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Computational Methods of

Feature Selection

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Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series

Understanding Complex datasets: data mining with matrix decompositionsDavid Skillicorn

CompUtational metHods oF FeatUre seleCtionHuan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda


SeRieS eDiToR

Vipin KumarUniversity of minnesota

department of Computer science and engineeringminneapolis, minnesota, U.s.a


this series aims to capture new developments and applications in data mining and knowledge discovery, while summarizing the computational tools and techniques useful in data analysis. thisseries encourages the integration of mathematical, statistical, and computational methods and techniques through the publication of a broad range of textbooks, reference works, and hand-books. the inclusion of concrete examples and applications is highly encouraged. the scope of the series includes, but is not limited to, titles in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery methods and applications, modeling, algorithms, theory and foundations, data and knowledge visualization, data mining systems and tools, and privacy and security issues.

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Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series

Computational Methods of

Feature Selection

Edited by

© 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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Chapman & Hall/CRCTaylor & Francis Group6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300Boca Raton, FL 33487‑2742

© 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Chapman & Hall/CRC is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

No claim to original U.S. Government worksPrinted in the United States of America on acid‑free paper10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

International Standard Book Number‑13: 978‑1‑58488‑878‑9 (Hardcover)

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Liu, Huan, 1958‑Computational methods of feature selection / authors/editors, Huan Liu and

Hiroshi Motoda.p. cm. ‑‑ (Chapman & Hall/CRC data mining and knowledge

discovery)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978‑1‑58488‑878‑9 (alk. paper)1. Database management. 2. Data mining. 3. Machine learning. I. Motoda,

Hiroshi. II. Title. III. Series.

QA76.9.D3L5652 2007005.74‑‑dc22 2007027465

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It has been ten years since we published our first two books on feature se-lection in 1998. In the past decade, we witnessed a great expansion of featureselection research in multiple dimensions. We experienced the fast data evolu-tion in which extremely high-dimensional data, such as high-throughput dataof bioinformatics and Web/text data, became increasingly common. Theystretch the capabilities of conventional data processing techniques, pose newchallenges, and stimulate accelerated development of feature selection researchin two major ways. One trend is to improve and expand the existing tech-niques to meet the new challenges. The other is to develop brand new algo-rithms directly targeting the arising challenges. In this process, we observemany feature-selection-centered activities, such as one well-received competi-tion, two well-attended tutorials at top conferences, and two multi-disciplinaryworkshops, as well as a special development section in a recent issue of IEEEIntelligent Systems, to name a few.

This collection bridges the widening gap between existing texts and therapid developments in the field, by presenting recent research works from var-ious disciplines. It features excellent survey work, practical guides, excitingnew directions, and comprehensive tutorials from leading experts. The bookalso presents easy-to-understand illustrations, state-of-the-art methodologies,and algorithms, along with real-world case studies ranging from text classi-fication, to Web mining, to bioinformatics where high-dimensional data arepervasive. Some vague ideas suggested in our earlier book have been de-veloped into mature areas with solid achievements, along with progress thatcould not have been imagined ten years ago. With the steady and speedydevelopment of feature selection research, we sincerely hope that this bookpresents distinctive and representative achievements; serves as a convenientpoint for graduate students, practitioners, and researchers to further the re-search and application of feature selection; and sparks a new phase of featureselection research. We are truly optimistic about the impact of feature selec-tion on massive, high-dimensional data and processing in the near future, andwe have no doubt that in another ten years, when we look back, we will behumbled by the newfound power of feature selection, and by its indelible con-tributions to machine learning, data mining, and many real-world challenges.

Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda

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The inception of this book project was during SDM 2006’s feature selec-tion workshop. Randi Cohen, an editor of Chapman and Hall/CRC Press,eloquently convinced one of us that it was a time for a new book on featureselection. Since then, she closely worked with us to make the process easierand smoother and allowed us to stay focused. With Randi’s kind and expertsupport, we were able to adhere to the planned schedule when facing unex-pected difficulties. We truly appreciate her generous support throughout theproject.

This book is a natural extension of the two successful feature selectionworkshops held at SDM 20051 and SDM 2006.2 The success would not bea reality without the leadership of two workshop co-organizers (Robert Stineof Wharton School and Leonard Auslender of SAS); the meticulous work ofthe proceedings chair (Lei Yu of Binghamton University); and the altruisticefforts of PC members, authors, and contributors. We take this opportunityto thank all who helped to advance the frontier of feature selection research.

The authors, contributors, and reviewers of this book played an instru-mental role in this project. Given the limited space of this book, we couldnot include all quality works. Reviewers’ detailed comments and constructivesuggestions significantly helped improve the book’s consistency in content,format, comprehensibility, and presentation. We thank the authors who pa-tiently and timely accommodated our (sometimes many) requests.

We would also like to express our deep gratitude for the gracious help wereceived from our colleagues and students, including Zheng Zhao, Lei Tang,Quan Nguyen, Payam Refaeilzadeh, and Shankara B. Subramanya of ArizonaState University; Kozo Ohara of Osaka University; and William Nace andKenneth Gorreta of AFOSR/AOARD, Air Force Research Laboratory.

Last but not least, we thank our families for their love and support. Weare grateful and happy that we can now spend more time with our families.

Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda

1The 2005 proceedings are at 2006 proceedings are at

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Jesus S. Aguilar-RuizPablo de Olavide University,Seville, Spain

Jennifer G. DyNortheastern University, Boston,Massachusetts

Constantin F. AliferisVanderbilt University, Nashville,Tennessee

Andre ElisseeffIBM Research, Zurich, Switzer-land

Paolo AvesaniITC-IRST, Trento, Italy

Susana EyheramendyLudwig-Maximilians UniversitatMunchen, Germany

Susan M. BridgesMississippi State University,Mississippi

George FormanHewlett-Packard Labs, PaloAlto, California

Alexander BorisovIntel Corporation, Chandler,Arizona

Lise GetoorUniversity of Maryland, CollegePark, Maryland

Shane BurgessMississippi State University,Mississippi

Dimitrios GunopulosUniversity of California, River-side

Diana ChanMississippi State University,Mississippi

Isabelle GuyonClopiNet, Berkeley, California

Claudia DiamantiniUniversita Politecnica delleMarche, Ancona, Italy

Trevor HastieStanford University, Stanford,California

Rezarta Islamaj DoganUniversity of Maryland, CollegePark, Maryland and NationalCenter for Biotechnology Infor-mation, Bethesda, Maryland

Joshua Zhexue HuangUniversity of Hong Kong, HongKong, China

Carlotta DomeniconiGeorge Mason University, Fair-fax, Virginia

Mohamed KamelUniversity of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada

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Igor KononenkoUniversity of Ljubljana, Ljubl-jana, Slovenia

Wei TangFlorida Atlantic University,Boca Raton, Florida

David MadiganRutgers University, New Bruns-wick, New Jersey

Kari TorkkolaMotorola Labs, Tempe, Arizona

Masoud MakrehchiUniversity of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada

Eugene TuvIntel Corporation, Chandler,Arizona

Michael NgHong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong, China

Sriharsha VeeramachaneniITC-IRST, Trento, Italy

Emanuele OlivettiITC-IRST, Trento, Italy

W. John WilburNational Center for Biotech-nology Information, Bethesda,Maryland

Domenico PotenaUniversita Politecnica delleMarche, Ancona, Italy

Jun XuGeorgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta, Georgia

Jose C. RiquelmeUniversity of Seville, Seville,Spain

Yunming YeHarbin Institute of Technology,Harbin, China

Roberto RuizPablo de Olavide University,Seville, Spain

Lei YuBinghamton University, Bing-hamton, New York

Marko Robnik SikonjaUniversity of Ljubljana, Ljubl-jana, Slovenia

Shi ZhongYahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, Califor-nia

David J. StracuzziArizona State University,Tempe, Arizona

Hui ZouUniversity of Minnesota, Min-neapolis

Yijun SunUniversity of Florida, Gaines-ville, Florida

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I Introduction and Background 1

1 Less Is More 3Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda1.1 Background and Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2 Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Feature Selec-

tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.3 Key Contributions and Organization of the Book . . . . . . . 10

1.3.1 Part I - Introduction and Background . . . . . . . . . 101.3.2 Part II - Extending Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . 111.3.3 Part III - Weighting and Local Methods . . . . . . . . 121.3.4 Part IV - Text Classification and Clustering . . . . . . 131.3.5 Part V - Feature Selection in Bioinformatics . . . . . . 14

1.4 Looking Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2 Unsupervised Feature Selection 19Jennifer G. Dy2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.2 Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.2.1 The K-Means Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.2.2 Finite Mixture Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.3 Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.3.1 Feature Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.3.2 Feature Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.4 Feature Selection for Unlabeled Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252.4.1 Filter Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262.4.2 Wrapper Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5 Local Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.5.1 Subspace Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.5.2 Co-Clustering/Bi-Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3 Randomized Feature Selection 41David J. Stracuzzi3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.2 Types of Randomizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423.3 Randomized Complexity Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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3.4 Applying Randomization to Feature Selection . . . . . . . . 453.5 The Role of Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463.6 Examples of Randomized Selection Algorithms . . . . . . . . 47

3.6.1 A Simple Las Vegas Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473.6.2 Two Simple Monte Carlo Approaches . . . . . . . . . 493.6.3 Random Mutation Hill Climbing . . . . . . . . . . . . 513.6.4 Simulated Annealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523.6.5 Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543.6.6 Randomized Variable Elimination . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.7 Issues in Randomization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583.7.1 Pseudorandom Number Generators . . . . . . . . . . . 583.7.2 Sampling from Specialized Data Structures . . . . . . 59

3.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Causal Feature Selection 63Isabelle Guyon, Constantin Aliferis, and Andre Elisseeff4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634.2 Classical “Non-Causal” Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 654.3 The Concept of Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.3.1 Probabilistic Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694.3.2 Causal Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.4 Feature Relevance in Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 714.4.1 Markov Blanket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.4.2 Characterizing Features Selected via Classical Methods 73

4.5 Causal Discovery Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774.5.1 A Prototypical Causal Discovery Algorithm . . . . . . 784.5.2 Markov Blanket Induction Algorithms . . . . . . . . . 79

4.6 Examples of Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804.7 Summary, Conclusions, and Open Problems . . . . . . . . . 82

II Extending Feature Selection 87

5 Active Learning of Feature Relevance 89Emanuele Olivetti, Sriharsha Veeramachaneni, and Paolo Avesani5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895.2 Active Sampling for Feature Relevance Estimation . . . . . . 925.3 Derivation of the Sampling Benefit Function . . . . . . . . . 935.4 Implementation of the Active Sampling Algorithm . . . . . . 95

5.4.1 Data Generation Model: Class-Conditional Mixture ofProduct Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.4.2 Calculation of Feature Relevances . . . . . . . . . . . 965.4.3 Calculation of Conditional Probabilities . . . . . . . . 975.4.4 Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995.5.1 Synthetic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

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5.5.2 UCI Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005.5.3 Computational Complexity Issues . . . . . . . . . . . 102

5.6 Conclusions and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

6 A Study of Feature Extraction Techniques Based on DecisionBorder Estimate 109Claudia Diamantini and Domenico Potena6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

6.1.1 Background on Statistical Pattern Classification . . . 1116.2 Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundary . . . . . . . 112

6.2.1 MLP-Based Decision Boundary Feature Extraction . . 1136.2.2 SVM Decision Boundary Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.3 Generalities About Labeled Vector Quantizers . . . . . . . . 1156.4 Feature Extraction Based on Vector Quantizers . . . . . . . 116

6.4.1 Weighting of Normal Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1196.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

6.5.1 Experiment with Synthetic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226.5.2 Experiment with Real Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

7 Ensemble-Based Variable Selection Using Independent Probes131

Eugene Tuv, Alexander Borisov, and Kari Torkkola7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317.2 Tree Ensemble Methods in Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . 1327.3 The Algorithm: Ensemble-Based Ranking Against Indepen-

dent Probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7.4.1 Benchmark Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387.4.2 Data and Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

8 Efficient Incremental-Ranked Feature Selection in MassiveData 147Roberto Ruiz, Jesus S. Aguilar-Ruiz, and Jose C. Riquelme8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1478.2 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1488.3 Preliminary Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

8.3.1 Relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1508.3.2 Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

8.4 Incremental Performance over Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . 1528.4.1 Incremental Ranked Usefulness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1538.4.2 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

8.5 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1568.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

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III Weighting and Local Methods 167

9 Non-Myopic Feature Quality Evaluation with (R)ReliefF 169Igor Kononenko and Marko Robnik Sikonja9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699.2 From Impurity to Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

9.2.1 Impurity Measures in Classification . . . . . . . . . . . 1719.2.2 Relief for Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

9.3 ReliefF for Classification and RReliefF for Regression . . . . 1759.4 Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

9.4.1 ReliefF for Inductive Logic Programming . . . . . . . 1789.4.2 Cost-Sensitive ReliefF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1809.4.3 Evaluation of Ordered Features at Value Level . . . . 181

9.5 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829.5.1 Difference of Probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829.5.2 Portion of the Explained Concept . . . . . . . . . . . 183

9.6 Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849.6.1 Time Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849.6.2 Active Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849.6.3 Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

9.7 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859.7.1 Feature Subset Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859.7.2 Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869.7.3 Feature Weighing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869.7.4 Building Tree-Based Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1879.7.5 Feature Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1879.7.6 Association Rules and Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . 1879.7.7 Constructive Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

9.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

10 Weighting Method for Feature Selection in K-Means 193Joshua Zhexue Huang, Jun Xu, Michael Ng, and Yunming Ye10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19310.2 Feature Weighting in k-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19410.3 W-k-Means Clustering Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19710.4 Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19810.5 Subspace Clustering with k-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20010.6 Text Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

10.6.1 Text Data and Subspace Clustering . . . . . . . . . . 20210.6.2 Selection of Key Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

10.7 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20410.8 Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

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11 Local Feature Selection for Classification 211Carlotta Domeniconi and Dimitrios Gunopulos11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21111.2 The Curse of Dimensionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21311.3 Adaptive Metric Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

11.3.1 Flexible Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification . . . . 21511.3.2 Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification 21611.3.3 Adaptive Metric Nearest Neighbor Algorithm . . . . . 217

11.4 Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers . . . . . . . . . . 22211.4.1 Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22311.4.2 Feature Weighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22411.4.3 Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification . . . . . 22511.4.4 Weighting Features Increases the Margin . . . . . . . 227

11.5 Experimental Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22811.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

12 Feature Weighting through Local Learning 233Yijun Sun12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23312.2 Mathematical Interpretation of Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23512.3 Iterative Relief Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

12.3.1 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23612.3.2 Convergence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

12.4 Extension to Multiclass Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24012.5 Online Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24012.6 Computational Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24212.7 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

12.7.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24212.7.2 Experiments on UCI Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24412.7.3 Choice of Kernel Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24812.7.4 Online Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24812.7.5 Experiments on Microarray Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

12.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

IV Text Classification and Clustering 255

13 Feature Selection for Text Classification 257George Forman13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

13.1.1 Feature Selection Phyla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25913.1.2 Characteristic Difficulties of Text Classification Tasks 260

13.2 Text Feature Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26113.2.1 Word Merging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26113.2.2 Word Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26213.2.3 Character N-grams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

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13.2.4 Multi-Field Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26413.2.5 Other Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26413.2.6 Feature Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

13.3 Feature Filtering for Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26513.3.1 Binary Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26613.3.2 Multi-Class Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26913.3.3 Hierarchical Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

13.4 Practical and Scalable Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27113.5 A Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27213.6 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

14 A Bayesian Feature Selection Score Based on Naıve BayesModels 277Susana Eyheramendy and David Madigan14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27714.2 Feature Selection Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

14.2.1 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIP) . . . . . . . . . . 28014.2.2 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIP) under a Bernoulli

distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28114.2.3 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIPp) under Poisson

distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28314.2.4 Information Gain (IG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28414.2.5 Bi-Normal Separation (BNS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28514.2.6 Chi-Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28514.2.7 Odds Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28614.2.8 Word Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

14.3 Classification Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28614.4 Experimental Settings and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

14.4.1 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28714.4.2 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

14.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

15 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Dimensionality Reduction 295Wei Tang and Shi Zhong15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29515.2 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Feature Projection . . . . . . . 297

15.2.1 Feature Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29815.2.2 Projection-Based Semi-supervised Clustering . . . . . 300

15.3 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Co-clustering . . . . . . . . . . 30115.4 Experimental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

15.4.1 Experimental Study – I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30215.4.2 Experimental Study – II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30615.4.3 Experimental Study – III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

15.5 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

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16 Aggressive Feature Selection by Feature Ranking 313Masoud Makrehchi and Mohamed S. Kamel16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31316.2 Feature Selection by Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314

16.2.1 Multivariate Characteristic of Text Classifiers . . . . . 31616.2.2 Term Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

16.3 Proposed Approach to Reducing Term Redundancy . . . . . 32016.3.1 Stemming, Stopwords, and Low-DF Terms Elimination 32016.3.2 Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32016.3.3 Redundancy Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32216.3.4 Redundancy Removal Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 32516.3.5 Term Redundancy Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

16.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32616.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

V Feature Selection in Bioinformatics 335

17 Feature Selection for Genomic Data Analysis 337Lei Yu17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

17.1.1 Microarray Data and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 33717.1.2 Feature Selection for Microarray Data . . . . . . . . . 338

17.2 Redundancy-Based Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34017.2.1 Feature Relevance and Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . 34017.2.2 An Efficient Framework for Redundancy Analysis . . . 34317.2.3 RBF Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

17.3 Empirical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34717.3.1 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34717.3.2 Experimental Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34917.3.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

17.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

18 A Feature Generation Algorithm with Applications to Bio-logical Sequence Classification 355Rezarta Islamaj Dogan, Lise Getoor, and W. John Wilbur18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35518.2 Splice-Site Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

18.2.1 The Splice-Site Prediction Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 35618.2.2 Current Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35718.2.3 Our Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

18.3 Feature Generation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35918.3.1 Feature Type Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36018.3.2 Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36218.3.3 Feature Generation Algorithm (FGA) . . . . . . . . . 364

18.4 Experiments and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

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18.4.1 Data Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36618.4.2 Feature Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36718.4.3 Prediction Results for Individual Feature Types . . . . 36918.4.4 Splice-Site Prediction with FGA Features . . . . . . . 370

18.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

19 An Ensemble Method for Identifying Robust Features forBiomarker Discovery 377Diana Chan, Susan M. Bridges, and Shane C. Burgess19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37719.2 Biomarker Discovery from Proteome Profiles . . . . . . . . . 37819.3 Challenges of Biomarker Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38019.4 Ensemble Method for Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 38119.5 Feature Selection Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38319.6 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38419.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389

20 Model Building and Feature Selection with Genomic Data 393Hui Zou and Trevor Hastie20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39320.2 Ridge Regression, Lasso, and Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39420.3 Drawbacks of the Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39620.4 The Elastic Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

20.4.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39720.4.2 A Stylized Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39920.4.3 Computation and Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40020.4.4 Analyzing the Cardiomypathy Data . . . . . . . . . . 402

20.5 The Elastic-Net Penalized SVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40420.5.1 Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40420.5.2 A New SVM Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

20.6 Sparse Eigen-Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40720.6.1 PCA and Eigen-Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40820.6.2 Sparse Principal Component Analysis . . . . . . . . . 408

20.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

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Part I

Introduction andBackground


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Chapter 1

Less Is More

Huan Liu

Arizona State University

Hiroshi Motoda

AFOSR/AOARD, Air Force Research Laboratory

1.1 Background and Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.2 Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Feature Selection . . . . . 71.3 Key Contributions and Organization of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.4 Looking Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

As our world expands at an unprecedented speed from the physical into thevirtual, we can conveniently collect more and more data in any ways one canimagine for various reasons. Is it “The more, the merrier (better)”? Theanswer is “Yes” and “No.” It is “Yes” because we can at least get what wemight need. It is also “No” because, when it comes to a point of too much,the existence of inordinate data is tantamount to non-existence if there is nomeans of effective data access. More can mean less. Without the processingof data, its mere existence would not become a useful asset that can impactour business, and many other matters. Since continued data accumulationis inevitable, one way out is to devise data selection techniques to keep pacewith the rate of data collection. Furthermore, given the sheer volume of data,data generated by computers or equivalent mechanisms must be processedautomatically, in order for us to tame the data monster and stay in control.

Recent years have seen extensive efforts in feature selection research. Thefield of feature selection expands both in depth and in breadth, due to in-creasing demands for dimensionality reduction. The evidence can be foundin many recent papers, workshops, and review articles. The research expandsfrom classic supervised feature selection to unsupervised and semi-supervisedfeature selection, to selection of different feature types such as causal andstructural features, to different kinds of data like high-throughput, text, orimages, to feature selection evaluation, and to wide applications of featureselection where data abound.

No book of this size could possibly document the extensive efforts in thefrontier of feature selection research. We thus try to sample the field in severalways: asking established experts, calling for submissions, and looking at the


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4 Computational Methods of Feature Selection

recent workshops and conferences, in order to understand the current devel-opments. As this book aims to serve a wide audience from practitioners toresearchers, we first introduce the basic concepts and the essential problemswith feature selection; next illustrate feature selection research in parallelto supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning; then present anoverview of feature selection activities included in this collection; and lastcontemplate some issues about evolving feature selection. The book is orga-nized in five parts: (I) Introduction and Background, (II) Extending FeatureSelection, (III) Weighting and Local Methods, (IV) Text Feature Selection,and (V) Feature Selection in Bioinformatics. These five parts are relativelyindependent and can be read in any order. For a newcomer to the field of fea-ture selection, we recommend that you read Chapters 1, 2, 9, 13, and 17 first,then decide on which chapters to read further according to your need and in-terest. Rudimentary concepts and discussions of related issues such as featureextraction and construction can also be found in two earlier books [10, 9].Instance selection can be found in [11].

1.1 Background and Basics

One of the fundamental motivations for feature selection is the curse ofdimensionality [6]. Plainly speaking, two close data points in a 2-d space arelikely distant in a 100-d space (refer to Chapter 2 for an illustrative example).For the case of classification, this makes it difficult to make a prediction ofunseen data points by a hypothesis constructed from a limited number oftraining instances. The number of features is a key factor that determines thesize of the hypothesis space containing all hypotheses that can be learned fromdata [13]. A hypothesis is a pattern or function that predicts classes basedon given data. The more features, the larger the hypothesis space. Worsestill, the linear increase of the number of features leads to the exponentialincrease of the hypothesis space. For example, for N binary features and abinary class feature, the hypothesis space is as big as 22N

. Therefore, featureselection can efficiently reduce the hypothesis space by removing irrelevantand redundant features. The smaller the hypothesis space, the easier it isto find correct hypotheses. Given a fixed-size data sample that is part of theunderlying population, the reduction of dimensionality also lowers the numberof required training instances. For example, given M , when the number ofbinary features N = 10 is reduced to N = 5, the ratio of M/2N increasesexponentially. In other words, it virtually increases the number of traininginstances. This helps to better constrain the search of correct hypotheses.

Feature selection is essentially a task to remove irrelevant and/or redun-dant features. Irrelevant features can be removed without affecting learning

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Less Is More 5

performance [8]. Redundant features are a type of irrelevant feature [16]. Thedistinction is that a redundant feature implies the co-presence of another fea-ture; individually, each feature is relevant, but the removal of one of them willnot affect learning performance. The selection of features can be achievedin two ways: One is to rank features according to some criterion and selectthe top k features, and the other is to select a minimum subset of featureswithout learning performance deterioration. In other words, subset selectionalgorithms can automatically determine the number of selected features, whilefeature ranking algorithms need to rely on some given threshold to select fea-tures. An example of feature ranking algorithms is detailed in Chapter 9. Anexample of subset selection can be found in Chapter 17.

Other important aspects of feature selection include models, search strate-gies, feature quality measures, and evaluation [10]. The three typical modelsare filter, wrapper, and embedded. An embedded model of feature selectionintegrates the selection of features in model building. An example of such amodel is the decision tree induction algorithm, in which at each branchingnode, a feature has to be selected. The research shows that even for sucha learning algorithm, feature selection can result in improved learning per-formance. In a wrapper model, one employs a learning algorithm and usesits performance to determine the quality of selected features. As shown inChapter 2, filter and wrapper models are not confined to supervised featureselection, and can also apply to the study of unsupervised feature selectionalgorithms.

Search strategies [1] are investigated and various strategies are proposedincluding forward, backward, floating, branch-and-bound, and randomized.If one starts with an empty feature subset and adds relevant features intothe subset following a procedure, it is called forward selection; if one beginswith a full set of features and removes features procedurally, it is backwardselection. Given a large number of features, either strategy might be too costlyto work. Take the example of forward selection. Since k is usually unknowna priori, one needs to try




)+ ... +


)times in order to figure out

k out of N features for selection. Therefore, its time complexity is O(2N ).Hence, more efficient algorithms are developed. The widely used ones aresequential strategies. A sequential forward selection (SFS) algorithm selectsone feature at a time until adding another feature does not improve the subsetquality with the condition that a selected feature remains selected. Similarly,a sequential backward selection (SBS) algorithm eliminates one feature at atime and once a feature is eliminated, it will never be considered again forinclusion. Obviously, both search strategies are heuristic in nature and cannotguarantee the optimality of the selected features. Among alternatives to thesestrategies are randomized feature selection algorithms, which are discussed inChapter 3. A relevant issue regarding exhaustive and heuristic searches iswhether there is any reason to perform exhaustive searches if time complexitywere not a concern. Research shows that exhaustive search can lead thefeatures that exacerbate data overfitting, while heuristic search is less prone

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to data overfitting in feature selection, facing small data samples.The small sample problem addresses a new type of “wide” data where the

number of features (N) is several degrees of magnitude more than the num-ber of instances (M). High-throughput data produced in genomics and pro-teomics and text data are typical examples. In connection to the curse ofdimensionality mentioned earlier, the wide data present challenges to the reli-able estimation of the model’s performance (e.g., accuracy), model selection,and data overfitting. In [3], a pithy illustration of the small sample problemis given with detailed examples.

The evaluation of feature selection often entails two tasks. One is to com-pare two cases: before and after feature selection. The goal of this task is toobserve if feature selection achieves its intended objectives (recall that featureselection does not confine it to improving classification performance). Theaspects of evaluation can include the number of selected features, time, scala-bility, and learning model’s performance. The second task is to compare twofeature selection algorithms to see if one is better than the other for a certaintask. A detailed empirical study is reported in [14]. As we know, there isno universally superior feature selection, and different feature selection algo-rithms have their special edges for various applications. Hence, it is wise tofind a suitable algorithm for a given application. An initial attempt to ad-dress the problem of selecting feature selection algorithms is presented in [12],aiming to mitigate the increasing complexity of finding a suitable algorithmfrom many feature selection algorithms.

Another issue arising from feature selection evaluation is feature selectionbias . Using the same training data in both feature selection and classifica-tion learning can result in this selection bias. According to statistical theorybased on regression research, this bias can exacerbate data over-fitting andnegatively affect classification performance. A recommended practice is touse separate data for feature selection and for learning. In reality, however,separate datasets are rarely used in the selection and learning steps. This isbecause we want to use as much data as possible in both selection and learning.It is against this intuition to divide the training data into two datasets leadingto the reduced data in both tasks. Feature selection bias is studied in [15]to seek answers if there is discrepancy between the current practice and thestatistical theory. The findings are that the statistical theory is correct, butfeature selection bias has limited effect on feature selection for classification.

Recently researchers started paying attention to interacting features [7].Feature interaction usually defies those heuristic solutions to feature selectionevaluating individual features for efficiency. This is because interacting fea-tures exhibit properties that cannot be detected in individual features. Onesimple example of interacting features is the XOR problem, in which bothfeatures together determine the class and each individual feature does not tellmuch at all. By combining careful selection of a feature quality measure anddesign of a special data structure, one can heuristically handle some featureinteraction as shown in [17]. The randomized algorithms detailed in Chapter 3

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Less Is More 7

may provide an alternative. An overview of various additional issues relatedto improving classification performance can be found in [5]. Since there aremany facets of feature selection research, we choose a theme that runs in par-allel with supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning below, anddiscuss and illustrate the underlying concepts of disparate feature selectiontypes, their connections, and how they can benefit from one another.

1.2 Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Fea-ture Selection

In one of the early surveys [2], all algorithms are supervised in the sensethat data have class labels (denoted as Xl). Supervised feature selection al-gorithms rely on measures that take into account the class information. Awell-known measure is information gain, which is widely used in both featureselection and decision tree induction. Assuming there are two features F1 andF2, we can calculate feature Fi’s information gain as E0 − Ei, where E isentropy. E0 is the entropy before the data split using feature Fi, and can becalculated as E0 =

∑c pc log pc, where p is the estimated probability of class

c and c = 1, 2, ..., C. Ei is the entropy after the data split using Fi. A betterfeature can result in larger information gain. Clearly, class information playsa critical role here. Another example is the algorithm ReliefF, which also usesthe class information to determine an instance’s “near-hit” (a neighboring in-stance having the same class) and “near-miss” (a neighboring instance havingdifferent classes). More details about ReliefF can be found in Chapter 9. Inessence, supervised feature selection algorithms try to find features that helpseparate data of different classes and we name it class-based separation. If afeature has no effect on class-based separation, it can be removed. A goodfeature should, therefore, help enhance class-based separation.

In the late 90’s, research on unsupervised feature selection intensified inorder to deal with data without class labels (denoted as Xu). It is closelyrelated to unsupervised learning [4]. One example of unsupervised learning isclustering, where similar instances are grouped together and dissimilar onesare separated apart. Similarity can be defined by the distance between twoinstances. Conceptually, the two instances are similar if the distance betweenthe two is small, otherwise they are dissimilar. When all instances are con-nected pair-wisely, breaking the connections between those instances that arefar apart will form clusters. Hence, clustering can be thought as achievinglocality-based separation. One widely used clustering algorithm is k-means.It is an iterative algorithm that categorizes instances into k clusters. Givenpredetermined k centers (or centroids), it works as follows: (1) Instances arecategorized to their closest centroid, (2) the centroids are recalculated using

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8 Computational Methods of Feature Selection

the instances in each cluster, and (3) the first two steps are repeated until thecentroids do not change. Obviously, the key concept is distance calculation,which is sensitive to dimensionality, as we discussed earlier about the curse ofdimensionality. Basically, if there are many irrelevant or redundant features,clustering will be different from that with only relevant features. One toyexample can be found in Figure 1.1 in which two well-formed clusters in a 1-dspace (x) become two different clusters (denoted with different shapes, circlesvs. diamonds) in a 2-d space after introducing an irrelevant feature y. Unsu-pervised feature selection is more difficult to deal with than supervised featureselection. However, it also is a very useful tool as the majority of data areunlabeled. A comprehensive introduction and review of unsupervised featureselection is presented in Chapter 2.

0 1 2 30











0 1 2 30











0 1 2 30











FIGURE 1.1: An illustrative example: left - two well-formed clusters; middle -after an irrelevant feature is added; right - after applying 2-means clustering.

When a small number of instances are labeled but the majority are not,semi-supervised feature selection is designed to take advantage of both thelarge number of unlabeled instances and the labeling information as in semi-supervised learning. Intuitively, the additional labeling information shouldhelp constrain the search space of unsupervised feature selection. In otherwords, semi-supervised feature selection attempts to align locality-based sep-aration and class-based separations Since there are a large number of unla-

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Less Is More 9

beled data and a small number of labeled instances, it is reasonable to useunlabeled data to form some potential clusters and then employ labeled datato find those clusters that can achieve both locality-based and class-based sep-arations. For the two possible clustering results in Figure 1.1, if we are givenone correctly labeled instance each for the clusters of circles and diamonds,the correct clustering result (the middle figure) will be chosen. The idea ofsemi-supervised feature selection can be illustrated as in Figure 1.2 showinghow the properties of Xl and Xu complement each other and work together tofind relevant features. Two feature vectors (corresponding to two features, fand f ′) can generate respective cluster indicators representing different clus-tering results: The left one can satisfy both constraints of Xl and Xu, but theright one can only satisfy Xu. For semi-supervised feature selection, we wantto select f over f ′. In other words, there are two equally good ways to clusterthe data as shown in the figure, but only one way can also attain class-based





(a)The cluster structure corresponding

to cluster indicator

(b)The cluster structure corresponding

to cluster indicator

feature vector feature vectorf 'f

cluster indicator cluster indicator





FIGURE 1.2: The basic idea for comparing the fitness of cluster indicators accord-ing to both Xl (labeled data) and Xu (unlabeled data) for semi-supervised featureselection. “-” and “+” correspond to instances of negative and positive classes, and“M” to unlabeled instances.

separation. A semi-supervised feature selection algorithm sSelect is proposedin [18], and sSelect is effective to use both data properties when locality-based

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10 Computational Methods of Feature Selection

separation and class-based separation do not generate conflicts. We expect towitness a surge of study on semi-supervised feature selection. The reason istwo-fold: It is often affordable to carefully label a small number of instances,and it also provides a natural way for human experts to inject their knowledgeinto the feature selection process in the form of labeled instances.

Above, we presented and illustrated the development of feature selectionin parallel to supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning to meetthe increasing demands of labeled, unlabeled, and partially labeled data. Itis just one perspective of feature selection that encompasses many aspects.However, from this perspective, it can be clearly seen that as data evolve,feature selection research adapts and develops into new areas in various formsfor emerging real-world applications. In the following, we present an overviewof the research activities included in this book.

1.3 Key Contributions and Organization of the Book

The ensuing chapters showcase some current research issues of feature se-lection. They are categorically grouped into five parts, each containing fourchapters. The first chapter in Part I is this introduction. The other threediscuss issues such as unsupervised feature selection, randomized feature se-lection, and causal feature selection. Part II reports some recent results of em-powering feature selection, including active feature selection, decision-borderestimate, use of ensembles with independent probes, and incremental fea-ture selection. Part III deals with weighting and local methods such as anoverview of the ReliefF family, feature selection in k-means clustering, localfeature relevance, and a new interpretation of Relief. Part IV is about textfeature selection, presenting an overview of feature selection for text classifi-cation, a new feature selection score, constraint-guided feature selection, andaggressive feature selection. Part V is on Feature Selection in Bioinformat-ics, discussing redundancy-based feature selection, feature construction andselection, ensemble-based robust feature selection, and penalty-based featureselection. A summary of each chapter is given next.

1.3.1 Part I - Introduction and Background

Chapter 2 is an overview of unsupervised feature selection, finding thesmallest feature subset that best uncovers interesting, natural clusters for thechosen criterion. The existence of irrelevant features can misguide clusteringresults. Both filter and wrapper approaches can apply as in a supervisedsetting. Feature selection can either be global or local, and the features tobe selected can vary from cluster to cluster. Disparate feature subspaces can

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Less Is More 11

have different underlying numbers of natural clusters. Therefore, care mustbe taken when comparing two clusters with different sets of features.

Chapter 3 is also an overview about randomization techniques for featureselection. Randomization can lead to an efficient algorithm when the benefitsof good choices outweigh the costs of bad choices. There are two broad classesof algorithms: Las Vegas algorithms, which guarantee a correct answer butmay require a long time to execute with small probability, and Monte Carloalgorithms, which may output an incorrect answer with small probability butalways complete execution quickly. The randomized complexity classes definethe probabilistic guarantees that an algorithm must meet. The major sourcesof randomization are the input features and/or the training examples. Thechapter introduces examples of several randomization algorithms.

Chapter 4 addresses the notion of causality and reviews techniques forlearning causal relationships from data in applications to feature selection.Causal Bayesian networks provide a convenient framework for reasoning aboutcausality and an algorithm is presented that can extract causality from databy finding the Markov blanket. Direct causes (parents), direct effects (chil-dren), and other direct causes of the direct effects (spouses) are all membersof the Markov blanket. Only direct causes are strongly causally relevant. Theknowledge of causal relationships can benefit feature selection, e.g., explain-ing relevance in terms of causal mechanisms, distinguishing between actualfeatures and experimental artifacts, predicting the consequences of actions,and making predictions in a non-stationary environment.

1.3.2 Part II - Extending Feature Selection

Chapter 5 poses an interesting problem of active feature sampling in do-mains where the feature values are expensive to measure. The selection offeatures is based on the maximum benefit. A benefit function minimizes themean-squared error in a feature relevance estimate. It is shown that theminimum mean-squared error criterion is equivalent to the maximum averagechange criterion. The results obtained by using a mixture model for the jointclass-feature distribution show the advantage of the active sampling policyover the random sampling in reducing the number of feature samples. Theapproach is computationally expensive. Considering only a random subset ofthe missing entries at each sampling step is a promising solution.

Chapter 6 discusses feature extraction (as opposed to feature selection)based on the properties of the decision border. It is intuitive that the directionnormal to the decision boundary represents an informative direction for classdiscriminability and its effectiveness is proportional to the area of decision bor-der that has the same normal vector. Based on this, a labeled vector quantizerthat can efficiently be trained by the Bayes risk weighted vector quantization(BVQ) algorithm was devised to extract the best linear approximation to thedecision border. The BVQ produces a decision boundary feature matrix, andthe eigenvectors of this matrix are exploited to transform the original feature

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12 Computational Methods of Feature Selection

space into a new feature space with reduced dimensionality. It is shown thatthis approach is comparable to the SVM-based decision boundary approachand better than the MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron)-based approach, but witha lower computational cost.

Chapter 7 proposes to compare feature relevance against the relevance ofits randomly permuted version (or probes) for classification/regression tasksusing random forests. The key is to use the same distribution in generatinga probe. Feature relevance is estimated by averaging the relevance obtainedfrom each tree in the ensemble. The method iterates over the remaining fea-tures by removing the identified important features using the residuals as newtarget variables. It offers autonomous feature selection taking into accountnon-linearity, mixed-type data, and missing data in regressions and classifica-tions. It shows excellent performance and low computational complexity, andis able to address massive amounts of data.

Chapter 8 introduces an incremental feature selection algorithm for high-dimensional data. The key idea is to decompose the whole process into featureranking and selection. The method first ranks features and then resolves theredundancy by an incremental subset search using the ranking. The incre-mental subset search does not retract what it has selected, but it can decidenot to add the next candidate feature, i.e., skip it and try the next accordingto the rank. Thus, the average number of features used to construct a learnerduring the search is kept small, which makes the wrapper approach feasiblefor high-dimensional data.

1.3.3 Part III - Weighting and Local Methods

Chapter 9 is a comprehensive description of the Relief family algorithms.Relief exploits the context of other features through distance measures and candetect highly conditionally-dependent features. The chapter explains the idea,advantages, and applications of Relief and introduces two extensions: ReliefFand RReliefF. ReliefF is for classification and can deal with incomplete datawith multi-class problems. RReliefF is its extension designed for regression.The variety of the Relief family shows the general applicability of the basicidea of Relief as a non-myopic feature quality measure.

Chapter 10 discusses how to automatically determine the important fea-tures in the k-means clustering process. The weight of a feature is determinedby the sum of the within-cluster dispersions of the feature, which measuresits importance in clustering. A new step to calculate the feature weights isadded in the iterative process in order not to seriously affect the scalability.The weight can be defined either globally (same weights for all clusters) orlocally (different weights for different clusters). The latter, called subspacek-means clustering, has applications in text clustering, bioinformatics, andcustomer behavior analysis.

Chapter 11 is in line with Chapter 5, but focuses on local feature relevanceand weighting. Each feature’s ability for class probability prediction at each

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point in the feature space is formulated in a way similar to the weighted χ-square measure, from which the relevance weight is derived. The weight hasa large value for a direction along which the class probability is not locallyconstant. To gain efficiency, a decision boundary is first obtained by an SVM,and its normal vector nearest to the point in query is used to estimate theweights reflected in the distance measure for a k-nearest neighbor classifier.

Chapter 12 gives further insights into Relief (refer to Chapter 9). Theworking of Relief is proven to be equivalent to solving an online convex opti-mization problem with a margin-based objective function that is defined basedon a nearest neighbor classifier. Relief usually performs (1) better than otherfilter methods due to the local performance feedback of a nonlinear classifierwhen searching for useful features, and (2) better than wrapper methods dueto the existence of efficient algorithms for a convex optimization problem. Theweights can be iteratively updated by an EM-like algorithm, which guaran-tees the uniqueness of the optimal weights and the convergence. The methodwas further extended to its online version, which is quite effective when it isdifficult to use all the data in a batch mode.

1.3.4 Part IV - Text Classification and Clustering

Chapter 13 is a comprehensive presentation of feature selection for textclassification, including feature generation, representation, and selection, withillustrative examples, from a pragmatic view point. A variety of feature gen-erating schemes is reviewed, including word merging, word phrases, characterN -grams, and multi-fields. The generated features are ranked by scoring eachfeature independently. Examples of scoring measures are information gain,χ-square, and bi-normal separation. A case study shows considerable im-provement of F -measure by feature selection. It also shows that adding twoword phrases as new features generally gives good performance gain over thefeatures comprising only selected words.

Chapter 14 introduces a new feature selection score, which is defined as theposterior probability of inclusion of a given feature over all possible models,where each model corresponds to a different set of features that includes thegiven feature. The score assumes a probability distribution on the words ofthe documents. Bernoulli and Poisson distributions are assumed respectivelywhen only the presence or absence of a word matters and when the numberof occurrences of a word matters. The score computation is inexpensive,and the value that the score assigns to each word has an appealing Bayesianinterpretation when the predictive model corresponds to a naive Bayes model.This score is compared with five other well-known scores.

Chapter 15 focuses on dimensionality reduction for semi-supervised clus-tering where some weak supervision is available in terms of pairwise instanceconstraints (must-link and cannot-link). Two methods are proposed by lever-aging pairwise instance constraints: pairwise constraints-guided feature pro-jection and pairwise constraints-guided co-clustering. The former is used to

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project data into a lower dimensional space such that the sum-squared dis-tance between must-link instances is minimized and the sum-squared dis-tance between cannot-link instances is maximized. This reduces to an eleganteigenvalue decomposition problem. The latter is to use feature clusteringbenefitting from pairwise constraints via a constrained co-clustering mecha-nism. Feature clustering and data clustering are mutually reinforced in theco-clustering process.

Chapter 16 proposes aggressive feature selection, removing more than95% features (terms) for text data. Feature ranking is effective to removeirrelevant features, but cannot handle feature redundancy. Experiments showthat feature redundancy can be as destructive as noise. A new multi-stageapproach for text feature selection is proposed: (1) pre-processing to removestop words, infrequent words, noise, and errors; (2) ranking features to iden-tify the most informative terms; and (3) removing redundant and correlatedterms. In addition, term redundancy is modeled by a term-redundancy treefor visualization purposes.

1.3.5 Part V - Feature Selection in Bioinformatics

Chapter 17 introduces the challenges of microarray data analysis andpresents a redundancy-based feature selection algorithm. For high-throughputdata like microarrays, redundancy among genes becomes a critical issue. Con-ventional feature ranking algorithms cannot effectively handle feature redun-dancy. It is known that if there is a Markov blanket for a feature, the featurecan be safely eliminated. Finding a Markov blanket is computationally heavy.The solution proposed is to use an approximate Markov blanket, in which it isassumed that the Markov blanket always consists of one feature. The featuresare first ranked, and then each feature is checked in sequence if it has any ap-proximate Markov blanket in the current set. This way it can efficiently findall predominant features and eliminate the rest. Biologists would welcomean efficient filter algorithm to feature redundancy. Redundancy-based fea-ture selection makes it possible for a biologist to specify what genes are to beincluded before feature selection.

Chapter 18 presents a scalable method for automatic feature generationon biological sequence data. The algorithm uses sequence components and do-main knowledge to construct features, explores the space of possible features,and identifies the most useful ones. As sequence data have both compositionaland positional properties, feature types are defined to capture these proper-ties, and for each feature type, features are constructed incrementally fromthe simplest ones. During the construction, the importance of each feature isevaluated by a measure that best fits to each type, and low ranked featuresare eliminated. At the final stage, selected features are further pruned by anembedded method based on recursive feature elimination. The method wasapplied to the problem of splice-site prediction, and it successfully identifiedthe most useful set of features of each type. The method can be applied

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to complex feature types and sequence prediction tasks such as translationstart-site prediction and protein sequence classification.

Chapter 19 proposes an ensemble-based method to find robust featuresfor biomarker research. Ensembles are obtained by choosing different alterna-tives at each stage of data mining: three normalization methods, two binningmethods, eight feature selection methods (including different combination ofsearch methods), and four classification methods. A total of 192 different clas-sifiers are obtained, and features are selected by favoring frequently appearingfeatures that are members of small feature sets of accurate classifiers. Themethod is successfully applied to a publicly available Ovarian Cancer Dataset,in which case the original attribute is the m/z (mass/charge) value of massspectrometer and the value of the feature is its intensity.

Chapter 20 presents a penalty-based feature selection method, elastic net,for genomic data, which is a generalization of lasso (a penalized least squaresmethod with L1 penalty for regression). Elastic net has a nice property thatirrelevant features receive their parameter estimates equal to 0, leading tosparse and easy to interpret models like lasso, and, in addition, strongly cor-related relevant features are all selected whereas in lasso only one of themis selected. Thus, it is a more appropriate tool for feature selection withhigh-dimensional data than lasso. Details are given on how elastic net can beapplied to regression, classification, and sparse eigen-gene analysis by simul-taneously building a model and selecting relevant and redundant features.

1.4 Looking Ahead

Feature selection research has found applications in many fields where large(either row-wise or column-wise) volumes of data present challenges to effec-tive data analysis and processing. As data evolve, new challenges arise andthe expectations of feature selection are also elevated, due to its own suc-cess. In addition to high-throughput data, the pervasive use of Internet andWeb technologies has been bringing about a great number of new services andapplications, ranging from recent Web 2.0 applications to traditional Web ser-vices where multi-media data are ubiquitous and abundant. Feature selectionis widely applied to find topical terms, establish group profiles, assist in cat-egorization, simplify descriptions, facilitate personalization and visualization,among many others.

The frontier of feature selection research is expanding incessantly in an-swering the emerging challenges posed by the ever-growing amounts of data,multiple sources of heterogeneous data, data streams, and disparate data-intensive applications. On one hand, we naturally anticipate more researchon semi-supervised feature selection, unifying supervised and unsupervised

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feature selection [19], and integrating feature selection with feature extrac-tion. On the other hand, we expect new feature selection methods designedfor various types of features like causal, complementary, relational, struc-tural, and sequential features, and intensified research efforts on large-scale,distributed, and real-time feature selection. As the field develops, we are op-timistic and confident that feature selection research will continue its uniqueand significant role in taming the data monster and helping turning data intonuggets.


[1] A. Blum and P. Langley. Selection of relevant features and examples inmachine learning. Artificial Intelligence, 97:245–271, 1997.

[2] M. Dash and H. Liu. Feature selection methods for classifications. Intel-ligent Data Analysis: An International Journal, 1(3):131–156, 1997.

[3] E. Dougherty. Feature-selection overfitting with small-sample classi-fier design. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(6):64–66, November/December2005.

[4] J. Dy and C. Brodley. Feature selection for unsupervised learning. Jour-nal of Machine Learning Research, 5:845–889, 2004.

[5] I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff. An introduction to variable and feature se-lection. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 3:1157–1182,2003.

[6] T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. The Elements of StatisticalLearning. Springer, 2001.

[7] A. Jakulin and I. Bratko. Testing the significance of attribute interac-tions. In ICML ’04: Twenty-First International Conference on MachineLearning. ACM Press, 2004.

[8] G. John, R. Kohavi, and K. Pfleger. Irrelevant feature and the subset se-lection problem. In W. Cohen and H. H., editors, Machine Learning: Pro-ceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, pages 121–129, NewBrunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1994.

[9] H. Liu and H. Motoda, editors. Feature Extraction, Construction andSelection: A Data Mining Perspective. Boston: Kluwer Academic Pub-lishers, 1998. 2nd Printing, 2001.

[10] H. Liu and H. Motoda. Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery &Data Mining. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

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[11] H. Liu and H. Motoda, editors. Instance Selection and Construction forData Mining. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

[12] H. Liu and L. Yu. Toward integrating feature selection algorithms forclassification and clustering. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data En-gineering, 17(3):1–12, 2005.

[13] T. Mitchell. Machine Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.

[14] P. Refaeilzadeh, L. Tang, and H. Liu. On comparison of feature selectionalgorithms. In AAAI 2007 Workshop on Evaluation Methods for MachineLearning II, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2007.

[15] S. Singhi and H. Liu. Feature subset selection bias for classificationlearning. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2006.

[16] L. Yu and H. Liu. Efficient feature selection via analysis of rele-vance and redundancy. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR),5(Oct):1205–1224, 2004.

[17] Z. Zhao and H. Liu. Searching for interacting features. In Proceedings ofIJCAI - International Joint Conference on AI, January 2007.

[18] Z. Zhao and H. Liu. Semi-supervised feature selection via spectral anal-ysis. In Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM-07), 2007.

[19] Z. Zhao and H. Liu. Spectral feature selection for supervised and unsu-pervised learning. In Proceedings of International Conference on MachineLearning, 2007.

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Chapter 2

Unsupervised Feature Selection

Jennifer G. Dy

Northeastern University

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.2 Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.3 Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.4 Feature Selection for Unlabeled Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252.5 Local Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.1 Introduction

Many existing databases are unlabeled, because large amounts of data makeit difficult for humans to manually label the categories of each instance. More-over, human labeling is expensive and subjective. Hence, unsupervised learn-ing is needed. Besides being unlabeled, several applications are characterizedby high-dimensional data (e.g., text, images, gene). However, not all of thefeatures domain experts utilize to represent these data are important for thelearning task. We have seen the need for feature selection in the supervisedlearning case. This is also true in the unsupervised case. Unsupervised meansthere is no teacher, in the form of class labels. One type of unsupervised learn-ing problem is clustering. The goal of clustering is to group “similar” objectstogether. “Similarity” is typically defined in terms of a metric or a probabil-ity density model, which are both dependent on the features representing thedata.

In the supervised paradigm, feature selection algorithms maximize somefunction of prediction accuracy. Since class labels are available in supervisedlearning, it is natural to keep only the features that are related to or leadto these classes. But in unsupervised learning, we are not given class labels.Which features should we keep? Why not use all the information that wehave? The problem is that not all the features are important. Some of thefeatures may be redundant and some may be irrelevant. Furthermore, the ex-istence of several irrelevant features can misguide clustering results. Reducing


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the number of features also facilitates comprehensibility and ameliorates theproblem that some unsupervised learning algorithms break down with high-dimensional data. In addition, for some applications, the goal is not justclustering, but also to find the important features themselves.

A reason why some clustering algorithms break down in high dimensions isdue to the curse of dimensionality [3]. As the number of dimensions increases,a fix data sample becomes exponentially sparse. Additional dimensions in-crease the volume exponentially and spread the data such that the data pointswould look equally far. Figure 2.1 (a) shows a plot of data generated froma uniform distribution between 0 and 2 with 25 instances in one dimension.Figure 2.1 (b) shows a plot of the same data in two dimensions, and Figure2.1 (c) displays the data in three dimensions. Observe that the data becomemore and more sparse in higher dimensions. There are 12 samples that fallinside the unit-sized box in Figure 2.1 (a), seven samples in (b) and two in(c). The sampling density is proportional to M1/N , where M is the numberof samples and N is the dimension. For this example, a sampling density of25 in one dimension would require 253 = 125 samples in three dimensions toachieve a similar sample density.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20













0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20





























FIGURE 2.1: Illustration for the curse of dimensionality. These are plots of a25-sample data generated from a uniform distribution between 0 and 2. (a) Plot inone dimension, (b) plot in two dimensions, and (c) plot in three dimensions. Theboxes in the figures show unit-sized bins in the corresponding dimensions. Note thatdata are more sparse with respect to the unit-sized volume in higher dimensions.There are 12 samples in the unit-sized box in (a), 7 samples in (b), and 2 samplesin (c).

As noted earlier, supervised learning has class labels to guide the featuresearch. In unsupervised learning, these labels are missing, and in fact its goalis to find these grouping labels (also known as cluster assignments). Findingthese cluster labels is dependent on the features describing the data, thusmaking feature selection for unsupervised learning difficult.

Dy and Brodley [14] define the goal of feature selection for unsupervisedlearning as:

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to find the smallest feature subset that best uncovers “interestingnatural” groupings (clusters) from data according to the chosencriterion.

Without any labeled information, in unsupervised learning, we need to makesome assumptions. We need to define what “interesting” and “natural” meanin the form of criterion or objective functions. We will see examples of thesecriterion functions later in this chapter.

Before we proceed with how to do feature selection on unsupervised data,it is important to know the basics of clustering algorithms. Section 2.2 brieflydescribes clustering algorithms. In Section 2.3 we review the basic componentsof feature selection algorithms. Then, we present the methods for unsuper-vised feature selection in Sections 2.4 and 2.5, and finally provide a summaryin Section 2.6.

2.2 Clustering

The goal of clustering is to group similar objects together. There are twotypes of clustering approaches: partitional and hierarchical. Partitional clus-tering provides one level of clustering. Hierarchical clustering, on the otherhand, provides multiple levels (hierarchy) of clustering solutions. Hierarchicalapproaches can proceed bottom-up (agglomerative) or top-down (divisive).Bottom-up approaches typically start with all instances as clusters and then,at each level, merge clusters that are most similar with each other. Top-down approaches divide the data into k clusters at each level. There areseveral methods for performing clustering. A survey of these algorithms canbe found in [29, 39, 18].

In this section we briefly present two popular partitional clustering algo-rithms: k-means and finite mixture model clustering. As mentioned earlier,similarity is typically defined by a metric or a probability distribution. K-means is an approach that uses a metric, and finite mixture models definesimilarity by a probability density.

Let us denote our dataset as X = {x1, x2, . . . , xM}. X consists of M datainstances xk, k = 1, 2, . . . , M , and each xk represents a single N -dimensionalinstance.

2.2.1 The K-Means Algorithm

The goal of k-means is to partition X into K clusters {C1, . . . , CK}. Themost widely used criterion function for the k-means algorithm is the sum-

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squared-error (SSE) criterion. SSE is defined as




‖xk − μj‖2 (2.1)

where μj denotes the mean (centroid) of those instances in cluster Cj .K-means is an iterative algorithm that locally minimizes the SSE criterion.

It assumes each cluster has a hyper-spherical structure. “K-means” denotesthe process of assigning each data point, xk, to the cluster with the nearestmean. The k-means algorithm starts with initial K centroids, then it assignseach remaining point to the nearest centroid, updates the cluster centroids,and repeats the process until the K centroids do not change (convergence).There are two versions of k-means: One version originates from Forgy [17] andthe other version from Macqueen [36]. The difference between the two is whento update the cluster centroids. In Forgy’s k-means [17], cluster centroids arere-computed after all the data points have been assigned to their nearestcentroids. In Macqueen’s k-means [36], the cluster centroids are re-computedafter each data assignment. Since k-means is a greedy algorithm, it is onlyguaranteed to find a local minimum, the solution of which is dependent onthe initial assignments. To avoid local optimum, one typically applies randomrestarts and picks the clustering solution with the best SSE. One can referto [47, 4] for other ways to deal with the initialization problem.

Standard k-means utilizes Euclidean distance to measure dissimilarity be-tween the data points. Note that one can easily create various variants ofk-means by modifying this distance metric (e.g., other Lp norm distances)to ones more appropriate for the data. For example, on text data, a moresuitable metric is the cosine similarity. One can also modify the objectivefunction, instead of SSE, to other criterion measures to create other cluster-ing algorithms.

2.2.2 Finite Mixture Clustering

A finite mixture model assumes that data are generated from a mixtureof K component density functions, in which p(xk|θj) represents the densityfunction of component j for all j′s, where θj is the parameter (to be estimated)for cluster j. The probability density of data xk is expressed by

p(xk) =K∑


αjp(xk|θj) (2.2)

where the α′s are the mixing proportions of the components (subject to αj ≥ 0and

∑Kj=1 αj = 1). The log-likelihood of the M observed data points is then

given by

L =M∑




αjp(xk|θj)} (2.3)

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It is difficult to directly optimize (2.3), therefore we apply the Expectation-Maximization (EM) [10] algorithm to find a (local) maximum likelihood ormaximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the parameters for the given dataset. EM is a general approach for estimating the maximum likelihood orMAP estimate for missing data problems. In the clustering context, themissing or hidden variables are the class labels. The EM algorithm iteratesbetween an Expectation-step (E-step), which computes the expected com-plete data log-likelihood given the observed data and the model parameters,and a Maximization-step (M-step), which estimates the model parametersby maximizing the expected complete data log-likelihood from the E-step,until convergence. In clustering, the E-step is similar to estimating the clus-ter membership and the M-step estimates the cluster model parameters. Theclustering solution that we obtain in a mixture model is what we call a “soft”-clustering solution because we obtain an estimated cluster membership (i.e.,each data point belongs to all clusters with some probability weight of be-longing to each cluster). In contrast, k-means provides a “hard”-clusteringsolution (i.e., each data point belongs to only a single cluster).

Analogous to metric-based clustering, where one can develop different algo-rithms by utilizing other similarity metric, one can design different probability-based mixture model clustering algorithms by choosing an appropriate densitymodel for the application domain. A Gaussian distribution is typically uti-lized for continuous features and multinomials for discrete features. For amore thorough description of clustering using finite mixture models, see [39]and a review is provided in [18].

2.3 Feature Selection

Feature selection algorithms has two main components: (1) feature searchand (2) feature subset evaluation.

2.3.1 Feature Search

Feature search strategies have been widely studied for classifications. Gen-erally speaking, search strategies used for supervised classifications can alsobe used for clustering algorithms. We repeat and summarize them here forcompleteness. An exhaustive search would definitely find the optimal solution;however, a search on 2N possible feature subsets (where N is the number offeatures) is computationally impractical. More realistic search strategies havebeen studied. Narendra and f*ckunaga [40] introduced the branch and boundalgorithm, which finds the optimal feature subset if the criterion function usedis monotonic. However, although the branch and bound algorithm makes

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problems more tractable than an exhaustive search, it becomes impracticalfor feature selection problems involving more than 30 features [43]. Sequentialsearch methods generally use greedy techniques and hence do not guaranteeglobal optimality of the selected subsets, only local optimality. Examples ofsequential searches include sequential forward selection, sequential backwardelimination, and bidirectional selection [32, 33]. Sequential forward/backwardsearch methods generally result in an O(N2) worst case search. Marill andGreen [38] introduced the sequential backward selection (SBS) [43] method,which starts with all the features and sequentially eliminates one feature at atime (eliminating the feature that contributes least to the criterion function).Whitney [50] introduced sequential forward selection (SFS) [43], which startswith the empty set and sequentially adds one feature at a time. A problemwith these hill-climbing search techniques is that when a feature is deleted inSBS, it cannot be re-selected, while a feature added in SFS cannot be deletedonce selected. To prevent this effect, the Plus-l-Minus-r (l-r) search methodwas developed by Stearns [45]. Indeed, at each step the values of l and rare pre-specified and fixed. Pudil et al. [43] introduced an adaptive versionthat allows l and r values to “float.” They call these methods floating searchmethods: sequential forward floating selection (SFFS) and sequential back-ward floating selection (SBFS) based on the dominant search method (i.e.,either in the forward or backward direction). Random search methods suchas genetic algorithms and random mutation hill climbing add some random-ness in the search procedure to help to escape from a local optimum. In somecases when the dimensionality is very high, one can only afford an individualsearch. Individual search methods evaluate each feature individually accord-ing to a criterion or a condition [24]. They then select features, which eithersatisfy the condition or are top-ranked.

2.3.2 Feature Evaluation

Not all the features are important. Some of the features may be irrelevantand some of the features may be redundant. Each feature or feature subsetneeds to be evaluated based on importance by a criterion. Different criteriamay select different features. It is actually deciding the evaluation criteria thatmakes feature selection in clustering difficult. In classification, it is naturalto keep the features that are related to the labeled classes. However, inclustering, these class labels are not available. Which features should we keep?More specifically, how do we decide which features are relevant/irrelevant, andwhich are redundant?

Figure 2.2 gives a simple example of an irrelevant feature for clustering.Suppose data have features F1 and F2 only. Feature F2 does not contributeto cluster discrimination, thus, we consider feature F2 to be irrelevant. Wewant to remove irrelevant features because they may mislead the clusteringalgorithm (especially when there are more irrelevant features than relevantones). Figure 2.3 provides an example showing feature redundancy. Observe

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FIGURE 2.2: In this example, feature F2 is irrelevant because it does not con-tribute to cluster discrimination.



FIGURE 2.3: In this example, features F1 and F2 have redundant information,because feature F1 provides the same information as feature F2 with regard todiscriminating the two clusters.

that both features F1 and F2 lead to the same clustering results. Therefore,we consider features F1 and F2 to be redundant.

2.4 Feature Selection for Unlabeled Data

There are several feature selection methods for clustering. Similar to super-vised learning, these feature selection methods can be categorized as eitherfilter or wrapper approaches [33] based on whether the evaluation methodsdepend on the learning algorithms1.

As Figure 2.4 shows, the wrapper approach wraps the feature search aroundthe learning algorithms that will ultimately be applied, and utilizes the learnedresults to select the features. On the other hand, as shown in Figure 2.5, thefilter approach utilizes the data alone to decide which features should be kept,

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All FeaturesFeatureSubset

Criterion Value




FIGURE 2.4: Wrapper approach for feature selection for clustering.


All FeaturesFeatureSubset

Criterion Value


FIGURE 2.5: Filter approach for feature selection for clustering.

without running the learning algorithm. Usually, a wrapper approach maylead to better performance compared to a filter approach for a particularlearning algorithm. However, wrapper methods are more computationallyexpensive since one needs to run the learning algorithm for every candidatefeature subset.

In this section, we present the different methods categorized into filter andwrapper approaches.

2.4.1 Filter Methods

Filter methods use some intrinsic property of the data to select featureswithout utilizing the clustering algorithm that will ultimately be applied. Thebasic components in filter methods are the feature search method and the fea-ture selection criterion. Filter methods have the challenge of defining featurerelevance (interestingness) and/or redundancy without applying clustering onthe data.

Talavera [48] developed a filter version of his wrapper approach that selectsfeatures based on feature dependence. He claims that irrelevant features arefeatures that do not depend on the other features. Manoranjan et al. [37]introduced a filter approach that selects features based on the entropy of dis-tances between data points. They observed that when the data are clustered,the distance entropy at that subspace should be low. He, Cai, and Niyogi [26]select features based on the Laplacian score that evaluates features based ontheir locality preserving power. The Laplacian score is based on the premisethat two data points that are close together probably belong to the samecluster.

These three filter approaches try to remove features that are not relevant.

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Another way to reduce the dimensionality is to remove redundancy. A filterapproach primarily for reducing redundancy is simply to cluster the features.Note that even though we apply clustering, we consider this as a filter methodbecause we cluster on the feature space as opposed to the data sample space.One can cluster the features using a k-means clustering [36, 17] type of algo-rithm with feature correlation as the similarity metric. Instead of a clustermean, represent each cluster by the feature that has the highest correlationamong features within the cluster it belongs to.

Popular techniques for dimensionality reduction without labels are prin-cipal components analysis (PCA) [30], factor analysis, and projection pur-suit [20, 27]. These early works in data reduction for unsupervised data canbe thought of as filter methods, because they select the features prior to ap-plying clustering. But rather than selecting a subset of the features, theyinvolve some type of feature transformation. PCA and factor analysis aim toreduce the dimension such that the representation is as faithful as possible tothe original data. As such, these techniques aim at reducing dimensionalityby removing redundancy. Projection pursuit, on the other hand, aims at find-ing “interesting” projections (defined as the directions that are farthest fromGaussian distributions and close to uniform). In this case, projection pur-suit addresses relevance. Another method is independent component analysis(ICA) [28]. ICA tries to find a transformation such that the transformed vari-ables are statistically independent. Although the goals of ICA and projectionpursuit are different, the formulation in ICA ends up being similar to that ofprojection pursuit (i.e., they both search for directions that are farthest fromthe Gaussian density). These techniques are filter methods, however, theyapply transformations on the original feature space. We are interested in sub-sets of the original features, because we want to retain the original meaning ofthe features. Moreover, transformations would still require the user to collectall the features to obtain the reduced set, which is sometimes not desired.

2.4.2 Wrapper Methods

Wrapper methods apply the clustering algorithm to evaluate the features.They incorporate the clustering algorithm inside the feature search and selec-tion. Wrapper approaches consist of: (1) a search component, (2) a clusteringalgorithm, and (3) a feature evaluation criterion. See Figure 2.4.

One can build a feature selection wrapper approach for clustering by simplypicking a favorite search method (any method presented in Section 2.3.1), andapply a clustering algorithm and a feature evaluation criterion. However, thereare issues that one must take into account in creating such an algorithm. In[14], Dy and Brodley investigated the issues involved in creating a generalwrapper method where any feature selection, clustering, and selection criteriacan be applied. The first issue they observed is that it is not a good ideato use the same number of clusters throughout the feature search becausedifferent feature subspaces have different underlying numbers of “natural”

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clusters. Thus, the clustering algorithm should also incorporate finding thenumber of clusters in feature search. The second issue they discovered is thatvarious selection criteria are biased with respect to dimensionality. They thenintroduced a cross-projection normalization scheme that can be utilized byany criterion function.

Feature subspaces have different underlying numbers of clusters.When we are searching for the best feature subset, we run into a new problem:The value of the number of clusters depends on the feature subset. Figure2.6 illustrates this point. In two dimensions {F1, F2} there are three clusters,whereas in one dimension (the projection of the data only on F1) there areonly two clusters. It is not a good idea to use a fixed number of clusters infeature search, because different feature subsets require different numbers ofclusters. And, using a fixed number of clusters for all feature sets does notmodel the data in the respective subspace correctly. In [14], they addressedfinding the number of clusters by applying a Bayesian information criterionpenalty [44].


xx x

xxx xx


x xx x




xx x





x xxx


x xx


xx xx xx x



xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx



FIGURE 2.6: The number of cluster components varies with dimension.

Feature evaluation criterion should not be biased with respect todimensionality. In a wrapper approach, one searches in feature space, ap-plies clustering in each candidate feature subspace, Si, and then evaluates theresults (clustering in space Si) with other cluster solutions in other subspaces,Sj , j �= i, based on an evaluation criterion. This can be problematic especiallywhen Si and Sj have different dimensionalities. Dy and Brodley [14] examinedtwo feature selection criteria: maximum likelihood and scatter separability.They have shown that the scatter separability criterion prefers higher dimen-sionality. In other words, the criterion value monotonically increases as fea-

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tures are added (i.e., the dimension is increased) assuming identical clusteringassignments [40]. However, the separability criterion may not be monoton-ically increasing with respect to dimension when the clustering assignmentschange. Scatter separability or the trace criterion prefers higher dimensions,intuitively, because data are more scattered in higher dimensions, and math-ematically, because adding features means adding more terms in the tracefunction. Ideally, one would like the criterion value to remain the same if thediscrimination information is the same. Maximum likelihood, on the otherhand, prefers lower dimensions. The problem occurs when we compare fea-ture set A with feature set B wherein set A is a subset of B. The problem isthat the joint probability of a single point {x, y} is less than or equal to itsmarginal probability x when the conditional probability is less than one. Forsequential searches, this can lead to the trivial result of selecting only a singlefeature.

To ameliorate this bias, Dy and Brodley [14] suggest a cross-projectionscheme that can be applied with any feature evaluation criterion. The ideais to project the cluster solution to the subspaces that we are comparing, be-cause the ultimate goal is to find the subspace that yields good clustering.Given two feature subsets, S1 and S2, with different dimensions, clusteringour data using subset S1 produces cluster C1. In the same way, we obtainthe clusters C2 using the features in S2. Which feature subset, S1 or S2,enables us to discover better clusters? Let CRIT (Si, Cj) be the feature se-lection criterion value using feature subset Fi to represent the data and Cj asthe clustering assignment. CRIT (·) represents any criterion (e.g., maximumlikelihood, scatter separability). Normalize the criterion value for S1, C1 as

normalizedV alue(S1, C1) = CRIT (S1, C1) · CRIT (S2, C1)

and the criterion value for S2, C2 as

normalizedV alue(S2, C2) = CRIT (S2, C2) · CRIT (S1, C2).

If normalizedV alue(Si, Ci) > normalizedV alue(Sj, Cj), we choose featuresubset Si. When the normalized criterion values are equal for Si and Sj , wefavor the subset with the lower cardinality. Another way to normalize the biasof a feature evaluation criterion with respect to dimensionality is to measurethe criterion function of the clustering solution obtained by any subset Si

onto the set of all of the original features. This way, one can compare anycandidate subset.

Now, one can build any feature selection wrapper approach for unlabeleddata, by performing any favorite feature search, clustering, and evaluationcriterion, and take these two issues into account.

For wrapper approaches, the clustering method deals with defining a “sim-ilarity” metric or defines what “natural” means. The feature selection crite-rion defines what “interestingness” means. These two criteria need not be thesame. Typically one should choose an appropriate clustering algorithm (which

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is defined by a clustering objective function and a similarity metric) based ona problem domain. For example, an appropriate metric for text data mightbe the cosine similarity or a mixture of multinomial model for clustering. Fordata described by continuous features, one might define Gaussian clusters asthe “natural” groups. The feature evaluation criterion should quantify whattype of features the user is interested in. If the user wishes to find featuresthat optimize the clustering algorithm in finding the natural clusters, then anappropriate criterion for feature evaluation is the same criterion as the objec-tive function for the clustering algorithm. If the user is interested in featuresthat find clusters that are well-separated, then criteria such as scatter sep-arability are appropriate. Unlike supervised learning, which has class labelsto guide the feature search, unsupervised feature selection relies on criterionfunctions and would thus require domain knowledge to choose the appropriateobjective functions.

Dy and Brodley [14] examined two feature selection criteria: maximumlikelihood and scatter separability, for a wrapper method that applies a se-quential forward search wrapped around Gaussian mixture model clustering.Recall that to cluster data, we need to make assumptions and define what“natural” grouping means. Note that with this model, the assumption is thateach of the “natural” groups is Gaussian. To evaluate the feature subset,they tried maximum likelihood and scatter separability. Here, they tried todefine what “interestingness” means. Maximum likelihood (ML) is the samecriterion used in the clustering algorithm. ML prefers the feature subspacethat can be modeled best as a Gaussian mixture. They also explored scatterseparability, because it can be used with many clustering algorithms. Scatterseparability is similar to the criterion function used in discriminant analysis.It measures how far apart the clusters are from each other normalized bytheir within cluster distance. High values of ML and scatter separability aredesired. The conclusion was that no one criterion is best for all applications.For an image retrieval application, Dy et al. [15] applied a sequential forwardsearch wrapped around Gaussian mixture model clustering and the scatterseparability for feature evaluation. The features were continuous valued im-age features; hence, the choice of the Gaussian mixture model for clustering,and since the goal was to retrieve similar images from the same cluster, theseparability criterion was chosen for selecting the features.

Gennari [22] incorporated feature selection (they call “attention”) to CLAS-SIT (an incremental concept formation hierarchical clustering algorithm). Theattention algorithm inspects the features starting with the most salient (“per-attribute contribution to category utility”) attribute to the least salient at-tribute, and stops inspecting features if the remaining features do not changethe current clustering decision. The purpose of this attention mechanism is toincrease efficiency without loss of prediction accuracy. Devaney and Ram [11]applied both sequential forward and backward selection to search the featurespace and hierarchically clustered the data using COBWEB as the induc-tion algorithm for each candidate feature subset, and evaluated these feature

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subsets using the category utility metric (COBWEB’s cluster criterion) asthe feature selection criterion function. To improve the efficiency of the fea-ture subset search, they introduced AICC, which is an attribute-incrementalconcept learner for COBWEB that learns an n + 1 (or n − 1) descriptorconcept hierarchy using the existing n-descriptor hierarchy and the new fea-ture to add (or remove). Talavera [48] applied filter and wrapper approachesto COBWEB, and used a feature dependence measure to select features.Vaithyanathan and Dom [49] proposed a probabilistic objective function forboth feature selection and clustering, and applied it to text. They modeledthe text data as a mixture of multinomials and used a Bayesian approach toestimate the parameters. To search the feature space, they applied distribu-tional clustering to pre-select candidate subsets and then picked the candidatesubset that led to the largest value in the objective function. Vaithyanathanand Dom [49] incorporated finding the number of clusters in their Bayesianformulation. They address dimensionality bias by formulating the objectivefunction as the integrated likelihood of the joint distribution of the relevantand irrelevant features and assumed the relevant and irrelevant features asconditionally independent given the class. The dimensionality of the objec-tive function will be equal to the original number of features no matter howmany relevant features there are. Kim, Street, and Menczer [31] applied anevolutionary local selection algorithm (ELSA) to search the feature subsetand number of clusters on two clustering algorithms: k-means and Gaussianmixture clustering (with diagonal covariances), and a Pareto front to combinemultiple objective evaluation functions. Law, Figueiredo, and Jain [34] addedfeature saliency, a measure of feature relevance, as a missing variable to aprobabilistic objective function. The objective function was similar to thatin [49] (i.e., the objective function modeled relevant features as conditionallyindependent given the cluster component label, and irrelevant features witha probability density identical for all components). To add feature saliency,they utilized the conditional feature independence assumption to build theirmodel. Then, they derived an Expectation-Maximization (EM) [10] algorithmto estimate the feature saliency for a mixture of Gaussians. Law, Figueiredo,and Jain’s [34] method is able to find the features and clusters simultaneouslythrough a single EM run. They also developed a wrapper approach that se-lects features using Kullback-Leibler divergence and entropy. They addressfinding the number of clusters with a minimum message length criterion anddimensionality bias by formulating the objective function as the likelihood ofthe data for both the relevant and irrelevant features similar to [49].

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2.5 Local Approaches

Unsupervised feature selection algorithms can be categorized as filter orwrapper approaches. Another way to group the methods are based on whetherthe approach is global or local. Global methods select a single set of featuresfor all the clusters. Local methods select subsets of features associated witheach cluster. The feature subsets for each cluster can be different. All themethods presented earlier are global methods. In this section, we present twotypes of local unsupervised feature selection approaches: subspace clusteringand co-clustering.

2.5.1 Subspace Clustering

As local methods, subspace clustering evaluates features only from eachcluster, as opposed to global methods that evaluate features from all the data(all clusters). Typical subspace clustering approaches measure the existenceof a cluster in a feature subspace based on density. They take advantage ofthe downward closure property of density to reduce the search space. Thedownward closure property of density states that if there are dense units in ddimensions, then there are dense units in all d−1 dimensional projections. Onecan start from one dimension going up until no more dense units are found.When no more dense units are found, the algorithm combines adjacent denseunits to form clusters. Density is measured by creating histograms in eachdimension and measuring the density within each bin. A unit is considereddense if its density is higher than a user-defined threshold. Thus, the qualityof clusters found is dependent on tuning the density thresholds and grid size,which can be difficult to set.

One of the first subspace clustering algorithm is CLIQUE [1]. Here is wherethe term subspace clustering was coined. CLIQUE proceeds level-by-levelfrom one feature to the highest dimension or until no more feature subspaceswith clusters (regions with high density points) are generated. The idea isthat dense clusters in dimensionality d should remain dense in d − 1. Oncethe dense units are found, CLIQUE keeps the units with the high coverage(fraction of the dataset covered by the dense units). Then, clusters are foundby combining adjacent dense and high-coverage units. By combining adjacentunits, CLIQUE is capable of discovering irregular-shaped clusters, and pointscan belong to multiple clusters. CLIQUE allows one to discover differentclusters from various subspaces and combine the results.

Several new subspace clustering methods were developed after CLIQUE.ENCLUS [7] is similar to CLIQUE except that it measures entropy ratherthan density. A subspace with clusters typically has lower entropy than thosewithout clusters. MAFIA [23] is an extension of CLIQUE that enables thegrid-size to be adaptive. Other approaches that adaptively determine the grid-

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size are CBF [6], CLTree[35], and DOC [42]. To learn more about subspaceclustering, there is a survey in [41].

2.5.2 Co-Clustering/Bi-Clustering

As mentioned earlier, one can perform feature selection by clustering in fea-ture space to reduce redundancy. An approach called co-clustering initiallyinspired by Hartigan [25] has become recently popular due to research on mi-croarray analysis. Co-clustering tries to find the coherence exhibited by thesubset of instances on the subset of features. In microarray analysis, one maywant to find the genes that respond similarly to the environment conditions;in text clustering, one may wish to find the co-occurence of words and docu-ments. Co-clustering, also known as bi-clustering, is simply the clustering ofboth the row (sample space) and column (feature space) simultaneously. Thealgorithms for performing co-clustering typically quantify the quality of a co-clustering as a measure of the approximation error between the original datamatrix and the reconstructed matrix from a co-clustering. And the techniquesto solve this problem alternate clustering the rows and the columns to find theco-clusters. Dhillon, Mallela, and Modha [12] introduced an information the-oretic formulation for co-clustering. The objective is to find the clusters thatminimizes the loss in mutual information subject to the constraints that thenumbers of row and column clusters are held fix. Banerjee et al. [2] provide ageneralized approach for co-clustering such that any Bregman divergence [5]can be used in the objective function. Bregman divergence covers a largeclass of divergence measures, which include the Kullback-Liebler divergenceand the squared Euclidean distance. They show that the update steps thatalternately update the row and column cluster and the minimum Bregmansolution will progressively decrease the matrix approximation error and leadto a locally optimal co-clustering solution. The general method is; (1) Startwith an arbitrary row and column clustering, compute the approximation ma-trix; (2) hold the column clustering fixed and update the row clusters, thencompute a new approximation matrix; (3) hold the row clustering fixed andupdate the column clusters, then compute a new approximation matrix, andrepeat steps (2) and (3) until convergence.

Cheng and Church [8] and Cho et al. [9] developed bi-clustering algorithmsthat utilize the squared Euclidean distance. The δ-cluster algorithm [51] isanother bi-clustering algorithm. It swaps attributes and data points itera-tively to find a solution that leads to the highest coherence that a particularattribute or instance brings to the cluster, where coherence is measured by thePearson correlation. Friedman and Meulman [21] designed a distance measurefor attribute-value data for clustering on subsets of attributes, and allows fea-ture subsets for each cluster to be different. Their algorithm, COSA, starts byinitializing the weights for the features; it then clusters the data based on theseweights and recompute the weights until the solution stabilizes. The weightupdate increases the weight on attributes with smaller dispersion within each

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group, where the degree of this increase is controlled by a parameter λ. Thecluster update minimizes a criterion that minimizes the inverse exponentialmean with separate attribute weighting within each cluster.

2.6 Summary

For a fixed amount of data samples, the higher the dimension, the moresparse the data space is. The data points in high dimensions would lookequally far. Because of this, many clustering algorithms break down in highdimensions. In addition, usually not all the features are important – some areredundant and some are irrelevant. Data with several irrelevant features canmisguide the clustering results. There are two ways to reduce the dimension-ality: feature transformation and feature selection. Feature transformationreduces the dimension by applying some type of linear or non-linear func-tion on the original features, whereas feature selection selects a subset of theoriginal features. One may wish to perform feature selection rather thantransformation because one may wish to keep the original meaning of the fea-tures. Furthermore, after feature selection, one does not need to measure thefeatures that are not selected. Feature transformation, on the other hand,still needs all the features to extract the reduced dimensions.

This chapter presents a survey of methods to perform feature selectionon unsupervised data. One can select a global set of features or a local set.Global means that one selects a single subset of features that clusters the data.Local means that different sets of features are chosen for each cluster. Globalfeature selection methods can be classified as a filter or a wrapper approach.Filter does not take into account the final clustering algorithm in evaluatingfeatures whereas wrapper incorporates the clustering inside the feature searchand selection. Local feature selection methods include subspace clustering andco-clustering approaches. Subspace clustering tries to find the clusters hiddenin high-dimensional data by proceeding from one dimension going up to higherdimensions and searching for high density regions. Subspace clustering canfind clusters in overlapping subspaces, the points can also belong to multipleclusters, and, for the methods presented here, because they connect adjacentregions to form clusters, they can also discover irregularly shaped clusters.Co-clustering simultaneously finds feature subsets and clusters by alternatingclustering the rows and the columns.

The key to feature selection in clustering is defining what feature relevanceand redundancy mean. Different researchers introduced varying criteria forfeature selection. To define interestingness and relevance, measures such asscatter separability, entropy, category utility, maximum likelihood, density,and consensus have been proposed. Redundancy is implicitly handled by the

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search process (e.g., when adding new features do not change the evaluationcriterion), or explicitly through feature correlation, or through compressiontechniques. Defining interestingness is really difficult because it is a relativeconcept. Given the same data, what is interesting to a physician will bedifferent from what is interesting to an insurance company. Thus, no singlecriterion is best for all applications. This led to research work on visualizationas a guide to feature search [13]. This led Kim, Street, and Menczer [31] to op-timize multi-objective criteria. This difficulty of defining interestingness alsoled to work in looking at ensembles of clusters from different projections (orfeature subspaces) and applying a consensus of solutions to provide the finalclustering [16, 46, 19]. Another avenue for research, to aid in defining interest-ingness, is semi-supervised feature selection. Knowing a few labeled points orconstrained must-link and cannot-link pairs can help guide the feature search.


This research was supported by NSF CAREER IIS-0347532.


1 When discussing filters and wrappers, approach, method, and model are usedexchangeably.


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Chapter 3

Randomized Feature Selection

David J. Stracuzzi

Arizona State University

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.2 Types of Randomizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423.3 Randomized Complexity Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433.4 Applying Randomization to Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453.5 The Role of Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463.6 Examples of Randomized Selection Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473.7 Issues in Randomization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.1 Introduction

Randomization is an algorithmic technique that has been used to produceprovably efficient algorithms for a wide variety of problems. For many applica-tions, randomized algorithms are either the simplest or the fastest algorithmsavailable, and sometimes both [16]. This chapter provides an overview of ran-domization techniques as applied to feature selection. The goal of this chapteris to provide the reader with sufficient background on the topic to stimulateboth new applications of existing randomized feature selection methods, andresearch into new algorithms. Motwani and Raghavan [16] provide a morebroad and widely applicable introduction to randomized algorithms.

Learning algorithms must often make choices during execution. Random-ization is useful when there are many ways available in which to proceed butdetermining a guaranteed good way is difficult. Randomization can also leadto efficient algorithms when the benefits of good choices outweigh the costs ofbad choices, or when good choices occur more frequently than bad choices. Inthe context of feature selection, randomized methods tend to be useful whenthe space of possible feature subsets is prohibitively large. Likewise, random-ization is often called for when deterministic feature selection algorithms areprone to becoming trapped in local optima. In these cases, the ability ofrandomization to sample the feature subset space is of particular value.

In the next section, we discuss two types of randomizations that may be


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applied to a given problem. We then provide an overview of three complexityclasses used in the analysis of randomized algorithms. Following this brieftheoretical introduction, we discuss explicit methods for applying randomiza-tion to feature selection problems, and provide examples. Finally, the chapterconcludes with a discussion of several advanced issues in randomization, anda summary of key points related to the topic.

3.2 Types of Randomizations

Randomized algorithms can be divided into two broad classes. Las Vegasalgorithms always output a correct answer, but may require a long time toexecute with small probability. One example of a Las Vegas algorithm is

for example). Randomized quicksort selects a pivot point at random, butalways produces a correctly sorted output. The goal of randomization is toavoid degenerate inputs, such as a pre-sorted sequence, which produce theworst-case O(n2) runtime of the deterministic (pivot point always the same)quicksort algorithm. The effect is that randomized quicksort achieves theexpected runtime of O(n log n) with high probability, regardless of input.

Monte Carlo algorithms may output an incorrect answer with small prob-ability, but always complete execution quickly. As an example of a MonteCarlo algorithm, consider the following method for computing the value of π,borrowed from Krauth [11]. Draw a circle inside a square such that the sidesof the square are tangent to the circle. Next, toss pebbles (or coins) randomlyin the direction of the square. The ratio of pebbles inside the circle to thoseinside the entire square should be approximately π

4 . Pebbles that land outsidethe square are ignored.

Notice that the longer the algorithm runs (more pebbles tossed) the moreaccurate the solution. This is a common, but not required, property of ran-domized algorithms. Algorithms that generate initial solutions quickly andthen improve them over time are also known as anytime algorithms [22]. Any-time algorithms provide a mechanism for trading solution quality against com-putation time. This approach is particularly relevant to tasks, such as featureselection, in which computing the optimal solution is infeasible.

Some randomized algorithms are neither guaranteed to execute efficientlynor to produce a correct output. Such algorithms are typically also labeledas Monte Carlo. The type of randomization used for a given problem de-pends on the nature and needs of the problem. However, note that a LasVegas algorithm may be converted into a Monte Carlo algorithm by having itoutput a random (possibly incorrect) answer whenever the algorithm requiresmore than a specified amount of time to complete. Similarly, a Monte Carlo

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the randomized quicksort algorithm (see Cormen, Lieserson, and Rivest [4],

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algorithm may be converted into a Las Vegas algorithm by executing the al-gorithm repeatedly with independent random choices. This assumes that thesolutions produced by the Monte Carlo algorithm can be verified.

3.3 Randomized Complexity Classes

The probabilistic behavior that gives randomized algorithms their poweralso makes them difficult to analyze. In this section, we provide a brief in-troduction to three complexity classes of practical importance for randomizedalgorithms. Papadimitriou [18] provides a rigorous and detailed discussionof these and other randomized complexity classes. For simplicity, we focuson decision algorithms, or those that output “yes” and “no” answers, for theremainder of this section.

Randomized algorithms are related to nondeterministic algorithms. Nonde-terministic algorithms choose, at each step, among zero or more possible nextsteps, with no specification of which choice should be taken. Contrast this todeterministic algorithms, which have exactly one next step available at eachstep of the algorithm. Note the difference between nondeterministic choicesand conditional control structures, such as if . . . then statements, which arefully determined by the input to the algorithm. A nondeterministic algorithmaccepts its input if there exists some sequence of choices that result in a “yes”answer. The well-known class NP therefore includes languages accepted bynondeterministic algorithms in a polynomial number of steps, while class Pdoes the same for languages accepted by deterministic algorithms.

Randomized algorithms differ from nondeterministic algorithms in that theyaccept inputs probabilistically rather than existentially. The randomized com-plexity classes therefore define probabilistic guarantees that an algorithm mustmeet. For example, consider the class RP , for randomized polynomial time.RP encompasses algorithms that accept good inputs (members of the under-lying language) with non-trivial probability, always reject bad inputs (non-members of the underlying language), and always execute in polynomial time.More formally, a language L ∈ RP if some randomized algorithm R acceptsstring s ∈ L with probability 1

ε for any ε that is polynomial in |s|, rejectss′ /∈ L with probability 1, and requires a polynomial number of steps in |s|.

Notice that the definition of RP corresponds to the set of Monte Carloalgorithms that can make mistakes only if the input string is a member ofthe target language. The complement of this class, co-RP, then correspondsto the set of algorithms that can make mistakes only if the input string isnot a member of the target language. Furthermore, the intersection of thesetwo classes, RP∩ co-RP, corresponds to the set of Las Vegas algorithms thatexecute in worst-case polynomial time.

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FIGURE 3.1: Illustration of the randomized complexity classes in relation to eachother and the deterministic classes P and NP .

To see why, first note that each problem in the intersection has two MonteCarlo algorithms. One algorithm never outputs a false positive, while theother never outputs a false negative. By conducting many repeated and in-dependent executions of both algorithms, we are guaranteed to eventuallyarrive at the correct output. (Recall that Las Vegas algorithms always outputthe correct answer, but may take a long time to do so.) This intersection isalso known as the class ZPP, for polynomial randomized algorithms with zeroprobability of error.

In practice we can use algorithms in RP to construct Monte Carlo algo-rithms that produce the correct output with high probability simply by run-ning them polynomially many times. If any execution accepts the input, thenwe return “yes.” Since algorithms in RP never produce false positive results,we can guarantee that the probability of a false negative becomes small. Here,that probability is (1− 1

ε )k for k executions of the algorithm.The third and largest complexity class of practical importance is BPP, for

polynomial time algorithms with bounded probability of error. Unlike RP andZPP, BPP allows a randomized algorithm to commit both false positive andfalse negative errors. This class encompasses algorithms that accept goodinputs a majority of the time and rejects bad inputs a majority of the time.More formally, a language L ∈ BPP if some randomized algorithm R acceptss ∈ L with probability 1

2 + 1ε and accepts s /∈ L with probability 1

2 −1ε for

any ε polynomial in |s|. Like RP and ZPP, we can create an algorithmthat produces the correct result with high probability simply by executingrepeatedly an algorithm that meets the stated minimums.

Figure 3.1 illustrates the relationships among the randomized classes, andshows how the randomized classes are related to the deterministic classes Pand NP . Note that the figure assumes that P �= NP , which is an openproblem. If this assumption turns out to be false, then the complexity classes

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will collapse into one or just a few classes.Finally, note that the randomized complexity classes are semantic as op-

posed to syntactic classes such as P and NP . Semantic class membershipdepends on the meaning of a specific algorithm instead of the format of thealgorithm. For example, we can determine whether an algorithm is a memberof class P by counting the number of times the input is processed. Conversely,we must consider the probability that a given input is accepted to determinemembership in the class RP . Thus, there is no simple way to check whethera given randomized algorithm fits into a given randomized complexity class.There can be no complete problems for such classes [18].

3.4 Applying Randomization to Feature Selection

A critical step in constructing a randomized algorithm is to decide whichaspect of the target problem to randomize. In some cases there may be onlyone clear option. For example, in the deterministic quicksort algorithm, thepivot is typically chosen arbitrarily as the first element of the current array.However, any fixed choice of pivot would work equally well, so randomizingthe selection in an effort to protect against degenerate inputs is successful.Other problems may offer several candidates for randomization.

We formulate the specific feature selection problem considered here as fol-lows. Given a set of supervised training examples described by a set of inputfeatures or variables x and a target concept or function y, produce a subsetof the original input variables that predicts best the target concept or func-tion when combined into a hypothesis by a learning algorithm. The term“predicts best” may be defined in a variety of ways, depending on the spe-cific application. In this context, there are at least two possible sources ofrandomization.

The first source is the set of input variables. A feature selection algorithmmay choose at random which variables to include in a subset. The resultingalgorithm searches for the best variable subset by sampling the space of possi-ble subsets. This approach to randomization carries an important advantage.As compared to the popular greedy stepwise search algorithms [1, 8], whichadd or remove a single variable at a time, randomization protects against localminima. A broad sampling of subsets is unlikely to concentrate effort on anyone portion of the search space. Conversely, if many subsets have equally highquality, then a randomized approach will also tend to find a solution quickly.

Randomizing over the set of variables is less likely to be effective if oneor a few of the variable subsets is much better than all of the others. Theprobability of selecting one particular subset at random out of all possiblesubsets is simply too small. A second issue with this type of randomization

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is that there is no clear choice of when to stop sampling. A parameter mustbe set arbitrarily within the algorithm, or the algorithm can be run until theavailable computation time expires (as an anytime algorithm).

The second possible source of randomization is the set of training examples,often known as the prototype selection problem. If the number of availableexamples is very large, an algorithm can select at random which examples toinclude in a given subset evaluation. The resulting algorithm may conducta traditional deterministic search through the space of feature subsets, butevaluates those subsets based on a random sample of data. This option isparticularly useful when the number of examples available is intractably large,or the available computation time is short.

Notice that as a side effect, randomization reduces the confidence withwhich the feature selection algorithm produces results. By sampling onlya small portion of the space of variable subsets, we lose confidence that thealgorithm’s final output is actually the best possible subset. Likewise, when wesample the set of available training data, we lose confidence in the accuracy ofour evaluation of a given feature subset. Such effects are of particular concernfor algorithms that randomize on both the set of input variables and the setof examples. The approach offers the possibility of combining the advantagesof both randomization methods, but it also reduces confidence in two ways.Concerns about confidence must be balanced carefully against any reductionsin computation.

3.5 The Role of Heuristics

A fundamental goal of computer science is to find correct or optimal problemsolutions using a minimum of computation. For many problems, no knownalgorithm can produce such a solution efficiently. Heuristics are therefore usedto relax one or both of these demands on optimality and efficiency.

Randomization itself is a problem solving heuristic. A randomized algo-rithm may trade optimality for efficiency by searching only a sampled portionof the state space, instead of the entire state space. In many cases there is noguarantee that the best possible solution will be found, but often a relativelygood solution is found with an acceptable amount of computation.

Many algorithms employ multiple heuristics. One type of heuristic appro-priate to a randomized algorithm is a sampling bias. In the context of featureselection, an algorithm that always samples uniformly from the entire spaceof feature subsets to obtain its next candidate solution uses randomization asits only heuristic. However, algorithms that bias their samples, for exampleby sampling only in the neighborhood of the current best solution, employ asecond heuristic in conjunction with randomization.

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A variety of sampling biases are possible for feature and prototype selectionalgorithms. We illustrate several examples in the following section. However,not all sampling biases are appropriate to all selection problems. A samplingbias that quickly focuses the search on a small set of features may not beappropriate if there are several disjoint feature sets capable of producing goodlearner performance. Likewise, an approach that samples the space broadlythroughout the search may not be appropriate if the number of features islarge but few are relevant. As noted above, randomization may not be a goodchoice of heuristic if there is some reason to believe that only a very smallnumber of feature subsets produce desirable results, while all other subsetsproduce undesirable results. In this case, random sampling is unlikely touncover the solution efficiently.

Successful application of a randomized (or deterministic) selection algo-rithm requires some understanding of the underlying feature space. Theheuristics and sampling biases used must be appropriate to the given task.Viewed oppositely, successful application of a randomized algorithm impliesthat the underlying feature space exhibits particular characteristics, and thesecharacteristics depend on the specific heuristics used to solve the problem.

3.6 Examples of Randomized Selection Algorithms

We now consider specific examples of randomized feature and prototypeselection algorithms. The goal is to illustrate ways in which randomizationcan be applied to the feature selection problem. We consider both Las Vegasand Monte Carlo methods, and a variety of performance guarantees, alongwith the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. The algorithms discussedhere also illustrate a variety of heuristics and sampling biases. As is often thecase, no one algorithm uniformly dominates another. The goal of this sectionis to familiarize readers with existing methods for randomized selection, andto provide the background necessary to make informed choices.

3.6.1 A Simple Las Vegas Approach

The key characteristic of a Las Vegas algorithm is that it must eventuallyproduce the correct solution. In the case of feature selection, this meansthat the algorithm must produce a minimal subset of features that optimizessome criteria, such as classification accuracy. The Las Vegas Filter (LVF)algorithm discussed by Liu and Setino [12] achieves this goal, albeit underspecific conditions.

LVF searches for a minimal subset of features to describe a given set of su-pervised training examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . , < xM , yM >, where |xi| = N .

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . , < xM , yM >Maximum allowable inconsistancy γNumber of attributes NNumber of iterations tmax

Algorithm:Sbest ← all N attributescbest ← Nfor i← 1 to tmax do

c← random number between 0 and cbestS ← random selection of c features to includeif Inconsistancy(S,X) ≤ γ then

Sbest ← Scbest ← c

return(Sbest )

FIGURE 3.2: The Las Vegas Filter algorithm [12].

The subsets are selected uniformly at random with respect to the set of allpossible subsets. They are then evaluated according to an inconsistency cri-terion, which tests the extent to which the reduced-dimension data can stillseparate the class labels. If the newly selected subset is both smaller in sizeand has an equal or lesser inconsistency rate, then the subset is retained. LVFperforms this simple sampling procedure repeatedly, stopping after a prede-termined number of iterations, tmax . Figure 3.2 shows the LVF algorithm.

There are two important caveats to the LVF algorithm. First, the algorithmcan only be labeled as a Las Vegas algorithm if it is allowed to run sufficientlylong to find the optimal solution. For training data described by N inputfeatures, we expect to need approximately 2N iterations. In the case wheretmax 2N , the algorithm should be considered Monte Carlo. Notice that theMonte Carlo version of the algorithm may be used in an anytime format byreturning the current best feature subset at any point during execution.

The second caveat to LVF regards the allowable inconsistency rate, γ. Thisparameter controls the trade-off between the size of the returned feature sub-set and the ability of that subset to distinguish among examples. If we setγ equal to the inconsistency rate of the full data set X(), then LVF is guar-anteed to find the optimal solution under the conditions described above fortmax . However, a larger inconsistency rate allows LVF to reach smaller fea-ture subsets more quickly. The algorithm then effectively becomes a greedylocal search and is susceptible to local minima. LVF ignores any subset thatis selected with size larger than the current best. If a larger subset existsthat has a lower inconsistency rate, then the algorithm will not find it. Thus,given an inconsistency rate larger than that of the full data set, LVF must be

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, < xM , yM >, . . .Number of iterations tmax

Number of prototypes p

Algorithm:Xbest ← random selection of p examples from Xfor i← 1 to tmax do

X′ ← random selection of p examples from Xif kNN(X′,X) > kNN(Xbest,X) then

Xbest ← X′


FIGURE 3.3: The MC1 algorithm [19].

considered as a Monte Carlo algorithm, regardless of the number of iterationsperformed.

3.6.2 Two Simple Monte Carlo Approaches

Consider next two applications of Monte Carlo randomization to featureselection. The goal of the first is to reduce the computational requirementsof the nearest neighbor learner by sampling over the set of available trainingexamples. The algorithm, called MC1 [19], repeatedly samples the data setin an attempt to find a small subset of prototypes (training examples) thatallow nearest neighbor to generalize well to unseen examples.

The MC1 procedure begins by selecting p prototypes at random from theavailable examples, where p is chosen in advance by the user. Classificationaccuracy for nearest neighbor is then computed over the entire training set.If the selected set of examples leads to higher accuracy than the previousbest subset, then the new subset is retained. This procedure is repeated tmax

times, where tmax is also specified in advance by the user. The example subset,which yields the highest accuracy, is then returned at the end of the procedureand used on test data. Figure 3.3 summarizes the MC1 algorithm.

Notice that if we set tmax sufficiently large, then we are virtually guaranteedto find the best possible set of prototypes for a given value of p. Thus, like theLVF algorithm, MC1 behaves like a Las Vegas algorithm in the limit. UnlikeLVF, which attempts to find the minimum number of features, MC1 doesnot necessarily find the minimum number of prototypes, p. Notice also thatMC1 makes no assumptions particular to the nearest neighbor learner. Theselection algorithm can therefore be adapted as a general purpose wrapperand can be used with any classification learning algorithm.

Skalak’s experiments [19] show that MC1 performs best when the trainingand test data exhibit well-defined class boundaries. Put another way, MC1

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performs well when there is little overlap between examples from differentclasses. This may be an artifact of the nearest neighbor algorithm and not ofMonte Carlo randomization in general. Nevertheless, the result reinforces thenotion that we cannot expect randomized techniques to find a single specificsolution within a large search space.

The Relief algorithm [9] demonstrates a different use of Monte Carlo ran-domization. Relief is a basic, two-class filtering algorithm that ranks variablesaccording to a statistical measure of how well individual features separate thetwo classes. In an effort to reduce the computational cost of calculating thesestatistics, Relief selects examples at random for the computation.

Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . < xm, ym >Relevancy cut-off τNumber of iterations tmax

Algorithm:Partition X by class into X+ and X−

Initialize w = (0, 0, . . . , 0)for i← 1 to tmax do //compute relevance

xi ← random example x ∈ Xx+

i ← nearest x+ ∈ X+ to xi

x−i ← nearest x− ∈ X− to xi

if xi ∈ X+ thenupdate(w,xi,x

+i ,x−

i )else

update(w,xi,x−i ,x+

i )for i← 1 to N do //select most relevant

if wi

tmax≥ τ then

feature i is relevant

Procedure update(w,x,x+,x−) //update relevance valuesfor i← 1 to N do

wi ← wi − diff(x,x+)2 + diff(x,x−)2

FIGURE 3.4: The Relief algorithm [9].

Briefly, the algorithm operates by calculating a weight value for each of theN available features. These weights are calculated using a random sample ofexamples from the full set of supervised examples X. Relief selects a trainingexample xi at random and then finds, according to Euclidean distance, thenearest same-class example x+

i and the nearest different-class example x−i .

These examples are then used to update the weight value for each feature

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according to the difference between xi, x+i , and x−

i . Here, the differencefor nominal feature k is defined as 1 if xi,k and xj,k have different nominalvalues, and is defined as 0 if they are the same. For numerical features, thedifference is simply xi,k−xj,k normalized into the range [0, 1]. This procedureis repeated tmax times for some preset value of tmax . Features with weightsgreater than a specified value τ are considered relevant to the target outputvariable. Figure 3.4 summarizes the Relief algorithm.

Notice the similarities and differences between MC1 and Relief. Both al-gorithms use randomization to avoid evaluating all M available training ex-amples. MC1 achieves this goal by evaluating many hypotheses on differentrandom example subsets, while Relief simply selects one random subset ofexamples on which to perform evaluations. Relief’s approach is faster compu-tationally but cannot provide the user with any confidence that the selectionof examples is representative of the sample space. In particular, the fewerexamples selected, the less likely the random subset will provide a represen-tative sample of the space. MC1 mitigates this problem by searching for themost beneficial, and presumably representative, example subset.

3.6.3 Random Mutation Hill Climbing

Skalak [19] discusses a feature selection approach based on randomized localsearch, called random mutation hill climbing (RMHC). As with the MC1algorithm, the goal is to reduce the computational cost of the nearest neighborlearner while maximizing classification accuracy. Unlike MC1, which samplesthe space of possible prototype subsets, the RMHC algorithm conducts a morelocalized search by changing only one included prototype per iteration.

RMHC uses a single bit vector to encode the index of each of the p selectedprototypes. This bit vector is initialized randomly, and the algorithm proceedsby flipping one randomly selected bit on each iteration. This has the effect ofreplacing exactly one prototype with another. The new set of prototypes isthen evaluated on the entire training set using nearest neighbor and is retainedif it produces higher accuracy than the current set. Otherwise the change isdiscarded. The algorithm terminates after a fixed number of iterations, tmax .Figure 3.5 summarizes the RMHC algorithm. Note that, like MC1, RMHCcan be adapted for use with learning algorithms other than nearest neighbor.

Skalak also describes a variant of the algorithm in which the bit vectoralso encodes which of the features are selected for use. Here, when a bit isselected for flipping, it may either change the set of included prototypes orthe set of included features. No control over the relative probability of thesechanges is considered. Experimental results, though limited, suggest thatRMHC does improve both the computational requirements and the classifi-cation performance of k-nearest neighbor. Notice however, that because therandom selections are embedded in a greedy local search, RMHC does notnecessarily avoid falling into local extrema. Thus, RMHC is a Monte Carloalgorithm that cannot be converted into a Las Vegas algorithm simply by

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . , < xm, ym >Number of iterations tmax

Number of prototypes p

Algorithm:Xbest ← random selection of p examples from Xb← random bit vector encoding p prototype indiciesfor i← 1 to tmax do

j ← random number between 0 . . . |b|flip bit bj

X′ ← set of prototypes from X included by bif kNN(X′,X) > kNN(Xbest,X) then

Xbest ← X′


FIGURE 3.5: The random mutation hill climbing algorithm [19].

increasing the number of iterations, tmax . We can still convert RMHC to aLas Vegas algorithm by running the algorithm many times, however.

3.6.4 Simulated Annealing

Simulated annealing [10, 2] is a general purpose stochastic search algo-rithm inspired by a process used in metallurgy. The heating and slow coolingtechnique of annealing allows the initially excited and disorganized atoms ofa metal to find strong, stable configurations. Likewise, simulated annealingseeks solutions to optimization problems by initially manipulating the solutionat random (high temperature), and then slowly increasing the ratio of greedyimprovements taken (cooling) until no further improvements are found.

To apply simulated annealing, we must specify three parameters. First is anannealing schedule, which consists of an initial and final temperature, T0 andTfinal , along with an annealing (cooling) constant ΔT . Together these governhow the search will proceed over time and when the search will stop. Thesecond parameter is a function used to evaluate potential solutions (featuresubsets). The goal of simulated annealing is to optimize this function. For thisdiscussion, we assume that higher evaluation scores are better. In the contextof feature selection, relevant evaluation functions include the accuracy of agiven learning algorithm using the current feature subset (creating a wrapperalgorithm) or a variety of statistical scores (producing a filter algorithm).

The final parameter for simulated annealing is a neighbor function, whichtakes the current solution and temperature as input and returns a new,“nearby” solution. The role of the temperature is to govern the size of theneighborhood. At high temperature the neighborhood should be large, allow-

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . < xm, ym >Annealing schedule, T0, Tfinal and ΔT with 0 < ΔT < 1Feature subset evaluation function Eval (·, ·)Feature subset neighbor function Neighbor (·, ·)

Algorithm:Sbest ← random feature subsetwhile Ti > Tfinal do

Si ← Neighbor (Sbest , Ti)ΔE ← Eval(Sbest , X)− Eval (Si, X)if ΔE < 0 then //if new subset better

Sbest ← Si

else //if new subset worseSbest ← Si with probability exp(−ΔE


Ti+1 ← ΔT × Ti

return(Sbest )

FIGURE 3.6: A basic simulated annealing algorithm.

ing the algorithm to explore broadly. At low temperature, the neighborhoodshould be small, forcing the algorithm to explore locally. For example, sup-pose we represent the set of available features as a bit vector, such that eachbit indicates the presence or absence of a particular feature. At high temper-ature, the neighbor function may flip many bits to produce the next solution,while at low temperature the neighbor function may flip just one bit.

The simulated annealing algorithm, shown in Figure 3.6, attempts to it-eratively improve a randomly generated initial solution. On each iteration,the algorithm generates a neighboring solution and computes the difference inquality (energy, by analogy to metallurgy process) between the current andcandidate solutions. If the new solution is better, then it is retained. Oth-erwise, the new solution is retained with a probability that is dependent onthe quality difference, ΔE, and the temperature. The temperature is thenreduced for the next iteration.

Success in simulated annealing depends heavily on the choice of the anneal-ing schedule. If ΔT is too large (near one), the temperature decreases slowly,resulting in slow convergence. If ΔT is too small (near zero), then the tem-perature decreases quickly and convergence will likely reach a local extrema.Moreover, the range of temperatures used for an application of simulated an-nealing must be scaled to control the probability of accepting a low-qualitycandidate solution. This probability, computed as exp(−ΔE

Ti), should be large

at high temperature and small at low temperature to facilitate explorationearly in the search and greedy choices later in the search.

In spite of the strong dependence on the cooling schedule, simulated anneal-

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ing is guaranteed to converge provided that the schedule is sufficiently long[6]. From a theoretical point of view, simulated annealing is therefore a LasVegas algorithm. However, in practice, the convergence guarantee requiresintractably long cooling schedules, resulting in a Monte Carlo algorithm. Al-though the literature contains relatively few examples of simulated annealingapplications to feature selection, the extent to which the algorithm can be cus-tomized (annealing schedule, neighbor function, evaluation function) makesit a good candidate for future work. As noted above, simulated annealingsupports both wrapper and filter approaches to feature selection.

3.6.5 Genetic Algorithms

Like simulated annealing, genetic algorithms are a general purpose mecha-nism for randomized search. There are four key aspects to their use: encoding,population, operators, and fitness. First, the individual states in the searchspace must be encoded into some string-based format, typically bit-strings,similar to those used by RMHC. Second, an initial population of individuals(search states, such as feature subsets) must be selected at random. Third,one or more operators must be defined as a method for exchanging informationamong individuals in the population. Operators define how the search pro-ceeds through state space. Typical operators include crossover, which pairstwo individuals for the exchange of substrings, and mutation, which changesa randomly selected bit in an individual string with low probability. Finally,a fitness function must be defined to evaluate the quality of states in the pop-ulation. The goal of genetic algorithms is to optimize the population withrespect to the fitness function.

The search conducted by a genetic algorithm proceeds iteratively. Individu-als in the population are first selected probabilistically with replacement basedon their fitness scores. Selected individuals are then paired and crossover isperformed, producing two new individuals. These are next mutated with lowprobability and finally injected into the next population. Figure 3.7 shows abasic genetic algorithm.

Genetic algorithms have been applied to the feature selection problem inseveral different ways. For example, Vafaie and De Jong [21] describe astraightforward use of genetic algorithms in which individuals are representedby bit-strings. Each bit marks the presence or absence of a specific feature.The fitness function then evaluates individuals by training and then testinga specified learning algorithm based on only the features that the individualspecifies for inclusion.

In a similar vein, SET-Gen [3] uses a fitness function that includes both theaccuracy of the induced model and the comprehensibility of the model. Thelearning model used in their experiments was a decision tree, and comprehen-sibility was defined as a combination of tree size and number of features used.The FSS-EBNA algorithm [7] takes a more complex approach to crossover byusing a Bayesian network to mate individuals.

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . < xm, ym >Fitness function f(·, ·)Fitness threshold τPopulation size p

Algorithm:P0 ← population of p random individualsfor k ← 0 to ∞ do

sum ← 0for each individual i ∈ Pk do //compute pop fitness

sum ← sum + f(i, X)if f(i, X) ≥ τ then

return(i)for each individual i ∈ Pk do //compute selection probs

Prk[i]← f(i, X)sum

for j ← 1 to p2 do //select and breed

select i1, i2 ∈ Pk according to Prk with replacementi1, i2 ← crossover (i1, i2)i1 ← mutate(i1)i2 ← mutate(i2)Pk+1 ← Pk+1 + {i1, i2}

FIGURE 3.7: A basic genetic algorithm.

Two well-known issues with genetic algorithms relate to the computationalcost of the search and local minima in the evaluation function. Genetic algo-rithms maintain a population (100 is a common size) of search space statesthat are mated to produce offspring with properties of both parents. Theeffect is an initially broad search that targets more specific areas of the spaceas the search progresses. Thus, genetic algorithms tend to drift through thesearch space based on the properties of individuals in the population. A widevariety of states, or feature subsets in this case, are explored. However, thecost of so much exploration can easily exceed the cost of a traditional greedysearch.

The second problem with genetic algorithms occurs when the evaluationfunction is non-monotonic. The population may quickly focus on a localmaximum in the search space and become trapped. The mutation operator, abroad sampling of the state space in the initial population, and several othertricks are known to mitigate this effect. Goldberg [5] and Mitchell [15] providedetailed discussions of the subtleties and nuances involved in setting up agenetic search. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that genetic algorithmswill produce the best, or even a good, result. This issue may arise with anyprobabilistic algorithm, but some are more prone to becoming trapped in

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suboptimal solutions than others.

3.6.6 Randomized Variable Elimination

Each of the algorithms considered so far uses a simple form of randomizationto explore the space of feature or example subsets. MC1 and LVF both samplethe space of possible subsets globally, while RMHC samples the space in thecontext of a greedy local search. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms,meanwhile, conduct initially broad searches that incrementally target morespecific areas over time. The next algorithm we consider samples the searchspace in a more directed manner.

Randomized variable elimination (RVE) [20] is a wrapper method motivatedby the idea that, in the presence of many irrelevant variables, the probabilityof selecting several irrelevant variables simultaneously at random is high. RVEsearches backward through the space of variable subsets, attempting to elim-inate one or more variables per step. Randomization allows for the selectionof irrelevant variables with high probability, while selecting multiple variablesallows the algorithm to move through the space without incurring the cost ofevaluating the intervening points in the search space. RVE conducts its searchalong a very narrow trajectory, sampling variable subsets sparsely, rather thanbroadly and uniformly. This more structured approach allows RVE to reducesubstantially the total cost of identifying relevant variables.

A backward search serves two purposes for this algorithm. First, backwardelimination eases the problem of recognizing irrelevant or redundant variables.As long as a core set of relevant variables remains intact, removing othervariables should not harm the performance of a learning algorithm. Indeed,the learner’s performance may increase as irrelevant features are removedfrom consideration. In contrast, variables whose relevance depends on thepresence of other variables may have no noticeable effect when selected ina forward manner. Thus, mistakes should be recognized immediately viabackward elimination, while good selections may go unrecognized by a forwardselection algorithm.

The second purpose of backward elimination is to ease the process of se-lecting variables for removal. If most variables in a problem are irrelevant,then a random selection of variables is likely to uncover them. Conversely, arandom selection is unlikely to turn up relevant variables in a forward search.Thus, forward search must work harder to find each relevant variable thanbackward search does for irrelevant variables.

RVE begins by executing the learning algorithm L on data that includeall N variables. This generates an initial hypothesis h. Next, the algorithmselects k input variables at random for removal. To determine the valueof k, RVE computes a cost (with respect to a given learning algorithm) ofattempting to remove k input variables out of n remaining variables giventhat r are relevant. Note that knowledge of r is required here, although theassumption is later removed. A table kopt (n, r) of values for k given n and

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Given:Examples X =< x1, y1 >, . . . < xm, ym >Learning algorithm LNumber of input features NNumber of relevant features r

Algorithm:n← Nh← hypothesis produced by L on all N inputscompute schedule kopt (i, r) for r < i ≤ N by dynamic programmingwhile n > r do

select kopt (n, r) variables at random and remove themh′ ← hypothesis produced by L on n− kopt (n, r) inputsif error(h′,X) < error(h,X) then

n← n− kopt (n, r)h← h′

elsereplace the kopt (n, r) selected variables


FIGURE 3.8: The randomized variable elimination algorithm [20].

r is then computed via dynamic programming by minimizing the aggregatecost of removing all N − r irrelevant variables. Note that n represents thenumber of remaining variables, while N denotes the total number of variablesin the original problem.

On each iteration, RVE selects kopt (n, r) variables at random for removal.The learning algorithm is then trained on the remaining n−kopt(n, r) inputs,and a hypothesis h′ is produced. If the error e(h′) is less than the error ofthe previous best hypothesis e(h), then the selected inputs are marked asirrelevant and are all simultaneously removed from future consideration. Ifthe learner was unsuccessful, meaning the new hypothesis had larger error,then at least one of the selected inputs must have been relevant. The removedvariables are replaced, a new set of kopt (n, r) inputs is selected, and the processrepeats. The algorithm terminates when all N− r irrelevant inputs have beenremoved. Figure 3.8 shows the RVE algorithm.

Analysis of RVE [20] shows that the algorithm expects to evaluate onlyO(r log(N)) variable subsets to remove all irrelevant variables. This is astriking result, as it implies that a randomized backward selection wrapperalgorithm evaluates fewer subsets and requires less total computation than for-ward selection wrapper algorithms. Stracuzzi and Utgoff provide a detailedformal analysis of randomized variable elimination [20].

The assumption that the number of relevant variables r is known in ad-vance plays a critical role in the RVE algorithm. In practice, this is a strong

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assumption that is not typically met. Stracuzzi and Utgoff [20] therefore pro-vide a version of the algorithm, called RVErS (pronounced “reverse”), thatconducts a binary search for r during RVE’s search for relevant variables.

Experimental studies suggest RVErS evaluates a sublinear number of vari-able subsets for problems with sufficiently many variables. This conforms tothe performance predicted by the analysis of RVE. Experiments also showthat for problems with hundreds or thousands of variables, RVErS typicallyrequires less computation than a greedy forward selection algorithm while pro-ducing competitive accuracy results. In practice, randomized variable elimi-nation is likely to be effective for any problem that contains many irrelevantvariables.

3.7 Issues in Randomization

The preceding sections in this chapter covered the basic use of randomiza-tion as an algorithmic technique, specifically as applied to feature selection.We now consider more advanced issues in applying randomization. Of partic-ular interest and importance are sampling techniques, and the source of therandom numbers used in the algorithms.

3.7.1 Pseudorandom Number Generators

Randomized algorithms necessarily depend on the ability to produce a se-quence of random numbers. However, deterministic machines such as moderncomputers are not capable of producing sequences of truly random numbers.John von Neumann once stated that, “Anyone who considers arithmeticalmethods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin” [17].In practice, we must rely on pseudorandom number generators to providesequences of numbers that exhibit statistical properties similar to those ofgenuinely random numbers.

The main property of pseudorandom numbers that differs from true randomnumbers is periodicity. No matter how sophisticated a pseudorandom numbergenerating algorithm may be, it will eventually revisit a past state and beginrepeating the number sequence. Other possible problems with pseudorandomnumber generators include non-uniform distribution of the output sequence,correlation of successive values (predictability), and short periods for certainstarting points. The presence of any of these properties can cause poor orunexpected performance in a randomized algorithm.

The primary defense against such undesirable results is to select a goodpseudorandom number generator prior to running any experiments. For ex-ample, the Mersenne twister algorithm [14] has proved useful for statistical

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simulations and generative modeling purposes. The algorithm has a verylong period of 219937, provides a provably good distribution of values, and iscomputationally inexpensive. A variety of other suitable, but less complexalgorithms are also available, particularly if the user knows in advance thatthe length of the required sequence of pseudorandom numbers is short.

3.7.2 Sampling from Specialized Data Structures

A second possible pitfall in the use of randomized algorithms stems fromsampling techniques. For small databases, such as those that can be stored ina simple table or matrix, examples and features (rows and columns, respec-tively) may be selected by simply picking an index at random. However, manylarge databases are stored in more sophisticated, non-linear data structures.Uniformly distributed, random samples of examples cannot be extracted fromsuch databases via simple, linear sampling methods.

An improperly extracted sample is unlikely to be representative of the largerdatabase. The results of a feature selection or other learning algorithm run onsuch a sample may not extrapolate well to the rest of the database. In otherwords, the error achieved by feature selection and/or learning algorithm ona sampled test database will be overly optimistic. In general, different datastructures will require different specialized sampling methods.

One example of a specialized sampling algorithm is discussed by Makawita,Tan, and Liu [13]. Here, the problem is to sample uniformly from a search treethat has a variable number of children at internal nodes. The naive approachof simply starting at the root and then selecting random children at each stepuntil reaching a leaf (known as a random walk) will tend to oversample frompaths that have few children at each internal node. This is an artifact ofthe data structure and not the data themselves, and so is unacceptable. Thepresented solution is to bias the acceptance of the leaf node into the sampleby keeping track of the fanout at each internal node along the path. Leavesfrom paths with low fanout are accepted with lower probability than thosefrom paths with high fanout. The sampling bias of the naive algorithm is thusremoved.

3.8 Summary

The feature selection problem possesses characteristics that are critical tosuccessful applications of randomization. First, the space of all possible fea-ture subsets is often prohibitively large. This means that there are manypossible choices available at each step in the search, such as which featureto include or exclude next. Second, those choices are often difficult to eval-

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uate, because learning algorithms are expensive to execute and there maybe complex interdependencies among features. Third, deterministic selectionalgorithms are often prone to becoming trapped in local optimal, also dueto interdependencies among features. Finally, there are often too many ex-amples available for an algorithm to consider each one deterministically. Arandomized approach of sampling feature subset space helps to mitigate all ofthese circ*mstances.

In practice, there are several important issues to consider when constructinga randomized algorithm for feature selection. First is the decision of whichaspect of the problem will be randomized. One option is to randomize over theset of input variables, causing the resulting algorithm to search for the bestvariable subset by sampling from the space of all subsets. A second approachis to randomize over the set of training examples, creating an algorithm thatconsiders only a portion of the available training data. Finally, one may alsorandomize over both the input variables and the training data. In any case,the achieved reduction in computational cost must be balanced against a lossof confidence in the solution.

The second issue to consider in randomization relates to the performanceof the resulting algorithm. Some tasks may demand discovery of the bestpossible feature subset, necessitating the use of a Las Vegas algorithm. Othertasks may sacrifice solution quality for speed, making a Monte Carlo algorithmmore appropriate. A third option is to generate an initial solution, and thenimprove the solution over time, as in anytime algorithms [22]. Many morespecific guarantees on performance are also possible.

Other issues in the application of randomization include the quality of thepseudorandom number generator used and the sampling technique that isused. Both of these can impact the performance of the randomized algorithm.The feature selection literature contains examples of the different randomiza-tions methods (randomization over features versus examples), a variety ofperformance guarantees, and special purpose sampling methods, as discussedthroughout the chapter. Although far from a complete exposition, this chaptershould provide sufficient information to launch further study of randomizedalgorithms in the context of feature selection.


[1] R. Caruana and D. Freitag. Greedy attribute selection. In MachineLearning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, pages121–129, New Brunswick, NJ, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.

[2] V. Cerny. A thermodynamical approach to the traveling salesman prob-lem: An efficient simulation algorithm. Journal of Optimization Theory

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and Applications, 45:41–51, 1985.

[3] K. Cherkauer and J. Shavlik. Growing simpler decision trees to facilitateknowledge discovery. In E. Simoudis, J. Han, and U. M. Fayyad, edi-tors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on KnowledgeDiscovery and Data Mining, Portland, OR, AAAI Press, 1996.

[4] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest. Introduction to Algo-rithms. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990.

[5] D. Goldberg. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and MachineLearning. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989.

[6] H. M. Hastings. Convergence of simulated annealing. ACM SIGACTNews, 17(2):52–63, 1985.

[7] I. Inza, P. Larranaga, E. R., and B. Sierra. Feature subset selectionby Bayesian network-based optimization. Artificial Intelligence, 123(1–2):157–184, 2000.

[8] G. H. John, R. Kohavi, and K. Pfleger. Irrelevant features and the subsetselection problem. In Machine Learning: Proceedings of the EleventhInternational Conference, pages 121–129, New Brunswick, NJ, MorganKaufmann, 1994.

[9] K. Kira and L. Rendell. A practical approach to feature selection. In S. D.H. and P. Edwards, editors, Machine Learning: Proceedings of the NinthInternational Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, Morgan Kaufmann,1992.

[10] S. Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, and M. P. Vecchi. Optimization by simu-lated annealing. Science, 220(4598):671–680, 1983.

[11] W. Krauth. Introduction to monte carlo algorithms. In J. Kertesz andI. Kondor, editors, Advances in Computer Simulation, Lecture Notes inPhysics. SpringerVerlag, New York, 1998.

[12] H. Liu and R. Setino. A probabilistic approach to feature selection. InL. Saitta, editor, Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth In-ternational Conference on Machine Learning, pages 319–327, Bari, Italy,Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.

[13] D. P. Makawita, K.-L. Tan, and H. Liu. Sampling from databases us-ing B+-trees. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM CIKM InternationalConference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 158–164,McLean, VA, ACM, 2000.

[14] M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura. Mersenne twister: A 623-dimensionallyequidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator. ACM Trans-actions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 8(1):3 – 30, 1998.

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[15] M. Mitchell. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. MIT Press, Cam-bridge, MA, 1996.

[16] R. Motwani and P. Raghavan. Randomized Algorithms. Cambridge Uni-versity Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995.

[17] J. von Neumann. Various techniques used in connection with randomdigits. In Applied Mathematics Series, no. 12. 1951.

[18] C. H. Papadimitriou. Computational Complexity. Addison-Wesley, Read-ing, MA, 1994.

[19] D. B. Skalak. Prototype and feature selection by sampling and randommutation hill climbing. In W. W. Cohen and H. Hirsh, editors, MachineLearning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, pages293–301, New Brunswick, NJ, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.

[20] D. J. Stracuzzi and P. E. Utgoff. Randomized variable elimination. Jour-nal of Machine Learning Research, 5:1331–1364, 2004.

[21] H. Vafaie and K. DeJong. Genetic algorithms as a tool for restructuringfeature space representations. In Proceedings of the Seventh InternationalConference on Tools with AI, Herndon, VA, IEEE Computer SocietyPress, New York, 1995.

[22] S. Zilberstein. Using anytime algorithms in intelligent systems. AI Mag-azine, 17(3), 1996.

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Chapter 4

Causal Feature Selection

Isabelle Guyon

Clopinet, California

Constantin Aliferis

Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

Andre Elisseeff

IBM Zurich, Switzerland

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634.2 Classical “Non-Causal” Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654.3 The Concept of Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684.4 Feature Relevance in Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714.5 Causal Discovery Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774.6 Examples of Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804.7 Summary, Conclusions, and Open Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

4.1 Introduction

The present chapter makes an argument in favor of understanding andutilizing the notion of causality for feature selection: from an algorithm designperspective, to enhance interpretation, build robustness against violations ofthe i.i.d. assumption, and increase parsimony of selected feature sets; fromthe perspective of method characterization, to help uncover superfluous orartifactual selected features, missed features, and features not only predictivebut also causally informative.

Determining and exploiting causal relationships is central in human reason-ing and decision-making. The goal of determining causal relationships is topredict the consequences of given actions or manipulations. This is fundamen-tally different from making predictions from observations. Observations implyno experimentation, no interventions on the system under study, whereas ac-tions disrupt the natural functioning of the system.

Confusing observational and interventional predictive tasks yields classicalparadoxes [22]. Consider for instance that there seems to be a correlation


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between being in bed and dying. Should we conclude that we should betternot spend time in bed to reduce our risk of dying? No, because arbitrarilyforcing people to spend time in bed does not normally increase death rate. Aplausible causal model is that disease causes both an increase in time spent inbed and in death rate. This example illustrates that a correlated feature (timespent in bed) may be predictive of an outcome (death rate), if the system isstationary (no change in the distribution of all the variables) and no interven-tions are made; yet it does not allow us to make predictions if an interventionis made (e.g., forcing people to spend more or less time in bed regardless oftheir disease condition). This example outlines the fundamental distinctionbetween correlation and causation.

Policy making in health care, economics, or ecology are examples of inter-ventions, of which it is desirable to know the consequences ahead of time (seeour application section, Section 4.6). The goal of causal modeling is to providecoarse descriptions of mechanisms, at a level sufficient to predict the result ofinterventions. The main concepts are reviewed in Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Themost established way of deriving causal models is to carry out randomizedcontrolled experiments to test hypothetical causal relationships. Yet such ex-periments are often costly, unethical, or infeasible. This prompted a lot of re-cent research in learning causal models from observational data [8, 22, 25, 15],which we briefly review in Section 4.5.

Most feature selection algorithms emanating from the machine learningliterature (see, e.g., [18, 11], which we briefly review for comparison in Sec-tion 4.2) do not seek to model mechanisms: They do not attempt to uncovercause-effect relationships between feature and target. This is justified becauseuncovering mechanisms is unnecessary for making good predictions in a purelyobservational setting. In our death rate prediction example, classical featureselection algorithms may include without distinction: features that cause thetarget (like disease), features that are consequences of a common cause (liketime spent in bed, which is a consequence of disease, not of death rate), or fea-tures that are consequences of the target (like burial rate). But, while actingon a cause (like disease) can influence the outcome (death rate), acting on con-sequences (burial rate) or consequences of common causes (time spent in bed)cannot. Thus non-causality-aware feature selection algorithms do not lendthemselves to making predictions of the results of actions or interventions.Additionally, feature selection algorithms ignoring the data-generating pro-cess may select features for their effectiveness to predict the target, regardlessof whether such predictive power is characteristic of the system under studyor the result of experimental artifacts. To build robustness against changes inmeasuring conditions, it is important to separate the effects of measurementerror from those of the process of interest, as outlined in Section 4.4.2.

On the strong side of feature selection algorithms developed recently [18,11], relevant features may be spotted among hundreds of thousands of dis-tracters, with less than a hundred examples, in some problem domains. Re-search in this field has effectively addressed both computational and statistical

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problems that related to uncovering significant dependencies in such adverseconditions. In contrast, causal models [8, 22, 25, 15] usually deal with just afew variables and a quasi-perfect knowledge of the variable distribution, whichimplies an abundance of training examples. Thus there are opportunities forcross-fertilization of the two fields: Causal discovery can benefit from featureselection to cut down dimensionality for computational or statistical reasons(albeit with the risk of removing causally relevant features); feature selectioncan benefit from causal discovery by getting closer to the underlying mecha-nisms and reveal a more refined notion of relevance (albeit at computationalprice). This chapter aims to provide material to stimulate research in bothdirections. More details and examples are found in a technical report [10].

4.2 Classical “Non-Causal” Feature Selection

In this section, we give formal definitions of irrelevance and relevance fromthe point of view of classical (non-causal) feature selection. We review ex-amples of feature selection algorithms. In what follows, the feature set isa random vector X = [X1, X2, ...XN ] and the target a random variable Y .Training and test data are drawn according to a distribution P (X, Y ). Weuse the following definitions and notations for independence and conditionalindependence: Two random variables A and B are conditionally indepen-dent given a set of random variables C, denoted A ⊥ B|C, iff P (A, B|C) =P (A|C)P (B|C), for all assignments of values to A, B, and C. If C is theempty set, then A and B are independent, denoted A ⊥ B.

A simple notion of relevance can be defined by considering only the depen-dencies between the target and individual variables:

DEFINITION 4.1 Individual feature irrelevance. A feature Xi

is individually irrelevant to the target Y iff Xi is independent of Y (denotedXi ⊥ Y ): P (Xi, Y ) = P (Xi)P (Y ).

From that definition it should simply follow that all non-individually irrel-evant features are individually relevant (denoted Xi �⊥ Y ). However, when afinite training sample is provided, the statistical significance of the relevancemust be assessed. This is done by carrying out a statistical test with nullhypothesis “H0: the feature is individually irrelevant” (that is Xi and Y arestatistically independent). For a review, see e.g. [11], Chapters 2 and 3.

Feature selection based on individual feature relevance (Def. 4.1) is calledunivariate. In the context of other variables, a variable Xi individually rele-vant to Y may become irrelevant, or vice versa. This renders necessary thenotion of multivariate feature selection; see the scenarios of Figure 4.1:− Falsely irrelevant variables. Figure 4.1 (a) shows a classification prob-

lem with two input variables X1 and X2 and a binary target Y (represented by

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the star and circle symbols). Variables X2 and Y are independent (X2 ⊥ Y ),yet, in the context of variable X1, they are dependent (X2 �⊥ Y |X1). The classseparation with X1 is improved by adding the individually irrelevant variableX2. Univariate feature selection methods fail to discover the usefulness ofvariable X2. Figure 4.1 (b) shows a trickier example in which both variablesX1 and X2 are independent of Y (X1 ⊥ Y and X2 ⊥ Y ). Each variable takenseparately does not separate the target at all, while taken jointly they providea perfect non-linear separation ({X1, X2} �⊥ Y ). This problem is known inmachine learning as the “chessboard problem” and bears resemblance withthe XOR and parity problems. Univariate feature selection methods fail todiscover the usefulness of variables for such problems.− Falsely relevant variables. Figures 4.1(c) and (d) show an example

of the opposite effect, using a regression problem. The continuous variablesX2 and Y are dependent when taken out of the context of the binary variableX1. However, conditioned on any value of X1 (represented by the star andcircle symbols), they are independent (X2 ⊥ Y |X1). This problem is knownin statistics as Simpson’s paradox. In this case, univariate feature selectionmethods might find feature X2 relevant, even though it is redundant withX1. If X1 were unknown (unobserved), the observed dependency between X2

and Y may be spurious, as it vanishes when the “confounding factor” X1 isdiscovered (see Section 4.4.2).

Multivariate feature selection may be performed by searching in the spaceof possible feature subsets for an optimal subset. The techniques in use havebeen classified into filters, wrappers, and embedded methods [14, 5]. Theydiffer in the choice of three basic ingredients [18]: search algorithm, objectivefunction, and stopping criterion. Wrappers use the actual risk functional ofthe machine learning problem at hand to evaluate feature subsets. They musttrain one learning machine for each feature subset investigated. Filters usean evaluation function other than the actual risk functional, which is usuallycomputationally advantageous. Often no learning machine is involved in thefeature selection process. For embedded methods, the feature selection spaceand the learning machine parameter space are searched simultaneously. Fora review of filter, wrapper, and embedded methods, see [11].

From the multivariate perspective, it is useful to generalize the notion ofindividual relevance (Def. 4.1) to that of relevance in the context of other fea-tures. This allows us to rank features in a total order rather than assessing therelevance of feature subsets. We first introduce irrelevance as a consequence ofrandom variable independence and then define relevance by contrast. For sim-plicity, we provide only asymptotic definitions, which assume the full knowl-edge of the data distribution. For a discussion of the finite sample case, seethe introductory chapter of [11]. In what follows, X = [X1, X2, ..., Xi, ..., XN ]denotes the set of all features, X\i is the set of all features except Xi, andV\i is any subset of X\i (including X\i itself).

DEFINITION 4.2 Feature irrelevance. A feature Xi is irrelevant to

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X2 → X

1 ← Y

(a) X2 ⊥ Y, X2 �⊥ Y |X1



{X1, X

2} → Y

(b) X1 ⊥ Y, X2 ⊥ Y, {X1, X2} �⊥ Y



(c) X2 �⊥ Y


y X2 ← X

1 → Y

(d) X2 ⊥ Y |X1

FIGURE 4.1: Multivariate dependencies. (a) Spouse problem: FeatureX2 (a spouse of Y having the common child X1) is individually irrelevant to Y(X2 ⊥ Y ), but it becomes relevant in the context of feature X1 (X2 �⊥ Y |X1). (b)Chessboard problem: Two individually irrelevant features (X1 ⊥ Y and X2 ⊥ Y )become relevant when taken jointly ({X1, X2} �⊥ Y ). (c - d) Simpson’s paradoxand the confounder problem: (c) X2 is correlated to Y , it is not independentof Y (X2 �⊥ Y ). It is individually relevant, but it may become irrelevant in thecontext of another feature, see case (d). (d) For any value of X1 (star or circle), X2

is independent of Y (X2 ⊥ Y |X1). Note: We show at the top of each scatter plotthe causal structure of the models, which generated the data. In some cases, thesame data can be explained by several alternative causal models (see Section 4.3).

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the target Y iff for all subset of features V\i, and for all assignments of values,Xi is conditionally independent of Y given V\i (denoted by Xi ⊥ Y |V\i):P (Xi, Y |V\i) = P (Xi|V\i)P (Y |V\i).

Kohavi and John define a notion of strong and weak relevance [14]. In-tuitively and in many practical cases (but not always, as shown below), astrongly relevant feature is needed on its own and cannot be removed withoutperformance degradation, while a weakly relevant feature is redundant withother relevant features and can be omitted if similar features are retained.

DEFINITION 4.3 Strong relevance. A feature Xi is strongly relevantto the target Y iff there exist some values x, y, and v with P (Xi = x,X\i =v) > 0 such that: P (Y = y|Xi = x,X\i = v) �= P (Y = y|X\i = v).

DEFINITION 4.4 Weak relevance. A feature Xi is weakly relevant tothe target Y iff it is not strongly relevant and if there exist a subset of featuresV\i for which there exist some values x, y, and v with P (Xi = x,V\i = v) > 0such that: P (Y = y|Xi = x,V\i = v) �= P (Y = y|V\i = v).

From the above definitions, and noting that P (Y |Xi,V\i) = P (Y |V\i)implies that P (Xi, Y |V\i) = P (Xi|V\i)P (Y |V\i), one can easily see that afeature is either irrelevant, strongly relevant, or weakly relevant.

The issue of relevance has been the subject of much debate (see, e.g., thespecial issue of Artificial Intelligence on relevance [1] and the recent discussionof Tsamardinos and Aliferis [27] challenging the universality of any particularnotion of relevance or usefulness of features). Although much remains to besaid about such non-causal relevance, we wish now to introduce the conceptof causality and show how it will shed light on the notion of feature relevance.

4.3 The Concept of Causality

Formal, widely-accepted definitions of causality have eluded philosophersof science for centuries. However, from an engineering point of view, causalityis a very goal-oriented notion, which can simply be defined as finding modesof action on a system, which will result in a desired outcome (for example,taking a drug to cure an illness). Thus, even though causality may not finda perfect definition regrouping all the notions it encompasses in philosophy,psychology, history, law, religion, statistics, physics, and engineering, we candevise tests of causality that satisfy our engineering-oriented goal by assessingthe effect of actual or hypothetical manipulations performed on the system [8,22, 25, 21, 15].

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4.3.1 Probabilistic Causality

Our everyday-life concept of causality is very much linked to the time de-pendency of events. However, such a temporal notion of causality is not alwaysnecessary or convenient. In particular, many machine learning problems areconcerned with “cross-sectional studies,” which are studies where many sam-ples of the state of a system are drawn at a given point in time. Thus, we willdrop altogether the reference to time and replace it by the notion of causalordering. Causal ordering can be understood as fixing a particular time scaleand considering only causes happening at time t and effects happening at timet + Δt, where Δt can be made as small as we want.

In this chapter, causes and consequences will be identified to random vari-ables (RV) rather than events. Borrowing from Glymour and Cooper [8], weadopt here an operational criterion of causality: Given a closed system ofinterdependent RV, an RV C may be called a cause of another RV E, calledits effect or consequence, if imposing changes in the distribution of C (bymeans of manipulation performed by an agent external to the system) resultsin changes in the distribution of E. For example, C may be the choice of oneof two available treatments for a patient with lung cancer and E may rep-resent 5-year survival. If we randomly assign patients to the two treatmentsby flipping a fair coin and observe that the probability distribution for 5-yearsurvival differs between the two treatment groups, we can conclude that thechoice of treatment causally determines survival in patients with lung cancer.

There is a parallel between the operational test of causality and the notionof individual feature relevance of Definition 4.1. A feature X is individuallyirrelevant to the target Y iff P (X, Y ) = P (X)P (Y ), that is, assuming thatP (X) > 0, if P (Y |X) = P (Y ). Hence, individual relevance defined by con-trast occurs if for some assignment of values P (Y |X) �= P (Y ). In the test ofcausality, we must first define a manipulation. Borrowing the notation of [22],we will denote by P (Y |do(X)) and P (do(X)) the distributions resulting fromthe manipulation of variable X called “do(X)”. In the test of causality, indi-vidual causal relevance occurs if P (Y |do(X)) �= P (Y ).

The definitions of strong and weak feature relevance (Def. 4.3 and 4.4) canalso be modified by replacing Xi by do(Xi), yielding a notion of strong andweak causal relevance. Although these definitions are formally interesting inthat they establish a parallel with the feature selection framework, they havelittle practical value. First, they have the same drawback as their non-causalfeature relevance counterpart that they require exploring all possible subsetsof features and assignment of values to features. Second, the fact that theyrequire exploring all possible manipulations to establish the absence of a causalrelationship with certainty is also unrealistic. When we may establish a causalrelationship using a manipulation on Xi, thereafter any other manipulationthat affects Xi will potentially affect Y . But the converse is not true. Wemust in principle try “all possible” manipulations to establish with certaintythat there is no causal relationship. Practically, however, planned experiments

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have been devised as canonical manipulations and are commonly relied uponto rule out causal relationships (see, e.g., [23]). Nonetheless, they requireconducting experiments, which may be costly, impractical, unethical, or eveninfeasible. The purpose of the following sections is to introduce the reader tothe discovery of causality in the absence of experimentation. Experimentationwill be performed punctually, when absolutely needed.

4.3.2 Causal Bayesian Networks

Causal Bayesian networks provide a convenient framework for reasoningabout causality between random variables. Causal Bayesian networks imple-ment a notion of causal ordering and do not model causal time dependenciesin detail (although they can be extended to do so if desired). Even thoughother frameworks exist (like structural equation modeling [12, 13]), we limitourselves in this chapter to Bayesian networks to illustrate simply the con-nections between feature selection and causality we are interested in.

Recall that in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), a node A is the parent of B(B is the child of A) if there is a direct edge from A to B, and A is the ancestorof B (B is the descendant of A) if there is a direct path from A to B. “Nodes”and “variables” will be used interchangeably. As in previous sections, wedenote random variables with uppercase letters X, Y, Z; realizations (values)with lowercase letters, x, y, z; and sets of variables or values with boldfaceuppercase X = [X1, X2, ..., XN ] or lowercase x = [x1,x2, ...,xN ], respectively.A “target” variable is denoted as Y .

We begin by formally defining a discrete Bayesian network:

DEFINITION 4.5 (Discrete) Bayesian network. Let X be a setof discrete random variables and P be a joint probability distribution over allpossible realizations of X. Let G be a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and letall nodes of G correspond one-to-one to members of X. We require that forevery node A ∈ X, A is probabilistically independent of all non-descendantsof A, given the parents of A (Markov Condition). Then we call the triplet{X,G, P} a (discrete) Bayesian Network or, equivalently, a Belief Network orProbabilistic Network (see, e.g., [21]).

Discrete Bayesian networks can be generalized to networks of continuousrandom variables and distributions are then replaced by densities. To sim-plify our presentation, we limit ourselves to discrete Bayesian networks. Acausal Bayesian network is a Bayesian Network {X,G, P} with the additionalsemantics that (∀A ∈ X) and (∀B ∈ X), if there is an edge from A to B inG, then A directly causes B (see, e.g., [25]).

Using the notion of d-separation (see, e.g., [22]), it is possible to read from agraph G if two sets of nodes A and B are independent, conditioned on a thirdset C: A ⊥G B|C. Furthermore, in a causal Bayesian network, the existenceof a directed path between two nodes indicates a causal relationship. It is

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usually assumed that in addition to the Markov condition, which is part ofthe definition of Bayesian networks, another condition called “faithfulness” isalso fulfilled (see, e.g., [22]). The faithfulness condition entails dependenciesin the distribution from the graph while the Markov condition entails thatindependencies in the distribution are represented in the graph. Formally:

DEFINITION 4.6 Faithfulness. A directed acyclic graph G is faithfulto a joint probability distribution P over a set of variables X iff every inde-pendence present in P is entailed by G and the Markov condition, that is,(∀A ∈ X, ∀B ∈ X and ∀C ⊂ X), A �⊥G B|C ⇒ A �⊥P B|C. A distributionP over a set of variables X is said to be faithful iff there exists a DAG Gsatisfying the faithfulness condition.

Together, the Markov and faithfulness conditions guarantee that the Bayesiannetwork will be an accurate map of dependencies and independencies of therepresented distribution. Both the Markov condition and the faithfulnessconditions can be trivially specialized to causal Bayesian networks.

Bayesian networks are fully defined by their graph and the conditional prob-abilities P (Xi|DirectCauses(Xi)). Those may be given by experts or trainedfrom data (or a combination of both). Once trained, a Bayesian networkmay be used to compute the joint probability of all variables, by applying theMarkov condition P (X1, X2, ..., XN) =

∑i P (Xi|DirectCauses(Xi)), as well

as any joint or conditional probabilities involving a subset of variables, usingthe chain rule P (A, B, C, D, E) = P (A|B, C, D, E) P (B|C, D, E) P (C|D, E)P (E) and marginalization P (A, B) =

∑C,D,E P (A, B, C, D, E). Such calcu-

lations are referred to as inference in Bayesian networks. In the worst cases,inference in Bayesian networks is intractable. However, many very efficientalgorithms have been described for exact and approximate inference [22, 21].

To learn the structure of a causal Bayesian network, we can test for causalrelationships with manipulations. A manipulation in a causal Bayesian net-work is defined as “clamping” variables to given values, while the other onesare let free to assume values according to the rules of the graph. However,the structure of a causal graph can, to some extent, be determined from ob-servational data (i.e., without manipulation). One method consists in makingstatistical tests of conditional independence between variables, which al-lows us to determine the causal structure up to Markov equivalence classes(see Section 4.5).

4.4 Feature Relevance in Bayesian Networks

In this section we relate notions of non-causal feature relevance introducedin Section 4.2 with Bayesian networks introduced in Section 4.3.2. Stronglyrelevant features in the Kohavi-John sense are found in the Bayesian network

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DAG in the immediate neighborhood of the target, but they are not necessarilystrongly causally relevant. These considerations will allow us in Section 4.4.2to characterize various cases of features called relevant according to differentdefinitions.

4.4.1 Markov Blanket

Pearl [22] introduced the notion of Markov blanket in a Bayesian networkas the set of nodes shielding a given node from the influence of the other nodes(see Figure 4.2). Formally, let X∪Y (Y /∈ X) be the set of all variables underconsideration and V a subset of X. We denote by “\” the set difference.

DEFINITION 4.7 Markov blanket. A subset M of X is a Markovblanket of Y iff for any subset V of X, and any assignment of values, Y isindependent of V\M given M (i.e., Y ⊥ V\M|M, that is, P (Y,V\M|M) =P (Y |M)P (V\M|M) or for P (V\M|M) > 0, P (Y |V\M,M) = P (Y |M))[21].

Markov blankets are not unique in general and may vary in size. But,importantly, any given faithful causal Bayesian network (see Section 4.3.2)has a unique Markov blanket, which includes its direct causes (parents), directeffects (children), and direct causes of direct effects (spouses) (see, e.g., [22,21]). The Markov blanket does not include direct consequences of direct causes(siblings) and direct causes of direct causes (grandparents). To understandthe intuition behind Markov blankets, consider the example of Figure 4.2 inwhich we are looking at the Markov blanket of the central node “lung cancer”:

- Direct causes (parents): Once all the direct causes have been given, anindirect cause (e.g., “anxiety”) does not bring any additional information. InFigure 4.2(e), for instance, increased “anxiety” will eventually increase “smok-ing” but not influence directly “lung cancer,” so it suffices to use “smoking”as a predictor, and we do not need to know about “anxiety.” Similarly, anyconsequence of a direct cause (like “other cancers” in Figure 4.2(d), which isa consequence of “genetic factor 1”) brings only indirect evidence, but no ad-ditional information once the direct cause “genetic factor 1” is known. Directcauses in faithful distributions are individually predictive, but they may oth-

the chessboard/XOR problem, which is an example of unfaithfulness).- Direct effects (children) and direct causes of direct effects (spouses):

In faithful distributions, direct effects are always predictive of the target. Buttheir predictive power can be enhanced by knowing other possible causesof these direct effects. For instance, in Figure 4.2(a), “allergy” may cause“coughing” independently of whether we have “lung cancer.” It is importantto know of any “allergy” problem, which would eventually explain away that“coughing” might be the result of “lung cancer.” Spouses, which do not have

erwise need to be known jointly to become predictive (see, e.g., Figure 4.1(b):

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a direct connecting path to the target (like “allergy”), are not individuallypredictive of the target (“lung cancer”), they need a common child (“cough-ing”) to become predictive. However, in unfaithful distributions, children arenot necessarily predictive without the help of spouses, for example in the caseof the chessboard/XOR problem.

Following [27], we interpret the notion of Markov blankets in faithful dis-tributions in terms Kohavi-John feature relevance as follows:

1. Irrelevance: A feature is irrelevant if it is disconnected from Y in thegraph.

2. Strong relevance: Strongly relevant features form a Markov blanketM of Y .

3. Weak relevance: Features having a connecting path to Y , but notbelonging to M, are weakly relevant.

The first statement interprets Definition 4.2 (irrelevance) in terms of discon-nection to Y in the graph. It follows directly from the Markov properties ofthe graph. The second statement casts Definition 4.3 (strong relevance) intothe Markov blanket framework. Only strongly relevant features cannot beomitted without changing the predictive power of X. Therefore, non-stronglyrelevant features can be omitted without changing the predictive power ofX. Hence the set M of all strongly relevant features should be sufficientto predict Y , regardless of the values v assumed by the other features inX\M: P (Y |M) = P (Y |M,X\M = v). Therefore, following Definition 4.7,M is a Markov blanket. Markov blankets are unique for faithful distributions(see [22]), which ensures the uniqueness of the set of strongly relevant featuresfor faithful distributions.

The interpretation of the Markov blanket as the set of strongly relevantvariables, which is valid for all Bayesian networks, extends to causal Bayesiannetworks. This means that strongly relevant in the Kohavi-John sense includesdirect causes (parents), direct effects (children), and direct causes of the di-rect effects (spouses). Yet only direct causes are strongly causally relevantaccording to our definition (Section 4.3.1). Consequently, weakly causally rel-evant features coincide with indirect causes, which are ancestors in the graph(excluding the parents).

4.4.2 Characterizing Features Selected via Classical Meth-ods

In this section, we analyze in terms of causal relationships several non-trivialcases of multivariate dependencies with artificial examples. This sheds a newlight on the notion of feature relevancy. We limit ourselves to the analysisof variables, which are in the immediate proximity of the target, includingmembers of the Markov blanket (MB) and variables in the vicinity of theMB (Figure 4.2). We analyze scenarios illustrating some basic three-variable

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Lung cancer



Tar in






noise (c)

FIGURE 4.2: Markov blanket. The central node “lung cancer” represents adisease of interest, which is our target of prediction. The solid oval nodes in theshaded area include members of the Markov blanket. Given these nodes, the targetis independent of the other nodes in the network. The letters identify local three-variable causal templates: (a), (b), and (c) colliders, (d) fork, and (e) chain. Thedashed lines/nodes indicate hypothetical unobserved variables providing alternativeexplanations to the gray arrows.

causal templates: chains A → B → C, forks A ← B → C, and collidersA→ B ← C. This allows us to refine the notion of feature relevance into:• Direct cause (parent)• Unknown direct cause (absent parent called confounder, which may re-

sult in mistaking a sibling for a parent)• Direct effect (child)• Unknown direct effect (which may cause sampling bias and result in

mistaking a spouse for a parent)• Other truly relevant MB members (spouses)• Nuisance variable members of the MB (also spouses).

We touch upon the problem of causal sufficiency: In the presence of vari-ables, which are unobserved or unknown, the MB does not necessarily includeall the strong variables and may include weakly relevant variables. Our ex-amples also include illustrations of the problem of experimental artifacts: Wecaution against the fact that feature selection algorithms may find nuisancevariables (or effects of nuisance variables) “relevant.”

Upstream of the Target: Chain and Fork Patterns

Let us first examine the roles played by variables (denoted X2) directlyconnected to parents (denoted X1) of the target Y , including grandparentsand siblings. Those are involved in chain patterns, X2 → X1 → Y , and fork

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patterns, X2 ← X1 → Y , both featuring the independence relations: Y �⊥ X2

and Y ⊥ X2|X1. An example of a distribution satisfying such independencerelations is depicted in Figure 4.1(d). We have already examined this exam-ple in Section 4.2: An apparent dependency between X2 and Y may vanishif we introduce a new variable X1 (Simpson’s paradox). Importantly, thepattern of dependencies does not allow us to determine whether we have achain or a fork, which prevents us from distinguishing grandparents from sib-lings; this can sometimes be resolved using dependencies with other variables,higher order moments of the distribution, experiments, or prior knowledge(see Section 4.5). Only parents are part of the Markov blanket and should,in principle, be considered “strongly relevant.” The study of some examplesallows us to understand the relevance of grandparents and siblings, as well aspotential confusions between siblings or grandparents and parents:

• Relevance of grandparents and siblings: Controllability andspecificity of parents. In our “lung cancer” example of Figures 4.2(d)and (e) the direct causes (“smoking” and “genetic factor 1”) are stronglyrelevant (in the Markov blanket). Indirect causes and consequences ofcauses are only weakly relevant (outside the Markov blanket). We ar-gue that siblings and grandparents are nevertheless worthy of attention.In particular, if the direct causes are not controllable (cannot be actedupon), it may be interesting to look at indirect causes (e.g., reducing“anxiety” might indirectly reduce the risk of “lung cancer”). Conse-quences of direct causes are also interesting for a different reason: Theymight weaken the relevance of strongly relevant features. In our exam-ple, the fact that “genetic factor 1” causes not only “lung cancer” butalso “other cancers” makes it a non-specific marker of “lung cancer.”

• Ambiguity between grandparents and siblings: Unknown par-ents as confounders. The ambiguity between forks and chains is atthe heart of the correlation vs. causation problem. If the “true” par-ents are not known, grandparents become the most direct identifiablecauses. However, if one cannot distinguish between sibling and grand-parents, we may falsely think that siblings are causes. This is illustratedby the hypothetical alternative scenarios in Figure 4.2(e). The questionis whether “smoking” is a cause of “lung cancer,” given that there maybe other unknown factors. First scenario: The existence of a more di-rect cause: “tar in lungs.” “Smoking” remains a cause and may stillbe the most direct controllable cause, retaining its importance even ifits no longer member of the MB. Second scenario: The existence ofan unknown “genetic factor 2.” In the recent years, new restrictionson smoking in public places have been imposed, based on the correla-tion between smoking and lung cancer. Some tobacco companies havebeen arguing that there may be a common genetic factor causing bothcraving for nicotine (and therefore smoking) and a predisposition to getlung cancer. Such a confounding factor, the hypothetical “genetic fac-

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tor 2,” has not been identified to date. But the possibility that it existsoutlines the difficulty of drawing conclusions about causal relationshipswhen human experimentation is not possible (in this case for ethicalreasons).

Downstream of the Target: Colliders

Patterns of dependencies (X2 ⊥ Y , X2 �⊥ Y |X1) are characteristic of un-shielded colliders: Y → X1 ← X2. Both children (denoted X1) and spouses(denoted X2) are involved in such patterns, which are found downstream ofthe target Y . As explained before, both children and spouses are members ofthe Markov blanket, and as such they are “strongly relevants” in the Kohavi-John sense for faithful distributions. Two cases of distributions correspondingto colliders are shown in Figures 4.1(a) and (b). One corresponds to a faithfulcase (consistent only with: Y → X1 ← X2) and the other to an unfaithful case(chessboard problem, consistent with several possible graphs: Y → X1 ← X2,X1 → Y ← X2, and Y → X2 ← X1). In either case, spouses can be usefulcomplements of children to improve prediction power. Nonetheless, we mustcaution against two types of problems that may be encountered: samplingbias and artifacts. We illustrate these various cases:

• Relevance of a spouse: Explaining away the effect of Y . Childrenand spouses are not “causally” relevant, in the sense that manipulat-ing them does not affect the target. Yet, they may be used to makepredictions for stationary systems, or as predictors of the effect of ma-nipulations of the target (e.g., the effect of a treatment of “lung cancer”).We previously noted that “allergy” is a useful complement of “cough-ing” to predict “lung cancer,” because knowing about allergy problemsallows the doctor to “explain away” the fact that coughing may be thesymptom of “lung cancer.” Now, after a patient receives a treatmentfor “lung cancer” (manipulation), a reduction in “coughing” may be anindication of success of the treatment.

• False causal relevance of a spouse: Sampling bias. In Fig-ure 4.2(b) we show a scenario of “sampling bias” in the subgraph:Lungcancer → Metastasis ← Hormonalfactor. The presence ofmetastases may be unknown. It may turn out that all the patientsshowing up in the doctor’s office are more likely to have late stage cancerwith metastases because only then do they experience alarming fatiguesymptoms. In this situation, the sample of patients seen by the doctoris biased. If, from that sample a correlation between a certain hormonalfactor and lung cancer is observed, it may be misinterpreted as causal.In reality, the dependency may only be due to the sampling bias. “Hor-monal factor” (playing the role of X2) cannot be used as a predictivefactor without knowing about the “metastasis” factor (playing the roleof X1), and wrong results could be inferred if that factor is unknown.

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• False relevance of a spouse: Artifacts. In Figure 4.2(c), we showan example of an experimental artifact. Assume that we are using an in-strument to measure the abundance of some medical diagnosis biomark-ers in blood serum (e.g., proteins or metabolites), and we have identifiedtwo promising complementary biomarkers (numbered 1 and 2), whichhave a distribution similar to that of X1 and X2 in Figure 4.1(a). Thesimple model Y → X1 ← X2 explains the observed distribution, in sup-port of the relevance of “Biomarker2,” which can be assumed to be partof the MB. However, the relevance of “Biomarker2” may be challengedif we suspect the existence of some unknown “Systematic noise” variableS due to the measuring instrument. A model Y → X1 ← S → X2 couldalso explain the observed data. Then S may be part of the MB, notX2. In that case, feature X2 is an indirect measurement of the noise Suseful to correct the measurement error, but not relevant to the systemunder study (human disease).

4.5 Causal Discovery Algorithms

In previous sections, we have motivated the introduction of the concept ofcausality in feature selection. It has long been thought that causal relation-ships can only be evidenced by “manipulations,” as summarized by the mottocommonly attributed to Paul Holland and Don Rubin: “No causation withoutmanipulation.” For an introduction on manipulation methods of inferring cau-sation, see, for instance, [23]. Yet, in the recent years much fruitful researchhas been devoted to inferring causal relationships from “observational data,”that is, data collected on a system of interest, without planned experimentsor intervention. Current books exploring these techniques include [8, 22, 25].We collectively refer to the algorithms as “causal discovery machine learningmethods.”

Learning a Bayesian network {X,G, P} from data consists in two subtasks,sometimes performed jointly, sometimes in sequence: learning the structureof the graph G and learning the probability distribution P . From the pointof view of causal discovery and feature selection, learning the structure of thegraph is the subtask of interest.

In what follows, we will make the following set of “causal discovery as-sumptions”: (i) Causal sufficiency: The set of observable variables X is self-sufficient to characterize all causal relationships of interest, which imposesthat direct common causes of all pairs of variables are observed. (ii) Sta-tistical sufficiency: The learner has access to a sufficiently large training setand reliable statistical tests for determining conditional dependencies and in-dependencies in the original distribution where the data are sampled from.

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(iii) Faithfulness: The process that generated the data having the distribu-tion P (X, Y ) can be faithfully represented by the family of models underconsideration (here causal Bayesian networks).

4.5.1 A Prototypical Causal Discovery Algorithm

We outline in this section the fundamental operation of the Peter-Clark(PC) algorithm (barring speed-up techniques and implementation details inorder to simplify the presentation; see [25] for a complete description). Underthe causal discovery assumptions stated above, this algorithm is provablysound in the large sample limit [25], in the sense that it can recover thestructure of a Bayesian network (BN) that generated the data, up to a Markovequivalence class (that is, a class of BN sharing the same set of conditionalindependence conditions).

The algorithm begins with a fully connected unoriented graph and has threephases:

Algorithm: PC

Let A, B, and C be variables in X and V any subset of X. Initialize witha fully connected un-oriented graph.

1. Find unoriented edges by using the criterion that variable A shares adirect edge with variable B iff no subset of other variables V can renderthem conditionally independent (A ⊥ B|V).

2. Orient edges in “collider” triplets (i.e., of the type A → C ← B) usingthe criterion that if there are direct edges between A, C and between C,B, but not between A and B, then A→ C ← B, iff there is no subset Vcontaining C such that A ⊥ B|V.

3. Further orient edges with a constraint-propagation method by adding ori-entations until no further orientation can be produced, using the two fol-lowing criteria: (i) If A → B → ... → C, and A − C (i.e., there is anundirected edge between A and C), then A→ C. (ii) If A→ B−C, thenB → C.

Without going into details, we note that all of the causal discovery assump-tions can be relaxed via a variety of approaches. For example, if the causalsufficiency property does not hold for a pair of variables A and B, and there isat least one common parent C of the pair that is not measured, the PC algo-rithm might wrongly infer a direct edge between A and B. The FCI algorithmaddresses this issue by considering all possible graphs including hidden nodes(latent variables) representing potential unmeasured “confounders,” which areconsistent with the data. It returns which causal relationships are guaranteedto be unconfounded and which ones cannot be determined by the observeddata alone. The FCI algorithm is described in detail in [25]. The PC algo-rithms and their derivatives remain limited to discovering causal structures

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up to Markov equivalence classes. For instance, since the two graphs X → Yand X ← Y are Markov equivalent, the direction of the arrow cannot be de-termined from observational data with such methods. Other methods havebeen proposed to address this problem; see, e.g., [26]. Designed experiments;or “active learning” may be use instead or in conjunction with observationalmethods to resolve ambiguous cases; see, e.g., [20].

4.5.2 Markov Blanket Induction Algorithms

From our previous discussion it follows that one can apply the PC algorithm(or other algorithms that can learn high-quality causal Bayesian networks) andextract the Markov blanket of a target variable of interest Y . However, whenthe dataset has tens or hundreds of thousands of variables, or when at leastsome of them are highly interconnected, applying standard causal discoveryalgorithms that learn the full network becomes impractical. In those cases,local causal discovery algorithms can be used, which focus on learning thestructure of the network only in the immediate neighborhood of Y .

The first two algorithms for Markov blanket induction by Koller and Sahamiand Cooper et al. [16, 6] contained many promising ideas, and the latter wassuccessfully applied in the real-life medical problem of predicting communityacquired pneumonia mortality; however, they were not guaranteed to find theactual Markov blanket, nor could they be scaled to thousands of variables.Margaritis and Thrun [19] subsequently invented a sound algorithm, Grow-Shrink (GS), however, it required samples at least exponential to the size ofthe Markov blanket and would not scale to thousands of variables in mostreal datasets with limited samples sizes. Tsamardinos et al. [27] introducedseveral improvements to GS with the Iterative Associative Markov Blanket(IAMB) algorithms, while Aliferis et al. [3] introduced HITON (“hiton” means“blanket” in Greek). Both types of algorithms scale well (100,000 variablesin a few CPU-hours), but the latter is more sample efficient.

For illustration, we describe HITON in some detail. The same inductioncriterion as PC is used to find edges (i.e., Xi shares a direct edge with thetarget Y iff there is no subset V of the variables set X such that Xi ⊥ Y |V).However, while PC starts with a fully connected graph, HITON starts withan empty graph. Accordingly, for PC, conditioning sets include large num-bers of variables, while, for HITON, they include small dynamically-changingsubsets of “neighbors” of Y (direct causes and effects of Y ). Spouses areidentified by first finding the neighborhood of depth two (i.e., by recursiveapplication of the direct-edge induction step) and then by eliminating non-spouses. This reduces errors from incorrect orientations. As more and morevariables are scanned, the algorithm converges to the Markov blanket of Y .Aside from limiting the search in a neighborhood of Y , which already rep-resents a significant computational speedup compared to building an entireBayesian network, HITON accelerates the search with a number of heuristics,including limiting conditioning sets to sizes permitting the sound estimation

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of conditional probabilities and prioritizing candidate variables.An important novelty of local methods is circumventing non-uniform graph

connectivity. A network may be non-uniformly dense (or sparse). In a globallearning framework, if a region is particularly dense, that region cannot bediscovered fast and, when learning with a small sample, it will produce manyerrors. These errors propagate to remote regions in the network (includingthose that are learnable accurately and fast with local methods). On thecontrary, local methods will be both fast and accurate in the less dense regions.Thus local methods are also competitive for learning full Bayesian networks.

Localizing the search for direct edges is desirable according to the previousexplanation, but far from obvious algorithmically [28]. A high-level explana-tion is that, when building the parents/children sets around Y in a localizedmanner, we occasionally omit variables Xi not connected to Y but connectedto other variables Xj, which are not parents or children of Y . This happensbecause variables such as Xi act as “hidden variables” insofar as the localizedcriterion for independence is concerned. It turns out, however, that (i) theconfiguration in which this problem can occur is rare in real data, and (ii)the problem can be detected by running the localized criterion in the oppositedirection (i.e., seeking the parents/children of Xj in a local fashion). Thisconstitutes the symmetry correction of localized learning of direct edges.

The Causal Explorer software package, including HITON and many otheruseful causal discovery algorithms, is available from the Internet [4].

4.6 Examples of Applications

Causality and feature selection as described in this chapter have been usedto achieve various objectives in different areas such as bio-informatics, econo-metrics, and engineering. We present below one example from each of thesefields that illustrates the use of causal and feature techniques in practice.

With the advent of the DNA microarrays technology [24], biologists havecollected the expression of thousands of genes under several conditions. Xinget al. were among the first to use a Markov blanket discovery algorithm forfeature selection [29] in DNA microarray data, to diagnose disease (two kindsof leukemia). Friedman and colleagues [7] applied a causal discovery tech-nique on microarray data to build a causal network representing the potentialdependencies between the regulations of the genes. If the expression level ofone gene causes the up or down regulation of another gene, an edge shouldlink them. A simple feature selection technique based on correlation is firstapplied to select a set of potential causes for each gene. A causal discoverymethod is then run on the reduced set of potential causes to refine the causalstructure. More recently, the Markov blanket discovery algorithm HITON [3]has been applied with success to clinical, genomic, structural, and proteomic

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data, and mining the medical literature, achieving significantly better reduc-tion in feature set size without classification degradation compared to a widerange of alternative feature selection methods. Other applications include un-derstanding physician decisions and guideline compliance in the diagnosis ofmelanomas, discovering biomarkers in human cancer data using microarraysand mass spectrometry, and selecting features in the domain of early graft fail-ure in patients with liver transplantations (see [2] for reports and comparisonswith other methods).

In biology and medicine, causal discovery aims at guiding scientific discov-ery, but the causal relationships must then be validated by experiments. Theoriginal problem, e.g., the infeasibility of an exhaustive experimental approachto detect and model gene interactions, is addressed using causality by defin-ing a limited number of experiments that should be sufficient to extract thegene regulatory processes. This use of causality is in contrast with our secondexample, economy and sociology, where experiments in a closed environmentare usually not possible, i.e., there is no possible laboratory validation beforeusing the treatment in real situations. Causality has been used by economistsfor more than 40 years. Some years before artificial intelligence started to ad-dress the topic, Clive Granger [9] defined a notion of temporal causality thatis still in use today. In 1921, Wright introduced Structure Equation Mod-eling (SEM) [12, 13], a model widely known by sociologists and economists.It is therefore singular to see that marketing research – a field close to econ-omy and sociology – does not contain much work involving causality. Thedefense of SEM by Pearl [22] might change the status, though, and causalityappears slowly as to be a subject of interest in marketing. From a practicalperspective, causality can be directly used to addresses one of the key ques-tions that marketers ask: how to assess the impact of promotions on sales?It is known that many potential factors come into play when computing theeffect of promotions: weather, word of mouth, availability, special days (e.g.,Valentine’s Day), etc. Understanding how these factors influence the sales isinteresting from a theoretical point of view but is not the primary objective:What practically matters is what to do next, that is, what will be the effectof promotions versus no promotions next month. This is typically a problemof causal discovery and parameter estimation. Finding the causal link is notenough. It is necessary to know whether the promotion will have a positiveeffect and how positive it will be in order to compute the expected profit.A promotion that has a small positive effect but costs a lot to implementmight not be worth launching. Extracting the true causal structure is alsoless critical than estimating P (sales|do(promotions)).

Failure diagnosis is the last application we shall consider. In diagnosing afailure, engineers are interested in detecting the cause of defect as early aspossible to save cost and to reduce the duration of service breach. Bayesiannetworks and their diagnostic capabilities, which are of particular relevancewhen the links are causal, have been used to quickly perform a root causeanalysis and to design a series of tests minimizing the overall cost of diag-

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nosis and repair. Kraaijeveld et al. [17] present an approach that relies ona user-defined causal structure to infer the most probable causes based on adescription of the symptoms.

These three applications show that causality techniques can be used indifferent settings with different requirements.

4.7 Summary, Conclusions, and Open Problems

Feature selection focuses on uncovering subsets of variables X1, X2, ... pre-dictive of a target Y . In light of causal relationships, the notion of variablerelevance can be refined. In particular, causes are better targets of action ofexternal agents than effects: If Xi is a cause of Y , manipulating it will have aneffect on Y , not if Xi is a consequence (or effect). In the language of Bayesiannetworks, direct causes (parents), direct effects (children), and other directcauses of the direct effects (spouses) are all members of the Markov blanket.The members of the Markov blanket are strongly relevant in the Kohavi-Johnsense, for faithful distributions. Direct causes are strongly causally relevant.Spouses are not individually relevant, but both parents and children are, infaithful distributions. Both causes and consequences of Y are predictive of Y ,but consequences can sometimes be “explained away” by other causes of theconsequences of Y . So the full predictive power of children cannot be har-vested without the help of spouses. Causes and consequences have differentpredictive powers when the data distribution changes between training andutilization time, depending on the type of change. In particular, causal fea-tures should be more predictive than consequential features, if new unknown“noise” is added to the variables X1, X2, ... (the co-variate shift problem).If new unknown noise is added to Y , however, consequential variables are abetter choice. Unknown features, including possible artifacts or confounders,may cause the whole scaffold of causal feature discovery to fall apart if theirpossible existence is ignored. Causal feature selection methods can assist thedesign of new experiments to disambiguate feature relevance.

Connecting feature selection and causality opens many avenues of interest-ing future research, including:

1. Characterizing theoretically and/or empirically existing and novel fea-ture selection methods in terms of causal validity

2. Developing appropriate metrics, research designs, benchmarks, etc., toempirically study the performance and pros and cons of causal vs. non-causal feature selection methods

3. Studying the concept of relevancy and its relationship with causalitybeyond faithful distributions and beyond Kohavi-John relevancy

4. Improving computational performance and accuracy of causal featureselection methods for large dimensional problems and small samples

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5. Developing a theory of the statistical complexity of learning causal re-lationships

6. Developing powerful and versatile software environments for causally-oriented feature selection

7. Examining the validity of and relaxing assumptions motivated by ef-ficiency or convenience (e.g., faithfulness, causal sufficiency, normalityof distributions, linearity of relationships) when applied to real-worldfeature selection situations.

The interested reader is encouraged to pursue his reading, starting perhapswith [8, 22, 25, 21, 15].


We are grateful to Alexander Statnikov, Philippe Leray, and the reviewersfor their helpful comments. Part of this work was initiated while IsabelleGuyon was visiting Prof. Joachim Buhmann at ETH Zurich. His supportis gratefully acknowledged. Constantin Aliferis acknowledges support fromgrants 1R01 LM007948-01, 1U01 HL081332-01, and 1 U24 CA126479-01.


[1] Special issue on relevance. Artificial Intelligence, 97(1-2), Dec. 1997.

[2] Dicovery systems laboratory bibliography, 2007,

[3] C. F. Aliferis, I. Tsamardinos, and A. Statnikov. HITON, a novel Markovblanket algorithm for optimal variable selection. In American MedicalInformatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, pages 21–25, 2003.

[4] C. F. Aliferis, I. Tsamardinos, A. Statnikov, and L. Brown. Causal ex-plorer: A probabilistic network learning toolkit for biomedical discov-ery. In 2003 International Conference on Mathematics and EngineeringTechniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), Las Vegas,Nevada, USA, June 23-26 2003, CSREA Press.

[5] A. Blum and P. Langley. Selection of relevant features and examples inmachine learning. Artificial Intelligence, 97(1-2):245–271, Dec. 1997.

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[6] G. Cooper and E. Herskovits. A Bayesian method for the induction ofprobabilistic networks from data. Mach. Learning, 9(4):309–347, 1992.

[7] N. Friedman, M. Linial, I. Nachman, and D. Pe’er. Using bayesian net-works to analyze expression data. In RECOMB, pages 127–135, 2000.

[8] C. Glymour and G. C. Editors. Computation, Causation, and Discovery.AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA; Cambridge, MA; London,England, 1999.

[9] C. Granger. Investigating causal relations by econometric models andcross-spectral methods. Econometrica, 37:424–438, 1969.

[10] I. Guyon, C. Aliferis, and A. Elisseeff. Causal feature selection. Technicalreport, Berkeley, CA, March 2007,

[11] I. Guyon, S. Gunn, M. Nikravesh, and L. Zadeh, Editors. Feature Ex-traction, Foundations and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and SoftComputing. Physica-Verlag, Springer, Heidelberg, 2006.

[12] D. Kaplan. Structural Equation Modeling: Foundations and Extensions,volume 10 of Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciencesseries. Sage, 2000.

[13] R. B. Kline. Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling.The Guilford Press, 2005.

[14] R. Kohavi and G. John. Wrappers for feature selection. Artificial Intel-ligence, 97(1-2):273–324, December 1997.

[15] D. Koller and N. Friedman. Structured Probabilistic Models: Principlesand Techniques. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007, to appear.

[16] D. Koller and M. Sahami. Toward optimal feature selection. In 13th In-ternational Conference on Machine Learning, pages 284–292, July 1996.

[17] P. C. Kraaijeveld and M. J. Druzdzel. Genierate: An interactive genera-tor of diagnostic bayesian network models. In 16th International Work-shop on Principles of Diagnosis, Monterey, CA, 2005.

[18] H. Liu and H. Motoda. Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection:A Data Mining Perspective. Kluwer Academic, 1998.

[19] D. Margaritis and S. Thrun. Bayesian network induction via local neigh-borhoods. Technical Report CMU-CS-99-134, Carnegie Mellon Univer-sity, August 1999.

[20] K. Murphy. Active learning of causal bayes net structure, 2001.

[21] R. E. Neapolitan. Learning Bayesian Networks. Prentice Hall series inArtificial Intelligence. Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ, 2003.

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[22] J. Pearl. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference. Cambridge Uni-versity Press, Cambridge, UK, March 2000.

[23] D. Rubin. Estimating causal effects of treatments in randomized andnonrandomized studies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 66(5):688–701, 1974.

[24] M. Schena, D. Shalon, R. W. Davis, and P. O. Brown. Quantitative moni-toring of gene expression patterns with a complementary dna microarray.Science, 270(5235):467–470, October 1995.

[25] P. Spirtes, C. Glymour, and R. Scheines. Causation, Prediction, andSearch. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000.

[26] X. Sun, D. Janzing, and B. Scholkopf. Causal inference by choosinggraphs with most plausible Markov kernels. In Ninth International Sym-posium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, 2006.

[27] I. Tsamardinos and C. Aliferis. Towards principled feature selection:Relevance, filters, and wrappers. In Ninth International Workshop onArtificial Intelligence and Statistics, Florida, USA, January 2003.

[28] A. C. Tsamardinos I, Brown LE. The max-min hill-climbing bayesian net-work structure learning algorithm. Machine Learning, 651:31–78, 2006.

[29] E. P. Xing, M. I. Jordan, and R. M. Karp. Feature selection for high-dimensional genomic microarray data. In Proc. 18th International Conf.on Machine Learning, pages 601–608. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco,CA, 2001.

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Part II

Extending FeatureSelection


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Chapter 5

Active Learning of FeatureRelevance

Emanuele Olivetti

SRA Division, ITC-IRST

Sriharsha Veeramachaneni

SRA Division, ITC-IRST

Paolo Avesani

SRA Division, ITC-IRST

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895.2 Active Sampling for Feature Relevance Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925.3 Derivation of the Sampling Benefit Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935.4 Implementation of the Active Sampling Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995.6 Conclusions and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with active feature value acquisition for feature relevanceestimation in domains where feature values are expensive to measure. Thefollowing two examples motivate our work.

Example 1: Molecular reagents called biomarkers are studied for cancercharacterization by testing them on biological (e.g., tissue) samples from pa-tients who have been monitored for several years and labeled according totheir cancer relapse and survival status. New biomarkers are tested on thesebiological samples with the goal of obtaining a subset of biomarkers that char-acterize the disease. In addition to the relapse and survival information, foreach patient, information such as grade of the disease, tumor dimensions, andlymphonode status is also available. That is, the samples are class labeled aswell as described by some existing features. The goal is to choose the bestsubset of new features (biomarkers) among many that are most informativeabout the class label given the existing features. Since each time a biomarkeris tested on a biological sample the sample cannot be used for testing other


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biomarkers, it is desirable to evaluate the biomarkers by testing them on asfew samples as possible. Once some of the biomarkers are determined to beinformative, they can be tested on all the samples. A detailed description ofthis problem is presented in [20, 8, 12].

Example 2: In the agricultural domain, biologists study the symptoms of acertain disease by monitoring a controlled collection of trees affected by thedisease. A data archive is arranged with each record describing a single tree.All the records are labeled as infected or not infected. The biologists then pro-pose candidate features (e.g., color of leaves, altitude of the tree, new chemicaltests, etc.) that could be extracted (or measured) to populate the archive, soas to ultimately arrive at a set of most predictive symptoms. Since the datacollection on the field is usually very expensive or time consuming, there isa need for a data acquisition plan that is aimed at accurately estimating therelevance of the candidate features, so that only the most relevant featuresmay be extracted on all trees.

The above two examples demonstrate the need for a data acquisition proce-dure with the goal of accurate feature relevance estimation. Data acquisitionhas traditionally been studied in machine learning under the topic of activelearning. Our formulation of the active learning problem differs from thetraditional setting of active learning where the class labels of unlabeled ex-amples are queried [3, 17, 19]. Differently from most previous work in activelearning, we consider a situation where class-labeled instances or subjects aremonitored. A set of potentially informative features are proposed by expertsin order to learn a predictive model. It is conceivable that some of these can-

1 0 2 0 1

C X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4








1 1

2 0

0 01 ???

? ??? ?

= 1x23

Top Expected Benefit:

B(2,3) = 0.015016

= argmax(B(i,j))x23


EstimateFeature Relevances

g = 0.28154

g = 0.06273

g = 0.53282

g1 = 0.4712

Feature Relevances:

Query ActualValue

Select TopBenefit

1 0 2 0 1

C X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4








1 1

2 0

0 01 ???

? ??? ?



B(1,2) = 0.008512

B(1,3) = 0.002779

B(2,3) = 0.015016

B(3,4) = 0.004431

B(3,1) = 0.009774


Expected Benefits:


Fill dataset

Estimate Expected Benefits

FIGURE 5.1: Active sampling process for feature relevance estimation. The en-tries shown in gray in the dataset in the top left corner indicate the ones that aremissing at a particular instance. The bottom right-hand corner shows the process ofcomputing the benefit of sampling at a particular missing value. The missing valuewith the highest benefit is chosen and actually sampled.

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Active Learning of Feature Relevance 91

didate features are useless or redundant. Moreover, the measurement of thefeatures on all the instances may be costly. It is therefore necessary to evaluatethe efficacy (or relevance) of a new candidate feature by measuring it on asubsample of the instances to permit discarding useless features inexpensively.

As opposed to random subsampling, we propose to choose this subsampleactively, that is, to choose the subsample that is likely to provide the bestestimate of the relevance of the feature to the class. The active samplingstrategy is to iteratively choose the most informative missing value to fillgiven all the previous data. When the budget for the data acquisition hasbeen exhausted, the estimate of the feature relevances can then be used forfeature selection. The selected features are then measured on all the instancesand the resulting database is used to generate the model. The overall savingsin cost comes from discarding irrelevant features without having measuredthem on all instances. The process is illustrated in Figure 5.1.

Although our final goal is feature selection, we do not review the extensiveprevious work in this area [1, 9] because we are mainly concerned with featurevalue acquisition. We would, however, like to mention that research in featureselection distinguishes between the so-called wrapper and filter approaches,depending upon whether or not the feature selection is explicitly based uponthe accuracy of the final classifier [11]. Our active feature sampling algorithmthat interleaves feature value acquisition and feature relevance estimation isindependent of the final classifier that might be used and therefore is a filtermethod.

There has been previous work in active feature value acquisition for classifierinduction [13, 22, 14] or testing [18] where the goal is to minimize the numberof feature values acquired to learn and deploy a classifier on the entire featureset. This approach is inappropriate in some domains such as medical andagricultural, because the entire set of feature values is expensive to obtainnot just on the training examples but also on the test instances (i.e., after theclassifier is deployed). We have recently shown that active sampling heuristicsdeveloped for classifier induction perform poorly when the goal is featurerelevance estimation [21].

Although the general theory of active learning derives from the theory ofoptimal experimentation [5, 16], its application to problems in learning raisespractical issues such as finding good approximations to the theory, dealingwith missing values, and learning with sampling bias (which is a side effect ofactive sampling).

In Section 5.2 we present the task of active sampling for feature relevanceestimation and present the active sampling algorithm in abstract terms. InSection 5.3 we derive a sampling benefit function from a statistical formula-tion of the problem. Our specific implementation of the proposed method ispresented in Section 5.4, where all necessary derivations and choices are de-scribed. In Section 5.5 we show the results of our experiments with discussion.Conclusions and future work are presented in Section 5.6.

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5.2 Active Sampling for Feature Relevance Estimation

Let us consider a dataset D = {di}i=1,...,N of a finite number of records, eachcorresponding to a pattern instance (or a subject). Let the random variablecorresponding to the class label be denoted by c taking values in C. Therandom vector x = (x1, . . . ,xF ) corresponds to F features (or attributes)that can be extracted on any instance, taking on values in X1 × . . . × XF .Each record comprises a class value and feature values: di = (c,x1, . . . ,xF ).Initially the class labels are known for every instance in D. However, all ofthe feature values are missing for every instance.1 The goal is to incrementallyselect a specified number of missing values to fill so as to estimate the relevanceof all the features most accurately. For now we leave the definitions of theterms ”feature relevance” and ”most accurately” unspecified.

Our proposed incremental feature value acquisition process is illustrated ingeneral terms in Figure 5.1. At any stage of the process the dataset has somefeature values missing, as indicated in the figure. We estimate the vector g offeature relevances according to which the features may be ranked. For eachmissing entry we can calculate the benefit of acquiring the value of that entry.We then choose the entry with the maximum benefit and actually acquire itsvalue, which is entered into the dataset.2 We perform this process iterativelyuntil some stopping criterion has been met. The core step of the process,where one missing value is acquired, is described in Algorithm 5.2.1.

Algorithm 5.2.1: AcquireOneMissingValue(Dk)

g(Dk) = EstimateRelevances(Dk)for each (i, f) such that record i has feature value f missing

B[i, f ]← 0 comment: Initialize the value of the benefit to zero

for each x ∈ Xf

Dtemp = Dk.F illV alue(xif = x)g(DTemp) = EstimateRelevances(DTemp)B[i, f ] = B[i, f ] + ComputeBenefit(g(Dtemp), g(Dk))

endendcomment: Now find the missing entry with the highest benefit

(i∗, f∗) = argmaxi,f

(B[i, f ])

comment: Now query the value for the missing entry

x∗ = SampleMissingV alue(i∗, f∗)comment: Fill the missing value

Dk+1 = Dk.F illV alue(xi∗f∗ = x∗)return (Dk+1)

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Active Learning of Feature Relevance 93

The benefit of acquiring the value of a missing entry is the amount ofinformation such an acquisition provides about the feature relevances. Wewill derive the benefit function in Section 5.3. The stopping criterion will beproblem dependent and may involve factors such as the total cost of featurevalue acquisition, the change in the feature relevances, or confidence in thefeature relevance estimates.

5.3 Derivation of the Sampling Benefit Function

We will now derive our active sampling algorithm in more abstract terms.Consider the dataset D as described above. Let the probability distribu-tion over C × X1 × . . . × XF be parametrized by θ ∈ Θ. It is requiredto estimate a vector valued function of the distribution parameter vector θg(θ) = (g1(θ), . . .) accurately under a sum-of-squared-error loss function byfilling as few missing values of D as possible.

After k sampling steps, the dataset is partially filled and the remainingvalues are missing. The current dataset is denoted Dk. The Bayes minimummean square error (MMSE) estimate of g given Dk is given by g(Dk) =E[g|Dk]. The current mean squared error is given by

MSEk =F∑



(E[gj |Dk]− gj)2p(gj|Dk)dgj (5.1)

Currently for an instance i we have the class label ci available and perhapsalso some subset of the feature values obs(i) (observed values for instance i).Let mis(i) be the subset of features values currently missing for instance i, andxf be a particular feature whose value is missing for instance i. If we assumethat for the (k + 1)th sampling step this missing feature value is measuredand a value of x was obtained, then the new dataset, denoted (Dk,xif = x),has the value x for the feature f for instance i. The new mean squared errorwould be




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− gj)2p(gi|Dk,xif = x)dgj

Since we do not know in advance what value would be obtained if we didsample at xif , we need to average the above quantity over all the possi-ble outcomes, so as to estimate the predicted mean square error (denoted

ˆMSE(i, f)k+1) if we sampled the missing value for the feature f , for instancei. That is,

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ˆMSE(i, f)k+1 =F∑




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− gj)2p(gj |Dk,xif = x)

p(xif = x|Dk)





(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− gj)2p(gj ,xif = x|Dk)


Now the best missing value (i, f) to measure is the one that yields thelowest predicted mean squared error ˆMSE(i, f)k+1. This criterion is akin toBayesian A-optimality in experiment design [2].

Adding and subtracting E[gj |Dk] inside the squared term in Equation 5.2,we obtain

ˆMSE(i, f)k+1 =F∑




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− E[gj |Dk])2p(gj,xif = x|Dk)

+ 2F∑




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− E[gj |Dk]) . . .

. . . (E[gj |Dk]− gj)p(gj,xif = x|Dk)





(E[gj |Dk]− gj)2p(gj,xif = x|Dk)

Since p(gj ,xif = x|Dk) = p(xif = x|Dk)p(gj |Dk,xif = x) and bothE[gj |Dk] and E[gj |Dk,xif = x] are functionally independent of gj, it canbe shown that the second summand is −2 times the first summand. Fur-thermore, the third summand is functionally independent of (i, f) since xintegrates out (by interchanging the order of integration). Therefore, we have

ˆMSE(i, f)k+1 = A−∫




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− E[gj |Dk])2p(xif = x|Dk)

where A is independent of i and f . That is, in order to minimize the predictedmean squared error if the missing value at (i, f) is measured, it is sufficientto maximize the sum of the squared differences between the Bayes estimatesof g before and and after the value at (i, f) is measured, averaged over thepossible outcomes.

Therefore, to minimize the predicted mean squared error, the objectivefunction to be maximized is

B(i, f) =∫




(E[gj |Dk,xif = x]− E[gj |Dk])2p(xif = x|Dk) (5.3)

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Our active sampling method based on this benefit criterion is called the Max-imum Average Change (MAC) sampling algorithm.

For the purposes of feature relevance estimations, the function g we wishto estimate is the vector of feature relevances, i.e., g = (g1, . . . ,gF ), where gj

is the relevance of the jth feature. Since we need to know the prior on g tocompute the Bayes MMSE estimate, we approximate the objective functionin Equation 5.3 by

B(i, f) =∫




(gj(Dk,xif = x)− gj(Dk))2p(xif = x|Dk) (5.4)

where gj(Dk) is any reasonable estimate of gj from dataset Dk.

5.4 Implementation of the Active Sampling Algorithm

Algorithm 5.2.1 for active feature value acquisition is general and can beused with any measure for feature relevance for which the squared-error lossis reasonable. That is, the choice for the function EstimateRelevances(D) inthe pseudocode can be any estimate of feature relevance that can be estimatedfrom a dataset with missing values.

In addition, the implementation of the benefit criteria introduced abovealso requires the computation of the conditional probabilities p(xif = x|Dk).

Although our active sampling algorithm is quite general, we implementedit for a particular choice of the model for data generation (i.e., the joint class-and-feature distribution), which we present below. We then explain how theconditional probabilities and feature relevances can be computed given thejoint distribution.

Our model is applicable for problems with categorical valued features. Thatis, we assume that every feature xf takes on a discrete set of values Xf ={1, . . . , Vf}.

5.4.1 Data Generation Model: Class-Conditional Mixture ofProduct Distributions

We assume that each class-conditional feature distribution is a mixture ofM product distributions over the features. (Although for our implementationit is not necessary that the number of components is constant across classes,we make this assumption for simplicity.) That is, the class-conditional featuredistribution for class c ∈ C is

P (x1 = x1, . . . ,xF = xF |c) =M∑







θδ(x,xf )cmfx (5.5)

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where αcm is the mixture weight of component m for class c, θcmfx is theprobability that the feature f takes on the value x for component m and classc, and δ(.) is the Kronecker delta function. Note that if M = 1, our model isequivalent to the Naıve Bayes model.

Therefore, the full class-and-feature joint distribution can be written as

P (c = c,x1 = x1, . . . ,xF = x) =∑

c∈Cp(c = c)








θδ(x,xf )cmfx (5.6)

where p(c = c) is class probability. The class-and-feature joint distribution iscompletely specified by the parameters αs, θs, and the class probabilities.

Before we describe how the α and θ parameters can be estimated from adataset with missing values, we will explain how feature relevances and theconditional probability p(xif = x|Dk) are calculated if the parameters areknown.

5.4.2 Calculation of Feature Relevances

We use the mutual information between a feature and the class variable asour measure of the relevance of that feature. That is,

gf = I(xf ; c) = H(xf )−H(xf |c) (5.7)

Although we are aware of the shortcomings of mutual information as a fea-ture relevance measure, especially for problems where there are inter-featurecorrelations, we chose it because it is easy to interpret and to compute giventhe joint class-and-feature distribution. We did not use approaches such asRelief [10] and SIMBA [7], which provide feature weights (that can be in-terpreted as relevances), because they do not easily generalize to data withmissing values.

The entropies in Equation 5.7 can be computed as follows:

H(xf ) = −C∑




p(c,xf = x) log(p(c,xf = x)) (5.8)

H(xf |c) = −C∑




p(xf = x|c) log(p(xf = x|c))p(c) (5.9)

If the α and θ parameters and p(c) of the model are known, the mutualinformation can be computed as follows:

H(xf ) = −Vf∑
















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H(xf |c) = −C∑














5.4.3 Calculation of Conditional Probabilities

Since the instances in the dataset D are assumed to be drawn independently,we have

p(xif = x|Dk) = p(xif = x|xobs(i) = xobs(i), ci)

=p(xif = x,xobs(i) = xobs(i)|ci)

p(xobs(i) = xobs(i)|ci)(5.12)

where, as before, xobs(i) are features that are observed for instance i that takeon values xobs(i), and ci is the class label for instance i.

Therefore, the conditional probability in Equation 5.12 can be written interms of the parameters of the joint distribution as

p(xif = x|Dk) =

∑Mm αcimθcimfx

∏φ∈obs(i) θcimφxiφ

∑Mm αcim

∏φ∈obs(i) θcimφxiφ


5.4.4 Parameter Estimation

Since after each sampling step we only have a dataset with missing valuesand not the parameters αs, θs, and p(c) that describe our model, they needto be estimated from the data. Once we have the estimates, the conditionalprobabilities and feature relevances can be computed by using the estimatesin place of the parameters in Equations 5.13, 5.10, and 5.11. We will nowdescribe how these parameters are estimated.

Estimation of p(c) : Since class labels of all the records in the dataset are avail-able, the estimates of the class probabilities are obtained from the (Laplacesmoothed) relative frequencies of the classes in the dataset.

Estimation of αs and θs : We need to estimate the parameters of the class-conditional mixture distribution for all classes. Since we have class labeledinstances, we can perform the estimation separately for each class, consideringonly the data from that particular class. We therefore suppress the subscriptc for the parameters corresponding to the class variable in the following equa-tions.

Let Dc be the part of the dataset corresponding to class c. The datalikelihood is given by

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l(Dc; θ) =N∑




p(xi|αm, θm)p(αm) (5.14)

The maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters are the values thatmaximize the above likelihood function. One approach to perform the abovemaximization is the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm [4] that iter-ates the following two steps :

E-step: Q(θ|θt) = E[lc(Dc, Z, θ)|Dc, θt]

M-step: θt+1 = argmaxθ


where lc is the log-likelihood of an associated complete problem where eachrecord in Dc is generated by a component of the mixture specified indicatedby Z = {zi}Ni=1, zi = (z1, . . . , zM ) and zij = 1 iff instance i is generated bycomponent j.

When the dataset Dc has no missing values the EM update equation for θscan be shown to be

θt+1mfx =

∑Ni=1 δ(x, xif )him∑N

i=1 him


αt+1m =




him (5.16)


him = E[zim = 1|xi, θt] =


∏Ff=1 θt


m=1 αm

∏Ff=1 θt



Since for our problem there are missing values, we can derive the EM updateequation as described in [6] to obtain

θt+1mfx =

∑Ni=1 hobs

im (θtmfxIsMissing(i, f) + δ(x, xif )(1 − IsMissing(i, f))

∑Ni=1 hobs


αt+1m =




hobsim (5.19)


hobsim = E[zim|xobs(i)] =


∏j∈obs(i) θt


∑Mm=1 αm

∏j∈obs(i) θt



and where IsMissing(i, f) takes on the value one or zero depending uponwhether or not the feature f for record i is missing.

Note that in the actual implementation of Equation 5.18 we perform Laplacesmoothing to reduce estimation variance.

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5.5 Experiments

We conducted experiments on synthetic data and on datasets from the UCIrepository [15]. For a particular dataset, the experimental setup is as follows.We start with the assumption that the class labels for all the samples areinitially known and all of the feature values are missing. At each samplingstep a single missing entry in the dataset is selected by the sampling policyand the actual value in the dataset is disclosed. The experiment ends when allentries of the dataset are sampled and all the original feature values are fullydisclosed. After each sample is disclosed, we estimate the feature relevancesfrom all the data that are currently available, which are compared to the“true” feature relevance values (the feature relevances estimated from theentire dataset). The comparison measure is the average sum-of-squared errors,which is plotted as a function of the number of missing entries filled thusfar. The average is computed over 100 sampling runs to reduce fluctuationsintroduced by the random selection of entries in the case of multiple equivalentchoices occurring at certain steps. The plots show the comparison of our activesampling algorithm to the random sampling algorithm.3

Although the models we presented are general, we only experimented withmixture distributions (cf. Section 5.4.1) of only one component per class (i.e.,a Naıve Bayes model). We did not perform experiments with a higher num-ber of components because of estimation problems during the initial samplingsteps and also because of computational issues. In the future we intend to de-velop methods to adjust the number of components depending on the amountof data available at any sampling step.

5.5.1 Synthetic Data

We now describe how the synthetic dataset was generated. We created adataset of size N = 200 samples with binary class labels and three binaryfeatures with exactly 100 records per class (i.e., p(c = 0) = p(c = 1) = 0.5).The features are mutually class-conditionally independent and with differentrelevances to the class labels.

The feature values are generated randomly according to the following scheme.For feature Fi we generate the feature values according to the probabilityp(Fi = 0|c = 0) = p(Fi = 1|c = 1) = pi. Clearly, if pi is closer to 0 or 1,the feature is more relevant for classification than if pi is closer to 0.5. Forour three features we chose p1 = 0.9, p2 = 0.7, and p3 = 0.5, meaning thatthe first feature is highly relevant and the third is completely irrelevant forclassification. The true feature relevances (mutual information values) arer1 = 0.37, r2 = 0.08, and r3 = 0, respectively.

Since by construction there is no inter-feature dependence given the class,we conducted experiments using a product distribution for each class (i.e.,

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a mixture of just one component). The average squared distance betweenthe estimated and the true feature relevances is plotted as function of thenumber feature values sampled in Figure 5.2 for both the random and ouractive sampling policies.4

The graph in Figure 5.2 shows that our proposed active scheme clearlyoutperforms the random acquisition policy. For example, note that in orderto reduce the difference between the estimated and true relevances to a fourthof the initial value (when all feature values are missing), the random policyrequires 45 samples instead of 30 by our active method.

In Figure 5.3 we show, separately, the estimates of each of the individualfeature relevances. In Figure 5.4 we show the average number of times eachfeature is sampled as a function of the number of samples. We observe thatthe frequency with which a feature is sampled is correlated to its relevance.This is a desirable property because the least relevant features will eventuallybe discarded and therefore sampling them would be wasteful.

0 20 40 60 80 100Number of feature values sampled










rorre derauqs .gvA


FIGURE 5.2: Squared sum of the differences between estimated and true rele-vances at each sampling step on artificial data for random and active policies.

5.5.2 UCI Datasets

We performed experiments on the Zoo, Solar Flares, Monks, and Carsdatasets from the UCI repository. These datasets present larger class labelspaces (from 2 to 6 classes) and an increased number of features (from 6 to 16).Also, some of the features take on more values (from 2 to 6 values) than our

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0 100 200 300 400 500 600Number of feature values sampled










feature 1

feature 2

feature 3


FIGURE 5.3: Estimated relevances at each sampling step for every single featureon artificial data. Random (dashed line) and active (solid-dotted line) policies arecompared. Since there are three features and 200 instances, the x axis goes to 600.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600Number of feature values sampled






stnuoC gnilp


feature 1,2,3 - randomfeature 1 - activefeature 2 - activefeature 3 - active

FIGURE 5.4: Average cumulative sampling counts at each sampling step for eachfeature on artificial data. The more relevant features are sampled more frequentlythan less relevant features in case of active policy. As a comparison, the randompolicy samples features independently of their relevance.

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artificial datasets. Figure 5.5 shows the plots of the average sum-of-squarederrors between the estimated and “true” feature relevances as a function ofthe number of samples acquired for both the active and the random samplingschemes. The error values are normalized such that at step 0 (i.e, when noneof the missing entries has been filled) the error is 1.0.

Figure 5.5 illustrates the advantage of the active sampling policy overthe random scheme in reducing the number of feature samples necessary forachieving comparable accuracy. We note that in order to reduce the estima-tion error of feature relevances to one fourth of the initial value, the number ofsamples required is 25% - 75% lower for the active policy than for the randompolicy. Again, we have observed in all datasets that most relevant featuresare sampled more frequently than less relevant features.

5.5.3 Computational Complexity Issues

The computational complexity of our active sampling algorithm due tothe expensive EM estimation (which is repeated for every missing entry andevery possible feature value) limits its applicability to large datasets. Oneway we reduced the computational expense was to memoize the calculationof the benefit function for equivalent entries (i.e., entries having the samenon-missing feature values, thus having the same benefit value). Anotherstrategy to reduce computation is to perform sub-optimal active sampling byconsidering only a random subset of the missing entries at each time step. Thislatter strategy can be used to trade off sampling cost versus computationalcost.

In Figure 5.6 (upper panel) the active and random policies are shown to-gether with the active policy that considers 0.1% and 1% of the missing entries(randomly selected) at each sampling step; results are based on the artificialdataset described in Section 5.5.1. We observe that the dominance of ac-tive policy compared to random increases monotonically with the subsamplesize, but in general this increase is not uniform. A similar experiment was per-formed on the Solar Flares dataset (see Figure 5.6, bottom panel) where activeand random policies are plotted together with the active policy that considers0.05%, 0.25%, and 1% of the missing entries (randomly selected). Again weobserve that performing active policy considering a random subportion of thedataset (0.25% of the total number of missing entries at any instance) is aneffective strategy to obtain a reduction in the number of samples acquired ata reduced computational cost.

5.6 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a general active feature sampling method for featurerelevance estimation in domains where the feature values are expensive to

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0 50 100 150 200 2500.


0 50 100 150 200 2500.


0 50 100 150 200 2500.0






0 50 100 150 200 250

Number of feature values sampled0.0










Solar Flares


rorre derauqs egarevA

FIGURE 5.5: The normalized difference between final relevances and estimatedrelevances at each sampling step is plotted for random (dashed line) and active (solidline) policies on four UCI datasets (Zoo, Monks, Solar Flares, Cars). The value atstep 0 (all feature values unknown) is normalized to 1.0 in all cases. For the Zoodataset, after measuring 100 feature values using a random policy, the normalizeddifference in the estimated and true feature relevances is 0.5 as opposed to 0.3 foractive sampling.

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0 20 40 60 80 1000.00









rorre derauqs .gvA

randomactiveactive 0.1%active 1%

0 50 100 150 200 250Number of feature values sampled







rorre derauqs .gvA

randomactiveactive 0.05%active 0.25%active 1%


Solar Flares

FIGURE 5.6: Average squared sum of the differences between estimated andtrue relevances at each sampling step on artificial and UCI Solar Flares datasets.Random and active policies are compared to the active policy that considers only asmall random subset of the missing entries at every sampling step.

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measure. At any stage, the feature sampling method evaluates the benefitof sampling the value of every individual missing entry in the dataset andselects the one with the highest benefit. The value of the selected entry isthen queried. We have derived a benefit function that attempts to minimizethe mean-squared error in the estimates of the feature relevances and showedthat the minimum mean-squared error criterion is equivalent to the maximumaverage change criterion. Although we implemented the active sampling al-gorithm for a class-conditional mixture of product distribution model andmutual information, a measure of feature relevance, we argued that the ac-tive sampling algorithm can be applied with other models and measures forfeature relevance. We experimentally demonstrated that the active samplingalgorithm can be applied to perform feature relevance estimation at a reducedsampling cost over a random subsampling approach.

We intend to study the effect of an incorrect choice of number of componentsfor the mixture distribution. Since the final goal is to obtain a classifier withhigh accuracy, we plan to investigate the advantage of active sampling overrandom sampling for the accuracy of the final classifier built after featureselection. Some other directions of future work are the online choice of numberof components for the mixtures and extending the algorithm for continuousfeature values (either by discretization or by developing models for continuousdata).


1 Even if some of the feature values are initially available, the methods describedbelow are still applicable.

2 If multiple entries have the same highest benefit, then the actual entry tomeasure is selected randomly from the equivalent alternatives.

3 At each sampling step, then, random policy chooses one of the missing entriesuniformly at random.

4 In the case of the synthetic dateset, this difference never goes to zero since itis computed with respect to the true relevances (i.e., the relevances computedfrom the probabilities used to generate the data) rather than the estimatedrelevances from the completely filled dataset.


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Chapter 6

A Study of Feature ExtractionTechniques Based on DecisionBorder Estimate

Claudia Diamantini

Universita Politecnica delle Marche

Domenico Potena

Universita Politecnica delle Marche

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096.2 Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1126.3 Generalities About Labeled Vector Quantizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1156.4 Feature Extraction Based on Vector Quantizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166.5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1226.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

6.1 Introduction

Feature extraction is the core of methodologies aimed at building newand more expressive features from the existing ones. This representationchange typically allows one to enlighten characteristics of data that are notimmediately evident in the original space. As a consequence, performance canbe improved at the expenses of reduced interpretation capability by domainexperts.

Feature extraction can be considered as a mapping from the original spaceto a lower dimensional feature space. The mapping can be carried out withrespect to different criteria. They can be roughly divided into data repre-sentation and data discrimination criteria. In the former case, the goal is tofind the set of reduced features that best approximate the original data, sothe criteria are based on the minimization of a mean-squared error or dis-tortion measure. One of the best-known methods based on this criterion isthe principal component analysis (PCA) or Karhunen-Loeve expansion [7],which calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the data covariance matrix,and defines the mapping as an orthonormal transformation based on the setof eigenvectors corresponding to the highest eigenvalues. The squared error


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of the transformation is simply the sum of the leftover eigenvalues. The PCAis an optimum method for data compression and signal representation, how-ever, it presents several limitations for discriminating between data belongingto different classes. In particular, for data discrimination, criteria to evaluatethe effectiveness of features should be a measure of the class separability. Forthis task, Bayes error probability is the best criterion to evaluate a featureset. Unfortunately, Bayes error is unknown in general. A family of methodsthat is frequently used in practice, but that is only indirectly related to Bayeserror, is called discriminant analysis (DA), based on a family of functionsof scatter matrices. In the simplest form, linear DA (LDA), also known ascanonical analysis (CA), considers a within-class scatter matrix for each class,measuring the scatter of samples around the respective class mean, and thebetween-class scatter matrix, measuring the scatter of class means around themixture mean, and finds a transformation that maximizes the between-classscatter and minimizes the within-class scatter, so that the class separabilityis maximized in the reduced dimensional space [7, 1]. Other approaches useupper bounds of Bayes error, like the Bhattacharyya distance [2]. In [12] Leeand Landgrebe introduced the principle that, in classification tasks, the rele-vance of features can be measured on the basis of properties of the decisionborder, the geometrical locus of points of the feature space separating oneclass from the others.

Following this approach, some authors proposed the use of artificial neuralnetworks (ANNs) to estimate the unknown decision border. In early works[8, 13], authors suggested the use of multi-layer perceptron, which is the mostwidely used type of feedforward ANN, consisting of multiple layers of inter-connected neurons. More recently, it was proposed to use ANNs targetedto the accurate estimate of the optimal decision border [17, 4]. In particular,[17] exploits support vector machines (SVMs), a class of powerful kernel-basedlearning algorithms [16]. In [4] a truly bayesian approach to feature extrac-tion for classification is introduced that is based on an appropriately trainedlabeled vector quantizer (LVQ). We call the approach truly bayesian sincethe LVQ is trained with the Bayes risk weighted vector quantization (BVQ)learning algorithm, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the only learningalgorithm based on the minimization of the misclassification risk [3]. Underthis truly classification-based algorithm, an LVQ moves toward a locally opti-mal linear approximation of the bayesian decision border. In this chapter wepresent these approaches and compare them.

The rest of this section is devoted to the introduction of the basic no-tions about statistical pattern classification. Section 6.2 presents the decisionboundary feature extraction (DBFE) principle in general and DBFE methodsbased on MLP and SVM in particular. Then, in Section 6.3, we introducevector quantizers and the BVQ algorithm. The details of the BVQ-basedfeature extraction (BVQFE) method are given in Section 6.4. Comparativeexperiments are presented in Section 6.5. Finally, Section 6.6 ends the chap-ter.

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6.1.1 Background on Statistical Pattern Classification

In statistical approaches to classification, data are described by a continuousrandom vector X ∈ RN (feature vector) and classes by a discrete randomvariable Y ∈ Y = {y1, y2, . . . , yC}. For each class yi, the distribution ofdata in the feature space is described by the conditional probability densityfunction (cpdf) pX|Y (x|yi). The cumulative probability density function ofthe random vector X is pX(x) =

∑Ci=1 PY (yi)pX|Y (x|yi), where PY (yi) is the

a-priori probability of class yi.A classification rule is a mapping Ψ : RN → Y, which assigns a class label

to data on the basis of the observation of its feature vector. A classificationrule partitions the feature space in C decision regions D1, . . . , DC such thatDi = {x ∈ RN | Ψ(x) = yi}. The border separating decision regions is calledthe decision border. Figure 6.1 presents a set of data drawn from two gaussianclasses (symbolized by ∗ and o); the straight line represents the decision borderof a rule that assigns all points at the left of it to the ∗ class, and those at theright to the o class.

The predictive accuracy of a classification rule is evaluated by the averageerror probability, err. In the two-class case, err takes the form:

err =∫


pY |X(y2|x)pX(x)dVx +∫


pY |X(y1|x)pX(x)dVx, (6.1)

where dVx denotes the differential volume in the x space, and pY |X(yi|x) isthe a-posteriori probability that can be derived from the cpdf by the BayesTheorem.

The classification rule that minimizes the average error probability (6.1) isthe Bayes rule: ΨB(x) = if pY |X(y1|x) > pY |X(y2|x) then y1 else y2.

The decision border related to ΨB(x) is the optimal decision border (orBayes decision border). Indeed, it is defined by the geometrical locus of pointssuch that hB(x) = 0, where hB(x) = pY |X(y1|x)− pY |X(y2|x). In general, forany decision rule Ψ, there always exists a function h(x) such that h(x) = 0is the decision border, so the decision rule takes the form: Ψ(x) = if h(x) >0 then y1 else y2. For this reason h(x) is usually called the decision function.

Often, in practice, misclassifying y1 and y2 samples may have differentconsequences. Hence it is appropriate to assign a cost to each situation as:b(yi, yj) ≥ 0 is the cost of deciding in favor of class yj when the true classis yi, with b(yi, yi) = 0 ∀i. In such a situation, the average error probabilitygeneralizes to the average misclassification risk:

R(Ψ) = b(y2, y1)∫


pY |X(y2|x)pX(x)dVx + b(y1, y2)∫


pY |X(y1|x)pX(x)dVx


and Bayes rule becomes: ΨB(x) = ifpY |X(y1|x)pY |X(y2|x)

>b(y2, y1)b(y1, y2)

then y1 else y2.

These equations can be easily generalized to the case of C classes. We referthe interested readers to [7] for details.

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FIGURE 6.1: A two-class classification problem in a 2-dimensional space. α andβ represent the informative direction and the redundant direction, respectively.

The development of most of the learning algorithms and non-parametricmethods for classification try to overcome the limits of applicability of theBayes rule, related to the the fact that cpdfs are in general unknown. Thus,one of the main efforts is that of obtaining cpdf estimates on the basis of aset of samples drawn from the C classes called training sets, and hereafterdenoted by T S. However, it is recognized that accurate cpdf estimation doesnot necessarily lead to good classification performance [6].

6.2 Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundary

Decision boundary feature extraction (DBFE) is a discriminative approachproposed by Lee and his co-authors [12]. The approach is based on the ge-ometry of the Bayes decision border in order to predict the minimum numberof features needed to achieve the same classification accuracy as in the origi-nal space. The DBFE algorithm is based on the idea that moving along thedirection of the decision border, the classification of each observation will re-main unchanged (see Figure 6.1). Hence, the direction of the decision borderis redundant. In contrast, a normal vector to the decision border at a pointrepresents an informative direction and its effectiveness is proportional to thearea of decision border that has the same normal vector.

In [12], starting from the normal vectors to the decision border, the authorsdefine the effective decision boundary feature matrix (EDBFM) as


S′ p(x)dx

S′NT (x)N(x)p(x)dx, (6.3)

where N(x) is the normal vector at a point x, NT (x) denotes the transposed

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normal vector, and S′ is the portion of decision border containing most of thetraining data (the effective decision boundary). It is proved [12] that:

• The rank of the EDBFM represents the intrinsic discriminant dimen-sion, that is, the minimum number of feature vectors needed to achievethe same Bayes error probability as in the original space.

• The eigenvectors of the EDBFM corresponding to nonzero eigenvaluesare the necessary feature vectors.

The DBFE algorithm uses the knowledge of cpdf to define the Bayes deci-sion border. However, true cpdfs are generally unknown in real classificationproblems. In order to overcome this limitation, [11] estimates the cpdf andthe decision border by the Parzen method [7]. However, more effective tech-niques for the estimation of the decision border exist, which are based onneural networks. In the rest of this section, we will present approaches basedon MLPs and SVMs. In the next section we will introduce a formal derivationfrom Equation (6.3) based on the LVQ.

6.2.1 MLP-Based Decision Boundary Feature Extraction

In [13], Lee and Landgrebe introduce the use of MLP to estimate the de-cision border. For this reason, we call this version of the method the MLP-feature extraction (MLPFE) method. Such an approach exploits an MLP withone hidden layer and C output neurons, with backpropagation used to trainthe network. Backpropagation is based on the minimization of the squarederror, allowing a trained MLP to estimate class a-posteriori probability dis-tributions.

Let us consider the case of a two-class problem, and let h(x) be the decisionfunction of an MLP (remember that if h(x) = 0, then x is a point of the deci-sion border). Given a point p on the decision border, the MLPFE algorithmestimates numerically the vectors normal to p as follows:

N(p) =∇h(p)‖∇h(p)‖ ≈

1‖1/ξ‖ · ‖p‖(



, . . . ,1


where ξi, i = 1, 2, . . . , N , are the smallest values such that h(p1, . . . , pi +ξi, . . . , pN) �= 0.

In order to find the point p for each training sample xa correctly classifiedas class y1, the algorithm finds the nearest sample xb correctly classified asclass y2. The same procedure is repeated for the samples classified as classy2. Then, a segment s = α · xa + (1 − α) · xb, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, is built. Sucha segment must pass through the decision border since the given points areclassified differently. Then, the point p can be detected by moving along sstepwise, until the decision function is near to zero. The algorithm can beeasily generalized to the case of a multi-class problem.

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In the estimate of N(p), searching for ξ means evaluating a certain num-ber of differences between the activation functions, resulting in an inaccurateestimation and a long computational time. So, in [8], the authors describe animprovement of the algorithm, called the analytical decision boundary featureextraction (ADBFE), where the normal vectors are calculated analyticallyfrom the equations of the decision border.

6.2.2 SVM Decision Boundary Analysis

In order to accurately reconstruct the Bayes decision border, in [17] theauthors proposed SVM decision boundary analysis (SVMDBA), a methodthat combines the DBFE principle and the support vector machine algorithm.The maximum margin classifier principle underlying SVM [16] is developed fortwo-class problems. Exploiting the decision function h(x) of an SVM adaptedon the training set, the unit normal vector to the decision border at a pointx can be analytically computed as follows:

N(x) =∇h(x)‖∇h(x)‖ where ∇h(x) =






where xi ∈ RN , i = {1, 2, . . . , l} is the support vector, and yi ∈ {±1} is itsclass label. K(x,xi) is the chosen kernel function and αi are the parametersof the adapted SVM. Like in MLP-based approaches, the point x of the de-cision border is estimated by building a segment s connecting two differentlyclassified points, and estimating the point of s such that h(x) is less than athreshold ε. Unlike them, in SVMDBA only a part of the training set T Sis used to evaluate the ΣEDBFM . Such a subset consists of the r× | T S |observations, 0 < r ≤ 1, such that the absolute decision function | h(x) |assumes the first r× | T S | smallest values. In other words, such a subsetconsists of the observations nearest to the decision border.

The principle of maximum margin classifiers allows a very accurate recon-struction of the border. However, the literature discusses the high computa-tional cost of the quadratic optimization underlying SVM [14, 9], which limitsits application on huge amounts of data [15]. SVM is used in multi-classproblem, by exploiting a one-against-all schema, which constructs C SVMclassifiers with the ith one separating class yi from all the remaining classes.Of course this leads to increased complexity.

In the following we introduce an alternative approach, based on the Bayesrisk weighted vector quantization algorithm, which has shown performancesat least comparable with SVM, with lower computational cost [3].

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6.3 Generalities About Labeled Vector Quantizers

The goal of this section is to introduce the basic definitions about labeledvector quantizers and to present the Bayes risk weighted vector quantizationalgorithm.

DEFINITION 6.1 A Euclidean nearest neighbor vector quantizer (VQ)of dimension N and order Q is a function Ω : RN → M, M = {m1,m2,. . . ,mQ}, mi ∈ RN ,mi �= mj, that defines a partition of RN into Q regionsV1,V2, . . . ,VQ, such that

Vi = {x ∈ RN :‖ x−mi ‖2<‖ x−mj ‖2, j �= i}, (6.4)

M is called the code. Elements of M are called code vectors. The region Vi

defined by (6.4) is called the Voronoi region of the code vector mi. Note thatthe Voronoi region is completely defined by the code M. In particular, theborder of Voronoi region Vi is defined by the intersection of a finite set of

hyperplanes Si,j with equation (mi −mj) · (x−mi + mj

2) = 0, where mj is

a neighbor code vector to mi.

DEFINITION 6.2 A labeled vector quantizer (LVQ) is a pair LV Q =<Ω,L >, where Ω : RN → M is a vector quantizer, and L : M → Y is alabeling function, assigning to each code vector in M a class label.

An LVQ defines a classification rule:

DEFINITION 6.3 The classification rule associated with a labeled vectorquantizer LV Q =< Ω,L > is ΨLV Q : RN → Y,x �→ L(Ω(x)).

Note that the nearest neighbor nature of this classification rule: each vec-tor in RN is assigned to the same class as its nearest code vector. Thus,decision regions are defined by the union of Voronoi regions of code vectorswith the same label. Note also that decision borders are defined only by thosehyperplanes Si,j such that mi and mj have different labels.

An LVQ can be trained by the Bayes risk weighted vector quantizationalgorithm (BVQ) to find the best linear approximation to the true Bayesdecision border. The BVQ formally derives from the minimization of theaverage misclassification risk. However, for the sake of simplicity, hereinafterwe will refer to the version of the algorithm for the minimization of averageerror probability.

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Let LM = {(m1, l1), . . . , (mQ, lQ)} be a labeled code, where li ∈ Y denotesthe class of the code vector mi, and let T S = {(t1, u1), . . . , (tM , uM )} be thetraining set, where ti ∈ RN denotes the feature vector and ui ∈ Y is theclass the sample belongs to. The BVQ algorithm is an interactive punishing-rewarding adaptation schema. At each iteration, the algorithm considers atraining sample randomly picked from T S. If the training sample turns outto fall “on” the decision border, then the position of the two code vectors de-termining the border is updated, moving the code vector with the same labelof the sample toward the sample itself and moving away that with a differentlabel. Since the decision border is a null measure subspace of the featurespace, we have zero probability to get samples falling exactly on it. Thus,an approximation of the decision border is made, considering those samplesfalling close to it (at a maximum distance of Δ/2). In the following, the BVQalgorithm at the k-th iteration is given:

BVQ Algorithm - k-th iteration

1. randomly pick a training pair (t(k), u(k)) from T S;

2. find the code vectors m(k)i and m

(k)j nearest to t(k);

3. m(k+1)q = m

(k)q for q �= i, j;

4. compute t(k)i,j , the projection of t(k) on S(k)

i,j ;

5. if t(k) falls at a distance d ≤ Δ/2 from the border S(k)i,j , then

m(k+1)i = m

(k)i − γ(k)

δ(u(k) = l(k)j ) − δ(u(k) = l

(k)i )

‖ mi − mj ‖(m

(k)i − t

(k)i,j )

m(k+1)j = m

(k)j + γ(k)

δ(u(k) = l(k)j ) − δ(u(k) = l

(k)i )

‖ mi − mj ‖(m

(k)j − t

(k)i,j )

else m(k+1)q = m

(k)q for q = i, j.

where δ(expr) = 1 if expr is true and 0 otherwise.More details on the formal derivation of the algorithm and on the proper

setting of parameters can be found in [3].

6.4 Feature Extraction Based on Vector Quantizers

Having a trained LVQ, the extraction of the most discriminating featuresis straightforward. As a matter of fact, according to the DBFE principle, themost informative directions are defined by the normal vectors to the decisionborders. Such normal vectors are simply defined by Nij = mi −mj , whereli �= lj (see Figure 6.2).

The normal vectors Nij can then be combined together to extract the in-formative features as in the Lee and Landgrebe approach.

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FIGURE 6.2: A piece of true deci-sion border, its linear approximation,and the local discriminative directionNij = mi −mj .

FIGURE 6.3: An example of theuneven contribution of normal vectors.White dots: class A code vectors. Blackdot: class B code vector.

TABLE 6.1: Relevance of the features, of Pima Indians diabetesdatabase. “Weight” represents the absolute value of eigenvectorcomponents associated with the feature. “Acc. W.” is accumulation ofweights.

# Feature Weight (%) Acc. W.2 Plasma glucose concentration at 2 hours in an oral glucose

tolerance test 47.35 47.356 Body mass index 15.94 63.291 Number of times pregnant 15.07 78.363 Diastolic blood pressure 13.15 91.517 Diabetes pedigree function 2.94 94.458 Age 2.87 97.324 Triceps skin fold thickness 2.47 99.795 2-hour serum insulin 0.21 100

In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the method, we refer to the PimaIndians diabetes database from the UCI machine learning repository [5]. Itpresents data of female patients at least 21 years old from the Pima Indiantribe. The goal of this problem is to predict whether the patient will resultpositive for diabetes. The database consists of 8 features plus the class, andit contains 768 instances. In this experiment it can be shown that an LVQwith only 2 code vectors can reach an error of 0.24, while SVM can reach anerror of 0.23 (with 400 SVs). Hence, we can assume a linear decision borderto be a good approximation of the true one. In this special case, only oneeigenvalue turns out to be different from zero. The corresponding eigenvectoris the normal vector to the unique decision hyperplane. Table 6.1 lists featuresordered with respect to the value of the related eigenvector component, hencewith respect to their discriminative relevances.

Note that the most important feature agrees with the criterion of the WorldHealth Organization for diagnosing diabetes (i.e., if the 2-hour post-loadplasma glucose was at least 200 mg/dl at any survey examination or if foundduring routine medical care).

In more complex situations, where many pieces of the hyperplane form the

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decision border, the normal vectors should be appropriately weighted to takeinto account the extent of the portion of the hyperplane actually forming thedecision border. To better explain this point, let us consider the example ofthe decision border shown in Figure 6.3.

For this example, we get four normal vectors to the piecewise linear decisionborder: [1 0] and [0 1], each repeated two times. Since the LVQ defines apiecewise linear decision border, the estimate of ΣEDBFM turns out to beproportional to

∑i N

Ti · Ni, where Ni is the unit normal vector to a piece

of the decision border. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of such a ΣEDBFM

matrix turn out to be λ1 = λ2 = 0.5, u1 = [1 0], u2 = [0 1], suggestingthat the two dimensions have the same discriminative power, while it is clearthat projecting on the first dimension results in a minor accuracy loss thanprojecting on the second dimension. Exploiting only the normal vectors, wedon’t fully consider the geometry of the decision border, which greatly dependson the statistics of the classification problem. Indeed, if in this example weconsider a square instead of a rectangle, we obtain the same ΣEDBFM matrix.By defining the ΣEDBFM matrix as a weighted sum of normal vectors, whereeach normal vector is weighted by the length of the related segment of decisionborder over the total length of the decision border, we get λ1 = 0.8, λ2 = 0.2,u1 = [1 0], u2 = [0 1]; hence the first dimension correctly results four timesmore important than the second one.

In order to take into account the statistics of the problem, normal vectorsshould be appropriately weighted. Then we give the following general form ofthe BVQ-based feature extraction (BVQFE) algorithm:

BVQ-based Feature Extraction

1. Train the LVQ {(m1, l1), . . . , (mQ, lQ)}, mi ∈ RN, li ∈ Yon a training set T S by using the BVQ algorithm;

2. set the elements of the matrix ΣBV QF M to 0;

3. set wtot to 0;

4. for each pair yi, yj ∈ Y, where i �= j do

1. set the elements of the matrix ΣBV QF Mijto 0;

2. for each pair mk, mz ∈ M defining a piece of

decision border, where lk = yi and lz = yj do

1. calculate the unit normal vector to

the decision border as: Nkz = (mk−mz)‖mk−mz‖;

2. calculate the weight wkz of the unit normal vector Nkz;

3. wtot = wtot + wkz;

4. ΣBV QF Mij= ΣBV QF Mij

+ wkzNTkzNkz;

3. ΣBV QF M = ΣBV QF M + P (yi)P (yj)ΣBV QF Mij;



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The eigenvectors ui of the ΣBV QFM define the matrix U = [u1,u2, . . . ,uN ],which is exploited to transform the original space into a new space such thatx′ = U·x. The eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues representthe most discriminant features. So, the matrix U′ built with only the firstn′ most discriminant features defines the transformation of the original spaceRN in the reduced space RN ′

.Algorithms to calculate the weight of the normal vectors Nkz are discussed

in the following subsections.

6.4.1 Weighting of Normal Vectors

Since the LVQ decision border is piecewise linear, the EDBFM equation(6.3) becomes


S′ p(x)dx



NTλ ·Nλ

p(x)dx, (6.5)

where S′ =Λ∑


Sλ is the piecewise effective decision border and Nλ is the unit

normal vector to the piece of border Sλ, λ = 1, 2, . . . , Λ. Hence, weight wλ isrepresented by the probability distribution of data on Sλ: wλ =


p(x)dx.In order to estimate wλ, one can resort to nonparametric density estimationmethods, and in particular to the Parzen method [7]:

p(x) =1M



k(x− xi),

where k(.) is the kernel function. Different forms of the kernel can be chosen.In the following, we consider the uniform hypercubic window, that is, k(x −xi) = Δ−N over a N -dimensional hypercube of side Δ centered on the trainingsample xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , M) and k(x − xi) = 0 elsewhere. With this choice,after some manipulations, we get

wλ(Δ) =M∑


δ(d(xi, Sλ) ≤ Δ2

), (6.6)

where d(xi, Sλ) is the Euclidean distance between xi and the piece of decisionborder Sλ, that is, we can approximate the true weights by counting how manytraining samples fall “on” (i.e., at a distance less than Δ/2 from) each pieceof decision border Sλ. In [10, 4] it is proposed to weight the normal vectorsby the volumes of the decision border. It is simple to see that this method isa special case of the previous one. In fact, when p(x) = p is constant alongeach piece of decision border, Equation (6.5) becomes








NTλ ·Nλ · p

dx =1




NTλ ·Nλ · wλ

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FIGURE 6.4: Two differently clas-sified nearest samples. The horizontalline is the decision border.

FIGURE 6.5: A two-class problemwith uneven contribution of normal vec-tors. The bold line is the Bayes decisionborder.

wλ =∫

Sλdx is now simply the volume of the piece of decision border Sλ.

Volumes can be estimated by resorting to the concept of numerical integra-tion of an N -dimensional function, by using a grid of equally spaced points [4].

The DBFE feature extraction techniques discussed in Sections 6.2.1 and6.2.2 evaluate unit normal vectors N(x) by considering for each sample xa thenearest sample xb differently classified. x turns out to be the point belongingto the segment s = α ·xa +(1−α) ·xb, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and such that the decisionfunction h(x) is set to zero within a threshold.

To choose xb such that it is the nearest sample to xa means that s is al-most normal to the decision border (see Figure 6.4). Hence, x is close to theprojection of xa on the decision border, and the distance between xa and thedecision border is approximated by the distance between x and xa. This ob-servation allows us to recast both MLP-based and SVM-based approaches inthe theoretical framework discussed above. In order to grasp the intuition be-hind this statement, let us consider a piecewise linear decision border: On eachpiece Sλ, SVMDBA, and MLPFE, find as many Nλ as the number of samplesfalling at a certain distance from Sλ. Hence, they implicitly perform a Parzenestimate of the probability density function along the decision border. Inthe MLP-based approach, the size of Δ is fixed and set to 2 ∗max{d(xa, S)},so each sample contributes to the Parzen estimate, while in the SVM-basedapproach, Δ is implicitly set such that only r× | T S | samples are consid-ered. If r = 1, the SVM-based and MLP-based approaches work in the sameway. In order to understand how these parameters influence performance, letus consider the classification problem depicted in Figure 6.5: Class 1, rep-resented by “+”, is described by a uniform distribution over the rectangle[−0.2, 9.8]× [−0.2, 1.8]. Class 2, represented by “o”, is distributed accordingto two uniform distributions over the rectangles [−9.8,−0.2]× [−0.2, 1.8] and[-0.2,9.8]×[−1.8, 0.2]. The classes are equiprobable. The bayesian decisionborder is given by S : {x1 = 0, x2 ∈ [0, 1.8]∧x2 = 0, x1 ∈ [0, 9.8]}. Then, from

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Equation (6.3), it turns out that the eigenvalues and related eigenvectors ofthe ΣEDBFM matrix are λ1

∼= 0.1591,u1 = [1, 0]; λ2∼= 0.841,u2 = [0, 1].

For each class, 1000 samples are generated. These are used to estimate thenormal vectors by the SVMDBA, MLPFE, and BVQFE approaches. In orderto eliminate the influence of the classifier characteristics (MLP, SVM, andBVQ), we use as the decision function h(x) the equation of the bayesian deci-sion border S. In Table 6.2 we show the eigenvalues and related eigenvectorsof the ΣEDBFM averaged over 100 different datasets, obtained with the bestsetting of ΔBV QFE = 0.5 and r = 0.2. With such a setting of r it turns outthat the most far sample is at a distance of 0.248 from the decision border.Hence we can assume that SVMDBA implicitly defines a Parzen window ofsize 0.496. Note the similarity with ΔBV QFE . As a matter of fact, eigenvaluesestimated by SVMDBA and BVQFE are similar and close to the real values.They both perform much better than MLPFE.

TABLE 6.2: Comparison of eigenvaluesestimated by MLPFE, SVMDBA, and BVQFE.

MLPFE SVMDBA BVQFEu1 = [1, 0] λ1 0.3068 0.1521 0.1608u2 = [0, 1] λ2 0.6932 0.8478 0.8392

Table 6.3 shows how the eigenvalues calculated by SVMDBA depend on theparameter r. In the table, ΣEDBFM is averaged over 100 different datasets.Moving from r = 0.2 to r = 1, the estimate of the eigenvalues is worse, andwhen the size of the Parzen window is such that all samples contribute to theestimate of ΣEDBFM (that is, r is set to 1), the eigenvalues tend to the valuesobtained by MLPFE in the previous experiment.

TABLE 6.3: SVMDBA eigenvaluesestimate vs. the value of r.

r 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1λ1 0.152 0.143 0.134 0.127 0.296λ2 0.848 0.857 0.866 0.873 0.704

Hence, in general, contrary to what the authors state in [17], the parameterr may greatly affect the performance of the SVMDBA approach.

As observed by f*ckunaga [7, p.328], the optimal value of the Parzen windowis not easy to obtain, and it has to be searched experimentally. We note thatBVQ returns the minimum error probability when the parameter ΔBV QFE

is set to the side of the optimal Parzen window. So, this value is given asa byproduct of the BVQ training [3], while SVM training does not give anysuggestion on how to set r.

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6.5 Experiments

In the present section we experimentally compare the performance of DBFE-based methods. We first examine their accuracy and robustness on the syn-thetic experiment proposed in [13, 8]. Then we show the performances onreal-world datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository [5], and inparticular we exploit the Waveform dataset in order to examine the complex-ity of the methods.

6.5.1 Experiment with Synthetic Data

The dataset consists of three equiprobable classes y1, y2, y3 distributedaccording to the following statistics:

μ1 =


⎦ ,Σ1 =

⎣4 0 00 4 00 0 9

μ21 =


⎦ ,Σ21 =

⎣2 0 00 2 00 0 9

⎦ and μ22 =



⎦ ,Σ22 =

⎣2 0 00 2 00 0 9

μ31 =


⎦ ,Σ31 =

⎣9 0 00 2 00 0 9

⎦ and μ32 =


⎦ ,Σ32 =

⎣9 0 00 2 00 0 9

The intrinsic discriminant dimension (Section 6.2) of the problem is 2, andthe pairs of eigenvalues and related eigenvectors are (λ1 = 0.56, u1 =[0 1 0]);(λ2 = 0.44, u2 =[1 0 0]); and (λ3 = 0, u3 =[0 0 1]).

Similarly to [8], 2000 samples from each class were generated, of which500 were used for the training and the remaining for the test. We initializedan LVQ of order 20 with the first 20 training vectors, and we set Δ = 0.5,γ(0) = 0.5. We did not stress the setting of the parameters deliberately, inorder not to take advantage of either the knowledge of the class statistics or ofthe results in [13, 8]. As a result, the net shows an average error probability onthe test set of 0.1694, which is slightly worse than that in [13] (0.143) and [8](0.152). Nevertheless, the feature extraction algorithm produces comparableeigenvalues and eigenvectors:

λ1 = 0.5237, λ2 = 0.4689, λ3 = 0.0074,

u1 =



⎦ ,u2 =


⎦ ,u3 =


⎦ .

As a weighting method we used the one based on the training samples, whilein [4] experiments with the volume calculus are presented. We employed a

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TABLE 6.4: Average nearest neighbor error probabilities vs.dimensions of the transformed spaces for the PCA, CA, MLPFE,ADBFE, SVMDBA, and BVQFE approaches.

feature Error Probability (Variance)No. PCA CA MLPFE ADBFE SVMDBA BVQFE1 0.489 0.576 0.467 0.483 0.424 0.469

(8.1·10−5) (4.7·10−3) (2.1·10−3) (2.6·10−3) (1.9·10−4) (1.5·10−3)2 0.229 0.408 0.212 0.220 0.211 0.208

(9.4·10−4) (5.6·10−3) (4.9·10−5) (7.0·10−4) (7.8·10−5) (5.0·10−5)3 0.219 0.218 0.219 0.219 0.218 0.219

(3.9·10−5) (4.4·10−5) (3.9·10−5) (3.9·10−5) (3.9·10−5) (3.9·10−5)

gaussian radial basis kernel to train the SVM, and we set r to 0.2, whichgave the best results for this experiment. Average error probability on thetest set is 0.1666. Table 6.4 compares the accuracy of the proposed methodwith that of competing methods, namely of MLPFE, ADBFE, SVMBDA,PCA, and CA, by showing the error performed by a nearest neighbor (NN)classifier on the data transformed according to the above approaches. Inparticular, we present the average error probability when the most importantfeature is considered when the first two features are considered and on thewhole transformed space. By using the same classifier for each approach, weeliminate the influence of the classifier characteristics (in particular, MLP vs.LVQ vs. SVM) and we can better appreciate the performance of the featureextraction methods. The error probabilities in Table 6.4 are averaged over 10different datasets, and the related variances are also shown in brackets.

We can see that the accuracies obtained by using the methods based onthe DBFE principle are substantially the same, and they are definitely betterthan those of the methods that do not exploit information about the decisionborder.

It was noted that MLPFE and ADBFE indirectly define the decision borderfrom the estimation of the a-posteriori class probabilities, while BVQ andSVM are devoted to directly finding the Bayes decision border. The use ofdirect information about the decision border is an advantage in many casessince it is well known that an accurate estimation of the a-posteriori classprobabilities leads to an accurate estimation of the decision border; however,if a-posteriori class probabilities are not well estimated, nothing can be saidabout the accuracy of the estimated decision border. This advantage can beexperimentally observed if, for the same experiment, we consider a training setof reduced size. Table 6.5 reports the average error probabilities and variancesof the error performed by the DBFE-based methods when only 50 trainingvectors and 150 test vectors are used for each class. The results are averagedover 10 different datasets.

Note that BVQFE and SVMDBA give comparable results. They both findthe best features and are more robust: The variance of the error in the caseof the best pair of features is an order of magnitude lower than that of bothMLPFE and ADBFE. Nevertheless, the MLPs used in this experiment haveon average the same mean squared error as the MLPs used in the previous

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TABLE 6.5: Average nearest neighbor error probabilities vs.dimensions of the transformed spaces for the BVQFE, ADBFE,SVMDBA, and MLPFE methods. Reduced dataset.

feature Error Probability (Variance)No. MLPFE ADBFE SVMDBA BVQFE

1 0.495 (5.4 · 10−3) 0.460 (3.9 · 10−3) 0.459 (1.2 · 10−3) 0.475 (2.3 · 10−3)

2 0.227 (1.3 · 10−3) 0.236 (2.0 · 10−3) 0.221 (6.5 · 10−4) 0.219 (6.9 · 10−4)

3 0.246 (3.2 · 10−4) 0.246 (3.2 · 10−4) 0.246 (3.2 · 10−4) 0.246 (3.2 · 10−4)


6.5.2 Experiment with Real Data

We evaluate the performance of DBFE methods on four real-world datasetsdrawn from the UCI repository: Waveform, Pima Indians Diabetes, LiverDisorders, and Letter. Waveform is a three-class problem in a 40-dimensionalspace, with known statistics. The first 21 features of each class represent awave generated from a combination of two of three shifted triangular wave-forms, plus Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance 1. The latter 19 featuresare all Gaussian noise. It can be proven that the intrinsic discriminant di-mension for this problem is 2. The Waveform dataset contains 5000 instances.Pima Indians Diabetes is described in Section 6.4. The Liver Disorders datasetconsists of 345 observations of males, each with 6 features, classified on the ba-sis of their sensitivity to liver disorders. Finally, samples of the Letter datasetare 20000 images of 26 English capital letters, described by 16 features.

TABLE 6.6: Parameter settings forexperiments with UCI datasets.

UCI SVMDBA BVQFEDatasets Kernel r VQ size ΔWaveform 3-polynomial 1.0 10 0.5

Pima Indians 2-polynomial 0.2 2 0.3Liver rbf 0.2 8 0.15Letter rbf 0.2 52 0.05

For Waveform, Pima Indians, and Liver we use 10-fold, 12-fold, and 5-foldcross validation, respectively, while we split the Letter dataset into 15000 sam-ples for the training and 5000 for the test. For the Pima Indians, Waveform,and Letter experiments we used the same setup as in [17]. Table 6.6 showsthe parameter settings of SVMDBA and BVQFE for the experiments.

Figures 6.6(a - d) show the error performed by a nearest neighbor classifieron the data transformed according to DBFE-based methods. In particular,we plot error probability vs. the first N ′ most discriminative features.

In Pima Indians, Liver, and Letter, we see that from a certain number offeatures (the intrinsic discriminant dimension) on, the error becomes nearlyconstant. The trend of the error in the Waveform experiment is due to the

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 6.6: Comparison of DBFE-based methods over the first discriminativefeatures. Average error computed by using NN.

fact that each dimension added to the intrinsic discriminant ones introducesnoise, which greatly affects the nearest neighbor classifier. In any case, itis clear that the performance given by the methods on smaller numbers offeatures better illustrates the capability to find good discriminative features.

We can observe that BVQFE clearly outperforms MLP-based methods onthe Waveform and Pima Indians datasets, and it is slightly better on Liver.It is at least comparable with SVMDBA everywhere. We do not show theperformance of MLP-based methods on the Letter dataset since we were notable to obtain results in a reasonable time on an Intel Pentium M 1.73GHz-1.0GB RAM. This raises the issue of computational complexity.

In order to compute ΣEDBFM , BVQFE calculates Q · |T S| distances, whereQ is the number of code vectors. Since the optimal number of code vectorsdepends on the classification problem, but it does not depend on the size Mof the training set [3], the complexity of BVQFE is linear in the size of the

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training set. On the other hand, the MLP-based methods require, for eachcorrectly classified training vector, the calculus of about |T S| distances and acertain number of MLP activation functions in order to find the point on thedecision border. Hence these methods show a complexity that is quadraticin the training set size. As regards SVMDBA, it calculates |T S| decisionfunctions h(.) in order to extract the subset of cardinality r, plus (r · |T S|)2distances and a certain number of h(.) in order to find the point on thedecision border and the normal vector. Thus the complexity of SVMDBAis quadratic in |T S|. Since each calculus of h(.) implies the calculus of akernel function for each support vector, SVMDBA is more time-consumingthan MLP-based methods. This analysis is confirmed by the experiment in

FIGURE 6.7: Comparison of DBFE-based methods over the number of trainingsamples. Waveform dataset. Average cpu-time computed over 10 different datasets.Logarithmic scale.

Figure 6.7, which draws graphically the differences in cpu-time of the DBFE-based methods vs. training set size on the Waveform dataset. The parameterΔBV QFE is the optimal one, while we chose r = 0.2 in order to evaluateSVMDBA computational time on a favorable situation where only a subsetof training samples is used. In such an experiment, the learning time ofthe nets is not considered. We observe that the BVQFE cpu-time is aroundtwo orders of magnitude lower than that of the other methods. If we alsoconsider the learning time, the performance of SVMDBA becomes better thanthe MLP-based ones, since SVM is quicker than MLP on high-dimensionaldatasets. Unlike SVM, the BVQ learning time is not dependent on the sizeof the training set, then BVQFE keeps on being faster than SVMDBA. Thisfact is emphasized in general C-class problems, where we have to train Cdifferent SVMs and compute the same number of ΣEDBFM . Finally, notethat considering scalability w.r.t. the training set is significant for data mining

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problems, typically characterized by huge amounts of data.

6.6 Conclusions

This chapter presented a study on feature extraction techniques for clas-sification based on the decision boundary feature extraction principle. Wedetailed the techniques that apply the DBFE principle on approximations ofthe Bayes decision border extracted by neural network classifiers. In particu-lar, multi-layer perceptron and support vector machines are considered. Wealso introduced a formal derivation of the DBFE principle for labeled vec-tor quantizers. It is shown that LVQ allows for a cheap representation ofdecision borders, from which the most discriminative features can be easilyextracted. Furthermore, the use of the Bayes risk weighted vector quantiza-tion algorithm to train the LVQ allows one to define a robust and effectiveprocedure for the estimation of a true decision border. Experimentally we ob-served that BVQFE and SVMDBA give comparable results, and they performbetter than MLP-based methods. Furthermore, the BVQFE method shows alower computational cost than the others.

In the development of the theory and in the experiments, we focused on theaverage error probability as a performance measure. However, we note thatBVQ is a general algorithm for the minimization of the average misclassifica-tion risk. Hence, BVQFE is the only DBFE-based method that can directlymanage real problems where the misclassification costs differ from one classto another.


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[7] K. f*ckunaga. Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition (2nd Edi-tion). Academic Press, San Diego, 1990.

[8] J. Go and C. Lee. Analytical Decision Boundary Feature Extraction forNeural Networks. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Geoscience and Re-mote Sensing, volume 7, pages 3072–3074. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2000.

[9] T. Joachims. Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. In B.Scholkopf, C. J. Burges, A. J. Smola, editors, Advances in Kernel Meth-ods - Support Vector Learning. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.

[10] C. Lee and D. Landgrebe. Feature Selection Based on Decision Bound-aries. In Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 3,pages 1471–1474. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, June 1991.

[11] C. Lee and D. Landgrebe. Decision Boundary Feature Extraction forNonparametric Classification. IEEE Trans. on Man and Cybernetics,23(2):433–444, March/April 1993.

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[13] C. Lee and D. Landgrebe. Decision Boundary Feature Extraction forNeural Networks. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 8(1):75–83, Jan.1997.

[14] Osuna, E. and Girosi, F. Reducing the Run-time Complexity of SupportVector Machines. In Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recogni-tion (ICPR98), 1998.

[15] B. Schoelkopf, C. Burges, and V. Vapnik. Extracting Support Data fora Given Task. In U. Fayyad and R. Uthurusamy, editors, Proc. 1st Int.Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Menlo Park, CA, AAAIPress, 1995.

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Chapter 7

Ensemble-Based Variable SelectionUsing Independent Probes

Eugene Tuv

Analysis & Control Technology Department, Intel

Alexander Borisov

Analysis & Control Technology Department, Intel

Kari Torkkola

Intelligent Systems Lab, Motorola

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317.2 Tree Ensemble Methods in Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1327.3 The Algorithm: Ensemble-Based Ranking Against Independent Probes 1347.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1377.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

7.1 Introduction

Traditional multivariate statistics has approached variable selection usingstepwise selection and best subset selection within linear-regression models.More recent trends are nonlinear models and addressing the question of in-stability (a small change in the data might result in a drastic change in theinferred results). This chapter discusses an approach that covers both of theseconcerns. ¡Nonlinearity is addressed using decision trees as the underlying re-gressors or classifiers, and instability is addressed by employing ensembles ofdecision trees.

Assuming now that we have a possibly nonlinear and stable system thatranks variables in the order of importance, the last missing component isfinding a threshold to include only truly important variables. This is themain topic of the current chapter.

Variable selection generally contains two components. There needs to bea criterion that, given a set of variables, evaluates the joint relevance of theset. The second component is a search mechanism that adds or removesvariables to the current set. It may also be that the criterion only evaluates


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the relevance of a single variable, or a small number of variables at a time.This search is iterated until a desired number of variables is reached.

A general problem is, however, where to terminate the search. Given somekind of a ranking of variables, or sets of variables, it is not clear how tothreshold the ranking in order to select only truly important variables and toexclude noise. If the number of true variables is known, this is naturally nota problem, but in real-world cases this information is seldom available.

We present a principled approach to doing this for datasets of any type andcomplexity by means of independent probe variables. We describe first howensembles of trees can produce measures for relevant variable ranking withmultiple interacting variables. The main idea of independent probes is thenpresented together with an algorithm incorporating these ideas. Experimen-tation with artificial as well as real datasets demonstrates the performance ofthe method.

7.2 Tree Ensemble Methods in Feature Ranking

In this chapter we try to address a problem of feature selection in very gen-eral supervised settings: The target variable could be numeric or categorical,the input space could have variables of mixed type with non-randomly missingvalues, the underlying X − Y relationship could be very complex and multi-variate, and the data could be massive in both dimensions (tens of thousandsof variables and millions of observations). Ensembles of unstable but very fastand flexible base learners such as trees (with embedded feature weighting) canaddress all of the listed challenges. They have proved to be very effective invariable ranking in problems with up to 100,000 predictors [2, 11]. A morecomprehensive overview of feature selection with ensembles is given in [13].

A decision tree partitions the input space into a set of disjoint regions andassigns a response value to each corresponding region. It uses a greedy, top-down recursive partitioning strategy. At every step a decision tree uses anexhaustive search by trying all combinations of variables and split points toachieve the maximum reduction in impurity of the node. Therefore, the treeconstructing process itself can be considered as a type of variable selection,and the impurity reduction due to a split on a specific variable could indicatethe relative importance of that variable to the tree model. Note that thisrelative importance is based on a multivariate model, and it is different fromthe relevance measured by standard, univariate filter methods. For a singledecision tree, a measure of variable importance has been defined in [4]:

V I(xi, T ) =∑


ΔI(xi, t) (7.1)

where ΔI(xi, t) = I(t) − pLI(tL) − pRI(tR) is the decrease in impurity due

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to an actual (or potential) split on variable xi at a node t of the optimallypruned tree T . The sum in (7.1) is taken over all internal tree nodes wherexi is a primary splitter, as proposed in [4]. Node impurity I(t) for regressionis defined as 1


∑s∈t(ys − y)2, where the sum and mean are taken over all

observations s in node t, and N(t) is the number of observations in node t.For classification I(t) = Gini(t), where Gini(t) is the Gini index of node t:

Gini(t) =∑



tj (7.2)

and pti is the proportion of observations in t whose response label equals i

(y = i) and i and j run through all response class numbers. The Gini index isin the same family of functions as cross-entropy, −

∑i pt

ilog(pti), and measures

node impurity. It is zero when t has observations only from one class andreaches its maximum when the classes are perfectly mixed.

Random Forest [3] is a representative of tree ensembles that extends the“random subspace” method [8]. The randomness originates from samplingboth the data and the variables. It grows a forest of random trees on baggedsamples showing excellent results comparable with the best-known classifiers.Random Forest (RF) does not overfit, and can be summarized as follows:

1. A number n is specified much smaller than the total number of variablesN (typically n ∼


2. For each tree to be constructed, a different sample of training data isdrawn with replacement (bootstrap sample). The size of the sampleis the same as that of the original dataset. This bootstrap samplingtypically leaves 30 percent of the data out-of-bag. These data helpprovide an unbiased estimate of the tree’s performance later. Each treeis constructed up to a maximum pre-specified depth.

3. At each node, n out of the N variables are selected at random.

4. The best split among these n variables is chosen for the current node,in contrast to typical decision tree construction, which selects the bestsplit among all variables.

The computational complexity for each tree in the RF is O(√

NM log M),where M is the number of the training cases. Therefore, it can handle verylarge numbers of variables with a moderate number of observations. Notethat for every tree grown in RF, about one-third of the cases are out-of-bag(out of the bootstrap sample). The out-of-bag (OOB) samples can serve as atest set for the tree grown on the non-OOB data.

Averaging how often different variables were used in the splits of the trees(and from the quality of those splits) gives a measure of variable importanceas a byproduct of the construction. For a stochastic tree ensemble of S trees

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the importance measure (7.1) is thus

I(xi) =1S



V I(xi, Ts) (7.3)

The regularization effect of averaging makes this measure much more reliablethan a single tree.

Relative feature ranking (7.3) provided by such ensembles, however, doesnot separate relevant features from irrelevants. Only a list of importancevalues is produced without a clear indication of which variables to includeand which to discard. Also, trees tend to split on variables with more dis-tinct values. This effect is more pronounced for categorical predictors withmany levels. Trees often make a less relevant (or completely irrelevant) inputvariable more “attractive” to split on only because they have high cardinality.

The main idea of this work relies on the following fact. We add a number ofrandomly generated features, all independent of the target variable Y , to theset of original features. A stable feature ranking method, such as an ensembleof trees, which measures the relative relevance of an input to a target variableY , would assign a significantly (in statistical sense) higher rank to a legitimatevariable Xi than to an independent probe variable. These independent probevariables thus act as a baseline that determines the ranking cutoff point. Ifthe sample size is small, the process of variable generation and ranking mustbe repeated several times in order to gain statistical significance. We presentnow an algorithm for variable ranking or selection based on this idea.

7.3 The Algorithm: Ensemble-Based Ranking AgainstIndependent Probes

Our method is a combination of three ideas: A) Estimating variable im-portance using an RF ensemble of trees of a fixed depth (3-6 levels) withthe split weight re-estimation using OOB samples (gives a more accurate andunbiased estimate of variable importance in each tree and filters out noisevariables), B) comparing variable importance against artificially constructednoise variables using a formal statistical test, and C) iteratively removing theeffect of identified important variables to allow the detection of less importantvariables (trees and parallel ensemble of trees are not well suited for additivemodels). All the advantages of ensembles of trees listed in Section 7.2, such asthe capability to handle missing variables, are now inherited by the algorithm.

A) Split weight re-estimationWe propose a modified scheme for calculating split weight and selectingthe best split in each node of a tree. The idea is to use training samples

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to find the best split point on each variable, and then use samples thatwere not used for building the tree (out-of-bag) to select the best splitvariable in a node. Split weight used for variable importance estimationis also calculated using out-of-bag samples.

This helps to prevent irrelevant features from entering the model, or atleast makes their weight close to zero, because the irrelevant variableweight calculated on out-of-bag samples will not depend on the variabletype (continuous, discrete) or on the number of distinct variable values.

B) Selecting important featuresIn order to determine a cutoff point for the importance scores, thereneeds to be a contrast variable that is known to be truly independent ofthe target. By comparing variable importance to this contrast (or sev-eral), one can then use a statistical test to determine which variables aretruly important. We propose to obtain these independent probe vari-ables by randomly permuting values of the original N variables acrossthe M examples. Generating contrasts using unrelated distributions,such as Gaussian or uniform, is not sufficient, because the values of theoriginal variables may exhibit some special structure.

For each of the T permutations a short ensemble of L = 10− 50 trees isconstructed. For each ensemble, variable importance is then computedfor all variables, including the independent probes for each series. Usinga series of ensembles is important when the number of variables is largeor tree depth is small, because some (even important) features can beabsent in a particular tree. To gain statistical significance, the impor-tance score of all variables is compared to a percentile (we used 75th)of importance scores of the N contrasts. A statistical test (Student’st-test) is performed to compare the scores over the T series. Variablesthat are scored significantly higher than contrasts are selected.

C) Removing effects of identified important variablesTo allow detection of less important variables, after a subset of relevantvariables is discovered by step B, we remove their effects on the response.To accomplish this, the target is predicted using only these importantvariables, and a residual of the target is computed. Then we return tostep A, until no variables remain with scores significantly higher thanthose of the contrasts. The last step is identical to stage-wise regression,but applied to a nonlinear model. It is important that the step (A)uses all variables to build the ensemble, and does not exclude identifiedimportant ones.

To accommodate step C in classification problems we adopted the multi-class logistic regression approach described in [5]. We predict log-odds of classprobabilities for each class with an ensemble, and then take pseudo-residualsas summarized in Algorithm 7.3.2. The main difference in the regression

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TABLE 7.1: Notation in the Algorithms

C Number of classes (if classification problem)X Set of original variablesY Target variableZ Permuted versions of XF Current working set of variablesΦ Set of important variablesVi. ith row of variable importance matrix VV.j jth column of matrix VgI(F, Y ) Function that trains an ensemble of L trees based on

variables F and target Y , and returns a row vectorof importance for each variable in F

gY (F, Y ) Function that trains an ensemble based on variables Fand target Y , and returns a prediction of Y (the numberof trees is typically larger than L)

Gk(F ) Current predictions for log-odds of k-th classI(Yi = k) Indicator variable, equals one if (Yi = k)x Data vector in the original variable space

case is that variable selection and removal of the influence of the discoveredvariables to the target are done separately for each class in each iteration (loop2). The important feature set is then grouped from all classes. The stoppingcriteria is the absence of important features for all C classes.

The algorithms are now presented using the notation in Table 7.1. Notethat the computational complexity of our method is of the same order as of anRF model, but it could be significantly faster for datasets with large numbersof cases since trees in RF are built to the maximum depth.

Algorithm 7.3.1 Independent Probes with Ensembles (IPE), Regression1. set Φ← {};2. for i = 1, ..., T do3. {Z1, ..., ZN} ← permute{X1, ..., XN}4. set F ← X ∪ {Z1, ..., ZN}5. Vi. = gI(F, Y );

endfor6. vn =(1−α) percentilej∈{Z1,...,ZN}V.j

7. Set Φ to those {Xk} for which V.k > max(vn,V.Zk) with

t-test significance 0.058. If Φ is empty, then quit.9. Φ← Φ ∪ Φ;10. Y = Y − gY (Φ, Y )11. Go to 2.

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Algorithm 7.3.2 Independent Probes with Ensembles (IPE), Classification1. set Φ← {}; Gk(F ) = 0;2. for k = 1, ..., C do

a. Compute class prob. pk(x) = exp(Gk(x))/∑K

l=1 exp(Gl(x))b. Compute pseudo-residuals Y k

i = I(Yi = k)− pk(xi)c. Set V = 0d. for i = 1, ..., T do

{Z1, ..., ZN} ← permute{X1, ..., XN}set F ← X ∪ {Z1, ..., ZN}Vi. = Vi. + gI(F, Y k);endfor

e. vn =(1−α) percentilej∈{Z1,...,ZN}V.j

f. Set Φk to those {Xs} for which V.s > max(vn,V.Zs)with t-test significance 0.05

g. Φ← Φ ∪ Φk;h. Gk(F ) = Gk(F ) + gY (Φ, Y k)

endfor3. If Φk is empty for all k = 1, ..., C, then quit.4. Go to 2.

As the function g(., .) we have used ensembles of trees. Any classifier/regressorfunction can be used, from which variable importance from all variable inter-actions can be derived. To our knowledge, only ensembles of trees can providethis conveniently.

7.4 Experiments

As advocated by [9], an experimental study must have relevance and mustproduce insight. The former is achieved by using real datasets. However, suchstudies often lack the latter component, failing to show exactly why and underwhich conditions one method excels over another. This can be achieved byusing synthetic datasets because they let one vary systematically the domaincharacteristics of interest, such as the number of relevant and irrelevant at-tributes, the amount of noise, and the complexity of the target concept. Wedescribe first experiments with the proposed method using synthetic datasetsfollowed by a real example.

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7.4.1 Benchmark Methods CFS

As one benchmark method, we use correlation-based feature selection (CFS),[7] as implemented in the Weka machine learning package [15]. CFS assumesthat useful feature subsets contain features that are predictive of the targetvariable but uncorrelated with one another. CFS computes a heuristic mea-sure of the “merit” of a feature subset from pairwise feature correlations. Aheuristic search is used to traverse the space of feature subsets in reasonabletime; the subset with the highest merit found during the search is reported.CFS thus also determines the number of returned features. CFS discretizesinternally every continuous feature and can thus work with mixed-type inputvariables. In the experiments, CFS using forward search is labeled as “CFS,”and using genetic search as “CFS-Gen.”

Computational complexity is light, linear in the number of samples, butquadratic in the number of variables [7]. RFE

Another benchmark method is recursive feature elimination (RFE) [6], asimplemented in the Spider machine learning library [14]. The idea is to com-pute the change in the cost function of a classifier ∂J(i) caused by removinga given feature i or, equivalently, by bringing its weight to zero. RFE trainsa support vector machine (SVM) as the classifier optimizing the weights wi

with respect to criterion J . A ranking criterion w2i (or ∂J(I)) is computed

for all features. The feature with the smallest ranking criterion is removedand the iteration is repeated. RFE thus considers the current feature set as awhole rather than ranking features individually. However, RFE has no intrin-sic threshold. The desired number of features has to be determined by othermeans. In the experiments with artificial data we give an unfair advantageto RFE by retaining the top N features returned by RFE, where N is theknown number of relevant features in the generated dataset. Another unfairadvantage we gave for RFE is kernel selection for the intrinsc SVM classifieror regressor. We used an RBF kernel for the data generated by Friedman’sgenerator where the target is a sum of multivariate Gaussians, and a linearkernel for the dataset where the target is a linear combination of variables.

As the method trains an SVM for each feature removed, the computationalcomplexity is linear in the number of variables and retains the complexity ofthe SVM in the number of data samples, which is quadratic. Breiman’s RF Error Sensitivity Method

As the third benchmark we use the sensitivity-based measure of variablerelevance evaluated by a Random Forest as proposed by Breiman [3]. Foreach tree, the prediction accuracy on the out-of-bag portion of the data isrecorded. Then the same is done after permuting each predictor variable.

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The differences between the two accuracies are then averaged over all treesand normalized by the standard error. For regression, the MSE is computedon the out-of-bag data for each tree, and then the same is computed afterpermuting a variable. The differences are averaged and normalized by thestandard error to get a z-score, and assign a significance level to the z-scoreassuming normality. The null hypothesis tested is that the mean score iszero, against the one-sided alternative that the mean score is positive. It isclear that for a large number of variables this method would be extremelycomputationally challenging.

Since IPE uses a learner internally, it can be considered an embedded fea-ture selection method. RFE, which uses internally an SVM, and RF errorsensitivity methods can also similarly be called embedded methods. However,unlike RFE and RF, which just rank all the variables, IPE also determines thenumber of important variables. In this sense, the IPE operates in a similarfashion to CFS.

7.4.2 Data and Experiments Synthetic Complex Nonlinear Data - Friedman’s Generator

A very useful data generator is described in [5]. This generator producesdatasets with multiple non-linear interactions between input variables. Anygreedy method that evaluates the importance of a single variable one at atime is bound to fail with these datasets.

For each data set, 20 N(0, 1) distributed input variables were generated.The target is a multivariate function of ten of those, thus ten are pure noise.The target function is generated as a weighted sum (weights are random) of20 multidimensional Gaussians, each Gaussian involving about four randomlydrawn input variables at a time. Thus all of the important 10 input variablesare involved in the target, to a varying degree. We derive the “true impor-tance” of a variable as the sum of absolute values of the weights of thoseGaussians that the variable was involved in. Mixed-type data were generatedby discretizing a randomly chosen half of the variables, each into a randomlygenerated number of levels, which varied between 2 and 32.

Four different experiments are illustrated in Figures 7.1 and 7.2. Each ex-periment involves averaging results from 50 generated datasets, 400 sampleseach: 1) continuous variables - regression, 2) continuous variables - classifica-tion, 3) mixed-type variables - regression, 4) mixed-type variables - classifica-tion. Note that the smaller the dataset is, the harder it will be to detect truevariables among the noise variables. Even though we claim that IPE handlesmassive datasets (because of its low computational complexity), here we arereally evaluating the sensitivity of the method.

Each of the pairs of panels in Figures 7.1 and 7.2 illustrates two things. 1)How well the true important variables can be detected as a function of their“true” importance, and 2) What is the rate of erroneously detecting a noise

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variable as an important variable?Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show that for all four scenarios of complex nonlinear

dependencies (regression and classification with numeric and mixed-type pre-dictors) IPE and RF methods are notably superior to CFS, CFS-Gen, andRFE. IPE and RF have similar detection rates, but RF consistently producedtwice as many false alarms.

FIGURE 7.1: Data with nonlinear dependencies. Top: continuous variables, re-gression. Bottom: continuous variables, classification. Legend: IPE - IndependentProbes with Ensembles, RF - Random Forest, CFS - Correlation-Based FeatureSelection with forward search, CFS-Gen - same but with genetic search, RFE - Re-cursive Feature Elimination. Graph panels (left), Horizontal axis: True importanceof an input variable. Vertical axis: The fraction of times such a variable was de-tected as an important variable. Bar graphs display the detection rates as well asthe false alarm rates for each of the methods averaged over 50 datasets.

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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40











Regression, continuous variables

Actual variable importance



n ra













detection rate

false alarms

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40











Classification, continuous variables

Actual variable importance



n ra












detection ratefalse alarms

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Ensembles with Independent Probe Variables 141

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40











Regression, mixed−type variables

Actual variable importance



n ra












detection ratefalse alarms

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40











Classification, mixed−type variables

Actual variable importance



n ra











detection ratefalse alarms

FIGURE 7.2: Data with nonlinear dependencies. Top: mixed-type variables, re-gression. Bottom: mixed-type variables, classification. Legend: IPE - IndependentProbes with Ensembles, RF - Random Forest, CFS - Correlation-Based FeatureSelection with forward search, CFS-Gen - same but with genetic search, RFE - Re-cursive Feature Elimination. Graph panels (left), Horizontal axis: True importanceof an input variable. Vertical axis: The fraction of times such a variable was de-tected as an important variable. Bar graphs display the detection rates as well asthe false alarm rates for each of the methods averaged over 50 datasets. Linear Models Challenging for Trees

We also experimented using data with linear relationships, where the targetis a simple linear combination of a number of input variables plus noise asfollows:

Y = −0.25x(1) + 0.1x(2) + 0.05x(3) + 0.025x(4) +0.015x(5) + 0.01N(0, 1) (7.4)

where each x(i) is drawn from N(0, 1). Fifteen independent noise variablesdrawn from N(0, 1) were joined to the data columns. This would be a simpleproblem for stage-wise linear regression, but typically linear problems areharder for trees. These results are illustrated in Figure 7.3.

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FIGURE 7.3: Data with linear dependencies. Continuous variables, regression.Left panel, Horizontal axis: the importance of the variable. Vertical axis: thefraction of times such a variable was detected as an important variable. Right paneldisplays the detection rates as well as the false alarm rates for each of the methodsaveraged over 50 datasets.

With these data sets of 200 samples, IPE detected 100% of the importantvariables, as long as their variance was larger than 2.5 times the variance ofadditive noise. The false acceptance rate remained at 1.5% with an overalldetection rate of 93%. RFE was the second best, detecting 86% of relevantfeatures with 4.8% false detects. RF recovered 72% of relevant features with11% false detects. CFS and CFS-Gen performed poorly. Real Data from Semiconductor Manufacturing with LargeNumber of Multilevel Categorical Predictors

Semiconductor fabrication is becoming increasingly complex, with routesstretching to several hundred process steps. Even with highly advanced pro-cess control systems in place, there is inevitable variation in yield and per-formance between and within manufacturing lots. A common practice is toassociate this variation with equipment differences by performing analysis ofvariance at every process step where multiple pieces of equipment are used.Looking for operations where there are significant differences between processtools can reveal the sources of process variation. The one-at-a-time approachto equipment commonality studies has many shortcomings: Most target vari-ables of interest are affected by multiple process steps. For example, yield canbe reduced by high particle counts at nearly any manufacturing step. Themaximum frequency (Fmax) at which a part can run can be affected by avariety of lithography, etch, implant, and diffusion operations.

We used one such dataset with known signals to test the feature selectionmethods discussed in this chapter to detect tools that had non-random effectson the maximum frequency. The data had 223 categorical predictors (man-ufacturing steps) with the number of levels (different pieces of equipment)

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0.015 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.250











Regression, continuous variables, Linear case

Variable importance in linear generator



n ra













detection ratefalse alarms

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Ensembles with Independent Probe Variables 143

ranging from 3 to 31, and a numeric response (Fmax). There were 6 out of223 variables that had an actual effect. Operation 43 had the strongest effect,and had nearly complete confounding with operations 7, 95, and 106 (100%redundancy). Operations 46, 52, 53, and 54 had progressively weaker effectson a single tool only. Operation 223 had small differences between a largenumber of tools.

The proposed method (IPE) showed significantly superior performance onthis task, identified all relevant variables, and 5 irrelevant steps. That trans-lates to 100% detection and 2.2% false alarm rates. The RF sensitivity methodidentified only 4 relevant redundant variables with the strongest effect and 15irrelevant steps. That translates to 44% detection and 6.7% false alarm rates.The CFS method identified all relevant variables except step 54, and 28 irrel-evant steps. That translates to a decent detection rate of 89% and a relativelyhigh percent of false alarms - 13%. The CFS-Gen method performed poorly,identified 107 variables with 45% false alarm rate, and missed the weakestcontributor-step 223.

In all the experiments we had the “ground truth,” the knowledge of whichvariables were truly the important ones. Thus we did not have to have an-other indirect layer in the evaluation process, but we could directly assess thevariable selection performance of IPE and the benchmark methods.

7.5 Discussion

This chapter presented an efficient approach to feature selection using inde-pendent probe variables. The result is a truly autonomous variable selectionmethod that considers all variable interactions and does not require a pre-setnumber of important variables. It showed excellent results on a variety ofsimulated and real-life complex datasets. It performed favorably when testedagainst several different and reportedly powerful feature selection methods.

In earlier work, the idea of adding random “probe variables” to the datafor feature selection purposes has been used in [1]. Adding permuted originalvariables as random “probes” has been used in [12] in the context of comparinggene expression differences across two conditions. A univariate filter methodbased on the permutation test is considered in [10]. However, flexible treeensembles with robust split estimation and variable scoring mechanisms in acombination with formal statistical tests have not been used to compare ranksof artificial probes to real variables in the context of variable selection.

The presented method retains all the good features of ensembles of trees:mixed-type data can be used, missing variables can be tolerated, and variablesare not considered in isolation. The method does not require any preprocess-ing, and it is applicable to both classification and regression. It will report

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redundant features if at least one of them is relevant to a response. However,if the best-subset problem is of interest, a penalization strategy can be easilyadded to the ensemble construction. Redundant variables are prevented fromentering the model by penalizing the algorithm for adding new variables. Thecomputational complexity of IPE is the same as that of the Random Forest,O(√

NM log M), where N is the number of variables, and M is the numberof observations. This is in fact lighter than that of any of the benchmarkmethods.


[1] J. Bi, K. Bennett, M. Embrects, C. Breneman, and M. Song. Dimension-ality reduction via sparse support vector machines. Journal of MachineLearning Research, 3:1229–1243, March 2003.

[2] A. Borisov, V. Eruhimov, and E. Tuv. Dynamic soft feature selection fortree-based ensembles. In I. Guyon, S. Gunn, M. Nikravesh, and L. Zadeh,editors, Feature Extraction, Foundations and Applications, volume 207 ofStudies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 363–378. Springer, NewYork, 2006.

[3] L. Breiman. Random forests. Machine Learning, 45(1):5–32, 2001.

[4] L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification andRegression Trees. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1984.

[5] J. Friedman. Greedy function approximation: a gradient boosting ma-chine. Technical report, Dept. of Statistics, Stanford University, 1999.

[6] I. Guyon, J. Weston, S. Barnhill, and V. Vapnik. Gene selection forcancer classification using support vector machines. Machine Learning,46:389422, 2002.

[7] M. Hall. Correlation-based Feature Selection for Machine Learning. PhDthesis, Waikato University, Department of Computer Science, Hamilton,NZ, 1998.

[8] T. K. Ho. The random subspace method for constructing decisionforests. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelli-gence, 20(8):832–844, 1998.

[9] P. Langley. Relevance and insight in experimental studies. IEEE Expert,11:11–12, October 1996.

[10] P. Radivojac, Z. Obradovic, A. Dunker, and S. Vucetic. Feture selectionfilters based on the permutation test. In Proc. European Conference on

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Machine Learning, pages 334–346, 2004.

[11] K. Torkkola and E. Tuv. Ensembles of regularized least squares classifiersfor high-dimensional problems. In I. Guyon, S. Gunn, M. Nikravesh,and L. Zadeh, editors, Feature Extraction, Foundations and Applications,volume 207 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 301–317.Springer, New York, 2006.

[12] V. Tusher, R. Tibshirani, and G. Chu. Significance analysis of microar-rays applied to the ionizing radiation response. PNAS, 98(9):5116–5121,April 24 2001.

[13] E. Tuv. Feature selection and ensemble learning. In I. Guyon, S. Gunn,M. Nikravesh, and L. Zadeh, editors, Feature Extraction, Foundationsand Applications, volume 207 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing,pages 189–207. Springer, New York, 2006.

[14] J. Weston, A. Elisseeff, G. Bakir, and F. Sinz. The Spider., 2004.

[15] I. H. Witten and E. Frank. Data Mining: Practical machine learningtools and techniques. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, second edition,2005.

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Chapter 8

Efficient Incremental-RankedFeature Selection in Massive Data

Roberto Ruiz

Pablo de Olavide University

Jesus S. Aguilar-Ruiz

Pablo de Olavide University

Jose C. Riquelme

University of Seville

8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1478.2 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1488.3 Preliminary Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1508.4 Incremental Performance over Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1528.5 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1568.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

8.1 Introduction

In recent years, there has been an explosion in the growth of databases inall areas of human endeavor. Progress in digital data acquisition and stor-age technology has resulted in the growth of huge databases. In this work,we address the feature selection issue under a classification framework. Theaim is to build a classifier that accurately predicts the classes of new unla-beled instances. Theoretically, having more features and instances should giveus more discriminating power. However, this can cause several problems: in-creased computational complexity and cost; too many redundant or irrelevantfeatures; and estimation degradation in the classification error.

The problem of feature selection received a thorough treatment in patternrecognition and machine learning. Most of the feature selection algorithmsapproach the task as a search problem, where each state in the search spec-ifies a distinct subset of the possible attributes [2]. The search procedure iscombined with a criterion in order to evaluate the merit of each candidate


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subset of attributes. There are a lot of possible combinations between eachprocedure search and each attribute measure [17, 4, 16]. However, searchmethods can be prohibitively expensive in massive datasets, especially whena data mining algorithm is applied as an evaluation function.

There are various ways in which feature selection algorithms can be groupedaccording to the attribute evaluation measure, depending on the type (filteror wrapper technique) or on the way that features are evaluated (individualor subset evaluation). The filter model relies on general characteristics ofthe data to evaluate and select feature subsets without involving any miningalgorithm. The wrapper model requires one predetermined mining algorithmand uses its performance as the evaluation criterion. It searches for featuresbetter suited to the mining algorithm, aiming to improve mining performance,but it also is more computationally expensive [15, 13] than filter models.Feature ranking (FR), also called feature weighting [2, 8], assesses individualfeatures and assigns them weights according to their degrees of relevance,while the feature subset selection (FSS) evaluates the goodness of each foundfeature subset. (Unusually, some search strategies in combination with subsetevaluation can provide a ranked list.)

In order to compare the effectiveness of feature selection, feature sets chosenby each technique are tested with three well-known learning algorithms: aprobabilistic learner (naıve Bayes), an instance-based learner (IB1), and adecision tree learner (C4.5). These three algorithms have been chosen becausethey represent three quite different approaches to learning, and their long-standing tradition in classification studies.

The chapter is organized as follows. In the next two sections, we will reviewprevious work, and notions of feature relevance and redundancy, respectively.In Section 8.4, we will present our proposed measures of feature relevance andredundancy using a wrapper or filter approach, and describe our algorithm.Experimental results are shown in Section 8.5, and the most interesting con-clusions are summarized in Section 8.6.

8.2 Related Work

Traditional feature selection methods in some specific domain often selectthe top-ranked features according to their individual discriminative powers [7].This approach is efficient for high-dimensional data due to its linear timecomplexity in terms of dimensionality. They can only capture the relevanceof features to the target concept, but cannot discover redundancy and ba-sic interactions among features. In the FSS algorithms category, candidatefeature subsets are generated based on a certain search strategy. Differentalgorithms address these issues distinctively. In [17], a great number of selec-

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tion methods are categorized. We found different search strategies, namelyexhaustive, heuristic, and random searches, combined with several types ofmeasures to form different algorithms. The time complexity is exponential interms of data dimensionality for exhaustive searches and quadratic for heuris-tic searches. The complexity can be linear to the number of iterations in arandom search, but experiments show that in order to find the best featuresubset, the number of iterations required is usually at least quadratic to thenumber of features [5]. The most popular search methods in pattern recogni-tion and machine learning cannot be applied to massive datasets due to thelarge number of features and instances (sometimes tens of thousands). Oneof the few used search techniques in these domains is sequential forward (SF,also called hill-climbing or greedy search). Different subset evaluation mea-sures in combination with an SF search engine can be found. We are speciallyinterested in the wrapper approach.

A key issue of wrapper methods is how to search into the space of subsetsof features. Although several heuristic search strategies exist such as greedysequential search, best-first search, and genetic algorithm, most of them arestill computationally expensive O(N2) (with N the number of features of theoriginal dataset), which prevents them from scaling well to datasets containingthousands of features. A rough estimate of the time required by most ofthese techniques is in the order of thousands of hours, assuming that themethod does not get caught in a local minima first and stops prematurely.For example, if we have chosen 50 features from 20,000 (0.0025% of the wholeset) through a greedy search, the subset evaluator would be run approximatelyone million times (N times to find the best single feature, then it tries eachof the remaining features in conjunction with the best to find the most suitedpair of features N − 1 times, and so on, more or less 20, 000 × 50 times).Assuming 4 seconds on average by each evaluation, the results would takemore than 1,000 hours.

The limitations of both approaches, FR and FSS, clearly suggest that weshould pursue a hybrid model. Recently, a new framework of feature selectionhas been used, where several of the above-mentioned approaches are combined.[21] proposed a fast correlation-based filter algorithm (FCBF) that uses corre-lation measure to obtain relevant features and to remove redundancy. Thereare other methods based on relevance and redundancy concepts. Recursivefeature elimination (RFE) is a proposed feature selection algorithm describedin [10]. The method, given that one wishes to find only r dimensions in thefinal subset, works by trying to choose the r features that lead to the largestmargin of class separation, using an SVM classifier. This combinatorial prob-lem is solved in a greedy fashion at each iteration of training by removingthe input dimension that decreases the margin the least until only r inputdimensions remain (this is known as backward selection). The authors in [6]have used mutual information for gene selection that has maximum relevancewith minimal redundancy by solving a simple two-objective optimization, and[20] proposes a hybrid of filter and wrapper approaches to feature selection.

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In [12], the authors propose a rank search method to compare feature se-lection algorithms. Rank search techniques rank all features, and subsets ofincreasing size are evaluated from the ranked list (i.e., the first attribute, thetwo first ones, etc.). The best attribute set is reported. The authors apply thewrapper approach to datasets up to 300 attributes and state that for the ADSdataset (1,500 attributes) the estimated time to only generate the ranking ina machine with a 1.4GHz processor would be about 140 days and to evalu-ate the ranked list of attributes would take about 40 days. In contrast, ourmethod can be tested on datasets with 20,000 features on a similar machinein a few hours.

This chapter presents a feature selection method, named BIRS (Best In-cremental Ranked Subset), based on the hybrid model, and attempts to takeadvantage of all of the different approaches by exploiting their best perfor-mances in two steps: First, a filter or wrapper approach provides a rankedlist of features, and, second, ordered features are added using a wrapper orfilter subset evaluation ensuring good performance (the search algorithm isvalid for any feature ranked list). This approach provides the possibility ofefficiently applying any subset evaluator, wrapper model included, in largeand high-dimensional domains, obtaining good results. The final subset isobviously not the optimum, but it is unfeasible to search for every possiblesubset of features through the search space. The main goal of our researchis to obtain a few features with high predictive power. The wrapper versionof this algorithm has been proved to be efficient and effective in microarraydomains [18].

8.3 Preliminary Concepts

8.3.1 Relevance

The purpose of a feature subset algorithm is to identify relevant featuresaccording to a definition of relevance. However, the notion of relevance in ma-chine learning has not yet been rigorously defined in common agreement [1].Reference [13] includes three disjointed categories of feature relevance: strongrelevance, weak relevance, and irrelevance. These groups are important todecide what features should be conserved and which ones can be eliminated.The strongly relevant features are, in theory, important to maintain a struc-ture in the domain, and they should be conserved by any feature selectionalgorithm in order to avoid the addition of ambiguity to the sample. Weaklyrelevant features could be important or not, depending on the other featuresalready selected and on the evaluation measure that has been chosen (accu-racy, simplicity, consistency, etc.). Irrelevant attributes are not necessary atall. Reference [1] makes use of information theory concepts to define the en-

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tropic or variable relevance of a feature with respect to the class. Reference[2] collects several relevance definitions. The above notions of relevance areindependent of the specific learning algorithm being used. There is no guar-antee that just because a feature is relevant, it will necessarily be useful toan algorithm (or vice versa). The definition of incremental relevance in [3]makes it explicit, since it is considered especially suited to obtain a predictivefeature subset.

DEFINITION 8.1 Incremental usefulness Given a sample of dataXL, a learning algorithm L, a feature space F, and a feature subset S (S ⊆ F),the feature Fi is incrementally useful to L with respect to S if the accuracy ofthe hypothesis that L produces using the group of features {Fi} ∪ S is betterthan the accuracy achieved using just the subset of features S.

We consider this definition to be especially suited to obtain a predictivefeature subset. In the next section, concepts can be applied to avoid a subsetthat contains attributes with the same information.

8.3.2 Redundancy

Notions of feature redundancy are normally in terms of feature correlation.It is widely accepted that two features are redundant to each other if theirvalues are completely correlated. There are two widely used types of mea-sures for the correlation between two variables: linear and non-linear. In thefirst case, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used, and in the second one,many measures are based on the concept of entropy, or the measure of theuncertainty of a random variable. Symmetrical uncertainty is frequently used,defined as

SU(X, Y ) = 2[

IG(X |Y )H(X) + H(Y )


where H(X) = −∑

i P (xi)log2(P (xi)) is the entropy of a variable X andIG(X |Y ) = H(X)−H(X |Y ) is the information gain from X provided by Y .

The above-mentioned definitions are between pairs of variables. However,it may not be as straightforward in determining feature redundancy when oneis correlated with a set of features. Reference [14] applies a technique basedon cross-entropy, named Markov blanket filtering, to eliminate redundant fea-tures. This idea is formalized in the following definition.

DEFINITION 8.2 Markov blanket Given a feature Fi ∈ S (a set ofattributes) and the class Y, the subset M ⊆ S (Fi /∈M) is a Markov blanketof Fi if, given M, Fi is conditionally independent of S−M− {Fi} and Y.

Two attributes (or sets of attributes) X, Y are said to be conditionally

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independent given a third attribute Z (or set) if, the given Z makes X andY independent, i.e., the distribution of X , knowing Y and Z, is equal tothe distribution X knowing Z; therefore, Y does not have influence on X(P (X |Y, Z) = P (X |Z)).

Theoretically, it can be shown that once we find a Markov blanket M of fea-ture Fi in a feature set S, we can safely remove Fi from S without increasingthe divergence from the original distribution. Furthermore, in a sequentialfiltering process, in which unnecessary features are removed one by one, afeature tagged as unnecessary based on the existence of a Markov blanket Mremains unnecessary in later stages when more features have been removed.The Markov blanket condition requires that M assumes not only the infor-mation that Fi has about Y, but also about all the other features. In [14] itis stated that the cardinality of set M must be small and fixed.

References [20] and [21] are among the most cited works at present followingthe above-mentioned framework (FR+FSS). Both are based on this conceptof Markov blanket. In the first one, the number of attributes of M is notprovided, but it is a fixed number among the highly correlated features. In thesecond one, a fast correlation-based filter is implemented (FCBF), where M isformed by only one attribute, and gradually eliminates redundant attributeswith respect to M from the first to the final attributes of an ordered list.Other methods based on relevance and redundancy concepts can be found in[10, 6].

8.4 Incremental Performance over Ranking

In this section, we introduce first our ideas of relevance and redundancytaking into account the aim of applying a wrapper model to massive datasets;second, changes introduced by the filter model; and then our approach isdescribed.

As previously indicated, the wrapper model makes use of the algorithm thatwill build the final classifier to select a feature subset. Thus, given a classifierL, and given a set of features S, a wrapper method searches in the space of S,using cross-validation to compare the performance of the trained classifier Lon each tested subset. While the wrapper model is more computationally ex-pensive than the filter model, it also tends to find feature sets better suited tothe inductive biases of the learning algorithm and therefore provides superiorperformance.

In this work, we propose a fast search over a minimal part of the featurespace. Beginning with the first feature from the list ordered by some evalua-tion criterion, features are added one by one to the subset of selected featuresonly if such inclusion improves the classifier accuracy. Then, the learning al-

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gorithm of the wrapper approach is always run N (number of features) times,usually with a few features. A feature ranking algorithm makes use of a scor-ing function computed from the values of each feature and the class label. Byconvention, we assume that a high score is indicative of a valuable feature andthat we sort features in decreasing order of this score. We consider rankingcriteria defined for individual features, independently of the context of others.

When a ranking of features is provided from a high dimensional data set,a large number of features with similar scores is generated, and a commoncriticism is that it leads to the selection of redundant subsets. However, ac-cording to [8], noise reduction and consequently better class separation maybe obtained by adding variables that are presumably redundant. Moreover,a very high attribute correlation (in absolute value) does not mean the ab-sence of attribute complementarity. Therefore, our idea of redundancy is notbased only on correlation measures, but also on the learning algorithm target(wrapper or filter approach), in the sense that a feature is chosen if additionalinformation is gained by adding it to the selected subset of features.

8.4.1 Incremental Ranked Usefulness

In feature subset selection, it is a fact that two types of features are generallyperceived as being unnecessary: features that are irrelevant to the targetconcept, and features that are redundant given other features. Our approachis based on the concept of a Markov blanket, which is described in [14]. Thisidea was formalized using the notion of conditionally independent attributes,which can be defined by several approaches [20, 21]. We set this concept by awrapper model, defining incremental ranked usefulness in order to devise anapproach to explicitly identify relevant features and do not take into accountredundant features.

Let XL be a sample of labeled data, S be a subset of features of XL, and Lbe a learning algorithm; the correct rate (or accuracy) Γ(XL/S, L) is namedto the ratio between the number of instances correctly classified by L andthe total number of evaluated instances considering only the subset S. In thetraining process, this accuracy will be an estimate of error by cross-validation.

Let R = {Fi}, i = 1 . . .N be a ranking of all the features in XL sorted indescending order, and S be named the subset of the i first features of R.

DEFINITION 8.3 Incremental ranked usefulness The feature Fi+1

in R is incrementally useful to L if it is not conditionally independent of theclass Y given S; therefore, the correct rate of the hypothesis that L producesusing the group of features {Fi+1} ∪ S is significantly better (denoted by �)than the correct rate achieved using just the subset of features S.

Therefore, if Γ(XL/S∪{Fi+1}, L) � �Γ(XL/S, L), then Fi+1 is conditionallyindependent of class Y given the subset S, and then we should be able to omit

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Input: XL training U-measure, L-subset evaluatorOutput: BestSubset1 list R = {}2 for each feature Fi ∈ XL

3 Score = compute(Fi, U, XL)4 append Fi to R according to Score5 BestEvaluation = 06 BestSubset = ∅7 for i = 1 to N8 TempSubset = BestSubset ∪ {Fi} (Fi ∈ R)9 TempEvaluation = WrapperOrFilter(TempSubset, L)10 if (TempEvaluation m BestEvaluation)11 BestSubset = TempSubset12 BestEvaluation = TempEvaluation

FIGURE 8.1: BIRS algorithm.

Fi+1 without compromising the accuracy of class prediction.

A fundamental question in the previous definition is how the significant im-provement is analyzed in this wrapper model. A five-fold cross-validation isused to estimate if the accuracy of the learning scheme for a set of features issignificantly better (�) than the accuracy obtained for another set. We con-ducted a Student’s paired two-tailed t-test in order to evaluate the statisticalsignificance (at 0.1 level) of the difference between the previous best subsetand the candidate subset. This last definition allows us to select features fromthe ranking, but only those that increase the classification rate significantly.Although the size of the sample is small (five folds), our search method usesa t-test. We want to obtain a heuristic, not to do an accurate populationstudy. However, on the one hand, it must be noticed that it is a heuristicbased on an objective criterion, to determine the statistical significance de-gree of difference between the accuracies of each subset. On the other hand,the confidence level has been relaxed from 0.05 to 0.1 due to the small sizeof the sample. Statistically significant differences at the p < 0.05 significancelevel would not allow us to add more features, because it would be difficult forthe test to obtain significant differences between the accuracy of each subset.Obviously, if the confidence level is increased, more features can be selected,and vice versa.

Following a filter model in the subset evaluation, we need a different way tofind out if the value of measurement of a set is significantly better (�) thananother one when adding an attribute. Simply, it is verified if the improvementsurpasses a threshold (for example, 0.005), one resulted from the best previoussubset and the other resulted from the joint candidate.

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TABLE 8.1: Example of feature selectionprocess by BIRS.

Rank F5 F7 F4 F3 F1 F8 F6 F2 F9

Subset Eval. Acc P-Val Acc Best Sub1 F5 80 80 F5

2 F5,F7 823 F5,F4 814 F5,F3 835 F5,F1 84 < 0.1 84 F5,F1

6 F5,F1,F8 847 F5,F1,F6 868 F5,F1,F2 89 < 0.1 89 F5,F1,F2

9 F5,F1,F2,F9 87

8.4.2 Algorithm

There are two phases in the algorithm, named BIRS (Best IncrementalRanked Subset), shown in Figure 8.1: Firstly, the features are ranked accord-ing to some evaluation measure (lines 1–4). In the second phase, we deal withthe list of features once, crossing the ranking from the beginning to the lastranked feature (lines 5-12). We obtain the classification accuracy with thefirst feature in the list (line 9) and it is marked as selected (lines 10-12). Weobtain the classification rate again with the first and second features. Thesecond will be marked as selected depending on whether the accuracy ob-tained is significantly better (line 10). We repeat the process until the lastfeature on the ranked list is reached. Finally, the algorithm returns the bestsubset found, and we can state that it will not contain irrelevant or redundantfeatures.

The first part of the above algorithm is efficient since it requires only thecomputation of N scores and to sort them, while in the second part, time com-plexity depends on the learning algorithm chosen. It is worth noting that thelearning algorithm is run N (number of features) times with a small numberof features, only the selected ones. Therefore, the running time of the rank-ing procedure can be considered to be negligible regarding the global processof selection. In fact, the results obtained from a random order of features(without previous ranking) showed the following drawbacks: 1) The solutionwas not deterministic; 2) a greater number of features were selected; 3) thecomputational cost was higher because the classifier used in the evaluationcontained more features since the first iterations.

Consider the situation depicted in Table 8.1: an example of the featureselection process done by BIRS. The first line shows the features ranked ac-cording to some evaluation measure. We obtain the classification accuracywith the first feature in the list (F5:80%). In the second step, we run the

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classifier with the first two features of the ranking (F5,F7:82%), and a pairedt-test is performed to determine the statistical significance degree of the differ-ences. Since it is greater than 0.1, F7 is not selected. The same happens withthe next two subsets (F5,F4:81%, F5,F3:83%). Later, the feature F1 is added,because the accuracy obtained is significantly better than that with only F5

(F5,F1:84%), and so on. In short, the classifier is run nine times to select,or not, the ranked features (F5,F1,F2:89%): once with only one feature, fourtimes with two features, three with three features, once with four, and oncewith four, features. Most of the time, the learning algorithm is run with fewfeatures. In short, this wrapper-based approach needs much less time thanothers with a broad search engine.

As we can see in the algorithm, the first feature is always selected. Thisdoes not mean a great shortcoming in high-dimensional databases, becauseusually several different sets of features share similar information. The maindisadvantage of sequential forward generation is that it is not possible to con-sider certain basic interactions among features, i.e., features that are uselessby themselves can be useful together. Backward generation remedies someproblems, although there still will be many hidden interactions (in the senseof being unobtainable), but it demands more computational resources thanthe forward approach. The computer-load necessities of the forward searchmight become very inefficient in high-dimensional domains, as it starts withthe original set of attributes and removes features increasingly.

8.5 Experimental Results

The aim of this section is to evaluate our approach in terms of classificationaccuracy, degree of dimensionality, and speed in selecting features, in order tosee how good BIRS is in situations where there is a large number of featuresand instances.

The comparison was performed with two representative groups of datasets:Twelve datasets were selected from the UCI Repository (Table 8.2) and fivefrom the NIPS 2003 feature selection benchmark [9]. In this group (Table 8.3),the datasets were chosen to span a variety of domains (cancer predictionfrom mass-spectrometry data, handwritten digit recognition, text classifica-tion, and prediction of molecular activity). One dataset is artificial. Theinput variables are continuous or binary, sparse or dense. All problems aretwo-class classification problems. The full characteristics of all the datasetsare summarized in Tables 8.2 and 8.3. We chose three different learning al-gorithms: C4.5, IB1, and Naıve Bayes, to evaluate the accuracy on selectedfeatures for each feature selection algorithm.

Figure 8.2 can be considered to illustrate both blocks that always com-

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TABLE 8.2: UCI Repository of Machine LearningDatabases. For each dataset we show the acronymused in this text, the number of features, the numberof examples, and the number of possible classes.

Data Acron. #Feat. #Inst. #Classes

ads ADS 1558 3279 2arrhythmia ARR 279 452 16

hypothyroid HYP 29 3772 4isolet ISO 617 1559 26

kr vs kp KRV 36 3196 2letter LET 16 20000 26

multi feat. MUL 649 2000 10mushroom MUS 22 8124 2

musk MUK 166 6598 2sick SIC 29 3772 2

splice SPL 60 3190 3waveform WAV 40 5000 3

TABLE 8.3: NIPS 2003 challenge data sets. For each dataset weshow the acronym used in this text, the domain it was taken from, its type(dense, sparse, or sparse binary), the number of features, the number ofexamples, and the percentage of random features. All problems aretwo-class classification problems.

Data Acron. Domain Type #Feat. #Inst. %Ran.

Arcene ARC Mass Spectro. Dense 10000 100 30Dexter DEX Text classif. Sparse 20000 300 50

Dorothea DOR Drug discove. S. bin 100000 800 50Gisette GIS Digit recogn. Dense 5000 6000 30

Madelon MAD Artificial Dense 500 2000 96

pose algorithm BIRS (originally introduced in [21]). Therefore, this featureselection algorithm needs measures to evaluate individual and subsets of at-tributes. Numerous versions of selection algorithms BIRS could be formedcombining the criteria of each group of measures (individual and subset). Inorder to simplify, we will use the same evaluation measure in the two phases(individual and subset). In the experiments, we used two criteria: one belongsto the wrapper model, and one to the filter model. 1) In the wrapper approach(denoted by BINB , BIC4, or BIIB) we order features according to their in-dividual predictive power, using as criterion the performance of the targetclassifier built with a single feature. The same classifier is used in the secondphase to evaluate subsets. 2) In the filter approach, a ranking is providedusing a non-linear correlation measure. We chose symmetrical uncertainty(denoted by BICF ), based on entropy and information gain concepts [11] in

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Ranking{SOAP, SU-CFS,

wrapper }

Subsetevaluation{CFS, wrapper }

Original setOrderedfeatures


FIGURE 8.2: Type of feature evaluation in BIRS.

both phases. Note the similarity among the results obtained in previous workswith several ranking measure approaches [18]. Accuracy differences are notstatistically significant, although wrapper ranking is a little bit better.

Also in these experiments, to find out if the value of measurement of a setis significantly better (�) than another one when adding an attribute, it isdistinguished between filter and wrapper models in the subset evaluation. Inthe first case, it is simply verified if the improvement surpasses a thresholdestablished in 0.005; nevertheless, in the second case, we conduct Student’spaired two-tailed t-test in order to evaluate the statistical significance (at level0,1) of the difference between two averaged accuracy values: one resulted fromthe joint candidate and the other resulted from the best previous subset.

Due to the high dimensionality of data, we limited our comparison to se-quential forward (SF) techniques and a fast correlation-based filter (FCBF)algorithm [21] applied to the first group of datasets, and only FCBF withthe NIPS datasets. We chose two representative subset evaluation measuresin combination with the SF search engine. One, denoted by SFWR, uses atarget learning algorithm to estimate the worth of feature subsets; the other,denoted by SFCF , is a subset search algorithm that exploits sequential forwardsearch and uses the correlation measures (variation of the CFS correlation-based feature selection algorithm [11]) to guide the search.

The experiments were conducted using the WEKA’s implementation ofall these existing algorithms, and our algorithm is also implemented in theWEKA environment [19]. We must take into account that the proper way toconduct a cross-validation for feature selection is to avoid using a fixed set offeatures selected with the whole training dataset, because this induces a biasin the results. Instead, one should withhold a pattern, select features, andassess the performance of the classifier with the selected features using theleftout examples. The results reported in this section were obtained with a5×2-fold cross-validation over each dataset, i.e., a feature subset was selectedusing the 50% of the instances; then, the accuracy of this subset was esti-mated over the unseen 50% of the data. In this way, estimated accuracies,selected attribute numbers, and time needed were the result of a mean overfive executions of two cross-validation samples. We use two instead of tencross-validations because of the time cost consuming with massive datasets.Standard methods have been used for the experimental section (sequentialforward; Naıve Bayes, IB1, and C4.5 classifiers; and the t-Student statisticaltest). There exist other methods following the wrapper approach to extract

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TABLE 8.4: Accuracy of NB on selected features for UCIdata. The symbols + and − respectively identify statisticallysignificant (at 0.05 level) wins or losses over BINB.

Wrapper Filter OriginalData BINB SFNB BICF SFCF FCBFADS 95.42 95.83 95.38 95.81 95.64 96.38ARR 66.99 67.70 66.50 68.05 63.98 60.13HYP 95.10 95.32 94.15− 94.15− 94.90 95.32ISO 83.30 82.28 77.61 80.79 74.62− 80.42KRV 94.27 94.32 90.43− 90.43− 92.50 87.50LET 65.67 65.67 64.28− 64.28− 65.06 63.97MUL 97.21 96.87 97.04 96.72 96.19 94.37MUS 98.78 99.01 98.52 98.52 98.52 95.10MUK 84.59 84.59 79.94 69.78− 72.29 83.56SIC 94.55 93.88 93.89 93.89 96.25 92.41SPL 94.85 94.91 93.63− 93.60− 95.49 95.26WAV 81.01 81.55 81.01 80.12 78.42− 80.02

time(s) 6111 49620 49 133 68

relevant features, which involve the selection process into the learning process(neural networks, Bayesian networks, support vector machines), although thesource code of these methods is not freely available and therefore the experi-ments cannot be reproduced. In fact, some of them are designed for specifictasks, so the parameter settings are quite different for the learning algorithm.

Tables 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6 report accuracy by Naıve Bayes, IB1, and C4.5,respectively, by each feature selection algorithm and the original set. Fromthe last row of each table, we can observe for each algorithm the runningtime. We conducted a Student’s paired two-tailed t-test in order to evaluatethe statistical significance of the difference between two averaged accuracyvalues: one resulted from the wrapper approach of BIRS (BINB , BIC4 orBIIB) and the other resulted from one of the wrapper version of SF (SFNB ,SFC4 or SFIB), BICF , SFCF , FCBF , and the original set. The symbols +and − respectively identify statistic significance, at 0.05 level, wins or lossesover BIWR.

We studied the behavior of BIWR in three ways in Tables 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6:with respect to a whole set of features (last row, original); with respect to an-other wrapper approach (SFWR); and with respect to three filter approaches(BICF , SFCF , and FCBF ).

As it is possible to be observed in the last column of Tables 8.4, 8.5,and 8.6, classification accuracies obtained with the wrapper approach of BIRS(BIWR) with respect to results obtained with the total set of attributes arestatistically better in 4 and 3 occasions for classifiers NB and IB, respectively,and worse in 2 applying C4. Note that the number of selected attributesis drastically less than the original set, retaining on average 15% (NB, Ta-

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TABLE 8.5: Accuracy of C4 on selected features for UCIdata. The symbols + and − respectively identify statisticallysignificant (at 0.05 level) wins or losses over BIC4.

Wrapper Filter OriginalData BIC4 SFC4 BICF SFCF FCBFADS 96.55 96.85 96.43 96.39 95.85 96.46ARR 68.01 67.39 66.42 67.04 64.87 64.29HYP 99.07 99.30 96.56− 96.56− 98.03 99.36ISO 69.43 N/D 72.68 71.94 66.63 73.38KRV 95.11 94.26 90.43− 90.43− 94.07 99.07+

LET 84.99 85.17 84.21− 84.21− 84.84 84.45MUL 92.42 93.11 93.17 93.12 92.29 92.74MUS 99.91 100.00+ 98.52− 98.52− 98.84− 100.00+

MUK 95.43 N/D 94.06 94.60 91.19− 95.12SIC 98.28 98.19 96.33− 96.33− 97.50 98.42SPL 93.05 93.04 92.54 92.61 93.17 92.92WAV 76.20 75.44 76.46 76.56 74.52 74.75

time(s) 17914 40098 49 133 68

ble 8.4), 16.3% (C4, Table 8.5), and 13.1% (IB, Table 8.6) of the attributes.As we can see, BIWR chooses less than 10% of the attributes in more thanhalf of all the cases studied in these tables.

BIWR versus SFWR: No significant statistical differences are shown be-tween the accuracy of our wrapper approach and the accuracy of the sequen-tial forward wrapper procedure (SFWR), except for the MUS dataset and C4classifier (Table 8.5).

Notice that in two cases with C4 classifiers (ISO and MUK) and two withIBs (ADS and MUL), SFWR did not report any results after three weeksrunning; therefore, there are no selected attributes or success rates. Withoutconsidering this lack of results with SFWR, the chosen subset by BIRS is con-siderably smaller with the IB classifiers, 13.1% versus 20%, and less differencewith NB and C4, although it is supposed that the lack of results would favorBIRS, since SF has not finished because of the inclusion of many attributes.

On the other hand, the advantage of BIRS with respect to the SF forNB, IB1, and C4.5 is clear having to take into account the running timeneeded. BIRS takes 6,112, 5,384, and 21,863 seconds applying NB, C4, andIB, respectively, whereas SF takes 49,620, 40,098, and 210,642 seconds. Wecan observe that BIRS is consistently faster than SFW , because the wrappersubset evaluation is run less times. For example, for the ADS dataset and C4.5classifier, BIRS and SF retain 8.5 and 12.4 features, respectively, on average.To obtain these subsets, the first one evaluated 1,558 features individually(to generate the ranking) and 1,558 subsets, while the second one evaluated18,630 subsets (1,558 features + 1557 pairs of features + . . . + 1,547 sets of

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TABLE 8.6: Accuracy of IB on selected features for UCIdata. The symbols + and − respectively identify statisticallysignificant (at 0.05 level) wins or losses over BIIB.

Wrapper Filter OriginalData BIIB SFIB BICF SFCF FCBFADS 95.28 N/D 95.93 96.07 95.75 95.95ARR 62.74 57.12 61.37 61.06 58.67 54.12HYP 83.66 83.57 85.75 85.75 94.88 90.85ISO 80.64 78.61 79.37 80.28 72.57− 77.58KRV 92.27 94.24 90.43 90.43 93.85 89.21LET 95.52 95.58 93.62− 93.62− 94.81 94.23−MUL 96.72 N/D 97.54 97.70 97.53 97.52MUS 98.36 99.99 98.52 98.52 98.88 100.00MUK 93.34 94.72 92.59 93.17 89.04− 95.14SIC 96.55 97.05 94.73 94.73 95.82 95.58SPL 86.35 85.62 86.40 86.34 79.21− 73.74−WAV 76.39 77.18 78.89+ 78.72 71.76− 73.42−

time(s) 40253 210642 49 133 68

TABLE 8.7: Number of features selected by each feature selectionalgorithm on UCI data. Last row shows number of features retained onaverage. N - number of features of the original set, N ′ - number of featuresselected.


ADS 10.5 16.4 8.5 12.4 5.2 N/A 6.7 9.2 83.1ARR 5.8 8.4 6.7 8.6 14.1 12.7 11.4 17.2 8.0HYP 4.6 8.5 4.2 5.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.3ISO 68.5 29.0 22.5 N/A 35.5 29.4 68.8 95.2 22.9

KRV 5.0 5.2 6.2 4.9 6.5 10.0 3.0 3.0 6.5LET 11.0 11.6 11.0 10.1 10.9 11.0 9.0 9.0 10.3MUL 22.2 15.3 20.6 13.6 11.3 N/A 28.0 90.3 121.3MUS 2.1 3.0 4.1 4.9 1.6 4.7 1.0 1.0 3.6MUK 1.0 1.0 9.7 N/A 4.7 12.0 6.5 16.3 2.9

SIC 2.4 1.0 5.9 5.5 2.8 6.7 1.0 1.0 4.8SPL 13.1 14.8 9.8 11.0 5.9 6.6 6.0 6.1 21.8

WAV 9.4 12.9 9.6 7.9 10.0 12.4 12.4 14.8 6.1N′N

∗ 100 15.0 16.8 16.3 18.2 13.1 20.3 11.7 14.1 18.1

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twelve features). The time savings of BIRS became more obvious when thecomputer-load necessities of the mining algorithm increased. In many cases,the time savings were 10 times less, and we must take into account that SFdid not report any results on several datasets.

These results verify the computational efficiency of incremental searchesapplied by BIRS over greedy sequential searches used by SF , with a lowernumber of features selected and without significant statistical differences onaccuracy.

BIRS wrappers versus filters: We noticed that the computer-load ne-cessities of filter procedures can be considered as negligible regarding wrappermodels. Nevertheless, wrapper approaches of BIRS (BIWR) obtained bet-ter accuracies: They showed significant gains to the filter version of BIRS,CF BICF , in 4, 5, and 1 cases for NB, C4, and IB respectively, and they onlylost in one with IB; with respect to the sequential version SFCF , BIRS wonin 5, 5, and 1 occasions for NB, C4, and IB, respectively; and with respect toFCBF, BIWR was better in 2, 2, and 4 cases with each respective classifier.

Table 8.7 reports the number of features selected by each feature selectionalgorithm on UCI data, showing three different results for each wrapper ap-proach, depending on the learning algorithm chosen. Obviously, there is onevalue for filter approaches because filters do not depend on the classifier used.From the last row, we can observe for each algorithm the number of featuresretained on average. The filter approach of BIRS retains less attributes thanthe rest of the algorithms. BICF retains 11.7% of the attributes on averagefor the 12 databases, SFCF retains 14.1% of the attributes on average for alldatasets, whereas FCBF retains 18.1%.

We used the WEKA implementation of the FCBF algorithm with defaultvalues. However, if the threshold by which features can be discarded is modi-fied, the results obtained might vary. Note that if this threshold is set to theupper value, the number of selected features diminishes considerably, togetherwith a notable reduction of prediction.

Another comparison can be between the versions filters, that is to say, asthe approach behaves filter of BIRS (BICF ) with respect to the sequentialsearch SFCF and to the FCBF algorithm. About accuracies, results obtainedwith both (BIRS and SF ) first are similar and a little less than those obtainedwith FCBF. Nevertheless, the most reduced datasets are obtained with thefilter model of BIRS. In addition, the time needed to reduce each datasetwith BICF was faster than the others.

NIPS datasets: Table 8.8 shows the results obtained by the three classi-fiers, Naıve Bayes (NB), C4.5 (C4), and IB1 (IB), from the NIPS 2003-NeuralInformation Processing Systems (Table 8.3) feature selection benchmark data.The table gives the accuracy and number of features selected by each featureselection algorithm and the original set. We conducted a Student’s paired

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TABLE 8.8: BIRS accuracy of Naıve Bayes (NB), C4.5 (C4), andIB1 (IB) on selected features for NIPS data: Acc records 5×2CVclassification rate (%) and #Att records the number of featuresselected by each algorithm. The symbols + and − respectively identifystatistically significant (at 0.05 level) wins or losses over BIWR.

Data BIWR BICF FCBF OriginalAcc #Att Acc #Att Acc #Att

ARC 64.60 15.3 63.20 39.2 61.20 35.2 65.40DEX 81.33 30.2 82.47 11.3 85.07 25.1 86.47

NB DOR 93.23 10.5 93.80 11.9 92.38 75.3 90.68−GIS 92.66 35.3 90.83 11.6 87.58− 31.2 91.88

MAD 59.00 11.8 60.56 5.8 58.20 4.7 58.24ARC 65.80 7.9 59.00 39.2 58.80 35.2 57.00DEX 80.27 18.9 81.47 11.3 79.00 25.1 73.80

C4 DOR 92.13 7.2 91.63 11.9 90.33 75.3 88.73GIS 93.29 26.9 90.92 11.6 90.99− 31.2 92.68

MAD 73.02 17.0 69.77 5.8 61.11− 4.7 57.73−

ARC 69.00 15.1 68.60 39.2 62.00 35.2 78.00DEX 81.00 34.1 81.73 11.3 79.20 25.1 56.67−

IB DOR 92.18 3.5 90.98 11.9 90.35 75.3 90.25GIS 82.25 2.3 90.07 11.6 90.06 31.2 95.21

MAD 74.92 14.4 71.59 5.8 56.90 4.7 54.39

two-tailed t-test in order to evaluate the statistical significance of the differ-ence between two averaged accuracy values: one resulted from BIWR (BINB ,BIC4, or BIIB) and the other resulted from one of BICF , FCBF , and theoriginal set. The symbols + and − respectively identify statistic significance,at 0.05 level, wins or losses over BIWR. Results obtained with SF algorithmsare not shown. The wrapper approach is too expensive in time, and its filterapproach selects so many attributes that the program ran out of memory af-ter a long period of time due to its quadratic space complexity. On the otherhand, the CFS algorithm has been modified to be able to obtain results withBIRS for the DEX and DOR databases. From Table 8.8 we can conclude thefollowing:

• BIRS is a good method to select attributes, because with a very reducedset of attributes one can obtain similar results, even better, than with thewhole set of features in a massive database. About accuracies obtainedby the wrapper model of BIRS, it excels specially when the C4 classifieris applied, winning in four of the five datasets; with the NB classifier,BIRS obtains good results on the DEX dataset; and applying IB, it losesin ARC and GIS, but nevertheless wins by approximately 20 points inthe DEX and MAD datasets. In all the cases, the reduction obtainedwith respect to the original data is drastic, emphasizing that obtainedwith the DOR dataset, where approximately 0.01% of the attributes (10

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of 100,000) is always retained.

• The behavior of the filter approach of BIRS is excellent. It producesrates of successes similar to the wrapper approach, with the number ofattributes equal or even lower. Note that the number of attributes infilter approaches does not depend on the classifier applied.

• If we study the comparison between BIRS approaches and the FCBFalgorithm, it can be verified that, except for the DEX dataset with anNB classifier, the accuracies obtained applying FCBF are normally be-low those obtained applying BIRS, emphasizing the existing differencesfor MAD dataset with a C4 classifier, and for ARC and MAD datasetswith IB. The subsets selected by FCBF are greater than those chosenby BIRS on average, however, the time cost is approximately six timesless.

8.6 Conclusions

The success of many learning schemes, in their attempts to construct datamodels, hinges on the reliable identification of a small set of highly predictiveattributes. Traditional feature selection methods often select the top-rankedfeatures according to their individual discriminative powers. However, theinclusion of irrelevant, redundant, and noisy features in the model buildingprocess phase can result in poor predictive performance and increased com-putation. The most popular search methods in machine learning cannot beapplied to massive datasets, especially when a wrapper approach is used asan evaluation function. We use the incremental ranked usefulness definitionto decide at the same time whether or not a feature is relevant and non-redundant. The technique extracts the best non-consecutive features fromthe ranking, trying to avoid the influence of unnecessary features in furtherclassifications.

Our approach, named BIRS, uses a very fast search through the attributespace, and any subset evaluation measure, the classifier approach included,can be embedded into it as an evaluator. Massive datasets take a lot of compu-tational resources when wrappers are chosen. BIRS reduces the search spacecomplexity as it works directly on the ranking, transforming the combinato-rial search of a sequential forward search into a quadratic search. However,the evaluation is much less expensive as only a few features are selected, andtherefore the subset evaluation is computationally inexpensive in comparisonto other approaches involving wrapper methodologies.

In short, our technique BIRS chooses a small subset of features fromthe original set with similar predictive performance to others. For massive

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datasets, wrapper-based methods might be computationally unfeasible, soBIRS turns out to be a fast technique that provides good performance inpredicting accuracy.


The research was supported by the Spanish Research Agency CICYT undergrant TIN2004-00159 and TIN2004-06689-C03-03.


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Part III

Weighting and LocalMethods


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Chapter 9

Non-Myopic Feature QualityEvaluation with (R)ReliefF

Igor Kononenko

University of Ljubljana

Marko Robnik Sikonja

University of Ljubljana

9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699.2 From Impurity to Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709.3 ReliefF for Classification and RReliefF for Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1759.4 Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789.5 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829.6 Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849.7 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

9.1 Introduction

Researchers in machine learning, data mining, and statistics have developeda number of methods that estimate the usefulness of a feature for predictingthe target variable. The majority of these measures are myopic in a sense thatthey estimate the quality of one feature independently of the context of otherfeatures. Our aim is to show the idea, advantages, and applications of non-myopic measures, based on the Relief algorithm, which is context sensitive,robust, and can deal with datasets with highly interdependent features. Fora more thorough overview of feature quality measures, see [15].

The next section briefly overviews myopic impurity based measures for fea-ture evaluation and defines the basic algorithm Relief for non-myopic featureevaluation. The succeeding section develops a more realistic variant Reli-efF that is able to evaluate the features in multi-class problems, can dealwith missing feature values, and is robust with respect to noise. Afterwards,the basic idea is extended also to regressional problems, and we describe theRegressional ReliefF (RReliefF). Section 9.4 describes various extensions ofthe (R)ReliefF family of algorithms: evaluation of literals in inductive logic


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programming, cost-sensitive feature evaluation with ReliefF, and the ordEvalalgorithm for the evaluation of features with ordered values. In Section 9.5we define two approaches to comprehensively interpret ReliefF’s estimates.Section 9.6 discusses implementation issues, such as time complexity, the im-portance of sampling, and parallelization. Finally, in Section 9.7 we describeseveral modes of applications of the (R)ReliefF family of algorithms.

9.2 From Impurity to Relief

The majority of feature evaluation measures are impurity based, meaningthat they measure the impurity of the class value distribution. These mea-sures evaluate each feature separately by measuring the impurity of the splitsresulting from the partition of the learning instances according to the valuesof the evaluated feature. Figure 9.1 illustrates the idea. The geometrical ob-jects are learning instances, described with features: size (big, small), shape(circle, triangle, square, star, ellipse), and contains circle (yes, no). The color(white, black) represents the class value.

FIGURE 9.1: Illustration of the impurity based feature evaluation.

The impurity based measures assume the conditional independence of thefeatures upon the class, evaluate each feature separately, and do not take thecontext of other features into account. In problems that possibly involve muchfeature interactions, these measures are not appropriate. The general form of

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all impurity based measures is

W (Fi) = imp(y)−ni∑


p(Fi = j) imp(y|Fi = j)

where imp(y) is the impurity of class values before the split, imp(y|Fi = j) isthe impurity after the split on Fi = j, ni is the number of values of feature Fi,and p(Fi = j) is the (prior) probability of the feature value j. By subtractingthe expected impurity of the splits from the impurity of unpartitioned in-stances we measure gain in the purity of class values resulting from the split.Larger values of W (Fi) imply purer splits and therefore better features. Wecannot directly apply these measures to numerical features, but we can useany discretization technique and then evaluate the discretized features.

9.2.1 Impurity Measures in Classification

There are several impurity based measures for classification problems, e.g.,Two well-known impurity measures are entropy and Gini-index. With entropywe get the information gain measure, also referred to as mutual informationdue to its symmetry:

Gain(Fi) = HY −HY |Fi= HY + HFi −HY Fi = I(Fi; Y ) = I(Y ; Fi) (9.1)

where HY is the class entropy, and HY |Fiis the conditional class entropy

given the value of feature Fi. Gini-index gain [1] is obtained by the differencebetween the prior and the expected posterior Gini-indices:

Gini(Fi) =ni∑


p(Fi = j)C∑


p(y = c|Fi = j)2 −C∑


p(y = c)2 (9.2)

where p(y = c) is the (prior) probability of the class value c and p(y = c|Fi =j) is the conditional probability of the class c given the feature value j.

Both measures, Gain(Fi) and Gini(Fi), are nonnegative and they tend tooverestimate features with more values. Therefore, either all features have tobe binary or we have to use a normalization. For information gain there aretwo frequently used normalizations. The first is gain-ratio, where informationgain is normalized with the feature entropy [21]. This normalization elimi-nates the problem of overestimating the multi-valued features, however, thegain-ratio overestimates features with small feature entropy HFi . A betternormalization is with the joint entropy HY Fi [15].

Another possibility is to generalize entropy in terms of the minimum de-scription length (MDL) principle. The impurity can be defined as the numberof bits needed to code the classes. We need to code the class probability dis-tribution and the class for each (training) instance. The MDL measure [14] isthe most appropriate among impurity measures for estimating the quality of

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multi-valued features. Its advantage is also in the detection of useless (non-compressive) features. Since the optimal coding for both parts of the codeuses binomial coefficients, one has to be careful with the implementation (dueto incorrect implementations, some authors considered the MDL measure use-less). The best way to avoid overly large numbers is to use the log of gammafunction.

9.2.2 Relief for Classification

All measures described so far evaluate the quality of a feature independentlyof the context of other features, i.e., they assume the independence of featureswith respect to the class. The term “myopic” characterizes their inability todetect the information content of a feature that stems from a broader contextand dependencies between features.

The context of other features can be efficiently taken into account withthe algorithm ReliefF. Let us first describe a simpler variant, called Relief[12], which is designed for two-class problems without missing values. Thebasic idea of the algorithm, when analyzing learning instances, is to takeinto account not only the difference in feature values and the difference inclasses, but also the distance between the instances. Distance is calculatedin the feature space, therefore similar instances are close to each other anddissimilar are far apart. By taking the similarity of instances into account,the context of all the features is implicitly considered.

The basic algorithm Relief [12] (see Algorithm 9.2.1), for each instance froma random subset of m (m ≤M) learning instances, calculates the nearest in-stance from the same class (nearest hit xH) and the nearest instance fromthe opposite class (nearest miss xM ). Then it updates the quality of each fea-ture with respect to whether the feature differentiates two instances from thesame class (undesired property of the feature) and whether it differentiatestwo instances from opposite classes (desired property). By doing so, the qual-ity estimate takes into account the local ability of the feature to differentiatebetween the classes. The locality implicitly takes into account the context ofother features.

Quality estimations W can also be negative, however, W [Fi] ≤ 0 meansthat feature Fi is irrelevant.

Figure 9.2 illustrates the problem of conditionally dependent features andthe way Relief deals with it. On the left-hand side we see why impurity basedmeasures fail: Split on values of each feature (size or shape) does not reduceclass (color) impurity. On the right-hand side we illustrate Relief: It randomlyselects an instance and finds its nearest hit (small black square) and one of thenearest misses (small white ellipse or big white square, both containing circle).The values of both important features (size and shape) separate the selectedinstance and its miss and do not separate the instance and its hit, so theyboth get a positive update. The feature contains circle, which is irrelevant tothe class, does the opposite and gets a negative update.

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Algorithm 9.2.1 Basic algorithm Relief.Input: M learning instances xk described by N features; sampling parameter m

Output: for each feature Fi a quality weight −1 ≤W [i] ≤ 1

for i = 1 to N do W[i] = 0.0; end for;

for l = 1 to m do

randomly pick an instance xk;

find its nearest hit xH and nearest miss xM ;

for i = 1 to N do

W[i] = W[i] – diff(i,xk,xH)/m + diff(i,xk,xM )/m;

end for;

end for;


For (each) feature Fi the function diff(i,xj ,xk) in Algorithm 9.2.1 returnsthe difference of feature values of two instances:

diff(i,xj ,xk) =



Fi is numerical0 xj,i = xk,i ∧ Fi is nominal1 xj,i �= xk,i ∧ Fi is nominal


If we have a dataset with mixed numerical and nominal features, the useof (9.3) would underestimate the numerical features. Let us illustrate thisby taking two instances with 2 and 5 being values of feature Fi, respectively,where the possible values of Fi are integers from [1..8]. If Fi is nominal, thevalue of diff(Fi, 2, 5) = 1, since the two nominal values are different. If Fi

is numerical, diff(Fi, 2, 5) = |2−5|7 ≈ 0.43. The Relief algorithm uses results

of the diff function to update their qualities; therefore, with (9.3) numericalfeatures are underestimated. We can overcome this problem with the ramp














nearest hit

FIGURE 9.2: Problem of conditionally dependent features (left) and the idea ofthe Relief algorithm (right).

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function as proposed by [8]. It can be defined as a generalization of the difffunction for the numerical features:

diff(i,xj ,xk) =


0 |xj,i − xk,i| ≤ teq

1 |xj,i − xk,i| > tdiff|xj,i−xk,i|−teq

tdiff −teqteq < |xj,i − xk,i| ≤ tdiff


where teq and tdiff are two user definable threshold values, teq is the maximumdistance between two feature values to still consider them equal, and tdiff isthe minimum distance between feature values to still consider them different.If we set teq = 0 and tdiff = max(Fi) − min(Fi) we obtain (9.3). Defaultvalues are teq = 0.05(max(Fi)−min(Fi)), tdiff = 0.10(max(Fi)−min(Fi)).

Relief estimates the following difference of probabilities:

W (Fi) = P (different value of Fi|near instance with different prediction)− P (different value of Fi|near instance with same prediction) (9.5)= P (same value of Fi|near instance with same prediction)− P (same value of Fi|near instance with different prediction) (9.6)

If we omit the nearness condition, we get a function that is closely relatedto Gini-index[13]:

Wm(Fi) = constant×ni∑


p(Fi = j)2 ×Ginim(Fi) (9.7)

where Ginim(Fi) is strongly related with Gini(Fi) from Equation (9.2):

Ginim(Fi) =ni∑


(p(Fi = j)2

∑j p(Fi = j)2



p(y = c|Fi = j)2)



p(y = c)2

(9.8)The only difference between Ginim(Fi) and Gini(Fi) is that instead of the

factor p(Fi=j)2Pj p(Fi=j)2 in Equation (9.2) we have p(Fi=j)P

j p(Fi=j) = p(Fi = j). However,the crucial difference between the myopic Relief, defined by Equation (9.7),and Gini(Fi) is in the factor in front of Ginim in Equation (9.7):

∑j p(Fi =

j)2. This factor represents the prior probability that two randomly selectedinstances have the same value of the given feature. The factor implicitlynormalizes the Relief’s quality estimates with respect to the number of featurevalues. While Gini(Fi) overestimates multi-valued features, Relief and itsmyopic variant (9.7) have no such undesired bias.

Basic Relief is able to evaluate the quality of numerical and discrete fea-tures, which are highly interdependent. For example, for very hard parityproblems of arbitrary order, where the learning instances are described withan additional number of irrelevant features, Relief is able to detect a subsetof relevant features.

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Algorithm 9.3.1 ReliefF.Input: M learning instances xk (N features and C classes);

Probabilities of classes py; Sampling parameter m;

Number n of nearest instances from each class;

Output: for each feature Fi a quality weight −1 ≤W [i] ≤ 1;

1 for i = 1 to N do W[i] = 0.0; end for;

2 for l = 1 to m do

3 randomly pick an instance xk (with class yk);

4 for y = 1 to C do

5 find n nearest instances x[j, y] from class y, j = 1..n;

6 for i = 1 to N do for j = 1 to n do

7 if y = yk { nearest hit? }8 then W[i] = W[i] – diff(i,xk,x[j, y])/(m ∗ n);

9 else W[i] = W[i] + py/(1− pyk)∗ diff(i,xk,x[j, y])/(m ∗ n);

10 end if;

11 end for; { j } end for; { i }12 end for; { y }13 end for; { l }14 return(W);

9.3 ReliefF for Classification and RReliefF for Regres-sion

A more realistic variant of Relief is its extension, called ReliefF [13] (seeAlgorithm 9.3.1). The original Relief was designed for two-class problemswithout missing values and is quite sensitive to noise. ReliefF is able to dealwith incomplete and noisy data and can be used for evaluating the featurequality in multi-class problems:

Missing feature values: ReliefF can also use incomplete data. For thatpurpose we generalize the function diff to calculate the probability thattwo instances have different values of the given feature. We have twopossibilities. One of instances (xl) has an unknown value of feature Fi:

diff(Fi,xl,xk) = 1− p(Fi = xk,i|y = yl)

Both instances have unknown feature values:

diff(Fi,xl,xk) = 1−ni∑


(p(Fi = j|y = yl)× p(Fi = j|y = yk)


Noisy data: The most important part of algorithm Relief is searching for thenearest hit and miss. Noise (mistake) in a class and/or feature value

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significantly affects the selection of nearest hits and misses. In order tomake this process more reliable in the presence of noise, ReliefF usesn nearest hits and n nearest misses and averages their contributionsto the features’ quality estimates. n is a user defined parameter withtypical values n ∈ [5...10]. This simple extension significantly improvesthe reliability of quality estimates.

Multi-class problems: Instead of n nearest hits and misses, ReliefF searchesfor n nearest instances from each class. The contributions of differentclasses are weighted with their prior probabilities. In Algorithm 9.3.1,the weighting factor is py/(1−pyk

). The class of an instance is yk, whiley is the class of its nearest miss. The factor is therefore proportional tothe probability of class y, normalized with the sum of probabilities ofall classes, different from yk.

In regression, as an impurity measure, the variance of the numeric targetvariable is used. It is defined as the mean squared error:

s2 =1M



(yk − y)2

where y is the mean of the target variable over all M learning instances.Variance is closely related to Gini-index, which is an impurity measure. Ifin the binary classification problem one class is transformed into value 0 andthe other into value 1 of the regression variable (the discrete class variable istransformed into a numerical form), we get the following equality [1]:

Gini prior = 2s2

For evaluating the quality of a feature, the expected change of variance isused. It behaves similarly to the expected change of impurity in classification- it tends to overestimate the features with large numbers of values.

Like most of the feature quality measures defined for classification problems,the expected change of variance is also a myopic measure. When estimatingthe quality of a feature, it does not take into account the context of otherfeatures. In the following, we develop a non-myopic measure for regression byappropriately adapting algorithm ReliefF.

In regression problems the target variable is numerical, therefore nearesthits and misses cannot be used in a strict sense as in algorithm ReliefF.RReliefF (Regressional ReliefF) uses a kind of “probability” that two instancesbelong to two “different” classes [23]. This “probability” is modeled with thedistance between the values of the target variable of two learning instances.

By omitting the nearness condition in Equation (9.6) we get

Wm(Fi) = P (diff(i,xj ,xk) = 0|yj = yk)− P (diff(i,xj ,xk) = 0|yj �= yk)

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Algorithm 9.3.2 RReliefF – Regressional ReliefF.Input: M learning instances xk described with N features;

Sampling parameter m; Number n of nearest instances;

Output: for each feature Fi a quality weight −1 ≤W [i] ≤ 1;

set all NdY , NdF [i], NdY ∧dF [i], W [i] to 0;

for l = 1 to m do

randomly pick an instance xk;

find indices kj of n nearest instances, j ∈ [1..n];

for j = 1 to n do

{ index 0 in diff corresponds to target (regression) variable }NdY = NdY + diff(0,xkj ,xk)/n;

for i = 1 to N do

NdF [i] = NdF [i] + diff(i,xkj ,xk)/n;

NdY ∧dF [i] = NdY ∧dF [i] + diff(0,xkj ,xk) · diff(i,xkj ,xk)/n;

end for; { i }end for; { j }

end for; { l }{ for each feature calculate the value of (9.10) }for i = 1 to N do

W [i] = NdY ∧dF [i]/NdY – (NdF [i]−NdY ∧dF [i])/(m −NdY );

end for;


where yl stands for the class of learning instance xl. Further, let

Peq val = P (diff(i,xj ,xk) = 0), Psamecl = P (yj = yk) and

Psamecl|eq val = P (yj = yk|diff(i,xj ,xk) = 0)

By using the Bayesian rule we get

W(Fi) =Psamecl|eq valPeq val


(1− Psamecl|eq val)Peq val

1− Psamecl(9.9)

The trick now is to bring back the nearness condition. For estimating thequality in Equation (9.9) we need the (posterior) probability Psamecl|eq val

that two (nearest) instances belong to the same class provided they havethe same feature value, and the prior probability Psamecl that two instancesbelong to the same class. We can transform the equation, so that it containsthe probability that two instances belong to different classes provided theyhave different feature values:

W(Fi) =Pdiffcl|diffPdiff


(1− Pdiffcl|diff)Pdiff

1− Pdiffcl(9.10)

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Here Pdiff denotes the prior probability that two instances have different fea-ture values, and Pdiffcl denotes the prior probability that two instances belongto different classes.

Algorithm RReliefF has to approximate the probabilities in Equation (9.10).The details are provided in Algorithm 9.3.2. The algorithm calculates the“frequencies”:

• NdY – sum of “probabilities” that two nearest instances belong to dif-ferent classes;

• NdF [i], – sum of “probabilities” that two nearest instances have differentfeature values;

• NdY ∧dF [i] – sum of “probabilities” that two nearest instances belong todifferent classes and have different feature values.

Finally, from the above “frequencies,” it calculates the feature qualities W [i]using Equation (9.10).

Both algorithms, ReliefF and RReliefF, calculate the quality of featuresaccording to Equation (9.10), which represents a unified view of the featurequality estimation – in classification and regression.

When computing the diff function, it also makes sense to take distanceinto account. The rationale is that closer instances should have greater in-fluence, so we exponentially decrease the influence of the near instances withthe distance from the selected instance. Details of the implementation are in[26].

9.4 Extensions

9.4.1 ReliefF for Inductive Logic Programming

When dealing with the classification problems, inductive logic program-ming (ILP) systems often lag behind the state-of-the-art attributional learn-ers. Part of the blame can be ascribed to a much larger hypothesis space that,therefore, cannot be so thoroughly explored. ReliefF is suitable for the propo-sitional representation of training instances. A slightly different approach isneeded when estimating the quality of literals when inducing the first ordertheories with an ILP system.

The main difference stems from the fact that, while learning in the propo-sitional language, we are only interested in the boundaries between differentclasses. On the other hand, when learning in the first order language, weare not searching for boundaries but for a theory that explains positive learn-ing instances and does not cover negative ones. A crucial part of ReliefF

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is the function that measures the difference (distance) between the traininginstances.

Algorithm 9.4.1 Literal quality assessment with ReliefF. Note that Diff isused for nearest hits and DiffA for nearest misses.Input:: Literal space LS; Current training set T = T+ ∪ T−;

T+,T−: positive and negative instances respectively; Sampling parameter m;

Output: Weight vector W where W [L] estimates the quality of literal L;

set all weights W[L] := 0.0;

for l := 1 to m do

randomly select an instance xk ∈ T+;

find n nearest hits xH [i] and n nearest misses xM [i];

for L := 1 to #literals do

for i := 1 to n do

W [L] := W [L] + (DiffA(L,xk,xM [i]) −Diff(L,xk,xH [i]))/(n×m);

end for; { i }end for; { L }

end for; { l }

The key idea of using ReliefF within ILP is to estimate literals according tohow well they distinguish between the instances that are logically similar [20].Algorithm 9.4.1 searches for n nearest hits/misses. The search for the nearesthits and misses is guided by the total distance between the two instancesDiffT , computed as

DiffT (xk,xl) =1|LS|


Diff(L,xk,xl) (9.11)

It is simply a normalized sum of differences over the literal space LS. Itestimates the logical similarity of two instances relative to the backgroundknowledge.

Both the total distance DiffT and the estimates W depend on the definitionof Diff (DiffA is an asymmetric version of Diff). Table 9.1 shows the definitionsof Diff and DiffA.

The first two columns represent the coverage of literal L over the instancesxk and xl, respectively. The coverage denotes the truth value of some par-tially built clause Cl′ with literal L included when the head of the clause isinstantiated with instance xk or xl. Note that since xk is always from T + (seeAlgorithm 9.4.1), the DiffA function gives the preference to literals coveringthe positive instances.

The good performance of the learning system that uses this version of Re-liefF was empirically confirmed in many learning problems in ILP [20].

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Table 9.1: Definitions of the Diff and DiffA functions.

L(xk) L(xl) Diff(L,xk,xl) DiffA(L,xk,xl)0 0 0 00 1 1 01 0 1 11 1 0 0

9.4.2 Cost-Sensitive ReliefF

While historically the majority of machine learning research in classifica-tion has been focused on reducing the classification error, there also exists acorpus of work on cost-sensitive classification, where all errors are not equallyimportant (see an overview in [6]). In general, differences in the importanceof errors are handled through the cost of misclassification.

We assume that costs can be presented with the cost matrix C, whereCc,u is the cost (could also be benefit) associated with the prediction that aninstance belongs to the class u where in fact it belongs to the class c. Theoptimal prediction for an instance x is the class u that minimizes the expectedloss:

L(x, y = u) =C∑


P (y = c|x)Cc,u

where P (y = c|x) is the probability of the class c given instance x. The taskof a learner is therefore to estimate these conditional probabilities. Featureevaluation measures need not be cost-sensitive for decision tree building, asshown by [1, 6]. However, cost-sensitivity is a desired property of an algorithmthat tries to rank or weight features according to their importance. We presentthe best solutions for a cost-sensitive ReliefF from [25].

There are different techniques for incorporating cost information into learn-ing. The key idea is to use the expected cost of misclassifying an instance withclass c and then change the probability estimates:

εc =1

1− p(y = c)



p(y = u)Cc,u p′(y = c) =p(y = c)εc

∑Cu=1 p(y = u)εu


Using probabilities (9.12) in the impurity based functions Gain (9.1) and Gini(9.2), we get their cost-sensitive variations. Similarly, we can use (9.12) inReliefF; we only have to replace the 9th line in Algorithm 9.3.1 with

else W[i] = W[i] + p′y/(1− p′yk)∗ diff(i,xk,x[j, y])/(m ∗ n);

If we use just the information from a cost matrix and do not take priorprobabilities into account, similarly to (9.12), we can compute the averagecost of misclassifying an instance that belongs to the class c and the prior

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probability of class value:

αc =1

C − 1



Cc,u p(y = c) =αc

∑Cu=1 αu


The use of p(y = c) instead of p(y = c) in the 9th line in Algorithm 9.3.1 alsoenables ReliefF to successfully use cost information. For two-class problems,ReliefF, ReliefF with p′, and ReliefF with p are identical.

9.4.3 Evaluation of Ordered Features at Value Level

A context sensitive algorithm for evaluation of ordinal features was proposedin [27]. The ordEval algorithm exploits the information hidden in orderingof feature and class values and provides a separate score for each value ofthe feature. Similarly to ReliefF, the contextual information is exploited viathe selection of nearest instances. The ordEval outputs probabilistic factorscorresponding to the effect an increase/decrease of a feature value has onthe class value. The difference to ReliefF is in handling each feature valueseparately and in differentiating between the positive and negative changes ofthe feature and their impact on the class value.

To present the algorithm we need some definitions. Let xR be a randomlyselected instance and xS its most similar instance. Let j be the value of featureFi at instance xR. We observe the necessary changes of the class value andfeatures (Fi in particular) that would change xS to xR. If these changes arepositive (increase of class and/or feature values), let

• P (ypi,j) be a probability that the class value of xR is larger than the class

value of its most similar neighbor xS . P (ypi,j) is therefore the probability

that the positive change in a similar instance’s class value is needed toget from xS to xR.

• P (F pi,j) be a probability that j (the value of Fi at xR) is larger than

the value of Fi at its most similar neighbor xS . By estimating P (F pi,j),

we gather evidence of the probability that the similar instance xS has alower value of Fi and the change of xS to xR is positive.

• P (ypF pi,j) be a probability that both the class and j (the value of Fi

at xR ) are larger than the class and feature value of its most similarneighbor xS . With P (ypF p

i,j) we estimate the probability that positivechange in both the class and Fi value of a similar instance xS is neededto get the values of xR.

Similarly we define P (yni,j), P (Fn

i,j), and P (ynFni,j) for negative changes that

would turn xS into xR (decrease of class and/or feature values).The output of the algorithm are conditional probabilities called upward

and downward reinforcement factors, which measure the upward/downward

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trends exhibited in the data. The upward reinforcement of the i-th feature’svalue j is

Ui,j = P (ypi,j |F

pi,j) =

P (ypF pi,j)

P (F pi,j)


This factor reports the probability that a positive class change is caused bya positive feature change. This intuitively corresponds to the effect the pos-itive change in the feature value has on the class. Similarly for downwardreinforcement:

Di,j = P (yni,j |Fn

i,j) =P (ynFn

i,j)P (Fn


Di,j reports the effect the decrease of a feature value has on the decrease ofthe class value. Analogously with numerical features, we could say that Uand D are similar to the partial derivatives of the prediction function.

Algorithm ordEval reliably estimates (9.14) and (9.15), borrowing fromReliefF and RReliefF many implementation details (sampling, context, treat-ment of distance, updates).

The ordEval algorithm is general and can be used for analysis of any surveywith graded answers; The authors of [27] have used it as an exploratory toolon a marketing problem of customer (dis)satisfaction and also developed avisualization technique. The use of Ui,j and Di,j for feature subset selectionseems possible, but is still an open research question.

9.5 Interpretation

There are two complementary interpretations of the quality evaluationscomputed by Relief, ReliefF, and RReliefF. The first is based on the differenceof probabilities from Equation (9.5), and the second explains them as theportions of the explained concept.

9.5.1 Difference of Probabilities

Equation (9.5) forms the basis for the difference of probabilities interpreta-tion of the quality estimations of the Relief algorithms: the difference of theprobability that two instances have different values of the feature F if theyhave different prediction values and the probability that two instances havedifferent values of the feature if they have similar prediction values. These twoprobabilities contain the additional condition that the instances are close inthe problem space and form an estimate of how well the values of the featuredistinguish between the instances that are near to each other.

These two probabilities are mathematical transcriptions of Relief’s idea:The first term rewards the feature if its values separate similar observations

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with different prediction values, and the second term punishes it if it doesnot separate similar observations with similar prediction values. As it turnedout, this interpretation is nontrivial for human comprehension. Negated sim-ilarity (different values) and subtraction of the probabilities are difficult tocomprehend for human experts.

9.5.2 Portion of the Explained Concept

The behavior of Relief, ReliefF, and RReliefF when the number of the in-stances approached infinity, i.e., when the problem space is densely coveredwith the instances, was analyzed in [26] and proved that Relief’s quality es-timates can be interpreted as the ratio between the number of the explainedchanges in the concept and the number of examined instances.

We say that feature F is responsible for the change of yk (the predicted valueof the instance xk) to the predicted value b(yk) if the change of its values isone of the minimal number of changes required for changing the predictedvalue from yk to b(yk). We denote this responsibility by rF (yk, b(yk)). As thenumber of instances M goes to infinity, the quality evaluation W (F ) computedfrom m instances xk from the sample S (|S| = m) for each feature convergesto the ratio between the number of changes in the predicted values the featureis responsible for and the cardinality m of the sample:


W (F ) =1m



rF (yk, b(yk)) (9.16)

Note that as M →∞, the problem space is densely covered with instances;therefore, the nearest hit comes from the same characteristic region as therandomly selected instance and its contribution in Algorithm 9.2.1 is 0.

We interpret Relief’s weights W (F ) as the contribution (responsibility) ofeach feature to the explanation of the predictions. The actual quality evalua-tions for the features in the given problem are approximations of these idealweights, which occur only with an abundance of data.

For ReliefF this property is somehow different. Recall that in this algorithmwe search nearest misses from each of the classes and weight their contribu-tions with prior probabilities. This weighting is also reflected in the featureevaluation when M → ∞. Let p(y = c) represent the prior probability ofthe class value c, and under the same conditions as for Relief, rF (yk, bu(yk))be the responsibility of feature F for the change of yk to the class u. ThenReliefF behaves as


W (F ) =1m





p(y = c)p(y = u)1− p(y = c)



rF (yk, bu(yk)). (9.17)

We can therefore explain the quality estimate as the ratio between the num-ber of class value changes the feature is responsible for and the number of

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examined instances, weighted with the prior probabilities of class values.In two-class problems, formulas (9.17) and (9.16) are equivalent (becausediff(F,xk,xl) = diff(F,xl,xk)).

The interpretation of the quality estimates with the ratio of the explainedchanges in the concept is true for RReliefF as well, as it also computes Equa-tion (9.5); however, the updates are proportional to the size of the differencein the prediction value.

We have noticed that in various applications (medicine, ecology) trees pro-duced with (R)ReliefF algorithms are more comprehensible for human experts.Splits selected by them seem to mimic humans’ partition of the problem,which we explain with the interpretation of Relief’s weights as the portion ofthe explained concept.

9.6 Implementation Issues

9.6.1 Time Complexity

The time complexity of Relief and its extension ReliefF is O(mMN), wherem is the number of iterations in the main loop of the algorithm. For thecalculation of each nearest hit and miss we need O(MN) steps. Greater mimplies more reliable evaluation of the feature’s qualities but also greater timecomplexity. If we set m = M , we get the most reliable quality estimates andthe highest time complexity. This is often unacceptably slow; therefore, forlarge M , we set mM , typically m ∈ [30...200].

The time complexity of RReliefF is equal to that of basic Relief, i.e.,O(mMN). The most time-consuming operation is searching for n nearestinstances. We need to calculate M distances, which can be done in O(MN)steps. Building the heap (full binary tree where each subtree contains theminimal element in the root) requires O(M) steps, and n nearest instancescan be extracted from the heap in O(n log M) steps. In practice this is alwaysless than O(MN).

If we use a k-d tree to implement the search for nearest instances, we can re-duce the complexity of all three algorithms to O(NM log M) [22]. In practice,using k-d trees to select nearest instances only makes sense with reasonablysmall feature dimensionality (N < 20).

9.6.2 Active Sampling

When dealing with datasets with a huge numbers of instances, feature selec-tion methods typically perform a random sampling. Reference [18] introducesthe concept of active feature selection, and applies selective sampling based ondata variance to ReliefF. The authors reduce the required number of training

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instances and achieve considerable time savings without performance deteri-oration. The idea of the approach is first to split the instances according totheir density with the help of a k-d tree and then, instead of randomly choos-ing an instance from the whole training set, select a random representativefrom each leaf (bucket) of the k-d tree.

9.6.3 Parallelization

Relief algorithms are computationally more complex than some other (my-opic) feature estimation measures. However, they also have a possible advan-tage that they can be naturally split into several independent tasks, whichis a prerequisite for the successful parallelization of an algorithm. Each it-eration of the algorithm is a natural candidate for a separate process, whichwould turn Relief into a fine-grained parallel algorithm. With the arrival ofmicroprocessors with multiple cores, this will be an easy speedup.

9.7 Applications

(R)ReliefF has been applied in a variety of different ways in machine learn-ing and data mining. It is implemented in many data mining tools, includingCore, Weka, Orange, and R. Core ( the most complete and efficient implementation in C++, containing mostof the extensions described in this chapter. Weka [30] contains Java code ofReliefF and RReliefF that can be used for feature subset selection. Orange [4]contains ReliefF and RReliefF, which can be used for many tasks within thisversatile learning environment. In R [9], the ReliefF is available in a dpreppackage (∼edgar/dprep.html).

Besides the usual application for filter subset selection, (R)ReliefF was usedfor wrapper feature subset selection, feature ranking, feature weighing, build-ing tree-based models and associative rules, feature discretization, controllingthe search in genetic algorithms, literal ranking in ILP, and constructive in-duction.

9.7.1 Feature Subset Selection

Original Relief was designed for filter feature subset selection [12]. However,any algorithm from the (R)ReliefF family can also be efficiently used withinthe wrapper method: After ranking the features, the wrapper is used to selectthe appropriate size of the feature subset [7]. The usual filter way of using(R)ReliefF in a data mining process is to evaluate the features, select theappropriate subset, and then run one or more machine learning algorithms

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on the resulting dataset. To select the set of the most important features,[12] introduced the significance threshold θ. If the weight of a given feature isbelow θ, it is considered unimportant and is excluded from the resulting set.Bounds for θ were proposed, i.e., 0 < θ ≤ 1√

αm, where α is the probability of

accepting an irrelevant feature as relevant and m is the number of iterationsused. The upper bound for θ is very loose and in practice much smaller valuescan be used.

Another interesting application is the feature subset selection in bagging:When K-NN classifiers are used it is important to reduce the number of fea-tures in order to provide efficient classification [10].

Many researchers have reported good performance of the (R)ReliefF familyof algorithms in comparison with other feature selection methods, for example[5, 7, 28], however, with respect to the time complexity, the myopic measuresare of course faster.

9.7.2 Feature Ranking

Feature ranking is needed when one has to decide the order of features in acertain data mining process. For example, if one needs to manually examineplots of features or pairs of features, in many applications it is practicallyimpossible to examine all the plots. Therefore, only the most promising areexamined. ReliefF seems to be a good choice in domains with strong inter-dependencies between features [3], although one must bear in mind its sen-sitivity to the context of redundant and irrelevant features. Feature rankingis important for guiding the search in various machine learning tasks wherean exhaustive search is too complex and a heuristic search is required. Fea-ture ranking dictates the order of features by which the algorithms search thespace. Examples of such algorithms are building of decision trees, genetic algo-rithms, and constructive induction. Comparisons of ReliefF’s feature rankingwith that of other methods have confirmed ReliefF’s good performance [28].

9.7.3 Feature Weighing

Feature weighing is an important component of any lazy learning scheme.Feature weights adjust the metric and therefore strongly influence the per-formance of lazy learning. Feature weighting is an assignment of a weight toeach feature and can be viewed as a generalization of feature subset selectionin the sense that it does not assign just binary weights (include-exclude) toeach feature but rather an arbitrary real number. If (R)ReliefF algorithms areused in this fashion, then we do not need a significance threshold but ratheruse their weights directly. ReliefF was tested as the feature weighting methodin lazy learning [29] and was found to be very useful. ReliefF was also appliedto feature weighing in clustering [17].

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9.7.4 Building Tree-Based Models

Commonly used feature estimators in decision trees are Gini-index and Gainratio in classification and the mean squared error in regression [21, 1]. Theseestimators are myopic and cannot detect conditional dependencies betweenfeatures and also have inappropriate bias concerning multi-valued features[14]. ReliefF was successfully employed in classification [16] and RReliefF inregression problems [23]. (R)ReliefF algorithms perform as well as myopicmeasures if there are no conditional dependencies among the features andsurpass them if there are strong dependencies. When faced with an unknowndataset, it is unreasonable to assume that it contains no strong conditionaldependencies and rely only on myopic feature estimators. Furthermore, us-ing an impurity-based estimator near the fringe of the decision tree leads tonon-optimal splits concerning accuracy, and a switch to accuracy has beensuggested as a remedy. It was shown [24] that ReliefF in decision trees aswell as RReliefF in regression trees do not need such switches as they containthem implicitly.

9.7.5 Feature Discretization

Discretization divides the values of the numerical feature into a number ofintervals. Each interval can then be treated as one value of the new discretefeature. Discretization of features can reduce the learning complexity and helpto understand the dependencies between the features and the target concept.There are several methods that can be used to discretize numerical features.

A usual top-down algorithm for the discretization of features starts withone interval and iteratively divides one subinterval into two subintervals. Ateach step the algorithm searches for a boundary that, when added to thecurrent set of boundaries, maximizes the heuristic estimate of the discretizedfeature. The algorithm assumes that the heuristic feature quality measureincreases until a (local) optima is reached. Therefore, information gain (9.1)and Gini-index gain (9.2) in classification and the expected change of variance(see Section 9.3) in regression are useless as they monotonously increase withthe number of intervals. Appropriate measures are non-monotonic, such asMDL [14] and (R)ReliefF.

The main advantage of (R)ReliefF is its non-myopic behavior. Therefore,using ReliefF leads to a non-myopic discretization of numerical features. Itwas shown that conditionally dependent features may have important bound-aries, which cannot be detected by myopic measures. The regressional versionRReliefF can be used to discretize features in regression problems.

9.7.6 Association Rules and Genetic Algorithms

The use of ReliefF together with an association rules-based classifier [11] isalso connected with feature subset selection. The adaptation of the algorithm

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to association rules changes the diff function in a similar way as in ILP (seeSection 9.4.1).

In genetic algorithms, in order to speed up the learning process, one candefine operators that are less random and take into account the importance offeatures. It was shown that ReliefF improves the efficiency of genetic searchesby providing estimates of features that are then used to control the geneticoperators [19].

9.7.7 Constructive Induction

In constructive induction one needs to develop new features from the exist-ing ones describing the data. Due to the combinatorial explosion of possiblecombinations of features it is necessary to limit the search to the most promis-ing subset of features. As (R)ReliefF implicitly detects dependencies betweenfeatures, which are most important when constructing new features, it can beused to effectively guide the search in constructive induction. We employed(R)ReliefF algorithms to guide the constructive induction process during thegrowing of the tree models. Only the most promising features were selectedfor construction, and various operators were applied on them (conjunction,disjunction, summation, product). The results were good and in some do-mains the obtained constructs provided additional insight into the domain[2].

One of the most promising approaches to constructive induction is based onthe function decomposition. Algorithm HINT [31] uses ReliefF to effectivelyguide the search through the space of all possible feature hierarchies.

9.8 Conclusion

ReliefF in classification and RReliefF in regression exploit the context ofother features through distance measures and can detect highly conditionallydependent features. We have described the basic idea and showed the relationbetween myopic impurity measures and Relief. Then we extended Relief toa more realistic variant ReliefF, which is able to deal with incomplete data,with multi-class problems, and is robust with respect to noise. Afterwards,the basic idea was also extended to regressional problems and implementedin the Regressional ReliefF (RReliefF). The relation between Gini-index andvariance is analogous to the relation between ReliefF and RReliefF. Variousextensions of the (R)ReliefF family of algorithms, like the evaluation of literalsin inductive logic programming, cost-sensitive feature evaluation with ReliefF,and the ordEval algorithm for the evaluation of features with ordered values,show the general applicability of the basic idea. The (R)ReliefF family of

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algorithms has been used in many different machine learning subproblemsand applications. Besides, the comprehensive interpretability of (R)ReliefF’sestimates makes it even more attractive. Although some authors claim that(R)ReliefF is computationally demanding, our discussion shows that this isnot an inherent property and that efficient implementations exist.


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Chapter 10

Weighting Method for FeatureSelection in K-Means

Joshua Zhexue Huang

The University of Hong Kong

Jun Xu

The University of Hong Kong

Michael Ng

Hong Kong Baptist University

Yunming Ye

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19310.2 Feature Weighting in k-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19410.3 W-k-Means Clustering Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19710.4 Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19810.5 Subspace Clustering with k-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20010.6 Text Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20110.7 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20410.8 Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

10.1 Introduction

The k-means type of clustering algorithms [13, 16] are widely used in real-world applications such as marketing research [12] and data mining due totheir efficiency in processing large datasets. One unavoidable task of usingk-means in real applications is to determine a set of features (or attributes). Acommon practice is to select features based on business domain knowledge anddata exploration. This manual approach is difficult to use, time consuming,and frequently cannot make a right selection. An automated method is neededto solve the feature selection problem in k-means.

In this chapter, we introduce a recent development of the k-means algorithmthat can automatically determine the important features in the k-means clus-


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tering process [14]. This new algorithm is called W-k-means. In this algorithma new step is added to the standard k-means clustering process to calculatethe feature weights from the current partition of data in each iteration. Theweight of a feature is determined by the sum of the within-cluster disper-sions of the feature. The larger the sum, the smaller the feature weight. Theweights produced by the W-k-means algorithm measure the importance of thecorresponding features in clustering. The small weights reduce or eliminatethe effect of insignificant (or noisy) features. Therefore, the feature weightscan be used in feature selection. Since the k-means clustering process is notfundamentally changed in W-k-means, the efficiency and convergency of theclustering process remain.

A further extension of this approach is to calculate a weight for each featurein each cluster [4]. This is called subspace k-means clustering because the im-portant features in each cluster identify the subspace in which the cluster isdiscovered. Since the subsets of important features are different in differentclusters, subspace clustering is achieved. Subspace clustering has wide ap-plications in text clustering, bio-informatics, and customer behavior analysis,where high-dimensional data are involved. In this chapter, subspace k-meansclustering is also discussed.

10.2 Feature Weighting in k-Means

Given a dataset X with M records and N features, the k-means clusteringalgorithm [16] searches for a partition of X into k clusters that minimizes thesum of the within-cluster dispersions of all features. The clustering process isconducted as follows:

1. Randomly select k distinct records as the initial cluster centers.

2. For each record in X, calculate the distances between the record andeach cluster center, and assign the record to the cluster with the shortestdistance.

3. Repeat the above step until all records have been assigned to clusters.For each cluster, compute a new cluster center as the mean (average) ofthe feature values.

4. Compare the new cluster centers with the previous centers. If the newcenters are the same as the previous centers, stop the clustering process;otherwise, go back to Step 2.

In the above standard k-means clustering process, all features are treatedthe same in the calculation of the distances between the data records and the

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cluster centers. The importance of different features is not distinguishable.The formal presentation of the k-means clustering algorithm can be found in[13].

To identify the importance of different features, a weight can be assignedto each feature in the distance calculation. As such, the feature with a largeweight will have more impact on determining the cluster a record is assignedto. Since the importance of a feature is determined by its distribution in thedataset, the feature weights are data dependent.

To automatically determine the feature weights, we add one step to thestandard k-means clustering process to calculate the feature weights fromthe current partition of the data in each iteration. During the clusteringprocess, weights are updated automatically until the clustering process con-verges. Then, the final weights of the features can indicate which features areimportant in clustering the data and which are not.

Formally, the process is to minimize the following objective function:

P (U, Z, W ) =k∑






ui,lwβj d(xi,j , zl,j) (10.1)

subject to ⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨




ui,l = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤M

ui,l ∈ {0, 1}, 1 ≤ i ≤M, 1 ≤ l ≤ kN∑


wj = 1, 0 ≤ wj ≤ 1



• U is an M × k partition matrix, ui,l is a binary variable, and ui,l = 1indicates that record i is allocated to cluster l.

• Z = {Z1, Z2, ..., Zk} is a set of k vectors representing the k-cluster cen-ters.

• W = [w1, w2, ..., wN ] is a set of weights.

• d(xi,j , zl,j) is a distance or dissimilarity measure between object i andthe center of cluster l on the jth feature. If the feature is numeric, then

d(xi,j , zl,j) = (xi,j − zl,j)2 (10.3)

If the feature is categorical, then

d(xi,j , zl,j) ={

0 (xi,j = zl,j)1 (xi,j �= zl,j)


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• β is a parameter.

The above optimization problem can be solved by iteratively solving thefollowing three minimization problems:

1. P1: Fix Z = Z and W = W ; solve the reduced problem P (U, Z, W ).

2. P2: Fix U = U and W = W ; solve the reduced problem P (U , Z, W ).

3. P3: Fix U = U and Z = Z; solve the reduced problem P (U , Z, W ).

P1 is solved by


⎩ui,l = 1 if



wβj d(xi,j , zl,j) ≤



wβj d(xi,j , zt,j) for 1 ≤ t ≤ k

ui,t = 0 for t �= l


and P2 is solved for the numeric features by

zl,j =



ui,l xi,j




for 1 ≤ l ≤ k and 1 ≤ j ≤ N (10.6)

If the feature is categorical, then

zl,j = arj (10.7)

where arj is the mode of the feature values in cluster l [13].

The solution to P3 is given in the following theorem.

Theorem 1. Let U = U and Z = Z be fixed,(i) When β > 1 or β ≤ 0, P (U , Z, W ) is minimized iff

wj =



0 if Dj = 0





] 1β−1

if Dj �= 0 (10.8)


Dj =k∑




ui,ld(xi,j , zl,j) (10.9)

and h is the number of features with Dj �= 0.(ii) When β = 1, P (U , Z, W ) is minimized iff

wj′ = 1 and wj = 0, j �= j′

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where Dj′ ≤ Dj for all j.The proof is given in [14].Theorem 1 shows that, given a data partition, a larger weight is assigned to

a feature with a smaller sum of the within-cluster dispersions and a smallerweight to a feature with a larger sum of the within-cluster dispersions. There-fore, the feature weight is reversely proportional to the sum of the within-cluster dispersions of the feature.

The real weight wβj of feature xj in the distance calculation (see (1.5)) is

also dependent on the value of β. In using W-k-means, we can choose eitherβ < 0 or β > 1 for the following reasons:

• When β = 0, W-k-means is equivalent to k-means.

• When β = 1, wj is equal to 1 for the smallest value of Dj . The otherweights are equal to 0. Although the objective function is minimized,the clustering is made by the selection of one variable. It may not bedesirable for high-dimensional clustering problems.

• When 0 < β < 1, the larger Dj , the larger wj , and similarly for wβj .

This is against the variable weighting principal, so we cannot choose0 < β < 1.

• When β > 1, the larger Dj, the smaller wj and the smaller wβj . The

effect of variable xj with large Dj is reduced.

• When β < 0, the larger Dj , the larger wj . However, wβj becomes smaller

and has less weighting to the variable in the distance calculation becauseof negative β.

10.3 W-k-Means Clustering Algorithm

The algorithm to solve (10.1) is an extension to the standard k-means al-gorithm [13, 21].

Algorithm - (The W-k-means algorithm)Step 1. Randomly choose an initial Z0 = {Z1, Z2, ..., Zk} and randomly

generate a set of initial weights W 0 = [w01, w

02, ..., w

0N ] (



wj = 1). Determine

U0 such that P (U0, Z0, W 0) is minimized. Set t = 0;Step 2. Let Z = Zt and W = W t, solve problem P (U, Z, W ) to obtain

U t+1. If P (U t+1, Z, W ) = P (U t, Z, W ), output (U t, Z, W ) and stop; other-wise, go to Step 3;

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Step 3. Let U = U t+1 and W = W t, solve problem P (U , Z, W ) to ob-tain Zt+1. If P (U , Zt+1, W ) = P (U , Zt, W ), output (U , Zt, W ) and stop;otherwise, go to Step 4;

Step 4. Let U = U t+1 and Z = Zt+1, solve problem P (U , Z, W ) to obtainW t+1. If P (U , Z, W t+1) = P (U , Z, W t), output (U , Z, W t) and stop; other-wise, set t = t + 1 and go to Step 2.

Theorem 2. The above algorithm converges to a local minimal solutionin a finite number of iterations.

The proof is given in [14].Since the W-k-means algorithm is an extension to the k-means algorithm

by adding a new step to calculate the variable weights in the iterative process,it does not seriously affect the scalability in clustering large data; therefore,it is suitable for data mining applications. The computational complexity ofthe algorithm is O(tNMk), where t is the total number of iterations requiredfor performing Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4; k is the number of clusters; N isthe number of features; and M is the number of records.

10.4 Feature Selection

One of the drawbacks of the standard k-means algorithm is that it treats allfeatures equally when deciding the cluster memberships. This is not desirableif the data contain a large number of diverse features. A cluster structure in ahigh-dimensional dataset is often confined to a subset of features rather thanthe entire feature set. Inclusion of all features can only obscure the discoveryof the cluster structure.

The W-k-means clustering algorithm can be used to select the subset offeatures for clustering in real-world applications. In doing so, the clusteringwork can be divided in the following steps. The first step is to use W-k-meansto cluster the dataset or a sample of the dataset to produce a set of weights.The second step is to select a subset of features according to the weight valuesand remove the unselected features from the dataset. The third step is to useW-k-means or another clustering algorithm to cluster the dataset to producethe final clustering result.

Figure 10.1 shows a dataset with three features (x1, x2, x3) and two clustersin the subset of features (x1, x2). Feature x3 is noise in a uniform distribution.We can see the two clusters in the plot of Figure 10.1(a) but cannot see anycluster structure in the plots of Figure 10.1(b) and Figure 10.1(c). If wedid not know that the two clusters were existing in the subset of features(x1, x2), we would find it difficult to discover them from the dataset using thestandard k-means algorithm. However, we can use W-k-means to cluster this

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dataset and obtain the weights of the three features as 0.47, 0.40, and 0.13,respectively. From these weights, we can easily identify the first two features(x1, x2) as important features. After removing the data of feature x3, we canrun the standard k-means algorithm to discover the two clusters from thesubset of the features (x1, x2) as shown in Figure 10.1(d).

In fact, we can get the final result of Figure 10.1(d) directly from the firstrun of W-k-means in this simple example. Real datasets often have features inthe hundreds and records in the hundreds of thousands, such as the customerdatasets in large banks. In such situations, several runs of W-k-means areneeded to identify the subset of important features.







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(a) Two clusters in the subset offeatures x1, x2.











2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(b) Plot of the subset of featuresx1, x3.











0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(c) Plot of the subset of featuresx2, x3.







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(d) Two discovered clusters plottedin the subset of features x1, x2.

FIGURE 10.1: Feature selection from noise data.

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10.5 Subspace Clustering with k-Means

Subspace clustering refers to the process of identifying clusters from sub-spaces of data, with each subspace being defined by a subset of features.Different clusters are identified from different subspaces of data. Subspaceclustering is required when clustering high-dimensional data such as those intext mining, bio-informatics, and e-commerce.

Subspace clustering can be achieved by feature weighting in k-means. In-stead of assigning a weight to each feature for the entire dataset, we assign aweight to each feature in each cluster. As such, if there are N features andk clusters, we will obtain N × k weights. This is achieved by rewriting theobjective function (10.1) as follows:

P (U, Z, W ) =k∑






ui,lwβl,jd(xi,j , zl,j) (10.10)

subject to⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨




ui,l = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤M

ui,l ∈ {0, 1}, 1 ≤ i ≤M, 1 ≤ l ≤ kN∑


wlj = 1, 0 ≤ wlj ≤ 1


where W is a k × N weight matrix and the other notations are the same asin (10.1).

In a similar fashion, (10.10) can be reduced to three subproblems that aresolved iteratively.

The subproblem P1 is solved by


⎩ui,l = 1 if



wβljd(xi,j , zl,j) ≤



wβljd(xi,j , zt,j) for 1 ≤ t ≤ k

ui,t = 0 for t �= l


The subproblem P2 is solved with (10.6) or (10.7), depending on the datatypes.

The solution to the subproblem P3 is given in the following theorem.

Theorem 3. Let U = U and Z = Z be fixed. When β > 1 or β ≤ 0,P (U , Z, W ) is minimized iff

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wlj =1





] 1β−1



Dlj =M∑


ui,ld(xi,j , zl,j) (10.14)

and N is the number of features with Dlj > 0.In subspace clustering, if Dlj = 0, we cannot simply assign a weight 0 to

feature j in cluster l. Dlj = 0 means all values of feature j are the samein cluster l. In fact, Dlj = 0 indicates that feature j may be an importantfeature in identifying cluster l. Dlj = 0 often occurs in real-world data suchas text data and supplier transaction data. To solve this problem, we cansimply add a small constant σ to the distance function to make wlj alwayscomputable, i.e.,

Dlj =M∑


ui,l(d(xi,j , zl,j) + σ) (10.15)

In practice, σ can be chosen as the average dispersion of all features inthe dataset. It can be proved that the subspace k-means clustering processconverges [4].

10.6 Text Clustering

A typical application of subspace clustering is text mining. In text cluster-ing, text data are usually represented in the vector space model (VSM). A setof documents is converted to a matrix where each row indicates a documentand each column represents a term or word in the vocabulary of the documentset. Table 10.1 is a simplified example of text data representation in VSM.Each column corresponds to a term and each line represents a document.Each entry value is the frequency of the corresponding term in the relateddocument.

If a set of text documents contains several classes, the documents relatedto a particular class, for instance sport, are categorized by a particular subsetof terms, corresponding to a subspace of the vocabulary space. Differentdocument classes are categorized by different subsets of terms, i.e., differentsubspaces. For example, the subset of terms describing the sport class isdifferent from the subset of terms describing the music class. As such, k-meanssubspace clustering becomes useful for text data because different clusterscan be identified from different subspaces through the weights of the terms.

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TABLE 10.1: A simple exampleof text representation.

t0 t1 t2 t3 t4x0 1 2 3 0 6x1 2 3 1 0 6x2 3 1 2 0 6x3 0 0 1 3 2x4 0 0 2 1 3x5 0 0 3 2 1

TABLE 10.2: Summary of the six text datasets.Dataset Source nd Dataset Source nd

alt.atheism 100 talk.politics.mideast 100

B2talk.politics.misc 100 100 100 100 100A4talk.politics.mideast 100

B4sci.electronics 100 120 100 59 59A4-Utalk.politics.mideast 20

B4-Usci.electronics 20

Besides, the weights can also be used to select the key words for semanticrepresentations of clusters.

10.6.1 Text Data and Subspace Clustering

Table 10.2 lists the six datasets built from the popular 20-Newsgroupscollection.1 The six datasets have different characteristics in sparsity, dimen-sionality, and class distribution. The classes and the number of documentsin each class are given in the columns “Source” and “nd.” The classes in thedatasets A2 and A4 are semantically apart, while the classes in the datasetsB2 and B4 are semantically close. Semantically close classes have more over-lapping words. The number of documents in the datasets A4-U and B4-U aredifferent, indicating unbalanced class distributions.

These datasets were preprocessed using the Bow toolkit.2 The preprocessingsteps included removing the headers, the stop words, and the words thatoccurred in less than three documents or greater than the average number ofdocuments in each class, as well as stemming the remaining words with thePorter stemming function. The standard tf · idf term weighting was used torepresent the document vector.

Table 10.3 shows the comparisons of accuracy in clustering these datasetswith the subspace k-means, the standard k-means, and four subspace clus-tering algorithms: PROCLUS [1], HARP [23], COSA [10], and LAC [8]. The

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TABLE 10.3: Comparisons of accuracies of the subspace k-means withthe standard k-mean and other four subspace clustering algorithms.

A2 B2 A4 B4 A4-U B4-U

Subspace k-means 0.9599 0.9043 0.9003 0.8631 0.9591 0.9205Standard k-means 0.895 0.735 0.6 0.5689 0.95 0.8729PROCLUS 0.7190 0.6604 0.6450 0.4911 0.5239 0.5739HARP 0.8894 0.6020 0.5073 0.3840 0.4819 0.3364COSA 0.5781 0.5413 0.3152 0.3621 0.4159 0.3599LAC 0.9037 0.7981 0.6721 0.5816 0.9473 0.7363

weight intervals word number0˜1: (0,1e-08] 81˜2: (1e-08,1e-07] 2802˜3: (1e-07,1e-06] 4333˜4: (1e-06,1e-05] 1884˜5: (1e-05,1) 32

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50












of w


weight intervals

FIGURE 10.2: Distribution of words in different ranges of weights.

accuracy is calculated as the number of correctly classified documents dividedby the total number of documents in a dataset. We can see that the sub-space k-means performed better than the standard k-means and the otherfour subspace clustering algorithms on all datasets. This is due to the sub-space nature of the text clusters, so the subspace k-means is more suitable intext clustering.

10.6.2 Selection of Key Words

Another advantage of using the subspace k-means in text clustering is thatthe weights produced by the algorithm can be used to identify the importantterms or words in each cluster. The higher the weight value in a cluster, themore important the term feature in discovering the cluster. We can divide therange of the weight values into intervals and plot the distribution of featuresagainst the weight intervals as shown in Figure 10.2.

After the distribution is obtained, we remove the terms with the extremelylarge weights because they correspond to the terms with zero frequency inthe cluster, i.e., the term did not occur in the cluster. Few terms with theextremely large weights correspond to the terms with equal frequency in eachdocument of the cluster. Such terms can be easily identified in postprocessing.

Taking dataset B4 as an example, after preprocessing we got 1,322 featurewords. We used the subspace k-means to cluster it into four clusters. Eachcluster has more than 300 words with zero frequency. These words wereremoved from the clusters.

Figure 10.2 shows distribution of the remaining words in cluster Computer

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Graphics of the dataset B4 against the weight intervals. Since we limit thesum of the weights for all features in a cluster to 1, the weights for most wordsare relatively small. Using a weight threshold, we identified 220 words withrelatively larger weights. This is less than 17% of the total words. These arethe words categorizing the cluster. From these words, we need to identify afew that will enable use to interpret the cluster.

Figure 10.3 show the plots of the term weights in four clusters. The hor-izontal axis is the index of the 220 words and the vertical lines indicate thevalues of the weights. We can observe that each cluster has its own subset ofkey words because the lines do not have big overlaps in different clusters. Theclasses Computer Graphics and Microsoft Windows overlap a little, which in-dicates that the semantics of the two classes are close to each other. Similarly,the classes Autos and Electronics are close.

We extracted 10 words from each cluster, which had the largest weights andwere nouns. They are listed on the right side in Figure 10.3. We can see thatthese noun words indeed represent the semantic meaning of the clusters. Forexample, the words graphic, color, image, and point are good descriptions ofthe cluster Computer Graphics. Comparing the word distribution on the left,these words are identifiable from their large weight values. This shows thatthe weights, together with the word function, are useful in selecting the keywords for representing the meanings of clusters.

We can also observe that some words have large weights in more than onecluster. For example, the word request has large weight values in two classes,Computer Graphics and Microsoft Windows. Such words indicate that thetwo classes are semantically close.

10.7 Related Work

Feature selection has been an important research topic in cluster analysis[5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20].

Desarbo et al. [7] introduced the first method for variable weighting ink-means clustering in the SYNCLUS algorithm. The SYNCLUS process isdivided into two stages. Starting from an initial set of weights, SYNCLUSfirst uses the k-means clustering to partition the data into k clusters. Itthen estimates a new set of optimal weights by optimizing a weighted mean-square, stress-like cost function. The two stages iterate until they converge toan optimal set of weights. The algorithm is time consuming computationally[12], so it cannot process large datasets.

De Soete [5, 6] proposed a method to find optimal variable weights forultrametric and additive tree fitting. This method was used in hierarchicalclustering methods to solve variable weighting problems. Since the hierar-

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0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000










1x 10


word index


d w







graphic 6.70466e − 05color 2.98961e − 05image 2.45266e − 05icon 1.42196e − 05laser 9.52604e − 06scope 9.52604e − 06point 5.41076e − 06sheet 4.94495e − 06plain 3.21929e − 06gui 2.20811e − 06

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000










1x 10


word index


d w







win 6.13444e − 05intel 2.14806e − 05patch 1.90001e − 05logic 1.15958e − 05pc 9.37718e − 06buffer 9.37718e − 06demo 8.34777e − 06function 5.32089e − 06company 5.32089e − 06database 3.91727e − 06

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000










1x 10


word index


d w







auto 9.25063e − 05vehicle 1.8565e − 05motor 1.18095e − 05driver 9.01719e − 06park 8.57334e − 06repair 5.74717e − 06mile 4.15965e − 06door 3.23471e − 06show 3.21888e − 06manufacture 1.94154e − 06

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000










1x 10


word index


d w



d: sci.electronics



electronic 2.89103e − 05circuit 2.49422e − 05signal 2.10053e − 05chip 1.33768e − 05volume 9.80421e − 06thread 6.51865e − 06charge 3.67175e − 06raster 2.6509e − 06science 2.2915e − 06technology 1.91447e − 06

FIGURE 10.3: The noun words with large weights extracted from each cluster ofthe dataset B4. We can see that these words indeed represent the semantic meaningof the corresponding clusters.

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chical clustering methods are computationally complex, De Soete’s methodcannot handle large datasets. Makarenkov and Legendre [18] extended DeSoete’s method to optimal variable weighting for k-means clustering. Thebasic idea is to assign each variable a weight wi in calculating the distancebetween two objects and find the optimal weights by optimizing the cost func-

tion Lp(w1, w2, ..., wp) =K∑




d2ij/nk). Here, K is the number of clusters,

nk is the number of objects in the kth cluster, and dij is the distance betweenthe ith and the jth objects. The Polak-Ribiere optimization procedure is usedin minimization, which makes the algorithm very slow. The simulation resultsin [18] show that the method is effective in identifying important variables butnot scalable to large datasets.

Modha and Spangler [20] very recently published a new method for vari-able weighting in k-means clustering. This method aims to optimize variableweights in order to obtain the best clustering by minimizing the ratio of theaverage within-cluster distortion over the average between-cluster distortion,referred to as the generalized Fisher ratio Q. To find the minimal Q, a setof feasible weight groups was defined. For each weight group, the k-meansalgorithm was used to generate a data partition and Q was calculated fromthe partition. The final clustering was determined as the partition havingthe minimal Q. This method of finding optimal weights from a predefinedset of variable weights may not guarantee that the predefined set of weightswould contain the optimal weights. Besides, it is also a practical problem todetermine the predefined set of weights for high-dimensional data.

Friedman and Meulman [10] recently published a method to cluster objectson subsets of attributes. Instead of assigning a weight to each variable forthe entire dataset, their approach is to compute a weight for each variable ineach cluster. As such, p∗L weights are computed in the optimization process,where p is the total number of variables and L is the number of clusters. Sincethe objective function is a complicated, highly non-convex function, a directmethod to minimize it has not been found. An approximation method is usedto find clusters on different subsets of variables by combining conventionaldistance-based clustering methods with a particular distance measure. Fried-man and Meulman’s work is related to the problem of subspace clustering [3].Scalability is a concern because their approximation method is based on thehierarchical clustering methods.

Projected clustering is another method for feature selection of high-dimen-sional data. PROCLUS is the first algorithm [1]. It starts with a set of initialcluster centers discovered from a small data sample. The initial centers aremade as far apart from each other as possible. For each center, a set of datapoints within a distance δ to the center is identified as the center localityLi. Here, δ is the minimal distance between the center and other centers.For each Li, the average distance between the points in Li and the centeris computed in each dimension. The subset of dimensions whose average

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distances are smaller than the average distance of all dimensions is consideredas the candidate subspace for cluster i. After all candidate subspaces areidentified, the clusters are discovered from the subspaces using the distancemeasures on subsets of dimensions. A few extensions have been made recently[2, 15, 22].

10.8 Discussions

k-means clustering is an important technique in data mining and manyother real-world applications. In current practice, when using k-means, fea-ture selection is either done manually using business domain knowledge orcarried out in separate steps using statistical methods or data exploration.This is time consuming and difficult to make a right selection. Automatedfeature selection by feature weighting within the clustering process providesan easy solution. When handling very large data, a sample can be first clus-tered and features with large weights selected as the dimensions for clusteringthe whole dataset. Since the k-means clustering process is not changed much,this k-means feature weighting algorithm is efficient in clustering large data.Comparatively, other feature weighting methods for clustering as mentionedin the previous section are not scalable to large data.

Subspace clusters in high-dimensional data is a common phenomenon inmany real-world applications, such as text mining, bio-informatics, e-business,supply chain management, and production scheduling/planning in manufac-turing. In this chapter, we have demonstrated that the featuring weightingmethod in k-means can be extended to subspace clustering and the experi-mental results on text data are satisfactory. However, some further researchproblems remain. One is how to specify parameters β and σ when using thisalgorithm. To understand this, a sensitivity study needs to be conducted. Theother one is a well-known problem: how to specify k, the number of clusters.To investigate this problem, a subspace cluster validation method needs to bedeveloped. In the next step, we will work on solutions to these problems.


Michael Ng and Yunming Ye’s work was supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant No.60603066.

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Chapter 11

Local Feature Selection forClassification

Carlotta Domeniconi

George Mason University

Dimitrios Gunopulos

University of California Riverside

11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21111.2 The Curse of Dimensionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21211.3 Adaptive Metric Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21411.4 Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22111.5 Experimental Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22811.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

11.1 Introduction

In a classification problem, we are given C classes and M training ob-servations. The training observations consist of N feature measurementsx = (x1, · · · , xN )T ∈ �N and the known class labels y = 1, . . . , C. Thegoal is to predict the class label of a given query x0.

The K nearest neighbor classification method [10, 14] is a simple and ap-pealing approach to this problem: It finds the K nearest neighbors of x0 inthe training set, and then predicts the class label of x0 as the most frequentone occurring in the K neighbors. Such a method produces continuous andoverlapping, rather than fixed, neighborhoods and uses a different neighbor-hood for each individual query so that all points in the neighborhood areclose to the query, to the extent possible. It is based on the assumption ofsmoothness of the target functions, which translates to locally constant classposterior probabilities for a classification problem. That is, fj(x+δx) � fj(x)for ||δx|| small enough, where {fj(x)}Cj=1 = {P (j|x)}Cj=1. Then,

fj(x0) �1



fj(x) (11.1)

where N(x0) is a neighborhood of x0 that contains points x in the N -


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dimensional space that are “close” to x0. |N(x0)| denotes the number ofpoints in N(x0). Given the training data {(xn, yn)}Mn=1, this motivates theestimates

f(j|x0) =∑M

n=1 1(xn ∈ N(x0))1(yn = j)∑M

n=1 1(xn ∈ N(x0))(11.2)

where 1(·) is an indicator function such that it returns 1 when its argumentis true, and 0 otherwise.

A particular nearest neighbor method is defined by how the neighborhoodN(x0) is specified. K nearest neighbor methods (K-NN) define the region atx0 to be the one that contains exactly the K closest training points to x0

according to a p-norm distance metric on the Euclidean space of the inputmeasurement variables:

Dp(x0,x) = {N∑


|[W (x0)(x0 − x)]i|p}1/p (11.3)

The resulting neighborhood is determined by the value of K and by the choiceof the distance measure, which in turn depends on a norm p > 0 and a metricdefined by the matrix W (x0) ∈ �N×N .

The K nearest neighbor method has nice asymptotic properties. In par-ticular, it has been shown [5] that the one nearest neighbor (1-NN) rule hasan asymptotic error rate that is at most twice the Bayes error rate, inde-pendent of the distance metric used. The nearest neighbor rule becomes lessappealing with finite training samples, however. This is due to the curse ofdimensionality [4]. Severe bias can be introduced in the nearest neighbor rulein a high-dimensional input feature space with finite samples. As such, thechoice of a distance measure becomes crucial in determining the outcome of anearest neighbor classification. The commonly used Euclidean distance mea-sure, while simple computationally, implies that the input space is isotropicor hom*ogeneous. However, the assumption for isotropy is often invalid andgenerally undesirable in many practical applications. Figure 11.1 illustratesa case in point, where class boundaries are parallel to the coordinate axes.For query a, dimension X is more relevant, because a slight move along theX axis may change the class label, while for query b, dimension Y is morerelevant. For query c, however, both dimensions are equally relevant. Thisimplies that distance computation does not vary with equal strength or inthe same proportion in all directions in the feature space emanating from theinput query. Capturing such information, therefore, is of great importance toany classification procedure in high-dimensional settings.

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FIGURE 11.1: Feature relevance varies with query locations.

11.2 The Curse of Dimensionality

Related to the question of rate of convergence of the 1-NN rule is the oneon how well the rule works in finite-sample settings. The asymptotic resultsrely on the fact that the bias of the estimate of each fj(x),

biasfj(x) = fj(x) − E[fj(x)] (11.4)

becomes arbitrarily small. This is because the region N(x0) will only containtraining points x arbitrarily close to x0 (provided that fj(x) is continuous atx0 and K/M → 0). In a finite setting, if the number of training data M islarge and the number of input features N is small, then the asymptotic resultsmay still be valid. However, for a moderate to large number of input variables,the sample size required for their validity is usually beyond feasibility.

This phenomenon is known as the curse of dimensionality [4]. It refers to thefact that in high-dimensional spaces data become extremely sparse and are farapart from each other. To get a quantitive idea of this phenomenon, considera random sample of size M drawn from a uniform distribution in the N -dimensional unit hypercube. The expected diameter of a K = 1 neighborhoodusing Euclidean distance is proportional to M−1/N , which means that for agiven N , the diameter of the neighborhood containing the closest trainingpoint shrinks as M−1/N for increasing M . Table 11.1 shows the length dof the diameter for various values of N and M . For example, for N = 20,if M = 104, the length d of the diameter is 1.51; if M = 106, d = 1.20; ifM = 1010, d = 0.76. Considering that the entire range of each variable is 1, wenote that even for a moderate number of input variables, very large trainingsample sizes are required to make a K = 1 nearest neighborhood relatively



a a’





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TABLE 11.1:Expected length of thediameter d of a K = 1neighborhood forvarious values of Nand M .

N M d(N, M)4 100 0.424 1000 0.236 100 0.716 1000 0.4810 1000 0.9110 104 0.7220 104 1.5120 106 1.2020 1010 0.76

small. The proportion (diameter ∼ M−1/N ) discussed here for p = 2 inflictsall p > 0 norms.

The fact that the data become so sparse in high-dimensional spaces has theconsequence that the bias of the estimate can be quite large even for K = 1and very large datasets. This high bias effect due to the curse of dimen-sionality can be reduced by taking into consideration the fact that the classprobability functions may not vary with equal strength in all directions in thefeature space emanating from the query point x0. This can be accomplishedby choosing a metric W (x0) (11.3) that credits the highest influence to thosedirections along which the class probability functions are not locally constant,and have correspondingly less influence on other directions. As a result, theclass conditional probabilities tend to be approximately constant in the re-sulting modified neighborhood, whereby better classification can be obtained,as we will see later.

From the above discussion it should be clear that, in finite settings, thechoice of the metric W (x0) can strongly affect performance, and therefore thechoice of a distance measure becomes crucial in determining the outcome ofa nearest neighbor classification.

11.3 Adaptive Metric Techniques

Pattern classification faces a difficult challenge in finite settings and high-dimensional spaces due to the curse of dimensionality. It becomes crucialin estimating different degrees of relevance that input features may have in

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various locations in feature space. In this section we discuss relevant work inthe literature on flexible metric computations.

11.3.1 Flexible Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification

Friedman [8] describes an adaptive approach for pattern classification thatcombines some of the best features of K-NN learning and recursive partition-ing. The resulting hybrid method inherits the flexibility of recursive parti-tioning to adapt the shape of a region N(x0) as well as the ability of nearestneighbor techniques to keep the points within the region close to the pointbeing predicted. The method is capable of producing nearly continuous prob-ability estimates with the region N(x0) centered at x0, and the shape ofthe region separately customized for each individual prediction point. In thefollowing we describe the method proposed in [8] in more detail.

Consider an arbitrary function f(x) of N arguments (x1, · · · , xN ). In theabsence of values for any of the argument variables, the least-squares estimatefor f(x) is just the expected value Ef =

∫f(x)p(x)dx, over the joint proba-

bility density of its arguments. Suppose now that the value of just one of theargument variables xi were known, say xi = z. The least-squares predictionfor f(x) in this case would be the expected value of f(x), under the restrictionthat xi assumes the known value z: E[f |xi = z] =

∫f(x)p(x|xi = z)dx. The

improvement in the squared prediction error I2i (z) associated with knowing

the value z of the ith input variable xi = z is therefore

I2i (z) = (Ef − E[f |xi = z])2 (11.5)

I2i (z) measures how much we gain by knowing that xi = z. It reflects the

influence of the ith input variable on the variation of f(x) at the particularpoint xi = z. Note that if Ef = E[f |xi = z], then f(x) is independent of xi

at the particular point xi = z, and accordingly I2(z) = 0.Consider an arbitrary point z = (z1, · · · , zN) in the N -dimensional input

space. A measure of the relative influence, relevance, of the ith input variablexi to the variation of f(x) at x = z is given by

r2i (z) =

I2i (zi)

∑Nk=1 I2

k (zk)(11.6)

In [8], Friedman proposes an algorithm, called machete, that uses the lo-cal relevance measure (11.6) to define a splitting procedure centered at theprediction point, overcoming some of the limitations of the static splittingof recursive partitioning. As with recursive partitioning, the machete beginswith the entire input measurement space R0 and divides it into two regionsby a split on one of the input variables. However, the manner in which thesplitting variable is selected, and the nature of the split itself, are quite dif-ferent. The input variable used for splitting is the one that maximizes the

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estimated relevance as evaluated at the point z to be predicted:

i∗(z) = arg max1≤i≤N

r2i (z) (11.7)

Thus, for the same training data, different input variables can be selected forthis first split at different prediction points z, depending on how the relevanceof each input variable changes with location in feature space. The space isthen split on the i∗th input variable so that the i∗th component of z, zi∗ , iscentered within the resulting subinterval that contains it. In particular, thetraining data are sorted in increasing order on |zi∗ −xni∗ | and the new regionR1(z) is

R1(z) = {xn | |zi∗ − xni∗ | ≤ d(M1)} (11.8)

where d(M1) is a distance value such that R1(z) contains M1 < M trainingobservations.

As with all recursive methods, the entire machete procedure is defined bysuccessively applying its splitting procedure to the result of the previous split.The algorithm stops when there are K training observations left in the regionunder consideration, with K being one of the input parameters of the machete.

In [8], Friedman also proposes a generalization of the machete algorithm,called scythe, in which the input variables influence each split in proportion totheir estimated local relevance, rather than according to the winner-take-allstrategy of the machete.

The major limitation concerning the machete/scythe method is that, likerecursive partitioning methods, it applies a “greedy” strategy. Since eachsplit is conditioned on its “ancestor” split, minor changes in an early split,due to any variability in parameter estimates, can have a significant impacton later splits, thereby producing different terminal regions. This makes thepredictions highly sensitive to the sampling fluctuations associated with therandom nature of the process that produces the training data, and thereforemay lead to high variance predictions.

We performed a comparative study (see Section 11.5) that shows that whilemachete/scythe demonstrates performance improvement over recursive parti-tioning, simple K-NN still remains highly competitive.

11.3.2 Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classifica-tion

In [9], Hastie and Tibshirani propose a discriminant adaptive nearest neigh-bor classification method (DANN) based on linear discriminant analysis. Themethod computes a local distance metric as a product of properly weightedwithin and between sum of squares matrices. The authors also describe amethod to perform global dimensionality reduction, by pooling the local di-mension information over all points in the training set [9].

The goal of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is to find an orientation infeature space on which the projected training data are well separated. This

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is obtained by maximizing the difference between the class means relativeto some measure of the standard deviations for each class. The differencebetween the class means is estimated by the between-class scatter matrix B,and the measure of the standard deviations for each class is given by thewithin-class scatter matrix W . Both matrices are computed by using the giventraining data. Once the data are rotated and scaled for the best separationof classes, a query point is classified to the class of the closest centroid, witha correction for the class prior probabilities.

In [9], the authors estimate B and W locally at the query point, and usethem to form a metric that behaves locally like the LDA metric. The metricproposed is Σ = W−1BW−1, which has the effect of crediting larger weightsto directions in which the centroids are more spread out than to those inwhich they are close. First the metric Σ is initialized to the identity matrix.A nearest neighborhood of Km points around the query point x0 is identifiedusing the metric Σ. Then, the weighted within and between sum of squaresmatrices W and B are calculated using the points in the neighborhood ofx0. The result is a new metric Σ = W−1BW−1 for use in a nearest neighborclassification rule at x0. The algorithm can be either a single-step procedure,or a larger number of iterations can be carried on.

The authors also show that the resulting metric used in DANN approxi-mates the weighted Chi-squared distance:

D(x,x0) =C∑


[P (j|x)− P (j|x0)]2

P (j|x0)(11.9)

which measures the distance between the query point x0 and its nearest neigh-bor x, in terms of their class posterior probabilities. The approximation,derived by a Taylor series expansion, holds only under the assumption ofGaussian class densities with equal covariance matrices.

While sound in theory, DANN may be limited in practice. The main concernis that in high dimensions, we may never have sufficient data to fill in N ×Nmatrices. Also, the fact that the distance metric computed by DANN ap-proximates the weighted Chi-squared distance (11.9) only when class densitiesare Gaussian and have the same covariance matrix may cause a performancedegradation in situations where data do not follow Gaussian distributions orare corrupted by noise, which is often the case in practice. This hypothesis isvalidated in our experimental results (Section 11.5).

11.3.3 Adaptive Metric Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

In [7], a technique (ADAMENN) based on the Chi-squared distance wasintroduced to compute local feature relevance. ADAMENN uses the Chi-squared distance to estimate to which extent each dimension can be relied onto predict class posterior probabilities. A detailed description of the methodfollows.

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218 Computational Methods of Feature Selection Chi-Squared Distance

Consider a query point with feature vector x0. Let x be the nearestneighbor of x0 computed according to a distance metric D(x,x0). The goalis to find a metric D(x,x0) that minimizes E[r(x0,x)], where r(x0,x) =∑C

j=1 Pr(j|x0)(1 − Pr(j|x)). Here C is the number of classes, and Pr(j|x) isthe class conditional probability at x. That is, r(x0,x) is the finite sampleerror risk given that the nearest neighbor to x0 by the chosen metric is x.Equivalently, the following function can be minimized:

E(r∗(x0)− r(x0,x))2 (11.10)

where r∗(x0) =∑C

j=1 Pr(j|x0)(1 − Pr(j|x0)) is the theoretical infinite sam-ple risk at x0. By substituting this expression and that for r(x0,x) into(11.10), we obtain the following metric that minimizes (11.10) [11]: D(x0,x) =(∑C

j=1 Pr(j|x0)(Pr(j|x) − Pr(j|x0)))2. The idea behind this metric is that ifthe value of x for which D(x0,x) is small is selected, then the expectation(11.10) will be minimized.

This metric is linked to the theory of the two-class case developed in [13].However, a major concern with the above metric is that it has a cancellationeffect when all classes are equally likely [11]. This limitation can be avoided byconsidering the Chi-squared distance [9] D(x,x0) =

∑Cj=1 [Pr(j|x)− Pr(j|x0)]2,

which measures the distance between the query x0 and the point x, in termsof the difference between the class posterior probabilities at the two points.Furhermore, by multiplying it by 1/ Pr(j|x0) we obtain the following weightedChi-squared distance:

D(x,x0) =C∑


[Pr(j|x)− Pr(j|x0)]2


Note that in comparison to the Chi-squared distance, the weights 1/ Pr(j|x0)in (11.11) have the effect of increasing the distance of x0 to any point x whosemost probable class is unlikely to include x0. That is, if j∗ = argmaxj Pr(j|x),we have Pr(j∗|x0) ≈ 0. As a consequence, it becomes highly improbable forany such point to be a nearest neighbor candidate.

Equation (11.11) computes the distance between the true and estimatedposteriors. The goal is to estimate the relevance of feature i by computing itsability to predict the class posterior probabilities locally at the query point.This is accomplished by considering the expectation of Pr(j|x) conditioned ata location along feature dimension i. Then, the Chi-squared distance (11.11)tells us the extent to which dimension i can be relied on to predict Pr(j|x).Thus, Equation (11.11) provides a foundation upon which to develop a theoryof feature relevance in the context of pattern classification.

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Local Feature Selection for Classification 219 Local Feature Relevance

Based on the above discussion, the computation of local feature relevanceproceeds as follows. We first notice that Pr(j|x) is a function of x. Therefore,we can compute the conditional expectation of Pr(j|x), denoted by Pr(j|xi =z), given that xi assumes value z, where xi represents the ith component ofx. That is, Pr(j|xi = z) = E[Pr(j|x)|xi = z] =

∫Pr(j|x)p(x|xi = z)dx. Here

p(x|xi = z) is the conditional density of the other input variables definedas p(x|xi = z) = p(x)δ(xi − z)/

∫p(x)δ(xi − z)dx, where δ(x − z) is the

Dirac delta function having the properties δ(x − z) = 0 if x �= z and∫ ∞−∞ δ(x− z)dx = 1. Let

ri(z) =C∑


[Pr(j|z) − Pr(j|xi = zi)]2

Pr(j|xi = zi)(11.12)

ri(z) represents the ability of feature i to predict the Pr(j|z)s at xi = zi. Thecloser Pr(j|xi = zi) is to Pr(j|z), the more information feature i carries forpredicting the class posterior probabilities locally at z.

We can now define a measure of feature relevance for x0 as

ri(x0) =1K


ri(z) (11.13)

where N(x0) denotes the neighborhood of x0 containing the K nearest train-ing points, according to a given metric. ri measures how well on average theclass posterior probabilities can be approximated along input feature i withina local neighborhood of x0. Small ri implies that the class posterior prob-abilities will be well approximated along dimension i in the vicinity of x0.Note that ri(x0) is a function of both the test point x0 and the dimension i,thereby making ri(x0) a local relevance measure in dimension i.

The relative relevance, as a weighting scheme, can then be given by wi(x0) =Ri(x0)


PNl=1 Rl(x0)t , where t = 1, 2, giving rise to linear and quadratic weightings

respectively, and Ri(x0) = maxj{rj(x0)} − ri(x0). In [7], the following expo-nential weighting scheme was proposed:

wi(x0) = exp(cRi(x0))/N∑


exp(cRl(x0)) (11.14)

where c is a parameter that can be chosen to maximize (minimize) the influ-ence of ri on wi. When c = 0 we have wi = 1/N , which has the effect ofignoring any difference among the ri’s. On the other hand, when c is large, achange in ri will be exponentially reflected in wi. The exponential weightingis more sensitive to changes in local feature relevance and in general givesrise to better performance improvement. In fact, it is more stable because itprevents neighborhoods from extending infinitely in any direction, i.e., zero

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weight. This, however, can occur when either linear or quadratic weighting isused. Thus, Equation (11.14) can be used to compute the weight associatedwith each feature, resulting in the weighted distance computation:

D(x,y) =




wi(xi − yi)2 (11.15)

The weights wi enable the neighborhood to elongate less important featuredimensions and, at the same time, to constrict the most influential ones. Notethat the technique is query-based because the weights depend on the query[1].

Since both Pr(j|z) and Pr(j|xi = zi) in (11.12) are unknown, we mustestimate them using the training data {xn, yn}Mn=1 in order for the relevancemeasure (11.13) to be useful in practice. Here yn ∈ {1, · · · , C}. The quantityPr(j|z) is estimated by considering a neighborhood N1(z) centered at z:

Pr(j|z) =∑M

n=1 1(xn ∈ N1(z))1(yn = j)∑M

n=1 1(xn ∈ N1(z))(11.16)

where 1(·) is an indicator function such that it returns 1 when its argumentis true, and 0 otherwise.

To compute Pr(j|xi = z) = E[Pr(j|x)|xi = z], we introduce an additionalvariable gj such that gj|x = 1 if y = j, and 0 otherwise, where j ∈ {1, · · · , C}.We then have Pr(j|x) = E[gj |x], from which it is not hard to show thatPr(j|xi = z) = E[gj |xi = z]. However, since there may not be any dataat xi = z, the data from the neighborhood of z along dimension i are usedto estimate E[gj |xi = z], a strategy suggested in [8]. In detail, by noticinggj = 1(y = j), the estimate can be computed from

Pr(j|xi = zi) =


1(|xni − zi| ≤ Δi)1(yn = j)∑

xn∈N2(z)1(|xni − zi| ≤ Δi)


where N2(z) is a neighborhood centered at z (larger than N1(z)), and thevalue of Δi is chosen so that the interval contains a fixed number L of points:∑M

n=1 1(|xni − zi| ≤ Δi)1(xn ∈ N2(z)) = L. Using the estimates in (11.16)and in (11.17), we obtain an empirical measure of the relevance (11.13) foreach input variable i. The ADAMENN Algorithm

The adaptive metric nearest neighbor algorithm (ADAMENN) has six ad-justable tuning parameters: K0: the number of neighbors of the test point(query); K1: the number of neighbors in N1(z) (11.16); K2: the size of theneighborhood N2(z) for each of the K0 neighbors (11.17); L: the number ofpoints within the Δ intervals; K: the number of neighbors in the final nearest

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Given a test point x0, and input parameters K0, K1, K2, L, K,and c:

1. Initialize wi in (11.15) to 1/N , for i = 1, . . . , N .

2. Compute the K0 nearest neighbors of x0 using the weighteddistance metric (11.15).

3. For each dimension i, i = 1, . . . , N , compute relevance esti-mate ri(x0) (11.13) using Equations (11.16) and (11.17).

4. Update w according to (11.14).

5. Iterate steps 2, 3, and 4 (zero and five times in our imple-mentation).

6. At completion of iterations, use w, hence (11.15), for K near-est neighbor classification at the test point x0.

FIGURE 11.2: The ADAMENN algorithm

neighbor rule; and c: the positive factor for the exponential weighting scheme(11.14).

Cross-validation can be used to determine the optimal values of the param-eters. Note that K is common to all nearest neighbor rules. K0 is used toreduce the variance of the estimates; its value should be a small fraction ofM , e.g., K0 = max(0.1M, 20). Often a smaller value is preferable for K1 toavoid biased estimates. K2 and L are common to the machete and scythealgorithms described in [8]. The values of K2 and L determine the bias andvariance trade-offs for the estimation of E[gj|xi = z]. The way these estimatesare used does not require a high accuracy. As a consequence, ADAMENN per-formance is basically insensitive to the values chosen for K2 and L, providedthey are not too small (close to one) or too large (close to M). The value ofc should increase as the input query moves close to the decision boundary, sothat highly stretched neighborhoods will result; c can be chosen empiricallyin practice. Arguably we have introduced a few more parameters that mightpotentially cause overfitting. However, it is important to realize that one ofthe parameters (K0) plays the role of averaging or smoothing. Because ithelps reduce variance, we can afford to have a few parameters that adapt toavoid bias, without incurring the risk of overfitting.

At the beginning, the estimation of the ri values in (11.13) is accomplishedby using a weighted distance metric (11.15) with wi, ∀i = 1, . . . , N , beinginitialized to 1/N . Then, the elements wi of w are updated according tori values via (11.14). The update of w can be iterated. At the completionof the iterations, the resulting w is plugged into (11.15) to compute nearestneighbors at the test point x0. An outline of the ADAMENN algorithm isshown in Figure 11.2.

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11.4 Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

The previously discussed techniques have been proposed to try to minimizebias in high dimensions by using locally adaptive mechanisms. The “lazylearning” approach used by these methods, while appealing in many ways,requires a considerable amount of on-line computation, which makes it difficultfor such techniques to scale up to large datasets. In this section we discuss alocally adaptive metric classification method that, although still founded on aquery-based weighting mechanism, computes off-line the information relevantto define local weights [6].

The technique uses support vector machines (SVMs) as a guidance for theprocess of defining a local flexible metric. SVMs have been successfully usedas a classification tool in a variety of areas [12], and the maximum marginboundary they provide has been proved to be optimal in a structural riskminimization sense. While the solution provided by SVMs is theoreticallysound, SVMs maximize the margin in feature space. However, the featurespace does not always capture the structure of the input space. As noted in[2], the large margin in the feature space does not necessarily translate intoa large margin in the input space. In fact, it is argued that sometimes SVMsgive a very small margin in the input space, because the metric of the fea-ture space is usually quite different from that of the input space [2]. Such asituation is undesirable. The approach discussed here overcomes this limita-tion. In fact, it can be shown that the proposed weighting scheme increasesthe margin, and therefore the separability of classes, in the transformed spacewhere classification is performed (see Section 11.4.4).

The solution provided by SVMs guides the extraction of local informa-tion in a neighborhood around the query. This process produces highlystretched neighborhoods along boundary directions when the query is close tothe boundary. As a result, the class conditional probabilities tend to be con-stant in the modified neighborhood, whereby better classification performancecan be achieved. The amount of elongation-constriction decays as the querymoves farther from the vicinity of the decision boundary. This phenomenonis exemplified in Figure 11.1 by queries a, a

′, and a


Cross validation is avoided by using a principled technique for setting theprocedural parameters of the method. The approach to efficient and auto-matic settings of parameters leverages the sparse solution provided by SVMs.As a result, the algorithm has only one adjustable tuning parameter, namely,the number K of neighbors in the final nearest neighbor rule. This parameteris common to all nearest neighbor techniques.

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11.4.1 Support Vector Machines

In this section we introduce the main concepts of learning with support vec-tor machines (SVMs). Again, we are given M observations. Each observationconsists of a pair: a vector xi ∈ �N , i = 1, . . . , M , and the associated classlabel yi ∈ {−1, 1}.

In the simple case of two linearly separable classes, a support vector machineselects, among the infinite number of linear classifiers that separate the data,the classifier that minimizes an upper bound on the generalization error. TheSVM achieves this goal by computing the classifier that satifies the maximummargin property, i.e., the classifier whose decision boundary has the maximumminimum distance from the closest training point.

If the two classes are non-separable, the SVM looks for the hyperplanethat maximizes the margin and that, at the same time, minimizes an upperbound of the error. The trade-off between margin and upper bound of themisclassification error is driven by a positive constant C that has to be chosenbeforehand. The corresponding decision function is then obtained by consid-ering the sign(f(x)), where f(x) =

∑i αiyixT

i x − b, and the coefficients αi

are the solutions of a convex quadratic problem, defined over the hypercube[0, C]l. The parameter b is also computed from the data. In general, thesolution will have a number of coefficients αi equal to zero, and since thereis a coefficient αi associated to each data point, only the data points cor-responding to non-zero αi will influence the solution. These points are thesupport vectors. Intuitively, the support vectors are the data points that lieat the border between the two classes, and a small number of support vectorsindicates that the two classes can be well separated.

This technique can be extended to allow for non-linear decision surfaces.This is done by mapping the input vectors into a higher dimensional fea-ture space, φ : �N → �N ′

, and by formulating the linear classificationproblem in the feature space. Therefore, f(x) can be expressed as f(x) =∑

i αiyiφT (xi)φ(x) − b.

If one were given a function K(x,y) = φT (x)φ(y), one could learn and usethe maximum margin hyperplane in feature space without having to computeexplicitly the image of points in �N ′

. It has been proved (Mercer’s Theorem)that for each continuous positive definite function K(x,y) there exists a map-ping φ such that K(x,y) = φT (x)φ(y), ∀x,y ∈ �N . By making use of suchfunction K (kernel function), the equation for f(x) can be rewritten as

f(x) =∑


αiyiK(xi,x)− b (11.18)

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11.4.2 Feature Weighting

The maximum margin boundary found by the SVM is used here to deter-mine local discriminant directions in the neighborhood around the query. Thenormal direction to local decision boundaries identifies the orientation alongwhich data points between classes are well separated. The gradient vectorcomputed at points on the boundary allows one to capture such information,and to use it for measuring local feature relevance and weighting featuresaccordingly. The resulting weighting scheme improves upon the solution com-puted by the SVM by increasing the margin in the space transformed by theweights. Here are the major thrusts of the proposed method.

SVMs classify patterns according to the sign(f(x)). Clearly, in the case of anon-linear feature mapping φ, the SVM classifier gives a non-linear boundaryf(x) = 0 in the input space. The gradient vector nd = ∇df , computed at anypoint d on the level curve f(x) = 0, points to the direction perpendicular tothe decision boundary in the input space at d. As such, the vector nd identifiesthe orientation in the input space onto which the projected training data arewell separated in the neighborhood around d. Therefore, the orientation givenby nd, and any orientation close to it, carries highly discriminant informationfor classification. As a result, this information can be used to define a localmeasure of feature relevance.

Let x0 be a query point whose class label we want to predict. Suppose x0 isclose to the boundary, which is where class conditional probabilities becomelocally non-uniform, and therefore estimating local feature relevance becomescrucial. Let d be the closest point to x0 on the boundary f(x) = 0:

d = arg minp‖x0 − p‖, subject to the constraint f(p) = 0 (11.19)

Then we know that the gradient nd identifies a discriminant direction.

As a consequence, the subspace spanned by the orientation nd intersectsthe decision boundary and contains changes in class labels. Therefore, whenapplying a nearest neighbor rule at x0, we desire to stay close to x0 alongthe nd direction, because that is where it is likely to find points similar to x0

in terms of the class conditional probabilities. Distances should be increased(due to large weight) along nd and directions close to it, thus excluding pointsalong nd that are away from x0. The farther we move from the nd direction,the less discriminant the correspondending orientation. This means that classlabels are unlikely to change along those orientations, and distances shouldbe reduced (due to small weight), thus including points that are likely to besimilar to x0 in terms of the class conditional probabilities.

Formally, we can measure how close a direction t is to nd by consideringthe dot product nT

d t. In particular, denoting ej the canonical unit vectoralong input feature j, for j = 1, . . . , N , we can define a measure of relevance

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for feature j, locally at x0 (and therefore at d), as

Rj(x0) ≡ |eTj nd| = |nd,j | (11.20)

where nd = (nd,1, . . . , nd,N )T .

The measure of relative feature relevance, as a weighting scheme, can thenbe given by

wj(x0) = (Rj(x0))t/



(Ri(x0))t (11.21)

where t is a positive integer, giving rise to polynomial weightings. The fol-lowing exponential weighting scheme is used in [6]:

wj(x0) = exp(ARj(x0))/n∑


exp(ARi(x0)) (11.22)

where A is a parameter that can be chosen to maximize (minimize) the in-fluence of Rj on wj . When A = 0 we have wj = 1/N , thereby ignoring anydifference between the Rj ’s. On the other hand, when A is large a change inRj will be exponentially reflected in wj . Thus, (11.22) can be used as weightsassociated with features for weighted distance computation:

D(x,y) =




wi(xi − yi)2. (11.23)

11.4.3 Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification

We desire that the parameter A in the exponential weighting scheme (11.22)increases as the distance of x0 from the boundary decreases. By using theknowledge that support vectors are mostly located around the boundary sur-face, we can estimate how close a query point x0 is to the boundary by com-puting its distance from the closest non-bounded support vector:

Bx0 = minsi

‖x0 − si‖ (11.24)

where the minimum is taken over the non bounded (0 < αi < C) supportvectors si. Following the same principle described in [3], the spatial resolutionaround the boundary is increased by enlarging the volume elements locally inneighborhoods of support vectors.

Then, we can achieve the goal by setting

A = max{D −Bx0 , 0} (11.25)

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where D is a constant (“meta”) parameter input to the algorithm. In practice,D can be set equal to the approximated average distance between the trainingpoints xk and the boundary:

D =1M



‖xk − si‖} (11.26)

By doing so, the value of A nicely adapts to each query point accordingto its location with respect to the boundary. The closer x0 is to the decisionboundary, the greater impact Rj will have on distance computation (whenBx0 > D, A = 0, and therefore wj = 1/N).

Input: Decision boundary f(x) = 0 produced by an SVM; querypoint x0 and parameter K.

1. Compute the closest point d to x0 on the boundary (11.19).

2. Compute the gradient vector nd = ∇df .

3. Set feature relevance values Rj(x0) = |nd,j| for j = 1, . . . , N .

4. Estimate the distance of x0 from the boundary as: Bx0 =minsi ‖x0 − si‖.

5. Set A = max{D−Bx0 , 0}, where D is defined as in equation(11.26).

6. Set w according to (11.21) or (11.22).

7. Use the resulting w for K nearest neighbor classification atthe query point x0.

FIGURE 11.3: The LaMaNNa algorithm

We observe that this principled technique for setting the parameters of ourmethod takes advantage of the sparse representation of the solution providedby the SVM. In fact, for each query point x0, in order to compute Bx0 weonly need to consider the support vectors, whose number is typically smallcompared to the total number of training examples. Furthermore, D can becomputed off-line and used in subsequent on-line classification.

The resulting locally flexible metric nearest classification algorithm basedon SVMs is summarized in Figure 11.3. We call our algorithm LaMaNNa(Large Margin Nearest Neighbor algorithm) to highlight the fact that thealgorithm operates in a space with enlarged margins, as formally shown inthe next section. The algorithm has only one adjustable tuning parameter,

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namely, the number K of neighbors in the final nearest neighbor rule. Thisparameter is common to all nearest neighbor classification techniques.





FIGURE 11.4: Perpendicular distance and gradient vector.

11.4.4 Weighting Features Increases the Margin

We define the input space margin as the minimal distance from the trainingpoints to the classification boundary in the input space [2]. More specifically,let s ∈ �N be a sample point, and d (defined in (11.19)) the (nearest) footof the perpendicular on the separating surface f(x) = 0 from s (see Figure11.4). We define the input space margin as

IM = mins

D(s,d) = mins

√√√√ 1




(si − di)2 (11.27)

where s is in the training set, and equal weights are assigned to the featuredimensions. In the following we show that the weighting schemes implementedby LaMaNNa increase the margin in the space transformed by the weights.For lack of space we omit the proofs. The interested reader should see [6].

Consider the gradient vector nd = ∇df = ( ∂∂x1

fd, . . . , ∂∂xN

fd) computedwith respect to x at point d. Our local measure of relevance for feature j isthen given by

Rj(s) = |eTj nd| = |nd,j|

and wj(s) is defined as in (11.21) or (11.22), with∑N

j=1 wj(s) = 1.Let

D2w(s,d) =



wi(s)(si − di)2 (11.28)

be the squared weighted Euclidean distance between s and d. The main resultis summarized in the following theorem.Theorem 1Let s ∈ �N be a sample point and d ∈ �N the nearest foot of the perpendic-ular on the separating surface f(x) = 0. Define D2(s,d) = 1


∑Ni=1(si − di)2

and D2w(s,d) =

∑Ni=1 wi(s)(si−di)2, where wi(x0) are the weights computed

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according to (11.21) or (11.22). Then

D2(s,d) ≤ D2w(s,d)

Using this result, it can be shown that the weighting schemes increase themargin in the transformed space. Let

s∗ = arg mins



IM =

√√√√ 1




(s∗i − d∗i )2

We have the following result.Corollary 1IM ≤ Dw(s∗,d∗).

Theorem 1 shows that D2(s,d) ≤ D2w(s,d). Now we show that the equality

holds only when wi = 1N ∀i. This result guarantees an effective increase of the

margin in the transformed space whenever differential weights are credited tofeatures (according to the given weighting schemes), as stated in Corollary 3.Corollary 2D2(s,d) = D2

w(s,d) if and only if wi = 1n ∀i.

And finally, from Corollaries 1 and 2, we obtain:Corollary 3IM = Dw(s∗,d∗) if and only if wi = 1

N ∀i.

11.5 Experimental Comparisons

In the following we compare the previously discussed classification tech-niques using real data. In the experiments, we also included the RBF-SVMclassifier with radial basis kernels, the simple K-NN method using the Eu-clidean distance measure, and the C4.5 decision tree method.

In our experiments we used seven different real datasets. They are all takenfrom the UCI Machine Learning Repository at∼mlearn/MLRepository. For the Iris, Sonar, Liver, and Vote data we performed leave-one-out cross-validation to measure performance, since the number of availabledata is limited for these datasets. For the Breast, OQ-letter, and Pima datawe randomly generated five independent training sets of size 200. For eachof these, an additional independent test sample consisting of 200 observationswas generated. Table 11.2 shows the cross-validated error rates for the eightmethods under consideration on the seven real data. Procedural parameters

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TABLE 11.2: Average classification error rates for real data.Iris Sonar Liver Vote Breast OQ Pima

LaMaNNa 4.0 11.0 28.1 2.6 3.0 3.5 19.3RBF-SVM 4.0 12.0 26.1 3.0 3.1 3.4 21.3ADAMENN 3.0 9.1 30.7 3.0 3.2 3.1 20.4Machete 5.0 21.2 27.5 3.4 3.5 7.4 20.4Scythe 4.0 16.3 27.5 3.4 2.7 5.0 20.0DANN 6.0 7.7 30.1 3.0 2.2 4.0 22.2K-NN 6.0 12.5 32.5 7.8 2.7 5.4 24.2C4.5 8.0 23.1 38.3 3.4 4.1 9.2 23.8

(including K) for each method were determined empirically through crossvalidation over training data.

LaMaNNa achieves the best performance in 2/7 of the real datasets; in onecase it shows the second best performance, and in the remaining four its errorrate is still quite close to the best one.

It seems natural to quantify this notion of robustness, that is, how wella particular method m performs on average across the problems taken intoconsideration. Following Friedman [8], we capture robustness by computingthe ratio bm of the error rate em of method m and the smallest error rate overall methods being compared in a particular example:

bm = em/ min1≤k≤8


Thus, the best method m∗ for that example has bm∗ = 1, and all othermethods have larger values bm ≥ 1, for m �= m∗. The larger the value of bm,the worse the performance of the m-th method is in relation to the best onefor that example, among the methods being compared. The distribution ofthe bm values for each method m over all the examples, therefore, seems tobe a good indicator concerning its robustness. For example, if a particularmethod has an error rate close to the best in every problem, its bm valuesshould be densely distributed around the value 1. Any method whose b valuedistribution deviates from this ideal distribution reflects its lack of robustness.

Figure 11.5 plots the distribution of bm for each method over the sevenreal datasets. The dark area represents the lower and upper quartiles of thedistribution that are separated by the median. The outer vertical lines showthe entire range of values for the distribution. The outer vertical lines forthe LaMaNNa method are not visible because they coincide with the limitsof the lower and upper quartiles. The spread of the error distribution forLaMaNNa is narrow and close to one. The spread for ADAMENN has asimilar behavior, with the outer bar reaching a slightly higher value. Theresults clearly demonstrate that LaMaNNa (and ADAMENN) obtained themost robust performance over the datasets.

The poor performance of the Machete and C4.5 methods might be due to

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FIGURE 11.5: Performance distributions for real data.

the greedy strategy they employ. Such a recursive peeling strategy removesat each step a subset of data points permanently from further consideration.As a result, changes in an early split, due to any variability in parameterestimates, can have a significant impact on later splits, thereby producingdifferent terminal regions. This makes predictions highly sensitive to thesampling fluctuations associated with the random nature of the process thatproduces the traning data, thus leading to high variance predictions. TheScythe algorithm, by relaxing the winner-take-all splitting strategy of theMachete algorithm, mitigates the greedy nature of the approach, and therebyachieves better performance.

In [9], the authors show that the metric employed by the DANN algorithmapproximates the weighted Chi-squared distance, given that class densitiesare Gaussian and have the same covariance matrix. As a consequence, wemay expect a degradation in performance when the data do not follow Gaus-sian distributions and are corrupted by noise, which is likely the case in realscenarios like the ones tested here.

We observe that LaMaNNa avoids expensive cross-validation by using aprincipled technique for setting the procedural parameters. The approach toefficient and automatic settings of parameters leverages the sparse solutionprovided by SVMs. As a result, LaMaNNa has only one adjudtable tuningparameter, the number K of neighbors in the final nearest neighbor rule.This parameter is common to all nearest neighbor techniques. On the otherhand, the competing techniques have multiple parameters whose values mustbe determined through cross-validation: ADAMENN has six parameters; Ma-chete/Scythe each has four parameters; and DANN has two parameters.

The LaMaNNa technique offers accuracy improvements over the RBF-SVMalgorithm alone. The reason for such performance gain may rely on the effectof the local weighting scheme on the margin in the transformed space, asshown in Section 11.4.4. Assigning large weights to input features close to the

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gradient direction, locally in neighborhoods of support vectors, correspondsto an increase in the spatial resolution along those orientations, and thereforeto improve the separability of classes.

11.6 Conclusions

Pattern classification faces a difficult challenge in finite settings and high-dimensional spaces due to the curse of dimensionality. In this chapter we havepresented and compared techniques to address data exploration tasks such asclassification. All methods design adaptive metrics or parameter estimatesthat are local in input space in order to dodge the curse of dimensionalityphenomenon. Such techniques have been demonstrated to be effective for theachievement of accurate predictions.


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[4] R. Bellman. Adaptive Control Processes. Princeton Univ. Press, Prince-ton, NJ, 1961.

[5] T. Cover and P. Hart. Nearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEETrans. on Information Theory, 13:21–27, 1967.

[6] C. Domeniconi, D. Gunopulos, and J. Peng. Large margin nearest neigh-bor classifiers. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 16:899–909, 2005.

[7] C. Domeniconi, J. Peng, and D. Gunopulos. Locally adaptive metricnearest neighbor classification. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence, 24:1281–1285, 2002.

[8] J. Friedman. Flexible metric nearest neighbor classification. TechnicalReport, Dept. of Statistics, Stanford University, 1994.

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sification. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,18:607–615, 1996.

[10] G. McLachlan. Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recogni-tion. Wiley, New York, 1992.

[11] J. Myles and D. Hand. The multi-class metric problem in nearest neigh-bor discrimination rules. Pattern Recognition, 23:1291–1297, 1990.

[12] J. Shawe-Taylor and N. Cristianini. Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis.Cambridge University Press, New York, 2004.

[13] R. Short and K. f*ckunaga. Optimal distance measure for nearest neigh-bor classification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 27:622–627, 1981.

[14] C. Stone. Nonparametric regression and its applications (with discus-sion). Ann. Statist., 5, 1977.

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Chapter 12

Feature Weighting through LocalLearning

Yijun Sun

University of Florida

12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23312.2 Mathematical Interpretation of Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23512.3 Iterative Relief Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23612.4 Extension to Multiclass Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23912.5 Online Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24012.6 Computational Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24212.7 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24212.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

12.1 Introduction

Feature selection is one of the fundamental problems in machine learning.The role of feature selection is critical, especially in applications involvingmany irrelevant features. Yet, compared to classifier design (e.g., SVM andAdaBoost), much rigorous theoretical treatment to feature selection is needed.Most feature selection algorithms rely on heuristic searching and thus cannotprovide any guarantee of optimality. This is largely due to the difficulty indefining an objective function that can be easily optimized by well-establishedoptimization techniques. It is particularly true for wrapper methods when anonlinear classifier is used to evaluate the goodness of selected feature subsets.This problem can to some extent be alleviated by using a feature-weightingstrategy, which assigns to each feature a real-valued number, instead of a bi-nary one, to indicate its relevance to a learning problem. Among the existingfeature weighting algorithms, the Relief algorithm [10] is considered one ofthe most successful ones due to its simplicity and effectiveness [5]. However,it is unclear to date what objective function Relief optimizes. In this chap-ter, we first prove that Relief implements an online algorithm that solves aconvex optimization problem with a margin-based objective function. Themargin is defined based on a 1-NN classifier. Therefore, compared with filtermethods, Relief usually performs better due to the performance feedback of


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a nonlinear classifier when searching for useful features; and compared withconventional wrapper methods, by optimizing a convex problem, Relief avoidsany exhaustive or heuristic combinatorial search and thus can be implementedvery efficiently. The new interpretation clearly explains the simplicity and ef-fectiveness of Relief.

The new interpretation of Relief enables us to identify and address someweaknesses of the algorithm. One major drawback of Relief is that the nearestneighbors are defined in the original feature space, which are highly unlikelyto be the ones in the weighted space. Moreover, Relief lacks a mechanism todeal with outlier data. In the presence of a large number of irrelevant featuresand mislabeling, the solution quality of Relief can be severely degraded. Tomitigate these problems, in Section 12.3, we propose a new feature weightingalgorithm, referred to as I-Relief, by following the principle of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm [4]. I-Relief treats the nearest neighbors andidentity of a pattern as hidden random variables, and iteratively estimatesfeature weights until convergence. We provide a convergence theorem forI-Relief, which shows that under certain conditions I-Relief converges to aunique solution irrespective of the initial starting points. We also extend I-Relief to multiclass problems. In Section 12.4, by using the fact that Reliefoptimizes a margin-based objective function, we propose a new multiclassRelief algorithm using a new multiclass margin definition. We also consideronline learning for I-Relief. The new proposed I-Relief algorithms are basedon batch learning. In the case where there exists a large number of trainingsamples, online learning is computationally much more attractive. We developan online I-Relief algorithm in Section 12.5, wherein a convergence theoremis also provided. To verify the effectiveness of the newly proposed algorithmsand confirm the established theoretical results, we conduct some experimentsin Section 12.7 on six UCI datasets and six microarray datasets. We finallyconclude this chapter in Section 12.8.

Relief Algorithm

(1) Initialization: D = {(xn, yn)}Nn=1, wi = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ I, T ;(2) for t = 1 : T

(3) Randomly select a pattern x from D;(4) Find the nearest hit NH(x) and miss NM(x) of x;(5) for i = 1 : I

(6) Compute: wi = wi + |x(i) −NM(i)(x)| − |x(i) −NH(i)(x)|;(7) end

(8) end

FIGURE 12.1: Pseudo-code of Relief.

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12.2 Mathematical Interpretation of Relief

We first present a brief review of Relief. The pseudo-code of Relief is pre-sented in Fig. 12.1. Let D = {(xn, yn)}Nn=1∈R

I×{±1} denote a trainingdataset, where N is the sample size and I is the data dimensionality. Thekey idea of Relief is to iteratively estimate the feature weights according totheir ability to discriminate between neighboring patterns. In each iteration,a pattern x is randomly selected and then two nearest neighbors of x arefound, one from the same class (termed the nearest hit or NH) and the otherfrom the different class (termed the nearest miss or NM). The weight of thei-th feature is then updated as wi = wi + |x(i)−NM(i)(x)|− |x(i)−NH(i)(x)|,for ∀i ∈ NI .

We provide below a mathematical interpretation for the seemingly heuristicRelief algorithm. Following the margin definition in [7], we define the marginfor pattern xn as ρn = d(xn − NM(xn)) − d(xn − NH(xn)), where d(·) isa distance function. For the moment, we define d(x) =

∑i |xi|, which is

consistent with the distant function used in the original Relief algorithm.Other distance functions can also be used. Note that ρn > 0 if only if xn

is correctly classified by 1-NN. One natural idea is to scale each feature suchthat the averaged margin in a weighted feature space is maximized:





= maxw





wi|x(i)n −NM(i)(xn)| −



wi|x(i)n −NH(i)(xn)|


s.t. ‖w‖22 = 1,w � 0 ,


where ρn(w) is the margin of xn computed with respect to w. The constraint‖w‖22 = 1 prevents the maximization from increasing without bound, andw � 0 ensures that the learned weight vector induces a distance measure. Bydefining z =

∑Nn=1 |xn−NM(xn)|−|xn−NH(xn)|, where | · | is the point-wise

absolute operator, Equation (12.1) can be simplified as



s.t. ‖w‖22 = 1,w � 0(12.2)

By using the Lagrangian technique, the solution can be expressed as w =12λ (z + ζ), where λ and ζ � 0 are the Lagrangian multipliers. With theKarush-Kuhn-Tucker condition [3], namely,

∑i ζiwi = 0, it is easy to verify

the following three cases: (1) zi = 0⇒ ζi = 0⇒ wi = 0; (2) zi > 0⇒ zi+ζi >0 ⇒ wi > 0 ⇒ ζi = 0; and (3) zi < 0 ⇒ ζi > 0 ⇒ wi = 0 ⇒ zi = −ζi. Itimmediately follows that the optimum solution can be calculated in a closedform as w = (z)+/‖(z)+‖2, where (z)+ = [max(z1, 0), · · · , max(zI , 0)]T .

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By comparing the expression of w with the update rule of Relief, we con-clude that Relief is an online solution to the optimization scheme in Eq. (12.1).This is true except when wi = 0 for zi ≤ 0, which usually corresponds toirrelevant features. From the above analysis, we note that Relief learns dis-criminant information locally through a highly nonlinear 1-NN classifier andsolves a simple convex problem globally with a closed-form solution. In thissense, Relief combines the merits of both filter and wrapper methods, whichclearly explains its simplicity and effectiveness.

Other distance functions can also be used. If Euclidean distance is used,the resulting algorithm is Simba [7]. However, Simba returns many localmaxima, for which the mitigation offered in Simba is to restart the algorithmfrom several starting points. Hence, the acquisition of the global minimum isnot guaranteed through its invocation.

12.3 Iterative Relief Algorithm

Two major drawbacks of Relief become clear from above analysis: First, thenearest neighbors are defined in the original feature space, which are highlyunlikely to be the ones in the weighted space; second, the objective functionoptimized by Relief is actually the average margin. In the presence of outliers,some margins can take large negative values. In a highly noisy data case witha large amount of irrelevant features or mislabelling, the aforementioned twoissues can become so severe that the performance of Relief may be greatlydeteriorated. A heuristic algorithm, called ReliefF [11], has been proposed toaddress the first problem. ReliefF averages K, instead of just one, nearestneighbors in computing the sample margins. Empirical studies have shownthat ReliefF can achieve significant performance improvement over the originalRelief. As for the second problem, to our knowledge, no such algorithm exists.In this section, we propose an analytic solution capable of handling these twoissues simultaneously.

12.3.1 Algorithm

We first define two sets, Mn = {i : 1 ≤ i ≤ N, yi �= yn} and Hn = {i : 1 ≤i ≤ N, yi = yn, i �= n}, associated with each pattern xn. Suppose now thatwe have known, for each pattern xn, its nearest hit and miss, the indices ofwhich are saved in the set Sn = {(sn1, sn2)}, where sn1 ∈Mn and sn2 ∈ Hn.For example, sn1 = 1 and sn2 = 2 mean that the nearest miss and hit ofxn are x1 and x2, respectively. We also denote o = [o1, · · · , oN ]T as a setof binary parameters, such that on = 0 if xn is an outlier, or on = 1 other-wise. Then the objective function we want to optimize may be formulated

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as C(w) =∑N

{n=1,on=1} (‖xn − xsn1‖w − ‖xn − xsn2‖w) , which can be easilyoptimized by using the conclusion drawn in Section 12.2. Of course, we donot know the set S = {Sn}Nn=1 and the vector o. However, if we assume theelements of {Sn}Nn=1 and o are random variables, we can proceed by derivingthe probability distributions of the unobserved data. We first make a guesson the weight vector w. By using the pairwise distances that have been com-puted when searching for the nearest hits and misses, the probability of thei-th data point being the nearest miss of xn can be defined as

Pm(i|xn,w) =f(‖xn − xi‖w)


f(‖xn − xj‖w)

Similarly, the probability of the i-th data point being the nearest hit of xn is

Ph(i|xn,w) =f(‖xn − xi‖w)


f(‖xn − xj‖w)

and the probability of xn being an outlier can be defined as:

Po(on = 0|D,w) =


f(‖xn − xi‖w)∑

xi∈D\xnf(‖xn − xi‖w)


where f(·) is a kernel function. One commonly used example is f(d) =exp(−d/σ), where the kernel width σ is a user-defined parameter. Through-out the chapter, the exponential kernel is used. Other kernel functions canalso be used, and the descriptions of their properties can be found in [1].

Now we are ready to derive the following iterative algorithm. Althoughwe adopt the idea of the EM algorithm that treats unobserved data as ran-dom variables, it should be noted that the following method is not an EMalgorithm since the objective function is not a likelihood. For brevity of nota-tion, we define αi,n = Pm(i|xn,w(t)), βi,n = Ph(i|xn,w(t)), γn = 1 − Po(on =0|D,w(t)),W = {w : ‖w‖2 = 1,w ≥ 0},mn,i = |xn − xi| if i ∈ Mn, andhn,i = |xn − xi| if i ∈ Hn.

Step 1: After the t-th iteration, the Q function is calculated as

Q(w|w(t)) = E{S,o}[C(w)]





αi,n‖xn − xi‖w −∑


βi,n‖xn − xi‖w)








︸ ︷︷ ︸mj







︸ ︷︷ ︸hj



= wTN∑


γn(mn − hn) = wT ν


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Step 2: The re-estimation of w in the (t + 1)-th iteration is

w(t+1) = arg maxw∈W

Q(w|w(t)) = (ν)+/‖(ν)+‖2

The above two steps iterate alternatively until convergence, i.e., ‖w(t+1) −w(t)‖ < θ.

We name the above algorithm as iterative Relief, or I-Relief for short. SincePm, Ph, and Po return us with reasonable probability estimates and the re-estimation of w is a convex optimization problem, we expect a good con-vergence behavior and reasonable performance from I-Relief. We provide aconvergence analysis below.

12.3.2 Convergence Analysis

We begin by studying the asymptotic behavior of I-Relief. If σ → +∞, wehave lim

σ→+∞ Pm(i|xn,w) = 1/|Mn| for ∀w ∈ W since limσ→+∞ f(d) = 1. On

the other hand, if σ → 0, by assuming that for ∀n, di,n � ‖xi − xn‖w �=dj,n if i �= j, it can be shown that lim

σ→0Pm(i|xn,w) = 1 if din = min



and 0 otherwise. Ph(i|xn,w) and Po(n|w) can be computed similarly. Weobserve that if σ → 0, I-Relief is equivalent to iterating the original Relief(NM = NH = 1) provided that outlier removal is not considered. In ourexperiments, we rarely observe that the resulting algorithm converges. Onthe other hand, if σ → +∞, I-Relief converges in one step because the term νin Eq. (12.4) is a constant vector for any initial feature weights. This suggeststhat the convergence behavior of I-Relief and the convergent rates are fullycontrolled by the choice of the kernel width. In the following, we present aproof by using the Banach fixed point theorem. We first state the theoremwithout proof. For detailed proofs, we refer the interested reader to [12].

DEFINITION 12.1 Let U be a subset of a norm space Z, and ‖ · ‖ is anorm defined in Z. An operator T : U → Z is called a contraction operatorif there exists a constant q ∈ [0, 1) such that ‖T (x) − T (y)‖ ≤ q‖x − y‖ for∀x, y ∈ U . q is called the contraction number of T .

DEFINITION 12.2 An element of a norm space Z is called a fixed pointof T : U → Z if T (x) = x.

THEOREM 12.1 (Banach Fixed Point Theorem)

Let T be a contraction operator mapping a complete subset U of a norm spaceZ into itself. Then the sequence generated as x(t+1) = T (x(t)), t = 0, 1, 2, · · ·with arbitrary x(0) ∈ U converges to the unique fixed point x∗ of T . Moreover,

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the following error bounds hold:

‖x(t) − x∗‖ ≤ qt

1−q ‖x(1) − x(0)‖and ‖x(t) − x∗‖ ≤ q

1−q ‖x(t) − x(t−1)‖(12.5)

In order to apply the fixed point theorem to prove the convergence of I-Relief, the gist is to identify the contraction operator in I-Relief and checkif all conditions in Theorem 12.1 are met. To this end, let P = {p : p =[Pm, Ph, Po]} and we specify the two steps of I-Relief in a functional form asA1 : W → P , A1(w) = p and A2 : P → W , A2(p) = w. By indicatingthe functional composition by a circle (◦), I-Relief can be written as w(t) =(A2◦A1)(w(t−1)) � T (w(t−1)), where T :W →W . SinceW is a closed subsetof a norm space RI and complete, T is an operator mapping a completesubset W into itself. However, it is difficult to directly verify that T is acontraction operator satisfying Definition 12.1. Noting that for σ → +∞,I-Relief converges with one step, we have lim

σ→+∞ ‖T (w1, σ) − T (w2, σ)‖ = 0

for ∀w1,w2 ∈ W . Therefore, in the limit, T is a contraction operator withcontraction constant q = 0, that is, lim

σ→+∞ q(σ) = 0. Therefore, for ∀ε > 0,

there exists a σ such that q(σ) ≤ ε whenever σ > σ. By setting ε < 1,the resulting operator T is a contraction operator. Combining the abovearguments, we establish the following convergence theorem for I-Relief.


Let I-Relief be defined as above. There exists a σ such that limt→+∞ ‖w

(t) −

w(t−1)‖ = 0 for ∀σ > σ. Moreover, for a fixed σ > σ, I-Relief converges tothe unique solution for any initial weight w(0) ∈ W.

Theorem 12.2 ensures the convergence of I-Relief but does not tell us howlarge a kernel width should be. In our experiment, we find that with a rel-atively large σ value, say σ > 0.5, the convergence is guaranteed. Also, theerror bound in Ineq. (12.5) tells us that the smaller the contraction number q,the tighter the error bound and hence the larger the convergence rate. Sinceit is difficult to explicitly express q as a function of σ, it is difficult to provethat q monotonically decreases with σ. However, in general, a larger kernelwidth yields a larger convergence rate, which is experimentally confirmed inSection 12.7.3. It is also worthwhile to emphasize that, unlike other machinelearning algorithms, such as neural networks, the convergence and the solu-tion of I-Relief are not affected by the initial value if the kernel width is fixed.We experimentally find that setting the initial feature weights all to be 1/Ican only lead to a slight but negligible improvement of the convergence ratecompared to a randomly generated initial value.

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12.4 Extension to Multiclass Problems

The original Relief algorithm can only handle binary problems. ReliefFovercomes this limitation by modifying the weight update rule as

wi = wi+∑

{c∈Y,c �=y(x)}

P (c)1− P (y(x))

|x(i)−NM(i)c (x)|−|x(i)−NH(i)(x)| (12.6)

where Y = {1, · · · , C} is the label space, NMc(x) is the nearest miss of x fromclass c, and P (c) is the a priori probability of class c. By using the conclusionsdrawn in Section 12.2, it can be shown that ReliefF is equivalent to defininga sample margin as

ρ =∑

{c∈Y,c �=y(x)}

P (c)1− P (y(x))

d(x−NMc(x)) − d(x−NH(x)) (12.7)

Note that a positive sample margin does not necessarily imply a correct clas-sification. The extension of ReliefF to the iterative version is quite straight-forward, and therefore we skip the detailed derivations here. We name theresulting algorithm as I-Relief-1.

From the commonly used margin definition for multiclass problems, how-ever, it is more natural to define a margin as

ρ = min{c∈Y,c �=y(x)}

d(x−NMc(x))− d(x −NH(x))

= min{xi∈D\Dy(x)}

d(x− xi)− d(x−NH(x)) (12.8)

where Dc is a subset of D containing only the patterns from class c. Com-pared to the first definition, this definition regains the property that a positivesample margin corresponds to a correct classification. The derivation of theiterative version of multiclass Relief using the new margin definition, whichwe call I-Relief-2, is straightforward.

12.5 Online Learning

I-Relief is based on batch learning, i.e., feature weights are updated afterseeing all of the training data. In case the amount of training data is enor-mous, or we do not have the luxury of seeing all of the data when startingtraining, online learning is computationally much more attractive than batchlearning. In this section, we derive an online algorithm for I-Relief. Conver-

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gence analysis is also presented.Recall that in I-Relief one needs to compute ν =

∑Nn=1 γn(mn − hn).

Analogously, in online learning, after the T -th iteration, we may considercomputing ν(T ) = 1


∑Tt=1 γ(t)(m(t)−h(t)). Denote π(t) = γ(t)(m(t)−h(t)). It

is easy to show that ν(T ) = ν(T−1)+ 1T (π(T )−ν(T−1)). By defining η(T ) = 1/T

as a learning rate, the above formulation states that the current estimate canbe simply computed as a linear combination of the previous estimate andthe current observation. Moreover, it suggests that other learning rates arepossible. One simple example is to set η(T ) = 1/aT with a ∈ (0, 1]. Below weestablish the convergence property of online I-Relief. We first present a usefullemma without proof.

LEMMA 12.1

Let {an} be a bounded sequence, i.e., for ∀n, M1 ≤ an ≤M2. If limn→+∞ an =

a∗, then limn→+∞




ai = a∗.


Online I-Relief converges when the learning rate is appropriately selected. Ifboth algorithms converge, I-Relief and online I-Relief converge to the samesolution.

PROOF The proof of the first part of the theorem can be easily doneby recognizing that the above formulation has the same form as the Robbins-Moron stochastic approximation algorithm [13]. The conditions on the learn-ing rate η(t) : lim

t→+∞ η(t) = 0,∑+∞

t=1 η(t) = +∞, and∑+∞

t=1 (η(t))2 < +∞ ensure

the convergence of online I-Relief. η(t) = 1/t meets the above conditions.Now we prove the second part of the theorem. To eliminate the ran-

domness, instead of randomly selecting a pattern from D, we divide thedata into blocks, denoted as B(m) = D. Online I-Relief successively per-forms online learning over B(m), m = 1, 2, · · · . For the m-th block, denoteπ(m) = 1


∑m×Nt=(m−1)×N+1 π(t). After running over M blocks of data, we have

ν(M×N) = 1M×N

∑M×Nt=1 π(t) = 1


∑Mm=1 π(m). From the proof of the first

part, we know that limt→+∞ ν(t) = ν∗. It follows that lim

m→+∞ π(m) = π∗. Using

Lemma 12.1, we have limM→+∞

ν(M×N) = π∗ = ν∗. The last equality is due to

the fact that a convergent sequence cannot have two limits.We prove the convergence of online I-Relief to I-Relief by using the unique-

ness of the fixed point for a contraction operator. Recall that if the ker-nel width is appropriately selected, T : W → W is a contraction oper-ator for I-Relief, i.e., T (w∗) = w∗. We then construct an operator T :

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W → W for online I-Relief, which, in the m-th iteration, uses w(m−1) =(ν((m−1)×N))+/‖(ν((m−1)×N))+‖2 as input, and then computes ν(m×N) byperforming online learning on B(m) and returns w(m) = (ν(m×N))+/‖(ν(m×N))+‖2. Since lim

t→+∞ν(t) = ν∗ = π∗, it follows that as m → +∞, we have

T (w∗) = w∗, where w∗ = (ν∗)+/‖ν∗‖2. Therefore, w∗ is the fixed point ofT . The only difference between T and T is that T performs online learningwhile T does not. Since {ν(t)} is convergent, it is also a Cauchy sequence.In other words, as m → +∞, the difference between every pair of ν withinone block goes to zero with respect to some norms. The operator T , there-fore, is identical to T in the limit. It follows that w∗ = w∗, since otherwisethere would be two fixed points for a contraction operator, which contradictsTheorem 12.1.

12.6 Computational Complexity

One major advantage of Relief and its variations over other algorithms istheir computational efficiency. The computational complexities of Relief, I-Relief and online I-Relief are O(TNI), O(TN2I), and O(TNI), respectively,where T is the number of iterations, I is the feature dimensionality, and N isthe number of data points. If Relief runs over the entire dataset, i.e., T = N ,then the complexity is O(N2I). In the following section, we show that onlineI-Relief can attain similar solutions to I-Relief after one pass of the trainingdata. Therefore, the computational complexity of online I-Relief is of thesame order as that of Relief.

12.7 Experiments

12.7.1 Experimental Setup

We conducted large-scale experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness ofthe proposed algorithms and to study their behavior. Since in most practicalapplications one typically does not know the true feature set, it is necessary toconduct experiments in a controlled manner. We performed experiments ontwo test-beds. The first test-bed contains six datasets: twonorm, waveform,ringnorm, f-solar, thyroid, and segmentation, all publicly available at the UCIMachine Learning Repository [2]. The data information is summarized inTable 17.2. We added 50 independently Gaussian distributed irrelevant fea-

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TABLE 12.1: Data summary of six UCI and sixmicroarray datasets.

Dataset Train Test Feature Classtwonorm 400 7000 20 2waveform 400 4600 21 2ringnorm 400 7000 20 2f-solar 666 400 9 2thyroid 140 75 5 2segmentation 210 2100 19 79-tumors 60 / 5726 9Brain-tumor2 60 / 10367 4Leukemia-1 72 / 5327 3Prostate-tumors 83 / 2308 4SRBCT 102 / 10509 2DLBCL 77 / 5469 2

tures to each pattern, representing different levels of signal-to-noise ratios1.In real applications, it is also possible that some patterns are mislabeled. Toevaluate the robustness of each algorithm against mislabeling, we introducednoise to the training data but kept the testing data intact. The level of noiserepresents a percentage of randomly selected training data for which its classlabels are changed.

The second test-bed contains six microarray datasets: 9-tumors [17], Brain-tumor2 [14], Leukemia-1 [8], prostate-tumors [16], DLBCL [15], and SRBCT[9]. Except for prostate-tumors and DLBCL, the remaining four datasetsare multiclass problems (from three to nine classes). One characteristic ofmicroarray data, different from most of the classification problems we en-counter, is the extremely large feature dimensionality (from 2308 to 10509)compared to the small sample numbers (from 60 to 102). The data informa-tion is presented in Table 17.2. For all of the datasets, except for a simplescaling of each feature value to be between 0 and 1 as required in Relief, noother preprocessing was performed.

We used two metrics to evaluate the performance of the feature weightingalgorithms. In most applications, feature weighting is performed for selectinga small feature subset to defy the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, a naturalchoice of a performance metric is classification errors. The classification-errormetric, however, may not be able to fully characterize algorithmic perfor-mance. We found experimentally that in some cases, including a few irrelevantfeatures may not change classification errors significantly. Indeed, improvingclassification performance sometimes is not the only purpose for performingfeature weighting. In applications where the acquisition of data is quite ex-pensive, including some useless features is highly undesirable. For microarraydata, including irrelevant genes may complicate subsequent research. Thisconsideration was the main motivation for us to add 50 useless features to the

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original feature sets in the UCI datasets. We treat feature selection as a targetrecognition problem. Though the features in the original feature sets may beweakly relevant or even useless, it is reasonable to assume that the originalfeatures contain at least the same or more information than the useless onesthat are added artificially. By changing a threshold, we can plot a receiveroperating characteristic (ROC) curve [6] that gives us a direct view on thecapabilities of each algorithm to identify useful features and at the same timerule out useless ones. However, as the classification-error metric, the ROCmetric is not exclusive. Some algorithms are down-biased and tend to assignzero weights to not only useless features but also to some presumably usefulfeatures in original feature sets (c.f. Fig. 12.3), resulting in a small area undera ROC curve. Since we do not know the true status of the features in theoriginal feature sets, in this case, we need to check classification errors to seeif the studied algorithm does select all of the useful features.

12.7.2 Experiments on UCI Datasets

We first performed experiments on the UCI datasets. For binary problems,we compared I-Relief with ReliefF and Simba. For multiclass problems, wecompared ReliefF with I-Relief-1 and I-Relief-2.

To make the experiment computationally feasible, we used KNN to estimateclassification errors for each feature weighting algorithm. KNN is certainlynot an optimal classifier for each dataset. However, the focus of the chapteris not on the optimal classification but on feature weighting. KNN providesus with a platform where we can compare different algorithms fairly with areasonable computational cost. The number of the nearest neighbors K wasestimated through a stratified 10-fold cross validation using training data. Wedid not spend extra effort on re-estimating K when only a subset of featureswere used in training and testing, rather opting to use the one estimated inthe original feature space. Though the value of K is surely not optimal, wefound that it is fair for each algorithm.

The kernel width σ is the only free parameter in I-Relief. We show inSection 12.7.3 that σ is not a critical parameter. Nevertheless, we estimatedit through 10-fold cross validation in the experiment. One problem associatedwith the estimation with cross validation using classification errors as criterionis that it requires us to specify the optimal number of features used in KNN.To overcome this difficulty, the following heuristic method was used: Fora given candidate of σ, feature weights were estimated, and then KNN wasperformed in the induced weighted feature space [18]. The optimal σ was thenchosen as the one with the smallest classification error. Likewise, we foundthe number of NH and NM in ReliefF through cross validation, rather thanpresetting it to 10 as suggested in [11]. The code of Simba used in the studywas downloaded from [7]. As we have discussed in Section 12.2, there aresome local maxima in Simba’s objective function. Simba tries to overcomethis problem by performing a gradient ascent from serval different starting

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points. We set the number of starting points to be 5, which is the defaultvalue of Simba. Also, we set the number of passes of the training data to be5, the default value of which is 1.

To eliminate statistical variations, each algorithm was run 20 times for eachdataset. In each run, a dataset was randomly partitioned into training andtesting, and 50 irrelevant features were added. The averaged testing errors ofKNN as a function of the number of the top ranked features and the ROCcurves of the algorithms are plotted in Fig. 12.2. (In the notation 50/10, thefirst number refers to the number of irrelevant features and the second one tothe percentage of mislabeled samples.) As a reference, the classification errorsof KNN on the clean data (without irrelevant features and mislabeling) andnoisy data are reported in Table 12.2. From these experimental results, wearrive at the following observations.

(1) The performance of KNN is degraded significantly in the presence of alarge amount of irrelevant features, as reported in the literature, while misla-beling has less influence on the performance of KNN than irrelevant features.

(2) From Fig. 12.2, we can see that with respect to classification errors,in nearly all of the datasets, I-Relief performs the best, ReliefF the second,and Simba the worst. For a more rigorous comparison between I-Relief andReliefF, a Student’s paired two-tailed t-test was performed. The p-value ofthe t-test reported in Table 12.2 represents the probability that two sets ofcompared samples come from distributions with equal means. The smallerthe p-value, the more significant the difference of the two average values is.At the 0.03 p-value level, I-Relief wins on seven cases (ringnorm (50/10),twonorm (50/10), thyroid (50/0), waveform, and f-solar), and ties with Reli-efF on the remaining five cases. As we argued before, the classification-errormetric may not fully characterize algorithmic performance. Therefore, wechecked the ROC curves plotted in Fig. 12.2. In almost all of the datasets,I-Relief has the largest area under an ROC curve, ReliefF the second, andSimba the smallest. For three cases (ringnorm (50/0), heart (50/10), andthyroid (50/10)) that have no significant differences in classification errors, itis clear from the ROC curves that I-Relief performs much better than Re-liefF with respect to the ROC metric. This suggests that when comparingfeature selection and weighting algorithms, using classification errors as theonly performance metric may not be enough.

To further demonstrate the performance of each algorithm, we particularlyfocused on waveform datasets. We plotted the learned feature weights of onerealization in Fig. 12.3. For ease of comparison, the maximum value of eachfeature weight vector is normalized to be 1. Without mislabeling, the weightslearned in ReliefF are similar to those of I-Relief, but the former have largerweights on the useless features than the latter. It is interesting to note thatSimba assigns zero weights to not only useless features but also to some pre-sumably useful ones. In this case, we need to go back to the classification-errormetric. Particularly, for waveform (50/0), we observe that the testing error ofSimba becomes flat after the tenth feature since, except for these 10 features,

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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.22









Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.28









Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Number of Features




n E




4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.1











Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.11










Number of Features




n E




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5









Number of Features




n E




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5








Number of Features




n E




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9











Number of Features




n E




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18








Number of Features




n E




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18








Number of Features




n E




0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50











Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 501









Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 501









Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 501









Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50










Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50










Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





0 10 20 30 40 50










Selected Useless Features



d U


l Fea





FIGURE 12.2: Comparison of three algorithms using the classification error andROC metrics on six UCI datasets.

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TABLE 12.2: The testing errors and standard deviations (%) on six UCIdatasets. The last row (W/L/T) summarizes win/loss/tie in comparingRelief and I-Relief based on the 0.03 p-value level.

Dataset KNN Mislabel KNN I-Relief Relief P-value(clean data) (noisy data)

Ringnorm 39.2(1.3) 0% 45.1(1.2) 22.0(1.2) 21.7(1.1) 0.4710% 44.2(1.1) 28.1(1.5) 34.0(4.5) 0.00

Twonorm 3.1(0.2) 0% 4.8(0.6) 3.1(0.7) 3.2(0.5) 0.9610% 6.4(0.7) 3.7(0.7) 6.2(1.3) 0.00

Waveform 12.6(0.7) 0% 14.2(1.7) 10.5(1.1) 11.2(1.1) 0.0310% 14.7(1.6) 11.2(1.2) 12.2(1.3) 0.00

Thyroid 4.4(2.4) 0% 24.1(3.8) 5.8(3.2) 8.7(4.3) 0.0210% 26.0(4.1) 9.8(3.8) 11.3(3.6) 0.20

F-solar 34.8(2.4) 0% 34.5(2.6) 34.5(3.3) 37.1(3.8) 0.0310% 36.1(1.7) 35.1(2.1) 38.7(3.7) 0.00

Segment 12.5(1.4) 0% 27.9(1.7) 17.0(1.4) 17.7(1.7) 0.1710% 29.2(1.8) 17.3(1.4) 17.4(1.2) 0.92

W/T/L =9/9/0

10 20 30 40 50 60 700











10 20 30 40 50 60 700











10 20 30 40 50 60 70
















10 20 30 40 50 60 700











10 20 30 40 50 60 700











10 20 30 40 50 60 70
















FIGURE 12.3: Feature weights learned in three algorithms on waveform dataset.The first 21 features are presumably useful.

the weights of the remaining features are all zero. This implies that Simbain effect does not identify all of the useful features. With 10% mislabeling,the weight quality of both ReliefF and Simba degrades significantly, whereasI-Relief performs similarly as before. For example, for waveform (50/10),Simba mistakenly identifies an irrelevant feature as the top feature. Theseobservations imply that both Simba and ReliefF are not robust against labelnoise.

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10 20 30 40 50 60 700










σ = 0.050.3135

10 20 30 40 50 60 700










σ = 0.050.3135

FIGURE 12.4: Feature weights learned using different σ values on the twonormand waveform datasets.

12.7.3 Choice of Kernel Width

The kernel width σ in I-Relief can be estimated through cross validation ontraining data. It is well-known that the cross-validation method may result inan estimate with a large variance. Fortunately, this problem does not pose aserious concern. In this subsection, we show that σ is not a critical parameter.In Fig. 12.4, we plot the feature weights learned on twonorm and waveformusing different σ values. We observe that for relatively large σ values, theresulting feature weights do not have much difference. This indicates that theperformance of I-Relief is not sensitive to the choice of σ values, which makesmodel selection easy in practical applications.

We also conducted some experiments to confirm the convergence resultsestablished in Section 12.3.2. Plotted in Fig. 12.5(a) are the convergencerates of I-Relief with different σ values on the waveform dataset. We observethat the algorithm diverges when σ = 0.05 but converges in all other cases.Moreover, with the increase of σ values, the convergence becomes faster. InFig. 12.5(b), we plotted the convergence rates of I-Relief with different initialvalues for a fixed kernel width. The line with stars is for the uniformly dis-tributed initial value, and the line with circles for randomly generated initialvalues, both averaged from 10 runs. This experimental result confirms thatI-Relief converges from any starting point, and using the uniform initial valuedoes improve convergence, but the improvement is negligible.

12.7.4 Online Learning

In this subsection, we perform some experiments to verify the convergenceproperties of online I-Relief established in Section 12.5. The feature weightslearned in I-Relief are used as a target vector. The stopping criterion θ isset to be 10−5 to ensure that the target vector is a good approximation ofthe true solution (c.f. Ineq. The convergence results with different

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5 10 15 20




Number of Iterations



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010








Number of Iterations




FIGURE 12.5: The convergence rates of I-Relief using (a) different σ, and (b)

different initial values on the waveform dataset. The y-axis θ = ‖w(t+1) −w(t)‖.

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000






0.3Difference from target weight

Number of Iterations






10 20 30 40 50 60 700











Number of Features






FIGURE 12.6: Convergence analysis of online I-Relief on the ringnorm dataset.

learning rates (different a in η(t) = 1/at), averaged from 20 runs, are plottedin Fig. 12.6(a). We only present the results of ringnorm since the results forother datasets are almost identical. From the figure, we first observe thatonline I-Relief, regardless of the learning rates, converges to I-Relief, whichconfirms the theoretical findings in Theorem 12.3. We also find that after 400iterations (ringnorm has only 400 training samples), the feature weights arealready very close to the target vector. In Fig. 12.6(b), we plotted the targetvector and the feature weights learned in online I-Relief (after 400 iterations).For comparison, the feature weights of ReliefF are also plotted.

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Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIRelief−1IRelief−2All Genes









Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIRelief−1IRelief−2All Genes












Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIRelief−1IRelief−2All Genes









Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIReliefAll Genes












Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIRelief−1IRelief−2All Genes











Number of Genes




n E




ReliefIReliefAll Genes

FIGURE 12.7: Classification errors on six microarray datasets.

12.7.5 Experiments on Microarray Data

We finally compare ReliefF to I-Relief on six microarray datasets. Due tothe limited sample numbers, the leave-one-out method is used to evaluate theperformance of each algorithm.

The classification errors of KNN as a function of the 500 top ranked fea-tures are plotted in Fig. 12.7. Since Prostate-Tumor and DLBCL are binaryproblems, I-Relief-1 is equivalent to I-Relief-2. From the figure, we observethat except for DLBCL, in which I-Relief performs similar to ReliefF, for theremaining five datasets, I-Relief-2 is the clear winner compared to Relief andI-Relief-1. For Leukemia-1 and SRBCT, though the performances of the threealgorithms all converge after 100 genes, it is clear that I-Relief is much moreaccurate than Relief in ranking genes. For comparison, we report the clas-sification errors of KNN using all genes. We can see that gene selection cansignificantly improve the performance of KNN .

We note that the numbers of genes found by I-Relief that correspond tothe minimum classification errors are all less than 200. With these small genesets, oncologists may be able to work on them directly to infer the molecu-lar mechanisms underlying disease causes. Also, for classification purposes,some computationally expensive methods such as wrapper methods can beused to further filter out some redundant genes. By using some sophisticatedclassification algorithms such as SVM, much improvement on classificationperformance is expected.

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12.8 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have provided a mathematical interpretation of theseemingly heuristic Relief algorithm as an online method solving a convexoptimization problem with a margin-based objective function. Starting fromthis new interpretation, we have proposed a set of new feature weighting al-gorithms. The key idea is to learn non-linear discriminant information offeatures locally and solve a set of convex optimization problems globally. Dueto the existence of analytic solutions, these algorithms can be implementedextremely easily. The core module of these algorithms is just the finding ofthe nearest neighbors of each pattern. We have shown that the performanceof our algorithms is not sensitive to the choice of the free parameter, whichmakes model selection easy in practical applications. Another merit of thesealgorithms is that the LOOCV-based objective function optimized by our algo-rithms provides built-in regularization to prevent from overfitting, and henceno explicit regularization is needed. We have conducted a large-scale exper-iment showing that our algorithms perform significantly better than Reliefand Simba.

Considering the many heuristic approaches used in feature selection, webelieve that the contribution of our work is not merely limited to the algo-rithmic aspects. The I-Relief algorithms are one of the first feature weightingmethods that use the performance of a non-linear classifier as a guidancein searching for informative features and yet can be solved efficiently by us-ing numerical analysis and optimization techniques, instead of combinatorialsearching. They provide a promising direction for the future research of thedifficult feature selection problem.


1 The signal-to-noise ratio refers to the ratio between the number of originalfeatures and that of the artificially added useless ones.


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Part IV

Text Classification andClustering


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Chapter 13

Feature Selection for TextClassification

George Forman

Hewlett-Packard Labs

13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25713.2 Text Feature Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26113.3 Feature Filtering for Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26513.4 Practical and Scalable Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27113.5 A Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27213.6 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

13.1 Introduction

Applications of text classification technology are becoming widespread. Inthe defense against spam email, suspect messages are flagged as potentialspam and set aside to facilitate batch deletion. News articles are automaticallysorted into topic channels and conditionally routed to individuals based onlearned profiles of user interest. In content management, documents are cate-gorized into multi-faceted topic hierarchies for easier searching and browsing.Shopping and auction Web sites do the same with short textual item descrip-tions. In customer support, the text notes of call logs are categorized withrespect to known issues in order to quantify trends over time [3].These are buta few examples of how text classification is finding its way into applications.Readers are referred to the excellent survey by Sebastiani [13].

All these applications are enabled by standard machine learning algorithms,such as support vector machines (SVMs) and naıve Bayes variants, coupledwith a pre-processing step that transforms the text string representation intoa numeric feature vector. By far, the most common transformation is the“bag of words,” in which each column of a case’s feature vector correspondsto the number of times it contains a specific word of the training corpus.Strikingly, although this representation is oblivious to the order of the wordsin the document, it achieves satisfactory accuracy in most topic-classificationapplications. For intuition behind this: If the word “viagra” appears anywherein an email message, regardless of its position, the probability that it is spam


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is much greater than if it had not appeared at all.Rather than allocate every unique word in the training corpus to a distinct

feature column, one can optionally perform feature selection to be more dis-criminating about which words to provide as input to the learning algorithm.This has two major motivations:

1. Accuracy (error rate, F-measure, ROC area, etc.): The accuracy ofmany learning algorithms can be improved by selecting the most pre-dictive features. For example, naıve Bayes tends to perform poorlywithout feature selection in text classification settings. The purpose offeature selection is sometimes described as a need to eliminate uselessnoise words, but a study showed that even the lower ranked words con-tinue to have predictive value [8]—only a small set of words are trulyequally likely to occur in each class. Thus, feature selection may beviewed as selecting those words with the strongest signal-to-noise ratio.Pragmatically, the goal is to select whatever subset of features yields ahighly accurate classifier.

2. Scalability: A large text corpus can easily have tens to hundreds of thou-sands of distinct words. By selecting only a fraction of the vocabularyas input, the induction algorithm may require a great deal less compu-tation. This may also yield savings in storage or network bandwidth.These benefits could be an enabling factor in some applications, e.g.,involving large numbers of classifiers to train or large numbers of cases.

Even so, the need for feature selection has been somewhat lessened bycontinuing advances in the accuracy and scalability of core machine learningalgorithms. For example, Joachims recently demonstrated a new linear SVMclassifier that can be trained on over 800,000 text cases with nearly 50,000word features in less than 3 minutes on a 3.6GHz PC processor [9]. Whatis more, for some training sets, feature selection provides no improvement inaccuracy. Hence, the additional complexity of feature selection can be omittedfor many researchers who are not interested in feature selection, but simplyneed a fixed and easily replicable input representation.

Nevertheless, a data-mining practitioner faced with a given training setfrom which to produce the best possible classifier should not ignore featureselection. It can significantly boost accuracy for some datasets, and may atleast produce modest improvements on average. Thus, feature selection stillhas a role to play for those who seek to maximize accuracy, e.g., industrialpractitioners, application programmers, and contestants in data-mining com-petitions.

Moreover, the accuracy and scalability benefits accrue more substantiallywhen one considers other possibilities for feature terms besides just individualwords. For example, having a single feature representing the occurrence of thephrase “John Denver” can be far more predictive for some classification tasksthan just having one feature for the word “John” and another for the word

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“Denver.” Other potentially useful features include any consecutive sequenceof characters (n-grams) and, for domains that include multiple text fields (e.g.,title, authors, abstract, keywords, body, and references), separate feature setsmay be generated for each field or any combination of concatenated fields.It can be prohibitive simply to extend the bag of terms to include everypotential feature that occurs in the training corpus. Thus, feature selectionis also needed for scalability into large feature spaces. One can then searchvia cross validation to improve the input representation to the core inductionalgorithm. That is, different choices for feature generators can be tried, aswell as different choices for feature selectors. In this way, the scalabilityimprovements of feature selection can also benefit accuracy by extending thespace that may be searched in a reasonable time.

In an ideal world, we might know, for any task domain, the best featuregenerator and feature selection method that dominates all others. However,in the research literature, no single dominant method appears. We musteither choose one ourselves from among many reasonable options, or use crossvalidation to select one of many. If the latter, then our role becomes one ofproviding a sufficiently large (but not intractable) search space to cover goodpossibilities. This changes the game somewhat—we can propose features thatmight be useful, without having to assure their usefulness.

Section 13.2 describes a variety of common feature generators, which maybe used to produce many potentially useful features. Section 13.3 describesthe details of feature selection for binary and multi-class settings. Section 13.4discusses the efficient evaluation of feature selection and the computationalcorners that may be cut for repeated evaluations. Section 13.5 illustratesthe gains that the described methods can provide, both in selecting a subsetof words and in selecting a good combination of feature generators. Theremainder of this introduction describes the three major paradigms of featureselection, and the common characteristics of the text domain.

13.1.1 Feature Selection Phyla

There are three major paradigms of feature selection: Filter methods evalu-ate each feature independently with respect to the class labels in the trainingset and determine a ranking of all features, from which the top-ranked fea-tures are selected [1]. Wrapper methods use classic AI search methods—suchas greedy hill-climbing or simulated-annealing—to search for the “best” subsetof features, repeatedly evaluating different feature subsets via cross validationwith a particular induction algorithm. Embedded methods build a usually lin-ear prediction model that simultaneously tries to maximize the goodness-of-fitof the model and minimize the number of input features [6]. Some variantsbuild a classifier on the full dataset, and then iteratively remove features theclassifier depends on least [7]. By beginning with the full dataset, they qualifyas the least scalable. Given large feature spaces, memory may be exceededsimply to realize the full feature vectors with all potential features. We will not

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consider such methods further. Filter methods are the simplest to implementand the most scalable. Hence, they are appropriate to treat very large featurespaces and are the focus here. They can also be used as a pre-processing stepto reduce the feature dimensionality sufficiently to enable other, less scalablemethods. Wrapper methods have traditionally sought specific combinationsof individual features from the power set of features, but this approach scalespoorly for the large number of features inherent with classifying text. Usingcross validation to select among feature generators and optimize other param-eters is somewhat like a wrapper method, but one that involves far fewer runsof the induction algorithm than typical wrapper feature selection.

13.1.2 Characteristic Difficulties of Text Classification Tasks

Besides the high dimensionality of the feature space, text classification prob-lems are also characterized as frequently having a high degree of class imbal-ance. Consider training a text classifier to identify pages on any particulartopic across the entire Web. High class skew is problematic for inductionalgorithms. If only 1% of the training cases are in the positive class, thenthe classifier can obtain 99% accuracy simply by predicting the negative classfor all cases. Often the classifier must have its decision threshold adjustedin a separate post-processing phase, or else it must explicitly optimize forF-measure—which pressures it to increase recall of the positive class, withoutsacrificing too much precision.

One complication of high class skew is that even large training sets canend up having very few positive examples from which to characterize thepositive class. Given 1% positives, a training set with 5000 randomly selected,manually labeled examples ends up with only 50 positives on average. Thisleads to significantly more uncertainty in the frequency estimates of wordsin the positive class than in the negative class. And if a predictive word isspelled “color” in half the positive cases and “colour” in the other half, thenthis dispersion of information into separate features yields more uncertainty.In technical notes or Web text, we often encounter misspellings, which mayyield other variants, such as “collor.” This problem is exacerbated by the factthat natural language provides many ways to express the same idea, e.g., hue,tint, shade, dye, or paint.

Another common aspect of text classification is that the large feature spacetypically follows a Zipf-like distribution [10]. That is, there are a few verycommon words, and very many words that rarely appear. By contrast, themost predictive features would be those that appear nearly always in oneclass, but not in the other.

Finally, text classification problems sometimes have only small amountsof training data available, perhaps more often than in other domains. Thismay partly be because a person’s judgment is often needed to determine thetopic label or interest level. By contrast, non-text classification problems may

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sometimes have their training sets labeled by machines, e.g., classifying whichinkjet pens during manufacture ultimately fail their final quality test.

13.2 Text Feature Generators

Before we address the question of how to discard words, we must first deter-mine what shall count as a word. For example, is “HP-UX” one word, or is ittwo words? What about “650-857-1501”? When it comes to programming, asimple solution is to take any contiguous sequence of alphabetic characters, oralphanumeric characters, which includes identifiers such as “ioctl32”, whichmay sometimes be useful. By using the Posix regular expression \p{L&}+ weavoid breaking “naıve” in two, as well as many accented words in French,German, etc. But what about “win 32”, “can’t,” or words that may be hy-phenated over a line break? Like most data cleaning endeavors, the list ofexceptions is endless, and one must simply draw a line somewhere and hopefor an 80%-20% trade off. Fortunately, semantic errors in word parsing areusually only seen by the core learning algorithm, and it is their statisticalproperties that matter, not their readability or intuitiveness to people. Ourpurpose is to offer a range of feature generators so that the feature selectormay discover the strongly predictive features. The most beneficial featuregenerators will vary according to the characteristics of the domain text.

13.2.1 Word Merging

One method of reducing the size of the feature space somewhat is to mergeword variants together and treat them as a single feature. More importantly,this can also improve the predictive value of some features.

Forcing all letters to lowercase is a nearly ubiquitous practice. It normalizesfor capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, which does not otherwiseaffect the word’s meaning, and helps reduce the dispersion issue mentioned inthe introduction. For proper nouns, it occasionally conflates with other wordsin the language, e.g., “Bush” or “LaTeX.”

Likewise, various word stemming algorithms can be used to merge multiplerelated word forms. For example, “cat,” “cats,” “catlike,” and “catty” mayall be merged into a common feature. Various studies find that stemmingtypically benefits recall but at a cost of precision. If one is searching for“catty” and the word is treated the same as “cat,” then a certain amountof precision is necessarily lost. For extremely skewed class distributions, thisloss may be unsupportable.

Stemming algorithms make both over-stemming errors and under-stemmingerrors, but again, the semantics are less important than the feature’s statistical

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properties. Unfortunately, stemmers must be separately designed for eachnatural language, and while many good stemmers are available for Romancelanguages, languages such as Hebrew and Arabic continue to be quite difficultto stem well. Another difficulty is that in some text classification applications,multiple natural languages are mixed together, sometimes even within a singletraining case. This would require a language recognizer to identify whichstemming algorithm should be used on each case or each sentence. Thislevel of complexity and slowdown is unwelcome. Simply taking the first fewcharacters of each word may yield equivalent classification accuracy for manyclassification problems.

For classifying technical texts or blogs, misspellings may be common torampant. Inserting an automatic spelling correction step into the processingpipeline is sometimes proposed, but the mistakes introduced may outweighthe purported benefit. One common problem is that out-of-vocabulary (OOV)words of the spell checker may be forced to the nearest known word, whichmay have quite a different meaning. This often happens with technical terms,which may be essential predictors. For misspellings that are common, themisspelled form may occur frequently enough to pose a useful feature, e.g.,“volcanoe.”

A common source of OOV words is abbreviations and acronyms, especiallyin governmental or technical texts. Where glossaries are available, the shortand long forms may be merged into a single term. Although many acronymdictionaries are available online, there are many collisions for short acronyms,and they tend to be very domain-specific and even document-specific. Someresearch has shown success recognizing acronym definitions in text, such as“(OOV)” above, which provides a locally unambiguous definition for the term.

Online thesauruses can also be used to merge different words together,e.g., to resolve the “color” vs. “hue” problem mentioned in the introduc-tion. Unfortunately, this approach rarely helps, as many words have multiplemeanings, and so their meanings become distorted. To disambiguate wordmeanings correctly would require a much deeper understanding of the textthan is needed for text classification. However, there are domain-specific sit-uations where thesauruses of synonyms can be helpful. For example, if thereis a large set of part numbers that correspond to a common product line, itcould be very advantageous to have a single feature to represent this.

13.2.2 Word Phrases

Whereas merging related words together can produce features with morefrequent occurrence (typically with greater recall and lower precision), identi-fying multiple word phrases as a single term can produce rarer, highly specificfeatures (which typically aid precision and have lower recall), e.g., “John Den-ver” or “user interface.” Rather than require a dictionary of phrases as above,a simple approach is to treat all consecutive pairs of words as a phrase term,and let feature selection determine which are useful for prediction. The re-

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cent trend to remove spaces in proper names, e.g., “SourceForge,” providesthe specificity of phrases without any special software consideration—perhapsmotivated by the modern world of online searching.

This can be extended for phrases of three or more words with strictly de-creasing frequency, but occasionally more specificity. A study by Mladenicand Grobelnik [12] found that most of the benefit is obtained by two-wordphrases. This is in part because portions of the phrase may already have thesame statistical properties, e.g., the four-word phrase “United States of Amer-ica” is covered already by the two-word phrase “United States.” In addition,the reach of a two-word phrase can be extended by eliminating common stop-words, e.g., “head of the household” becomes “head household.” Stopwordlists are language specific, unfortunately. Their primary benefit to classifica-tion is in extending the reach of phrases, rather than eliminating commonlyuseless words, which most feature selection methods can already remove in alanguage-independent fashion.

13.2.3 Character N-grams

The word identification methods above fail in some situations, and can misssome good opportunities for features. For example, languages such as Chi-nese and Japanese do not use a space character. Segmenting such text intowords is complex, whereas nearly equivalent accuracy may be obtained bysimply using every pair of adjacent Unicode characters as features—n-grams.Certainly many of the combinations will be meaningless, but feature selec-tion can identify the most predictive ones. For languages that use the Latincharacter set, 3-grams or 6-grams may be appropriate. For example, n-gramswould capture the essence of common technical text patterns such as “HP-UX 11.0”, “while (<>) {’, “#!/bin/”, and “ :).” Phrases of two adjacentn-grams simply correspond to (2n)-grams. Note that while the number of po-tential n-grams grows exponentially with n, in practice only a small fractionof the possibilities occur in actual training examples, and only a fraction ofthose will be found predictive.

Interestingly, the common Adobe PDF document format records the posi-tion of each character on the page, but does not explicitly represent spaces.Software libraries to extract the text from PDF use heuristics to decide whereto output a space character. That is why text extracts are sometimes missingspaces between words, or have a space character inserted between every pairof letters. Clearly, these types of errors would wreak havoc with a classifierthat depends on spaces to identify words. A more robust approach is forthe feature generator to strip all whitespace, and generate n-grams from theresulting sequence.

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13.2.4 Multi-Field Records

Although most research deals with training cases as a single string, manyapplications have multiple text (and non-text) fields associated with eachrecord. In document management, these may be title, author, abstract, key-words, body, and references. In technical support, they may be title, product,keywords, engineer, customer, symptoms, problem description, and solution.The point is that multi-field records are common in applications, even thoughthe bulk of text classification research treats only a single string. Further-more, for classifying long strings such as arbitrary files, the first few kilobytesmay be treated as a separate field and often prove sufficient for generatingadequate features, avoiding the overhead of processing huge files, such as taror zip archives.

The simplest approach is to concatenate all strings together. However, sup-posing the classification goal is to separate technical support cases by product,then the most informative features may be generated from the product de-scription field alone, and concatenating all fields will tend to water down thespecificity of the features.

Another simple approach is to give each field its own separate bag-of-wordsfeature space. That is, the word “OfficeJet” in the title field would be treatedas though it were unrelated to a feature for the same word in the product field.Sometimes multiple fields need to be combined while others are kept separate,and still others are ignored. These decisions are usually made manually today.Here, again, an automated search can be useful to determine an effectivechoice of which fields to combine and which to keep separate. This increasescomputation time for search, but more importantly it saves the expert’s time.And it may discover better choices than would have been explored manually.

13.2.5 Other Properties

For some classification tasks, other text properties besides words or n-gramscan provide the key predictors to enable high accuracy. Some types of spamuse deceptions such as “4ree v!@gr@ 4 u!” to thwart word-based features,but these might easily be recognized by features revealing their abnormalword lengths and the density symbols. Likewise, to recognize Perl or awkcode, the specific alphanumeric identifiers that appear are less specific thanthe distribution of particular keywords and special characters. Formattinginformation, such as the amount of whitespace, the word count, or the averagenumber of words per line, can be key features for particular tasks.

Where task-specific features are constructed, they are often highly valuable,e.g., parsing particular XML structures that contain name-value pairs. Bybeing task-specific, it is naturally difficult to make generally useful commentsabout their generation or selection. The little that is said about task-specificfeatures in the research literature on general text classification belies theirtrue importance in many practical applications.

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13.2.6 Feature Values

Once a decision has been made about what to consider as a feature term, theoccurrences of that term can be determined by scanning the texts. For somepurposes, a binary value is sufficient, indicating whether the term appearsat all. This representation is used by the Bernoulli formulation of the naıveBayes classifier[11]. Many other classifiers use the term frequency tft,k (theword count in document k) directly as the feature value, e.g., the multinomialnaıve Bayes classifier[11].

The support vector machine (SVM) has proven highly successful in textclassification. For such kernel methods, the distance between two featurevectors is typically computed as their dot product (cosine similarity), whichis dominated by the dimensions with larger values. To avoid the situationwhere the highly frequent but non-discriminative words (such as stopwords)dominate the distance function, one can either use binary features or elseweight the term frequency value tft,k inversely to the feature’s documentfrequency dft in the corpus (the number of documents in which the wordappears one or more times). In this way, very common words are downplayed.This idea, widely known as “TF.IDF,” has a number of variants, one formbeing tft,k× log( M+1

dft+1 ). While this representation requires more computationand more storage per feature than simply using binary features, it can oftenlead to better accuracy for kernel methods.

If the document lengths vary widely, then a long document will exhibitlarger word counts than a short document on the same topic. To make thesefeature vectors more similar, the tft,k values may be normalized so that thelength (Euclidean norm) of each feature vector equals 1.

13.3 Feature Filtering for Classification

With a panoply of choices for feature generation laid out, we now turnto feature filtering, which independently scores each feature with respect tothe training class labels. The subsections below describe how this can bedone for different classification settings. After the scoring is completed, thefinal issue is determining how many of the best features to select for the bestperformance. Unfortunately, the answer varies widely from task to task, soseveral values should be tried, including the option of using all features. Thisparameter can be tuned automatically via cross validation on the trainingdata.

Cross validation may also be needed to select which feature generatorsto use, as well as selecting parameters for the induction algorithm, such asthe well-known complexity constant C in the SVM model. The simplest toprogram is to optimize each parameter in its own nested loop. However, with

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each successive nesting a smaller fraction of the training data is being givento the induction algorithm. For example, if nested 5-fold cross validation isbeing used to select the feature generator, the number of features, and thecomplexity constant, the innermost loop trains with only half of the trainingset (4


45 = 51%). Unfortunately, for some parameters, the optimal value

found in this way can be a poor choice for the full training set size. This is onereason why 10-fold cross validation, despite its computational cost, is usuallypreferred to 2-fold cross validation, which trains on nearly half as much of thedata.

Instead, a single loop of cross validation should be married with a multi-parameter search strategy. The simplest to program is to measure the crossvalidation accuracy (or F-measure) at each point on a simple grid, and thenselect the best parameters. There is a large literature in multi-parameteroptimization that has yielded methods that are typically much more efficient,if more complex to program.

13.3.1 Binary Classification

We first discuss the setting where there are two classes. Binary classificationis a fundamental case, because (1) binary domain tasks are common, e.g.,identifying spam email from good email, and (2) it is used as a subroutine tosolve most types of multi-class tasks.

To clarify the nature of the problem, we demonstrate with an exemplarybinary task: identifying papers about probabilistic machine learning meth-ods among a collection of other computer science papers. The dataset has1800 papers altogether, with only 50 of them in the positive class—2.8% pos-itive. Each is represented by its title and abstract, which generate 12,500alphanumeric words when treated as a single text string. Figure 13.1 showsthe document frequency counts tpt for each of the word features t with respectto the 50 documents in the positive class (y-axis) and separately fpt for the1750 documents in the negative class (x-axis), similar to an ROC graph. Afeature in the topmost left corner (or bottommost right corner) would be per-fectly predictive of the positive (negative) class, and would aid the inductionalgorithm a great deal. Unfortunately, these regions are typically devoid offeatures.

Common stopwords such as “of” and “the” occur frequently in both classes,and approximate the diagonal. These have no predictive value. The slightlylarger points indicate which words appear on a generic list of 570 commonEnglish stopwords. Observe that the non-stopwords “paper” and “algorithm”behave like stopwords in this dataset, unsurprisingly. This illustrates thatstopwords are not only language-specific, but also domain-specific.

Because of the Zipf-like distribution of words, most words occur rarely ineach class. In fact, the majority of the points are plotted atop one anothernear the origin, belying their overwhelming density in this region. Over halfof the words appear only once in the dataset and are plotted at just two

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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

# po


ve d








# negative documents containing word


causal bayesian









algorithms algorithm

these data

from which


as be


by with



on we


t t



for to

in a

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FIGURE 13.1: Word document frequencies in the positive and negative classesfor a typical problem with class imbalance.

points—(1,0) and (0,1). One often removes such extremely rare words via aminimum count threshold dfmin; in this case, dfmin = 2 removes about halfthe features. Whether this is a good idea depends on the induction algorithmand the character of the dataset.

Filter methods typically evaluate each feature term t according to a functionof its document frequency counts in the positive tpt and negative fpt classes.Three commonly used feature selection formulas are given in Table 13.1: In-formation Gain (IG), Chi-Squared (Chi), and Bi-Normal Separation (BNS).

Returning to Figure 13.1, the contour lines on the graph show the decisionboundaries that these three feature selection methods would make for thisdataset when the top 100 features are requested. That is, for each method,the points along its contour lines all evaluate to the same “goodness” valueby its function, and there are 100 features with greater values. Naturally,they all devalue and remove the stopwords near the diagonal, without beinglanguage- or domain-specific, as stopword lists would be.

The features that are selected lie above the upper contour as well as belowthe matching lower contour; the contours are rotationally symmetric aboutthe center point. Despite this symmetry, these two areas differ in characterbecause the Zipfian word distribution focuses the selection decisions to be nearthe origin, and the feature selection methods each have an asymmetry. The

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TABLE 13.1: Three common feature selection formulas, computed fromdocument frequency counts in the positive and negative classes.

Name Formula

Information Gain e(pos, neg)− [Pworde(tp, fp) + (1− Pword)e(fn, tn)](IG) where e(x, y) = −xlx( x

x+y )−xlx( yx+y ),

and xlx(x) = x log2(x)

Chi-Squared, χ2 g(tp, (tp + fp)Ppos) + g(fn, (fn + tn)Ppos)+(Chi) g(fp, (tp + fp)Pneg) + g(tn, (fn + tn)Pneg)

where g(count, expect) = (count−expect)2


Bi-Normal Separation |F−1(tpr)− F−1(fpr)|(BNS) where F−1 is the inverse of the Normal CDF

Notation:pos: number of positive cases = tp + fnneg: number of negative cases = fp + tntp: true positives = number of positive cases containing the wordfp: false positives = number of negative cases containing the wordfn: false negativestn: true negativestpr: true positive rate = tp/posfpr: false positive rate = fp/negPpos: percentage of positive cases = pos/allPneg : percentage of negative cases = neg/allPword: percentage of cases containing word = (tp + fp)/all

most noticeable asymmetry is that the chi-squared method results in a strongbias toward positive features; there are no features under its lower contour.Information gain selects some negative features, but still has a bias for positivefeatures. This is more easily seen at the top, where there are no word pointsobscuring the place where the contour meets the top of the graph.

By contrast, the BNS decision boundary comes much closer to the originon the x-axis. Compared to the other methods, BNS prefers many more ofthe negative features—in this case, only those occurring more than 50 timesamong the negatives and not once among the 50 positives. It is for this reasonthat BNS excels in improving recall, usually at a minor cost to precision. Thistrade off often yields an overall improvement in F-measure compared to othermethods.

Why is BNS asymmetric, given that its formula is symmetric? It stems fromthe class skew. Since the inverse Normal cumulative distribution function(CDF) is undefined at zero, whenever there are zero occurrences of a word in

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a class, we must substitute a small constant, e.g., ξ = 0.1 occurrences. Sincethere are typically more negatives than positives, the minimum false positiverate fpr = ξ

neg is smaller than the minimum true positive rate tpr = ξpos . In

this way, a feature that occurs x times in only the majority class is correctlypreferred to one that occurs x times in only the minority class.

Likewise, to avoid the undefined value F−1(1.0), if ever a feature occursin every single positive (negative) case, we back off the tp (fp) count byξ. This does not occur naturally with language texts, but text classifi-cation techniques are regularly used to treat string features of all sorts ofclassification problems. In industrial settings with many classes to process,it sometimes happens that there is a perfect indicator in the texts, e.g.,<meta name="Novell_ID" val="Win32">, which may be discovered by longn-grams or phrases of alphanumeric words. Note that without feature selec-tion, an SVM classifier will not make effective use of a few excellent features[4].

As a side note, sometimes the purpose of feature selection is just to char-acterize a class for user understanding rather than machine classification. Inthis case, ordinarily one only wants to see the positive words and phrases.

13.3.2 Multi-Class Classification

There are two major forms of multi-class classification: single-label (1-of-n) classification, where each case is known to belong in exactly one of the nclasses, and multi-label (m-of-n) classification, where each case may belong toseveral, none, or even all classes.

In the multi-label case, the problem is naturally decomposed into n binaryclassification tasks: classi vs. not classi. Each of these binary tasks is solvedindependently, and each can have its own feature selection to maximize itsaccuracy. In the single-label case, many induction algorithms operate bydecomposing the problem into n binary tasks as above, and then makinga final decision by some form of voting. Here also, feature selection canbe optimized independently for each binary subtask. However, some 1-of-ninduction algorithms do not perform binary decompositions, and need multi-class feature selection to select a single set of features that work well for themany classes. Other 1-of-n induction algorithms perform very many binarydecompositions, e.g., those that search for optimal splitting hierarchies, orerror-correcting code classifiers that consider O(n2) dichotomies. For these itwould be impractical to perform a separate feature selection for each binarytask.

Setting aside such incompatible induction algorithms, all multi-class taskscould be dealt with by binary decompositions in theory, and so there wouldbe no need for multi-class feature selection. But practice often recants theory.The APIs for many good software products and libraries expect the trans-formation of text into numerical feature vectors to be performed as a pre-processing step, and there is no facility for injecting it into the inner loops

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where the decompositions occur. Even some m-of-n applications that can beprogrammed de novo demand multi-class feature selection for performanceand scalability reasons. For example, where a centralized server must classifymillions of objects on the network into multiple, orthogonal taxonomies, it canbe much more efficient to determine a single, reasonably sized feature vectorto send across the network than to send all the large documents themselves.As another example, a large database of unstructured, multi-field (technicalsupport) cases is represented in memory by a cached, limited size featurevector representation. This is used for quick interactive exploration, classi-fication, and labeling into multiple 1-of-n and m-of-n taxonomies, where theclassifiers are periodically retrained in real time [3]. It would be impracticalto re-extract features for each binary decomposition, or to union all the fea-tures into a very long feature vector that would be requested by all the binaryfeature selection subtasks.

Many multi-class feature selection schemes have been devised, and somemethods such as Chi-squared naturally extend to multiple classes. However,most of them suffer from the following liability: Suppose in a typical, multi-class topic recognition problem in English, one of the classes happens to con-tain all German texts, which will generate many extremely predictive words.Nearly all feature selection schemes will prefer the stronger features, and my-opically starve the other classes. Likewise, if one class is particularly difficult,multi-class feature selectors will tend to ignore it.

A solution to this problem is to perform feature selection for each class sep-arately via binary decompositions, and then to determine the final rankingof features by a round-robin algorithm where each class gets to nominate itsmost desired features in turn [2]. This scheme was devised to improve ro-bustness for such situations that arise in practice occasionally. Usually effortsto improve robustness come at some loss in average performance. Remark-ably, this improves performance even for well-balanced research benchmarks.Why? Inevitably, some classes are easier to recognize than others, and thisdisparity causes most feature selection methods to slight the very classes thatneed more help.

13.3.3 Hierarchical Classification

Hierarchy is among the most powerful of organizing abstractions. Hierarchi-cal classification includes a variety of tasks where the goal is to classify itemsinto a set of classes that are arranged into a tree or directed acyclic graph,such as the Yahoo Web directory. In some settings, the task is a single-labelproblem to select 1-of-n nodes—or even restricted to the leaf classes in the caseof a “virtual hierarchy.” In other settings, the problem is cast as a multi-labeltask to select multiple interior nodes, optionally including all super-classesalong the paths to the root.

Despite the offered hierarchy of the classes, these problems are sometimestreated simply as flat multi-class tasks, aggregating training examples up the

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tree structure for each class. Alternately, a top-down hierarchy of classifierscan be generated to match the class hierarchy. The training set for eachstep down the tree is composed of all the training examples under each childsubtree, optionally including a set of items positioned at the interior nodeitself, which terminates the recursion. Although this decomposition of classesis different from a flat treatment of the problem, in either decomposition, thesame single-label or multi-label feature selection methods apply to the manysub-problems. It has been suggested that each internal hierarchical classifiermay be faster because each may depend on only a few features (selected byfeature selection), and may be more accurate because it only considers caseswithin a limited context. For example, an interior node about recycling thathas subtopics for glass recycling and can recycling would have a classifierunder it that need only consider cases that have to do with recycling. In thisway, the training sets for each of the interior classifiers may be more balancedthan with a flat treatment of the problem.

13.4 Practical and Scalable Computation

We discuss briefly the matter of programming software feature selection,with some practical pointers for efficient implementation. These issues areusually not recorded in the research literature or in product documentation.Since feature selection is usually accompanied by multiple runs of cross valida-tion to select the best number of features, it makes sense to save computationwhere possible, rather than run each fold from scratch.

We begin with the binary case. By dividing the training cases into F foldsin advance, the true positive and false positive counts can be kept track of sep-arately for each fold. It then becomes very fast to determine the tp, fp countsfor any subset of folds using just 2F integers per feature. This makes feature-filtering methods extremely scalable, and requires only one pass through thedataset.

Furthermore, for M training cases, each fold has only M/F cases, and an8-bit counter will often suffice. For the 1800 paper dataset—which altogethercan generate over 300,000 word, phrase, 3-gram, 4-gram, and 5-gram features –we can efficiently support feature selection for 10-fold cross validation with lessthan 6MB of memory. This is nowadays an insignificant amount of memoryand its computation takes only seconds on a PC. For 10-folds on M ≤ 640Kcases, 100MB is sufficient for 2.6 million features. Moreover, likely half ormore of the features will occur only once, and they can be discarded afterone pass through the dataset, freeing up memory for inductions that followin cross validation.

Large generated feature spaces need not be stored on the first pass through

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the dataset. Once the counts are made—possibly on a subset of the trainingcases—the best, say 100K, features are determined (if done carefully, con-sidering the separate 10-fold views). Then a second feature-generation passthrough the dataset stores only these useful features. The ensuing cross vali-dations then work with ever decreasing subsets of the realized dataset.

In the multi-class setting, further optimization is possible. If the total num-ber of distinct classes is C, then we can efficiently determine the tp, fp countsfor “class vs. not class” binary subtasks using C+1 integers per feature (forthis exposition, we ignore the orthogonal issue of the F-folds). The number ofoccurrences of the feature in each of the C classes is tracked separately, plusone integer tracks the total number of occurrences in the dataset. This miss-ing fp counter is determined from the total minus the tp counter. Further,if we know the classes are mutually exclusive (1-of-n classification), then wecan efficiently determine the tp, fp count for any dichotomy between sets ofclasses.

It is fortunate that feature selection for cross validation can be so efficient.The bottleneck is then the induction algorithm. Reducing the number offolds from 10-fold to 2-fold cuts the workload substantially, but the smallertraining sets can yield different behavior that misleads the search for optimumparameters. For example, using smaller training sets on the two folds mayprefer substantially fewer features than is optimal for the full training set.

Rather than reduce the data folds, early termination can be used. Withonly a few of the fold measurements completed, the current parameter settingsmay be deemed inferior to the best result found so far. For example, supposethe best parameters made 80 misclassifications on all 10 folds, and the currentparameters have already committed 80 mistakes on just 3.2 of the folds. Earlytermination can be done more aggressively with various statistical methods.Or by being less conservative. After all, even with exhaustive evaluation of thefolds, it is only a somewhat arbitrary subset of possibilities that are explored.

Concerns about computational workload for practical text applications maygradually become insignificant, considering that 80-core CPUs are within afive-year horizon and that algorithmic breakthroughs often yield super-linearimprovements.

13.5 A Case Study

The overall benefit of feature selection can vary to the extremes for differentdatasets. For some, the accuracy can be greatly improved by selecting ∼1000features, or for others, by selecting only a few strongly predictive features. Forstill others, the performance is substantially worse with anything fewer thanall words. In some cases, including 5-grams among the features may make

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6 different classes x 5 different splits of the dataset










ral N






c M











e L



FIGURE 13.2: F-measure improvement via feature selection. The dot shows thebest performance with feature selection; the other end of the whisker shows the bestperformance without feature selection, i.e., simply using all words.

all the difference. Because large gains are sometimes possible, text featureselection will never become obsolete—although it would be welcome if it werehidden under layers of software the way SVM solvers are today.

Nonetheless, the chapter would not be complete without an example. Fig-ure 13.2 shows the improvement in F-measure for including feature selectionvs. just giving all word features to the state-of-the-art SVM-Perf classifier.The improvement is shown for six different (mutually exclusive) classes, corre-sponding to different computer science topics in machine learning (each with2.8% positives). Half the dataset was used for training, and the other half wasused for testing; five such splits were evaluated and their results are shownseparately. Apparently identifying papers on rule learning approaches is gen-erally harder, but the main point is how large a gain is sometimes made byconsidering feature selection. In every case, the SVM complexity constant Cwas optimized from a set of five values ranging from 0.01 to 1. Where featureselection was employed, the number of features evaluated ranged from 100upwards in steps of 1.5×, using all features. The optimal parameters werechosen according to which showed the best F-measure on the test set. Cer-tainly this is not a large enough study or dataset to draw general conclusions,but the trend in the illustration is clear. A full scale study would also need tooptimize its parameters via cross validation on the training set, rather thattaking the omniscient view we have here for expediency.

Once we have paid the software complexity price to have the cross validationframework in place, we can also use it to try different feature generators.Figure 13.3 shows the further improvement in F-measure over the previousfigure that is available by trying different combinations of feature generators.The three settings tried were: (1) words; (2) words plus 2-word phrases;

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6 different classes x 5 different splits of the dataset










ral N






c M











e L



FIGURE 13.3: Further F-measure improvement for trying different feature gen-erators. The plot from Figure 13.2 is reproduced, and the whiskers are extendedup to the maximum performance for using words, + 2-word phrases, + 3-, 4-, and5-grams.

and (3) words plus 2-word phrases, plus 3-grams, 4-grams and 5-grams. (Themaximum performance without the latter is shown by the cross-hair, revealingthat most of the performance gain is usually captured by 2-word phrases.Nonetheless, n-grams do sometimes improve performance.)

13.6 Conclusion and Future Work

Text classification is an elephant among blind researchers. As we approachit from different sides, we inevitably find that different strategies are called forin feature generation and feature selection. Unfortunately for the practitioner,there is much sound advice that is conflicting. A challenge for research in thisdecade is to develop methods and convenient software packages that consis-tently generate feature sets leading to good accuracy on most any trainingset, without requiring the user to spend their time trying different modulesand parameter settings. Today, when faced with lackluster text classificationperformance on a new domain problem, one has to wonder whether it couldbe greatly improved by “tweaking the many knobs,” or whether the poorperformance is inherent to the task.

Cross validation for model selection and parameter tuning appears to bethe straightforward solution. However, proposing a large number of poten-tial features for a class that has few training cases can lead to overfittingthe training data—generating features that are only predictive for the par-

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ticular training cases studied. Small training sets are a common problem,since obtaining correct topic labels requires people’s time and concentration.Even a seemingly large training set can be meager if it is divided into manyclasses, if the class sizes are highly imbalanced, or if the words used for a sin-gle topic are diverse. Examples of the latter include multilingual texts, manycreative authors, or topics that consist of many implicit subtopics, such assports. These are common situations in real-world datasets and pose worthyresearch challenges, since obtaining additional labeled training examples usu-ally comes with a cost. One direction may be to develop priors that leverageworld knowledge, e.g., gathered from many other available training sets [5].

Other open problems arise in generating and selecting useful features forclasses that are not topic-based. For example, one may need to classify textsas business vs. personal, by author, or by genre (e.g., news, scientific liter-ature, or recipes). In these situations, the specific topic words used are lesspredictive, and instead one may need features that represent the verb tensesused, complexity of sentences, or pertinence to company products. Whilethere is a healthy and growing literature in authorship, genre, and sentimentclassification, there are many other types of desirable and challenging classi-fications that have not been addressed, for example, determining the writingquality of an article containing figures, or classifying company Web sites into amulti-faceted yellow pages, such as There is certainly no shortageof research opportunities.


[1] G. Forman. An extensive empirical study of feature selection metrics fortext classification. J. of Machine Learning Research, 3:1289–1305, 2003.

[2] G. Forman. A pitfall and solution in multi-class feature selection for textclassification. In ICML ’04: Proc. of the 21st Int’l Conf. on Machinelearning, pages 297–304. ACM Press, 2004.

[3] G. Forman, E. Kirshenbaum, and J. Suermondt. Pragmatic text mining:minimizing human effort to quantify many issues in call logs. In KDD’06: Proc. of the 12th ACM SIGKDD int’l conf. on Knowledge discoveryand data mining, pages 852–861. ACM Press, 2006.

[4] E. Gabrilovich and S. Markovitch. Text categorization with many redun-dant features: using aggressive feature selection to make SVMs compet-itive with C4.5. In ICML ’04: Proc. of the 21st Int’l Conf. on Machinelearning, pages 321–328, 2004.

[5] E. Gabrilovich and S. Markovitch. Feature generation for text catego-

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rization using world knowledge. In Proc. of The 19th Int’l Joint Conf.for Artificial Intelligence, pages 1048–1053, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.

[6] I. Guyon and E. Elisseef, A. Special issue on variable and feature selec-tion. J. of Machine Learning Research, 3:1157–1461, 2003.

[7] I. Guyon, J. Weston, S. Barnhill, and V. Vapnik. Gene selection forcancer classification using support vector machines. Machine Learning,46(1-3):389–422, 2002.

[8] T. Joachims. Text categorization with suport vector machines: Learningwith many relevant features. In ECML’98: Proc. of the European Conf.on Machine Learning, pages 137–142. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.

[9] T. Joachims. Training linear SVMs in linear time. In Proc. of the 12thACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery andData Mining, pages 217–226, 2006.

[10] C. D. Manning and H. Schutze. Foundations of Statistical Natural Lan-guage Processing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999.

[11] A. McCallum and K. Nigam. A comparison of event models for naivebayes text classification. In AAAI/ICML-98 Workshop on Learning forText Categorization, TR WS-98-05, pages 41–48. AAAI Press, 1998.

[12] D. Mladenic and M. Globelnik. Word sequences as features in text learn-ing. In Proceedings of the 17th Electrotechnical and Computer ScienceConference (ERK98), Ljubljana, Slovenia, pages 145–148, 1998.

[13] F. Sebastiani. Machine learning in automated text categorization. ACMComput. Surveys, 34(1):1–47, 2002.

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Chapter 14

A Bayesian Feature Selection ScoreBased on Naıve Bayes Models

Susana Eyheramendy

Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen

David Madigan

Rutgers University

14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27714.2 Feature Selection Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27914.3 Classification Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28614.4 Experimental Settings and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28714.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

14.1 Introduction

The past decade has seen the emergence of truly massive data analysis chal-lenges across a range of human endeavors. Standard statistical algorithmscame into being long before such challenges were even imagined, and spurredon by a myriad of important applications, much statistical research now fo-cuses on the development of algorithms that scale well. Feature selectionrepresents a central issue on this research.

Feature selection addresses scalability by removing irrelevant, redundant, ornoisy features. Feature or variable selection has been applied to many differentproblems for many different purposes. For example, in text categorizationproblems, feature selection is often applied to select a subset of relevant wordsthat appear in documents. This can help to elucidate the category or class ofunobserved documents. Another area of application that is becoming popularis in the area of genetic association studies, where the aim is to try to find genesresponsible for a particular disease (e.g., [13]). In those studies, hundreds ofthousands or even a couple of million positions in the genome are genotyped inindividuals who have the disease and individuals who do not have the disease.Feature selection in this context seeks to reduce the genotyping of correlatedpositions in order to decrease the genotyping cost while still being able to findthe genes responsible for a given disease.


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Feature selection is an important step in the preprocessing of the data. Re-moving irrelevant and noisy features helps generalization performance, and inaddition reduces the computational cost and the memory demands. Reducingthe number of variables can also aid in the interpretation of data and in thebetter distribution of resources.

In this chapter, we introduce a new feature selection method for classifica-tion problems. In particular, we apply our novel method to text categorizationproblems and compare its performance with other prominent feature selectionmethods popular in the field of text categorization.

Since many text classification applications involve large numbers of can-didate features, feature selection algorithms play a fundamental role. Thetext classification literature tends to focus on feature selection algorithmsthat compute a score independently for each candidate feature. This is theso-called filtering approach. The scores typically contrast the counts of occur-rences of words or other linguistic artifacts in training documents that belongto the target class with the same counts for documents that do not belongto the target class. Given a predefined number of words to be selected, d,one chooses the d words with the highest scores. Several score functions exist(Section 14.2 provides definitions). The authors of [14] show that InformationGain and χ2 statistics performed best among five different scores. Reference[4] provides evidence that these two scores have correlated failures. Hence,when choosing optimal pairs of scores, these two scores work poorly together.Reference [4] introduced a new score, the Bi-Normal Separation, that yieldsthe best performance on the greatest number of tasks among 12 feature se-lection scores. The authors of [12] compared 11 scores under a naıve Bayesclassifier and found that the Odds Ratio score performs best in the highestnumber of tasks.

In regression and classification problems in statistics, popular feature se-lection strategies depend on the same algorithm that fits the models. This isthe so-called wrapper approach. For example, best subset regression finds foreach k the best subset of size k based on residual sum of squares. Leaps andbounds is an efficient algorithm that finds the best set of features when thenumber of predictors is no larger than about 40. An extensive discussion onsubset selection on regression problems is provided in [11]. The recent paper[9] gives a detailed categorization of all existing feature selection methods.

In a Bayesian context and under certain assumptions, reference [1] showsthat for selection among normal linear models, the best model contains thosefeatures that have overall posterior probability greater than or equal to 1/2.Motivated by this study, we introduce a new feature selection score (PIP)that evaluates the posterior probability of inclusion of a given feature overall possible models, where the models correspond to a set of features. Unliketypical scores used for feature selection via filtering, the PIP score does dependon a specific model. In this sense, this new score straddles the filtering andwrapper approaches.

We present experiments that compare our new feature selection score with

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TABLE 14.1:Two-way contingencytable of word F andcategory k.

k kF nkF nkF nF

F nkF nkF nFnk nk M

five other feature selection scores that have been prominent in the studiesmentioned above. The feature selection scores that we consider are evaluatedon two widely-used benchmark text classification datasets, Reuters-21578 and20-Newsgroups, and implemented on four classification algorithms. Followingprevious studies, we measure the performance of the classification algorithmsusing the F1 measure.

We have organized this chapter as follows. Section 14.2 describes the var-ious feature selection scores we consider, both our new score and the variousexisting alternatives. In Section 14.3 we mention the classification algorithmsthat we use to compare the feature selection scores. The experimental set-tings and experimental results are presented in Section 14.4. We conclude inSection 14.5.

14.2 Feature Selection Scores

In this section we introduce a new methodology to define a feature scoreand review the definitions of other popular feature selection scores.

Before we list the feature selection scores that we study, we introduce somenotation. In the context of our text categorization application, Table 14.1show the basic statistics for a single word and a single category (or class).nkF : n◦ of documents in class k with word F .nkF : n◦ of documents in class k without word F .nkF : n◦ of documents not in class k with word F .nkF : n◦ of documents not in class k without word F .nk : total n◦ of documents in class k.nk : total n◦ of documents that are not in class k.nF : total n◦ of documents with word F .nF : total n◦ of documents without word F .M : total n◦ of documents.

We refer to F as a word or feature occuring in documents and x as the valuethat depends on the number of times the word F appears in a document. For

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example, consider a document that consists of the phrase “curiosity begetscuriosity”. If F1 represents the word “curiosity”, then x1 can take the value1 if we consider the presence or absence of the words in the documents, or x1

can take the value 2 if the actual frequency of appearance is considered.

14.2.1 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIP)

Consider a classification problem in which one has M instances in trainingdata, Data = {(y1,x1), . . . , (yM ,xM )}, where yi denotes the class label of in-stance i that takes values in a finite set of C classes, and xi is its correspondingvector of N features. We consider a naıve Bayes model where the probabilityof the training data instances can be expressed as the product of the individ-ual conditional probablities of each feature given the class membership, timesthe probablities of the class memberships,

Pr((y1,x1), . . . , (yM ,xM )) = ΠMi=1Pr(yi)ΠN

j=1Pr(xij |yi) (14.1)

We aim to select a subset of the features with which one can infer accuratelythe class label of new instances using a prediction function or rule that linksthe vector of features with the class label.

Given N features, one can consider 2N different models, each one containinga different subset of features. We denote each model by a vector of lengththe number of features N , where each component is either 1 if the featureis present or 0 if the feature is absent. For two features, Figure 14.1 showsa graphical representation of the four possible models. For example, modelM(1,1) contains both features, and the distribution of each feature dependson the class label of the document. This is represented in the graph with anarrow from the node y to each of the features x1 and x2.

Without assuming any distribution on the conditional probabilities in Equa-tion (14.1), we propose as a feature score the Posterior Inclusion Probability(PIP) for feature Fj and class k, which is defined as

PIP (Fj , k) =∑


Pr(Ml|Data) (14.2)

where l is a vector of length the number of features and the jth componenttakes the value 1 if the jth feature Fj is included in model Ml, otherwise itis 0. In other words, we define as the feature selection score the posteriorprobability that each feature is included in a model, for all features appearingin documents or instances of class k.

Each feature appears in 2N−1 models. For moderate values of N , the sumin Equation (14.2) can be extremely large. Fortunately, we show in the nextsection that it is not necessary to compute the sum in Equation (14.2) becauseit can be expressed in closed form.

Note that for each class, each feature is assigned a different score. Thepractitioner can either select a different set of features for each of the classes

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FIGURE 14.1: Graphical model representation of the four models with two fea-tures, x1 and x2.

or a single score can be obtained by weighting the scores over all the classesby the frequency of instances in each class. We follow the latter approachin all features selection scores considered in this study. The next two sec-tions implement the PIP feature selection score. The next section assumes aBernoulli distribution for the conditional probabilities in Equation (14.1) andthe subsequent section assumes a Poisson distribution.

14.2.2 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIP) under a Bernoullidistribution

Consider first that the conditional probabilities P (xij |yi, θ) are Bernoullidistributed with parameter θ, and assume a Beta prior distribution on θ.This is the binary naıve Bayes model for the presence or absence of words inthe documents. Section 14.2.3 considers a naıve Bayes model with Poissondistributions for word frequency. This score for feature F and class k can beexpressed as

PIP (F, k) =l0Fk

l0Fk + lFk(14.3)


l0Fk =B(nkF + αkF , nkF βkF )

B(αkF , βkF )(14.4)

×B(nkF + αkF , nkF + βkF )B(αkF , βkF )


lFk =B(nF + αF , nF + βF )

B(αF , βF )(14.6)

B(a, b) is the Beta function, which is defined as B(a, b) = Γ(a)Γ(b)Γ(a+b) , and

αkF , αkF , αF , βkF , βkF , βF are constants set by the practitioner. In ourexperiments we set them to be αF = 0.2, βF = 2/25 for all words F , αkF =0.1, αkF = 0.1, βkF = 1/25, and βkF = 1/25 for all categories k and featureF . These settings correspond to rather diffuse priors.

We explain this score in the context of a two-candidate-word model. Thelikelihoods for each model and category k are given by

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M(1,1) :M∏


Pr(xi1, xi2, yi|θ1k, θ2k) =M∏


B(xi1, θk1)B(xi1, θk1)B(xi2, θk2)

× B(xi2, θk2)Pr(yi|θk)

M(1,0) :M∏


Pr(xi1, xi2, yi|θ1k, θ2) =M∏


B(xi1, θk1)B(xi1, θk1)B(xi2, θ2)

× B(xi2, θ2)Pr(yi|θk)

M(0,1) :M∏


Pr(xi1, xi2, yi|θ1, θ2k) =M∏


B(xi1, θ1)B(xi1, θ1)B(xi2, θk2)

× B(xi2, θk2)Pr(yi|θk)

M(0,0) :M∏


Pr(xi1, xi2, yi|θ1, θ2) =M∏


B(xi1, θ1)B(xi1, θ1)B(xi2, θ2)

× B(xi2, θ2)Pr(yi|θk)

where xij takes the value 1 if document i contains word Fj and 0 otherwise, yi

is 1 if document i is in category k, and otherwise is 0, Pr(yi|θk) = B(yi, θk),and B(x, θ) = θx(1− θ)1−x denotes a Bernoulli probability distribution.

Therefore, in model M(1,1), the presence or absence of both words in a givendocument depends on the document class. θk1 corresponds to the proportionof documents in category k with word F1 and θk1 to the proportion of docu-ments not in category k with word F1. In model M(1,0), only word F1 dependson the category of the document and θ2 corresponds to the proportion of doc-uments with word F2 regardless of the category associated with them. θk isthe proportion of documents in category k and Pr(yi|θk) is the probabilitythat document i is in category k.

We assume the following prior probability distributions for the parameters:θkF ∼ Beta(αkF , βkF ), θkF ∼ Beta(αkF , βkF ), θF ∼ Beta(αF , βF ), and θk ∼Beta(αk, βk), where Beta(α, β) denotes a Beta distribution, i.e., Pr(θ|α, β) =


α−1(1− θ)β−1, k ∈ {1, ..., C}, and F ∈ {F1, ..., FN}.Then the marginal likelihoods for each of the four models above can be

expressed as the products of three terms,

Pr(data|M(1,1)) = l0 × l0F1k × l0F2k

Pr(data|M(1,0)) = l0 × l0F1k × lF2k

Pr(data|M(0,1)) = l0 × lF1k × l0F2k

Pr(data|M(0,0)) = l0 × lF1k × lF2k

where l0Fk and lFk are defined in Equations (14.4) for F ∈ {F1, F2, ..., FN}

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and l0 is defined as

l0 =∫ 1


Pr(yi|θk)Pr(θk|αk, βk)dθk (14.7)

which is the marginal probability for the category of the documents.It is straightforward to show that PIP (F, k) in Equation (14.2) is equivalent

to PIP (F, k) in Equation (14.3) if we assume that the prior probability densityfor the models is uniform, e.g., Pr(Ml) ∝ 1.

In the example above, the posterior inclusion probability for feature F1 isgiven by

Pr(F1|yk) = Pr(M(1,1)|data) + Pr(M(1,0)|data)


l0F1k + lF1k

To get a single “bag of words” for all categories we compute the weightedaverage of PIP (F, k) over all categories:

PIP (F ) =∑


Pr(y = k)PIP (F, k)

We note that the authors of [2] present similar manipulations of the naıveBayes model but for model averaging purposes rather than finding the medianprobability model.

14.2.3 Posterior Inclusion Probability (PIPp) under Poissondistributions

A generalization of the binary naıve Bayes model assumes class-conditionalPoisson distributions for the word frequencies in a document. As before,assume that the probability distribution for a word in a document might ormight not depend on the category of the document. More precisely, if thedistribution for feature x depends on the category k of the document, wehave

Pr(x|y = k) =e−λkF λx



Pr(x|y �= k) =e−λkF λx


x!where x is the number of times word F appears in the document and λkF

(λkF ) represents the expected number of times word F appears in documentsin category k (k). If the distribution for x does not depend on the categoryof the document, we then have

Pr(x) =e−λF λx



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where λF represents the expected number of times word F appears in a doc-ument regardless of the category of the document.

Assume the following conjugate prior probability densities for the parame-ters:

λkF ∼ Gamma(αkF , βkF )λkF ∼ Gamma(αkF , βkF )λF ∼ Gamma(αF , βF )

where αkF , βkF , αkF , βkF , αF , and βF are hyperparameters to be set by thepractitioner.

Now, as before, the posterior inclusion probability for Poisson distributions(PIPp) is given by

PIPp(F, k) =l0Fk

l0Fk + lFk


l0Fk =Γ(NkF + αkF )Γ(αkF )βαkF


Γ(NkF + αkF )Γ(αkF )βαkF



nkβkF + 1)nkF +αkF (


nkβkF + 1)nkF +αkF

lFk =Γ(NF + αF )

Γ(αF )(


βF n + 1)nF +αF




This time, NkF , NkF , and NF denote:NkF : n◦ of times word F appears in documents in class k.NkF : n◦ of times word F appears in documents not in class k.NF : total n◦ of times that word F appears in all documents.

As before, to get a single “bag of words” for all categories, we compute theweighted average of PIPp(F, k) over all categories:

PIPp(F ) =C∑


Pr(y = k)PIPp(F, k)

14.2.4 Information Gain (IG)

Information gain is a popular score for feature selection in the field of ma-chine learning. In particular, it is used in the C4.5 decision tree inductivealgorithm. Reference [14] compared five different feature selection scores ontwo datasets and showed that Information Gain is among the two most effec-tive. The information gain of word F is defined to be

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IG(F ) = −C∑


Pr(y = k) log Pr(y = k)

+Pr(F )C∑


Pr(y = k|F ) log Pr(y = k|F )

+Pr(F )C∑


Pr(y = k|F ) log Pr(y = k|F )

where {1, . . . , C} is the set of categories and F is the absence of word F . Itmeasures the decrease in entropy when the feature is present versus when thefeature is absent.

14.2.5 Bi-Normal Separation (BNS)

The Bi-Normal Separation score, introduced in [4], is defined as

BNS(F, k) = |Φ−1(nkF

nk)− Φ−1(




where Φ is the standard normal distribution and Φ−1 is its correspondinginverse. Φ−1(0) is set to be equal to 0.0005 to avoid numerical problemsfollowing [4]. By averaging over all categories, we get a score that selects asingle set of words for all categories:

BNS(x) =C∑


Pr(y = k)|Φ−1(nkF

nk)− Φ−1(




To get an idea of what this score is measuring, assume that the probabilitythat a word F is contained in a document is given by Φ(δk) if the documentbelongs to class yk and otherwise is given by Φ(δk). A word will discriminatewith high accuracy between a document that belongs to a category from onethat does not, if the value of δk is small and the value of δk is large, orvice versa, if δk is large and δk is small. Now, if we set δk = Φ−1(nkF

nk) and

δk = Φ−1( nkF

n−nk), the Bi-Normal Separation score is equivalent to the distance

between these two quantities, |δk − δk|.

14.2.6 Chi-Square

The chi-square feature selection score, χ2(F, k), measures the dependencebetween word F and category k. If word F and category k are independent,χ2(F, k) is equal to zero. When we select a different set of words for eachcategory, we utilize the following score:

χ2(F, k) =n(nkF nkF − nkF nkF )2

nknF nknF

Again, by averaging over all categories, we get a score for selecting a single

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set of words for all categories:

χ2(F ) =C∑


Pr(y = k)χ2(F, k)

14.2.7 Odds Ratio

The Odds Ratio measures the odds of word F occuring in documents incategory k divided by the odds of word F not occuring in documents incategory k. Reference [12] found this to be the best score among eleven scoresfor a naıve Bayes classifier. For category k and word F , the oddsRatio is givenby

OddsRatio(F, k) =nkF +0.1nk+0.1 /

nkF +0.1

nk+0.1nkF +0.1

nk+0.1 /nkF +0.1


where we add the constant 0.1 to avoid numerical problems. By averagingover all categories we get

OddsRatio(F ) =C∑


Pr(y = k)OddsRatio(F, k)

14.2.8 Word Frequency

This is the simplest of the feature selection scores. In the study in [14]they show that word frequency is the third best after information gain andχ2. They also point out that there is a strong correlation between these twoscores and word frequency. For each category k, word frequency (WF) forword F is the number of documents in category k that contain word F , i.e.,WF (F, k) = nkF .

Averaging over all categories we get a score for each F :

WF (F ) =C∑


Pr(y = k)WF (F, k) =C∑


Pr(y = k)nkF

14.3 Classification Algorithms

To determine the performance of the different feature selection scores, theclassification algorithms that we consider are the Multinomial, Poisson, andBinary naıve Bayes classifiers (e.g., [10], [8], and [3]), and the hierarchical pro-bit classifier of [5]. We choose these classifiers for our analysis for two reasons.

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The first one is the different nature of the classifiers. The naıve Bayes modelsare generative models while the probit is a discriminative model. Generativeclassifiers learn a model of the joint probability Pr(x, y), where x is the inputand y the label. These classifiers make their predictions by using Bayes ruleto calculate Pr(y|x). In contrast, discriminative classifiers model the condi-tional probability of the label given the input (Pr(y|x)) directly. The secondreason is the good performance that they achieve. In [3], the multinomialmodel, notwithstanding its simplicity, achieved the best performance amongfour naıve Bayes models. The hierarchical probit classifier of [5] achieves state-of-the-art performance, comparable to the performance of the best classifierssuch as SVM ([7]). We decided to include the binary and Poisson naive Bayesmodels (see [3] for details) because they allow us to incorporate informationof the probability model used to fit the categories of the documents into thefeature selection score. For instance, in the Binary naıve Bayes classifiers, thefeatures that one can select using the PIP score correspond exactly to thefeatures with the highest posterior inclusion probability. We want to examinewhether or not that offers an advantage over other feature selection scores.

14.4 Experimental Settings and Results

Before we start the analysis we remove common noninformative words takenfrom a standard stopword list of 571 words and we remove words that appearless than three times in the training documents. This eliminates 8, 752 wordsin the Reuters dataset (38% of all words in training documents) and 47, 118words in the Newsgroups dataset (29% of all words in training documents).Words appear on average in 1.41 documents in the Reuters dataset and in1.55 documents in the Newsgroups dataset.

We use F1 to measure the performance of the different classifiers and featureselection scores. F1 is the harmonic mean between recall and precision. Weaverage the F1 scores across all categories to get a single value. The micro F1is a weighted average, where the weights for each category are proportional tothe frecuency of documents in the category. The macro F1 gives equal weightto all categories.

14.4.1 Datasets

The 20-Newsgroups dataset contains 19, 997 articles divided almost evenlyinto 20 disjoint categories. The category topics are related to computers,politics, religion, sports, and science. We split the dataset randomly into 75%for training and 25% for testing. We took this version of the dataset from Another dataset that weused comes from the Reuters-21578 news story collection. We used a subset of

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the ModApte version of the Reuters−21, 578 collection, where each documenthas assigned at least one topic label (or category) and this topic label belongsto any of the 10 most populous categories - earn, acq, grain, wheat, crude,trade, interest, corn, ship, money-fx. It contains 6, 775 documents in thetraining set and 2, 258 in the testing set.

14.4.2 Experimental Results

In these experiments we compare seven feature selection scores, on twobenchmark datasets, Reuters-21578 and Newgroups (see Section 14.4.1), un-der four classification algorithms (see Section 14.3).



10 50 100 200 500 1000

number of words








ro F


FIGURE 14.2: Performance (for the multinomial model) for different numbers ofwords measured by micro F1 for the Reuters dataset.

We compare the performance of the classifiers for different numbers of wordsand vary the number of words from 10 to 1000. For larger numbers of words,the classifiers tend to perform somewhat more similarly, and the effect ofchoosing the words using a different feature selection procedure is less notice-able.

Figures 14.2 - 14.5 show the micro average F1 measure for each of thefeature selection scores as we vary the number of features selected for the

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10 50 100 200 500 1000

number of words







ro F


FIGURE 14.3: Performance (for the probit model) for different numbers of wordsmeasured by micro F1 for the Reuters dataset.

four classification algorithms we considered: multinomial, probit, Poisson,and binary respectively.

We notice that PIP gives, in general, high values to all very frequent words.To avoid that bias we remove words that appear more than 2000 times in theReuters dataset (that accounts for 15 words) and more than 3000 times in theNewsgroups dataset (that accounts for 36 words). We now discuss the resultsfor the two datasets:

Reuters. Like the results of [4], if for scalability reasons one is limitedto a small number of features (< 50), the best available metrics are IG andχ2, as Figures 14.2 – 14.5 show. For larger numbers of features (> 50),Figure 14.2 shows that PIPp and PIP are the best scores for the mutinomialclassifier. Figures 14.4 and 14.5 show the performance for the Poisson andbinary classifiers. PIPp and BNS achive the best performance in the Poissonclassifier and PIPp achieves the best performance in the binary classifier. WFperforms poorly compared to the other scores in all the classifiers, achievingthe best performance with the Poisson one.

Newsgroups. χ2 followed by BNS, IG, and PIP are the best-performingmeasures in the probit classifier. χ2 is also the best one in the multinomialmodel, followed by BNS and the binary classifier with the macro F1 measure.OR performs best in the Poisson classifier. PIPp is best in the binary classifierunder the micro F1 measure. WF performs poorly compared to the other

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10 50 100 200 500 1000

number of words







ro F


FIGURE 14.4: Performance (for the poisson model) for different numbers of wordsmeasured by micro F1 for the Reuters dataset.

scores in all classifiers. Because of lack of space we do not show a graphicaldisplay of the performance of the classifiers in the Newsgroups dataset, andonly the micro F1 measure is displayed graphically for the Reuters dataset.

In Table 14.2 and Table 14.3 we summarize the overall performance of thefeature selection scores considered by integrating the curves formed when thedots depicted in Figures 14.2 – 14.5 are joined. Each column correspondsto a given feature selection. For instance, the number 812 under the header“Multinomial model Reuters-21578” and the row “micro F1” corresponds tothe area under the IG “curve” in Figure 14.2. In 7 out of 16 instances, χ2 isthe best-performing score and in 3 it is the second best. PIPp in 4 out of 16is the best score and in 6 is the second best. BNS is the best in 2 and secondbest in 6. In bold are the best two performance scores.

14.5 Conclusion

Variable or feature selection has become the research focus of many re-searchers working in applications that contain a large number of potentialfeatures. The main goals of feature selection procedures in classification prob-lems are to reduce data dimensionality in order to allow for a better interpre-

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10 50 100 200 500 1000

number of words







ro F


FIGURE 14.5: Performance (for the binary naıve Bayes model) for different num-bers of words measured by micro F1 for the Reuters dataset.

tation of the underlying process generating the data, and to provide faster,computationally tractable, and accurate predictors.

In this chapter, we introduced a flexible feature selection score, PIP. Unlikeother popular feature selection scores following the filtering approach, PIP isa model-dependent score, where the model can take several different forms.The advantage of this score is that the selected features are easy to interpret,the computation of the score is inexpensive, and, when the predicting modelcorresponds to a naıve Bayes model, the score depends also on the predictingmodel, which can lead to better classification performance. While feature se-lection scores following the filtering approach are computationally inexpensiveas well, most do not provide a clear interpretation of the selected features.

The value that the PIP score assigns to each word has an appealing Bayesianinterpretation, being the posterior probability of inclusion of the word in anaıve Bayes model. Such models assume a probability distribution on thewords of the documents. We consider two probability distributions, Bernoulliand Poisson. The former takes into account the presence or absence of wordsin the documents, and the latter, the number of times each word appears inthe documents. Future research could consider alternative PIP scores corre-sponding to different probabilistic models.

This score can be applied as a regular filtering score as part of the prepro-cessing of the data for dimensinality reduction, before fitting the predicting

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TABLE 14.2: Performance of the Binary andPoisson models.

IG χ2 OR BNS WF PIP PIPpPoisson model Reuters-21578 dataset

micro F1 708 719 670 763 684 699 755macro F1 618 628 586 667 590 618 667

Poisson model 20-Newsgroups datasetmicro F1 753 808 928 812 684 777 854macro F1 799 841 936 841 773 813 880

Berboulli model Reuters-21578 datasetmicro F1 779 794 669 804 721 786 822macro F1 680 698 618 709 614 696 746

Bernoulli model 20-Newsgroups datasetmicro F1 531 566 508 556 436 534 650macro F1 628 673 498 652 505 627 650

This table summarizes an overall performance of the feature selec-tion scores considered by integrating the curves formed by joiningthe dots depicted in Figures 14.2 – 14.5. In bold are the best twoperforming score.

model. Alternatively, it can be applied in conjuction with a naıve Bayesmodel, in which case the score is built based on the predicting model, whichbears a resemblance to the scores that follow the so-called wrapper approachfor feature selection.

The wrapper approach attempts to identify the best feature subset to usewith a particular algorithm and dataset, whereas the filtering approach at-tempts to assess the merits of features from the data alone. For some naıveBayes models like the Binary naıve model or Poisson naıve model, the scorecomputed by PIP Bernoulli and PIP Poisson depends on the classificationalgorithm. Our empirical results do not corroborate the benefit of using thesame model in the feature selection score and in the classification algorithm.The strong assumption that naıve Bayes models make about the independenceof the features given the label is well known not to be suitable for textualdatasets, as words tend to be correlated. Despite the correlation structure ofwords, naıve Bayes classifiers have been shown to give highly accurate pre-dictions. The reasons for that are clearly explained in [6]. The authors arecurrently exploring extensions of this method of feature selection to applica-tions where the naıve Bayes assumption appears to be more suitable.

Our results regarding the performance of the different scores are consistentwith [14] in that χ2 and IG seem to be strong scores for feature selection indiscriminative models, but disagree in that WF appears to be a weak score inmost instances. Note that we do not use exactly the same WF score. Ours isa weighted average by the category proportion.

χ2, PIPp, and BNS are the best-performing scores. Still, feature selec-tion scores and classification algorithms seem to be highly data- and model-

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TABLE 14.3: Performance of the Multinomialand Probit models.

IG χ2 OR BNS WF PIP PIPpMultinomial model Reuters-21578 dataset

micro F1 812 822 644 802 753 842 832macro F1 723 733 555 713 644 762 753

Multinomial model 20-Newsgroups datasetmicro F1 535 614 575 584 456 564 575macro F1 594 644 565 634 486 604 585

Probit model Reuters-21578 datasetmicro F1 911 921 674 891 881 901 891macro F1 861 861 605 842 753 842 851

Probit model 20-Newsgroups datasetmicro F1 703 723 575 713 565 693 644macro F1 693 723 565 703 565 683 624

This table summarizes an overall performance of the feature selec-tion scores considered by integrating the curves formed by joiningthe dots depicted in Figures 14.2 – 14.5. In bold are the best twoperforming score.

dependent. The feature selection literature reports similarly mixed findings.For instance, the authors of [14] found that IG and χ2 are the strongestfeature selection scores. They performed their experiments on two datasets,Reuters-22173 and OHSUMED, and under two classifiers, kNN and a linearleast square fit. The authors of [12] found that OR is the strongest featureselection score. They performed their experiments on a naıve Bayes modeland used the Yahoo dataset. Reference [14] favors bi-normal separation.

A better understanding of the dependency between the correlation structureof textual datasets, potential feature selection procedures, and classificationalgorithms is still an important challenge to be further addressed that weintend to pursue in the future.


[1] M. Barbieri and J. Berger. Optimal predictive model selection. Annalsof Statistics, 32:870–897, 2004.

[2] D. Dash and G. Cooper. Exact model averaging with naive bayesianclassifiers. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference onMachine Learning, pages 91–98, 2002.

[3] L. D. Eyheramendy, S. and D. Madigan. On the naive bayes classifiers fortext categorization. In Proceedings of the ninth international workshopon Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2003.

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[7] T. Joachims. Text categorization with support vector machines: Learningwith many relevant features. In Proceedings of ECML-98, pages 137–142,1998.

[8] D. Lewis. Naive (bayes) at forty: The independence assumption in infor-mation retrieval. In Proceedings of ECML-98, pages 4–15, 1998.

[9] H. Liu and L. Yu. Towards integrating feature selection algorithms forclassification and clustering. IEEE Transactions in Knowledge and DataIngeneering, 17(3):1–12, 2005.

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[11] A. Miller. Subset selection in regression. second edition edition, 2002.

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Chapter 15

Pairwise Constraints-GuidedDimensionality Reduction

Wei Tang

Florida Atlantic University

Shi Zhong

Yahoo! Inc.

15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29515.2 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Feature Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29715.3 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Co-clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30115.4 Experimental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30215.5 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

15.1 Introduction

High-dimensional data are commonly seen in many practical machine learn-ing and data mining problems and present a challenge in both classificationand clustering tasks. For example, document classification/clustering oftendeals with tens of thousands of input features based on bag-of-words rep-resentation (where each unique word is one feature dimension). In marketbasket data analysis, the input dimensionality is the same as the number ofproducts seen in transactions, which can also be huge. Although there arealready some algorithms that can handle high-dimensional data directly (e.g.,support vector machines and naıve Bayes models), it is still a good practice toreduce the number of input features. There are several good reasons for thispractice: a) Many features may be irrelevant to or uninformative about thetarget of our classification/clustering tasks; b) reduced dimensionality makesit possible to use more choices of classification/clustering algorithms; and c)lower dimensionality is more amenable to computational efficiency.

Common dimensionality reduction approaches include feature projection [11],feature selection [13], and feature clustering [9]. Feature projection methodsproject high-dimensional data to a lower-dimensional space, where each pro-jected feature is a linear combination of the original features. The objective offeature projection is to learn a projection matrix PN×K that maps the original


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N -dimensional instances into a K-dimensional space. Feature selection refersto selecting a small set of input features based on some measure of featureusefulness. Most feature selection algorithms are used for classification prob-lems since the usefulness metric for a feature can be more well-defined withclass labels available. Feature clustering aims to cluster the original featureset into different groups and use cluster centroids to form the reduced featureset. Both feature selection and feature clustering can be considered as specialcases of feature projection with specific projection matrices.

The widely-used principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discrimi-nant analysis (LDA) are two representative feature projection techniques – theformer is for unsupervised learning and the latter for classification. PCA [17]is an orthonormal transformation of data to a low-dimensional space such thatmaximum variance of the original data is preserved. latent semantic indexing(LSI) [7], essentially just a different name for PCA when applied to analyzingtext data, has been used to map text documents to a low-dimensional “topic”space spanned by some underlying latent concept vectors. PCA works well fora lot of data analysis problems but does not fit well for classification purposes.LDA and other supervised feature selection techniques are better positionedfor classification in that they reduce the input features in such a way thatmaximum separability between target classes is preserved.

This chapter focuses on dimensionality reduction for semi-supervised clus-tering problems. In this learning task, the exact class labels are not available.Instead, there is some “weak” supervision in the form of pairwise instanceconstraints. The goal of semi-supervised clustering is still to categorize datainstances into a set of groups, but the groups are usually not pre-defined due tothe lack of class labels. A pairwise instance constraint specifies whether a pairof instances must or must not be in the same group, naturally called must-linkconstraints and cannot-link constraints, respectively. Pairwise instance con-straints are a common type of background knowledge that appears in manypractical applications. For example, in text/image information retrieval, userfeedback on which retrieved results are similar to a query and which are notcan be used as pairwise constraints. These constraints help better organizethe underlying text/image database for more efficient retrievals. For clus-tering GPS data for lane-finding [19], or grouping different actors in moviesegmentation [1], the complete class information may not be available, butpairwise instance constraints can be extracted automatically with minimaleffort. Also, a user who is not a domain expert is more willing to provide ananswer to whether two objects are similar/dissimilar than to specify explicitgroup labels.

The techniques mentioned above (PCA or LDA) cannot easily exploit pair-wise constraints for reducing the number of features. To the best of ourknowledge, the most related work is the relevant component analysis (RCA)algorithm [1], which learns a Mahalanobis distance based on must-link con-straints and using a whitening transform [12]. Since there are no class labels,such methods are usually evaluated on (semi-supervised) clustering problems.

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Another related work is metric learning with pairwise constraints [20, 3], whichlearn the parameters associated with a parameterized distance metric func-tion from pairwise data constraints. This kind of approach, however, does notreduce the input dimensionality directly.

In this chapter, we propose two methods of leveraging pairwise instanceconstraints for dimensionality reduction: pairwise constraints-guided featureprojection and pairwise constraints-guided co-clustering. The first approachprojects data onto a low-dimensional space such that the sum-squared dis-tance between each group of must-link data instances (and their centroids)is minimized and that between cannot-link instance pairs is maximized inthe projected space. The solution to this formulation reduces to an eleganteigenvalue decomposition problem similar in form to PCA and LDA. Thesecond approach is a feature clustering approach and benefits from pairwiseconstraints via a constrained co-clustering mechanism [8]. Even though theconstraints are imposed only on data instances (rows), the feature clusters(columns) are influenced since row clustering and column clustering are inter-leaved together and mutually reinforced in the co-clustering process.

We evaluate our proposed techniques in three sets of experiments on variousreal-world datasets. The evaluation metric is based on the improvement tothe clustering performance through pairwise instance constraints. The exper-iments reported in this chapter were conducted separately at different timesduring the period we worked on this topic. The first set of experiments aimto show the effectiveness of pairwise constraints-guided feature projection inimproving the clustering performance and the superiority of feature projec-tion over adaptive metric learning [20]. In the second set of experiments, wecompare our constraints-guided feature projection method with RCA. Thelast set of experiments are to demonstrate the superiority of the proposedpairwise constraints-guided co-clustering algorithm.

This chapter is organized as follows. Section 15.2 describes the proposedpairwise constraints-guided feature projection algorithm. Section 15.3 presentsthe pairwise constraints-guided co-clustering algorithm. Three experimentalstudies are presented in Section 15.4. Section 15.5 concludes this chapter withdiscussions and remarks on future work.

15.2 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Feature Projection

In this section, we first present the pairwise constraints-guided feature pro-jection approach, and then describe how it can be used in conjunction withsemi-supervised clustering algorithms.

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15.2.1 Feature Projection

Given a set of pairwise data constraints, we aim to project the original datato a low-dimensional space, in which must-link instance pairs become closeand cannot-link pairs far apart.

Let X = {x|x ∈ RN} be a set of N -dimensional column vectors (i.e.,data instances) and PN×K = {P1, . . . , PK} a projection matrix containing Korthonormal N -dimensional vectors. Suppose the function f : RN �→ C mapseach data instance to its target group. Then Cml = {(x1, x2)|f(x1) = f(x2)}is the set of all must-link instance pairs and Ccl = {(x1, x2)|f(x1) �= f(x2)}the set of all cannot-link instance pairs. We aim to find an optimal projectionmatrix P that maximizes the following objective function:

f(P ) =∑


‖PT x1 − PT x2‖2 −∑


‖PT x1 − PT x2‖2 (15.1)

subject to the constraints

PTi Pj =

{1 if i = j0 if i �= j


where ‖·‖ denotes the L2 norm.

There exists a direct solution to the above optimization problem. Thefollowing theorem shows that the optimal projection matrix PN×K is given bythe first K eigenvectors of matrix Q = CDCT , where each column of matrixCN×M is a difference vector x1 − x2 for a pair (x1, x2) in Cml or Ccl andDM×M is a diagonal matrix with each value on the diagonal correspondingto a constraint (1 for a cannot-link pair and −1 for a must-link pair).


Given the reduced dimensionality K, the set of must-link constraints Cml,and cannot-link constraints Ccl, construct matrix Q = CDCT , where C andD are defined above. Then the optimal projection matrix PN×K is comprisedof the first K eigenvectors of Q corresponding to the K largest eigenvalues.

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PROOF Consider the objective function

f(P ) =∑


‖PT (x1 − x2)‖2 −∑


‖PT (x1 − x2)‖2




PTl (x1 − x2)(x1 − x2)T Pl




PTl (x1 − x2)(x1 − x2)T Pl






(x1 − x2)(x1 − x2)T −∑


(x1 − x2)(x1 − x2)T







PTl QPl (15.3)

where the Pl’s are subject to the constraints PTl Ph = 1 for l = h and 0

otherwise.Using the traditional Lagrange multiplier optimization technique, we write

the Lagrangian to be

LP1,...,Pk= f(P1, . . . , Pk) +



ξl(P Tl Pl − 1) (15.4)

By taking the partial derivative of LP1,...,Pkwith respect to each Pl and set it

to zero, we get


∂Pl= 2QPl + 2ξlPl = 0 ∀l = 1, . . . , K (15.5)

⇒ QPl = −ξlPl ∀l = 1, . . . , K (15.6)

Now it is obvious that the solution Pl is an eigenvector of Q and −ξl the corre-sponding eigenvalue of Q. To maximize F , P must be the first K eigenvectorsof Q that makes F the sum of the K largest eigenvalues of Q.

When N is very large, QN×N is a huge matrix that can present difficultiesto the associated eigenvalue decomposition task. In this case, we don’t reallyneed to compute Q since its rank is most likely much lower than N and wecan use the Nystrom method [4] to calculate the top K eigenvectors moreefficiently.

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Algorithm: Projection-based semi-supervised spherical k-means using pairwiseconstraints (PCSKM+P)Input: Set of unit-length documents X = {xi}N1 , set of must-links Cml, set ofcannot-links Ccl, pre-specified reduced dimension K, and number of clusters C.Output: C partitions of the documents.Steps:

1. Use the method stated in Theorem 15.1 to project the original N-dimensional documents into K-dimensional vectors

2. Initialize the C unit-length cluster centroids {μh}Ch=1, set t← 1

3. Repeat until convergenceFor i = 1 to N

(a) For each document xi which does not involve any cannot-links, findthe closest centroid yn = arg maxk xT

i μk ;

(b) For each pair of documents (xi, xj) involved in must-link constraints,find the closest centroid yn = arg maxk xT

i μk + xTj μk ;

(c) For each pair of documents (xi, xj) involved in cannot-links, find twodifferent centroids μk and μk′ that maximize xT

i μk + xTj μx′ ;

(d) For cluster k, let Xk = {xi|yi = k}, the centroid is estimated asμk =



‖ ;

4. t← t + 1 .

FIGURE 15.1: Projection-based semi-supervised spherical k-means using pairwiseconstraints.

15.2.2 Projection-Based Semi-supervised Clustering

The feature projection method enables us to represent the original instancesin a low-dimensional subspace that conforms to the pairwise instance con-straints. In this section, we will show how we can enhance the performanceof semi-supervised clustering using feature projection. Since we shall applythis to text document clustering problems and text documents are often repre-sented as unit-length vectors [10], we shall use the standard spherical k-meansalgorithm as the baseline method to construct our algorithm.

Given a set of documents X = {x1, . . . , xM}, a set of must-link constraintsCml, a set of cannot-link constraints Ccl, and a predefined number of clustersC, we aim to find C disjoint partitions that conform to the given constraints.For the must-link constraints, since they represent an equivalence relation,we can easily put any pair of instances involved in Cml into the same cluster.For the cannot-link constraints, finding a feasible solution for the cannot-linkconstraints is much harder than that for the must-link constraints (actuallyNP-complete) [6]. Therefore, we adopt a local greedy heuristic to update thecluster centroids. Given each cannot-link constraint Ccl(xi, xj), we find twodifferent cluster centroids μxi and μxj such that

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xTi μxi + xT

j μxj (15.7)

is maximized and assign xi and xj to these two different centroids to avoidviolating the cannot-link constraints. Note that all x’s and μ’s need to beL2-normalized vectors for (15.7) to work. Our algorithm for semi-supervisedclustering using feature projection is shown in Figure 15.1.

It is worth noting that the constrained spherical k-means incorporated inour algorithm does not distinguish the different priorities among the cannot-link constraints as shown in [3]. For fair comparison in our experiment, weadopt this version of constrained k-means algorithm to implement the typicaldistance-based method in [20]. We will hold off the detailed discussion untilSection 15.4.

15.3 Pairwise Constraints-Guided Co-clustering

As we mentioned in Section 15.1, feature clustering in general can be re-garded as a special case of feature projection, with each cell in the projec-tion matrix restricted to be a binary value. Usually dimensionality reductionmethod only acts as a pre-processing step in data analysis. The transformeddata in the reduced low-dimensional space will be used for subsequent clas-sification or clustering. However, the co-clustering method discussed in thissection cannot be simply regarded as a special case of feature projection sinceit involves clustering the instances and features at the same time. The co-clustering algorithm used here is proposed in [8] and aims to minimize thefollowing objective function:

I(X ; Y )− I(X; Y ) (15.8)

subject to the constraints on the number of row and column clusters. I(X ; Y )is the mutual information between the row random variable X , which governsthe distribution of rows, and the column random variable Y , which governsthe distribution of columns. X and Y are variables governing the distributionof clustered rows and clustered columns, respectively. An iterative algorithmwas used in [8] to alternate between clustering rows and clustering columnsto reach a local minimum of the above objective function.

Due to space limits, we omit a detailed discussion of the co-clustering al-gorithm and readers are referred to [8]. Also, here we just concisely describehow we involve constraints in the co-clustering process: The constraints onlyaffect the row/data clustering step algorithmically and the impact on col-umn/feature clustering is implicit. For must-link data pairs, we merge therows and replace each instance by the average; for cannot-link data pairs, we

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separate a pair if they are in the same cluster after an iteration of row cluster-ing, by moving the instance that is farther away from the cluster centroid to adifferent cluster. Essentially, the idea of handling constraints is similar to theexisting work [19, 2], but we get features clustered through the co-clusteringprocess. This combination of pairwise constraints and co-clustering seems tohave not appeared before in the literature.

15.4 Experimental Studies

To measure clustering performance, we adopt normalized mutual informa-tion (NMI) as the evaluation criterion. NMI is an external validation metricand estimates the quality of clustering with respect to the given true labels ofthe datasets [18]. Let Z be the random variable denoting the cluster assign-ments of the instances and Z the random variable denoting the underlyingclass labels. Then, NMI is defined as

NMI =I(Z; Z)

(H(Z) + H(Z))/2(15.9)

where I(Z; Z) = H(Z) − H(Z|Z) is the mutual information between therandom variables Z and Z, H(Z) the Shannon entropy of Z, and H(Z|Z) isthe conditional entropy of Z given Z [5].

15.4.1 Experimental Study – I

In our first set of experiments, we used four subsets from the 20-newsgroupdata [14] for comparison. The 20-newsgroup dataset consists of approxi-mately 20, 000 newsgroup articles collected evenly from 20 different Usenetnewsgroups. Many of the newsgroups share similar topics and about 4.5% ofthe documents are cross-posted over different newsgroups making the classboundary rather fuzzy. We applied the same pre-processing steps as in [8],i.e., removing stopwords, ignoring file headers and subject lines, and selectingthe top 2000 words by mutual information. Specific details of the datasetsare given in Table 15.1. The Bow [15] library was used for generating thesefour subsets from the 20-newsgroup corpus.

The algorithms we compared are listed below:

• SPKM: the standard spherical k-means algorithm that does not makeuse of any pairwise constraints [10];

• PCSKM: the pairwise constrained spherical k-means algorithm describedin Section 15.2.2;

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TABLE 15.1: Datasets from 20-newsgroup corpus for Experiment I.

Dataset Newsgroup No. doc. per group Tot. doc.Binary talk.politics.mideast 250 500


Multi5 100 500sci.spacetalk.politics.mideast

Multi10, sci.crypt 50, sci.spacetalk.politics.gun

Science sci.crypt, sci.medsci.electronics 500

• PCSKM+M: the distance-based pairwise constrained spherical k-meansalgorithm introduced in [20];

• PCSKM+P: the projection-based pairwise constrained spherical k-meansalgorithm described in Figure 15.1 that reduces dimensionality first us-ing our proposed feature projection algorithm.

We implemented all the algorithms in MATLAB and conducted our ex-periments on a machine running Linux with 4 Intel Xeon 2.8GHz CPUs and2G main memory. For each dataset, we randomly repeated each experimentfor 20 trials. In each trial, we randomly generated 500 pairwise constraintsfrom half of the dataset and tested the clustering performance on the wholedataset. The average results over 20 trials are presented.

We performed an extensive comparative study on the algorithms listedabove (SPKM, PCSKM, PCSKM+M, and PCSKM+P). The clustering per-formance of different algorithms are compared at different numbers of pairwiseconstraints.

The results are shown in Figure 15.2, where the x-axis denotes the numberof pairwise constraints, and the y-axis denotes the clustering performance interms of NMI. The number of reduced dimensionality K is set to 30 in theSPKM+P algorithm for all the datasets. It is worth noting that we did notutilize the pairwise constraints to initialize the cluster centroids. Althoughit has been demonstrated that seeding the initial centroids by constraint in-formation can give further improvement to the clustering result [2], here we

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decided not to do so because we want to measure the improvement contributedfrom the feature projection or metric learning only.

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500








Number of constraints





ual i





(a) Binary

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500






Number of constraints





ual i





(b) Multi5

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500








Number of constraints





ual i





(c) Multi10

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 5000.45








Number of constraints





al in





(d) Science

FIGURE 15.2: Clustering performance by pairwise constraints-guided featureprojection on four datasets from the 20-newsgroup collection.

It is clear that, on most datasets, clustering performance is constantly im-proved along with the increasing number of pairwise constraints. Specifically,the PCSKM+P algorithm (i.e., PCSKM + feature projection) is more stablecompared to all the other methods and almost always outperforms all theother methods. This may be due to the fact that constraint-guided featureprojection can produce more condensed and more meaningful representationsfor each instance. On the other hand, PCSKM+M is not significantly betterthan the PCSKM algorithm except for the Multi10 datasets. This indicatesthat, for the original high-dimensional sparse data, it is difficult for metriclearning to get a meaningful distance measure.

We also compared the impact of must-link and cannot-link constraints onthe performance of the PCSKM+P algorithm on the first three datasets. Tocompare the different impacts of these two types of constraints on improvingclustering performance, we incorporated a parameter β into the objective

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function in Equation (15.8) to adjust the relative importance between themust-link and cannot-link constraints:

f = (1− β) ·∑


‖FT (x1 − x2)‖2

−β ·∑


‖FT (x1 − x2)‖2 (15.10)

It is clear that β = 0 is equivalent to using only cannot-link constraints andβ = 1 is equivalent to using only must-link constraints. In our experiments,we varied the value of β from 0 to 1 with a stepsize of 0.1. The performancesof the clustering results, measured by NMI, are plotted in Figure 15.3. In thefigure, the x-axis denotes the different values of parameter β and the y-axisthe clustering performance measured by NMI.

0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.90










Ratio between must−link and cannot−link constraints (Beta)





ual i





FIGURE 15.3: Relative importance of must-link vs. cannot-link constraints.

As can be seen, there is no significant difference when β is in the range of0.1–0.9. However, when using only must-link constraints (β = 1) the clus-tering performance deteriorates sharply, indicating that must-link constraintshave little value compared to cannot-link constraints in guiding the featureprojection process to find a good low-dimensional representation.

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15.4.2 Experimental Study – II

Our second set of experiments were performed on a couple of real-worlddatasets from rather different application domains. For the low-dimensionaldatasets, we used six UCI datasets [16]: balance-scale, ionosphere, iris, soy-bean, vehicle, and wine. These datasets have been used for distance metriclearning [20] and for constrained feature projection via RCA [1]. For thehigh-dimensional datasets, we chose six subsets derived from some TRECcollections (available at

For each test dataset, we repeated each experiment for 20 trials. For theUCI datasets, we randomly generated 100 pairwise constraints in each trial.For the TREC datasets collection, we randomly generated 500 pairwise con-straints from half of the dataset and tested the clustering performance on thewhole dataset. Also, the final result is the average of the results from the 20trials.

We evaluated the performance of our feature projection method relativeto other dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA and RCA (sourcecode available at∼tomboy/code/ For athorough comparison, we used both relatively low-dimensional datasets fromthe UCI repository and high-dimensional data from the TREC corpus. As forthe low-dimensional UCI datasets, we used the standard k-means algorithm toserve as the baseline algorithm. As for the high-dimensional TREC datasets,we again chose the spherical k-means algorithm [10] as the baseline.

Figure 15.4 shows the clustering performance of standard k-means ap-plied to the original and projected data from different algorithms on six UCIdatasets with different numbers of pairwise constraints. Note that N repre-sents the size of the dataset, C the number of clusters, D the dimensionalityof original data, and d the reduced dimensionality after projection. As shownin Figure 15.4, RCA performs extremely well on the low-dimensional datasetsand the performance improves significantly when the number of available con-straints increases. However, for some datasets such as vehicle and wine, whenonly providing limited constraints, the performance of RCA is even worse thanPCA, which is unsupervised and does not use any pairwise constraints. Ourmethod, Projection, on the other hand, is always comparable to or better thanPCA. In some cases, such as for the soybean and iris datasets, Projection hascomparable performance to RCA.

Although the performance of RCA is good for low-dimensional datasets,it is computationally prohibitive to directly apply RCA to high-dimensionaldatasets, such as the TREC datasets. Our projection-based methods, onthe other hand, have no problem handling very high-dimensional text data.For the purpose of getting some comparison between Projection and RCAfor high-dimensional text data, we first applied PCA to project the originaldata into a 100-dimensional subspace, and then applied different algorithmsto further reduce the dimensionality to 30. Note that, even without the PCAstep, our method is applicable and generates similar performance. Figure 15.5

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.1










Number of constraints





ual i





(a) balance-scale (N=625,C=3,D=4,d=2)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.12







Number of constraints





ual i





(b) Ionosphere (N=351,C=2,D=34,d=5)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.7






Number of constraints





ual i





(c) Iris (N=150,C=3,D=4,d=2)

10 20 30 40 500.65







Number of constraints





ual i





(d) Soybean (N=47,C=4,D=35,d=4)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.05











Number of constraints





ual i





(e) Vehicle (N=846,C=4,D=18,d=5)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.2






Number of constraints





ual i





(f) Wine (N=178,C=3,D=13,d=5)

FIGURE 15.4: Clustering performance on UCI datasets with different featureprojection methods (N : size of dataset; C: number of clusters; D: dimensionalityof original data; d: reduced dimensionality after projection).

gives the clustering performance of spherical k-means applied to the originaland projected data from different algorithms on six TREC datasets with dif-ferent numbers of pairwise constraints. In Figure 15.5, we also included theclustering performance by directly applying PCA without any other addi-tional dimensionality reduction algorithms. As can be seen in Figure 15.5,

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10 20 30 40 500.1








Number of constraints





ual i





(a) tr11

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100









Number of constraints





ual i





(b) tr12

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.05










Number of constraints





ual i





(c) tr23

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000








Number of constraints





ual i





(d) tr31

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.1








Number of constraints





ual i





(e) tr41

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.1








Number of constraints





ual i





(f) tr45

FIGURE 15.5: Clustering performance on TREC datasets with different featureprojection methods, where “PCA+RCA” denotes the method with PCA being ap-plied first, followed by RCA, and “PCA+Projection” means the method with PCAbeing applied first, followed by our Projection method.

PCA+Projection almost always achieves the best performance of dimension-ality reduction on all test datasets. In contrast, RCA performs the worst forthe text datasets, indicating that RCA is not a desirable method for high-dimensional data.

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TABLE 15.2: Datasets from 20-newsgroup corpus for Experiment III.

Dataset Newsgroups Instances Dims

News-Similar-3 295 1864

talk.politics.miscNews-Related-3 talk.politics.guns 288 3225 3


alt.atheismNews-Different-3 300 3251 3

15.4.3 Experimental Study – III

In our third set of experiments, we compared our pairwise constraints-guided co-clustering algorithm with the standard information theoretic co-clustering [8]. We constructed three datasets from the 20-newsgroup collec-tion [14]. From the original dataset, three datasets were created by selectingsome particular group categories. News-Similar-3 consists of three news-groups on similar topics:,, and comp.wind-ows.x, with significant overlap between clusters due to cross-posting. News-Related-3 consists of three newsgroups on related topics: talk.politics.misc,talk.politics.guns, and talk.politics.mideast. News-Different-3 consists of threewell-separat-ed newsgroups that cover quite different topics: alt.atheism, and All the datasets were converted to the vector-space representation following several steps—tokenization, stop-word removal,and removing words with very high frequency and low frequency [10]. Thesemi-supervised co-clustering algorithm directly clusters the normalized docu-ment-term matrix (treated as a probability distribution) without any TF-IDFweighting. Table 15.4.3 summarizes the properties of the datasets.

We denoted our method as co-clustering+pc and the algorithm proposedin [8] as co-clustering. The results are shown in Figure 15.6, from which wecan see that as the number of pairwise constraints increases, the performanceof the constrained co-clustering algorithm improves significantly comparedto the unguided version. As the co-clustering algorithm does simultaneousinstance (row) clustering and feature (column) clustering, imposing pairwiseconstraints on instances indirectly contributes to the feature clustering partas well.

It is interesting to see that, when the number of constraints is small (e.g.,smaller than 100), the constraints-guided co-clustering algorithm actually per-forms worse than the regular co-clustering algorithm. We suspect the reasonis that the constraints-guided co-clustering algorithm runs into worse localoptima more frequently when the guidance is too limited, but this needs tobe further investigated in future research.

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0 100 200 300 400 5000.05








Number of constraints





ual i





(a) News-Similar-3

0 100 200 300 400 5000.08








Number of constraints





ual i





(b) News-Related-3

0 100 200 300 400 5000.35











Number of constraints





ual i





(c) News-Different-3

FIGURE 15.6: Performance of pairwise constraints-guided co-clustering ondataset from the 20-newsgroup collection.

15.5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this chapter, we have introduced two different pairwise constraints-guideddimensionality reduction techniques, and investigated how they can be usedto improve semi-supervised clustering performance, especially for very high-dimensional data. The proposed pairwise constraints-guided dimensionalityreduction techniques seem to be a promising new way of leveraging “weak”supervision to improve the quality of clustering, as demonstrated by the ex-perimental results on the selected text datasets.

Although the feature projection via pairwise constraints can make certainachievements, the number of projected features is currently chosen in an adhoc way in our experiments. How to find out the “best” number for thefeature projection is an interesting problem for future research.

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Chapter 16

Aggressive Feature Selection byFeature Ranking

Masoud Makrehchi

University of Waterloo

Mohamed S. Kamel

University of Waterloo

16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31316.2 Feature Selection by Feature Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31416.3 Proposed Approach to Reducing Term Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32016.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32616.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

16.1 Introduction

Recently, text classification has become one of the fastest growing applica-tions of machine learning and data mining [15]. There are many applicationsthat use text classification techniques, such as natural language processingand information retrieval [9]. All of these applications use text classificationtechniques in dealing with natural language documents. Since text classifica-tion is a supervised learning process, a good many learning methods such asK-nearest neighbor (KNN), regression models, naıve Bayes classifier (NBC),decision trees, inductive rule learning, neural networks, and support vectormachines (SVM) can be employed [1].

Most text classification algorithms use vector space model, and bag-of-words representation, as proposed by Salton [22], to model textual docu-ments. Some extensions of the vector space model have also been proposedthat utilize the semantic and syntactic relationships between terms [14]. Inthe vector space model, every word or group of words (depending on whetherone is working with a single word or a phrase) is called a term, which repre-sents one dimension of the feature space. A positive number, reflecting therelevancy and significance, is assigned to each term. This number can be thefrequency of the term in the document [19].

The major problem of text classification with vector space modeling is its


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high dimensionality. A high-dimensional feature space addresses a very largevocabulary that consists of all terms occurring at least once in the collection ofdocuments. High-dimensional feature space has a destructive influence on theperformance of most text classifiers. Additionally, it increases the complexityof the system. To deal with high dimensionality and avoid its consequences,dimensionality reduction is strongly advised [12, 21].

One well-known approach for excluding a large number of irrelevant fea-tures is feature ranking [12, 6]. In this method, each feature is scored by afeature quality measure such as information gain, χ2, or odds ratio. All fea-tures are sorted based on their scores. For feature selection, a small numberof best features are kept and the rest are removed. This method has a seriousdisadvantage, however, in that it ignores the redundancies among terms. Thisis because the ranking measures consider the terms individually. An experi-ment, detailed in the next section, shows that the impact of term redundancyis as destructive as noise.

Due to the high dimensionality of text classification problems, computa-tional efficiency and complexity reduction are very important issues. Onestrategy in dimensionality reduction is aggressive feature selection, in whichthe classification task is performed by very few features with minimum loss ofperformance and maximum reduction of complexity. In aggressive feature se-lection, more than 90% of non-discriminant, irrelevant, and non-informativefeatures are removed. In [12], the number of selected features is as low as3% of features. More aggressive feature selection, including only 1% of allfeatures, has also been reported in [6].

In this chapter, a new approach for feature selection is proposed, with amore than 98% reduction in features. The method is based on a multi-stagefeature selection including: (i) pre-processing tasks to remove stopwords, in-frequent words, noise, and errors; (ii) a feature ranking, such as informationgain, to identify the most informative terms; and (iii) removing redundantterms among those that have been already selected by the feature rankingmeasure.

This chapter consists of five sections. After the introduction, feature selec-tion by feature ranking is briefly reviewed in Section 16.2. In Section 16.3, theproposed approach to reducing redundancy is detailed. Experimental resultsand the summary are presented in Sections 16.4 and 16.5, respectively.

16.2 Feature Selection by Feature Ranking

A class of filter approach of feature selection algorithms is feature rankingmethods. Feature ranking aims to retain a certain number of features, spec-ified by ranking threshold, with scores determined according to a measure

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of term relevance, discriminating capability, information content, or qualityindex. Simply defined, feature ranking is sorting the features according toa “feature quality index,” which reflects the relevance, information, and dis-criminating power of the feature.

Feature ranking requires a decision about the following three factors:

• The Feature Ranking Scope: The process of feature ranking is eitherlocal or global. In the local case, feature ranking is performed for eachclass individually, which implies employing a local vocabulary. In globalfeature ranking, we are dealing with one unified vocabulary associatedwith the training dataset.

• The Type of Feature Ranking Measure: Selecting a ranking mea-sure must be performed by considering the classification model and thecharacteristics of the dataset. There is a link between feature rank-ing measures and classifiers. It means some classifiers work better witha particular set of feature ranking measures. For example, the NBCclassifier works better with odds ratio, one of the feature ranking meth-ods, such that features with a higher ranking in odds ratio are moreinfluential in NBC [2, 11]. It can be also shown that the performanceof feature ranking methods vary from one dataset to the other. Forinstance, in [11], it has been shown that odds ratio feature ranking per-forms more successfully with moderately sparse datasets, for example,10 to 20 terms per document vector, while the classifiers are NBC orSVM. Due to this correlation, one challenging problem is selecting theappropriate ranking method for a particular dataset.

• Feature Ranking Threshold: One crucial problem in feature rankingis to determine the appropriate threshold at which to filter out noise andstopwords. This threshold represents the number of desired features andreflects the complexity of the classifier. The ranking threshold can beapplied either to the value of the scoring metrics or to the number offeatures.

Feature ranking methods, despite their scalability and lower cost algo-rithms, suffer from lower performance as compared to the search-based featureselection such as wrappers. The low performance of feature ranking techniquesarises from two major issues: (i) ignoring the correlation between terms andimplementing an univariate scheme while the nature of text classification prob-lems is multivariate; and (ii) failing in rejecting redundant terms. These twoissues are investigated, but the focus in this chapter will be on improvingthe feature ranking performance by extracting and removing the redundantterms.

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16.2.1 Multivariate Characteristic of Text Classifiers

As a major disadvantage, feature ranking methods ignore the correlationand dependency between terms because of their univariate function nature.Feature selection based on ranking is a univariate approach, in which onlyone feature is considered to be retained or removed. In other words, fea-ture ranking measures such as information gain simply ignore the dependencyand correlation between terms. The consequences can be low discriminatingcapacity and increased redundancy. Neglecting term correlation causes twoproblems. Let t1 and t2 be two relevant, and t3 and t4 be two irrelevant terms:

1. Most feature ranking measures rank t1 and t2 higher than t3 and t4,while in textual data, especially in natural language texts, sometimestwo individually irrelevant terms, such as t3 and t4, are jointly relevant.A well-known example is the phrase “to be or not to be,” in which allterms are individually noise but are meaningful as part of a phrase.

2. By any feature ranking, t1 and t2 will be kept, while in textual datathese two terms can be redundant as well as relevant, such as synonymterms.

In spite of feature ranking, text classifiers behave based on the combinationof features. Adopted from [5], a simple test is provided here to explain the im-pact of the multivariate characteristic of text classifiers on their performance.Two scoring metrics including information gain and random feature ranking(RND) are applied to the “20 newsgroups” dataset. In RND, the rank ofeach feature is randomly assigned. In addition to these two ranking meth-ods, the third ranking measure called single term prediction (STP), which isdefined based on the predicting capacity of every feature, is introduced. Leth(fi), 1 ≤ i ≤ m be a classifier using the feature set including only featurefi. Here h is a Rocchio classifier. STP (fi) is defined as the performance (forexample, the accuracy or macro-averaged F-measure) of the h(fi) when it isapplied to the dataset. After estimating STP for all features, the terms aresorted based on their corresponding STPs.

The classifier performance of the three ranking methods is estimated acrossall levels of filtering (ranking threshold) for the dataset. Figure 16.1 depictsthe classifier performance vs. filter levels for 50% of the best features forthe three ranking methods. It shows that STP ranking always performs verypoorly as compared to the other methods, including random ranking. It meansignoring the correlation and dependency between terms is as destructive asnoise in feature ranking.

16.2.2 Term Redundancy

All terms of the vocabulary with respect to their contribution to the cate-gorization and retrieval processes can be grouped into four classes: (i) non-redundant and relevant; (ii) non-redundant and irrelevant; (iii) redundant

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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50











Filter Level



er P




Information GainRandom RankingSingle Term Prediction

FIGURE 16.1: The impact of ignoring term correlation on classifier performance.

and relevant; and (iv) redundant and irrelevant. In feature selection for textclassifiers, we are only interested in the first group, which is non-redundantand relevant terms. Measuring the relevancy of the terms, by employingstrong feature ranking methods, such as information gain, is quite feasible.The difficulty is to extract term redundancies.

Redundancy is a kind of data dependency and correlation that can be esti-mated by different measures, such as the Jaccard, cosine, co-occurrence, andcorrelation coefficients [4, 20, 16]. In this chapter, redundancy between twoterms is measured by mutual information. If two terms have similar proba-bility distributions on class labels, one of the terms might be considered as aredundant term such that removing it does not hurt the classifier performance.The problem is to find the possible redundancies and identify the redundantterms to be removed.

In this section, the result of an experiment illustrating the influence ofredundancy on the classifier performance is presented. Two different textclassifiers are employed: a Rocchio classifier, which is a weak classifier andsensitive to noise, and an SVM classifier with a linear kernel, as an optimumclassifier that is commonly used as a text classifier. The data collection isthe well-known 20-Newsgroups (20NG) dataset. Macro-averaged F-measureis employed to evaluate the classifiers.

We show that adding redundancy, in the case of a very low number offeatures, can degrade the accuracy. The testing process is as follows: Let Tbe the set of N terms of the vocabulary, T = {t1, t2, . . . , tN}. The terms areranked by a feature ranking method, for instance, information gain, such thatt1 is the best term and tN the worst. A smaller set V , called the set of selectedfeatures, is a subset of T with n terms such that V = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}, V ⊂T, n N . Three different versions of V are generated by the following setups:

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• n best terms: The n first terms of the set T are selected such thatvi = ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

• n/2 best terms + n/2 redundant terms: The vector V has two parts.For the first part, n/2 best terms of T are selected. The n/2 terms ofthe second part are artificially generated by adding a very small amountof noise to each term of the first part. The result is a set of redundantterms. Using this setup, the rate of redundancy is at least 50%.

• n/2 best terms + n/2 noise: It is the same as the previous setup, exceptthat the second part consists of noise and stopwords. Due to the use offeature ranking measures, n/2 last (worst) terms should be noisy andless informative. Therefore, we do not have to generate artificial noise.

T = {P1︷ ︸︸ ︷

t1, t2, . . . , tn/2, . . . ,

P2︷ ︸︸ ︷tN+1−n/2, . . . , tN−1, tN}, V = P1 ∪ P2 (16.1)

where P1 is the set of the most informative terms and P2 includes noise.

We use five-fold cross validation for estimating the performance of classi-fiers. In this process, the collection (whole dataset) is divided into five subsets.The experiment is repeated five times. Each time we train the classifier withfour subsets and leave the fifth one for the test phase. The average of thefive measures is the estimated classifier performance, which is the macro-average F-measure. Since the main objective is to select a very small numberof features, all three feature vectors with different and very small values forn, n = {5, 10, . . . , 40}, are submitted to the SVM and Rocchio classifiers andthe average of the performance of eight classifications is calculated. Figure16.2 illustrates the results. It clearly shows that redundancy and noise reduceaccuracy. Comparing the performance of the two last feature vectors, includ-ing redundant and noisy terms, they have a similar impact on both classifiers.Precisely speaking, Table 16.1 shows that Rocchio, as the weaker classifierwith less generalization capability in comparison with SVM, is more sensitiveto redundancy. This fact is clearly seen in Figure 16.2(a) and 16.2(b). Inthe figures, relative performance measures vs. the number of features havebeen depicted. Let F be the performance measure of a classifier, for exam-ple, accuracy, using the original feature vector (100% best features) with noadded extra noise or redundancy; Fr the measure using artificially added re-dundancy; and Fn the same measure using added noise. The relative measureis calculated using Fr/F and Fn/F . Figure 16.2(b) shows that Rocchio’s de-viation from the original performance by adding redundancy is worse thanthe case of adding noise to the original feature vector.

In a small feature vector, the risk of having redundant terms is quite high.For example, in a five-term feature vector, if there is only one redundant term,we are actually using four terms instead of five because one of the terms isuseless. By removing the redundant term, we make room for other terms (or

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any next non-redundant term), which can improve the discriminating powerof the feature vector.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.5









Number of Features



e M






5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.45








Number of Features



e M






FIGURE 16.2: The effect of noise and redundancy on classifier performance. Thesolid lines represent added redundant terms, while the dashed lines represent addednoise terms. (a) SVM, and (b) Rocchio classifier.

In conclusion, redundant terms not only have no discriminating benefitsfor the classifier, but also reduce the chance that other less informative butnon-redundant terms can contribute to the classification process.

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TABLE 16.1: The impact of redundancy and noise on theaccuracy of the SVM and Rocchio text classifiers with featureselection using information gain ranking.

feature vector scheme SVM Classifier Rocchio Classifier100% best terms (original) 0.6190 0.594650% redundancy 0.4067 0.364250% noise 0.4040 0.4289

16.3 Proposed Approach to Reducing Term Redundancy

In this chapter, a technique is proposed for feature selection with a highrate of reduction, by which the number of selected features V is much lessthan those in the original vocabulary T . We propose a three-stage feature se-lection strategy including pre-processing tasks, feature ranking, and removingredundant terms.

16.3.1 Stemming, Stopwords, and Low-DF Terms Elimina-tion

In most information retrieval and text classification problems, stopwordsare removed and whole terms reduced to their root by a stemming algorithmsuch as a Porter stemmer. Unlike stopword removal, which removes only afew hundred terms from the vocabulary, stemming can reduce by up to 40%the vocabulary size [7].

In most text classification researches, low document frequency terms (low-DF terms) are also removed from the vocabulary. Low-DF terms include veryrare terms or phrases, spelling errors, and those having no significant contri-bution to classification. Although these words from an information retrievalpoint of view may play a critical role for indexing and retrieval, in the classifi-cation process, they have no information content and can be treated as noise.Another reason can be explained as follows: Since a class of feature rankingmethods, in particular χ2, behave unreliably and are not robust in the case oflow frequent features, eliminating low-DF terms can prevent this drawback.

Although major low-DF terms are considered as noise, misspellings, or non-informative terms, in the case of difficult classes having less sparse vocabulary,or classes with very few samples, they may have a more discriminating role. Inconclusion, in eliminating low-DF terms, one should be aware of class difficultyand class imbalance.

16.3.2 Feature Ranking

In the second stage, a feature ranking measure is employed to select themost informative and relevant terms. Adopted from [21], information gain is

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one of the most effective ranking measures and calculated as follows:

IG(tj) = −C∑


P (ck). log P (ck) +

P (tj)C∑


P (ck|tj). log P (ck|tj) + (16.2)

P (tj)C∑


P (ck|tj). log P (ck|tj)

where P (ck) is the probability of a document belonging to the class ck, P (tj)is the probability of a document containing the term tj , and P (ck|tj) is theconditional probability of ck given term tj . The number of classes is denotedby C. In practice, information gain is estimated as follows:

IG(tj) = −C∑








n(tj ; ck)n(tj)

logn(tj ; ck)


(1− n(tj)n



n(ck)− n(tj ; ck)n− n(tj)

logn(ck)− n(tj ; ck)

n− n(tj)

where n is the total number of documents in the training data, n(ck) depictsthe number of documents in the kth class, and n(ti) is the number of docu-ments, which contain term ti. The number of documents, which belongs tothe kth class and includes the term ti, is expressed by n(ti; ck).

Using the entropy of tj , information gain can be normalized as follows:

NIG(tj) =IG(tj)

−n(tj)n log n(tj)



Information gain is one of the most efficient measures of feature ranking inclassification problems [6]. Yang and Pedersen [21] have shown that withvarious classifiers and different initial corpora, sophisticated techniques suchas information gain or χ2 can reduce the dimensionality of the vocabulary bya factor of 100 with no loss (or even with a small increase) of effectiveness. Inour application, the original vocabulary after pre-processing, including 28, 983terms, is ranked by information gain. Next, the best 10% of terms are chosenfor this stage. Similar to other ranking methods, information gain has seriousdrawbacks such as ignoring the redundancy among higher ranked features.

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16.3.3 Redundancy Reduction

It has been previously explained that by employing a small number of fea-tures, any term redundancy can influence the classifier performance. It hasalso been reported that redundancy reduction can improve the performanceof feature selection algorithms [12]. In the third stage, by reducing termredundancies, about 80% to 95% of ranked features are removed.

The problem of redundancy reduction is to find an efficient redundancyextraction algorithm in terms of low computational complexities. The majordifficulty in redundancy extraction, in addition to choosing proper correlationmeasure, is calculating pairwise correlation between features. This last calcu-lation can be expensive. Although few simplified term redundancy reductionssuch as the μ-occurrence measure proposed by [16] have been reported, theypropose special cases such as binary class problems or assessing only pairwiseterm redundancy without considering the class labels of the terms, which canincrease the complexity of the problem.

The proposed approach has two core elements, mutual information andinclusion index. These are detailed in the following subsections: Mutual Information

Mutual information is a measure of statistical information shared betweentwo probability distributions. Based on the definition in [10], mutual informa-tion I(x; y) is computed by the relative entropy of a joint probability distribu-tion, such as P (x, y) and the product of the marginal probability distributionsP (x) and P (y):

I(x; y) = D(P (x, y)||P (x)P (y)) =∑



P (x, y)logP (x, y)

P (x)P (y)(16.5)

which is called the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Mutual information, suchas other information theoretic measures, widely used in language modeling,has been applied in text mining and information retrieval for applicationssuch as word association [3] and feature selection [18]. Mutual informationis viewed as the entropy of co-occurrence of two terms when observing aclass. We practically compute mutual information between two other mutualinformation measures. Each measure represents shared information betweena term such as ti and a class such as ck. Since we are interested in thedistribution of a pair of terms given a specific class, the joint distributionis considered as the probability of occurrence of the two terms ti and tj inthose documents belonging to the class ck. Equation 16.5 can be rewritten asfollows:

I(ti; ck) = P (ti, ck)logP (ti, ck)

P (ti)P (ck)(16.6)

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where I(ti; ck) is the mutual information of the distribution of term ti andclass ck. Equation 16.6 might be written for term tj in exactly the sameway. In other words, I(ti; ck) is the entropy of P (ti, ck), which is the jointprobability distribution of the term ti and the class ck. The total mutualinformation (ϕ) of the distribution of two terms when observing the class ck

is calculated as follows:

ϕ {I(ti; ck); I(tj ; ck)} = ϕ(ti ∩ ck, tj ∩ ck) (16.7)

ϕ(ti ∩ ck, tj ∩ ck) = P (ti ∩ ck, tj ∩ ck)logP (ti ∩ ck, tj ∩ ck)

P (ti ∩ ck).P (tj ∩ ck)(16.8)

ϕ {I(ti; ck); I(tj ; ck)} is a pointwise mutual information. The total mutualinformation of two terms when observing whole class information is the av-erage of the mutual information over ck, 1 ≤ k ≤ C. This measure is simplyrepresented by the summarized form ϕ(ti; tj):

ϕ(ti; tj) =C∑


ϕ(ti ∩ ck, tj ∩ ck) (16.9)

Although the Venn diagram is widely used to illustrate information theo-retic concepts, Mackay [10] showed that it is sometimes misleading, especiallyin the case of three or more joint probability ensembles such as (ti, tj , ck).Adopted from [10], Figure 16.3 depicts the concept of ϕ more precisely. Sinceϕ has no upper bound, normalized mutual information Φ, which has an upperbound and is a good measure to compare two pieces of shared information, isproposed as follows [17]:

Φ(ti; tj) =ϕ(ti; tj)√

I(ti; c).I(tj ; c), 0 ≤ Φ(t1; t2) ≤ 1 (16.10)

From [17], ϕ and I(ti; c) can be estimated by

I(ti; c) =C∑


n(ti; ck)n



n .n(ck)n




n(ti; ck)logn.n(ti; ck)n(ti).n(ck)


ϕ(ti; tj) =C∑


n(ti, tj; ck)n

logn(ti,tj ;ck)


n .n(ck)n




n(ti, tj ; ck)logn.n(ti, tj ; ck)n(ti, tj).n(ck)

(16.12)where n(ti, tj) is the number of documents that contain both terms ti and tj .The number of documents that belong to the kth class and include ti and tj

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I(t2;c) H(c|t2)

H(t2|t1) H(t1|t2)I(t1;t2)


FIGURE 16.3: ϕ(t1; t2) is the mutual information between two other mutualinformation measures I(t1; c) and I(t2; c).

is expressed by n(ti, tj ; ck). Equation 16.10 is estimated as follows:

Φ(ti; tj) =

∑Ck=1 n(ti, tj; ck)log n.n(ti,tj ;ck)

n(ti,tj).n(ck)√∑Ck=1 n(ti; ck) log n.n(ti;ck)

n(ti).n(ck) .∑C

k=1 n(tj ; ck) log n.n(tj ;ck)n(tj).n(ck)


If the two terms are completely identical and correlated when observinga class, then Φ = 1, and Φ = 0 if the two terms are completely uncor-related. It should be noted that, although pointwise mutual informationϕ {I(ti; ck); I(tj ; ck)} can be negative [10], the average mutual informationϕ(ti; tj) is always positive and its normalized version is less than or equal toone.

The Φ measure is calculated for all possible pairs of terms in the vocabu-lary. The result is a matrix such as Φ ∈ RM×M, where M is the size of thevocabulary or the number of terms. We know that Φ is a symmetric measureand Φ(ti; ti) = 1. Then, to construct the matrix Φ, we need to calculateM(M−1)

2 mutual information values. One approach to reduce this number isto calculate the matrix Φ for a very small subset of the most relevant termsV of the vocabulary T . This means that, instead of the full Φ matrix, a sub-matrix of Φ is provided. In other words, we need to calculate Φ measures forthe most likely correlated terms. Let us suppose that there are ns groups ofcorrelated terms in the vocabulary. The problem is identifying these groupsand calculating Φ for each of them. We propose an inclusion matrix for thispurpose.

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t1 t2


FIGURE 16.4: Inclusion relations between terms t1 and t2: (a) t1 includes t2, (b)t1 partially includes t2, (c) no inclusion relation between t1 and t2. Inclusion Index

Let D = {d1, d2, . . . , dn} be the collection of documents. Every documentis represented by a vector of words, called the document vector. For example,

di = {wi,1.t1, wi,2.t2, . . . , wi,M .tM} (16.14)

where wi,j is the weight of the jth term in the ith document. Here we usebinary weighting, which reflects if the term is in the document or not. As aconsequence, D can be represented by an n ×M matrix in which every row(di) shows a document and every column (tj) represents the occurrence ofthe term in every document. Based on this notation, inclusion, which is aterm-term relation, is defined [13]. The inclusion index Inc(ti, tj), measuringhow much ti includes tj , is calculated by:

Inc(ti, tj) =||ti ∩ tj ||||tj ||

=n(ti, tj)n(tj)

, Inc(ti, tj) �= Inc(tj , ti) (16.15)

where ||.|| is the cardinal number of the set. Inc(ti, tj) = 1 when ti iscompletely covering tj and is full inclusive. Inc(ti, tj) = 0 means thereis no overlap between the two terms. There is also partial inclusion when0 < Inc(ti, tj) < 1. tj is called more inclusive than ti if Inc(ti, tj) < Inc(tj , ti)(see Figure 16.4). The inclusion matrix Inc is an M ×M matrix in whicheach entry is an inclusion index between two terms.

16.3.4 Redundancy Removal Algorithm

The main idea in identifying redundant terms is finding the sets of correlatedterms. For example, {“rec”, “hockei”, “motorcycl”, “bike”, “nhl”, “playoff”}shows one of these sets including six correlated terms. The sets are extractedusing the inclusion matrix Inc.

Let Sq be the qth set of correlated terms. Instead of calculating the fullmatrix of Φ, it is only obtained for the terms in Sq. The resulting matrixis represented by Φq, which is a submatrix of Φ. We do the same for Incq.Matrix Rq, which is called a redundancy matrix, is calculated by entry-entry

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multiplication of Φq and Incq as follows:

Rq(i, j) = Φq(i, j).Incq(i, j), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ nq (16.16)

where nq is the number of terms in Sq. The ith row of Rq, which is an nq×nq

matrix, shows the ith term (in Sq) with which terms are being covered. Ineach row the maximum entry is kept and the others are set to zero. Finally,every term and its corresponding column in Rq is full zero (all elements arezero) is assigned as a redundant term because it does not include any otherterm. Table 16.2 shows the resulting matrices for a set of correlated terms.

16.3.5 Term Redundancy Tree

A tree representation is also proposed for visualizing the redundant terms.A term redundancy tree is a directed and incomplete graph in which bothinitial and terminal nodes are assigned to terms such as t1 = “hockei” andt2 = “nhl”. An edge, connecting t1 to t2, states that t1 includes t2 and caneffectively cover most of its occurrences. Figure 16.5 shows four examples.The direction of each edge depends on the value of Rq(i, j) and Rq(j, i) (seeTable 16.2(d)). If Rq(i, j) < Rq(j, i), then the direction is from the jth toith node, otherwise the direction is reversed. Finally, each node that is theterminal node (and not the initial node for another edge) is assigned as theredundant term (Figure 16.5).

16.4 Experimental Results

The proposed approach has been applied to the 20-Newsgroups (20NG)dataset using the SVM (with linear kernel) and Rocchio text classifiers. Re-cently, SVM has outperformed most classifiers in text categorization [8, 6].Although there are some reports showing feature selection for an SVM classi-fier is not only unnecessary but also can reduce its performance [12, 8], in thischapter we show that for a very small size of feature vector, SVM performancecan be improved by feature selection through redundancy reduction [6].

The proposed approach has been evaluated by comparing its results withthose of stand-alone information gain ranking. A five-fold cross validation isused for better estimation of classifier performance. Each method has beenapplied to the SVM and Rocchio classifiers with eight levels of aggressivefeature selections. The detailed results of both classifiers for eight differentlengths of feature vector are presented in Figure 16.6(a) and 16.6(b).

The results show that in both classifiers, the proposed method outperformsthe stand-alone information gain ranking. From the findings, the followingconclusions can be made:

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TABLE 16.2: An example of the process of extracting redundantterms: (a) Normalized mutual information matrix Φq for qth set ofcorrelated terms, (b) inclusion sub-matrix Incq for qth set of correlatedterms, (c) multiplication of the two matrices (Φq and Incq), (d) termredundancy matrix Rq for qth set of correlated terms. Based on Rq, allterms whose corresponding columns are entirely zero are redundant andshould be removed.

arec hockei motorcycl bike nhl playoff

rec 1 0.4448 0.4415 0.2866 0.2078 0.2059hockei 0.4448 1 0 0 0.4555 0.4300motorcycl 0.4415 0 1 0.5886 0 0bike 0.2866 0 0.5886 1 0 0nhl 0.2078 0.4555 0 0 1 0.1754playoff 0.2059 0.4300 0 0 0.1754 1

brec hockei motorcycl bike nhl playoff

rec 1 0.2221 0.2255 0.1162 0.0669 0.0680hockei 0.9951 1 0 0 0.2998 0.2883motorcycl 0.9903 0 1 0.4911 0 0bike 0.9906 0 0.9530 1 0 0nhl 0.9945 0.9945 0 0 1 0.2623playoff 1 0.9459 0 0 0.2595 1

crec hockei motorcycl bike nhl playoff

rec 0 0.0988 0.0995 0.0333 0.0139 0.0140hockei 0.4426 0 0 0 0.1366 0.1240motorcycl 0.4372 0 0 0.2891 0 0bike 0.2839 0 0.5609 0 0 0nhl 0.2067 0.4530 0 0 0 0.0460playoff 0.2059 0.4067 0 0 0.0455 0

drec hockei motorcycl bike nhl playoff

rec 0 0 0.0995 0 0 0hockei 0.4426 0 0 0 0 0motorcycl 0.4372 0 0 0 0 0bike 0 0 0.5609 0 0 0nhl 0 0.4530 0 0 0 0playoff 0 0.4067 0 0 0 0

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 16.5: Four examples of term redundancy tree. The terminal nodesare representing the redundant terms: (a)“bike”, “nhl”, and “playoff”; (b) “es-crow”, “crypto”, “encrypt”, and “sci”; (c) “religion”, and “atho”; (d) “armenia”,and “atho” are redundant.

• Let ns be the number of selected features in an aggressive approachbefore removing redundancies. In both classifiers, with high and lowvalues of ns (less than 10 and more than 30), information gain performsbetter than the proposed method. The main reason can be understoodintuitively as follows: Referring to Figure 16.7, illustrating the sortedinformation gain for the first 100 best terms, when ns is less than 10,term redundancy reduction is being held in the sharp slope region of thecurve (between points “A” and “B”). It means with removing a redun-dant term from the feature vector, most likely a much less informativeterm will be substituted, but in the case of working in a smooth regionof the curve (between points “B” and “C”), the proposed method mayoutperform information gain. It is referring to the cost of redundancyreduction, which might be high if the set of features to be substituted isunexpectedly poor in information content and less discriminant in com-parison with the redundant term to be removed. These results confirmthe findings in [6].

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5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.1










Number of Features






5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.1









Number of Features






FIGURE 16.6: Text classifier performance vs. the number of features for twoaggressive feature selection methods. Solid lines represent the proposed methodand dashed lines represent information gain feature ranking: (a) SVM, and (b)Rocchio classifier.

• The SVM classifier result, according to Table 16.3, shows better over-all performance than that of Rocchio. The fact is, although an SVMclassifier rarely needs feature selection, and by employing the completefeature vector in the classifier we usually achieve good results, it canperform more efficiently if redundancy is reduced. Informally, let V1

and V2 be two feature vectors including the best features according tothe information gain ranking. Unlike V1, which includes some redun-dant terms, there is no redundancy in V2. If the removed redundantterm is from the smoothly sloped region of the sorted information gain

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TABLE 16.3: Comparing the results of two aggressive feature selectionsusing information gain ranking and the proposed method on SVM and Rocchiotext classifiers.

Feature Selection SVM Classifier Rocchio Classifierinformation gain 0.6190 0.5946Information gain + redundancy reduction 0.6868 0.6298

curve (Figure 16.7), most likely the SVM classifier performance with V2

will be superior to that of the V1 feature vector. Otherwise, redundancyreduction can be risky.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000








Terms sorted by information gain










FIGURE 16.7: Sorted information gain for first 100 best terms. Redundancyreduction may hurt the performance if the redundant terms are located in the sharpslope of the curve (such as “A” to “B” and “C” to “D”). On the other hand, it canimprove the performance in regions whose slope is smooth (such as “B” to “C” and“D” to “E”).

16.5 Summary

Aggressive feature selection with higher than 95% feature reduction wasdiscussed. The proposed approach is applicable to text classifiers while hav-ing a large vocabulary. Since the length of the feature vector in this strategyis quite short, the text classifiers, working with very small feature vectors,are very sensitive to noise, outliers, and redundancies. Because of these re-strictions, improving any classical feature selection method such as featureranking for aggressive reduction is strongly necessary.

Term redundancies in text classifiers cause a serious complication in mostfeature rankings, such as information gain, because they always ignore cor-

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relation between terms. The results of an experiment in the chapter showedthat the effect of term redundancies can be worse than noise. To deal withredundancy, a method for improving aggressive feature selection by informa-tion gain ranking for text classifiers was proposed. The method was based onidentifying and removing term redundancy using a mutual information mea-sure and inclusion index. Terms were grouped in a few sets of correlated termsusing an inclusion matrix. In the next step, each set was modeled by the termredundancy matrix. Using this matrix, term redundancies were recognized.In addition to the matrix representation, term redundancies were visualizedby a graph called a term redundancy tree.

Aggressive feature selection approaches by stand-alone information gainranking and the proposed method (removing the redundant terms from theranked feature vector by information gain) were compared in SVM and Roc-chio text classifier frameworks. Results showed that the proposed approachoutperformed the aggressive feature selection by the stand-alone informationgain. The proposed method improved information gain results 9.5% in macro-average F-measure. Better results are expected for other feature rankingmethods such as χ2 and odds ratio, since information gain is obviously moreeffective than other feature ranking methods and it has already been outper-formed by the proposed method.


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Part V

Feature Selection inBioinformatics


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Chapter 17

Feature Selection for Genomic DataAnalysis

Lei Yu

Binghamton University

17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33717.2 Redundancy-Based Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34017.3 Empirical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34717.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

17.1 Introduction

The rapid advances of gene expression microarray technology have providedscientists, for the first time, the opportunity of observing complex relation-ships between various genes in a genome by simultaneously measuring theexpression levels of the tens of thousands of genes in massive experiments.Analysis of large-scale genomic data in order to extract biologically mean-ingful insights presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for datamining in areas such as gene clustering [3], sample class discovery, and classifi-cation [4]. In this chapter, we first introduce the challenges of microarray dataanalysis and some traditional solutions of feature selection, and then present aredundancy-based feature selection solution and demonstrate its effectivenessand efficiency on some benchmark microarray datasets.

17.1.1 Microarray Data and Challenges

The description of microarray technologies is beyond the scope of this chap-ter. In a nutshell, gene expression microarrays are silicon chips that simultane-ously measure the mRNA expression levels of tens of thousands of genes. Theexpression levels of the same sets of genes under study are normally measuredfrom different samples or under different conditions, and eventually recordedin a data matrix. In a typical microarray data matrix as shown in Table 17.1,each column represents a gene and each row represents a sample (or a con-dition). Each value fij is the measurement of the expression level of the jth


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gene for the ith sample, where i = 1, ..., M and j = 1, ..., N . In a classificationtask, a microarray dataset is provided as a training set of samples with classlabels cM . The task is to build a classifier that accurately predicts the classes(diseases or phenotypes) of unlabeled samples.

TABLE 17.1: A typical gene expression matrix.Gene 1 Gene 2 . . . Gene N Class

Sample 1 f11 f12 . . . f1N c1

Sample 2 f21 f22 . . . f2N c2

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .Sample M fM1 fM2 . . . fMN cM

A typical microarray dataset has the following three characteristics: (1)high dimensionality due to tens of thousands of genes; (2) severely limitedamount of samples - usually in tens or at most a couple of hundreds due to theexpense of obtaining microarray samples; and (3) abundance of redundancyamong genes - if the change of expression of one gene is correlated to thechange of the phenotypes, a great many of other genes can be co-regulated inthe same or opposite way. Such data characteristics pose severe challenges toclassification tasks. Computational learning theory suggests that the searchspace is exponentially large in terms of N and the required number of samplesfor reliable learning about given phenotypes is on the scale of O(2N ) [13].However, even the minimum requirement (M = 10 ∗N) as a statistical “ruleof thumb” is patently impractical for a microarray dataset [7]. With verylimited samples, a large set of genes leads to too many statistically relevanthypotheses that are equally valid in interpreting the same dataset. Therefore,selecting a small number of discriminative genes is essential for successfulclassification. From a practical point of view, the selection of a small subsetof discriminative genes often helps identify genes that are relevant to thecause or consequences of disease or can be used as biomarkers for diagnosticof diseases, measuring drug toxicology, and efficacy [20]. A compact geneset is desirable to biologists because of the heavy expenses associated withfollow-up biological or clinical validation of selected genes.

17.1.2 Feature Selection for Microarray Data

Feature selection methods can broadly fall into the wrapper model andthe filter model [9]. The wrapper model uses the predictive accuracy of apredetermined learning algorithm to determine the goodness of a selectedsubset. It is computationally very expensive for data with a large numberof features, and the selected subset is dependent on the learning algorithm

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used [9]. The filter model separates feature selection from classifier learningand relies on the general characteristics of the training data to select features.

Traditional methods in gene selection are within the filter model, and of-ten evaluate genes in isolation without considering the gene-to-gene correla-tion. They rank genes according to their individual relevance or discriminativepower to the target class and select top-ranked genes. Some methods based onstatistical tests or information gain have been used in [4, 12]. These methodsare computationally efficient due to linear time complexity O(N) in terms ofdimensionality N . However, they cannot remove redundant genes. The issueof redundancy among genes has been studied in recent literature. It is pointedout in a number of studies [2, 20] that simply combining a highly ranked genewith another highly ranked gene often does not form a better gene set be-cause these two genes could be highly correlated. The effect of redundancyamong selected genes is two-fold. On one hand, the selected gene set can havea less comprehensive representation of the target class than one of the samesize but without redundant genes; on the other hand, in order to include allrepresentative genes, redundant genes will unnecessarily increase the size ofthe selected gene set, which will in turn affect the mining performance on thesmall sample. Besides incapability of handling redundant genes, most generanking methods require certain domain knowledge or trial-and-error to de-termine a threshold for the number of genes to be selected (e.g., a thresholdof the top 50 genes was arbitrarily determined in the work of Golub et al. [4]).

Subset search methods have also been applied to select discriminative geneswhile taking into account gene redundancy [2, 19, 20]. In Xiong’s work [20], amethod in the wrapper model was developed that searches through possiblesubsets of genes using the classification accuracy as a measure of goodness for aparticular subset. A sequential forward floating search was applied to generatesubsets. Different subsets of genes were selected based on three learning al-gorithms: linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression, and support vectormachines. Because a classifier has to be built for every subset of genes visitedin the search procedure, these methods are very expensive to run. In [2, 19],subset search methods within the filter model were proposed that employ cor-relation measures to evaluate the relevance and redundancy of various genesets of the same size during the search. In order to determine a threshold forthe size of the finally selected gene set, different learning algorithms were ap-plied to evaluate the classification accuracy of subsets of different sizes. These“hybrid” methods are more efficient than wrapper methods, but they are de-pendent on the classifiers used and computationally more costly than filtermethods. In addition, expertise in various classifiers is needed to empiricallytune these methods in determining an optimal size of the final subset.

A key challenge in gene selection from microarray data is to provide biol-ogists an efficient filter method that effectively identifies and removes bothirrelevant and redundant genes in an automatic manner. In the rest of thischapter, we tackle this challenge by providing a general framework for redun-dancy analysis and an efficient algorithm developed under this framework.

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17.2 Redundancy-Based Feature Selection

In this section, we first introduce definitions on feature relevance and re-dundancy, we next propose a framework of efficient feature selection basedon explicit redundancy analysis, and we then present and evaluate a specificalgorithm developed under this framework.

17.2.1 Feature Relevance and Redundancy

In general, the goal of feature selection can be formalized as selecting aminimum subset G such that p(C | G) is equal or as close as possible top(C | F ), where p(C | F ) or p(C | G) is the probability distribution of the classvalues C given the feature values in F or G, respectively. Such a minimumsubset is also called an optimal feature subset in feature selection [10] and canbe illustrated by the example below.

Let features F1, ..., F5 be Boolean. The target concept is C = g(F1, F2),where g is a Boolean function. With F2 = F3 and F4 = F5, there are onlyeight possible instances. In order to determine the target concept, F1 is in-dispensable; one of F2 and F3 can be disposed of (note that C can also bedetermined by g(F1, F3)), but we must have one of them; both F4 and F5 canbe discarded. Either {F1, F2} or {F1, F3} is an optimal subset. The goal offeature selection is to find either of them.

Based on a review of previous definitions of feature relevance, John, Kohavi,and Pfleger classified features into three disjoint categories, namely, stronglyrelevant, weakly relevant, and irrelevant features [9]. Let F be a full set offeatures, Fi a feature, and Si = F − {Fi}. These categories of relevance canbe formalized as follows.

DEFINITION 17.1 (Strong relevance) A feature Fi is strongly rele-vant iff

P (C | Fi, Si) �= P (C | Si)

DEFINITION 17.2 (Weak relevance) A feature Fi is weakly relevantiff

P (C | Fi, Si) = P (C | Si), and

∃ S′i ⊂ Si, such that P (C | Fi, S′

i) �= P (C | S′i)

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DEFINITION 17.3 (Irrelevance) A feature Fi is irrelevant iff

∀ S′i ⊆ Si, P (C | Fi, S′

i) = P (C | S′i)

Strong relevance of a feature indicates that the feature is always necessaryfor an optimal subset; it cannot be removed without loss of discriminativepower. Weak relevance suggests that the feature is not always necessarybut may become necessary to the discrimination of the class under certainconditions. Irrelevance indicates that the feature can never contribute to thediscrimination of the class. According to these definitions, it is clear that inour illustrative example, feature F1 is strongly relevant; F2; F3 are weaklyrelevant; and F4, F5 are irrelevant. An optimal subset should only include allstrongly relevant features and a subset of weakly relevant features. However,the definition of weak relevance only reveals feature redundancy (i.e., theinformation a feature has about the class is subsumed by other features) butcannot help identify which features among the weakly relevant ones should beselected while others eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to define featureredundancy among relevant features.

Notions of feature redundancy are normally in terms of feature correlation.It is widely accepted that two features are redundant to each other if theirvalues are completely correlated (for example, features F2 and F3). In reality,it may not be so straightforward to determine feature redundancy when afeature is correlated (perhaps partially) with a set of features. In order todevise an approach to explicitly identify and eliminate redundant features, inour previous work [21], we formally defined feature redundancy based on thedefinition of a feature’s Markov blanket [14].

DEFINITION 17.4 (Markov blanket) Given a feature Fi, let Mi ⊂F (Fi /∈Mi). Mi is said to be a Markov blanket for Fi iff

P (F −Mi − {Fi}, C | Fi, Mi) = P (F −Mi − {Fi}, C | Mi)

It is easy to see that if Mi is a Markov blanket of Fi, the class C is condi-tionally independent of Fi given Mi. Moreover, the Markov blanket conditionis stronger than conditional independence. It requires that Mi subsume notonly the information that Fi has about C, but also about all of the other fea-tures. While it might be difficult to find such a set Mi, it is pointed out in [10]that an optimal subset can be obtained by using Markov blankets as the basisfor feature elimination. Let G be the current set of features (G = F in thebeginning), at any phase, if there exists a Markov blanket for Fi within G, Fi

is judged as unnecessary for an optimal subset and thus removed from G. Itis proved that this process guarantees a feature removed in an earlier phase

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will still find a Markov blanket in any later phase, that is, removing a featurein a later phase will not render the previously removed features necessary tobe included in an optimal subset [10]. Thus, the Markov blanket criteriononly removes features that are really unnecessary: features that are irrele-vant to the target class, and features that are weakly relevant but redundantgiven other features. According to previous definitions of feature relevance,we can prove that strongly relevant features cannot find any Markov blankets.Since irrelevant features should be removed anyway, we exclude them fromour definition of redundant features.

DEFINITION 17.5 (Redundant feature) Let G be the current set offeatures. A feature is redundant and hence should be removed from G iff it isweakly relevant and has a Markov blanket Mi within G.

From the property of a Markov blanket, it is easy to see that a redundantfeature removed earlier remains redundant when other features are removed.Figure 17.1 depicts the relationships between definitions of feature relevanceand redundancy introduced so far. It shows that an entire feature set canbe conceptually divided into four basic disjoint parts: irrelevant features (I),redundant features (II, part of weakly relevant features), weakly relevant butnon-redundant features (III), and strongly relevant features (IV). An optimalsubset essentially contains all the features in parts III and IV. It is worthyto point out that although parts II and III are disjoint, different partitionsof them can result from the process of Markov blanket filtering. In our il-lustrative example, either of F2 or F3, but not both, should be removed as aredundant feature.

FIGURE 17.1: A view of feature relevance and redundancy.

In terms of gene selection, an optimal subset of genes is a minimum subset

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of genes of maximum discriminative power; it should only include all stronglyrelevant genes and a subset of weakly relevant but mutually non-redundantgenes. In search of an optimal subset for gene expression microarray data,efficient methods are needed for two reasons. First, the Markov blanket crite-rion given in Definition 17.4 is combinatorial in nature. It is obvious that anexhaustive or complete search is prohibitive with thousands of genes. Second,an optimal subset is defined based on the full population where the true datadistribution is known. It is generally assumed that a training dataset is onlya small portion of the full population, especially in a high-dimensional spaceas in microarray data.

In search of a suboptimal subset of genes, our goal is to efficiently find fora gene Fi an approximate Markov blanket Mi that subsumes the informationcontent of Fi. As mentioned previously, if Mi is a true Markov blanket for Fi,the class C is conditionally independent of Fi given Mi, i.e., p(C | Fi, Mi) =p(C | Mi). However, finding a subset Mi for every gene is still combinatorialin nature. We present an efficient framework in the next section.

17.2.2 An Efficient Framework for Redundancy Analysis

In our framework, we first differentiate two types of correlations betweengenes and the class: individual C-correlation and combined C-correlation.

DEFINITION 17.6 (Individual C-correlation) The correlation be-tween any gene Fi and the class C is called individual C-correlation, denotedby r(Fi, C).

DEFINITION 17.7 (Combined C-correlation) The correlation be-tween any pair of genes Fi and Fj (i �= j) and the class C is called combinedC-correlation, denoted by r(Fi,j , C).

In combined C-correlation, we treat genes Fi and Fj as one single featureFi,j . An immediate issue is how to decide the feature values of a virtual generepresented by the vector Fi,j . If the expression values of genes Fi and Fj

are numerical values, Fi,j can be some linear combination of Fi and Fj . Ifthe expression values have been discretized into nominal states, we can usethe cartesian product of the domains of Fi and Fj as the domain of Fi,j .For example, if both Fi and Fj assume binary values (0 or 1), the combinedC-correlation aims to measure the correlation between the joint states (0,0),(0,1), (1,0) (1,1) and the class label C.

Our method determines whether a single gene Fi can be an approximateMarkov blanket for another gene Fj based on both individual C-correlationsand the combined C-correlation. It assumes that a gene with a larger indi-vidual C-correlation value contains by itself more information about the classthan a gene with a smaller individual C-correlation value. For two genes Fi

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and Fj with r(Fi, C) ≥ r(Fj , C), it chooses to evaluate whether gene Fj can beapproximately redundant to gene Fi (instead of Fi to Fj) in order to maintainmore information about the class. In addition, if combining Fj with Fi doesnot provide more discriminative power than Fi alone, it heuristically decidesthat Fi forms an approximate Markov blanket for Fj . Thus, an approximateMarkov blanket is defined as follows.

DEFINITION 17.8 (Approximate Markov blanket) For two genesFi and Fj, Fi forms an approximate Markov blanket for Fj iff r(Fi, C) ≥r(Fj , C) and r(Fi, C) ≥ r(Fi,j , C).

Recall that Markov blanket filtering, a backward elimination procedurebased on a feature’s Markov blanket in the current set, guarantees that afeature removed in an earlier phase will still find a Markov blanket in anylater phase when another feature is removed. It is easy to verify that thisis not the case for backward elimination based on a feature’s approximateMarkov blanket in the current set. For instance, if Fj is the only gene thatforms an approximate Markov blanket for Fk, and Fi forms an approximateMarkov blanket for Fj , after removing Fk based on Fj , further removing Fj

based on Fi will result in no approximate Markov blanket for Fk in the currentset. However, we can avoid this situation by removing a gene only when it canfind an approximate Markov blanket formed by a predominant gene, definedas follows.

DEFINITION 17.9 (Predominant gene) A gene is predominant iff itdoes not have any approximate Markov blanket in the current set.

Predominant genes will not be removed at any stage. If a gene Fj is removedbased on a predominant gene Fi in an earlier phase, it is guaranteed that itwill still find an approximate Markov blanket (the same Fi) in any later phasewhen another gene is removed. To determine predominant genes, all genes canbe ranked according to their individual C-correlation values. Since the genewith the highest individual C-correlation value does not have any approximateMarkov blanket, it must be one of the predominant genes and can be used asthe starting point to eliminate other unnecessary genes.

In summary, our framework for redundancy analysis is to find all predomi-nant genes and eliminate the rest. Comparing with traditional gene selectionmethods that evaluate the relevance of each gene individually, our frameworkhas the following distinct characteristics: (1) It efficiently handles redundancyamong relevant genes; (2) it is able to consider gene-to-gene interactions tosome extent by evaluating combined C-correlation; and (3) it removes irrele-vant genes as well as relevant but redundant genes based on the same criterion.The last characteristic makes it unnecessary to determine a threshold for se-lecting relevant genes. In search of approximate Markov blankets, we can ex-

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tend the algorithm to consider more complex combinations of genes other thana combined C-correlation of two genes. However, this will not only increasethe time complexity of the search, but also cause an over-searching problem [8]due to the data characteristics of limited samples in a high-dimensional space.

17.2.3 RBF Algorithm

Under our search framework, different correlation measures can be appliedto calculate individual C-correlations and combined C-correlations. For datawith continuous gene expression values, linear correlation measures are widelyused. Of linear correlation, the most well-known measure is linear correlationcoefficient. For a pair of variables (X, Y ), the linear correlation coefficient ρis given by

ρ (X, Y ) =


(xi − xi)(yi − yi)√∑


(xi − xi)2√∑


(yi − yi)2

where xi is the mean of X , and yi is the mean of Y . The value of ρ lies between-1 and 1, inclusive. If X and Y are completely correlated, ρ takes the value of1 or -1; if X and Y are independent, ρ is zero. Other measures in this categoryare basically variations of the above formula [4]. Linear correlation measuresmay not be able to capture relationships that are not linear in nature and arelimited to numerical values.

To reduce the variance and noise of the original data, continuous expressionvalues are often discretized into discrete values [2, 11]. For discrete data,information-theoretic measures are widely adopted [15]. They are based onthe well-known concept of entropy, a measure of the uncertainty of a randomvariable. For nominal variables, the entropy of a variable X is defined as

H(X) = −∑


P (xi) log2(P (xi))

and the entropy of X after observing values of another variable Y is definedas

H(X |Y ) = −∑


P (yj)∑


P (xi | yj) log2(P (xi | yj))

where P (xi) is the prior probability for all values of X , and P (xi | yi) is theposterior probability of X given the values of Y . The amount by which theentropy of X decreases reflects additional information about X provided byY and is called information gain, given by

IG(X | Y ) = H(X)−H(X | Y )

Information gain tends to favor variables with more values and can be nor-malized by their corresponding entropy. One way to normalize information

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gain is by symmetrical uncertainty (SU), defined as

SU(X, Y ) = 2[

IG(X | Y )H(X) + H(Y )


which compensates for information gain’s bias toward features with more val-ues and restricts its values to the range [0, 1]. A value of 1 indicates thatknowing the values of either feature completely predicts the values of theother; a value of 0 indicates that X and Y are independent.

We experimented with both linear correlation coefficient and symmetricaluncertainty under our general search framework and found that symmetricaluncertainty works more effectively than linear correlation coefficient. There-fore, we chose symmetrical uncertainty as the correlation measure in our algo-rithm RBF (redundancy-based filter). Individual C-correlation and combinedC-correlation are thus measured by SU(Fi, C) and SU(Fi,j , C), respectively.For simplicity we refer to SU(Fi, C) as ISUi and SU(Fi,j , C) as CSUi,j .

input: D(F1, F2, ..., FN , C) // a training datasetoutput: Sbest // a selected subset1 begin2 for i = 1 to N do begin3 calculate ISUi for Fi;4 append Fi to Slist;5 end;6 order Slist in descending ISUi value;7 Fi = getF irstElement(Slist);8 while (Fi �= NULL) do begin9 Fj = getNextElement(Slist, Fi);10 while (Fj �= NULL) do begin11 if (ISUi ≥ CSUi,j) remove Fj from Slist;12 Fj = getNextElement(Slist, Fj);13 end;14 Fi = getNextElement(Slist, Fi);15 end;16 Sbest = Slist;17 end;

FIGURE 17.2: RBF algorithm.

As shown in Figure 17.2, the RBF algorithm first calculates the ISU valuefor each gene and orders all genes in a descending order according to their

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ISU values (lines 2–6). It then further processes the ordered list Slist toselect predominant genes (lines 7–15). Recall that a gene that has alreadybeen determined to be a predominant gene can always be used to filter outother genes for which it forms an approximate Markov blanket. Since the genewith the highest ISU value does not have any approximate Markov blanket,it must be one of the predominant genes. So the iteration starts from thefirst element in Slist (line 7) and continues as follows. For all the remaininggenes, if Fi happens to form an approximate Markov blanket for Fj , Fj willbe removed from Slist (line 11). After one round of filtering genes based onFi, the algorithm will take the remaining gene right next to Fi as the newreference (line 14) to repeat the filtering process. The algorithm stops whenno more predominant genes can be selected.

The majority of computation time of RBF involves calculation of ISU andCSU values, which has a linear time complexity in terms of the number ofinstances in a dataset. In terms of dimensionality N , to determine and rankthe discriminative power of each gene, the algorithm has a linear time com-plexity O(N); to determine predominant genes, it has a best-case complexityO(N) when only one gene is selected and all of the remaining genes are re-moved, and a worse-case complexity O(N2) when all genes are selected. Suchbest-case and worse-case time complexities are comparable to gene selectionmethods based on greedy sequential search through possible gene sets, inwhich genes are, one at a time, added to the current subset (i.e., sequentialforward selection) or removed from the current subset (i.e., sequential back-ward elimination). However, in general cases when k (1 < k < N) genes areselected, the number of evaluations performed by RBF will typically be muchless (and certainly never more) than the number of evaluations performedby a greedy sequential search because genes removed in each round are notconsidered in the next round and RBF typically removes a large number ofgenes in each round. This makes RBF substantially faster than gene selectionmethods based on greedy subset searches.

17.3 Empirical Study

In this section, we empirically evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency ofour method on public gene expression microarray data sets.

17.3.1 Datasets

To evaluate our proposed framework of redundancy analysis and the RBFalgorithm, we conducted experiments on four publicly available microarraydatasets: colon cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, and breast cancer. We next

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briefly describe these datasets and previously published results on them. Asummary of these datasets are presented in Table 17.2.

TABLE 17.2: Summary of microarray datasets used in experiments.Dataset # Genes # Samples # Samples per ClassColon cancer 2000 62 Tumor 40 Normal 22Leukemia 7129 72 ALL 47 AML 25Lung cancer 12533 181 MPM 31 ADCA 150Breast cancer 24481 97 Relapse 46 Non-relapse 51

Colon cancer data [1] has been frequently used in previous studies in can-cer classification. It consists of gene expression profiles of 2000 genes for 62tissue samples among which 40 are colon cancer tissues and 22 are normaltissues. In [1], a hierarchical clustering method was applied to separate tu-mor and normal samples into two distinct clusters. Based on 20 genes withthe most statistically significant difference between tumors and normal tissuesaccording to t-test, the resulting dendrogram from hierarchical clustering mis-classified 5 tumor samples and 3 normal samples into the opposite clusters.

Leukemia data [4] is another widely used benchmark dataset in cancer clas-sification. It consists of gene expression profiles of two classes of leukemia:acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML).The dataset consists of 7129 genes and 72 samples (47 ALL and 25 AML).In [4], in order to distinguish between AML and ALL, a set of 50 genes mostlycorrelated with AML-ALL distinction were selected from 38 training samples.These genes were used to build a linear class predictor for the remaining 34testing samples and achieved 85% predictive accuracy.

Lung cancer data [5] consists of gene expression profiles of 12533 genesfor 181 tissue samples (31 MPM and 150 ADCA). The problem is to distin-guish between malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) and adenocarcinoma(ADCA) of the lung. In [5], 8 genes were selected according to the most statis-tically significant difference in average expression levels between both tumortypes in the training set of 16 MPM and 16 ADCA samples. Based on thesegenes, a ratio-based classifier was built on the training set and achieved 95%accuracy in predicting diagnoses for the remaining 149 samples.

Breast cancer data [17] consists of gene expression profiles of 24481 genes for97 samples (46 relapse breast cancer and 51 non-relapse breast cancer). In [17],the correlation coefficient of the expression for each gene with disease outcomewas calculated, and 231 genes were found to be significantly associated withdisease outcome. These 231 genes were ranked according to the magnitude ofthe correlation coefficient. A wrapper approach was then applied to determinethe optimal number of genes for the classifier by sequentially adding subsetsof 5 genes from the top of the ranking list and evaluating its power for correctclassification using ‘leave-one-out’ cross validation. The best accuracy (83%)was achieved at a number of 70 genes.

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17.3.2 Experimental Settings

We limit our comparisons to gene selection algorithms in the filter model asRBF is a filter algorithm designed for high-dimensional data. We choose tworepresentative algorithms. One algorithm is ReliefF [16], which evaluates thediscriminative power of individual genes without handling gene redundancy.ReliefF searches for the nearest neighbors of samples of different classes andweights genes according to how well they differentiate samples of differentclasses. The other algorithm is CFS [6], which exploits heuristic subset searchbased on some correlation measure. It evaluates the goodness of a subset byconsidering the discriminative power of each individual gene and the degree ofcorrelation between them. Sequential forward selection is employed in CFS.For each of the four datasets, we use two classification algorithms, K-NearestNeighbors (KNN) and Naive Bayes (NB) [18], to evaluate the predictive per-formance of subsets of genes selected by various gene selection algorithms.All these selected algorithms are from Weka’s collection [18]. RBF is alsoimplemented in the Weka environment.

The four original datasets contain continuous gene expression values. Inorder to reduce the noise, various discretization methods [11] can be usedto transform continuous expression values of each gene into several nominalstates. In this work, continuous values of each gene were discretized into threevalues -1, 0, and 1, representing the over-expression, baseline, and under-expression of genes, which correspond to (−∞, μ− σ/2), [μ− σ/2, μ + σ/2],and (μ + σ/2, +∞), respectively. μ and σ respectively refer to the mean andstandard deviation of all expression values for a given gene.

For each dataset, we apply KNN and NBC classifiers on the full set of genesin the original data and each subset of genes selected by RBF, ReliefF, andCFS, respectively. Since researchers who previously worked on these datasetseither divided data into training and testing parts or employed “leave-one-out” cross validation (LOOCV) in assessing predictive performance of variousgene sets, we adopt LOOCV in our experiments.

17.3.3 Results and Discussion

TABLE 17.3: Accuracy of KNN on selected genes for microarray data:Acc records leave-one-out cross validation accuracy rate (%).

RBF Full Set ReliefF CFS# Genes Acc # Genes Acc # Genes Acc # Genes Acc

Colon cancer 4 93.55 2000 70.97 4 87.10 26 85.48Leukemia 16 94.44 7129 86.11 60 81.94 54 97.22Lung cancer 7 99.45 12533 93.92 64 98.34 N/A N/ABreast cancer 34 94.85 24481 59.79 70 81.44 N/A N/A

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Table 17.3 reports the number of genes and associated predictive accu-racy rates of KNN (K = 3) classifier for various gene sets across the fourmicroarray datasets. From Table 17.3 we can clearly observe the degree ofdimensionality reduction and the improvement on predictive accuracy due toRBF gene selection comparing with the full set. For example, based on theoriginal colon cancer data (2000 genes), 18 out of 62 samples were incorrectlyclassified in LOOCV, resulting in an overall accuracy of 70.97%. RBF se-lected only 4 genes and helped to reduce the number of misclassified samplesto 4 (increasing the overall accuracy to 93.55%). A similar trend of accuracyimprovement with only a few genes selected by RBF can also be observedfrom other datasets. It is worth mentioning that accuracy improvement isnot the sole purpose for gene selection. The selection of a small subset ofdiscriminative genes often helps identify genes that are relevant to the causeor consequences of disease or can be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis ofdiseases, measuring drug toxicology, and efficacy [20]. Comparing RBF withReliefF, RBF selected much smaller sets of genes than ReliefF for all the fourdatasets (except colon cancer data) and resulted in higher predictive accuracy.A similar trend can be observed when comparing RBF with CFS on colon can-cer and leukemia data, except that CFS resulted in slightly higher accuracythan RBF on leukemia data. For lung cancer and breast cancer data, CFSdid not produce any results because the program ran out of memory after aperiod of time due to its quadratic space complexity.

TABLE 17.4: Accuracy of NBC on selected genes for microarray data:Acc records leave-one-out cross validation accuracy rate (%).

RBF Full Set ReliefF CFS-FS# Genes Acc # Genes Acc # Genes Acc # Genes Acc

Colon cancer 4 88.71 2000 58.06 4 85.48 26 85.48Leukemia 16 98.61 7129 97.22 60 97.22 54 100.00Lung cancer 7 97.79 12533 97.79 64 96.13 N/A N/ABreast cancer 34 93.81 24481 51.55 70 79.38 N/A N/A

Table 17.4 reports the predictive accuracy rates of the NBC classifier on thesame set of gene sets across the four microarray datasets. From Table 17.4we can observe the same trend of dimensionality reduction and accuracy im-provement due to RBF gene selection comparing with the full set as well asReliefF and CFS. It is worth mentioning that, to our knowledge, the bestreported result on breast cancer data was the LOOCV accuracy of 83% with70 selected genes produced by the wrapper approach introduced in [17]. Ourmethod, RBF, achieved an LOOCV accuracy of 94.85% (by KNN) with only34 selected genes. Overall, the above results suggest that RBF is an effectivemethod for gene selection in microarray sample classification.

We further evaluate the efficiency of RBF by examining its running timeon different datasets. Table 17.5 records the running time of RBF, ReliefF,

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TABLE 17.5: Comparison ofrunning times (seconds) betweenRBF, ReliefF, and CFS.

RBF ReliefF CFSColon cancer 0.1 2.5 16.4Leukemia 0.4 12.1 702.4Lung cancer 1.4 130.6 N/ABreast cancer 3.5 75.1 N/A

and CFS on a Pentium IV PC for the four datasets used. It is clear thatRBF is significantly faster (in degrees of magnitude) than ReliefF and CFS.The high efficiency of RBF allows us to exploit different variations of RBF.In the beginning of the search for approximate Markov blankets, all genesare ordered according to their individual C-correlation measure (ISU valuein RBF). Different measures used to rank genes will result in different subsetsof selected genes through the filtering process. Because of its efficiency, RBFcan be easily repeated with different ranking strategies to get different geneselection results.

17.4 Summary

In this chapter, we have introduced the concept of an optimal gene setbased on a Markov blanket, and proposed an efficient filter method to ap-proximate the selection of discriminative and non-redundant genes. RBF hastwo desirable properties: First, it combines sequential forward selection withredundancy elimination and thus substantially reduces the number of genepairs evaluated for redundancy; second, it removes both irrelevant and redun-dant genes in the filtering process and thus does not require a threshold forthe number of selected genes. Experiments on microarray data have demon-strated RBF’s effectiveness and efficiency.

Current research in gene selection mainly focuses on the selection of statisti-cally significant predictors. One future research direction is to take advantageof available domain knowledge in finding both statistically significant and bi-ologically relevant genes. The high efficiency of the RBF algorithm allowsit to be used to search for biologically relevant genes by incorporating priorbiological knowledge into the gene selection process. For example, a few seedgenes of particular biological relevance can be appointed as predominant genesand placed on the very top of the ranking list, and the selection of additionalpredominant genes can then follow the filtering process of the RBF algorithm.By changing the seed genes, one can also exploit prior biological knowledge

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during gene selection.


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Chapter 18

A Feature Generation Algorithmwith Applications to BiologicalSequence Classification

Rezarta Islamaj DoganUniversity of Maryland at College Park and National Center for BiotechnologyInformation

Lise Getoor

University of Maryland at College Park

W. John Wilbur

National Center for Biotechnology Information

18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35518.2 Splice-Site Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35618.3 Feature Generation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35918.4 Experiments and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36618.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

18.1 Introduction

Many real-world data mining problems involve data best represented assequences. Sequence data comes in many forms, including: 1) human com-munication such as speech, handwriting, and printed text; 2) time series suchas stock market prices, temperature readings and web-click streams; and 3)biological sequences such as DNA, RNA and proteins. Sequence data in alldomains contains useful “signals,” or features, that enable the construction ofclassification algorithms.

In handwriting recognition, features may include horizontal and verticalprofiles, internal holes, strokes, and other characteristics of the handwrit-ten characters. In speech recognition, features may include the recognizedphonemes, noise ratios, length of sounds, and many others. In the spamdetection domain, features may include whether certain email headers arepresent or absent, whether the headers are well formed, the grammatical cor-


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rectness of the text, n-gram frequency analysis, and many others. In biologicalsequence classification problems, gene and protein sequence features may benucleotide or amino-acid blocks, their respective positions in the sequence, aswell as many possible combinations.

In all these cases, extracting and interpreting the most useful features isknown to be a hard problem and hand selection of good features forms thebasis of almost all classification algorithms. Automatic methods usually take abrute force approach in which the sequence classification models are providedwith a huge number of features in the hope that the important features are notoverlooked. The large number of features introduces a dimensionality problemthat has several disadvantages. First, enumerating all possible features isimpractical. Second, many features are irrelevant to the classification task andhave an adverse effect on accuracy. And third, knowledge discovery becomesdifficult because of the large number of parameters involved.

As a result, feature selection methods are employed to select a represen-tative feature set from the available features for application to classificationalgorithms. Here we present a scalable method for automatic feature gener-ation for sequences. The algorithm uses sequence components and domainknowledge to construct features, explores the space of possible features, andidentifies the most useful ones. This focused feature generation algorithm(FGA) integrates feature construction and feature selection in a systematicway. The method is scalable because it incrementally generates more complexfeatures from currently selected ones.

18.2 Splice-Site Prediction

We validate the FGA method in the biological domain on the task of splice-site prediction for pre-mRNA sequences, which is an increasingly importanttask in bioinformatics. In the context of bioinformatics, automatic sequenceclassification can also be employed in a multitude of applications ranging fromfast database search to the identification of patterns for some specific physicalproperties.

18.2.1 The Splice-Site Prediction Problem

Splice sites are the locations in the DNA sequence that are boundariesbetween protein coding and non-coding regions. Accurate location of splicesites is an important component in the gene finding problem. Gene findingis one of the first and most important steps in understanding the genomeof a species once it has been sequenced. In eukaryotic organisms, especiallycomplex organisms like humans, gene finding is challenging because of the

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splicing mechanism. A protein coding sequence in these genomes is dividedinto several parts known as exons, separated by intervening non-coding se-quences known as introns. Typically, a protein-coding human gene sequencemight be divided into a dozen exons, each often less than 200 nucleotidesin length, some as short as 10 or 20. It may also include an exceptionallylong exon that may extend more than 1,000 nucleotides. Notably, sequencecharacteristics like pre-mRNA sequence length, coding sequence length, num-ber of exons and their lengths, and interrupting intron sequence lengths donot follow any known pattern, making it hard to design a highly effectivecomputational approach.

Splice sites belong to two different categories: the acceptor splice site, whichmarks the start of an exon, and the donor splice site, which marks the end ofan exon, as shown in Figure 18.1. The splice-site signals are short sequencesof nucleotides that are preferred in the immediate splice-site neighborhood.These signals are probably the most critical signals used in the detection ofsplice sites. They can be compiled from thousands of sequences aligned atthe annotated splice-site location. However, the resulting consensus sequencealone is not enough for an accurate prediction. A linear search along anygenome sequence for splice-site signals produces false locations matching theconsensus at a very high frequency [6]. To eliminate the false positives, andfind missing true splice sites, other information is needed.

FIGURE 18.1: Depiction of a portion of a DNA gene sequence. The protein codingregions are called exons and the non-coding regions are called introns. Donor andacceptor sites mark the intron boundaries.

18.2.2 Current Approaches

Splice-site detection algorithms use statistical methods that are designed tocapture the consensus signal. The weight matrix model (WMM) [15] computesthe probabilities of nucleotides in each position in the splice-site sequence as-suming independence between positions. The weight array model (WAM) [22]extends WMM by taking into account the dependencies between the adjacent

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nucleotides in the sequence. The maximal dependency decomposition (MDD)[3] is a decision tree model that improves on the previous models by captur-ing dependencies between non-adjacent as well as adjacent nucleotides in thesplice-site sequence.

GeneSplicer, proposed by Pertea et al. [13], is a state-of-the-art computa-tional tool for detecting splice sites that employs a combination of MDD andMarkov modeling techniques. GeneSplicer views a splice site as a complexentity and is based on the following premise: Since a splice site (by definition)is surrounded by a coding region and a non-coding region, a splice-site modelshould take into consideration the coding difference between the two regions.Unlike the previous splice models, GeneSplicer models not only the splice-site signal but also the coding content in the upstream and the downstreamsequence regions.

The GeneSplicer algorithm combines three different models for splice-siteprediction. The first one is a statistical model of the immediate neighborhoodof the site. Essentially, this is an MDD tree with the modification that a firstorder Markov chain, instead of an WMM, is built for each leaf of the decisiontree. The next two models are second order Markov chains trained on codingand non-coding sequences. The final prediction for a given sequence is given bya combined score that adds the contribution of the three models. GeneSpliceris an accurate splice-site predictor, and has successfully combined the signalstatistical models (WAM and MDD to capture the consensus signal) withthe content sensor methods (Markov chains to capture coding/non-codingcompositional differences).

In order to analyze a genomic sequence for the recognition of a target signalsuch as the splice site, it is important to employ all the information that canbe extracted from the sequence. Specific candidate features can be generatedand evaluated according to their relevance. The problem of how to select therelevant features has been the focus of intensive research. Recently, featureselection techniques have been receiving more attention for applications tobiological data. The following is a non-comprehensive list. Liu and Wong [12]give a good introduction for filtering methods in the prediction of translationinitiation sites. Degroves et al. [4] describe a wrapper approach that usesboth SVMs and naıve Bayes to select the relevant features for splice sites.Yeo et al. [18] use a model based on maximum entropy, in which only a smallneighborhood around the splice site is considered. Zhang et al. [24] proposea recursive feature elimination approach using SVM.

Splice-site prediction has been the focus of other works, such as [1, 5, 20],that report promising results when compared with GeneSplicer. But, for abiologist, it is very difficult to interpret the features employed in these mod-els. Especially, it is very difficult to relate them to actual biological signals.SpliceMachine [5] is similar to the approach we describe in this chapter be-cause both methods employ sequence-based features. The SpliceMachine ap-plication performs a series of feature subset selection steps to find the bestcombination for an accurate splice-site prediction model. It details an ex-

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tensive search for the best set of features, which is different from the guidedfeature generation algorithm that we discuss here.

18.2.3 Our Approach

In this chapter we describe a new approach to the biological sequence clas-sification problem in general and a new solution to the splice-site predictionproblem in particular. The feature generation algorithm uses the sequenceproperties to automatically construct useful features. These features are com-posed of two different components: the sequence alphabet and the relativeposition. The feature construction procedures produce complex features, in-cluding features containing elements that are not directly adjacent, and fea-tures that may be associated with a range of relative positions in the sequence.When the new features are constructed, feature selection techniques are em-ployed to assess the constructed features and identify those that are mostpromising. Then, in an iterative fashion, feature construction procedures arecalled again. When building the features, this algorithm follows the GeneS-plicer lead to consider a long subsequence window for splice-site prediction.The larger neighborhood provides information for other less-prominent butnevertheless important signals that are not usually considered in the gene-finding models. Then, a classification algorithm uses the identified featuresto predict splice sites.

Features constructed using the sequence domain knowledge are very impor-tant for knowledge discovery. Given a set of search and browsing procedures,a molecular biologist can explore the collection of these computationally iden-tified signals. Such an exploration enables the researchers to discover newmotifs and may guide them for experimental testing and validation.

We discuss the feature generation algorithm in the next section. We followwith an experimental evaluation of the algorithm for the splice-site predictionproblem. Finally, we conclude with a discussion and offer some possible futuredirections.

18.3 Feature Generation Algorithm

In this section we describe the feature generation algorithm [7, 8]. Thismethod generates features for splice-site prediction combining domain-specificfeature construction methods and off-the-shelf feature selection methods. Westart by defining general sequence feature types and the corresponding auto-matic construction methods. Generally, sequence feature construction meth-ods use a sequence alphabet to construct words and sequence position infor-mation to construct position-specific words. Logical Boolean operators may

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be used to construct more complex features. These features have a genericdefinition and may be suitable for any sequence data. Once we have de-scribed feature construction, we discuss feature selection methods, includingthe different approaches and their characteristics, and explain how they canbe adapted to the feature generation algorithm for different feature types.Then, we present the complete algorithm.

18.3.1 Feature Type Analysis

Sequence data has compositional and positional properties. Here we de-fine a set of feature types that capture these properties and for each featuretype we describe an incremental feature construction procedure. The featureconstruction starts with an initial set of features and produces an expandedset of features. Incrementally, it produces richer, more complex features ineach iteration. We give examples for each feature type using DNA sequencedata from the biological domain, but these rules and definitions apply to anysequence data defined over some fixed alphabet.

Compositional features A general k-mer is a string of k-characters.Given the alphabet for DNA sequences, {a, c, g, t}, the number of distinctk-mers is 4k for each value of k. We consider the general k-mer compositionof sequences for k ranging from 2 to 6. For each general k-mer, we countthe number of times that the feature is present in the neighborhood of thesplice site. There are a total of 5, 456 features for the values of k we consider.This feature type is useful for capturing information like coding potential andcomposition in the sequence.Construction Method. Given an initial set of k-mer features, this construc-tion method expands them to a set of (k + 1)-mers by appending the lettersof the alphabet to each k-mer feature. As an example, suppose we beginwith an initial set of 2-mers Finitial = {ac, cg}. From this set, we constructthe extended set of 3-mers Fconstructed = {aca, acc, acg, act, cga, cgc, cgg, cgt}.Incrementally, in this manner we construct level k + 1 from level k.

Region-specific compositional features Splice-site sequences charac-teristically have a coding region and a non-coding region, as shown in Figure18.1. For donor splice-site sequences, the region of the sequence on the leftof the splice-site position (upstream) is the coding region, and the region ofthe sequence on the right of the splice-site position (downstream) is the non-coding region. The opposite is true for acceptor splice sites. The upstreamregion is part of the intron and the downstream region is part of the exon.These regions may exhibit distinct compositional properties. In order to cap-ture these differences, we introduce region-specific k-mers. A region-specifick-mer is a string of k-characters found in the specified region. In this workwe have considered the upstream and the downstream regions. Other regionsand interval specifications are also possible. Similar to general k-mers, we con-sider k values from 2 to 6 for these features. For each upstream (downstream)k-mer we count the number of times that feature is present in the upstream

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(downstream) neighborhood of the splice site. This results in a total of 10, 912potential features.Construction Method. The construction procedure of upstream and down-stream k-mer features is the same as the general k-mer method, with theaddition of a region indicator.

Positional features Position-specific k-mers are the most common fea-tures used for finding signals in the DNA stream data [21]. These featurescapture the correlations between different nucleotides and their relative po-sitions. The nucleotides bordering the splice site are of primary importanceas they may capture binding information. The simplest features of this typeare position-specific 1-mers, which describe the occurrence of a specific nu-cleotide in a particular location in the sequence. These features also definethe consensus sequence. We consider sequences of length 160, so there are4 × 160 or 640 possible position-specific 1-mers. We use this basic featureset to construct position-specific k-mer features. Position-specific k-mers cap-ture the correlations between k-adjacent nucleotides. At each position i inthe sequence, these features represent the substrings appearing at positionsi, i + 1, .., i + k − 1. This feature type is useful for discovering species-specificfunctional signals, as well as evolutionary conserved functional signals. Foreach position-specific k-mer we record the presence or absence of that featurein the neighborhood of the splice site. This results in a set of (n− k + 1)×4k

potential features for each value of k and sequence of length n.Construction Method. This construction method starts with an initial set ofposition-specific k-mer features and extends them to a set of position-specific(k+1)-mers by appending the letters of the alphabet to each position-specifick-mer feature. As an example, suppose an initial set of 2-mers Finitial ={ac2, cg5}, where the subscript denotes the starting position. Fconstructed ={aca2, acc2, acg2, act2, cga5, cgc5, cgg5, cgt5} is the extended set of position-specific 3-mers. Incrementally, in this manner, we can construct level k + 1from level k.

Conjunctive positional features To capture the correlations betweendifferent nucleotides in non-consecutive positions in the sequence, we describeconjunctive position-specific features. We construct these complex featuresfrom conjunctions of basic position-specific features. This feature type isuseful for discovering interacting functional signals in the sequence. The di-mensionality of this kind of feature is inherently high. For each conjunctivepositional feature, we record the presence or absence of that feature in theneighborhood of the splice site. For each iteration, if the number of conjunctsis k, we have a total of


)× 4k such features for a sequence of length n.

Construction Method. We construct conjunctions of basic features by start-ing with an initial conjunction of basic features and adding another conjunctbasic feature in an unconstrained position. Let our basic set be Fbasic ={a1, c1, . . . , gn, tn}, where a1 denotes nucleotide a at the first sequence po-sition, and so on. If our initial set is Finitial = {a1, g2}, we can extendit to the level 2 set of position-specific base combinations Fconstructed =

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{a1∧a2, a1∧c2, . . . , g2∧ tn}. A duplication check ensures that each feature inthe Fconstructed set is unique. Incrementally, in this manner, we can constructhigher levels. Given an initial set of k-conjuncts, this construction methodselects from the set of basic position-specific features to add another conjunctin an unconstrained position, thereby constructing the set of (k+1)-conjuncts.

Other positional features The conjunctive positional features, as definedabove, are constructed using position-specific nucleotides that can be adjacentto any position in the sequence of length n. Other variations are also possible,such as conjunctive positional features, which are region-specific or interval-specific. The difference between these other feature types and conjunctive po-sitional features is the basic position-specific features set. The region-specificconjunctive features are constructed using position-specific nucleotides definedin the upstream or downstream sequence region as their basic feature set. Thisdefinition can be extended to other sequence regions or “user-defined inter-vals.” In this case, each additive conjunct is selected from the basic featureset of position-specific nucleotides in a previously specified interval, i.e., thebranch site interval.

The positional features that we have discussed so far define patterns ofnucleotides in sequence positions that belong to a specific sequence intervalor region. However, a biologist may also be interested to discover patternsof nucleotides in relative sequence positions. Motivated by this, we defineanother feature type, which we call the floating conjunctive features set. Thesefeatures consist of basic conjuncts that belong to a short sequence window oflength n1, and the start of the first conjunct may be anywhere in the givensequence of length n, where n1 ≤ n. For each floating conjunctive featurewe record the number of times that feature is present in the neighborhood ofthe splice site. As an example, consider the feature a ∗ ∗c, or ai ∧ ci+3, andthe sequence aaccaggc. This feature is constructed from two conjuncts in thewindow of length four, and occurs two times in the given sequence of lengtheight. The floating conjunctive feature set may have up to n1 conjuncts. If allthe conjuncts are used, then this feature set becomes a subset of the generaln1-mers.

18.3.2 Feature Selection

Feature selection methods prune the constructed feature set by reducing itssize, keeping only the useful features for the task at hand. The problem ofselecting useful features has been the focus of extensive research and manyapproaches have been proposed [2, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19].

Generally these approaches are divided into three major categories [2]. Fil-ter approaches use the intrinsic properties of the dataset such as feature-class entropy to compute a feature relevance score. The low-scoring featuresare thus removed independent of the classifier algorithm. These approachesare usually very fast and are primarily used for high-dimensional datasets.Wrapper approaches are a second class of feature selection methods. These

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approaches perform a heuristic search through all the subsets using the clas-sification algorithm as a guide to find promising subsets of features. Theseapproaches have the disadvantage of being computationally intensive. Thislimits the wrapper approaches to datasets of low dimensionality. In the thirdgroup, embedded approaches, the feature selection method makes direct useof the parameters of the induction model to include or reject features.

In the experiments in the next section, we consider different feature selectionmethods to reduce the size of our constructed feature sets. We use several filterapproaches including Information Gain (IG), χ2 (CHI), Mutual Information(MI) and KL-distance (KL) for initial pruning of feature type sets during thegeneration stage. Here we give the definitions of these values as provided byYang and Pedersen in [17]. IG is frequently employed as a feature-goodnesscriterion in the field of machine learning. It measures the number of bitsof information obtained for category prediction by knowing the presence orabsence of a feature. If the number of categories in the given dataset is m, thecategories are c1, . . . , cm, and Pr denotes probability, the information gain offeature f is defined to be

IG(f) = −m∑


Pr(ci)logPr(ci) + Pr(f)m∑






MI is a criterion commonly used in statistical language modeling of wordassociations. The MI between a feature f and the class ci is defined to be

MI(f, ci) = logPr(f, ci)

Pr(f)× Pr(ci)

We combine the category-specific scores to find the average mutual informa-tion value as MIavg(f) =

∑mi=1 Pr(ci)MI(f, ci).

The χ statistic measures the lack of independence between feature f andthe category ci. The contingency table of a feature f and class ci producesthe following numbers: Nfci, the number of data points containing feature fand belonging to class ci; Nfn, the number of times f occurs without ci; Nnci ,the number of times ci occurs without f ; and Nnn, and the number of timesneither f nor ci occurs. Assuming the size of dataset is N , the χ measure isdefined as

CHI(f, ci) =N × (NfciNnn −NnciNfn)2

(Nfci + Nnci)× (Nfn + Nnn)× (Nfci + Nfn)× (Nnci + Nnn)

The KL criterion measures the divergence between the distribution of fea-tures present in a training sequence and the categories that sequence may

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belong to [14]. KL is defined as follows:

KL(f) =m∑



In the experiments we discuss in the next section, we found that MI per-formed best for selecting compositional features, CHI for positional features,and IG for conjunctive features.

Once we have performed feature generation for each feature type individ-ually, we collect all the selected features into a mixed set. Starting with themixed set, we use recursive feature elimination [24] to obtain the final set offeatures. A max-margin classifier similar to linear support vector machines(SVM) produces a decision boundary to discriminate between two differentcategories. The weights wi of this decision boundary can be used as featureweights, assigned to each feature fi, to derive feature ranking. We use theC-modified least squares (CMLS) classifier [23] to learn the decision bound-ary and the individual feature weights. We recursively train the classifier andremove low scoring features.

18.3.3 Feature Generation Algorithm (FGA)

The traditional feature selection approaches consider a single brute forceselection over a large set of all features of all different types. By categorizingthe features into different feature types it is possible to apply appropriateconstruction and selection methods suitable to the different types. Thus wecan extract relevant features from each feature type set more efficiently thanif a single selection method had been applied to the whole set.

The type-oriented feature selection approach allows the use of different fea-ture selection models for each type set; i.e., for a feature set whose dimension-ality is not too high one may use a wrapper approach in the selection step,while for a large feature type set one may use filter approaches. Also, thisallows features of different types to be generated in a parallel fashion.

In order to employ the information embedded in the selected features forsequence prediction, we use the following algorithm:

• Feature Generation. The first stage generates feature sets for each fea-ture type. For each defined feature type, we tightly couple the corre-sponding feature construction step with a specified feature selection step.We iterate through these steps to generate richer and more complex fea-tures. During each iteration, we eliminate features that are assigned alow selection score by the feature selection method.

• Feature Collection and Selection. We collect the features of differenttypes and apply another selection step. The selection method we applyis recursive feature elimination. We recursively train the CMLS clas-sifier and remove the low scoring features. We produce a final set of

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.2: Feature generation component operating in (a) uncoupled and (b)coupled modes. When the feature generation operates in the coupled mode, thefeatures scoring below the decided threshold, after the feature selection step, arenot allowed to expand in the next iteration.

features originating from different feature types and different selectionprocedures.

• Classification. The last stage of our algorithm builds a classifier overthe final set of features. The CMLS algorithm, described by Zhangand Oles in [23], is a max-margin method similar to SVM. Relative toSVM, CMLS has a smoother penalty function that allows calculation ofgradients that provide faster convergence.

While feature generation remains a computationally intensive process, theorganization of the generation process according to the different types allowsus to search a much larger space efficiently. In addition, this feature generationapproach has other advantages such as the flexibility to adapt with respectto the feature type and the possibility to incorporate the module in a genericlearning algorithm. To deal with the large number of features, we use CMLS,which is very efficient.

The feature generation stage is also very generic and offers the flexibility toaccomodate several different scenarios. This component may operate in thecoupled or uncoupled mode, as shown in Figure 18.2.

When this component is in the uncoupled mode (see Figure 18.2(a)), thefeature construction and selection steps are independent of each other. Allthe features constructed in iteration step i, regardless of the scores they areassigned by the feature selection method, are used in the next feature con-struction step. This mode allows even the low scoring features to expand inthe next iteration. In the experiments described in the following section, weallow this component to operate in the uncoupled mode during compositionalfeatures generation.

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When this component is in the coupled mode (see Figure 18.2(b)), thequality of the features produced by the feature construction method in thenext iteration depends on the ability of the feature selection method to detectthe useful features in the current iteration. The features scoring below thedecided threshold are not allowed to expand in the next iteration. This modeof operation is useful when the dimensionality of the feature set is very high,as is the case in our experiments with conjunctive positional features.

18.4 Experiments and Discussion

We conducted a wide range of experiments and here we present a summaryof them. We discuss our results based on these performance evaluation cri-teria: 11-point average precision, false positive rate, and Receiver OperatingCharacteristic analysis. For any recall ratio, one can calculate the precisionat the threshold, which achieves that recall ratio. The average precision of 11recall points (11ptAvg Precision) [16] is calculated as follows. The 11ptAvgPrecision is the average of precisions estimated at recall values 0%, 10%,20%, ..., 100%. The ability of our algorithm to discriminate true splice-sitesequences from normal sequences is also evaluated using Receiver OperatingCharacteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Another performance measure com-monly used for biological data is the false positive rate (FPr) , defined asFPr =



), where FP and TN are the number of false positives and

true negatives, respectively. FPr can be computed for all recall values byvarying the decision threshold of the classifier. We also present results us-ing this measure. In all our experiments, the results reported use three-foldcross-validation.

18.4.1 Data Description

The dataset used for feature generation is a collection of 4, 000 human Ref-Seq pre-mRNA sequences. All the splice sites in these pre-mRNA sequencescontain the consensus di-nucleotides AG for acceptors and GT for donors.Following the GeneSplicer format, we marked the splice sites and formedsubsequences consisting of 80 nucleotides upstream and 80 nucleotides down-stream from the sites. We constructed negative examples for the acceptor ordonor datasets by choosing random AG-pair or GT-pair locations that werenot annotated splice sites and selecting subsequences as we did for the truesites. The acceptor site data contains 20,996 positive instances and 200,000negative instances. The donor site data contains 20,761 true positive instancesand 200,000 negative instances. For further evaluation we tested the classifi-cation model of the final set of features on the B2hum dataset, provided by the

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GeneSplicer team. This dataset contains 1,115 human pre-mRNA sequences.There is no overlap between the set of these sequences and the set the FGAalgorithm is trained on.

Next, we discuss the prediction of acceptor and donor splice sites using thefeature generation algorithm. Acceptor splice-site prediction is considered tobe a harder problem than donor, which is characterized by a better conservedsequence.

18.4.2 Feature Generation

We begin with a brief evaluation of the effectiveness of the different featuretypes used in isolation.

Compositional features and region-specific compositional featuresK-mer composition plays an important role in distinguishing sites and func-tional regions. In this analysis we aim to identify those k-mer features thatcan help recognize the splice sites. We examine each k-mer feature set inde-pendently for each value of k from 2 to 6. Figure 18.3 shows the process offeature generation for general and region-specific feature sets for the donorand acceptor dataset. We show the accuracy results for each general k-merand region-specific k-mer feature sets after each iteration. In these experi-ments, after ranking the features according to each feature selection score, weselected the top 50% for each value of k. The MI selection method worked thebest for compositional features. The results show that k-mer features carrymore information when they are associated with a specific region (upstreamor downstream), and this is shown by the significant increase in their 11ptAvgprecisions.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.3: Feature generation comparison for performances of different fea-ture type sets, general k-mers, upstream k-mers, and downstream k-mers, shown fordifferent values of k for (a) acceptor splice-site prediction and (b) donor splice-siteprediction

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Positional features Next, we examine each position-specific k-mer fea-ture set. K-mer compositional features adjacent to a particular site positionmay be used to discriminate such a site. In this analysis we explore k-valuesfrom 1 to 6. The prediction results for this feature type are shown in Table18.1(a) for the acceptor splice-site prediction, and in Table 18.1(b) for thedonor site. After each generation step we observe a gradual increase in per-formance until level 3, followed by a gradual decrease. This can be explainedwith the exponential increase in the number of features after each level; i.e.,the feature set of position-specific 6-mers contains more than 600, 000 fea-tures. The statistics generated from the donor and acceptor datasets are notenough, so we experience this form of overfitting. In Table 18.1 we also list11ptAvg precision results for the position-specific k-mer feature sets on accep-tor and donor data when we use the IG, MI, CHI, and KL feature selectionmethods to select the best 1, 000 scoring features. The IG and CHI featureselection methods have a similar behavior. Our paired t-tests for statisticalsignificance on the difference between their results reveal that the differencesin these values are not statistically significant. The results on the position-specific 6-mer features on both datasets and position-specific 4-mer featuresfor the acceptor data were statistically significant. The KL distance shows agood performance initially, but does not work well for more aggressive featureselections. This is most relevant for the set of position-specific 6-mers, wherewe have the largest reduction in feature set size. The MI method seems to beunreliable for the set of position-specific 3-mers for the donor data, but workswell for the other cases. We choose CHI to work with this feature type, butIG would also be a good choice.

Conjunctive positional features Finally, we examine conjunctive posi-tional features. Small groups of nucleotides adjacent to particular site posi-tions, not necessarily adjacent to each other, may show a tendency to co-occur,therefore they may be used to discriminate the site. These feature sets areextremely large; for example, even for just three conjuncts there are 40 mil-lion unique combinations. We explored sets of 2 to 6 conjuncts denoted asP2, P3, P4, P5, P6. At each level, we used the IG selection method to selectthe top scoring 1, 000 features. We repeated the generation using this selectedset to produce the next level of features.

Figure 18.4 depicts the performances of the conjunctive feature sets foracceptor and donor data. For comparison, we introduce a baseline method,which is the average of 10 trials of randomly picking 1, 000 conjunctive featuresfrom each level. We can see from the graphs in Figure 18.4 that the featuregeneration algorithm is picking up informative features that help distinguishthe true splice-site locations. The 11ptAvg precision of these feature setsgradually drops as we generate more complex features. This happens becausethe feature set that is explored grows exponentially with each addition ofanother conjunct. The difference in precision values, however, between FGAand the baseline method is highly significant on every value of k (alpha =

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TABLE 18.1: Feature generation comparison for position-specific k-merfeatures for k from 1 to 6 for (a) acceptor and (b) donor splice-sitepredictions. We give the 11ptAvg precision for each set when all the featuresare used and for each selected set with different selection methods.

(a)Pspec-Kmer 11ptAvg (Acc) IG-1,000 MI-1,000 CHI-1,000 KL-1,000

1 79.85 - - - -2 85.96 84.91 76.49 84.68 84.843 86.54 82.43 74.36 82.46 79.544 84.92 73.94 72.59 75.96 70.095 80.60 72.59 71.94 72.65 60.946 68.64 58.84 58.58 59.31 30.27

(b)Pspec-Kmer 11ptAvg (Don) IG-1,000 MI-1,000 CHI-1,000 KL-1,000

1 82.11 - - - -2 86.47 85.61 82.75 85.02 85.203 87.46 84.58 65.42 84.45 84.064 87.31 80.80 79.15 80.77 77.185 86.31 80.34 80.93 80.48 77.776 84.93 68.94 70.16 70.35 47.21

0.005). Moreover, the generated features of this type can capture importantfunctional biological signals.

18.4.3 Prediction Results for Individual Feature Types

Next, we compared collections of different levels of the feature sets of dif-ferent types. The results are summarized in Figure 18.5.

Compositional features and region-specific compositional fea-tures The first three bars in Figure 18.5(a) show the results for the bestk-mer features for k ranging from 2 to 6 on acceptor data. The general k-merfeature set contains 700 features and the 11ptAvg precision is 39.84%. The up-stream and downstream k-mer feature sets sizes are 1, 500 features and 1, 800features, and their results are respectively 58.77% and 52.01%. Similarly inFigure 18.5(b), the first three bars summarize the results for the general andregion-specific k-mer features on donor data. The general k-mer feature setcontains 1, 000 features and its 11ptAvg precision is 47.82%. The upstreamand downstream k-mer feature sets sizes are 1, 200 features each, and theirresults are respectively 62.52% and 60.65%.

Position-specific k-mers The fourth bar shows the results for positionspecific 1-mers. The respective precision results are 80.27% for acceptor dataand 82.11% for donor data. The next bar in Figure 18.5(a) shows 5, 000

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.4: 11ptAvg results for the position-specific feature sets generatedwith the FGA algorithm vs. randomly generated features for (a) acceptor splice sitedata and (b) donor splice-site data

position-specific k-mer features selected using the CHI selection method. The11ptAvg precision of this set is 85.94%. The result for 5, 000 position-specifick-mer features on donor data is 86.67%, represented by the fifth bar in Figure18.5(b).

Conjunctive positional features The sixth bars on both graphs in Fig-ure 18.5 show the results for conjunctive positional features. For acceptordata we have a collection of 3, 000 conjunctive positional features for k rang-ing from 2 to 6 selected using IG. The 11ptAvg precision that this collectionset gives is 82.67%. The collection of conjunctive positional features for donordata results in an 11ptAvg precision of 83.95%. These results clearly showthat using complex position-specific features is beneficial. Interestingly, thesefeatures typically are not considered by existing splice-site prediction algo-rithms.

Figure 18.5 also shows the performance of GeneSplicer on the same datasetsas the last bar in the graph. We see that even in isolation, our positional fea-tures and our conjunctive positional features perform better than GeneSplicer.These results are also statistically significant.

18.4.4 Splice-Site Prediction with FGA Features

Once we collect all the features that we presented in Figure 18.5, generalk-mers, upstream/downstream k-mers, position-specific k-mers, and conjunc-tive position-specific features, we run the CMLS classification algorithm forboth acceptor and donor. We achieve 11ptAvg precision performances of92.08% and 89.70%, respectively, in the acceptor and donor datasets that webuilt from the initial 4, 000 RefSeq pre-mRNA sequences. These improve-ments are highly statistically significant (α = 0.005 for both acceptor and

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.5: Performance results of the FGA method for different feature typesas well as the GeneSplicer program in (a) acceptor splice data and (b) donor splicedata. The depicted feature sets are as follows: Gen - selected general k-mers; Up -selected upstream k-mers; Down - selected downstream k-mers; P1 - position-specificnucleotides; P-Kmer - selected position-specific k-mers, comprising features from allconsidered values of k; P-All - conjunctive positional features comprising selectedfeatures for P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6.

donor) over one of the leading programs in splice-site prediction, GeneSplicer,which yields 11ptAvg precisions of 81.89% and 80.10% on the same datasets.The precision results of FGA-generated features at all individual recall points,shown in Figure 18.6, are consistently higher than those of GeneSplicer forboth acceptor and donor site prediction. The break-even points for acceptorsplice-site prediction for FGA and GeneSplicer are 67.8% and 54.9%, respec-tively. Donor splice-site prediction produced break-even values of 66.7% and58.7%, respectively, for FGA and GeneSplicer.

In Figures 18.7(a) and 18.7(b) we explore more aggressive feature selectionoptions using the more expensive recursive feature elimination method in orderto select a smaller working feature set. The recursive feature eliminationshows that the generated features using this algorithm are very robust. Fordonor splice-site prediction, even the feature set of size 500 yields an 11ptAvgprecision of 89.66%. This is an improvement of 9.56% over GeneSplicer onthe same dataset. For acceptor splice-site prediction, even the feature set ofsize 1, 000 yields an 11ptAvg precision of 91.01%. This is an improvement of9.12% over GeneSplicer on the same dataset.

Next, for further evaluation, we test both algorithms on the B2hum datasetprovided by the GeneSplicer team, which contains 1, 115 human pre-mRNAsequences. The FGA final feature sets for acceptor and donor splice-site pre-diction contain 3, 000 and 1, 500 features, respectively. In Figures 18.8(a)and (b) we present the false positive rates for a range of recall values from5% to 95%. Figures 18.8(a) and (b) are actually ROC curves with the false

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.6: Precision results for each recall value for FGA with the completeset of features compared to GeneSplicer for (a) acceptor and (b) donor data.

positive rate shown on the y-axis. If we compare the AUC values for FGAand GeneSplicer, we get the following results. In the task of acceptor splice-site prediction, the FGA algorithm and GeneSplicer respectively score 99.37%and 98.71%. In the task of donor splice-site prediction, the AUC scores are99.25% and 98.58% for FGA and GeneSplicer, respectively. The feature gen-eration algorithm, with its rich set of features, consistently performs betterthan GeneSplicer in the B2hum dataset as well, which is the dataset the latteralgorithm is trained on. FGA false positive rates, as depicted in Figure 18.8,are favorably lower at all recall values. At a 95% sensitivity rate, the FPrdecreased from 6.2% to 2.5% for acceptor and from 6.7% to 3.3% for donorsplice-site predictions. This significant reduction in false positive predictionscan have a great impact when splice-site prediction is incorporated into agene-finding program.

It should also be noted that there is no significant difference in the runningtime of FGA compared to GeneSplicer. Once the final set of features is de-termined, FGA performs a linear search (in terms of sequence length) alongthe given sequence in search of high scoring sites.

18.5 Conclusions

We have presented a general feature generation framework that integratesfeature construction and feature selection in a flexible manner. We showedhow this method can be used to build accurate sequence classifiers. We pre-sented experimental results for the problem of splice-site prediction. Using thefeature generation approach, we were able to search over an extremely large

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(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.7: 11ptAvg precision results for FGA compared to GeneSplicer for(a) acceptor and (b) donor data. We start with the complete set of features andrecursively train the algorithm, eliminating 1,000 features at a time.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 18.8: The false positive rate results for FGA with the final feature setcompared to GeneSplicer, varying the recall threshold for (a) acceptor and (b) donordata.

space of feature sets effectively, and we were able to identify the most useful setof features of each type. By using this mix of feature types, and searching overtheir combinations, we were able to build classifiers that achieved accuracyimprovements of 10.6% and 9.5% over an existing state-of-the-art splice-siteprediction algorithm. The specificity values are consistently higher for all sen-sitivity thresholds and the false positive rate has favorably decreased. Thesefeatures have also shown a propensity to describe biologically significant func-tional elements. They are freely available to all interested researchers, and canbe viewed at This algorithm,with its systematic feature generation basis, can be applied to more complexfeature types and other sequence prediction tasks, such as translation start-

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site prediction, protein sequence classification problems, etc. Moreover, it caneasily be extended to genomic data of other organisms.


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Chapter 19

An Ensemble Method for IdentifyingRobust Features for BiomarkerDiscovery

Diana Chan

Mississippi State University

Susan M. Bridges

Mississippi State University

Shane C. Burgess

Mississippi State University

19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37719.2 Biomarker Discovery from Proteome Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37819.3 Challenges of Biomarker Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38019.4 Ensemble Method for Feature Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38119.5 Feature Selection Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38319.6 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38419.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390

19.1 Introduction

Biomarker discovery has become an important area of research with theadvent of modern high throughput technologies in biology. A biomarker is amolecule or set of molecules that is found in the blood, other body fluids, ortissues that exhibits a distinct pattern of expression under certain conditionsand can be used be used for a diagnostic or prognostic test [14]. Althoughbiomarkers can be proteins, mRNA, or metabolites, we restrict ourselves toprotein biomarkers.

Multi-step data mining pipelines, based on a wide range of statistical andmachine learning techniques, have been developed for biomarker discoveryfrom both mRNA and protein expression data. Both mRNA and proteinexpression data are characterized by large numbers of noisy features and lim-ited sample sizes. Such data, where the number of potential features greatlyoutnumbers the number of samples, is “wide data.” Our research, as well


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as that of others, has shown that it is possible, using different data miningapproaches, to identify many distinct sets of features from a single datasetthat can provide near perfect classification. However, a major challenge forbiomarker research is to locate features that are robust in the sense that theyyield highly accurate results in the classification of new datasets. This prob-lem is being addressed from two different aspects. One is to improve theaccuracy and reproducibility of the data acquisition technologies. The other,and the one that is the focus of our work, is to improve the data miningprocess. We have developed a unique ensemble-based approach for featureselection for biomarker discovery that is based on the intuition that featuresthat are selected often and yield accurate classifiers, regardless of the methodused, will produce the most robust classifiers. We demonstrate that the fea-tures selected by our ensemble method yield accurate classifiers and can beused to build accurate classifiers with new data using two publicly availableovarian cancer datasets [5].

19.2 Biomarker Discovery from Proteome Profiles

A biomarker is one or more proteins whose presence in a sample, at a givenlevel, indicates disease status. A few proteins and metabolites are alreadyused diagnostically in clinical pathology. However, manual identification ofone or a few biomarkers often has poor specificity and sensitivity. For exam-ple, prostate specific antigen (PSA), the recent biomarker for prostate cancer,mispredicts newplasia 70% of the time. Ideal biomarkers are the optimalsubset of features that can be extracted from wide datasets to consistentlydiscriminate between the treatment and control samples (i.e., with high speci-ficity and sensitivity). Specific and sensitive biomarkers discriminate betweenconditions and therefore can lead to improved medical screening and diagno-sis. New high throughput technologies such as cDNA microarrays and massspectrometry that can rapidly measure large numbers of mRNAs, proteins, ormetabolites expressed by a tissue have prompted the use of machine learningmethods for biomarker discovery. Petricoin et al. [5, 11] were the first touse machine learning feature selection methods to identify biomarkers whenclassifying ovarian cancer patients based on patterns of protein in their serumusing mass spectrometry. Furthermore, this approach was unique because itfocused on identifying a set of peaks in the mass spectrometry profiles thatreliably distinguish normal from disease rather than definitive identification ofthe differentially expressed proteins. Petricoin et al. used genetic algorithmsand self-organizing maps to discriminate samples of women with ovarian can-cer from women without cancer. Their method was able to perfectly classifyall of the cancer samples and classify 95% of healthy samples. Their experi-ment was based on a single test without cross-validation.

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During the past few years, many other groups have used a variety of ma-chine learning and statistical methods for biomarker discovery from proteomeprofiles using the same publicly available Ovarian Cancer dataset [5]. Lilienet al. [9] used statistical feature selection with principal component analysis(PCA) for dimensionality reduction and linear discriminate analysis (LDA)for classification. Their method achieved perfect classification for all of thesamples if the number items in the training sets was greater than 75% of thetotal sample size. Wu et al. [18] used t-statistics and random forests (RF) astheir feature selection method for the same dataset. The t-statistic was usedfirst to rank the features according to the relevance of each single feature to thedataset. Feature subsets were then selected to classify the data using differentclassification algorithms including support vector machines (SVM), randomforests (RF), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant anal-ysis (QDA), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and bagged/boosted decision trees.Wu et al. concluded their experiments by stating the best performance wasachieved by using RF as both feature selection and classification algorithms.

Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) and matrix-assistedlaser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and time-of-flight (TOF) mass spec-trometry have been used most commonly for biomarker identification. Onlya brief review of each will be given here. SELDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF aresimilar in that they use mass spectrometers to record patterns of proteins ion-ized from the surface of a plate; have a relatively high tolerance for salt (intothe millimolar range); may be sensitive to the fmole range required of biolog-ical samples; can be used to measure carbohydrates, oligonucleotides, smallpolar molecules, as well as peptides, proteins, and their post-translationally-modified forms such as glyco- and phosphor-proteins; and are versatile, con-venient, and can rapidly produce lists of many protein or peptide “peaks”that may be altered in their concentration in a biological sample as a resultof a disease state. Both SELDI- and MALDI-TOF record patterns of massesdivided by the charge that they carry (m/z; generally +1 or +2), with m/zranging from less than 1000 Da (small peptides) to a maximum of 300 kDa.These mass spectral patterns can be used to differentiate classes of sampleswithout actual identification of the proteins. There are main two differencesbetween SELDI and MALDI. First, in SELDI, the ionization requires a thinmetal “chip”(Ciphergen Biosystems, Fremont, CA), which has an affinity foreither all proteins in a particular sample or proteins with particular biophys-ical characteristics (e.g., acidic, basic, hydrophobic, or specific antigenicity)depending on the nature of the chip surface. After sample application andwashing, ionization occurs directly from the plate (i.e., “surface enhanced”).In contrast, MALDI plates are not selective and chromatography is done “off-line.” The second difference is that, in MALDI, before the samples are appliedto the metal MALDI plate, they are mixed with energy-absorbing compoundscalled a chemical “matrix,” which contain small chromophores that absorblight at a given wavelength. Commonly used matrix chemicals are -cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA), 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic (sinapinic)

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acid, and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic (gentisic) acid. After spotting to the metalplate, evaporation of water and solvents from the mixture results in sampleproteins embedded in a crystalline lattice made up of matrix molecules.







1 2001 4001 6001 8001 10001 12001 14001

Cancer Sample











1 2001 4001 6001 8001 10001 12001 14001

Non-Cancer Sample




FIGURE 19.1: Spectra of cancer sample and non-cancer sample from OvarianCancer Dataset 8-7-02.

The datasets generated by SELDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF consist of tens ofthousands of m/z measurements or “features.” Because of expense and lim-ited availability of samples, the total number of available instances is generallylimited to tens to hundreds of samples. Figure 19.1 shows example spectrafrom a normal and a cancer sample from Ovarian Cancer Dataset 8-7-02 fromthe work of Petrocoin et al. [11]. The data was downloaded from the ClinicalProteomics Program Databank Website [5]. The m/z values located on thex-axis are the features that data-mining methods must choose from to find fea-tures that consistently distinguish between treatment and control samples. Inthis dataset, there are 15,154 distinct m/z values or 15,154 potential features.The dataset consists of 91 normal and 162 cancer samples.

19.3 Challenges of Biomarker Identification

Subsequent research by Petricoin’s group and others has demonstrated thechallenges of reproducibility of feature selection for biomarker discovery. Arecent commentary by Ransohoff [12] and articles by Petricoin [10] and Bag-gerly [3] provide a nice overview of the issues involved. Researchers have


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found that it is not possible to identify a single m/z value that will accuratelydistinguish between treatment and control samples for the entire serum profile[6]. Therefore, feature selection algorithms have been widely used to select asubset of features as biomarkers to distinguish between treatment and controlsamples.

A number of different machine learning and data mining techniques havebeen shown to be effective in locating biomarkers for analysis of mass spec-trometry profiles from wide datasets. Although these methods are able toclassify a single dataset with high accuracy, it has proven to be very dif-ficult to reproduce the results across new independent datasets. Problemswith reproducibility result from 1) “the lack of a common standard operatingprocedure between different labs, reproducibility between different machines,and the variation of the research instruments” [7], and 2) selection of featuresubsets that are not effective with new data [3]. This chapter describes anensemble-based feature selection technique that selects a set of robust featuresthat are able to provide reproducibly high accuracy with new datasets. Theensemble method is used to maximize the robustness of the features by usingseveral different methods for each step of the pre-processing, feature selec-tion, and classification steps and then selecting those features that appearoften in accurate classifiers. We use Petricoin’s ovarian cancer dataset [5] todemonstrate that the features selected by our ensemble method yield accurateclassifiers and can be used to build an accurate classifier with new data.

19.4 Ensemble Method for Feature Selection

Data mining procedures for analyzing mass spectrometry profiles generallyinvolve a number of steps including data preprocessing, feature selection, andclassification model building. The choices used for different aspects of thedata mining procedure have a significant impact on the features selected andthe performance of the resulting classifier. We propose a framework for fea-ture selection for wide data that is based on the intuition that features thatare selected often under varying preprocessing steps, feature selection meth-ods, and classification algorithms are more likely to be robust. The ensemblemethod rewards features that are selected frequently and that result in accu-rate classification. The major steps in the process of the ensemble method forfeature selection are

1. Establish a general data mining process.

2. Use a voting procedure for features that rewards features that occur inmany accurate classifiers.

3. Build and test a classifier with the features accruing the most votes.

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Statistical Feature Selection


Secondary Feature Selection


FIGURE 19.2: Data mining process for biomarker selection.

TABLE 19.1: Options for each step in the data mining process.

Data Mining Step Options

Normalization NoneNVZ-score

Statistical feature pre-Selection Wilcoxon testBinning Minimum p-value

Maximum average intensitySecondary feature selection None

CFS with greedy searchCFS with BFS searchCFS with genetic searchWrapper with greedy searchWrapper with BFS searchWrapper with genetic searchPrincipal component analysis

Classifier Back propagation neural networksNaive BayesDecision treeSupport vector machines

A number of different data mining procedures for biomarker identificationhave been described in the literature (e.g., [8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19]). The overalldata mining process that we have used for this study is similar to that used bySorace and Zhan [13] (see Figure 19.2 ), but our ensemble-based approach caneasily be applied with any data mining procedure where a number of optionsare available for each step. Table 19.1 summarizes the different options thatwe have considered for steps in the data mining process that we have used.

We briefly discuss the options used for each step in the data mining processshown in Table 19.1. Two normalization procedures were used for this study:z-score and normalized value (NV) [4]. Intensity values without normalization

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are used as a third alternative for this step. In situations where the numberof features is huge compared to the number of samples, statistical tests can beused to select fewer features by eliminating redundant or irrelevant featuresto distinguish cancer from non-cancer samples. The two-sided Wilcoxon testwas used for the first level of feature selection to compare the intensity at eachof the m/z values for all samples and to identify the m/z values that are mostdiscriminative between cancer and control samples. The 100 m/z values withthe lowest p-values were selected as the initial feature subset for later featureselection. Many of the m/z values that pass the Wilcoxon filter represent thesame peak. A binning procedure similar to that used by Sorace and Zhan [13]was used to combine these values into bins if their values were separated byless than 1 m/z. Two different methods were used to choose a representativem/z value for each bin. For the first method, the m/z value with the lowestp-value in each bin was selected. This m/z value indicates that it is the mostdiscriminating value between the cancer and control samples for the bin. Thesecond method selects the m/z value with the highest average intensity valueacross all samples as the representative m/z value.

The first three pre-processing steps provide six different combinations offeatures in terms of normalization and binning. A second round of selectionwas used to further reduce the number of features used to train the classifier.Feature selection at this stage is a search through the space of possible combi-nations of features and is driven by two procedures: attribute evaluation andthe search procedure. The attribute evaluator is used to determine the qualityof the individual feature for classification. The search procedure determineshow the search space of possible features is explored. Different combinationsof attribute evaluation and search procedures were used to generate differentfeature subsets for the ensemble method. Three different search procedures(greedy, best first, and genetic) were used with the CFS and wrapper attributeselection methods yielding a total of six options. Principal components analy-sis with ranking selection and no secondary feature selection (none) were usedas two additional options, giving a total of eight methods for secondary featureselection. Four different options were used to construct ensemble classifiersfor feature selection: backpropagation neural networks, naive Bayes, decisiontrees, and support vector machines.

19.5 Feature Selection Ensemble

Ensemble approaches are typically used to build robust classifiers wherea number of different classifiers vote to provide the class for a new sample.However, in our case, the ensemble of classifiers is used to vote for featuresrather than class labels.

Ensembles are based on the idea of combining multiple classifiers by taking alinear combination of the learners via voting. Ensemble methods require botha method for generating members of the ensemble and a voting procedure.

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We have generated the members of the ensemble by using all combinationsof options for the data mining procedure that are shown in Table 19.1. Theproduct of the number of options at each step gives the total number of clas-sifiers generated (192). The 10-fold cross validation accuracy of each classifierand the set of features used by each classifier were recorded. A total of 47unique features were selected by at least one classifier and were evaluated bythe voting procedure.

The voting procedure for our ensemble methods works as follows. For eachfeature (m/z value) that was selected for use by at least one classifier, botha feature score and a weighted feature score were computed. Note that m/zvalues within 1 were considered to be the same. Features with higher weightedfeature scores will be selected over other features. The feature score for afeature fj is the sum of the accuracy values for all classifiers that includedthe feature. This score rewards features that are selected often by accurateclassifiers. The weighted score is a modification of the feature score where theaccuracy for each classifier is divided by the number of features selected. Thisscoring method favors frequently selected features that are members of smallfeature sets that yield accurate classifiers.

More formally, the feature score, s(fj), and weighted feature score, ws(fj),for feature fj are defined as follows:

s(fj) =N∑


eijai (19.1)

ws(fj) =N∑



)eijai (19.2)

where N is the number of classifiers, eij = 1 if fj is a feature selected forclassifier i, ai is the accuracy of classifier i, and Fi is the number of featuresfor classifier i. After all features were scored, a classifier was constructed usingthe highest scoring features.

19.6 Results and Discussion

We have used the publicly available Ovarian Cancer Dataset to test theensemble-based feature selection approach. Two datasets, the SELDI 8-7-02and 4-3-02 Ovarian Datasets, were downloaded from the Clinical ProteomicsProgram Databank Website [5]. We first tested the capabilities of the featuresidentified using the ensemble method for the first dataset, 8-7-02. It is alsoimportant to determine if the features selected by the ensemble method canperform better in classifying another dataset, which was collected at another

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time. The second dataset, Ovarian Cancer dataset 4-3-02, was used to testthe robustness of the features selected using the ensemble approach from thefirst dataset.

The 8-7-02 dataset includes serum profiles of 91 non-cancer controls and162 cancer subjects. Each spectrum consists of 15,154 distinct m/z values(potential features). The 4-3-02 dataset consists of samples from 50 unaffectedwomen and another 50 patients with ovarian cancer [5] and has the samenumber of m/z values for each sample. This dataset was used as a validationstep to test the accuracy of the features selected using the 8-7-02 dataset tobuild a classifier for the 4-3-02 dataset.

In order to test the ensemble approach for feature selection, we generatedthe ensemble for each dataset as previously discussed. We then used thevoting procedure to find a robust set of features and then constructed a singleclassifier to test the ensemble-based feature set. We have chosen not to use anensemble method such as AdaBoost for the final classifier in order to simplifythe analysis.

The ensemble feature selection method provides both a feature score s anda weighted feature score ws for each feature selected by any classifier in theensemble. Preliminary experimental results indicated that ws scoring outper-forms s scoring. The results reported are based on ws scoring. When buildingthe final classifier, the m/z with the highest ws was first added to the fea-ture subset for classification. Features were added in decreased order of wsuntil both classification accuracy and relative absolute error (RAE) did notimprove. When used with the 8-7-02 dataset, the six features with the highestws are (in decreasing order of ws): m/z = 245.24466, 261.88643, 435.07512,2.8548732, 433.90794, and 222.41828. These features were used to build fourdifferent classifiers using neural net, naive Bayes, decision tree, and supportvector machine models. The accuracy and relative absolute error (RAE) forall classifiers are shown in Figures 19.3 and 19.4. The graphs plot the classi-fication accuracy and RAE as each additional feature was added to the finalfeature subset. RAE is the relative absolute error computed by comparing theabsolute error with the one obtained if the prediction had been the mean ofthe class values [17]. Ten-fold cross validation was used to compute classifieraccuracy for all experiments.

Perfect classification accuracy was achieved for the first four features withthe neural net, decision tree, and SVM classifiers. The SVM had a perfectRAE of zero with these four features. The neural net and decision tree modelsrequired the addition of two more features to reach a minimum RAE and neverhad an RAE as low as the SVM. The naive Bayes model had a higher RAEand lower accuracy than the other three models.

As an additional validation step, the set of six features selected using the 8-7-02 dataset was subsequently used to build a classifier for a different dataset,the 4-3-02 Ovarian Dataset [5]. Ten-fold cross validation with the 4-3-02dataset using the six features selected with the 8-7-02 dataset resulted in aneural net classifier with a classification accuracy of 88%. However, these

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Features (m/z values) in order added



t ac














245.2446 261.8864 435.0751 2.8548 433.9079 222.4183

neural netsvmdecision treenaive Bayes

FIGURE 19.3: Classification accuracy (10-fold cross validation) with featuresadded sequentially in decreasing order of weight for four types of classifiers

six features did not yield accurate classifiers for the naive Bayes, decisiontrees, or support vector machine models. If the top 13 features selected usingthe 8-7-02 dataset are used, classification accuracy increases for all classifiers.Table 19.2 summarizes the results of using the feature subsets selected by theensemble method for dataset 8-7-02 and used to build classifiers for the 4-3-02 dataset. Results are based on 10-fold cross validation. Classifiers basedon neural nets and decision trees have better classification performance thannaıve Bayes and support vector machines for dataset 4-3-02.

Baggerly et al. [2] were not able to reproduce results from these two datasetsusing features selected by genetic algorithms partly due to calibration prob-

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lems. Table 19.3 shows the features selected by other researchers for the 8-7-02dataset. Two m/z values are considered the same if the difference betweenthe two values is less than 1 Th. Some of the features we selected overlapwith features selected by others. To measure the robustness of the featuresselected by other researchers, the seven features selected by Sorace and Zhan[13] based on the 8-07-02 dataset were used to classify dataset 4-3-02. Thesefeatures are listed in Table 19.3. The last column of Table 19.2 gives the accu-racy rates of different types of classifiers that were constructed with the sevenfeatures selected by Sorace and Zhan. The accuracy rates of these classifiersare substantially less than those of the classifiers based on our features. In

Features (m/z values) in order selected



e ab


te e





















245.2447 261.8864 435.0751 2.8549 433.9079 222.4182

neural netsvmdecision treenaive Bayes

FIGURE 19.4: Relative absolute error (RAE) (10-fold cross validation) with fea-tures added sequentially in decreasing order of weight for four types of classifier

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TABLE 19.2: Classification accuracies with different 8-7-02 featuresubsets for dataset 4-3-02.

Ensemble fea-ture subset: 6features

Ensemble fea-ture subset: 13features

Sorace and Zhan[13] features: 7features

Neural nets 88% 90% 73%Naıve Bayes 82% 83% 70%Decision trees 79% 92% 73%Support vectormachines

79% 82% 72%

TABLE 19.3: Comparison of the features selected by otherresearchers and those selected by our method. Features (m/zvalues) shown in bold were selected by our ensemble method.

Alex at al. [1] 245.8296, 261.88643, 336.6502,418.8773, 435.46452, 437.0239,465.97198, 687.38131, 4004.826

Sorace and Zhan [13] 2.7921, 245.53704, 261.8864, 418.1136,435.0751, 464.3617, 4003.645 (these fea-tures were selected by stepwise discrimi-nant analysis according to Rule 1)

Vannucci at al. [15] 245.3, 433.2, 434.6, 243.9, 430.6, 241.3,437.2, 605.2, 431.9

Our work 2.8549, 222.4183, 245.2447,2661.8864, 433.9079, 435.0751

addition, the ensemble method ranks all of the features and offers the flexi-bility of allowing the researcher to include additional features in the featuresubset to classify another dataset in order to improve performance.

We have also conducted an experiment comparing the performance of neuralnet classifiers based on a single path through the data mining procedure (oneoption at each step) and the performance of a neural net classifier based on thefeatures selected using our ensemble method for dataset 4-3-02. The optionsused to build the “single option” classifiers and the ensemble methods areshown in Table 19.4.

Figure 19.5 shows that, although the feature sets generated from these singleoption feature selection methods are able to classify the first dataset 8-7-02with almost 100% accuracy, the performance degrades substantially if thesefeatures are used to classify another dataset, 4-3-02. The feature set selectedby the ensemble method achieves much higher accuracy with the new dataset.

Our experiments do not offer evidence to show which normalization method,binning method, feature selection method, and search method can improveclassification with a new dataset. Feature sets B, C, and D are able to achieve

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TABLE 19.4: Data mining options used to select features using asingle option for feature selection (A–F) and the ensemble method.





Binning Feature










A None MaxAvgInt CFS Greedy 2B NV MaxAvgInt CFS BFS 7C None MinP None None 24D None MaxAvgInt None None 24E NV MaxAvgInt PC Ranker 6F Zscore MinP Wrapper Greedy 2Ensemble All All All All 10

perfect classification for dataset 8-7-02, but the accuracy drops by more than10% when the feature sets are used to classify dataset 4-3-02. In addition,there is no evidence to show the number of features has an impact on improv-ing the classification performance of another dataset. Feature set A, consistingof only two features, classifies the first dataset, 8-7-02, with a high accuracy of96.84%. However, performance drops to 73% when the feature sets are usedto classify dataset 4-3-02. The feature sets consisting of many features do notshow good performance on dataset 4-3-02. There is a perfect classificationwhen feature set C is used to classify dataset 8-7-03, but the accuracy dropsto 76% when all 24 features are used to classify dataset 4-3-02.

19.7 Conclusion

Many different feature selection approaches can be effectively used to lo-cate disease biomarkers. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages.However, what is very consistent is the inconsistency of replicating biomarkerselection using different feature selection methods, and this is due to the multi-factorial nature of the features [2]. It is also difficult to use features selectedfrom one dataset for classification of another dataset due to the size and nosi-ness of the data, the variation from one biological sample to another, and thevariation due to differences in experimental procedures, between machines andbetween laboratories. Here we present an ensemble framework for feature se-lection for building classifiers with wide data. Features that are selected often,that result in accurate classifiers, and that are part of small feature sets areconsidered more robust and are favored by the weighted voting function. Us-ing widely-studied ovarian cancer datasets, we show that the features selected

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Feature Set Selection









A B C D E F Ensemble


100 100 100 99.6 98.81100








Ovarian dataset 8-7-02Ovarian dataset 4-3-02

FIGURE 19.5: Comparison of performance of classifiers from single option featureselection and ensemble feature selection methods. Accuracy results are given for thedataset used for feature selection (8-7-02) and a second dataset (4-3-02).

by our method give very high classification rates and reproducible results withnew data. A general data mining process with different options has been usedfor each step to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ensemble approach. Thisgeneral approach can be easily adapted for use with different options for eachdata mining step or with a different data mining process. Although our workis proteomics-based, our ensemble method is generally applicable to any widedataset including mRNA expression data.


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Chapter 20

Model Building and FeatureSelection with Genomic Data

Hui Zou

University of Minnesota

Trevor Hastie

Stanford University

20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39320.2 Ridge Regression, Lasso, and Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39420.3 Drawbacks of the Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39620.4 The Elastic Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39720.5 The Elastic-Net Penalized SVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40220.6 Sparse Eigen-Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40720.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

20.1 Introduction

Feature selection is fundamental in statistical modeling. When the numberof predictors is large, it is crucial to identify a few important variables that canwell explain the response. A sparse model is much more interpretable thanthe full model using all predictors, and feature selection can often improvethe prediction accuracy of the model. Traditional model selection methodscombine best-subset selection with some model selection criteria such as AICand BIC. This approach has two fundamental drawbacks. First, the best-subset selection is not computationally feasible for high-dimensional data.The number of subset models increases exponentially. Second, the best-subsetselection is very unstable in the sense that a small perturbation on the datayields a very different model [2]. Modern methods in high-throughput biologysuch as gene expression arrays produce massive high-dimensional data thattraditional variable selection approaches are not capable of handling.

Recently, penalization-based variable selection methods have attracted alot of attention. Regularization is crucial in order to build a predictive modelwith high accuracy, especially when there are a huge number of predictors.A non-regularized model is guaranteed to overfit the data. The L2 penaltyhas been widely used in various learning problems such as smoothing splines,


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the support vector machine, and neural networks, as summarized in [13].The L2 penalty is good at controlling the model complexity by shrinking allcoefficients toward zero, but they all stay in the model. On the other hand,the best-subset selection is able to reduce the model size, but it results in anunconstrained fit using the chosen variables. The lasso [20] was proposed as acompromise between the L2 regularization and the best-subset selection. Byimposing an L1 constraint on the parameters, the lasso does both shrinkageand variable selection simultaneously. The L1 penalization opens a new doorto variable selection. However, the lasso may produce unsatisfactory resultsin some scenarios: (1) The number of predictors (greatly) exceeds the numberof observations; and (2) the predictors are highly correlated and form groups.These two issues are very common with genomic data. A typical exampleis the gene selection problem in microarray analysis. When the number ofpredictors greatly exceeds the number of observations, the grouped variablessituation is a particularly important concern, which has been addressed anumber of times in the literature. Tree harvesting [11] uses supervised learningmethods to select groups of predictive genes found by hierarchical clustering.Using an algorithmic approach, the authors of [3] performed the clusteringand supervised learning together. A careful study in [18] strongly motivatesthe use of a regularized regression procedure to find the grouped genes. Withgene expression and similar data, a desirable method should have the followingproperties:

1. Variable selection is performed via continuous shrinkage and is built intothe procedure so that the irrelevant variables are automatically removedfrom the model.

2. Variable selection is not limited by the fact that the number of predictorsis much larger than the sample size.

3. It should be able to select groups of significant variables.

The first property implies the method does variable selection in a fashionsimilar to the lasso, while the last two properties fix the drawbacks of thelasso for high-dimensional data.

In this chapter we introduce a new regularization technique called the elasticnet for simultaneous modeling and feature selection. The elastic net addressesmany of the problems encountered in model building and feature selection withhigh-dimensional data. This chapter describes how the elastic net can be usedfor regression, classification, and sparse eigen-gene analysis.

20.2 Ridge Regression, Lasso, and Bridge

We first review the ridge regression, lasso, and bridge regression. Analysisof the strengths and weaknesses of these methods motivates the development

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of a new variable selection method that addresses their drawbacks with high-dimensional data.

Consider the linear model. Given N predictors x1, · · · ,xN , the response Yis predicted by

Y = β0 + x1β1 + · · ·+ xN βN (20.1)

Suppose the dataset has M observations with N predictors. Let Y = (y1, . . . , yM )T

be the response and X = [x1| · · · |xN ] be the model matrix, where xj =(x1j , . . . , xMj)T , j = 1, . . . , N are the predictors. After a location and scaletransformation, we can assume the response is centered and the predictorsare standardized,



yi = 0,



xij = 0, andM∑


x2ij = 1, for j = 1, 2, . . . , N (20.2)

It is well known that the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator often doespoorly in both prediction and interpretation. Ridge regression [14] is oftenused to improve the prediction of least squares. The ridge regression modelis defined as

β(ridge) = arg minβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + λ‖β‖2 (20.3)


‖β‖2 =N∑



As a continuous shrinkage method, ridge regression achieves its better predic-tion performance through a bias-variance trade-off. However, ridge regressioncannot produce a parsimonious model, for it always keeps all the predictorsin the model.

A promising technique called the lasso was proposed in [20]. The lasso isa penalized least squares method imposing an L1 penalty on the regressioncoefficients:

β(lasso) = argminβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + λ‖β‖1 (20.4)


‖β‖1 =N∑


|βj |

The L1 penalty (‖β‖1) is not differentiable at zero. Due to this property,the L1 penalty continuously shrinks the OLS estimates toward zero and somecomponents will be exactly zero if λ is large enough. Thus the lasso does bothcontinuous shrinkage and automatic variable selection simultaneously.

A class of penalized least squares methods called bridge regression using

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the Lq penalty was considered in [6]:

β(bridge) = argminβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + λ‖β‖q (20.5)


‖β‖q =N∑


|βj |q

Ridge regression is bridge with q = 2 while the lasso amounts to using q = 1 inbridge. For q > 1, the bridge solution contains all predictors. However, bridgeestimates with q ≤ 1 enjoy a sparse representation. But there is another verysubtle point. If q < 1, the bridge solution is not continuous, because thepenalty function is concave. Therefore, the lasso is very unique in the bridgefamily, for it is the only Lq estimator that simultaneously enjoys sparsity andcontinuity.

20.3 Drawbacks of the Lasso

Note that like OLS, the lasso solution is not uniquely defined when M > N .This is the first obvious drawback of the lasso. In contrast, ridge regressioncan easily handle the M > n case. In terms of prediction, it has been observedthat if predictors are highly correlated, the prediction performance of the lassois dominated by ridge regression [20]. With high-dimensional data it is oftentrue that many predictors are highly correlated. Thus the lasso is not thebest prediction method for high-dimensional data.

The biggest advantage of the lasso over ridge regression is its ability to doautomatic variable selection. However, with high-dimensional data, the lassoselection is not satisfactory either. When N > M , the lasso can select at mostM variables before it saturates, due to the nature of the L1 optimization. Thisseems to be a limiting feature for a variable selection method. Consider theproblem of identifying genes that affect the survival time of cancer patientsbased on the measurements of the gene expression level of 5000 genes. If 20patients are enrolled in the study, the lasso can only select 20 or fewer genes.The biological truth might be that 100 genes are related to the survival time.

The other drawback of the lasso selection is that the lasso tends to under-select when there is a group of variables among which the pairwise correlationsare very high, because the lasso tends to select only one variable from thegroup and does not care which one is selected [5].

These drawbacks of the lasso make it an inappropriate variable selectionmethod in modeling high-dimensional data. We illustrate our points by con-sidering the gene selection problem in microarray data analysis. A typical

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microarray dataset has many thousands of predictors (genes) and often lessthan a hundred samples. For those genes sharing the same biological path-way, the correlations among them can be high [18]. We think of those genesas forming a group. The ideal gene selection method should be able to do twothings: eliminate the trivial genes, and automatically include whole groupsinto the model once one gene among them is selected (grouped selection).The lasso cannot perform grouped selection. The number of selected genes isartificially bounded by the sample size.

20.4 The Elastic Net

With the advantages and drawbacks of the lasso in mind, we want to inventa new method that works as well as the lasso whenever the lasso does thebest, and can fix its fundamental drawbacks. To be specific, the new methodshould be able to select more than M variables in the N �M problems, if itis necessary to select more variables than the samples. In addition, the newmethod should select groups of correlated variables via continuous shrinkage.

20.4.1 Definition

For that purpose, the authors of [24] proposed the elastic net method. Forany fixed non-negative λ1 and λ2, we define the naive elastic net criterion

L (λ1, λ2, β) = ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + λ2‖β‖2 + λ1‖β‖1 (20.6)


‖β‖2 =N∑


β2j and ‖β‖1 =



|βj |

The naive elastic net estimator β is the minimizer of (20.6):

β(naive elastic net) = arg minβ

L (λ1, λ2, β) (20.7)

The penalty function λ2‖β‖2 + λ1‖β‖1 is named the elastic net penalty [24].It is a linear combination of the ridge and lasso penalties. When λ2 = 0, theelastic net penalty reduces to the lasso penalty. However, we consider usingλ2 > 0. A positive λ2 leads to fundamental differences between the elastic netand the lasso.

First of all, the elastic net penalty function is strictly convex with λ2 > 0,whereas the lasso penalty is convex but not strictly convex. Thus, when usinga positive λ2, the elastic net is well defined even when N � M . The elastic

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net fixes the first drawback of the lasso.Meanwhile, the L1 component of the elastic net penalty makes the penalty

singular at zero, which allows the elastic net to do automatic variable selection.To easily understand the thresholding property, let us consider an orthogonaldesign with orthogonal predictors. It is easy to show that with parameters(λ1, λ2), the naive elastic net solution is

βi(naive elastic net) =


∣∣∣− λ1




1 + λ2sgn



where β(ols) = XTY and z+ denotes the positive part, which is z if z >0, else 0. The solution of ridge regression with parameter λ2 is given byβ(ridge) = β(ols)/(1 + λ2), and the lasso solution with parameter λ1 isβi(lasso) =


∣∣∣− λ1






Including the L2 penalty in the lasso introduces a double amount of shrink-age. Both L1 and L2 components shrink OLS estimates. Double shrinkagedoes not help to reduce the variances much and introduces unnecessary extrabias. The double shrinkage is evident in the orthogonal design. The authorsof [24] suggested using the corrected elastic net estimates that are defined asfollows:

β(elastic net) = (1 + λ2)β(naive elastic net) (20.9)

Hence the elastic net estimator is a rescaled naive elastic net estimator. Sucha scaling transformation preserves the variable-selection property of the naiveelastic net and is the simplest way to undo shrinkage. Why use (1 + λ2) asthe scaling factor? Consider the exact solution of the naive elastic net whenthe predictors are orthogonal. The lasso is known to be minimax optimal [4]in this case, which implies the naive elastic net is not optimal. After scalingby 1 + λ2, the elastic net automatically achieves minimax optimality.

From now on, let β stand for β (elastic net) for convenience. We can viewthe elastic net as a regularized lasso. Reference [24] showed the following fact.The elastic net estimates β are equivalently defined as

β = argminβ


(XTX + λ2I

1 + λ2

)β − 2YTXβ + λ1‖β‖1 (20.10)

It is easy to see that

β(lasso) = arg minβ

βT (XT X)β − 2YT Xβ + λ1‖β‖1 (20.11)

Hence we can interpret the elastic net as a stabilized version of the lasso.Note that Σ = XTX is a sample version of the correlation matrix (Σ) andXT X+λ2I

1+λ2= (1−γ)Σ+γI with γ = λ2

1+λ2shrinks Σ toward the identity matrix.

Together (20.10) and (20.11) say that rescaling after the elastic net penaliza-

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tion is mathematically equivalent to replacing Σ with its shrunk version inthe lasso. In linear discriminant analysis, prediction accuracy can often beimproved by replacing Σ by a shrunken estimate [7, 13]. Likewise, we improvethe lasso by regularizing Σ in (20.11).

Finally, we show here that the elastic net encourages a grouping effect inthe sense that correlated variables tend to enter or leave the model together.Consider an extreme scenario where some predictors are exactly identical.The authors of [24] showed that strict convexity of the elastic net or the ridgepenalty guarantees a unique solution that assigns identical coefficients to theidentical variables. In contrast, the lasso does not even have a unique solution.In general, the elastic net coefficients of highly correlated variables are shrunktoward each other. In [24], it was proved that for any pair of variables (xi,xj),


∣∣∣βi − βj

∣∣∣ ≤

1 + λ2


√2 (1− ρ) (20.12)


∣∣∣βi + βj

∣∣∣ ≤

1 + λ2


√2 (1 + ρ) (20.13)

where ρ is the sample correlation between xi and xj . Thus, if ρ.= 1, βi ≈ βj ,

and if ρ.= −1, βi ≈ −βj. These two inequalities provide a quantitative

description for the grouping effect of the elastic net.The lasso does not possess the grouping effect. For a simple illustration, let

us consider the linear model with p = 2. The authors of [20] gave the explicitexpression for (β1, β2), from which we easily get |β1 − β2| = |cos(θ)|, whereθ is the angle between Y and x1 − x2. It is easy to construct examples suchthat ρ = cor(x1,x2)→ 1 but cos(θ) does not vanish.

20.4.2 A Stylized Example

We now present an idealized example showing the important differencesbetween the elastic net and the lasso. Let Z1 and Z2 be two independentUnif(0, 20) variables. The response Y is generated as N(Z1 + 0.1 · Z2, 1).The predictors are generated as follows:

x1 = Z1 + ε1, x2 = −Z1 + ε2, x3 = Z1 + ε3

x4 = Z2 + ε4, x5 = −Z2 + ε5, x6 = Z2 + ε6

where εi are i.i.d. N(0, 116 ). One hundred observations were generated from

this model. The variables x1,x2,x3 form a group whose underlying factor isZ1, and x4,x5,x6 form a second group whose underlying factor is Z2. Thewithin-group correlations are almost 1 and the between-group correlations arealmost 0. An oracle would identify the Z1 group as the important variables.This simulation model tries to mimic the biological pathways. We can think

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of Z1 and Z2 as pathways. x1,x2,x3 are the genes that function through thepathway Z1, and x4,x5,x6 are the genes that function through the pathwayZ2. The response is mainly affected by pathway Z1.

Figure 20.1 compares the solution paths of the lasso and the elastic net ontwo simulated datasets from the above simple model. We can see that thelasso solution paths can be very different with a different dataset generatedfrom the same model. Thus the lasso paths are unstable. Furthermore, thelasso plots do not reveal any correlation information by itself. In contrast, theelastic net has much smoother and more stable solution paths while clearlyshowing the grouped selection: x1,x2,x3 are in one significant group andx4,x5,x6 are in the other trivial group.

20.4.3 Computation and Tuning

The elastic net is a computationally efficient method. First, we can seethat, by its definition, both the lasso and the elastic net can be recast asa quadratic programming problem. Thus, standard quadratic programmingsoftware can be directly used to solve the lasso/elastic net. The authors of[5] invented the LARS algorithm for computing the entire lasso solution path.The authors of [24] showed that the elastic net solution paths are also piecewiselinear functions of λ1 for each fixed λ2. This fact implies that the elastic netcan be solved by a path algorithm similar to the LARS. The authors of [24]proposed the LARS-EN algorithm for efficiently computing the entire elasticnet solution paths. Starting from zero, the LARS-EN algorithm sequentiallyupdates the elastic net fits. In the N �M case, such as with microarray data,it is not necessary to run the LARS-EN algorithm to the end (early stopping).The optimal results are achieved at an early stage of the LARS-EN algorithm[24]. If we stop the algorithm after m steps, then it requires O(m3 + Nm2)operations.

We now discuss how to choose the type and value of the tuning parameterin the elastic net. In the lasso, the conventional tuning parameter is the L1

norm of the coefficients (t) or the fraction of the L1 norm (s). The advantageof using (λ2, s) is that s is always valued within [0, 1]. In the N �M problemit is better to use (λ2, k) as the tuning parameters where k is the number ofthe LARS-EN steps. There are well-established methods for choosing suchtuning parameters [13, Chapter 7]. If only training data are available, 10-foldcross validation is a popular method for estimating the prediction error andcomparing different models, and we use it here. Note that there are two tuningparameters in the elastic net, so we need to cross validate on a two-dimensionalsurface. Typically we first pick a (relatively small) grid of values for λ2, say(0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100) . Then, for each λ2, the other tuning parameter (s ork) is selected by 10-fold CV. The chosen λ2 is the one giving the smallestCV error. It is worth mentioning that for each λ2, the computational cost ofa 10-fold CV is the same as ten OLS fits. Thus, the two-dimensional CV iscomputationally thrifty in the usual M > N setting. In the N �M case, the

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









































0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









































0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








































0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









































s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1

s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1



Elastic Net

Elastic Net

























FIGURE 20.1: The left and right panels show the lasso and the elastic net (λ2 =0.5) solution paths respectively. We fitted the lasso and the elastic net using twoindependent datasets simulated from the same model.

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cost grows linearly with N , and is still manageable. Practically, early stoppingis used to ease the computational burden. For example, if M = 30, N = 5, 000,and we do not want to use more than 200 variables in the final model, we maystop the LARS-EN algorithm after 500 steps.

We use the prostate cancer data to illustrate the computations with theelastic net. The data in this example come from a study of prostate cancer[19]. The predictors are eight clinical measures: log cancer volume (lcavol),log prostate weight (lweight), age, log of the amount of benign prostatic hy-perplasia (lbph), seminal vesicle invasion (svi), log capsular penetration (lcp),Gleason score (gleason), and percentage Gleason score 4 or 5 (pgg45). Theresponse is the log of prostate specific antigen (lpsa). The prostate cancerdata were divided into two parts: a training set with 67 observations, and atest set with 30 observations. Model fitting and tuning parameter selectionby 10-fold cross validation were carried out on the training data. Figure 20.2displays the lasso and the elastic net solution paths, in which the vertical linesindicate the selected model. The lasso includes lcavol, lweight lbph, svi, andpgg45 in the final model, while the elastic net selects lcavol, lweight, svi, lcp,and pgg45. The prediction error of the elastic net is about 24% lower thanthat of the lasso.

20.4.4 Analyzing the Cardiomypathy Data

We apply the elastic net to analyze the cardiomypathy data. The data have30 observations and 6319 predictors. The response variable in this study isa G protein-coupled receptor, designated Ro1. When the receptor is over-expressed in the heart of adult mice, the mice develop a lethal dilated car-diomyopathy that has many hallmarks of human disease. The mice recoverwhen the expression of the receptor is turned off [18]. The goal of the study isto investigate the association between the changes in gene expression and theexpression of Ro1. Thirty-two mice were tested in the study [17]. To deter-mine which changes in gene expression were due to the expression of the Ro1transgene, the authors of [18] suggested identifying the genes that correlatewith the Ro1 expression profile. Genes that explain this expression profileare potential candidates to provide additional therapeutic targets and cluesto the mechanism of disease.

The lasso model selects 21 genes. We fit the elastic net model by theLARS-EN algorithm with early stopping after 100 steps. The optimal tuningparameters for the elastic net are λ = 0.1, k = 47, where k is the numberof steps in the LARS-EN algorithm. In the elastic net model, 44 genes areselected. Note that the size of the training set is 30, so the lasso can at mostselect 30 genes. In contrast, the number of genes selected by the elastic net is44, greater than the sample size. Figure 20.3 displays the elastic net solutionpaths as a function of k.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




































































s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0



































































s = ‖β‖1/max‖β‖1

Elastic Net







FIGURE 20.2: Prostate cancer data. The top panel shows the lasso estimates asa function of s, and the bottom panel shows the elastic net estimates as a functionof s. Both of them are piecewise linear, which is a key property of our efficientalgorithm. In both plots the vertical dotted line indicates the selected final model.

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0 20 40 60 80 100








Number of steps

FIGURE 20.3: Cardiomypathy data: the elastic net coefficients paths.

20.5 The Elastic-Net Penalized SVM

We have discussed the elastic net method in the linear regression model.The elastic net penalty can be used in classification problems, too. The re-sulting classifier should also retain the nice properties of the elastic net inregression. The support vector machine (SVM) [21] is now a very popularclassification tool with numerous applications. We focus on the use of theelastic net in SVMs.

20.5.1 Support Vector Machines

In a standard two-class classification problem, the response y is coded as∈ {1,−1}. The goal is to find a classification rule from the training data,so that when given a new input x, we can assign a class label to it. TheSVM has been a popular tool for the two-class classification problem in themachine learning field. Recently, it has also gained increasing attention fromthe statistics community. Readers are referred to [13] for a complete statisticalapproach to the SVM.

It turns out that the SVM is also equivalent to a regularized function fitting

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problem. With f(x) = β0 + xT β, consider the optimization problem:




[1− yif(xi)]+ + λ‖β‖22, (20.14)

where the subscript “+” indicates the positive part and λ is a tuning pa-rameter. Note that (20.14) has the form loss + penalty, which is a familiarparadigm to statisticians in function estimation. The loss function (1−yf)+ iscalled the hinge loss. The penalty is the L2-norm of the coefficient vector, thesame as that used in the ridge regression. The role of the ridge penalty in theSVM is the same as in linear regression. The ridge penalty shrinks the fittedcoefficients towards zero to control the variance of fitted coefficients, hencepossibly achieving a better bias-variance trade-off, especially when there aremany highly correlated variables. Although the SVM enjoys a sparse rep-resentation due to the support vectors, it cannot select significant variables.Often people combine the SVM with some external feature selection methodsuch as the recursive feature elimination (RFE) [9].

The 1-norm SVM was used in [23] to perform automatic feature selectionin the SVM. With f(x) = β0 + xT β, the 1-norm SVM solves




[1− yif(xi)]+ + λ‖β‖1 (20.15)

The 1-norm SVM shares many of the nice properties of the lasso. The L1

(lasso) penalty encourages some of the coefficients to be shrunken to exactzero if λ is appropriately chosen. Hence the 1-norm SVM performs featureselection through regularization. The 1-norm SVM has significant advantagesover the 2-norm SVM when there are many noise variables.

20.5.2 A New SVM Classifier

We have seen that in regression problems the lasso penalty has some fun-damental drawbacks and the elastic net penalty fixes these limitations. Theauthors of [22] applied the elastic net penalty to the SVM. Consider the fol-lowing doubly regularized SVM, which is referred to as the DrSVM:




[1− yi(β0 + xT

i β)]+

+ λ2‖β‖22 + λ1‖β‖1 (20.16)

where both λ1 and λ2 are tuning parameters. The role of the L1 penalty is toallow automatic variable selection, and the role of the L2 penalty is to helpgroups of correlated variables get selected together.

The grouping effect also shows in the DrSVM. The following inequalities

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were proven in [22]:

|βi − βj | ≤√



√2(1− ρ) (20.17)


|βi + βj | ≤√



√2(1 + ρ) (20.18)

where ρ is the sample correlation between xi and xj . Thus, if ρ.= 1, βi ≈ βj ,

and if ρ.= −1, βi ≈ −βj. The 1-norm SVM does not possess the grouping

effect.The DrSVM is computationally efficient. It is interesting to note that for

each fixed λ1, the DrSVM solution is a piecewise linear function of 1λ2

. Thisis similar to a result in [10] which showed that the 2-norm SVM solution is apiecewise linear function of 1

λ2. The authors of [10] developed a path-following

algorithm for computing the entire 2-norm SVM paths. The authors of [22]developed a similar path algorithm for computing the DrSVM solution for allλ2 with a fixed λ1. On the other hand, the DrSVM solution is a piecewiselinear function of λ1 for each fixed λ2. This is similar to a result in [23]which showed that the 1-norm SVM solution is a piecewise linear function ofλ. The authors of [23] developed a path-following algorithm for computingthe entire 1-norm SVM paths. The authors of [22] developed a similar pathalgorithm for computing the DrSVM solution for all λ1 with a fixed λ2. Hencewe have two path-following algorithms to compute the DrSVM. The readersare referred to [22] for the technical details of the two path algorithms.

To illustrate the piecewise linearity property of the DrSVM, we compute itssolution paths using a small simulated dataset. We generate 8 training data ineach of two classes. Each input xi is a p = 5 dimensional vector. For the “+1”class, xi has a normal distribution with mean μ+ = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0)T and thediagonal elements of the covariance matrix are 1, and the off-diagonal elementsare all equal to ρ = 0.8. The “−1” class has a similar distribution, exceptthat the mean is μ− = (−1, 0, 0, 0, 0)T . The solution paths are displayed inFigure 20.4, where any segment between two adjacent vertical lines is linear.

We demonstrate the use of the elastic-net penalized SVM in microarraysclassification and gene selection on the leukemia data consisting of 7129 genesand 72 samples [8]. In the training dataset, there are 38 samples, amongwhich 27 are type 1 leukemia (ALL) and 11 are type 2 leukemia (AML). Thegoal is to construct a diagnostic rule based on the expression level of those7219 genes to predict the type of leukemia. The remaining 34 samples areused to test the prediction accuracy of the diagnostic rule. We comparedthe three types of SVMs: the SVM, the 1-norm SVM, and the DrSVM. Thetuning parameters are chosen according to 10-fold cross validation, then thefinal model is fitted on all the training data and evaluated on the test data.The results are summarized in Table 20.1. The SVM uses recursive featureelimination to select genes. As we can see, the DrSVM seems to have the bestprediction performance. However, notice this is a very small dataset, so the

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8







0 5 10 15 20









FIGURE 20.4: The solid line corresponds to β1, the dashed lines correspond toβ2, . . . , β5. The right panel is for ˛(λ1) (with λ2 = 30), and the left panel is for˛(λ2) (with λ1 = 6).

TABLE 20.1: Summary of leukemia classification results

Method 10-fold CV error Test error No. of genesSVM + RFE 2/38 1/34 311-norm SVM 2/38 1/34 22

DrSVM 0/38 0/34 78

difference may not be significant. It is also worth noting that the 22 genesselected by the L1-norm SVM are a subset of the 78 genes selected by theDrSVM.

20.6 Sparse Eigen-Genes

We have seen that the elastic net is very useful in supervised learning prob-lems (regression and classification). It turns out that the elastic net can alsobe used to performance variable selection in un-supervised learning problems.The authors of [25] considered using the elastic net to obtain principal compo-nents with sparse loadings. This property has very useful applications in geneexpression data analyses. Principal components of gene expression arrays arecalled eigen-genes. If the sparse eigen-genes can explain a large part of thetotal variance of gene expression levels, then the subset of genes representingthe sparse eigen-genes is considered important.

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20.6.1 PCA and Eigen-Genes

Principal component analysis (PCA) [15] is a popular un-supervised learn-ing and dimension reduction technique. Recently PCA has been used in geneexpression data analysis [1]. The authors of [12] proposed the so-called geneshaving techniques using PCA to cluster highly variable and coherent genesin microarray datasets. PCA seeks the linear combinations of the originalvariables such that the derived variables capture maximal variance. PCA canbe computed via the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the data matrix.In detail, let the data X be an M ×N matrix, where n and p are the numberof observations and the number of variables, respectively. Without loss ofgenerality, assume the column means of X are all 0. Let the SVD of X be

X = UDVT (20.19)

Z = UD are the principal components (PCs), and the columns of V are thecorresponding loadings of the principal components. The sample variance ofthe i-th PC is D2

ii/n. In gene expression data the standardized PCs U arecalled the eigen-arrays and V are the eigen-genes [1]. Usually the first q (q min(n, p)) PCs are chosen to represent the data, thus a great dimensionalityreduction is achieved. An obvious drawback of PCA is that each PC is alinear combination of all p variables and the loadings are typically nonzero.This often makes it difficult to interpret the derived PCs. It is desirable notonly to achieve the dimensionality reduction but also to reduce the number ofexplicitly used variables. An ad hoc way to sparsity in PCA is to artificiallyset the loadings with absolute values smaller than a threshold to zero. Weprefer a principled approach to deriving a sparse PCA.

20.6.2 Sparse Principal Component Analysis

The theory and algorithm of sparse principal component analysis (SPCA)were developed in [25]. To focus on the main idea, we introduce SPCA forthe leading principal component.

SPCA starts with an equivalent formulation of PCA. Note that for anyλ > 0, we let




‖xi −αβT xi‖2 + λ‖β‖2

subject to ‖α‖2 = 1 (20.20)

Then the solution β is proportional to the first principal component. HencePCA is identical to a regression-type problem. This fact suggests that onecould borrow the sparse modeling techniques from regression to produce sparseprincipal components. It is important to note that the positive λ is necessarywhen N �M [25].

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The following SPCA method was proposed in [25]:




‖xi −αβTxi‖2 + λ‖β‖2 + λ1‖β‖1

subject to ‖α‖2 = 1 (20.21)

We see that λ‖β‖2 + λ1‖β‖1 is the elastic net penalty. Its L1 part will shrinksome components of β to exact zero, just like the lasso shrinkage in regressionand the SVM. The zero components in β correspond to zero loadings in theprincipal component. The empirical results in [25] suggest that the solutionis not sensitive to the choice of λ as long as λ > 0. Hence the L2 part of theelastic net penalty is primarily used to ensure the sparse principal componentis identical to the ordinary principal component when we do not need thesparsity (using λ1 = 0).

The optimization problem in SPCA is nonconvex. The authors of [25]proposed an alternating algorithm for solving SPCA. Note that one can easilysolve β for a given α. It is an elastic net regression problem. On the otherhand, if we fix β, solving α can be found by reduced rank Procrustes rotation[25]. We can start with the ordinary PCA and iterate between these two stepsuntil convergence.

We illustrate the sparse PC selection method on Ramaswamy’s data [16],which has 16063 (p = 16063) genes and 144 (n = 144) samples. Its firstprincipal component (eigen-gene) explains 46% of the total variance. Notethat all 16063 genes are used in the first eigen-gene. To derive a sparse eigen-gene, we applied SPCA to find the leading sparse PC. We found that as fewas 2.5% of these 16063 genes can sufficiently construct the leading principalcomponent with an affordable loss of explained variance (from 46% to 40%).

20.7 Summary

The elastic net is a novel shrinkage and selection method for producing asparse model with good prediction accuracy. The elastic net encourages thegrouping effect and elegantly handles the high-dimensionality. The elasticnet also enjoys great computational efficiency with the help of efficient pathalgorithms. In many ways the elastic net is a more appropriate tool for vari-able selection with high-dimensional data than the lasso. We have seen theapplications of the elastic net in regression and classification problems. Theelastic net penalty can also be used in principal components, leading to asparse version of PCA that automatically omits unimportant variables fromthe PCA directions. This method can be used to find sparse eigen-genes.There are other statistical models that are used in modeling genomic data.

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For instance, the Cox proportional hazard model is the standard model formodeling censored survival data. The elastic net can be directly used in thosemodels.


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