured out, but maybe for the time being she doesn’t have to be involved in every group activity…”

“Well that’s kinda f*cking rude…” Husker stiffens, legitimate disappointment in his voice. “Not very f*cking goody two-shoes of you guys to leave her out just cause you don’t always get how her mind works. What happened to ‘we all need to work on trust building sh*t to get the hotel to work’ sh*t you were just spewing? Or is that just a narrative you only push when it suits you?”

“I mean…” Charlie looks visibly uncomfortable, torn between wanting to agree with her girlfriend to put the best interests of the group first, and her desire to see the best in everybody and always give them all the opportunity to learn and grow. “It’s Niffty, I don’t think she’s going to mind being left out every now and then, she can keep herself entertained. Plus, we have less than six months to prove the hotel can work, of course I want to help her achieve redemption, but at what cost? If she slows down everybody else’s progress then the next extermination will come down on us and we won’t be able to redeem anybody!”

“Actually I have to agree with the grumpy cat man,” Sir Pentious interrupts. “The little gremlin creature may sss-scare the sss-sh*t out of me, but it’sss not fair to abandon her, what if sss-she getsss lonely? Like I am without…without… sniff… without my egg boooysss!!” The snake demon starts comically crying as he thinks about how much he misses his minions.

The group stare at him for a while, all of them a bit surprised by his sudden ability to comprehend empathy. Maybe he hit his head during trust falls…

Husk can see that Vaggie is still trying to get Charlie to move on with activities without Niffty, whilst Charlie is stunned and surprisingly moved by Sir. Pentious.

Before anybody can say anything else that might push the group to drag him out of the hotel and leave the Alastor’s wife with only Niffty as protection, Husk speaks up again, “I mean honestly though, should we really leave Niffty alone in the hotel? Even if you’re on the fence about her participating in group activities, I doubt those f*cking sheep can do much to reign her in if she starts to spiral. We might come back to half the hotel burnt down if we leave her without… adult supervision.”

“Okay, that’s actually a good point,” Vaggie sighs, “I guess if we’re going to be leaving the hotel for an activity we should take her with us, but that doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about reducing her involvement in the regular stuff. Let’s split up and look for her, then Angel can take us to…” She pauses, looking at the spider, “Where were you going to take us anyways?”

“It’s a surprise! Remember?” Angeldust winks.

“Riiiight, anyways we’ll all take a different floor, she’s gotta be around here somewhere, then we can get back to trust building exercises,” Charlie claps her hands together, then starts directing everybody which floor they get to go search.

A few floors up, Grace has once again crawled under the dining table with her comfort pickle jar. She is silently weeping as she eats, trying to stop herself from thinking about all the horrible things that are plaguing her mind, but it’s just a swirling mess of darkness in her mind.

She jumps at the crashing noise of Niffty falling to the floor from the vents. The maid struggles to get to her feet, stumbling around a bit, maybe she did that ‘trust fall’ thing a few too many times… But once she has her balance again she immediately starts looking around for Grace.

The cyclops doesn’t have to look for long, since being under the table pretty much puts her on the same level as the tiny demon, “Gracie!” She quickly goes over to the woman. “Oooo this is a nice little nook. You like being down here?” She immediately sees her friend’s tear stained face and tilts her head in confusion.

Grace nods, attempting to make a motion that conveys that she finds comfort in confined spaces, but there is really a gesture that can say something like that.

“Okay, but it looks a little chilly on the floor,” Niffty says, despite the fact that the room is very warm. Over the past week of spending time with the human, she has learned that her friend gets cold very easily. The maid rushes over to the bed, pulls a sheet off, and drags it back over. “Here!”

The woman smiles weakly, and takes the sheet, wrapping it around her shoulders. Niffty gets under the table as well, picking up an edge to the sheet and putting it around her own shoulders before sitting. Grace, unsure what to do next, offers the maid one of her few remaining pickles.

“No, no, no!” Niffty pushes it away, “You need it more! It’s the only thing that doesn’t always make you sick right?”

Grace smiles, and begins to move the pickle spear in a circular motion, and does her best to make airplane noises with her lips despite not having the vocal cords to back it up.

The small one pauses, her single eye wide, then she giggles and takes a bite out of it. She then takes the remainder from the woman’s hand and carefully nibbles on it. “Thank you Gracie…” She feels the juice dripping down her fingers, but for once she doesn’t mind the mess. Her voice is surprisingly soft, missing that usual dramatic energy that unsettles people, she hasn’t known Grace for very long but… she feels safe around her. “You’re going to make a great mommy…”

The human was in the middle of taking a bite into the last pickle from the jar, but she coughs and sputters at Niffty’s comment. Once she’s cleared her airways she looks at her, eyes wide, a bit frightened.

The girl has a bit of a sad smile, “People think I’m dumb, but I’m not really… you know that, you don’t treat me like I’m stupid.” She finishes off her own pickle and starts to lick her fingers, but keeps talking. “I was going to wait for you or Alastor to tell me when you were ready, but I’m starting to think maybe neither of you will ever be ready so maybe I need to be the one to bring it up…” Her voice is so surprisingly calm, which may be a side effect of slamming her head into the floor repeatedly and Grace should probably keep an eye on her because this is rather abnormal behavior for the little gremlin.

The mother-to-be closes up the jar and sets it aside, then brings a hand down to her stomach, she tries to communicate with the demon, ‘how?’ her mouth moves.

“Like I said, I’m not stupid,” Niffty grins, “Al would never have gotten that mad at me unless something overrode his usual behavior, there aren’t many things I could think of that would make him behave like that, but ‘primal fatherly protective instinct’ felt like a good bet. Really it was the only thing that would explain why he went to all this trouble to bring you down here and hidden away. You being sick all the time just proved it to me, oh… and the pickles.”

Grace’s chest starts shaking, but she’s not crying this time, no she’s laughing. Silently. But a laugh all the same.

Niffty smiles widely, and stands, taking her handkerchief out of her pocket. “You’re going to be a good mommy,” She reaches up and wipes away the teary residue on the woman’s cheeks. “And if Al tries to be anything less than a great daddy… I’ll stab him for you!”

Chapter 21

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


apparently I accidnetly made one of the themes for this arc ‘Today Alastor can not escape the mental crisis of ‘oh god i’m going to be a father i’m not f*cking ready for that’ cause when I started outlineing this arc I knew I was going to have him spend a little time thinking about certain things regarding the baby in each chapter and then everytime I start writing it spirals out of control into a whole existential crisis. So prepare yourself for that today. Also you get to see some peeks into my interpretation of some of the lore. I genuinely think Alastor is terrified of Zestial and I wanted to touch on that since we’re inside his head for my fic. Also I may have started to derail in the last quarter of the chapter, sometimes when i get too deep in Alastor or Grace’s head i completly lose the plot of the chapter. And I could go back and clean it up and put it back on track but…. I like the rambly bullsh*t I spew sometimes you know? So i’m sorry if it starts to go a little insane towards the end but hey at least I’m finally getting to deep dive into my version of Alastor and the lore you know?

Chapter Text

“Oh boy, what’s the plan boss?”

Alastor’s eye twitches as the gaggle of eggs follows him down the street, never shutting up for more than a microsecond. This is what having children is going to be like, isn’t it? The inane ramblings of a half-formed mind following him around everywhere. Spewing nonsense and crying for attention every moment of every day. He’ll never have a moment of peace again, not unless he leaves all the childcare to his wife and well… he doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes his own father made. The demon shudders as he realizes that the group of little egg minions is making him think about children in plural. What if Grace wants another?

“I like your suit!”

Certainly she would be smart enough to recognize that one is enough, especially after how awful this pregnancy has already been. Hell, even if this pregnancy was normal why would she want to go through it again. When he found out she was pregnant he researched and informed himself on the effects it has on the human body, because after the years of health scares he wanted to make sure he knew exactly what was about to happen to his wife’s body, and it may be one of the few things in his life that has truly scarred him. Like many men he did not have an appreciation for the… hell… that a woman’s body can go through while pregnant but now that he knows he can’t unlearn the information. He knows that purely from a health perspective Grace should NOT get pregnant again. But Alastor ALSO knows that after her difficult childhood she has always craved a large family. When her fertility was lost to the cancer treatments she had taken it as a sign that it just wasn’t meant to be, but was still devastated. The fertility loss had actually been quite a relief to the overlord, he had spent a handful of years waiting for the day that Grace would have to decide which she wanted more, him, or a family. Now it seems fate has decided that she’s allowed to have both, his own desires be damned.

“What are the antlers for?”

But if she does end up asking for more offspring… would he have the strength to tell her no? For a century, in both his human and demon life, he has only cared about his own desires, his own wants and needs. The exception being of course his own mother, he would have done anything to make her smile. But then she passed, and he was left not giving a sh*t about anybody other than himself. Until he met Grace. Now he would give her everything and more, he would rip the stars out of the sky and craft a necklace to decorate her beautiful neck, capture the sun and make an ever burning lamp for her to read beneath. And yet so many of the things she needs, she wants, are outside his power, he has never felt more helpless than he has while married to her. So, if he has the power to give her as many little gremlins as her heart desires, how could he say no after failing her in so many other ways…

“Can I touch your staff thing~”

His head is spinning as he walks. Why has he been so focused on this nonsense today? First at breakfast thinking about dining alongside his future child, ruining his appetite. Now he is focusing on the remote possibility that there might be even more little spawns in the future. He keeps getting stuck running loops in his mind about the notion that his wife may want more children. Even though he knows realistically that she is wise enough not to want to risk her health that way again. Even though he knows that she is the one person who cares about his feelings as much as he cares about hers. He knows she sees him struggling with this change, in fact it makes him feel guilty that she has to be so concerned about his struggles rather than focusing on her own mental health and possibly enjoying the prospect of impending motherhood. Instead he sees the way she looks at him, scared that he is going to reject her and the child in her belly, and he doesn’t know how to cast aside all his hesitations so that he can embrace her and allow her to be happy that she’s going to get to be a mother. WHY can’t he stop these thoughts today, why are they running him ragged on the day he has something so important to take care of. Could this have not plagued him on a morning where all he had to do was rebuild the hotel wall yet again?

“Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can’t tell!”

Alastor sighs, the egg minions still blathering on behind him, even if she does end up desiring more children and is willing to take the risk, Grace would never ask that of him, because she knows he is barely comfortable with this one in the first place. And somehow that makes his head and dead heart hurt worse than the idea of telling her ‘no’ if she were to ask. Why did this all have to get so complicated so fast? Everything was… well not perfect… but it was damn good.

A window display catches his eye as he walks. And he pauses for a moment, gazing in. One would think that there is no use for children’s toys in the pride ring. But between the degenerates who like to play sick games where they run around in diapers as a sex thing… and the occasional sinner who managed to land themselves down here despite dying at a very young age… Well there has been enough business to keep the doors of Old Man McFee’s toy shop open for the past couple centuries. His eyes land on a baby carriage in the middle of the display, and a thought begins to form in his mind, but it is swiftly cut down by the sudden sense of dread that permeates his being, a coldness of ancient power washing over him as he watches a being arise from the shadows.

“Hark Alastor! How fare thee this day?” Zestial’s voice is as bone chilling as ever.

“Who’s that boss?” An egg pipes up, causing Alastor’s shoulders to stiffen as he looks back at the poor stupid creature, “Want me to rough him up for you?”

The radio demon moves swiftly to bend down and tap the egg on its top with his cane, “Follow in silence if you value your shell!” On the surface one might infer that his words are a threat that he will dispose of the eggs if they embarrass him. But the reality is that he does not want to test and see if Zestial’s patience is thinner than his own. He was instructed to deal with the minions in a humane manner, but also after his little mini-crisis just now, he’s not in the mood to see if the egg boys dying will trigger other disgusting emotions within him. “Greetings Zestial!

As the pair discuss the weather, all the sinners around them begin to lose their absolute minds. And Alastor truly can not blame them. When the radio demon arrived in hell all those decades ago, he had done an incredible job of deposing overlords that had been in power for thousands of years. And yet when he came against Zestial he instinctively knew not to play f*ck around and find out with that particular ancient. Luckily they did not need to sort out their differences in battle, in fact the old demon was grateful for Alastor's work. The previous overlords had ruled in chaos and blood, constant wars for power and never a moment to be able to just sit back with a cup of tea and read the latest books from the mortal realm. So, while hell still wouldn’t necessarily be considered a ‘nice’ place, Zestial prefers the more amicable state of things under the current set of overlords. While there is certainly some infighting every now and then, there hasn’t been an all out war since Alastor cleared out the blood hungry savages that used to rule. As thanks for his work he considers the red clad demon a cautionary ally, one he only trusts as far as he can throw. And both demons know that, currently, if Alastor were to even try to go up against Zestial, that the ancient lord would certainly return him to the puddle of primordial goo that all human souls once were.

As they walk, Zestial moves the conversation on to the subject of the other overlord’s long absence, “Some have even spun wild tales of you falling to holy arms.”

Alastor laughs, “Oh no I just took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious.” He adjusts his bowtie in the reflection of a broken window “Though it’s fun to keep everyone on their toes!”

As the other overlord questions him about his involvement with the princess’ pet project, Alastor’s mind wanders yet again. His little vacation was never meant to last as long as it did. When he finally got a way in place to be able to travel to Earth and visit his at the time ‘friend’, Grace, he decided to go under the radar in hell. The last thing he needed was some demons finding out he had the golden train ticket and trying to give him trouble. Demons like Zestial would certainly not be happy to find out that the radio demon was gaining the trust of a human who had powerful magic that he might exploit. He could not risk one such as him finding their own way to the surface and disposing of his little violet ball of energy while she was still too ill to properly protect herself. Initially his hiatus was only supposed to last for the duration of her cancer treatment and until she recovered. But shortly before he was to make his public return, her cancer returned first, and he was forced to stay ‘underground’. Before he knew it, seven years had passed, and by that point… it was no longer the cancer that was making him keep his head low in hell. Alastor would have certainly made some big showy return eventually, but for the time being he had just wanted to enjoy the strangely peaceful life they had built together. Until that life was no longer peaceful, and he had to bring all of it down to this cesspit of an afterlife. Bringing an end to his ‘sabbatical.’

The radio demon manages to maintain conversation with the ancient lord until they reach the elevator, without the other suspecting that his thoughts are not on the words they are exchanging. At least so he thinks, Zesitial is just as good at hiding his true thoughts as Alastor is, maybe even more so, after all he’s had thousands of years of practice.

As they ride the elevator up, Alastor thinks about how at one time he had a plan. Once they had freed her soul from its current contract he was going to steal Grace’s power and use it to finally overthrow the last of those more powerful than him. His wife does not know how powerful she could be, she still thinks that she just has a couple magic tricks. But the moment Alastor saw her in person he knew the truth, he could feel the way her body resonated with her powers, she is meant to be so much more powerful , but the demon who owns her has clearly taken the majority of her energy (and apparently wasting it considering there is no demon he knows of that has risen to power using an energy source that matches Grace’s.) With her violet energy mixed with his own powers, Alastor would have woven all of the pride ring, and perhaps all of hell itself, into his own personal kingdom. One that he’d rule from his radio tower. And while of course he still desires to be the most powerful, he would now rather rule alongside Grace than over her.

How different would their relationship be if the woman’s soul had still been her own when the pair met? Every now and then Alastor wonders if he would have had the time to fall in love with her had he not been waiting for her owner to reveal himself. He knows his own mind, Grace was so lost, so lonely when they met. It would not have taken much for the radio demon to coerce her into a deal, and as soon as she outlived her usefulness he would have discarded her. He never would have given himself the time to fall into those emerald eyes and been ensnared by her beautiful mind.

Still, even if his plan has been derailed, that doesn’t mean he can’t make the best of things. One day he and Grace will rise to take their place at the top of hell’s food chain. And even if they don’t make it as far as he hopes, then perhaps he can still pave the way for the spawn of both their abilities, their child… maybe even children… to take their rightful places as the top of the hierarchy of the universe.

Chapter 22

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So today we get an example of sometimes chapters being a bit shorter, and I know people keep saying it's okay but what you have to understand is I used to write fics that averaged about 4-6k words per chapter so it's a little rough on me sometimes with it only being 2k, but 2k is what i can make in a day so that's what's best for daily updates, BUT that means that when for whatever reason I don't even hit the 2k I end up feeling guilty. Turns out that on Thursdays despite the fact that I work from home it's actually the hardest day of the week for me to write cause I always stay up way to late the night before and then when I remote into the work computer everything goes to absolute hell and I'm too tired to focus on writing during the points where there's nothing to do. Anyways this chapter is admitedly also a little lower quality than I would have liked because of all that, and I know that I could just give myself an extra day and polish it and post tomorrow but... if I start doing that then I'm going to spiral into the thing that always makes me stop writing my fics is that I get to focused on my perfectionism and can't post because I waste too much time and energy trying to make every chapter AMAZING. So like I wrote this one out, it came up a couple hundred words short, and I looked at my outline and knew that I couldn't just pull in the next story beat cause it would take me like 1500 more words to get to point where I could cleanly end the chapter and I didn't have the mental capacity for that
SO INSTEAD we get Potato's discussion corner. At the end of the chapter I am going to post a discussion prompt, I'm going to go into some details about my thoughts on the lore and story of Hazbin and my fic, and ask you guys some questions, and if you want to then I highly encourage you to comment with your answers to those questions so we can talk about them, and if you're comfortable with other readers engaging with your comment maybe make a note of that so a bunch of us can like talk and swap ideas. Cause I think one of the best parts of fandom is talking and engaging and swapping theories, and I don't have a social media account where I can really do that so I've sorta turned this post into a miniblog spot and I hope that's okay? Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapter even if it's a little eh, and I look forward to hearing thoughts from you guys about it and my discussion section. CAN YOU TELL I WAS AN ENGLISH BASED MAJOR IN COLLEGE YET?!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The hotel crew have been searching for Niffty for about half an hour now. In that time she and Grace have dug a notebook out of the writing desk and begun working on a list of baby names. Niffty had been horrified to learn that Grace and Alastor hadn’t even considered any yet. The pair are still under the table, as Grace still isn’t quite emotionally ready to come out.

So far the two sided list, boys on the left - girls on the right, is very much heavier on the girl’s side. Grace’s suggestions are mostly girl names with floral themes, like ‘Lily’ and ‘Violet’. But the only boy names she can come up with are biblical in nature, ‘Joseph’ or ‘Michael’ and well those don’t work for…obvious reasons…

The human types a message on her phone.

-what abuot Adam if it’s a boy?-

The maid stares at a message for a few seconds, then cracks up in a fit of maniacal laughter. She falls over, huffing and puffing, absolutely laughing her ass off, unable to speak.

After a minute she catches her breath, and between disturbing giggles manages to say, “Adam is a dick, a total dick, the worst, not even a cool bad boy kinda dick just… an utter douche bag of dicks galore. You don’t want to name your baby after him Gracie.”

Grace mouths an ‘oh,’ and sets her phone in her lap.

The lists also contain an assortment of odd names scribbled in with Niffty’s handwriting. Examples being ‘Mc’Roach’ and ‘Dyson’ on the boys half, and ‘Lady Whistlebutt’, ‘Lysollia’, and ‘Fabuloso’ on the girl half. There are a few that Grace recognizes as Spanish curse words, and when questioning the cyclops about it she just says “Oh I heard Vaggie saying those under her breath and I thought they were really pretty.” Needless to say, the woman will not be naming her child ‘Pendejo’ or ‘Puta-Sucia’.

Although there is one name that she suggested that Grace thinks is cute. ‘Scooter’ as a boy's name, but while Grace thinks it’s cute she’s not sure Alastor will go for it.

There is a sudden quiet as Grace’s mind wanders to her husband, and begins to form an idea. Niffty watches the woman’s face screw up, as she twirls the pen in her hand trying to break through a mental block. Finally after a moment she leans over and scribbles ‘Alastor Jr.’ under the boy’s names, then adds and underlines ‘A.J.’

Niffty reads it over, and her face breaks out into a big smile. “I think he’ll really like that one!”

Grace’s shoulder’s relax a bit, and she smiles softly. She had never been much for the idea of just naming a kid after their parents. This one feels right in a way though, and may actually be something Alastor will agree to, being reminded that this baby is the beginning of his lineage may even help to sooth some of his unwillingness when it comes to this whole baby thing. That all could be the pregnant woman’s wishful thinking though, a desire to give her husband something that will make her proud. Still, it makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside thinking about a little A.J. running around with his father’s fluffy ears and bright smile. But the moment is interrupted as she begins to cough suddenly.

Niffty pats her back, “Are you thirsty? Those pickles were really salty…”

The woman nods, rubbing her throat, wincing as the raised scar aches.

The little demon gets up, “I think we have apple juice in the kitchen, you probably need the sugar too. I’ll be right back!” She scurries over to the wall and climbs back up to the vent before Grace can say… well Grace can’t say anything to stop her because she has no voice.

In the section of hallway below the room, Sir Pentious is slithering around, this is the floor he was assigned to look for the gremlin maid on. “Ooooh Niffty, here Nif Nif Nif,” The snake attempts to make little ‘pspsps’ noises but his forked tongue makes it nearly impossible. KeeKee crosses his path, and looks back at him, apparently offended by his butchered attempt. He sighs and looks down at the ground, this was taking so much longer than they anticipated. The maid didn’t typically go off and hide, so none of them really know where she could have gone.

Suddenly there is a rattling, scratching noise in the ceiling. The metal of the vents shaking behind the drywall, and whatever is causing it is moving. His eyes dart around, following the source of the noise as it moves across the ceiling, then down into the wall. For whatever reason the vents system is a labyrinth that can be difficult to navigate at times. Though only somebody who had been in there would know this, after getting lost on several occasions.

“INTRUDER!!” He suddenly screams, and from his pocket he suddenly pulls the last ray gun that had not been confiscated by Vaggie. “INFILTRATOR, HELP!!” He begins to fire at the wall where he can hear the ‘intruder’ moving about. The source of sound moves quickly back up to the ceiling and his shots follow.

“Pentious what the f*ck!” Vaggie yells as she runs into the halls. “Stop shooting up the hotel where did you even get another f*cking gun?”

“THERE’SSS AN INFILTRATOR IN THE VENTILATION SSSHAFTS!!” Pentious continues to scream, firing wildly, trying his best to hit his target. But well… his best has never been particularly great when it comes to wielding his firearms, his skills lie more in building them.

“OH MY GOSH,” Charlie was close behind her girlfriend, “Stop! It’s probably Niffty! You’re going to hurt her!”

The snake just continues to scream in blind panic while firing at the ceiling. The rest of the crew are quick to get to this floor to investigate the source of the chaos. Vaggie attempts to wrestle the ray gun out of Pentious’ hand, but by the time she’s gut punched him hard enough to drop him to the floor, the damage is already done.

The ceiling creaks violently, dust, drywall powder, and flecks of insulation pouring from the holes left by the shooting. The whole section of hall is filled with a light smoke that smells absolutely awful. After a moment of eerie stillness, a near perfect circular section drops from the ceiling with a spectacular crash. The surprisingly solid chunk is about a foot thick, with the metal tube of the vent shaft sandwiched between ceiling tiles and the carpet of the floor above, with plenty of insulation in between as well. A dazed and disoriented little cyclops demon crawls out of the shaft section.

“Batten… down the… hatches…” she mumbles, trying to stand, “we’re… under fire… mateys…” She takes a few stumbling steps, before spinning dramatically and collapsing.

“sh*t, now look what you f*cking did.” Vaggie puts her hands on her hips, “Now Alastor is going to have to fix that AND you put Niffty out of commission… this is such a mess Charlie this is why… Charlie?” She realizes suddenly that her usually incredibly talkative and energetic princess is very… quiet right now.

Charlie is staring up at the hole, confusion in her eyes, her mouth slightly agape. After a moment of processing she finally manages to say, “There’s not supposed to be a room up there…”

Husker’s blood runs cold as he looks between the dazed Niffty and the hole in the ceiling. He hopes it’s not the case but… how many secret rooms could this place possibly have.

“What? That can’t be right, the floorplan up there has got to match with down here right? That’s how hotels usually are,” Angeldust approaches, looking up, with his height he can almost see into the room, getting glimpses of the furniture, “Oh sh*t, that’s an actual f*cking room! A nice one too! How is it that f*cking clean?” His eyes widen as he briefly recalls…

Lady in the walls.

Charlie clears her throat, a bit of dust filling her lungs, “No, there are a lot of sections of each floor that are blocked off. I don’t know who originally built the hotel, but they didn’t want to make it follow a conventional design structure. So on that floor there’s a whole section in the middle that’s inaccessible, the section that is right… there…”

“So maybe who ever built this f*cking place put a bunch of secret rooms around, it’s probably nothing important,” Husk says suddenly, if that room is what he thinks it is then he has to do everything he can to keep them out, even though he knows the curiosity of this bunch knows no bounds, “bet nobody’s been up there in years. Place is probably full of all kinds of f*cking nastys, we should just seal it up before we catch some disease that’s been trapped in there.”

“No, no, everything in there is too new,” Angel gets up on his toes, trying to see more clearly, “Like fresh wallpaper, nice furniture, no dust…”

Charlie squats down to Niffty’s level, “Heeeey Niffty, do you know anything about that room up there?”

“Lava lamps… flood gates…. LYSOL!” The maid mutters deliriously on the floor. Looks like after the head trauma from trust falls, this little debacle has been too many knocks to the brain for her. They’re going to have to wait for her to recover before they’ll get anything straight out of her.

“Alright, Angeldust, give me a boost,” Vaggie ties her hair back suddenly, and has her spear in hand, “I’m going to go check it out.”

Husker grits his teeth, he can’t think of any way to stop this. He knows that nothing he says will keep the girl from going up, and trying to stop her will just implicate him in what’s going on. He has to watch in horror as the spider lifts the girl up through the hole, and he prays that Alastor’s guest is f*cking good at hide and seek… if she manged to avoid Pentious’ ray blasts that is. He picks up Niffty and holds her close to his fur, listening closely. He can hear two people moving about in the area above.

“WHAT THE f*ck!” Vaggie calls out a few moments later, the bartender’s breath catches, thinking the worst, “There’s a secret tunnel!” He relaxes again, but not completely, and then another minute passes before Vaggie sticks her head back down the hole. “It goes to f*cking Alastor’s room! I knew that sneaky, freaky, f*cking piece of sh*t was up to no good. Everybody meet me there I’ll let you in!”

The rest of the crew scramble to get upstairs, but Husk hangs back, his mind overflowing with all the details of the horrific things Alastor is going to do to him…


I’d love to know people’s thoughts on Niffty’s origins. I have loads of different theories about who she is and where she came from and why she is the way she is, they all conflict though and probably none of them are right, BUT If you want to I offer for you to go to the comments of this chapter and tell me your favorite theories.

What is your primary headcanon or theory for her, what are you most confident will turn out to be true in the show? (I don’t know which of my theories is most likely, but I do actually think she is going to turn out to not have been a sinner and actually be either full or part angel or hellborn.)

What is your favorite joke theory? A theory or headcanon that there’s NO WAY it’s going to turn out to be true but when you first thought of or read it it made you laugh so hard and now you wanna see silly doodles of it? (I saw somebody make a joke post that Alastor and Lucifer had a one night stand and Niffty is their daughter, Alastor was gone for 7 years because he was raising Niffty and the reason he hates Lucifer so much is because he doesn’t remember the night and doesn’t acknowledge Niffty. There is no way it’s what happened but I would kill for a 10 part comedic webcomic where that’s the premise)

What is your highly unlikely but could still be true absolute crack theory? One that there no real evidence to support it, but it’s not impossible, and you’ve told a handful of people but they think you are crazy, but you are holding onto this theory so that if one day an episode airs and it’s what happens you can message your friends at 4 in the morning with ‘I f*ckING TOLD YOU SO’. (Mine is that Niffty is the one who holds Alastor’s soul, I have no evidence for it, it probably won’t be true, but I think it would be a crazy ass plot twist and is technically possible)

Finally, what do you think the backstory is that I’m using for Niffty in my fic? I’ve done my best to start laying some foreshadowing and hints, not a lot, but does anybody have any ideas what my plans might be for her if I end up deep diving into my version of the backstory? I kinda want to see if I've been doing a good job with the hints and since it's not a major plot point for the story I will absolutly tell you if you get it right or at least are in the ballpark


Heads up, I have been made aware while I was workshopping the names section of the chapter with some people that the female form for Fabuloso would be Fabulosa, I left it as Fabuloso as part of the joke, trust me it will pay off later.

Chapter 23

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I don't have a lot to say about tonight's chapter except that I'm sorry, when I formatted the outline I didn't expect my cliffhanger to turn out so good and for people (based on what i've seen in the comments) to be so on the edge of their seats with how I ended the last one. I've personally been for the most part treating each chapter like a scene rather than a whole episode. Imagine if you were watching a show and instead of a new episode every week you got a new 5-10 minute scene almost every day. And I kind of strutured the chapter order they way I would if they were scenes in a show, especially since so much of this is based on the format of episode 3. And basically in a show you alternate between the episode's A and B plots, so in my mind it's perfectly normal that if a scene like last chapter happens in the middle of the episode, then in order to make it cliffhangery you switch to the B plot of the episode for a scene, then come back and see what happened in the A plot. So my A plot is the hotel events, and the B plot is Alastor's little trip to the overlord meeting and everything i have him do before he gets back, and we are switching between A and B plot every chapter/scene the way you might in a show. So while I'm sure a lot of you were super excited to find out what happens next at the hotel, I hope you can still appreciate this one and maybe see my attempt at keeping tension up for just a little bit.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor is seated at the meeting table when yet another sense of dread overtakes him. This time it is different than when Zestial approached him on the street. It is not the feeling of another being's power enveloping him, it is like hearing screams in the distance. The group is still waiting on Carmilla to arrive and start things, so he had just been chatting with Rosie. The woman’s smile fades as he sees her friend’s ears twitch, his own smile tighten, and his eyes grow wide.

“Is something the matter, Alastor?” She says softly, putting a hand on his.

Something just… happened…” The radio demon mutters, his head swiveling to look out the window, towards the hotel in the distance. The building looks fine, no invaders tearing it to pieces.

“Do you need to go?” The cannibal follows his gaze. Though she had been so looking forward to some updates and gossip regarding his little stowaway, she understood the importance.

I’m not sure,” he replies, beginning to stand, ready to abandon the meeting and go see what is happening.

“Leaving already Alastor?” Zestial asks, raising an eyebrow.

The radio demon bites his tongue. Of course, he can’t leave now. It would draw too many eyes to him. He had spent so long crafting up a perfect lie for where he’s been and why he came back, he needed to begin weaving the story so that the others don’t start poking their nose in his business. If he leaves now then they might ask why, and start looking in places he doesn’t want looked at.

No not at all Zestial,” Alastor lies smoothly despite internal strain. “I simply want to take a better look at this view before we get all wrapped up in stuffy meeting things.” He approaches the window, watching the hotel. Everything looks fine. Perhaps it’s just his mind playing tricks on him. After all, he has had two separate near mental spin outs already this morning, he is not one to get himself worked up about much at all, so it would make sense that he’s feeling on edge. If he doesn’t reign in his concerns about this whole fatherhood business he might develop an anxiety disorder by the time the baby arrives, and he would rather perish than become somebody he’d usually label as a ‘nervous wreck.’

“It is a really cool view isn’t it?” One of the overlords pipes up, “There was another building in the way, but the owner fell a couple exterminations ago, there was a big scramble to acquire his souls and other assets. Carmilla scooped up most of his sh*t including the property deed and tore it down. You should see the view from her office upstairs, you can see across the Forsaken Fields, on really clear days you can see Imp City in the distance.”

Alastor nods, “Yes it is quite a spectacular view, almost as nice as the one from my old radio tower…” His eyes wander over to the large structure of the V’s estate, in his absence from hell they had claimed his radio tower and built their monstrosity around it, the antenna can still be seen at the top, but it’s been modified to send out Vox’s junk television signals instead.

His right hand goes to his left, feeling the ring beneath his glove. He knows he has to have…ugh… ‘faith’ in Husker and Niffty’s ability to watch out for his beloved. There is nobody within the hotel that he believes poses enough of a threat that they can’t happen, not to mention that even in her current physical state Grace still has a few of her own tricks up her sleeves. He has no reason to think that she might be in danger, the radio demon tries to focus his mind instead of letting it be consumed by hypotheticals.

Though it might not be too big of a deal if he just… puts a little slack on his pet’s leash. He rolls his neck, bones cracking, eyes glowing green for just a moment. It’s reasonable, if he’s going to have the cat acting as a guard dog, then he might as well give him some teeth. Once the act is complete Alastor returns to his seat, just as the doors open and Carmilla Carmine enters the room, followed close behind by her darling daughters Odette and Clara.

“Welcome Hell’s sovereign overlords,” The woman’s voice is dignified and respectful as she speaks. “I invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city.”

The radio demon glances around the room, finally taking in all who are present. Though he had kept tabs on the city while he was ‘away’ he was surprised to realize that there’s been an apparent shift of power in his absence. Though he recognizes most of the faces in the room, demon sitting across from him was a minor overlord when he left, certainly not on the same level as the others in this room. Normally that seat would be filled by… his gaze moves again to the window, and he finally recalls who owned the building that was torn down to create this view.

Rosie leans close to him, and under her breath whispers, “watch your ears dear…” Pulling Alastor’s attention to the fact that his ears have been swiveled in the direction of the hotel, as though he might be able to hear if there is any trouble, which at this distance would be difficult even for him. He folds his hands on the table and forces himself to pay attention.

By the time his focus is reigned in again Carmilla has finished her opening monologue about the souls they own being at risk with the new extermination schedule, and it seems he has gotten himself under control just in time for her eyes to fall on him, “Alastor?”

Yes I know I’ve been absent some time,” he forces his shoulders to relax, and he slips into his dramatic showman type way of speaking, prepared to give a lengthy and in depth lie as to where he has been for all these years, “I’m sure you’ve all be wondering!” He forces his radio filer to drop, something that is surprisingly more difficult to do than one may imagine. Normally he can only speak without it if he’s actually being genuine. It’s quite a pain because he knows that others know what his filter dropping means, and if he could easily drop it on his own then it would be so much easier to lie to and manipulate people if when he really needs them to believe him he could just talk to them in his normal voice and they would automatically trust him more because of it. The eyeball on his cane blinks at him, as though offended that he would force the filter to drop, and his throat hurts from the effort of just those few words.

Carmilla doesn’t even hesitate, “Not really. But welcome back in any case.”

Alastor’s eye twitches, his whole body tenses. It’s fine, it’s totally fine. It’s easier if nobody asks questions anyways. If nobody cares where he was then nobody will go snooping and find out about Grace. He only spent twelve hours straight workshopping a story with Rosie and Grace to explain his absence. Only used about two dozen favors and a couple thousand soul currency to create a paper trail and some witnesses in case somebody checks his alibi. Only spent three weeks lying awake in bed thinking about all the possible questions he might encounter and how to answer them, ensuring every possible aspect of his story is absolutely air tight. It’s not like all that work is wasted, it’s easier if nobody cares. If nobody asks then he doesn’t have to risk them not believing his answer. It’s better.

Can sinners get stomach ulcers from stress?

This whole time that he’s trying to convince himself that it’s all okay, Carmilla has continued on with the meeting. She has a diagram up and is apparently talking about percentages or something.

Alastor is drawn out of his brain’s little spiral by the doors slamming open. His gaze snaps to Velvette, who has always been known for making an entrance. She is talking loudly on the phone, intentionally disrupting the meeting. For a moment he begins to try and tune into the cell phone signals, a skill he can perform because even the modern technology still uses radio waves, but there is no signal to access. Everything the V is saying is an act as part of her goal to put the spotlight on herself, there’s nobody on the other side of that phone call.

He is admittedly relieved when she says that the other Vs will not be coming. It would be no issue to deal with Vox, that’s for sure, but with the way his mind has been stressing today he does not need to add dealing with that particular loudmouth to his plate. Plus, if there is anybody that can pick up on the fact that he is distracted today, it would be that f*cking television set. And Val is just generally disgusting to be around so he’s glad he won’t have to play nice with the f*cking insect.

Suddenly, and without warning, there is a severed head on the table. An excorist’s head. An angel’s head.

Oh, tasty!” Alastor leans over, practically salivating. Angel blood does smell so delicious, he had a few up close encounters with it in various fights during extermination day. But he has never seen an actual dead exorcist. As the others gasp and murmur, he begins to realize the gravity of the situation. He has always suspected that angels must have some kind of vulnerability. Nothing is truly immortal. All things must die. He just hadn’t expected a dead one to be dropped in his lap right as it has become incredibly important that he figure out how to kill them.

Like any other sinner and overlord he’s always wanted to know how to slay the winged freaks that come down to slaughter them all. But since bringing his pregnant wife down here to hell, and finding out that the extermination date has been moved up, it’s become imperative that he finds a way to slay the exorcists so that he can properly protect his… family. Now it seems that the opportunity to find his much needed knowledge is closer at hand than he thought it would be.

Vevette is not the only one who notices Carmilla’s very particular expression. Alastor certainly sees the disgust on her face, unlike him, she doesn’t seem to find a severed head to be a delectable thing placed upon the table. But he can also see recognition in her eyes, she knows something. He realizes that this also might explain the extermination being moved up, he had questioned why after thousands of years heaven would change up the schedule all of a sudden. He knows little about the place but he is aware that they do not like change, not in the slightest. But one of their own being killed suddenly on the front lines would certainly be something to spur them into a revenge fueled attack. Millions of sinners slaughtered over the millennials, but a single one of them falls and they get their panties all up in a wad? Certainly sounds like the kind of bullsh*t they would pull.

Though this does cause him to lean more towards Carmilla and Zestial’s side of the argument they are currently engaging in with the young upstart… oh they all started singing at some point. He supposes that’s good entertainment while he works out the details of everything in his mind. While the carnage of an all out war could be incredible, blood and bodies everywhere, a chance for him to stretch his shadows and have some enjoyable fights for the first time since he wiped out the last of the ancients, he is wise enough to know the risks. Hell will be the battlefield, to strike against heaven will bring all of its forces raining down on this god forsaken place. Even if the demons do win, or at least force heaven into a truce, there will be destruction and casualties far beyond what the pride ring has ever seen. If all out war comes to hell, his Gracie will be trapped in the middle of it, his unborn child will be at risk. All that he has done to try and keep them safe will be for nothing if heaven’s army razes pentagon city to the ground.

If only he were stronger. If only Grace had all of her power. If her body was not so weak after the years of cancer, if her womb was not currently housing another life, if her soul did not belong to another demon who’s been sucking that delicious violet energy out of her, then perhaps the two of them could power through. Alastor has no doubt that if his wife was at the full strength he knows she could have been capable of, then there would be no concerns about defending themselves from heaven. But unfortunately, that is not the case, and may never be. So, instead while all the other overlords bicker about what to do, he has to plot to find out how this exorcist died, so that he might have a slim chance of saving his family from being destroyed before it gets the chance to exist.


Hey so real quick end note heads up here. When I wrote the original outline I did not have it set up with the idea in mind that Alastor might 'sense' something is off. Like I techncially have an explanation for what he was feeling that I will get into but maybe not for a few more arcs, but I really wanted to make the 'something just happened' meme, and now I'm like wait I have so many thigns planned for him to do before he goes back to the hotel how and I going to explain him not just rushing back to the hotel after the meeting I need him to wander around the city for a bit after... and just... I'm probably not going to address it. Like later he will absolutly be like 'i should have trusted that gut instict' but I'm not going to have the next handful of chapters involve him constantly being like 'something is wrong I have to get back' cause then half my outline goes out the window, sorry I know him just forgetting the bad feeling would be out of character but I can't make all the threads connect and I'd rather go with what's most entertaining than what's most realistic.

Chapter 24

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Little bit distracted tonight so I don't have much to say other than as a heads up, obviously this story is in 3rd person, and while it may seem like it's 3rd person omniscient, but what I'm really aiming for is 3rd person limited but I frequently switch who's perspective it's coming from. If you know what that means awesome, if you don't then I can try to explain in another note but tonight I'm too busy. Reason I'm bringing it up is; for this chapter even though Grace is a character that is present, it's not taking place from her perspective at any point, the only people who's perspective we are getting don't know who she is. Therefor you aren't going to see me refer to her by name, just wanted to point it out in case anybody is confused why she is only being called 'the human' and 'the woman' in this chapter. Love ya'll

Chapter Text

Husker holds Niffty close to his chest, his eyes darting between the hole in the ceiling and the rest of the group as they head for the stairs. The maid is still murmuring nonsense, which is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, it means he’s going to have to deal with this sh*t on his own, but the more problematic issue being that he and Alastor’s wife have never been introduced. He has no way of knowing if the woman will trust him and do as he says without Niffty to vouch for him.

He hisses slightly as something shifts. For a moment he feels that damn chain around his neck, but the sensation is different this time. He feels the lead loosening, not enough to free him, but enough that he can feel more strength in his veins than he has in a while, not just his own but… there’s a burning sensation as his eyes glow green for just a moment. The bartender clears his throat, rolling his neck to adjust to the strange sensation. Alastor knows something is up, that’s the only thing that could explain why he would suddenly not only put slack on the leash, but also funnel some of his power over.

If Alastor knows something is up, then that means Husk is well and truly f*cked if sh*t goes sideways. If he fails to protect that guest of his even with his leash loosened and a power boost from his master, then there will not be a single ounce of mercy from the radio demon. Not that the bastard has ever been merciful in the past but… the cat has borne witness way too many times to what the other overlord is capable of doing to another soul, he can only imagine that what he would be… he can try to think of the worst thing imaginable, multiply it by a thousand, and then knows that Alastor will inflict even worse than that upon him if he fails. The demon shudders as he spreads his wings.

Flight is difficult when you’re chained down, even with this temporary extra freedom he’s been granted the few flaps of his wings that it takes him to ascend through the hole in the ceiling is almost painful. The gust of air kicks up all the dust and debris that settled in the hallway after the ceiling collapsed. It creates something like a smoke screen around him as he ascends to the upper floor. It gets in his fur, his eyes, his nose, causing him to be a coughing, sputtering mess when he lands. Vaggie is already halfway down the secret tunnel, and so luckily does not hear the commotion.

When the dust begins to clear from his airways, he begins to sniff around. There is a hint of smoke, it seems that a blast clipped the bed and now the covers are smoldering. Husker’s fur bristles as he realizes he also smells the sharp tang of blood. But not the fetid smell of demon ichor, it is coppery, fresh, lifeblood. sh*t. He blinks the drywall powder out of his eyes and looks around, there’s an overturned table nearby, the scent is coming from behind it.

The whole room is covered in a fine layer of debris, some of the shots had gone clear through to the next layer of ceiling, resulting in the same mess covering the room. His tail drags through the carpet as he walks, leaving a trail in the white and gray powder that covers it. Niffty clings to his fur, her eye still closed tightly as she mutters. As he gets close to the table, Husk hears a gasp, and a shuffling, the person hiding behind it having heard his approach, and apparently trying to conceal themselves further.

“Hey, hey it’s okay,” Husker says softly, he glances back to the tunnel, making sure that the others haven’t returned yet, then crouches down, “Don’t be scared I’m here to… help…” As he peers behind the table, the bartender suddenly becomes aware of the level of deep sh*t he has gotten himself into, the level that Alastor has apparently been stuck in for a while. When he smelled the fresh blood, he assumed… no he hoped that this was just a newly dead soul, somebody who still has some essence of the living world on them. Well, he’s suspected for a while that his boss may have done something like this, but he really thought that the radio demon wouldn’t be so colossally stupid as bringing a living soul into hell. “f*ck…”

The woman whimpers, her short brown hair in complete disarray, her green eyes wide in utter terror. With one hand she clutches a smoking device to her chest. Husker immediately identifies it as a portable radio, it seems to have taken a hit in Sir Pentious’ ray gun fiasco. If he had to guess it’s probably the girl’s way of communicating with Al, which is why despite the fact that it is clearly non-functional now, she is still holding onto it like her life depends on it. But her other hand is holding the real problem, clinging tight to her shoulder, blood pouring from between her fingers, there is a smell of burnt flesh where the energy of the ray gun began to cauterize the edges of the wound, but it wasn’t enough to fully stop the bleeding.

Husker uses the hand that isn’t holding Niffty to reach towards the woman to help her stand, “Come on we have to get you out of here…” She pulls away, her mouth moving like she is going to shriek but no noise comes out. “It’s okay it’s okay I’m with Al… we have to move before the others get back…” His shoulders tense as he hears footsteps in the distance, voices as the group talk.

“I knew that sneaky rat f*ck bastard was up to something,” Vaggie grumbles as she leads the group to the room. Her spear is out, clutched in her fists, and her glare could probably kill if they weren’t all already dead. “The only way into this room is that secret door hidden by his bookcase, so Alastor has to be behind this!”

“Maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves, jumping to conclusions,” Charlie says quickly. “He might not be doing anything nefarious, I mean it’s just a room, he could be… practicing his interior decorating skills!” She’s stretching for explanations, the princess really doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that it was her choice to bring Alastor into the hotel, her decision to trust him. As they enter the strange hotel room, she immediately gestures to the large bed, “I didn’t see a bed in his room! Maybe this is where he comes to sleep!”

“But why hide it in a secret passage, why build a whole room without telling you just so he can sleep?” Angeldust points out, looking around, slightly impressed by how much nicer this room is than the rest of the hotel. Or was before Sir Pentious’ ray gun tore the middle of it to shreds. It’s no palace, but he’d mistake it for a room at maybe a three, maybe four star hotel back in the living world. Hell, it’s nicer than his dressing room at Valentino’s studio, but with less sex toys.

“He probably doesn’t want any of us to see a possible weakness, I didn’t think the f*cker slept, it would just be a time when he’s vulnerable,” Husker says, his wings are puffed up as he stands on the other side of the room, he should keep quiet but he also feels compelled to try and keep them from investigating further. “Honestly we should probably get out of here before he catches us snooping through his sh*t and gets pissed.”

“No, there’s more going on here, I can smell it, he’s hiding something from us,” Vaggie snaps. Luckily that sense of smell is figurative, and not an actual ability like Husk’s, otherwise it would be game over already. She’s so angry right now, sure she never trusted Alastor, sure she should be glad she’s being proven right, but in the end if he’s betrayed Charlie and it hurts her feelings, that’s not worth the satisfaction of being right. So she’s furious that her girlfriend is now in a position where she might have to feel the sting of betrayal.

“Anyways, don’t you want the opportunity to see what kinda skeletons he’s got in his closet,” Angel teases as he crosses the room to the large wardrobe.

“Persss-onally I think we sssee enough of the skeletonsss he keepsss out in the open,” Sir Pentious says, hanging back. He glances at the cat demon, his hat’s eye squinting in suspicion. “How did you get up here before usss?”

“The wings aren’t just for show dumbass,” Husk jerks his thumb back at his wings, immediately regretting it since he’s currently trying to conceal a human woman behind them.

“Everybody just shut up and tear this place apart, we don’t know when he’s going to be back so if he’s hiding something we have to find it now!” Vaggie moves over to the writing desk in the corner.

“Isn’t this an invasion of his privacy though?” Charlie hangs back, her arms folded as she withdraws into herself. “I mean I’m trying to get you guys into heaven, and going through somebody’s belongings isn’t really a virtuous thing to do…”

Husk would feel bad for the princess if he wasn’t busy trying to conceal the secret that the rest of the group is trying to dig up. Although after her lack of empathy earlier regarding excluding Niffty from group activities, he really isn’t in the mood to give her much in return. While the others search the room, he slowly shuffles from the overturned table towards the hole in the floor, allowing the human to crawl behind his wings.

Niffty is beginning to regain consciousness, as Husk sees her big eye slowly open he quietly shushes her, pleading with the maid to not draw any extra attention to them.

Despite his reservations about the situation, Sir Pentious does slither across the room to investigate. He heads for the bathroom since the others seem to have the main room covered. This does cause him to pass close to Husk and Nif, and he becomes very aware of the way the cat’s fur practically puffs up in a defensive manner, his tail bushy and swaying side to side. Luckily the snake attributes it to the other demon being so against them all messing with Alastor’s stuff, and doesn’t notice the way his wings adjust position.

Husker glances back over his shoulder, the woman is shaking, as she tries to crawl, leaving a trail of blood behind. Luckily the carpet is a bright shade of red, so it’s not obvious that the trail is of blood, but he and Niffty will still have to try and prevent anybody from taking too much of an interest in the dark spots and where they lead.

“Ok this is weird!” Angel pipes up as he digs through the wardrobe, “These are all women’s clothes! And even some long wigs!” There are a handful of unisex t-shirts and sweatpants in the drawers, but the majority of the clothing is female oriented.

Charlie, in her desperate desire to find any potentially innocent reason for Alastor’s deception, gasps and slaps the bottom of her fist against the palm of the other hand, “He must be a cross dresser! He’s ashamed to tell us that he likes wearing girl’s clothes so he comes in here to play dress up and feel pretty!”

“Except none of it would fit him. The wigs maybe but..” Angel pulls out one of the longer brunette wigs, pausing to whistle at the quality, before he resumes speaking, “all of these are for a fairly short, definitely super petite woman. I’d say somewhere between… four foot ten and five foot two. And Al may have that scrawny as f*ck waist, but he’s what… seven feet tall? With his height and his shoulder width he’d never fit into any of this. Oooo shiney!” He ends with an exclamation as he discovers and opens the jewelry box in the bottom drawer.

Husk’s tail is swishing back and forth nervously. The woman is moving so painfully slowly and he doesn’t know why she can’t just hurry up, at this rate they are going to get caught. Despite his frustration, he has an inkling of why, her body looks concerningly frail, so much so that he’s definitely going to have to figure out if she’s some sort of torture prisoner. Alastor and Niffty have been calling this woman the radio demon’s wife, but with her condition he has to wonder if the marriage was… consensual.

Vaggie is poking around the writing desk, opening drawers and finding nothing more than some blank notebooks and barely used pens. Eventually she finds a sheet of half crumpled paper, the writing on it seems fresh and there’s a singed corner. She can’t be certain what happened to it but it seems as though it was nearly a casualty in the snake’s rapid fire destruction of the room. She picks it up and starts to read it over, quickly realizing that it’s a list of names. There’s two sets of handwriting, one looks familiar but she can’t quite place why.

“Okay that’s… that’s not right…” The woman mutters upon seeing ‘Fabuloso’ under the section labeled ‘girl,’ and despite there being much more important things to deal with, she feels compelled to take a pen and correct it, crossing out the ‘o’ and changing it to ‘Fabulosa.’ Still a terrible name but at least more grammatically correct in her language, though she also has to raise an eyebrow at the Spanish curses that are also on the sheet of paper. “There’s this weird list of what I think are supposed to be names over here?”

Charlie comes over and reads it, “OH, that’s Niffty’s handwriting. You know what, I bet this is where Niffty comes to plan her little roach puppet shows!” She takes the sheet of paper, “I bet these are name ideas for her characters. Maybe Alastor helps her write her shows!”

Vaggie sighs, it’s not exactly an impossible idea, but it’s still a stretch, “Babe, even if that’s what this list is for, it doesn’t explain anything else about this room.”

Sir Pentious pops his head out of the bathroom, “Doesss anybody know what thisss isss?” He drags an IV stand out of the bathroom, the saline bag hanging from it is empty.

Vaggie gestures dramatically in the snakes direction while looking at the princess, “See what I mean? There’s nothing good intentioned that explains all the weird sh*t in this room!”

“Okay, I don’t have an explanation for that one…but still…” Charlie says solemnly.

Husk has nearly gotten the human to the hole in the floor, they are almost in the clear. But there is a lot more dust and debris around the damaged section, and it’s all getting kicked up by the cat’s tail swishing. Kicking up just high enough to get into the woman’s lungs, and irritate her already messed up throat.

The bartender freezes as she breaks into a horrific coughing fit, causing everybody to turn and look at him. Husk and Niffty lock eyes for a moment as the rest of the room becomes aware that there is another person with them. Without hesitation, he takes Niffty, and chucks her at Vaggie, who he perceives to be the biggest threat. She sails through the air, still confused and disoriented but ready to whatever is necessary.

“f*ck! f*ck get her off!” Vaggie screams as the gremlin latches onto her head and begins clawing and biting like a feral, rabid cat.

Husk begins to turn to scoop up the woman, but the closer threat lashes out. Sir Pentious wraps his tail around the bartender’s leg and pulls him to the ground.

“f*ck,” He hisses, his claws glowing with a green energy as he lashes out at the tail, slicing deep. The snake wails and pulls back. Meanwhile the human scrambles for the hole, but stops at the edge, staring down. It’s far too high a jump in her condition, and before she can try to make a break for the tunnel, she finds the barrel of a Tommy gun pressed to her forehead.

Chapter 25

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I think I sucessfully did the thing called 'dramatic irony'
Also 'show don't tell' is hard. I wish that I could spend chapter after chapter slowly picking apart Alastor's feelings and his thoughts and his worries, but this fic is already going to be so long and it's honestly easier to just have him spill his guts to Rosie, you know? I worry a bit because some of the sh*t he is saying is very introspective and most people can not on the spot summarize their thoughts and feelings this well. BUT this is fiction, a place where men have emotional intelligence and we love them because they say what they are feeling rather than do nothing but drink beer and watch football.
The second half gets very very monolougy, and I think that by my outline a couple later chapters will also have a lot of monolouging and I"m sorry if it gets tedious. But intertupting every couple lines to do an action or a feeling gets really really hard when you're trying to get the chapter done and posted by the end of the night. UUUUh anyways enjoy?

Chapter Text

Alastor watches the little egg, ‘Frank’ follow Carmilla, her daughters, and Zestial down the hall. After a moment he and Rosie board the elevator that will take them back down the alley behind the building.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so stressed,” Rosie says, eyeing her old friend.

Stressed? Whatever do you mean stressed?” Alastor tries to laugh it off, “When have you ever seen me ‘stressed’ my dear Rosie.” And yet he finds he can not stop the way his hands twist his cane back and forth. His ever present smile is tight, his eyes tired yet full of anxiety.

“Well, there was the time you spilled sulphuric acid on your favorite pair of shoes,” Rosie begins, “Oh and you were rather anxious right before you told me that you had gotten married and not invited me to the wedding.” Her voice is a bit teasing on that last bit, but her eyes hold some resentment that she’s not let go. She gently puts a hand on his shoulder, “And right now… I’m seeing you be stressed right now. And the other overlords may have missed it, but that is only because they don’t know you like I do. But if I’m catching on to it, it’s not long before somebody else notices as well.”

As they get off the elevator, the radio demon just wants to make an immediate run for the hotel. To check on Grace, to make sure that nothing has happened in his absence. But he restrains himself, if he gives into the worry, then he will never get past it. If he allows these wild and unfounded concerns to dictate his actions then he will never be free of them.

The pair cross the alley to where the remaining egg minions are, staying close together. Alastor watches as the little creatures play in the dumpster, pulling out little ‘treasures’ and showing them off to each other. His lips curl in disgust as he thinks of a grimey child tracking mud all over his carpet.

He and Rosie are silent for a while as they wait for the other overlords to finish leaving. Every now and then one of the elevators open, and an overlord steps off. A few congregate nearby, discussing the events that happened upstairs, and their plans for later, as though this is just some regular office meeting. But soon they disperse, and the two are alone once again, aside from the sentient chicken fetuses.

The radio overlord closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, tuning in to his radio wave senses. Although he’s looking for any device that may be recording them, he is specifically trying to make sure there is no Vox tech in the area. Any standard equipment is probably unmonitored, but he knows that ever since their little spat over the airwaves, his former friend has most likely set up his systems to automatically notify him when Alastor shows up on one of his cameras. He senses the signals from Velvette’s phone, but it’s a ways away, she seems to be having a conversation with one of her models, yelling at them about their various inadequacies as she pursues a fabric store. A fabric store! The pride ring can have a fabric store but it can’t have one damn grocery store?

Luckily although the damn television-head has his cameras all over town, the headquarters of other overlords are usually big blind spots. There are a handful of surveillance cameras, but they are all part of Carmilla’s security system. So not only does he not have to worry about Vox watching him right now, there is also an added benefit that he can just… take another deep breath and send out a radio wave pulse that temporarily knocks them out of commission. Vox tech has all those pesky extra security measures designed specifically to minimize his ability to mess with them. He can sense it, and his natural ability to obfuscate his face on video still works, but he can’t disable the sh*t because Vox is admittedly rather good at what he does. But now Carmilla’s security system is down for a few minutes, so he and Rosie have the freedom to talk while he waits for ‘Frank’ to return.

“So then, Alastor…” Rosie plays with her umbrella, uncertain how to get her friend to open up. “Why… are you so stressed?”

I am not…” He starts, but catches the way she is looking at him. He knows he’s not fooling her, he’s barely fooling himself. “I don’t know. I really don’t Rosie.” He starts twirling his cane, he needs something to do with his hands otherwise he might lose control of his mind once again. “This isn’t like me, you know that. I don’t get anxious. I don’t worry. I don’t… ‘lose my cool’ as some might say.”

“I would beg to differ,” Rosie chuckles, “You may keep your head on straight most of the time, but the reason most sinners know not to mess with you is because they know what happens if you lose your cool.” She gestures to the hem of his coat, “Didn’t you blow that one snake halfway across the pentagram the other day just because he ripped your coat? And then when V…” She pauses as the other demon’s shoulders tense, “...when the one who’s name we don’t speak made his silly little news broadcast you felt compelled to bite back at him, despite the fact that you are supposed to still be minimizing attention to yourself.”

It’s not as though I could have just let him spread lies and slander about…” Alastor starts to mutter, then shakes his head. She’s right, calling out Vox had been a mistake, it drew far more attention to him than meant to. He knows that he had publicly embarrassed the other overlord, and fed into the demon’s pre-existing fears. Because of that he sent a snake to spy on them, and while Sir Pentious may now be a proper resident, it doesn’t change the fact that now there is somebody with a penchant for random destruction loose in the hotel. If Alastor had kept his head down like he was supposed to then he wouldn’t have to worry about the threat of the wrong wall being blown open, even if that possibility is a remote one… “The truth is Rosie, I don’t know why I’ve been like this. Today has been worse than ever, I just keep getting these… thoughts in my head and I don’t know what I’m meant to do about them.”

“What kind of thoughts dear?” Rosie questions, raising an eyebrow.

I keep thinking about the ba…” he violently shudders as the word ‘baby’ conjures up an image of a pink, squishy, squirming thing spitting up all over his coat. He clears his throat and tries again, “The chil…” And now he’s thinking about a two legged monstrosity coloring on the walls and running around with scissors.

Rosie is admittedly amused watching Alastor struggle. She does not like to see him suffer, but that resentment over a lack of a wedding invitation at times will take pleasure in watching him struggle with the thoughts pertaining to his growing family. Even if it was a logistical imposibility for her to attend, she would have at least liked to have not found out months after the fact, by complete accident no less. He had just failed to tell her until she happened to see his wedding ring.

I keep finding myself thinking about the… offspring,” the radio demon is not up to date enough on his modern music for his brain to try and make an association image with that, so it’s the term he settles for. “Thinking about how things are going to change. The things are such revolting little creatures, and I keep finding myself thinking about how I’m going to have to care for it.”

“Well, that’s rather normal hun,” Rosie says reassuringly, “to be thinking about the child that is, I’d be a bit concerned about the ‘revolting’ part, but we can work on that later. You’re going to be a dad. You can’t just pretend as though you aren’t.” She glances at the egg minions as they toss their various ‘treasures’ out of the dumpster and onto the concrete. “This isn’t a hypothetical situation anymore. Very soon that child is going to exist, and you will be responsible for caring for it. So, it’s perfectly natural for you to be thinking about them.”

Well yes, I realize that. I just thought I’d have a little bit longer till these kinds of thoughts started plaguing me,” He sighs. “With her morning sickness I can pretend it is like when she was on the chemotherapy, she has been working very hard to ensure I don’t have to see the… bump, and I was hoping I would be able to put off these nasty little mental conundrums until it reached a point that I’d be… forced to see it.”

The cannibal purses her lips, she seems to be thinking how best to handle this, after all she is the only person he is close enough to to confide in about these things. She wouldn’t want to ruin that bond by calling him out on the utter bullsh*t that he is spewing. This overlord may not yet have children of her own, but she is well aware of the physical and emotional turmoil other women go through in order to build a living being. So, upon hearing that poor Grace has been trying to conceal her baby bump for the sake of her husband’s comfort, rather than focusing on her own wellness and reveling in the fact that her body is currently performing the miracle that honestly makes women the superior gender, well it makes Rosie feel a special kind of rage. The kind of rage that if she was a less proper woman might lead her to smack some sense into her old friend. But, for the time being, she bites her tongue. Telling Alastor how he should be feeling will likely incur the opposite of the intended effect.

But the truth is… the ‘children are revolting’ part of the impending fatherhood experience isn’t the real problem,” Alastor looks up to the sky, taking in the moon of purgatory and the shining ball that is heaven. Oh how he misses stars. “I think about it certainly but it’s always overridden by something… terribly soft, in a way that I wish I could say I hate, but I don’t. Although I shudder at the thought of them smearing food on their faces at the dinner table, I also am… looking forward to teaching them how to use a knife and fork.” Rosie’s ears practically perk at the way Alastor shifts in his reference of the child, no longer calling it an ‘it’ like something, but ‘they’ and ‘them’ like it’s a soon to be person. “And then, when I start to think about those things I get this absolutely and utterly horrid sensation, a feeling that nearly incapacitates me.”

“What feeling, Alastor?” his friend steps closer to him.

Fear…” He says it without hesitation, his eyes wide, frightened like a baby deer alone in the forest as he stares up at the orb that is heaven. “What if I’m not good enough Rosie? What if I can not care for them the way they need?” His filter is struggling, earlier today he tried to make himself sound sincere by forcing it to drop, now he’s working his little behind off trying to keep it masking his tone. He already hates opening up, being vulnerable, Rosie, Grace, and Niffty are the only ones who he can crack open his shell around, but this is getting into a depth of his mind that he doesn’t know if he would ever normally expose. Yet he feels compelled to, because if he doesn’t talk about this with somebody then his worries may eat him alive before this child is born. “I have always been able to handle anything the afterlife threw at me, if I could not fight it then I could manipulate it. They’re just… they’re just a baby, sure they will be loud and sticky, but eventually they will be an adult and then I won’t have to worry about those things anymore. But what if… they don't make it that far. What if I fail, and something happens. What if I can’t protect them? Being away from her today has been the worst kind of hell since I’ve gotten down here, despite the fact that I have no real reason to be concerned for their safety, I can’t help feeling this tightness in my chest like something terrible is going to happen while I am away. Even when I am by her side I’m not free of it, this constant… nagging fear that gets so so much worse every time I even begin to think about how being a father might not be as bad as I’m expecting.” Rosie is about to respond, but holds off, she can see his mind is still working, still scavenging deeper into his subconscious to pull out these concerns. If she needed to be his sounding board than she would, she couldn’t just let him go back to his wife with all of this bottled up inside of him. His voice is soft when he speaks again, the filter fully gone, but still the hint of lightness that comes from his radioshow voice rather than his true one, “Or worse yet, what if I… do something wrong… how could I ever look at Gracie again if I f*ck up and kill our child?”

The cannibal taps his arm with her umbrella, so that he looks down at the sky and sees her surprisingly soft smile, “None of us know what the future holds Alastor. Life is messy, and terrifying and sometimes horrible things happen that we can’t do anything to stop. And it’s okay to worry about those things, because it helps keep us on our toes for the things that we can prevent. I can’t promise you that there won’t be some awful tragedy. I wish I could but I’ve been alive long enough to know that things just don’t work that way.” She takes his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. “But what I can tell you is this; the fact that you’re worried about all that stuff… the fact that you’re scared… means you’re more ready to be a dad than you think. You know how many people are down here because they neglected their kids? Whole swaths of people who just left a baby in a hot car, starved them, shook them, did all sorts of things that caused irreparable harm? That is not the kind of person you are, not since you met Grace at least, she has made you kind, thoughtful… in a way I never expected to see. So, if something were to happen to your child I promise you it would be by no fault of your own. You’ve got your work cut out for you sure, you’ve grown a lot in the past seven years but you still have a lot more to go to be ready to take on this challenge sweetie. But I promise you, that fear you’re feeling, is perfectly normal, it means you care. You just gotta make sure it doesn’t control you…”

While it has not alleviated all of his stress, not by a long shot, being able to get these things off of his chest has certainly been helpful. Rosie is right, he didn’t used to be this way. He didn’t use to care this much. It’s Grace’s doing and he can’t even hold it against her. But it is so difficult at times to reconcile the differences between who he was before he met her, and who he is now. For the rest of the world he still has to put on the front, the big bad radio demon, the overlord who cares for nobody but himself. Because here in hell there are hundreds, if not thousands of demons who would see this change and smell weakness, blood in the water. He can not let these fears control him.

“Oooh noooo!!!” one of the little egg boys cries out as it begins to fall from the dumpster. The other minions gasp as they watch their brother tumble through the air. And yet there is no cracking or splatting of egg on pavement, but rather a soft, gloved hand cushioning its fall. The little one looks up at his savor with twinkling eyes, meeting the radio demon’s red gaze.

Alastor’s lips curl at the feeling of the disgusting dumpster slime soaking through his glove. He should have caught the thing with his shadow, and yet he acted on instinct.


Chapter 26

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


This chapter ended up being a lot of me trying to mix action and prose and it took a lot of energy out of me. I know it's a bit rough and janky but hopefull all the points get across because it would take days of editing to properly clean this up into a smooth chapter and the whole point of this series is for me to be able to upload everyday so there's going to be rough spots when there's action. I had other things to say but honestly have totally forgotten what they were. So I hope you enjoy today's chapter cause there is... there is a lot going on and i'm honestly not sure if it's any good. (Oh god no wonder I burnt myself out on this one I just highlighted it to copy and saw the word count, I didn't realize I hit 3200 words jesus)

Chapter Text

Cold steel pressed to her burning forehead. Adrenaline fueled by terror coursing through her veins. She doesn’t even feel the pain in her shoulder anymore, but she can feel the blood trying to pour out as she presses on the wound. How did it all go so wrong so quickly?

Grace had just been sitting, waiting for Niffty to return. All of a sudden everything was on fire. No that’s not quite right, but it’s what it felt like. Blasts of white hot energy rocketing up from the floor. In the moment all of her weakness faded, and she did the best she could to survive, pushing the table to the corner furthest from the spot that the shots were coming from, and kicking it on its side. She knew she needed help, and despite all her instinct telling her to hide, she made a dash for the bedside table, grabbing the small radio. Her intent was to get back behind the table and signal her husband for help, but she never got to.

Despite her efforts to avoid the main concentration of gunfire, not one, but two shots found her. The first struck her shoulder, if she had vocal cords she would have screamed. It didn’t just feel like a sharp piercing sensation, it burned. She could smell her own flesh cooking as the edges of the wound cauterized from the heat of the blast. She barely had time to process that pain, process the bleeding, before another shot came through the floor and struck her little radio. She should have dropped it, yet as it smoldered she just hugged it closer to her chest as she slid behind the table just as the floor gave way and fell into the hallway below.

While all of that seemed to have happened in slow motion, the next few minutes were a complete blur. She sat hunched behind the table, desperately trying to get the radio working again despite it being nothing more than a smoking piece of casing now, while she listened to the voices explore her room. She could put a name to almost all of them, Niffty had taught her who was who. And yet despite the fact that she and Alastor had both described the cat demon Husker to her, and told her that he would protect her if anything went wrong, it didn’t stop her from feeling a sheer terror when he peeked at her behind the table. Her heart thundered in her chest as she tried to back away from the strange creature. Although in the past she had never been put off by the strange forms that demons take, her being married to one being evidence of that, in that moment where she was just scared and confused and thought she was going to die, all she could see in front of her was a great furry monster.

He tried so hard to hide her as she crawled across the floor to the hole, she was so close to making an escape. But even with the adrenaline in her, her body was still weak. She couldn’t move quickly, crawling with a shoulder wound is no picnic after all. But her whole body was beginning to ache. She felt a new kind of fear as her stomach began to cramp, because while it could certainly be nothing but just her body complaining of exhaustion, she still couldn’t shake the terror that something might be happening to her baby. But she didn’t get to think about it for long, because as soon as it happened the dust began to kick up, and it filled her lungs, making her poor throat burn. Of course she blamed herself for coughing, they were so close and she just had to cough, why couldn’t she have just stayed quiet for one more minute.

The next thing she knew her legs were carrying her as fast as they could. Niffty had gone sailing through the air, the cat was on the ground wrestling with a snake. She moved like her life depended on it, because it almost certainly did. And yet when she saw that drop, she couldn’t do it. Grace already knew her body was frail, already struggling to protect her baby, there was no way she was getting down there without getting hurt, and she didn’t think her uterus could absorb a shock like that without it being the final nail in the coffin for her poor unborn child.

And then it was too late. The only non-neutralized threat had gotten to her before she could make a break for the other exit.

Now she is staring up the barrel of a spiderweb decorated Tommy gun, her eyes locked with those of another strange creature. His soft white and pink fur does nothing to dampen the menacing effect of his cruel expression. The glint of his golden tooth matches the sheen of the pendant that he ‘borrowed’ from her jewelry box while going through her things. And yeah, that’s the last thing that Grace should be worrying about right now, but seeing her great grandmother’s necklace being worn by this demon really is the icing on the f*cking icing on the sh*t cake isn’t it?

All she wants to do is plead, explain she is no threat, beg for them to spare her life. Yet she can not speak, she can only hope that something changes the tide, that these things will show some small amount of mercy, or that somebody will save her. She despises this feeling of powerlessness. Hates that she must always rely on the will of others to determine her fate. It is not supposed to be this way.

In Angeldust’s mind all he can really think about is that this is the second potential threat to have wormed its way into the hotel in the past week, and in the chaos he’s letting his frustration cloud his thinking, “Get up, keep your hands where I can see them… hands UP” She is struggling to comply with her injured shoulder, but manages to get to a standing position with her hands weakly above her head. His voice is low as his gaze darts between her and Husk, who is currently frozen watching them, his green glowing claws hovering above Sir Pentious’ throat. “Let him go asshole, or you get to explain to Al why this chick’s brains are splattered on the wall of his secret room…”

Husker lets off a low cat growl, but pulls away from the snake. “You think I’m the only one who will have to answer to that freak if something happens to her?”

“Angel, put the gun down! We can all talk this.. ou-OW!” As Charlie attempts to talk to the spider, she’s also busying attempting to pry Niffty off of Vaggie’s head. The little maid is still a bit delirious, so she’s just in full fight mode, clawing at the woman’s face and hair, and biting the princess every time her hands get too close.

Vaggie currently can’t contribute much to the conversation. Her focus is mainly on screaming, “f*ck! Get her off!” Over and over. Even the tough girl isn’t immune to the intense pain of Niffty’s incredibly sharp claws.

“You can’t be serious Charlie!” Angeldust starts, head turning so he can look at her while the barrel of the gun drifts. “You can’t possibly think there is good intentions behind Alastor of all f*cking people hiding some girl in the walls of your hotel.”

“I’m OW not saying it’s good intentions,” she snaps at him, “Fine, I’ll admit something f*cked up is going on here. But look at her, does she really look like a threat? Put the f*cking gun OW down!!” She finally gets Niffty off of her girlfriend and holds her away at arms length as the gremlin thrashes and cackles maniacally.

Fight or Flight?

There is no Alastor to save her. His minions have failed. Grace can only rely on herself.

Every living thing on earth has the instinct for self preservation. There are few things in all of creation that can overwhelm that basic thing that is ingrained into each and every one of us. It doesn’t always save the creature, they may choose ‘fight’ and lose, they may choose ‘flight’ and not be fast enough, and maybe neither one will do any good. Sometimes the best option is to sit and wait for things to work themselves out. Or, talk your way out of a situation, that’s what seperates humans from animals after all, their ability to comminucate with one another to sort out a problem. But with her missing vocal chords, Grace might as well be a cornered animal. There’s always the lesser known third option, ‘freeze.’ But like a deer in headlights, that option is perhaps the riskies of all so…

Fight or Flight?

In the heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping through every aspect of her being, mingling with hormones and terror, things get messy. Grace was never a ‘freeze’ type, especially not now that she has to protect the extra little life in her belly. Especially not in a room filled with monsters that have already shown themselves to be incredibly dangerous. In her mind she believes they have already decided her fate. And all she can do is fight against that.

While Angel is looking away, while his gun hand is drifting and unfocused, she feels a long forgotten spark. Her hands are barely above her head, the swirl pattern on her right palm is exposed.




She grabs the barrel of the gun with her right hand and suddenly everything is…


The walls, the floor, the ceiling, the very air they breathe.

“f*ck!” Angeldust manages to yell as his gun becomes insanely hot, he drops it, holding his hand to his chest as his singed fur smolders.


A light, a feeling, a heat that burns but does not sear.

“Somebody f*cking grab her!” Vaggie calls out, stumbling in what she thinks is the direction where the woman was. But she can’t tell because everything is…


Like a star has been dropped in the middle of the room, a burning ball of gasses swirling and consuming all of infinity as a fuel source.

Husker can not look away, he should, but it’s impossible. At the center of the swirling violet void is a being of pure light, the cosmos embodied in a singular point of space time. He knows it must be an illusion, the bright power of this energy searing an impossible image onto his retinas. And yet for the briefest of moments he sees…

And then it is done.

All the demons are blinking and rubbing their eyes as the violet flashbang fades. When the white begins to fade from their vision and they can see again, the Tommy gun is a molten pile of scrap metal on the floor. The fibers of the carpet around it are igniting from the intensely high heat.

Grace is halfway to the tunnel. Fight has passed, it’s time for flight. But unfortunately it seems she’s vastly underestimated how long that intense flashbang would incapacitate, and how much it would take out of her. She’s stumbling already, but it’s enough for now.

Husk sees that Vaggie is already on the move, the warrior being more than capable of recovering from a temporary vision impairment. His wings move without him having to think about it, all the dust and debris kicking up around him, leaving Angel and Sir Pentious behind in a smoke screen as he crosses the room. They cough and sputter, still disoriented from the violet light and now inhaling the drywall powder.

Something is different, his body feels light, more powerful than even when Alastor had sent a buff. For just a moment he feels the energy in his veins as he comes between the two women, just as the warrior is about to spear her through the back. He catches the blade in his paw, which is coated in green and violet swirling energies, preventing it from cutting him and allowing him the ability to resist Vaggie’s incredible strength.

Grace falls to her knees at the tunnel entrance. She never stood a chance. Not in her condition. Without her voice she is useless. She could not plead for mercy and amnesty and so she had to run and fight. Now her frail, exhausted body can not hold up anymore. The whole world is spinning around her and she feels like her entire body is on fire.

ENOUGH !!” A voice rips through the room with the power of hell’s royal authority behind it. Charlotte Morningstar grasps the shaft of the spear and wrests it from Vaggie and Husker's hands. Her eyes are burning red, her hair floating like a halo as her horns are revealed. “ I will not stand for this in my hotel, not one moment more!” Everybody looks between each other, but they do not move to continue the fray. Charlie gestures to Grace on the floor, who is gasping and shaking, more terrified than ever, as though she had not just displayed a similar level of power not moments ago. “She is clearly not a threat. All of you need to chill the f*ck out!”

Angeldust gestures to the melted gun on the floor, “I would beg to differ…” His mouth snaps shut as the princess turns her intense gaze towards him.

“Charlie, that is a human! A living soul!” Vaggie’s voice is half pleading, wanting her girlfriend to see what she thinks is reason, “A human who was powerful enough to break into hell! That alone makes her dangerous, but the fact that she is clearly friends with Alastor must mean that they…”

“LOOK AT HER!” She doesn’t need her princess of hell voice anymore, her yells are filled with enough fury and desperation that they carry more power than that tone ever could, “SHE CAN BARELY STAND. AND ALL OF YOU ARE ATTACKING HER LIKE SHE’S SOME KIND OF MONSTROSITY.” She takes a deep breath, looking around the room, making eye contact with first Sir Pentious, then Angeldust, “I am so disappointed in all of you, I know my expectations of you are high but… I really can’t believe you would fall so short of them,” then her gaze meets Vaggie, “especially you… you’re better than this… I know you are, and yet…” She sighs and turns around to face Husker. The pair look at each other for a moment, she seems as though she is trying to figure out what to say to him while the others process what just happened. But she doesn’t need to say anything to him, not now anyway. The bartender steps aside, allowing the princess to pass.

Vaggie looks down at her hands, sadness and rage all mixed up in her chest, she knows that the princess is right. And yet she can not help but feel like she once again failed to protect the hotel. She sees threats around every corner, how else is she supposed to react to them? If not with force then… she recalls briefly the act that landed her in hell in the first place. The small moment of mercy that she received unjust punishment for. Why can she not show that leniency anymore? Was that softer side ripped away along with her eye and wings? These thoughts she fears will forever be trapped in her head, unanswered questions, for she can not talk to anybody about these troubles without revealing her own secret. She looks around the room as she thinks these things, how hypocritical is she for assuming all secrets must mean the worst intentions?

Angeldust sneers at Husker, before bending down to look over the scrap metal that was once his favorite gun, it’s going to be a bitch to get another custom made piece again. He could always ask Valentino but… he’s been trying not to ask him for things lately. The spider glances over at the cowering human and for a moment he feels… guilt, in the heat of the moment he had been more blinded, more than the violet energy ever could do. Now he sees that that is no threat, it is just some poor scared girl… how often had he cowered from Val in the same pose?

Sir Pentious is holding the wounds where the cat demon’s claws tore his flesh. He does not feel anger or guilt. Only confusion. A lot has happened in a very short period of time. As he staunches the bleeding and bandages it with his coat he finally has time to think. Whoever this is, she meant a lot to Alastor for him to have smuggled her in and hidden her in this room, then compelled the maid and bartender to fight for her survival. His eyes widen, including the one on his hat, as fear takes root in his heart. She is bleeding, from a wound he gave her. Maybe if he starts running now he’ll have enough of a head start to possibly escape the radio demon’s wrath.

Niffty is… well Niffty is playing with a chunk of Vaggie’s hair that she ripped out… scalp included.

Charlie leans the spear against a wall and looks upon the terrified human, their eyes meeting. “Hey, I’m Charlie…” She steps forward, and Grace tries to shuffle backwards. “What’s your name?” She stretches out her hand, like she’s approaching a feral animal, but she’s just offering to help her stand.

Grace looks upon the princess, her heart still racing, her vision blurring. While this person seems kinder, almost more human than the others, all she can think about is how this being might also seek to harm her baby. The human has almost a ghostly pallor to her as she trembles, sweat dripping down her brow.

Charlie squats down beside her, “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise, can you tell me your…name…” Her voice trails off as she sees the thick surgical scar on the woman’s throat. She’s about to ask if the girl can not speak, when suddenly a small figure brushes past her. Upon nearly losing her balance she has to lean against a wall while watching Niffty bring a wastebasket to the human, luckily the room has those solid walled types, and not one of those wiry ones.

All the muttering and murmuring to themselves that the others were doing stops, the room goes dead silent, and Grace begins to retch and vomit into the wastebasket. Charlie goes a little green at the smell, while the others eventually turn their heads to attempt to give her some privacy.

Niffty, sweet little Niffty, just pats the girl’s back. “There there it’s alright, get it all out…” Her voice is calmer than any of the others have ever heard it, surprisingly so given the day she has had. When her friend seems to be finished she pushes the now sloshing bin a bit down the hall, then returns to the woman’s side. She takes out her handkerchief and gives it to Grace so she can wipe up her face. Then she turns back to the group, and with her voice now returning to it’s ‘normal’ tone, states clearly for everybody, “This is Gracie, she is Alastor’s wife!”

Chapter 27

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


More Rosie and Alastor talking about feelings!! I feel almost bad dragging this out so much, I didn't expect to deep dive so much into Alastor's mental state in this arc but every time I would start writing it just kinda all came out you know? And it a way I think it makes sense, it balances out the chaos of what is happening at the hotel. And we have spent so much time on Grace's headspace that it's only fair we get a look at Al's. Plus I think I'm going to need Rosie to know what he's thinking so I can keep that in my back pocket to use if I get stuck writing something down the line, like if I'm at an impasse with everybody interacting together then Rosie swoops in and is like 'hey Al doesn't like sharing this information but...' You know? I also have given her some time this chapter to get more of her own thoughts and feelings as they relate to Alastor out there so you guys can get a better grasp of her dynamic with the couple cause that will definetly be important for at least some filler arcs I have planned down the line.
Also, I am having the opposite problem that I expected to when I wrote up the outline for this arc. I was worried about chapters being too short, well they're way way too long. To put it in perspective, this chapter, 27, it's contents were originally the end of chapter 25 on the outline. But when I was writing 25 I was like, this is getting too long (2800 words) I need to make a cut off cause I'm getting burnt out, and I figured that the bit I had left would be a good intro for what I had planned for 27, this chapter was meant to open on a flashback that Alastor is reminicing on. So I figured I would change it to open on the bit left over from 25 then transition to the flashback. Then today I'm writing and I look and I've got soooo many f*cking words and I haven't even finished writing this bit that was supposed to jsut be the end section of 25 initially. Finally I had to give up and decide that I'm pushing the flashback to chapter 29 and jsut focusing this one on that bit, which is good cause this chapter came out to 2300 words. So if I had stuck to my original outline, chapter 25 would have been 5100 words, and I'm sure you all would have loved that but it would have burned me out right at the start of the week.
The reason I wanted to share with you guys the process of all that is so you can understand why I will not be posting a chapter tomorrow. The outline is in absolute shambles, and yeah it is for the better cause we are getting so much more content then originally planned, but the hotel plotline is also getting bigger but not at the same rate as the Alastor plotline and with me alternating between the two before the eventually converge I just need to take a day to go over the next couple chapters and reformat things so that I can keep the writing process smooth. And while I would love to say that after that this will be the only random midweek break we will get, apparently my brain takes outline as 'guideline that we aren't really going to follow' so this may not even be the last time this arc alone that I have to stop so I can fix everything. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy tonight's chapter and I will see you on Friday.

Chapter Text

Alastor shudders as the dumpster slime soaks through his glove. He gently sets the egg creature on the ground, then looks at all of them. His task has been to get rid of them, and while he still does not know how to achieve that, he does know that he can not let them run around covered in filth. The radio demon looks around the alley while he removes both the filthy glove and its clean counterpart. As the fabric incinerates in a green flame he catches sight of a hose attached to an exterior faucet on the Carmine building.

Rosie watches in silent fascination as Alastor uses his cane to herd the group of egg boys over to that side of the alley. When he picks up the hose she opens her umbrella and holds it in a way that will prevent her from getting splashed.

Alright… egg things,” the overlord sighs, “Line up.”

The obedient little minions line up in front of their boss, bracing themselves. The water that comes from the hose is surprisingly clean for hell’s plumbing. Carmilla must have her own filtration system for the building. She really could use her engineering skills to do so much good for the people of hell if she wasn’t so focused on the insane profits that weapons manufacturing generates.

While Alastor hoses down the filthy eggs, Rosie decides to divert their conversation towards some of her real concerns. “So, how is your dear Gracie doing?” For the first week that she was in hell, the human woman had been hidden in the attic of Rosie’s shop until Alastor could procure more secure lodgings. That had been the cannibal’s first time meeting her in person, but she knew much about Grace through what her old friend had told her, and from the handful of conversations she’d had with the woman through the radio connection that kept the couple in touch whenever he was down in hell. But when she had first brought the human into her home, Rosie was very concerned to see that she was far sicklier than she had pictured. And while she had always questioned Alastor’s resolve to keep his wife alive, now that the girl is carrying his child she knows it is imperative that Grace hold onto her mortal shell for just a little while longer.

Alastor uses his cane to gesture to the eggs to indicate he wants them to turn around so he can properly hose down all sides of them, “She is… not well… the morning sickness has been hard on her. We were able to acquire some basic medical supplies to stave off dehydration and malnutrition. But it’s palliative treatment at most.” He is quiet for a moment, contemplating how much of his wife’s condition he wants to reveal to Rosie. He shares everything with her, but after the intense moment of vulnerability he just had, he’s not sure if he can handle veering into more of the territory of concerns and emotions.

“So, you’d not figured out why this pregnancy is causing her to be so ill?” The female overlord ponders for a moment, before jokingly offering. “I could send over some high quality organ meat, they say livers and kidneys are great for pregnant women.” She chuckles at the way Alastor’s ears flatten back.

Although he is particularly fond of the type of meat that his friend serves at her shop, he’s often made it very clear that he has no intention of trying to convince or coerce his wife to take part in that lifestyle. He certainly isn’t going to start now, while she’s struggling so much mentally on top of the physical issues.

Rosie waves her hand as though to dismiss her own comment, “Ignore me, you know how I am. Don’t you worry I adore her even if she is a bit of a picky eater.”

Alastor rolls his eyes then turns the hose off, with a snap of his fingers a green towel falls from the sky onto the egg boys, “Luckily I believe we have her stabilized for the time being. But I’m running out of ideas on how to keep her nourished without resorting to… making her eat things she doesn’t want to.” He approaches Rosie again as the eggs dry themselves off. From his coat pockets he produces a spare set of gloves, they are a bit off the colors of his usual color scheme, being more a dark burgundy and light gray than his usual black and crimson, but they will do for now. “I’m… concerned that even if we get the baby to the point where it is developed enough to survive outside the womb that… it won’t be enough for her to… survive as well.”

“Well, would that be a big issue?” She twirls her umbrella so that the water that got on it spins off, then shuts it. “Yes, I know another demon owns her soul. But that just means she’s sure to end up here in hell when she passes.” Rosie watches his shoulders stiffen, he’s struggling to keep his smile up, which is rare even for her to see. “Perhaps once she’s a dead soul it will be easier to find her ‘owner’ anyways, as he’d likely come around to tell her what it is he wants her doing for him. Then you can… deal with him.”

“He’d have the brunt of her powers Rosie,” Alastor’s mind wanders, images of swirling violet energy fill his mind. “Even I don’t know how strong she was really meant to be, so if he has her power source and god knows how many other souls… He could be as powerful as Zestial, maybe even more so. I can’t bank on being able to defeat him in order to regain her soul ownership.”

Rosie hums, “That’s true but… you’ve been making friends with that little princess right? If you continue building your allegiance with her, then feed her some sob story about wanting to save the soul of the mother of your child, and then…” Even she knows it’s a stretch for Alastor to consider such a thing, to debase himself, to plead for help, he’d never do such a thing. Or so the cannibal would have thought. She sees the way his eyes dart away, like he’s ashamed to admit he’s considering it… well, love makes a man do things he would normally never consider. It’s one of the reasons she hasn’t given up on that gender entirely by now, maybe one day she’ll find a man who loves her as much as Alastor adores his Gracie. She tries to lighten the mood while also reinforcing her point. “And hey, if she becomes a dead soul then the two of you don’t have to worry about another little ‘oopsie’ baby. That would be a good thing right?”

The radio demons audibly groans as her comment touches on the thoughts that he was having before the meeting. She’s right, there’d be no more children if she dies, and he should consider that a plus. Anything to avoid another baby would be preferable and yet the thinks that a decade or two, maybe centuries down the line Grace might one day half heartedly mention that ‘it’s too bad they never got to have another kid or two’. It would shatter him, if he’s this weak now after only nine years of knowing her, then he knows that in the way off future if his wife voiced any regrets about not having more kids it would break him. So, Rosie is wrong. It would not be a good thing, even if they never have another child, he can’t stand the idea of the ability being permanently stripped from her when she is only twenty eight. She was already devastated enough when she supposedly lost her child bearing abilities years ago, how could he expect her to go through that twice?

The other overlord’s expression turns from amusem*nt to shock. She had certainly not expected the reaction she is witnessing now. While she can not even begin to imagine the swirl of thoughts that is drowning her friend at the moment, she can at least tell that he is in fact NOT pleased at the point she made.

What is it about Grace? That would make such a man as Alastor change so much in such a relatively short period of time. She remembers how he was when he first started talking about her. She watched him change over time, his voice becoming softer and more full of joy every time he spoke of the conversations he had with the strange human girl he had come into contact with on the surface. But somehow Rosie had failed to see how much he had changed, because this is not something that has just happened suddenly since finding out his wife is pregnant. This kind of softness, this empathy, this willingness to upend his whole philosophy on children… it’s been brewing for a while hasn’t it. A rather impressive feat given that before that he had made almost no change in his personality for about a century, aside from the couple impressions left behind by a certain former associate.

Rosie would tip her hat to Grace… yet she is starting to suspect that it’s not all the girl’s work. Perhaps she did not just change him, but rather uncovered something that had been long since lost. She may never know which is this case. But it pains her to see that Alastor is struggling so much, so she has to wonder if this change really was for the better. She will adore him no matter who he becomes, but after this whole long conversation of watching him be all twisted up inside, she’s almost beginning to resent the human. It’s a touch of jealousy, but also a bit that she misses how he used to be. They used to have long talks about the best way to flambé a piece of thigh meat or where in the pentagram is the best place to raise some absolute terror. It’s a good thing he’s grown, even if he’s still at the painful growth spurt stage of it, but she almost feels like she is being left behind.

She clears her throat, “Well Alastor, whatever you decide is best for her, I will do everything in my power to help you help her.” The cannibal glances to the side, and half mutters under her breath, “Even if I don’t fully agree with the choice…”

Alastor’s ear twitches as he hears the shift in her voice, he too remembers how they used to have such fun together terrorizing any soul or overlord who stepped out of line, “Rosie dear, I know it’s hard to understand my reasoning,” he will always be grateful, for she has supported him no matter the path he chooses in life. But he can hardly blame her for feeling a little sad to see him so focused on somebody other than her and their little adventures reigning in unruly souls across the pride ring, “You are hellborn, so you have yet to experience death, and I hope that you never do. But for us… this is not just the next stage of life.” He takes a deep breath, and holds a hand to his chest, “It’s easy to think that because these forms are our souls made manifest that it means that us sinners are exactly who we were in life but no longer restrained by the limitations of the human form. But I assure you it’s not the case. None of us ever talk about it, I’m not sure most even realize it, but when we die something changes. I believe we lose a piece of ourselves on the way down, the people here who I knew in life are… different… I’m different than I was when I was alive. It’s not an extraordinary difference, but still…”

The hellborn overlord purses her lip, and earlier thoughts come back to the forefront of her mind. Grace being able to change this man so much in such a short time would certainly make more sense if she has more so been bringing back this ‘piece’ that Alastor claims to be missing. But it is a half formed theory, barely worth mentioning aloud.

The sinner overlord continues, “I will love Grace regardless of what becomes of her when she dies, there is no singular part of her being that my love for her hinges on…” He realizes it’s strange how easy it is for him to talk about his love for his wife to another person, and yet he feels so strange and awkward still saying the words ‘I love you’ to her face. “But what if I… don’t love her the same way? What if all this painful growth I’ve been forced to endure for the past years comes undone because she becomes like us? And it becomes too easy to fall into my old habits because they will no longer hinder us?” His eye twitches as he thinks of worse. “And what if when she dies, the part of her she loses is the ability to love me?”

“Oh Alastor…” Rosie reaches out and touches his shoulder, “I don’t think you have to worry one bit about that. That girl adores you far too much for a little bit of soul loss to change that.”

Maybe… maybe not,” Alastor puts his hand over hers, “Either way, life is… living… breathing… All of it is incredible in its own way. We will have eternity together in our demonic forms, but I don’t want her to lose even one more moment of her life than necessary.” He swallows hard, eyes growing distant for a moment, “She deserves to grow old Rosie, like I never did…”

Chapter 28

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I took a day off so that I could clean up the outline, and then when I started writing I... completly ignored the outline. Like yeah it helps cause it reminds me that there are certain bases I need to cover but like... basically only a couple questions from it got answered, and then I detoured into completly different territory, and all the stuff from the outline still NEEDs to be covered cause it's important sh*t. But brain was like 'hmmm what if we put off the big group conversation and just have Husk and Grace for 3000 words' So yeah I... if it ever seems like I can't pick a direction and we end up in wild places with this story, know that I tried. I wrote a plan, then the plan went into the f*cking ocean. This arc was outlined at like I dunno 12 chapters? Now there's going to be like 20, it's insane. what are words. Anyways enjoy Husk trying to be friendly with his boss' wife in an attempt to avoid getting murderlized

Chapter Text

After Niffty’s big reveal the whole room goes silent for a full minute, aside from Grace coughing to clear some of the remaining bile from her throat, and an ominous creaking sound that may indicate the area is not very structurally sound after Sir Pentious rampage, oh and the crackle of fire.


“sh*t!” Angeldust starts stamping out the flames on the carpet that have sprung up from the heat of the molten gun.

Charlie turns to see what is happening, her eyes going wide, but Vaggie is already moving. She grabs the cover off the bed, and drags it into the bathroom. The others hear the bathtub running for a moment then when she emerges again the blanket is soaking wet. With Angel and Sir Pentious’ help they manage to throw it over the flames, mostly putting them out. Mostly meaning that the hot gun is causing the whole thing to steam and smoke. It’s getting hard to breathe in here with that and the drywall dust everywhere.

Grace’s coughing is getting worse, and her eyes are watering.

Charlie moves to help, they’d have to address their concerns over Niffty’s statement later, “Husk, take her down the tunnel, breathing all this in can’t be good for her.” Both the princess and the maid rush over to help try to extinguish the flames.

“Right… right,” Husker turns and approaches the young woman, “Alright… Gracie?… can you stand?”

Grace looks up at him, her emerald eyes shining with fear, then shakes her head. Her body will no longer follow her commands, the adrenaline rush is gone and now she is just exhausted.

The cat demon gets down on one knee, “I’m going to carry you then… is that okay?” He’s trying to force his usual gruffness down, partly because he knows that he has to get on this girl’s good side so that maybe she can save him from Alastor’s wrath, but he also can’t help feeling a twinge of empathy for her. He can recognize the eyes of somebody who feels they have no control over their situation. A bunch of demons just broke into her room after all, raided her belongings, then attacked her, after who knows how many weeks or months of her possibly being trapped in here. He can tell that scooping her up and carrying her away without her permission isn’t going to do anything to build trust between them.

Grace hesitates for a moment. But when she looks over his shoulders and past his wings she can see the chaos behind him. She knows she needs to get away from the fire, certainly they can put it out before it engulfs the hotel, but she needs a few minutes to compose herself before the inevitable barrage of questioning. Eventually she nods.

The bartender leans in, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck and bury her face in the fur on his shoulder. He gets his own arms around her and carefully raises her from the ground. The demon is extraordinarily cautious to not touch her anywhere inappropriate as he adjusts to carrying her. She seems resistant to being carried bridal style, understandably, so he has to allow her to cling to him like a spider monkey with her limbs wrapped around him while he does his best to support her.

As he walks down the tunnel with her Husker can feel her warm blood oozing from the shoulder wound onto his fur, it’s not a heavy bleed but they will definitely have to take care of bandaging her up once they are in a more sterile area. He feels how scrawny her limbs are, and is unable to even begin to imagine what kind of awful things may have happened to put her in this kind of condition. While he hopes it is not Al’s doing, he knows that sick f*ck is capable of awful things. Though he knows the radio demon is more prone to being kinder to women, he still imagines the monster is perfectly capable of starving a captive human girl to this point. But after a minute of carrying her he realizes that there is yet another thing he can feel about her since her torso is against his, there is a strangeness to her body shape.

“Ah f*ck Al…” Husk mutters as he realizes that despite her scrawny frame, the human has roundness to her stomach that hadn’t been noticeable just by looking at her in her loose shirt. “Don’t tell me you… f*ck what have you dragged me into now you bastard?”

Grace sniffles, her hands tightening around his fur. She isn’t sure what he’s talking about, but she doesn’t have a great feeling about it.

Once he exits the tunnel and enters Alastor’s room, Husk decides to keep going, the further he gets from the rest of the hotel crew, the more time he and the girl will have to… at least try to talk. The bartender needs to get his bearings on the situation, so he knows how best to protect Grace. He takes her out of the room and heads down the hall, towards the lobby.

“Okay, Gracie… can I ask you some questions?” Husker is trying to keep his swearing in check in addition to his tone, he knows that his best shot at getting out of this situation with all his parts intact is to get this human to relax and trust him.

She turns her head so that her cheek is resting in his fur and the two can make eye contact. Her mouth moves, and her eyes are intense as she tries to convey something important without her voice.

It takes a bit but he manages to somewhat decipher it, “Gra…Grace? Your name is Grace not Gracie?” She nods vigorously. “Then why did Nif…oh, let me guess, Alastor calls you Gracie, and she was just repeating what she hears?” Another nod. He thinks he gets it, ‘Gracie’ is a pet name and she doesn’t like others using it because it would make it less special when Alastor calls her that, assuming she is consenting to and enjoying her marriage to the radio demon. The alternative that Husker fears is that she is his prisoner and she hates being called Gracie because it’s what her captor calls her.

Husk is careful not to jostle her as he descends the stairs, and is also careful with his choice of words. “I need you to be honest with me, okay? I work for Al, but if…” He takes a deep breath, focusing on his steps for a minute so that he doesn’t trip and drop his cargo. “Niffty said you’re his wife, but if he’s holding you against your will then I’m not going to stand by and be a part of it. I can help you, or… try to at least, that one girl back there is pretty strong, so we could help you get away from him…” He blinks in surprise at how angry she suddenly looks, she’s shaking her head, and her fists are tight in his fur.

Grace hates this, she hates that she can’t just tell people what is going on. She can’t really blame this demon for thinking the worst, she knows how this looks from an outside perspective. But everything would be so much easier if she could just explain herself, and the fact that she knows all those others will soon descend on her with even more questions and theories and… for her whole life her greatest strength was not her magical abilities, it was her voice, her ability to convey her thoughts. One of the reasons she was so willing to be hidden away was because she knew it would be easier, she wouldn’t have to constantly be talked over, wouldn’t have to worry about nobody listening to her just because she doesn’t have vocal chords to stand up for herself.

“Okay okay, calm down I get it.” They’ve reached the lobby now, and he takes her over and gently sits her on the couch by the fireplace. “You aren’t a prisoner then?”

She mouths a very stern ‘No.’

He sighs, “Are you… are you sure?” He takes a step back and looks her over, her condition is horrific, yet Alastor certainly can’t be blamed for all of it, the dirt and blood are the fault of the chaos set in motion by the snake after all.

He doesn’t have to hear her voice to hear the power of the ‘f*ck You’ that she mouths.

“Alright alright, f*cking hell,” Husker groans and heads over to the bar. He grabs the first aid kit from below the counter and a bottle of vodka because he knows that kit doesn’t have disinfectant in it. While he’s separated from her he takes some time to think. It’s not as though it’s impossible for her to actually willingly be with Alastor, but he can’t imagine what type of woman could love a monster like him. Did he hide his true nature from her? Or is she also some sick and twisted freak? Regardless, he was going to have to try and get more information out of her to decide how to proceed. Because Charlie is certainly going to try and send this girl back to the living world, and if that happens Husk will be the one that Al puts the blame on. He’s already in deep enough sh*t for letting her get hurt, if he comes back and his wife is gone, then he can kiss any hope of survival goodbye.

When he returns to the couch, Grace has pulled her bare feet up onto it and is resting her forehead on her knees. She’s running through every possible scenario in her mind, her breathing is ragged as she thinks of every worst case imaginable. They might send her back to earth, which would be a death sentence in her condition without Alastor there to protect her. If they discover she is pregnant then they may force a termination of the pregnancy out of fear of what a child born of an overlord and a human with magical powers may turn out like. What will they do to Alastor? If Charlie is the princess of hell, supposedly more powerful than any sinner, could she be capable of inflicting punishment on him for consorting with a human? Losing her child would be one horrific thing that she can’t stand, but if in addition to that she had to lose her husband to some cruel ‘consequences of his actions’ then she would have nothing left. No child, no husband, no voice. Nothing.

Husk kneels by her side and gestures to her bleeding shoulder, “Can I get that cleaned up for you?” He again asks permission, not wanting to freak her out more by touching her when she isn’t wanting to be touched.

Grace takes a deep breath, then nods, and sits so that he can access it. She’s been so anxious and terrified that she honestly forgot about it, though the moment he dabs a ragged soaked in vodka on it she is immediately reminded. She gasps, opening her mouth as if to scream in pain, but there is no noise.

Husk does his best to be gentle, not just because this is Alastor’s wife he’s treating, but because even he knows you shouldn’t be rough with a lady, “Did Al do that? Take your voice?” He thinks about the overlord’s history, the way he ripped demon’s screams from their bodies and broadcasted them. Is she a victim of this?

She shakes her head, but can not explain.

“Were you like this before you two met then?” Husk asks.

She shakes her head again, and raises up a hand and signals ‘1’ with it.

He looks and thinks for a moment, “One… One month? One year…?” She nods. “You lost your voice a year ago?” She wobbles her hand in a so-so motion. “About a year?” Another nod. “Alright then, and how long have you known Alastor?” It’s hard to do with him cleaning and bandaging her shoulder, but she manages to use both hands to hold up nine fingers. “Nine years… that’s quite a…wait. Are you the reason he disappeared for seven f*cking years?”

There is a pause, as her eyes dart to the side. Grace knows that her husband wouldn't want any of his personal details revealed to anyone, especially a subordinate. But if she’s honest with Husker then maybe that will get him to believe that she’s not some Stockholm Syndrome prisoner of his. Though to be fair how exactly would one prove that the reason they are with a person isn’t because of that? Anything she ‘says’ to convey that she loves her husband and is with him willingly could be misconstrued as her mind being broken into being convinced that she loves him. These thoughts are running through her head but she doesn’t have time to dwell on them. So she just nods again.

“So he was up on the surface for seven years, how was he not caught or something?” Husk asks in disbelief as he finishes tieing off the bandage.

She shakes her head and tries to explain, but without her voice there is no way to convey that it was a regular trip type thing, and he was keeping his head low whenever he was in hell so nobody would know he had a ticket to the surface.

Luckily the bartender understands that that is too complex a question, and they don’t have the time to talk on it right now, so he moves on to his next. “Alright then, and how long have you two been married then?” He has a much bigger question on his mind, but he fears that if he jumps straight into it that she won’t be honest, so he’s still trying to build her trust.

She holds up four fingers with one hand and makes another so-so motion with the other.

“About 4 years?” Husk asks, and is given a nod in response. He sees the ring on her left hand for the first time, it looks familiar, and he begins to try to remember when the last time was that he saw Alastor with his gloves off. He might have noticed a ring and just ignored it in the past, as it’s not a traditional looking wedding band, and could have just mistaken it as a quirky part of his ensemble.

Suddenly his ears twitch, he can hear conversing in the halls above, the rest of the group is on the move and he is running out of time. He has so much more he wants to ask the woman before they are ambushed by whatever insanity those demons are about to bring, but he only has time for one more line of questions.

Husker takes a seat beside Grace, tucking his wings in a way that he won’t sit on them, and looks her in the eyes. “I need you to be honest with me on this one, because I can’t help you or Al if you aren’t honest, and if I can’t help you then Al is going to probably f*cking kill me so…”

She nods to convey that she understands, she does not doubt that her husband would inflict a horrific punishment upon this poor demon if he fails to fix this situation, so for now he is her best ally. While Niffty is certainly on her side, she suspects that the little maid will not be able to do much in terms of assisting to convince the others of anything.

The cat takes a deep breath, and asks, “Did Al bring you down here… because you’re pregnant?” The way her eyes immediately begin to water is all the confirmation he needs, confirmation that the strange shape he felt while carrying her was a baby bump. He mutters, repeating to himself what he said before, “f*ck… Al what have you gotten me into?” He watches the way the woman wraps her arms around her stomach, protectively. He’s surprised that with her clear physical frailty that she can even carry a child… although perhaps that would explain why she is in such bad shape. “Is he forcing you to…” He gets a response before he finishes the question, and it’s far more forceful than he was expecting.

The palm of her hand connects hard with the side of his face. Far harder than would be expected from a human in her condition. Grace leans back, hot tears in her eyes. She already knows it was an overreaction, but she is exhausted, not just physically, but mentally. She is tired of not being able to explain concisely. She is tired of false assumptions, and they’ve barely begun. The woman knows that as soon as the rest get down here she is going to be bombarded with more accusations and presumptions and she won’t be able to defend herself. So this fuzzy demon accusing her husband of forcing her to carry a child, after she’s spent weeks trying to cope with the fact that he barely wants the kid… it’s too much for her.

“f*ck…” Husker hisses, his tail bushing up, he really hadn’t been expecting that. “Alright, sorry for trying to make sure you’re o…” He stops as he watches her begin to cry. It’s silent, and yet he can feel the sound of her sobs, the mix of anger and sadness and fear. The more sensible option becomes clear in his mind. Alastor hates children, Husk knows this, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to force his ‘wife’ to have a baby. If this girl has known him for nine years then she too would know of his feelings about kids. And while the radio demon is not known for being forced to do anything he doesn’t want to do, Husk can imagine it’s possible that this poor human is terrified of her husband rejecting their baby. Why on earth would he allow this woman to continue the pregnancy anyways?

He can’t even begin to imagine the machinations of his master’s mind. How did they get into this situation? Why is he so desperate to protect her while she is carrying a child he probably doesn’t even want? Unfortunately, Husker doesn’t have much sympathy for Grace at the moment. She chose to marry a demon. And not just any demon, one of the worst that hell has to offer. Husk is not a complete monster, he does not wish to see a woman cry. But he simply can not fathom how to feel bad for her when she is apparently capable of loving the overlord that has caused him an immense amount of pain and anguish

Chapter 29

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


HEY, heads up, if I did this chapter as well as I hope Idid then it's going to be depressing and possibly also triggering, if you have trauma or fears associated with hospitals and cancer maybe proceed with caution.


So, the chapter is late, I know, but consider maybe it's late cause it's really good? I hope it's good. I really do I'm testing another set of my writing skills, practicing my 'emotional destruction' writing set. Which is also why I'm going to kind of put a trigger warning here, and I think I'll pop it up in the chapter summary too in case people skip the notes; but basically if you have triggers related to hospitals, dying, cancer, or terminal illnesses in general, proceed with caution. If it becomes too intense for you I welcome you to skip to the end, it's a flashback chapter and there will be a line where it cuts back to present day and the present day is the main plot bit while the flashback is jsut character building emotional damage stuff so as long as you read the present day bit at the end you shouldn't miss anything important. aside from some foreshadowing stuff but you can live without my forshadowing please take care of yourselves first, if I did do this chapter well and it's too intense for you please don't force yourself to read it for the sake of foreshadowing. Anyways obviously this whole arc is getting really intense so my update schedual might go a little wonky so that i can make sure I'm not damaging my own mental health by focusing on these really stressful points, and so that i can take the time to make sure they get the level of work they deserve for what's going on in them. sorry if everything in this note is jumbled i got a little brain fried cause iw as up till 8 am writing this while in a group chat and a little high and then I went to bed and came back and reread/edited it so sorry love all of you enjoy

Chapter Text

A little over 4 years ago

It took a lot of work to get Alastor into this hospital room so he could be by Grace’s side. Hiding a summoning sigil nearby was the surprisingly easy part. Since this was the hospital that Brian, Grace’s astonishingly supportive roommate, worked at, he was able to smuggle in the necessary supplies to get one set up in a supply closet across from the room. Of course there was the concern about it being discovered, but the underfunded hospital only had three janitors rotating shifts on this unit, and none of them were particularly religious. Brian was buddy enough with them to get them to ignore the demonic sh*t going on in exchange for some favors that Alastor never really learned the details of. He and the human man may have not been ‘besties,’ but the demon did admire his ability to strike deals. If the guy ends up in hell, then Al might just take him under his wing as a thank you for everything.

Normally there might have been a concern that with Grace’s declining health she wouldn’t be able to maintain the sigil’s power, or that powering it would cause her to weaken even faster. But, it had been determined years ago that there is little connection between the girl’s magical ability and her physical self. Though it could drain her stamina a bit, the woman could potentially drop a violet nuke, if she had access to that much power, and it wouldn’t negatively impact her health.

The final touch was the tricky part. A sacrifice that had to be made, a sacrifice that if Alastor had his way nobody will ever know was made. The power to create a human disguise is costly, there are hellborn who can pull it off with a bit of practice, but for a sinner to walk around with a human face… it requires negotiating with their patron. After all, their demonic forms were meant to be a punishment for their crimes, it would be rather redundant of any of them could just put on a human face and forget about it. The overlord had already leashed himself to a higher power in order to travel to the living world, so he had not been eager to hand over even more of himself. Which is why for her first fight with cancer he had never visited while she was in the hospital, those stays only ever lasted a day or two, treating dehydration when she had become too ill. But this time, this second run against the dreaded disease, she was spending more and more time in a lonely hospital room. First it was a couple days out of the month, then a two week stretch here and there.

Grace always came home weak and sad. She wouldn’t speak much of it, not wanting to make him feel bad about not being there. But Alastor knew that without him, the only visitor she had was Brian, no family, no friends. Occasionally a former coworker from one of her previous jobs would swing by, but it was always a clear case of that person trying to feel better about themselves in some way by pretending that they cared about somebody other than themselves. It was after the third long stay in a six month stretch that Alastor realized that he had to do something. Renegotiating his deal with his patron was something that he had to back and forth about for a long time. If a version of himself from before he met Grace found out what he was doing, that self would have eviscerated him for giving up so much of his freedom for a woman. He still doesn’t know why he did it, how he could have possibly fallen so hard for a human that he was willing to basically become his patron’s dog in exchange for a human disguise. At the time he justified it, he was already bound to that person, so why not sacrifice a little more if it meant being able to comfort his lover while she’s in the hospital? And he never once regretted the choice.

Maybe it was sentimentality? When he stepped in front of a mirror he was surprised at how different he looked. Was it how he looked when he was alive? He couldn’t remember anymore. The red eyes were definitely different, but he recognized the nose, his mother’s nose, he had forgotten he had his mother’s nose. At first he couldn’t fathom why that feature had changed in his demon form, shouldn’t his human-like features have stayed the same as when he was alive? But quickly he realized, it was because it was his mother’s characteristic, everything he liked about his appearance had been stripped away, all the parts that reminded him of the only woman he loved. The only woman before Grace.

On this night they were coming up on three weeks since she’d been admitted after collapsing in her kitchen. Luckily Brian had been there and was able to swiftly get her to the hospital, but things were beginning to look dire. Alastor was sitting in the bed with Grace, allowing her head to rest on his chest as they leant back on the inclined bed. The room was dark, quiet aside from her ragged breathing and the steady beep of the strange monitor she was hooked up to. He didn’t understand this modern medical stuff, he tried once to read the details on the screen, watch the little line go up and down, but it just made his head hurt on top of the stress he was already enduring.

The demon felt like the air was heavy, it made his chest feel tight, a feeling that forced him to drop that constant giant smile. He was too focused on her to maintain his oh so important facade. Feeling the life slipping away from his darling Gracie was too much to bear. Her body was frail, her skin pale, eyes sunken. Her beautiful brown locks had been lost months ago, leaving her almost skeletal like in his arms. She was still the most beautiful being he had ever the pleasure of laying eyes on, but the coldness of her weakened body terrified him. She reminded him of the bodies of his victims as he sunk them beneath the murky swamp waters.

Grace was listening to his chest, the one comfort she found was in that strange little radio in place of his heart. She still hadn’t told him that she could hear it, that it broadcasted his feelings. But at the same time, she felt like he probably already knew. That maybe it was why his favorite way to hold her was like this. At this moment it was playing sad little tunes, and occasionally she would try to hum along, but was usually interrupted by a painful fit of coughing.

Even with a constant stream of morphine, everything still hurts. Not just her throat, where the tumor had wrapped itself around her esophagus, but every cell in her body ached and screamed for a merciful release from the seemingly eternal torture. Although the cancer was responding to the chemo and radiation, it wasn’t doing so fast enough. The treatment was killing her slowly, and it’s become a question of which will be destroyed first, the illness, or her body. It was a gamble, because without the treatment she will die anyways, but at this rate she was beginning to think that might be preferable to the agony being inflicted on her by modern medicine. That morning the doctors said that she probably has a week before she’ll have deteriorated too much to be saved. If things don’t turn around in the next seven days, then she will certainly die. And the girl hadn’t told Alastor that yet, she had no idea how to.

Grace didn’t have much strength to speak these days, especially with the tumor choking out her voice. But she could get a little conversation in here and there. Each day Alastor lived for those few moments where she could say something, anything to him, just so he could hear it one more time. Each time he was terrified it may be the last time he hears her speak, hears this voice anyways. Because she did not have the energy for conversation most nights together were spent watching videos on her phone, he didn’t care any more about how the technology reminded him of that arrogant bastard, he just wanted the simple joy of seeing a sparkle in her eye at an adorable cat video. Sometimes he wanted to just talk to her, tell her things, but for once in his life he had nothing to say.

The blinds were pulled back, allowing the silver-white glow of moonlight to spill across the bed. Around 2am Alastor noticed that her gaze had drifted away from the phone screen, and she was staring up at the sky. He didn’t say anything at first, instead focusing on the stars, trying to figure out what she was seeing.

Eventually he brought his lips down to the top of her head, gently kissing before speaking, “What are you looking at my dear?”

It took a moment for her to respond, and when she did it was a delirious sort of muttering, a string of incoherencies and something about ‘home.’

The overlord chuckled weakly, “Is this how you decide to finally tell me you’re an alien my dear? Does E.T need to phone….” He sighed, not having the willpower to finish the joke.

Grace didn’t say anything in response, instead was quiet for a while. She was so tired, in so much pain, it was impossible to focus for any period of time, and yet something about the starscape really did captivate her gaze.

Alastor was holding one of her hands, their fingers intricately intertwined. He pulled her hand up so he could rest his lips on her knuckles in a long gentle kiss, while he thought about things. The joke he made, E.T., he only knows the film because she showed it to him. He still had an aversion to garbage that is usually aired on television, but she had good taste in films. Sometimes when they would watch them together, the demon would feel himself pulled back to when he was a child, and his mother saved up extra pennies to take him to see a moving picture show for his birthday. Throughout the years Grace had managed to pull all sorts of memories like that from him. It made him feel… safe… human.

Suddenly the woman spoke up, her voice shaky and weak, but clear enough to be understood, “I… want to say that I feel like I’m dying, but I’ve never actually died before. So, I don’t know what death feels like, I could be dying… or I could just be feeling really really sh*tty.” Each word was delivered slowly, her voice was so rough but she managed to get through the whole statement.

Alastor squeezed her hand, “Well, I assure you, you’re not dying.” He tried to smile reassuringly, but this damn human form made it so easy for his facial muscles to succumb to his true emotions, he despised it. “You are not allowed to die, so everything will be okay.”

Grace’s response was a laugh that quickly became a wet, hacking cough, but once she had her breath again she replied, “I don’t think that’s how it works my love.”

His only response was to hold her tighter. She didn’t tell him that it made her bones hurt, she just enjoyed the feeling of being close to him. The pair sat and watched a wispy cloud float across the moon, casting a shadow for a few minutes, before disappearing into the dark blue of the night.

Her body was relaxed against his, “What was death like?”

Alastor tensed, “How do you mean dear?” He knew what she meant.

Her eyes were half closed as she stared off into the distance, “What was it like to die?” She knew that he knew what she meant.

Of the many things that the couple had discussed regarding Alastor’s life and afterlife, he had always withheld the details of his death. It was not for shame or anything like that, he merely did not like to reminisce on the moment that the bullet passed through his skull. And despite her immense interest in his past, Grace had never pushed for his manner of death. She avoided the topic for his sake, until this moment.

He took a deep breath, and decided very quickly that there was no need for the truth. What she needed was something comforting. The radio demon could take the brunt of her being angry at him for lying when they reunited in hell. Though he never stopped to think if it was really his choice to make, to decide if she needed truth or comfort.

Alastor gently adjusted their positions, careful not to pull out any of the tubes or wires, so that he could properly look her in the eyes, “It was like going to sleep. But warmer. Everything went very dark, then very quiet. And I thought someone was picking me up. And then a little while later I woke up in hell.”

It was of course the furthest thing from the truth. He wasn’t being picked up, he felt unseen hands dragging him down. As he passed into perdition he felt as though his skin was being peeled off as he transitioned to his new demonic form. Everything burned, everything was loud, everything was awful.

He looked at his hand, this fake human hand, and remembered the first time he looked and saw the gray skin and claws of his new body. But the way he had just described it to Grace, was how he always imagined that death would be like on the way to heaven. And if it were up to him, she’d never have to experience what he did. If it were up to him she wouldn’t go until they had freed her soul and could guarantee her a ticket through the pearly gates. Even if it separated them, he knew that he could never provide her an afterlife in the underworld that would be as nice as the paradise of heaven, the afterlife she deserved.

Of course even if they did free her soul, she would likely be barred from the clouds beyond due to her having had premarital relations with a demon. If he had known back then that he would come to care so much about her place in the afterlife, Alastor wonders if he would have resisted the relationship with her in order to protect her from being damned. For a moment his mind dwelt on the ‘premarital’ part of the equation, but before he could focus too long on it, he was interrupted by her rasping voice once more.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad then,” she knew he was lying, but she didn’t mind, “at least I would finally be able to properly join you…”

“But it’s not your time yet,” he said quickly. “You still have so many things to do. So much life you haven’t lived.”

“It’s okay,” Grace said weakly, “I don’t need to do everything I could do. I’m so tired, I don’t have the energy for anything else.”

“That’s just the illness,” Alastor kissed the top of her head again, the smooth skin cold. He needed to get her to put one of those head wraps on, but she was always pulling it off by accident. “When you get better you’ll have the energy to do lots of things.”

“Like what?” The woman took several deep breaths before continuing. “What could I do that’s worth putting up with this pain for any longer.”

He didn’t say anything at first. What could he say? He couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of anguish she was in. And he couldn’t say the first thing that came to mind. He didn’t have the will to say it out loud. ‘You could get married…’

So instead he said, “I don’t know. But I promise, you don’t want to get down there and regret there having been something you didn’t get to do up here.”

“I won’t have any regrets as long as I have you.”

Alastor opened his mouth, as though he might say something, but no sound came out. What do you say to that? To a dying woman. To the woman you love.

So instead they just sat in silence again, watching the moon and stars. More clouds rolled across the sky, slowly obscuring them until the room was more shadows than moonlight. But the man did not need to see them, for his true moon and stars, his sun, his glimmering violet nebula was in his arms.

Grace’s mind was nowhere, she was too exhausted to think about anything beyond the sound of his ‘heart.’ It was playing a familiar tune. “Come dance with me,” she whispered, unable to bring her voice to sing the melody, “When the night has fallen come and… dance with me…”

Alastor hummed, “When you’re feeling blue and lost come… dance with me…” He smiled softly as they ‘sung,’ together, their silly little song. “Until the stars burn out we shall spin across the sky,” but it faded as her voice did, her recitation of the lines becoming incredibly slow, barely enunciated. “Until there’s nothing left but you and I… oh… dance… with me…” And then it was just him, humming and holding on to her. “Dance with me and we shall see the world collapse or rise. It all depends…on us…” He choked on the words, but continued to hum it while his chest played the song.

Grace had become very still. Her chest was not rising. She made no sound.

Alastor’s entire being was falling to pieces. He was not ready. She can’t be gone, no. No. No.

Her half lidded eyes still stared at the night sky, still fixated on a point in space. The green gems were dull, almost glassy.

He squeezes her hand. His throat constricted. This can’t be real.

He just wanted the nightmare to end. This was never how it was meant to go. She was supposed to live, live and be by his side. Live and teach him about the world. Live and help him remember who he was.

Flashes of his mother’s corpse play in his mind. The way her lifeless body felt in his arms.

Not again, please not again.

She was supposed to live.

An impossible noise of pain came from deep within his body.

And then the world stilled as she took a shuddering breath.

Alastor practically collapsed into her, listening to her breathing, taking in the sensation of what little life there was still within her. The man was reduced to a boy as he choked out sobs of relief, as tears poured down his cheeks. Had he ever cried? Even when his mother died, he wasn't sure, did he cry? He must have, right? And yet this moment feels like the first time tears have ever come for him.

Grace weakly squeezed his hand, and brought the other up slowly to his cheek, “Why are you crying darling?”

“Why are you crying, boss?”

Alastor snaps back to the present, and looks down at his feet. An egg is standing there. He realizes this specific egg is Frank.


“Why are you crying, boss?” The egg repeats, he is holding his top hat to his chest.

A single teardrop had come to roll down the radio demon’s cheek, it was not quite clear like a human one, but has a silver like quality to it. He quickly wipes it away as he looks at the creature with his wide smile and furrowed brows.

You’re mistaken, I merely had something in my eye,” his voice is strong, smooth, the emotion almost undetectable. He looks around the alleyway, luckily it seems nobody has snuck up to catch the moment of weakness. He is alone aside from the eggs. Rosie had left to attend to her own business, as the cannibals can not be left alone for long periods of time before one or two of them will begin to regress. This was why he found himself reminiscing on such a memory while waiting for Frank to finish reconnaissance. The end of his conversation with his friend had left him in a particular mood, and now he is stuck, terrified that he is about to experience all of that all over again, but worse. “So, what did you hear?”

Frank responds quickly, not wanting to get his shell shattered for dwelling on the wrong thing, “First the old guy was like, ‘you’re not yourself, you’re/ the one that killed the angel’ a-and the she was all whatever it takes~”

What was thta last thing?” Alastor leans down, bringing his facex very close to the strange creature.

“She… killed the angel?” He was trembling, his insides scrambling with this piercing red gaze so close to his.

Interesting…” the radio demon stepped back again, “Let’s keep this between us, shall we?” His voice becomes incredibly intense, some of his earlier emotions leaking out perhaps?

Frank salutes, “You got it boss!”

This could work out in his favor. Though he does not want to rush into things, he realizes that he could use this as an emergency back up. Carmillia is a mother, he doesn’t need to hear some silly song to know how important her daughters are to her. So, if the worst comes to pass, and Alastor needs to make any move necessary to protect his family, then there is something he can do. He can speak to Carmine, overlord to overlord, and appeal to her motherly instincts. Reveal that he too has a child to protect, and ask her to share with him the tools necessary to do that.

He sighs, twisting his cane in his hands. That could work, it could definitely work.

The radio demon stands tall and begins to walk out of the alley, the egg boys following close behind. Then his shoulders slump, and he nearly cusses to himself in frustration.

He had forgotten to ask Rosie about those botany books.

Chapter 30

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So, what I have learned is that while I do still want to maintain this 'rough draft' style of uploading, when I get into the major sections of the arcs I still need to give them a little TLC. So while it will still be mutiple uploads a week, when I'm in intense sections with probably longer chapters I'm not going to maintain my mostly daily update schedual. This chapter is over 4000 words, which is almost double my word goat per chapter. The only reason I'm getting it done and up tonight is cause I started it yesterday after I uploaded the last chapter in the afternoon. And becuase I worked on it until way later than I meant to. So yeah, the next chapter may take a few days becuase it's going to be intense and I want to make sure it gets the attention it needs even if it's a 'rough draft', and then when I get back to the lighter filler chapters I will be back to dailyish updates.

Chapter Text

Husk and Grace look up towards the top of the stairs as the sound of the rest of the group’s conversation nears. The whole gang is covered in soot and drywall dust now after the whole ordeal. They haven’t had much time to discuss what’s just happened, as soon as they put out the fire properly Niffty had started bossing all of them around, telling them to gather things that she believed Grace would need. So they’ve only just begun talking while on their way down to the lobby.

“I’m just saying,” Angeldust has a bundle of clothing in his arms as he walks, an outfit picked out by Niffty so that Grace can have something to change into, “Maybe it would be a good idea to invest in some fire extinguishers, we could have saved the bed if we had the right tools to put out the blaze.”

“Seriously? You think a fire extinguisher would have stopped molten metal from setting the room on fire?” Vaggie rolls her eyes as she leads the way down the steps. She has several bags of Grace’s saline and nutritional supplements carefully cradled in her arms, picked out from the medicine cooler by Niffty as well. She is being gentle with the meds, as the last thing she wants is for the maid to go into feral cat mode again and rip out even more of her hair. “And why are you so worried about the bed that was being kept in Alastor’s f*cking secret room? Honestly, it’s like you don’t even get how f*cked this situation is.”

“Well, no, but it would have been easier to mitigate the damage till we got enough water on it to cool the thing down,” Angel shrugs, “It was a nice bed, better than any of the ones you guys have put in the real rooms. I was thinking I could have snatched it for my place if you end up kicking this chick back topside where she belongs.”

Grace reaches out and grabs Husk’s arm, her fingers gripping the soft fur as her chest tightens. She looks at him, shaking her head, she can’t go back up there, it’s too dangerous.

“It’s alright,” the bartender mutters, “You ain’t going nowhere unless Alastor says so, I promise.” A pretty tough promise to keep, he’s going to have to stave off any rash decisions from the group until his master gets back, and he has no idea when that will be.

Sir Pentious is lugging the IV stand, it’s a difficult task with his injured tail, and getting it down the stairs without tripping is nearly an impossible task. He opens his mouth, about to say something, but is interrupted by Charlie, who has just seen that Grace is on the couch.

“Oh my gosh, okay okay okay,” She rushes down the stairs, bumping into the snake and causing him to topple down the remaining steps in a spectacularly comedic fashion. But Charlie, who often gets tunnel vision in intense or exciting situations, doesn’t even call back a ‘sorry’ or anything as she rushes over to the human, “Hi! I’m Charlie. Wait, I told you that already…” She stands in front of the pair, oblivious to the way the woman shrinks away from her in fear.

Although Grace knows that the princess is the kindest of the lot, her whole mind is still caught up in terror after everything that’s happened. She can only perceive the other woman as a potential threat, and Charlie’s loud, energetic voice isn’t as soothing as she thinks it is.

“I am so so so so sorry about everything that’s happened, I feel really bad that this was the way we had to meet but…” She looks around the room at all the others, “we’ve all been a little on edge lately and I think in the chaos everybody just lost their cool a little bit. But I talked to them all about how good people don’t attack somebody who is running away and I’m going to add lessons about de-escalation to my planner because I don’t know how I didn’t realize before now that with sinners being used to violence we’re going to have to teach them how to handle things in a nonviolent way so really I should be thanking you for opening my eyes to the glaring hole in my redemption lesson plans and…”

Grace stares at her, wide eyes, only half taking in the word vomit that is spilling from the princess’ mouth. Her only clear thought is, ‘oh my god it’s like Niffty… except everything is bullsh*t…’ Which might have been a little rude if she said it out loud, but she’s had a very tough day so she’s allowed to think a couple not nice things. She watches as the others sort of gather around her as the woman talks, all of them kind of just looking at her with various degrees of confusion, disgust, and apprehension.

“Now a lot of your room was kinda destroyed in the fire…” Charlie laughs nervously, “but it didn’t spread over to the side where it seemed like all your personal belongings were, the clothes might be a bit smoky but it should wash right out.

Angeldust mutters, half under his breath, “Wouldn’t have even been a fire to worry about if she hadn’t melted my f*cking gun…”

Charlie’s eye twitches, and she elbows the spider demon in his ribcage, harder than she would normally lay hands on somebody, but she’s a bit more stressed than usual, which is quite a feat given her usual high strung state of anxiety. But like everybody else in the room she had been considering the various implications of what had just unfolded in the past… less than an hour. She side-eyes Angel, then looks down at the clothes in his arms, then back up at him.

“Oh, yeah… right,” he approaches Grace, and holds out the bundle of clothes, careful to keep as much distance as he can, “Since you got all dirty and were bleeding, Nifty thought you might want a change of clothes…” Charlie clears her throat loudly, and the p*rnstar sighs, “and I’m ‘sorry’ for holding a gun up to your head.”

The human carefully takes the pile of clothes and looks at them, then back up at him. He’s still wearing her necklace, and while she’s not particularly attached to it, it is a family piece so she’s a little… miffed. There are so many other things to be worried about right now, but all she wants is to rip it off his stupid neck, or maybe strangle him with it but that’s a thought that’s oddly violent for her so she pushes it away. She doesn’t need to go making things any more tense, so she decides she can deal with the necklace situation later.

Niffty approaches her human friend and holds out her hand, “We have a restroom over there! Let me help you get cleaned up Gracie!”

Grace can’t help smiling softly at the little cyclops, taking her hand as she stands. For a moment she pauses and looks around at the others, as though they might try to stop her, but they all either avoid looking at her or gesture for her to go on. The maid has to stretch her arm upwards to hold on as she guides the girl across the lobby. Everybody watches as she struggles to walk in her condition, but nobody says anything.

Vaggie has begun to wrap Pentious’ tail using the remaining supplies from the first aid kit that Husk left nearby. She is unusually quiet, trying not to snap and make the situation worse, despite how badly she wants to scream about how f*cked up this whole state of affairs is. The snake is glaring daggers at Husker the whole time he’s being treated for his injuries.

“The f*ck is your problem?” Husk stands, heading back over to the bar so he can get himself a drink.

“I think I dessserve an apology!” Pentious says with a hiss.

“An apology for what?” The cat rolls his eyes as the other demon gestures to his injured tail. “You f*ckwads started sh*t, I was just doing my job.”

“And what job iss that exactly?” Pentious’ voice is very aggressive, they never did get to do that trust building stuff today, in fact everything that has happened so far has really just built animosity. “Lassst I checked your job was to man the bar, not to attack guestsss.”

Husk swipes a bottle off a higher shelf then he usually drinks straight liquor from, “Listen here. I work for Al. As much as I hate that sack of sh*t, I have to do what he tells me. So if he says work at a sh*tty bar for a sh*tty hotel, I do it. If he says protect some girl he’s hiding away, I gotta do it. I don’t exactly like the idea of having my voice ripped out to be broadcasted, so yeah, I ain’t sorry for hurting you cause I’ve got other sh*t to worry about.”

Charlie deflates a little at hearing him refer to her hotel in such a manner, but keeps her mouth shut.

“Soooo,” Angel sits in the nearby armchair, folding one leg over the other and lounging back, “Is that Niffty’s ‘lady in the walls’ then?”

Husk grunts in confirmation as he uncaps a bottle and sniffs it. “Apparently Nif discovered her by accident. Obviously she ain’t too good at keeping secrets so I had to come up with lies to cover for her when she slipped up.”

“Riiiight, so then…” the spider glances at the restroom door, “what happened to my drugs then? Cause that chick may be scrawny, but she ain’t co*kehead scrawny you know?” He points to his mouth, “Her teeth are way too nice for her to be a druggie.”

“Honestly I don’t know, if Nif found them then she probably didn’t know what they were,” the cat takes a swig straight from the bottle, then shudders, he’s an alcoholic but usually the sh*t he drinks is cheap, it’ll burn on the way down but in a different way than what the higher proof does, so he isn’t use to the feeling. “She was probably just trying to bring the girl things to be nice to her, but was just grabbing whatever she could bring through the vents.”

“Vaggie, you were complaining about your protein bars going missing,” Charlie glances at her girlfriend, “Niffty has access to all of our rooms so she can clean, she was probably swiping them.”

Unfortunatly, bringing Vaggie into the conversation means that now she can’t bite her tongue anymore, “Are we not going to talk about the giant f*cking elephant in the room? That is a living f*cking human being. How the f*ck did she get down here?!” She takes a deep breath and clenches her fists. “She’s clearly got some kind of powers so Alastor’s probably got her down here as part of some sinister plan to take over hell!” She sneers at Husk, “I can not f*cking believe you and Niffty took part in hiding a human down here, do you have any idea how f*cked up that is?!”

Husker shrugs as he reapproaches the group with his bottle, “I had no idea she was human, if I had then yeah I probably would have found a way to say something without him catching me and getting pissed, but all I knew was that it was supposedly his wife.” He leans against the couch and takes another drink, it goes down smoother this time, “As for Niffty, ya’ll were real quick to dismiss her ‘lady in the walls’ comments with some real sh*tty lies, so would you honestly have believed her if she had been saying there was a human down in hell?” The cat does think to himself a bit about the fact that Alastor also failed to mention that the woman he was hiding is pregnant, that seems like pretty important information, but he’s not sure if he should bring that up to the rest of the group yet. The girl seemed pretty terrified about the idea of them all knowing, and he can’t blame her. He can think of at least one person here who’s response might be to try to obliterate the abomination in her womb.

“Well, I’ll admit he’sss right about one thing,” Sir Pentious points out, “You all take that little one about as ssseriously as I take my egg bois.”

“Shhhhhh, everybody shhh,” Charlie’s eyes widen and she gestures for everybody to be quiet as Grace and Niffty emerge from the restroom.

Though the human doesn’t appear to be doing much better, she’s at least cleaner. Niffty had taken the time to wash her hair and help her wipe down her skin a bit in the sink to get all the powdery residue from the collapsing room off of her. The clothes that the cyclops picked out are also much warmer than the pajamas she was wearing before, which only slightly helps her with how she feels like she’s freezing. At least it covers up her bandaged shoulder, for now.

Grace looks down at Niffty nervously, before crossing the room towards the group. Her steps are slow, one foot dragging a bit behind the other, she’s not necessarily injured, but her whole body is weak and she’s in a lot of pain from her shoulder. She isn’t even aware of how her uninjured arm is wrapped around her stomach, an instinctive need to protect it taking over without her consent. But the woman feels as though she can’t show any weakness, and can't let them know that the violet blast from earlier was all the stored up energy she had at the moment. She just has to stall until her husband gets back.

“Hi!” Charlie is both excited and nervous at the same time, she loves meeting new people even if it’s under horrible circ*mstances. “How are you feeling, better?”

The human glances at Niffty again, then nervously holds up her phone so the princess can read a message she has typed out.

-please dont be mad at Al, he wsa just trying to keep me safe. its what he thought was bset to protect me…-

She can feel Vaggie’s imposing stare, she is standing with her arms crossed, watching Grace’s every move, evaluating her.

“Well we… we can talk about that…” Charlie laughs, nervously again, “He really shouldn’t have been keeping this kind of secret from me you know? And I just… we, just want to make sure you’re okay.” She glances around at the others, “we need to understand why you’re here… before we can decide if he was in the wrong.” She is using ‘we’ in an attempt to deflect, ultimately the decision for how this all plays out falls on her, not because it is her hotel that Alastor brought this living soul into, but because he brought the girl into her domain. It’s her job to take care of the citizens of hell, and Vaggie is right, this girl has some serious magical juice going on, so if she’s part of some plan to hurt people then… It's Charlie’s duty to put a stop to it.

“Hold on!” Niffty waves her arms to get the others attention, “Before all of you start asking all your silly questions,” she points to the IV stand nearby, “we need to get that set up! She is very tired and needs her medicines!”

Grace nods, her head is still spinning, some fluids may help with her exhaustion and injuries. She takes a seat on the couch, keeping her gaze in her lap, while Niffty switches from maid mode to nurse, setting up the things that she had the others bring down from the secret room.

Angeldust is pretending to send messages on his phone, trying to keep up an aloof act so that the others can hopefully not tell that he’s freaking out. The spider was the one closest to the violet blast after all, his skin is still scratchy from the exposure, like it gave him a mild sunburn.

“So, what are our thoughts on why she’s here?” He asks, somewhat knowing that it’s not fair to talk about her when she can’t respond in an efficient manner, and not really caring, “I’m thinking she’s some kind of sex slave. I mean with how nice her room is… was… and all those clothes and jewelry? Seems like the kind of thing a f*cking sicko would give his prisoner to keep them complacent.” His eyes go up and down Grace’s frail body. “He could be keeping her malnourished, maybe even drugged up, so that she can’t resist him, or maybe he just likes them frail and submissive. Would explain why he keeps turning down all of this,” the p*rnstar gestures to himself dramatically.

Grace lifts her head, mouth opening to yell, ‘NO, that’s not true!” But she can not speak. She picks up her phone, starting to type a message but she can not type as fast as they can talk.

Husk tries to subtly move so that he is between Grace and the others, but it’s pretty obvious to them what he’s doing, “I don’t really have any details beyond the fact that Alastor is very determined to keep her safe. He wasn’t just f*cking telling me to keep his secret, he made it very clear that I was to protect her. That seems like something a little bit beyond just being a sex slave.” Obviously he has a bit more information than the others, but he’s resisting telling them. “Al ain’t interested in that kind of thing though, if she is a prisoner then it’s most likely due to that power we saw. That was quite a hit given her physical health, so I can only begin to f*cking imagine what else she has up her sleeve. The only thing that radio freak is interested in is power.” He knows she tried to tell him that she’s not a prisoner, and he believes that’s what she thinks. But even if she is with him willingly, he knows Alastor too well, he’s manipulating her in some way, he must be.

In the back of Husk’s retinas is still burned the image of her enveloped in violet light, as though she had become the cosmos themselves. Half of his mind screams that she is powerful enough for Alastor to consider her an equal, the other half fears that if he is right, then he might just be trying to make a child that is a mix of their abilities, to add a new, powerful tool to his arsenal.

Grace practically squeaks in rage but the sound is not audible. She wants to scream, ‘No! You’re wrong!” But she can not speak.

“What about thessse medical supplies,” Sir Pentious points out, “perhaps she is just ill, and he is caring for her?” The human seems to get excited at this statement, pointing to the snake before trying to quickly type something.

“Okay but why? Why would he give enough of a f*ck to go out of his way to care for a sick human?” Vaggie steps towards Grace, leaning forward to look at her more closely, the girl’s hands are so shaky and she is trying to type so quickly that she can not get anything actually written to convey her thoughts. “If he is trying to take care of some illness than it must be so he can get something in exchange.”

Grace shies away from her glare. Again she finds one of her hands instinctively moving to protect her belly. Her head is a bit less swimmy now, thanks to Niffty’s now expert skills with her IV saline and nutrients. She’s able to ignore the pain in her shoulder for the time being, she can’t lift the arm, but there doesn’t appear to be nerve damage given that she can still use her hand properly.

“You know we keep jumping to the worst possible conclusions, but I don’t think it’s anything as sinister as you all are making it out to be,” Charlie interrupts. Though it is hard to look at this girl and not think that there is something terrible going on, the princess of misplaced hope still desires to see the best in people. In a way, she is. She’s right about this not being some horrible, nasty plot. She just has no evidence to support that, no real reason to believe it.

The silver-haired woman is still glaring at Grace. She takes another step closer, till Husk spreads his wings to seperate them and she’s forced to back off. Vaggie thinks about the medical supplies, she thinks about the human’s body language, she thinks about the list of… names… She had been so distracted by the poorly written Spanish options at the time, that she had completely glazed over the name written on the bottom. ‘Alastor Jr.’

Her blood runs completely cold. “Holy sh*t…” This is followed by some heavy swearing in her native tongue before she says, “f*cking pregnant… the sick f*ck figured out how to reproduce!”

Grace’s eyes dart to Husker, silently pleading with him to help keep her secret. She has no doubt in her mind, if they discover she is pregnant with Alastor’s child, they will end it’s unborn life. It’s clear several of them have a disdain for her husband, and do not trust him. She knows that what she carries would likely be considered an monstrosity in their eyes even if it’s father was not an overlord they so despise. She has no reason to trust them, at least that’s what her terrified, hormone-addled mind is telling her.

But Husk doesn’t need to say anything to deflect, instead Charlie speaks up, “What? There’s no way. Come on, you think Alastor of all people would want children?”

Okay that bit stings Grace’s heart. The cold reminder that it’s true, her darling husband has no desire for children. Even these people know it. All the girl wanted was to be with Alastor. It’s not fair, she was given such a cursed life from birth, why could she not be permitted happiness. Yes, her great love is a demon, but who else was she supposed to be with after the sh*t hand that fate dealt her? They had worked so hard to get to a point where she could feel safe, stable. And while this pregnancy has been a trial, deep down she believes it may be a gift, one that her husband will come to love one day too. She knows this gift would mean life will never be easy again, but at least she would be with her soulmate and raising a child, just like she had dreamed since she was a little girl. Now it is all going to be torn apart, these demons will tear her away from her love, from her child, for the only happiness she has ever found.

The whole time she is caught up in her swirl of emotions, the whole group has devolved into argument. Charlie and Husk are on the side of it being preposterous that she’s pregnant. Whilst Vaggie has convinced Angeldust that what she’s saying is right, they are throwing around wild theories like Grace being a breeding slave. Sir Pentious seems caught between the two sides of the argument, unwilling to commit to either idea. And Niffty is just watching Grace’s IV bags and making sure she’s getting her nutrients properly.

Suddenly Charlie says something that pulls the human out of her mental spiral, “Why would he bring his pregnant wife down to hell when there’s going to be another extermination in five months? It’s ridiculous, if they were having a kid and he cared enough to keep her close, then he wouldn’t be endangering her by bringing her down here now…”

Grace’s eyes widen, and her chest tightens, she realizes she was right, Alastor has been hiding something from her.

The bickering stops suddenly as Grace stands and half stumbles towards them, supporting herself using the IV stand, while holding out her phone.

Charlie reads the message, her own eyes widening as well.

-5 months??? it was suppose to be year. he brouhgt me down after the last extermination cause i was suppose to eb safe for a year here!!”-

Her hands were so shaky that it was a miracle she got any of that typed out legibly.

“No, he… did he not tell you?” The princess looks over at the rest of the group, then back to the human, “The extermination got moved up, like a week and a half ago heaven told us that they were going to come back in six months.”

Grace looks like she’s about to collapse, her head is spinning again.

But before the conversation can further continue, they are interrupted by the lobby doors opening.

Chapter 31

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Alright it took me a few days but I think I've written a solid chapter. I couldn't quite verbalize the details as I was seeing them in my head but I think I did well enough. I'm honestly kind of looking forward to getting back to the less intense chapters because I was rereading some of the earlier parts and I miss being able to write the semi-awkward and sometimes romantic moments between Grace and Alastor, the past dozen chapters have been very focused on them sorta spiralling out mentally and dealing with high intensity situations, and while it's fun and great and exciting, the way people behave in a high stress situation is very different from how they may behave normally, and I fear it may seem like I am diverting from their characterizations if I stay in this high intensity zone for too long. I think I have like one more stressful chapter after this one if I make it one big one instead of a couple small ones, and if I do make it a big one I'm going to take a couple days to work on it again.
also important note; i was reading back some earlier chapters so i could refresh myself on their relationship dynamic since they have been apart for most of the arc, came to realize I f*cked somethign up. Grace claims in an early chapter that they didn’t bring her jewlery box to hell. But now I have the whole bit with Angel finding the box in her wardrobe and wearing a necklace. I’m going to write this off as **pregnancy brain** antics, and also jsut casually apply that going forward to other mistakes I make. Obviously it can't explain away everything, but when it comes to stuff that is specifically Grace's memories or something she said, and i make a mistake on it or need to retcon it, then we are just going to assume *pregnancy brain* cool?
WHich makes this a good time to bring up that; the backstory timeline is very malleable right now. I'm going based on what I think is best, but time is hard for my brain, to process, so I might make mistakes, and I will definetly be making changes as I go. For example I've stated pretty clearly in universe that they've been married for 4 years, I may end up deciding against that and changing it to like 3 or somehting. Same with the details of when she got each bout of cancer, how long she had it, how long she was in remission, and when exactly they started dating, as I progress the story I may realize that it makes more sense for something I've already stated to be of a different timeframe than what I said so just.... when I state timeline stuff in flashbacks think of it as a guideline but not a hardline.
Anyways I hope this chapter was worth the wait I look forward to your thoughts.

Chapter Text

Now remember little egg… things… everything that you heard or witnessed today is to be kept a secret between you and I,” Alastor says as he approaches the hotel.

“Yes, boss!”

“We can do that, boss!”

“The sharp teeth lady was scary, boss!”

The overlord rolls his eyes as he pushes open the doors to the lobby. As he walks in he is looking down at the eggs, and yet despite not immediately seeing the group that has gathered around the couch in the parlor, he immediately knows something is wrong. All those fears earlier, that strange tension he tried to brush off as meaningless anxiety, immediately come crashing down on him.

From the perspective of the group it seems that he has not noticed them as he walks in. Just looking down at the ground, talking to the eggs and oblivious to the dirty, bloodied people in the room. But he knew what was going on the moment the doors opened, he just needed a minute to process.

The radio demon is five steps in when he finally looks up, and immediately locks eyes with the too familiar green ones of his beloved wife. His beloved wife, who looks exhausted, leaning heavily on her IV stand, as though she may collapse at any moment. His beloved wife who looks terrified as she is surrounded by the other demons of the hotel. His beloved wife, who has a growing red stain on her shoulder from an injury that she must have sustained while he was away.

“f*ck…” Husk mutters, taking a quick step back, trying to figure out if he can get away before the carnage starts.

“Damn it…” Angeldust mutters, his eyes darting around, trying to figure out if he can get away before the carnage starts.

“Ssssh*t…” Sir Pentious mutters, cowering behind the couch, trying to figure out if he can get away before the carnage starts.

Grace reaches out towards him, her mind caught between calling for help, and screaming for him to stop. She knows her husband’s temper. She can already see reality phasing around him as he begins to change. The woman has never seen the true extent of his powers, and knows not how severe things are about to get. She needs him, wants him to save her from the nightmare she has found herself trapped in. And yet she fears for his life, his safety, should he try to stand against this group. Fears that she may lose any chance of gaining their trust if he assaults them.

But she can not beg for help. She can not scream for him to stop. For she has no voice, not yet anyways. Her phone is buzzing, struggling to connect to his powers, but the way they have begun to overflow is too much for the device.

The lights blink out.


When they come back on he is closer. Taller. His neck a bit too long. His antlers have grown.

“Alastor hold on it’s not…”

The lights blink out. There is a static in the air.

“Al calm the f*ck down we can talk…”

They come back on again, he is halfway to them. The radio demon is towering, surrounded by shadowing tentacles. Reality itself seems to glitch around him. Nobody can move, even the fearless Vaggie is paralyzed.

“Please we didn’t mean to hurt her, this is all a big misunderstanding just…”

The lights blink out. But the room is not dark. Each member of the group can faintly see each other in an ominous green glow.


He is within their circle. So tall his antlers scrape the ceiling. His neck is long and crooked. His whole form is surrounded by shadowy squirming tendrils. The air is filled with the sound of a screaming stag that seems to come from his chest rather than his mouth. In fact his mouth is stretched into a massive, horrifying smile, with green slime dripping down his chin, his teeth somehow sharper than they’ve ever been.

In a single move one arm scoops up Grace, raising her high above the group. She feels the air escape her lungs but barely processes the fact that she has gasped. She is still desperately holding onto her IV stand, even though she feels the needle wiggling in her arm in a nasty kind of feeling that will probably bruise later. She has the metal pole clutched tightly to her chest as she watches the ground grow further away from her.

You damned, rotten souls think you can bring harm to my Grace?” His voice is beyond the radio filter, it is like static that has come together to form words, a thousand signals coalescing into a voice that nearly breaks the minds of those listening. His glowing eyes have turned to ticking dials, his gaze darts between different members of the group as he decides which one he is going to eviscerate first. “I knew you were fools, I knew you were violent bastards, but apparently I failed to realize that you are all IMBECILES.”

“Alastor, please we can expl…” Charlie is cut off as a tentacle wraps itself around her so tightly it squeezes the air from his lungs. Two more grasp Vaggie by the wrists and dangle in her the air in a crucifixion pose.

“Listen, Al, I’m f*cking sorry. I tried I sweeeEEAR,” Husk is interrupted by one of the shadows grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him up into the air, dangling him upside down. “Please, please for f*cksake I tried… I swear I f*cking tired.”

Clearly you didn’t try hard enough you mangey furball!!” That abominable voice hisses.

Soon Pentious and Angeldust have been pinned down by the shadows as well, both are so consumed by the fear of what they are looking at that they have no words, not even to scream. Both of them are very aware that if Alastor finds out that one of them actually caused Grace’s injury, and the other held a gun to her head, that the radio demon will find worse ways to hurt them then they can even imagine. And it’s imagining what might be about to be inflicted upon them that has practically petrified them.

The only one left alone is Niffty. Even in his utterly blind rage Alastor knows that none of this could be her fault. So instead of restraining her, he reaches over with his free hand, plucks her up by the back of her dress, and drops her over where the egg bois have gathered to watch in terror by the doors. She giggles as she is carried through the air, then as she is plopped down she immediately becomes excited at the sight of these creatures that are smaller than her. Her smile grows wide, and she ignores the potential slaughter on the other side of the room and instead opts to focus on inflicting her heart’s desire on the poor minions.

It is beginning to seem like the hotel staff and guests may be doomed. Charlie is still trying to beg for him to listen, despite the fact that she can barely breathe. She knows in her heart she should tap into her infernal powers and fight back, but she does not want this to end in bloodshed, she just needs him to listen. Her eyes lock with Grace’s, who seems almost enamored by the chaos and destruction her husband is bringing down.

But after a moment, the human shakes her head clear.

There is a new crackle in the air. If one could describe the sound of colors, then the room’s occupants might describe it as being the same blindingly familiar violet that they’ve all been exposed to recently.


The snap back to a sane reality is disorienting. None of those who are still restrained by the shadows really understand what just happened until they see their attacker has returned to his normal size. The lights click back on, and the buzzing static has ceased. The overlord is still cradling his wife in his arms, she is not being so gentle.

She is death gripping one of his fuzzy ears, pulling his head down to the side as her voice crackles out of her phone on the floor nearby, “The extermination was moved up by six months and you d-idn’t tell ME?!” Although she went from being more than ten feet off the ground to a more normal distance within the span of a single frame of reality she seems mostly unbothered. Although her head is spinning even more now she does not allow it to deter her from lambasting her husband for his spectacularly poor decisions. “And put me down when I’m yelling at you!” This is perhaps the clearest her voice has ever sounded on the phone, the whole screen is glowing with a swirling mix of her violet and Alastor’s green.

He carefully follows her command, “Grace… I can explain,” His eyes are wide, he almost seems frightened of her. Or frightened for her? At the very least stunned into a state of temporary submission. The overlord has become so immediately focused on her that one might assume he’s forgotten about the others, but the way the tentacles stay tight on them indicates this is only a temporary distraction.

The woman still has a tight grip on his ear, like a mother lecturing her child. “No! You are going to lis….okay actually I do need you to…” Her body, still weak from all the stress of this day, begins to fail her. Alastor wordlessly raises his hands so that he has one on the small of her back and the other holds her by the arm, keeping her upright. “You’ve known for a week and a half that the extermination had been moved up and you didn’t think it was important enough to tell me?!” She pulls down on his ear even harder as though to accentuate her point. Normally she would never lay hands on him like this, but after the day she’s had, after the f*cking month she’s had, with all these hormones running through her poor body, she is not going to let her voice be ignored anymore. “You promised no more secrets. That was part of your f*cking wedding vows, no more secrets unless it is to protect my life. I’m pretty f*cking sure that not telling me an angelic MOTHERf*ckING ARMY will be coming to town six months early does not fall under protecting me!!”

Everybody is looking either at the phone on the ground that is currently lecturing the great overlord Alastor, or staring at the demon himself, who currently looks more like an ashamed little boy than he does an incredibly powerful denizen of hell. None of them can really figure out what to make of the situation.

You were already unwell, I did not want to add more stress…” And now she is more stressed than ever, so that spectacularly backfired, as much as he could blame this whole situation on the rest of the group, they can’t really be held accountable for the seething anger that she is showing now.

Honestly, Alastor is a little terrified. He has never seen her this irate before, and maybe it’s the hormones and this god awful day whipping her up into even more of a frenzy, but it scares him to see her like this. He doesn’t even fully process the way she’s holding him by the ear as she cusses him out, he’s more focused on how red her face is, how she can barely stand. All of her remaining energy is going into this rant, and if she uses up everything she has left, will there be any stamina left for the baby?

The baby that already may no longer be alive, he remembers suddenly. The baby they may have already lost because she is exhausted and stressed and injured because the f*cking fools who run this hotel saw fit to endager a pregnant woman. His rage begins to grow again.

Dear can this wait until I’ve dealt with…” He glances over at the rest of the group, who are all staring in silence and praying for their lives. They are hoping that they will see some kind of mercy.

No!!” Grace’s tirade actually goes on for several more minutes, and Alastor endures each second without arguing back in the slightest. Everybody just watches as the all powerful radio demon is given the harshest dressing down they've ever seen, by a frail human woman of all people.

Husk is still hanging upside down, so it’s hard for him to read the expressions of the couple, but it’s obvious that Alastor is trying to hide shame behind that unwavering smile. He has never seen his master like this. Never in a million years could the bartender imagine him ever allowing anybody to talk to him like this. Not only is he allowing her to talk to him like that, but he is supporting her while she does it. It’s an almost fascinating pose even from his flipped perspective, her pulling his head down by the ear while he helps her stay standing.

Charlie ‘always looks on the bright side’ Morningstar is obsessed with how her facility manager is handling the situation. Despite the fact that she’s pretty sure three of her ribs might be cracked, she is entirely focused on how this proves it; Alastor does have some good in him. If he is allowing his wife to have and express her emotions without trying to dismiss them or silence her, then that must mean he loves her very dearly and therefore is capable of becoming a good person right? And if one of the most vicious sinners hell has ever seen is capable of that, then any of the demons must be capable of redemption, right? Her eyes are sparkling in excitement even as they bug out of her head from being nearly squeezed to death by these shadow tentacles.

Vaggie is formulating a battleplan. Her angelic spear is still on the upper floor, Charlie had made her leave it behind so that they wouldn’t appear ‘threatening’ to the human ‘guest.’ But she is looking for any possible opening so that she can escape her restraints, if she does that then her next goal would be to get Charlie free. She knows that without her weapon she is no match for Alastor, there would be no real point in fighting him except to distract him while the others escape. Though at the moment he seems surprisingly distracted enough, it’s almost amusing how he’s been reduced to a meek husband before his wife’s intense fury.

Angeldust is almost certain he is doomed. The moment Alastor finds out what he did, held a gun to the woman’s head while she was just trying to escape, it will be all over. In the back of his mind he wonders if he could tap into his contract and warn Valentino that he’s in danger, and have him bring help. But he dismisses the idea, he would rather have his voice ripped out and his soul shredded than allow Val to come to his rescue. He would never hear the end of it, the f*cking moth would certainly spend the next two of three decades making him ‘show his appreciation’ for saving his life. So all Angel can do is hope that somebody will take care of Fat Nuggets after he passes.

Sir Pentious’ focus is split. He keeps looking over to his little egg minions, normally he would shout for them to come help him, but his last battle with the radio demon wiped out nearly all of them. Those five are all he has left at this point in time, and he is not prepared to sacrifice them in them in a fruitless battle. But the snake’s engineering and science focused mind is also distracted by the phone on the floor. Although he really should be concerned about his safety, he finds that he can not help but to be fascinated by the way that the device is projecting the woman’s voice. He can immediately tell that it’s not a telepathic connection, and therefore must be a more magical mechanical type deal, his mind is awhirl with possibilities as to how the gadget may be functioning and how it’s ‘design’ may be improved. An inventor never stops inventing, even when faced with their imminent demise.

The egg creatures could not come to help their creator even if he did call for them. They are currently under the whim of little Niffty, who has found a marker and begun drawing faces on the backs of their heads. She is making slightly deranged commentary about turning them into puppets for her show. Somebody might ask why she is drawing faces on them for her to puppet them when they already have faces. To which Nif might respond with something about how the faces they have aren’t ‘right.’ And if that person knows what is best for them they would leave that conversation there and walk away.

She seems completely unbothered by what is happening in the hotel lobby. The maid pretty much expected that this would happen at some point, even before she became aware of Grace she knew that it was likely Alastor might snap and slaughter the other occupants. His outburst just a few minutes ago was not the first time she has seen him behave in such a way. Sometimes when you are friends with the radio demon he up and destroys everything because the people involved crossed him, that’s just how he is and she loves him for it. So, although she’ll miss her new friends, she’ll be okay because now she has Gracie and maybe will get to play auntie to her bestie’s baby, and she’s fine with everything else burning down as long as she gets that.

After a total of perhaps fifteen minutes of Grace lecturing her husband on the foolishness of trying to keep secret something as important as the extermination date, as well as airing a few other minor grievances that are only getting brought up because she’s caught in a word vomit rage soup, she finally takes a deep breath, and releases him.

Alastor’s ear twitches as it tries to shake out the cramp from being held like that for so long, “Are… you done?” She nods, and leans against him hard, trying to catch her breath. This action makes him very aware of how much she is shaking, how cold her body is, and how much that red stain on her shoulder has grown. His gaze turns back upon the group, his fury returns, “now… where was I?”

Everyone currently under his wrathful eyes feel a shiver run up their spines as the lights begin to flicker again. Most of their hope of survival begins to drain again. But Charlie is certain she can salvage the situation if she could just stop being strangled long enough to talk.

Husk points to Pentious, “Listen man, it’s all his fault. I tried to keep her safe.” He sees the snake tense up, but the best chance any of them has is if he can direct his master’s rage onto one specific demon. “He went f*cking crazy and exposed the room, that injury she has is because of him but I swear to f*ck I tried to keep her safe…”

Alastor’s tentacles bring the cat close enough for him to sneer in his face, “I don’t care who’s fault it is. It was your job to protect her, and you failed. And clearly the rest of these imbeciles…

Grace stumbles over to the couch and nearly collapses on it. She pulls the IV out of her arm because the whole area is just bruised and sore now. Her eyes meet Husk’s, and he is silently pleading for her to help.

He d-d try Al…” Her voice is coming through the phone weaker again, she doesn’t have much strength left. “I think you c-uld cut him some slack… he fought them…” She gestured to Pentious’s injured tail, “And I would pr-bably be dead if he hadn’t gotten between me and that one girl’s sp-ar.”

The radio demon pauses, looking his servant up and down. With a disgruntled ‘hmm’ he sets the bartender down nearby. In that moment Husk is incredibly glad he made the choice to try and get on the human’s good side earlier. Had he not then he likely would be screaming on the radio broadcast right now.

His comfort lasts until a sharp static sound makes his ears ring and he feels a voice in the back of his skull, “Don’t think this is over for you Husker, I may yet let you live, but you will face consequences for your failure.” He shudders as he backs away from the overlord, it’s better than nothing. He keeps telling himself that, I’ll live, that’s better than nothing. Though he might do his best to stay around the human as much as possible, since it seems that whatever Alastor has planned he does not want his wife to see.

Alastor’s head turns so he can look at Pentious, his neck cracks as though the bones in it are snapping, “So… if was your foolish antics that brought my wife harm? I knew I shouldn’t have allowed you to live… this is what kindness gets me apparently.”

Charlie has managed to finally get somewhat loose from the shadows, enough so that she can speak anyways, “Alastor please calm down, we can talk this out.” Her gaze moves between him and the woman half laying on the couch. There has to be a peaceful solution, there is always a peaceful solution right?

We are way past talking princess,” Alastor hisses in response, his eyes still glued to the snake, “my wife is bleeding, you think I intend to let that slide.”

“Please, I… I admire your desire to protect her, it means there is so much more… going on in your heart than any of us could have anticipated,” She is panting a bit between breaths, there is definitely at least one broken rib, “But if you are capable… of loving somebody so much that you would get this angry seeing them hurt… then it must mean you have enough empathy to hear us out… to understand that this was a mistake… and forgive us!”

Again there is the sound of bones cracking as he turns to face the girl, his face is dark, his smile twisted as he forces himself to maintain it, “If I care as much as you seem to think… then why in all the seven rings of hell would I ever consider letting you morons escape with your lives after you attacked the woman CARRYING MY CHILD!!

It’s at this point that the others finally understand that they may be well and truly f*cked. In one line he has confirmed all suspicion regarding Grace’s condition, as well as any soothed concerns that he may be anything less than an overprotective father-to-be.

Husk fights the urge to run now that he is free, and instead slips over to the couch, kneeling by the human so she can check on her, and prepares to get her out of the way if necessary.

Charlotte Morningstar sighs, her blood begins to run hot with her unholy heritage. She didn’t want to do this, she didn’t want to fight. Her relationship with her own father is rocky, but she knows well that if she wants to believe that Alastor is capable of loving his offspring then he is also capable of going to incredible lengths to defend it. And that the paternal, protective mode is not one that leaves much sense left to be talked to.

“I’m sorry Alastor,” She says softly as the shadows around her burn away from the sheer heat of her body, “but I can not allow you to bring harm to these people.”

Grace’s eyes widen as she witnesses Charlie transform for the second time today, but now that she’s holding the form for more than a few seconds the human is able to take in its full, terrifying glory. Despite her whole body being in a terrible state, she suddenly becomes aware of how much the swirling scar on her hand aches, as though trying to warn her. Husker positions himself between the princess and the human.

Alastor seems about to say something awful to the young Charlie, but he is interrupted by the phone on the floor lighting up and speaking with him again, “Al it’s f-ne, I think the baby is fine, my b-lly doesn’t hurt anymore…” Her eyes are soft, not quite pleading, but it’s a look that is trying to draw out her darling husband from within this powerful overlord.


Not anymore,” She has on hand resting on the small curve of her stomach, and the other is resting on Husk’s shoulder, stroking his fur to keep herself calm, “I strained myself a b-t earlier, but it feels bett-r now.” Although the rest of her body is still sore and weak, her stomach does feel much better than it did during the chaos before.

Alastor is half between his normal form and his demonic form, “We can’t just assume that it’s okay…”

If something was wrong then I w-ould be in a lot mo-e pain dear,truth be told, she has no care what happens to the inhabitants of the hotel. Now that Niffty and Husk have been cleared of the damage path, it doesn’t really bother her if her husband flattens this hotel and everybody else within. But she can sense the power scaling issue. She can tell just by being in proximity to Miss. Morningstar that her raw might far outweighs that of the overlord. Grace is out of juice herself, and so could not assist in any kind of fight, and she can’t rely on Husker to be strong enough to properly assist. So, the human must assume the worst, that the princess would decimate her dear husband, and she simply can not allow that to happen.

It likely hasn’t hit yet,” and the truth of Alastor’s perspective is, he has already assumed the baby is lost. He had a long day of cycling through various intense mental excursions into the recesses of his mind, which have left him quite a mess of anxiety.

We can’t afford to start a war with people wh- are trying to apologize for a m-stake,” she can not imagine that any apology would be sufficient enough to make up for the pain and terror they have inflicted on her today. Of course she is scared that this stress will be the final push that her frail body needs to start ejecting her fetus prematurely.

A mistake?! You’re bleeding!! And if the baby is…” Alastor’s voice catches in his throat. He ignored the fear that something was wrong here and because he did not arrive sooner it put his wife and offspring in danger.

Grace’s phone barely manages to project her next line as she struggles to believe her own words, “The baby is fine!!”

His mind is still captured in that memory of his dearest Gracie nearly dying, “”YOU DON’T KNOW THAT” It’s all he can think about. Death. Her death. Their child’s death. What would happen to this half-demon if it perishes before it’s even born?

While the couple argue over the condition of their unborn child, Charlie casts flames that disintegrate the shadows restraining the others. Vaggie takes up a fighting pose beside her girlfriend. Angeldust takes a few steps back to watch from afar. Sir. Pentious does the smart thing, and runs for the lobby doors.

Alas--r I promise that if I end up miscarrying in the next few days…” Her eyes are full of tears at the thought, she too can not bear to think of what may happen to her little one, “I will d-aw upon all of my power and incinerate these buffoons while you gut them alive.” Her phone crackles, she reaches for where it lays on the floor but does not have the energy to get up. Husker, still determined to stay on this girl’s good side, quickly moves to grab it, then hands it to her.”

This is not exactly reassuring to those who would fall under the category of ‘buffoons.’ But they don’t particularly have much of a choice in what to do.

Alastor sneers, his gaze returning to his potential adversary, “How does that sound princess?He flexes his hands in a way that causes his knuckles to crackle. “Temporary truce… if all goes well then we make amends… but if my wife miscarries because of the antics of your fools…”

“Why would we make that kind of deal with you?!” Vaggie snaps, “After you attacked us? Why shouldn’t we just put you down now?!” She freezes as a familiar hand rests on her shoulder. She looks up at Charlie, her face screwing up in a mix of anger and disappointment, “Come on… don’t fall for his bullsh*t…”

“She got injured because of the actions of people in this hotel,” her infernal form begins to dissipate, “If she were to miscarry now… it would undeniably be our fault.”

“What?! Look at her!” The other girl gestures to the human, “She’s half dead already, she probably won’t live long enough to carry the baby to term, we can’t…” She hisses in pain as static fills her ears.

Charlie flinches in pain as well, “I don’t want to fight you Alastor. Give me the chance to make this right… let me help her…”

The radio demon glances at his wife, his chest feels so tight, he doesn’t know what to do. “Very well, but as I said… if my child is lost…”

“Yes, I understand…” she looks around, wondering if this is a bad idea. No, she knows this is an awful idea. But she feels she has no other choice. Or at least that all the other choices comprise her values in a way that she is not prepared to deal with. “Now, please, let me help her…

Chapter 32

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So I think I found myself a pattern that will allow my to alternate between short and long chapters in a way that doesn't overwhelm me, but still provide you guys a semi-consistent amount of content. I think my min 2k words for a chapter works really well when I'm in the rapid fire section, but 2k a day is hard to keep up for a longer chapter because I also have to add more time for clean up and editing to make sure the longer chapters are still cohesive. So for chapters that I take mutiple days to write the goal is 1500 words per day, so this one took me 3ish days to write so I had to hit at least 4500 words, which is a lot more managable than if I had tried to force myself to do 6k words based on my original 2k a day minimum. I still prefer the shorter chapters because it's easier for me to get the mental go juice I need if I am uploading and getting feedback daily. But now I have like a structure I can use to maintain writing speed and energy while working on longer chapters.
Anyways this one is a touch calmer than the last. It's a lot of back and forthing and them kind of arguing and trying to come to an agreement on how to handle things. It's hard to write scenes that involve a lot of characters cause I always want to give some of everybody's perspective. Vaggie is still being a little... irritable, I hope the Vaggie lovers can forgive me for how I'm writing her I know I'm making her a bit more agressive and unempathetic than she is in the canon, but it's all an intense situation and people can act a bit rashly when they are under pressure, aaaand I need an aggressor for the time being to maintain tension and balance out Alastor's agression so it doesn't come off as him just ragging on the group and being a total villian of the situation. And with Charlie being a beacon of hope and positivity I felt like Vaggie was the best choice for 'conflict maker'
Anyways I did the best I could on this one, got some explanations and lore out and have basically set myself up for the descent of the arc where we will get some cooling off and more one-on-one interactions between Grace and Alastor, and each of them with the rest of the crew. Thank you guys so much for being patient and I hope you enjoy even if it's a little espositionary

Chapter Text

To say things are still tense would be more than an understatement. Vaggie watches with an intense stare as Charlie and Alastor shake on their ‘deal.’ There is a small green glow to show its validity, but it doesn’t have the same level of theatrics that the radio demon typically uses when striking deals. This is too important for those kinds of frivolities.

“I will do what I can to help Grace, so long as you do not bring harm to the people of my hotel.”

I will not bring harm to the people of your hotel so long as my child survives within Grace’s womb…

Nobody is particularly happy about the details of this arrangement. Charlie and her group both know that if the human miscarries then Alastor will turn on them immediately, and with how poor her health appears to be, this almost feels as though the princess is promising their demise. Meanwhile the overlord and his wife feel as though this puts them in a position where they have to be at their mercy in order to help ensure the safety of their child. But it seems to be the only way to see to it they go forward with minimal bloodshed.

Alastor is only barely willing to admit it, but he knows he is not equipped to deal with Grace’s deteriorating condition, especially after today’s events pushed her so far. He needs help, the thought makes him shudder.

Charlie on the other hand, is so unwilling to tap into her true power that she would rather take an insane risk to avoid a fight. If she had even a fraction of her girlfriend’s ferocity then she would take down Alastor while his wife is too weak to assist in the fight. She saw that girl’s energy, and she’s smart enough to know that was just a fraction of her raw ability. Taking on both halves of the couple will be a fight she may struggle to win without casualties, but by agreeing to this she has placed herself in a situation where if she fails on her half of the deal then that is the fight she will have to face.

Now, princess…Alastor’s tone is bitter on the title, it is a struggle to maintain his usual composure, even his smile is a strain to keep up, “I would suspect that you’ve not inherited any of your father’s more angelic abilities, miracles… healing…” He is standing close to where Grace sits on the couch. The overlord aches to reach out and embrace her, but he must restrain himself so that he can stay in control, and to attempt to repair the image of himself that he wants the others to have. He can not appear soft, not now.

“No… Well I have but…” Charlie twists her hands together nervously, “I know I have some angelic powers but my dad never taught me how to use them…”

Then how exactly do you intend to help?” The radio demon snaps his fingers and a new first aid kit appears on the couch, this one seems to be of far higher quality than the basic supplies that Husk keeps at the bar, the bottom of the case is labeled ‘Brian’s Do Not Touch.’

Grace is watching the two powerful demons discuss, she doesn’t have any energy left to try and talk. She barely has enough to sit. In fact in order to stay upright she has to lean against Husker, who is sitting beside her, his paws carefully placed to support her without touching anywhere that might anger his master. At first the cat had taken up this position to try and endear himself to the couple, to help protect him from Alastor’s wrath by appearing to care about his wife. But after a minute of holding her like this, he’s becoming more aware of how weak she is, and he’s beginning to develop a genuine concern for her. Even he is not heartless enough to not be concerned about the health of the baby inside her. Regardless of his feelings about the father.

“Well I may not have powers that can help…” Charlie says nervously, “But I do have connections!” She begins to pull her phone out of her pocket, but does so so quickly that she nearly drops it in her nervousness.

And how exactly are connections supposed to help?” Alastor rolls his eyes. He has connections, favors, demons contracted to him under deals, and he’s been using them, but it’s been of no help at all. He opens the first aid kit, then motions for Grace to show him her injury.

The human carefully pulls her arm out of the sleeve, wincing in pain as her injury aches from the motion. It’s a wide type of collar, so there is enough room for her to pull the limb out through the top of her shirt to expose the shoulder wound, without having to remove her top completely.

Angeldust winces as he sees that the bandage is soaked in blood. Seems the injury is more severe than they first thought. He glances around the room, Sir Pentious seems to have successfully made a get away. On one hand that’s good, because he is the one who caused the injury and therefore would be the focus of Alastor’s rage should he go back on the deal. On the other hand, Angel is well aware of how the language of deals can be played with. The overlord agreed that the people of the hotel would be safe so long as his child is. If Pentious has abandoned them, then he would no longer fall under the protection of the agreement.

Charlie is trying not to fidget as she begins going through contacts in her phone, “Well you’ve probably been limited to supplies here in the pride ring right? I can get medicine…” She glances over Grace’s thin body, she has a suspicion that she may be struggling to nourish herself here in hell, she winces as she recalls the horrific bout of vomiting the girl had during the chaos earlier, “... and food. I have several great places where I order food from all the time. I even have a farmer down in the wrath ring who was going to provide fresh fruit and veggies for the hotel once I got things up and running…”

Good food is a start, but medicine and medical supplies aren’t cheap…Alastor delicately begins to unwrap his wife’s bandages. His eye twitches at the sight of the wound, it’s definitely going to leave a nasty scar, and he knows she already is so self conscious about her appearance. “Especially supplies that would be good enough for humans, you may have to acquire things from Earth, and that can be quite costly…” He is worried about the bleeding, although it’s not heavy, he doesn’t know how much blood she has lost. He knows that for her low body weight, every ounce of it is important. “She is likely going to need a transfusion if she’s to regain her strength in time to prevent… He doesn’t want to say it, doesn’t want to think about it anymore, and yet it plagues every corner of his mind.

Grace winces as he begins to apply disinfectant to the wound. It does not hurt as badly as Husk’s vodka trick did, but it still burns. The human grips the cat demon’s fur as she hisses while Alastor tries to treat her.

The woman may not be a nurse or doctor, but she knows enough about wound care to know that this injury is going to plague her for a while. She is less concerned about scarring at the moment, though certainly it will bother her later, and more worried that since they didn’t get it properly taken care of quickly that she may suffer permanent muscle damage.

Vaggie is watching closely from the sidelines. Every one of her thoughts is focused on danger. She is preparing for any of Alastor’s movements to become an attack, and is readying herself to counter him if needed. The warrior loves and adores her princess with all her heart, but sometimes she truly can not fathom her decisions. But it is not her place to question Charlie’s choices, only to uphold them and ensure that when they backfire she is clear of the blast.

“I mean, dad kind of… gives me nearly unlimited funds and… doesn’t question what I spend it on so…” Charlie says nervously. She’s always tried to stand on her own two feet, one of the reasons she never hired proper contractors to fix up the hotel was because she didn’t want to spend her father’s money on her dream. “And some hellborn are permitted to go to the surface, so in theory I could hire them to get the supplies we need.” She winces as she thinks about it, hell money isn’t good on Earth, even if she were to hire some hellborn with human disguises, they would likely have to steal anything she asks them to get. But it’s to make a sick person better so… stealing is okay then right?

Ooooh, she’s got daddy’s cr-dit card,” Grace says playfully, though it’s hard to understand her as she is mostly static at this point. She makes a noise akin to a whimper, but without the vocal cords, as Alastor begins to stitch her wound shut.

“I’m sorry dear, but we need to get this closed up…” Alastor says, his voice is quiet, but it doesn’t have the same softness that he usually has when speaking to her. He glances up at Charlie, “Very well, I require blood and antibiotics. If you can procure anti-nausea medications as well then I might be willing to consider not abandoning my duties to the hotel just yet.

“O-oh, yeah of course I’ll get right on that…” The princess pauses. With all the life or death concerns regarding this situation, this is the first she is beginning to think of some of the other consequences of this debacle. As much as she knows that she should no longer trust the radio demon, she is well aware how necessary he has been to getting this hotel up and running. Between repairing the various damages and fending off attackers, she knows of the many things that he does to keep this place running… even if it’s only been running for a couple of weeks. “You… you’d actually stay… and continue to help me with the hotel?”

Okay, Vaggie has to question at least some of her decisions, “You can’t be serious Charlie, after all that you’re still going to let him stay here?” She gestures at them, “He attacked us…”

“He was protecting his wife and child,” Charlie tries to point out.

“But she wasn’t in danger anymore! The moment he saw us he went offensive mode,” Vaggie argues, “He’s clearly been waiting for the chance to take us out!”

If I was so keen on taking you out, I would have done so before any of you had the chance to put your guard up, you would have been dead days ago…” Alastor says without looking up from his work on Grace’s shoulder. “I haven’t been waiting for anything other than the arrival of my offspring. He is struggling with how to call the fetus, part of him keeps trying to say ‘baby’ but the rest of him shudders in response, ‘spawn’ is what he would call it if he did not need to worry about upsetting his wife. So his mind has compromised for ‘offspring’ with the occasional ‘child’ sprinkled in to appease those who he needs to believe that he cares about the thing. “You of all people know that battlefield decisions have to be made in split seconds, my Gracie was bleeding and looked scared, I did what was best.”

“God! sh*t like that is why I don’t f*cking trust you you creepy piece of...” Vaggie groans and steps towards them, “ your ‘would have already done so’ type sh*t isn’t as reassuring as you seem to f*cking think!”

I do not intend for it to be reassuring, I only intend to convey the truth,” Alastor’s smile curls a bit as he begins to wrap gauze around the injury. The ray gun’s partial cauterization does not help in reassuring him that this will heal well.

“Well, either way, you can’t stay here,” the woman sneers, “you’ve clearly proven that you’re too dangerous. When your little girlfriend has recovered you need to take her and get out of here.”

The overlord’s shoulder’s tense, the air around him buzzes, “she is my wife! Do not go saying, don’t even go thinking otherwise. I will not have you disrespect my marriage.” It’s surprisingly intense of a reaction. Even he is not sure where that anger came from, although it could be him bottling up his rage and it is just popping out since his composure is weakened. He knows he is supposed to be downplaying his bond with Grace, he adores her but can not allow these people to know how important she is to him, otherwise they might start to realize he has a possible weakness. Yet he can not let comments like that slide.

Grace smiles a bit at the way he leaps to the defense of the importance of their marriage. She often struggles with her fears that he only married her because she was dying and he wanted to make her happy in her final moments. When she ended up surviving she had not expected him to remain so dedicated to the concept of her being his wife. So hearing him so vehemently insist on the importance of her title is reassuring.

Husk momentarily flashes back to when he made a similar comment to Alastor. At the time he thought that the radio demon getting upset about his implication was because he didn’t want to appear weak by having anybody know that he is in a relationship. Now he understands that the reaction was provoked by this obsession that Grace be properly refered to as his wife. If he wasn’t so focused on the way the human is nearly ripping his fur out from how tightly she is gripping it, then he might think more about why this is the case. Why is Alastor so adamant that the nature of his relationship to Grace be respected? Is it about respecting her? Or, is it because he does not want to allow himself to doubt the reasons why he is with her? Husk knows that while he may never learn all the details, this little relationship was likely not initially born out of Alastor loving the human, and perhaps sometimes he does not want to be reminded that his initial intentions were not pure.

Charlie moves so she is between Alastor and Vaggie , “Vaggie, honey, I really understand your concerns but… it’s not up to you if they get to stay here…” She glances at Alastor, “but I guess I do have to ask… why would you want to stay? After everything that just happened?”

The overlord secures the gauze and bandaging properly, “I do not admit to this lightly, but I came here out of necessity. I saw your extreme positivity and desire to help,” as well as her position,“and determined that the safest place in hell would be in a building that is under your protection.” He looks up at Grace’s face for a moment, she smiles reassuringly, but what’s not so reassuring is how she’s even paler than usual. “I hid her here to protect her. And unfortunately… I still need to keep her protected, which means that I suppose I must swallow a bit of my pride and remain here, and as long as I remain I will perform my duties to the hotel.”

“The safest place for that girl is back on earth! Not down here in hell,” Vaggie argues, still trying to get her partner to see reason.

Grace makes that almost whimper noise again, quickly reaching out to grab her husband’s hand. Her eyes are wide as she shakes her head. “I c-n’t go b--k, no, bad…” Her chest grows tight at the thought.

Husk is a bit relieved that she is no longer holding his fur. He wasn’t the biggest fan of having it touched, but her grip hurt so badly and he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say anything about it.

Angel watches the way that Alastor moves so that he can hold both her hands in his own. It’s a surprisingly comforting move, especially from somebody so averse to touch as he is.

Alastor glances at Grace’s phone, he can tell how badly she wants to talk, he’d rather let her explain anyways, but it seems that won’t be possible, “Sending her back to earth would be sending her to her death.” He looks over at the IV stand where it lays cast to the side, there’s still fluids in the bags, but he suspects that the needle and tubing may be contaminated after having been in contact with the floor the way it is. Further possibility of infection is not a risk he wants to take. “Since she fell pregnant she has become a beacon for all kinds of supernatural beings up there. I’m not certain what causes it, but before we left she was under almost constant assault by creatures that wished her harm.” He turns one arm over so he can inspect the spot where the IV had been attached. As he suspected there is a large bruise growing from the needle being moved around. It’s something that the demon realizes is his own fault, from picking her up so roughly, and now that arm won’t be able to take a needle for at least a week. “I can not be up there constantly, after a few days the portal drags me back under, and then I have to wait a bit before it will let me through again. So I can not be there at all times to protect her.”

“Okay do you even realize how much that sounds like bullsh*t?” Vaggie puts a hand on her hip. “You really expect us to believe that she’s just being ‘targeted’ up there?”

“Actually what he’s saying is pretty possible,” Charlie looks down at her phone as it buzzes, somebody responding to her messages about supplies.

Angel frowns, “seriously? Why would she be in dang…. Oh sh*t…” Some gears are clicking over in her head, “I didn’t pick up on her being human right away because she had demonic energy coming off her. Is the kid doing that?”

Vaggie looks a little dejected at being proven she’s wrong. Her anger is beginning to shift to something sadder. A touch of the guilt she felt earlier when she saw that she had been attacking a frail, injured girl is starting to come back. She’d been so blinded by her hatred of Alastor that she failed to realize she was doing it again, hurting somebody innocent.

The princess nods, “From what I can tell Alastor, Grace… your child seems to have a very strong presence, even though you’re still at an early stage of pregnancy. But because they are still just a fetus they have no ability to modulate or conceal how much energy they put out.” She quickly sends off some more messages on her phone. “So I can believe that what you’re saying is true. To supernatural creatures up on earth, demonic energy can have really weird effects, it may be sending them into some kind of frenzy or rage.” She bites her lower lip, “Or they may think they can claim the power behind the energy signal by consuming you.”

“Okay I guess that makes sense but,” Vaggie has begun to fidget. She just wants the people she cares about to be safe. Everything in her is screaming that Alastor is not safe to have around, and yet nothing she can say seems to deter Charlie. She wants to uphold her decisions, but it’s hard when she feels like her girlfriend is being blind to the dangers. “We should still look into how Alastor even got to the surface. If one of hell’s most dangerous sinners can get topside then that means there is a huge hole in the pride ring’s security. If he can pull that off then who knows what other kinds of tricks he could be hiding.”

There is no hole in the security, I assure you,” Alastor begins to clean up the blood dripping down Grace’s arm from where the IV was ripped out, the bleeding seems to have stopped but he decides to disinfect and bandage it anyway. “I did not escape, hence why I keep getting dragged back down. I got up there by perfectly ‘legal’ means.” She flinches as he tries to clean the area, and gives him a sad look, to which he responds by lifting her arm up enough that he can lean in and gently kiss the boo boo, before resuming patching it up while talking,“There are protocols in place to allow sinners access to the human realm in such a way that they can not cause massive amounts of damage. They are not well known, but I figured it out.” He has no intention of sharing the fact that he had to basically sell his soul in order to get topside.

This gets Angeldusts attention. If he got to the surface would be be able to escape his contract with Valentino? Surely the dumb moth would have no way of tracking him down and bringing him back, right? Of course he doesn’t know it wouldn’t be possible for him to use the same method that Alastor did. His soul already belongs to Val, so if he wished to get up there then he would have to find a patron willing to give him that permission without trading in ownership of his soul… and then find somebody powerful enough to summon him.

“Fine, fine, I guess I don’t know as much about the rules down here as I thought,” Vaggie folds her arms, trying not to pout. “How did he even get a human pregnant, that’s the really impossible part of this whole situation…”

Grace’s phone vibrates in a way that seems to portray a giggle, “I’m s-rry you’re ed-cat--n syst-m failed you so bad-y that you now d-n’t know where b-abies come f-om.” Her husband smirks a bit at her witty little remark.

The other woman looks away in embarrassment, “I’m starting to understand why he supposedly likes you…”

There is a small flare up of radio static at that ‘supposedly’ indication, but Grace squeezing the radio demon’s hand helps to ground him again.

Charlie takes a deep breath, “That… that is kind of an important question, that we’ll need answered at some point. Because sinners aren’t supposed to be able to reproduce, and if they can have babies with humans then I see that causing some… bigger issues if others find out.” She takes in the state of the human, she looks as though she is struggling to stay awake, “but… that line of questioning can wait. I think maybe it would be best if Grace gets some rest. It’s going to take me a couple hours to get those things for you guys, and I don’t think being barraged with personal questions is going to help her recover from today…”

Alastor stands straight and rests a hand on his wife’s shoulder, “And where exactly should she rest? From what I understand you all destroyed her room.”

“This is a hotel,” Charlie gestures around herself, “there are plenty of rooms available.”

Your rooms are not exactly up to my standards Charlie,” The overlord replies, “If I am being honest, they are sh*t. I have no intention of making her sleep on one of the flea ridden mattresses.”

“You’re the facilities manager Alastor,” Angeldust points out, he’s on his phone, trying to get ahold of Sir Pentious to let him know about the details of the deal that took place. He figures that if the radio demon does snap then he’ll be safer if the person whose action harmed Grace is there to take the brunt of the rage. He also knows that the snake’s best chance at survival is to be under the protection of the deal. “Ain’t it your job to make sure the rooms are nice? And her’s to keep them bug free?” He jerks his thumb behind him to point at Niffty.

Niffty is currently given hastily written scripts to the egg minions. They are now actors in her new play.

Alastor does glance over at Niffty, if he wasn’t so tense then he would be amused by her antics, “I’ve done the best I can with what I was given. You can dress up a dung pile but it will still be a pile of sh*t.”

Al-stor… that’s mean…” Grace gives him a soft but stern look. “I kn-w you are still ang-y at them but…”

He resists the urge to sigh, she’s right. He needs to compose himself. After this whole debacle he has ruined weeks of getting on these people’s good side. As much as he wants to take Grace away and burn them all to the ground, this is still the safest place for her in all of hell, that he knows of. He must maintain the facade. Maintain the polite bullsh*t. Maintain the persona he’s built of a funny radio man who isn’t really a threat to anybody.

I… apologize…Alastor’s throat hurts as he tries to force fake sincerity past his radio filter, “perhaps that was uncalled for, it has been a very long day.”

Although she feels hurt by Alastor’s comments, Charlie swallows her pride, and decides it would be best to try and appease him to prevent any more conflict. “I understand, as a living soul she is more susceptible to illness, this building may pass demon standards, but it is probably not as safe for humans.” She peeks over at Vaggie, she knows that she should ask her before offering this to the couple, but it seems as though her girlfriend isn’t seeing any sense in fostering peace. So, Charlie has to do what she thinks is best, even if it results in an argument later, “Mine and Vaggie’s room is in the best condition, it’s very clean, and has the most amenities. Perhaps she could stay in there until you have her room fixed up?”

Vaggie opens her mouth like she is going to argue, but sighs and looks away instead.

The princess has a tense smile, “It will only be temporary so I don’t mind. In fact I think maybe all of us should get cleaned up and rest a bit.” She gestures at all the others, who are covered in varying amounts of drywall dust and soot.

“Are we really not going to talk about the fact that he is threatening to kill us?” Angel points out, flinching as Alastor’s gaze turns towards him.

“Once we’ve all had some time to decompress and clear our heads we can reconvene and discuss all this… including the threats of violence,” Charlie is thinking a bit about how she is going to need to have a conversation with Vaggie. If they are going to build any sort of trust between the hotel and the couple then she’s going to need her partner to stop antagonizing.

“I still think it’s wrong to be keeping a human here,” Vaggie mumbles, “we’re putting the hotel at risk of retaliation from heaven if they find out.”

Grace begins to twist her hands in her lap. She feels as though everybody is talking about her like she’s not even there, like her feelings and input don’t matter. She has her ‘voice’ back sure, but she barely has the energy to contribute to the conversation. She’s honestly relieved that Charlie is suggesting they all get some rest, not only because she needs to recover, but she also wants to be able to defend herself and her right to be down here. Which is difficult with her eyelids as heavy as they are.

“One more night isn’t going to trigger the apocalypse, she’s been here a while already and there hasn’t been an issue until now,” Husk says. Since Grace seems to have calmed down now he gets up and steps away, trying to put some distance between himself and Alastor.

Angel decides that this would probably be a good idea, because once he gets cleaned up he can go out and search for Pentious. He’s exhausted from the intense day they’ve had, but this wouldn’t be the first time that he’s had to work overtime when he’s already worn out.

“Alastor how about you take her up to my room, I’ll bring up the blood and medicines as soon as I have gotten a hold of them…” Charlie looks down at her phone as more response messages come in.

Very well, Husker…” Alastor moves to lift Grace, “Please go to Grace’s room and gather up her things. I will need them out of the way while I repair and renovate it anyways.”

Vaggie is standing back now, arms folded, lost in thought. She doesn’t even argue about the human’s stuff getting put in her space. She doesn’t argue at all any more.

Grace brings her arms up to wrap them around her husband’s neck as he holds her bridal style. They are an odd looking couple. His tall, thin frame with demonic features, versus her frail body and very much human appearance. It is even more evident than usual how small she is now that he’s holding her, and yet it is a strange kind of small. Looking at her it’s obvious she’s not meant to be this size, she almost seems like she should be taller but something stunted her growth. She is not quite skin and bones, there are some residual muscles from when she was fairly well built. To an outside eye one may be concerned about the nature of the relationship with the one holding her, as though he is a demon feeding off her life force. At least that’s what everybody in the room begins to think as they watch Alastor carry his wife up the stairs.

Chapter 33

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I honest to god have no idea how I got this chapter done before bed. Like around 10pm I stepped back and was like 'oh i'll make this another longish chapter since it's emotional one and i don't wan to cut it off so I will pick it up tomorrow.' then I took an edible, put on Game Grumps, started playing Dark Souls 3, and then I regained consiousness at 2 am with a finished chapter in front of me. And like I reread it, and it's good, grammer's a bit wonky but that's more of a 'my style' thing I think? When I get into the emotional stuff I kinda word vomit and I think it works out you know? Anyways uh I hope ya'll enjoy, well enjoy is a tough word it's a bit of a sadder chapter again. But like hope you 'enjoy'

Chapter Text

Grace has never felt more heavy in Alastor’s arms than she does right now. And it can not be blamed on baby weight, for if anything she is a few pounds lighter than she was only a month ago. He is more than strong enough to carry her at any size, and yet he is struggling to keep a hold of her. As soon as the pair have entered a section of hallway where the group can no longer see them, he immediately lowers his face so he can rest his nose in her hair. He doesn’t mind the flecks of drywall dust that are mixed into her brown curls, he just wants to feel close to her. Even as his arms shake he still holds her close and tight.

He is not the only one struggling at this moment. As she is carried through the hotel, Grace is trembling. It could be the exhaustion, it could be the immense amount of pain in her shoulder, it could be because today has been utterly terrifying. Even she isn’t certain why she is shaking, her mind is so utterly scrambled that she can’t make heads or tails of her own sense of self. She has her arms wrapped around his neck, but she wants to hold her stomach, to reassure herself that the baby is okay, even though they have no real way of knowing yet. The woman feels like she should pray for its safety, but who would she even pray to? Certainly God would not lift a finger to protect her demonic fetus…

“Are you alright…?” Alastor asks softly, his filter completely gone, his transatlantic accent missing. He almost sounds human.

She was still holding her phone when he picked her up. So with the way she has her arms around him, the hand holding it is near the side of his face. He can feel it buzzing against his cheek as she tries to talk, but she does not have the strength to properly project her voice.

After a moment of failing to speak, Grace resigns herself to silence for the time being, and chooses to simply nod in response to his question. It’s not the truth, she feels awful, but compared to earlier she feels much better, so… on a scale of yes or no, a nod is sufficient. But she still wishes she could share her thoughts with him, her concerns, her fears.

Her husband holds her tighter, he knows. He knows her mind, even if he can not read it. But he aches to hear her voice. Hear her say what is bothering her. He walks just a touch faster, maybe if he can get her comfortable and settled in she will regain the energy to speak.

As they travel the remaining distance is silence, Grace puts her head to Alastor’s chest. She closes her eyes and listens, but only hears static. It’s not the first time it’s happened, but it makes her nervous all the same. He’s closing himself off to his own emotions, not just trying to avoid expressing them, trying to resist feeling them, and so his internal radio has no music to play, only a buzzing similar to that of her phone when she tries to speak.

When they arrive at Charlie’s room, she takes a look around. It’s much bigger than any of the hotel rooms. Its furniture even nicer than what she had in her own room, but the walls and floor have the same sort of decrepit appearance to them that the rest of the hotel has. Peeling wallpaper, stains in the carpet. There are multiple doors, one presumably leading off to a bathroom, perhaps the other to some kind of kitchen? The room almost seems more like a small apartment, which makes sense given that it’s more of a permanent residence for the princess. Since she’s the owner, it would require more amenities so the resident can feel at home.

Alastor looks over at the large bed, and considers taking his wife straight to it. But before that he has a better idea. He carefully carries her over to the massive window, and sets her down on the cushioned seating area that is up against it. The sky outside is still rather bright, after such a long day he’d expect it to be nighttime by now. Although the sky always retains some amount of light regardless of the time of day, he can tell that it is still only late afternoon. He hadn’t been keeping track of time, which is unusual even for him. The breakfast he didn’t finish feels like it was days ago.


Are you hungry dear?” He gets Grace comfortable, resting her knees against some pillows as she sits in a half curled up position looking out the window.

The woman leans close to the window, her eyes widening at the view. It’s not quite the same height as the radio tower, but she can still see almost all of the city from this spot. For a moment she allows her fears and worries to slip away as she takes in the sights.

Gracie…” Alastor places a hand on her shoulder, “did you eat today?” He had left before ensuring she had a proper breakfast. It’s not very high up on his list of regrets for the day, but he does feel bad about it all the same.

She sighs, “I d-d bu- I” the phone buzzes again as it struggles to convey her voice again, so instead she makes a motion with her hand near her mouth to attempt to convey that she had thrown up earlier.

I see…” The overlord expected as much, but really had been hoping he was wrong. “Do you feel up to eating?”

She thinks on it for a moment, her hand moving down to her stomach. They need to talk about it, talk about how she was injured, stressed, and run ragged. Talk about how her body is weak. Talk about how the baby in her belly may not be alive anymore. Grace knows she should worry about eating for the sake of her own health, but she also wants to just waste away, to allow death to take her so she won’t have to feel the pain of the loss she knows is coming.

But she has to persevere. For even the slim chance that her child still lives within her, she must keep trying. So she nods, even though it’s a lie.

Alastor snaps his fingers, and a bag of chips from her snack stash appears in his hands. He could summon all of her belongings to the room with just a snap, but he wanted to put Husker to work after his spectacular failure of the day. He also knows that she should eat something more substantial, but there isn’t much left in their food stores, and she’s earned a treat anyways.

He sits down beside her, opening the bag and resting it in her lap. The radio demon’s eyes are soft as he looks over his wife. For just a moment that awful feeling, the petrifying fear he felt when he walked into the lobby, sneaks back up on him. He feels his chest tighten, his throat constrict. How close had he come to losing her today?

Grace reaches into the bag, takes out a chip, and begins to nibble on it. Putting food in her mouth for the first time in hours makes her suddenly aware of how nasty her mouth tastes. Between not brushing her teeth that morning, eating nothing but pickles, then throwing up those pickles, she must have the worst breath in the world. But quickly she realizes that’s probably not true, how many sinners brush their teeth down here? Alastor didn’t brush his for almost the entirety of his afterlife, until they started dating. With that in mind she feels a little less insecure about it, though she still wishes she could have some mouthwash or something to get the taste of vomit out of the back of her throat.

The pair sit in relative silence for a while, aside from the rustle of the bag and occasional crunching. Both of them need a moment to just… process everything that’s happened. Alastor adjusts their positions a bit so that her legs can rest in his lap and he can carefully massage her calves. He doesn’t know how to comfort her, but he knows she’s sore and tired so he figures any kind of touch may help. He’s also carefully evaluating her health, trying to determine how much her muscle mass has deteriorated, as well as how they respond to touch.

Grace slowly eats her chips, which make her feel surprisingly better, having anything in her stomach really is better than nothing. She isn’t looking at the city, rather her eyes are glued to the sky. The bright ball that is heaven shines down on them, her chest hurts as she thinks about the people who reside there. There are millions, maybe even billions of souls up there, just as there are down here. She wonders if they know about the extermination. Are these people who supposedly earned their way into the good place complicit in the massacre of fellow human souls? Do they care not for their brothers, sisters, parents, children, third and fourth cousins, and friends who did not make it up there with them? Even if such horrors are concealed from them, how could the hierarchy that looks after them truly be considered good if they so gleefully come down here to slaughter…

Her mind wanders again to the unborn child in her womb, and her heart rate picks up as she wonders if she will ever see it be born. Even if they have not lost the baby yet, will she even survive to her due date? Six months. Six f*cking months. She doesn’t know how far along she is but she is certain she will be due sometime in the vicinity. The extermination could come while she is still pregnant, and an angel who cares little for whose skin they break with their blade may strike her down. Or if she gives birth before the dreadful day, she may be too weak to protect her newborn properly. What if she and Alastor fall, leaving their infant orphaned in this awful place? Or worse what if she must watch her child die at the hands of one of those monsters? A chip shatters in her hand as the thought of a baby’s dying screeches fill her mind.

Grace…?” Alastor looks over at her, and sees her shaking hand as it tightly grips a shard of fried potato.

Her phone crackles and a voice barely comes through, “I’m s-rr-, I’m -o s-rry…”

The radio demon is unsure how to react, what to say. Just a little bit ago he had seen that flare of her former self. Her energy, her bite, her dazzling light as she lectured him. For a moment he thought she was back from the darkness, but it seems as though such a thing is inescapable.

He picks up her phone and hands it to her, “You have nothing to be sorry for my dear, but if you must speak please write it out, you shouldn’t be pushing yourself…

Grace looks between the phone, and the sliver of chip still left in her hand. After a second she lifts her hand, shoves the potato piece into Alastor’s mouth, and takes the phone from him. He blinks in a stunned confusion, and almost spits it out. He finds junk food to be rather unappetizing, but instead he just quietly swallows it, begins to pick up the crumbs on her lap, and incinerates them with small green flames while she types out a message.

When she holds the device up again he has to squint to read. The glare of the screen has always been rather difficult for him to make heads or tails of the tiny font. After a moment she pulls it back, and he starts to say he wasn’t done, but she holds up a ‘one moment’ finger while adjusting the brightness and increasing the text size. She holds it up again, and he finds himself able to read it much more easily.

Thank you my love,” Alastor responds before reading her message.

He doesn’t notice her small smirk as she mouths, ‘no problem old man.’ Now is not the time for such jokes, and yet that little spark of herself is still in there, still fighting, still trying to be just a little sassy even in the face of such an abysmal day. But that smirk falls quickly as she is dragged back under to the depths of despair while waiting for her husband to finish reading.

-this is all my fault. i make your lfie so much harder by being in it. if i had never mdae that call then you wouldnt have to deal with all this BS. youd be busy being a powerful overlord causnig chaos and having teh time of your afterlife but instaed you have to take care of me. im your weakness and you have to cower before those idiots in order to keep em safe-

It takes a minute for him to read the full message. She’s looking out the window as he works his way through it. Once he’s done he takes a moment to follow her gaze, she’s fixated on the streets, watching demons walk about, in the distance they are like ants. In the back of the demon’s mind it’s difficult to avoid thinking about how things used to be simpler. He was powerful, he was feared, he answered to nobody. But it wasn’t enough, he wanted more might, to be on top. She is the one who called him first, but it was he who reached out and truly made the connection. The former version of himself would blame her for all his woes, they are tied to her after all. His deal, the fact that he must play nice to that irritatingly positive princess, and all the anxiety he’s struggling with as of late.

Alastor mentally notes that it appears the phone’s battery is running low, so he should not allow this conversation to drag on for too long, “I made my choices. And I do not regret them one bit. My afterlife is different, but that does not mean it’s worse. I can handle the difficulties that come with this path we are walking, you need not blame yourself for them.”

Grace clears her screen and types out a new message, Alastor leans over so he can read it as she types.

-but if i hadnt called you…-

He interupts her by kissing her forehead and saying, “then my afterlife would be bland and boring because you would not in it…” It’s true, after decades of terrorizing the pride ring, he had begun to grow uninspired by the time her little phone call made its way to his radio station. Obtaining her power was meant to help him find motivation again. Never had he expected that it would be the girl behind the power that would become his muse. For as stressful as these past few years have been, especially these last weeks, it has also been the most exciting adventure he’s been on in his life and afterlife. Did he always think that? No, that’s a new thought. But he believes it with all of his half-dead heart.

She begins to type again;

-but if i hadnt gotten pregnant…-

We’ve been over this my love, it takes two to make a baby…” He kisses her forehead once more.


Alastor moves suddenly, without thinking, even with all that is going on it is rare for him to do something without thinking it through first. His lips move from her forehead to her mouth, capturing her in a gentle kiss. His left hand quickly pulls his glove off his right and then…

His right pushes up her shirt and comes to rest on her stomach. It’s not the first time he’s laid hands on the baby bump. A handful of nights he felt its warmth while she slept, trying with all his might to force himself to accept what is growing within it. Now, after a day of fighting with himself, his anxieties, his insecurities, he can not allow her to go another moment thinking that he believes this pregnancy to be a burden. It is still a small bump sure, but the curve feels perfect beneath his fingers.

Grace trembles beneath his touch, eyes watering as she is flooded with emotions. At first she kisses back, joy and hope filling every nook and cranny of her body as she feels his cold skin against hers. For a brief moment she feels utter bliss at the sensation, the recognition of the life growing within her. Recognition by the one person she seeks it from the most. To finally feel her child’s father place his hands upon the life vessel she is carrying is all she has wanted for weeks. A beautiful moment that should be the first of many. And yet…

She pulls away from the kiss, her throat choking with silent sobs as pushes her face into his shoulder to conceal her tears. He does not need to ask what is wrong now, because he feels it too. The ache of regret that this moment may have come too late. The fear that she may in fact no longer be a vessel of life, and now may merely be a walking coffin. At this stage they have no way to know, there are no movements or kicks to reassure them. No doctors to examine her. All they can do is hope, pray that this touching moment is not too little too late. But like his wife, Alastor has no idea who to even pray to.

I’m s-sorr-,” Grace’s voice begins to crackle through her phone again. “It’s p--bably de-d and it’s m- f-ult.” Her sobs are half vocalized through the device.

Alastor holds her tighter, “It is not your fault, it’s not.” This… this he might trade back for his old life, this grief that is pushing against the edges of his emotions. This tragedy on the horizon that he feels like he can not prevent. “You were so strong, you’ve been doing such an incredible job despite everything, and I’m so proud of you.” The world around them begins to fade to static, he remembers the agony that he felt every time he thought the cancer had claimed her, he does not know if he could survive the intensity of that feeling if he were to actually lose her or their child. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you…”

Grace wraps her arms around him, and allows him to bring his face down into her shoulder, the way hers is on his. She feels his body shake as he tries not to cry. Feels his right hand tense against her belly. For all the power that exists between the two of them, it is meaningless if they can not save their own poor child.

Their moment of grief and fear is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Chapter 34

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


If I had a nickle for every time I finally got myself to enjoy writing again to the point that not only do I have a semi popular fic but I'm starting to work on my original stuff, only for a close family member to tragically die... then in about a month I'm going to have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot, but still feels like the universe hates me.
Which is a 1 am semi high way of saying my uncle is dying of cancer and only has a few more weeks go live. Fun fact, totally forgot my uncle had cancer when I wrote a character with a history of cancer, I think the two are unrealted though I do have another uncle on the same time who recovered from cancer, and I'm the kind of person who constantly thinks 'oh god what if that's a tumor?' but not in the hypocodriach way just the 'that would be my f*cking luck' kind of way. And anyways I'm starting to suspect that maybe writing an OC with cancer has deeper meaning to my psyche than I though.
And that is a long winded way of saying i'm going to keep writing and posting regularly and I do not intend to shelve this fic and stop writing because of grief again, BUT if my uploading and quality control becomes a little inconsistent then it's cuase sh*t is happening. Luckily we are throught he roughest part of the arc, obviously there's still some unresolved issues regarding if the baby is okay but here's a little spoiler, if I was going to have her miscarry then I would have tagged the fic with a trigger warning for that. I hope yall can continue being worried for her sake and disociate that fact while reading, but like I wanna make that clear for anybody who might be worried and it could be traumatic to them; i'm not going to kill the baby... the baby is safe.... Grace is debabtable but we don't have to worry about that for a while.
BUt uh yeah, things should be a bit more relaxed for a bit so I'm going to focus on the parts that make me happy so that I can cope with the bullsh*t in my life.

Chapter Text

Alastor’s gaze snaps to the door as he pulls away from Grace. At least whoever is interrupting them has the sense to knock. He takes a deep breath, trying to reel himself in. While he had been on her shoulder his signature smile had dropped and now he has to get it back on his face. He feels naked without his grin, and yet his cheeks hurt trying to force it back into place.

There is another knock, “Al… I brought some of the sh*t from her room, figured she might need more or those nutritional packs or something so I grabbed the medicine cooler first…” Husk’s voice comes through the door, muffled by the heavy wood.

The overlord’s shoulders relax a bit. He still can’t show weakness in front of the bartender, but at least he knows that if he slips up then the cat will be bound to silence regarding whatever he witnesses. He kisses his wife’s forehead again, adjusts her position so she is comfortable against the pillows of the seating nook, then stands.

Grace grabs hold of his arm before he can walk away, he does not resist as she pulls him close to her again. She quickly raises a hand and uses her sleeve to wipe his cheeks. Alastor hadn’t realized how wet with tears they were.

Thank you, my love,” he whispers, smile softening for a moment as it becomes genuine. “I’ll get you a moment to compose yourself…” He takes a step back and falls into the shadows, reappearing moments later on the other side of the door.

Husk jumps, his fur standing up as realizes that Alastor is suddenly behind him, “f*cking hell, do you have to do that? Couldn’t you have just opened the door?”

Alastor chuckles, doing his best to put up a creepy facade despite how much his mind is swirling, “Gracie is not prepared for visitors at the moment,” he looks down and sees the medical cooler up against the wall, as well as the IV stand which Husk must have retrieved from the lobby. Additionally the cat has a clean shirt from Grace’s wardrobe thrown over his shoulder. “We can head in after she has had some time to put herself together.” He is almost impressed by the initiative that his little pet has taken in prioritizing which items to bring up first.

There is even a small bag of snacks sitting by the cooler, he doesn’t recognize everything that he sees in it. Certainly the beast consumes more than just booze and the birds he catches outside on his break, so he must have his own food supply, and seems to have contributed some of it as a kind of peace offering.

“How is she doing…?” Husk asks tentatively. After what he’d seen today he did have some concern for the girl, but it’s difficult to overcome his spite for her husband and allow himself to show any real empathy.

Alastor doesn’t really respond, his eyes dart to the side and he fidgets with his bowtie. He is uncomfortable revealing his concerns about his wife’s health, “she’ll be… better soon…”

The bartender takes a small risk, “and… how’s the baby…?” He still can not fathom the fact that his master is about to be a father. Though he had initially feared that the girl was some kind of breeding slave to make an ultra powerful kid, those concerns were wiped out as soon as he saw the way the two interact. Perhaps in the back of his mind he still worries for her, but he knows that nobody gets to talk to Al like that without him biting back, so they way he just took the verbal lashing… clearly there’s more going on there than he initially assumed.

Again Alastor does not immediately respond, his eyes glaze over for a moment, before he refocuses, “we have no way to know how the child is doing, so we will have to wait and see.”

Husk nods in understanding, and there is an awkward silence between the two before asks, without looking at the other demon, “and how are… you… holding up Al?”

The radio demon’s shoulder’s stiffen and his left ear flicks, he half turns his head to look at his little ‘pet,’ “I am fine Husker.”

“Are you though?” He crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact, “Cause you know it’s okay if you ain’t…”

If I was anything less than fine do you really think I would tell you?” Alastor replies with a sneer. As if he’d ever show his weakness, to Husk of all demons.

He grits his teeth, and his tail swishes a bit, “fine, sue me for trying to be nice to you asshole.”

I don’t need you to be nice to me Husker,” the taller demon summons his cane and begins to spin it in his hands, something he doesn’t realize that Husk knows is his ‘tell.’ He plays with his cane when he’s stressed, and doesn’t even realize that he does it so often that it’s a dead giveaway, at least to a gambler who’s whole business is reading people. “I need you to do as I say. And I say the only person you need to worry about is Gracie. Tend to her needs and watch over her. Oh, and…” Alastor takes a deep breath, “when you are with her, you will speak to her, not around her. Do not treat her as an inanimate object just because she can not always speak up.”

This time it’s Husk’s ear that twitches, does Al really think so little of him? Thinks that the cat would treat a lady as callously as that, “You don’t need to worry about that, I’ve been doing just fine up till now, it’s the others you have to worry about. But I am guessing that this is a… problem you two have had before?”

Alastor nods, “It was happening earlier, I was going to call them out on it, but I… was too busy being part of the problem.” He admits this only because Husk was present and therefore already witnessed how a whole conversation about Grace’s future took place around her without her getting the chance to speak up for herself. “But during the year on Earth that she was voiceless I saw it happen fairly frequently. Only her housemate Brian, a… human who knew who I was, treated her with respect.”

“She had a male roommate?” Husk raises an eyebrow, “and you were okay with that?” He had not often thought about what Alastor would be like in a relationship, but since learning that he was married, he had assumed the other overlord would be the insanely possessive and jealous type.

He is strictly hom*osexual, so there was no reason to be concerned. And because he was also a nurse I honestly felt more comfortable having him be there to watch over her when I could not,” Alastor begins to wonder if he’s given Grace long enough to get her emotions back in check. “I would put on a human disguise when his friends visited, and they would consistently ignore her, and attempt to have I or Brian communicate for her because they could not be bothered to take the time to read what she had to say. Suffice to say he is not friends with many of them anymore. But apparently when he would take her to her appointments, even the doctors would ignore her in favor of speaking to him.”

Husk makes a mental note that it sounds like Grace has been sick for a while, he guesses that her voice loss and her frail figure are somehow connected, and that they were wrong about the radio demon starving her, but then his mind takes note of something else that he said, “Wait, you have a human disguise?” Perhaps it is just some stage makeup and a wig or something, because it’s fairly common knowledge that the magic necessary to make a sinner appear as a human is rare and difficult to obtain, even for an overlord.

Indeed, I can use it for limited amounts of time on Earth, but it does not function down here,” before Husk can ask any more questions, Alastor knocks on the door, “Gracie, are you decent?”

After a moment of silence he realizes that Grace may not be able to respond, especially if her phone finally died. Alastor opens the door just a bit and pokes his head in. His wife is still sitting at the window, she seems to have gotten herself to stop crying and has wiped away most of her tears, so she gives him a thumbs up.

He pushes the door the rest of the way open, and enters, leaving Husk to haul the cooler in, “We have your medical stuff dear, how about we get you into bed and we can set up the IV?”

The bartender struggles to drag the cooler in while also carrying the bag of snacks. He doesn’t bother complaining about being left to do it himself, he knows it won’t get him anywhere. Anyways he’s too busy to talk, he’s rolling all this new information around in his mind. His master not only has access to the surface, but he’s also in possession of a human disguise. He knew that the radio demon made a deal seven years ago, selling his soul to an unknown party, and now he is beginning to realize what Al got out of the deal.

Grace can only nod in response, her phone did indeed die. She raises her arms so he can pick her up again, wrapping them around his neck as he lifts her from the spot. She watches as Husk gets the IV stand and cooler over to one side of the large bed.

After a few minutes they manage to get her changed into the clean shirt that was brought up for her, and set up the stand with a nutritional pack and a little bit of saline. There are some concerns about giving her straight saline after she lost a bunch of blood, but none of them know medical stuff to really be certain if it’s a good or bad thing. She needs hydration regardless, and a little bit of fluid can’t hurt right? They’ll just keep an eye on her.

The cat demon is silent for most of the set up, he focuses on the tasks Alastor gives him, and doesn’t look directly at either of them. Part of him wants to watch their dynamic more and figure out the depth of their relationship, but he also knows that if he’s caught staring then the punishment would not be worth the reward.

Alastor tries to pull back the covers so he can get her tucked in, but Grace shakes her head and points to the window, it’s too early to go to sleep. He figures out pretty easily what she is trying to convey, but for Husk it takes a moment.

You should get some sleep dear, even if it’s just a nap.” Alastor pats her head gently.

It’s not the condescending or fake way that he’ll pat somebody like Charlie, Husker immediately picks up on how much more tender it is, he clears his throat and pulls a crumpled sheet of paper out of his back pocket, “I found this, while I was getting stuff from your room, it’s a little burnt but some of it’s still readable, and I thought maybe you’d like it back.” He hands over a half burnt list of baby names.

Grace takes it, wide eyed, it feels like ages ago that she and Niffty were working on this thing. Most of it is illegible now, save a few lines here and there.

Oh, and what is that?” Alastor leans over to try and read it.

Being completely mute with her phone now dead, Grace must attempt to pantomime everything she wants to say, which her husband has no problem taking the time to interpret. She places a hand on her belly, then tries to mouth the word ‘name.’

The word takes a moment for him to click on, but he gets there, “Baby… names, how… sweet…” He is still struggling to reconcile the differences between the person he was this morning and the person he is after all the sh*t that has happened today. He is not particularly enthusiastic about having to think about this stuff, but he is not immediately repelled by the idea the way he would have been before. Reading through the parts that are legible, he quickly recognizes the second set of handwriting. “Niffty helped you with this, Gracie?”

Husk blinks as he hears his boss say that line, something occuring to him.

Grace nods, she’s smiling brighter than she has in days, for a moment she has forgotten the possibility that these names may never get the chance to be used.

She certainly has some… interesting ideas,” Alastor grins. He isn’t ready to say it, but of the ones in his wife’s handwriting he’s not particularly opposed to them. It’s mostly the floral names on the girl’s side that have survived. “I think I can picture having a little ‘Lily’ if it turns out to be a girl.”

That seals it. “You have a thing for girls whose names end in the ‘e’ sound…” Husk mutters, then freezes as he realizes that came out wrong and now both of them are glaring at him. “I don’t mean like that, f*ck, like you seem to surround yourself with girls with names like that,” that doesn’t seem to be helping. “Nifft-y, Charl-ie, Vagg-ie, and I know you’re friends with that one cannibal lady, Ros-ie, our ‘friend’ Mimz-y,” His body relaxes a bit as he sees the two start to think about what he’s saying, “Her name is Grace right? But you call her Grac-ie. And now you’re saying you might name your daughter Lil-y.”

Grace leans back, a thought is in her mind but she can’t quite grasp it all the way, nor communicate it.

Alastor opens his mouth as if to speak but instead finds himself… speechless. An incredibly rare occurrence. Had he done that intentionally? Surrounded himself with names that have the same ending sound? No it’s a coincidence, right? It has to be. What would be more likely than it being deliberate, would be if he was just a character in a fanfiction. What would be more likely than him making the conscious choice would be that the author noticed that all the women his character is close to have this similar naming thing, then gave his wife a nickname with the same ending sound. It might even be more likely that the author didn’t even notice that the nickname that only HE calls her matches up until very recently, and decided that the best way to call it to the attention of their readers would be to make a silly little fourth wall break. That would certainly be more likely than him deliberately surrounding himself with women whose names end with the ‘e’ sound, right?

“Hey Al, what was your mother’s name…” Husk asks with a smirk. He’s not totally aware of the soft spot the radio demon has for his mother, but he’s suspected it’s existence for a while.

Grace sits up a bit, that’s what was in the back of her mind, but Husker beat her to it.

The way the whole room instantly fills with static makes him regret just about every choice he’s ever made in his life though. “Forget it, f*ck I didn’t say anything forget it.” He begins to shake as the radio demon grows a couple inches suddenly, and his antlers begin to extend rapidly.

Grace glances at her husband, and feels a touch of sadness. She knows the real reason he is angry at the implication. Although he can remember the general details of his human life, Alastor had once confided in her that when he woke up as a demon he found that many of the specifics were fuzzy, and as time went on he forgot more and more. He is not upset because Husk was poking at private details, but rather because he in fact does not recall his own mother’s name, despite how much he adored her.

She places a hand on his arm, and the static begins to die down. His antlers retract and he returns to his normal size. He places his own hand over hers, but makes no other move that could show weakness with his subordinate present.

I believe it is time you headed back to her room to finish backing up Husker,” Alastor hisses, his eyes still glinting with malice.

“Yeah, yeah I should do that, I’ll get right on that…” Husk responds, backing away slowly. “It was nice getting to properly meet you Mrs. Grace, let me… let me know if you need anything.” He bolts out of the room before either of them can respond.

As soon as the door shuts, Alastor practically collapses, sitting beside his wife on the bed, “I hate that cat…”

Grace rolls her eyes, she’s sure he’s telling the truth, but also thinks that maybe his hatred for the other demon is not quite as strong as he usually feels towards other people. If he really hated Husker then he wouldn’t have allowed him to slide on his ‘failure’ to keep her safe. Part of her knows that he’s going to still punish the bartender, when she’s not around. But there is little she can do to stop him from doing things she’s not present for. Still, she feels confident that it won’t be as severe a punishment as he might have gotten if Alastor did not favor the cat as much as she suspects he does.

She decides to try and distract her husband from his anger by leaning against him and holding up the paper of names again, she points to one at the bottom. ‘A.J.’ there seems to be something written before it but it’s smudged.

A.J is an initial… do you have a full name decided or do you just like the sound of that?” He kisses her on the top of the head, moving to put an arm around her waist as he waits for her to figure out how to answer.

She knows immediately how to describe it though. One of her hands comes to rest on his chest, and the other makes a pinching motion like ‘little.’

It takes him a little longer than he’d like to admit, but as soon as he knows he feels a strange warmth in his body, “Alastor Jr…” That’s right, this child isn’t just some random baby he’ll be expected to care for. It’s his baby, the beginning of his lineage. A legacy he never expected to have. Despite his reservations in the past, he quite likes the idea of having it.

Chapter 35

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Rereading this I realized this chapter feels a little janky, and I think it's because I've been so focused on Grace and Alastor for so long, that writing a scene without them is tough, i can't get into the other characters heads as well as I can my OC and my version of Al. So it's a little disjointed because I am trying to write a conversation between Angel and Niffty, and it was kind of a struggle to weave together dialouge and thought processes. I'll probably take tomorrow off because it's my therapy day, and after I'm going to continue with a batch of shorter chapters that focus on one-on-one interactions, character/relationship developments, and getting characters thoughts on the whole situation sorta out there before I do the next big group chapter.

Chapter Text

Alastor gets Grace to eat some of the snacks Husker brought. Hopefully the combination of solid and IV nutrition will be enough to get her strength back, assuming the food stays down that is. Meanwhile the others in the hotel have their own business to attend to.

Husk is still packing up anything in Grace’s room that survived that fire.

Charlie and Vaggie are having a conversation regarding what ‘best behavior’ is around Alastor and Grace going forward.

Niffty is still preparing the eggs for her new play. She doesn’t want to clean right now, because if she cleans then she will think about the giant mess in Grace’s room. But she can’t do anything about the giant mess in that room. It’s going to need to be rebuilt anyways, so she needs to wait for Alastor’s instructions on how best to proceed.

Angeldust is on his way out of the hotel. He took a quick shower to clean off the soot and junk, then threw on a fresh outfit, so he’s nice and clean. After all the chaos that just happened he has somewhat forgotten certain details that his brain deems ‘unimportant.’ For example, while getting dressed he completely forgot that the cute necklace he’s putting back on isn’t his own. He’s trying to sneak out without anybody noticing him, but Niffty is right by the front doors.

He quickly puts on his pink sunglasses and crouches a bit as he tries to sneak around behind her, as though it may stop her from realizing that he’s there. But Niffty is far more observant that people give her credit for, that one giant eye really sees all.

“Are you running away?” She says without looking up from the sheets of paper she has scattered on the floor between her and the eggs. “I wouldn’t blame you, Alastor is scary when he is mad.” Her voice almost seems sad. She has never been fearful of the radio demon, never really minded the carnage he causes, but part of her kind of hates how he always drives everybody around her away.

“What?!” It sparks a memory in the back of Angel’s mind, something he’d forgotten a long time ago. Sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night after an ‘argument’ with his father, and his sister waking up and asking him the same thing. “No, no Niffty I wouldn’t just run out on you I swear.” He moves so he can stand where he thinks her peripheral vision would be, “I’m going to go and try to find Pentious, bring him back to the hotel.”

“Oh!” She smiles, then tilts her head to the side, “but why?”

“Well… I’m worried Alastor may use a loophole in the deal he and Charlie made, and go out and hurt the guy. The way they phrased it made it sound as though only Charlie’s people here at the hotel are safe.” He folds one pair of arms, and rests the other pair on his hips. “If Pentious has bailed on us then he no longer counts as a part of the hotel, which means he’s not under the deals protection. And since he’s the one who actually injured that human of his…”

“Oh yeah, Alastor would totally take advantage of a loophole like that, if he wasn’t busy taking care of Gracie then he’d probably be out there hunting him down right now!'' The cyclops resumes scribbling on the sheets of paper with the crayons she stole from Charlie’s planning desk. “The hotel’s redemption thing must be working better than we thought, for you to be willing to go out of your way to help the fake bad boy.” She looks at him out of the corner of her eye, a knowing grin creeping onto her face.

The spider decides not to mention the fact that this is more about the fact that he wants to use the snake as a meat shield if things go south. It seems like Niffty may already have an inkling that’s the case. He doesn’t want to have to throw Pentious under the bus, but he already knows that this deal Charlie made is going to go bust. Either Alastor is going to snap and go back on it and kill them anyways, or the human is going to miscarry and they will all be utterly f*cked. He saw her power much closer than the others did, and has no intention of getting another look at it if they lose their baby. After all, Pentious isn’t the only one who f*cked up, Angel can’t stop thinking about the fact that he held a gun to the head of Alastor’s f*cking wife. So he needs that bastard to be a sacrificial lamb to hopefully spare him from destruction, or at least give him a few extra minutes to get away.

He takes a step closer to the cluster of egg minions, crouches down, and asks in his sweetest ‘i need something’ tone asks, “Hey little guys, where does your boss like to hang out? Is there anywhere he goes when he gets scared?”

The eggs scratch their heads, Frank pipes up first, “there’s this place on the west side of the pentagram that he’ll go after we blow stuff up! But we aren’t allowed inside.” He goes on to roughly describe a bar that Angel is fairly familiar with in that part of town.

Another egg pipes up, “Sometimes we take the war balloon up to the top of heaven’s hourglass to eat ice cream cones on our birthdays!!” Not really as helpful given that the warship is still docked next to the hotel, but good to know, Angel and Niffty will both stick that information in their back pockets.

One in the back raises his hand, “Sometimes we go to the junkyards to look for parts when he has new designs!” Makes sense, he may have the money to buy weapons, but he builds a lot of crap so he’s gotta have a source for scrap metal and such. Angel decides he’ll check the nearest one, maybe Pentious is building something to defend himself with, in case Alastor comes to get him.

He is about to stand straight again and be on his way, but he realizes something. Aside from the strange egg things, it’s only him and Niffty down in the lobby right now. Everybody else is busy so if he wanted to try and get information about this whole situation, now would be the time.

“Sooo Nif, that human…” he begins.

“Gracie,” the maid turns to him and holds out her crayon the way she would when she’s threatening somebody with one of her big needles, “Her name is Gracie, not ‘that human’ why are you treating her like she’s an animal?”

Angel pauses and actually thinks about that, he doesn’t think he’s treating her like an animal per say but… he’s definitely not been treating her like a person. While normally that wouldn’t bother him, there’s something about her being an actual living soul rather than some demon who’s earned their place in hell that makes his stomach turn a bit when he thinks about his own words and actions today. He knows fairly well how bad it feels to be treated like he’s not even human, which is why he’s so comfortable doing so to others, but for some reason he feels like maybe she doesn’t deserve that kind of sh*t.

“Alright then… Gracie, what can you tell me about her?” he asks,

Niffty shrugs, “what do you want to know?”

“How long has she been here?” His legs are starting to cramp from crouching, so despite how gross the floor is he opts to sit down beside her. He’s probably going to get icky searching the junkyard anyways, he can just take another shower when he gets back.

“Since Alastor got here,” the maid is doodling on the sheets of paper now, “well, apparently she was with a friend of theirs when she first came down, but it wasn’t safe there.”

The spider raises an eyebrow, “so then… was the reason Alastor offered to help Charlie in the first place just so he could have a place to stow her?”

She shrugs again, “I guess so? I think there might be another reason.” It seems she’s making crude drawings of the various people of the hotel, starting with Charlie. “But it’s a long shot, and he’d never tell any of us if it was the case.”

“What do you think the reason is?” Angel is remembering now that it was Alastor who brought Niffty into the hotel, so presumably they have some kind of history. Although he will have to assume half the sh*t that comes out of her mouth will be totally incorrect bullsh*t, he can probably glean a little bit of insight into the creepy f*ck and his plans.

“He wants a way for Gracie to get into heaven,” she replies without looking up. “He might never want to go up there himself, but I think that maybe he secretly wants to see the hotel be successful, so that there will be a way for her to earn a ticket to the top”

Angeldust pauses, leaning back and folding both sets of arms, then says, “why would he do that? If he doesn’t want to go up, then that means they’ll be separated for all of time.”

Niftty now appears to be trying to draw Charlie and Vaggie holding hands, “if he loves her lots and lots and lots, then he won’t want her to have to stay down here and risk being exterminated. If he loves her enough then he’d be willing to be separated from her for her own good, oooooor…” she drags out the last word, then snaps her mouth shut and focuses on her doodling.

“Or what Nif?” He leans forward now, interest peaked.

She waves a hand, “you won’t take it seriously anyways.”

“I will, I promise,” he probably won’t.

She begins to add Grace to her drawings, but seems to struggle to do anything to make it look like her other than having short brown hair and green eyes, she seems to be trying to make her look thinner than the others in her doodles, but keeps scribbling it out and trying again, “Well, if he really really really love loves her, and wants her to be safe, but doesn’t want to be separated from her, then maybe he’ll try redemption too, so they can be safe up in heaven together and he can see his mommy again.”

Angel blinks slowly as he listens, then tries not to laugh, it’s an impossible idea. “I doubt that Nif, and anyways how would he get his kid up there, like I doubt the redemption process is going to work on people who were born half demon.” He’s barely known the guy for two weeks, but from the vibe he’s picked up from him, there is no interest there in getting to the pearly gates.

Niffty knew that the spider was lying when he said he would take it seriously, “It’s probably not the case anyways, I’ve known him for a looooong time and I didn’t even know he had a wife until recently. So I doubt he has any plans on going up there.” She leans back and folds her arms, staring angrily at the papers, “but if a sinner was once a human, and Grace is a human, then technically their baby will be human. It will probably have a chance to get to heaven just like everybody else.”

He rolls his eyes, such a thought assumes that life is fair, that heaven really does consider everybody equal, and if they did well… then they wouldn’t be coming down here all the time to exterminate ‘human’ souls.

“You know, if you want to know things about Gracie,” the maid begins to pile her drawings and screenplay into one stack of papers, “Then you should really just ask her yourself.”

The spider tenses, the thought of talking to her, especially with her husband likely right over her shoulder, makes him queasy, “welp, I better get going to find Pentious. Before Alastor sneaks off to go kill him.” He stands quickly, avoiding eye contact with the girl. Of course he wants to know more about what’s going on, but talking to the human? That’s insane.

He quickly leaves before Niffty can call him out on avoiding the subject.

Chapter 36

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I'm going to be honest... this chapter isn't great. It's why it took me so long, I was struggling to write it. Like I have some of my flowery poetic stuff, then I have sh*t that needs to get done with lots of dialogue happening. Lately the need for depression sleep has been overwhelming me and I spend more time in bed than I do writing and it's making it take longer to write and then I get fustrated cause I feel like what I'm writing is boring but it has to get written. I'm trying to break everybody off into groups so that I can get more one on one conversations and I needed a transition chapter to get everybody with who their next conversation partner is going to be and now I'm like this sucks... but I don't know how to make it better. So I'm sorry I took so long with this one and that it's short and mediocre at best.

Chapter Text

Grace’s phone is charging, but in the meantime she has no way to properly talk to her husband, and he has no words of comfort to offer because he is stuck in a spiral of doubt. Their silence is the most deafening sound that either have ever experienced. It makes them aware of every little thing around them. The screams from the city, muffled by the window but still audible. The way her heartbeat is way too slow. The impending sense of doom that makes the air suffocating and unbearable.

They can’t even communicate via her writing things down because she is too tired, and her hand is shaking too badly. The only thing Alastor wants is to hold a conversation with her, to talk about anything to take his mind off the fact that he failed to protect her. But they don’t really get much time to try and find a solution to the dark aura that has surrounded them, as the woman’s body has decided that the food she ate needs to come back up NOW.

Once he gets her to the toilet, all Alastor can do is sit on the bathroom floor and hold her as she vomits up potato chips and a granola bar into the toilet. Her face is soaked in tears again as she coughs and retches. His hand is gently rubbing the small of her back, but she is so light headed, so nauseous, in so much pain that she barely feels it. The wound on her shoulder makes her feel like her arm is being ripped off every time her body lurches. She can’t even think about the baby, think about the fear of losing it, because at this point she feels like she is the one who is dying. And maybe she’s being dramatic, but she has enough experience now to know what dying feels like.

Alastor is not accustomed to feeling useless. It happens rarely, and when it does it is usually because of something to do with Grace. Sitting with her now, while she is weak and they are unsure if their baby is still alive, invokes the same sensation of inadequacy that sitting with her in the hospital while she was near death did. The first time he felt that way his immediate response was frustration, anger. He was still new to this whole ‘caring’ business, and back then he blamed the human for making him feel powerless. Now that feeling of helplessness is far worse than ever. But he loves her far too deeply to blame her for it. He is able to understand, or at least think he understands, that this is his fault, it was his job to protect them, if he’s feeling useless now then it is only because he failed.

It’s okay…” Alastor says softly, “You’re…you’re going to be okay…” He is doing his best to not start crying again. The overlord can’t risk being caught being vulnerable now.

And he’s right to be concerned about being caught. Just as Grace is leaning back against his chest and he is beginning to wipe her face with a wet washcloth, the door to the main room opens suddenly.

“Alastor!!” Charlie doesn’t even think about knocking, not just because it’s technically her room, but because she does have a bit of a problem with recognizing boundaries and privacy, “I need to know what blood type to get.” She is currently pressing her cellphone to her ear, it seems she is on a call with somebody.

There is a brief moment where they make eye contact through the open bathroom door, but it is swiftly interrupted by his shadow tentacles slamming it shut.

“Told you not to go in there…” Husk mutters from the hallway. This time he has returned with suitcases full of Grace’s clothes, he almost looks like a bellhop, all he needs is a little hat.

Charlie, undeterred, approaches the bathroom and knocks rapidly on the door. “Alastor! I can have blood and medicines here in twenty minutes if you tell me what her blood type is. But the procurement guys only have a minute or so until their portal closes! They say there’s no O negative so we need her exact blood type!” Her blood practically freezes as the radio demons suddenly appears behind her.

Please step away from the door and lower your voice Charlie,” he says, his eyes cold. “Gracie does not need the extra excitement at the moment. Her blood type is A positive, and if your ‘guys’ can also get some saline while they are there that would help immensely. We use it to keep her hydrated and I have the last bag hooked up now…” Luckily Alastor was able to swiftly yet delicately get Grace to the toilet without ripping her IV out, and since they placed a protective layer of disinfectant and gauze around the site so it should be safe from being dirties so long as she does not vomit directly on it.

“You get that?” Charlie turns her attention back to her phone call and steps away from the door as the overlord uses his cane to shoo her. “A positive, and we need saline, and by the sounds of it the anti-nausea meds are going to be really important so grab as many of those are you can…” she pauses, “but like, not all of them, because if somebody there needs them and they are totally out then that would be mean… I know you don’t care about being mean but… just… okay okay… no this is a personal matter we don’t need to involve… yeah… okay I will pay you extra if you DON’T tell my dad about this…”

While the princess deals with her people on the phone, Alastor moves towards the center of the room and gestures for Husk to enter, “Clothing?”

“Yeah but they’re going to need to be washed,” the bartender says as he drags the suitcases in. “There was a lot of smoke from the fire and while that half of the room was safe, the clothes definitely smell funny.”

Wait,” the radio demon bristles, “All that I was told is that the floor collapsed after the snake went off with his ray gun. I was not informed of any fire”

“Well she was cleared of the room before it turned into an actual fire,” Husk replies, taking a step back, “So it didn’t seem important at the time….”

Husker…exactly how much damage am I going to be looking at repairing?” Alastor’s smile twitches.

“The room is…” Husk pauses, and glances at Charlie, pleading for help, but she is still on the phone, “The room is pretty much toast. You’re going to have to f*cking rip everything out, carpet, wallpaper, the furniture is scorched, and honestly you’ll probably have to knock down most of the non structural bullsh*t and rebuild because I sure as f*ck wouldn’t trust the stability of any of that crap after what that room went through.”

How, in the name of Satan himself, did you all manage to destroy it that badly!” His antlers grow a bit with his rage.

“Listen man, the floor may have been f*cking Penious, but the fire was your wife’s doing,” the cat flinches as he feels his leash tighten a bit. “I’m not blaming her or anything, f*ck, she was just trying to protect herself and sh*t got out of hand.” He chokes a bit, “she melted Angel’s f*cking gun, like molten god damn metal, it caught the carpet on fire and we couldn’t keep the flames out because it was so damn hot.”

The spider had his gun out?” He’s a few inches taller, “He was pointing his gun at my wife?!”

Husk coughs a bit as he struggles against his invisible collar, “Yeah, he sorta… held it to her head… “ He shouldn’t say that, but he doesn’t know what else to say to get out of this mess. Damn it he didn’t do anything this time why is he always getting the short end of the f*cking stick?

The radio demon opens up his senses to the hotel, he may not have eyes and ears everywhere like his old pal does with the rest of the city, but he can at least send out his shadows to know who is present in the building. He’s going to find that spider, and smash him. But his anger only grows as he realizes he can’t find him, and his demonic form begins to grow even more. Husk is forced to cower and watch as his master grows more and more fustrated.

“Whoa whoa whoa!!” Charlie steps between the two, hands up, Alastor immediately returns to his normal form, as though pretending that he wasn’t going feral a split second ago. “Remember! No killing anybody in my hotel as long as your baby is okay!”

Well dear, I’m sorry to say that your little p*rnagraphy star seems to have run away, which means he no longer falls under the protection of the deal, the snake as well,” Alastor remains somewhat calm as he says this, he has no intention of running after the demons now, there is more important things to do at the moment. But he is already envisioning the gruesome things he will inflict on them.

“What, no… Angel wouldn’t do that…” the princess’ face falls, “neither would Sir Pentious, they both want to be redeemed.”

Alastor is about to speak again but is interrupted by dear Niffty entering the room, “Angel didn’t run away! He went to bring back Pentious!” She is leading the eggs like a commander leads troops in a parade, using her favorite feather duster as a baton to pump in the air with each step.

The eggs follow diligently. This has been the most fun day they have ever had. First they got to go for a walk with the funny deer man, and go treasure hunting in a dumpster that had lots of fun things in it. Then they got to learn how to be actors from the little cyclops. They really are oblivious to all the chaos around them, and are just having the time

of their lives.

Alastor can’t have one nice thing today, can he? All he wants is to spill some blood to help blow off some steam. But noooo he has to play nice with the people who almost killed his wife and may have killed his child.

“Yeah, that sounds right, that sounds like something they would do!” Charlie puts her hands on her hips, “Angel knows about contract language, he wouldn’t run away because he knows that it would exempt him from protection. BUT Sir Pentious might not know that, so you should give Angel the chance to go find and tell him so he can make an informed decision. Because good people always help their friends make good choices so you have to give them time to make that choice…” She is sort of rambling now, just trying to say anything to convince the overlord not to go after them.

His smile is stretched as he makes eye contact with her, “I will give them twenty four hours to return…” Since he won’t be going after them immediately anyways, he might as well give them the time to correct their errors. “If they have not returned by the…” The demon stops suddenly as the sound of more retching comes from behind the bathroom door. Immediately he slips back into the shadows to transport himself to his wife’s side.

Husk just seems relieved to not be the center of attention anymore, and is trying to sneak off, but is interrupted as a portal opens near him and drops a large medical grade cooler on his foot. He lets off a string of expletives and jumps back. He really can’t catch a break lately.

Charlie rushes over and opens up the cooler, looking over its contents and mumbling a list to herself, “blood… antibiotics…okay.. Okay good…” She looks tired, but this seems to bring some hope back to her eyes.

Niffty also comes over and peeks her head in to look at the medical supplies, “Ooooo, blooood.” Her cackling is a bit concerning, so Husk picks her up and holds her away from it before she does something impulsive.

Once she’s confirmed that everything is in the cooler, she shuts it, and uses it as a stool so she can sit. “Alastor the blood is here! And the medicines!” She feels a bit of a weight off her chest, maybe things can finally start looking up. All she has to do is stay positive, everything will be okay if she stays upbeat, right?

After a moment, the radio demon appears by her side. Everybody in the room jumps, except for Niffty, who has been placed back down beside the eggs.

You got everything?” Alastor’s voice is cold but his smile is still plastered on his face. He looks down at Charlie, practically towering over her where she sits.

“Everything you said to get in medical supplies, I’m still waiting on food but this should help right!” She looks up at him, forcing herself to smile to match his.

Very well, you can go now, I shall get Gracie situated,” He points his cane at the main door, and it opens wide, indicating he wants them to leave now.

“Actually uh… Al there’s something else I need to talk to you about…” She stands, twisting her hands together nervously. “Your room… well her room… I’m worried about the structural damage. I stopped in there and there was this creaking noise. I’m afraid the whole place is going to fall into the floor below if we don’t get it reinforced right away. And if it collapses then who knows what may follow, I don’t want to lose that wholesection of the hotel.”

Alastor resists the urge to sigh, he is doing his best to maintain his composure. “I need to stay by her side and tend to her. I can not leave my wife alone, not after you ruffians have proven she is not safe here.”

“She is safe here, I promise,” Charlie says quickly, the guilt is gnawing at her stomach, she feels terrible that all of this happened under her watch. “Please, I just need to borrow you for a little bit.”

He mulls it over in his head, and glances at Husk and Niffty out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he can trust them to watch over her in his absence, after their spectacular failure today… “Very well, I will come and look the room over, and make any repairs that are urgently required to prevent further damage.” It is near his own room, so if a collapse were to happen then his own space would likely be dragged down as well, and he worked very hard to build his indoor swamp. He turns to the bartender, “Husker, you and Niffty will remain here. Once Gracie has finished up in the bathroom get her set up with a blood bag and the anti-nausea medications, I will administer the antibiotics when I return.”

Niffty raises her hand, “Can I show her my new play sir?”

The radio demon glances at the door, “she requires rest Niffty dear, but if she is feeling up to watching then it should be fine, but do not force it upon her.”

The maid excitedly turns to the eggs and instructs them to help her find the best place in the room to put on the performance if they are given the chance to.

Charlie watches as Alastor steps over to the bathroom door and knocks twice on it, “Gracie, my dear, I have to step out for a little bit. I shall still be in the hotel if you need me, and I won’t be gone any longer than necessary. Will you be alright?” He pauses, then adds on, “You can just knock twice if that’s alright…” A moment passes, then there are two weak knocks on the door. He wishes so badly that they could just talk, but this is how they must communicate it seems. “Very well, I shall return soon.”

The princess can’t help thinking about how differently he behaves with her. Even this small interaction through a door carries so much tender love and care that she didn’t even think he was capable of. The overlord has been doing his best to conceal that his wife is his weakness, but Charlie’s eyes see all… usually

Chapter 37

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I think this chapter turned out a little better than the last. It's a one on one type chapter so I only have to focus on two perspectives. I think I did a solid job although I may have been a bit heavy handed in some sections. I want to have Charlie act/think/talk a certain way because she is naive and doesn't fully understand the human experience and what sinners can be like. And I could just imply that it's because of her nativity, but because my writing and quality and plot is all over the place I didn't want to assume I can do 'show don't tell' to express it and everybody get it. Maybe in a more final edit cut of this fic I will be able to rewrite it as such, but for the time being I may occasionally slap down a big old sign in the middle of the narration that says 'this character thinks this way because of this personality trait' in order to avoid confusion on why I am writing their thoughts and actions a particular way (I feel like i'm already guilty of this with Grace and Alastor but this one feels more blatant than anything I've done with them)
If anybody is wondering why it even bothers me that i'm writing this way it's cause I personally take perspective really hard into account when I am writing, and so Charlie wouldn't inherently 'know' that her thoughts are biased by her nativity, so to me it doesn't make sense to just come out and say it in the narration. I try really hard as part of my style to focus on writing only things the characters would know, and if there are other bits they wouldn't know I want then I try to make prosey sections explaining it instead.
Sorry I've been hard questioning my writing lately and feeling insecure. Just if there's some bits occasionally that seem to break from and be like a giant neon sign explaining something, I am aware that it's jarring, I'm sorry, I wish I could write it better but in that moment putting in explanations felt more important than maintaining stylistic consistency.

Chapter Text

The halls feel darker than usual as Charlie and Alastor walk down them. The girl tries to convince herself it’s only her imagination, that because she is tense and nervous things seem off. But it is in fact not her mind playing tricks on her, as they walk the lights dim as they approach them, and return to normal after they’ve passed.

The overlord is working so hard to maintain his composure that his stress is leaking out in other ways. He’d be offended if anybody were to ever accuse him of ‘losing control’ of his powers. But unfortunately it seems like his shadows have decided to play around a little bit with the lighting in order to reflect his mood.

His mind is secretly racing despite his silence and broad smile. He left care instructions with Husker and Niffty. Blood, anti-nausea medication, get her to eat, make her comfortable… But did he forget something? Does she have any allergies he forgot to tell them about? No, she doesn’t have allergies, he knows that? Does he know? Of course he knows she has no allergies, he’s her husband, he memorized her medical records when she was hospitalized. Wait, when he was reading up on pregnancy stuff he may have read that sometimes the hormones can cause the woman to develop new allergies. What if she’s allergic to something in her food now? Or to cats? What if she has a reaction and he’s not there to get her help in time? If he had a heart it would be thundering, he’s definitely beginning to develop an ulcer at this point.

Charlie glances at him out of the corner of her eye as they walk. She’s holding her phone in case any of her other contacts get back to her about the other items she is trying to procure. She had hoped that by bringing the blood and medicine that Alastor would forgive her for the ultra f*ck up today. But to her it feels like this cold silence is just him still being angry at her. She jumps slightly as one of the lights flicker.

Honestly though Alastor isn’t even thinking about Charlie or being angry at her. His mind has begun to focus on the anxiety again, and how much he hates it. He never used to worry, was rarely scared, he doesn’t feel like himself anymore. He thinks about the metaphorical collar around his own neck, almost feels it the way Husker does when he pulls on it. It reminds him that, in a way, he isn’t himself anymore, he gave up his freedom for this woman. Now he can hardly stand to be apart from her, and at any moment he could be forcefully separated because their owners tug their leashes in different directions. The demon begins to fixate on how he knew something was wrong today, but he didn’t return, and she got hurt, his baby may have been hurt. But he also knows that if he succumbs to the fears every time he thinks something is wrong, then he will never be free of them. Yet if incidents like today happen again then it will make him feel guilty and reinforce his anxiety. He loathes and despises all of this, his brain has become like the snake that eats its own tail, consuming itself with the madness that has been born from his weakness, from his love…

Charlie decides to try and break the silence and ease the tension between them, “By the way Al…” Her voice betrays her nervousness, “I did talk with Vaggie about her behavior and the way she was treating you and Gracie…”

Grace,” Alastor says with a bit of force, “I call her Gracie because she is my wife, you may call her Grace.”

“O-oh… but Niffty… sorry that’s how she introduced her,” she rubs her arm and walks with her eyes on her feet. “Anyways, Vaggie promised not to cause any more trouble… as long as you behave.”

Well, I can assure you that I will behave,” He looks at the princess out of the corner of his eye, “so long as she does not cause any more trouble.”

They have reached the stairs, and begin to descend them to reach the floor that Alastor and Grace’s rooms are on. The stairwell is even more disturbing with the lighting acting up. The girl still hasn’t figured out that it’s not her being freaked out and imagining things but rather her walking companion’s aura messing with their surroundings.

In an attempt to keep herself from getting too spooked, Charlie decides to try and maintain a conversation with the overlord, hoping to get him to relax as well, “Soooo, how did you two meet…”

While the radio demon would really prefer to not talk about his personal life, especially with the princess of hell, he knows that he needs to begin rebuilding his ‘relationship’ with her, in order to continue potentially manipulating her. Unfortunately that means engaging in her frivolous conversations.

She was able to call into my radio show,” despite his logical conclusion that he needs to rebuild trust with the princess, his mind is still awhirl with anxieties about his wife’s condition. Therefore tight now he’s not quite the conversationalist he usually is.

“Really?! From Earth?” Charlie’s eyes widen, and she looks up at him in disbelief.

Indeed. I was rather impressed that she pulled it off,” he raises a hand to adjust his bowtie as he thinks back on the first time he heard her voice, he had no idea at the time that he would fall in love with the sound of it. “I maintained contact with her because it was… nice… to talk to somebody who was not a demon.”

“Aaaw, that’s so sweet,” she smiles, watching his body language. She thinks he’s being genuine, but she’s also really bad at being able to tell when people are lying. “And how long ago was that?”

Nine years, it was shortly before that year's extermination,” His voice is stiff. Now he is thinking about the extermination and the dangers that will be coming down upon his head soon. He must maintain his smile, it can never drop around these people, but he can’t quite maintain his usual ‘excited radio host’ tone when he speaks.

Charlie opens the door for the floor they need to exit the stairs on, “and how long have you been married.”

It has been about four years now,” His wedding ring suddenly feels incredibly heavy. Four stressful, wonderful years of marriage to the most incredible person he’s ever known. A woman he does not deserve in the slightest.

There is a moment where Charlie briefly wonders how legitimate their marriage is, if they just slapped a couple rings on and said they were married, or what? After all, how could a sinner and a living human actually get married? But she does not ask that, she realizes that would be an incredibly impolite question.

“What was your wedding like?” She asks instead, in part trying to ascertain the details she really wants.

He doesn’t respond at first, and she begins to think that she was right, then he says in a tone that is far softer than she was expecting, “It was the best day of my life, and afterlife…” The overlord had to take a moment to decide how honest to be, afterall he does not want anybody to know how dear Grace is to him, and see her as a weakness. But he supposes that if there’s one person he can share such a detail with it would be Charlie. “It was a small ceremony, due to logistics we could not do anything special, but the important part was that I had her, and she… had me…” The truth is he hesitated to call it the best day of his life, because it was so shortly followed by the worst day, a day he knew was coming. He married her because he knew what was coming. The worst day he has ever experienced, worse even then the day a bullet passed through his skull, was the day that her heart stopped. Less than four hours after they were married, she was dead.

Technically dead at least. But through the miracle of modern medicine, and a little bit of violet sparks, she was brought back. He still remembers the utter terror and despair as he watched the life leave her eyes. It was a feeling that he will share with nobody, it will haunt him forever, return to him every time she is in danger. But he will never tell anybody that he is capable of such an emotion.

There is a moment where Charlie senses the despair in him, but she can’t quite determine what it means. It seems like he cares deeply for his wife, so why would the topic of his wedding bring such a heavy mood to him? She suspects he may be lying about the legitimacy of the marriage, or… worse yet, that he may regret it. In her mind it makes sense, sinners are down here because they sin, so why would one of the overlords enter into a god-abiding marriage? It’s the antithesis of why they are in hell. Though perhaps that thought spawns from her naivety, the fact that she lacks an understanding of the nuances that come with being human.

Charlie begins to formulate ideas, she wants everybody redeemed, including Alastor. So, when things settle down she’ll start helping them with their marriage so that it passes whatever requirements necessary to be heaven approved!

If Alastor could hear the girl’s thoughts he would put a stop to them immediately. He has no interest in allowing somebody to meddle in his personal life. Especially somebody who knows so little about him. But he is in his own mind, still running lists of potential dangers while they walk, unable to read the mind of the person next to him.

“Are you excited about becoming a dad?” She asks suddenly, snapping him back to the present moment.

Of course I am,” he responds just a little too quickly. Of course he is. Of course he isn’t. Of course he is. He wouldn’t be going to such lengths if he wasn’t excited right? No it’s not excitement it’s obligation and paternal instinct and… now he’s beginning to slip down a different rabbit hole so he changes the subject, “The people you employed to get those medical supplies, can they be trusted? It’s going to seem fairly obvious that the medicines were for a human…”

Charlie notices how his shoulders tensed up as he responded, and she begins to worry, but tries to brush it aside and focus on his question, “Oh yeah no it’s fine. If anybody asks then I’ll say it’s a human under my protection. It’s no big deal.”

Alastor stops walking as he tries to process what she just said, “I must have misheard. ‘It’s no big deal’? She is a human, in hell, that’s kind of a really big ‘deal’ from what I understand.

“Well, I can see why you would think that. Bringing living souls down here is generally discouraged,” Charlie walks a few more steps, then stops as she realizes that the demon is no longer by her side. She turns back to look at him as she continues to explain, “But it’s not technically illegal. Of course they have to be here of their own free will, if a demon kidnaps a human and brings them down then there would be problems. Most hellborn don’t care about humans being here as long as they don’t cause trouble. It’s still very rare and taboo,” she shrugs, “but it’s technically allowed.”

So, what you’re saying is… she will be able to stay here?” Alastor’s ears perk up, “In hell? If she wants to remain down here then I won’t have to fight somebody who may try to send her back?” He is thinking of a few people who may try something like that.

“Well, your case is a bit more… complicated…” she chuckles nervously, “you’re a sinner, so it is technically kind of illegal that you brought her here. Which is why I’d have to tell people I brought her down.”

So, it is alright if a hellborn does it, but not a sinner,” he raises an eyebrow, “That hardly seems fair.“

Charlie twists her hands together a little bit, “I mean, sinners are in hell as a punishment for things they did in life. You’re going to have more restrictions than a hellborn would. And especially because you got her pregnant, that’s going to cause some serious issues down the line if we aren’t careful… you are sure it’s your baby right? Because that shouldn’t be possible… and I know I sense demonic energy from the baby but like is there any chance that…” She jumps a little as a light flickers, she’s starting to realize that it’s not the wiring acting up.

Do not even dare to besmirch my wife’s honor by implying she would be unfaithful,” he does not have the full extra dark layer of his radio filter going, but his tone is still tense. “I do not know how we bypassed the biology put in place to prevent my kind from reproducing, but I can guarantee you that the child is my own flesh and blood, and I will not take any suggestion otherwise.”

“Right, right, of course, I’m so so so sorry to have offended you or implied she would…” The princess swallows hard, taking a step back. Somehow he is more frightening right now than he is when he takes on his demonic form. “But hear me out, you… might… have to sometimes… pretend you aren’t the baby’s father…” She feels her heartbeat pick up as the lights flicker more, “Only if there are other demons around, or if we have to take her anywhere. Because, like, she might need to see a doctor, if I can find one that will treat humans that is but like… I don’t like the idea either, please don’t be mad.” She closes her eyes and turns away as if Alastor is about to unleash some form of pure fury and rage upon her for suggesting that he do something so awful as deny his role in his child’s existence. A chill runs up her spine as she hears his footsteps approach, then walk past her, continuing down the hall. “Alastor?”

He doesn’t respond, only continues to walk. His mind is turning this new information over, attempting to soothe his anxieties, but also creating new ones in its place. She can stay, they can be together, be a family, without constantly having to keep her hidden away from their world. Is that what he wants? To be a family? And what would the cost be? Although the moment he and Grace shared earlier helped him to show her that he wants to be a father to his child, what will happen if he says that he must pretend he is not? Even if behind closed doors he forces himself to be the most loving and doting dad ever in order to make up for it, pretending to be of no relation to them in public would be damaging to the relationship. He fears that just telling her such an idea will undo all the progress that was made earlier.

Of course, all of this is contingent upon whether or not their baby makes it to term… all of this will be for nothing if the fetus is already dead in her womb. And now his mind is there again, and he does not hear Charlie rambling on about nonsense as she follows him down the hall.

Chapter 38

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So I'm jumping around perspectives again, but there's not really a pattern to it at the moment? I'm kinda going to focus on what fits the story best and who's I feel up to writing on any given day. Cause it's not just two perspectives this time, I've got a lot of people doing sh*t separately from the others, like eventually I'm going to jump over to Angel searching for Pentious and that'll be a whole thing, and I kind of keep trading off who the main interactions are so just yeah sorry if things are kinda all over the place I'm trying to tell a big story in small chapters you know?
Also I feel bad cause so many of you are commenting about being worried about Grace and the baby cause of the stress she's under and here I am writing this chapter like; let's dissect the stress, let's really get into Grace's head more. Like this whole chunk of chapters is angsty type stress and anxiety sh*t and part of me feels bad but also that's how sh*t goes sometimes you know? I promise that very soon they will know the baby is okay and then we will get more fluffy sh*t, it's not all going to be pain and suffering there will be comfort eventually.

Chapter Text

Everything is so cold, why is hell so cold? The white and blue tile is freezing against Grace’s sweat slick skin. The vent above is blasting frigid air down on her frail body. That’s why. This hotel has AC. If she wasn’t so weak and ill lately then she would certainly appreciate the amenity. When she was a teenager there was a neighbor who was pregnant during one of the hottest summers in a decade. The young girl had occasionally been asked over to assist the woman with housework and while there she saw the poor lady was just absolutely miserable from the heat. Grace wants to consider herself lucky, she wants to think she would take too cold over too hot any day, but right now it just feels like a million tiny knives on her skin.

Her mouth is filled with the taste of bile. Her throat burns so badly that it feels as though the deep scar across it may rip open despite the original wound being fully healed. The thought of ice cream dances at the back of her mind. Vanilla ice cream always helped the bad taste in her mouth when she was sick, if she wasn’t so damn cold then she’d want to eat a big bowl of it. Alastor used to carry her back to bed after she’d thrown up, then bring her some because Brian always kept the freezer stocked with it. But they aren’t at home anymore, there is no sweet treat to wash away the vile flavor and soothe her aching throat.

Her stomach seems to have finally settled, but that might just be because there is nothing left in it. She had spent a few minutes dry heaving after her husband left, but it has now been a good while since she stopped. Puking always makes her feel gross. The residue from her room collapsing, the dried blood on her, and the fact that she’s on a stranger's bathroom floor certainly doesn’t help. The woman feels vile, disgusting, like a worm in a sewer.

Our heroine hardly has the energy to move. All the things weighing down on her body have finally come to a head and left her nearly paralyzed with weakness. She doesn’t even feel pain right now, instead the girl is just a lifeless shell laying in a fetal position on the floor. Grace tells herself that she’s been through worse, that the cancer, the chemo, the radiation made her feel far more horrible. Her entire body was on fire back then, every nerve in agony unless she was pumped full of morphine, and that still only ever dulled the pain. This time she is just exhausted, and yet sleep evades her because her mind is swirling with stress, worry, and fear unlike any she has ever experienced.

All of this is far too familiar. She knows that she is not near death the way she once experienced it. Grace knows she is far stronger than to die just from something this simple. Yet she finds a bitter irony in how similar her current situation is to how ill she was all those years ago. Except now the stakes are far higher. She may be strong, but how strong could she hope for her fetus to be?

Her husband is a demon, an immortal sinner. Certainly that counts for something right? She can only hope that its demonic genes will give it the strength to survive the hostile environment that her body has become, and endure the ordeal she went through today. But laying on the bathroom floor is doing her baby no favors, she needs to get out of here. She heard everybody talking through the door, there’s new medical supplies waiting for her in the other room. If she wants to give her baby a fighting chance then she just has to get up… and…

She can’t. Her arms shake as she puts weight on her hands trying to push herself up, but it’s not possible. And trying to put that injured shoulder to work causes it to erupt in a fiery explosion of pain, harshly reminding her that it is not a minor flesh wound. A silent sob escapes her as she collapses back onto the floor. Grace can hear voices on the other side of the door, but she can not call out to them for help, and nobody seems to be coming to check on her. Earlier the girl had been able to knock on the door to communicate with Alastor, but she had since moved away from it so she could lay by the toilet, and now she doesn’t have the ability to get back over there.

She opens her mouth, trying to call out, but all she can produce is a half gurgling noise that is not nearly loud enough for them to hear. No strength, no voice, and nobody seems to care, her mind is spiraling, how could Alastor leave her like this? Abandon her when she needs him most, leave with simpletons who don’t have enough brain cells to realize she’s going to need help.

A memory flashes across her mind. A few of them. Times where Alastor could not be there because of the constraints of the summoning sigil, and Brian had to be at work, so she was alone in the house, and often found herself trapped like this, laying on the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room floors for hours until one of them found her. And while this time should be different, there are people, just on the other side of the door, she can not call out, can not escape this hell.

With what little strength she has left Grace grabs hold of the slender pole of her IV stand, and moves it so that the top sweeps along the edge of the bathroom counter. Luckily for her she is successful on her first attempt, managing to knock several beauty products off so that they clatter to the floor.

Husk and Niffty halt their conversation at the sound of things falling in the bathroom. They had been discussing the use of the eggs in Niffty’s latest play, and if it was really necessary to draw faces on the back of their heads and make them act backwards. The eggs are currently contained within a pillow fort Niffty constructed to keep them from wandering off; she's been referring to it as ‘backstage.’ Normally the cat wouldn’t take any interest in the maid’s shenanigans, but he’s stressed and has no booze so he has to keep himself occupied somehow, otherwise his mind may go to dark places.

Dark places like ‘oh f*ck she’s dead that was the sound of her collapsing and hitting her head and dying oh f*ck I was suppose to be taking care of her oh f*ck f*ck f*ck Alastor is going to invent ten new kinds of torture just to f*ck me up if I f*cked this up again oh f*ck.’

Both of them rush over to the door, the tiny legs of the cyclops somehow allow her to move faster and she gets there first, “Gracie, are you okay?” She starts jumping, trying to reach for the door handle. This is why she travels through the vents, the doorknobs are all too high for her.

Husk puts his paw on the knob, “Grace…. f*ck… uhm we’re going to come in, is that okay?” There is a muffled sound that seems like that of skin slapping against tile, most likely her hitting the floor to signal to them. At least it means she’s alive. “Is that… is that a yes? We can come in?” He is more concerned about pissing Alastor off by walking in on his wife then he is about the girl’s condition unfortunately so he’s not really thinking this through.

“OPEN THE f*ckING DOOR HUSKER YOU STUPID FURBALL SHE NEEDS HELP!!” Niffty suddenly screeches at such a pitch that it causes the bartender’s tail to puff up.

He opens the door quickly, revealing Grace, silently sobbing on the floor, “sh*t…” Al is going to kill him. He’s dead. How does he keep f*cking this up?

Niffty immediately scurries across the room to where she is curled up, “Gracie, what’s wrong, are you hurt?” She of course knows that the woman is injured, but she’s unsure if this behavior is because of a fall or what.

The young woman stares up at the cyclops, her face soaked in tears, how does she even begin to explain what is wrong without her voice? Tell her that her mouth tastes vile. That she can hardly feel her legs, and what little sensation she even has in her body is the excruciating pain in her shoulder. She can’t tell these demons that she doesn't even have the energy to move into a sitting position, much less stand up.

Niffty kneels on the floor and takes Grace’s head into her lap because she doesn't know how else to help her, “there there…” she strokes her sweat soaked locks of brown hair.

Grace tries to mouth her needs, ‘can’t move,’ is what her lips say, ‘don’t want to be here,’ but it’s difficult to tell what she is trying to say. Husk stares at her for a while as she repeats these phrases over and over, trying to decipher them.

She gets visibly more frustrated as they fail to understand her. She just wants off this damn floor. Medicine would be great, some f*cking blood to replace what was lost from her injury, but off the f*cking floor is her primary concern.

Her eyes begin to flash violet as she tries to mouth again, ‘off the f*cking floor.’

Niffty is too focused on trying to soothe her to read her lips. And all Husk can pick up is ‘f*cking.’

‘Off the f*cking floor.’

The violet flashes are getting more intense, like something within her trying to fight its way out. The bartender shudders as he locks eyes with the woman, the switching between green and violet is unnerving.

‘Off the f*ckING FLOOR.’

Both demons cry out in pain and hold their hands to their ears as though it might block out the intense static that bursts across the room. It’s very akin to when Alastor communicates with his radio waves rather than his voice, but the signal is more scrambled, and it burns. But the message comes across, in a way. Words seared into their brains.

“Off the f*cking floor, right, f*ck off the floor of course that’s what you want…” Husk stumbles a bit, it feels like his brain is filled with water. He shakes his head, his ears flopping about, until his senses come back to him.

Niffty whimpers and holds her head. Things are too clear. For a brief moment a pathway in her mind has opened up. Memories, thoughts, feelings, fears, fears, fears. So scared, she’s so scared. She never wanted to be this way.

Somewhere in the hotel Alastor feels a chill run up his spine as something similar to his radio waves blasts through him. He makes more sense of it than the others, ‘off the f*cking floor,’ he did forget something, he forgot to tell them she couldn’t communicate. That’s what was bothering him.

Back in the bathroom Grace is shivering on the floor, her mouth hanging open as she coughs out silent sobs. Why did Alastor leave her alone again? She needs him, he’s the only one who understands her.

Suddenly everything is warm, and soft. Her cheek is resting against a soft furry chest and she is finally off the cold filthy floor. For the first time in what feels like hours her body relaxes.

“I know you don’t want anyone but Al carrying you this way, but it’s easier, okay?” Husk says, sort of cradling her, being extra cautious not to rip out her IV.

Niffty, despite her little moment, manages to get up and push the IV stand along as the other demon carries Grace into the bedroom. He walks slowly not only so that she can keep up, but also so as not to jostle the human any more than necessary.

Eventually he is able to sit the human on the edge of Charlie’s bed, but she doesn’t have the energy to sit up straight so he carefully rests her on the pillows. She sniffles, and tries to mouth a thank you, but is too overwhelmed to even manage that.

Once the maid has moved the IV by the bedside, she hurries over to the outlet and checks on Grace’s phone. It’s only halfway charged, but it will have to do, they need to be able to communicate with her.

While she is doing that, Husker goes over to the medical cooler and begins to grab the things he was instructed to give to her. He is incredibly gentle when picking up the blood, not wanting to puncture the bag with his claws. When he turns around to face the bed again he sees that the human is still crying softly.

“sh*t… what’s wrong now? Are you still in pain? I don’t think there’s any pain killers in here but…” he stops when she shakes her head.

She is in pain, but that’s not why she’s crying. It’s not even the fear for her baby that is making the tears fall right now. Being on the clean bed is making her realize how utterly disgusting she is. Sweat soaked, covered in grime and dried blood. It was a problem earlier, but now that she’s in a clean environment it just feels so much worse.

Grace sniffles as Niffty hands her the phone, it’s already turned on, with the notes app open. She takes it, her hands weak, shaking, but she manages to type out a single word.


“Oh Gracie…” the cyclops seems to have already recovered and forgotten about the little episode she was starting to have. “Do you need a bath?”

The girls solemnly nods in response.

Husk brings the bottle of anti-nausea pills and the blood bags over, “sorry but… I think that’s going to have to wait until Al gets back. You clearly can’t take one on your own, Niffty’s too small to help with how weak you seem and well… I don’t want to know what he’d do to me if he found out I…”

Grace sighs, she understands, but it doesn’t make things better. She wants to be clean, it feels like nothing else about her current state is fixable, so if she could just alleviate the one stressor then maybe things will be a little better.

Niffty hops up on the bed so she can reach where the bags hang from the IV stand, “I can clean you here…” She takes the blood bag from the other demon and expertly hooks it up, attaching it to the existing line and closing the valve to the saline, so that it can be switched back to if needed after the blood is done. “Huskie, take the egg babies out into the hallway, I’ll get her all clean while this red good does its magic.”

This is the moment that Grace becomes aware that there are more beings in the room with them. She lays eyes on the living eggs, who are all staring at her with wonder, worry, and excitement. A small smile graces her lips. Perhaps it’s a touch of delirium after everything she’s been through, but she thinks they are utterly adorable. Just like little children. She wants to hold them and swaddle them and read them bedtime stories and… yeah she’s getting a little delirious, but at least she’s going to be clean, she’s going to be clean and for just a moment she gets to forget about the fear of what may have happened to the child in her womb.

Chapter 39

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So this one is a bit late and I apologize for that, I had to give myself an extra day to sit on a section of this chapter and be sure that it was how I wanted to write it. I want to preface this chapter with, I in general try to be a good person, and educate myself on the issues in both the world and my country, but because of my upbringing as a white girl in America I lack a lot of the background knowledge to understand the nuances of these issues. Basically, in the middle of this chapter there is going to be an ACAB joke/metaphor, I have made this section based on my knowledge and understanding of the issue, I felt like it was fitting to the plot because of the whole thing of Vaggie trying to kill Grace while she was running away. I know I have started her off very aggressive and made her kinda the antagonist of the arc, but I really wanted to dive into what it means to be an exterminator and why they are so happy to slaughter sinners, and the concept that although Vaggie wants to redeem herself that means overcoming this prejudice and 'violence first' nature that was instilled in her, and basically I wanted to give myself a starting point to do a cool in-depth character arc that would reflect her arc in the show but be more... in depth. Ultimately please don't turn the comment section into a political debate, if you want to educate me so I can approach this better when I address her arc then I welcome you to do that, but at the same time, this is fanfiction... so don't take it TOO seriously.
Also quick note, I know people have different headcannons about Husk's race, cause some people draw his human form white and others draw him black since he is voiced by Keith David, for the sake of this fic I'm going with the black headcannon.

Chapter Text

Before Niffty ushers Husk out of the room, he first has to help her fill a washbasin with hot water and carry it out to the bedroom. The eggs, in their desperate attempt to be of some assistance, grab every single washcloth, soap, shampoo, and… toothbrush… they can find in the bathroom and bring it out for their new friends to use.

The whole time Grace lays on her side, watching them silently. She wants to appreciate their assistance, but she just feels bitterness over the fact that she’s in a situation where this is necessary. One of her hands rests on her belly, as she prays for some kind of sign that her baby is okay.

But no sign comes.

As Husk sets the water basin on the bedside table he notices the girl’s body language. He knows he should say something to comfort her, but has no idea where to begin. He doesn’t know her, doesn’t know her history. All the bartender knows is that this is the wife of one of the most sad*stic demons he’s ever known, so he can’t even begin to imagine what kind of person she is. It’s unclear what words would offer comfort, and what would make her feel worse. And honestly he doesn’t know if he actually cares, or if it’s just his self preservation still trying to get on her good side.

Before he can decide on anything to say, Niffty gets her feather duster out and uses it to usher him and the eggs out, “shoo, shoo, no boys allowed, no boys allowed!!”

The next thing Husk knows, he is out in the hall, surrounded by several confused little egg boys. The bartender looks down at them, realizing that he’s going to have to keep track of the damn things, while also not leaving this spot. Because if Alastor comes back and he’s not ‘protecting’ Grace then he’s going to end up getting in a sh*t load of trouble.

Of course one of the damn chicken fetus things immediately tries to wander off, so he quickly says, “listen, if you all stay put, behave, and don’t make me f*cking chase you everywhere, then I’ll give you all some candy later.”

“Ooooo, we can do that boss!” Frank says, clapping his tiny hands excitedly.

“Yeah we can stay right here!”

“Best behavior from us, don’t you worry!”

“Get back here you’re going to cost us the candy!!” One says, running over to the wanderer and dragging him back to the group.

“So, Alastor has you babysitting the eggs now?” Vaggie’s voice comes from down the hall as she approaches, “I told him to take care of them today, seems he couldn’t even do that right.”

“Clearly he’s got more important sh*t to do than deal with your annoyance over these things,” Husk folds his arms and leans back against the door, essentially body blocking it. “Anyways I’m not babysitting them, I’m protecting the girl. But Niffty wants us waiting out here for the moment so they can have some lady privacy, I really don’t want to argue with her about it, so I guess I’m the f*cking bouncer now.”

The silver haired girl opens her mouth to speak, but pauses, noticing that one of the eggs is wearing a lock of her hair. It is glued to the top of his hat, and follows him around like a long, thin ribbon. It’s clearly Niffty’s doing, as it’s the chunk that she ripped out of Vaggie’s scalp during the fight earlier. What’s most unnerving about it is that the piece of scalp is still attached, making it look more like a war souvenir than a costume. The woman raises her hand to the back of her head, where it still hurts from the hair being ripped out.

She decides not to mention it, in fact she doesn’t want to think about it anymore, so instead Vaggie says what she was about to before getting distracted, “Well, I have to go in and grab some of my things, so you’re going to have to move…”

Husk notices the way she reacts to the sight of Niffty’s hard work, and he smirks a bit. He recalls briefly the way the little maid sailed through the air as he threw her. She had put up for more of a fight than he was expecting.

Before he can tell her to f*ck off though, Frank pipes up, “Miss. Cyclops said no boys allowed!!” He and the other eggs line up in front of the cat demon to form a defensive front.

Her single eye widens, “the f*ck is that suppose to mean?!”

It means nothing really, the eggs probably don’t have a concept of gender. All they know is Niffty didn’t want people coming in so they’ll do what they’ve been told.

The bartender snickers, “I don’t know how their f*cking brains work, but I can’t let you in. Nif is giving the human a sponge bath or something, and it’s probably best you stay away from her anyways.”

“I’ll be in and out,” she puts her hands on her hips. I just need to grab my clothes and a few things from the bathroom.”

“She is stressed enough as it is, I think the last thing she needs is for you to be anywhere near her,” he spreads his wings a bit to make himself look bigger and more properly block the door.

She groans in frustration, “you can’t stop me from going in my own room Husk.”

He bends down a bit so that he is eye level with her, “after you tried to f*cking kill her? I sure as f*ck can.”

A few of the eggs are standing with their arms crossed, holding the defensive line. But Frank and the one with the silver hair attachment keep pivoting back and forth so they can face whoever is talking, absorbing all the information that is being exposited.

Vaggie huffs, “I didn’t try to kill her!”

“Bullsh*t,” Husk half growls as he says this. “Pentious may have injured her but it was an accident. Angel put a gun to her head, sure, but he was only threatening her. But you… if I hadn’t gotten between you and Grace then you would have run her through with that damn spear of yours. Through the f*cking back, mind you, given that she was running away.”

“What are we on a first name basis with the damn human stowaway now?” Vaggie sighs dramatically, “I thought she was a threat, that she was going to hurt us. She had just dropped that f*cking flashbang on us I had no idea what other powers she might have turned to use on us.”

This causes the cat demon to let off a throaty laugh, “damn, that’s pretty ACAB of you.” He fully leans back against the door, smirking at her, “I mean I would have thought she’d be safe since she’s white but… I guess since the girl doesn’t look like the rest of us then that makes her a ‘threat’, right?”

He also knows something most of the others don’t, or at least he thinks he does. It’s a hunch mostly, a little rumor spread around by the overlords. And the more time he’s spent with her the more he’s come to realize there’s more truth to it than he first thought. The princess of hell is dating somebody with an ‘X’ over their eye, who wields an angelic spear, and now after seeing how she behaved today well… exterminators really aren’t too different from trigger happy cops now are they? Even if he’s right, the gambler isn’t going to reveal it. That’s a trump card he’s going to hold in his back pocket until he needs it most.

She pauses for a moment, “I… don’t think that’s how you use that term, it’s an acronym not a…” She shakes her head, that’s not what’s important right now. “Anyways, that sh*t doesn’t apply to me, I’m f*cking hispanic.”

“No, that’s the point of the ‘A’ in it,” Husk replies, “ALL cops are bastards, not some, all.”

“Okay well, I’m not even a f*cking cop,” she has her hands curled up into fists. Her blood is boiling as her frustration turns into seething rage.

“Really,” he laughs again, “could have fooled me with that ‘trying to kill a fleeing suspect,’ bullsh*t.”

Vaggie opens her mouth to try and snap back at him again, but her heart sinks as she realizes that… he’s right. That’s exactly what she did. Where did that attitude even come from? The exterminator mentality really must be so far ingrained in her that ‘Kill first ask questions never,’ is her defualt setting. Even after she got her wings ripped off for sparing a demon who seemed to be a child. Even after she decided she wanted to try and be better. Even with all that, she’s still an exterminator at her core.

She’s already been beating herself up for today’s incident after Charlie gave her a talking to about her aggression, but now she’s really having to confront the fact that she tried to kill somebody who was just… running away. It’s not a pleasent confrontation, her fists are shaking as she remembers the feeling of her spear in her hands. She remembers the terror on the human’s face during every moment of that horrible fight, and most importantly she remembers the way the woman’s back looked as she aimed her weapon at it.

The angel huffs and folds her arms, “how do you even know that term? Didn’t you die in the… times before humans started spreading that on the internet?”

“I’m a f*cking bartender, you have any idea how many souls I’ve served before I came to this hotel, from every era? Including the recently deceased?” He rolls his eyes, “I get all kinds sinners bitching to me about it all the time, and it is f*cking amazing what a pig shaped demon will confess to you when he doesn’t realize you were a black man when you were alive.”

“Jesus f*cking Christ Husk, just let me through so I can grab my sh*t then I’ll be out of your fur,” Vaggie is getting progressively more uncomfortable with the conversation as she is forced to think about her sh*tty behavior, “I’m not going to just stand here and let you…”

The door opens halfway suddenly, causing Husk to lose his balance and nearly fall on his ass. If it wasn’t for his tail helping him keep his balance then he might have ended up on the floor.

“Will you two knock it off!!” Niffty says as she sticks her head out into the hall. “I am trying to help Gracie relax and she can’t do that if you two are yelling and making a big ruckus!”

Vaggie glances at the furious little cyclops. She is admittedly more scared of her right now than she is of Husk, so she takes a step back.

The cat’s shoulders relax a bit as he sees that step, knowing that the maid is a good ally to have when it comes to confronting Vaggie, “Sorry Nif, I’ll keep it down.”

“I just need to…” Vaggie starts.

“NO,” Niffty points down the hall, “you need to LEAVE. She doesn’t want to SEE YOU, she doesn’t want to HEAR YOU, you are stressing her out which means you are stressing the BABY OUT, so you need to GO.” Her surprisingly intense tone is far more effective than anything the larger demon had said while trying to drive the woman away.

Even the eggs are a bit scared. One of them is quivering. But Frank and the others always, who always defer to whoever they think is their boss, start waving their arms around and yelling.

“Yeah! You need to leave!”

“Go away!

“Stop stressing out the baby!!” Is the statement one makes despite having no idea what a baby is.

This somewhat amuses Husk, but he can see how it’s affecting Vaggie. Her face falls, she looks almost dejected. He knows that somewhere inside her she knows that what she did was wrong. He figures she wants to be better than this, to overcome her violent nature. But he is also aware of how hard it is for a person to admit they were wrong and change their behaviors. If he wasn’t so focused on not f*cking up the task Al has given him, he might feel a bit more empathetic towards her. But after the sh*t she’s pulled today it’s a little refreshing to see her put in her place.

“Go get your girlfriend to come get your sh*t, cause you ain’t setting foot in here until Al or Grace gives you permission,” he says. As he uses his foot to stop the eggs from wandering into the room through the partially open door, he also does his best to ensure he does not even accidently slightly glance back and see something he shouldn’t.

“Fine, whatever I’ll go find Charlie,” she grumbles, turning and beginning to walk away.

“Be careful, she’s with Al right now,” Husk responds, genuinely trying to give her a heads up. “They went down to his and Grace’s room to do emergency repairs so you should be able to find him there.”

“Thanks…” she mumbles. As the fallen angel turns a corner, getting herself out of sight of the others, her head droops. Her folded arms move more so they are wrapped around to hold herself.

The truth is she doesn’t want to have to ask Charlie to get her things for her, because she doesn’t want to talk to her girlfriend at the moment. After the conversation earlier she realized how badly she disappointed her partner with her behavior. Husk calling it out wasn’t the first time that she has been forced to think about it today. She knows she f*cked up. She knows she took things way too far.

But if she knows, then why can’t she stop acting this way? They’re all right, she was going to kill that girl. There had been no thought in her head other than to ‘eliminate the threat.’ It’s like old exterminator brainwashing that she just can’t seem to shake her head clear of, kill, kill, kill.

As Vaggie walks her heels drag. She tries to remember, wasn’t she human once? Exterminators didn’t come from nothing, but they aren’t naturally born angels, she knows that for sure. The one thing she remembers is the way the seraphim and archangels treated her and her sisters like lessers because they weren’t heavenborn… but also weren’t ‘winners.’ But she has no memory of having ever been human, it’s something that haunts her. What is she? A born killing machine, or a human that got reset and remolded into one?

The former exterminator wants to be better, wants to redeem herself for all the awful things she did. That’s why she so enthusiastically assists Charlie with this project. Because if she can get redemption for demons then… maybe she will finally be able to make up for what she’s done. But her instinct is to protect, and that protectiveness comes with a large side helping of ‘kill or be killed.’ How is she supposed to overcome instinct? To break through the programming that’s been instilled in her brain for centuries, to stop herself from being what she was made to be.

Vaggie is halfway down the stairs when she stops cold, her chest tight. She sits, no collapses, on the steps, and puts her face into her knees. The woman she loves is the most beautiful, pure of heart person she’s ever met. She doesn’t deserve her, the girl fears all she will do is bring darkness and taint that white light of hope. Tears roll down her cheeks as she thinks about how much she loves Charlie, how every aspect of her being makes her want to see the princess smile. And she thinks about how she may never smile at her again if she ever learns about all the awful things she’s done, and all the terrible things she is still capable of doing.

There is suddenly a spark of understanding in her mind. A half formed particle of empathy. Her actions were born of a desire to protect Charlie and the people Charlie cares about, because she loves her. Alastor’s demonic form, the way he almost shredded all of them without hesitation, the fact that he is still threatening to kill of all of them if something happens to his child, she begins to realize that it’s because of love. If he loves that human, loves that child inside her, then of course he would want to protect them. How can she judge him for his actions, when they were done so for the same reason that she committed her sins today?

Part of her still rails against it, after all Alastor couldn’t really be capable of love like that, right? It’s almost insulting to imply that somebody as vile as him can be feeling and making choices based on the same emotion that she is. To her, love is the pure thing, full of hope and life, a bright light in the darkness. It’s not fair that he can try to excuse his actions by saying it is because of love, not after all the horrible things he’s done before that.

Vaggie takes a deep breath and stands. Whether the radio demon loves that human or not, it does not excuse what she almost did to the girl. Her mind is not yet ready to accept that Alastor is capable of good intentions, but she can damn well do her best to atone for her own bad actions. She thinks this, over and over, and she descends the stairs in search of the princess and the deer.

Chapter 40

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


This chapter is kinda fillery with some lore stuff sprinkled in. I was going to keep following Vaggie's perspective and do her conversation with Alastor but that's going to have to wait till next time cause I decided you know what? Let's look at the damage to the room and Alastor's thoughts on it, I can get some more insight into Grace through his perception of the fire damage of something. Like I said, kinda fillery with no major plot stuff I just had a fun time describing burnt wood but I think it's still an okay chapter.

Chapter Text

Upon entering Alastor’s room, Charlie is immediately hit with the smell of rancid, rotting deer. As she stumbles back into the hallway, gagging, she wonders how she didn’t notice it before? The answer, most likely, is that she had a lot of debris up in her nose from watching the ceiling collapse, and everything was so chaotic at the time that it was just overlooked as they ran past it into the secret tunnel.

Alastor watches with an almost amused smirk as the princess doubles over and retches, “what’s the matter Charlie, don’t you like venison?” Even he has to admit that over the course of the day the carcass has gotten more foul than he expected it to. Perhaps he needs to adjust the ambient temperature of his swamp area; it may be too warm in there. Even he has his limits with decay, when it’s too far gone the texture becomes too gooey and ferment turns bitter.

He briefly recalls his thoughts from this morning. The images in his mind of a child at the table eating with him. Their tiny fist struggles to properly hold the fork as he cuts pieces of meat off for them. A bright smile that has Grace’s softness and his sharp teeth, as they enjoy a lovely meal together. The overlord is not quite as put off by the idea anymore, though he still shudders thinking about the sticky little fingers making a mess all over the place.

“No…” she hacks and coughs, “no it’s not… it’s fine… oh god…f*ck…” The girl ultimately has to retreat a little ways down the hall to catch her breath.

The radio demon snaps his fingers, and the deer carcass disappears in a swirl of green smoke, along with the cloud of flies that was swarming it. He steps into the room and waves his hand causing a window hidden behind the swampy foliage to open.

The air should clear in a moment, I will go on ahead to the other room,” he says, moving over to the open secret passageway. Most of the books from the shelf are laying on the floor, having taken a tumble when the entrance was forced open. He almost frowns at the sight of them, but maintains his smile, merely furrowing his brow. Several of the tomes are now laying open, some with the pages being bent from the positions they are in, and one even has an ashy footprint smudging its words. None of these damn demons have respect for literature. Alastor takes a deep breath, then snaps his fingers again, several of his shadowy little imps appear and begin to clean up the mess, taking extra care not to further damage the books. He hopes that Grace’s survived the fray, Husker had not yet brought them up so he does somewhat worry they may have been lost to this fire he’s been hearing about.

Speaking of the fire, the tunnel is very hot, not quite burning, but definitely a good ten to fifteen degrees warmer than usual. That would explain why his room was warmer and the deer rotted faster. When the fire raised the temperature of Grace’s room, the heat’s main exit point was this tunnel. He knows there is supposedly a hole in the floor, but hot air rises, or so he’s heard, so the heat wouldn’t have dispersed downwards. It makes the demon realize that although he thought he had attended to every detail when building Grace’s room, he did not take proper ventilation into account. He had only installed the singular air vent and attached it to the hotel’s ancient ventilation system; all it does really is pump the AC into her room, and does little to pull air out. If this had not happened, then they likely would have encountered issues further down the line. He’s not used to the idea of needing to breathe clean air, so circulation had just not occurred to him up to that point.

These thoughts are of course just a way to distract himself, to not think about all the other things that have been plaguing his mind. He is no architect, nor an engineer, but it sometimes soothes him to think about the process of construction. Though his shadow imps do the actual work, they are implementing his designs, his thoughts on how things should be. This time he shall do better, make it more fortified to protect his dear wife, and more homely to soothe her nerves. If they stay, that is. If they stay then maybe he will expand her space into the other secret tunnels built by the former owners. Maybe even build a nursery, if Charlie will permit, and she almost certainly will. But only if they stay, and that will only be if things end in a way that makes that nursery a necessity.

Alastor stops dead in his tracks when he finally lays eyes on the room. It’s so much worse than he could have ever imagined. Although the main lights are out, the room is illuminated from below by the massive, gaping hole to the hallway below. There is still dust and smoke in the air, so thick that it’s almost unbreathable even for him. Then his chest tightens as a scent penetrates the ashy fog, blood, Grace’s blood. Though his sense of smell may not be as super human as other demons such as Husk, it is still very finely tuned when it comes to blood. And after the years of illness and chemo and radiation, his darling wife has a very unique bouquet. Though the overlord already knows she was injured and has treated the wound, he finds that the overpowering smell of it here mixed with the utter destruction he’s laying eyes on is bringing him back to a state of near panic.

Grace is okay, she is just a few floors up. His dearest is alive, and semi-safe. Yet this assault on his senses has triggered every protective instinct all over again. How could he let this happen? He should have been here to stop this.

With a flourish of his cane the room’s light bulbs flicker on. Well most of them do, a few are busted, their glass scattered across the floor, it’s a miracle that Grace didn’t step on any given that she was barefoot when all of this went down. One wall sconce is completely busted, even the metal is warped and twisted. Now that the room is better lit he can see why, there are scorch marks all up the wall. It seems the western half of the room took the brunt of the fire damage.

The illumination also allows the overlord to see exactly why Charlie was so concerned about the structural integrity of the room. There are two main areas of concern. The first being the giant hole in the floor, obviously, but more specifically the western edge of it. All of the material that composes it is scorched to the point that it is slowly crumbling, in fact as Alastor watches, a large chunk breaks away and falls into the hallway below. Additionally the ceiling above has also sustained significant damage. The support beam that crosses the room is creaking ominously, and is missing several chunks that seem to have been blown off by some shots from the ray gun that managed to pass all the way through. If he doesn’t get that reinforced soon then the whole section above will likely collapse into this room, and with the practically non-existent floor… well it would likely set off a chair reaction that could bring down this whole half of the hotel.

Alastor’s eye twitches as he surveys the damage. He knew it was going to be bad, but he didn’t expect it to be this bad. The bed is just a pile of charred logs and ash. The carpet and wallpaper is just… f*cked. This is going to take hours of work just to get it to a point where it won’t fall apart. And probably days to make it livable again, weeks maybe. Even if he puts all of his shadow imp power on contracting work this is going to take ages. This isn’t even something he can set them to work on and walk away, this is his wife’s bedroom, he has to oversee every detail to make sure that it’s absolutely perfect, safe, and comfortable.

But that is going to take time Alastor doesn’t have, time he should be spending with her. Even these few minutes away from her are agony, how could he spend that much time working on this when she needs him by her side. They might be better off just fixing up the emergency issues and finding her a new spot in the hotel… but this is the only place he can put her close to the center of the building, protecting her from potential exterior attacks.

He takes a deep breath as he hears footsteps behind him in the tunnel. His composure must be maintained, even if he can not keep up his usual ‘silly radio demon’ persona, he can not allow any of this stress to show through to anybody.

As Charlie steps into the light her eyes widen, she had forgotten how bad of a state the room had been in, “oh wow… this is going to take a lot of work…”

I know…” Alastor taps his cane on the floor, hard, and about a dozen of his shadowy little workers appear with construction tools and materials. Several of them are on the floor below, and immediately set to work building a scaffolding to stabilize the crumbling ceiling, all down the hall and into adjacent rooms just to be on the safe side. “So the fire damage was caused by… this?” He slowly approaches the pile of metal on the floor, there is a vague shape of a barrel, but aside from that it is no longer recognizable as a tommy gun. He doesn’t get too close though, he has no intention of falling through the floor today.

“Yeah… I’ve been meaning to ask,” Charlie twists her hands together, “how… did she do that?”

You were there, you tell me,” he has his suspicions, but the exact nature of his wife’s powers still elude him.

“Well she kinda like grabbed it,” she makes a motion with her hand, replicating the way that she saw it happen, “and then there was this really really really bright light and then Angel had to drop it because it was too hot.”

Alastor is honestly surprised the spider still has a hand if he was holding a molten piece of metal for even a fraction of a second, “her abilities are mostly light based. Heat and light are quite intermingled, if you touch a lightbulb that’s been on for too long then you might get burned.” It’s more than that though, he knows. Her powers aren’t just light, he’s suspected that for a while, they are based in whatever is producing the illumination. But with her deal constraining her access to her true abilities, she can not fully access the source.

Though seeing what Grace did does help him gain understanding about something he was confused about earlier. Although her powers mostly create little light shows, she does have small amounts of other abilities. In addition to being able to cast communication and summoning spells, she has a small amount of self healing magic. He hesitates to call it healing, more like regeneration or repair, and small is an overstatement. Illnesses like her cancer are immune to this self repair process, and she was never quite able to get the scar on her throat to go away, or bring her voice back for that matter. It’s always been his hope that if they break the bonds of her deal then she will be able to bring herself back to full health, that he will hear her voice again, but every day that dream grows more distant.

Regardless, a flash of violet energy has always been enough to patch herself up when knicks herself chopping vegetables or falls and scrapes her knees. He had been perplexed as to why she was still bleeding when he got to her today. Once she had a moment to concentrate she should have been able to at least close it up, but hadn’t. Alastor had been frustrated by this, as they wouldn’t have had to worry about getting blood for her if she had repaired the surface of the wound. But seeing the damage she did now makes him realize that she couldn’t, she must have spent all the power she’s stored up since they got here to launch that counterattack. And if she spent it all, then it’s going to be days, weeks before she has returned enough to help punish these ingrates if their baby…

“Do you think you’ll be able to rebuild it?” The princess carefully crosses the ruined room to the scorched side so she can inspect the damage to the wall. Her voice snaps the overlord out of his thought process.

He feels as though he should warn her that it’s dangerous to go over there, he can tell that it’s unstable, but a crash through the floor will only hurt her ego and give him a bit of amusem*nt so instead he replies, “I will likely have to gut the whole thing to be on the safe side. I believe a pipe was grazed above us, I can hear it leaking into the space between the ceiling and the floor above as we speak. Between that and the smoke damage I don’t want to risk any kind of mold growing or something deteriorating and giving way while my wife and child reside here…” He watches the way she steps, listens to the soft creaking of the weakened floor as she puts her weight on it. “Luckily nobody resides directly above or below us currently, and the only other resident of this floor is Niffty’s quarters on the other side of the building, so tearing open into the other rooms in order to rebuild shouldn’t get in anybody’s way.” He says luckily, but personally he wishes he could inconvenience as many of them as possible, after all it was their stupidity that caused this. If he had to kick some of them out of their room so he could tear down and replace walls that would certainly make him feel a little bit better.

Charlie looks up at the ceiling, squinting, “You can hear a pipe leaking? Your hearing is that good?”

When I was dragged down to this infernal pit I was given the form of a deer in an effort to make me seem weak and feeble,” Alastor’s fake smile turns into a bit of a genuine smirk, “I of course overcame that obstacle. But a deer is meant to be a prey animal, so they evolved especially good hearing in order to detect if a predator is sneaking up on them.” One of his fuzzy ears twitches as if to remind her that they are there, “Although this form was meant to be a detriment, I still gained their excellent hearing.” He of course also has his senses bolstered by his powers, anywhere his shadows can reach he can have awareness, but he doesn’t intend to disclose that part.

Alastor actually isn’t sure how to address the leak without shutting off water for the whole hotel. The overlord begins to focus his mind, sending his shadowy tentacles into the internal structure of the building to see if there are any valves that can shut down just this portion of plumbing.

But despite how focused he is on this task, it does not prevent him from doing exactly what he said his ears can do. He spins around to face the tunnels as footsteps begin to approach down the tunnel. The overlord recognizes the gait long before Vaggie steps into the light to reveal herself, and has already prepared himself for whatever bullsh*t she is about to bring.

Chapter 41

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Okay so sort of a random thing; I made mention a while back about my thing with nouns and not constantly using people's names to refer to them so that the text doesn't get repetitive, I've been resisting referring to Vaggie as things like 'the angel' in the narration since it's not something that is proven until later in the show, but I don't have enough nouns to refer to her by, and since we've now had a couple instances of her self reflecting on it including that big chunk a couple chapters back I feel like I can safely integrate 'the angel' as a reference noun. I like rambling about why I write things the way I do because then I feel like I'm sharing the writing processes and giving you all a look at how I do this sh*t.
Also, things have been depressing as f*ck lately, for obvious reasons, and I don't want to forcibly hold us at this point any longer than necessary, I think I've milked the anxiety train for most of what it's worth so I want some opinions on how to go about the next 4 to 5 chapters. Next chapter is going to cut to Angel and be him retrieving Sir Pentious, I'm going to try to keep that to one chapter unless it gets long and convoluted, and I figure it will be a fun little adventure and a nice break from the sh*t happening at the hotel. After that, I'm thinking we don't need to follow this day all the way to it's end, we don't need a full write out of the girls getting their stuff from their room and Alastor and Grace going to bed, they had their emotional moment earlier, I have a few more things I want them to talk about but that can wait till the next day. What I'm kinda thinking though before I get to next day is... I haven't done any flashback chapters in a while? Like maybe I could do something that opens with Alastor watching Grace sleep and he reflects on something? Paralleling that chapter I had a while back, OR I could have Grace dream of a memory or something like that. I'm on the fence about it though because I'm sure a lot of people want to see us get the present day get out the point where the baby is proven to be okay, so I just thought I'd open it up for opinions, do you want to see a flashback or two before we move on to the next day? Or just keep going with the present until the baby is shown to be okay? Which for anybody who is legit stressing, I don't want anybody to stress that's why i'm being upfront that the baby will always be okay; they are going to 'tomorrow' in the timeline that the baby is okay, so you don't have too much longer to wait.
And last quick note; obviously I'm not maintaining the upload schedual I had been before/said that I was going to try to keep up. But I am still writing every day, I figured that since this this fic has turned out to be a bit more popular than I anticipated it being that I would put a bit more effort into it, I'm still maintaining the 'this is a rough draft' mentality, but now I'm doing a day 1; outline the chapter, day ; write the chapter, and if there's a third day that is cause I have depression and sometimes depression makes you sleep for 16 straight hours.
Sorry for the long ramble, thank you for putting up with my little mini blogs. Love you all. Hope you enjoy?

Chapter Text

Alastor straightens his bowtie as his current least favorite person in the hotel steps into the room, “hello again Vaggie, is there something we can assist you with?” He says this with as much fake enthusiasm as he can muster, knowing that Charlie is going to want them to ‘get along.’

Vaggie immediately clocks the fakeness of his demeanor. Her face screws up and she looks like she’s about to say something nasty but stops herself when her girlfriend gives her a ‘remember what we talked about’ type look. She takes a deep breath and a moment to reflect on what she had been thinking about earlier; she was wrong to attack the girl, she needs to atone for her action, and atonement doesn’t begin with being aggressive. There is a glint in the corner of her eye, her angelic spear leaning against the wall where Charlie made her leave it. It’s almost like it’s taunting her, reminding her of what she almost did. She wonders what kind of guilt she would have felt if she had actually managed to take the human’s life, how awful would she have felt if she found out about the unborn baby after the fact.

The radio demon tenses as he sees her look at the spear, immediately assuming the worst, “I wouldn’t try anything funny, remember, I’m a lot faster than you.

“Jesus… f*ck no I wasn’t going to…” The angel takes a step back, raising her hands in an ‘i mean no harm’ kind of manner. “Listen, I just need some of my stuff from my room since the hum…” she sees Alastor drum his fingers along his cane as she speaks, “...since Grace is occupying it for the time being, I wanted to get our stuff moved into one of the guest rooms.”

“Oh yeah go on up Vaggie,” Charlie says with a chipper tone, “can you get some of my clothes and shower supplies too? I’m going to be busy here for a little while.” She takes a step over to the twisted wall sconce to examine it, fascinated by how the fire got hot enough to start melting it.

Alastor’s right ear twitches, “Unfortunately I am going to have to say no to that. I can not allow you to…” He takes a deep breath, and decides to try and be more hospitable with his phrasing, “I do not feel comfortable letting you be around my wife when I am not there to protect her.”

“Yeah yeah your furball already blocked me from going in on my own and made it pretty clear that I’m not welcome in there,” Vaggie replies, avoiding meeting either of their eyes. “So you’ll have to get our stuff Charlie."

“That’s kind of rude, it is our room that we’re letting you guys use after all.” The princess replies, crossing the creaking floor to examine the pile of burnt wood and ash that used to be the bed.

Vaggie sighs, “apparently, according to Niffty, she was pretty stressed out at even the idea of me being there. Not that I can really blame her.”

I do not trust you around her in the slightest,” Alastor gestures to the melted gun on the floor, “given that your initial attack scared her so badly that she felt the need to defend herself, I cannot risk you trying to bring her harm when I am not there to defend her.” His mind is only an eighth dedicated to the conversation at hand, the rest of his focus is on his shadowy apparitions as they do their work. The tentacles have found a valve that shuts off the water to this floor so that the pipe stops leaking, and a few of the imps are now setting up a small scaffolding in the room to support the sagging ceiling support beam.

The angel rolls her eyes, “I’m not going to hurt her Alastor, she’s just some poor human who got sucked into your manipulative bullsh*t.” So much for playing nice.

Alastor’s shoulders stiffen, and at first he does not respond to the accusation of manipulation. He allows himself to focus on remaining calm while mentally dictating where his workers should go as they begin to rummage around the room for the remainder of Grace’s belongings.

“Vaggie… maybe we shouldn’t accuse him of things like that,” Charlie says softly, with a weak smile, “I think he cares about her very much and implying that he is just trying to manipulate her is kind of… mean.”

“I’m mean? He’s the radio demon, a deal maker who rips out people’s voices and broadcasts their screams,” Vaggie says defiantly, her hands on her hips. She wanted to behave, but it’s so hard when she has to see that smug f*cker’s fake smile stretched across his stupid face. “I’m just over here worried for that human’s safety, we still don’t know anything about how they met or how she lost her voice or how he got her pregnant or…”

Charlie stands up straight, “they met because she was able to use her powers to call into his radio show and he liked talking to her. That was nine years ago, and they’ve been married for about four.” She glances at Alastor, suddenly realizing that it may have not been her place to share that information that he gave her. “You’re acting like he’s being secretive and hiding everything, but it’s not like he could just give us the whole story of their relationship while he was trying to take care of her after WE injured her. I asked him questions and he was perfectly happy to answer.”

Perfectly happy was a bit of a stretch. He’d rather keep all the details of his private life to himself. The overlord only shared that information because he wanted to foster a sense of trust with the princess. Though it seems like it has become to his benefit that he did so, as she now seems rather securely on his side.

“Not being secretive and hiding things?” Her girlfriend gestures around the room, “We are standing in the secret room that he’s been hiding her in for weeks, how is that not…” She stops taking a deep breath and trying to clear her head. Behave. She needs to behave. She needs to stop being so aggressive.

The radio demon twirls his cane a bit, “You can think what you want of me. But actions speak louder than words. Yes, I hid Gracie in here, but it was for her own protection. You, on the other hand, claim that you won’t hurt her, yet you had no problem attacking her on your first meeting.” He glances at her spear again, his smile curling into a bit of a sneer, “I have no intention of trusting you around her when your actions have proven that you are dangerous.”

“My actions prove that I’m dangerous!” Vaggie snaps, there’s that anger again, “The gun to her head was because of Angeldust I had nothing to do with that! And if we’re going to talk about actions then yours say a lot about how dangerous you are! The moment you got back to the hotel you attacked us!” She knows she should drop it, if she’s not careful then he’s going to find out about her nearly killing Grace. But now her mind is filled with the images of everybody ensnared in his tentacles, of her dear Charlie nearly being squeezed to death by them.

Every action that I have performed since I set foot in this hotel has been to protect my wife and unborn child,” as soon as he says it he realizes how strangely comfortable the phrase rolls off his tongue. Somehow no longer being permitted to hide his offspring's existence is quickly making it easier to make claim of it being his. “It seems you have trapped us in a conundrum. If you believe so wholeheartedly that she is some poor human soul trapped in a web of my manipulations, then nothing I say, nothing I do, will prove otherwise. Because you will view everything I do as some lie or manipulation tactic.” Alastor isn’t even bothering to look at her anymore, nothing she can hurl at him will hurt his pride any longer.

Truthfully he’s been through this before. Brian was highly protective of Grace. He did not outright try to exorcize the demon from her life, but he did spend a long time refusing to trust him. It was a constant battle of the man trying to convince her that Alastor was just out for her soul. And to be fair, at the time he was. As frustrating as it was, when the overlord came to actually care about Grace he became very grateful that she had somebody in her life to look out for her like that. But of course the man wasn’t driven by irrational aggression being channeled into protectiveness, so he was ultimately able to see reason when Alastor changed his tune.

He knows this will not be the case with Vaggie, she is not as rational as Brian was. But Alastor knows why he is here, he knows why he does what he does. It doesn’t matter what vile insults she comes up with, he refuses to let her foolishness rile him up and distract him from his important tasks any longer. Instead as he speaks he waves his hands a bit to command his shadow imps to bring the remainder of his wife’s belongings to her, they can determine the damage to them later.

Actions speak louder than words, but it seems you are blind and deaf to both. I will continue to care for and protect my family,he turns to face away from both girls as he says that word, family, it slips out too easily as well, “what you think no longer matters to me, I will do what I need to do, and will not let you interfere with it. I will go to any lengths to defend her, and that means I have no intention of allowing somebody with a long history of violence around her when I am not present.” With that last part he turns his neck with that horrifying cracking noise so that he can look at Vaggie, then at her spear, then back.

The angel almost shudders at the way he looks at her, there’s something in his eyes, does he know? ‘Long history of violence’ it feels like he’s not just talking about… no, he couldn’t know Right?

Charlie clears her throat, “Vaggie, I know that you wouldn’t hurt her. But, I don’t blame Alastor for wanting you to not be around her.” The princess briefly remembers the fray, recalls how the human almost died by that spear, “Al, would it be alright if I went up and retrieved our things while you work?”

He shakes his head, “I would prefer she not take any visitors in her current state, even you. Her condition is fragile enough as is.” There are some puffs of green smoke as a handful of imps disappear with their arms full of things. “You tend to be very… excitable, and energetic, this is also something that she shouldn’t be exposed to at the moment. Any kind of stress at all may tip the scales.”

“Are you sure you just don’t want her being able to say something to us while you aren’t around to control her?” Vaggie says, half under her breath.

One of Alastor’s ears noticeably twitches, but he doesn’t respond to the accusation.

“What if I promise to be quiet and not disturb her?” Charlie sort of heard what was said, but chooses to keep the conversation moving. She clasps her hands together and lowers her voice. “I’ll be in and out real fast, she won’t even know I’m there.”

“We need our sh*t Alastor, it looks like you’re going to be down here a while and she’ll probably be asleep by the time you finish,” Vaggie points out.

I have finished stabilizing the structural damage, so there is no imminent collapse,” the overlord replies, “I believe my friends here can handle gutting without me overseeing it, so we can return to your room to get your things, and I can return to my wife’s side, where I am needed. I can begin reconstruction in the coming days.”

“In the coming days?!” the angel protests, “how long do you plan to keep our room, it’s OUR room.”

Well, I personally don’t see a point in rebuilding until I know the room will be needed,” Alastor spins his cane again, “after all, if my Gracie miscarries… we don’t intend to stay here after slaughtering all of you.

Charlie swallows hard, she doesn’t want to fight the radio demon, she had hoped she could get him to calm down and understand that it was all an accident, “of course, I totally get that. Well not the killing part, you know I’m going to have to try and stop you from doing that. But you should be with her anyways, I’m sure having you around is a lot better for your baby’s health. I am so so sorry I had to pull you away from her for this if I wasn’t concerned about it collapsing I wouldn’t have asked. Also I’m still getting a hold of food there should be a delivery here in the morning of some fruits and veggies from the wrath ring and…” She’s babbling at the point, trying to remind Alastor of all she’s doing to make up for allowing all of this to happen. But all it does is prove his point about her being too energetic to be around Grace right now.

Of course he knows that her bubbly personality could be good for his wife. She has been so sad lately. The woman needs some positivity in her life. And as much as he adores her, he has clearly failed to provide that. So perhaps, if Grace recovers and the baby is fine, he might allow Charlie to spend time with her, befriend her, so that his dearest might have some light in her smile again.

After all, there are many other things that the couple need. A safe place to stay. Connections to find certain demons. Protection from others. Assistance in breaking the bonds that have them chained down. Perhaps a friendship between his wife and the princess of hell could be beneficial to them. A good gal pal will do anything for her bestie, or so he’s heard. So it might benefit him to encourage such a relationship.

If things go well.

If they do not lose the one thing that is keeping them from burning this hotel to the ground.

“Alright, let’s get going then I’m sure that she is missing you right now aaaAAND…” As Charlie begins to walk towards the tunnel, it finally happens, she finds the weakest point in the floor. Although most of it had been reinforced with scaffolding from below, it seems she has stepped in the perfect spot. Mid sentence her voice pitches up to a scream as it gives way beneath her, and she plummets. Her long hair flies up, her eyes widen in shock, for a brief moment she thinks the world is ending.

Unfortunately for her, and luckily for Alastor’s sense of humor, she only makes it part way through the floor. The hole is only wide enough for her rather thin hips, and so her fall comes to a jarring halt as she is stopped right around the armpits. This leaves her with only her head, shoulder, and arms protruding through the floor.

It honestly takes everything in Alastor not to start laughing right there, “Oh my Charlie! Are you alright?” His voice is dripping with sarcasm and fake concern.

“f*cking hell Alastor!” Vaggie rushes over to her girlfriend, “I thought you said you had it reinfOOO!!” And as she nearly gets there, she finds that there is a reason you have to be careful when going to rescue somebody who’s fallen through a patch of thin ice on a pond… you might find yourself falling in too. She goes all the way through to the floor below, landing on her ass with a loud thud.

The radio demon approaches slowly, using his cane to subtly check for weakness where he steps, then bends over the hole to look to the girl below, “I suppose I missed a few spots, my concern was making sure the room doesn’t collapse on it’s own, it’s not my fault you two stepped between the support beams.” He smirks, “are you alright down there?”

“f*ck you Alastor…”

Chapter 42

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So I guess the Angel and Pentious chapter is going to get split in two, I wanted to spend some time in Angel's head and get his perspective on some lore sh*t, and it's been really hard for me to write chapters that don't directly involve either Alastor or Grace so it slowed me down, and I thought about taking another day and making it a longer chapter, but I don't trust myself to get it out in a timely matter cause I'm still struggling lately. So when I hit a point where I was like 'oh this is a cool cliffhangery type bit' I decided to cut it there so it's easier for me to transion into the next part of this little adventure.
It's a bit of a weird chapter since it's entirely Angel's perspective which I haven't done really, but I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter Text

Angeldust has been searching the city for a few hours now, but has not seen hide nor hair of Sir Pentious. His first stop had been the bar that the little egg minions had told him about. It wasn’t too far of a trip from the hotel, so he thought it made sense that the snake might go there first. And after asking around he quickly learned that his assumption had been correct, but that he was too late. Apparently Pentious had run in looking like he was being chased by the devil himself and hid in the bathroom for about twenty minutes. For the whole time he was in there the demon was apparently blathering on about antlers and radio signals and his poor egg boys that he left behind. Eventually the bouncer kicked him out for not buying anything, but the bartender informed Angel that usually he would go down to the scrapyard three blocks south.

While listening to the story the p*rnstar accepted a few co*cktails from some ‘fans’ of his, then stuck around a bit to score some more. He ended up dumping the three that were drugged and chugging the two that were clean. So, by the time he left the bar, he was a tiny bit buzzed, though given his tolerance it’s not severe enough to impact the majority of his motor functions. It’s just enough in his system to make it a pain to read any signs in the distance.

Now Angeldust is begrudgingly cutting through some back alleys to avoid the chaos of the main roads, he can’t help but notice there are a few of his ‘coworkers’ working the area. He shoves one pair of hands in his pockets and another folds behind his back. His head is down, avoiding eye contact so they won’t think he’s there to poach clients. Normally he wouldn’t care, but his main gun is melted on the floor of the hotel so he’s got no way to protect himself if somebody wants to start a scrap. He really needs to start carrying more than one. Rolling over the numbers in his head he realizes that he’s got enough saved up right now that maybe when he gets his replacement he could go ahead and buy up enough for four of his arms. Living at the hotel has kept him from spending all of his paychecks on his various nasty habits, it’s incredible how much money he has when he doesn’t blow it all on blow.

As he walks he contemplates the situation as a way to tune out all the noise around him. Pentious is probably building weapons to defend himself in case Alastor comes after him, he may even try to come back to the hotel to rescue his warship and little egg minions. If Angel doesn’t find him before that happens then the snake attacking will just make the situation worse for everybody. So he has to track him down before it comes to that, or before the overlord does first and decimates Pentious as punishment for injuring his wife.

His wife. God damn. The great and fearsome radio demon is married. He doesn’t know much about Alastor, Vaggie had been the one to explain the his dark past to him when he arrived at the hotel. Which means he doesn’t have quite the same level of fear for him as people like Charlie and Husk do. Angel chuckles as he recalls referring to him as looking like a ‘strawberry pimp’ when he first arrived, and honestly that view of him has pretty much stayed the same since then. Until now.

The spider had seen Alastor fight a couple times, it was quite frightening, but it didn’t scare him any more than Valentino’s bullsh*t ever does. But what he saw today, that demon going into an almost feral like form to protect the human… his hands are still shaking just thinking about it. Charlie barely got him under control, but for how long? He doesn’t have the slightest clue how a sinner managed to impregnate a human, but clearly the guy is incredibly protective of his wife and child.

Angel doesn’t quite realize that he’s mumbling as he walks, not loud enough for anybody to overhear, but enough that it makes people avoid him because he looks like he’s acting a little off, “I thought the guy had no interest in sex…” He avoids a piece of gum stuck to the sidewalk, “f*cker seemed repulsed when I propositioned him, thought he was f*cking ace or some sh*t, so is the kid intentional?” He shakes his head, “no, no f*cking way he chose for that to happen, I mean I guess his reaction to my sh*t could be cause he’s married and his pregnant wife was hidden in the walls? He didn’t like me trying to tempt him to be unfaithful?” His face screws up, and he kicks an empty beer can that’s laying in his path, “that don’t sound right neither. He’s definitely ace so why… I mean I guess aces can still have sex but she’d have to be pretty damn important to him for him to be willing to right? What kinda person is she that he’d be willing to do that, freaky f*ck doesn’t seem like the kinda demon who’d do anything he doesn’t want to do… and f*cking hell, what kinda girl is she that as a human she wants to f*ck that f*ck of all people, a f*cking demon, like some of us are hot, I’m hot, I guess to certain people he’s hot, but not by human standard’s right? The sharp teeth and antlers have got to be a turn off to them.” This thought process is beginning to make him dizzy, making his mumbling more incoherent as he thinks about how close to death he nearly came to today. Would it have been a permanent death though? It’s hard for sinners to be put down, but it happens sometimes. If anybody can do it the radio demon probably can, maybe he should take the whole ‘broadcasting their screams’ part of his lore more seriously.

The spider stops when his foot hits the bottom of the chain link fence that marks the edge of the junkyard. He takes a step back and looks around for an entrance, but there doesn’t seem to be one on this street. There are a couple hand painted signs hanging near the top, but the handwriting is so poor and his head is so spinny from the drinks and the thinking that he can not for the life of him figure out what is being said.

Luckily the fence is low, there isn’t even any barbed wire at the top, probably because that isn’t much of a deterrent to sinners since they all can regenerate, and a lot of them like the pain anyways. Angel, being as tall as he is, can easily reach the top of the fence, so if he wants he could probably hop it. He doesn’t see any kind of guards, though he has heard that the scrapyards around here will hire hellhounds so he needs to keep an eye out for them.

He peers through the links of the fence, scanning the area for any sign of Pentious. All he can see though are mountains of scrap metal and junk, a lot of it has logos from either the Vees or the Carmines, those two put out new sh*t so fast that the junkyards around the city are practically overflowing with the old crap people throw out as soon as they get an upgraded phone or fridge or weapon. After a minute he sees it, a distinctly serpentine trail through the piles till it disappears behind one.

Angel begins to walk along the perimeter, running two of his right hands along the links as he moves, “This is a bad idea Angel… a really bad idea,” he mutters to himself and he tries to ascertain the best spot to hop the fence.

When the spider reaches the corner, he catches sight of two hellhounds near a small building that seems to mark the entrance. A male is curled up sleeping under an awning, while a female plays games on her phone. Angel wonders if there are more and these guys are off duty, or if they really don’t give a f*ck. But hiring a hellhound in this ring is expensive, Val bitches about it all the time when he wants to hire some as guests for certain fetish shoots, so Angel doubts a place like this could afford more than two hounds.

So he retraces his steps, circling back to where he started and then continuing on in that direction. Eventually he reaches the back side of the yard, as far from the entrance and the hellhounds as he can get. He peers through the links again, and confirms that there is more of the slithering trail just a few feet away. The p*rnstar looks around to see if anybody on the street is watching him, luckily at this time there tends to not be anybody around these parts because they are all a few streets down at the bars and clubs. But there is a Vox tech security camera attached to a nearby building, so he’ll have to come up with some kind of lie to tell Val if his electronic boyfriend happens to show him the footage.

Getting over the fences is rather easy with Angel’s acrobatic skills, just quickly grabbing the top rail above him and pulling himself up. A little bit of a flourish as he goes over the top, then he lands in the dirt with one foot in front of the other and a bow to nobody in particular. After a second he sighs, stands up straight, and starts heading in the direction that the trail leads in.

As he follows the trail, the spider looks around at the junk piles, taking it all in. It’s actually kind of incredible how much stuff there is, and yet there is so little at the same time. Billions of souls over god only knows how many years, and these mountains of junk are all there is to show of it? Where does the rest go, Angel wonders, this is all the metals, the electronics, and some hard plastics, but where do the empty liquor bottles and chips bags end up? Hell is overpopulated, that’s why the exterminators come, so why do these piles not extend all the way to the heavens? The sinners must be going through a million or two bottles of booze a day, minimum, are they being recycled, does hell have a recycling plant? Or does the sh*t just get shipped back to be filled up again without even being washed? There is so much trash, and yet nowhere near enough to make sense.

“Hey! Who the f*ck are you?!!” A gruff voice calls out suddenly, causing Angel to jump. He half turns, seeing a burley demon coming towards him. “The f*ck you think yer doin’? Think you can f*cking steal from me?!”

“Nonono I swear I…” he takes a few steps back, raising his hands defensively, really wishing he had a gun on him right now. Yeah, he’s definitely going to get multiple when he replaces the melted one.

“Harley! Jackie!” The scrapyard owner turns his head towards the building and projects his voice as he yells, “got some f*cking trash for you to take out!!”

“sh*t, sh*t sh*t sh*t,” if this was a bar or an alley or someplace Angel knows, then he might try to use his charm to wiggle his way out of the situation. But he doesn’t know this place, doesn’t know this guy, and has no interest in getting f*cked up by the hellhounds. Val will kill him if he gets his face scarred. His long legs turn him so that he can start sprinting, still following the trail in hopes to find a well armed snake at the end of it.

Chapter 43

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I'm glad I didn't force myself to put all of this in the last chapter cause I ended up doing a lot and it's definitely better as a stand alone chapter since it's more Pentious' perspective while the last one was Angel's.
Also I really enjoy writing one off characters to flesh out the world, I had fun with this little bit involving the scrapyard owner and his hellhounds, for the record in case any of you are Hazbin only watchers and don't know Helluva boss lore, the sin that runs the ring of Gluttony is Beazulbub, or Queen Bee, and basically it seems like she is in charge of all the hellhounds and sh*t. Just want to make sure everybody has the relevant background knowledge.
Next couple chapters are going to be back to focusing on Alastor and Grace, is has been foreeeeeever since we have gotten some good couple content between the two, I know I'm doing a minimum of one flashback chapter but if everybody is chill on waiting to get to the 'next day' I might do a couple in a row cause I have so much backstory content that is eager to get onto the page and I don't know when I'll get my next chance to do flashbacks without it interrupting straight up action.
Anyways hope ya'll enjoy tonight's chapter, next one should be up later this week.

Chapter Text

A little bit of soldering here, a pinch of grease there, and a whole bunch of wiring everywhere…

Sir Pentious, the great engineer, is hard at work in a little shed on the east side of the scrapyard. He considers himself incredibly lucky that he was able to find everything he needed in this one place, and didn’t have to scour multiple locations like he usually does. Of course he could build a catapult out of chewing gum and sticks if need be, that’s how good he is at his job, but this design needed precise mechanical parts and electronic components that could only be found at a Vox and Cararmine approved dumping zone. Most sinners don’t know this, but the reason that both companies endorse certain yards to send your outdated goodies to, is because once a week they each send people by to pick up their branded crap. So they can polish it up, slap a new number on it, and resell to the masses.

The snake’s tail still hurts from the cat’s claws, every time he moves it there is excruciating pain, but he lets that sensation fuel his drive. His hands feverently construct his newest masterpiece. With each spark of the soldering tool he has flashes of what occurred mere hours ago at that horrifying hotel. Pentious know that he f*cked up, knows he has nobody to blame but himself for the trouble he is in now. It was his foolishness that caused the girl to become injured, a human who had somehow been brought into the afterlife without dying, a pregnant human who is married to the one he claims to be his arch-nemesis. Alastor’s horrifying eyes loom ever present in his mind, as though just the mere memory of the terrifying overlord may decimate him.

It’s not as though Pentious can blame him. If somebody had injured his wife when she was… his hands stop, memories dance behind his mind. A tiny boy with the most beautiful laugh, his son, his beautiful wife… synapses misfiring, he can’t grasp the faces. What color were their eyes? What were their names? What happened to them? What happened to him?

As quickly as the shattered memories overtook him they vanish, along with the fragmented emotions that came with them. The girl is very pretty, Alastor is a lucky man… demon… guy. It was clear to Pentious from the moment that the overlord arrived that the demon is head over heels in love with that woman, nobody goes that feral for somebody that isn’t the love of their life. The snake wonders how he got her pregnant, everybody is probably wondering. Maybe it’s not his baby, but they wanted a kid so she got pregnant by a human or hellborn and Alastor is going to adopt the kid? No that doesn’t sound right, there’s something weird going on here, but he can’t quite put his finger on it.

There is a commotion outside that draws the engineer out of his thoughts, he lifts his welding mark and starts to turn towards the door, wondering what poor soul has gotten caught sneaking into Old Harold’s scrapyard. The hellhounds are barking, Harold is hollering, and somebody is screaming ‘oh sh*t oh sh*t oh sh*t.’ Pretty much how such a situation always goes.

What Sir Pentious isn’t expecting is for the door to his little shed being slammed open by a deranged and terrified Angeldust, “oh sh*t oh sh*t oh sh*t oh sh*t!!” The p*rnstar slams the door behind him and leans back against it to hold it closed.

Before the snake can recognize the spider, his instincts kick in and he grabs the nearest wrench and chucks it at Angel’s head, “BEGONE INTRUDER!!” Seems he has not quite learned his lesson about the whole ‘attack first ask questions later’ thing that got him into this mess in the first place.

Angel barely dodges the heavy piece of metal, “f*cking hell can’t I catch a break out here!!”

“What are you doing here ssspider-boy?” Pentious hisses, still a little on edge, “did Alastor sssend you to capture me?”

“f*ck, no!” Angel flinches as the door rattles and the shouting outside continues, “I mean I did come to find you, but I guess I failed to sneak past the guard dogs.”

“Why didn’t you just pay the fee?” Pentious removes his welding gear and sets it aside. “It’sss not asss though he charges an arm and a leg, I’m sssure you could have afforded it.”

“The… fee?” He flinches again as the door rattles harder.

“Yesss Yesss, the fee,” Pentious tilts his head to the side in confusion, “did you not read the sssigns? If you pay a fee you can ssscavenge.” Of course despite this service there are several people who still hop the fence to try and get sh*t for free, but he didn’t take the spider demon to be the kind who would take such an unnecessary risk.

“No! I f*cking didn’t, obviously, the handwriting on them was sh*t and my head hurt so I didn’t read them!!” Angel stumbles forward a bit as the door is hit even harder, but quickly backs up again and puts his full weight against it, “please tell me you’ve got some kind of weapon to help me fight our way out of this sh*t.”

“Don’t worry about that, I come here all the time,” Pentious approaches him and the door, waving his hand to tell him to move aside, “if I explain it was a mistake I’m sssure he will understand.”

“I dunno, he seems really pissed off,” Angel replies, digging in his heels as the hounds continue to try and beat down the door.

“Nonsense, if you’ll jussst move aside I can…” he doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying, as it seems Horace has finished constructing a battering ram from the junk in his yard, and it provides enough force to knock the door open and send Angel half flying across the shed till he falls sprawled out on the floor.

“My momma away told me not to trust a f*cking snake!” The big guy hollers, stepping into the space, “I give you f*ckin’ discounts and this is how you repay me? By helping some lowlife guttersnipe sneak into my yard to take sh*t without paying the fee?”

“What?! No, no sssir of course not!” Pentious backs up a bit, his hood instinctively flaring in a defensive manner, which unfortunately does not help to deescalate the situation. “My friend here wasss jussst looking for me and missssed the sssignsss…” The more nervous he gets the worse his speech issues become, and the extra hissing to his words combined with the kind of aggressive appearance of the eyes on his hood does not help to dispel Horace’s issues about snakes being untrustworthy.

“You no good lyin’ piece of sh*t!” Truth be told the owner was already in a foul mood today, one of Carmine’s daughter renegotiated their contract with him and now he’s getting less cash flow when they salvage their goods. Which means that unfortunatley Horace isn’t open to listening to reason, he just wants to see some blood, “Hey you mutts get your asses in here, got some fresh meat for ya.”

The female hellhound pokes her head in, “you know we like, don’t actually eat other demons right? Like that’s so gross.”

The male is behind her, he shudders, “yeah man, like we’ll beat them up a bit for you, but that’s about it.”

“The f*ck do I pay you sh*tstains for then?” The large demon turns to face the hellhounds, “I mean really, you have one f*cking job you stupid f*cking mongrels and you can’t even do it without back sassing me?”

Angeldust and Sir Pentious side-eye each other as the owner and his employees bicker. They’d make a run for it, but the three are blocking the only way out.

The spider gets off the ground and moves behind Pentious, whispering, “you got a gun or something right? I assume you came here to build some weapons to defend yourself against Alastor?”

“No,” the snake hisses back, “Weaponsss got me into this sh*t, I had a different idea…” He reaches for the small device he had been constructing on the workbench, quickly pocketing it before Angel can see what it is.

The female hellhound, Jackie, puts her hand on her hip and snarls, “you like, can’t talk to us that way dude. Just cause we look like dogs doesn’t mean you can treat us like dogs.”

“Also if you treat dogs like that, that’s kinda f*cked up,” the male, Harley, adds in.

“Yeah like, you’re creating such a toxic work environment,” Jackie takes out her phone, and starts recording, “you can’t treat employees like that man, nobody is going to want to work for you.”

“Toxic work environment?!” Horace looks like he’s about to explode, “this is f*ckin’ hell, I can talk to my employees however the f*ck I want who’s going to f*ckin’ stop me?!”

Harley is quietly trying to motion for the other two sinners to sneak out while his boss is distracted, “Man, I bet I know what got you sent down here. I can’t imagine being in the human world putting up with this treatment from you.”

Pentious and Angel both move, careful to stay out of Horace’s line of sight as Jackie lures his gaze around by showing off the fact that she’s recording him being a piece of sh*t, “you may think there’s no consequences down here just cause the pride ring don’t have laws, but we’re from gluttony, and our queen is gunna be PISSED when she finds out you’re treating her hellhounds this badly. And when we post this sh*t online, ain’t nobody is going to want to come work for your crusty ass again.”

“First of all, I got sent down here cause appaaaarently it’s a sin to beat my wife for being so dumb that she couldn’t keep the house clean right,” Horace yells some more, completely distracted by his hounds, “secondly if I yelled at my employees in life it was only because their lazy asses wanted to get paid to sit around and do nothing, just like you bitches!!”

Both Harley and Jackie dramatically gasp, the last thing that the escaping sinners hear is her addressing the camera saying, “Oh my satan, he called us the f*cking B slur, even sinners know you don’t call a hellhound that!! Remember guys if you’re ever looking for work in pride, don’t come to…”

“That felt incredibly lucky…” Angel says as they run through the yard towards the entrance.

Pentious is a little ahead of him as his slithering is faster than running, “He getsss a new set of guardsss every month, nobody in pride will work for him now, that’sss why he had to pay extra to bring up hellhoundsss to do the job for him.”

“So… less luck and more good timing?” Angel smirks as they cross the threshold of the yard and reach the city streets. Just to be on the safe side they keep going for a few more blocks, until they’re both out of breath and have to stop.

The pair duck into an alleyway. The spider bends over and puts his hands on his knees, panting, he’s an acrobat, not a sprinter. The serpent leans with one hand against a wall as he tries to catch his breath, his other hand checks his pocket to make sure his device is still there.

After a few minutes Pentious looks over at the other demon, “ssso… you really came looking for me? Why?”

Angel stands up straight, running a couple of his hands through his hair to try and fix it, it’s a mess after all the craziness, “yeah well… Charlie struck a sort of deal with Alastor. To keep him from killing us, for now.” Once he feels more comfortable with his appearance he stands with his hands on his hips, “he can’t hurt us unless his wife miscarries.”

“I… don’t sssee how that’s any better than the current sssituation,” Pentious replies, “Sssoo if she loses her baby we all die?”

Angel grimaces, he’s kind of hoping that since the baby must be half demon that it might be resilient enough to survive the stress and physical trauma it’s mother went through today, but he has no way to prove that will be the case, “point is, I caught how Alastor phrased the deal… only those of us who are ‘part of the hotel’ are under the deal's protection. So if you’re abandoning us then you aren’t protected by the arrangement.”

Pentious gives him a suspicious look, “Why should I trussst you? How do I know Alastor didn’t sssend you here to bring me back ssso he can kill me without having to do the extra legwork?”

“I dunno maybe because I risked my skin to get into that scrapyard to find you?” Angel pinches the space between his eyes where the bridge of his nose would be if he had a normal face, “also why would he send somebody else to do it? You know that freaky deer f*ckface probably enjoys the hunt right? If I was lying, he still wouldn’t have sent me to do it, I bet the f*cker would wait a few weeks, send his creepy shadows to make sure you’re on edge all the time, then strike whenever he feels like it will be most enjoyable for him.”

“You… ssseem very aware of how he behaves,” Pentious admits to himself that it sounds about right.

“I have gotten some disturbing f*cking scripts at the studio, stalker type films,” Angeldust shudders a bit, “Usually the end point of the scenario is a rough f*cking instead of killing, but… you get the point.”

The snake demon shudders as he tries not to picture the films that the other is talking about, “well, luckily for you, I was going to go back to the hotel anyways.”

Angel perks up a bit, “you were?” He pauses, then asks, “were you planning on attacking it to get your warship and egg guys back?”

“No,” Pentious shakes his head, “I figured if I got back and you were all ssstill alive then that would mean Miss. Charlie either defeated Alastor or negotiated our sssaftey.” He pats his pocket, “I wasss going to bring a peace offering for the girl if she wasss still there.”

“Oh,” the spider leans forward, “is that what you were building in that shed?”

“Indeed, though I didn’t get to finish it, but I do have all the partsss ssso if I can get back to my toolsss on my ship then I can work on it,” Sir Pentious looks rather proud of himself.

“What did you make?” Angel leans so that he can look out the mouth of the alley and determine if Horace ended up chasing after them.

“It’sss a sssecret,” the engineer declares, “I can’t let you go ssstealing my idea as a way to curry favor with those two.”

The arachnid demon chuckles, and begins to lead the way back out onto the main road once he’s determined the coast is clear, “I couldn’t build my way out of a wet paper bag, I don’t think you have to worry about me ‘stealing’ your idea doll.” Though bringing back some kind of peace offering isn’t such a bad idea, maybe he could poke around some shops or something on the way back to bring something for the couple as a way to earn some safety.

“I never reveal my plansss spider boy, you will just have to wait and sssee,” Pentious follows, staying a little behind him as he doesn’t want to expose his backside.

As they walk Angel glances back in the direction of the scrapyard, “Sorry, you probably won’t be able to use that yard anymore, what with the owner being pissed off and all.”

Pentious shrugs as he slithers along, “I never really liked that yard, and anywaysss, I’m not sssuposed to be building weaponsss anymore if I want to be redeemed, ssso I don’t really need to go there anymore.”

“You… still want to try and be redeemed?” The p*rnstar folds a pair of his arms as he walks, sort of holding himself as he thinks about it. “Like, after all the sh*t that’s happened you still want to give Charlie a chance?”

“Of course I do,” Pentious replies proudly, “that’s why I ssstayed after all.” He pauses, watching as the demon ahead of him fights his own body language, trying to pull in on himself but also refusing to show vulnerability, “don’t… you want to be redeemed?”

There is a pause after he asks, a silence in the air that seems to threaten to break the spider demon.

Eventually Angel laughs, “nah, I’m just there for the free rent and booze you know? And it’s fun to watch all of them act crazy and stuff. Plus messing with that furball at the bar is fun.”

It’s a lie of course, like so many others there’s a part of him that wants nothing more than to get out of this hellhole. But it’s buried under pain and self loathing, and the knowledge that as long as his soul isn’t his own… he’ll never escape.

Chapter 44

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So this chapter obviously took a little longer than usual, for good reason, I spent 2 days on the outline, which was way to long because I still have a whole huge chunk of flashback outline that I didn't even get to cause I was running out of steam. Got the whole thing up to 5500 wordsish and was like 'i need to post something, the longer I spend writing without sharing it the more steam I lose' So, likely next chapter will continue the flashback in this one because I want to use the rest of the outline I worked so hard on plus it's some lore stuff that I'm sure ya'll will appreciate.
Also, at some point Grace describes something using a metaphor, the metaphor makes sense to me, but i'm not sure it will to everybody, it might kinda sound like nonsense. What's important is it makes sense to her and ALastor kinda gets it but if the way I wrote it is complicated and gibberish I'm sorry
And I'm doing the thing in this flashback where I kinda fit some of my own head cannons about the lore of Hazbin. And to set some clarification ahead of time; I am one of the people who whole-heartedly believes that Vox either is, or at one point was in love with Alastor and was rejected by him (i'm toying around with some ideas for this fic of them having had a bit more than just friendship going on at some point but I haven't settled yet I'm going to see how it feels when I get to that arc) Additionally; I think that when Vox upgraded his TV head he had a MASSIVE personality change, like obviously he's a sinner in hell so he's always kinda been a piece of sh*t, but I feel like his and Alastor's falling out was triggered by the personality shift Vox had when he upgraded (and him getting involved with the Vees) There are a few other things I've stuck in there but that was the part I wanted to explain so ya'll have the layout of my brain going in.

Chapter Text

Charlie’s bedroom is dark, quiet. It is only lit by the faint glow of hell’s night sky coming through the massive bay window. Alastor stands over the bed, watching the human sleep. Her chest rises and falls slowly, and he counts each breath as though it might soothe his anxieties. But it only makes them worse, makes him worried the breathing may suddenly stop.

Grace had already fallen asleep by the time he and the princess returned to the room. So the overlord was very strict about Charlie being quiet while she got her and Vaggie’s belongings. Husk informed him that, much to Alastor’s relief, after the anti-nausea medication kicked in she was able to eat a granola bar and a single fruit roll-up before passing out. Niffty expressed her disappointment that she was unable to show the girl her new play with the egg boys. But she was given some reassurance by Charlie that she and her girlfriend would watch it tonight, so the maid and the eggs followed her out of the room, with Husk tagging along because he did not want to be alone with the radio demon.

Now Alastor is left alone with his sleeping bride, unable to move to rest or relax in any way. His eyes are heavy, but he refuses to sleep, he can go weeks without it so why should he try? He can not allow his guard to drop, what if something happens and he is unable to move fast enough to protect her? He has stretched himself thin, his shadows covering nearly every inch of the hotel and its surroundings, ensuring that nothing could sneak up on him. But it’s exhausting, and he can’t keep it up forever.

His skin crawls and his eye twitches as he senses something enter into the range of his shadows perception. Alastor quickly moves over to the window and looks down into the courtyard area out front. Angeldust and Sir Pentious are returning, they are talking, smiling. How could they be smiling right now? After everything they’ve done, how can they have the audacity to smile like nothing's wrong?

The radio demon is not just angry at them for their nonchalant behavior, but also disappointed that he’s not going to get to slaughter them. It’s been so long since he’s added any new screams to his broadcasts, theirs would have sounded so good in the cacophony of voices he has acquired over the decades. Additionally he now has two more demons that he’s going to have to keep an eye on to make sure that Grace isn’t put in danger. It’s going to be a long night. A long week. A long… however f*cking long it’s going to take this baby to be born. If it’s born.


There is a sort of panic to the sound of Grace’s voice as it comes through her phone on the nightstand, causing the screen to turn on and illuminate that section of the room. Her body is shaking as she lays in the unfamiliar bed, looking around the dim, strange place. There is almost a sob in her throat as she fights the line between consciousness and sleep, everything in this place is blurry and odd and her body feels so heavy but her shoulder hurts so much where is Alastor oh god help me save me before I am dragged back down to the nightmares I have just clawed my way out of.

Cold, but soft, an anchor rests against her cheek, her husband’s bare hand cupping her face to reassure her of his presence, “I am here my love, do not fret.”

The human reaches out and takes hold of his arm, using it to pull herself out of the depths of her slumber, “Alast-r…” Her voice seems calmer now, but it is always hard to tell with the way the phone projects it. “I had a b-d dream…”

It doesn’t surprise him, her sleep is rough at the best of times, he can not imagine how today’s events would play out in her subconscious, “was it the fire again?” Alastor is still standing by the bedside, but is leant over his wife so that he can be as close to her as possible without sitting down.

Grace nods, momentarily turning her head to wipe a few tears into the pillow, “It was everywh-re, I didn’t kn-w what to do… you were b-rning.”

I was burning?” The overlord’s voice betrays his surprise, “not your family?”

She tries to shake her head, “Them too but… you were b-rning… you and…” The phone crackles with static as she chokes on a sob.

His eyes follow her right hand as it pulls away from him and rests on top of the section of blanket that covers her stomach, “Gracie…” He doesn’t know what to say, how to help her. “Everything will be okay.”

Will it though?

After a moment she moves again to hold his hand, “Are we really g-ing to stay here? If… if the b-by ends up okay will we really be staying here?”

I wish I had a better option for you my dear,” Alastor moves so he can kiss her forehead, “but I promise, I will make things better here, nothing like that will happen again, I won’t let anybody hurt you…”

Something slips out, something Grace knows she shouldn’t say, but she is so tired that it’s hard to stop the phone from broadcasting her thoughts aloud sometimes, “d- no- make promises you c-n’t kee-.” It comes out distorted from the phone’s speaker while she yawns. It is so corrupt that it barely sounds like her own voice, but it’s enough to make her husband’s smile falter.

He turns away, concealing his face as the corners of his lips dip down. The demon isn’t upset at her, he can hardly blame her for saying such a thing. Alastor knows she does not mean to hurt him but… his chest still aches right where his heart would be. She’s right, he can make all the promises he likes, but there really is nothing he can do to guarantee her safety.

Nine years…” he says, half laughing, half choking on his own words, “It only took you nine years to turn me into this… mess Something like a dozen decades of being unfeeling, only caring about himself, his own desires, his own safety, overturned in less than one. Less than ten years and he’s already this soft, pathetic sap who lives to keep another person safe, happy. Who is he now? How did it come to be this way? How in the seven layers of f*cking hell did she bury herself so deep inside his dead heart that it now aches for her so badly?

Grace is asleep again, clinging to his arm as her mind and body try to get the rest it so desperately needs. She can not answer his questions, all she did was exist, it’s not as though she ever tried to change him. It just happened somewhere along the way.

About 9 years ago

And that will bring an end to tonight’s broadcast everybody,” Alastor’s voice had been echoing out across the pentagram for the past three hours. When he broadcasted, people were forced to listen. Every radio within the city was forcibly turned on and played his show, even the ones that had been unplugged or destroyed. Even on the streets you couldn’t escape it, every speaker played it for the masses to hear. Because you may think you are safe from the radio demon, but never are.

And thanks to his little friend Vox he was even able to play his show to a black and green background on all the televisions and phones that his company sold. This was before the TV had upgraded and formed the Vees, and so he was still running a smaller company that only served about a quarter of the city’s population, competing with bigger companies from the hellborn rings. Companies that don’t exist anymore after the crushing corporate takeover that will happen in a few years. But Vox was still happy to let his dear friend Alastor take over his signals for a few hours a day.

The overlord finished his sign-off speech, and flicked a switch that moved the broadcast over to his ‘screams of the damned’ sound. The screams did not forcibly play across everybody’s devices the way his voice did, but there were, at this time, several speakers around Pentagram City that were set up to constantly play it at a low volume, contributing to the unnerving atmosphere.

Alastor rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, he’d always get a bit stiff after sitting at his station for too long. Technically he could broadcast from anywhere, the microphone attached to his cane made sure of that. But the station’s powerful antenna guaranteed that nothing would interrupt his signal. Plus, it made him nostalgic for his radio days back in the living world. Sitting in a booth for hours on end talking about the weather, interviewing people, or talking about whatever he fancied that day. There was a solace to it, because at the peak of his popularity he answered to nobody, and basically ran the whole thing by himself.

His eyes wandered to the clock above the door. It’s hands were tiny skeletal arms that had been charred black, with the index fingers pointed. The numbers were painted on with what was clearly blood, dripping down the eerie face. He found it at an ‘estate’ sale after another overlord was felled in an extermination a few years ago. Though he thought the aesthetic was a little ‘much’ he found it to surprisingly be the most reliable clock in all of hell. Most of the others would often get thrown off when some demon or other would do creepy sh*t and make all the hands spin.

Once Alastor had confirmed the time, he looked towards the phone attached to his desk. He truly had no idea that the thing worked until it rang for the first time nearly a month ago. In fact he wasn’t sure it actually did work, there’s no dial pad attached to it, as it was only meant to receive calls, so he’s not been able to test it on his own. He still could not believe that a living soul from Earth had made the call. When it rang he expected some kind of demon, that would have made sense. Part of him was still wondering if it was all some elaborate prank. After all, the ‘spell’ that put them in contact has not quite worked properly since that day.

There have always been communications between hell and the living world, after all that’s how many demons manage to drag souls down here that had otherwise been heaven bound. But such feats usually took immense amounts of power, even his own is sorely lacking. It was often high ranking hellborns who pulled off such tasks, or shared the ability with their minions to go do the work for them. And those methods usually required scrying pools or other old world methods, he had never heard of a human and demon being able to talk through a regular phone line. All of this adds up to this human having a rather impressive amount of power to be able to pull it off, even if she’s piggy backing off of his radio signals.

That girl should be calling any moment now. It was not a perfect ability, they had attempted to make the connection many times since that first call a month ago, but the signal didn't quite make it through. The phone would ring every evening, ten minutes after his broadcast ended, but he could barely hear her voice on the other end of the line. A few words would make it through, and from what Alastor gathered the human was able to hear him talking on the private frequency, but they had been unable to hold another proper conversation. Still, it seemed that she was more than happy to just sit and listen to him talk, with a few words occasionally coming through to express her enthusiasm. And of course, the radio demon does love to speak, and respected somebody who was willing to sit and listen to him, even if he didn’t really know what she thought of what he was saying.

At fifteen minutes past the appointed time he began drumming his fingers on the desk. She’d never been late before.

At thirty minutes past he thought about how normally he wouldn’t even think about waiting this long for anybody. Punctuality is incredibly important, a testament to how much a person regards another. He thought she respected him, it seemed he was wrong. But because he wanted to ‘befriend’ this mysteriously powerful human, the demon was willing to be a little bit patient.

At forty-five minutes past there was a knock on his station door.

Come in,” Alastor said, already suspecting who it was.

The door creaked open just a bit, and a nervous looking television-headed demon stood there, not wanting to intrude on his friend’s space. This pre-upgrade version of Vox was incredibly different from the one most demons know today, though he had his own devilish quirks that contributed to how he landed himself in hell as a sinner, he was at this time much more polite and soft spoken.

Vox cleared his throat and asked, “apparently there’s some squabbles going down in the doomsday district since their overlord died in the last extermination. I was going to head down there and offer protection to make soul deals.” He leant against the doorframe, more so his large television set head leant against it, “did you want to come down and strike some deals?”

Alastor looked at the clock again, then back at the phone. He wanted to, and yet he feared that if the human girl did try to call and he wasn’t there to pick up then she might give up making contact all together. Still, he can not sit around waiting forever, he’ll give her a bit longer, then be on his way.

I may join you in a bit Voxxy,” his smile was sincere as he addressed his friend, and he definitely noticed the way it made the edges of the other demon’s screen turn a bit pink, “I have some business here to finish up with, I’m unsure how long it will take, go on without me and I shall join you later.”

“Alright yeah, yeah that sounds good,” the mouth on Vox’s screen stretched into a smile, “Heads up, I’m going to be taking that new girl with me, Velvette? She’s got real potential and I think somebody just needs to show her the ropes when it comes to dealing with weaker souls.”

Alastor leant back in his chair, “Are you sure that is wise? You act as though you are training a protege, but I worry you may be training your future usurper.”

The other demon shook his head, “she seems sweet, I think it will all work out.” He paused, his eyes looking upwards as he recalled something and tried to put it into words, “she was hoping to start a fashion company down here, and you and I both know this city could use some better clothing without the hellborns practically extorting us for cash. I was thinking I could air a fashion show when she gets it up and running, maybe introduce her to Valentino so she could dress some of the actors for his films,” he paused again, then nervously asked, “would you be willing to advertise her on your show?”

Alastor’s skin crawled, almost burned, at the very mention of the moth’s name. The ‘films’ he makes were definitely not of his tastes, but he held no qualms against the other overlord for making them. It was how he’d seen him treat his… ‘employees’ that caused him to be revulsed. Although it is not uncommon for demons to mistreat and abuse the souls which they own, there was something extra slimy about Valentino’s behavior that made him wish Vox would stay away from the little bug. But his friend constantly brushed off Alastor’s concerns, claiming that’s just how people in his industry are, and if he wasn’t a little bit of an asshole about it then he wouldn’t be down here in hell.

I will think on it, see if I can fit it into my advertising slots. Just… do be careful, my friend,” the radio demon hid his hands under his desk while one scratched at the skin between his glove and his sleeve, one of his more destructive habits of soothing his anxieties that have been mostly broken by the present day. “I admire your desire to help a young woman in need, but this is hell Voxxy, we are all down here for a reason.”

Vox opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the phone on Alastor’s desk suddenly ringing, “....is that the business you were talking about?” He glanced at the device, having also not known that it worked, but did not press the matter.

Indeed,” Alastor reaches for the receiver, but hovers his hand above it, “do you mind? It is private business…”

Vox takes a step back and puts his hand on the doorknob, “yeah yeah, see you later then, enjoy… whatever it is you are doing.” In a few years time he will become the kind of demon who would joyfully tap the line and eavesdrop on this conversation, but for the time being he respected his dear friend’s privacy. He shut the door, leaving the other alone in his radio station.

After he heard Vox’s footsteps walk away from the door, Alastor picked up the phone with one hand, while the other twisted a dial near his microphone and pressed the on button. As he did this he noticed that the ringing sounded different, which is odd. He could not imagine how one would make a landline phone sound different, though it didn’t surprise him too much considering it was some strange magic that was making it work in the first place.

Hello there dear,” Alastor’s voice was calm despite his frustration over her being late, “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to call me, I thought you may have stood me up.”

There was a pause, he could hear a small humming noise, like a fan in the room on the other end of the line. What he didn’t expect to hear next was the sniffle, the half cry of the girl’s voice as she tried to speak. It was only for a brief moment, before everything was muffled, presumably by her putting her hand over the receiver. The overlord sat there in silence for a moment, an eyebrow raised, unsure how to deal with this.

“I apologize,” her voice finally came in clearly through the phone, there was still a bit of a waver in her voice, “I had a lot going on today and it ate into my time more than I was expecting it to. I will do my best to prevent it from happening again.” Every word sounded deliberate, but not forced, as though she was kicking over into some kind of public speaking mode where she chose each phrase that came out of her mouth carefully.

Alastor hesitated. It was the first time in a month that he’d properly heard her voice, and despite the crying, it still had an interesting effect on him. Her voice was like southern tea… sweet but smooth, a little cold but in a way that makes it refreshing, exactly what you need after a long hot day. And all the days in hell were long and hot.

A “What happened?” tumbled out of his mouth without his consent.

It took a moment for her to answer, presumably she was formatting the words in her head first to maintain her professionalism, “it is nothing I should bother you with. Just some silly human world things.” It was far different from how she spoke on their first phone call, although she did attempt to speak clearly and with a professional tone, she had also been so giddy and full of excitement that she sounded like a teenager talking to their favorite celebrity. “But I am so glad that you are able to hear me, it seems the spell is working again. I wonder if I need to be feeling strong emotions in order to make it work properly. I was very excited the first time, but also frustrated because it had failed so many times before then.”

Perhaps, but do try to not make yourself cry just so that you can get our little phone calls to work,” He drummed his fingers on his desk, staring out the window to look over the cityscape, eyes following demons on the street below, “we can’t be very productive if you are upset… He also had no interest in listening to a woman cry, he hated the empathetic sensation it drew out of him. “Now, can you still only hear me through the radio?”

The sound of her taking a deep breath could be heard through the phone, “Yes, and I believe I figured out why.”

Oh?” Alastor was rather interested in how this whole thing worked, after all it shouldn’t have been possible for this to even be happening.

“The spell isn’t really connecting a phone call. I mean, it’s using the concept of a phone call to help guide it, like a coloring book, if I cast the spell without the phone then my voice would get scattered across the veil that separates the living world and hell like a kid just scribbling with a crayon.” Her metaphors were always rather inventive, it made it easier for her to explain things to people. Since she was always learning things and wanted to talk about her random bits of knowledge it was often easier to share that information with others through comparisons and analogies. “But the phone concept is like the lines in a coloring book, when a kid colors within the lines you can tell what the art is supposed to be. The phone directs my voice down where I want it to go, to you, because my spell is staying within the lines.” That professional tone was beginning to slip, but the hint of crying was vanishing as well, as her voice got more and more excited explaining the whole idea. “So, I’m not really making a phone call, I’m just projecting my voice down to you. But I am unable to project your voice up to me, so I have to rely on my natural ability to tune radios to signals from down there to hear what you are saying.”

Alastor found himself nodding along as she was talking, as though she was right in front of him and he needed to convey that he understood what she was talking about. It was actually rather fascinating, although the metaphor she used was childish, it did help him to gain some understanding of what was going on. What impressed him was that it seemed that she was not opening some kind of passageway between realms to allow communication, but rather putting so much force behind her voice that it allowed her to puncture the veil itself, and was coming to his desk phone like a guided missile. Which would explain how she got the non-functional device to work. But the part about the radio stood out to him, she had mentioned it in passing before, but he had not had the time to get more details, as she was very focused on getting the interview done for her little research paper.

Have you always been able to receive radio signals from my realm?” Alastor asked, glancing upwards to the large antenna atop his tower. Although his own base powers allowed him to control radio signals rather easily, he had put a lot of time and energy into making this tower as powerful as possible, to amplify his abilities. It had been his dream to broadcast on earth again, maybe even pierce heaven with his signals. But he had set that dream aside when he learned how vicious the angels are, and he had not wanted to paint a target on his back during exterminations.

“For as long as I can remember, yes, and a few television signals as well,” the girl responded, “But only on devices I’ve worked on. I do not know what it is that I do that allows it to happen, but I first learned of the skill when I fixed up an old CRT TV set I found in an attic. I repaired it exactly as the manuals and videos on the internet said to do it, but when I turned it on I found that if I stopped the channel dial between numbers then I would get a hell signal. The same went for radios, which were actually a bit easier because when you tune them you can get the dial between signals pretty easily.” There was another pause as she seemed to consider her next words carefully, “Which… works out in the end. The tv stations never have anything good on, that one news reporter… Killjoy? She can be fun to watch, but otherwise the TV is boring, so I’m glad it’s easier to tune into the radio because your broadcasts are far superior and vastly more entertaining than anything else coming from down there.”

Alastor knew that she was deliberately trying to stroke his ego. In fact the level to which she had cranked up the ‘oh my god you’re like the absolute coolest’ in her way of talking was somewhat egregious. He almost suspected her of bullsh*tting him to curry favor and yet… there was a depth of genuine sincerity to her voice. Plus he liked having his ego boosted, even if it might be bullsh*t.

Why are you so interested in talking to me Miss…. Gracie, was it?” He remembered her name, of course, it had been stuck in his mind since their first conversation, a soft and virtuous style of name, making her fascination with hell almost ironic. But he needed to pretend that he was not as fascinated with her as he was, to avoid showing his hand.

“It’s Gra… yeah, Gracie is fine…” the blush to her cheeks was almost audible through the phone. He made a mental note of the way the phone went muffled as she covered the receiver again, but he could still hear a suppressed girlish giggle on the other side. After a moment her voice came through clearly again, he was somewhat relieved that she didn’t seem to be crying anymore, almost proud of himself for being the reason her tears have stopped, “It’s hard to explain. I guess I’ve just always been mesmerized by hell because I was able to listen to and watch the signals coming from down there, even the sh*tty ones are cool to watch because… well it is coming from a whole other world you know? But you always interested me the most because you…” He could practically hear her thinking as she tried to put everything together into understandable words, “You seemed… the most like a real person.”

That certainly wasn’t what he was expecting to hear. The radio demon had had some suspicions about why she wanted to talk to a demon at all. If she has this connection to hell then she must have been a strange child growing up, likely struggled to befriend humans and was often avoided. He suspected that she was making these calls because now as a young adult she seeks comfort in the only kind of being who may respect her strangeness, a demon. So to hear her say that she thinks he’s the most like a real person… well what would be the point of making contact with demons if he is the one she has chosen. Yet he did not know how to even begin to politley ask what the f*ck she even meant by all that.

But before he could find the words, she snapped him out of his thoughts with a question, “am I being a bother? I’m sure you have better things to do than sit around and entertain some human, especially when this spell has only worked twice out of however many times we have tried it.”

Nonsense,” the overlord said quickly. Of course it was annoying that he had lost a chunk of his day every day for the past month waiting to see if she would get the damn spell to work. But it was not as though he disliked the little bit of conversation that they did manage to have. “Honestly, Gracie, it is rather nice being able to talk to somebody other than a demon.” Which was the truth, but not the whole truth. He will put up with many things for the promise of enough power to make it worth it. And if this girl is as strong as he suspects she is, then it’s a good thing he has all the time in the world as an immortal sinner, because he can waste as much of it as he needs to in order to win her trust and get closer to figuring out how to steal her power for himself.

“You know… I wasn’t lying when I told you I can’t sell you my soul…” she said softly, “it already belongs to another demon so… if you’re trying to get me to like you… trust you so that I’ll be willing make a deal with you and you can get my soul then… you’re out of luck.”

Alastor didn’t immediately respond, rather he let her sweet voice and its words roll around in his brain for a little bit. It’s not that he didn’t believe her about the ownership of her soul, but rather that he intended to figure out a way to work around it. There were several plans brewing at the back of his mind, he wanted that power for himself, needed it. But he was a bit surprised that she was so easily seeing through his ruse, even if she was only getting the information that was just below the surface. It proved she was not a fool, not just some lonely girl who would easily be tricked because she was so desperate for companionship.

I do mean it, that it is nice to talk to a human. Down here the sinners lack… decorum, and conversation with them tends to be shallow,” he started out, trying to lull her into a sense of ease, “like just now, you are clearly intelligent enough to know not to trust my motivations, and I respect you for that…” He cleared his throat, surprised that such a genuine tone came out and disabled his radio filter. The overlord supposed that what he said was true to an extent. He really did respect that she seems capable of thinking things through, that she is trying her best to avoid being manipulated. But he had many more decades of experience than she did, and so in the end his plans will be the ones to prevail.

It’s a thought that is ironic in retrospect. Almost funny that he was so naive. Because in the end it was her clear eyes piercing through all of his machinations that caused him to fall so deeply in love with her. One of the reasons anyways.

As the memory momentarily fades, Alastor looks down at his sleeping wife. She clutches his arm even tighter, her face screwed up as she deals with a nightmare he can not save her from. He finally moves to sit on the edge of the bed, despite how badly he wants to refuse to rest in any way. Grace needs him, that’s what is important right now. So the overlord leans back against the pillows, and pulls her into his arms, allowing her body to rest atop his.

After a moment he feels her frail body finally relax, and her breathing becomes deep as she finds some level of comfort in the sleeping world.

Alastor bends to kiss the top of her head, lips resting in her soft curls for a moment before he says, “I will… always protect you, no matter what. My darling Gracie…” His tone is even and true, words pulled from the depths of his dead heart. Words he once thought he would never say, not with this much truth behind them anyways. “I love you, my dearest, I love you more than anything… I swear it… so please hold on… you and the baby hold on… I will make all of this right… I swear…”

Chapter 45

Chapter by KAL (JadeElite)


I should probably put this here to make sure it gets noticed by people who need to notice it but like TW for a bit of self harm in this chapter?


I'm really glad I ended up splitting that flashback into 2 chapters because the second half of the conversation ended up having a very different energy than the first. Also we get to see Grace and Al's first ever... it's not really an argument but it's definitely a negative conversation, and I want to bring it up cause I don't know if everybody else will perceive certain things said the way that I wrote the characters perceiving those things. What it comes down to is I struggle with writing dialogue partially cause I didn't have a lot of socialization growing up and partially cause I might be a bit autistic. Reason I'm trying to defend myself here is basically what is important is how the characters react to what was said, not what was actually said, if that makes sense? So like if Character A says something, and Character B is like 'that upset me but also they weren't being disrespectful.' but the way you read what character A said you're like 'damn that was really f*cking rude and mean and super disrespectful' that's going to come down to a flaw in my writing skills that I need to work on, and just for the sake of making sure the story comes across how I'm meaning to I just wanted to add that clarification of the important part is Character B's perception of what Character A said.
Sorry, maybe I did it fine, I just get super self conscious about my dialogue parts and I want to make sure things are clear for the audience
Love you all and hope you enjoy.

Chapter Text

Alastor holds his beautiful, sleeping wife all through the night. He never lies down, but simply reclines against the pillows while her head rests upon his chest. As the night goes on his shadowy tendrils around the hotel recede, he can not keep up that level of surveillance forever. But despite how drained he is, the overlord never lets his guard down, keeping his eyes and ears constantly open for any potential threat.

Before his dark tentacles pull back, the radio demon senses a few things throughout the hotel. Though he can not directly see or hear things, he can still get a general picture of what is going on wherever he has stretched out his powers to, based on the energies and vibrations. For example, early in the night he can feel that the girls are all gathered in the lobby with the egg boys, he presumes it is Niffty showing Charlie and Vaggie her new play, but he can not tell what the little show is about

The signals from Angeldust’s phone as he makes a call are a different story, he wouldn’t bother to eavesdrop usually, but with a cell signal he can generally overhear the conversation. If he wasn’t so paranoid that any of them were about to turn on him then he wouldn’t care who the other demon calls. But the spider is close with Alastor’s enemies, it would only take one phone call to ruin all of this. Luckily it seems the p*rnstar is not calling Valentino to snitch on them to the Vees, apparently he’s placing an order for custom guns, which is still concerning, but can be dealt with later.

Alastor also mentally follows Sir Pentious to his airship upon his return to the hotel. He can feel that the snake has some kind of tech on him, but it’s unclear what exactly. There’s no Vox tech signals coming off of it, nor does it have any explosive signatures. It doesn’t seem to be a high powered device at all, but is definitely very advanced in its technology. Before his shadows pull back he feels the engineer go to work on it at the workbench in his lab, so whatever it is it’s unfinished. He will definitely have to stay on guard if Pentious comes anywhere near the room, knowing him it’s most likely some kind of weapon.

He could go to the airship, confront him. Slip into the dark and apparate into his space, confiscate whatever it is the demon is working on. But Grace is so comfortable in his arms. She would surely awaken if he left her side, and then she would be alone and terrified. He can not do that to her. But he expended too much energy on having his shadow imps fixing the structural issues in her room today, so he is unable to send one of them off to do his bidding. All he can do is sit in this room and hope that Pentious isn’t planning to blow them all the smithereens.

Grace was right, he shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep.

Like this one for instance; he carefully curls his fingers around her right hand and turns it over, looking at the spiral, slightly purplish scar on the palm of her hand. When Alastor married her he had promised he would free her soul. Swore that he would finally track down the demon holding her contract, and make sure it breaks. Four years have passed since he made that oath and he is still no closer than he was when he first started looking around soon after they met. It is as though this particular demon just… vanished.

And the fact that she doesn’t even remember the details certainly does not help.

Still 9 years ago

There was a lull in their phone conversation as Alastor spent a brief moment thinking about the fate of this human’s soul. He needed more information if he was to figure out how to obtain it for himself, “May I ask the details of your deal? You claim that you sold your soul when you were a young child, is that true?” He tried to think of what demons would be vile enough to strike a deal with a child, there are a few who go after teens, even preteens, but usually those below the age of ten are considered ‘off limits.’ Unless they are sacrificed that is, but those are usually newborns, and technically a whole different situation than deal making. To corrupt a soul so young usually draws attention from heaven, so it is quite the risk, one most demons aren’t willing to take.

“Yes, I was about six years old.” Grace replied calmly. She sounded as though she had prepared herself for this line of questioning.

With whom did you make your deal? Very few demons would be willing to strike a deal with somebody so young, there are at least some standards amongst deal makers and it’s generally frowned upon to take the soul of a child,” In the back of Alastor’s mind he considered that Vox’s new buddy, that horrific moth Valentino, might be capable of something so awful. That he might want a child’s soul to make films that appeal to a certain brand of degenerates. But if that was the case then why allow Grace to live to adulthood? And anyways, making contracts with living souls requires a level of power that even that jackass lacks.

“I honestly don’t know,” Grace answered quickly, “everything was so chaotic and crazy at the time, on top of me being so young that I can hardly remember anything around that period. I don’t recall them even giving me their name, and only a little bit of what they looked like.”

I see, well… what do you remember in regards to what happened? I doubt a six year old knew how to summon any kind of demon, even with your powers,” one of his fingers began twirling the cord that connected the phone to his desk, a fidget to make it easier to listen to somebody else talk.

“Well, my powers come from my deal, so I wouldn’t have been able to summon anybody back then even if I knew how,” the girl said, no hint of a lie in her voice.

But Alastor could tell that her abilities were natural born, he could feel the resonance through the spell. She was incredibly powerful, and seemed to have no idea, most likely whoever this demon was had claimed the bulk of her strength for themself. Which could explain why she seemed to think the power was not her own. That could work out for him, if she had no idea what she’s capable of, then she wouldn’t miss it when he takes it over himself.

Grace continued, “there was some kind of accident when I was a child. I… I don’t remember much of it, the psychologist I had to see said I probably repressed the memories because of the trauma.” The deep, shuddering breath she took was audible through the phone, “most of my family was lost in it… my dad, my grandparents, a whole bunch of cousins, people I don’t even really remember. It was some kind of house fire… I think anyway. The only thing I remember is fire… a raging inferno, and there was so much screaming…” Her voice was trembling, the overlord thought to offer to let her stop there, but he needed to know more. “I was surrounded by flames and then a… being came to me. Whenever I told people about it they said that I was just remembering the fireman who pulled me out but… it wasn’t… I know it wasn’t because I got out of the house before the fire trucks came…” She paused, taking a few more deep breaths, “the being it… offered to save me, but said I would owe it my life. I was just a little kid, I was scared, I didn’t want to die so I said yes. It wasn’t until later that I realized I had sold my soul… and gotten these powers as a consolation gift. I’ve not heard from them since then, I don’t know what they wanted with my soul and… I guess they don’t have any plans for me until after my death or something…”

Sometimes when a demon strikes a deal with a living person, they may take years, decades even to come back and enforce the contract,” Alastor had not been able to make deals with the living so far, but he was well versed in its nuances. “A being whose soul is owned by another is compelled to do as their master commands. Yes, they may not seek you out until you are dead and down here, but if they have need of you to perform a task on earth, they will seek you out again.”

“That’s what I’ve been afraid of…” Grace chuckled sadly.

Why do you think that it was the demon who granted you your abilities?” Alastor asked, curious as to how she would have failed to realize the power comes from within her.

“The hand that I shook with has this… spiral scar on the palm now,” was the human’s answer, “it glows and hurts whenever I cast a spell or use these powers in some way. I assume it is some kind of sigil.”

The radio demon suspected it may actually be a scar, the point in which the other demon pulled the source of her talents from her, ripping her hand apart in the process. Likely it would ache because when she’d use her abilities, she is clawing back some of the energy from her owner, and it’s opening up the old wound in the process.

You said you barely remember what the demon looked like. But are there any details about them that you do recall?” Alastor asked as he looked out the tower window, his gaze drifting to the fields beyond the city.

“Why are you so interested in all this?” The girl asked, her voice going a little cold. The overlord detected the shift, but was unsure what caused it. He's showing interest in her past, and listening to her, don’t women like that? Maybe he pushed too far, it sounded as though the fire was traumatic, perhaps he shouldn’t have pushed her to bring up those memories..

Well, I thought that since I am down here in hell, I may be able to locate the one you made the contract with,” he replied, which was the truth. He did intend to seek out this other demon.

“Ah, so that you can somehow take on the contract yourself, right?” Grace’s voice was still rather frosty. “Take ownership of my soul for yourself? And take their power while you’re at it?”

More like take her power while he’s at it, but it’s going to be easier on him if he allows her to believe in this fantasy that she was born an ordinary girl. But it did not surprise Alastor that she was suspicious of him, in fact given how this conversation had gone so far it makes sense that she would be.

Still, he lied, underestimating this perceptiveness of hers, “Nonsense, I am a firm believer that a soul should have a fully formed frontal cortex before engaging in a deal like that. I find it unfair that they practically coerced you into a contract when you were a child. Made you make a deal you could not fully comprehend when they clearly had the power to save you without an agreement in place. I only wish to…”


Alastor faltered, the world around him buzzed, went static, “excuse me?” He half snarled into the phone, barely keeping his composure as the reality around him buzzed and warped.

Despite the intensity of his voice, her’s was still cold, tense, and calm, she sounded far older than the nineteen years of age she was at that time, “Alastor, I like you. You are polite, well spoken, and fascinating. But I don’t like talking to people who treat me like I am dumb. I will put an end to these calls if you continue to assume I am some silly human girl who doesn’t know what she’s getting into.”

That was not my…” He gritted his teeth as the girl’s voice cut him off again.

“I have listened to your shows for years.” Grace spoke without stopping, with confidence, and a cold fury of somebody who has been looked down on her entire life. “ I know what kind of demon you are. You earned your way into hell by being a serial killer, but secured your place with your manipulations. You made deals with smaller demons in order to gain ownership of their souls in exchange for far less than what that is worth. And those that would not hand them over willingingly you took by force, ripped out their screams, and added them to your broadcast. I know that you are not a good person, you are not out to help me.” Her words were quick, sharp. There was no room for Alastor to interrupt, yet she was not speaking so fast that it came off as rambling or incoherent. “You say it’s unfair that a demon made a deal with me that I could not understand, but your whole scheme is making others agree to things without fully knowing the consequences. Don’t get me wrong, I still wish to speak with you despite how awful of a person you are. If you will have me. I will even humor your attempts to get my soul. But do not for one moment think I am so dumb that I will believe that a person like you gives a flying f*ck about me, that you’re being altruistic.” Her tone was still even, never faltering once throughout her little monologue. There was a reason she always got top marks in any speech or debate related class at university. “Maybe you’ll find that demon and get my contract. Maybe I’ll concede and let you have my soul if said demon rips it up instead. But I will not be treated like I’m some stupid bitch who thinks a demon, one I just met no less, has any intention other than to try and take something important from me.”

Alastor hardly heard the ending of her little lecture over the sound of his own radio static. Despite him still having his ever present smile, his brows were furrowed so deeply that it was clear he was scowling. The fearsome radio demon, one of the most feared overlords in hell, could hardly believe that anybody would have the audacity to speak to him that way. His eyes were ticking radio dials, his antlers were scraping the ceiling, and the phone was nearly crushed to pieces in his claw-like hand. Thin tendrils of shadow poked into the holes in the phone’s speaker, seeking out the insolent voice that is speaking to him so…

He stopped, shuddering, taking a deep breath. The demon knew that it was his own pride getting in the way here. Everything she spoke was the truth. Grace had not raised her voice throughout the whole thing. She was not seeking to belittle or disrespect him. If anything it was the most respectful dressing down he’s been given since Rosie lectured him after he accidently destroyed her garden in a fight with another overlord. In the back of his mind he considered that if he had watched the woman give this big speech to anybody else then he’d be impressed by how well spoken and polite she was throughout the whole thing.

Alastor looked between the phone in his hand and the microphone on his desk, trying to decide how to proceed. Was he willing to put up with behavior like this going forward? Could he handle her calling him out on his bullsh*t, or would it be too much for his ego to take?

Of course he could, for the amount of power he is trying to get his demonic little claws on right now he could put up with quite a bit, “do you presume yourself to be smarter than me?” He hissed into the microphone. Wait, that's not what he… well it’s what he wanted to say but it’s not what he was supposed to say. But he was still so angry, he’s not used to being unable to punish somebody for making him upset. The overlord found his free hand scratching at his wrist again, clawing into the skin to try and soothe himself in some way.

Grace’s answer came quickly, and with the same calm coldness as before, “never. You are a psychopathic serial killer who avoided getting even a lick of suspicion thrown at you for the entire duration of your twelve year murder spree, despite having a very public persona. You have existed for at least a hundred years more than I have, and in your time down there you’ve managed to wrap the majority of hell around your finger without starting an all out war. I’m nowhere near as smart as you are, and could never hope to be.” She took a deep breath, “But I. Am. Not. Stupid. So if you’re going to try to manipulate me… at least give me the damn respect of trying a little harder than pretending you ‘really want to help me get my soul back’ kind of schtick.”

Alastor took a deep breath as well, while his claws dug deeper into the skin, “very well then. Now, I have some things to take care of this evening, will you be calling again tomorrow?” He needed to get off the phone before he lost his cool again, needed to blow off some steam before he blew a gasket.

“Exams are this week, I need to study and sleep,” she replied, her voice softer again, “I’ll call again in about six days.”

Perfect, would give him plenty of time to figure out how to deal with her going forward, “good. Talk to you then.” Ending phone calls was never his strong suit, and for obvious reasons he wasn’t very concerned about a polite goodbye. He clicked the slightly crushed phone back into place on the desk before she could respond, and shut off the radio broadcast.

The radio demon stood from his chair and walked over to one of the windows so that he could properly look down at the city. The little ants crawled around the streets, unaware of how easily they could be crushed. The lights of neon signs flickered like lighting bugs in the night.

His mind spun.

However was he going to deal with this woman?

He dealt with her by marrying her, apparently. The wedding ring on her left hand contrasts the scar from her deal on her right, but shows how the girl belongs to two different demons in two different ways. Alastor had forgotten that the first conversation about her soul deal had led to their first… well it wasn’t really an argument, but it definitely wasn’t a pleasant conversation.

In fact, now that he thinks about it, almost any time he brought up her contract over the first few years it resulted in some kind of fight. Always at different levels of heat, and for different reasons. Was hardly ever about the deal itself. One time he asked her if she knew where the house that the accident happened in was at, and by the end they were screaming at each other over the socio-political climate of Russia during the cold war. That was a weird one, he still thinks Stalin was an admirable man, and regrets not getting to meet him in hell before the exterminators got him.

Alastor gently runs one of his thumbs around the spiral of her scar, while the other plays with her ring. The whole memory of the deal always seems to put her in a bad mood, and it’s not as though he could blame her. She still has nightmares about the fire after all. He just wishes he knew more, because now… he really does want to help her get her soul back.

He sighs, and leans his head back against the headboard. He has to do it. When things calm down the demon is going to have to ask Charlie for help tracking down the owner of Grace’s soul. They have to find him before the baby is born… because he has a sinking feeling that if his wife’s soul is not her own by the time their child comes into this world… that their little family will never see the happily ever after that he wants so badly to create for them.

Chapter 46

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


My brain is a little too fried for my usual notes today; the uncle with cancer passed away, i'm okay but there's just so many things happening in my life all at once that it's scrambling my brain. I also really need to clean the house and it's stressing me out because things are dirty and I am tired and just want to play video games but my sister's cat keeps throwing up and pissing on things every time she leaves for a weekend and the kitchen sink is dirty and I'm not okay, i'm not, because I know this stress is affecting the quality of my writing but also if I stop writing and take a break then I'll just feel worse cause it's the only thing that makes me feel good so if I stop I will feel worse and I'm sorry I"m rambling I just really don't want to go to bed cause when I wake up it will be daylight and I will have to see all the things that are making me freak out. I hope the chapter is okay I'm sorry if it isn't thank you for putting up with my inconsistent writing quality and upload schedual.

Chapter Text

Alastor blinks, and suddenly the light of morning is streaming through the window. His body stiffens and he starts to sit up quickly, only barely himself from knocking his wife off of him. Had he fallen asleep? Or had he been so distracted keeping tabs on the hotel that he didn’t realize how much time was passing? Either is possible, but he feels too refreshed to… somebody’s in the room!

The demon looks around quickly, holding Grace closer to his body. He can feel her chest rise and fall with her breathing, and her weak pulse where one of his bare hands is holding her by the wrist.

“Oh, hey you're awake, so I…” Charlie’s voice comes from somewhere near the window. She is cut off as one of his shadow tentacles instinctively lashes out and pins her to the wall by her throat.

Alastor’s arms wrap tightly, protectively around Grace. He fights the growl forming in his throat as he gets his bearings and tries to figure out who has intruded on ‘his’ space. He was right, he shouldn’t let his guard down, it’s never going to be safe, the moment he relaxed something snuck by him. He failed again.

“Al, Al, Al it’s me…” the princess chokes out, clawing at the darkness but to no avail.

The radio demon’s gaze is nearly boring holes through Charlie’s skull as he glares at her. After a moment he releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and lowers her to the floor. Luckily Grace appears to be so deep in sleep that she’s not awoken despite the bit of chaos that just occurred, though it may be more so that her poor body is so exhausted that now that she’s finally sleeping she can not wake up.

Alastor moves quickly, but carefully, laying the human on the bed and tucking her in, then approaching the other girl so that he can speak softly, “I apologize Charlie, instincts, you know…” He’s not sorry, but he needs to begin working his way back into a sense of trust with her.

“No it’s fine… it’s fine…” She rubs her throat, still struggling to catch her breath. “I shouldn’t have snuck in…” There are dark circles under her eyes, it appears as though she has slept even less than the overlord did. As she speaks there is a softness to her voice, but not because she is trying to avoid waking the sleeping human, but rather Charlie seems too tired to put her usual energy behind her words.

Alastor notes the exhaustion, but doesn’t bother to call it out, he is also still incredibly weary, so he has no energy for sympathy, especially for her, “why did you sneak in then? Surely even you understand the kind of boundary that crosses. I know it’s your room and all but that doesn’t mean you can come watch us sleep.”

“I wasn’t watching you sleep, I swear!” She laughs nervously, a little terrified, “I knocked but there was no answer. I thought it was weird and wanted to make sure you guys were okay in case maybe you stepped out and she was alone and something happened…”

It was not weird, clearly we were sleeping… It is quite early after all,” the radio demon’s tone is almost flat, he hates admitting that he had fallen asleep when he wasn’t meant to, but is also rather irritated that Charlie used that as a reason to just come in without permission.

“No, right I just… I didn’t think you’d be asleep… after everything that happened and well… honestly I didn’t know that you slept at all you always seemed like the kind of person who just… doesn’t…” The princess is rambling again but at least her voice is quiet so it’s not too much of a disturbance.

I usually don’t…” It’s only a little bit of a lie. Alastor rarely slept before meeting Grace, only when he had pushed himself beyond his limits. But sleep has become a regular habit of his since they’ve been married, as he finds the ritual of waking up beside his wife to be one that brings him great comfort. Obviously this has caused an issue for the overlord, now that his demonic body is accustomed to the concept of sleep it is harder for him to fight it. “But I obviously had a very long day yesterday. I have been working very hard for weeks to keep your hotel running while caring for my Gracie. So I do not expect to be faulted for needing an hour or so of resting my eyes after having to clean up the mess you and your people made yesterday.”

“No, yeah, of course, I totally get that, I’m sorry you've had to push yourself so hard because of me, I didn’t mean to imply anything negative I swear,” she takes a deep breath to try and compose herself.

Why then, when you determined that we were only resting, did you decide to stay and watch?” Alastor raises a brow while the corner of his lip twitches.

“I wasn’t watching, I swear, I was just sitting at the window,” she clears her throat and gestures to the nook at the bay window where the pillows are rearranged because she was trying to sit comfortably, “I’ve got something that is going to be delivered and it would have been faster to just have it portaled straight into the room, so I was waiting on it. That’s all I swear.”

Alastor sighs and shakes his head, it’s still utter nonsense, and he wishes he could get the princess to understand the concept of boundaries. Especially now that she is going to be around Grace and he doesn’t want her causing his wife any more stress than necessary. But now is not the time for that.

Shouldn’t the food delivery be going to the kitchen, so that it can be put straight into the fridge and pantry?” he asks.

“Actually the food is still going to be a little while,” Charlie glances over at the bed for a moment, she can see one of Grace’s thin arms resting above the covers. She cringes slightly at the sight of it, not knowing that the girl had already been thin and frail for a while due to her fights with cancer, and so assumes that this severe loss of body mass is entirely recent and purely a result of the demonic pregnancy. “It’s taking longer than I thought it would to get up here, something about customs. Certain food products can’t go to certain rings because of weird laws and stuff about seeds. I didn’t fully understand all the reasons, it’s a whole bunch of bureaucratic nonsense that I was way too tired to make sense of. But basically they can’t portal it to the hotel, it has to be shipped by truck, and while I have everything expedited it’s still going to take a bit but it should be here by the end of the day… if nobody in the city attacks the truck on the way here…”

I can have some associates of mine keep an eye on the truck once it reaches our ring,” Alastor is already mentally composing a note to send to Rosie to ask for her cannibals to take on the task. They would have no interest in eating the contents of the delivery, but would certainly be happy to consume anybody who tries to keep it from reaching its destination. “But can you not override the customs rules since you are the princess?” He notices the way Charlie is looking at the woman on the bed, and protectively steps between them. Even if she’s sleeping he’s sure Grace wouldn’t want people staring at her.

For a moment he looks back at her. She has shifted from the position he left her in, is laying on her side with one hand under her face and the other outstretched on the bed. Some of her brown locks of hair are plastered to her slightly sweaty forehead, but otherwise she looks comfortable. His shoulders relax a bit as he takes in her serene face.

“I mean it would be simple to do that if it was going to the palace, nobody would question it then,” Charlie looks away, Alastor breaking the line of sight made her realize that it is a bit creepy to be staring at the other girl while she sleeps. “But for it to come straight here it would draw attention if I overrode customs. People might ask why I’m so in a rush that I’d be willing to use my authority to push aside the rules. And I mean I figured you don’t want too much attention on this place, right?” She thinks it sucks though, she’s supposed to be recruiting more sinners for the hotel, but it looks as though until this is sorted out that she’s going to have to take her project off the radar.

Understandable. Luckily there is a bit of food left that is safe for her to eat. Assuming the medications keep her from becoming ill again it should be enough to get her through the day…” Alastor replies, almost shuddering as he thinks about her excessive vomiting the past few weeks. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do if she doesn’t get better, doesn’t get stronger. “What are you waiting for to be delivered then?”

“Some special medical equipment from the gluttony ring,” she takes out her phone and checks a notification, then frowns and puts it away when seeing it’s not what she was hoping it would be.

Gluttony?” The demon questions, “I can’t imagine there’s much demon medicine that could be good for a human to use. Especially from the ring of over-consumption.”

“It’s not medicine,” she begins to bounce a bit excitedly, “Animal-like demons such as hellhounds have the highest reproduction rates. And because those kinds of hellborn are from gluttony, it has the best pre- and post- natal type medical stuff in all of hell.” It’s a good thing that the afterlife has as much, if not more, information crammed into its internet as the living world does, otherwise Charlie may not have ever learned this information since she… doesn’t really leave pride or interact with the hellborns. Looking up stuff about pregnancy doctors online was the only way she was able to learn about this. Unfortunately for her she’s going to probably spend the next couple months getting a lot of ads online for baby shoes that she doesn’t need. “I got in touch with a hospital down there, had to bribe a couple of admins… which I don’t feel good about because bribery is bad… but it’s to make sure a baby is okay, so greater good and all that, but like it still makes me feel icky and…”

Charlie dear, you are rambling, and getting loud, please get to the point before you wake Gracie up,” Alastor interrupts suddenly. He likes where this is going, he just wishes she wouldn’t take so long to get there.

“Right, sorry,” Charlie takes a deep breath then says softly but definitely, “ultrasound machine.”

There is a silence as the overlord waits for her to elaborate, but she doesn’t so he has to ask, “a what machine?”

“An ultrasound machine,” she repeats. Apparently the girl has two modes, way too much information, and not nearly enough. “That was the point I was trying to get to, they’re going to let us… ‘borrow’ an ultrasound machine.”

But what is an ‘ultrasound’ machine?” The demon feels like the word is familiar. He tries to recall if it was something that was ever brought up during Grace’s cancer treatment, or when Brian would speak on his job as a nurse.

“Oh, right! They didn’t exist when you were alive.” Charlie clasps her hands together as she tries to figure out how to explain what one is. “It’s some kind of picture machine that lets you see inside a body. Apparently you can see babies and hear their heartbeats with it. I figured we could use one to check if the baby is okay. Then you wouldn’t have to be so stressed from not knowing! And we won’t have to all be stressed waiting to see if she miscarries or not.”

Although he knows he should feel relieved that there’s a possibility he may finally get to learn if his child is still alive inside his wife’s womb, the concept terrifies Alastor. He’s supposed to still have several months to prepare for seeing the baby. Right now it is still a concept, he’s not ready to actually see it.

Is it dangerous?” Is his first question, the important question. He can’t even begin to consider using such a device unless he’s absolutely certain it won’t cause more harm than good.

It’s n-t dangerous… Ch-rlie did you really get one?” A soft, weak voice pipes up from behind them. Alastor spins around to see his wife sitting up in bed, holding her phone in her lap, staring at them with wide, hopeful eyes.

He quickly approaches the side of the bed, “Gracie, my dear, I’m so sorry I didn’t, mean to wake you…”

You didn’t, I’ve been aw-ke since befo- you were,” as soon as he is close enough, the young woman reaches out and takes her husband’s hand in her own. “Sorry f-r eavesdropping…”

It’s alright dearest, but if you were awake then why didn’t you wake me up as well?” He hadn’t put his gloves back on yet, so his skin is bare and cold against hers. The overlord can’t believe he hadn’t noticed she was only pretending to sleep. Had he been so distracted that he failed to properly check her, or has she simply gotten really good at pretending? If so, why? He was just looking at her a minute ago, she looked so peaceful, was she really faking?

You’ve been exhaust-- darling. I wanted to m-ke sure you got your res- as well,” plus it had been nice just being held by him. So nice in fact that Grace didn’t even care when Charlie slipped in, since the princess didn’t seem to be paying attention to them anyways. “And I just w-nted a little bit more t-me with you, before the day g-ts crazy, you know?”

“Aaaaw, that’s so sweet!!” Charlie squeals on the other side of the room, watching them with sparkles in her eyes, “you two are so so so sweet!”

Alastor clears his throat, side eyeing her until she settles down, then returns his attention to Grace, quickly shifting topics,“so, you are familiar with these machines?”

Yeah, they’re s-per commonly used back home. Not for looking at babies, really it’s anyth-ng soft tissue,” she glances down at her phone to make sure the battery is going to last for the day. “I used to need it used on me to ch-ck the size of my tumor, see if it w-s shrinking or not.”

Charlie blinks slowly as she processes that word, ‘tumor.’

So, it’s safe?” Her husband asks, still nervous about the idea.

I mean th-re are some people wh- are very anti-modern medicine that would arg-e otherwise,” she says with a bit of an eye roll, “but y-s it is perfectly safe.” Grace is excited. Momentarily she has forgotten the reason they need the machine. That it is so they can check if her little fetus survived all the chaos she endured yesterday. For just a little bit she allows herself to be lost in the dreamworld of an idea that she will get to see her baby growing in her belly for the first time.

And although Alastor is terrified and woefully unprepared for such an experience, there is something of a sense of joy in him to see his beautiful wife glowing with happiness for the first time in a while.

Chapter 47

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


An ultrasound is a complicated machine, that takes a lot of training to use properly, I think technically there's a whole ass job description called 'ultrasound tech' like it's a big deal. And while yeah I'm not going to make the machine easy to use, I'm also only going to make it as difficult as necessary to serve the story. Anyways I hope ya'll enjoy this bit, see you in a few days.

Chapter Text

While they wait for the ultrasound machine to arrive, Grace works on trying to get some sustenance into her body. A can of ginger ale is not quite what she wants to drink first thing in the morning, but the apple juice they brought down has gone bad, and she needs something with a bit of sugar in it in case the anti-nausea meds don’t work. Luckily it has always been quite soothing on her stomach, which is why her house had been well stocked with the stuff before they left, allowing them to bring down three packs.

For a little while she sits on the bed, sipping on her soda while Alastor and Charlie discuss things by the window. She isn’t sure what they are talking about, not because they are speaking too quietly, but rather because her mind is swirling with a thousand thoughts that she is trying to get under control. Occasionally she hones in on words like ‘fruit’ and ‘meals,’ and figures they are talking about her nutrition plan, since not all food in hell will be safe for her to consume. It feels like a conversation she should be a part of, since she is the one who will be eating. But the princess’ hyper-energy is too much for her to deal with right now.

Grace watches her husband’s posture as a way to distract herself from the tightness in her chest, she doesn’t want to think anymore about something being wrong with her baby. She spent too much energy on that last night, so right now she just wants to pretend she can be excited about getting to see it on the ultrasound. The woman notes how Alastor’s body is rigid, standing straight, shoulders even, and little to none of the expressive body movement he usually has when he’s talking. He has both hands folded on the top of his cane and he seems to be leaning on it a bit while his fingers drum the microphone casing. She wants to hold him, find some way to relieve the stress that is evident in his body, but knows that she can not do anything that could make her husband appear weak in front of another demon.

By the time the machine arrives the meds seem to be working well enough that she is able to nibble on the contents of a bag of beef jerky without gagging. Both Grace and Alastor wish there was something more nutritious she could be eating, but the high protein should be enough to justify the lack of essential vitamins for the time being. She’s sitting cross legged on the bed, with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as some nervous looking demons push the machine through a portal. The hellborn clearly don’t want to stay any longer than necessary, and are so desperate to get out of here as quickly as possible that they don’t seem to care that there is a human watching them.

At one point KeeKee slinks up to the bed, and jumps into the girl’s lap, nuzzling her hand in an attempt to get her to share her dried meat snacks with her. Grace stares at the fuzzy little thing with wide eyes, the cat had snuck into her room before, so she had seen her, but had never come this close. Her mouth moves as if cooing at it, but her phone is unable to properly translate the noise so she does it silently. She strokes the demonic cat’s soft fur, and occasionally rips a small piece of dried meat up and KeeKee happily eats it from her hand.

Quickly the human becomes distracted petting the cat and sharing her jerky, and doesn’t notice the way the others are struggling to get this complicated machine set up. Razzle and Dazzle appear to help run the power supply wires all the way to the hotel’s generator, because a standard outlet doesn’t have enough output. Grace catches a glance of these strange creatures, but doesn’t look up from KeeKee in time to properly see the little lambs.

The whole time he’s helping get the machine positioned and set up, Alastor is watching his wife out of the corner of his eye, the genuine smile on her face as she enjoys the cat’s company brings a softness to his smile. But because he is distracted by this, he doesn’t notice in time that as soon as the screen lights up on this strange looking device, the hellborn demons hop back through the portal and it snaps shut behind them, before any kind of instruction can be given on how to use the damn thing.

“Wait! Don’t go we don’t..” Charlie calls out as the portal closes, rushing towards it, but it’s too late, they’re gone, “sh*t…”

Alastor stiffens and turns to face Charlie, “did they just… leave us with a complex piece of medical equipment we have no training on?”

Looks th-t way,” Grace’s voice comes through the phone even though she is chewing on some jerky. KeeKee purrs in her lap as she gnaws on the small bit that was given to her a moment ago. “I know I sh--ldn’t expect it but… are they not sending a doctor al-ng?

The princess fiddles her fingers together nervously, “Well… the doctors aren’t willing to come up here, they’re afraid of getting killed.” She gestures to where the portal was, “as you can see, most hellborn are rather scared of sinners.”

Grace somewhat recalls Alastor explaining to her that sinners are locked to the pride ring because they are a danger to the other denizens of hell. That due to the dead souls having regenerative powers to the point of basically being immortal, it’s a pretty unfair fight if they attack the other demons. So, given that the sinners are apparently the most violent and worst humanity has to offer, it’s a pretty fair assumption for hellborn to think they’d be in danger if they come up here.

Why would we kill the doctor who we want to help us?” Alastor asks through gritted teeth. All of his brain power is going towards worrying about his wife’s health, so he doesn’t have much left to think of the obvious answer to his question.

Charlie moves over to the screen of the machine and looks over the various buttons and dials that she assumes changes various settings, “Well, you know that hellborn avoid the pride ring unless they have combat skills, since it’s so hazardous.” She frowns, “I really tried to get one up here, I told them it was important and offered to pay them but… they had no interest.”

None of us have training on this ‘ultra-sound machine.” Alastor stands behind it, looking at all the wires connecting the various parts, including the massive power cord leading out the door. “What if we end up hurting her with it?”

It won’t h-rt me, the worst that could happen is we br-ak it,” the human woman glances at her husband, and motions for him to come near her, “what ab-ut those doctors you t-lked about, the ones in the m-dical district?”

The hellborn princess shudders, she’s been down there a few times, it’s one of the most unpleasant places in all of Pentagon City, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. Those sinners are an example of why the hellborn doctors won’t come here.”

She’s right, I’m not going to let any of those degenerates near you,” Alastor says, moving over to the bedside as his wife beckons him. “Since you seem familiar with these things do you think you’d be able to figure out how to use it?”

Grace’s phone makes a humming noise as she thinks about it, “...maybe? The actual process of using the w-nd perhaps.” Once the overlord is close enough to her she takes his hand, and presses a piece of beef jerky into it, “but I’m not sure I’d actually be able to read the results. Aside fr-m seeing the baby and hearing its heartbeat, which helps but… if th-re’s any kind of health issue I wouldn’t be able t- identify it.” When he tries to push the food back into her own hands, unwilling to take any from her when she is the one who needs it, she resists, and forces his fingers to curl around it. She doesn’t say anything, but her soft green eyes gaze at him with concern for his own wellbeing. “Although what I’m really worried about is getting all the settings right… it’s not like a TV wh-re I can just put it on the uterus channel, it’s an incredibly c-mplex machine. I’d need a manual to ev-n get started.” She knows there is nothing she can do to really help her darling Alastor’s physical health with his form being demonic, but as his wife she can not stand by and do nothing when he is trying to conceal stress and exhaustion. So, she is doing the only thing she is capable of doing to help, sharing her food with him.

Because she is too fixated on the strange machine, Charlie doesn’t notice the interaction between the couple, “I think they… yes here!” There’s a shelf below the screen, and on it she finds a thick book with several colored tabs sticking out of it, “they left us a manual, and marked the important sections for us.” She begins to flip through the pages, “I was thinking we could have Pentious take a look at it, since machines and medicine is more his area of expertise than ours.”

At first Alastor doesn’t say anything in response, he is still staring into Grace’s eyes, taken by how beautiful, soft, and kind they are. He can’t deny that he understands her silent gesture, appreciates it, but he can not let the way it touches him show in front of Charlie. So he simply nods at her as he accepts the precious food, even though he does not need it, and takes a bite. His sharp teeth rip through the dried meat easily, allowing him to eat the first bite fast enough that the princess doesn’t even notice.

Since she seems to understand the basics, you may be better off giving the manual to my dear Gracie,” the radio demon says, wandering over so he can peer over the girl’s shoulder and look at the pages, “she absorbs information like a… I’d say a sponge but honestly that doesn’t even come close to how quickly she can learn new things when given the right tools.”

Grace smiles softly at the compliment. Despite how sh*tty her poor body feels, there is a warmth and comfort that comes to her when she hears the way her husband praises her abilities.

But Charlie seems unconvinced, “are you sure? It’s a lot of information?”

It’s not exactly rocket science, it’s j-st a manual on which buttons to push. H-nestly I’d probably have a better chance at it than the… Pentious was his n-me?” It’s still early, her mind is fuzzy, especially with all the worries going on in the back of it, “since it’s not really a m-chanical thing I’m not sure he’d be able to assist, and as for m--ical well… unless he knows how to read an ultrasound I doubt he’d be much assistance th-re either.” She is watching Alastor the whole time, and notes that he pockets the rest of the jerky she gifted him. It makes her smile falter a bit, feeling like her gesture fell flat, but she doesn’t linger on it. “Best I can do is c-nfirm the heartbeat though… and get a picture of it up. We’d have a better sh-t of confirming if there are any d-velopmental issues if we had Brian, but that’s n-t going to happen so…” One of her hands wanders to her belly, gently touching the fabric of her shirt. KeeKee immediately nuzzles against it, seeking some more petting, and Grace switches to scratching her behind the ear so that she doesn’t overly-fixate on her womb and get worked up.

It seems that Charlie is about to ask who ‘Brian’ is, but Alastor does not want to divert attention from the important things by talking about the fact that there was another human who knew about him, and the whole history behind that, so he quickly says, “Could we send the ‘pictures’ to one of the doctors down in gluttony, and have them tell us if there are any issues to be concerned about?”

Grace nods, “I think th-t might be for the best, as long as I can confirm the b-by has a heartbeat still then I don’t mind w-iting a bit l-nger for any other information about it.”

Alastor is quiet, thinking, and he’s started to wander. He’s drifting towards the window so he can look out it and over the city.

There is a moment where Charlie looks a bit nervous, and as she brings the manual over to the bed she says softly, “I’m a bit… worried that might not be possible,” she sees the way the human’s eyes shift to panic, and she quickly says, “not because I think it’s died after what happened yesterday… but your baby’s father is a dead soul. We’re all worried about it dying inside you but… it might not have a heartbeat to detect because it may not have been… ‘alive’ to begin with.”

Immediately Grace’s chest tightens, and her mind whirls. Of course it had been something she had thought about before, but confronting it again is no picnic. What would that mean, if the baby is growing but has no heartbeat? It would be one thing if it comes out like a sinner, a dead soul demon, a terrible tragedy but at least it would still exist… but what kind of existence is that? Worst yet, her mind also goes to an absolutely horrific scenario, if her baby was never ‘alive’ to begin with, then what if it has no soul? What if nothing but a stillborn comes out of her, making all of this stress and agony for nothing? No baby, no family, just the trauma of a pointless pregnancy.

There is an instant regret in Charlie’s eyes as she sees the way the woman’s body language shifts, hears the way her breathing becomes ragged and panicked, “sh*t…sh*t sh*t sh*t I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”

I think you should leave Charlie…” The air in the room grows cold as Alastor suddenly appears behind the princess. But he quickly clears his throat and the buzzing of reality that was beginning to engulf them ceases before it becomes unbearable, “I think my wife requires some time to read through this manual. I’m sure your girlfriend and the hotel guests could use some moral support for the day. So why don’t you head out there and tend to them while we get this device figured out.”

“Yeah… yeah that’s a great idea,” Charlie stutters, stumbling a few steps back from the overlord. “Again, I’m… I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to upset her, I just…”

Please j-st GO!”

There is a crackle of violet energy, wrapped around a shadowy tentacle that shoves her out of the room and shuts the door.

Chapter 48

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


So I could say that I took a while on this chapter because I wanted it to be good, but the truth is the Fallout TV show being all over my FYP made me wanna play Fallout games again, and that's one of those games where I kinda stop existing and suddenly it's dawn and I only wrote 500 words during the night. I could have put up part of it a few days ago cause it could have been divided, but I decided I wanted the resolution to the bit to be all together instead of split between two chapters. In this chapter we're going to see Alastor and Grace arguing, and I wanted to make sure their making up and comfort happened by the end cause I didn't want an icky feeling cliffhanger, I've done enough of those. I don't know why I felt the need to make them argue, maybe I'm allergic to happiness, maybe I like tension, ultimately the thing is I have not gotten to write pregnancy rage hormone stuff and I really wanted to and I'm tired of Grace being so sad and submissive to Al when I know in my heart that she is full of fire that I don't get to show a lot; also in that last flashback we saw their first sorta 'argument' and I felt like it would be fitting to do one in the present day to show how much they've changed in that regard.
This chapter is very Grace dialogue heavy, so in order to save all of us a migraine I've pulled back on some of the distortion typing, I'll still have the spattered bolding, but none of the missing letter stuff. BUT just like imagine it's still happening anyways please.

Chapter Text

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Don’t think about it.

Breathe in.

Everything is fine, everything is fine.

Breathe out.

This can’t keep happening, the constant panic, worry, stress, it’s no way to live.

Gracie… dearest…” Alastor gently places a hand on his wife’s shoulder, the corner of his lip twitching as he strains to maintain his smile. “Everything is alright, you are safe…”

Breathe in…

Am I? Am I Alastor?” Grace’s fingers are twisted up in KeeKee’s fur, she doesn’t seem to mind as her head is in the empty bag of jerky, licking the dry meaty dust out of it. “I’m about to have my first ultrasound to see my baby! But I can’t even enjoy this momentous occasion, because I’m in hell! Literally and emotionally! We’re doing this to figure out if the baby is dead or not, which is probably f*cking is, but I can’t even pretend things are going to be okay, and be happy for a moment because you don’t even seem to care that there’s this huge milestone about to happen.” It’s almost miraculous that her phone is properly projecting her voice, there’s a bit more distortion than usual because of how emotional she is, but still understandable.

The radio demon inhales sharply, and asks through gritted teeth, “What in the seven hells do you mean I don’t seem to care? Of course I care dear, that’s why I’m worried about you after all.” His hand is still on her shoulder, he doesn’t want to pull it away and seem callous. But his body’s natural urge is to clench it, to dig sharp nails into the flesh to convey his displeasure, because that’s what he does when other people irritate him while he’s in contact with them. She’s not ‘other people’ though, she’s his wife, he would never hurt her. So his entire body is rigid as he fights his instinct to draw blood, while refusing to seem like he doesn’t care, and prove her point, by pulling away the hand that is meant to be comforting her.

You’re off in f*cking space or some sh*t when seeing the ultrasound pictures gets brought up. You were over at the window, completely ignoring me, when that girl was talking and saying sh*t that freaked me out,” she inhales deeply, as though she needs the air to speak when in reality she doesn’t, “Jesus f*cking Christ I don’t know if I’m going to be able to live here if she’s going to be constantly saying insane sh*t that makes me nervous, and f*cking hell why weren’t you over here stopping her?” It seems like she can’t pick a point to stay on, there is some static to the phone as her angry rambling jumps around, “Why don’t you care about this big… this huge god damn, milestone. We’re finally going to get to know if our baby is okay but f*ck I’m pregnant and I’m supposed to get excited about my baby’s first ultrasound that’s what pregnant women who want a baby usually do, we coo over it and imagine what it will grow up to be.” She breathes deeply again, her cheeks are going red and her lips are moving as she tries to actually say all of this nonsense, which makes it eerie that her voice is not coming from her mouth, “and I’m trying to pretend that I’m not terrified it’s dead, so I can just enjoy the moment. But it’s hard to pretend that everything is okay when you’re moping around like I’m dragging you around a shopping mall and not letting you go into any of the stores that you want to go in.”

Alastor wishes he could say that this behavior is abnormal, that her cussing and rambling instead of putting her speech skills to use and speaking coherently is a sign that she is suffering some kind of brain injury. But the cold, logical Grace who used to give thought out monologues and spoke with decorum even when she was angrily going on about something was a Grace who was not yet close to him. A Grace who was concerned about not being taken seriously and expected him to devalue her for expressing her emotions. This, the passion, the swearing, the popping from topic to topic… It's a little more extreme than usual, most likely due to her hormones and the stress she has been under, but it is far more in line with the way she would argue with him since they started dating. Though fighting was not common in their relationship, both of them had been guilty of starting arguments that could blow out into screaming matches. The overlord would almost consider this refreshing, after all he’d not exactly been a fan of her quiet, submissive behavior the past few weeks. He’d almost be happy to see that she has her fire back. But right now it’s the last thing he wants, to see her get herself worked up when she really needs to conserve her energy. He should try to soothe her, to placate her…

Except that her words have hurt Alastor, in ways he doesn’t understand, and like any time they’ve gotten into an argument he has to voice his opinion too, “I am not obligated to get excited over this Grace. These machines weren’t a thing when I was alive, I don’t have this silly preconceived notion about how it’s supposed to be some kind of magical experience.” The unfortunate thing about her being the one person in all of reality that he doesn’t force himself to constantly control his words and actions around, who he doesn’t constantly maintain the facade in front of, is that sometimes he forgets that he should still watch what he says.

There is so much hurt in her eyes, hurt that quickly turns to anger as she stands so quickly that it sends poor KeeKee flying across the room, “you know… I have been trying so f*cking hard to be nice, and be calm despite the fact that everything hurts and I’m god damn scared out of my mind all the time.” She has to cradle the arm of her injured shoulder because it is torture whenever she allows it to support the full weight of the limb. “I have been miserable and sick and exhausted CONSTANTLY, and maybe I whine a bit about it but jesus f*cking christ I have been doing my best to keep it together for you because of how hard you’re working,” and because she’s terrified of him giving up on their marriage and family if she makes this too troublesome for him, but that is not what her mind is focusing on right now, “but you know what I’ve been working hard too. Working hard growing our baby! I woke up in f*cking agony this morning, my shoulder has been on f*cking fire but I didn’t complain cause I know there’s nothing we can do, and I let you sleep because you needed it. I sat isolated and lonely in that room for weeks but I didn’t f*cking bitch and demand you spend more time with me. I upended my whole god damn life to come down here when there was such an easier solution to our f*cking problem.”

Alastor’s whole body goes as rigid as a statue. His brows furrow in an intense anger as his wife implies it would have been ‘easier’ for her to just abort their child, if it was easier then he would have asked her to do it. No, why doesn’t she realize it wouldn’t have been easy. Because living knowing that he took away her chance to have a baby would have been far more difficult than anything being down here in hell could throw at him. And despite how badly he wants to scream that at her, he keeps his mouth shut, knowing better than to interrupt her while she is ranting.

I am sooooooo f*cking sorry that all I can do for you as your wife is let you sleep in and share some sh*tty beef jerky with you, a gesture you couldn’t be bothered to actually accept, you had to go and f*cking pocket it when you thought I wasn’t looking,” she continues, gesturing at his coat, “I know having to take care of me is a pain in the ass, I f*cking hate that I have to act like some spoiled girl laying in bed all day having food served to me and being given f*cking sponge baths,” despite how sweet and reassuring Niffty had been the day before, it had been embarresing to Grace that she couldn’t bathe herself and had to rely on the little maid to do it for her. “But nothing I do to make up for that is good enough! No matter how quiet I try to be, no matter how much I fake my smiles, no matter how hard I work to keep myself from having a panic attack because I’m scared and tired and my tit* are sore and my ankles are swollen and I’m constantly too hot or too cold and…” She stops, inhaling deeply again the way she would if she was actually yelling and needed to stop and switch gears, “I am trying so hard to manage my god damn emotions so that keeping me happy doesn’t have to be added to your plate, but why can’t you just be a little enthusiastic about the fact that we are going to get to see our baby?”

It’s just the hormones, Alastor tells himself, she’s being irrational and whiney because of the pregnancy hormones so he should just apologize and…”Because in order for me to be enthusiastic about seeing some picture of this child, I’d have to be excited about us having a child in the first place!…not say something stupid like that.

After his past attempts to reassure her that he wants this child and will love it, it probably sounds hypocritical and cruel to say something like this, when he knows what she needs to hear is reassurance. But he is so tired, stretched so thin, even after that sleep his mind is still frayed because he’s trying to keep his shadows as alert as possible so he can sense danger. So, it slipped out… the truth, yes he wants their baby, yes he will learn to love it, but he is not excited about it, not in the least.

Then WHY did you tell me to keep it?!” Grace throws her hands up in the air, and regrets it as intense pain shoots through her shoulder. She winces and goes to gently cradle her arm again, then steps back when Alastor reaches out in concern, “why are we going through all of this is you don’t f*cking want it?” Her mind is frayed as well, she is so distressed and emotional that she can’t stop to think about all the past conversations where he tried to express otherwise.

Don’t put words in my mouth dear, I did not say that I don’t want it. I am just not excited about it,” Alastor hisses, repeating his thought process to her, trying to get her to understand his point of view, “I don’t have to be excited about the thing…” he sees tears well up in her eyes as he calls it a ‘thing,’ and the rational side of him that is trying to claw past this anger is telling him to stop. The shadows in his mind laugh, he wants to put the facade back up, to pretend that he is calm and in control, and yet when he is with her everything inside him spills out to be put on display. “...to recognize that it is our offspring and I should love and take care of it. I can want something without being excited about it, now for the love of god will you calm down before you make yourself ill!!”

Breathe IN…


The words can’t make it through the phone. It is just a garbled, high-pitch static. Alastor ‘hears’ what she says, because it’s not that the signal is weak, it is that it is so powerful the puny device can’t handle the output.

Grace can’t hear it though. Of course she knows what she tried to say, but to not hear it be said cranks up the anger in her chest by a thousand percent. Her face is already quite red, her eyes full of stinging tears, as she looks at the phone with her mouth wide open, a silent scream of rage being directed at it. The screen flickers, the static continues as it is unable to process the noise she is trying to make. It is a full chest, deep breath scream that makes her face another shade darker. Every pain, every negative thought, every mental anguish she has had over a very very long time is channeled through it, and yet it goes nowhere.

Alastor shudders as he feels the screech ripple through the radio waves, it nearly rivals the ones he broadcasts himself in its intensity. His smile falls, the smile that he has kept throughout this whole ordeal, falls for a half a second as he sees all of his wife’s pain and suffering written across her face. He is about to step towards her, to stop her, plead with her to cease this before she hurts herself, but stops as the chunk of metal, glass, and electronics suddenly hurtles through the air towards the wall. A throw so forceful that it hardly seems like it could have come from this frail human, which is why it catches him off guard. The overlord turns and reaches his hand out, casting a shadowy tentacle to catch it before it shatters into a million pieces. By the time he turns to face Grace again he has managed to get his smile back up, but his eyes are squinted in frustration and anger despite how worried he is.

Now, don’t go doing that my dear,” Alastor keeps his voice soft, but it quivers a bit as he fights the urge to raise it. “Breaking your only form of communication isn’t going to help either of us.”

But his stupid smile, his stupid soft voice, it feels so patronizing to Grace, like she’s being treated like a toddler throwing a tantrum, “f*ck YOu!!At a speed faster than he’s seen her move in days she storms towards the bathroom, and slams the door shut behind her. She needs some distance to cool off otherwise this will never end.

As soon as he is alone in the room, it is filled with static and shadows as Alastor’s eyes glow. He suddenly finds both of his hands running up the hair on the side of his head, twisting it tight like he’s about to rip some out. From his throat comes a sound that any hunter would recognize as the scream of a deer that’s just been shot. But not a single noise passes the barrier of shade he has wrapped the room in, so nobody can hear the sounds of frustration, anger, and terror that are coming from him.

Nobody except for KeeKee, who waltzes over and begins to rub against his legs, purring, unbothered by the way reality is coming unraveled around her. And so the demon pauses, and looks down at her, the gentleness of this strange creature pulling him out of his emotional meltdown just long enough to see the big picture. He sighs, allowing light and normalcy to return to the space around him, dropping his hands to his sides while a few strands of hair slowly drift to the floor.

Breathe in.

He and Grace do not fight often, they have very little that they disagree on that would cause them to clash like that. But he knows he can not blame all of this on the damn pregnancy hormones, he was wrong. The things he said were wrong, even if the overlord is going to have a hard time accepting that. For a moment Alastor thinks about how the past few weeks he’s been claiming to miss her fire, her passion, well here it is, so why is he so angry?

Breathe out.

Finally he realizes she was doing it for his sake, that despite how awful she’s been feeling she’s been suppressing her emotions for her. He knew she was miserable, but just attributed it to being locked in a room all day, but he had failed to realize how upset she’s been. Because Grace was more concerned about his well being than her own, and didn’t want to seem ungrateful by acting out when he’s been taking care of her. How could he have been so stupid? Alastor pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. He should have pretended to be more excited about the stupid ultrasound, even if he can’t muster up any actual enthusiasm. When he saw her smiling he should have responded with positivity and encouragement. The demon had forgotten the cardinal rule of marriage; happy wife, happy life. If she’s happy, then he should at least pretend to be as well.

Breathe in.

He had known she’s been struggling to believe he wants this child to be born, it had been stupid to say things that were so callous and could easily be interpreted as him rejecting it. All these things he’s putting her through for the sake of growing a baby in her belly, and he can’t even pretend to be excited about these milestones that seem important to her… Now he has to fix this, if it’s even fixable. Where does he begin?

KeeKee meows at him, then stops rubbing against his leg and trots over to the bathroom door. She paws at it like any pet who wants to be let in a room, despite the fact that she could probably poof herself in there.

Breathe out.

The cat is right. It starts with an apology.

Alastor moves across the room till he is standing in front of the door that separates him and his wife, “Grace… my love, may I come in?” For how much time in her life she has spent sick on a bathroom floor, one would think she’d avoid being in one as much as possible, and yet when she is angry it is always her go to place.

Her phone still rests in one of his shadowy tendrils as her voice emanates from it, a single, sharp, “no.”

Please I’m…” he sucks air between his teeth, resting a hand on the door frame to brace himself, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for upsetting you. I shouldn’t have said those things.” His voice is deep, rich, true. Alastor pulls away the filter, the fake accent, the fake pitch to his voice, because if he’s going to let a genuine apology cross his lips, it’s going to be his real voice saying it.

There is silence for a moment, he takes her phone from his shadow and looks down at it, hating that she can only speak through it.

After an agonizing minute, Grace’s voice comes through, it is a rough sound, half static, half crying, “just leave me alone…”

He sighs, squeezing his eyes shut and tilting his head back, “I can’t do that my dear. You and I both know that nothing good happens when you get stuck in your own head.”

Right, because you have such great things to fill my head with instead…

He winces, “I really am sorry, Grace please let me come in so we can…”

NO!” there’s a bit of static burst.


What’s the point?” He hears the shower turn on, and is unsure if it’s so she can drown out the sound of his answer, or so she can drown out the sound of her own thoughts.

“Because I love…”

No! Alastor, what’s the point of all of this?” Her voice trembles over the phone. On the other side of the door hot water begins to soak through her clothing. “Why are we even bothering trying to save this child? It never had a chance, it was dead the moment it was conceived. So what’s the point?”

His chest tightens drastically, his breath catches in his throat, “what do… you mean?”

Grace doesn’t answer for a minute, instead she just allows the shower water to hit her face so she can pretend that it’s not her tears that are soaking them. Her breathing is heavy, her ears are ringing. Why can’t things go back to the way they were? Why did all of this have to happen? The fire and the cancer and the losing her voice were all things she survived, things she could live with the trauma of. But this, to be cursed with a baby that will probably never live, and yet they are obligated to destroy their happy little life trying to bring it into the world. Why?

Why does God hate me?

Breathe in.

Gracie, what do you mean?”

Breathe out.

Words flow from her body, through the airwaves, into that little device that her husband is now clutching to his chest, desperate to hear her speak, “you’re a dead soul Alastor. And let’s be fair, I’m barely a living one. We want to find a heartbeat on that ultrasound to prove that the baby survived what I went through yesterday. But the truth is… there was probably none to begin with. Our child was doomed from the start, they will probably be stillborn… probably never even have a soul so it can join us down here. Dead souls can’t make living ones my love… all we’ve made is a lump of flesh…”

Alastor sighs and shuts his eyes tight, so that’s what Charlie was saying to her earlier. She’s not wrong, it’s possible. Damn it, why couldn’t that girl just keep her mouth shut? Why did she have to go and say something stupid like that? Grace had finally begun to calm and get to a point where she wasn’t in a total state of panic over their child being dead or alive. And now they are back here again…

Gracie… I don’t think that’s the case, I really don’t…” He lies.

Come on, it would be perfect…” There is a disturbing cynicism to her voice, a coldness that actually makes him shiver for a moment. “You don’t have to keep up this ‘becoming a dad’ bullsh*t you’ve been struggling with. It’s dead, but you don’t have to blame yourself because it never had a chance, you’ll finally be free of the obligation to care for a child and we…”

Alastor clutches the phone tight, choking back a horrific sound as he yells her name. It’s not what he wants. It’s not what he wants. It’s not what he wants.

Breathe in.

The human woman lays on the floor of the tub, curled up, fetal position, like the baby in her womb that may or may not be alive. She stares vacantly at the white porcelain as hot water rains down on her. Both of her hands are clutching her stomach, desperately searching for any sign of life within it. It’s better this way, she was never fit to be a mother. This suffering is punishment for thinking she could ever be a good one.

Breathe out.

She hears the creak of hinges as the door swings open, “I said leave me alone!” Her voice draws near alongside the sound of Alastor’s footsteps.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that…” he says, voice rich yet soft.

The next thing she knows, Grace is not alone in the tub. He steps in behind her, carefully lowering himself, then puts his hands underneath her arms so he can delicately raise her to rest against his chest. His arms, hands, and feet are bare, he’s placed his coat on the towel rack and left his shoes near the door. But his shirt and pants are quickly becoming as drenched as hers as he holds her close beneath the falling water.

They stay like this for a few minutes, saying nothing. She feels his cold skin begin to warm from the heat of the water, and it almost feels as though she is being held by a living man. His right hand is gently stroking her back, while the left intertwines its fingers with hers.

“We’ll have to change your bandages again…” He eventually murmurs, trying to find some way to break the silence, to pull her back from the depth of her own mind. But she does not respond, her green eyes are just vacantly staring at the ceiling. So he holds her tighter, “I’m sorry, I really am… I never should have said those things… I shouldn’t have acted the way I did… please just… talk to me.”

Her phone is next to the bathroom sink, her voice comes through it weakly, “why can’t this sh*t be easy? I know pregnancy, motherhood, all this life stuff isn’t supposed to be a cake walk but why does it have to be like this?” She sniffles, and squeezes his hand.I finally have the chance to have something I’ve wanted for so long… so why can’t I just… be happy? Why does it feel like a punishment?”

“Because you’re hormonal…” He tries to make his tone light, sarcastic, which is a struggle with his real voice, he’s no longer used to how it feels, “...and I’m a psychopathic serial killer, which doesn’t really make for great husband material, so… sometimes happiness is hard.” The killer holds her tighter, the heat of the water has begun to penetrate deeply into him, a strange sensation, warmth he has only ever been able to feel when he is by her side. “Sometimes it’s going to feel like everything is a punishment… we are in hell after all… the land of it. But you aren’t being punished, I promise… you’ve done nothing to deserve something like that.” A half a memory pulls at his mind, his mother, her soft hands comforting him after… something… something happened on the half of the memory that he can’t recall, “you are good… and you are kind, you’ve done nothing to deserve this suffering, and I’m so… so sorry I can’t make it stop…”

Grace hears the way his voice is trembling as he tries with all his might to comfort her, as he struggles to open his heart this much, she shifts a bit so she can lean up and kiss his cheek, “you’re an amazing husband, I’m sorry I make you feel otherwise…”

“You don’t, you just call me out on my bad behavior…” his radio filter creeps back in, he can’t stay vulnerable forever, he can’t feel his shadows when he allows himself to tap into that side of him, and he can not stand that feeling for very long. “On our wedding day I promised I would always be trying to become better for you, to be what you deserve… you just hold me to that vow.”

The beautiful woman smiles at him, a smile radiant and perfect and kind. That smile that makes it all worth it. Gently the demon presses his lips to hers, a kiss as soft as her, with all of his love for her. She moves so her arms can wrap around his shoulders, holding as tight as she can muster as she takes in the feeling of his love.

Eventually he pulls away so she can breathe, and asks, “do you want to go get started on reading that manual? So we can make use of that ultrasound?”

Grace bites her lower lip, and responds with pleading green eyes, “can we stay here for a few more minutes… I need a moment. I want to pretend for a bit.”

“Pretend what?” Alastor can’t say no to those eyes.

Breathe in…

That everything is okay… I’m not ready to find out the truth yet…She rests her head against his chest again, “plus the water feels nice.” She means it, but what she also means by it is that he feels nice. The girl has always adored being held by him, but right now, with his flesh warm… it feels perfect in a way she never knew she needed.

Of course, as long as you need my love,” he’s drenched anyways, a little longer won’t hurt. Anyways, like his wife… he likes this sensation, having a warm body. Even if he doesn’t have a heartbeat, he almost feels like there is blood running through his veins again. And it makes his sense of touch more sensitive, he feels her in his arms more than he ever has, every breath, every soft crook of her body, everything. A sensation he didn’t know till now that he was missing in his life.

Breathe in.

Neither of them see KeeKee pull his coat off the towel rack and drag it away so she can get at the piece of jerky he left in the pocket.

Breathe out.

Chapter 49

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I really was going to have the actual ultrasound in today's chapter; but I had to get my cat shaved, which meant he needed to be sedated, which meant he needed to be locked in a room away from the food and water overnight, which meant I slept in that room so he wouldn't be alone....which means I didn't actually get any sleep and barely any writing done and God I'm tired but I hit and okay stopping point in this chapter even if it's a bit shorter than the past few have been, and I have the outline done for most of the ultrasound so it's all good, chapter 50, big Five-O get's to be the ultrasound chapter yeah. I'm tired. I'm tired and I may have f*cked up the tenses. I went over them like 3 times, today, yesterday, and the day before for those bits of time I was writing, but when I do my 'oh here's a summary of what they did for the next couple hours or rest of the day' bit I always struggle with should it be present tense cause we're just really quickly scanning forward, or past tense cause some times I do like here's one layer of what they did and then at the same time this was going on and like tenses are hard, I know it would be easier if I just did the whole fic in past tense but that's not my writing style you know? I hope this makes sense, I'm going to bed, love you

Chapter Text

Once they have dried off and changed clothes, Alastor makes an incredibly important decision. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will pull him away from Grace’s side for the remainder of the day. The only thing that will force him to leave this room, is if he is carrying his wife out because the building is on fire. Any attacks on the hotel can be dealt with by Husk and his shadow imps. Any emergencies within he must leave Charlie to deal with on her own. After all, she has to learn how to manage the place without him just a little bit, he can not continue to spoil her by solving every itty-bitty problem that comes along.

But pull him away she definitely tried. First it was to ask him to come down and talk to the others because they’re all nervous about getting killed and she wants them to have a big group chat so that maybe things can get resolved more peacefully. The princess insisted that she had given them a good long speech about the importance of ‘asking questions’ before attacking, and she really thought they understood now, but she just needed him to pop down so they could all talk and work things out. He all but told her to f*ck off, she hadn’t even apologized for saying the things that upset Grace earlier, simply forgotten because she was so wrapped up in the energy of the group.

Later Charlie came up again and asked him to help find one of the snake’s minions, apparently it had gone missing and they were worried it is stuck somewhere and they don’t want the hotel to start smelling like rotten eggs. Alastor’s sharp gaze after being asked to leave his wife’s side for something so ridiculous was luckily all that she needed to realize that maybe there were enough of them on the hunt already, and she should just leave them alone to finish working their way through the manual.

Each time she comes up, Grace does her best to ignore her, realizing that until she’s set some proper boundaries with Charlie, that it would be best for her mental health to tune her out. She spends the majority of the late morning and early afternoon curled up in the window nook, thoroughly reading the manual that had been provided for them regarding the ultrasound machine. Occasionally she needs to stop because it’s making her head hurt. Although she’s always loved reading, and retains information very well, right now her brain is still a little scrambled. During these short breaks she looks out the window, pets KeeKee, who is curled up in her lap again, and chats with her husband about the landscape of the city below them.

There is a lot more color to her now, she’s not quite as deathly pale, and there is a rosy tint to her cheeks. Even her eyes sparkle with more life, for now. The woman still looks rather frail, and there are deep, dark circles under her eyes. But it’s clear that being hydrated and fed is helping her condition a bit, even if the food she’s eating is just a bit of junk food, and she can still only consume a small bit at a time. Too much seems to make her nauseous again, despite the meds, but she’s managed to not throw up any more so far. Their fight earlier may have also contributed to her appearance shift, she really got her heart pumping. And while it may have worn her out, getting to vent out all those pent up feelings has really helped her to feel less tense.

Although Alastor is doing his best to keep all of his attention on dear Grace, he is having to devote a portion of his mental load to keeping his guard up still. His shadowy senses are not quite as focused on the exterior in preparation for an attack, aside from a single shadow imp stationed near the lobby door. Normally his little soulless minions can only hold form for a short period of time, but by focusing all the energy he would usually devote to a group of them into one, he believes he can keep the thing ‘alive’ for a couple days. Its main purpose is to warn its master if there are any legitimate dangers approaching the hotel. But because he is still concerned about the others turning on him at any moment, the creature is also meant to be spying on any of the demons that are congregating in the lobby and parlor, in case they begin to plot the overlord’s demise. Additionally he is maintaining a thin barrier across the window that Grace is sitting at, strong enough to protect her from any projectiles that may attempt to breach the glass, and tinted enough to prevent any peeping toms from gazing upon his beautiful, human wife. Specifically it’s meant to conceal her from the little drones that have been zipping around the building as of late, the ones he is very aware belong to dear old Vox.

The demon is still tired from stretching his shadows all over the place, but he now refuses to let that interfere with his ability to entertain and comfort his wife. Truthfully, it gives him some strength, being by the woman’s side. Especially because it is almost reminiscent of their old life on the surface. Grace, curled up with a book, absolutely fascinated with every word she’s reading, with him sitting beside her, tending to her needs. He even managed to whip up a mug of hot tea with some sugar from her, because luckily hell is not devoid of all luxuries. It’s comforting to Alastor to watch Grace gently cup the hot drink. The little smile she gets each time she takes a sip gives him a stupidly fuzzy feeling, even if he has to keep a shadow tendril out to support the mug so she does not drop it and burn herself. It’s a support he’s always offered her, as her chemo treatments often left her weakened, and though she never says it, he knows that she appreciates it. Silent support, met with silent appreciation, because they don’t always need to talk to express what they need. It’s how their relationship survived the loss of her voice, but it may be something they’ve come to rely on too heavily. Perhaps their fight earlier would not have been necessary had the two remembered that they still need to actually ‘talk’ about their problems sometimes.

At one point in the day Grace catches sight of something interesting outside, a red fog rolling across the fields on the outskirts of the city, “What’s th-t darling?”

Alastor peers out the window, “ah, that’s just a couple of minor overlords playing a game they enjoy. They send some of the souls they own out to the fields and hunt them for sport.”

His wife responds exactly how he expects she would, with a devious grin and a sarcastic sounding, “oh my, how barbar-c.” Or at least as sarcastic as the phone is able to make her sound. She leans back against a pillow in the nook and closes the manual, using her finger to mark her place. “Since you are no longer hid-ng me from the rest of the hot-l, would it be possible to add a window to my room now?”

“Well dear, your room is in the middle of the floor it’s on, so there’s no exterior walls for me to build a window into,” he knows that he could of course expand their living accommodations to make it happen, it’s not as though Charlie is keeping enough guests in the hotel that she needs those rooms.

She raises an eyebrow and smirks, “are you saying you aren’t power-ul enough to figure out a way to make it w-rk?”

The overlord shuts his eyes and lets off a single chuckle, she certainly knows how to push the right buttons with him, “I suppose I could, but it would also expose you to outside threats. While I could keep my shade up, like I am now, I would have to drop it whenever I leave the hotel.”

Grace averts her eyes, not wanting to think about the idea of him leaving again after what happened yesterday, but she knows it’s not always something that can be helped, and doesn’t want to seem clingy by insisting he never leave again, so instead she just says, “well, when you aren’t here I can go somewhere saf-r.”

Of course Alastor notices her discomfort, and understands, he can’t blame her, if he could he would never leave her side again, “I suppose that after we determine… if we will be staying here or not,” he says this carefully, not wanting to upset her by making her think about why they may not end up staying here at the Hazbin Hotel. “I’ll be sure to include you in the design planning if we rebuild. Would you be satisfied with building an additional room that will have a window?”

The woman thinks on it for a moment, while chewing her lower lip, “Like a sun-oom? I think I like that idea.” She beckons him with her right hand, and he bends down so she can gently kiss his cheek.

The demon responds by kissing her forehead, his smile going soft, “I know you miss your house my love, and I promise one day we will have an actual home again, whether that be up there or down here I swear you won’t have to spend the rest of your life cooped up in this hotel.”

The couple spends a few more minutes exchanging tender words and affections, before Grace resumes reading the very important manual.

On a normal reading day he would be sitting beside her, with his own book and tea, and occasionally the two would converse about what they are reading. But unfortunately, despite the energy boost he’s getting from this familiar and comforting situation, he does not have the mental space to dedicate to reading at the moment. So, all he is able to do at the moment is sit across from her in the nook and watch her lovely face as she absorbs the knowledge.

Before they know it, it’s evening. Or at least seems to be, Grace is still having trouble discerning the time down here. All she knows for certain is that the day passed too quickly, her day of pretending everything is okay is nearly over. After finishing the last relevant page of the ultrasound manual she has Alastor help her to the bathroom, the downside of being properly hydrated and slightly fed again is now she has to go more regularly again. Almost more often than usual actually. Her husband is more than happy to help her move about and get to the toilet when needed, as it was another task he often performed when she was weakened from being ill.

Upon exiting the bathroom they find that a certain little one-eyed maid is vigorously sweeping the floor while muttering far too rapidly for either of them to understand what she is saying.

Grace and Alastor glance at each other with a bit of concern, before the girl asks, “Nif, you doing alr-ght hun?” She has her husband guide her over to the small demon, and crouches down beside her.

“Clean clean gotta clean gotta clean everything is always dirty always so so dirty, buggies and dirt and spiders and snakes and cat fur and princess glitter sh*t everywhere all the time gotta clean gotta clean clean clean clean,” she is fixated on one spot, manically running her broom over it with such vigor that it’s beginning to pull loose the carpet threads.

I am assuming you had a rough day?” Alastor asks, assuming a similar position as his wife, keeping a hand on her back to help her keep balance.

Niffty’s single large eye blinks a couple times, they can see a couple tears welling up but she’s clearly fighting them, “gotta clean, clean, clean… nobody else keeps this place clean, always a mess. Have to do it all myself. Princess has never held a feather duster in her life, the snake leaves all his electronics everywhere, why is the spider sticky when he comes home from work? Makes everything sticky. Have to clean, have to clean it all by myself. Clean clean.”

Oh sweet-e…” Grace carefully attempts to extract the broom from Niffy’s tiny hands. “Would you like me to help with some clean-ng once I have my energy b-ck?” If she ever gets her energy back.

Alastor is about to give his little friend a stare meant to tell her ‘don’t you dare expect her to do anything like that.’

But quickly discovers that it’s unnecessary, as Niffty immediatly responds with an almost aggressive, “NO! No no, no cleaning from you. Your energy is for baby. You grow baby, that’s all you need to worry about.” She attempts to yank the broom back, “you rest! You grow! I mean really, what do you take me for? You think I’d expect a pregnant woman to do work after she’s been so ill? You’re insane. I clean. I clean and you grow.”

The couple side-eye each other. Normally the husband would be unbothered by the cyclops' little fits, only caring if she seems like she may injure herself. But the wife has a wide-eyed look of concern, which means that he has to do something, he just doesn’t know what.

Niffty my dear, how about you take a break, you’ve earned it. He says calmly, reaching out and patting her on the head. The demon still hasn’t put his gloves back on, because he’s been holding Grace’s hand throughout the day and wanted to feel her skin directly, so it’s an odd feeling to him to be making contact with another demon.

“But… but there’s so much to do!” Niffty says, her hands shaking a bit.

Grace sighs, understanding what’s happening. Although she had remained fairly calm throughout the ordeal, the little maid did witness a lot yesterday. She got thrown at that scary woman, she witnessed Alastor nearly massacre the others, and has probably been dealing with god knows what with those strange people all day. And on top of all that, Niffty has been hearing over and over again about how something may have happened to the baby. She seemed rather calm when she was helping take care of Grace yesterday, but she’s probably reaching her breaking point with all of this stress and not knowing if her friend’s child is alright or not.

Nif… we were about to fire up the ultras--nd machine so we can look at the baby… do you want to look with us?” She offers calmly.

Alastor stiffens, he hadn’t realized that it’s finally time, he’s still not sure he’s ready, and he definitely isn’t sure if he wants somebody else present for this moment, “are you sure you want her…”

Yes,” Grace says, not strictly or forcefully, but with a soothing tone, “she’s my friend darling, I’d be happy t- share such a mom-nt with her… and if… if things aren’t ok-y then it would be c-mforting to have her by my side.”

Chapter 50

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Alrighty guys, because this is the 50th chapter, and a very important event is happening within it, I have a special surprise for you (assuming I can figure out how to share it) For a while now I've been trying to make a spotify playlist for Grace, and while it's not perfect.... the thing is I'm really bad at making super relevant choices for playlists so you'll just have to deal. Before anybody listens I should clarify something; I have audio processing issues, that make it that I kinda listen to music differently than some people, lyrics are usually just... another instrument for me. For that reason I need all ya'll to not take anything be sung too seriously, there's no foreshadowing of future plot twists jsut cause I put like a break-up song in it or something like that (unless I picked something subconsiously which may have happened) Just focus on the vibes, K? Some lyrics are relevant and you'll know which ones, but the main point is genera and style. A lot of it is very choir and modern gospel, with a touch of modern psychadelic, becuase I feel like some of them really encapsulate the feeling that these two get when they are in love with each other, especially Grace. It also has all of Alastor's songs that I could find both canon and fanon. I need to throw in some more jazzy and blues type tunes to get more Alastor theming in there, but like... it's a start.
Secondly, and this bit is important and actually relevant to the chapter so I'm sorry to make this note long but it needs to be said. I am not a doctor, but I do make an effort to aim for realism and accuracy when it comes to pregnancy related stuff. I've done a lot of research over the years into pregnancy and childbirth(P/CB) for the sake of my writing, and while that doesn't equate to medical training it certainly makes me more informed then certain politicians. Anyways the big thing is; there is a lot of inaccuracies in media when it comes to P/CB, from a mixture of misinformation and focus on entertainment value over accuracy, and some of the wrong things aren't aggregious, but it does tend to make people misinformed, and this has bled over into facfiction because people just use what they learn from watching TV to write P/CB. Anyways to a degree I'm going to try and be more accurate, I won't be overly complicated in medical stuff, and anything that I think is important but I can't get an explanation in naturally I'm going to put in a note rather than try to hamfist the explanation into the writing. And I jsut feel like this is important to talk about because I've had conversations with lots of fanfic readers where I've asked why it is that they don't like P/CB in their fics and the very common answer I get is that from their experience fanfic writers are inaccurate and it's annoying to read poorly written and straight up wrong stuff in their stories. I'm not going to critique anybody, that's not my place, people can write it how they feel comfortable, I just want to make it clear that I'm doing to the best of my abilities a more accurate representation than the standard.... with some non realistic elements thrown in because it is a half demon pregnancy. Again, I am not a doctor, but if somebody is more informed than me and I say something that is inaccurate feel free to correct me.
Last thing; like I said when I can't fit the info naturally into the story I will put it in the notes so that people who don't know can understand. From my understanding, the 'heart beat' that you hear on an ultrasound is not actually the heart, at least not at first I'm not 100% sure on these details. But the thing I'm almost certain of is the fetus doesn't develop an actual beating heeart until some time after like 20 weeks. What we hear on an ultrasound from 6 weeks onwards is like an electrical impulse or something. Grace and Alastor would have no medical training with which to know that, which is why I'm not going to bring it up within the fic.
Sorry for going on so long, I love you all, please enjoy.

Chapter Text

Mumbling is something that is rather difficult for Grace’s phone to convey, it comes out like little sparks of words here and there.




She is sitting on the edge of the bed again, fiddling with the knobs and buttons and switches on the ultrasound machine, getting it to all the settings that she is fairly certain it needs to be at to get an image of the contents of her uterus. Her brow is furrowed in concentration, and she keeps double checking it against the manual in her lap.

Niffty is seated beside her, flipping through a small photobook type binder that they found on the shelf the machine sits on. It is filled with print-outs of ultrasounds at different stages of pregnancy, week-by-week, and even a couple marked ‘abnormalities.’ This was likely included so that they could have a reference to estimate how far along the fetus is, and possibly catch birth defects if their eyes are good enough. Though even Grace is fairly certain that none of them will be able to determine anything with one-hundred percent accuracy due to the lack of training, it’s still nice that they’ll have a way to get a ballpark idea of what is going on.

It also now makes sense why the demons from the hospital did not seem to question the presence of a human when they were dropping off this equipment, because if they have these images on hand to print out, then it must be something they’ve prepared for down there. For a moment Grace wondered if the pictures were something they’d gotten from computers from the living world somehow, or if there had been a pregnant human in hell before her and these images are the remnants of her experience. Either way, it’s comforting to know that if there is some kind of emergency, then the doctors down there might have the training capable of dealing with a human woman and human fetus.

Alastor is distracting himself by spinning his cane. He swaps the hand it’s in every minute or so, occasionally tosses it up in the air, and does a couple other tricks just to keep his mind off the fact that… he’s not ready for this. Of course he’s still paying closer attention than he was this morning, the last thing the overlord wants is a repeat of Grace’s meltdown because he fails to notice something is wrong. But still, if he doesn’t do something with his hands then he’ll end up doing one of his more… damaging coping techniques, and that will be even more upsetting for his wife to see, so there can’t be any of that.

Unfortunately despite being focused on the machine, Grace does notice the way her husband is behaving, her chest tightens a bit, and she takes a deep breath, “II know that I pitched a whole fit about it earlier but… you… I love youI love you so much darling so… if you don’t w-nt to be here for this I can…”

“No,” his voice isn’t sharp, but it is as stiff as his shoulders, “no, I am… I am alright my dear. We just didn’t have these things back in my day, and you know how I am with technology, it makes my skin crawl. But I can get over that.” Most of the time when a man learns he is going to become a father for the first time he’s only had a few decades of not being a father, on average that is, there have of course always been outliers in that average. It’s easier to adjust to things changing when you’ve had less time existing in a world before that change. But Alastor has existed, both alive and dead, for well over a century, and while maybe there are a few living humans that can make the claim they made it that long before fathering their first child it is still a tremendous amount more time than the standard. Over one hundred years without a child in his life, most of that time spent certain he would never have one, and now he has nowhere near enough time to prepare for all of that to change.

It doesn’t help that ‘back in his day’ men didn’t have to confront the nuances of this stuff until the day the infant was born, there were no fancy picture machines to make them look upon the child before the nine month period was up. Hell, most fathers weren’t even involved in their kids' lives back then, his certainly wasn’t. It was easier to prepare for the big change because most dads were sh*t back then and didn’t really let the fact that they now had an offspring change much about their lives. And while the radio demon may wish that he could have it as easy as those men, he also knows the irrevocable damage that type of parenting did to him and many other children. He will be a better father than his own, he has to be, he would rather die again than have his own child look at him the way he did that bastard.

ALASTOR!” He is wrenched out of his spiral by the thin yet strong hand of his dearest, darling wife grabbing him by the wrist and yanking his hand away from his other arm. Blood drips from his claw like nails. Her breathing is ragged, as though she’d been calling his name over and over, getting louder each time, and he didn’t hear her until she put her hands on him.

The overlord looks down at his hands, the blood is thick and deep red, almost black, like a corpse, “a… apologies my love, I don’t know what came over me.” His eyes dart to Niffty, who has run off to the box where Grace’s medical supplies are being kept.

No, no I’m sorry…” the human sniffles, and squeezes his hand, “this is… th-s is why I tried not to both-r you with… I’m sorry, I kn-w I shouldn’t have forced you to… I should have kept my mouth sh-t.”

He’s about to cup her cheek, but doesn’t want to get blood on her, “It’s not what you think my dear. This isn’t because of the picture thing I just… started thinking about something I try not to think about… someone.” Why does Alastor remember him more than her, he was never there. Why is his voice branded into his brain when he struggles to remember the sound of the parent who actually cared for him.

Alastor if… if this is really that upsetting to you then maybe you should wait in the hall… I don’t w-nt…” She knows how hypocritical she sounds, having started a whole fight this morning because he wasn’t ‘excited enough’ about the ultrasound, and now she’s practically begging him to leave.

Niffty clambors back up onto the bed with some bandages and rubbing alcohol. Even though Alastor’s scratches are already mending quickly, she carefully begins to clean and wrap the wrist while his wife holds it. She doesn’t say a word, she knows not to say anything when this happens.

No, Gracie… I have to do this,” Alastor winces, surprised at how much the rubbing alcohol burns, “if I don’t then I’m no better than… than the person I’m thinking about.”

The woman pieces it together quickly from there, “oh my love…” she squeezes his hand again, not knowing how else to offer comfort, “you are nothing like h-m, I’m sorry if I made you feel that way…”

You didn’t,” the demon takes a step back, composing himself. Although he is comfortable letting some of the facade slip around little Niffty, he can not let himself come completely undone in her presence.

While her husband takes a breather, Grace finishes setting up the ultrasound machine. The screen lights up, there are all kinds of numbers on the edges, and a gray warble across the main section. Then she starts looking around the bed, trying to figure out the best way to position herself while still being able to operate it. She grabs the wand device from the surface, and pulls to figure out how long the cord is.

Niffty, having finished putting away the medical supplies, starts bouncing on the bed slightly, “can I do it?! Can I, can I, can I?” She quickly moves over to the cart and grabs the bottle of blue gel. “We need this right? We put it on and then swoosh whoosh.” For a second she tries to make a motion with her hand to replicate the way the wand would be rubbed over the stomach, but it’s difficult to do while holding the bottle, and she nearly topples off the bed from moving around so erratically. Luckily one of Alastor’s shadows is quick to apply pressure to her back to gently guide her back towards the center of the bed.

Grace glances at Alastor, in a ‘are you comfortable with that’ sort of way, and he nods, so she says, “Alright Niffty, you can use the w-nd if you follow my instructions, and… let me handle th-s part.” She carefully takes the bottle of gel from the cyclops, exchanging it for the device in her hand. It’s not as though she thinks the girl would make a mess, but rather doesn’t want to take the chance. “And you need to calm down j-st a bit, we won’t be able to get a clear im-ge if you’re bouncing all over the place.”

Niffty takes a deep breath, then smiles, her body relaxing as she sits down beside the human.

For a moment Grace looks at her husband again, trying to determine his state of mind, but he is doing a really good job of pretending to be calm. Not good enough for her to be fooled, but enough that she can’t quite tell what he is feeling underneath it.

Alasor watches as his wife leans back against the headboard and rolls up the hem of her shirt. Seeing the slight swell of her belly is still such a strange sight to him. He had always been very good at accustoming himself to the way her body changed quickly. Each time the woman lost weight from her illness, or gained it back while in remission, he was quick to familiarize himself with each curve, stretch mark, and really anything about her wonderful body. It was for reasons he could never truly fathom, as he thought men were obsessed with their wives’ bodies because of some sexual thing, but he knows that was never his reason. He just wanted to know her, remember her, be able to picture her when she was at her healthiest and her sickest, because she was his and his alone, and he wanted to appreciate all of her forms. But now, despite his best efforts to try and make himself at ease with it, forcing himself to interact with this strange bump, he still finds himself in utter shock and surprise when it is exposed. The overlord realizes it was a mistake to let her try to hide it for his sake, even this form deserves appreciation, even if he’s struggling to swallow the thought.

The radio demon thought he was lost in thought for only a moment, but he blinks and suddenly it is time. The gel has been applied. Little Niffty is hovering over Grace’s stomach, having been given a proper rundown of where to put the wand and what motion to use. And he is… not ready.

But there’s no more time to get ready, so he has to accept it.

Grace looks up from the binder of ultrasound photos, she has it turned to a scan for about how far along she thinks she is, “are you ready Alast-r?” Somehow the phone manages to convey the truly soft nature of her voice, for just a moment, as she reaches out, offering him her hand once more.

He clears his throat, and kneels beside the bed so that he can be more on her level, “can I listen first darling? Then look when I am ready…?” He hates that he has to ask this. The great Alastor should be able to handle anything. The fact that this makes him so nervous frustrates him to no end. So anxious that there is a bit of sweat in the palm of the hand that he uses to take hold of hers, makes him so nervous that his stomach is doing flips, and his ever present smile is trying to disappear on him. But the uneasiness will never go away if he keeps running from it, so it’s time to face it.

Of c--rse,” she squeezes his hand, “And Alastor… I love you…” There is terror in her heart where there should be glee. Fear there will be nothing, not a peep, utter silence.

I love you too Gracie,” gently, with no care for the fact that another is present, Alastor leans in and kisses Grace. And as she kisses back he feels the tension release in his shoulders.

Niffty shudders, “ew, you two are so gross,” and sticks out her tongue. Now she has grown impatient, and has no desire to sit around waiting for these icky lovebirds to give her permission to start the thing she has been waiting for.

Even as Grace feels the pressure of the wand against her belly, she does not pull away from Alastor. She wants him as near as possible. He breaks their kiss first, and rests his forehead against hers. And together the two shut their eyes, and they wait.

There is something about the intangible nature of love that makes it so mysterious, and yet so powerful. Two people can hold each other, talk to each other, bear witness to all the triumphs and all their sins, but those are all acts in the name of love. It can not be seen, touched, or heard. Love is not sensed with the body, but rather the soul. The elation felt in their presence, the comfort in their arms, the peace of being entangled with them. It is a raging fire and a powerful river all at once for these two, something that envelops them at all times.

But if ever there was something that might be a manifestation of love in the physical world, it would be that sound. It is not a beating, but rather something of a rhythmic whooshing.

woosh woosh

woosh woosh

Grace is the first to react, a shuddering breath, like she’s coming up from underwater. Tears in her eyes. It’s alive. They’re alive. Her baby is alive. She hasn’t even looked yet, instead she grips Alastor’s hand tightly, while her free hand comes up to cover her mouth to try and hold in the sobs of relief. Her heart aches with joy, mind abound with hope she hasn’t felt in ages. And when she looks at the monitor those feelings multiply tenfold.

woosh woosh

woosh woosh

Alastor’s ears perk as an almost electric shock goes through him. He remains perfectly still, like the animal his demon form is based on caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. But it is not fear that holds him like this while his wife turns to look at the image. It is the chaos of his entire world shifting around him as that sound burrows deep into his brain causing him to freeze like his mind is being rebooted. He feels something in his chest shift, his dead heart with its radio-like structure suddenly switches channels. He can hear it; woosh woosh. Almost as though the organ is trying to beat, to match up with this strange noise.

woosh woosh

woosh woosh

Seconds pass like hours as he waits, but he doesn’t know what he’s waiting for. For all of this to be revealed as a dream? Because this can’t be real. He doesn’t deserve this, this joy, this love, this hope. Part of him screams to hold back, do not let in the warmth. His rage, his bloodlust, it begs him not to give in to the desire to be something more than a monster. Alastor the radio demon has already strayed so far from his path towards power, don’t let this silly sound drag us down any further.

woosh woosh

Don’t look.

woosh woosh.

Don’t change.

woosh woosh

Don’t fall.

woosh woosh


Soft, warm, living lips against his cheek. Her perfect hand in his. He turns just enough to see her radiant smile.

woosh woosh

He already fell a long time ago

woosh woosh

He is still Alastor the radio demon, an overlord on a conquest for blood and power. But he is also the husband of Grace… and the father of this thing that is making the strange sound that his heart is so desperately trying to replicate.

When he finally turns his head so he can look at the monitor, every feeling is multiplied, compounded, intensified in every way possible. In his mind he can’t help but think ‘it’s just a little bean.’ And it is, most of the screen is a blank space, but within that space is the gray rendering of a tiny, bean shaped blob, with four little stubs that will one day be arms and legs. And yet despite the fact that it looks nothing like a baby, it is still an image that for just a moment warps his entire perception of reality. For just a moment he is overtaken by all of the strange paternal instincts that had been driving him for weeks now. From the moment he knew of its existence he wanted to protect it, let it thrive. And now despite the fact that the fear of failing as a father is creeping up his throat more than ever, he is embraced by the warmth of knowing that that is his child. HIS child. He made that, a little thing, perfect in every way despite only being a little bean. Perfect because its mother is perfect… he knows he doesn’t deserve this, he has not earned the right to a family, but damn he’s going to take this joy and run with it for as long as karma can’t catch up to him.

woosh woosh

woosh woosh

And then there’s Grace. Who had forgotten.

Forgotten about the little doll she carried around everywhere until she was twelve and it was taken away by a cruel older cousin who thought her own child was more deserving of it. She had taken such good care of it, why? Was it because even at that early of an age she had felt the pull of maternal instincts? Not everybody wants to be a mom, and not everybody should, but by god did it break her when the doctor said she couldn’t have children because the one thing she had known about herself all her life was that she wanted to be a mom. She thought before the diagnosis that she’d accepted never having children in exchange for being with Alastor. But look at her now, look at them. A family

woosh woosh

Despite all the joy in her heart as she looks at the screen, Grace finds that there is also a hollowness there. An aching hole that she had boarded up because nothing could fill it. As a child she thought the doll would. That she could pretend to be a mother to make up for the fact that she did not have her own. There were of course women who took care of her, but never with the loving touch of a mom. Sometimes the woman pretends that she lost her mom to the fire, that before that she had somebody who cared for and loved her. But she didn’t, there had not been a single moment of her life where she’d felt that warm, unconditional love directed towards her.

woosh woosh

It aches, it hurts like hell, that hole being ripped open and exposed. But she is strong, and the joy she feels is too powerful to be ruined by things that she can not change. For now at least, perhaps later she will curl up and sob over these raw, painful feelings. But the little thing, with its wooshing noise, that’s what matters now.

woosh woosh

Niffty, who has quickly grown bored from the silence as the two try to process what they're looking at, suddenly speaks up, “why does it look like that? There’s no… demony features…”

Alastor chuckles, the kind of sound he’d never make in front of anybody other than these two, “what were you expecting, antlers? Baby fawns aren’t born with them, they grow them much later.

The cyclops pouts as he pokes fun at her question, “well yeah but still… like… I dunno… it just looks like a weird blob.”

Grace’s brow furrows, and her eyes dart between the screen and binder of pictures beside her.

I don’t know much about these things, but I believe it takes a while for them to develop notable features,” Alastor says with a genuinely soft smile, “it probably doesn’t even have a nose yet, right dear?” He looks at his wife, and that smile nearly drops as he sees the concern in her eyes as she compares the images. Dread fills him. “Gracie… is everything alright?”

She shakes her head, “it’s not developed enough. I… I did the math, some est-mates mainly but… I thought it should be somewhere betw--n nineteen and twenty-two weeks… I figured that since we thought I couldn’t get pregnant that it would make sense for me to make it a few months al-ng without realizing it.”

What made you think that?” He leans over and gets a look at the binder as well. The twenty week fetus she is opened to doesn’t look massively different from their fetus on the monitor, but he can definitely tell that theirs is much smaller and lacks definition. Comparing the two makes him realize that despite how in awe he was looking at it, that baby is still just a strangely shaped clump of cells compared to this picture.

I mean it w-s hard to figure out, after all I haven’t had a period since the chemo ruined my fertility, and th-t’s what’s usually used to mark the da-e” she takes a deep breath and starts flipping backwards through the binder, “the weeks th-ng always confused me because it doesn’t st-rt at conception it starts at the… I think it’s the first day of the last period. But I don’t have one so…” she sighs in exasperation, hands shaking as she examines each ultrasound image closely, “it’s not like we have…S-E-X every night, so that helps t- narr-w it down.” She probably doesn’t have to spell it out, Niffty is an adult, but it’s less about her maturity and more about Grace being embarrassed anyways. “I mathed out a bu-ch of different possibilities based on when we did, and th- only one that made sense was for conception to have ha--ened was during that couple of weeks where we did it a bit more often because I needed to blow off steam, when all my job applications were being reject--. I added three weeks to that n-mber to account for when I would have had a period before that, and came up with ninet--n to twenty-two weeks.”

Niffty of course knows how to spell a simple three letter word. She is perfectly aware of what they are talking about. But keeps her mouth shut and pretends to be fawning over the image on screen while she continues to rub the small section of Grace’s belly with the ultrasound wand.

This of course causes Alastor to tense up yet again, and his mind begins running doomed scenarios, “so the child isn’t developing properly? It’s too small?”

I I don’t know,” she pinches the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut as she tries to collect her thoughts, then resumes flipping through the binder. “I mean I based a lot of the estimations on when I started showing, like… I know I barely have a bum- right now, but… that looks more like these fourteen to sixteen week scans, which is not far enough along to account for the size that I’m at. Plus, I can n-t for the life of me think of when we would have conceived around that time, we didn’t do it m-ch that month.”

Quickly Alastor does the math in his own head, and immediately knows what night night could have created this child, “well… that would be around the night you got really drunk, and proceeded to demand we spite God by having… S-E-X… under the stars…” Him spelling out the word comes less from a place of shame in speaking about it in front of somebody else, and more from his desire for complete and utter privacy around the act of having intercourse with his wife. He’s regretting allowing Niffty to stay, but the way that Grace is soothing herself by petting the girl’s head the way she was the cat earlier gives him reason to put aside his issues about it for now. Her presence as a source of comfort is more important than her being absent for the sake of privacy.

I… don’t remember that,” his wife responds.

Really? You drew a summoning circle out in the meadow to be able to get me out of the house, it was a whole thing,” he had actually found the whole thing rather amusing. It was nice to get a change of scenery, even if it was just to have sex. “Brian had to help me get you back in so you wouldn’t catch your death of cold,” as he says that he starts to understand why she doesn’t remember. The woman is not a heavy drinker, in fact because of her cancer she rarely drank because she didn’t want it to interfere with her chemotherapy medication. Alas the result of this is she is a total lightweight, and her whimsical nature and strange ideas only intensify when she is drunk.

I suppose that makes sense,” she squints, combing her mind for memories of the night he’s speaking of. What if that’s it? What if her anxieties and overwhelming sense of dread had been right all along? God hates her. This pregnancy that could still likely end in tragedy is a punishment because she was stupid enough to go and taunt a god that already hates her. All she can pull from her memories is the stars, blurry imagery of them spinning around a singular point in the sky. “I still don’t get why I’m showing then, like I kn-w I have a small fra-e so I’d start a bit sooner, but still I…”

Niffty, oh brilliant Niffty, who has been relegated to silence to allow the two time alone with their thoughts and their feelings, rolls her one large eye. She shifts her hand a bit, moving the position of the wand just a couple centimeters to the left, nothing there. Now back to the starting point and to the right…

Grace shuts her mouth as she takes in the sight of the screen’s image changing. It flickers for a moment, in a strangely familiar way, as another mass enters the frame. A second little bean. Its image is grainer, almost static. She would think there is something wrong with the monitor, but from this angle both little things can be seen, and only the new one is being displayed this way. More dread overtakes her, her throat closes up and she fights tears. She should be happy. She wants to be happy. But she can’t.

Alastor leans forward, for a moment he feels dread too, twins, double the responsibility, but quickly it is replaced by double the joy. And it seems this one takes more after him, by the way it does not want to be seen. He should be horrified. The demon was already struggling with the idea of raising one child, and sure he’d had his internal monologues about how he’d give his wife as many children as she desires, if he could, but two at once? On the first go? How many diapers is he going to have to change now? Oh gods the screaming, there will be so much screaming and crying and vomit. The weight of this responsibility should be crushing him, and yet somehow he feels stronger than ever, he would carry heaven and earth, and hell, and anything else, for these two miraculous little beans. He feels joy.

That is until he turns to look at his dearest Gracie again, and sees the tears streaming down her face, the way she is caught in a choking sob, “Gracie… what’s the matter?” Alastor clutches both of her hands in his, trying to gain any understanding as to what may be wrong.

The phone produces nothing but static. Her mouth moves as she tries to speak, but there is only silence. Agony courses through her entire soul.

It has to be Niffty that tells him, because she’s seen it too, “Alastor… there’s two babies on there but… there’s only one heartbeat.”

woosh woosh

woosh woosh


Chapter 51

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I'm really sorry there was even more of a delay on this one, I'm really trying to not make it longer and longer between updates but this week wasrough. There's something I feel like I need to say; I have a lot of trauma related to alcohol, between both of my parents being such severe alcoholics that my dad ended up dying in 2022 of cirrhosis, and my own struggles with alcoholism I am just... traumatized when it comes to the whole idea of drinking. Which is why I need to say; whenever I include alcohol in my plot line, it is very carefully considered and planned out. Does that mean that how a person acts is always going to be realistic, who knows, because everybody reacts differently to being drunk. And the reason I have to bring this up is because somebody commented on the last chapter that because Grace was drunk on the possible night of conception and doesn't remember the event happening that it means that it was non-consetual. And that triggered one of the core issues of my alcohol trauma for me; I could almost never tell when/how drunk my parents were, my mom got blackout drunk FREQUENTLY and I was always confused as to why she didn't remeber things the next day, AND this wasn't when I was a child, this was when I was a teen and young adult. This is absolutely something I take into consideration when I write how characters interact with drunk characters, sometimes they will know, sometimes they won't. Yes there is an epidemic in our society of people using alcohol as an excuse to commit date/marital rape, yes there needs to be more education on it and people need to take it more seriously. BUT, real life is full of nuance, alcohol does not always equal no consent. Alastor is an asexual in this story, Grace is the one who has to ask him for sex. Sometimes Grace gets drunk and has whimsical ideas, including ways to have sex. Grace does not get drunk often, especially around Alastor, therefore he would not be familiar with how drunk is 'she won't remember this in the morning' drunk, and will just be trying to do what will make his wife happy. It is not a perfect scenario, I had originally outlined a whole thing where he apologized for not realizing she'd had too much and she apologized because she was afraid she may have been too pushy, I cut it because I was on day 1 of what ended up being a 3 day migraine. But apparently that was a mistake.
I need to make sure that this is clear and understood, because we exist in a society where people can run off to social media and scream 'don't read this the author is a bad person who writes bad things' and then you get people sending death threats and trying to dox and literally this chapter is late because I was having a panic attack thinking that this was going to be the end for this story because I had failed to write in a way that anticipated people not being able to understand nuance. Maybe I spend too much time online but I was having flashbacks to the like 2 months or so on TikTok where teenagers were trying to get fic authors cancelled for writing aged-up ship fics and paranoia is a symptom of my depression.
Anyways I'm sorry this has to be the opening to this chapter; I'm still spiraling a bit but I physically could not get myself to post this chapter without writing this here because like...Jesus Christ I'm going to have to skip an entire arc of their backstory flashbacks that I had planned because there's alcohol involved and now my parinoia is running the show and while so many of you are incredible, and even that one person who commented wasn't particularly mean or anything it just... set me off.. but like I'm running these loops in my brain that it's not safe for me to post any flashbacks or references to the past that would involve alcohol because I can't take the risk of somebody not grasping the nuances again and either commenting something that sets off my trauma and parinoia, or worse somebody spinning it wildly out of context.
I love you guys, all of you guys I really do, I'm not mad or anything I just... this fic is my outlet so this really threw me for a loop. I'm sorry if this one is a little crazy... obvious reasons, I promise I did still put forth an effort into it I just had to scrap it and rewrite it like three times but I think it's still an okay chapter, just... rushed.. I dunno, this is getting long. Everybody take care.
Edit to clarify; I don't think the commenter was trying to be malicious, they seem like a nice person who just misunderstood what I was writing; I jsut happen to have a trauma response to it and sometimes my trauma response is to over explain things because I'm terrified of people misunderstanding me and using that misunderstanding as the reason to label me a bad person. It's not what happened here, but it's happened to me a lot growing up. I am a bit calmer today because I was able to do the thing my parinoia needed for reassurance, thank you so much to everybody who is so kind to me <3

Chapter Text

“Ok this goes here… that goes there…” Charlie mumbles to herself as she unpacks the food delivery in the pantry. When she first took over the hotel she didn’t even know there was a proper kitchen because the entrance was behind several dusty crates. But after she and Alastor got the place cleaned up it was discovered, and everytime she comes in here now she is amazed by it. There is enough space that a full staff could prepare a banquet large enough to feed a hundred people without tripping over each other. And all of the appliances are about as state of the art as you can get in this ring of hell, which is admittedly a bit strange given that she thought the place had been abandoned for decades. Alastor claimed that he did not upgrade the equipment when he was renovating the hotel in his first week here, but given the secrets they all now know he was keeping, the princess somewhat doubts he was being honest about that. After all, over the past few weeks it was clear somebody had been in here cooking, despite none of the food, what little they did have, being missing. So, presumably, he’s been using this kitchen to prepare meals for his wife when everybody else was busy, using the ingredients they had brought from earth.

Vaggie is helping to unload the shipment, she has a clipboard in her hand and is marking everything off to ensure that Charlie did not get scammed and everything that she ordered and paid for is present. Whenever her back is turned Angeldusk, Sir Pentious, and even Husk snatch a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, or something else from this incredible haul. Although none of it resembles what they used to eat while they were alive, it is still much more in the vein of ‘fresh food’ than anything they’ve had since they landed themselves in hell. She does notice the boys filching bits here and there, but does not have the energy for a confrontation about it, so she just makes sure to mark it on her checklist whenever they grab something. Honestly she’s tempted to eat something herself, but refrains as she does not want to take something that they may need for the human.

Charlie did get enough to feed all of them, with a schedule of monthly shipments to follow. Which means she’s gotten far more than what a single human will need, but it’s unclear what the girl will be able to stomach when it comes to hell-based food products, even with the anti-nausea medicine. So rather than order large quantities of a few items she got a little bit of just about everything that wasn’t wildly expensive and wouldn’t go off too quickly. In her mind she hopes that by providing a variety of potentially healthy meals for Alastor’s wife, that he might be willing to resume working peacefully with them.

This hope is suddenly and violently squashed as an intense aura abruptly overtakes them. It’s like getting hit by a wave of heat and dread so intense that most of the occupants of the kitchen stumble as they are caught off guard by it. Charlie and Vaggie feel goosebumps across their entire bodies. Husk and Angel’s fur stands up like animals raising their hackles. And Pentious’s hood spreads outwards, and the tip of his tail quivers as if he had a rattle. All of these actions are involuntary, their primal fear instincts being drug up to the surface as though they are facing something monstrous.

Husk looks up as the lights start to flicker, “f*ck…”

Angel has all six of his arms out, as though that might help him protect himself from whatever danger is coming, “Ima guess that that baby of theirs ain’t doing too well or something…”

Pentious slithers over to his egg boys like a mother snake desperate to protect the nest, “we’re all going to diiiiie!!” Him yelling this of course causes his minions to begin to freak out as well, flailing their arms and yelling in panic.

Charlie’s eyes dart to the ceiling, her heart thunders, “no… no no he won’t… he can’t I…” She doesn’t know what’s more heartbreaking, the thought that she may be about to have to fight Alastor… or the possibility that the poor ‘innocent’ child is dead because of the recklessness of the people she is meant to be redeeming.

Vaggie shakes her head, and goes to grab her girlfriend’s hand, “if he was going to kill us he wouldn’t give us a warning like this. He wouldn’t want us to have the chance to prepare.” But her skin is still crawling, something is wrong. If they aren’t in danger now, they will be soon.

There is a moment of silence as the group waits for what feels like the end of the world, but eventually Charlie speaks up again, her voice shaking, “I’ll go up there and check on them.”

Very quickly Husk interjects, “no, you keep f*cking upsetting the girl from what I hear, so how about just… f*ck no. Same goes for you,” he points towards the other woman before she can speak. The cat takes a deep breath, “I’ll go, Grace seems to have convinced Al not to kill me so I’m in the least danger…” He hates offering, because he knows that his safety is not guaranteed, but what he hates more is the way they look at him in surprise, as though they can not fathom that he would have offered to take the risk.

“Can uh… can I come with you?” Angeldust asks suddenly, which elicits even more surprise from the group. He realizes that he’s still in fear response mode, and quickly retracts his third pair of arms and runs his hands through the parts of his fuzz that’s still sticking up in an attempt to flatten it. After a moment of silence he assumes they are waiting for an explanation and says, “Whatever’s going on up there I don’t think our little kitty should be heading up on his own.” It’s a lie, for the most part. Because the truth is he knows he stands just about no chance if Alastor does decide to kill them all. So he wants the chance to talk himself into safety if necessary. After all, if Husk was able to get the girl to like him enough to get her husband to agree to spare him, then maybe she’ll be reasonable if he offers her an actual apology or something. He didn’t actually ‘try’ to kill her, and never managed to hurt her, he just threatened the girl to try and keep her from running. So, if he plays up an apologetic, friendly, sympathetic act then maybe he can get himself some amnesty as well. And worse comes to worse, he’s real curious about what’s going on and would at least like to see the drama unfold before he gets turned into ground spider meat.

Several floors; up a lot unfolded very quickly. The moment Alastor heard that there is only one heartbeat between the twins he scooped Grace up in his arms and began to move. There was barely even time for a breath between him hearing those words and him getting her out the door. He wants to run, to sprint, but is still concerned about jostling his wife too much or even stumbling, and therefore must walk with the briskest pace he can manage. There is no time to panic, no time to sit and sob. He saw that one was exhibiting powers similar to his own, and in a split second the overlord was able to figure out the one possible way that both of these children may still be alright. But the only way he can prove it is with the right equipment, his own powers may not be fine tuned enough to detect what he is hoping for, but the machines in his broadcast tower are far stronger and more sensitive than his own abilities.

Niffty follows without hesitation, having the thought first to grab Grace’s phone for her. But she is struggling to keep up, stumbling every few yards as her little legs carry her as fast as they can down the hall. For a moment she glances upwards at the flickering lights, and feels a fear in her chest that she’s not felt in a long time.

Strangely, it’s not Alastor who is causing this disturbance in the force that set everybody else on edge. Grace, in her terror, panic, and fury is drawing power from within herself, pulling it through the mark on her hand with so much force that the lines are beginning to split open with a glowing light. But she has no real energy left, she used all of her stored up vigor in that defensive move yesterday, and yet her emotions are running so hot right now that she’s managing to subconsciously pull more through the bond that links her to the one controlling her power source. It’s not even directed at anything specific, it is just energy being pumped into the air as she silently screams in her husband’s arms. All the fear and despair that she feels is blasted out across the hotel in a wave.

Her phone in Niffty’s hands once again can not convey her sobs. But it isn’t even static, it is a blown out, high pitched keening, like the sound of a broken microphone. Tears are streaming down her face, snot drips down her nose into her open mouth as she wails. She can not fathom any world where things are okay, her mind was already set on the idea that she was being punished, that everything bad that could happen would happen. And so until she is provided proof otherwise, all she can think is that one of the two children in her womb is dead, and that it must be her fault.

As they move through the halls Alastor can not help but think about the aura radiating off his wife. He’s felt this a few times before, but only ever in short bursts. Now that he’s being exposed to it for an extended period, and is witnessing the effect it’s having, he has a suspicion as to what it is. It’s not magical energy that she is discharging. This sensation he and Niffty are feeling, like they are being scorched by a desert sun but without the light…it’s radiation. A low dose, not enough to harm any of the residents of hell, but high enough that if they were in the living world he’d be concerned about her giving anybody nearby radiation sickness, if exposed to it for too long. Well, not concerned, he wouldn’t really give a f*ck, but she would hate herself for bringing harm to the people around her, and that’s what would worry him, her feeling guilty for something outside her control. His shadows have wrapped themselves around her phone and any other important machinery in the building just to make sure that she does not unintentionally fry their systems. Hopefully because the radiation is coming off of her it will not bring her any harm, but he needs to deal with this fast just in case.

Despite his primary focus being on the health of his family, there is a voice in the back of his head, trying to distract him. Thoughts that he should not be thinking about right now. Light based powers, her fascination with the night sky, and now evidence that she has radiation mixed in with her abilities? For a moment the memory of her laying on death’s door comes to mind, the way she reached for the stars, mumbling about wanting to go home. He shouldn’t be thinking about power right now, shouldn’t be picking apart his plan for dominating the worlds of the living and the dead. And yet he can not help but consider…

All considerations of power go out the window as he turns a corner and nearly slams into two demons who have come upstairs to investigate the chaos. The brief moment where he has to stop and pull back so that Grace does not get crushed between him and them is enough to reset Alastor’s mind so he can resume focusing on what is important. Then he brushes past Husk and Angel without a word, not even an angry glare, or a furious static. It’s as if he doesn’t see them, despite walking between them and his shoulders brushing up against each one.

“Well… that ain’t good…” Angel says, staring wide eyed as the radio demon keeps moving.

Husk looks down at Niffty, who has stopped with her hands on her knees to catch her breath, “The f*ck happened up here Niffty?”

“Two…” She has to inhale between each word, her lungs ache from practically sprinting across the hotel to keep up with Alastor, “babies… one… heartbeat…” Maybe it’s not her information to share, but she knows she has to warn the bartender before chaos breaks out.

“sh*t…” the cat and the spider say in sync.

Alastor hasn’t even noticed that the maid isn’t following him anymore, because he didn’t realize she was behind him in the first place. As he reaches the trapdoor leading to his broadcast tower he tries to reassure himself. Everything will be okay, he’ll show Grace that both babies are okay, and then she can calm down, and they can be happy. He doesn’t care about killing the others, he doesn’t care about his wife’s display of power, all the overlord cares about is getting back the joy. That pure bliss they were feeling in the moments between finding the first heartbeat and… discovering there wasn’t a second.

He is gentle getting her into the tower despite his rush. Her whole body is shaking with her violent, silent sobbing, and he fears she is going to be ill. Which is why the demon can not bear to put her down, he knows that Grace needs every ounce of comfort he can give her. So it is the job of his shadow tentacles to set everything up as he half collapses to his knees in front of the console.

Turn that dial.

Flick that switch.

Move these antennas.

It’s not unlike how the woman had been adjusting the ultrasound machine earlier, everything needs to be set up just right to achieve what they are aiming for.

Gracie… Gracie, listen to me, I need you to stop crying please,” there is no filter to Alastor’s voice, it is just him again. Today is the most he’s talked in his own tone in years, and it is a sound that is only for her ears. “Everything is going to be okay I’ll show you, but I need you to calm down so I can do this…”

She takes a deep, shuddering breath, and tries to stop, but another sob rips through her despite having no vocal chords to convey it. It has become so intense that there is a wet, coughing like sound that accompanies it.

The demon holds his wife even tighter, pressing his lips to the top of her head, burying his face in her brunette curls, and closes his eyes. He hasn’t realized yet that his own cheeks are covered in silvery tears. Tears that begin to fall even more freely when he switches on the receiver on the broadcast console and hears… nothing.

Desperately his shadows turn more knobs, trying to tune it, trying to find a signal, but he doesn’t know the frequency. Alastor hadn’t expected this feeling, when he first arrived back at the hotel and saw Grace injured and suspected his child may be dead he only felt anger, fury, because he was surrounded by people who only knew his anger and his facade. But now it is just the two of them, and now he knows the immense feeling of love and happiness that he got from hearing that one heartbeat. Even though one child within her is certainly alive, the idea that the second, the one he didn’t even know about, might be gone brings a sorrow that he’s not felt since he watched Grace wither away in that hospital bed.

No, it hurts more than that…

He thought he would never feel more pain than he did when he thought Grace was dying, and yet somehow he has stumbled onto a whole new realm of agony. But, she came back, she was okay. So this twin must be too, because he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if it’s not.

~oo~~ w~~sh

His ears perk as the speaker on his station begins to play a familiar noise, “Grace…”

w~~sh ~~~sh

It is a weak signal, but it is there. A heartbeat like on the ultrasound machine, but being played as a radio signal.

w~~sh woosh

He gasps for air his lungs do not need, his own sob, a sob of relief crossing his lips. It’s alright, everything will be alright.

Chapter 52

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Don't have much to say today other than hopefully from this point we will be getting into the 'Grace getting to know the others' section, I just needed a transitional chapter to wind down the high emotion section we've been in. Things may start moving kinda fast again for a bit, passing time to get to each section that has actual meat and what not. Have a nice night love ya'll

Chapter Text

The lights cease their horror movie style flickering. Niffty, Husk, and Angel look up, their shoulders relaxing as the sense of dread dissipates. It’s like a hand at their throat being pulled away so they can finally breathe.

“I don’t say this often but…” Husk sighs, scratching at his arms because the skin under his fur itches, “...thank f*cking god.”

“God ain’t got any hand in what goes on down here,” Angeldust laughs nervously, then clears his throat, “so like… what the f*ck happened.” He also begins to scratch a bit, the itching is the same as it was yesterday after he was exposed to the violet light, a sensation similar to a sunburn, but he doesn’t focus too much on it.

Downstairs Charlie and Vaggie are still in the kitchen. The princess has spent the past several minutes sitting in a chair with her head in her hands. After Husk and Angel left to investigate the situation she was finally hit with the gravity of everything; that because of the people in her hotel an innocent unborn child may be dead. Her girlfriend was trying to console her, trying to tell her it’s not her fault. But it’s hard to get her to believe that, after all it was the people Charlie is responsible for that caused this, as their leader the responsibility of their actions falls squarely on her shoulders.

Despite her apprehension regarding Alastor, Vaggie could not help the guilt that was gnawing at her own heart. She really believes it was not Charlie’s fault, it was hers, not just for attacking the girl, but for being the one to really egg on the conflict that occurred yesterday. Which is why when the lights stop flickering, and the aura of despair dispels, she feels an immense relief.

Speaking of eggs, Pentious had gathered up his minions and taken refuge in the walk-in freezer, hoping it might serve as some kind of bunker. It does it fact block out the waves of radiation that were causing everybody to panic, which means that he has no idea the danger has now passed.

Up in Alastor’s broadcast tower the couple are unaware of the way everybody is reacting. In fact the overlord has no idea that his wife’s wave of radioactive power had traveled so far. He was too focused on her wellbeing at the time to realize that the whole hotel had been engulfed in it. Even now he does not know of anything happening outside of this room, he has retracted all of his shadows and is focused purely on Grace and the warble sound of this radio heartbeat.

There isn’t much space, but he has pulled her under the overhang of the console as he holds her, knowing that being in a more enclosed area will bring her comfort. The two do not speak, not just because Grace lacks her voice, but because they have no words. Alastor holds her, tighter than he ever has, his long limbs wrapped around her body, his face buried in her shoulder. And despite how strong he is, his body instinctively does not crush her, his grip is as tight as it can possibly be without hurting her. He doesn’t even consider how weak this would make him look if another were to enter, his heart doesn’t have the strength to fight the urge to cling to her like a life raft in a storm.

Grace is still shell-shocked from the whole experience. She would be holding him as tightly if she could, but her brain is currently attempting a factory reset to cope with the whiplash of emotions she has been subjected to over the course of a quarter of an hour. First the anxiety of not knowing what the ultrasound would show; then the joy that there is a little bean with a heartbeat. Followed by the surprise of there being a second bean, which immediately led into the horror and despair upon realizing one did not have a pulse. And that despair escalated quickly into a sensation of pain and agony that there are no words to describe, she doesn’t even know how she got from that bedroom to the broadcast tower because her mind was so engulfed in darkness that she lost all perception of the world around her. But then within that swirling, infinite seeming darkness there came light in the form of sound, the staticy noise of her child’s radio heart. Now there is no joy, only relief, which is enough, because joy might be too much for her own heart to handle.

As her mind recovers from the bungee jumping catastrophe of emotions, all Grace can think is ‘they’re alive, they’re alive, they’re alive,’ over and over and over. A mantra, a thank you god without the words ‘thank you’ or ‘god.’ Her face is buried in Alastor’s chest, all she can hear is the way his own breathing is ragged despite the fact that he doesn’t need oxygen, and the heartbeats; both the one playing on the radio next to them, and the replica that her husband’s heart is playing.

After a few minutes of deep breaths Alastor tries to break the silence and pull his wife out of her mental cloud, “I suspect this is a story we shall not be sharing with the kids?” It is a strange word to be rolling off his tongue, ‘kids.’ The plural, that guarantee that he will be having multiple children, so all the things he spent yesterday running through his mind are now closer to true than ever. Two little hands to hold while crossing the street, two heads of hair to brush every day, two little smiles. And the word comes so easily to him, as in this moment of relief from the intense emotions, his mind does not have the will to come up with its usual blockades. None of his fears and apprehensions are coming to him at this moment to harden him against the thought of having children. And while this is certainly not the end of his struggles to cope with his impending fatherhood, the overlord can’t help but think how nice it is to just have a moment where he is excited about the little family he is about to make.

Grace can only sniffle in response, with a bit of an almost chuckle. But she does not move her face, she’s not coming up for anything right now. Part of her wants to speak, she has so many words swirling through her mind right now. But her voice is not with them.

Her voice is in Niffty’s hands. The maid looks down at it as it gets a bit staticy, a few sounds come through the speaker, no words yet but it’s clearly trying to convey the human’s mixed up emotional state right now. The demon’s little hands quickly start trying to turn it off, the last thing she wants is to eavesdrop on her bestest friend when she’s having a vulnerable moment.

But Angel has other ideas, “Hold up hold up,” before either she or Husk can stop him he bends over and takes the device from her hands, “this may be our chance to learn some sh*t about this girl, don’t you wanna hear what’s going on in there?”

A rough, semi-terrified laugh comes from the bartender, “trust me kid you do not want to do that. You will regret it ten ways to Sunday.”

“Aw come on what’s the worst that could happen?” The spider shrugs, holding the phone up to see if he can get a better signal.

“NO!” Niffty screeches, and kicks Angeldust’s shins, “NO EAVESDROPPING!”

“Gah! f*cking hell Nif!” He curses as he drops it, the little maid knows how to deliver a powerful blow when need be.

Husk is the one to catch the phone as it falls, “well that’s one thing, and for another, you really think Alastor wouldn’t punish all of us if you invade his wife’s privacy?”

The p*rnstar smirks deviously, “but that’s the thing baby, he can’t hurt us. Not while his kid… kids I guess, are alright.” He crosses one pair of arms and places the other on his hips. “See he may be good at making deals, but none are airtight. Way I hurt him phrase it, he can’t hurt any of us as long as his kid is safe in that gal’s stomach.” He shrugs, “things will be a bit fuzzy after their born but… when you think about it that means we all got a free pass to f*ck with him for the next six months, so long as we keep his baby momma healthy.”

The cat’s eyes widen, he is also well versed in the art of deal making, and that detail totally slipped by him when Alastor and Charlie were making their agreement. “Well sh*t,” he laughs again, this time without the fear behind it, “I mean you aren’t wrong. I’d still be careful, that bastard can hold a f*cking grudge.”

Niffty shakes her head, “but the deal didn’t say anything about what Grace can and can’t do, so you still gotta be careful.” Her smile gets a bit deranged, “and she’s his wife, so I think she’s gotta like the color of blood at least half as much as he does so if you make her mad…”

Angel sighs, “yeah I guess you’re right, I suppose I can try and respect her privacy and stay on her good side.”

“You held a gun to her head, you really think you’re on her good side right now?” Husk responds with a raised eyebrow.

“Hell no, but I’m a people person,” the spider winks, “I’ll apologize and suck up to her for a while. I mean if she was able to get Al to grant you amnesty then maybe I can earn the same.”

The bartender seems like he is about to respond, but the phone goes staticy with more words trying to come through again, “...Well if we wanna be on her good side then I guess we should start with getting this back to her.”

Back in the broadcast tower Alastor is currently humming to Grace, the melody of their little song. He knows they can’t stay like this forever, but he just wants one more moment of peace. One more moment where she is safe in his arms.

But the moment can not last, he hears something. Voices near the entrance to his fortress. A shadow slips across the trapdoor to barricade it while he prepares to face the mongrels that seek to make his life so difficult.

Grace’s heart pounds a bit as she feels herself being lifted into the air. The breath is almost sucked out of her lungs as a whirlwind of green smoke envelops her and her husband. She’s unsure what is going on, and has no way to ask him to explain. But she feels her t-shirt, which had become covered in snot, strip away from her body to be replaced with a clean, warm sweater. At the same time she feel’s Alastor’s shirt disappear to be replaced, as it was also covered in her tears and snot, and there is a brief moment where her cheek rests directly against his cold skin. She realizes in that brief second that he is warmer than usual, a fact that firmly lodges in her brain, but she has no time to contemplate before her head is gently pulled back so an invisible force can wipe her face. It takes about thirty seconds for the smoke to dissipate, leaving Alastor standing with Grace cradled in his arms, both of them in fresh clothes with any traces of their crying cleaned up, aside from the few tears that are still gently running down the woman’s face.

Carefully he sets her down in the chair beside the console, and kisses her forehead, “You turn me into a complete mess sometimes, you know that?” He takes and squeezes one of her hands, “but it is time for me to pull myself together… I can not be this soft thing you have turned me into in front of them, do you understand?”

Grace is still a bit disoriented, but she believes she understands. There is a banging noise as somebody struggles to get the trapdoor open and she realizes that means there are about to be other people again. So she nods in reply.

Good… I love you,” the radio demon stands straight and tall, adjusting his gloves, he doesn’t know where his regular ones have gotten too so he has to wear a sh*tty old pair that itches like the dickens. He rescinds the shadows enough to let the metal door open, but uses them to keep it from slamming against the floor.

The white hair of the spider’s head pokes through the opening first, Angeldust looks around, a bit wide eyed, he’d never been in the broadcast tower before. This is followed quickly by Niffty, who arrives in a spectacular fashion, being tossed up by Husk. She squeals as her dress poofs in the air, then lands gracefully. After a moment to regain her balance she quickly scurries over to Alastor and Grace, her hand outstretched to offer them the woman’s precious phone. Husk stays below, not quite ready to be mixed up in any trouble.

“Wooow,” Angel says in an overdrawn and dramatic way, “ya know with radio being your whole bread and butter I would have thought this place would be… less of a dump.” Husk fights the urge to snicker below him, knowing that his master may hear.

There is a brief moment of static noise surrounding Alastor, but he remains eerily calm, “radio is for listening, not viewing, why would I waste time on how the place looks when I can focus on the content I’m putting on the air.” A knob turns next to him, the speaker goes from playing that little heartbeat to broadcasting his screams of the damned.

Niffty ignores the boys, they are silly and stupid, she focuses on the only one in the room who matters to her, “Gracie…” she looks up at the human with a wide eye, “is the baby okay…?”

The woman is swimming through her state of shock, but is able to manage a weak smile and a nod. This brings the cyclops great joy, the kind she can hardly contain, her body shakes as she fights the urge to jump for joy. The little one wants to scream and shout ‘hallelujah,’ but she sees the dark circles paired with puffy redness around Grace’s green eyes, and so for the moment she contains herself.

Is there a particular reason why you are bothering us Angel,” Alastor tilts his head to the side, “I believe I have made it very clear that Gracie and I were to be left alone today.”

The spider quickly clears his throat, having expected more of a reaction out of his jab at the overlord’s workspace, “yeah uh, the food shipment’s here, thought you might wanna know, in case you wanna make your lady friend a proper dinner or something.” He’ll find ways to mess with him, it’s just going to take a bit to figure out the right angle to get under his skin.

The radio demon glances at his wife, “are you hungry my dear? I could prepare a meal for you now.”

Grace grimaces, and her phone lights up as she speaks, “I feel a little sick r-ght now… but if I take more of those pills maybe I’ll feel better by the time you fini-- cooking?” She is a bit concerned about being over reliant on the anti-nausea meds, after all any medicine can be dangerous in too high a dose. The woman decides that before she takes another pill that she’s first going to read the labeling to see how often it’s recommended being taken. Her eyes go distant as she becomes lost in thought, contemplating potential side effects, and reassuring herself that it can't possibly be as dangerous as thalidomide was.

Alastor nods, and does not interrupt her thought process when he sees her eyes begin to stare off in the distance, “very well, Angel, Husker, inform Charlie for me that I shall be down shortly.”

“Yeah, gotcha, on it,” Angel replies quickly, there is a ghost of a smirk, “oh and, congrats on the twins, or good luck I should say. My sister and I were hell as babies so you’ve got your work cut out for you.” He ducks back into the hallway before Alastor can react, then scurries back to the kitchen to let the princess know what is going on.

Chapter 53

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I was going to post this last night but I decided to give myself a night's sleep before I edit because I realized things were a little scattery and I figured I needed some sleep. I'm working on not slowing myself down by writing out every movement and conversation and just getting from point to point to point so that I can focus on character and relationship development and get time moving again. I think I'm going to have one more chapter on this day (I kinda ended on a smallish cliffhanger again, the other reason I didn't post last night cause I was trying to decide if I would do all of the stuff in this one chapter or cut it where I cut it and wrap everything up in the next chapter.) And then after next chapter I'm going to try and move time along until we get to the point in the next major 'arc.' Which I think what I'm going to do is like 1-2 chapters for a 'day' of time, occasionally skipping some days, and throwing a series of connected flashbacks in like I did the last time I moved time forward. And I'm not one hundred percent sure how I'm going to structure it but I'm thinking like each 'day' is dedicated to Grace getting to know one of the hotel crew people and them doing something to start a bond with her/make ammends, while in the background Alastor is rebuilding her room. I dunno I guess I wanna know how you guys think that sounds before I jump into it.
Last thing before we get to the chapter cause this is going to be a big deal in this one and the next; I love Charlie, but there are aspects of her that give me a nails on chalkboard type feeling, not because of her being poorly written, I think she is well written as a character who is meant to be frustrating to people who can see those aspects of her. I think I've discussed this a bit before but basically her toxic positivity and lack of understanding of humananity that really negativly impacts her ability to be effective at this whole 'redemption' thing. Now while I love Charlie and can overlook those flaws by just hoping she gets better... Grace sorta embodies my frustration with those issues, she is too worn out and has been through too much trauma and has too much to focus on right now. Which is to say... she's not going to get along with Charlie right away, in fact she's going to eventually kinda harshly call her out in her flaws on her approach to things and her view of sinners, next chapter she is going to get a little mean cause she is hormonal and tired. And I just like... I know people can get upset when they see an OC attacking a beloved character because there's the assumption that it's because the author hates that character so I want to clarify that I don't hate Charlie I just want to have tension in my story and address some of my issues with her (and yeah I'm doing the thing I'm doing with other characters where I'm increasing the intensity of their flaws to create more drama but like the point still stands)
Anyways sorry in advance for the slight cliffhanger but I already have the next chapter outlined so if I don't get another migraine this weekend I should maybe have the next one up Sunday night.

Chapter Text

It was decided that Grace would accompany Alastor to the kitchen while he prepares food for her, so that she does not have to be left alone, cooped up in the princess’ room. She is still too weak to stand for long periods of time, and too overwhelmed to hold a conversation, so the woman just sits on a stool at the prep counter. It’s not too bad, he gave her a bowl of strange fruit to cut up while he makes pancakes at the stove, and she always enjoys wielding a knife. The fruits resemble strawberries, but are a bit larger, and more orange than they are red. Occasionally she pops a piece into her mouth while cutting, they are not as sweet as strawberries, and have a tiny bit of a citrus flavor to them.

Of course Alastor thinks that his wife should have something more substantial to eat, since it’s her first real meal in a while. But Grace wants pancakes, because as she put it she hasn’t had any in ‘months,’ which is an exaggeration because he distinctly remembers her having them on the morning before they left for hell. He’s got no intention of arguing with her, any food is better than no food, but he at least got her to compromise by agreeing to have some kind of fruit on them.

As Grace finishes chewing and another bite of this strange hell-fruit her voice conveys her thoughts without her having to open her mouth, “Hon-stly Alastor, some of this stuff doe-n’t seem too far off from food from the living w-rld. If you told me this was someth-ng from a country near the equator th-n I would believe it.” It’s a comforting thought, it makes it seem more likely that this stuff will all be safe for her to eat. It’s strange, the pancake mix is apparently made with normal wheat, so she wonders if there are fields dedicated to growing Earth crops, or if there is just some secret trade with humans that allow for certain products to exist in hell that are the same as they are back home.

Charlie, who had of course been hovering by the door after they were all shooed out of the kitchen, pokes her head in, “oh? What’s the equator? Is it some kind of desert?” Although the princess had learned some things about the planet Earth, she had significant knowledge deficits in anything outside of basic human history. Her tutor growing up didn’t exactly feel the need to teach geography or science outside of what applies to hell.

The human tries her best to maintain her facial expression, and not seem baffled by the question, “It’s sort of a… l-ne around the planet that represents the m-ddle of it, where we get the most sunlight.” She’s unsure how to describe it, and although she normally loves explaining things and teaching people about stuff, right now she just does not have the energy to get into this sort of thing.

Vaggie is still standing outside the door, having already decided she won’t come in and disturb the human after everything that happened, but she wants to stay by her girlfriend in case any dangers arise. She tries to recall the concept of the equator, and is confused to realize she can’t. She swears she was human once and knew these things, and yet whenever she tries to remember things about earth and humanity she finds that her knowledge falls flat, like all of it was rubbed out of her memory with an eraser. The fallen angel realizes that even if she was able to speak directly with Grace, she can’t ask too many questions because it might start to reveal to the others that she is not a sinner with a normal human past. She even notes to herself that she can’t come up with the excuse that the things she doesn’t know were not common knowledge in her time because she’s always claimed to be a recently deceased soul. Vaggie definitely got lucky that Charlie never pushed her for any more details about that. And yet she also wants to know what an ‘equator’ is, because the concept of an ‘imaginary line’ seems really weird and she wants to know what the f*ck that means.

Charlie takes a few more steps into the room, “A line? Has it always been there? Or did humans draw it?” She here’s a bit of snickering from Angeldust behind her. Everybody is hanging around wanting to see what happens now that the living soul has been let out of captivity.

No uh… it’s imagin-ry…” Grace shakes her head a bit, and tries to focus on the little knife as it cuts into the flesh of another one of these fruits, “j-st a term we use.” There’s a part of her that screams to go into detail, she could give a whole lecture about latitude and longitude, navigation, ancient mapping techniques. But she’s apprehensive about talking to the hellborn princess, it seems like every time the girl opens her mouth she says something that stresses her out, and Grace doesn’t have any spare energy to deal with that.

Alastor flips a pancake, his ears are swiveled so he can listen to the conversation in case he needs to step in, but he’s humming one of his little tunes so that it may seem like he’s not paying attention. He is a bit concerned about Grace’s lack of explanation. Although her monologues about her various pools of knowledge have diminished since she lost her voice, for obvious reasons, he had really hoped that despite the system’s imperfections that she would return to her usual, talkative self now that she had her voice linked to the phone. He knows that it is not just because she is tired. He once listened to her extensively explain the details of sea mammal biology after a trip to a marine center, when she hadn’t slept in three days because she had been online looking up for more information about some creature called a ‘manatee.’ And while he thinks it would make sense for her to be hesitant to talk to Charlie or the others because she is uncomfortable with them… well he had never known her to let her feelings about a person stop her from sharing knowledge with them. Something is wrong, perhaps it is the stress, maybe the hormones, but whatever it is, this is not like her.

The woman is peering at the strange hell-fruit in her hand, wondering if it has a name, but not thinking to ask, instead she is observing the shape of its seeds, the color and viscosity of its juices, trying to understand when her phone suddenly lights up with her voice again, “Al, darling, did my books s-rvive that fire? I was wondering if th-t hell-botany tome made it out of the blaze.”

“Oh I have lots of books, do you like to read? I can loan you some of my books about hell’s history if you’d like!” Charlie interrupts before Alastor can answer his wife’s question.

Grace visibly flinches at the sudden interjection, she almost feels bad for the princess, it’s clear she hasn’t gotten to make a lot of friends ‘her age’, given that the only other ‘young woman’ at the hotel is her girlfriend, unless you count Niffty, and while Grace adores Niffty she can tell that their two brands of chaotic energy likely clash.

The radio demon feels a bit of static at the back of his skull, he can tell that Grace is tired and really should just eat and head back to bed. But Charlie seems insistent on engaging the other woman in conversation. He can not even begin to imagine how the next few months will play out, almost certainly the hotel manager is going to try and involve the human in her various bonding activities and redemption exercises, even though redemption is far from why she is here. And he knows that if he intervenes too much on his wife’s behalf then it could affect the other’s perception of him. So, as much as he hates it, he has to recognize that even when exhausted, Grace is a strong independant woman who doesn’t need her husband constantly telling people to f*ck off for her.

She is thinking about how best to respond to the question, given that she indeed would adore some new books to read, but at the same time is still too tired to have a conversation about them, when suddenly she notices something about the group hanging around the door watching them, “...one of you is miss-ng… where’s the snake?”

Alastor briefly checks his handful of shadow tendrils to see if he can determine an answer to the question for her, and finds that Pentious is not anywhere on this floor or the one above, “I am sure he just ran off and hid somewhere during all the commotion earlier, that seems to be his method of handling danger.”

“When you two were causing a ruckus he ran off into the walk-in freezer, probably thought he could barricaded himself in and be safe,” Vaggie points out, finally actually stepping into the room, because now that she thinks about it she never saw the demon come out.

The overlord glances over at the freezer in question as he places the last pancake onto the plate he intends to give Grace. He hadn’t even realized it was there, and now that he does it’s become obvious to him that his shadow powers can not penetrate it. Perhaps it is constructed with holy metal, but why? Maybe to make it magically keep food cold more consistently, but that seems like a waste of such a material. Even he does not know who owned the hotel prior to Charlie taking over, but now he’s a bit curious, given the other odd things about the floor plan. There is no time for him to focus on it now, instead he begins to apply butter and cut up fruit to the plate of pancakes in a way that will make it lovely and presentable for Grace.

Grace who has suddenly gotten to her feet with a look of concern, and seems to be headed towards the freezer. But she only makes it a step before she has to lean against the counter. Her legs feel like lead. The phone produces static as she tries to convey some sort of panicked message.

This of course causes Alastor some distress, because if he rushes over to her at every little thing in front of the others then he will look weak, and it will negate his internal monologue from before about her being strong and independent. So all he can do is allow one of his tendrils to subtly support her so that at the very least she doesn’t fall and hit her head. But she looks so frail and weak, all he wants to do is hold her and keep her from having to walk anywhere.

“Whoa, the f*cks the matter with her?” Angeldust says, taking a few steps towards the girl in case she needs to be caught, not seeing the shadows supporting her.

Snakes are c-ld blooded!!” Her phone somehow manages to convey the sharpness of her tone, there is an anger to it, a frustration that she seems to be surrounded by idiots. Alastor raises a brow at her anger, but trusts that whatever she is talking about is important, so he begins to move towards the freezer since he can not open it with his powers.

Everybody else gives her blank stares, having no idea what she means by this statement.

Legs moving like she is treading water, Grace still tries to cross the room despite the fact that Alastor is already on his way there, he’s moving at too nonchalant of a pace for her liking. “Their b-dies can’t handle the c-ld, so he could be in d-nger.” She knows she might be overreacting a bit, very much aware that a reptile will first go into hibernation before anything really bad happens, but she also realizes that Pentious isn’t a true snake so there’s no telling which parts of the biology he may or may not have inherited.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Charlie also begins to move towards the freezer, not too worried, as far as she is aware the only thing that can truly kill a sinner is angelic steel, or a really, really powerful demon. But she is a bit worried about the fact that he hasn’t come out yet, he might be terrified and still hiding because she doesn’t know the danger has passed, “he’s already dead so stuff like that wouldn’t affect him.”

Alastor’s bones crack as his neck turns so he can glare at the princess, his gaze conveys a ‘are you calling, my wife stupid?’ kind of intimidation, but he does not say anything. He hates having to hold his tongue so much.

Al sheds his antlers ev-ry year, so I’d bet all of y'all have r-ndom traits from the animals that your demon f-rms are based on.” Grace nearly collapses a few feet away from the counter, but the shadow tendrils keep her knees from buckling while Angel’s hands suddenly come from behind her to steady her shoulders.

While it’s not the most embarrassing information to have shared, the deer demon bites his tongue in frustration because he does wish that she hadn’t mentioned that detail. He does not like having people know about his personal life and habits, including his deer traits. He feels they diminish the fear his demon form is meant to induce.

Both he and Charlie reach the freezer at the same time, and he stands back to allow her to open it…

Chapter 54

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


I was struggling to finish this chapter cause I wasn't sure how to end it, like I said last time from this point we are going to be doing some fast forwarding so I wanted this one to end the day on a solid note before we start hopping ahead. And given that Grace had a lot to say that was kind of hard to do. Speaking of, once again not going to be including the cut letters part of Grace's dialogue pattern this chapter since she is saying so much and I don't want it to be a pain to read. This is also our first chance to get to see her turn that sharp toungue against somebody other than Alastor, which is a relief because I was getting worried it might portray how she treats him in a bad light if he was the only one getting verbal lashings. She's getting her confidence back now that she knows her babies are safe for now, but combine that with her exhaustion and stress and it's going to make her a little bitchy. I personally think of her as being a bit like me, I tend to write out monologues about the stuff that pisses me off in my head, and I imagine she does the same, the difference between her and I is that she has the balls to actually say that sh*t. So if her little speech seems really well constructed for something she's saying on the spot, it's cause some of the details are things she already thought up in her head.
Again, I don't hate Charlie. But Grace recognizes her as the leader of this group, and in her mind, and this isn't an uncommon way of thinking, the leader is responsible for the failings of the group. So while yeah there's an aspect to which her behaviour is driven by exhaustion and Charlie being too high energy, it is also a result of that mindset. I want them to be friend's eventually, but Grace isn't the kind of person sits by and watches the people around her be sh*t at important things, especially when those things affect her and her family. Also, fully aware probably not everything Grace says is one-hundred percent accurate, I have no intention of her word being gospel in this series, but it's her perspective and that's what's important.
Anyways I might need a few days to structure out the next couple chapters but I hope this one holds ya'll over till then.

Chapter Text

Husker, take that big storage bin over there and start filling it with warm water,” Grace says, geturing to one of the bins that food had been delivered in. Her voice over the phone is steady and calm as Charlie and Vaggie drag Pentious’ limp body out of the freezer, “not hot water, warm.” She looks over at her husband as he herds the egg minions out of the cold box so he can be doing something helpful without having to touch anybody, “darling, could you please poof us up some towels and start soaking them?” Then her gaze goes towards the women, “while Husker is filling the bin, you need to get that snake in it, try to get as much of him submerged as you can; and any parts hanging out we are going to wrap with the towels.” She glances at Angeldust, who is still standing behind her in case she falls, “you look like you have a nice hairdryer, I want you to get it and sit with those egg things, use a low temp to slowly warm them without cooking them.” Said egg boys are huddled together, shivering, which makes a clattering sound as they bump against each other. She glances over at the little cyclops, and knows there isn’t much here that she can do to help, so she says, “and Niffty, I think he might be hungry when he wakes up, but this may have triggered some of his snake instincts. Do you think that you could go catch some rats? Preferably alive?”

Without hesitation or complaint they all begin to perform the tasks they have been given, something about the calm yet sturdy nature of her instructions makes them unwilling to question her position to tell them what to do. Angel and Niffty both leave the room to retrieve what was asked of them, one with more excitement than the other. There’s nothing Grace can do in her physical condition, so she slowly lowers herself back onto the stool she was sitting on. In the corner of her eye she notices one of her husband’s shadow tentacles carrying the plate of pancakes from the stove area over to her. She hesitates, now is not the time to be eating, but at the same time he worked so hard on them for her and she really needs to get some food in her body before the anti-nausea medication wears off. With a deep sigh she takes a fork and begins to take slow bites of the warm, buttery pancakes while everybody else follows her instructions without question. Her eyes follow them around the room as they get Pentious submerged in the warm water.

Her focus is primarily on Charlie, as the girl panics and stumbles around while trying to complete the task, “Oh my gosh oh my gosh is he going to be ok? I can’t believe I let this happen.” At one point she brings a hand up to her mouth so she can begin biting her nails, and is close enough to Grace for her to notice that her nail beds indicate this is a regular habit. It seems everybody here has some level of anxiety, and their own methods to cope with it.

Vaggie puts her hands on her girlfriend’s shoulder and tries to say in a reassuring tone, “he’s going to be fine Charlie. Maybe a little woozy, but you have to remember he’s a sinner. He’s already a dead soul so it’s not like something like this is going to kill him again.”

While Grace is chewing on her food, which is delicious by the way so she’ll have to remember to thank her darling husband after this, her phone projects her saying, “you’re not very good at this whole princessing thing, are you?”

Charlie looks like she just got stabbed. Her eyes dart to the floor and her lower lip trembles as she fights back tears.

“What the f*ck?!” Vaggie snaps. She sneers at Alastor first, in a ‘get control of your bitch’ kind of way, but doesn’t say that because she doesn’t want to start a fight… well she does want to but knows she shouldn’t. Instead when she looks over at the human she says, “you have no idea what it’s like to be in charge of people.”

No, but I’ve done a lot of group projects in school so I have an understanding of some of the key points of effectively leading others to a positive outcome,” the entire time she’s ‘speaking’ her mouth is focused on eating. Her bites alternate between warm pancake and cool chunks of fruit. She isn’t even looking at them, if it wasn’t for her voice coming out of the device sitting on the counter then it would look like she was just a girl enjoying some really good breakfast for dinner.

The others continue with their assigned warming task, listening closely in interest, but not wanting to get in trouble for slacking. Even Angel, who almost seems to have sensed the drama that’s about to ensue, quickly returns with his hair dryer and plugs it in at an outlet where he can get the perfect view of whatever is about to happen. He doesn’t even realize the way the half frozen eggs have gathered around him like a nest of baby birds seeking warmth from their mother.

Grace continues,“you’re not just the princess or whatever, you’re the hotel manager, which is kind of the same thing but on a smaller scale. Your employees and guests are the subjects of your domain, it’s your responsibility to ensure they are cared for and under control, both of which you are really bad at.” She gestures to Pentious, who is still unconscious, “you had no idea the snake was in danger because you never bothered to ask yourself where he was. Now a princess may not need to know where every single one of her people are at any given time, but he is one who is directly under your influence, and if you can’t keep track of one demon who was in the same room as you when he walked… slithered into a dangerous situation then I’d be worried about your ability to keep track of the safety of large groups of your subjects.”

Grace wonders briefly if the girl has become so focused on the big danger of this ‘extermination’ that it has caused her to fail to develop the skills necessary to recognize when smaller threats arise. That being so focused on stopping the hail from destroying the roof that she’s become completely blind to the cracks in the foundation that are going to suck her house into a sinkhole. Though the human does have to think about where her father is in all of this? Did the king teach his heir nothing about running a kingdom? Or is he just as bad and that’s why hell is so…. hellish.

Alastor has to resist the urge to chuckle as his wife speaks. He won’t deny that it’s refreshing to see her verbal skills go to work against somebody other than him, it’s been a while since he’s gotten to listen to her deconstruct another person’s failings. It’s not quite as elegant as usual, nor is it what he was hoping for when he was worried about her lack of speaking earlier, but it is still better than her sitting in silence. He does so love the sound of her voice, even when it’s not quite complete. Sometimes if he closes his eyes for a moment he can pretend it is another of their phone calls, and the connection is just on the fritz.

Husk is trying not to let his cat instincts interfere with helping Pentious. Every time the water splashes him he wants to jump back and hiss. But listening to the conversation that is happening makes it easier to distract himself, although it is a rather one-sided conversation. It feels like every time he’s seen this woman be given the power to speak she uses it to launch into long speeches. Which is surprising to him, because although he would never have assumed his master would get into a relationship with anybody, he at least would have imagined that if the overlord is capable of love then it would be for a woman who keeps her mouth shut and lets him do the talking.

Vaggie begins to speak up to defend her girlfriend, “that is not fair, they are all adults it is not Charlie’s responsibility to babysit them.”

But Charlie shakes her head in response, “no Vaggie, she’s right. We were here when Sir Pentious went into the freezer, even if him being cold blooded wasn’t an issue, I should have noticed that he never came out. She’s right, it’s my responsibility to know if you guys are safe or not.”

The silver-haired girl tries to comfort her, “but you can’t control what Pentious does. It’s not your fault he went in there, and there was a lot going on…”

A leader should be able to keep their head in chaos and know what is going on around them, and where their people are,” Grace may not be looking at any of them, but she is well aware of what they each are doing. Except for Niffty, though she suspects the rattling in the vents may be her. “You also have no control over your people. You don’t have to make them bend to your every whim, but you can’t really call yourself a leader if the people you are leading won’t do anything you say.” She examines a glass that one of the shadow tentacles have brought over, it seems to be filled with milk but it’s unclear what kind. “You couldn’t get them to stop attacking me until you brought out the big scary demon princess voice. Even your girlfriend over there wouldn’t do what you told her to do until you got all mean and scary,” as she says it she hopes it doesn’t come off as a commentary on their relationship, she does not want to be dragged into that kind of drama right now. “You have no ability to command without the threat of violence. And you clearly don’t like that sort of thing, so your own subjects are just going to spend your life walking all over you.” Alastor and Niffty had told her a bit about how demons like Angeldust treat Charlie. That while he may not be outright malicious towards her, he doesn’t take anything she says seriously, and so far only seems to be residing at this hotel for the free rent, not because he wants to follow the girl’s orders. And then there was the fiasco when the princess was interviewed on television apparently… not a single one of the subjects of hell seemed to give a damn about what their future ruler had to say.

She’d feel bad for Charlie, if that lack of respect hadn’t almost gotten her and her babies killed. The human moves a hand to her stomach, thinking about how close she came to losing them before they even got to live. Alastor’s shoulder’s tense as the same thought runs through his mind.

“It’s not like I can control every little thing they do!” Charlie tries to protest, her hands curling into fists as she attempts to make a stand for herself. “I’m trying to help them, guide them into being better people, but they’re still sinners so sometimes they’re going to be impossible to keep under control, their nature is to rebel.”

Grace notices the way Angel and Husk react to that, they express their silent offense in different ways. The cat bristles, before his shoulders slump, as though seeming to accept what the woman is saying. The spider flinches, and turns away from the group, one set of arms folding so he can hold himself. So the human scoffs, which causes her throat to tickle and she starts coughing, but only for a moment.

A moment which is long enough for her to forget that she doesn’t know what is actually in the glass on the counter and takes a large sip from it. It’s cows milk, how the f*ck did they get normal cows milk down here? Unless there are hell-cows and their milk tastes the same? Or what if cows are from hell? No it can’t be, they’re too adorable. Unless that is their ploy. Her mind is wandering, she needs to focus herself again. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath to recenter.

Grace’s eyes meet with Charlie’s while the cellphone projects her next statement, “Either every single sinner is capable of redemption and have rainbows hidden inside them… or they are impossible to keep under control because they are inherently bad. You can’t have it both ways.” Both of the other women seem like they are about to say something to argue with her, but she continues before they can find their words, “As a princess I assume one day you might be queen, or at least take on some actual responsibility at some point. With that position it is critical that you are aware of the wellbeing and needs of your people, and have the ability to command them without threatening them. Otherwise you will not hold that throne for long, because weakness in either of those two aspects have been the grounds for many a coup in the human world.” Her gaze drifts to the storage bin, and she sits up straighter as she sees that Sir Pentious is beginning to wake up. “Tend to your people Princess Morningstar, and start paying attention. Because it’s clear you don’t have a grip on your domain… my very presence having gone undetected for so long is evidence of that.”

Charlie quickly moves towards Pentious, and kneels next to him, not wanting to debate with this strange human and cause any more trouble. Especially with her husband standing practically over their shoulders.

But Vaggie can’t keep her mouth shut, though she tries to moderate her tone at least a little, “but we did find you, yeah it took a couple weeks but we found you.”

By pure accident,” Grace finishes off the last of her food and pushes the plate away. “Had the snake over there not had a complete freak out, I would still be safely stashed away in the walls.”

The fallen angel sneers, “you know, just because Alastor struck a deal with Charlie, doesn’t mean you get to talk to us like we're idiots. She has been nothing but nice to you, can’t you at least return the…”

There is a flash of violet light suddenly behind Grace’s green eyes, although her voice comes from the phone there is a moment where it seems to come from the woman’s body, “you fools nearly killed my children because she could not keep you under control. I will speak to you however I damn well please, because I am not going to sit around and continue playing meek wife when it nearly cost me everything.” She notices that Alastor has suddenly apparated behind her, and she’s unsure if it’s to offer her support, or to keep her from pushing herself too hard. “As your leader, the princess is responsible for your actions, and if she can not understand how her failure in her role almost led to tragedy, then what’s to stop it from happening again. I will not stand idly by while she fumbles with her role and responsibility, not when my children’s lives are on the line.” She feels her husband’s hands on her shoulders, and one of her own goes to rest against his as she turns her head to look back before any of the others can continue this debate. “I would like to go back to bed now my love… I am tired of this conversation.”

“You… you can’t just leave! Not in the middle of,” Vaggie starts to protest, still struggling to learn her lesson.

You are in the middle of nothing,” Alastor says sharply, “my wife has clearly finished telling you all what you need to know, and if you are too pig-brained to understand her words, then it is not her job to keep hammering it into your skulls.” He agrees with everything Grace said. While it has been fun to watch Charlie miserably fail at not only her dreams of redeeming sinners, but at the duties of her birthright as well, he understands all too well that at some point the amusem*nt needs to end. It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, and now that they’ve exposed his wife, they have to put up with the consequences of it.

Vaggie looks between Alastor and Grace, her face clearly conveying her frustration, until finally she says with an exasperated sigh, “fine! Go! But this isn’t over!”

Chapter 55

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Trying to plan ahead since we are doing some hopping ahead in time stuff and I want to kinda sorta have the beginning of the next arc figured out in my head before we get there. I don't really have much to say today cause I'm kinda tired, I'm sorry I didn't respond to comments this week like I usually do, I've got a lot going on and am really tired, but I absolutely loved all of them and appreciate all of you so much <3 Hope you enjoy this chapter its a little wonky as I try to figure out this moving ahead thing but I love you all good night.

Chapter Text

Grace and Alastor might be exciting people, with complicated backstories and occasionally wild lives, but they are always at their most comfortable when they are in a routine. Despite the human being only in her late twenties, she and her husband are often like an old married couple. They don’t need big adventures, they don’t want every day to be full of new and exciting things. Of course they are far from boring, and they do enjoy the occasional spark of whimsy and a bloodbath or two. Grace usually prefers the whimsy and Alastor the bloodbaths, although they both enjoy sharing the joys of each with each other. But sometimes it’s nice to have a schedule, a day-to-day. But in their current situation it is a struggle to settle into any kind of routine, not for lack of trying. At least now that she is not being hidden from the rest of the hotel, and the others know that the great radio demon must occasionally tend to her, it’s a bit easier to attempt.

On the days Alastor was able to reside with his wife back on Earth, the couple would alternate who would make breakfast in the morning. If it was Grace’s turn he would sit at the table with a cup of black coffee and they would talk, because even though they enjoyed making dinners together, the woman liked to make breakfast on her own, as much as she was able, as he was also there to lend support if she began to feel faint. But on the mornings that Alastor would prepare the first meal of the day, he always took it upon himself to rise before she did and have it ready before she awoke, some days even going so far as to bring it to her in bed if it was one of her weaker periods. So, now that there is plenty of food for the radio demon to try cooking with, he tries to maintain at least part of their old pattern, and bring her breakfast every morning.

But even as soon as the very first day he finds that this is more of a struggle than he anticipated, as now that the demons know that he comes down to the kitchen to prepare food every morning they seem to think that means they come bother him. Angeldust and Pentious and even Husker seem to believe that they can request food from him like he’s the hotel chef or something, and the act of shooing them away eats into his valuable time. Additionally when Niffty comes in, rubbing the sleep out of her one eye and still holding the ratty stuffed toy she holds at night, he finds himself unable to say no when she asks for a pancake with a bacon and egg smile. Unfortunately all these distractions mean that each morning he is unable to have the food ready before Grace awakens on her own. Some mornings he arrives with the tray and finds that she is in the bathroom, the anti-nausea meds she took before dinner the night before not being sufficient enough to keep her from puking up anything that had not yet been digested.

Once the breakfast issue is settled, and Grace and the bathroom are cleaned up if need be, then comes the part of the pattern that both of them dislike. The matter of the once secret and now partially burned down room. Rebuilding, re-warding, and expanding the place in which his wife will be residing is not a task that Alastor can oversee remotely, and it is certainly not one that can be rushed. Though at least the longer he takes the longer Charlie and Vaggie have to sleep in the sh*ttier rooms while the human occupies theirs. But the overlord has to leave her side for the majority of the afternoon so that he can work on this task, and many other frustrating ones that keep arising throughout the hotel, as it seems nobody here is competent enough to manage anything by themselves. This is perfectly encapsulated by Pentious’s eggs repeatedly getting lost in the ventilation systems and him having to send his tendrils out in search of them to drag them out.

It is decided that because the princess’ room does not have wards, and thusly Alastor can apparate in freely, the couple feel… not necessarily safe, but uneasily comfortable having him be away from her because he can return the moment one of his shades detects something is off, or if she is feeling lonely. Part of Grace feels that this is no better than before, when she was cooped up in her room all day and only got to see him when he ‘came home.’ But at least now that the other residents know of her she can explore when she has the energy, or perhaps get a guest that will make her day interesting.

Niffty regularly comes to play with Grace whenever she doesn’t have anything to clean. And Husk makes his way up occasionally to check on the girl, as he is still unsure that she is actually safe as Alastor’s wife but doesn’t know how to really address his discomfort with the situation. But the first demon to visit who isn’t one of the radio demon’s minions is one who is quite a surprise. Of course even though he often flees from danger, he is often known for jumping headlong into it, so perhaps it’s not so much of a shock that he is willing to take such a risk. The chattering of a gaggle of sentient eggs out in the hall alerts her to the fact that she is about to have a visitor.

“Why are we here boss?”

“There’s so many stairs, my feet hurt, boss.”

“Are we seeing the pretty lady?”

Their voices are muffled but Grace is able to make out some of these statements, though she does not really have the mental energy to processes them, given that all of her thoughts are being consumed by ‘oh f*ck the snake is here.’ Which she is able to determine for certain is the case when she hears their ‘boss’ hiss at them to be quiet.

She tenses and backs up on the bed, but does her best to not panic immediately. That tension has time to dissipate because Pentious doesn’t do anything other than pace outside the door, or rather he slithers. The sound of his scales against the carpet moves left and right on the other side of the wall, and Grace tracks him with her eyes as though at any moment he may suddenly burst through. Which given how they first met it’s not exactly an irrational fear.

Eventually this has gone on for so long that in order to stop stressing about the situation she decides to just get up and go to the door. But this sucks for her because today her ankles are swollen and sore, and standing up makes her light headed. But she manages to make it across the room without stumbling, so that’s a good sign. When she opens the door Pentious flings himself against the back wall in fear, as though under attack. The girl briefly thinks that for a snake who frequently challenges overlords to battles he seems to have the constitution of the lion from The Wizard of Oz.

Alastor is too far away for Grace’s voice to connect to her phone, and she stupidly left it on the bed so she can’t type any messages. So the woman attempts to motion with her hands to convey a ‘what do you want?’

The demon looks her up and down, then clears his throat, “isss it true you sssaved me from that frozen hell in the kitchen?”

She shrugs her shoulders, because she didn’t actually DO anything, she merely told the others what to do. Her right hand wiggles in a ‘so-so’ motion because it’s the only way she can think of to express this.

Pentious takes off his hat and holds it to his chest, “Then I would like to expresssss my deepessst gratitude.”

Grace shakes her head, trying to tell him it’s no big deal.

He’s not really sure what that means though so he continues, “and I would like to offer you a thank you presssent…. Well it wasss ssssupposed to be a peace offering but now it isss both I sssuppose. May I come in?”

The girl sighs, but doesn’t want to be rude and cause some kind of issue, so she steps back to let him in. In the worst case scenario Alastor will be here in a heartbeat to help, he’s probably already sensed the snake’s arrival and is preparing for the possibility of having to apparate over.

The egg boys enter first, trotting in, one pushing another out of the way. They start exploring the room despite the fact that they’ve been in here before. Their boss enters cautiously, looking around as though there might be booby traps.

While Pentious tries to assure himself he’s not in danger here, Grace goes back over to the bed and grabs her phone. She does her best to hide how difficult walking is right now, not wanting to show weakness in front of a demon. But it is difficult because the soreness in her ankles has spread up to her calves. After a moment the snake begins rummaging in his coat pockets, suddenly unable to recall where he put his gift.

Grace begins typing a message as she walks back over, wincing with each step, once she has returned to Pentious she shows it to him.

-what did u want to show me?-

He doesn’t read it at first, instead he notes the way she was walking, not quite a limp but her feet were dragging, and clearly she is in pain, “would you like to sssit down Mrsss…” he racks his brain for the girl’s name, but seems to have forgotten it, he wasn’t exactly paying attention when she was introduced.

“Grace!” The egg boy named Frank shouts from the other side of the room, “her name is Grace boss!”

“Right, of courssse,” Pentious’ voice is incredibly polite and respectful, “you don’t need to ssstand on ccceremony Mrsss. Grace…”

But Grace shakes her head, not wanting to put herself in a position where she may appear feeble. She shows him the same message again, trying to get him to answer the question.

“Yesss, yesss jussst a moment I can’t seem to find…AH!” He proudly holds up the small device that he procures from his inner coat pocket. It has the appearance of a digital wristwatch, but the band is much longer.

She raises an eyebrow, seeing it doesn’t exactly answer the question of what it is.

“It’sss a voice!” Pentious says with the broadest smile.

But she raises her eyebrow again, even though she thinks she understands what he’s done. Grace has no intention of letting hope penetrate her heart when it comes to this matter. It took her a long time to even begin to recover from the loss of her vocal chords, she has no intention of letting the hard fought progress be unmade if whatever this is turns out to be a failure.

The snake begins to explain, in a rambling sort of way that reminds the human of herself when she tries to teach somebody about something, “You sssee I sssaw that you can not ssspeak. But you are able to ussse your phone when Alassstor is around, and when you do it ssseems like you are trying to actually talk. This device when placed around your neck can pick up the vibrationsss of your vocal chordsss, even if they are heavily damaged.”

Grace closes her eyes, she almost feels bad for the engineer, it seems like he did put a lot of thought into this gift. When she opens them again she types out a message on her phone again.

-i appreciate the thuoght, but my vocal cords arent damaged. theyre gone.-

Pentious visibly deflates as he reads this. “Ah… ssso the ssscar on your neck?” He thought it had been from some kind of failed repair operation, as he could tell it was definitely a ghastly surgical scar and not something from an accident.

-tumor removal gone wrong. they siad the surgeon was drunk but… we are pretty sure he was high uot of his mind. he cut them out.-

“And they could not… sew them back in?” He asks, thinking maybe he shouldn’t pry but he is curious.

There is a pause as Grace looks at her phone, debating writing this part out. It’s not as though she minds sharing, but she knows that with how awful it is that it may elicit a horrific reaction. Though in part she kind of wants to see the snake be horrified. Her response is short, there’s no need for excessive details, just the point. She types it out and backspaces multiple times in an attempt to make sure she doesn’t flip letters like she usually does, then turns the screen towards him.

-he ate them-

The demon recoils and gags, after a moment he responds,“ah ssso that is why you suspect he wasss…” He nearly retches at the thought but keeps his composure. Grace simply nods in response, and folds her arms, waiting for the snake to recover. Once he has calmed himself he stands up straight and offers her the gift again. “I would ssstill like it if you would try it, it is made with materialsss from here in hell after all. All of our technology is meant to work for usss, and we are sssouls ssso… maybe it will detect the vocal chordsss in your sssoul.”

The woman hesitates, it’s not a terrible leap in logic. But again, she does not want to get her hopes up. She turns around and lifts her hair away from the nape of her neck so he can put it on for her, she figures it would be faster than either her typing out a message asking him to or her struggling for however long to put it on herself.

He swallows hard, terrified of putting his hands on the wife of the radio demon. He’ll challenge the other overlord to battle all day long, but even he knows you do not touch your nemesis' wife in any kind of weird way. Slowly he raises the device up around her neck, praying to a god he doesn’t really believe is listening that her husband does not choose this moment to walk it. He clasps it like putting a necklace on her, and tightens it so that it sits like a choker with the body of the device at the base of her throat.

“There…” He presses a button on the back, then quickly steps back so that he can put some distance between the two of them.

Grace stands there for a few moments. Watching the little egg boys as they play with the contents of one of her trunks of possessions, they seem to have found her wigs and are trying them on, but they are far too big for them so they just turn into strange Cousin It type creatures. She doesn’t want to think about this thing working or not working. All the woman wants is to have never lost her voice in the first place.

“Mrsss Grace?” Pentious asks cautiously, “isss it not working?” He phrases it this way even though he can tell she hasn’t tried to speak yet.

What if it does work? What should her first words in over a year be? If you can call it speaking, whatever this device will or will not do.

There is a crackle, static but not the kind when her phone fritzes her voice. It’s more electronic, like interference in a headset.


A single sound, a consonant in the middle of her word. She’s still not facing the engineer, so he does not see the tears that well up in her eyes. But try as she might, that's all the device can manage. Over and over she tries to repeat her words, but only that sound comes out. Until she stops, and raises her hands so she can take the necklace off.

“I’m sssorry,” Pentious says, his voice genuine, “I’ll keep working on it, I promissse…”

She types yet another message on her phone, then hands both it and the failed invention to him without turning around so he can not see the way her green eyes are filled with agony.

-its alright. im sure u tired your best. im used to disapointment-

Chapter 56

Chapter by PotatoJade (JadeElite)


Was going to have this up earlier tonight but there was a power outage, I'm honestly lucky it came back on at all and I got it done before bet. But I didn't have time to think of things to put here so I'm just going to say enjoy and I love you all.

Chapter Text

In the end Grace doesn’t inform her husband about the voice box. She suspects he already knows something about it, as he would have been keeping an eye on her during that interaction, but he doesn’t mention it when he returns to the room that evening. It hurts too much to think about, she can tell that Sir Pentious is actually a skilled inventor, so if even he can’t make something to fix her voice, then short of a medical miracle she will likely never get it back. Sure, he said he’d keep working on it, but neither she nor Alastor really want to get their hopes up on the matter.

The next day she has enough strength to wander around a little bit. Part of her feels like she should have an escort, wait for Niffty or Husk to come by and have them help her, but she has a goal in mind. A goal she wants to deal with privately.

Anyways, she isn’t completely alone, Grace can feel her husband’s shadow by her side. Sees it out of the corner of her eye as she looks around, this time it’s not just the little tendrils or even an imp, it is that smiling shade shaped like him. Even in those brief moments that she sees it, it is clear that it is that strange entity. It has always given her the creeps, although the woman has never expressed that to her husband. Something about the shadow man seems like it is it’s own, separate being from the demon, not just an extension of him. And although she completely trusts him to have every aspect of his abilities under absolute control, it makes her think about the nature of it too much. If it is something different from him, that could have different motives and desires than he does? Or… is it the manifestation of his real self, his innermost soul made manifest or even forcefully separated from the overlord’s form. And if that is the case, what does that make the man who lays in bed with her every night? It’s all thoughts she doesn’t want to think, even though she knows she should.

Also the way the shade watches her sleep is far more disturbing than when Alastor himself does. Grace has seen it, when her husband is sleeping and she awakens in the middle of the night for some reason or another. It is not more menacing in any way. It’s actually the fact that it seems more caring, yet melancholy when it gazes upon her in the middle of the night. The woman should be more concerned by this, for how much she loves her husband the nature of his shadow should be important to her. And it is in her own way… it’s just that she’s always had far too much on her plate to make a big deal over the thing.

Grace has plenty of time to think about the nature of her darling’s shadow as she wanders the halls of the hotel. The truth is she has no idea how to get where she is going, although she had passed by the room on the night Alastor took her to the radio tower, she doesn’t know how to get there from the one she is staying in now. Part of her hopes she will encounter one of the others and she can ask for directions, or maybe she will even find the under construction area of her old room and can spend a few minutes chatting with her husband before having him direct her. But no such luck. Of course she could ask the shade to lead her, but she really does not want to address its presence.

After nearly an hour of walking around, which was far more than she expected herself capable of, she turns a corner to find… a hallway that looks like every other hallway in this f*cking place. The woman takes a deep breath, and places a hand on her stomach. She tries to find comfort in the curve of it, looking down and thinking about the little one… little ones… growing within.

Niffty is still trying to get the smoke out of her nicer clothes, which is fine, t-shirts and sweatpants are plenty comfortable and right now comfort is more important than anything else. Aside from her bra that is, which was not designed for the increase in cup size that she’s been experiencing, and is feeling a bit constrictive. But now that she’s touching her stomach she realizes that the shirt is a bit tight, not just around her swollen breasts, but at her bump as well. It’s not skin tight, but the fabric does not conceal her growth the way her blouses would. Perhaps it looks like she’s just put on a little weight to some, but to a discerning eye it is clear that she is not the only one inhabiting this shirt.

Grace tries not to think about the way she looks, but drums her fingers on her stomach anyways. ‘Should we turn around and try the stairs again? Or keep going this way?’ She says in her mind, pretending she can speak to them. This trip is becoming a problem, because she is starting to get tired now, and regrets not figuring out an exact path before setting out.

There is a brief moment where the air is colder than usual, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms. Glancing to the left Grace realizes that the shade is closer than ever, it appears to be bending over, its face… Al’s face… near where her belly is on her own shadow. There is a brief moment of fear as she hears a strange noise, an echo like somebody talking at the bottom of the well. And yet for how much her heart races she finds a strange comfort in this action.

She takes a deep breath, then fishes her phone out of her back pocket and types out a message. It takes her a second, then she holds it to face the wall near where the dark being is, unsure if this will even work. The way it moves to look at her makes her skin crawl, but she ignores it. After a moment the shade blinks, then begins to move along the wall, guiding Grace towards her desired destination.

It does not dart around as it did before, instead gliding. The woman looks to her own shadow, it seems almost as frail as she is, but at least it is only an image cast by the lights on the wall, and not a strange being. For a moment she wonders… and reaches out ahead of herself as she walks, so that her shadow does the same. It takes a moment for things to line up right, the tips of her shadow’s fingers brushing up against the back of the other being. Grace feels nothing, and yet it seems that this ‘Shadow Al’ does. It stops and turns around, or at least that is what she interprets from the way the darkness moves.

As she watches it her mind goes to a strange place, Plato’s allegory of the cave, her favorite philosophical metaphor, one she does not often discuss even with her husband because she prefers to think about it in the solace of a lonely night. What if all the world as we know it are just shadows being projected onto the walls of a cave? Could we ever know what the things casting these shadows look like if all we have to go on is the image on the wall? She thinks about this story a lot, about the person who left the cave, who saw all the things making the shadows, and when he came back nobody believed what he said was out there, because all they had ever known was their pathetic little shadow puppet show. Because so often she felt like she had left the cave, how else is she meant to explain why the whole of reality feels so different for her?

And the reason her mind becomes so singularly focused on it now, is because as she watches the shade move to take the hand of her own shadow, she can perfectly picture Alastor doing the same. Although he is not here, and he is certainly not making these movements wherever he is, she can still visualize him turning, bending a bit, and entwining his fingers with hers. It moves with as much care as he does when he interacts with her, but its smile is all wrong. The thing can try to mimic the motions of her darling husband, but Grace is right, it has always been far more ominous than him, it can not capture the softness of the way he smiles at her.

But for the time being she does not hold it against the being, and does not allow her mind to linger too long on what this means for her questions about what it really is in relation to its master. She has something very important to do, and does not have the time to spin herself out on hypotheticals and metaphors. So, the girl continues to walk, one hand on her stomach, thumb gently caressing the spot where it starts to curve out so she can soothe herself, the other outstretched so that her shadow can walk hand in hand with the one of her husband.

The trip now only takes a few minutes. As they reach the door with neon lights and polaroid photos affixed to the front, she realizes that during her aimless wandering she had walked past the correct hallway three separate times. The way she sighs deeply does not seem to go unnoticed by the shade, who’s crooked smile dips a bit, but it makes no move to offer her sympathy. After all, it's not its fault that she didn’t ask for guidance sooner.

Grace spends a little bit looking between her phone and the picture of the strange pig creature on the door. Her thumbs hover over keys, trying to figure out how to phrase what it is she wishes to say to the spider that sleeps in this room. She doesn’t want to come off too nice in asking for what she wants, and seem to be a pushover, Alastor always warned her that any demon in hell will take advantage of a doormat. But she also does not wish to come off too bitchy when keeping the peace is so important right now. While her thumbs type out the message she sways side to side, standing still makes her lower back hurt.

Finally after about five failed attempts and the correction of several typos she finally thinks the message is decent. So with a firm hand she knocks on the door.

But there is no answer.

Her lips mouth a silent ‘f*ck.’ Of course he’s not here, it’s the middle of the day. Why didn’t she find a way to check if he was here before coming all this way?

Once more she tries to knock, a bit louder this time, just in case.

But still there is no response. So she dejectedly begins to turn away, dreading the walk back. But before Grace takes even a single step she sees the shade moving out of the corner of her eye. It slips under the door quickly, and moments later there is shouting and a crashing sound like something being thrown across the room.

“The f*ck do you want Al! I just pulled a f*cking all nighter can’t you leave me the f*ck alone?” Angeldust’s voice is rough from a long day of taking too many dicks at work, “and what are you too lazy to come yourself you have to send this creepy-ass motherf*cker to come get me? f*ck f*ck what are you DOING?” There is the sound of footsteps but in a pattern like somebody being dragged across the room.

The human stands there with wide eyes as she listens to all of this chaos. It would be amusing if it didn’t make her worried that the demon will be angry when he comes out.

And he is rather angry when the door opens, at first that is. Angel’s face is twisted up in frustration, and he doesn’t immediately realize that there is somebody there and nearly walks straight into her. His long legs stop him just a few inches away while Grace tries to back up in fear of being run over. She nearly stumbles, but a cold presence supports her from behind. Her gaze travels up and up and up, and for the first time she realizes how tall this one is, she thought she had gotten used to her husband towering over her, but this is a whole other level.

“The… f*ck…?” The spider says as he looks down, his expression turning to shock as he realizes who has come to his door. “Oh wow, so that explains why the…” He clears his throat suddenly and his posture shifts a bit, shoulders relaxing, head tilting to the side a bit, “well what a surprise to see you here dollface. Is there something little ol’ Angeldust can do for you?”

For a moment Grace just stands there, she absolutely saw that shift in body language and is trying to process what it means. After a moment she holds up her phone so the screen is facing him.

-I would like my necklace back now. I did not tell Alastor you took it because I wanted to give you the chance to return it on your own. But it has been several days now and you have not brought it to me so I have come to retrieve it.-

She had spent several minutes ensuring that this message was more correctly spelled and what not because this is important, she needs him to take her seriously.

“What necklace?” Angel says, genuinely confused. “I think you might be mistaken. I ain't got your…” as he says it, realization dawns on him. He had been digging through the girl’s things when they found the room. The locket he put on… was it a gift from Al or something, sh*t he didn’t even think about that.

Grace puts a hand on her hip, and frowns at him. She doesn’t type anything, but instead lets an ice cold stare do the talking for her.

“I’m sorry doll but I ain’t got it no more…” He says hesitantly. “I wore it to work last night and well… There were a lot of outfit changes, I filmed like seven different scenes. It’s probably somewhere in my dressing room but my boss tends to snatch anything shiney that gets left behind after a shoot.”

Her fridged glare becomes paired with a spark of violet, but before that can go any further the woman suddenly feels faint. Despite her increase in physical vitality the last couple days, she is still far too drained for all of this.

Immediately both the p*rnstar and the shadow of Al see the color drain from her face and her knees starting to give. The shade, having already been supporting her a bit, suddenly guides her forward, pushing Angeldust aside so that she can be brought over to a chair in front of his vanity. She does her best not to sit rather than collapse, but her legs nearly give out halfway down.

“Aaaaha sh*t! sh*t sh*t sh*t!” the demon sputters, quickly scurrying across the room to a minifridge that he uses as an end table. He rifles around in it, sorting through various weird drinks that he keeps being given to promote even though they taste like ass, until he finds one of the bottles of water that he keeps up here for when he comes home from a long shoot. Turning back to face the human he feels panic rising in his chest as he sees her sitting with her face buried in her arms on the table in front of her. She’s not moving, and now he’s scared he just killed the girl by losing a necklace and Alastor is going to massacre all of them because of his irresponsibility.

But after a moment she takes a deep breath, and he also takes a deep breath in relief. His long legs help him cross the room quickly and place the water beside her.

Grace slowly turns her head, so that it’s still resting on her arms but her face is exposed now. Angel had expected tears or something, but she seems surprisingly calm. Still, the bags under her eyes seem to have gotten ten times darker, she’s clearly more exhausted than she’s allowing herself to believe.

“Listen I’m sorry okay, I’ll try to get the necklace back I… I didn’t mean to…” he starts to say, unscrewing the bottle to encourage her to drink from it. She waves a hand at him to get him to stop talking, then sits up just enough to type a message on her phone. Once she is done she hands the device to him and takes the water so she can sip on it a little.

-its fine, its just a nekclace, not the end of the wrld-

It’s not as cleanly typed as her last message, but at least it’s readable. Sometimes her hands shake so much that all she can type is nonsense.

“If it ain’t important then why did you come all the way over here to bother me for it?” Angel moves a couple of his hair products so that he can sit on one side of the vanity and cross his legs.

-it was my grnadmothers, i dont haev a lot of family hierlooms so i try to take care of the 1s i do have-

He watches her for a moment, trying to gauge if she’s being honest or not. His fingers are drumming on the table as he thinks. For the most part he figures this is a win, he f*cked up but didn’t get in trouble for it, it’s not often that something like that happens. But at the same time he doesn’t feel good about it… there’s a weird feeling in his stomach. Guilt? Why would he feel guilty if she isn’t upset about it?

“I’ll still see if I can track it down for you,” he eventually says with a shrug, “it was a nice necklace, and I’d hate to think about Valentino having something that is yours. If he hasn’t taken it out of my dressing room by the time I go in tonight I’ll put it somewhere safe. Sound good?”

After a moment Grace nods, then returns her face to the crook of her arms. She’s so tired, not falling asleep right here and now tired, just… tired…

Angel shifts uncomfortably, he figures she needs to rest a bit before she walks back, but he doesn’t know what to do in the meantime, “so I’ve heard you’re having twins? That must be exciting.” Small talk isn’t really his strongest suit, most of his conversations involve him relentlessly flirting with people, and while he is happy to make Alastor uncomfortable by doing so, he feels like he would get in a lot more trouble if he does the same to the overlord’s wife. Which means he has to try and make conversation without his usual masking mechanism, and already he feels nervous trying to do so.

She moves a bit, pulling one arm away from her head so that she can place a hand on her belly again, then nods.

The spider watches her, waiting for any kind of other response, but receives nothing else to go on to make conversation, “well uh… did you know I’m a twin?”

There is a moment pause, then Grace turns her head again so her cheek rests on her forearm and she is able to look at him. One of her brows raises up in a questioning manner.

“Yeah, yeah,” Angel smiles, “had a sister, we were absolute menaces as toddlers apparently. Our poor mother could barely keep up with us.” He sees a bit of panic in her tired green eyes and starts back pedaling, “but not all twins are like that! And my dad never helped out so she had to do much on her own, but you’ve got Al and he’s got all those shadow minion things so I’m sure you won’t have to worry about keeping up with all the dishes and laundry and all that kind of stuff.”

She relaxes a bit, even smiles, but still doesn’t sit up. Her eyelids are heavy, and she doesn’t have the energy to stand and head back to her room.

“sh*t, uhm…” Angel looks around, trying to figure out the best solution to the situation. Although he saw the shade supporting her he doubts it can carry her all the way back to her room. He doesn’t want to pick her up because if anything happens and she gets injured he would be held responsible. Part of his mind is frustrated because why did she come all the way down here if she’s this tired? The girl should have just stayed in her room and rested. Though another part of his mind wonders how much time she’s spent cooped up in a bedroom these past few weeks. She must have been desperate to have the freedom to wander.

I’ll take it from here…” Alastor’s voice wafts from the darkness in a corner of the room, before he steps out of it.

“f*ck!” The spider jumps off the vanity and steps back in fear, “Where the f*ck did you come from you creepy mother f*cker?”

There is a moment of static as the overlord adjusts his bowtie, “haven’t you learned by now dear Angeldust? I am everywhere I want to be.”

Quickly regaining his composure, Angel puts a hand on his hip and smirks, “yeah, everywhere you want to be but never where you’re needed. Right?” He gestures to Grace, who is looking at her phone as it connects to her voice. “Where were you when she was in danger?”

Remind me, who was the one putting her in danger,” the radio demon’s response is quick and calm. He refuses to allow any of the other demons to get under his skin anymore.

The smirk falters, but the p*rnstar keeps up his facade, “well where have you been today? Apparently she’s got errands to run and you left her all alone.” He shivers a bit as he feels the shadows behind him pulsate.

Alastor’s smirk is far more sinister, “she was not alone, I had my most trusted ally accompanying her.”

Al… I want to go back to bed…” Grace says, lifting up her arms.

Of course my dear,” her husband quickly steps over to her side, and scoops her up. But his form stays stiff, unaffectionate in the way he carries her, so as not to show any weakness to the other demon. His steps are smooth as he walks towards the door, and just as he is about to exit he stops, “and Angeldust… I expect my wife’s necklace returned by the end of the week, or else there will be consequences.”

“She said it ain’t that important,” Angel responds, rolling his eyes, “I’m going to look for it of course but it’s not that big of a deal if she says it…”

There is the sound of bones cracking as the radio demon’s head turns nearly one hundred and eighty degrees to stare into the p*rnstar’s soul,“it is important to me that her things be treated with respect,” the overlord says with a darkness to his tone. “Return the necklace, or I will find a way to punish you that does not go against the constraints of my deal with the princess.”

Hidden in Hell - KAL (JadeElite), PotatoJade (JadeElite) (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.