Gauthier Harant on LinkedIn: Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren (2024)

Gauthier Harant

Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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Deep Dive into the H2 Economy: The Netherlands & South Korea (1/2)In the wake of the in Rotterdam, the strategic approaches of the Netherlands and South Korea towards an integrated hydrogen economy have caught my attention. This post to deep dive on the Netherlands.The Netherlands: Pioneering a Comprehensive H2 StrategyThe Dutch strategy for hydrogen is based on a systemic approach: encompassing the entire value chain from imports, productions, transport, storage to end-use. I cover below some key reasons for the strong interest of the NL in H2:✅ Supply :➡ Large renewable power development plan (especially offshore wind: from 4.5 GW today to, 21 GW by 2032, 70 GW by 2050),➡ An already leading role in energy import for Europe (e.g. 12% of energy demand in the EU arrives at the Rotterdam port),✅ Infrastructures: An already existing and dense natural gas infrastructure with for example ‘parallel’ pipelines to facilitate both natural gas and dedicated hydrogen flows without disruption.✅ Demand:➡An already existing large H2 demand along with Germany (NL+DE represent c.36% of all EU27 H2 demand - 2022 numbers),➡An additional large industrial potential demand from prominent industrial clusters with hard to abate industries and where H2 can complement electrification.To support this ambitious H2 agenda, the Dutch government has earmarked €10 billion in subsidies. Noteworthy initiatives include Ingrid Groot GroenvermogenNL, HyDelta, HyXchange, and Hy3+. 💡 For a more detailed discussion on the Netherlands' integrated hydrogen infrastructure, check out this report shared by Jörg Gigler:

Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren


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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    World Hydrogen Summit: Innovations & Technology in H2At the recent World Hydrogen Summit, the breadth of technological advancements across the hydrogen value chain was a central theme. One specificity of H2 solutions is that it encompasses a vast array of technologically complex components: from water purification systems and power load stabilizers to electrolyzers, compressors, sensors, pipes, valves, and storage solutions... Each component is a frontier for innovation aimed at enhancing efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.Few stories/highlights from the Summit:➡ H2 Production:🚧 Scaling Challenges: Achieving large-scale electrolyzer production and thus significant economies of scale has been a challenge💡 Innovative Solutions: Progress is being made with modular approaches, such as the Shell/thyssenkrupp 200 MW Hydrogen Holland I project in Rotterdam, showcasing the potential for hundreds of MW and even GW scale projects. The return of experience from these mega projects might be decisive for the future of H2.➡ H2 Transport🚧 Density Issues: Hydrogen's low density makes transport challenging.💡Innovative solutions: the sector is ripe with innovative solutions:_Compressed and Liquefied H2: Companies like @Kawasaki Heavy Industry and @Provaris are exploring vessels for liquefied and compressed hydrogen transports._Alternative Carriers: Beyond ammonia which is a common carrier envisaged, novel carriers like iron oxide (yes corrosion :)) is under exploration. Two small R&D projects I discovered with interest are those by @Teamsolid and @Ion+ (thank you for the presentation)._Import, transport, storage infrastructures: many projects exist in that area (Gasunie was especially showcasing an Hydrogen backbone plan for the Netherlands).➡ H2 in Power flexibility:🚧 Grid congestion: With the increasing share of renewable, the grid as well as renewable developpers are in need for flexibility solutions 💡Innovative solutions: Hydrogen's unique ability to operate in both the electron and molecule realms provides flexible solutions for power networks, complementing rather than competing with batteries._A solution is to make H2 from power when prices are rather low and find use the H2 for heat or mobility (though electrolyser require rather stable load this solution is more for long term flexibility)_A more tricky solution is to use H2 to flatten your power supply - let say from Solar rooftop on your factory. In short you would produce H2 through electrolysis (with small scale batteries to stabilise the load), store it and convert it back into power in a fuel cell when prices are high. From a pure energy efficiency point of view this seems nuts but some innovative players managed to make the economics work. Notable examples include #Wilo and #SchneiderElectric. The success story here in details: (special thanks to @Leif Juergensen for his insightful explanations on this)

    H2POWERPLANT – Energy transition made in Dortmund


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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    Deep Dive into the H2 Economy: The Netherlands & South Korea (2/2)This post to deep dive on South Korea.🇰🇷 South Korea : Embracing H2 amidst ChallengesSouth Korea is an interesting case : it has been a front runner in the H2 economy setting-up highly ambitious targets. As a first mover in H2, it has also been the first to experience challenges. With huge H2 ambitions set in 2019/2020 and supported by $320bn originally announced investments South Korea was preparing itself to be a H2 world leader. With costs challenges faced by the H2 economy South Korea revised its targets but seem to keep faith in H2. Few reasons can explain the strong interest of South Korea in H2:✅ Supply: Need to diversify & decarbonise energy imports : South Korea is highly dependent on energy imports and will remain so. Its densely populated territory (amongst the highest in the world), its deep water coast more complex for offshore wind, its lack of natural resources and its highly energy intensive industry make it complex to envisage self-sufficiency in energy. H2 is therefore viewed as seen as a critical component of its energy diversification and decarbonization strategy.✅ Infrastructures: The country is well-equipped with substantial import facilities, especially for ammonia (a hydrogen carrier) and a well-established gas grid.✅ Demand: hydrogen current demand in South Korea is modest but presents a high potential especially in heavy industries with hard to abbate emissions (eg. South Korea is the 6th largest steel producer with almost twice more production as Germany in 2022 and 2023)✅ Technology advance: Large manufacturing capacities on advanced H2 technologies especially in Fuels Cells for mobility or Power plants with companies like Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차), Doosan (both made presentations at the Summit). Investment in the Hydrogen economy therefore serves both domestic needs and exports (e.g. in its original plan for FCEV, South Korean was targeting to export >50% of its FCEV production).➡ Despite initially setting perhaps overly ambitious targets, the above drivers for H2 show it still has an interesting role to play in South Korea - but for specific sectors in the economy rather than across the entire economy. To finish on an optimistic note: while short-term expectations for new technologies can be lofty, long-term potential is often underestimated. 🙂#SouthKorea, #H2, #Hydrogen


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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    Reflection on the #WorldHydrogenSummit in Rotterdam : 13th-15th of MayThis week's three-day exhibition in Rotterdam provided a comprehensive snapshot of the hydrogen (H2) economy's current landscape. As a newcomer to the field, my goal was to absorb the industry's pulse rather than dive deep into the technical aspects, allowing me to offer an independent perspective.Key takeaways:🔭 Impressive Scope: The scale of the event and the diversity of stakeholders were remarkable. From producers to transmission companies, equipment manufacturers (tubes, valves, sensors), digital solutions, resellers, and end-users — not to mention the presence of regulatory and governmental bodies. The summit effectively covered every facet of the hydrogen value chain.⚡ Complex Challenges: Despite the rapid growth in recent years, the industry faces some rationalization. But isn’t it the fate of many innovations to go through these ups & downs before being fully adopted (cf the "Hype Cycle”). So for those who are technology optimists, there's good reason to be optimistic about hydrogen's future :).💕 Passionate and Ambitious: Discussions were fueled by a genuine passion for the energy sector and a shared ambition to drive significant impact — essential ingredients for groundbreaking innovation.🌍 Global Participation: It was particularly interesting to see countries from around the world positioning themselves as future hydrogen hubs with extensive booths. Noteworthy were Norway, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Morocco and Brazil.Also other countries stand out with a systemic approach of H2: thinking it fully integrated (The Netherlands & South Korea especially triggered my interest - deep dive in a next post).Many more could be said on this Summit, but to sum up: definitely worth your time if you want to get a glimpse of the H2 economy. More detailed highlights on specific technologies and discussions in a follow-up post.Special thank you for your insights and our discussion to:bp - Heeral Pandya,ExxonMobil - Marie-Laure Halleman,Schneider Electric - Leif JuergensenBoMax Hydrogen, LLC - Edward Campbellthyssenkrupp nucera - Jens MathiakLinde - Erik Jan OosthoekTechnip Energies - Burhan FaizelAxens - Roumaissa KhairTransform Materials - Alex ShanoskyPure Water Group - Bart OssenblokNeya by VONK - Bart de VriesProvaris Energy - Per Cato RoedTopsector Energie - Jörg GiglerCommissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives - paul luccheseAnd of course @WorldHydrogenSummit. #Hydrogen, #H2, #EnergyTransition


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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    Let's meet next monday to wednesday in Rotterdam at the #WorldHydrogen2024 - the global platform where #H2 business is done. I am looking forward to meeting with the #Hydrogen industry and exchange on which business models makes most sense for H2. If you are there too send me a message to meet there.Agenda & event link here:



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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    CCU or Our Future to “Defossile” Our EconomyA very nice conference hosted by #Evolen, #CO2ValueEurope and driven by Celia Jual Sapart. Here's a brief intro and key links to know more::The EU needs CCU to achieve climate neutrality. As fossil fuels are used in various forms throughout our economy, both as fuel and as feedstock for chemical products, we need to consider solutions for these uses.CCU aims to capture CO2 and convert it into products: chemicals products used across the industry, synthetic fuel (e-fuels) or even building materials (cement, aggregate, concrete).By replacing fossil products, CCU introduces the concept of carbon circularity and allows us to envision a "Net Zero" and "Fossil Free" future.What impact? by 2050, CCU can play a crucial role in “defossilizing” industry and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%, based on the CO2 Value Europe model. By 2030, most of the CO2 reduction would be related to CO2 use for Chemical products. The next event on this topic will be on 31rst of May for those interested (link in comment below).Links to the full report also in comments below

    • Gauthier Harant on LinkedIn: Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren (17)



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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    🚀 Lancement du Club des Administrateurs Engagés pour la RSELancé ce matin au Ministère Écologie Territoires par le Cercle de Giverny, ce club vise à mobiliser les administrateurs d'entreprises autour des enjeux de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE).Les points clés qui ressortent:+ Les administrateurs sont les garants de la combinaison vertueuse entre économie et écologie au sein des entreprises.🛠 Leurs leviers :+ Donner un cap/une vision et s’assurer de sa déclinaison en une stratégie opérationnelle avec des objectifs mesurables.+ Lier en partie la rémunération des dirigeants à l’atteinte des objectifs RSE.💬 Leurs besoins :+ Former les administrateurs (au-delà de les informer sur les sujets RSE).+ Assurer une diversité de profils en intégrant des compétences en RSE.+ Rester à l’écoute des parties prenantes internes et externes et se connecter aux enjeux terrain.🚧 Les freins :+ Méconnaissance et scepticisme : les sujets RSE doivent être abordés comme contribuant à la valeur de l'entreprise et non le contraire.En conclusion, le lancement de ce club illustre que beaucoup de chemin a déjà été parcouru sur les sujets que ce n’est que le début 🌳 🙏Merci aux intervenants / leader d'opinions_Ministres : Christophe Béchu, Olivia Gregoire._Administrateurs engagés: Marie-Claire Daveu (ENGIE/Crédit Agricole/Le Ponant), Antoine Gosset Grainville (AXA), Agnès Touraine (Rexel), et Alexis Zajdenweber (participations de l'État).🙏Merci Romain Mouton et toute l’équipe du Cercle de Giverny pour l’excellente organisation et l’invitation.


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  • Gauthier Harant

    Strategy Director Utilities & Energy | Lead Net Zero Transition FR/BE/NL | Digital transformation

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    Apres le premier episode que je viens de découvrirsur les synchronicités celui ci est tout aussi envoutant. Format court de 10min. Et si vous voulez en savoir plus sur La Revolution Bleue - La Petite Princesse:


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Gauthier Harant on LinkedIn: Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren (23)

Gauthier Harant on LinkedIn: Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren (24)


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Gauthier Harant on LinkedIn: Jörg Gigler op LinkedIn: Waterstofgids 2024 | 12 commentaren (2024)


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