Call Me the Mother of Quick Transmigration - Chapter 26 - UsuiTakumii (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 251 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 3) (capture insects)

After Li Su and her party were settled properly, the eldest brother of the Liu family did not leave.

Li Su knew why, so she took out a list and handed it to her eldest brother. "Eldest brother."

The eldest brother of the Liu family took a look and frowned. "Are these all the ancient calligraphy and paintings left by father?"

"What's the use of coming if eldest brother doesn't like these?" Li Su casually took a sip of tea.

"Qingyun…" Liu Qingwu looked unhappy. The Liu family did not lack money, but the Liu family did not have those ancient books and paintings that were a symbol of their identity. Their father was partial towards Liu Qingyun. Although several of their brothers were not proficient at this kind of thing, was it difficult to find a good one among the children and grandchildren of the family? Before their father died, he gave all those to youngest sister!

"Big brother, it's not that I'm stingy. Those ancient books, calligraphy, and paintings need to be properly cared for to ensure they are not damaged. Only I know where they are. But don't worry, eldest brother, when my sons and nephews get married, I, as an aunt, will present a few ancient books as a gift." Li Su said with a smile.

Liu Qingwu's expression was sullen. He looked at Li Su and put the list in his sleeve. "Okay, don't forget your promise."

Then he regained the appearance of a good brother, stood up and looked around. "Although it is good in Lotus Manor, you must be lonely here after all. Tomorrow, I will send Little Qi to live with you for a while!" Little Qi was the son of his beloved concubine. Little Qi was smart and clever, and Liu Qingwu liked him the most.

"There's no need." Li Su lowered her head and touched her stomach. "I'm pregnant!"

"What!" Liu Qingwu was shocked. "Are you crazy?" Why did she still want to divorce when she was pregnant?!

"Eldest brother, I don't want to live with Yuan Dao anymore. It was as simple as that. I can raise this child by myself. This child is my, Liu Qingyun's, child. This child will naturally be surnamed Liu in the future," Li Su said.

Liu Qingwu paced back and forth in the room, thinking about how to get the most benefits from it. "Okay! I'll help you, but you have to swear that this child will never change their surname in the future and recognise their ancestors!"

"It's natural. They will be my child, so why should they recognise someone else's ancestors!" Li Su readily agreed.

"The people around you were carefully selected by your father back then, so they can naturally serve you well. Eldest brother is also relieved. If you need anything, just let me know," Liu Qingwu said. "In a few days, I will let your sisters-in-law come and see you. Qingyun, eldest brother will give you some advice and you can choose whether you will listen to it. Eldest brother knows that you have been raised by father carefully since you were young, and you are ambitious and proud. But when it comes to your sisters-in-law… You need to pay attention to your attitude!"

This was also a statement from his heart.

Li Su naturally understood. "Don't worry, eldest brother, I am no longer the Liu Qingyun of the past." In fact, the failure of the original owner was not without reason. The Liu family's defection was not without reason. In fact, the original owner was a failure.

Liu Qingwu nodded. "It's best if you can understand. Don't think too much about it. Just take care of your baby!"

Li Su nodded.

After sending Liu Qingwu away, Li Su ordered someone to close the door to Lotus Manor in order to raise the baby with peace of mind. As for other common affairs, the people around her had arranged everything.

A few days later, several carriages stopped outside the gate of Lotus Manor.

Mrs. Liu-Xie and several other sisters-in-law got off the carriage and looked at the surrounding environment. Li Su came to greet them in person. "Sisters-in-law have worked hard."

Mrs. Liu-Xie and the other sisters-in-law looked at each other. In their impression, when this little sister-in-law saw them, she did not act like this. When did she become so affectionate?

"Qingyun! Slow down." Mrs. Liu-Xie was the eldest sister-in-law. When she arrived, Liu Qingyun was only six years old. She watched Liu Qingyun grow up, and her attitude towards Liu Qingyun was the most complicated. She did not only feel sorry for Liu Qingyun's loss of her mother since childhood, but also disgust towards Liu Qingyun's aloofness and disrespect for them.

"You have all worked hard. Sisters-in-law, please come in and have some tea!" Li Su said with a smile.

The group entered the room and sat down separately. Mrs. Liu-Xie and others looked at the surrounding environment and were quite satisfied. "Qingyun, in addition to seeing you this time, we also brought a few people for you. They are all experienced people from the house. Maybe you can use them."

If it was the previous Liu Qingyun, she would definitely be dismissive.

The people around Liu Qingyun were carefully selected by Father Liu back then. Not long after Liu Qingyun was born, Mother Liu passed away. Father Liu loved his youngest daughter and he also acted as a mother. He considered all aspects when it came to his daughter. The candidates for the dowry party were also carefully selected, including a woman who was specially responsible for child birth.

Naturally, she was too lazy to be perfunctory with her sisters-in-law and accept their affection.

Now that it was Li Su, it was different. Facing the olive branch extended by her sisters-in-law, she smiled and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find anyone in this area. Sisters-in-laws have offered help in my time of need."

Mrs. Liu-Xie and the others looked at each other. They were even more surprised. When the husband and uncle came home, they still didn't believe it. The country was easy to change, but nature was hard to change. The youngest sister-in-law was spoiled by her father-in-law, and she didn't think about anyone else, only herself. Her husband rarely got along with youngest sister-in-law, and they didn't know much about it, but the sisters-in-law were touched.

When they saw her today, youngest sister-in-law's temperament had changed drastically. It was as if she had changed her personality.

Mrs. Liu-Fang was ranked fourth among the concubines. She had a straightforward temperament. "What's wrong with Qingyun? Is her temperament different from before?"

Li Su wouldn't underestimate the acuity of these women. She smiled slightly. "I'm still me, but my heart is not the same as before."

Mrs. Liu-Xie remembered what happened to Liu Qingyun and fell silent. Love was a word that could hurt people. She couldn't blame youngest sister-in-law for such a big change in temperament. When father-in-law was looking for a son-in-law for youngest sister-in-law, many people came to propose marriage. As a result, there were thousands of choices. In the end, the Yuan family was chosen. Nobody expected this outcome, but there was nothing to be done about it.

Mrs. Liu-Xie cleared her throat. "Forget it, let's not talk about the past. Qingyun is a lucky person. In the future, it will be very peaceful and smooth."

Mrs. Liu-Fang remembered the property in Liu Qingyun's hands, and her sympathy vanished. This was the benefit a daughter from an aristocratic family received. Even if she was separated from her husband's family, her dowry and private property would be enough for her to live on for several lifetimes. She was really jealous of Liu Qingyun, so there was no need to sympathise with her!

"Thanks for sister-in-law Cheng's blessings. Sister-in-law, since you are here, why not stay for a few more days and see how my manor is?" Li Su said with a smile.

Mrs. Liu-Xie smiled. "There's no need to look. I know it must be very good. There are many things to do at home, so no one can leave. We will leave tomorrow. We are just here to see if you're doing well. We will go back and let your brothers know. Don't worry, when it gets hotter, I'll definitely come to your place to escape the summer heat. Your nephews and grand-nephews will also come. I wonder if Qingyun would welcome them?"

Li Su smiled and said, "If sister-in-law comes, it will be an honor for Qingyun." She also knew that Rome wasn't built in a day, and likewise, it wouldn't take just a day's worth of work to improve the relationship with her sisters-in-law.

She had long thought about uniting all the forces that could be united, especially the Liu family. This was so that she could live safely in this fantasy world.

"Then it's settled," Mrs. Liu-Xie said with a smile.

When the other sister-in-law saw that eldest sister-in-law had made a statement, they naturally followed suit. "What about us?"

"If the sisters-in-law are willing to come, Qingyun will sweep the couch to greet all of you," Li Su said sincerely.

Mrs. Liu-Xie and others laughed.

When Mrs. Liu-Xie and others left, their attitude became friendlier. Mrs. Liu-Xie even took Li Su's hand and warned her a lot. Li Su also listened to them one by one.

Although she would not do as they instructed in the future, but at least their attitude was sincere.

After sending them off, Li Su did not leave the house and raised her baby with peace of mind.

Seven months later, Li Su gave birth to a healthy baby boy after a day and a night of pain. Because the relationship with her brothers and sisters-in-law had been repaired during this time, when Li Su was about to give birth, several of them came. When Li Su gave birth, the brothers stayed outside the delivery room, and the sisters-in-law went in to help.

When they heard the baby cry, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Qingwu stroked his beard. His grandsons had already had several children, but this was the first time that he had been waiting anxiously outside the delivery room all night like today.

"Listen to this voice. It is a strong one," Liu Qingwu said. "I have thought of several names for my nephew. You can help me to see which one is suitable."

"Eldest brother, don't reveal your incompetence. Our combined literary talents can't compare to Qingyun. Let Qingyun choose the name of your nephew!" said Liu Qingtong, the second child of the Liu family.

"Eldest brother, did you really not tell the Yuan family about Qingyun's pregnancy?" Liu Qingsong, the third eldest of the Liu family, was a little worried.

"Third older brother, aren't you confused? The Yuan family broke their promise first. They insulted my Liu family, and we are very righteous in not asking him to settle accounts. Besides, Qingyun has divorced Yuan Dao. They now have nothing to do with each other, so what more is there to say?" said Liu Qingbai, the fourth son of the Liu family.

When Mrs. Liu-Xie came out of the delivery room, she happened to hear the Liu brothers' argument. She shook her head helplessly. Speaking of names, Mrs. Liu-Xie also found it funny. Her deceased father-in-law was really partial. The names of the Liu brothers had the character for wood in the second character of their first name1. When her deceased father-in-law named his beloved daughter, there was a drastic difference. One was in the earth and the other was in the heavens.

"Qingyun said it, the nephew's first name will be Xian, so his name will be Liu Xian. His childhood nickname will be Immortal Stays2," Mrs. Liu-Xie said with a smile.

"Liu Xian. Immortal Stays." Liu Qingwu stroked his beard. "It's a good name."

"It's not bad. Little sister is still so narrow," Liu Qingbai muttered.

Liu Xian's name was settled like this.

The Liu brothers went back first after the ceremony held after the baby was given a bath on the 3rd day after he was born. They would come back for the 1 month ceremony. Mrs. Liu-Xie and several sisters-in-law stayed.

In ancient times, there were many taboos when in the confinement period. This and that were not allowed. Li Su had to do things one by one, and it was hard to endure. However, she also knew that this place could not compare to modern times. The medical level here was not as advanced, so it was better to be careful. She would just endure it for a month.

One day, Mrs. Liu-Fang came in with high spirits. "Qingyun, have you heard? There was a big incident in the Yuan family. Yuan Dao's equal wife, what was her name? Su Wanrong? She gave birth to a pair of twins. It was a pity that the son died. I really want to see what Yuan Dao and his parents look like now."

Qingwu, Liu Qingtong, Liu Qingsong, and Liu Qingbai. The Liu Qing part of all their names, along with Liu Qingyun, are the same 2 characters, the Liu surname (柳) and the Qing for the first part of the first name (青). Qingwu (青梧), Qingtong (青桐), Qingsong (青松), and Qingbai (青柏) all have the character for wood (木) in the left side of the second character and wood is related to earth. Qingyun's (青雲) second character means cloud, which is up in the heavens. Mrs. Liu-Xie is referring to the wood (earth) versus the cloud (heavens), so a difference like heaven and earth.↩

Stays (留仙, Liú Xiān) has the same pronunciation as his actual name Liu Xian (Liǔ Xiān).↩

Chapter 252 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 4)

Mrs. Liu-Fang looked at Li Su again. "Qingyun, have you ever thought about sending Liu Xian back to the Yuan family? Liu Xian is the eldest son of the Yuan family and the heir to the Yuan family. How can you easily cheat others?"

Mrs. Liu-Xie then came over. "Fourth younger brother and fourth younger sister, you are not well-informed!" Liu Qingwu and Mrs. Liu-Xie talked a lot, so Mrs. Liu-Xie did not want to let Immortal Stays go back to the Yuan family and recognise those ancestors. The things that her father-in-law left behind couldn't be left for others.

"Eldest sister-in-law, what do you mean?" Mrs. Liu-Fang asked in confusion.

"Don't you know? Last night, an immortal went to the Yuan family and said that the living girl from the twins bones were good and that she would be a promising cultivator, accepted her as a disciple, and took her away," said Mrs. Liu-Xie.

Li Su understood that what eldest sister-in-law said was not only for fourth sister-in-law to hear, but more for herself.

Li Su smiled slightly. "I have divorced Yuan Dao. What does the Yuan family have to do with me?"

Mrs. Liu-Xie nodded with satisfaction. "That's good. Now that you have done it, don't regret it. Otherwise, what would be the point of everything you have done so far?"

Mrs. Liu-Fang didn't care about the deep meaning in Mrs. Liu-Xie's and Li Su's words. Her mind was full of the fact that an immortal had arrived. "I didn't expect the Yuan family to have such a fortuitous encounter!"

"There was an immortal cultivator that was an ancestor of the Su family. It is not surprising for them to have this fortuitous encounter. It is said that the Su family also has a practice method left by the immortals. Those who practice this practice method can strengthen their health and prolong their life. Yuan Dao asked to marry Su Wanrong for this practice method. But over the years, the Su family had not seen any extraordinary talents. Apart from this method, there were no other fortuitous encounters. It is said that, when a man gets to the top, all his friends and family go there with him. I don't think that's the case," Li Su said.

Mrs. Liu-Xie nodded. "Qingyun is right."

However, Mrs. Liu-Fang was a little disapproving. She thought that Li Su was just jealous.

Li Su didn't care what Mrs. Liu-Fang thought. She had already done what she could. As long as she didn't take the initiative to provoke the cultivators and the Yuan family, she didn't believe that they could still control her.

Although the story didn't explain Yuan Ru's fate, but until the end, Yuan Ru never appeared. She didn't know whether Yuan Ru went to cultivate, or because she intervened in the life and death of mortals without authorisation, was stripped of her abilities and was punished by the heavens. As for Yuan Ye, he probably knew what happened to Yuan Ru, and he took it as a warning. When he was cultivating, he never interfered in the affairs of mortals. Even when his sons were in danger, he didn't take action. He truly cut off earthly bonds and love.

Yuan Ye was a real cultivator! If cultivators relied on their own cultivation to interfere in the life and death of mortals at will, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

At this time, in the Yuan family's West Garden, Su Wanrong was still in her confinement period. Her whole body was in pain. She knew that it was because of the wind last night. But even so, she was still happy.

She gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, but the son died, and the daughter lived. When she was desperate, an immortal suddenly came and took her daughter away.

Although Su Wanrong was reluctant to part with her daughter, she knew that this was the best ending.

"Madam, the master is here," Yuli, the maid, said softly.

Su Wanrong quickly stretched out her arms and gestured to get up. "Quickly help me up."

"Lie down, don't get up." Yuan Dao stepped forward. When he saw that she was about to get up, he hurried over and pressed her back down on the bed.

"Husband," Su Wanrong said softly.

"You need to rest. There is no need for such formalities," Yuan Dao said softly. His first son died as soon as he was born, and Yuan Dao was very sad, but his daughter was accepted as a disciple by an immortal. It was a happy thing.

Su Wanrong hesitated to speak, but Yuan Dao held her hand. "You don't need to say more. I understand in my heart that you and I are still young. There will be opportunities in the future."

Su Wanrong's nose tingled and she almost burst into tears. Since Mrs. Liu and her husband divorced, her pressure had suddenly increased a lot. Everyone's eyes were focussed on her. It was as if they were all watching to see how virtuous she was and what kind of ability she had that made her husband divorce Mrs. Liu for her.

Only the heavens knew that she was innocent. She didn't do anything!

It was Mrs. Liu who wanted to divorce and her husband agreed. What did it have to do with her? From the beginning to the end, no one asked her opinion. Why was it all her fault in the end?

It wasn't just others, but also her husband, father-in-law, and mother-in-law who were all focussed on her stomach. That attention made Su Wanrong unable to breathe. She gave birth to a pair of twins, and before she could sigh in relief, her son was dead upon birth. The dragon had died, but the phoenix lived. Was this the heavens punishing her? What did she do wrong?

Yuan Dao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart when he saw Su Wanrong like this. He couldn't say what he was going to say just now. He could only comfort her. "Don't think too much. It will get better in the future."

Before coming here, Mother and Father Yuan had told him that they would give Su Wanrong another two years. If she could not give birth to a legitimate son, she would have to let Yuan Dao take a concubine.

But after seeing Su Wanrong, Yuan Dao didn't want to put any more pressure on her. Although he also desperately wanted to have an heir, he had let down one woman. He couldn't let another one down.

After hearing Yuan Dao's words, Su Wanrong felt much better. "I know. Thank you, husband."

"Rest well. Don't worry about Lan'er. Mother will take good care of Lan'er," Yuan Dao said.

Su Wanrong nodded.

"Master! Master!" Yuhu called softly.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Dao asked.

"The servant Mo, who serves the old master, came and said that the old master wants to talk to master about something so servant Mo is asking master to hurry up," Yuhu said.

Yuan Dao frowned. He just came from his father. What was the matter?

"Father is looking for you. It must be an urgent matter. You should go quickly. I'll be fine," Su Wanrong said thoughtfully.

"Okay, rest well. I'll see you later in the evening." Yuan Dao tucked the quilt around her.

Su Wanrong looked at Yuan Dao's handsome face. She felt his tenderness, and felt extremely anxious. "Mm, husband, walk slowly."

Yuan Dao nodded and walked out.

When he arrived at Lofty Purple Hall, he saw Mother and Father Yuan sitting with serious expressions on their faces.

"Father, mother, what's wrong?" Yuan Dao asked.

"Housekeeper, tell him," said Father Yuan.

The housekeeper stood by, bowed and said, "Yes. This old servant's grandniece is married to the youngest son of Madam Liu. This time, when Madam Liu left the residence, this old servant's grandniece also followed her. A few days ago, she went home to see her relatives and said…"

"What?!" Yuan Dao said impatiently.

"She said that Madam Liu is pregnant. If the time has been calculated correctly, she should have given birth in the last few days! After this old servant found out, this old servant knew that it was a big deal, so this old servant didn't dare to neglect this matter. This old servant quickly ordered this old servant's son to inquire, but the gate of the Lotus Manor was tight. There was no way of inquiring. This old servant had to ask this old servant's grandniece to hurry back and find out. Just now, this old servant's grandniece ordered someone to send a letter back. It is said that Madam Liu gave birth to a son safely ten days ago." The housekeeper lowered his head after speaking.

Yuan Dao stood up. "What did you say? Are you sure?"

The housekeeper didn't speak, but his expression said everything.

Yuan Dao paced back and forth. What did Liu Qingyun mean? She was already pregnant when she divorced him. She didn't tell the truth and insisted on divorcing him. Furthermore, she would have had a legitimate son and her position would have been stable. No matter whether Wanrong gave birth to a son or daughter, it would not have affected her. Why did she insist on divorcing?

Was it to make him regret it? Yuan Dao thought so.

"Okay, don't leave. I feel dizzy," Mother Yuan said while holding her forehead.

"Dao'er, what are your plans now?" Father Yuan asked.

"What's the plan? Of course, it should be to bring back my good grandson," Mother Yuan said immediately.

Father Yuan glanced at her helplessly, "How could it be so easy? Mrs. Liu has already divorced Dao'er. If you rush over to ask, will they give it to you? Could it be that the Yuan and Liu families will have to go to court?"

"In any case, I have to go there in person. I want to confirm whether this is true," Yuan Dao said resolutely.

Father Yuan pondered for a while, then nodded. "That is a good idea. Go!"

In West Garden, Su Wanrong was still waiting for Yuan Dao to come and see her, but after waiting for a long time, no one came. Yuli persuaded, "Madam should rest. Madam should not worry about it now."

"Yuli, go and find out what happened. Where is the master?" Su Wanrong was worried. She felt that something had happened.

Yuli and Yuhu looked at each other. They wondered if they should tell the madam about the master's departure.

Seeing this, Su Wanrong immediately understood that something had happened. "Tell me. What happened to the master?"

Yuli thought about it for a while, and then said, "I heard from the concierge that the master seems to have something important to do. In the afternoon, he left the house in a hurry."

Su Wanrong frowned. In the past, the master would tell her wherever he went. What happened this time?

"Yuhu, see if you can find out why the master went out," Su Wanrong instructed softly.

"Yes. Madam, take a break now and take care of your body," Yuhu quickly responded.

But after Su Wanrong fell asleep, Yuhu and Yuli went out. Yuhu sighed while frowning. Since Mrs. Liu and the master divorced, the people in the mansion have stared at West Garden wherever they went. It was not as convenient for them to do things in the mansion as before.

It was similar to inquiring about the whereabouts of the master. Before, they didn't have to open their mouths. As long as they found a person serving the master, they would take the initiative to tell them. Now…

Yuli persuaded, "Go ahead and try it. Aren't you close to Shouyi, who is next to the master? Go and ask him."

Yuhu rolled her eyes at Yuli. "If Shouyi is in the mansion, of course I don't have to worry. Isn't that why he's not here?" Li Shouyi served the master from a young age and the master trusted him greatly. After she entered the manor with the madam, she approached Li Shouyi and became good friends with him. Li Shouyi looked good and had a future. She was willing in her heart.

"Ah? Shouyi also went with him? That's fine. When master returns, you can go to Shouyi again. Then, wouldn't you know everything?" Yuli said after thinking for a while.

"But what if the madam asks again tomorrow? How should I answer?" Yuhu asked.

"It's okay. Tomorrow, I'll go to the old madam's place to pick up the eldest young lady. When the madam sees the eldest young lady, she won't have any other thoughts. It's okay to put it off for a while, but if it's really not good, just say it!" Yuli said.

Yuhu sighed. It could only be like this.

Chapter 253 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 5)

When Yuan Dao arrived at Lotus Manor, it happened to be the one month celebration of Immortal Stays.

Lotus Manor was lit up with colourful lanterns, and everyone was beaming with joy.

The Liu family had gathered together and were laughing.

Li Su happily took a bath in the morning. At this time, her face was radiant and she came out with her son in her arms. There were several children around her, some called her paternal aunt, and some called her paternal grandaunt. They were all chattering and it was very lively.

Li Su knew that the purpose of these children surrounding her was not because they liked her to be close to her, but because of the white granulated sugar she had.

Yes, only after she transmigrated here did she realise that there was no white sugar here. Sugar here was all cane sugar. It was not refined and did not have a nice colour.

When Li Su wrote online in her last life, she learned about the production method of white sugar online. After transmigrating over, she ordered her workshop to use sugar cane and beets as raw materials to make white granulated sugar. It had to be juiced, filtered, have impurities removed, cleared up, concentrated into crystals, removal of the honey, washing of the sugar, and finally dried. Only then was white granulated sugar produced.

It took seven months to make five catties of white granulated sugar. Although the colour and taste were still not as good as during modern times, but for now, it was already very good. The world had never seen such a white candy like snow. The Liu family was also an aristocratic family and were well-informed, but when the older brothers saw the white granulated sugar for the first time, they were still shocked for a long time.

Li Su knew that she could not keep this recipe alone. So, she chose to cooperate with the Liu family. Not only could she make money, but she could also make good friends with the family. With common interests, the Liu family would be on her side completely.

The Liu family's brothers knew the interests here, and they were overjoyed. They had forgotten all the past grudges. They had a good younger sister who was very affectionate.

Even her relationships with her sisters-in-law were quite intimate.

Of course, the happiest are those young nieces and nephews, who pestered Li Su every day, wanting to taste that snowflake candy again.

"Okay, don't bother little aunt. Although there is no snowflake candy today, there are snacks sprinkled with snowflake candy. If you want to eat it, go to Aunt Cuizhu," Li Su said helplessly.

"Oh! That's great." The children cheered and ran.

Mrs. Liu-Xie smiled and took the swaddle, "Don't spoil them. The snowflake candy is so expensive. It's a waste."

"No matter how precious things are, aren't people even more so? Isn't it all for the sake of the children that we earn all this money?" Li Su laughed.

Mrs. Liu-Fang smiled and said, "I loved what Qingyun said!"

Just as she was talking, the concierge suddenly came to report that a servant from the Yuan family was here.

Everyone frowned and looked at Li Su.

Before Li Su could speak, Liu Qingwu said first, "I will send him off."

If it was before, Liu Qingwu would not have done so.

"I will have to trouble eldest brother." Li Su nodded.

"It's fine. This is what eldest brother should do. We should not treat each other as outsiders."

After Liu Qingwu left, Li Su frowned. "Jinzhu, go find out who has been out of the manor recently. When I find out, I will take care of the whole family." Now, it was just the news of her childbirth that had been told to the Yuan family, so she could still handle it. If the snowflake candy had been leaked that day, how would she deal with it?

Liu Qingtong also knew the stakes here. "It's a big deal. Let the housekeeper check it out together. He has followed father for many years and knows some things about prisons. He should be able to help."

Li Su nodded. "Okay."

After a while, it was found out. Li Su accompanied the youngest daughter-in-law of Zhou Qi's family, Mrs. Qin, who had just returned home to visit relatives. It was found that Mrs. Qin's great-uncle was Qin Zhong, the housekeeper of the Yuan family.

Without any hesitation, Li Su immediately ordered Zhou Qi's family to be guarded and tortured, especially Mrs. Qin. They wanted to make sure they knew how much she revealed to the outside world.

"Young miss, don't worry. The matter of the white granulated sugar is still a secret. Zhou Qi's family was only in charge of the farm, so they never knew about it," Cuizhu comforted.

Li Su frowned. She was negligent about this matter. After she transmigrated, she focussed on raising the baby and forgot about this.

Mrs. Liu-Xie and others also expressed their relief.

Fortunately, the final result was quite satisfactory. Not long after Mrs. Qin's entry into the family, Zhou Qi's family were still a little wary of her, so not much was known. As for the matter of sugar, Zhou Qi didn't know, let alone Mrs. Qin. The only thing Mrs. Qin leaked was that Li Su gave birth to a child.

As soon as the incident came out, Zhou Qi and his wife immediately tied up their youngest son, beat him 20 times, and punished him for not being strict with his wife. He wasn't even given medicine or seen by a doctor. As for Mrs. Qin, she was handed over to Jinzhu and the housekeeper. there was nothing else to say.

Then the whole family knelt down in their yard to plead guilty.

Zhou Qi was an old man in the mansion, and several of his older brothers were still running errands in various courtyards of the Liu mansion. The whole family was honest.

The reason why he married Mrs. Qin to his youngest son was out of consideration for his master's family. Jinzhu also knew about this.

Li Su also understood this point. "Forget it. Zhou Qi didn't know about this matter, but he was also lax. Now, I don't dare to use him here anymore. He is also an old man in the house and his relatives are all working in the mansion. Why don't his older brothers bring his family back to the mansion and find something for him to do? As for Mrs. Qin…"

"Zhou Qi's youngest son has signed the release letter and divorced Mrs. Qin," Jinzhu said.

"Is her life contract here?" Mrs. Liu-Fang asked.

Jinzhu nodded.

"Fill the mute medicine. Find a middleman and sell this girl who misses her old master," Mrs. Liu-Fang said.

Jinzhu looked at Li Su. Seeing that Li Su had no objection, she nodded.

"Okay. It's fine if it's not a big deal. Today is a good day for our Immortal Stays. Don't be angry!" Mrs. Liu-Xie said in a roundabout way.

It happened that Immortal Stays, who was in her arms, called out a few times. Li Su looked down. "Immortal Stays, are you hungry? The wet nurse will be here soon."

Immortal Stays' wet nurse was Jinzhu's second older sister. In addition to her, there were two wet nurses which Li Su chose when she was still pregnant.

Li Su had the intention to breastfeed, but unfortunately, she had no milk. She tried a lot of milk-based soups, but it still didn't work.

Over there, Liu Qingwu invited Yuan Dao to come in to sit down to drink tea in Flower Hall.

Yuan Dao saw that only Liu Qingwu came out, and frowned slightly. "Brother Liu, Qingyun, she…"

"Hey, Assistant Minister Yuan, you and younger sister have already divorced, so it's not good to call younger sister by her name," Liu Qingwu said while stroking his beard.

"Brother Liu, you and I both understand people. I came here and only want to know one thing. Did Qingyun have a child? Is the child she gave birth to my flesh and blood?" Yuan Dao looked directly at Liu Qingwu.

Liu Qingwu smiled slightly. "My younger sister did give birth to a son. His first name is Xian, and his nickname is Immortal Stays."

A flash of ecstasy was seen in Yuan Dao's eyes. He had a son!

"But this child's surname is Liu, and it has nothing to do with Assistant Minister Yuan. Assistant Minister Yuan already has a daughter who was accepted as an apprentice by an immortal. With this, do you still worry about not having a son in the future? Presumably, Assistant Minister Yuan's son must be very intelligent and extraordinary. My family's Immortal Stays can't possibly compare," Liu Qingwu said without waiting for Yuan Dao to get angry.

Having said that, Yuan Dao was still very angry. At the same time, Yuan Dao felt a little strange in his heart. Liu Qingwu and Qingyun were not very close, so why was his attitude so firm this time? "Brother Liu, don't deceive people too much!"

"You and I know exactly who is deceiving people too much. What did you say when you came to propose marriage? There would be no other women in this life! What happened? Hmph, as soon as my father dies, you married an equal wife. Where did you place younger sister and the Liu family?" Liu Qingwu said bluntly. He just hadn't declared that Yuan Dao had betrayed them.

"That's because Qingyun was infertile!" As soon as Yuan Dao said it, he knew that he had said the wrong thing!

"It turns out that younger sister can give birth! I now suspect that the reason why younger sister and you had not had children for a few years after being married was because there was someone who was making trouble! Under such circ*mstances, how could I let Immortal Stays go to your Yuan family?! It's not as if the Liu family can't afford it!" Liu Qingwu said immediately.

Yuan Dao's face was dark, and he was speechless. Was Liu Qingwu a good person? When he married an equal wife, he consulted the Liu family. They agreed at the time. Now that he was here to talk about it, didn't Liu Qingwu feel conflicted?

Liu Qingwu didn't care what Yuan Dao thought. He looked at Yuan Dao proudly. "Assistant Minister Yuan, this is the end of the matter. It is useless to talk too much. Just like what he said in the book of divorce, you two should go your separate ways and everyone will be happy. Now that you have a wife and daughter, why worry about not having a legitimate son in the future? Why bother?"

Yuan Dao's expression sank. "I understand what Brother Liu means. Farewell!" Yuan Dao was also a man with a temper. With the Liu family showing such an attitude, he would not stay here to further humiliate himself! He would like to see how long Imperial Tutor Liu's legacy will be able to protect the Liu family. How long could the Liu family run rampant? Liu Qingyun left him and left the Yuan family. What could she do?

Standing outside the gate of Lotus Manor, Yuan Dao looked back at the manor, which was brightly lit, then turned around and left.

Yuan Dao came and left in a hurry, which did not bother Li Su at all.

Li Su was a little tired of living in Lotus Manor. She sorted out the property under her name during this time, and found that she had many houses and manors under her name. If she lived in each of them for a month, it would take a few years before she went through them all. She didn't want to be stuck in one place all the time. However, when she looked at her son, who was sleeping soundly in the crib, Li Su could only dispel the idea.

Immortal Stays was still young, and children couldn't stand being jolted around. In her last life, she had planned to buy more medicine and put them in the space in case she needed it. But, when she was buying medicine at the pharmacy, a word from the pharmacist sobered her up.

The other party said, "Why are you buying so many medicines? These medicines have an expiration date and they shouldn't be taken after they expire."

It was only then that Li Su remembered that, although her space had a fresh-keeping function, fresh-keeping was relative to food. She didn't know if it would work for storing medicines. If it didn't work, then the medicine would expire and it could harm rather than help. She didn't dare to take this risk, so she had to give up the idea.

"Young miss." Cuizhu walked in in a hurry. Yuzhu winked at her anxiously. "Shh!" Then she pointed to the sleeping young master.

Cuizhu quickly covered her mouth.

Seeing her reckless appearance, Li Su was speechless. She got up and went out.

The servant girls around her were named Jinzhu, Yuzhu, Cuizhu, Hongzhu, and Lüzhu, and their names were very tacky1. They were unlike the names of the girls who were around Su Wanrong. They all started with Yu2. The Yuan family and some subordinates had ridiculed the original owner for this.

They did not know that the names of the girls around the original owner were all named by Father Liu. The word Zhu was a reference to the original owner being a pearl in Father Liu's palm.

Although the original owner was ambitious and proud, she was very filial to her father. Although she also felt that these names were unpleasant, she never thought of changing the names of the female servants.

Zhu in all the names means pearl. Jinzhu (gold pearl), Yuzhu (jade pearl), Cuizhu (emerald pearl), Hongzhu (red pearl), and Lüzhu (green pearl). Not sure how this is tacky.↩

(玉) the character for jade.

Chapter 254 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 6)

"Tell me what happened," Li Su said while she looked at Cuizhu.

"This servant heard something. This servant isn't sure if this servant should tell the young miss." Cuizhu wanted to tell the young miss, but after seeing the young master, she hesitated. The young miss was now much happier than when she was with the Yuan family, so she didn't want to disturb the young miss.

Li Su smiled helplessly. "What do you think?"

"I think it's better not to know, miss. It's not a big deal and it has nothing to do with us," Cuizhu said after thinking about it.

Li Su held back a smile. "Okay, let me hear it."

Cuizhu glanced at Li Su hesitantly. "Young miss, do you really want to listen?"

"You're becoming more and more like a petty official. The young miss asks you to say what you want!" Lüzhu brought a bowl of milk to Li Su and stared at Cuizhu.

Cuizhu pouted. "It's like this… This servant heard from Aunt Qian, who is in charge of purchasing, that Yuan Dao was going to take in another concubine again."

Li Su frowned slightly. Yuan Dao wanted to take a concubine? What the hell happened? Wasn't he more in love with Su Wanrong than gold? Why was he taking a concubine again?

"What does Yuan Dao's concubine have to do with us?! Young miss, don't take this matter to heart." Lüzhu quickly looked at Li Su's face.

Li Su relaxed and patted Lüzhu's hand. The girls around her were loyal to her and put her first in everything. Every time Li Su thought of this, she was a little puzzled. After the death of the original owner, how could these girls sit and watch the Yuan family steal Liu Qingyun's dowry and ignore Yuan Xian? This was really a mystery.

"Lüzhu is right. The Yuan family's affairs have nothing to do with us. But Cuizhu did the right thing, and we still have to be careful with the Yuan family. We don't want to be caught off guard," Li Su said.

When Cuizhu was scolded by Lüzhu, she thought she had done something wrong and was depressed, but after hearing what Li Su said, she was happy again.

After Cuizhu left happily, Lüzhu said softly, "The young miss has spoiled Lüzhu."

"How is this spoiling? We grew up together. In my heart, all of you are different from others. All of you are closer than my brothers. Now that I have said that, let me say a few more words. How old are all of you? What are your plans? No matter what you all want to do, I will support you. Whether you get married or want to leave, as long as you say it, I will support you." Li Su pulled on Lüzhu and sat down beside her.

Lüzhu shook her head. "I don't know about others, but I'm not going anywhere. I'll follow the young miss. I don't want to get married either." What was so good about getting married? A good person like the young miss was still bullied by the one surnamed Yuan. Besides, getting married meant serving his family. It was better to follow the young miss.

Li Su sighed helplessly. " Lüzhu, you don't need to not want to get married just because I haven't met a sweetheart!"

"It has nothing to do with the young miss," Lüzhu quickly explained. "I don't want to get married anyway. The few of us, except for Jinzhu who has her family, are all alone. If the master had not taken us in and taught us to read and write, who knows what would have happened to us? We swore before the master that we would serve the young miss for the rest of our lives and that we would not go anywhere."

Afraid that Li Su would misunderstand, Lüzhu quickly explained.

Li Su didn't expect that there was another reason. She was a little speechless. "Who said that a married person had to leave me? A married person can still serve by my side!"

"Anyway, I don't want to get married." Lüzhu whispered. The young miss had always been kind to them and they were very comfortable in front of the young miss.

Just as Li Su was about to persuade her again, Immortal Stays' cries came from the room. Lüzhu quickly stood up and ran to the curtain. "Young miss, come in quickly. The young master is looking for you."

Li Su glanced at her angrily. "Okay, that's all for today. I stand by what I said. If you change your mind, feel free to tell me."

Lüzhu laughed.

In the Yuan family, Su Wanrong also knew why Yuan Dao went out at that time. At the same time, she also knew that Yuan Dao wanted to take a concubine.

Su Wanrong covered her face with a veil and cried. After crying, she was the dignified and steady Mrs. Yuan-Su again.

Probably to appease her, Yuan Dao discussed things with Mother and Father Yuan and gave her the power over the household. He also promised her that if the concubine gave birth to a child in the future, it would be recorded in her name.

But Su Wanrong didn't want to have a concubine's child. It wasn't as if she couldn't have a baby! Since she could give birth to a daughter who was accepted as an apprentice by an immortal, she could still give birth to a son!

But she dared not express her true feelings because these ideas were not in line with her usual image. Yes, her consistent image after marrying into the Yuan family was that she was indifferent to the world, that she was dignified and generous, stable and decent. She didn't have to do anything. As long as she maintained her image and was herself, others will have to flatter her.

And what happened after that was just as she imagined, except for the emergence of the variable Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu's divorce completely disrupted all her plans. Things started to develop in a direction that she couldn't control and now it was getting out of control.

For example, Mrs. Liu gave birth to a son before her, and now, the husband was motivated to take a concubine.

If Mrs. Liu had not yet divorced, even if she gave birth to a son before her, Su Wanrong would have a way to turn the situation around. But now that Mrs. Liu had divorced, she exited the game and she lost control.

She could no longer hide behind Mrs. Liu and use Mrs. Liu's mistakes to her advantage Instead, she herself became a target. She could not act recklessly and was restrained everywhere.

"Madam!" Yuli looked at Su Wanrong, worried.

"What's the matter?" Su Wanrong was sitting in front of the mirror doing makeup.

"The eldest young master sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that madam is not well, and to please go back when you have time," Yuli said before lowering her head. She did not dare to look at Su Wanrong's face.

Su Wanrong opened her eyes. She knew very well that her not feeling well was just an excuse. Someone must have begged her for something, and she kindly agreed. But her dad was free from corruption and was devoted to becoming an immortal, and so he ignored commonplace affairs. He only became a little fanatical when he learned that Ru'er was picked up by the immortal. After he asked for the details and learned that the immortal did not leave anything, he went back to his former calm self. Her elder brother did not live up to his expectations. He was only a seventh-rank official and he was powerless. Now, she could only rely on herself and the Yuan family.

She had always been a filial daughter. She couldn't be impatient or angry. Therefore, no matter what excessive demands mother made, she would do her best to help if she could. If it was really impossible, she had to patiently and gently explain it to mother.

Su Wanrong slowly exhaled. "Got it. Tell him that I will take Lan'er back to the house tomorrow."

When Su Wanrong paid her respects in Lofty Purple Hall, Father Yuan had gone out and only Mother Yuan was there. Su Wanrong said that her mother was ill and that she wanted to go home tomorrow.

Mother Yuan agreed quickly. Mother Yuan, however, was a little unhappy when she said that she wanted to bring Yuan Lan with her. "Lan'er is still young. Your own mother is sick, so why would you take Lan'er there?!"

Su Wanrong had no intention of arguing with Mother Yuan over such trivial matters, so she docilely answered.

Seeing her like this, Mother Yuan felt a little uneasy when she thought of how things must have felt like to Su Wanrong recently. "I've wronged you about Dao'er taking a concubine. It's just that Dao'er is approaching his thirties now. He has only two daughters and no sons. You are the madam of the Yuan family, and your children will be the heirs to the Yuan family. This is just to shut the mouths of others."

Su Wanrong nodded lightly. "Daughter-in-law understands. Mother can rest assured."

"When you do things, mother will naturally rest assured. Since your mother is ill, I have a hundred-year-old ginseng in my warehouse. You can bring it home tomorrow to help your mother's body." Mother Yuan smiled.

"Thank you, mother." Su Wanrong quickly stood up and thanked Mother Yuan.

Mother Yuan nodded with a smile. She could only feel like a mother-in-law in front of Su Wanrong. If it had been Liu Qingyun, Liu Qingyun would not have taken the 100 year old ginseng seriously. Liu Qingyun had hundreds of 100 year old ginseng in her warehouse, so she would not have cared about just one 100 year old ginseng.

Su Wanrong had lunch at her mother's house and came back in a hurry. There was some difficulty in what her mother entrusted to her. She explained it to her in a good voice, but her sister-in-law was talking too much. She had almost lost her composure, and the image she had worked so hard on for so many years had almost been destroyed. Fortunately, she held back at the last minute. Anyway, she saw that 100 year old ginseng again.

When Su Wanrong returned to the mansion, according to the rules, she went to Lofty Purple Hall to talk to Mother Yuan. Although Mother Yuan had said that the family did not have to follow the rules too much many times, Su Wanrong still insisted. Su Wanrong had truly achieved "you must tell your parents when you leave, and you must meet your parents when you return so they do not worry", which is what she had always been praised for.

Su Wanrong walked to the door and heard Mother Yuan's voice inside. "This one is surnamed Li, and at first glance, she looks like a man. Her mother gave birth to eight sons and two daughters. Her older sister also gave birth to three sons for her husband's family after she married. And this one is surnamed Yang. The female elders of her father's and mother's families are very fertile. There are six brothers and sisters in the family. And this, this, are all carefully selected by mother. Which one do you like? Or do you want to bring them all into the house?"

Su Wanrong held her breath and listened quietly. She wanted to know what her husband would say.

"No need, that's it! No matter if it is a legitimate or illegitimate offspring, I must have a son." Yuan Dao also knew that his current state was a bit wrong and it was unfair to Wanrong, but he had this desire in his heart and had nowhere to vent. He desperately needed a son to prove his disdain for that child.

Su Wanrong's heart sank slightly. When Mrs. Liu was here, she thought that her husband treated her differently. Only now did she know that nothing was different.

Su Wanrong took a few steps back and looked at Yuli. Yuli understood, increased her steps, and said loudly, "Madam, slow down and pay attention to your feet."

The mother and son looked up at the same time.

When Su Wanrong entered, there were no traces left in the room. The mother and son were drinking tea, as if what she had just heard was a hallucination.

In fact, if Mother Yuan and Yuan Dao had discussed with her the choice of a concubine, perhaps Su Wanrong would not feel so uncomfortable. However, with their attitude now, Su Wanrong felt a little uncomfortable. Now, she tasted a bit of Mrs Liu's suffering. It turned out that being ignored and not respected by others felt like this!

Chapter 255 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 7)

A year later, Yuan Dao finally had a son. The Yuan family was so happy that they held a banquet.

Yuan Dao deliberately asked people to send invitations to Lotus Manor, but nobody was there. Li Su and her son were not at the Lotus Manor.

After he inquired carefully, he found out that they lived at different places throughout the year. They lived in Lotus Manor in summer. If he wanted to find them at Lotus Manor, he would have to come back next summer!

When the visitor came back and said this, the Yuan family was silent.

Especially Yuan Dao. He originally wanted to show off his son. He wanted to show that he did not care, that without Liu Qingyun, someone else would give birth to his son.

Su Wanrong's heart was also a little sour. It was really extravagant to change residence every season! She remembered that when she entered the Yuan family, her husband had mentioned to her that he would give her a manor in a few years. But now a few years had passed and the words lingered, but there was no manor in sight.

Suddenly there was the cry of the baby. The nursing mother carried the baby over. "The young master misses the madam. Madam, give the young master a hug!"

As soon as the child was born, he was carried to Su Wanrong's side, and he was recorded under Su Wanrong's name.

Su Wanrong looked at the child, and subconsciously avoided it. A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. Seeing this, Yuli hurried over to support her arm. "Are you feeling sick again, madam?"

Yuan Dao had been paying attention to his son's situation, and naturally saw Su Wanrong's actions. He was originally a little unhappy, but when he heard Yuli say this, Yuan Dao immediately asked, concerned, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Why does your face not look good?" Then, he naturally stretched out his hand to support Su Wanrong.

He still liked Su Wanrong a lot. Although Su Wanrong was not as beautiful as Liu Qingyun, nor did she have the talents of Liu Qingyun, but she was gentle and dignified, and she was submissive and obedient. Su Wanrong satisfied Yuan Dao's imagination of a wife and a woman.

Su Wanrong didn't speak. Yuli helped her out. "Madam is very uncomfortable these days. This servant wanted to persuade the madam to find a doctor. But the madam said that these few days are good days for the young master, so she didn't want to disturb him. This servant will prepare to ask for the doctor in a few days."

Yuan Dao frowned. "If you feel unwell, you should ask for a doctor earlier. How can you delay it? Go and ask for a doctor!"

After the doctor came to see her, he only said that Su Wanrong was suffering from a cold. It was not a big problem. Su Wanrong just needed to take a few medicines.

Yuan Dao was a little relieved. After exchanging a few words, he went out to see his son. Of course, Mrs. Li, who gave birth to his eldest son, also had to be comforted. After taking her eldest son, she must get another son, so she would have a support in the future.

Yuan Dao asked himself to be fair.

Yuan Dao left. Su Wanrong was not disappointed, but relieved. She glanced at Yuli. Yuli understood and quietly caught up with the doctor. Yuli gave the doctor a purse. "Doctor, my madam's period is more than half a month late. Is it a sign of pregnancy?"

The doctor shook his head firmly. "No! This old man has been practicing medicine for more than ten years, and it is still possible to tell whether a woman has a pregnancy pulse. Not only does the madam not have a pregnancy pulse, I see that the madam is a little depressed and has irregular menstruation. Madam still has to open her heart. Maybe she can get her wish as soon as possible."

Yuli's face changed. She finally went back in a huff. She told the doctor's words to Su Wanrong. Su Wanrong was a little disappointed. Wasn't she pregnant? Since she had given birth last time, her period was somewhat inaccurate, either in early or late. But no matter whether it was early or late, it was only five or six days at most. This time, her period was half a month late, so she thought she was pregnant.

It turned out that she still wasn't!

Su Wanrong sighed. She saw that the eldest son who occupied her son's seat had already been born. If she could not have another son soon, it would be too late when this child grew up healthy. She must have a son, and it must be a son with her blood!

For Su Wanrong, there was no other way but that method.

"I know. You all leave!" Su Wanrong said calmly.

That night, Su Wanrong took out a stick of incense from the bottom of a box. She took out three sticks, then took out a dagger from under the pillow. She opened her clothes, endured the pain, pierced her chest, took a bit of blood from her heart, and dripped it on the burning incense. She then knelt down, facing the moon, and prayed sincerely.

When the incense was about to burn out, a girl stepped on the moonlight, landed in front of her, and waved gently. "Mother."

Then, she waved her hand again, and a medicine appeared over Su Wanrong's mouth.

Su Wanrong trustingly opened her mouth and swallowed the medicine. Suddenly, a warmth surrounded her body and the pain in her heart disappeared.

"Why did mother call me?" the girl asked.

"Ru'er, mother has no other way. You have to help mother!" Su Wanrong looked at her daughter greedily. According to the age in this world, her daughter was only 2 years old, but she looked like she was a 5- or 6-year-old child. Immortals were truly extraordinary.

Yuan Ru sighed in her heart. Needless to say, she understood what her mother meant. With a wave of her hand, a pill appeared on the coffee table beside Su Wanrong. "Have sex within seven days after taking it. When my younger brother is born, I will appear again."

Those few words were enough to make Su Wanrong smile.

Su Wanrong also knew how powerful it was. She found this soul-seeking incense in the warehouse of the old house when she was young. She didn't know what it was, but when she saw the incense, she had a thought in her heart that told her that it was hers. After that, she hid the incense.

Later, she secretly inquired about the incense and learned from a half-crazy, half-stupid old servant in the family that there was an immortal ancestor in the Su family, and the incense was left for the future generations by the immortal ancestor. This incense could be lit to summon an immortal. But there was one condition. Burning of this incense required the heart and soul of the petitioner. And if the person did it too many times, it would be detrimental to them.

Heart blood… Who dared to take blood from the heart?! In addition, outsiders knew that the Su family had an immortal ancestor, and they have always respected the Su family. The Su family had never ignited this soul-seeking incense.

This was the second time that Su Wanrong had ignited this soul-seeking incense. The first time was the night when she gave birth to a dragon and a phoenix, but the dragon died and the phoenix was born.

"Mother knows. Mother misses you too. If you can visit mother often and let her know that you are doing well, mother will be relieved," Su Wanrong said with concern.

Yuan Ru gave a wry smile. Didn't mother know that cultivators could read people's hearts? Did mother miss her? When did mother miss her and how come she didn't know? But her master said that this was a debt she owed in her previous life, and that she was here to repay the debt in this life. She could only deal with it.

"I'm leaving. Mother, take care."

After Yuan Ru disappeared, Su Wanrong couldn't wait to take the elixir. She touched her stomach and smiled proudly.

Two months later, Su Wanrong had good news.

After Li Su heard the news, she thought to herself that this was probably the child who was loved by the heavens, right? The male protagonist was born, so shouldn't Liu Mingzhu be here too? It was said that her eldest brother was powerful enough and had grandchildren. Sister-in-law was really virtuous, and she treated her as if she was her own. Hmph!

Not long after, Liu Qingwu came over in person and happily reported to Li Su, "You are probably going to have another nephew or niece. I'm looking forward to Mother Wan's baby being a daughter, then maybe there can be a marriage between cousins."

Li Su wanted to politely decline. That was the future female lead and Immortal Stays couldn't handle such a burden. Besides, she was a person with modern education, and wasn't marriage between blood relatives prohibited by law? "Eldest brother, you forgot that Immortal Stays' surname is Liu, there is no need for them to marry each other since they are cousins. Besides, I have already thought about it. Immortal Stays' marriage is his decision and I will not intervene."

"Nonsense! Marriage has always been the word of the parents and the matchmaker! How can you let the child decide for himself?" Liu Qingwu glared at her. "I know that you are high-spirited and dislike your older brother. Don't worry, Mother Wan is well versed in poetry and books, and possesses a wide knowledge of all things modern and ancient. The children she gave birth to are all like her and not like me. You know what Little Seven is like. You're sure to love your future niece."

Li Su shook his head helplessly and reminded him, "Eldest brother, no matter how good Mother Wan is, she is just a concubine. Sister-in-law is your official wife. You can favour her, but not too much."

Liu Qingwu rolled his eyes at her. "Don't worry, I know. Your sister-in-law is also a virtuous person. She said that if Mother Wan's child is a daughter, she will be recorded in her name. Girls are not like boys. As long as they have the ability, you don't have to worry about a way out." Although he favored Mother Wan a little bit, he was not stupid. He wouldn't do anything like favouring a concubine to the extent where it destroyed his relationship with his wife.

Li Su smiled slightly, virtuous? She was afraid it would be a last resort! She couldn't do it anyway.

"By the way, what about Immortal Stays? Uncle is here so why didn't he come out?" Liu Qingwu looked around. No wonder he felt as if something was missing. Where was his nephew?

"Today there is a market in the nearby area, and I asked Jinzhu to take him to the market to play," Li Su said casually.

"You are too bold! There are so many people in the market. If something happens… Are you taking this as a joke? Why don't you send someone to bring them back soon? Forget it, I'll go by myself!" Liu Qingwu stood up abruptly and walked out.

As he walked out, he muttered, "I know you are unreliable. It's all because dad spoiled you!"

Li Su was a little speechless. There were more than a dozen people in total. Could it be that he thought that many people couldn't even watch a child? He made her look like a stepmother. He was too delicate to raise children!

Half an hour later, Liu Qingwu came back with Immortal Stays with a displeased face.

As soon as Immortal Stays saw Li Su, he struggled to get down from Liu Qingwu's arms. Liu Qingwu was afraid of him falling, so he quickly put him down.

Immortal Stays ran to Li Su and hugged Li Su's leg without speaking.

Li Su bent over to pick him up and put him on her lap. "Why is our Immortal Stays unhappy? Who messed with you?" Then, she whispered in Immortal Stays' ear, "Was it Uncle? Don't be angry. Uncle is getting old and timid. He was afraid that Immortal Stays would be captured by the bad guys, so he brought Immortal Stays back. Immortal Stays, don't be angry with your uncle, okay?"

Immortal Stays looked back at his uncle. He turned his head angrily and buried his face in Li Su's neck, refusing to speak. He was being held by Auntie Jinzhu, listening to someone tell a story. He was really happy to hear it. He didn't expect his uncle to arrive so suddenly and scold Auntie Jinzhu before his uncle hugged him and left. He hadn't heard the ending yet.

Seeing him like this, Liu Qingwu was very happy. "Kid, you are spoiled by your mother. Uncle is doing this for your own good, but you still don't appreciate it? You can go back and wait to get kidnapped, and then cry."

Chapter 256 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 8)

After having lunch, Liu Qingwu took a nap. When he woke up, he was a little anxious when he saw that his nephew was still lukewarm to him. This was his future son-in-law and he must have a good relationship with him that extended into childhood.

In order to make his nephew happy, Liu Qingwu said that he would take Immortal Stays to see people fishing.

Li Su was looking at the ledger and nodded after listening.

As a result, in less than a quarter of an hour, the two came back wet, surrounded by a group of people whose faces were pale with fright.

Li Su didn't care about looking at the ledger anymore. She hurried over to greet them. "What happened?"

Before Liu Qingwu could explain, he was surrounded by people who took him to take a bath and change his clothes. Li Su and Jinzhu brought Immortal Stays to take a bath and change his clothes.

After the two of them got dressed and came out, they were given a few bowls of ginger soup. A doctor then looked at them and confirmed that they were all right. Li Su was relieved. Then, she let the group of people kneeling outside get up. One of them would be fined two months' salary.

"Eldest brother, what happened?" Li Su asked angrily.

Liu Qingwu scratched his head a little in embarrassment. It turned out that he watched those farmers fishing and thought it would be fun to do. On a whim, he wanted to show off in front of his nephew, so he wanted to do it himself.

Immortal Stays thought it looked fun and was eager to try it next to him. Liu Qingwu threw the net together with Immortal Stays. They didn't expect that they did not have the right strength or balance, so when the net was thrown out, they fell forward. The people next to them didn't have time to react, so they could only watch helplessly as the uncle and nephew fell into the river.

Immediately, some people jumped into the river recklessly and rescued them, and some people took off their clothes and handed them over for Liu Qingwu and Immortal Stays to wear. However, Liu Qingwu thought that their clothes were not made of good material, and because of his good health at the time, he refused.

After Li Su found out what was going on, she sighed helplessly.

Liu Qingwu avoided her eyes and refused to look directly at Li Su.

"Eldest brother, you are not young anymore. Do you still think you are in your early twenties?" Li Su said helplessly.

Liu Qingwu laughed. "Qingyun, don't tell your sister-in-law about this!" He wasn't afraid, but just disliked his wife's nagging.

Li Su glanced at him. "Do you think my sister-in-law is that stupid? How could my sister-in-law not know about such a big thing?"

Liu Qingwu looked back at the people who followed him. "Don't worry. They wouldn't dare to talk too much."

However, Li Su noticed that Immortal Stays had been silent all this time. She feared that the child might have some trauma from the event, so she quickly hugged him and sat him on her lap. "Immortal Stays, what's the matter? Are you afraid? Don't be afraid. It's all right."

Immortal Stays was a smart child, but he was introverted and a little taciturn. From Li Su's point of view, he may be autistic. Therefore, Li Su had always been concerned about his emotions and encouraged him to have more contact with the outside world. So far, the effect was still there.

Immortal Stays liked the outside world a lot.

Immortal Stays widened his eyes and told her slowly, "Im! Mor! Tal!"

"What?" Li Su was a little confused.

"Im, mor, tal," Immortal Stays repeated.

When he fell into the water just now, he saw a woman with a human upper body and a fish lower body in the water. She was a very beautiful woman. The moment he fell into the water, he was scared and flustered. He struggled instinctively. But the woman swam to him and spat out a bead. The bead turned into a circle of light that surrounded him, and the feeling of suffocating disappeared. When someone held him and returned him to the surface, the halo disappeared and turned into a bead, which was then swallowed by the woman.

It was an immortal! He met a fairy!

Immortal Stays was very excited. He wanted to share with his mother how he met the immortal, but every time he opened his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

Liu Qingwu just thought Immortal Stays was scared and confused.

However, Li Su knew that Immortal Stays was not a rash child, and he should be able to speak. Did he really have a fortuitous encounter? However, shouldn't that be the treatment that male lead should have? Was the script wrong?

That night, when Li Su coaxed Immortal Stays to sleep, Immortal Stays told Li Su again, "Im, mor, tal!"

Li Su said gently, "Mother knows. Did Immortal Stays meet an immortal? An immortal saved Immortal Stays, right?"

Immortal Stays didn't expect his mother to believe his words, so he nodded excitedly, "Im, mortal."

"Okay, because our Immortal Stays is a good boy, so the immortals will save Immortal Stays. In the future, when Immortal Stays has the ability, we must help others!" Li Su said softly.

Immortal Stays nodded, but there was only one thought in his mind. He also wanted to be an immortal, and when he became an immortal, he could help others. But, how could one become an immortal?

Immortal Stays decided to find the answer by himself.

So the next day, Immortal Stays took the initiative to learn to read. Li Su was a little surprised. How old was he? But Liu Qingwu was very happy. "Your mother is a famous and talented girl, and it is more than enough to teach you. When you are a little older, your uncle will ask for a famous teacher to come instruct you."

Li Su also nodded. Of course, it was no problem to teach the child. It was just fine. Why did Immortal Stays suddenly ask to learn to read and write? This was too early!

When Liu Qingwu saw that she was worried, he said angrily, "This child is like you. We were all taught at the age of five, but you were the only one who started learning at the age of two. Although the words that we learned weren't as comprehensive, it was good enough. Dad always praised you for your intelligence to us. Compared with you, we were not even as good as scum."

After many years, Liu Qingwu's memory of being crushed by his younger sister was still fresh.

Li Su thought about it and this was indeed the case. She could only smile awkwardly.

After Li Su had taught Immortal Stays for a few days, she found that Immortal Stays was a really talented kid. He never forgot anything. It was said that the male protagonist's aptitude was better than Immortal Stays', so what kind of aptitude must the male lead have?!

Li Su was a little curious. If there was a chance in the future, she really wanted to see the male lead.

A few months later, Su Wanrong finally gave birth to a son. No immortals came this time. However, Su Wanrong's second daughter, who was accepted as an apprentice by an immortal, came on a crane. She gifted an elixir, said a lot of things, and then left.

Yuan Dao was still hesitating, but Su Wanrong immediately fed the elixir to her son. Yuan Dao frowned when he saw it. "Wanrong, what are you doing?"

"What's wrong? Didn't Ru'er say that this elixir was prepared for my son? It can clean the arteries and purge the marrow of any poison." The reason why Su Wanrong was so eager was because Father Yuan was also ill. She was afraid that Yuan Dao would propose giving the immortal medicine to Father Yuan, so she gave it to her son.

However, Su Wanrong went too far this time. He said angrily, "An immortal has come to the Yuan family again. What if this information is passed to His Majesty? I don't know His Majesty will think about our Yuan family. The last time was just them taking Ru'er. This was not surprising since your ancestors also gave birth to an immortal. But this time, an elixir was actually given. The first time you have an elixir, you don't want to dedicate it to His Majesty, but to give it to a child. What is your motive? What will His Majesty think of our Yuan family? Don't you understand that we may be innocent in this, but still considered guilty of hiding such a valuable object?"

Su Wanrong felt like a bowl of cold water had been thrown on her head. "Then, what should I do now? No, when Ru'er comes back next time, I'll ask Ru'er to give me another elixir!"

"Ignorant! Stupid!" Yuan Dao's face turned pale. It was at this time that he could see the difference between an aristocratic girl and an ordinary girl. If Qingyun was still here, she would definitely not be so confused. "What kind of person do you think our family is? Can our family call the immortals to come and go as we please? Do you want to kill the Yuan family?"

Su Wanrong's face turned pale. The immortal gave medicine, so wasn't this a good thing? It indicated that her son had a good background! Why was it a sin in the eyes of her husband?

Yuan Dao didn't care what Su Wanrong was thinking. He was busy ordering people that today's events were not to leave the house. Unfortunately, it was too late. Yuli and Yuhu had already spread the matter as early as when Yuan Ru rode a crane in. At this time, rumours had long overtaken the entire Jade Capital.

Yuan Dao learned that the news had been leaked. He sat down in his chair.

Su Wanrong was sitting on the bed in a daze, holding her son she had won with great difficulty. She listened to the screams of Yuli and Yuhu coming from outside the window, but she did not dare say a word.

"Madam! Madam, save me! Madam!"

Su Wanrong's face was pale and she was shivering in the quilt!

Liu Qingwu took this as a joke and told Li Su. "Look! Yuan Dao's career has stopped here. The Yuan family, huh! I have never seen such stupidity before. What kind of virtue and ability can the Yuan family have to have immortals be so willing to repeatedly visit them? Could it be that the Yuan family was the immortals' back garden? His Majesty is the ordained Son of Heaven! Even if immortals come to the world, they should go to the imperial family!"

Li Su also laughed. In the last life, Yuan Ru also returned on a crane. Although Liu Qingyun was terminally ill, she immediately blocked the news and asked the Liu family to help. Therefore, this matter did not leak out and blow up. It wasn't until many years later, when Yuan Ye cultivated did the Yuan family make this public.

"Okay, as for the Yuan family, we can just watch from the sidelines. We can leave the rest alone," Li Su said.

Liu Qingwu was very happy now. They started selling snowflake candy and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The sugar factory had made a lot of profit in the past few months.

However, the matter of the Yuan family also reminded Liu Qingwu of something.

"Qingyun, eldest brother has something to discuss with you," Liu Qingwu said. "It's about the sugar mill."

Li Su immediately understood what Liu Qingwu meant. "Big brother wants to dedicate the sugar mill to His Majesty? If older brothers are fine with it, I will listen to you."

"Younger sister is good! This matter is a good thing for our Liu family and you, younger sister. Maybe you can earn a life and a title appointment with the sugar mill!" Liu Qingwu laughed. Yes, for a family like them, money was something outside the body. Fame and fortune were the most important things.

"Then thank you, eldest brother, for taking the trouble to plan for your younger sister!" Li Su laughed.

"This is what family should do." Liu Qingwu waved his hand.

A few days later, Liu Qingwu shared the production method of snowflake candy of the Liu family and dedicated it to His Majesty, only saying that it was a birthday gift for His Majesty.

HIs Majesty was really happy. Money was a trivial matter. The key was that the Liu family's heart that was dedicated to being a minister made His Majesty even happier. Compared with the Yuan family, he was much more loyal and wiser.

His Majesty would naturally not take advantage of the people, but the Liu family insisted on offering it. Therefore, His Majesty had to accept the recipe symbolically. But, he returned the sugar mill to the Liu family and authorised the Liu family to continue to make snowflake candy.

His Majesty originally planned to reward Liu Qingwu with a title, but Liu Qingwu said that his late father left some last words before his death. His late father said that the brothers were all ignorant and virtuous people, and they could live in peace in this life, so they must never enter the court as an official."

After hearing this, His Majesty became increasingly more grateful for the benevolence, righteousness, and honesty of his mentor, as well as the filial piety of the children of the Liu family. He heard that the youngest daughter of the Liu family was the most favored by his mentor, and now was at home. It was decreed that Liu Qingyun would be conferred the title of County Princess and the head of Yongning County. She would be known as the County Princess of Yongning.

Chapter 257 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 9)

After Li Su received the imperial decree, she felt a lot of peace of mind. She was now a County Princess. Unless she committed treason, she and her son did not need to worry about their safety.

This matter was thanks to eldest brother and the Liu family.

Li Su found several brothers and sisters-in-law, and gave up her share in the sugar mill.

Although the Liu family's brothers and sisters were a little resentful, they did not benefit from this matter at all. In the end, only Liu Qingyun benefitted. Of course, they were a little unhappy in their hearts. In particular, there were many female relatives in each room of the Liu family.

But when Li Su proposed to give them the share of the sugar mill, they felt uneasy and guilty again.

"Qingyun, what did you say? You deserve it! That recipe is yours. Half of the workers in the sugar mill belong to you," Liu Qingtong said.

The other two older brothers also said that they could not do this.

Mrs. Liu-Xie and others also agreed.

Li Su insisted on doing so.

Liu Qingwu smiled. "We are all family, so it's fine. Qingyun, this is not a bad amount of money. However, it is not appropriate for us to take this money. I think that the money Qingyun handed out was used to buy fields as offerings, or to subsidise the widows and in the clan, and funding the children from poor families to study. This can also be regarded as meritorious deeds for future generations. What do you think?"

Li Su wanted to look at her eldest brother in a different way. "It's fine for older brothers to decide this matter. I have no opinion."

Liu Qingtong thought about it for a while. This matter was also good for their descendants, so naturally they had no opinion. This was how it was settled.

The news that Liu Qingyun was named County Princess also reached Yuan Dao's ears. He didn't know how to feel. The woman who divorced him. The woman who was abandoned by him. She actually had a smoother life after leaving him, which only seemed to improve.

Thinking about his current situation again, being ostracised everywhere and being neglected… Yuan Dao's heart was messed up.

And Father Yuan was already ill and he was angry with what happened at home. In addition, he heard that his son was implicated because of the actions of that ignorant woman in the family.

Yuan Dao was also unintentionally sentimental. As soon as Father Yuan died, he would resign. His Majesty was already dissatisfied with him. After the three-year period of filial piety, would he still have a place in the court?

At this time, Yuan Dao was full of anger and remorse. He hated Su Wanrong's selfishness and ignorance. If the elixir was still there, even if it was not dedicated to His Majesty, but reserved for his father, it would not have been so bad.

Yuan Dao knelt in front of Father Yuan's bed. Su Wanrong also knelt beside him holding his second son, Yuan Shou. The nursing mother took Yuan Shou. The concubine, Mrs. Li, was kneeling behind him. Mrs. Li was already pregnant. After kneeling for a long time, she felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to make a sound. She could only hold on.

The eldest daughter, Yuan Lan, stood behind the heartbroken Mother Yuan and wept silently.

Father Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, looked around, and then stared at him.

Yuan Dao was unclear, so Mother Yuan said, "Your father is waiting for Mrs. Liu's child, who is the eldest grandson of our Yuan family."

Yuan Dao raised his head. Father Yuan was looking at him eagerly. Yuan Dao suddenly stood up. "Father, I'll go find him!"

Su Wanrong felt resentment in her heart. It was clear that Mrs. Liu had already divorced. How could Mrs, Liu's child be considered the eldest grandson of the Yuan family?! Her Yuan Ye was the eldest grandson of the Yuan family!

"Husband, you can't go!" Su Wanrong stopped him without thinking.

Yuan Dao looked back at her angrily.

Su Wanrong was not afraid. She said softly, "Father's current situation, maybe when… If husband is not here to take charge of the overall situation, who can make the decision here? Why don't you ask the housekeeper to go there?! Older sister is kind and understanding and will definitely agree."

Yuan Dao thought it made some sense. He turned his head to look at Father Yuan's situation, and then looked at Mother Yuan.

Mother Yuan could not guarantee that nothing would happen to Father Yuan while Yuan Dao went to find Mrs. Liu.

Yuan Dao thought about it. His father had only one son and if he was not there when his father died, then there would be no point.

"Fine, butler!"

Su Wanrong lowered her head, covering the slightly raised corner of her mouth.

Unfortunately, Li Su and her son were not in Lotus Manor, so the housekeeper had no choice but to go to Liu family's house to ask. Liu Qingwu was a little impatient at first, but Mother Wan was due a month in advance, and it was a difficult birth. He was really worried. It seemed like the Yuan family came to take advantage of this time.

But when he heard that Father Yuan was dying, Liu Qingwu hesitated and talked to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was unrelenting, and that took a lot of time.

Fortunately, after Li Su heard of his intention, she took Immortal Stays to the carriage without saying a word.

It was a pity. Just as the carriage stopped at the entrance of Yuan family's house, an outburst of crying was heard from Yuan family's house.

Li Su opened the curtain and was just about to get out of the carriage. When she heard the movement, she sighed and glanced at the housekeeper who looked like a mourning concubine. "It seems that we came a step late, and the old man has passed away."

The housekeeper did not expect such a result.

"In the current situation, I think they will have a lot of things to do, so we won't bother them. After the old man is buried, I will take Immortal Stays to the grave to pay his respects. I'll take my leave." Li Su pulled down the curtain.

Then, without waiting for the steward to say anything, the group left.

The housekeeper was intent on chasing after them, but it was really inappropriate for them to enter the mansion at this time. Besides, there must be a lot of things that needed to be done in the mansion.

Yuan Dao couldn't help but cry. Su Wanrong and the children behind her cried in a heartbroken manner.

The housekeeper came in and the crying Mother Yuan wiped away her tears. "Where's that person? Could it be that Mrs. Liu is so cruel that she won't even give us face at a time like this?'"

"Answering the madam, this was not the case. When this servant found the County Princess, this servant told the County Princess of this matter. The County Princess drove over with her son without saying a word. When they arrived at the gate of the house, they heard crying from the house. The County Princess said that she was too late, and said that the Yuan family must have a lot of things to do in the mansion right now, so it would be inconvenient for the County Princess to disturb them. So, the County Princess said goodbye first. However, the County Princess said that after the old man is buried, the County Princess will take the young master to pay his respects at the grave," the butler said quickly.

Mother Yuan's face was much better.

Yuan Dao paused, then continued to cry. While crying, Su Wanrong lowered her head and wiped away her tears to hide her anger. Wasn't she very angry just now? Why was she not angry anymore? Hmph, was it because Mrs. Liu was now the County Princess?

Someday, someday…

A trace of resentment flashed in Su Wanrong's eyes.

After Father Yuan was buried, Li Su really took Immortal Stays over to pay his respects. In the past few days, she told Immortal Stays about everything in the past. Immortal Stays didn't say anything. He just hugged Li Su gently. He didn't know how to comfort his mother, but he understood that his father had a wife, a concubine, sons and daughters, and his mother only had him.

However, he wanted to be an immortal. What would his mother do then?

This was what Immortal Stays was worried about.

Having paid their respects to Father Yuan, Li Su and Immortal Stays were going to leave, but they saw Yuan Dao hurry over.

When Yuan Dao saw Li Su, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He then looked at Immortal Stays and his excited eyes turned red. This was his eldest son, but today was the first time the father and son had met.

"Qingyun, how long have we not seen each other? This is Immortal Stays, right? Immortal Stays, I'm your father," Yuan Dao said excitedly. He wanted to reach out and touch Immortal Stays.

Immortal Stays took a step back subconsciously and looked at Yuan Dao vigilantly.

Yuan Dao's fiery feelings were instantly chilled. He was a little dissatisfied and looked at Li Su. "This is how you taught him?"

Li Su smiled slightly. "His surname is Liu."

Those simple four words made Yuan Dao angry suddenly. "You!"

However, Su Wanrong appeared holding Yuan Ye. "Husband, mother is looking for you." Then, as if she had just seen Li Su, she said, "So older sister is also here."

Li Su glanced at the male lead in her arms. The child was still young, so she couldn't see anything at the moment, but his eyes were particularly dazzling.

Immortal Stays noticed his mother's actions and held Li Su's hand a little harder.

Li Su lowered her head and smiled at him. "Let's go. We will head back." After speaking, she ignored Yuan Dao and Su Wanrong's family of three. She held Immortal Stays' hand and walked straight ahead.

Yuan Dao stopped in front of her. "Stop, you can't go unless you speak clearly!"

Li Su's eyes were like knives, stabbing into Yuan Dao.

Yuan Dao was shocked by her eyes. Qingyun had never looked at him with such eyes before! Even if she had been disappointed and angry, Qingyun had looked at him with a trace of affection in her eyes. She was not as cold and ruthless as she was now.

At this time, Jinzhu, who was standing a short distance away, realised that something was wrong and came with the guards. "County Princess!"

The title of County Princess startled some sense into Yuan Dao. Yuan Dao took a step back in embarrassment. He had been idling in the house and mourning his father during this time, but she had become the County Princess by imperial decree.

But Su Wanrong said coldly, "I heard that older sister was able to be conferred the title of County Princess because older sister has the recipe for the snowflake candy. If older sister has this recipe, why didn't you take it out earlier? If that was the case, older sister could have already been the County Princess."

Yuan Dao was reminded of this by Su Wanrong. His expression suddenly became ugly. Yes, she had this recipe for snowflake candy long ago, but she didn't bring it out. If she had taken it out sooner, then…

Li Su smiled disdainfully. "I can take out my own things whenever I want to. Do I need to explain this to you? By the way, Su Wanrong, didn't your mother's ancestors come from immortals? Your two children were blessed by an immortal, especially this son. Your daughter was taken as an apprentice by the immortals and she gave you an elixir. When the old man was seriously ill, why didn't your immortal daughter give the old man the elixir? After all, the former old man was also her grandfather! It's not good to favor one over the other, is it?"

Su Wanrong's face turned green when she heard this.

Yuan Dao thought this was indeed the case. They all said that the Yuan family had a daughter who was accepted as an apprentice by an immortal. It was the luck of the Yuan family, but who was it lucky for?

Su Wanrong looked at Yuan Dao and saw his worsening expression towards her. She quickly said, "Husband, don't listen to nonsense. That immortal medicine is rare and Ru'er worships an immortal as her teacher, so she must learn a lot every day. How could she know that father was sick…?"

Su Wanrong's description became darker and darker. Oh, so Yuan Ru didn't know that her grandfather was sick? Then how did she know that her mother gave birth to a child? Was there such a coincidence?

"Enough! Don't say anymore!" Yuan Dao said angrily with a dark expression.

Li Su smiled coldly, took Immortal Stays' hand, and left.

They were all thousand-year-old foxes. What were they pretending to be? This old lady didn't care about that man, so she didn't bother to compare themselves. But since they offended her… If she didn't treat them seriously, then they would think that she was a pushover!

Chapter 258 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 10)

How the Yuan family, Yuan Dao, and Su Wanrong were doing were all things that Li Su did not pay attention to.

Immortal Stays was causing her a headache now.

She found that what Immortal Stays was most interested in was not the classic books, but books referring to immortals. He seemed to be very interested in cultivation.

Could it be that her son was also cultivating? Li Su had no interest in cultivating, nor did she have any opinion. After careful consideration, she did not object to letting Immortal Stays cultivate. After all, the lives of mortals were only a few decades and the pursuit of immortality was the dream of many.

It was just that God didn't give her this golden finger, so she may not be able to help her son. It all depended on his own efforts.

However, Li Su could still help with some things within her power. She asked her subordinates to collect a lot of books about cultivation, materials, etc., and then pretended to inadvertently put them in the study so that Immortal Stays would see them.

On this day, Liu Qingwu finally appeared again. After his concubine, Mother Wan, gave birth to a daughter for him, she died. He was sluggish for a few days. Finally, Mrs. Liu-Xie shoved his crying daughter into his arms to cheer him up.

Liu Qingwu named his beloved daughter Mingzhu, and he loved her very much. His attitude was similar to that of his father with regards to Liu Qingyun, except that he didn't raise her personally.

"Why is older brother here today?" Li Su asked with concern. She saw that he had lost a lot of weight.

"To see you and Immortal Stays. If Immortal Stays is willing, I want to take him back to stay for a few days and to see his younger sister." Liu Qingwu had been thinking a lot these days. He was 40 and he did not know how long he would live. He had made arrangements for all the other children, even Little Seven. The only one left was Mingzhu. If he did not make arrangements for Mingzhu, how could he be worthy of Mother Wan?!

Liu Qingwu weighed things. He thought about all the children and nephews of his relatives and friends that were around the same age, but still thought that his nephew, Immortal Stays, would be the best candidate for his son-in-law. Although he knew that his younger sister was not very happy, he still wanted to work hard. Perhaps the young couple would be childhood sweethearts and he would be willing. By then, would his younger sister still be able to separate them then?

Li Su understood Liu Qingwu's thoughts. "Okay, you can ask Immortal Stays yourself later. Coincidentally, I plan to inspect the property under my name and walk around. You can take Immortal Stays with you. I fear that he is young and can't stand the bumpy road. If Immortal Stays is willing to go, I will naturally let him."

Liu Qingwu smiled. "I'll ask right away."

But, Immortal Stays was reluctant to live in the Liu family's house, which made Liu Qingwu unhappy. What was so good about a doll who could only cry and didn't understand anything? He wanted to go out with his mother. Maybe he would meet the immortal again. Maybe he could be accepted as an apprentice by the immortal, just like the child from the Yuan family!

Liu Qingwu had an unhappy look on his face. "What kind of man are you, always sticking to your mother!" He thought Immortal Stays was reluctant to leave his mother.

Li Su held back a smile and tried persuading. "Okay, older brother, don't be angry. If Immortal Stays is unwilling, then forget it." When she said these words, Liu Qingwu's expression turned even darker.

Li Su quickly said, "How about I take Immortal Stays home to stay for a few days when I come back? The children are still young."

When Liu Qingwu heard the meaning of these words, he did not object to such an arrangement. His younger sister seemed to have understood the meaning of his words. His anger immediately turned into joy. "Okay, then it's settled."

Liu Qingwu thought about his daughter and hurried back.

Immortal Stays was a bit baffled. What happened to uncle? Uncle came and went in a hurry, and uncle's emotions switched quickly, from anger to joy.

Li Su touched Immortal Stays' hair. This kid's intelligence was probably used for reading. He didn't know anything else! With regards to how to navigate the world, the original owner was simply not the person to get advice from.

And the male lead, described in the book, was a person who was exquisite in all aspects and was very observant.

However, it was not a big issue to not know how to navigate the world. What's more, they didn't need to deal with the male lead again in the future. There was no need to make comparisons.

Since Immortal Stays was also going, there were more things to prepare. After half a month, the mother and son set off. The first stop was her fief Yongning County.

Yongning County was not big, and there was not much output. It was not as good as the fiefs of the imperial princesses. However, Li Su did not expect this output to help her much. This was more of a status symbol.

However, Yongning County had a lot of legends circulating about immortals. After Immortal Stays heard about it, he was very interested. Every day, he went to the fields to listen to the stories that those old people had accumulated after many years.

Seeing this, Li Su could only shake her head and go with him.

On the other hand, Jinzhu beside her was worried. "Young miss, does the young master also want to cultivate to become an immortal? What is the young miss going to do?"

Li Su was very calm. "Do I have to rely on a man to live?"

The maids, who were led by Jinzhu, thought about it carefully. Yes, their young miss had a lot of money and people, and was close to her own family, so there was no need to worry about that!

"Besides, Immortal Stays is a person and it's normal for him to have his own preferences. Do I have to force him to do what I want for my own sake? Wouldn't that be too selfish? Besides, it's as difficult as the sky to cultivate to become an immortal. There are countless immortal practitioners, but how many people have truly become immortals? If Immortal Stays likes it, then I will just respect his preferences. Maybe when he grows up and really understands what immortality is, he will change his mind. But regardless, that is his choice. I respect any decision he makes!"

The maids were all surprised at Li Su's words. They obeyed orders. After hearing the words, they nodded. "Young miss is right. Young miss is awesome!"

Li Su smiled. This was also a truth she understood after transmigrating many times. The child was not an extension of the parents. Children were their own person and they had the right to choose their own lives. Parents could not dictate their lives, claiming that it was for their own good.

While Immortal Stays followed Li Su to search for any traces of immortals, Su Wanrong also discovered Yuan Ye's brilliance and rejoiced.

Because of Li Su's few words, Yuan Dao had a quarrel with Su Wanrong. Since Su Wanrong had Yuan Ye, she had been negligent with the eldest son Yuan Shou. Yuan Shou ended up suffering from a cold. At this time, Mrs. Li gave birth to another son who looked like Yuan Dao, so she was favoured. As soon as Mrs. Li shed a few tears, Yuan Dao actually took Yuan Shou back to Mrs. Li's courtyard and let him be raised by Mrs. Li.

Su Wanrong had no objection to this. She just didn't want an illegitimate son to occupy the status of the eldest son. Yuan Dao's move was also considered as being in line with her intentions. Although Yuan Shou was still recorded under her name in the family records, it didn't matter if they got along. She could be free of him.

Yuan Dao took away her stewardship and handed it over to Mother Yuan.

Although Su Wanrong felt distressed, she silently accepted it. Since seeing Mrs. Liu that day, she knew that she had done something wrong. She had been so impatient! The original situation was good. But, because of her impatience, the situation evolved into what it was now. It was one wrong step, just one wrong step. In the future, she could only keep a low profile and slowly reverse the situation.

Fortunately, she still had a son and she still had hope.

Therefore, Su Wanrong had always been very quiet. Apart from paying her respects to Mother Yuan, she had been staying in West Garden to teach Yuan Ye carefully. She read to Yuan Ye every day, never repeating anything.

One day, she was negligent and read a book that she had read the day before. She hadn't noticed it herself, but Yuan Ye shook his head and made a few sounds.

Su Wanrong looked at him blankly. Yuan Ye pointed to the cover of the book, and shook his head again.

Only then did Su Wanrong realise that she had read this book before. She put down the Book of Songs in surprise and picked up Yuan Ye. "A-Ye, are you telling your mother that she has read those books to you? Do you remember them all? Say something!"

Yuan Ye thought about it and nodded. "Yes!"

Su Wanrong was overjoyed. "That's great!" She knew that she had such a god-defying artifact. How could she be at a disadvantage all the time? Sure enough, her son had a background and God treated her well!

Su Wanrong was very excited, but instead of telling Yuan Dao the good news immediately, she calmed down and formulated a series of education plans for Yuan Ye. She needed to live up to God's love for her and her son's talent. She would surely teach a good son.

All her hopes are on Yuan Ye.

Su Wanrong hugged Yuan Ye. "A-Ye, you are your mother's hope. You must strive for success. Mother only has you."

Yuan Ye leaned on Su Wanrong's shoulder meekly and touched Su Wanrong's face with his small hand.

Su Wanrong almost cried. Was her son feeling sorry for her? Her suffering, even a child could see it, right? But, the man who should feel sorry for her the most was with another woman at this time…

Su Wanrong wiped away her tears. Her husband would return. Her husband would change his mind, and everything she wanted would come true in the end. It definitely would.

Time flew by and another year passed.

On this day, Yuan Dao walked around the manor. A life mourning for his father at home didn't seem to be as difficult as he imagined. He had nothing to do but to read books and occasionally joke with his concubine. The days passed like this.

Yuan Dao passed by West Garden by chance. When he saw an apricot flower sticking out, he suddenly felt that he hadn't set foot in West Garden for a long time.

He stopped to watch it for a long time, and suddenly heard the sound of a child reading a book in West Garden. He listened carefully for a long time, and heard the Three Character Classic being recited from beginning to end, word by word!

Only then did he remember that he and Su Wanrong still had a son. How old was he this year? Was he so smart? Yuan Shou seemed to be a year older than him, and he could only recite a dozen sentences after stumbling a lot.

Yuan Dao thought of this and finally pushed open the door of West Garden.

That night, it was logical to rest in West Garden.

After the couple made love, Yuan Dao put his arms around Su Wanrong's smooth shoulders. "I've wronged you these days." He had indeed neglected Wanrong these days, but to his satisfaction, Su Wanrong not only did not blame others, but also educated her child so well. He saw that he did not have any resentment, She was always thoughtful and gentle.

This reminded Yuan Dao of Liu Qingyun. If she had half of Wanrong's self-restraint and tenderness, who knew what would have happened between them.

Su Wanrong leaned on Yuan Dao's chest gently. "If husband said this, then this concubine will not be wronged."

Yuan Dao was even more satisfied after hearing this. Thinking of the joy of what they did just now, he couldn't help but feel a little moved. He turned over and pressed Su Wanrong under him.

Su Wanrong was a little shy in her gentleness, and she tactfully accepted.

Chapter 259 – Raising A Son In The Cultivation World (part 11)

With Su Wanrong's comeback, Yuan Ye's name as a child prodigy also spread. But it was different from before. As soon as Su Wanrong heard about it, she immediately told Yuan Dao, asking to discipline the people in the mansion and not allow them to talk nonsense.

Yuan Dao was very satisfied with Su Wanrong's cautiousness. "It's good for you to be so cautious." But it seemed that it was too late. Word had already spread outside the mansion.

Yuan Dao frowned. Su Wanrong looked worried. "Husband, we are still in the mourning period. The Yuan family should keep a low profile. Will this affect you, husband?"

Yuan Dao nodded. "You are still sensible. After all, my mother is old, so she can't take care of many things. In the future, I'll leave it to you to be the housekeeper!"

Su Wanrong nodded meekly. "Okay. Could husband explain it to mother so that the mother doesn't get angry?"

Yuan Dao nodded. "Of course."

Su Wanrong took back the power of housekeeper with this little trick. She used these facts to tell everyone in the Yuan family that she was the mistress of the Yuan family.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li thought things over. When she paid her respects to Mother Yuan in the morning, she proposed in front of Mother Yuan and Yuan Dao to send Yuan Shou back to West Garden to be raised by Su Wanrong.

Mrs. Li said, "Previously, this concubine was confused for a while, but now this concubine understands. This concubine has little knowledge and talent, and is afraid that this concubine will not teach the eldest young master well and will make a mistake. The madam has brought up the second young master so well, and this concubine is ashamed. This concubine doesn't dare to hinder the eldest young master. "

Su Wanrong was too lazy to pay attention to Mrs. Li. She was in West Garden. If Mrs. Li wanted to, she could pick it up and bring it back.

"The relationship between mother and son is natural. I understand. Mrs. Li doesn't need to be modest. The Li family is regarded as a scholarly family. Hasn't your father passed the imperial exam at the county level? You have been educated by your family since childhood. It should be more than enough to enlighten Shou'er," Su Wanrong said softly.

Mrs. Li was speechless and immediately looked at Yuan Dao, aggrieved. Yuan Dao also frowned.

Su Wanrong went on to say, "Husband, I was just about to discuss a matter with you. What do you think of setting up an area in the front yard to let the children live in? Then, husband can hire a famous teacher for the children to learn from. A-Ye is a boy after all, and he can't live in the back house for a long time. In addition, a woman living in the inner house for a long time will inevitably have shallow knowledge and will not be able to educate her children well. What do you think, husband?"

Yuan Dao looked at Su Wanrong with admiration. "You saying this shows that you have extraordinary knowledge!"

The more Yuan Dao thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good idea. Although he attached great importance to the legitimacy of his children, the three children were his sons. He still wanted to treat them as equally as possible.

At present, Yuan Ye's qualifications were the best. Because of this, it was even more important to teach students well so as not to delay their growth.

"Okay, tomorrow I will instruct the housekeeper to create a separate area in the front yard. I will let Yuan Shou move in first. As for Lang'er, Lang'er is still young. He can move in when he is three years old!" Yuan Dao said .

Although Mrs. Li was very reluctant to give up, she knew that this was for the children's good. So she gritted her teeth and agreed.

Mother Yuan was not happy. Her grandchildren were all precious. If they couldn't see each other every day, what was the point of living?

Su Wanrong quickly persuaded, "Mother, although the children are living in the front, you can still see them in the morning and evening. Additionally, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served together. If you want to see your grandsons, you can see them at any time."

That was fine for Mother Yuan.

A month later, everything in the front yard was ready. The gentleman who was invited by Yuan Dao also moved in. Yuan Shou and Yuan Ye, accompanied by their mothers, moved into Boundless Courtyard together.

Boundless Courtyard was the name Yuan Dao came up with himself. The plaque was also written by Yuan Dao himself. It was taken from "A mountain of books contains the path to diligence, and one is but a boat on the boundless sea of learning". He hoped to encourage the children to study hard and make progress.

Not long after, Yuan Ye's name spread again. This time, it was because of Yuan Ye's teacher. When he was gathering with his friends, he had said more than once that Yuan Ye was the smartest one of the all students he had taught.

Yuan Dao was a little helpless about this, but he felt more pride and joy.

Su Wanrong also felt the same.

But before Yuan Dao was happy for a few days, he got the news that Immortal Stays met an immortal and was taught some exercises by the immortal.

Yuan Dao's mood sunk. Su Wanrong almost bit the silver teeth in her mouth in anger! Didn't Liu Qingyun think highly of herself? What kind of means did she use?

Li Su actually didn't want to spread the word about it. After all, she understood the truth of guilt. When the immortal taught the exercises, they were seen by too many people. Li Su could not stop it if she wanted to. She was also complaining in her heart. Shouldn't cultivators keep a low profile? Or were the cultivators in this world so flamboyant?

Half a month later, Li Su and her son finally came back.

When everyone in the Liu family saw Li Su, they quickly asked what happened.

Li Su was also very helpless. She hadn't sat down yet, and she didn't even drink a sip of tea before they bombarded her.

"That day, I took Immortal Stays to play at the foot of Mount Tai. Immortal Stays saw an old beggar fall down at the side of the road. Because the beggar's body was so dirty, the people next to the beggar refused to help him. Immortal Stays couldn't bear it, so he went to help the beggar. Immortal Stays asked the beggar if he was okay or if he wanted to get a doctor or something. I thought that the child was just doing a good deed at the time and didn't take it to heart. I just let him go. I didn't expect that the old beggar would be so weird. The beggar just wanted the clothes on Immortal Stays' body. Immortal Stays took off his outer clothes and gave them to the old beggar when he saw the old beggar's clothes were thin. The old beggar took off his clothes and insisted that Immortal Stays should wear them. Those were really dirty clothes! I thought that this old beggar was trying to find fault. But when Immortal Stays saw the old beggar's excited expression, his eyes reddened, and his heart softened. Immortal Stays put on the old beggar's clothes. Unexpectedly, the moment Immortal Stays put on his clothes, the old beggar suddenly disappeared. Three days later, when we were about to leave Mount Tai and go back home, we didn't expect that on the way, an immortal would suddenly descend from the sky. The immortal said that our family's Immortal Stays was kind and the immortal wanted to accept Immortal Stays as his disciple."

Li Su was a little thirsty and took a sip of water, but was urged by Liu Qingwu and others to hurry up, so she had to continue. "At that time, we knew that the old beggar was the immortal in a disguise, and he was testing people's hearts. As a result, only Immortal Stays passed the test. Immortal Stays was originally interested in cultivating, so I thought he would agree, but he did not agree."

"Why? Why are you so stupid?" Liu Qingwu was extremely annoyed and asked Immortal Stays.

Immortal Stays looked at Li Su. "My mother has only one child. If I leave, what will my mother do?" When his mother, older sister Jinzhu, and the others were talking, he was beside them and heard them all. His mother had done so much for him. He couldn't be selfish and abandon his mother.

Li Su was also very helpless, but she still felt some joy. "Fortunately, the immortal was not angry, but thought that Immortal Stays was filial, so he gave Immortal Stays a technique to practice and let him study it by himself. With time, even if he can't cultivate and enter the path to immortality, he will have an extended lifespan."

"So what about the technique?" Liu Qingbai quickly asked.

"How can the techniques given by the immortals be like books in the mortal world? The immortals turned that technique into a golden light and put it into Immortal Stays' mind. This technique can only be practiced by Immortal Stays. Others can't see or hear it," Li Su said. "We have tried many times on the road. That technique is in Immortal Stays' mind, but Immortal Stays can't say it or write it out."

After seeing the methods of real cultivators, Li Su doubted whether the techniques handed down from the ancestors of the Su family were given by cultivators.

"Eldest brother, with regards to His Majesty, I ask eldest brother to report the matter on his behalf," Li Su said after thinking for a while.

Liu Qingwu nodded. "Of course. Eldest brother knows what to do, don't worry!" Long after he learned about Immortal Stays, he had already planned in his mind how to tell His Majesty.

Liu Qingwu, together with Li Su, immediately wrote down the details of the incident.

Fortunately, His Majesty had a good impression of the Liu family. As soon as the incident happened, he immediately sent someone to investigate. Many people were present when the incident happened, and the incident was consistent with what was said in the report. His Majesty dispelled his suspicions about the Liu family, but instead comforted the Liu family. At the same time, he remembered Immortal Stays. If Immortal Stays was praised by the immortal for his kindness, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness, then there must be something special about him. This was much more genuine than the youths that were praised by the population who had failed the imperial exam.

Moreover, his teacher's family was much better than the Yuan family.

Immortal Stays' adventure spread and many people flocked to them. The Liu family was very lively every day. Li Su found the entire thing too bothersome, so she simply moved out of Liu family's house and hid.

Liu Mingzhu was young and had a lot of family visits these days, so she was a little frightened. Liu Qingwu made a decision and asked Mrs. Liu-Xie to take her to Li Su's other courtyard.

Mrs. Liu-Xie was getting old, so it is inevitable that she had been struggling for so many days. When she heard Liu Qingwu say this, she was also relieved. Besides, her daughter-in-law was now able to receive guests, so she was greatly relieved.

"Younger sister's courtyard is so nice. I don't want to leave," Mrs. Liu-Xie said comfortably.

"If sister-in-law likes it, then you don't need to leave. Immortal Stays is now focussed on that technique. I'm worried that no one will talk to me!" Li Su laughed.

"Could it be that the Jinzhu and the others around you are all dumb? If you have one of them, they are better than thousands of others," Mrs. Liu-Xie said with a smile.

These days, she had also seen that it was easy to get the few maids together. Especially that Cuizhu, who chattered incessantly and was hardly quiet for a moment. In order to make Li Su happy, she gave all her treasures.

Li Su pursed her lips and smiled.

Cuizhu came in with the sour plum soup, and happened to hear this sentence. "Does the madam think we talk too much?"

Mrs. Liu-Xie held back a smile. "No, I'm praising you for being lively. Even our Mingzhu has become lively and laughs a lot."

Cuizhu smiled. "Mrs. Liu-Xie over praises."

Mrs. Liu-Xie took a mouthful of sour plum soup and said, "Have you heard about that child of Mrs. Su? How old is he now? He is apparently a child prodigy. Mrs. Yuan-Su's plan is not small!"

Li Su smiled slightly. "The Su family has a technique that was passed down by the immortals, and gave birth to a daughter who was accepted as an apprentice by an immortal. Now there is a son who is a child prodigy. It's no surprise."

Mrs. Liu-Xie said with a smile, "If there were not so many people who witnessed immortals teaching the practice of becoming an immortal, maybe everyone would have been deceived by the Su family. Now there are rumours that the Su family's technique is fake. A technique that can prolong life and strengthen the body? After so many years, the Su family has not produced anyone with a longer lifespan."

Chapter 260 – Raising a Son In The Cultivation World (part 12)

Li Su pursed her lips and smiled. It seemed that there were many smart people outside.

Just as she was talking, Jinzhu walked inside in a hurry. "Young miss, someone came from Lotus Manor, saying that for the past few days, Master Yuan has been lingering at the door of Lotus Manor. They are not sure what Master Yuan wants."

"Don't worry about him. The scenery at Lotus Manor is very beautiful. Because of him, I don't dare to live there often. It's annoying," Li Su said angrily.

"If you don't want to live there, then I'll move in another day! I like the moonlight on the lotus pond the most!" Mrs. Liu-Xie said with a smile. There were also several farms in her dowry, but the scenery was not as good as that in Lotus Manor.

"Actually, if sister-in-law likes it, I should give Lotus Manor to sister-in-law. However, Lotus Manor was painted by my father, and he personally supervised its construction. In my later years, I often lived in Lotus Manor, and I also… It's just that, if sister-in-law likes Lotus Manor, she can live there anytime for as long as sister-in-law wants," Li Su said, a little embarrassed. It wasn't that she was reluctant to give up the manor, but Lotus Manor was different from other places.

After Mrs. Liu-Xie's words left her mouth, she realised that she had made a slip of the tongue. She naturally knew that her father-in-law had built Lotus Manor for younger sister himself. "I just said it casually. The scenery of this courtyard is very good, and there is a lot of business at home. How can I be so leisurely?!"

Li Su smiled slightly. "I see that eldest master's wife is already very good. There are many things that sister-in-law should let go."

Mrs. Liu-Xie shook her head with a smile. "Eldest master's wife is not bad, but unfortunately, she is too young. When I went out this time, I was concerned that she would be missing something."

"I'm too young, so I need more experience. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and sister-in-law has reached the age to enjoy herself." Li Su smiled.

Mrs. Liu-Xie smiled. "What you said makes sense. In the future, they will be the masters of this family. I need to worry less in the future."

Li Su nodded with a smile. "It's good for sister-in-law to think like this."

Outside Lotus Manor, Yuan Dao was wandering by the roadside. He didn't know why he came here, and he didn't know exactly what he wanted, but he came over involuntarily.

He dallied outside Lotus Manor for a few days and hadn't seen anyone. Yuan Dao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, so he went back.

Tired from the road, Yuan Dao sat down and rested in a tea house on the side of the road. While drinking tea, he suddenly heard two patrons talking a short distance from him.

"Are you saying that the techniques left by the immortal from the Su family's ancestors are fake?" Tea Guest A said.

"Needless to say, it must be fake! Have you seen anyone from the Su family live for longer than normal over the years? Let me tell you, the cousin of my aunt's cousin's mother-in-law's sister-in-law has seen it with her own eyes. An immortal taught the young master of the Liu family a real technique. That is the real method of the immortals. A golden light flashed and entered the mind of the young master of the Liu family. What about the Su family? They are simply the descendants of an ancestor who was affiliated with an immortal!" Tea Guest B said.

Yuan Dao was shocked! A lot of things that he didn't understand before he now wanted to understand. The reason why he married Su Wanrong as his equal wife in the first place was not only because of Qingyun's lingering infertility, but also because the Su family had a technique that was gifted by an immortal.

But now it seemed that it was not known whether the technique was gifted by an immortal or not.

If the technique was real, he had never heard of any people from the Su family who lived a longer than normal lifespan. If that technique was fake, then what was the purpose of doing so much?

Yuan Dao felt a little at a loss.

Su Wanrong was also very anxious at this time. After learning about Immortal Stays' adventure, she was angry and jealous, and she hadn't thought about it further.

But her mother suddenly anxiously sent someone to invite her back. After Su Wanrong returned, she realised that rumours had spread outside, and many people were questioning the authenticity of the Su family's ancestral technique. The majesty of the Su family over the years was in jeopardy.

Mother Su anxiously sent someone to invite her back to discuss countermeasures. In the entire Su family, only Su Wanrong had a relationship with the immortals and she had given birth to a daughter who was favored by the immortals.

Su Wanrong didn't hesitate. She knew that she and the Su family depended on each other. If the Su family lost the protection umbrella of the immortals, what would happen to her? So, she couldn't ignore it.

Su Wanrong thought about it, but had no choice but to take the risk again. She excused herself and returned to the Yuan family. She took out the soul-seeking incense, and once again took out a drop of blood from her heart. After a while, Yuan Ru appeared again.

As soon as she saw Yuan Ru, Su Wanrong said eagerly, "Ru'er, you need to help mother help the Su family!"

Yuan Ru looked helpless. She was just an ordinary outer disciple in Declaring Clouds Sect. Her aptitude was average and she had not yet established a foundation. She did not even understand the techniques. The reason why she could guess what her mother was thinking was due to the soul-seeking incense. Her mother was troubled. What could she do? She couldn't help with the Su family's affairs!

"Mother, the matters you entrusted to me before, I accepted as a disciple. Master gave the medicine to assist with pregnancy because of the friendship between master and your ancestors. Your ancestors have been dead for so many years, so how much longer will his feelings last? Even the medicine I gave to Yuan Ye last time was something I had to take secretly. Now you want me to help the Su family? You want me to steal master's techniques and pass it on to you mortals in secret? In addition to violating the rules of the sect, if this comes to light, I will be expelled from the sect and my cultivation will be ruined. Do you still want to ask me to do it?" Yuan Ru couldn't help but say.

Su Wanrong looked surprised. "Weren't you already accepted as an apprentice by the immortal? How could you not have the means? You just don't want to help me, do you?"

Yuan Ru didn't know how to explain to Su Wanrong what was going on with the Declaring Clouds Sect and the cultivation realm, so Su Wanrong probably wouldn't believe her if she explained it.

Yuan Ru sighed. "Mother, I really can't help you this time."

Su Wanrong slumped on the ground. There was pain in her heart and her face was pale.

Yuan Ru couldn't bear it in the end. "Well, at noon tomorrow, I will use a spell to change my appearance. I can appear in the sky above Su family's house for half an hour," Yuan Ru said helplessly.

Su Wanrong's eyes lit up. "That's fine. When those mortals see an immortal, they will naturally know. In this way, the predicament of the Su family can be solved. Ru'er, thank you very much." She knew that Ru'er must have an idea. All that before were just excuses.

Yuan Ru saw that there was nothing more, so she prepared to leave.

But Su Wanrong stopped her. "Ru'er, what about the medicine?" Where was the immortal medicine? Her heart hurt every time she used the soul-seeking incense. Her life expectancy would be reduced by ten years. The first time she used the incense, the old immortal didn't give it to her. The second time she used it, Ru'er came and gave her an elixir, saying that it would extend her life span ten years. How did she forget it this time?

Yuan Ru felt a little bitter in her heart. She took out a medicine and fed it to Su Wanrong. These medicines were given to disciples of the outer sect in order to speed up their cultivation and build a foundation as soon as possible. She had a debt from her previous life to repay in this life, so she could only eat half of it and hide the other half of it to keep for future use. Therefore, her growth was slow.

"The medicine I gave you just now does not only heal your wounds, but also prolongs your life. There is no need for additional medicines."

Su Wanrong was still worried. "Mortals have a short lifespan. I'm afraid that medicine is not safe. Give me another one!"

Yuan Ru had continuously endured this. Did Su Wanrong really think that she was an omnipotent immortal? Maybe in the future, after she built a foundation, she could learn alchemy from her uncle. But now, these medicines were all saved by her.

But when Yuan Ru saw Su Wanrong's face, she still couldn't help but take out a medicine.

Su Wanrong quickly took it. "Is there any more? Give one to your younger brother! Your younger brother is smart and hardworking."

Yuan Ru was a little speechless about Su Wanrong's greed. She turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

Su Wanrong felt a little sorry for not being able to get an elixir for her beloved son. She never thought of leaving her own elixir to her son, let alone others. In her mind, she was the most important thing. Her children were all her tools, even if she pampered them.

Su Wanrong's wish was fulfilled and she fell asleep at ease.

Yuan Dao, who was outside the window, turned pale with shock. Ever since Su Wanrong stabbed her heart to get blood, Yuan Dao had been standing outside the window. He had seen everything that happened just now. He held his breath and endured it all. Fortunately, the two people in the room were immersed in their own thoughts and did not discover his presence.

Yuan Dao staggered out of West Garden, his face full of panic. It turned out that Su Wanrong actually had this method. She could really contact the immortals. It turned out that this was the method of the immortal family. Mortals could only dream of a panacea that could prolong life, and an immortal could actually take it out.

But Yuan Dao was even more surprised by the selfishness and indifference in Su Wanrong and Yuan Ru's relationship. It made sense with regards to Yuan Ru, who was taken away at birth and was an immortal, to have shallow family affection, so naturally he didn't dare to accuse her of anything. But what about Su Wanrong? She was his own wife and the daughter-in-law of the Yuan family, but does she even have the Yuan family in her heart?

When his father was seriously ill, she clearly had the opportunity to get the elixir from Ru'er, which would not only have saved his father's life, but also solved his predicament. But, she turned a deaf ear…

Such a selfish woman. For her sake, he alienated Qingyun, pushed the Liu family away, and lost his court position.

Yuan Dao's face was pale, but his eyes became firmer.

Early the next morning, Su Wanrong visited Mother Yuan to ask to go to the Su family. How could she not be there when the immortals came to such a big event? She had to make it clear to her aunts that the immortal was invited by her. For making such a great sacrifice, someone must be grateful.

As soon as Su Wanrong left, Yuan Dao entered her room and asked people to remove the boxes and cages on top of the bed one by one until the locked box at the bottom was exposed.

The boy was smart. He took a piece of iron wire, fiddled with the lock, and unlocked the box. Then he immediately stood aside with his hands down.

Yuan Dao instructed him to go out.

After no one else was in the room, Yuan Dao rummaged through the box. At the bottom, he found the half of the incense.

Yuan Dao looked at it carefully. He smelled the scent again, then put the incense away, he then found a kind of incense with similar appearance and smell from a large box of various spices that he brought, put it back into the box, and put the box in its original position after locking it. Everything was back to normal.

Then, he left.

With the Su family… Yuan Ru turned into an old man with a white beard. She sat on the head of the cloud, and appeared above the Su family. The Su family and the whole family knelt down in the courtyard and kowtowed in her direction.

Many people outside saw it and they all knelt down and kowtowed.

Yuan Ru suddenly felt a movement in her heart, as if something was wrong. It was a pity that she was not good at calculating, otherwise, she would know what happened. Now, she had no choice but to give up. When she saw her mother next time, she would remind her of a couple of things. She didn't know if her mother would listen.

Call Me the Mother of Quick Transmigration - Chapter 26 - UsuiTakumii (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.